VHJJ - DAILY BEE. BLUFFS. JAN 15. OrriCEi Wo. 12 Pearl Strest. I' < mricd1.yennifi in nny pnrt of thoelty nt t nt ) ( tutfurwttk. 11 , W.'tti/io.v , - Jlanngor. Ilusi.M:8SOinn. : , No. 4.1. NUIIIT Iliinoii. NIL -l. anxoit Mu The city jail was emjity joslerday. Pauls' lo order , from $ . * i up , al Ucitcr'-j Coasting will bo "all the rage" in a day or so. At Ilarlan , to day , the attorneys will argue lite ipie tionof admitting Dr. Cioss to nail. In Iho superior court Judge Aylcsworlh 01113"id ' one c.f-o jeiterday and thai was dismissed. Jaiiici I * , ( louldcn yuslordny filed hi.s bond and contract for grading thai has been awarded him. P. V. Carey , mayor of DCS Moincs , lias asked the city council to request him to elo'-o Iho saloons in DCS Moine-i. A pollllon to tin1 governor to pardon S. A. Hioadwell , who now lie < in jail under ficnlence of prihou , is being circulated. Several ot the merchants wore yeilerj day having the snowin front ot their places of business hauled oil' and dumped into Indian creek. The lliormomclor yesterday registered us high as ! 1 ° above /ero the highest It has been since U'ed ncidaj' last The lowest yesterday was ( J3 , at (1 ( o'clock In the morning. Carl Williams , who was nrnssti'd on .suspicion of his being the one who rob bed ex-Coroner Council's store last week , was yesterday released 113- Judge Ayle-- worth , tin ; evidence being insulliciont to convict. Tiie annual meeting of the First Map- list church will bo held thi.s evening at 7 HO o'clock in Iho church parlor. The officers and committees for the ensuing jear will be elected. A full attendance is dchircd. W. C. James , John Lumlt and Capl. Itusscll will ptobablygo to Dos Jloines lo morrow OM-ning with lliu ma > or , lo attend tlio majors' mccling , which con venes at the Aborn house at 10 o'clock on Thursday morning. A K. jMerriolces has withdrawn from the Itoston Tea company , and ( Jcoigo V. Fulton , ! f Madison , Win. , has bought into Iho lirm. l\lr \ Fulton is a brother-in- law lo ono of the Messrs. Kichmond , who compose the company. The hired earn on Iho Hroadway line yesterday ran belwecn the Ogden house and Hie diinmiv depot. And to-day it is ' thought the Alain street line wi'll 1)0 opened up a.s far as the Chicago , 15ur- lington iV : Quinc3' depot. Tlio secrolar3' of tlie public library re ports three vacancies instead of two of the directors , as lias been previously published. They are Horace Kvorett , president , Dr. Lawrence and J. D. Fd- niuml'-oii. As Mr A. W. Street has re- nioxcd fiom the cit3f , his resignation is expected shortly. For hardware ami house furnishing got prices of Cooper A : MeGee , No. 41 Main street. ftlnnoy to loan on chattels , by For res Smith , l.'iO Main stroel. I'er.soiml I'arnKi-nphfl. Will L. Lukcns , the -ulvanco roircsen- tivo of Miss Alcolt's "Dark Days'1 ' com pany , was In Iho city yesterday arrang ing for the appearance of Iho company hero on Thnrsdas' and Friday evenings. Mr. J. M. Matthews , e\-eonnly super intendent of schools , ( 'timcil liliifls , tele graphed yobtorday : " 1 am a candidate lr .second assistant secretary of the sen- ate. Stuck in a snow drift. " Dc Moincs Kcgister. L. Krischit , jr. , was among Iho snow bound at Dos Moincs. Ho lias returned to this ci(3 ( % Col. I. S. Toner left last evening for Now Orleans. ( ico. Forrest , of N. Y. , was a guest at tlio Og > Ion yesterday. J. M. ISrced , of Cincinnati , took his meals at the Ogden 3'eslorday. 