THE OMAHA DAtLY BEE , TUESDAY , JANUARY 12,188G. llandorson Addresses the Senate on His Military Bill , REPORT ON DAKOTA SUBMITTED. Senator 1'iigh I'njH Hit Ilosjirots to the OiiotirntH | | of Silver Coin age Work of Hie House Bcnntc. WASIIIKOTO.V , Jnn. 11. A number of peti tions were pti'scnled , prajlug for the MIS- jicuslon ot sliver coinape. Mr. llarrlsoii repoited favorably fioni the committee on terrltoi ic In iidmit lilolu ) and provide for the oigaiil/ntmii of tlie tenltoiy of Lltirolu , * Mr. Htitler reserved the ilKht to submit n minority lenoit , it after mid cousid- i-ratlou of the nmjority icpoit he should con clude to do so , Mr. llmrKon , from the sntno committee , lepotted adversely on the icsolutliiu hctcto- loieolTeieil by Mc.s rx. Uutlcrand Vest , call- li\K \ for luriuiilns us to the orpini/.atiou of a state Koveinmeiit In I'aknta. . The resolutlunsvcio placed on tin'calen dar , Mr. Fro inttoduced .1 bill for the relief of the American men-haul marine. Mr. M 01 cm i ollmd u resolution iclatinc to the tiustees piovldud for by tlio I'lali bill to matinee the propelty nml nlfaiis of the Mor mon ehiiieh oik'aiil/.atlon. 'I'hu prcnmble to the revil lit Ion icc-ltiMtliutthe union of church nixl st.ilo in the joint admiiilstiatlon of loin- ji'iral ami spitItnnl nllaiisoC imj chiucli or H'llKiollH heel IsdaliKt-ioiH to the fiecdomof i elision * woi-slilp nnd violates the principles of the constitution ol the t'nlted Mates. 'I he icsolutlon bctH lorth , iimon other thlu , that In tthe uplniun of the .senate it Is not within the power of ronmcs * to appoint olllcersof HID united .States to iwilicltiute \vlththeolllcei ! ) of uiiy clnurli 01 n-Ilulout heel In the iii.tiiap'ment of the atTnlrsof u chinch or Meet , and that ills In violation of the constitution for the president to appoint nny Mich oilli-cr under any l.iw. At Mr. Mor- traii's icquest the tesolutlon was allowed to He over. M1 Mander.suii calh'd up his bill to Increase tin-1 .li-ii-m-v ot tin ; Infantry bi-.iucli ot the uini ) . The bill piovlde.s that each I n fan try leu'inii'ut .shall consist ol twelve companies , one colonel , one lieutenant colonel , thice majoi.s , line adjutant , oiie < iuaitermaster , one j < | imilei mnsicr'.s.sergeant , and one chief inii- ' Hii-ian. All appointments to original vacan cies above tliu tfruilo of second lieutenant , in-itwl : by this act , shall bo Tilled by tiunloi- ity In the Inlaiitry branch of the seivlce. Mr. Maudeihon addiesscd the senate on the bill. Our aim > , Im said , had never brought the hhish of shame to the check ot the Ameii- -an people. To die disgrace ot congress , however , no wailllceemeinciicy that had ever arisen had found us picp.ucd. An illtistta- t Ion way found in the fact that the capital had been captured by a British foico HO pcatcr than : i,500 men. Fifteen thousand inore union men on the Held of the lirst I hliinas.sis would have clnicd the civil war , nud the maintenance of that number of men irom the time ol the Mexican war to that ot the icbullionhoiikl not have equaled one- tilth pint of the money cost of the civil war. to say notlilni of the fe.irlul loss ot hunuui life. The Icthai ( ? > 'of congress In tlie mat ter of placing our aimy , navy and coast de- leiicesin pioiicr condition of etllcicncyvas inexplicable in view of the notorious facts as to their iiihUlllciciicy lor emergencies , and of the leneatcd iccommendations of piesldcuts mid other executive olllcers. He did not be lieve with llobbes that war was the natural condition ot mankind , nor witli othcis , that war vvnsfcoon to disappear. However much wo illicit dcsho to have peace , wo should not forset that the most coitalu method ot bccm- iiiB peace was to be piepared lor war. Not only wcie we liable to happenings of foreign war , buto weio constantly menaced with Indian outbreaks and for oven the latter we weie unnrcpnieil. Mr. JluudeiMin spoke warmly of the uneasiness prevailing in thu west and the constant fears entcitaiiied by thousands ot .scttleis that thu Incarnate devils would commit savage atroc ities upon I hem and tlielr households. K\cry branch ot our army , he .said , had made more in mililaiy oigaiii/alion mid meth ods than tlie inlandy. Not a single ICiuo- pean power now ictains the single huttallon feystem for infantry icgimcnts , nil having abandoned it j cai sago as not adapted to a state ol war , and theieloie not lit to he main tained In peace. Uvoiy civlli/.cd armj had ad vanced beyond us and was ie.nly to meet im proved arms with imiiiovcd organisa tion. Our piescnt plan had no expansive power , and thercloie had to be rcoigaiiized In time of war , thus violating nu important maxim of military science , that the peace organization should be such as to admit of piopcr expansion In time of war. Mr. Mauderson lead e.\tenslvely from mil itary authoiltlcs Kinopean and Ainciiean to sustain Ids views. ( One of the merits of his bill , lie thought , was that It would involve u considerable number of promotions , pio- vlded congiess would decide to Inlly ollicer the iccoiistiuelcd orgaiil/atlou. Ho main tained that promotion \vas necessary to establish and maintain piopcr uspiit de coip" , and Insisted that no successful busi ness man would think of keeping an clllclent emplojoln the same grade or position for iv ( jtuutcrof a century. Mr. Hhilruddic.sACd the senate on Iho bill hoictofoie intioduccd by him , to provide for the erection of u monument at Washington to Abraham Lincoln , and another lo Cien. ( Irani. Mr. I'tigh called up Mr , Heck's silver icso- lutioii and addiL-.s.scd the senate on it. With the aid of all the teaming iu the woild , Mr. 1'iigh said , the Kicatest statesmen weie still grappling with tlio money qm'btion at pre cisely the same point at which they began to grapple with It. rfo far as the United States was concerned , theie had never been a time when ourpaperor metallic currency had been boMiinitl and healthy as it was to-day. This condition ( it altaliH , nnd the piciiiium on our bonds , constituted u gilm ha lite on the iirophccles of the oppo nents of the legislation hitherto enacted b > on tlio money nue.stlon. Noth ing was moie to be desired , Mr.l'ugh thought , than that the banks , bankers and federal treasury should stand a.sldo and allow the ( ! ic.shain law to have full and tice operallon on out-silver cmicnev. He had miu-li couli- dcnca In the practical ideas , .sound judgment I and Integiityiif I'lesldeut Cleveland , and his i devotion to constitutional principles. lint iu my democrats would differ with the I' iicutoii the uioueviiucstlpn , ami on thu de tails iilfectiug the taillf. Thc&o micatlons weie so fai-ienehing nnd eomplleiitcd in their operations as not to be emublo of u solution balisfactory to nil honest In- iiulreis. Hn ( Mr. I'ugh ) had given the piesldent's message much consideration , but was constrained to dlller with him Iu ie- mud to money. Mr. I'n h ipioted ligmes Irom the Now York eleaiinf house to show that only iitiout : > } pert-cut , ot tlie dealing tiansactions were lepresented by cash , the icmidnder being made uj ) prliiehially by tluvks. was confiontcd , ho said , with an ofliclal announcement that our busi ness relations had leached a crisis In which wo niiihl suspend the coinage ot silver If we would M'cine an Intel national lelalion be tween gold and silver. The teal point involved Mr. I'ugh believed to be not tlio suspen sion , but the total stoppage of silver coinage , nud If silver i-olnago weie oiispended now it would be a blow that would directly and Miccdlly feud to tlie consummation ol un organl/ed conspiracy of capitalists to M-euuuihMilntueiintiol of all our curieiicy , and theiegiilatlou of thu volume and consequent quent jiuicha-tlng power , Mr. I'ugh believed ho spoke tor the southern ix-oplo when he wild that tlnee-foiirths of them would tit-day , If oppoiunity ( weie given them , vote against tlunnoposltlini to suspend silver coinage. The petition.- ) that eamn to congiess tuvor- ing suspension \\eni ull on printed blanks nnd signed mainly by bunkers. Mr , 1'ugli rrllli-ised the nigumeut ) ! of thnsecieturyof treasniyiind of the president. He inquired \ \ liethu.we wera to take the mem dictation of the president iu this mutter , and In- pitted that the executive oilk-ers weio under obligations to enforce the laws of con- KICJ > S. Why had these laws been lumily vie lated ? Had congress abdicated its powers to thoexocutive department of the government ? The national banks , who weio the liseal ngcuts ot thu poveminent , should not , Mr , I'ugli thought , have bomi allowed to become monitors ot u clearing hoiiso tlmt discre41ted the silver certllicate.i of thu t'overnmeiiL if The national banks had evaded thu law of congress by agreeing that they would not of fer silver reitllU-ates to the clearing houses nud thciisfoie none had been actually icfnsed by n dealing house. A Now York nun jKiiter , ho said , hud squarely Ideutllied the evasion. M'hy was silver opposed by thu national tanks ? Because silver was the only medium of our ciiiruncr which they could not contiol. " .Stop the coluajfoof hllver , " said Mr. 1'ngli , "jtiul thuio bin Us will bccuuio absolute men- archs of nil Ihey survey. ' ' "The opinion of .lames1 J5. lllaiiie. " ho continued , "would have influence ! w ith some. He from re marks made by Mr. Hlatnc while In eon- press , to the effect that the e-tihllshment of n noii-niotnllle gold standard would IKJ In jurious to our industries nnd commerce , nnd that the United State * could not \vlsel > treat sliver us the Kinopean countries could. Uoth nietnl * . Mr 1'iiich insisted , were nere sary in order to conntciact the constant tendency of money to contract under the vast Increa'-o of the \ahic * of the world. He quoted from an eminent Knirllsli authority ( (5o ( ehenl td < how that no gold standard country In the world had advanced In prosperity l n decree at all to be competed with that ot the double stnndaid of Hie r lilted blnte . \Vltliout concluding Ids remniks , Mr. I'mjli gave way to Mr. IMmundb for .1 niotlou to to into c.\eciiti\e session. Mr. A'auce cave notice nt the rlo c of the inoiningbusiness to-monow he would nsk the fennto to eontlnuc consideration of Mr. Heck's ic elution , Mr. Coke irnxc tiotli-o that on Wedne day next he would a k PCM mission of the senate to submit some lemarUs on the same sub ject. ject.The judicial salary 1)111 was then placed pro lonna bcloie the senate , and the doors weie closed lor an executive session. When the } ieoi > eiiel tliCM'tinte adjourned. HIIIINO. WA m\OTO.Y , Jan. 11. The call of states was Hsunied , nud the following bills weie olfeied and rcfeired : Uyitr. Wheeler of Alnbamn Autlinilzlne females to enter lands under the homestead law. IJy Mr. Henley of ( ' ( dorado To tnoiiiote the Inirodiietlon of fiesli water In the Colorado rado desert. Hy Mr. lioscrsof Arkansas Apnioptlating 3100,000 for the Improvement of the goveiu- uient ri'seivntlon at Hot Sipiings , Aikansa" . 15y Mr. McICemia of California 1'or the aiiilutment | ] ot a bo.ud ol two army ami two navy olllcers and one civilian , aiithoi- ied to construct two gun ton inlries , one in Calllornia at Male Island navy > ard or at Itenlcla nrseunl , ami one nt such other plate asthuboaid may deteimeiie , at a cost not to exceed SltOJ.OX ( ) for each foundry. Hy Mr. bpiln ger of Illinois A icsolutlon directing the committee on claim * to in- qulie into the expediency of < lug a geu- eial law tor the iisccitalnmcnt ol lacts iu ic- gid : | to each claim by a judicial tillmiml be- foio action by cougiess , and nNo Into the niopilcty of formulating a measure to pio- hibit the adjudication of claims hj cougiess. Hy Mr. Townsheud ot Illinois Piovldiug for Issue by the trcasui } of silver ceitilieates In denominations ot one , twoaiul livedollais each. This Is nn umeiidmeiit of the silver act of 187S , under which leu dollar ceitili eates am now Issued. Its object Is lo supply the need for additional small bills uspait uf thu circulating medium. HyMr. Moitlson