Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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    * 13 * _ v . .
_ 2L I B > w ilfc
In c.ln FT Ib. , ISc ! extracted , 2 lb. In can ? , 2
'i ° V 'Vfls.c ' Per case , 54.00 ; 10 Ib. frame ? ,
.Nebraska , ISC.
CIIIEH-NCW York refined , per bbl. , 57.00 ;
tlo. Iiaif bbl. , 84.00.
ixnoAnWliltoliu - , 1O ; cider , ISj
. , Fins ASH | ) ATI s Fljzs. Smyrna , 100
] 1 > . Urns jr lb , lie ; laver , 8 , 1-J nnd 1C lb.
Itoxes per lb , IfifrtiTc ; layer , faney , 43 ib.
boxes pnr lb , Me ; la > cr. fancy , 2 lb. car
teens per Hi , KV. IJ.Vi-1. faney Fnrd , * " " -
boxes per II ) .ir ; fnney Persian , W i :
M'r II , , iic , I'luiic'lk's , W lb boxes , jier Ib ,
lOc ,
irMON5 .Sew Messina , per box , $5.003
C.r/ )
OnAJJor.s Valencia , per cafe , 4-CO size ,
? 7. < K ; Florida , tier box. Sl.MX
AITIJSranry Now \ ork and Michigan
apples , per bbl , ) . ; fancy Now York
and Mlelinraii apjiles , r bbl. lots , per bbl. ,
i'-.inj intirv New Yoik . nnn Michigan apples ,
10 bbl. lots , per Mil. , S2.M ) ; Illinois apples pcr
bbl. 52.75 ; Illinois apples , fi bbl. lots , per
bbl , . $2.W ; Illinois apples , 10 bbl. lots , pi
lilil. . $2.10 : Ailmonri ( jtMiVlon . ft'iiiii. ! lots , per
lM. ) . .ar. ! MUtourl ( Jenltons , 10 bbl. lot %
perbbl. . 3:1.00 : ; Inncy eatlne , per bbl. . St.'r : > ;
rholco Mlchltran fntlt. S3.WJ : in 10 to 23 bbl.
loK Sn.2.1) ; car lots. tH.OO
r.iiAi-r.s Mnlncn , per bbl , t7.00 ; Catawba ,
per basket. SI ( t < i
( iMMiniimr * Capo Cod , fancy dark ,
P er bbl. . 0.00 ; Capis Cod. fancy dark ,
n bbl. lots. per bbl. ttj.M ) : jeisey
Hell and Uncle , per box. 8J.M ) ; Wis
consin Hell and Cherry , per bbl , 80.0Vls ; -
romiti Hell and Cherry , 5 bbL. lots , per bbl ,
CAT.IFOIIXIA riit'ir Pears E.Ueurrc and
pound pears , per box. Sil.oo.
ruuvi iuNB. Until , lo OUIc , breakfast
liarnn , 8) Uo ; clear side bacon , 7c : dry salted
faldcH , Cc : slniiilderR. siiKnr citted , 6Jc ; in en
pork wr bb ! . . SKi.00 ; lard. 40 lb. cans , per Ib ,
Vft7"r ( : ; 10. 5 nnd a Ib Fairbanks , 7& < < Sc ;
dried beef hams , 12c.
Ovsinns N. Y. counts , 4'ic ; extra selects ,
OHc : selects. Sic : standardH.Oc ! ! ; ini'diums. 2fic
O.VIONH .Salt Lake stock Is selling nt Sl.oo
per bushel ; common home giown icds , 70@
.fie. Tliero arc n few extra choice in the
Alnikct that aru held nt SI. 00 per btiMt.
i'orAioKs Xono mo L'oinlnt , ' , and prices
arc nominal at MOJCOc forcholcb stock.
UKANS llcculntc of Inferior stock are
tijraln nccuniitlaflni ; . Oood clean slock Is
M'lllni ; teadlly. Hand picked navy. 81.75@
2.00 ; liatid-pleked nicdliini , 81.60(31.7. ( ' ) ; coed
clean country. S1.U5@1.IO ; Inferior. 7rcf'.oo. (
diiAis 'I lie iollovMiii : nro the pievalliiic
prices imld lor wairon loads on the stteet.s
und ill this mills to day : Coin , 'c ; oats , 22i ( ?
Sfic , wheat , No. 2. COc : rye. 4'Vj47c. ( Kh ator
in Ires tor car lots : Corn , 2l ? < ; c : oats , 2y > 4c ;
\0 \ wheat , ( il'sfeifiiv : rye , -He ; bailcy6lrf.VJc. ?
Ki.nt it and Mil i.hTfKKs Winter Wheat
I'lrin ; best nitnllty patent at S3.00Q3.CO.
.Second imnllty 82.0X33.00.
Spring Wheat-JJest quality patent at S2.60
( nt.oo. :
Htirkwlical Flour In barrels , Srt.OO ; ready
raised iJlb iiaeknges , Sl.tX ) ; 0 lb
Jlomlny Sl.W ) percwt.
Hhorts-0e ( ! percwt.
Ci-nlinin S2.K ( ) per cwt.
Jlay-Hales , Sfl.OOC7.o ( ) per ton.
Jr'itH AND bKixsMink , each , 10g30c ( ;
ninskiat , winter , a .lc ; do. kits , 2c ; Utter ,
5'J.MWito.tK ) ; skunk , .short striped , idTiiic ; do.
Inond ftiiped , ! W < nr- bad er. aSQiW ) ; Ifac-
coon , No. 1 Inr e , 3 ( .V ) ; do. No. 2 , 2W : .i ;
do. No. it , lOiitUTx ; ; wolf , iirairlo , rXKjiT.'ic ;
do. mountain , S-.00@3.00 ; wildcat , IflfJMObea ;
ver , Sl.COga.fiO ( per lb ; fox. each , SL40C1.W ) :
tlei'i skin : , drv winter , 15i.USc ( per lb ; do. fall
nnd Miiiini'T tiOC < 25c.
llinis tireen bntctiers' , 7c ; preen cured.
e ; dry Hint , He ; diy wait , lOc ; dninnseJ
tuo-thiuls price. Tallow ) c.
prime whiteJeSluenPelts 2 „
hKATinnNo. : . 1 I'lttsnnri : harness.I. C. n.
ASons , SCc ; No. 1I'itthburL' , K. < fc S. 3ic ; No.
Cincinnati , JBc ; No. 1 Inco leather , GOo ; prlmo
8l.uiclilrr.solu leather , itftigK'c : prime oak solo
leather. : : M3 ! c. Upper leather , pur foot. 20 ©
8.c ; Hem kipTfigWcoak ; klpb5@c ; French
kip. S1.00tfl.'j ( : > ; Hem calf , Sl.0001.10. oak
ralf. frl.OOi.i 1,2.1 : I'rench calt , Sl.V.V ! ! l.Js5 ; JUo-
loeeo boot livr , "Ocii'Wc ; Morocco oil pebble.
! > fi ( < : Wc ; toiipincs nnd linlnu's. 0.00 10.00
perdo/ .
COAI AiilliracilORratc , SAM : rpe , SS.r,0 , ;
miiKi' , SS.7fl ; ehestnut , SS.75 ; low.i , S3..W ;
AVnlnnt block. i3.75 : Illinois , 55.00 ; Alib-
soml. St.m.
HEAVY IlAimwAiiE Iron , mtcs , 52.25 ;
plow steel , special cast-Ic ; cntciblo steel , Oc ;
cast tools do , 12jilbc ( ; wauon spokes , per set.
f 1.7.Viii.OO : ; hubs , wer set. S1.B3 , felloes , snwed
dry , 5 1.10 , tuncuut ) , each , 75c , a\les , each , We ;
Rotuuemits. per to. . 7 < ailc ; collelwln per tti ,
Cil'-c ; maleable , 8c ; iron wedges , Uc : eiow-
II.IIH.O ; barrow teeth , 4c ; snrinj ; steel , 7&Sc ;
Hurden'B hoit-o shoes S4.2. ' > ; linrdcn .s mulis
bhoes , i5.25. Uaibed Yile In car lots , 34.00
JH.T 100 tts. Iron NaiU Kates , 1(1 ( to CO , Sll.Oi ) .
Shot 51.50 ; buckhliot , Sl.Ki ;
powder , kef. " SS.TOiJW.00 : do. halt kegs , 82.00 ;
do , nuarter l vs. Sl.50 : Mastlni : , kegs , 83.35 ;
fuse , per 100 li'ot. ftOc , Lead. Uar Sl.O" .