1) . W. Archer , of Columbus , Ohio , was in the city yesterday , and sto ) > pod at tlio Ogdcn. A. II. Wolf and L. Brown wcro in tlio IJluH's yesterday and pailook of the hos pitality of the Ogilon. Mrs. L. Mossier is receiving a visit from her mother , Mrs. Ncwn.au , of Chicago cage , who is hero witli her son. Cottage ranges. Garland stoves Ra diant Homes and Hub Heaters of the vnr.y latest patterns at bed rock prices , at Cooper & MeGco's , No. 41 Main street. Short-hand lessons at college Tuesday and Tlinrnday evenings at 7 o'clock. W. S.l'.VUIAOX. Tlielr Mliuln. " 1 see some of the traveling mon have boon tolling yon about our being snow liound up at the Valley , " said a gonllo- man to a ltii : ; man yesterday , "lie didn't toll you about the throe follows who wore in such terrible hurry to got down to Iho Blnfl's thai they almost made u start to drive , did ho ? Ono of the Ihrco was from Chio.igo , another from Michi gan , while the third' was from SI. Louis. They all went out and bought now- woolen caps and scarfs , ami an oil stove lo keep their foot warm , and engaged a sleigh with a driver to bring them down. Itlookihom a day and a half lo got reai (3- ( , but one 113- ono thov backed out , They remained at the Valley and came down with us Saturday. " " hat will become of the stove and things tho3' bought for Iho Jonrnoylf" suggested the Hr.u man. ' 'Oh , expenses will bo charged with them , " ho replied witli a wink of his 03-0. Having put in a complete now stock of clothing , furnishing goods , hats , caps , , etc. , Fox Si Hughes , No. 015 Main street , \ < invite tlio public to give them a trial. r. Their expenses are small and tho3r can [ ; and do sell cheap , For first class Missouri wood call on Gleason , at his coal ollico , 20 Pearl street. Mlllau Oloott. The lady above mentioned lias a great 11111113- admirers , as was plainly demon strated 1)3 * Iho packed house which greeted her lasl evening , She is most fortunate in posscc-tlng certain natural gifts that peculiarly lit her for the stage. She is very talented , has a line liguro , unusual personal beauty , and a strong and melo dious voice. Her support , costumes and magnificent scouory goo.s to make a most pleasing performance. [ Musio and Drama , Now York. To appear at Dohany's opera house Thursday and Friday , January 1 1 and 15. For everything in the grocery line give the now lirm of Klutz & Ivleeb , 102 Uroad- way , n trial Kvtirything new and fresh. Fancy groceries a hpeciulty , Tliu lllockmlo liaised , All of Iho railroads terminating in this cily w'-ro cither on time or a lilllo late yesterday , and all trains wore reported usj running , consequently the blockade that has bi en the cai oot so much 11111103-- unco , e.\pi use and irregularity 911 tlio part of evco road operating in thin sue- tiuu of c.nniim U ut nn end. DOINGSlS * COUNCIL BLUFFS , „ Looming Up for th < Coming Election. THE SNOW BLOCKADE RAISED , An lntor ! iMV With a Couple oOlor- nion Ulili'M Trains A train Itiimilni ; on Time Minor Mention , at AVork. As n Hr.K intin win l.ilklnj ; to ono ol Hits linn in n Hrouhviy : boot nnil "hoc storu ycsti'rthiy lie luarnoil tlint tlio t\u men who wcru jnvt about to leave tin More wore .Mormon i-Mers so tin1 Iii ! : 111:111 : hooked onto tlicin. note book li in hand , nnil Icaniud their names as J K. lVler . ( i ami K. A. H.i luy. Mr. 1'uterson s.ilil he had boon arontu here for this past seven mouths , Nhilc Mr. Hurley has jiislnnive.il. " \Vu liavis bajitiM'd siiico 1 cauic hurp , in .Inne last , luonly-two porsons. " sail Mr. l'eter on. "Where did you baptist ) thuini' " quunut tliu Hir : iiiiin , "In bi lako. " "Ilavoou sent your converts to UlahV" "Ve.s ; tliuy K < > s soon as they } ; et money to pay their fans. " "Way ilon'L the Mormon church pay their fare ? " 'Xo ; we. never pay their faro. " "IIo\v do j'ou niananetoeonvertthuin ? " ' \Vo just preach what wu claim to be the n'lMiel of tJeus Christ am ! they can aceeiit il or not as they sec lit. " " \ \ hero do you preach 1" "I've been holding luct'tiiiRS on every Sunday at No. I'Ol Lo an struut , at the ro-idenee of Alva North. " "lias lie a family living : tliero ? " "No ; only one son. Wo hold our meeting- ' , o'clock in Iho afternoon. " "None durinptho week ? " "Throuj.'h the week I tr.ivol in the country " "How do you do in the country ? " "Wla-ncvei- can ji't : i chancp to use a school liotM' or : i loom inoniu farm hotist ! I ] > roach tliens. " "Do you liud much oppo-ition ? " "Voa great deal. Very generally we lind n great deal of opposition , but mostly on account ot what appears in tliu newspapers. The ciders sent out now me moro to keep down preju dices. " "Elders cover every bit of ground , I suppose1' "i'es , sir. " "Dous the church funii.