ot Illinois Aiilliorlztiig the secretary of the navy to tit out mi e\pedi- dltlon to obseivo the total eelliiscon August 21) ) , 1N > 0. Also ptovldiiig lor a new naval ob- seivatoiy , Hy Mr. Gore o Delaware To provide for thu construL'tlon of a .Htcamcrulslng-vcsscl ut war ol twenty knots sliced. IJyMr. I'ajs-m of Illinois To lestrlet the ownership or real estate In tciiltoiies lo Ameilcan Uy Mr. Weaver of Iowa To retlio nationnl bank notes and to pievent the lluctuatloiis of currency by the substitution therefor ot tieasury notes. A No , to jiiovido for the issue ol finctionnl pnncrciurcncy. HyMr. Jloutwcllot Maine A icsolidion calling on the secietaiy of the navy for in formation concerning the truth or lalsity of cettain statements which have appeared in the public press , as follows : 1 That tlio commander < > l the United States navvjaid at Noilolk , Ya. , has caused the honorable in scriptions heretofore home on the cannon captincd by Hie United Slates mili tary or naval forces to bo obliterated , 2 That he caused to be icmoved Irom the dry dock a tablet placed theie nt the time It was it-constructed , and beailng the insciip- tiou , "Uestroved by the icbcls in lbW ( ; re built by the United States government hi 1VKV a Tlmt because ot Ids piotest against the removal of this inscription the superintendent in charge of the work of lebuildliig has bi-en icinovcd tiom his position , and a poison who was en gaged in military sei vice against the govern ment appointed in his place.1 That in illsrocnitl of a giatelul iccoguition of iho sei vices , bncilllccs and siiller- ings ot persons honorably discharged fiom tlio milltaiy or naval seivicu of the country , a number of such poisons have been dismlssrd from employment In the Norfolk navy yaid and their places filled , by men ( .who longht against the government dining the icbcllloii. If these allegations are bound to bo true , the secietarv of the navy is directed to inform the house upon whoso older \\hatautliuiityand in pursuance of what public policy , If nny , such inscrip tions weiu oblitciated and such pcisons db- misKcd liom the scivlce , 15y Mr. O'Neill of Missoml Donating the prove Cieur lakes to the city of St. Louis. Hy Mr. ( Smut of Vcimont To enable the coplc to name their postmasters. Hy M r. Heald of Idaho Authori/.iug a sil ver bullion fund tor the purchase OL silver Imlllon , toiegulate the colmue ut silver and for thu Issue of.silver ceititicates. 15y Mr. Joseph of New Mexico To divide tlie teirilory ol Dakota and to cicato the ter- lltoiy ot Lincoln. Uy Ir. Warner of Ohio For the Issue of treasuiyceitllicatoj on deposited silver bul lion , aho dlrei ting the payment of the sur plus In the treasury in excess ot 550,000,000 on the public debt. Notwithstanding tlie largo number of bills Introduced ( luting the last call of states , the call to-day hioiight foith ir > 0 additional puip- osillous which Incicases to nearly 4,000 the number of measures now awaiting the ac tion ot the house committees. Tlio speaker then called on committees for iepor N but with tlio exception of the judi ciary committee , which u-poited twoortlireo private bills , theie was mr icspoiiso to the call. call.Adjourned. . CmUSIUNG < JAKKS , Tlio Oswcjjo Itlvei- for ( eil niul Syi-ii- CIIHO liuinilutcil. SritAcrsi : , N. V. , Jan. 11. The ice gorge in Oswego liver becomes firmer and larger every hour , as Immense quantities of Ice ate constantly coming down tlio river. The water bus risen morn than two feet since last nlnht and Is ilslng several inches an hour. The damage aliendy done cannot bo esti mated. Fully soventy-livc families linvo been di iven fiom their homes , and othcis aie con stantly moving out. The families are poor , and as fast as they me icacucd are tinned over to the poor authorities. All the teams available are being used to lemovc flour and other goods from the mills and inanutae- tiiiles. The gialu Iu ( hi ) millis wet. Should the water lecedo tlio mills and tnctoiles will ho idled with Ice , audas many ol them had large contiacls on hand the damage will bo veiygicat. Hundreds of people aio thrown out or employment. 1'iofo-jsor Hojntou of this city was telegraphed for tills morning to consult with the authorities about lemovlng thu gorge. Ho visited the place nnd ba\s 11 cannot Im done , and leais that the is to come. The gorge Is now two mile.- , long and Incieaslng. ADDITIONAL COUNCIL BLUFFS NEWS. The council last nicht failed to { etiV quorum , and ndjourned until this morn ing nt IU o'clock. MM. J , T. Most returned last niyht from an extended visit east , The business of the council this morn- liig will be thu contract and bond of A. I * . Goulden ; the bond is for about $5X)0 ( ) worth of grading , They will also till the vacancies of three members of thu board of the city library. An Iowa Hotel Hcoruhcil. Monk Duryea , manager of the O den house , received the following dispatch from 1) ) . Fillowny , the proprietor , who also runs the Northwestern hotel in Cedar Hnplds , Iowa : Jan. 11 : Fire in Fellinan's cigar store ; burnt through our rooms up to the roof ; twenty rooms flooded and badly dam- ngcdj nobody hurt ; Mrs , Filloway and I'loronce badly geared , but otherwise comfortable. _ B. FIU.OWAV , A Now Jersey man once said hat the people in thu btatu rather like mosqui toes , because they felt so good when they worn gone , There must bu some suua feeling in tlio minds of those who have sufl'ured the pangs of rheumatism and been peedily relieved by the use of St. Jacobs Oil. IDE LAKE GIVES UP ITS DEAD , The Olosing Chapters of a Moat Remark able Elopement. THEY REPENTED FOR TMEIR SIN Ami liotli Jletnins to Tliclr Natl\o llcatlli The Malodorous ICsca * padc ol'a Married Man and a Wayward Girl. Klopcrs Itctiirned to Tjll'c. CIIICAHO , .Jan. It. [ Si > cclid Tcleirrnm. ] 7. . T. O'ltoiirke. it will be remembered , Is the l.iw > erlio tr.uisictcd business at SI , Louis and MlssMnr } Lnrneil , the nttiactlve daucli- ter ot Allieit A. I.arnctl , tiea.sinerof the W. 1'rost .MaiHifnt'turlni , ' company , resided in Chiciisro with her patents at 'J. rt Dearborn .street nt the time of hoi injsterious disap- pealtnire. She formetly taimht seliool at Kitknoml. ntid Itn * theie , to her O\MI teat cilefnntl slmiiiL- . that .she bwame acquainted with the head of the O'lloiiihe Intiilly. Slie is said to lime been aery Intliiiate trieiid oC .Mrs. O lloinke. and was regarded as one of the family. Some time In .Inly ot hist 3 ear Miss I.arncd to her liome in Uicaio. ! O'lioiuke folloueil. arilx- In hcic September Ii. To his tclalhcsaixl liiends in St. Louis he stated that he In tended to putchase property here and peiiiia- nently locate in Clik'a < , po , Ids family to follow him. Atrivim ; hcie , O'linurkc put up at the Shurmaii house. 