JUY TAINTS White lead , be ; French zinc ,
P.'cM'iirisuliitlnK.s o ; whltlncKilders.l ic ;
\vliitinccom'l. lUclamublack.llermantown.
lUc ; lampblack , ordinary , lOc : Prussian blue.
Kic , , untramarino , Itxj : Vandyke , brown , be
umlier. burnt , * c ; umber , raw , 4c ; sienna ,
burnt.-lc : Hienna raw , 4n : 1'aiIs creen. irenu-
ine , 2rc : rarts creen , common , 'Mo\ \ chrome
Krceii , N. V.'JOc ; clir-imujrieen , K , I2c ; ver-
inillionKiillMi. ! In oil nsst I5a , raw and
Imrnt umber 1 lb cans , loc : raw nnd unint
fllonna. lOc : vandvko Dro\\n , i : > c ; routi d
lamptilack. l-'c ; coach black and Ivory bin lc
ICc : diopblnck , Itic : 1'iusslun blno. 40c : ul-
tnininiini ) blue. 18c : cliromo eieun , L. , Ai ite
] ) . .Hi ) ; ; blind and shutter ureen , lj. , Al A D.
ICc ; 1'atls Kieen , ISc ; Indian red , Lie ; Vcne
tian led. Ito : Tiibcan red. 'Ac ; ver-
million. IA I ) . , VXic ; yellow ochie , Oc : L. JI
ite O. I ) . , iBo ; Eolden ocliru , lOc : patent dryer
PC ; crainini ; colors , llclit oak daik oak , vral-
nut. chehtnut and nsii Idr.
J'AISTS IN Oil , White lead , Omaha , P. P.
7c ; white lead , at. Louis , piuo S7. ; J ; Jlarsell-
ies preen , 1 to 5 li > cans , 2Co ; French 7lne , , 12c ; Fiench line , red heal , lie ;
Ficnch xine.ln vninl.shasist,20c ; biencliziiio
7.ricciinillloii. : . Ameilcan , 18c : Indian , led
lOcirosu pink. He : Venetian , red Conkboirs
" } ic ; Venetian red , American , l fc ; red lead
7Kc ; chroniH yellow Kcnnlno , aoc ; cliromo
yellow , K , I2c : ocliro rochelle : 'c : ochin ,
i'iicli. 2J ; oclirc , Ameilcan , ' 'c ; \ \ Intor'8
Leliluh brown. 2 > * u ; Spaiilsu
brown , - e ; Prmcu's mlncitvl c
OII.H liocnroon , per pal on. r heart
light , per cnllon , 1. c ; 17.o ? heailUg " , per Bal
lon , lc ( : 1500 water wlilto , ific : linseed hard
per pallon , 44o ; linseed , boiled , per gallon ,
47c : lard , winter str'd , PCI cnllon 0 c ; NO.
1lUo ; No. S , 4i'c ; castor XX \ , jier gallon ,
51.55 ; No. 3 , $1.44 ; sweet , JUT gallon , 31.00 ;
rjirtiii . W. j . , per pillion . t.r,0 ; lish , W. H. ,
jier callon , 05c ; nentsfoot extra , per gallon ,
SOcNo. ; l Cbe : lubricating , yuro , perKallon ,
70i < ; summer , 15c ; irolden machine , No. l , per
eallon 30c ; No. a i5c ! ; SIHTIII , bl nal , perual-
lon,75o turpentine , per gallon-JO c ; uaptha ,
per Kallon , 7 ii' .
AIINI8HER Hariris , per callon : Furni
ture , extra , S1.10 ; furnitiiK' , No. 1 , 51.00 ;
coticii , extra 5fl.40 ; coaeli , No. 1. 51.30 ;
Uamnr , rxtrn , S1.75 ; Japan , 70u ; usphaltum ,
extra , 85c ; shellac , S'J.M ; liara oil linlsh ,
H Cologne spit Us , iss proof , SI. 12 ;
do 101 prool 81 .18 ; splills , second ijuallty
101 proof. 51. 1U ; do. lx } piouf , Sl.ll. Alco
hol. ibS iiioof , t-'ilO per \vliio gallon. Redis
tilled whiskies , Sl.OJiitl.SO ; gin blended ,
S1.0@-X ( ) ; Kentucky bom bens , S2.00i.oO ( ! ! ) ! ;
Kentucky nml Pennsylvania ryes , S-.OO Oit.&O ;
polden sheaf , boiubon nnd ivohiskles ,
51.50(3:1.00. ( : Urniiillctr-Iinpoilfd , 5.0U ! tS.50 ;
domestic , 81.00 :1,00. : ( ilns-lmpottcd , Sl.50
( n 0.00 diime.sllc , Sl..vx.j,00. . : ) liuins 1m-
nru(7riiiiis Pis
KIW 1UO W W 40 15 10
M linn' * B't No.l L'b 7 ( KI4 00 3 65 2 0.11 70 711 ft ! 70
I/go ( ilt/eU Fane ) ill CO U M U K > I 80 I W,75 M M
L'jsu H'OSh'io l"c > | U 003 5J3 M 1 70 I 60,75M , M
Hbls 11 If llbli O'r HbU Pulls or kits
' - 100 w M 10 i 15 ia 10
Ulood Hc.l '
Alutku. . , 13 C07 00 fl M ti's N , 08
lllOOd UCH )
Cul 13 W 7 CO Oj : SJ3 93
Bounds . 1500 i CVilT 2i I 0)3 30 | , 1 10
rtfiti . HI l HlfllljIsO'r IIMs PHI ) ? or kits
av JOQ N M < 0 15 12 10
KKK Her'lngs 13 007 03,6 353 KS
Norwegian I I I I
KK HerriiiL'S. 12 00 SO.1 003 802 TO
Hrlitllnjfs .J g tjf ) 60 4 W ) " 2 SO 1 ! > 0 _ _
Kl'.vwiiKS Domestic "Holland herrings ,
krps , COc : Itusslan sardines , 4 > c ; Ancho *
Mes in BlatUio.Htill ) bnuici. per nor. . ,
S3.00 ; Anchovlrs In kegs ' { Olc Hull brand ,
34.00 ; fplccd Hamburg iKJirings skins and
heads oil , per pall , Sl.Oa
Conrisu iNcw larKO hank cod , 4c ;
sea kin tf , ( ivories chunks , 0 .r > : clouT leaf ,
( icorgcs strlpi. fli c : 1 Ib rolls , 2 lb boxes.
OKc : | iralrlello\ver , 2 lb brlck-ds wild rose , a
lb brick , 5c.
HMOKKH FISH Ilnllbut , new. fcj new
scaled herrings. 2"c , ; niaikeiel l.c ; s.ilinun ,
l\x \ : unoked ttituvon.1Kc. .
Holland licninir. new. per ke ? , WV ; now
lon ' split stockllsh , 10c , new short spilt
stocklisn ,
Grocers List.
Svnfp Standard 0 'J c , bbls ; Standard ,
do 4-callon kcus , Pl.0Nuw ; Oilcans Jjxff-Ute
per tralliin ; Mnpli' Hjiuti , J-i barrel. V. it ( J.
MrlPtly t > uiL' , TOcner pillion ; 1 Ration cans ,
SIW5 per do/ : > , ( jallon cans , 35.M ! per doz ;
quart cans friUiu
M ATcnr.s I'rr caudle , JBc ; round , per case ,
4'ic : bqunrc cases , SI.TO ; Uihllobh cases , gr. ,
Sl.'Jo : mitlo snnatp , SI.- " ' .
SALT Jrav loads , per bbl , $1.65 ; Asliton.
In Racks , s : ! . : : } i sack ? , Ashton. 'Me. ' bbl3
dairy. S'J.Wu-J.T : . . .
J5i'icis : Uround lllack pepper , boxes , 15
@ --'c ; al'siilco ' , I'JftUi'c : cinnamon 1S ( ' Cc ;
cloves , 10 < ; i'Joc ; eint'cr , 15ii'iic ( ; mustard , lOdj
ii' > c.
c.UOFFEKS Ordlnao * Rraitcs. Tc : fair , 0'4j ( $
IO--TC ; prime. ll@PJ'c ; choice. I'J lSUc ;
fancy cn-cn nndellow , H mH' ' ; old cov
eminent Java , 'JtW''Oc1 ; Intoner Jnva , I0'vc
'JOcloclia : , C-Jf'fJ4c ; Arbnckle's roasted ,
ri"c ; .McLauirlilln'i XXXX roasted , rt'4c ;
Dilwurth's KiKc ; Itcd Cios < , in' ' c ;
nilwoilli's. Arlinekk-'s and McLauitiilln'.s
XXX X are ? oltl 5Uu per case oil above uriced
n : ! - < MSC lots.