-li you funds1 ? " "No , sir ; we furnish ourselves. Wo do our traveling on foot , and wherever wo preach wo expect them to keep us over night and give us our meals. Wo travel on half faro to our Held of labor. After wo are released the church sends us tick ets to return. " "How long aic you kept away from your homes ? " "They usually keep us out from one to two years in the United States goner- ally. " "How do you got along with your fam ilies during your absence from home ? " "The bishop of the ward we live in takes care of our families , if wo are not abie" " When do you go homo again ? " " 1 will go to conference in April. Mr. liigluy will bo my companion until con- Jcrenco , " "How many attend your meetings on Logan street ? " "From fifteen to twenty-five. " "Who are they ? " "They belong to most all the different denominations. " ' How about their sex ? " "Thoy average about half male and fe male ; but few children attend. " "You take up collections ? " "No , sir ! ( emphatically ) wo don't be lieve in anything of that "kind. Wo .sim ply derive our support from donations. When wo need clothes we go to work in [ ho Hold and earn them. I've been work ing the past summer in ll.o harvest Held mil lately have boon husking corn. " Substantial abstracts of title and real estate loans. J. W , , & K. L. Squire , 101 1'carl street. Harkness Brothers are offering their cntiro stock of ladies' winter underwear .it cost. Walking on ttnilwny Trades. Several fatal accidents have occurred n this vicinity to persons walking on railway tracks. The railway commis sioners of tlio btato have been examining a case similar to the one which occurred on Christmas day at Clreondale. The joaril , after exonerating the railway em ployes , makes the following rccommcn- .lations : The commissioners would take this oc casion to cmphasi/.o the recommendation made in their annual ropoit , yiTho : enactment of a law making it a penal otl'ense for any one , not connected wither or in the employ of railway companies , to trespass on the track. Wo have been at some pains to got the : estimony of experienced engineers on : liia matter , and ( ho universal testimony . that it is ono ol continuous anno.yaneo o trainmen and ot imminent danger to tho.su walking on the track. Kngmoer cannot bo expected to .slow up their .rains for every man they see ahead of hem on the track. If they did tlio pub- io would complain because tlmo and commotions wcro not mado. It is taken 'or granted by engineers thnt Mich per sons will slop aside in time to avoid bo ng hit. Many seem , for tlio .sake of an- loying an engineer , lo pretend not to lear the coming train , and only ju t at the last moment step oil' after the eng't- icor bus been put to the trouble and in.siety for their Mifoty , and often , as the train would pass by them , they , with homo motion of the head ami hand , would ; ivo the engineer to undei'&tand that they purposely annoyed him. As a matpria'l o.sult it is taken for granted that all Mich respassors will taku care of ihcnibclvcs ly avoiding in time tlio coming train. . Tlioro wcio D'O biilhh in Scott count during IbS.yiU I man iugca and 010 death Correct Abstracts of Title and Heal Ks- : ate Loans at McMahon & Co's , No. 4 1'earl street. the Word. 11. N. McUrow , the Donison insurance rustler , enjoys getting a joke on others so well that revenge is sweet. Those who tavo M'tlbrcd from his ingenious and witty sallies will appreciate a bct-b.iok which he received the other day. On entering a railway oar , as is his wont , ho glanced about to see it there wcro any particularly handsome young ladies on uoard , any spying ono , of wonderfully pretty face and wiiusomo form , ho hat down on the oppositn side ot the aisle and began to "imprest" her , ' 