'I'liursday , September ! ! , lie called at the Lamed resilience on Dearborn Micet Next day lie put In nu nppunrniicu and took stipjier witli the family. Kaily in the e\enln ho invited Ml < s Lniued to take u boat I Ide with him. She asieiited , and about (5 ( p. in. the couple stntted out for a tow. Up to tlio ptetent time their wlieieahoiits had boon a profound mystery , and a gieat many people bpllud them to be slcopim ? In the of the lake. It was a fo.jiy nlstht when they etiihniked and as thev weio never seen to letinii. it \\as Ihoucht that they had became belonged , drifted out into the lake and run over by a piopcllcr or ( UKmid drowned. The boat was found Sep tember G nt the foot of Slxty-thiid stieet halt full of wuler and witli both oar.s ml stu This strcn gthencd the supposition that the occupants perished. .Ntiineious theories were advanced as to the filltuif the pair. A.s theie was not enough wind on the lake the night they cmbaiked to bait a mclUK shell , the lilea of an olope- incut gainedetiiieucy. When the boat waa found she was ildim ; on lier keel , and this led people to belle\e that the occupants had been pitched into the water. Jltit the idea that they had mil away was scouted by the relatives and friend's of the nilsslng couple. They and uiany others claimed that it they had not been drowned they would be piclic.1 up by some passing vessel. The fiiemls of the couple llnally ceased tlielr Inves tigation and came to the conclusion that a liuthcr search was useless. Hut it was still maintained that they ueio drowned , and that the bodies had drilled to the Michi gan shoie in some lonely spot. When an intimation that the paities had pinbnbly clojieil reached the ears of Mr. mid Mrs. Lamed , they resented it with hot Indigna tion and cousldcicd it an insult. "Even to deny suuh a rumor , " Mr. Lai nod said , " 1 would it-sard as a reflection on Mr. O'Kourke , myself , and my daughter. " The scene hi the O'ltourko household In the absence of the man whom not only tlio law but human na- tme demanded should be Its protector can be Imagined. Hut the public will bo greatly surprised to le.uu that the boat in which Mr. O'ltoinke and Miss Lamed emliaikcd was notcapsi/.cd , and that the couple , alter lowing on the lake until daik , landed satcly 011 a pier at the foot of Thhty-ninth street The cr.ilt was set adrift and the lovers walked to Oakland station , boaulcd one ol the Illinois Central suburban trains , and rode dovui town. Aulvliig nt the Michigan Ccutinl depot they took n night train , and in n few hours weio nt Detroit , Mich. They obtained rooms at n hotel , but as O'ltourke was short ot money they subsequently moved Into cheap lodgings In a modest part of the city. As O'itoinke's pinse rapidly becoming empty , he began to look mound lor employment , i'inally lie found work a-s a poiter hi a diy goods stole on n small salary. Miss Larncd kept house , and under an assumed name they lived to gether In one room as man and wife for nearly four months. Tiling , finally , of the icsult of his nefailous intilguo with Miss Lamed , O'Homke indicted an anonymous letter In n disguised handwriting to his de- seitcd wife. The letter stated that her husband nud Miss Lamed weio living In Dcttoit. When Mrs. O'Houiko received the epistle she Immediately communicated with ( he be trayed gill's father , . The latter at once em- picked a detectjve , who went lo Dcttoit and finally located Iho pair. The poor girl was only too glad toieturn to the shelter of her p.ueutb' home , even though a cloud did hang over It An otllccr confronted the gill when O'Kourko was absent , and she was taken to Windsor , Canada , to awall the arilval of her father. Hcfoie leaving their quondam homo the gill left n note for O'ltoiirke , stating her Intention of lotuinlng home. The soiiowful father found his daughter at Windsor , and Sntuiilny , Jnntmiy' ' , they arrived at Chicago , and the gill is again under the cnie of her mother. Miss l/aruedlsn good looking blonde , 20 years ot uge , medium size , with n well loundud llgurc and always dresses handsome ly and I u eood taste. O'HoiikoIs ! ! 3ycaisof age , 0 lect I Inch in height , daik complexion , and weais spectacles. .Soon alter the illsap- peaiauco of the couple Mr. and Mis. Lamed icmovcd liom'J.VJiiDeaiboii sticct ton moio i emote pa it ol the city , Oily News. None of the lire plugs are frozen as yet. Mr. Charles B. Anson and Miss Myra Jlallb.v wore married in this city on sab bath , January lth ( ) , at the Seward street Methodist church , by the pastor. Huv. Charles W. Savid e. The item which is going the rounds of the press that the Ames monument at Sherman is defaced by patent medicine advertisements is false. The monument is entirely free from any such evidences of vandalism. The annual meeting of the Omaha Fair and Exposition association will bo hold this afternoon at the rooms of the Ixiard of trade Reports will bo sub mitted of the ntVairs of the association , and a board of directors will bo elected for the ensuing year. The body ot Mr. James McMillan , who died last U ediu day. was sent to Keck Island , the late home of the de ceased , last uvening. It was intended to send tlio body last Thursday , but the rail road blockade has mmlo