'I'UAS llunpowder , f.xlr , C037 ; good , 4V7 ?
G."c : cluiice , OOinT. ' * ; > ro < jil Impuilal , JUCk ; ;
choice , COT70c ; ; YoniiKllys > oii. peed , mxi/i45c ;
rliolcu , WH.'i70c ; Oolong , u'ood , axlOc ; Oi -
IOIIR , choice , 40iiOOoKiiirslt ( ; { lircaklnstiood.
Tea biltltiKS. Ibo
Diini : > Fitrns No. i nnarterappies , 4kfc ;
evaporated , boxes S'C c ; blackberries
tnt * inti i : | ' " - ' s4I'1 * * " ' M inn u
.Si iiAii-T-l'oNMlureil , e ; cut
ulaleil , 7Ue : coiilectionurb' A. 7'k ' ; Mint
extra C. 0 > < ; extia C , 01,0 ; medium
, . . New Orleans 5V"i . . .
1'i.uo TOUACCO Climax. 4 leper ll > ; Horse
shoe , 4'c ; Star , 4.Y ; Speathead , Hie ; ( . 'old
Itoll , 4Ce ; Viper Heidslck. COc ; I'nncli , * c ;
} on UK Flit41c : Silver'Pas , 40o.1 IM. "A ;
Jtoi'i : Sisal.l,4 inch and larger , S c ; Incli ,
CA.NNII : ) < ; ooi > s Ojsters , Standard per
case. 5:1.10 : : fcti.iwberries , 2-lt > . , pel-case. S'-.M ) ;
inspbcnics , 3-tt > . , per ease , $2"i : ! ; California
ijear.s. per cai-e , 55,00 ; aprioots , I'cr case ,
t-t.7i" ) ; peaches , per case , 44.75 ; wltite cher
ries , per c. c , SO.OO ; plums , per case , S4.00 ;
3.50.OANDY MixeuV < M2o : slide. 0' ' Wile.
.SODA In 11) papcis , S3.-J a case ; snlsoda
kes jior Hi , Si2j.
VI.MOAK Ciunu 13@18c ; hito wlnp , 15
( irounil IJlacU popper , boxes , n
( u'-Kie ; nl-plcc , I'fultio ; cinnamon. ISwUx- ;
cloves , 15Joe : ciugur , 1" > 'Joj ; mu-jtaul , 15
' ' . '
( u'-'c.
" 1'ioKi.ns Medium in barrels , S7.00do ; In
halt bairels. Sj UO ; .small In bands , SS.OO : < to
in half b.inels , SI.-'X ) ; gherkins in barrels ,
S'J.OU : do In half banels. S3 00.
CiiACKinis ( .i.irneau's soda , butter nnd
picnic , . "i'-jc : eroams , b-uo ; ginger snaps ,
Cilv soda. 7Xc.
CANDI.KS Hexes , 401b. ( is lllc ; Ss ,
boxes , -JOlb , 10 oz , Cs , like ; halt bo * .
FINE CUT Hard to Ucat , 70c ; Charm of tliu
West , fiOc ; Fountain , 70u : CSoldun Tlncad ,
07c ; Favorite , COc ; Duds , iOe ; ICockyMoun-
tain , COc ; Fancy , l.'X : : Daisy , 40u ; North Star ,
70c : Good l.nck. O.'ic ; Our Hest. tij' v.
So A rs Kirk's Savon Imperial , S3.00 ;
Kirk's satinet , S'US ' ; Kirk's stand.ird. 53.W ) ;
Kirk's White Hiissian. SI.CO ; Kiik's Wliito
Caji. S0.60 ; Dome. S-1.40.
C Hi 8'sc ' : Klngsford's pure , 3 lb 0 , 0 ;
Dry Goods.
S Steel KlvurWo ; American , 5J :
Ainold's. Gc ; Cocheco , Go ; ManoiiuMcr , tV ;
layman , 5e : Oloueestor , 5k'e ; Dunnell , Iae-
( jnard , ( ic ; uunnell , 5Jfc ; WlmKor. ( ! c : i'a-
cllic , Cc ; Harmony. 4 c ; Anchor Shillings ,
7hu ; Meiiiinack Shiitlncs , 4 c ; liciwick ,
TOTTON-H. Farmers' choice ,
0 c'ft'mt ; ( , C c ; Hope , 7c ; Hill 4-1 , 7'o ' ;
Hill % , CVc ; onsdale , a ; Fiuit. S'c ' ; Warn-
sutta , lo' ' c.
COKSKT JKANS Keaisarso , 7c ; Armory ,
7e ; 1'eppeiell , 7 c ; Indian Oichard , CJi'c ;
Naumkeai , ' . 7c.
Uno\\N Corrox l.awronce ljj ] , r c : Shaw *
inuiJ.,1.1.5c : iieavrr D.UII l.L , 5c ; Atlantic
IJj , r > c ; Indian He.ui , 7c : Wa cl-ussut OVc ;
Crown XXX. 03.c : Clifton CCC , 0'ic ;
Utica C. 4 > xo : Atlantto 1' , 6c. !
KINK HKOW.N Lorro.vs I'epprrell It , C' c ;
Pt'plM'rull 0. 6'4c. ' Atlas , ( i c ; Statue of Litb-
ertv. Co : Saianac II , OHe.
DIMMS Heaver Cieek AA. lie ; Heaver
deck , HH , lOc ; Heaver Creek CC. 0C ; JalTroy
XX , lie ; Jaincy XXX , 12c ; Jnffrey J ) A1 ,
12 } c ; Columbian , 12' c ; Yoik , We ; Votk ,
fancy , la.c : ICvcrett , 13c ; Haymaker's blnu
mid biown , 7Uc.
l > t'CK-Uiibicarhetl-Soz. ( ) Masnolia , 10'o ' ;
10 oz. Magnolia , I'-'c ; 8 OA West Point , 10) o ;
10 Point. Ktye
DUCK ( colored ) Hoston 'J or. brown and
drab , 18kc : Uo tou O H brown and drab , 'Jo ;
HHton ( XX blown und drab. lOc ; Uotton
XXX blown nnd drab , ll e ; lloston O Pblue ,
like : Warien Tricot , lac.
'l'ICKINOS AmoiKcne ACA , 12Ke : Thorn-
dlko UOO , 73fe : Thoindlkelaney , 'J c ; \ oik
10'-c ; Vork fanej12He ; Mlllbmy , 12) ) c :
1'earl Itlver , ll > ic ; Hnmilton. 12c : hwilt
Itiver , CJic ; bhi'incKct ; > , h'je ' ; Sheluckct
ti c : Jlontauk AA. 1'Je ; .Montauk 1JU , 10 , ' c ;
Omcca ACA. ISHvC. , ,
Ui.NoiiAMS-Hentnnv. 'J@10'8-c ; Amoskea
dress. 'Jc ; AmoskeaK , t-laple , 7 e ; Ivanhou
Uke ; Wamsiitta. o' ' e ; Nubian , b } e ; Wai-
wtck. HKc : Wlilttendon , } ie : Hates , dress Po ;
Hates , staple , fijic ; Haiidolnli btaple , , o
Lansdowne , 7c ; Uloueostor. 7'ge.
CiiKViors Ainoski > iisr , checks , O' c ; Amoi
Ka ' , stripes , hHo ; Slater , stripes , be : Kdin-
burir , M4c : WliUtcmlnii , .stripes. Be : < Jlen-
rose , del Otis , checkn , 'JJ-jC ; Oils. Miipcs , He ,
Hoyal OJfc ; Anioslccai ; , napped , 10'ie ' : Lit-
ray , book fold , 1'Jc ; Oberon , book fold , HKej
Knuurance , book fold l-'c.