'Mao" is not bad looking by any means , and ar rayed in his best clothes , ho shines , lie throw a winsome sinilu or two over to the young lady , and at last attracted her attention , Tlio smile was coyishly re turned , as ho thought , and ho made a more open one , Tno flirtation began , to hit mind , to become quite promising. The little lady slyly wrote on a little .slip of paper a delicate note , and "Mac , " watching operations , had hatd work to keep lu.sncart from crowding his p.ilato out of shape , Soon u pielty little hand , clad in a dainty glove , passed the note lo him. lie took it eagerly , opened it and ' road , "Does this train go to VormllHont' Ho pulled down his vest , put an 'extra ' twirl on his moiHtaelie , " nitt ! bolilly ro'o to afdpl this iuoik t open ing of what ho hoped would bo a liappj i acquaintance. Stepping across lo be J ot t | niid bowing gracefully , he stnrtct i in with his best oprano tones' ' No I madam , this train docs not go to \ or million. You will have to get oft'at . ' He stopped , for the pretty face lookul a him bewildered , and the dainty ham reached toward him a tablet and pcnci on which he was to reply. It dawnei through "MacV brain that the litth lady was deaf and dumb. He retirei hn tily from the sei-no. but was follow e. . by two or three liYivell.ng men who hai been watching pioceediugs. and who en joyed themselves at Irs e\pt'n c on reach ing the smoking car. Cloaks at less titan cost. Comforts am blankets at discount. Opportunity for bargains in every department of 0111 slock. Tlio 1'npcr Collar Trade. "Vou keep shirt collars' " asked a mat with long gri//b black hair and a fill beard , of a clerk in a store on Hroadwa near Main street jcstcrday , just as a HKI man had saluted tae clerk witli a " ( Jooi morning , Sam. " "Yes ; what kind , paper ? " respondci the clerk. "Vcs. " "Whatsi/.o ? " 'Tom-teen and a half. " "Tho customer wa - < > rved in abou two minutes and had loft the store , when the HKI : man said : "S.mi , how'd 3 on know he wanted pa per collars ? " "Oh , sized him up , I gue s. " "Do jou ha\o many calls for panel collars ? " "No , not many ; mighty few sold now- a-ilavs. " "Why do they prefer them to linen goods1 ' "They're ' cheaper ; now this man that was in fs a good specimen of tlio fellows that wear paper , ile don't get any wash ing done , and wears DUO probably a week or two and then throws it away. " "What do they cost a bo\ ? " "All the way from ( ) to 17 cents per bo\ ; each bo\ contains ten collars. These fellows who still stick to iiapor collars don't hn\o any washing done , I don't .suppose , once in two months. They pin a paper collar on to a colored shirt when they go out , and tliink they are dressed up. They're the kind ot people who get a .shave and a hair-cut about once a year , and then Ihey think they are 'doing it up brown. ' " Best coal and wood in the 01(3at ( CJlca- ton'.s , 'M Pearl street. locution lri\\s Ni As election day , Avhieh is on March 1 , draws nigh , candidates for nomination to the various" positions become moro ninncrotis. The election will bo for mu nicipal ollicci-b and ihere will be elected a mayor , three aldermen ono from the lirst ward , one from the second ward and one at largo , judge of superior court , city treasurer , city auditor , city attorney , city marshal and eit ; > wcighmastcr. For the mayoralty Ihe present mayor told a BII : : man yesterday thai he was not a candidate and would not run. Tlie candidates for auditor are F. A. Burke , the present incumbent ; T. A. Kirkland , ex-county treasurer ; and Mr. Ill-own , ex-county treasurer. For city mar.shal Ihe piv-ent incumbent , F. II. Guanela } , is a candidate for re-nom ination , while Tom Skinner , chief of police ; Vic Keller and evSherin" Tlico. tJnittar are , it is said , pooping Ihron/'h the Jjars of the cily jail at the marshal's chair. Dr. Lawrence and D. C. Bloomer , re publicans ; Win. A. Mynstcr and W. C. .lames , democrats ; Colonel Tnlloys anil Jacob Sims , prohibitionist'- being talked of by their rcspeclivo friends for the mayoralty. Cliarlob Harlc and John Limit , ropub- hcans ; J. J. Stewart anil Kob ( rt 1'ercival , democrats , arc being pushed to the front for city attorney. Others wishing nominations will be kind enough to hand in their name ? bo- lore it is too Into. C. B. Jacquoniin AJ Co. , No. 27 Main street , take pleasure in announcing to Ihe public llint their slock of articles , or namental , stilish and useful goods , is complete in eacli and every do- pal lim-nt , and cordially invite everybody \if-itlheir store , inspect their goods and comjiare prices. No trouble what ever to snow goods. Be sure and ask your grocer for the broad made at Smith & Locrke's bakery , No. iViy Main street. It is the very best made. Try it and be convinced. AVns Jt Huttcrinc ? "Say , iio yon know what biitterine is when jon t-eo itv" asked a man of family ye.storday of si friend who was going up Broadway in company with a Bii ; : roprc- bonlative. "Well , it's hard to answer. I've u'-ed it , and the fact is I now have oinc at homo that I bought on Saturday night , 1 was told to brin .some butter home , and I hunted in live orix stores for good butter,1 but they all fi.tid tlwv had noiui that was very good , so 1 linalfy got in ono store where , when 1 asked for two pounds of good butter , the boss said , 'I've omenieo creamery bill no country. ' So said , 'Btitterine , eh1 and lie said , 'yes , it's colored nice and most people don't know the diUcrcnco.1 So I thought I'd take it homo , as my wife would not know tin ) dillernnco. ' " "llinvimteh a pound did j'ou pay for it ? Was it like this ? " untying the flriiiL' around Ihe package ho held in his hand , "Yes , ( ixaclly. It cost me 15 cents a pound , I bought it at grocery. " "Well , the snoo/.er. I bought this there , too , and ho said it was 'creamery , ' and i paitl ' . ' 5 cent > . " "Next tune yon buy any say you want biitlenno , and 1 guess he'll only charge you 1. ) cents. " Avoca Avot'A , Iowa , Jan. 10. The all im- lortant question "Who Is to bo our post- nasler ? " is answered at lasl , and very satisfactory , in tlio appointment of A. P. Cramer , editor of the Avoca Herald , We know of no one better suited for the position , and congratulations are now in order. It is indeed an ill wind that blows needy - > ody aii3'good. Haying reference to our .hrco days of snow and blow , which while t lasted was terrible , but consoled u& 03- caving snow enough for sleighing , in consequence of which Mr and Mrs , O. B , S'elson , Mr. and Mrs N. Hodgson , Mr. uid Mrs , Dr. Xanton. Mr. and Mis , S , C , Harlow , Mr. K. D. Hoonos , Mrs. C. H , Norton. Mrs , 11. Hancock , Mrs. M. Card- icr , Miss Lotta Hancock , Miss Clara S'orton and Mr. W. II. Ncgloy comprised i sleighing party who on Wednesday evening visited W. II. I lard man and his estimable lady of Hancock , who were wholly unconscious of their impending Fate. The jingle of the bolls and the Familiar "Sweet Bye and Byo" was heard as Iho merry party entered the litlle city when , terrible to relate , upon turning a corner the "Sweet B3'o and Byo'1 stopped bhort never to go again , each one being busy picking him or herself From out the wreck , the usual turn-over liaving occurred when least expected. No ono was Injuicd. but serious objec- lionij wcro raised at being compelled to perform dillicult feaU in such religious quarters , all be ift I'irown out at the elmrc-h door Afur Man ling Mr * CJ.mi ner again on IKn foot and a sur uglier she .still li\ed , and that Alice Hallow (182 ( pounds ) d-d' ' nut f-'U on her , and picking Mr * . Xanfen up , who lay pi'oiio upon the ground wa tin/ / ; for no one knows wLiil , unit-is fpr nlllljing objects to pa * * . Mr Ni'g.