it necessary to hold the body until now. Marshal Oiimmings received a letter ycaterdtiv from Justice . L U.Kdmundsof Ureoloy.Col. , making inquiry as to wheth er there was a convict in the state peni tentiary named H. F , i'iorco. Mr. JM- munds says that Pierce was formerly a resident of ( Irceloy , and at one time city marshal of the place. Marshal Cum- inings. of course , knows nothing of the facts , but will refer the letter. The opening of the now exposition building will probably occur about the middle of iebrnary , ami the mami'M- ment has concluded that tlio lirst enter tainment shall bo n grand promenade concert by homo talent. Arrangements are being made to gather together the city's musical talent and commence truming for the event. GUAM ) COXCI2UT. The Musical L'nfun Orelicolrn Trent at Turnotllnll Sunday. llio Musical Upiou Orchestra gave n grand concert Sunday afternoon at the Omnli.i Sladt theater. The audience filled the home and gre.-tcd the perform ance with and enthusiastic ap plause. Following WHS the programme I'AIIT I. 1. March Salute to Omaha ( new ) . . Stciiihau. cr 'J. Selection Heart and Hand . Lecocq : ) . Uu'ttuie 1'iqtiu Dame . Suppe 12 MIXUTKS lSTKHMI- \ . I'AIIT II. 4. Overdue Marltaua . Wallace f > . Conceit Polka Ccislcr . Ulal 0 , Walt/ Live and Love ( new ) . . McluhaUsor T. Cornet Solo Liebcstraum . Wagner 12 Ml.Vf IKS INlKIIMlx-ilON. I'AIIT III. 5. ( irand Selection Lohengihi . Wanner ! ' . Combination Twcnt > . Steiuhatiser 10. ti.notte L'orgct me not . ' . .Ciiese The entire concert was one of those in comparably charming musical entertain ments \ylnch the organi/ation can so uiily allbrd. The orchestra's overture. "Muritana , " which has not been heard since the Sncngerfeit , was admirably exe cuted. The cornet sojo of Mr. Liua new member , on his lirst appearance in this city , was mpturous-ly tcceSved and the performer was recalled three times by tlio audience. The new march com posed by 1'rof. Steinhau er , "A Salute to Omaha , " was played for the lirst time mill his new wait"Live and Love , " was wildly encored. The gem of Iho after noon was the Grand Selection from "Lo hengrin , " never before placed in Ontnha and only attempted by the largest orches tras. The Musical Union is making grand strides ; time , execution , Inunioiiy and everything which goes to make up good playing seemed as near perfect as it is possible to attain. It is to be hoped that the orchestra wiL repeat the concert at the opera houe. llather Absent -Ml niled. "What would you think ? " asked Mr. J. J. Jacobson , a handsome and jolly commercial traveler from New York to Clerk ileus-haw at the Paxton last night , "of a man who would make a purchase at a store and go away , leaving his purse on the counti-rV" "J should think ho was - " "Well , you're right. That's exactly what ! did. Paid over some money at the Millard just now and then walked away leaving my purse containing $100 on the counter. Clerk happened to know my name and sent tlio poeketbook over to mo. Two 3 ears ago played the same trick right here in Omaha. That time I left my poeketbook with several hundred dollars in it , lying on the counter at tlio Western Union ollice , after 1 had just sent away a telegram. Came back to the Pa.x'tpn , and went tip to my room , never missing my money. Pretty soon in rushed a small boy , out of breath , saying , 'Mister , they want you over at the tele graph ollice. ' I tiiouirht they had lost my messaire and Kveut over there lire- pared to storm. You can guess that I was very much Uikeii back when they showed me the puree I had left on the counter. " Jtobbeil Ills It was reported to the police yesterday that the residence of J. W. Atkinson , Nineteenth and1 Clark streets , had been robbed early in the morn ing of a number of valuables. The thief is a man. named Dick- son , who halls from uio lUull's. He was employed by Atkinson several days ago , and has been sleeping at his house. Yes terday morning he was called early to build the fires , and after doing &o the family supposed he again retired. When he was called at breakfast time , however , lie failed to respond , and it was discov ered that ho had left the house , taking with him a watch and chain belonging to his employer , u pair of gold cull' buttons , u revolver and a number of other valua ble" . A description of the thief was left at polieo headquarters and an eil'ort will be made to apprehend him. A nirtlulay Party. On last Saturday evening , Jan. 0 , 1830 , Mr. and MM. J. T. Wciton , at their resi dence on Twenty-sixth and Douglas streets , gave a. most enjoyable birthday party to their little daughter Oracle on the attainment of her tenth year. Miss ( Jracio is a lovely child and well de-orvcd the honor. Mi-s Ahuio Shaw and Key. C. W. Savidgo were present to assist in making the little people imppy. The guests were Ko-s 'low le. Charlie Koao , George Gish , Marty Kennard , alary Shears , Kmmett Murphy , Stephen Long , Milton Long , Jennie Wist , Hlaneh Parker , Jennie Gish , Mabel Kelley , Nora Emer son , I'dith McC'oy , Mosliior Colpct/.er , Alice Parrotte , Franklin Kose. A most elegant sunper , consisting of all the good things of the season was served. Then came the games and plays enjoyed by all. Many handsome ami iiM'tul presents were brought for Graeic. among others a large life like picture of her mother in a hand some frame. The party was agrand sue- ccs-j and the little folks went to their homos witli merry good byes and happy hearts. James Stevenson went east yesterday E , W. Si mural has returned Irom Washington , K. M. Genius has gene on a six weeks' business trip to New i ork City. General Freight Agent Miller , of the H , it M , , lolt for the east yesterday. J. A. Munro , general freight agent of Union Pauilio , left on a trip east yes terday. J. D. King , formerly postal inspector hero , but now occupying that position at Denver , is in the cUy W. G. Homonway has returned from contra ! Dakota , when ) ho has been thu past week on legal business. Mr. 1) . K , Fuller , tlio popular drygooils mini of Tootle , Maul iV Co. , loft yesteiday n his lirf l trip fur JSSO , uuticl puling a good Irado. lleul Kstato The following tninsfnrs wore filed Jan. ! ) , with the county , ' durk , and reported for the UEB byj Amu& , ' Heal Estate Agency : , W .1 Connelll and wlfnto Ole W Christian sen , loti : , Hickory Placu. add Omaha , wd V'F J Maestrick uiid'vvlfij'to ' ' Ournlia Hell K It Co. , 100 leet thiomjh'lutsai ami HO , block 'J , Uiookllue , Douglas Co , v l S.'Htt. Mmy L Smith ( single ; to Frank K Cuttlcr. lot 1- , block 14 , Jlanscom Place , Omaha , w d jlCOJ. Andrew J Ilaiiscom and wife to Xelle Hen- uett , lot ' . < > , block 10 , llitiiBCom Place , Omaha , w d. . d..leturlt Conkllnirimd wife to Lymau Itlch- nrdson , lots ii , 7. 