12 ft H ft 10 ft 18 fl iO ft Si ft 31 ft
Zll 15.00 15 Oil Ift.lM lfi. ) "n.W ( 18.01) ) 1H.OO
ijil 11.5) H.6U 14.50 I5H ) 1H.W ) WM )
BiH ] S.tW I5.1M 15.UO IrtlHI I7.IK ) WM 1U.IIO
sxio IB.OII 15 ou is.uj ifitm 17.110 iui.iMM
ajtu IA.OI ) moo ITU ) itumiuA )
IXl-tlS ! lfl.OIlSOUll5IWlt.lW.17.00lb.UOItf.UU ! ) ,
Clear , Incli Yellow 'i'liio ' f2J.CO
Clear , ; < | Ineli Norway 14.00
2d Com. , ? incli , Not wav 13.00
1st nndCd Clear , i' mm. H , 2s . . . .frxjoo
1st and .id Clear , IK and 2 inch , s 2s. , . . U ) oo
Hd Clear , 1 inch , t,2s 4S oo
3d Clear , lUaudS inch , s 2s 4SIM
1J Select , lu , IK and U inch. a. 2s StiOO
ut and ad clear , 1 incii , B. 2s w oo
t'delear , 1 Ineii , b2s -I4.V )
A Select , 1 Inch , s. 2s 4000
B Select. 1 inch. s. 2s 2UCO
O. G. Halts , 2 incli , tOO 70
" .xt.bis : DO-JO
3 Inch Well TubhiK , I ) . & M. and Uev. . 20 50
no Anns.
No. 1 boards , 12 , U and 1(1 ( It 51n.W )
- , Manilla ft 14..10
. 14 and Hi It 12.50
, HandlCft. , 10.50
No. 1 , 4 it 6 Inch , 12and llteet , rough..510.03
No. , * Inch , 1(1 ( feet , rom'li 10.75
No. a , 4 it 0 Inch , 13 and 14 feet , lomrli. , ij.75 ;
No.a , 4iJindi. ( 10feet , rough 14.25
1st Com. , ? f Inch Whlto Pine gno.OO
2d Com. , J/lncli Witito I'ino 23.50
1st Com. fl Inch , wlilto ptno ? 100
SdCom.0 inch , wliito pine. . . S4 00
SdCom. 0 fnuh , whlto pluo 2300
1) . Oliich , white pinu 2000
Com 4 and Olneh ji-llowplnu 17.50
btiir4andihieh ! jellowiiine 21.00
1st and 2d clear jellow pine , 4-0 inc-h. . . 2.1.50
No. l , Plain , 8 nnd 10 Inch . . . . . , .517.00
No. 2 , Plain , S and 10 iudi , 15.00
No. 1 , U , U 17.50
. .
Clear Poplar Hex Hds , H In , s 2s. . , . . SM 00
" ' ' U In , panel stk wide , s"2s. 27 00
' " CorniRatwl Celling. . . WW
filll.NOLKS , LATH.
* A * Standard S3 CO
BInch , clear , S 1.50 ; c inch , clear l GONe
No 1 1 10
Lath $220
l'OT .
Vvlilte Cedar , Clneh , hahes 9 11
" " 5 } < " " and S In n/rs 9
11 " 4 " lotnid H
Tennessee red cedar , split H
A 12 Inch , Is 12 , llandlfi feet S < 6 00
U " " " " " " 41 00
o " " " " u " no oo
1) " " " " 23 ( X )
No. 1 Com. 12 in. s. 1. . 12,14 and Irt ft. . 17 M
No.l " " " 10 , 18 and 20 ft. . IS .10
No. U " " " 12,14 and 1C It. . 1503
Qtilncylilte lime ( best ) , STx ; ; cement.
Akron , S1.7 : . ; plaster , S2. : ; li.iir , per tmshei
av ; sash , M ) pei eent i'T ' ! J | . | ; doors , blinds ,
iiiouhliiiL'S Mijierceiit elf IM ; tarred felt , tier
cut. . S1.75 : ctraw board. St.00.
Omaha ,
Council BMs
And Chicago
Tlioonly road to take ' .ir DCS Molncs , stnr-
fthalltounCeilnrHailis | | , Clinton , Dixie , Chlcapo ,
Mllniiukcf * anil all rolniM cast To the peoploof
Nehnvka , Coloiinio , Wyoming , t'lnli , lilaho
NuviiJa.OU'wou , WaMilnvton anil California It
ntrors Kiipci lor uilvanlaged not posilhlo hy any
other llnu
AIIIOIIK a few or tno nuineious ( mints ot su 110-
riority enjojeil by the patrons ol this loiulliu-
turcn Oiniilni anil Chicago , nro Its two trains n
day ol DA V fOAl'IIKS Hlileh lire the Ilne-t thnt
hinnan nit anil liwnultj can create. Itsl'AIr
Al K HLlini'lNO CAltS , Mhlch mu inoilcN of
eoinfoit an.l i-lviraticc. Its I'AULOIt UltAWIN'd
ItOO.M CAllf. uiiiuiiiavsL'il by iiny. and UK n | lo-
] y teluhialeil PALATIAL III M.NC. CAHsJ , tliu
uijual ol which cannot In ; found ul owlicro.
At I'ouncll llIntlsthottaliHortho Union P.ici-
fle Ity. connect In t'nlon Depot \ \ ith thosu of tint
( lilctiiroA : North cMcin Ity. InChleaBO the
trains of this line intiko close tonnection with
those of nllea < tcin lines.
Tor Detroit. Columbus , Inillaimpolls. Cincln-
nntl.Nlasjnra Tails , llnilalii , I'lttHlmitr , Toronto , , llo ° ton , New York , Philadelphia ,
tlinorc.\Va hlHKt n and all points In the east , ajk
the ticket iiKt'iil lor ticket * via the '
If you wish tliu lit'st nceoinnioilatlons. All ticket
iijjentKKcll tickets via this line. , , . . , , .
M. HUUHITT , _ HS. . HA1K ,
General .Manafe'er. Qcn. 1'iibS. Avunt.
ri H * * &s2S
Hv rpo on of lit Cf nlril | ioMtoii ! nnil flo o rolatlon to
nil iirlnrlinl lines Kist nml U'i'-l l liillial nml t.-r-
inlnni inline , niiiitltnlas tlin inuxl ltiiiortnnt | inlcr
ooritlnvut/il link In llrilnvtiin or iliroueli tlnn.iior-
tnllon ul.lrli lmlloinn-l - rurll.tnlcii IraM I nnil lr nla
lielwcoiicllltior Hie Allnntl , ' mill I'ncllli'Co.Titi 1C
it ulito the fnvuritc ntu ) IK t rant ft InnnJ Ircni l oliita
f i t. Nnrlhvixt ntul tsontlicn tf ntul conrppulldllltf
l > alnti Uc l. NuillivvtMt ami Niutlnust.
The Croat Rock Island Route
QuQlflnti Its pntron-i Hint vtnrn of p raonnl rocil *
rlt > Atlouletl tiy n hullJ. thoioimlilv Imllitlnl rootl.
l > til. hinnoth tr ckH of rnnlltnioiiH Mprl lull , ruli.taii.
tlally Imllt ciilvri l iui.1 bi lilirew i ulUux ulc'c ! . as licnr
ivrfirtlon n liuninii vl.lll ran nniLn II. tlie E.ifily
| ) | inira ornit"lit I > ul1 < < | 4niriiniir | | nnd nil lirnt.PK.
mill thai rincllnirillii-llilliiu > Oilili in-.eiliK Ilin | > rnc-
tk'al uii rAtloi ) of nil It * tniln oilier [ uttidllri of
hit rontr are Tr > n < frM lit nil n lincctlnir liolnts In
tlnloa Dcitol * . AiiJ the nn uipiKMil culitfuits anil
miuilcsof in I'ntscnii r i : < ] iilpincnt.
Tli rVi-t Kxpii > l Trains hrtnicn Clilrnsn nnl
I'corl/i. Cuuilcll lllullv , Kalians City , IM\i'n\\oili ! uiul
AtPliUon [ > TU compn ! > tl of ntll v , nlll ttt1 , Iliit'ly up.
liol'lrinl Dir Oo iclion MiiKlllllcFlll I'llllniun 1'nlnoi )
Sl piTnof the Mlc-t -flrn , nnil ftiniitu | < in Illnlnd
CMIH In whlill clnhoiately i oolftil intjiltf ni l iMimlr
riti-n lli > twi > i > nC'lil < Muatul | Knn i < i ( ' 111 nnil Ali'IlUou
aiu also inn tlio Ccli-Urateil ItrillnliiKCIiiili Cam.