-ly ne\t came under observation. Now , while Mr. N is known to MUeessfully evade closii corners , the foico of argument was brought to bear so forcibly Upon him that lie was forced to .siiccunib , and only arose niiou Mr-s. Hodgson , Lotta llaii- cock and Clara Xmttii giving their con sent. The driver narrow I v escaped a sudden end by successfully dodging Si llarlow as he turned a complete -omer- aullo\er li'in Order being restored , it was a very ouiet company that proceed ; ed to Mr llardmaii's residence , and was heal lily welcomed. The evening passed in card playing and a general good time. At 1' ' o'clock the four-lior-e sleigh was ready and all took a ride , ai riving home safely. \V. \ H. Campbell ot Council Bluffs was an Avoca usitor Wednesday , lie came in the interest of the BII : . Trust Mieec s may greet him , as the paper is worthy and only wants reading lo be appreci ated and pronounced the leading daily wesi of Chicago. This being the week of prayer the mar ried ladies' progressive euchre club do not entertain , Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. K. I ) . Hoopes entertained twenty of their friends in honor of Miss Lotta Hancock of Davcniinrt. Iowa , who is visiting Ave ca friends. Mr. C. N Voss and Mrs. A. W. Ask with secured first pri/e. w title Mr. O. B. Nelson and Mrs. Dr. Aanten were happy "boobies. " January of the new year brings many changes. W. A. Travis accepts the dep uty county clerkship , M. Cramer resign ing. J. II. Lang , our deputy sheriff , tcps down and out. He has given good satisfaction , and many regret Ins going. The drug firm of Wiese As Tine ceased to exist ; Connor As Dunham hold forth in their stead. The Avoca colored jubilee songsters gave an entoitainment in Carson , Wednesday eve. Since their appearance at home , December and 5 , their dona- lions to the Home for Iho Friendless have been forgotten. As wo understand owing , ol course , to poor business. A\oca mines on notwithsl.inding Un distinguished personage known as "Lone Wolf , " is no more. However , his mem ory will ever be cherished 1)3' ) one or two of his ( Aoca ) lady ( ? ) friends. So says- dame rumor. _ Wanted A chambermaid and laundry girl to do plain washing and ironing. 1'Acino Housi : . AMUSEMENTS. OPERA HOUSE , Thursday and Friday , Jan. 14th and 15th i Eiifftigcmcut ol tlioDIstinpulfrliG ] Tinfr-edicnno , i ffliss Lillian Olcott , Supporto 1 byn Jli-tiopolltnn Company , In Hugh C'on n > 's Latent unil Dost Suec-L's-cs , Co m puny OUT y carload of Spuiiiil Scenery mid exceptional strong ca t. I'j Ices , $1.00 T5c. No Extra Charge for Reserved Seats. ONLY HOTEL In Council Illutra having ; Fire Esoa/pe And nil modern Improvements , call > "iis. lira alarm bolls , etc. , It , tn CREST ON j Uu tiE 1 Nos.15 , X'17 and .MO , MtUn Street , MAX ilOHN , 1'roprJutar. I'.T. M tv.NE. A. S. P. T.Mayne & Co , Real Estate ExcJiange No. 1011'oirl Street .Coiinull Illuirs , low.i. Dealers In lowu , Kansas mid Xcbiasku Umils LOTS IN COUNCIL BLUFFS AND OMAHA A SI'KCIALMT. - Jtcal Kstate bought and bold. N. SCHUK3 , Justice of the Peace , OnicoOvcr Aincrlcnn Kipresa Company. B. BIOS , M. D. or other turn irs rnunvoil wlihout tlio kiilR > or < liHwiiii/ > LilooJ. CHRONIC DISEASES or mi ki , , i3 a .Peom r. Over thirty jwiis' in irt o.il uxporlonco. OlUuo \'o. 11 IVnrl Mict'i , Conu'il 1'IIBU. A SPECIFIC FOR Kpllopsy , Convul- Dance , ( sm , Opium Eol- Scrofula , Klngt ' NERVE , Ugly Blood aecs , sta , Ncn-o Ferrous Wealtuu , Drain Worry , JHwl * < ; , Hllousnees , Coslitftiess , Ncn'ousTroEtrotlou , flJntu Troubles and Irietjularlttts. Who cares for Iho doctors' fiueors Mlion thh tifalllblo icniPily H at / " " ? .Hie unilcU'i \lllfliKl Itlo lioaoonslltii loaalspecino.uiMl R fountain ol vitality uiul ylRor.no refrcklilnij nd cxhlllratliiK osacool.KUsliliiK twin-got ttatertothoiiarclicilauJ faliittnu trivcler In lie desert. To dccllno taklim a * HI i | i PIIIPI y \ lion sick la lo court sulf crliiB and luvil o i e.tt li fT Corrs | ioiicleuro freely ai BWorol.ttJ he Dr. S. A. RICD J10.