10 , 15 , CO and ai , Mayileld , Douu'lasCo1 .13o. ; A KToiunlln ( single ) to Djloy&Olsoii.lots 11 mid w , block : ) , Hillside add Omaha , w d- fcl.fiw. John LMcCngunnnd wife to.Iolm Ihimlln , lot 12 , block i , Shlun's udd Omaha , wd- Saiiiuel S Cmtlsaiid wlfoto John Mc.Vce , lot ii , block f , Uclvidcie , Omalu , w d-sSU ) . Herbert .1 Davis ( single ) to Willton O llililge.4 , lot 0 , block 2 , Plaiuvlew add Omaha , w d Overcoats for Men , Hoys , Youths and Children at hard time prices. See themut SlIUlUMAN UltO.'b & CO. , Furnam St. THE COUNTY SCHOOL FUNDS The Semi-Annual Apportionment for the Districts Completed. HIS BOOKS FAIL TO BALANCE Cnolilcr l > ritt'liml ol1 the Western Union Short In Ills Accounts A WOIIIIIU'N Connection AVItli I lie fuse. Tor Ktlucnt Ion. County SuporiuU'tuUMit Hrnnor ycstor lav tlnfohcd the suml-uuntuil appor tiouiupiit of school moneys for the sever al dlMriets of Douglas county. Ho had . J10' ! to proportion out to the ills- trlrK Of this $15,237.117 wn from the Mate assessment and the remainder cam * from county revenues , sftSt.JIO special ta$1,000 liquor license , $155.07 tiur-t , $17. IS do ta\ . There are 1 1 , 131 scholars In tlie county and Omaha with 11,803 ro- ceivedlSlT78 ) , The ne\t best id Klor- once with Ml pupils and $271.71) ) , cliv-ely followed by South Omalunvitli'JOl and $ . ' . " > * of the aportioumeutVatei ) ) loo.175iupils ] and $ ! > : i ; district ! J7. just out of Omaha .south of I Ian-coin park , 105 and gJ'JJUO No 1 1 , loutli of U'atorloo , with live pu pils and * S | , is the. smallc-t district in the county , and possibly in point of school enumeration , the smallest in the Mate. . The apimttionmcnt gives 87 cents per pu pil and the "one fourth" divided equal ly iimon < ; the fiflj two and onu-linlf dis triet- " gives oaoh ilMrirt JTIUJll. It may interest those not informed to learn IHMV tins "one-half district'1 is con sidered There are three fractional school districts in Douglas comity two between Sariiy and Douglas ami one divided with Dodge county. Ol course this apportionment is not adequate to maintaining the schools for the half year , and the remainder of the ( tots of public instruction is obtained in each district by special levy. There are four districts \yhieh at tlio last annual meeting of April of ' 85 levied no school tax , for the reason that they had funds sulliciunt with the anporlionment to run the schools without it. The remainder of the districts levied from 'J to 'JO mills. Omaha levied ii mills. The total resources of the city from April 7th , ' 81 , to July 18th , ' 35 , including $14,71)1.0 ) ! ) , the balance on hand , were $ ' . ' 0'.1.O.V. ,40 ; the total expenditures be tween the sumo dates readied sf'J IS.GTiT.i.'O , leaving a balance of ? ' , ' ( ) , 10'J.i ! ! ) on hand , There was also on hand in the citv sink ing fund at the same date , $8Uttl.J. : ( The city carries liabilities in outstanding bonds to the amount of $150,000. A CAS II I Kit SUO'llT. A AVcatcrn Union Man AVliose RookH AVIll Xot Ilnluncc. A rumor has been alloat for snvcrnl days that there has been "crooked" work at tlio Western Union telegraph ollice in this city , and investigation proves the rumor to be true. .1. 13. I'ritch- ard , who has been cashier for tlio com pany since September 5 last , has been found short in his accounts for from ! } -500 to 5UOO. Iwer since he entered unon the duties of his position Pritehanfjias at various times indulged in dissipation , go ing on protracted spree.s and acting in 11 reckless manner. Witli the beginning of the now year he started out for a "time , " and as it continued the company concluded to dis- ponse. with his services. Accordingly on .January 5 1'ritchard was discharged and lii.s accounts were examined. Jt was found that his books were in bad shape , and close inspection revealed the short- ago. Among tlio larger items on which Pritchard is short is a bill for . ISo against Mrs. , f. (5. Fountain for money sent by telegraph to her husband in Chicago. The bill was presented by the company to Mrs. Fountain the past week lor payment , but she as serted that she had paid the money when she sent tlio order of her husband. This statement , however , is doubted in some quarters , for rumor has it that Mrs. Fountain is in part responsible for 1'ritch- ard's downfall. Jt is said that the cashier was wont to spend considerable of his time and money on this woman , and Unit she would frequently converse with him by telephone whilu in the otljce and arrange meetings with him. I'ritchard is a married man , his wife and three children residing in this city , and stories are told of Air.