The Famous Albert Lea Route
1 tlie illii-ct anil fnvoille | | no lirtwoc-n Clilc.inonnd
MlnucipnllaauJst I'nul.Mlu-ip rnnnc-'lloii'JIMI nia.ln
in I'nliiii Dt-pnufor all polnti In ilia li irltoilm und
llrltlnh 1'ioilnm. l er Dili lonlo Fuft Kxprri > a
li.ilns uio run to tliu unti.llnipl.nei. . mininrr 10-
IUTII pitmi"uua ! ] iDi-nlltlcK anil liunllnir anil llshlinr
rroiinliof low.i mnl .MIinttholA Jl f , , QIMI tlio ino t
.ln.lMl.U-roino to II.u ikll vhcat Ilildi ni.J iiatloial
luii It nt Intel lor Dakon
bllll miotli i Diuui r LINK. Tla Frnce-n ami K n-
B k'-c , linn own oiuntil lirtnrin riiirlniimi. Jndlnn-
ii | > < > lj nml l.nfiVM 111' nml I onncll Illnirn , KnninsCItT ,
Ulniicnpnlliintiilst IVul nnil IntiTinrdfnto point *
I 01 ikullnl InfunmilDii ton flap * and Kolilrm ,
oMulnalilL.iix ell n tickulu , nt nil iirlnclpnll l lpt
O'ltri'1 In the United bt.Ui.-5 and Canada : ul by od-
dicolni ;
R. n. CACLC , C. ST. JOHN ,
1'rcs'l iS Ucii'l 51'K'r. Ocn'l T'kt & . 1'ass.e't ,
Proposals or Favinp.
SUAI.i : jirnpo'iils will lie reeelvcil liy tlio
imilerBlviieil untIIII o'clock n. in.ol TnesUuy ,
llm-Mill ilnj of .liinnury , 18 ) , lor tlio Iolo\vlii ] { , *
Uiiiilof piivinif nuitci'ial , vl/ . :
ftiuot HiTlitilniiii us pur > p.-cie : ! ttlons.
yii-lmlt ] lilovkg us i crbpueltli'inl'ins
IDIIY I'alls Kiniillc nspei fciealltc ] > ntions.
Coliniulo Minilslono IIH per jieoit'eat
Anyolliorttono us /-pccillcnlloiis. / .
MiicMliun IIH poi spi-'cllk'Utiiins.
Wooilen bloi'ks > , JILT hpueltli'iitlons.
Any hid lor inivlnjr in iidilltlon to bulnir nc-
ciinliiiK to Kpiii'IlleiilioiiK , nmy itUo ho iieeonllin ;
to Mien tpi'cltU'itlims , nx ilio lilililcr nuij pio-
fcerll e , thi1 hiime lu bo bet foitli In ilolall anil to
neeoinpiiny Mil.
I.'iieli lii l hlnill . ' -
< hpoclfy n p.'lcc pui-Miiinro ynnl
for IIMI iniv lur complete on Iliu htreet.
\\'orlt to lidilonii'n ttc ( oiilnnco ultliplnnsiinil
> ] H-elllcMlloim on IlloIn the ollleo ol Ilio Uounl of
pi hlli ) noiKs ,
III Nto mo iiiiulnon pilnteil lilnnUg fnrnlslicil
lii tin' boniil , nnil iieeoinpimlvil lth a eeiiltleil
eliei'lc in tlioHimiot ono Ilionrnnil ilollnig , piiy-
alilii to Ilio elty of Oninliu Ha Kiniiniiti o that
Iliu lilil < ler nlll ullliln tlility days liom ilio
Oii | nlnif of tlio Mils nlvo lionils not cixceLilIn
tno tlionenmlilolli.r.s its tlio mayor or clly coun
cil nmy ii > ijulti < tlnn biioh lilildorlll enter Into
lontniil tor MICH puvlnv.of tlml.liH nncl in
lei ml ) poclllcil , us muy tiu oriluroil iliuini ; tlu
jeni IMl.
Tliu lioiinl of pulilIP oiks iC'crvosllio rljrlit
I" ii'Joet liny or all li'cM ' , tiiul \\nlvoinoilO'
leets. .1. M. lloiihK.
iIeiX'7 Clinlrinnn llonnl of 1'nlillo Worl > 8.
Dissolution Notice.
rplli : piirtnerslilp lieretofoiu oil.-tlnjf between
JII. . II. I'Nilclnnil.l. K AlilqnMi.iloliiK linsi-
ne-s nniler tno linn nimioof bujiIeUV ; Aliliiulct ,
liuBihla ilny been illhi-olvcil by nintnul eoiibont ,
J. P. Ahlqiil-tt Mithlnif mnl 11.11. boyilcl eontlnu-
Iny the biiblno nt tlio old btnml
H , II , SKVIIKI , ,
J. P.
Omnlm , Junnnry 6 ,
OMAHA , Neb , Jammry n , .
Miivlm ; eoneludeil to eonflno mjrolf to tlio
liiinlwiio nml lioiifo iiirnlblilntr liin-lneis , I nin
closing' out till Mo\iH. ! both ,
vury low. Cull and get my jinees befoio luiyhiij ,
II , II 7.VDKI , .
JnnS-3t N. W. Cor , 16tli mid Cnlltornla Sis.
Proposals for Koal Estate ,
Al.ri ) proposals \\ill bo recolveil uy tlio
nnilf iclgni'il until 5 p , in. Moiulny , January
IhMl , tor tliu lolloivliiKdehiTlljeilieal estiito :
l/iisLJJuntUI , In bloeU 4. in Hoggs & IHIISnU
mlilltlonol thoeity ot'Oniuliu.
Tiio bouid toavrveu Ilio light to reject any und
Hy order of the Ilonid of Kilncatlon.
d' e i CIIAS. C.NOII.II , Becretury ,
TiiKAHrnv II'AKTJIINT. : : i
Orncn OF CiniriiiDi.i.cii or TIIK CUIIIIKNCV , >
, , . . , , WASHIMHON. December 10. 18 > 5.
A\rill.lllAB ! , by Kiitisfactory orldence pro-
t tented lo Ilio mdcrBlgncil , It bun boon
miulo to upjieiir t bin Tno Oinuhii Natlonul Hank ,
In tlio elty of Omnlm , m iliueoimty or Doujtlas ,
ucd bliito of Kubmakii , iris eomplled with all tlio
provls'onsof tlioiiLtof longrcia to emi bo Na
tional iianklnxr Age iclntloiiB to extoail tbelr
lorioralu cxlbtencu and for other pmpofied ,
uppruvidJuly IJth , 18W.
owtltrieloio , 1 , Henry W , Cunnon , comp-
trollei- the hereby curtlfy tluil
' 1 lie lianlt , In the elty ot Omaha ,
in tlie comity of I outfhiK.uml utatoor N'ebrasku.
Ibtiutliorl/eilto lunn hiicicg 'uii ' for tlio period
tpociHc.l In iuiiiiu inlmt aitlcletf of ns ociutlon ,
nunifly , until clos > u of liusliicst on UoceuiLur
I''th , tUiiTi ,
In lettlmony whereof uitnessmy band ucd seal
J ' I ol oilico thlii loth uuy of IJwvmber ,
. Louptioller of the Currcney.
Billiard Tables.
TllE imUNi\VieK.UALKE-COLLiNI : > U A Co.
Manufacturers of Billiard & Pool Tables ,
And Saloon , Ofllcp nml Hunk Fixture ? . Market
find Huron StS. , Chicago , 111 , Omaha oflico , 5JJ
S. 10th St.
Book Binding , Etc ,
Printers , Book Binders ,
And Illnnk Hook .Mnnufncttner * . Notify anj
HWtMMith Hlb StriVl , Omtihn , Neb.
Butter Tubs.
" " " " '
j. sr.YMont.
Manufacturer of Butter Tubs.
M jh , KCJ 40 . nee : : r a..Me ; ai n > . s.v ini nrk-
Ins. We. Itlli ntul I'lcrco St' . , Uiintlm , Neb.
Cigars and Tobacco ,
" "
MAX MIYIU : ; & co. ,
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
n UUP ntiil Ammunition. 211 to 2 1 South tltli
Sltvut , HUMollCH ruiliiini Street , Uluiilnl , Neb.
mX Till VII r\CTOUV.
WKbT .V ntITSriI Kit ,
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
Anil Wliolv < iilo llcnlers In Leaf Tobnceo . Nog.
_ 10S tiiul 110 N. lllli Street , Uinnlin , Nell. _
Cornices ,
Eagle Cornice Works.
.Tolin rponctcr , Propilctor. Maniirni'turcp of
iitlMinlred lion and lornicu. KDinlRo anil 101
nml IUJ North lutli Stieet , Unnilm , Nub.
nun.Mi'iNG & HOLTI : ,
Manufacturers of Oimiinontat
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , riniils lite. , WO R. 12lh St. Workdono
In nil } putt ol tlioeountry.