\DTm'INE CO. , SI. Joicpb , He. Hold by nil I ruBRl tii. gl.50 per bottle , or four bottles for $ s.oa FOR SALE BY C , F , GOODMAN , " EDWARD KUEHL , IAOI8TK11 OF I'AUIYSTKHV AND CONDI 'JONALlS > Ta03Tontli Street , between I < arnam nd Hurney , will , with Iho uld of BU rdl n jiirilB , obtain for any ono a rluuco In the iast and pruaunt , anil of t.ortum condition * in iioluturo. Hoots mid dlioe made to order , 'erf tct satlafttctiou ( ruaraulcoO. SPECIAL NOTICES mtvertlsomenM , uoh n Ixist , Found , To t/o.tn , Kor Sale , To Hcnt , Wants Donrdliir , etc. . will lieImerted In tills column iU tholoirrnto of THN CENTS I'Ell Lt.VE for the flist Insertion snJ FIVK CKXT3 PP.Il MNK for erch subsequent Insertion. Lcnvo nJvortUo. inrnlsnt our otno , No. U 1'carl sttcct , no. r llruiianriiy , Council Illuil * . KIINI1 Thp three-story brick liu hou o fonncilj occuiilo 1 by . Kuijuliool i VJVAV & WAI.KIIU. No. us Mflln stu-ft , > ' itnuli r Oli/oiiN II inki , ri-nl cstiitp iilia inpr- clmmllc i.\c.mi w l > r. l r Our books nro full ol < | iii'.nl ImiKiiln * . tmt It H liiii | > i > siblc < to pull- Hill it ic'iubli' ' IM fioni tliu fmt til MI nmnj dully I'luiiiircVluit wo k l < : If } otl until to vi-l | ortimlc nn.Mlililt , ' In our line , wrllp IK mnlu nlll fitil . \ on u pile of ImiviiliM to < cli-ut from. Improved or uniinprou-il , dlj or tun n | itoicily. | Mock * ni KOIXU of nnj kind In miy pliifp. II such ) oil lituiMir suc-li jou mint li-t tu lie irrrom joti. S mi , V Walker , I'ouiiull llliilli \ VNTIJI ) Hood thl to do housunork ill (118 ( Ihuicrolt St. \\'ANTii : ) Two iclinblo iiironl * for tlio > t i : < inltiib1e Mutniil Ul'cillid r.iiilou incut Ol. to work In loiincil lllnir * . A jiplj to Win. O. Itiuulnll S.ipl. of Atrences , Orfdeu lloti < > o , IT'Oll ' UKNT-Viirt of 111 1'ciirl St. Hnlf of It In J : oecupl ( d by iJU < M. (1. ( Jlcnton's dies * nmkliiK t" < tiibllsliiioiit. " 1POH Itr.NT A llnoly furnished front loom JL1 > , - . JIM Mmsnoot. . 17AHM roil SAI.NAtn iiarirafiT ifpiTlinoon" -L IIM iiercs " 't mlles soulhwc-l of Oiiinhii. 0 room house , oxc'olk'iit neil ixml elstoni. : ) burin , ono for elirht hor-o * . DUO lor I cows ; lion , tool niiil naguuhoiiiui ; IUJ nous In tliuoili ) : iJj.oJO lore l noes , cotton wood , black uiilnul , i\sh nnil ninplui jrood oulnud , tipples ehoi r.oplum * . Kiiipfs and small fruits. Nuvor fnlllnir slock wiitcr. II. l' . omciii : , 500 lltoiulniiy , Council lllutK lown. _ HOlWia : roil Jli.NT : At .McMnhoif & No. 41'uail btleot RTTSSELL&CO llniiiifncturcrsof iillsbcsof AUTOMATIC ENGINES Especially Dcslffiioil for Itiintilnir MILLS , GRAIN KLKVATOUS , AND ELKCTIUC LIGHTS , Tubular and Locomotive Boilers. New Mussillon Threshers. Carey and Woodbury Ilore Powtn-s. STATIONAI5V , SKID , Portable and Traction Engines , SA\V \ MILLS , ETC. Factory Massillon , 0. Branch IIou e 5JO Pearl St. , Council SEND FOB 1886 ANNUAL. Council Bluffs Carpet Co. Ourftock Is now complete In rvcry tlopiut mont nntl contains all tliu latest si vies : uiilclloct3 InCARPETS CARPETS , CURTAINS , SUADES UPHOLSTERY GOODS , ETC. . ETC. THE- Largest Stock AKD- Lowest Prices. I'HK ONLY EXCLUSIVE CAKI'Kl' I1OUS1S IN WKSl'HltN IOWA. BAMI'I/T.S liirnlshed ujion npjillcHlloii to down town partlcfl , FINE UPHOLSTERY WORK TO ORDER Carpel Compaoy 5 Jiroailivay. E. R. Caclwell , Real Estate , Probate AND DIVORCE LAWYER. So. 504 Broadway , : Council Bluffs IIIOS.OFHCKK. W. II. M. I-U8KT OFFICER & PUSEY , SANK COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , Ktlillillcned U ) . MRS. D. A. BENEDICT kn.M'i'Acruiau AMI UBAI.I.U IN BLAIR GOODS No. 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs. PAID UP CAPITAL , $20,000 $ , , AUTHORIZED CAPIIAL , $100,000. SXJCCE3SSOK.S TO J. 408 MAIN STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA IMTOIITKHS OV AND DKALKUS IN Instruments , Musical Merchandise of Every Description Toys and Fancy Goods. We make the celebrated llanliiian I'lnno * , ami the Iloy.il Whitney oigaus , a specialty Every instrument warranted. * Send for c.it.ilogiies. MUKLLP.Il MUSIC CO , , Council UluITs. AND RAISER . . . llrlck li iillilltvfi of nny klml ml oil or mnx-cil nml satlst.ictlou puir.intco 1. Frnmo houses movoil oiil.lttlcGlanttruckg-tlio best In tliu woild. SOS EijjhUi Avenue and Eight li SI root , Council Ulnllg. 