- . Fountain calling at his house and taunting his wife with a Knowledge of liin whereabouts when she ( the wife ) was iu ignorance of where her husband was. Airs. Fountain , having become aware that her name was to be iit-ed in connec tion with L'ritchard's defalcation , called at the ! : ; ollico at a late hour last night in company with her husband and denied all kouwledgo of the allair. She asserted that she did not e\un know L'ntchard and that she never had any dealings with him personally to her knowledge. Pi itchard'- . shortage ! will be met by his bondsmen , who are amply able to make good the lo s. _ Ths OraatonTlcdical Triumph of the Ago ! SYMPTOMS OF A TOF2PSBUVER. I.aai ofuppot I te.Uoirnli ) costive , I'ulu Iu tlio bend , vrllli a dull acnsntlau In tlio bncli purl. I'nlu un--r iliu nlinuldrr- bladc , I'nllnoc * nftcr nailimvllU adli- Incllunilou to ojroillouof Luilr ormlnil , Irrlfitbllllyoficnipur , I.ownplrlu , witli a foellnenf finrlnn ncelectod roino duty , Wenrini-ca , UlzrluuKX , 1'liittcrliiir nt lUo Henri. Dot * licfinpllio c-ye/i / , llcnilncho aver Iho rlclit rire. llciitlesiiions , ivllli II I fill drcuma , Illulily colored llrlnc , anil CONSTIPATION. TUTT'S I'ltr.B are especially aflnpfoil to cnch cnson , onn tioso otrccta euuh a 1 her XiirrcnSB tlio Apnctlt e , ml cuuta the body to 'I'uUc oil Flemi.thut ilia ajitcra la nourished , nn < 1 liylhclrToiilo Action on ttiu IlleejttiveUrKRnn lcjciilurMtoulsiu-a prqilucgiJ. WlcinaSe. . _ < ! tfnrruy Nt..r .T. TUTT'S EXTBfiBT SfiRSflPARILLA Jlruovatoi thu ImJy , mnkt-s liualthy HesU. FtroiiKthen5 tlio weilc , j-upalni Iho vaitea of Uio cysteni vrith jmro bk > od mid hard imuclo ; oiQct ) the norvoua nvstem , luvlxoratu-t Urn bmln , and Imparts thu vl or ot uiaiiliood , 8 1 . Sold liv dnmnlRls. Ob' if 10k11 : iliiriKy.SI , , IIOUT. u. mwtuN. , jii.nx , vrAr.racn. TolcpbonoilQ , DUNCAN & WALLACE , Plumbers , Steam and Gas Fitters Smut HEATJ.VO A SI-KOIALTV. r.sllnuitis fiiriiltlicd , or ulll cull iicrso j\jeni.s for the Impuriul ( ins Mui-hlnu. - ' 2lo ti.UJth bt. . Om-iim , NcU . B. BISDOKT , General Insurance Agent Ilin-KESKNTd : phccnU Insnrunco Co. , Lundun , Cash Assets . , Wvaii-liut.ter. N. V. , AtvuU , OluiisKulU , A-ots Iriiril Flio. 1'lnl.iilullililtt , Assut l uUM > j Nttrlluiiipi.Uliu , Casu V.s oto. " . . . . . I.UIU.WJ DIRECTORY. Lite Insurance. 0. T. TAYl.Olt , Orncrnlpint HEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO. for Nebraska , Colorado nnil Wyoming. OIIUc. router lit Ii nnil tlio | > > piiliir Toiilltui ox Fire Insurance. rL i ; .t i / , 1. 1 s GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS. 211 South ThlitiPiith Stiwl , Teleplioiic No.KSJ Notthrru ASMIIHIUV Co , Ixnulon. linirlnml. ( lilcnt Insuriinct1 Co. . Hnrlford , Conn. t'nion lit iininrt' Co. Sun KraneKn > . Cul. Nntlonnl Kite liiMiriincv Co. , Hnrtfoni , t onn. riit'iiiun'sriuul In * . Co. , Snn rinnel'co , Cnl. Wosti'in Assiiuinuc'Co. , Toi-onto , Out. iY. R HATCH Kit , ( Irnoial Vsciit Provident Savings Lifo Assurance Co. ot XPIT Yoik. 107 South rourtccr.tli Sin-el , Oninlin. ChenprKt ln uinnro in or olTcrciI by nn"oiil lino' t'oiminny. Actnnl nvmiue ji'iirljro t iturliiK tbc cnlriiilui yenr 11-11 , 1S.14iiiil l& : > , IU KU 10 , " DRY GOODS. _ _ _ _ ,1. C. HN'KWOLD , Dry Goods , Tim elrnnut tirli'k corner Moro.SM nml Cum liiK klHutH. Ini" Just lu-i'ii opciuti ttllh iiKonoial Meek of flnple nml Inncy iliy iri > i l , boolt.ilioe lints mix. j-'lovi-t , noiklnt ; Hot lie" , unit n lull line of untlcu'lotliliiu. 'I ho best iiutillly nml thu low r t pi lci" . Cull anil .vi . _ \ MILLINERY- M1JS. K. KKU1T , Milliner , At EltiXlflih t.i < i1nlniri ! thrtvlmr imslncji In nillllnciy nml fnnoy Kooils. nml nl ° o keeps u mini liei of iMiipIo > ei < 4busy on | IIIL-MMillsunil | | KOIICIIII Jrc'nnuklimrasliloimtilu niul sl.\ll-li Riirint-nl emi b > hint ill Mi p. KlKht'fl for MTJ lnw lltoire A Hint oiilui ssitlslU-s nil unil seutnos p liiinnie MltS. M. M. KINCS , Millinery Goods , Tor nnjtlilnK In Iho mtlllnrry nail fnnoy .iiio jnn oiiiinol do bclti'r limn to patioiil/o MI.K. M. 51. Kliipr.SIISCiiinliiirSr. The latest 8t.vlcK.tho most beniitltul work niul the veiy lo t-si pile-ox. GROCERIES. ALUliUT II. SAXUliKb , Grocery&.CrockeryStore Is the jvlaro for the penplonf N'oith ct Oinnlm to trniln bocnnso It Is c-cnlnillv loenleil , nt the corner of Cumlntr mid SiiiiiuliM-s sis. Tlio slock IB the boat unit thu pncosus chuup us any. WE1XEHT & MULLEN , Grocers , Th I * firm cnrilcs n choice freMi t-tock nnildoes n bniincss on the mmille-ft piollts , and hnncu It has u bis tiade. liny joinfooteiies nour home and not u mile or two invuy. Xo l'j Cum- liiT ( street. IIUXUY 1JOLLN i : CO. , llcalura hi Staple & Fancy Groceries rirlil nml Garden Perils. Southn'ost corner IGth and Callliunia stu-utd. S. ( JOLUSTEIX Groceries , Fruit , Feed. Special dealer in poultry anil all kinds of piimo. Ojvtois In M'UMin. ( ioods ileltVL-red II-L-U ut all bourd. S. Goldstein , Till So. llith street. HEAL A 11K11KKNS , Fancy Groceries , Flour , Feed , Etc. 3'oultry , l-'icsh Jlntter and YWa sjieclnlty This Him Ini" IOIIJT been noted as Iho Icnilmjrono In t hulr line lor tliu I hltd wind tiadu.lwn > 'suii- tui piNniK : and up to thu times with iilunty ol'ov- nrjllihiff that is ooil kupt coiistiintly In stock. iiW cor 10th mid Doilgo stioolt. GENERAL STORE. " . 1' . M. HACK & CO. General Store. This hou o fiirnldlics your i/ooiU nenr bomo , irjoiillvoln South Omuliii. MI tlmt uliun } ( in BOI n wrniifrfil/ulii u lump clilinnov or u tlronj , ' [ louml ot bntlor , yon wont bu loiucd to walk u nillo umlaut riun.vciby the earn to ut It o.t- chimgcd. li u , lte > mid ll 'l K. 7th at. BOOK STORES- OJ1AIIA I'UJiLISHING CO. Books and Stationery , JI7N. lOthslrool , ItollKlous books n B | < i > clnlty. DRUGS. PrescriptionsPerfumery , I'ATENT WKD1UINKS , ETC. JKi Bl.