Western Cornice Works ,
C. SPnCHT. Proprietor.
Onlvnnl7cd lou Cornices . Ktc. . '
iiui/iu i : fii i in IIHA ; , i tu 8pccht's nit -
prol l atent Mi'tnll'ofekjlight. ' 50b ntul BIOS.
iSlhSt. , Umaha , N'cl' .
Doors , Sash. Etc.
Tie" Gate City Pitting Mill ,
Doors , Sash nnd Illlnds. Al-o all l.liuls of
tninlnt , ' . Scroll and Stair work of c\ery < lu-
A. nosn.vunnr ,
Maniilacturer and Dealer In
Doors Sash Blinds Etc.
, , , Mouldings , .
Plalr Halls n specialty. Telephone No. ffi !
IMIiiuul Marcy sts.Onnilia , Neb.
Electrical Supplies. _ "
L. W. WOLFE & CO. , Electricians ,
Electrical Supplies ,
MaFonlo Block , Oniahn. HnrKKir Alarms , llolls ,
I'lii1 Alaini" , Electric .Matting , SncaUin
Gold , Silver and Nickel I'lntlntr , i tc.
Iron and Nails.
Cut Nails and Spikes ,
I'lrc Nails a Specialty. Oiualin , Nob.
Omaha Iron Works Company ,
Machinery , Ca-llnirs , Sleam Engines , llollors ,
Avchiti-L'lnial lion Work. lion Iliidyos ,
and .Mill Mnchlnei } * . Ol'.leo nnd MorKs , Union
1'iieillc H. H. 17th and bth Streets.
Foundry Works.
Cor. 14th and .Iiic1 [ 6n St . , preiuirod to do all
kinds ol Iron nnd Iliads Castings ; aKo.O , O.
Ilannltter's llocklny Giato liars inanufacture I
Mattress Company ,
Mannfncturlnir Jlattrc sos , Ueddinfr , Tc'ither
3'illowt. , Cots , Etc. 1-00 anil liO Doufe' Street ,
Omaha. Null.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jennsl'ams , Phhts , Ktc. , 1lK ( and 1104 Douglas
Sticct , Omaha , Neh.
Paper Bozes ,
J. L. W1L1CJK ,
Manufacturer of Paper Boxes ,
IOCS , nth bt. , Omaha , Neh. Ordois hy mull so-
lit it e < l and nil ! iccuho proiupt at lent ion.
Omalia Safe Works ,
Unniifiictnrer of Fire nnil HurRlar Proof Sifoi ,
Vault Doors , .lull Woik. .Shutter * nnd Win )
Work. Cor. 14th and Jackson Sis. , Uin.ilm , Neb.
Soap ,
Soap Manufacturer ,
Oflico nnd Fattoiy , near Ponilor Mn rn/lne ,
Umaha Neh.
Wagons and Carriages.
Manufacturers of Fine Carriages ,
l.linmid l.'HT lluiney s-tieet , Oiniiha. Neb. Solo
AKcnthin Nebintku lor Jones' Coluuiated Split
Established H'S.
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
HOOand 1411 Dodtfo Street , Omaha , Nub.
While Lead.
Conoilci'D anil Orlmlcisof
Perfectly Pure White Lead ,
Oinalrn , Neb. I.evl ( mitT. l'io . ; C. W. Mead ,
Vlco Pies. : II. W. Yules , fcec. iliulTiuiu.
Tlio Hillard ,
B. Blieare , J , E. MiiikelTbos. Sirobo , 1'ioprlctori
Omulia , N
Arcade Hotel ,
James Caiov , 1'roin fetor ,
l-'ir , nnd IL'17 Doimius Hi , Omulia , Neh.
Tlie putloinipo of coiniiun-clnl niun iif.ii'ctfully |
MiIiciltHl. They u III llnil IhU till' btikt i'J
lioutu wett of Cbloiu/o.
Planters House ,
c. n. ruitiiis , I'liopitir/roii.
Hates , tixu per day. tin eel curs from U. P.
depot , Mllhm ono blouk of bonne. Coiner
d lull btruet8/Omalm , Nub.
Tlie Cozzens ,
P. ItuiuEoy & Co. , Proprietor ! ) .
Bates i-.U ) per day , no djrlc rooms. Omnlin ,
Neb. Also propncioisof pulaco Hotel , fiiinta
i'c , Now .Mexico ,
Canfleld House ,
Cor , Nlnih nnd Kiirnum Pts. Tlio bebt f U pet
Uny hotel in Oinalia. Himiiulekil. leluinlabml ,
rtdeo .iuliiloiiull ; < jcli liom aiiny liiuil'iiailcrf | ,
oppobito Union 1'uclllo hcudiniurer | > : tin et uaia
PUMI tbo door. Ueoiuu I'linneM & Co. , piopuo-
ioiB. Alto Union tiiccU Vai'da Hotel , South
Hotel de Gees ,
P. O03 , Piopiielor.
Lnropenn Plan. ' 1 hu only eeiilnilly located $2
aduyhoiiKU. Three doom from Itoyil't , Oper.l
Houbound onu-hulr block Iroin thu I'uMoltico
mid tliu Court lloubc. IWi. lull ) , loU 1'uruaui
Agricultural Implements.
Dealers in Agricultural Implements.
pffiee. forncrCtli nml Pnclfie Sts , Oiiiuhsi , Nob.
Wholesale Ue.ilers In
Agricultural Implements , Y/agons /
niul IlilCitles. Onmlin Noli.
Wholesale Dealer In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Ciirr ages nml lltieplo . Jt ni-s st , bet. 01 It nn
lutli. ( tin nhn , Neb
Boots and Shoes.
w. v. MOIISU .v ax.
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
KM Fariinm Street. Omaha. Neb. M unit factory ,
SninliU'i Stiret , llo ton.
. . . . Carpets. "
.S A. OltCIIAUl ) ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Uniting ? , Curtain ( Si-iuK Hie. . 1133 Karnaiu
Stieet , Onmlm , Neb.
Coal , Lime , Etc.
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone.
Onicc , SI3S. Uth St. , Omnlm , Neb. Yiinls , Dili
and Daxcnpotl Slieets.
corTA.vr .v syniti : ? ,
Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal.
Ilctt varieties Onipp.SIIP. Will St. Telrphono
No. Hit. ' , Oiniiha , Nub.
' '
NKIlltAPKA ITU ! , ro. ,
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
IKS. 1,1th St. , Oniulm , Neb.
< ! H > . ( ' , Tmu.K , Piesldent.
Oro. l1ATTr.n o > , See. and Trims.
J. II. llui.mntT , r. A , 11 urn ,
I'topilctor. MuniiHcr.
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
, 217 S. l.llli Street. Telephone 41.
Oto. 1' . LVIUDII , 1'ies. ( ' I' , floowivv , V. IVcs.
J. A. SfMii IU.4M ) , See. and 'Trcas.
Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobbeisof haul nnd son eonl , J.VJ S. Utli St. ,
Unialiii , Neb.
Hard and Soft Coal.
Exclusive dealers In llonlder Colorado Coal , 21"
fcouth 14th street.
CofTce and Spices.
OLAHKU illtOS. A CO. ,
Omaha CoiTce and Spice Mills.
Ten = , Coirc'iw , Sjilooa. Itiiklnp : 1'iradur I'liivorlnq
Uxltnvts. Liinnilry nine. Ink , eto. 1111-10 liar-
ney Stieet , Omaha , Ni > b.
Commission , Etc.
Wholesale Fruilb Produce
, , Oysters ,
1121 I'nriiaiii St. , Oiniiha. Apjilos Onrnun i.aek-
liiK I'latt .Vfo.'s Tiseilinilid OMers , Huttur ,
l't"s ( , ( janm , I'oultij' , 1'otiUoe .
General Commission Merchant ,
Frodilut , I'niv Man * . l'inits I'lonrand 1'ccd. IKi
S. 141 h .St. , Clniiilin , Noll. Coiialgmiiunttt i-ollolted.
Itutiirn'j muitu promptly.
Lens Hiiun : : ,
Jobber and Commission Merchant.
Clitc1Siinsiij'fs. . 1'rults , llnlcheib'TnoU ! anil
Supplies. IU1" ) Jones St.Oiniiha , Neb.
W. K.
General Commission Merchant.
SPECIAI.TILS Cliccse , Ilntler. Egpp , Poultry
nml Cnnie , 11U S. Hlli , , Uniiilin , Neb. Telo-
iiiionc ro. ujr .