1 If you buy any where except at Metcalf Bros , They are selling their Clothing at Cost , and guarantee prices on hats , caps , underwear , hosiery , neckwear , silk hand kerchiefs , trunks , bags , etc , , etc. METCALF BEOS , , 344 Broadway , Council Bluffs. 1 Northwestern Hotel , Newly filled ( inil fin nlsliod. Opp. KmaiUvay Dtiinnij Dt'iiut. SI.W ) per day. SA.MUKL TA'l'K , 1'rop. L. II. mitSHAUr ; , Slammer. Chicago Lumber Co , Wliolcsiilu mnl Itutull l.uinliur , lUh ; , .Sliln 'lcs Hnsli , Doois nnil Illltiili..yolo iiKUiils lor the tululirutuil > ln i liloli ( Mil Concent nit oil Whllu l.lnii ) . S. 1' , MACCUNNUI.I. , M 'rrloplioiiii No. ' - * . No. 'il Miiin Stii'Ot , Council Illilirs. EVERYTHING IMACTXAHLK JX CROCKERY , CHINA , Queensware & G-lass At Homer's , .No. 2'J ' Main HI reef , Council Binds , Iu. "ESSEX HOUSE , COI1M-.II JiltVANI- AND Vl.NK.Sr.S. Council Illulla. Wiiini looms and good board lit it'iisunublu IHtOh. JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW I'lactlci.'S In bl.it' mid I'Vdiir.il Cotiits. 7 unit b , .Sinuait MERC4EN HOTSI. , Main SI , Council Hlntl's. Near tlio ' . , H. AQ. ; t' . , M. k HI. J' . . nnil 0. , It. I , it 1 * . inlhuiv < li' | > ots .StU'i'l c.iih . - , ! door. Kmj tiling nuw and ln.it r and .M.ui.ii i < ; r. JTV/T . IVI.LBADIHTCr LBADIHTCr LBADIHTCrT T ' \ I ai on HO. 7 and 9 MAIN STREET , Council Bluffs , Iowa UNION TICKET OFFICE J , L. Do BEYOISE , Agent. No. COTIlioiKlvrftY. Council Hindu. Railway Time Table. COl'NCIMIU'lTS. 'llio folloulni ; Is tliu tfinu ol nrilvnl and tlcpmltiKiol liains by central Mimilmd tlnif , ut tliu local ili'pots. 'i'r.UiM IC.UD liunsici'di'iioi tun iiilinilchi'iuliur ami uirlvu ten inlniiiim Inlcr : CIIICACO A MlninVI.MIIIN. 'J1A.M. : . , .Mini and IX | > ii' > H ( lMi : > , u. lliMUr , M . . .Aiiommodiition. . . . iriUi > , u.u. . CCiUi' : , M . Uxjiui-s . . . 'JiUiA. u.w. . CHH..H1O * KOI K IM\.M > . w.M. 3:21 : A. M Aliillunil ; \ | > i t. . . .flini : . M. 7lriA. : M . Auuiiiiiinodatioii . liMli1. M.M. . droi'.M . Uipii' h . 'Jctj : t , M.M. . < ; HH\OO. MIIVAi'Kri : & vi M.v. Ha : ) A. H . . . Mull nnil i\jnc-s : flVJi : > , v. O-Ml'.M . Kvpll S UlU'iA. v.U. . CHIOAdO. IIUIII.IMIION .V UHflA.M . Mull mid i\niiM : | . . . . tVi' : ) . ti&Jl : > , N. . . . l.\llt".s . tiU3 ; WAIIAhll.fil. I.IIIIIII& I' U I I'llJ. 2ir : > i' , M locnl hl.I.onls KXIIIIISS I.OIM ! . . . . UIU : p , M.Truiihldrbt. lous | ! : . Ti anslcr.tl : ) ! ICANHAH ( JirV.hr. JDK li ( lirNCII , hl.HHS 10IUA.M ; Mall mid Jlvjuiiua , . fn./l l' - biou.v cnv v i-Acillc. 7ir : > A. . . .Sioux City Mail . MHOr M. llUi'.M. : . . . hi. r.iul ivpi : ( , s . ; A M. UNION I'AWUC. 10:11.1 : A , n , . . . liiinvci ICxiimii . . 'I.IAP. . : ! : ! . ] i' . M..l.liuoln I'ass.lni ( \ It. V. - ' u'i i > . M. 7Wl' : . M , . . uvi'iliinil Kirnn s . . .H&A.M. | IJI'MMV 'IHAINH-IO OMAHA , I.cavo Coiinc.il liliuirt 7in : ' ) * u : : io .in Jl.iXl u. in. ; l'iU ZfM , li'W 4.Ji ; .1 : n rti M 11:11 : 1 1. in. hiiniliijr , 7 05 u .1) II i ) it. in ; : ji : i i.ii ! fi5 i < 'M ii.if > p. ni. l.oiuu Oniaiin -U.ri ; T : T-bVl-IO00 ; ; I1 : < J H. JIK l.W : . ' .IJI- | 00-l-'i : . OJ ; tf1I.IU ; l . hiiinliiyn U . S'Jll.ij ) u. 111. sUtOJ J.OJ i:0uUUi : : ll.lUi.ni | Chicago Water 69 , fil li : < VKUOUN STKKI2T. J'imrr liirnlMicil from hydrant prcssme fo ilnuiiir nil Kliiii-i nt limn imHimcry. ' ' \ { ! Hit ll'loilKl.lll tO l-lllllcll Oljfllll IjloWillK. > ' " i mi ptlnt UK | iiei8 , iiio.it eliopijcm , IKI CM' nil lllC/Crn , | HllblllKllll KM ( ( UllWIIHU'llllH-i , < ( I- . Tlio I cst ( licupi .t motor tiiudn. tvnd for cu- inliir In HBO In Council Illulls by Ik-ujolioillLO. l'iieo\b.hiii.dlniat inuiliet , ( liidiKO Meal Mail.ct. Iiixl/i'iidiirliii'h Ment MuiUet. Mnllh \ Mi' ) cjr. Knit/ HlcL.lp. i Atrt'iil IBluin hi . ( iiunollli UL'e , lent lid llll 1 U1I1 Illl bt. , OimilU.