\tcuntb St. , Corner stnrn Masonic Hall Coi. Dud u and tith Sticuls , Medicines and Chemicals I'miuy nud Uillbt nrllclun , HpmiKOS. Ilrnshoa , I'l-ilnmuiy oto. ' - , 1'liyslc-iiuH piuMiiiptloascaro- Inlly coinpoiindcd , und eiders uiiNWuiedvllli cam and dispatch. Our block ol incdlclno It coiiiilL'lc | , iiiiaiiiuu ( . enulnu unil of thu bujt quality. quality.W. W. J. WHITEHOUSE , ICthANI ) WlUlSTKItSTS. ) iiiirs , I'nlnts , Oils nnd Sliilloimry. Kuicka 1'llc Olntnicnt ciiii-notuiy iiiiiu , I'lito &UCCIIK. Kr > iiy box WiiirunU'd. ' LIVERY STABLES. H. A. COLIJNS. Livery Stable , 'o. "IliS Cuniiiiw atroi-t. Tlio luiullnx fcaturn of lilbexmllunt htublu Id lib | | \ury. but HMClul | cpmlimmt In uliicli t'lfiil cnio Is idvun is thn iiinidliiR ollioici'h , A block of Inn OH fur sale > r UJkcliiiii'U ( \ > III I'U ! > upl on liiuid. JJun'l tiu pluce , ClliniiiK btit'ut , No. 2IU4. LIQUORS. JOHN KKLKKN'NKV , Dtnlerln Wines , Liquors & Cigars , Ml South 18th St. JOHN KA.VK in nttendunco. A. . SNOU'UEN , Choice Family Liquors , I'orcliolco fnnilly ll'inora nnd whirs for rook- ni ; piiriotit-ii | , i-nur .Musb Wli | kyMurylnnd I lye , KlniiliuiiortcU llrHiuliiis , Aluund l'oilervi > lt or cud to A. U. BuoivUBu's , ULi ti. UtU hi , Uinali.i V TAILORS. I j. c. VAPOK , Merchant Tailor , Sixteenth Street A. KALISU. Fine Suits to Order , r.nplMi ntiil I'lt-iic-h v.tllhifr , pnnts imltorm. Sult , the riMr. : f. * > VM > tTrwAiiiw : SVTIS - O- 11OM in' VTAMK.MI is CMSK. LnrccM Mer chant Tailoring t"ltil > l Witiirnl couth < if I'lxrimiu M < UI illttorent pallet tu < > t ( rood * In select tioni. Cnll niul c\iiiilno peed * . Itcpnlrlnir neatly doneaiilS Ulli Micct. ,101X ! KKKVAV it CO. , Merchant Tailors , 4161(8 ( Ml It Mrorl , Pnll from &X ) tip. HIM FIMMN to select from. A 111 nlHiijjriinrnntcol. . Wo ntnko n fpcolulty ol Bivod ctiinibV InHliu"-'siilU. IH'M trimming niul Hist clii'-i wink. Itcpiilthiit lu'iitly done. DRESSMAKING. MUS. O'HIMHN' , DRESSMAKER , llmrMnblMiod her eU'iriint ilri' smnkltiir | > nr Inrs In th new luilldlmr oeeiipyhiK thnS , w. rot tier nf St. Man 's inc. mid l.tli ot. Ilavlnn hud u law ( itlieiietu-ii In tlio rtri-w mnklnfrdn- imrlmi > iil nr tin * most fiunoin inntiitfnrtuioM in New York elly , ntiil ii'lnu ? . T. Ta > loi'n voiy Ftipcrlor * y t > iii of entllnif. ho fi-cl < nblo li > irmnantco .utl rnctlon Tlio le ) t of luft-ronooj. nro lin Itod to fivll. DRESSMAKINOT" Miss KANXIKi : . DOWNS , line nliiiR-o RXIHM Icnoe n n ptof 's lonnl nnikcr. Snl l l not Ion In \\-n \ to nil , lioth In pilce mid woikiiiniHilp. Cull iiiul hiivo n Tow nilntiti's tnlk for Unit costs imthlnir , mid you inuv uvo ii irooil siini nnil linvo licltnr work by hodoliu. No 111 N llilll Htrcut , uivst sUlo , bit ! Oipilol AVP niul Dodtcoslici'U. .s. ,1. KXOTI : , Dressmaker , No.lllN. milistrcoi. Hn n IniTO mid lnci-ca liijr Inislni'Ss In tnnklntl. cnttlnir iiiul Illtliiir. Itrlnw i > ll kiio ii us ii hiipnlor and ovpcriunrcd nuiUi r or Indies' suits , un nlmmliiiKM' of liusliu-ss Is oaxlly scctirod "all or iiddrras as ulio\o mid thu most prompt attention 111 IMJ ntTOidi'd. JIKS. U. J. DUNCAN , Fashionable Dressmaker No. 10 < W Davenport Stioet , South Side , DC- t \\fi-ii inth and ITth. Owliif ? to my ItUKcly Inrn'iisliiK' Inno been ohllifoil to nml.u tills rhaiiKO < > r IT | - dcMicc , nnil am jiropaicd to incut all my old uiirt- tomorn and us iiuiiiv now ones us iniiy iinno. I Kiiurnnlco jiurlout nt and untlro 5,111 Isfiiction. RESTAURANTS. It. PETEKSEN'S DINING HALL. WnrrnntoiHho bo = l cut ) of eoCToo In the oily. Monte rnnmit bo ciumlleil Hoard l > y thnveok M ; siiiwle menl e. 100 people ihdly In uttuiulunco , 501 SKlt list rent. MKS. S. R WILSON , 71VX10tli street , near Hurt , Restaurant , Cigars AND CoNi'irruXiuY. : : Steals to order A hirjin palIOIIIIKO Irom rotrulnr liiiidcrsloa [ ; ( < > ilm.-ur the Kiuut raihoud Hliops aniltliuNiirtnvsternilopot. Itooms L-HII ho BO- cineil In this purl nt town cheaper ttiim hi uny otliur i cs | > euliiblu locution Iu Oimdnu The American Cafe , 603 SO. 13TII STKKKT , NKAK HOWARD. Ijulics' nnd ( Scntloinvira Itcstanrnnt JlcalHvull cookud , well tuasonuil and wull sorv cil. Hull supper * n snooliilty. llouri' nnd muni tlcKutd , 11. Host cupof colTeo In HID oily. J , W , Jones , llnsnwoll rnrnished , well liopt , tidy honso nt No 171't Cnmlnu1 ft. , nml nil \\lio lilin n lilnlnlll bo ii-Kuliu ciistoinpra. llodooi his own cnokhiK mill Ills wllo attcndx to the res- Innrnnt , liencu Ihurn Is Ui&t uhtss Tuiu mid ever - r > thlntr as it should bu 16th St. RESTAURANT CHAS. R. WEBSTER , Prop. Tlio nrntest nnd be t conducted ciiislno In the northern piirt ol town. Try IIH for onu wuok. No. I-- ! 1'ltli ' iiL-nr L'lileuKO tit. The Norns Restaurant Ib the \ cry host entlncr liouso In the city. Try It nnd jou will bo F.itlslleil. Tickets for U'l mc-iiU n.W. JJourd by the week Sl.2.1 , Jfcnls , 25o cnoh. IClh Bet , Douglas and Dodge Sts. J JIIIS. .1.1' . 1JILLUPS , i Restaurant , HUD Just the lur a and commodloni ros- tanrant , HiliniU-d at No. : nw N IHili hi , , and ulm > lilted It up with u llnuLonti-ctloniii } Bland In the fiont , whlln Iho kltC'hon and dlnhiK room In most completely 1m niMicd. The rates uio JU.50 | ) t-r week for duv bo.ird. t ) NEW , KIKST-CLAS3 Union Re'staurant , Co ( Ten and l.iincli ronm , KIT Ifarnuy Rt. , bet. I''IU and Hill bH. OlIIIKU 1111,1. Ok' 1'AICK MlAI.H HliltV- i.n A-i .M.I , MODUS , . Day board if. ) W und ! pur \\ci-k. Alia.Viillur , Tiopiloliuai. OLD Restaurant , "IISI lli hi root. Ilnlwr-i-n rnrniiin and UoiiKlax. fiula the bust tu blu hi the city , Alt-al * ut nil liouis. $500 Reward 'or n lietler cup of colTeii lliiiiiciin Im had nttliu I'luiiiiijB J.uilkiH mid ( IcnlB iiihlamunl. Uynteia it Kpccliiliy. Kvliiuu fioui hill ol imii llii-ud.but- i-r und iiotiitoM Korvcd with nil incut mid vgti nduiN : 1'orlcr hoii'n Hteiil ; iVi , cliolcn rjn ulcuk 'fxj , Hlrloln Hti.-al. 'Mi , nintlon uliopH l c , pork -hopd I'MI , limn und VIIHH IV , llvur unit biicon Kx1. , nnd oii-iylbliiK- inoporlloii. iilub , llth elrvut. ) , L , binllli \ Co. , I'lopiJutiiiH. HOME RESTAURANT. NO , 14KI DOUdLA.S HTKKKT. For rcid homo style with lionuwnndn brand , iniuuuMikliitr und liuiiui bljlo ol MUVIOII OIO Irs , O. W. fu ! < > iniiiirH Jlomo llo-iiiuiiuiit nnil .UBf-li llooin , Hi'KiiIni iiiiiitl lliiknlrt oi'liourd by lie day or week. Oysters ei-rvt-d tu order. MECHANIC'S HOME , 7JO and 712 S. llth Stiuut , 0. .M. ( ilPI NI-il : , I'loprletor. J ) y bonrd t'l W I'tr week. mid I.odKhiK Jl Wpur wook. EMPLOYMENT. TI1K OLD IfKLIAIlLB Employment Office , At No , "IT PiMK'iuli nl , , i Hill run ii I UK , fur/ | Im , MI ! l-i . i iiu | vi-ly , hi-rtiinu lei I'll1 , t. n . in .I'M ' luiiiiMicd on uliurl uu it- . > n v > . - i HIII. J i