U.X lUKLlTv ]
Commission and Jobbing ,
Butter , l tfs anil 1'roilnce. A full line of Stono-
wme. Coiiti/iinifiHs bolluituil. 1414 loiln'u St. ,
i : . MOUONY ,
General Commission Merchant ,
llutter I , Clu-pM and '
, KP ) Conntry I'lodneogen-
ciully , : KCJ S. U'th St. , Oinalia , Nub.
&sciutor.iii ,
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
Refrigerator nml PneXliiir Ilou-e , I itb .t Lcnrcn *
oitb St. , on U. P. It. U , Tim'k.OiiHilm , Nob.
HstnlilMieil IK70.
General Commission ,
II1S. lltb St. , Oinalia , Neb. Specialties flutter
l t > , I'onltiy nnd ( iiunu.
Commission Merchants ,
Vrnlts , I'rodneo and l'iovlpons | , Omaha , Neb
A. I' . SCIlAClf
Wholesale Commission Merchant ,
nulls , Seeds and rrndurn. No. 21J S. l.'th Street ,
Omaha NehiaMcu.
Storage and Commission Merchants.
riuith.I''lonr. Apple" , Pliinewaio.ridPr.Vinejfar ,
CHIPS Seeds. Mutter and Kjjtfs.Itn nnd a'0 ' South
Kltli blH'Ct , Omaha , NebineUa.
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultry , Iluttcr , ( Jiumfiiilts , rtc. : 'OS. 14th
St. , Omaha , Nobiui-la.
A. r. ii
Wholesale Foreign and Domestic Fruits ,
Meats , l.ard , Jelhis. Ilnltei. l-V s , Chi esc , I5to.
No. 30S H. l lh St. , Omaha , Neb.
WESTiUFIii. : : 11UOH. ,
General Commission Merchants ,
34CC Dodge Street , Omaha , Nub. Coiilgimieita !
It. .Mr DOXAIJ ) .
315 12th Struct , Omaha , Nob. Hpc < I.Utlus : lint-
ter , Kjftsa , and I'hlcKena ,
W. I , . WIIKJHT ,
Ageiu for DID .MniiiiruLtun.'r.s and linportura ,
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lumps , Clilmiiojs , Kic. Odieo , ! U7 South 13th
btri el , Oinaliu , Nub.
Dry Goou's ,
J. J. 11HOWN & CO. ,
Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions ,
I'JSi Dout'lus Suuet , Omaha , Nub.
J. , niNHIIKIIG & CO. ,
Wholerido Utulurbln
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
Linens , Laces , llmbioldery and Whlto Goodj ,
lC.'UlonilHs .Stiuul , Omaha , Nub.
Engines ,
HIWNiiL ! ( : .V CO. ,
The Baker Automatic Engines ,
Etatlonaiy and poilalilu eiiRlnee , liolliTS nnd
lion oik , uii inis , iiKrifiiltnial
inentd , pumps tie , l-lD-l-'l. ) l.uuvennoilhbl.
Leather , Hides , Etc.
Dealers m Hides , Wool and Tallow ,
1114 Jackton Stiff t , Omaha , Neb ,
Leather , Saddlery Hardware ,
Eaddl.'iy and Shoo riuditw * . Illiltf , Wool , I'urs ,
I'tlle , liieace , Tallow , IUa , Omalu , Nil ,
Flour , Etc ,
\\'JJ. J'lltslUN. fiKO. HlLIUillJiU.V.
Wholesale Flour ,
tCg , ' 10 i.ud CU FILICV fcutct uiuuUd , NtU.
.in. ,
A/rent for J. r lloirnntyr % Co. ,
Manufacturers of Highest Grades of Flour
liy Holler nnd Huiifranaii I'ueess. Warehouse ,
_ K\i \ Jone < Miri't. Omaha. Net" .
W.J. WiiSH.\NS : A CO.
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain.
Manufacturers of W. J. Wcl hnn4 A Co.'s Quick
ItnMnK llueknheat Hour nml | irnmlpfm Omnhn
Clt } Jllllf , eor. Sth and rurnain StieeU , Omaha.
Furniture ,
* " " " *
DI\MY : : \ STONU ,
Wholesale Dealers In Furnitira ,
_ rainam Slice ) , Omalui , Neb. _
Af.l.KN 1UU1.-S. .
Wholesale Grocers ,
_ HIP nnd 1112 Douglas Street , Onmhl , Neb. _
n. 11. CI I A I'M AN A CO. ,
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tobacco and Smokeis1 Articles. 1217 llouard Pt.
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Spin c , Clears and Toluieeo . L'117 and IJIV Doug
las Sticot , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
rorncr 10th nnd rarnani Slteets , Onmbn , Neb.
1'AXTON , OAl.l.AdlU'.H \ CO. .
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Nos , 705 , 7U7 , WJ and 711 S. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb.
" '
W. .1. lIltOATCH ,
Hardware Iron Steel
Heavy , , ,
Eprliifs , Waeon Stock , Hiinlnood I\imber , etc
_ lay and 1JII l.arney . sticct. Omaha " , Nell. _
IDNIY.iiiinoN : : ,
Wholesale Iron Steel
, , Wagon
And Cnirlnpo Wood Stock , Heavy lliud\varo ,
ite. : ] " 17and 1 1'J ' Ica\en\\otth Stieet , Oniahii ,
Hl.Mr.ll.U'Ull \ TAVI.OI1 ,
Builders' ' Hardware ,
Mechanics' Tool * nnd llnllnln Sc.iU-s. na > Douu-
Ins Stieet , Omaha , Neb.
1.1:1 : : , ritui : ) * co. .
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware ,
Shift liiiii , Kle. ARenls for Howe Scales and
Miami 1'owdor Co , , Omaha Neb.
Stoves Furnaces Tiles
, Ranges , , ,
Mantles , Guiles , llraps ( foods. 1311 and IIKJ rar
nani bticet.
Wholesale Hardware and Kails ,
llincr.'on Stiol Nails. Cor. 10th and Harnoy
Stiecta , Omaha , Neb.
Manufactuicr of the
Deeriug I/arvestcr / Goods ,
Wrlto to Win. M. Lorlmcr , Oencnd
Omaha. Telephonu H10.
Iron Pipe , Etc.
" "
Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers ,
Johl , rs in lion 1'lpc , Iron i Miners , Iron and
Hi a1ioods , iii.rliieeis' : Supi > Ue ! < . lun and
StieeU , Omaha , Nub.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Stcnm , Wntcr , Hall ay and JI Illlni , ' Siipiillc" , Ktc.
" SLU li iindlUl rainam St. Omaha , Net ) .
CllL'ltCHILI , 1'UMI1 CO. ,
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
f-tcuin iiiiil Water Supplies. IIua < 1 < | Uaititi.s fo * *
Mast Koost Co.'s ( Joods. 1111 I'mium jllL e ( ,
Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Jewelers.
Dealers In Pilrerivmc , Diamonds , Watcho's
Clocks. , lr elcrs > ' Tools and MatrrlalJ , Ille. , IU1
mid 1HI , ISth Stieet , Cor. Dodge , Oaiaha , Neb.
" _ Fisli , Etc.
Eucccffois to lelicn Slcni'.f.nn & Co.
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
Importers of ynioltrn ritli , Nos. Ull-'in Jones
Stieet nnd U. 1 * . TiauU , Onmlia , Nub.
Live Stock.
Bridge Slock Yards , Omaha.
No Yard.iRo Chained.
Close to IT. 1' . llrldiiu. upcclal accomniodatlnn
and a Bond maiKet lor hocb. 13. C. Coopur , Man-
IIJJOP. OIlicu. South Mil Stieet.
M. IllMllvK & SONS ,
Live Stock Commission
Ueo. Dili ke. Manager.
Union Stock Yards , S. Oinalia. Tolo > hane CS3
w. r. IIUOWN & co. ,
Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
Oilico 13\clniiiKU llullditi ! . ' . I'lilon Slock Ynnla ,
South Om.ibu , Neb. TeleiilionoNo. 00. ! .
Live Stock Commission ,
Union Slock Yard * , Chicago , HI. , and Om.nln ,
Neb. I'iniili Chlttendi'n.MnniiirerOMiuha llianuh.
Telephonu No. X'AJ. Ktt.iblulifil l ii , ' .
W. L. 1'ATUICIv & CO. ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
mniunlcatlonsto us at I'lilcmSiock
Yaids.Sunth Omaha. madu on block.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
Limited. John r. Uoid. HnperlnU'iidiml.
S.A VAliK .t ( iJtl'JCN ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
t-lilj'nii'1113 ' of iinv and all kinds of ntock solicit
id. Union bt ck VaiiU. Omaha , Nob.
Lumber , Etc ,
LOUIS ItllADroitD ,
Dealer In Lumber , Lath , Lima ,
P bh , Dooic , itc : , Ynids Cor. 7th and D
Cor. tiili ami Juu0-lnj.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
, Mnlr Woik nnd Inleiior Haul Wood
. Ju l opened , N. K. eor. bill and Leavun *
\MiitU SiiLets , Omahu.Neb ,
Wholesale Lumber ,
Cli S. llth &trttt , Omah.i , Nub. 1' . Colpeucr ,
C. K. Dlin-Z ,
Lumber ,
13lh and Cnllfornm Stieet , Oniahn , Neb.
rur.u w. OKAY ,
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cut. Cth uud Uouili $ Streite , Omnha , Neb.
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Oiiuilui , NL
CIIAS. it. LII : : ,
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wnirnn Ftoil ; , J'aney WooiU' , Jlildj'p Timbeis ,
\e. , S. W. Cor. I'jli und Uuii.'M * , Oiu.tlm. Nel' .
( i. 1' . LYMAN ,
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings ,
llulldlng I'upcr , 13tu. South Uili Street , Uiiuilia ,
Nebraska Lumber Co.
I'nl-.l In Capitnl Slock. , .
Ixi''i'i8inanu tin tun is nu < j > tliulu < .ii ! > ' !
err. M imii ilfinllV'is. . V > b"ii-nii
ii ; a.UUu.aha , , .Neb , Ml a.
OMAHA L Mill i. CO ,
Dealer * In All Kln.Uot .
Building Material at Wholesale
Iflb Stint and I'li'm
nniMN n wvTT ,
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
roth mnl l/iit-il ittiM.'t * . Omiitm , NobrmV'V
J. A WAKUriUt.U ,
Wholesale Lumber , Lath , Shines ,
llullilltiK 1'nper . Srt h. lnor < . tlllndlonll -
Inps Pliki'ti. I' < 'M . I.Hue , l' ! < i ier , llnlr ,
i'l input. Nlmn nun , lone = , Omnliii Nvb ,
Millinery ,
i. oiiuiirr.Lnp.K.
linpoitl'i ! ! nnd JoblicKot
Millinery and Notions ,
lCIn'nl 12U llmney Streettiinnhn , >
Musical Inslninipiils.
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments.
Slelnuny I'lano" , Wnber , Iteeker , llalnes and
llii Ks 1'ianos , 1'aeKaiil OiK'ins ' , Chasu OrK ns.
101 and UCI liitb stieot.
Notions , Etc ,
J. U ItltANDIIW , V St > N ,
Wholesale Job Lots ,
Dry Rood" , Notions , ( tents' I'unil'lilni ; ( lood .
( iiiod * fiinn Nrtt Yolk. TinduMiIca daily. &OJ
nnd f < W South 1,1th St. .Omaha.
French and German Fancy Goods ,
Klstb' nnd Statloneis' Sundries , lllj Far-
niun , Omaha. Neb.
J. T. Robinson Notion Company ,
Wnnd \ tM S. lOlli St , Omaha , Nub.
Wholesale Dealers In Notions and Coins' Kur-
Oils , Etc.
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
Gnsollne , Mien A\loJurno. ( lite. A. II. Illshop ,
MimiiKcr , Onutli.i , Ni b.
Pork Packing.
" " " "
.IAMIS : i : . itovo ,
Pork Packer and Shippsr ,
Uiiialni , NebiaO.n.
HAititis \ nsiiint.
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
nillee , I'nlon .Miiilel , If.K Dmlpe Stieet. I'liclilnj
botf-e , I' . P. It. K. Truck , Omaha , Nob. Telo-
pbonu No. 157.
Safes and Locks.
p. HOVKIt .V CO. ,
ilgents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s1
I'lio iimt lluritlurPioof areO'lmn IjiuksViuilU
nml .lull uoi U. Ht'O riuiiani flu-vl , Oiniiliil , Neb
" " " "
.1. T.VAN" ,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds.
Agricultural. Vi'jselnblf. Ulo. Odd IVIIows' Hull ,
N. W. Cor. llth and IKulsu M . , Omaha , Nob.
Drugs , Etc ,
Wholesale Dpjgglsts ,
JobbciHOf Pnliilh.Oils. Wlndi.w ( Him lite. , 1111
Hainey Stieel , Oin.iha , Nub.
Wholesale Druggist5 ,
And Dcfilcr in Paints , Oils and Window
Omaha , Neb. ,
" . Wines and Liquors.
Dealers in Liquors aud Cigars ,
12CC nnd i'M Dontfliis St. , Onialin , Nob. Fno-
toileh N'os. 1 aniliUJ , od Dial. N. Y.
fiiO. : W. DI'NCAN ,
Succcsror to MeNiMMU .V Di MN , Importers
and WholoMilu DualeiM In
Wines , Liquors aud Cigars ,
214 and ! 'IU S. 1 1th St. , Omnha , Nub.
11. It. CKOTTI3 ,
Wines and Liquors.
Wcstoin Agent J'jSclillt ? HreHlnp Co. 7193.
llth Stieet , Omaha.
llfiNHY IIOltNItiitfiil : ! : ,
Wholesale Y/iucs / , Liquors and Cigars.
KUI Donjjlas Slieel , Omaha , Nub.
1LKH X CO. ,
Distillers and Importers of V/Inas /
And Ifiiiors. | Solo iniiiiiifaelinors of ICunno ly'a
Kai-t India Illtleih. 11U Hainey Stieet , Omaha ,
Neb. _
Wholesale Dealers in Whiskies
And ( Inns , und Oeneinl Avon Is lor llui Philip
b' Celebiiited Mlluanl.fii Iluur , Omaha , Neb
liarnesi ; , Etc.
Manulitctnieih nnd .lubheiriot
Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hard flaw ,
Tuif Goods , llliinkelu and Itobes. HJ1 i .mmm
blieet OmnliM , Nub.
u & St , Paul
The Short T.ixie
asitl Best Route
From OiMhao tlie East ,
TWOTHAINS lAlLVIIii' ) : > Vii : : > ! O.M MIA AND
( lik'iiivo , .Mmni'Miiolis , Milwunkcu ,
ht Paul , Citiliu ItapiUi , Datonport ,
( biiliin , llilbiniiii ) , Hocklnul ,
Hock Itluinl , rrciiioit | , .lanesvlllu ,
l.lldii , .Mmliion , LuCronkO ,
Hiloitf AVInona ,
And all oilier jinport'mi | iolnts Knsl , NortlioA&t
unit .Sum lu.Mist ,
Tli'Xct onien nt llui raiiniiii itn'dt , t\n \
Hotels nml at I'lilon I'm Iliu JJepul.
I'lilliiinn hlei'pern anil Hie 1'inunt Dlnlns UUM
in the Woild me inn on Iliu main lines of Iliu
( nn Aim.Mii.u M Mj\-hr : I'M'I , IUII.WAV , and
cu ry iiituntlon is iml.l to pnt-.oniiiM ; by uourte <
ouHrniplcij ca < il' tliocoiiipany.
K. Mu. 1. 1. n , ( icni ml MnniiKiir.
J , R Ti' ( Kitn , Assi iuiil ( joncrnl Mnmuor ,
A. V. II. C'Aiii'ori.ii , ( iiiiiiriil I'.isicn jor mil
Ti.-l.el A ( Mini.
( jho , M jli AFtoiiii. Asfiriiinl OonII umtn
L'er mnl Tieki't Aiunt ; , _
Hall'sSaf es , Vault sjims 1 ccks
and Jail Work.
1020 Fumum blrcul , Unmliu Isob ,
Cornmissiou Merchant
Ami holcMilu Denier in
Counlry Produce , Fruits , Butter , li s , Etc.
o ; ; Lii.Miii.riMi ; : . ! ' A
320 II , Mi St. , Gmaha , Mi ,
lief , lenies , uy 1'oriiiitM'lon 1'liat National
llnnli , lnitiiiiiii' | ; A b. li mi ,9011 , CiiHliler hlonx
National H. ml. - ' \ | ) Inu.i < Hunk
Dei. Mu mt ; II M.luri inu.i , Annlstant Cashur
I IIM .Nilln.n II llinl. : . (
R. Ktas Lincoln
. , , ,
Jlifjlic-t * ii.t. .w it.Paid. .