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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1886)
THE 03IAHA DAILY BEE , TUESDAY , JANUAKY 12,1886. SPECIAL NOTICES. /ilvprtl'otncnts under this hpnil lOcrntsper 7lnfforthoflist In'ortlon , nml 7 cents for csch fubscqut-ntlcfiprlion. Sc % en wonls wl.l . bo count , nl totholinci thcj-muBtrun consccutlvclj nnd ninitlio palilln iulv nco. All BilvcrtlectncnH mttfct tx Imnilcd In before 2o'clock p. m. , nnd limlt-rno rirciimMniicp will tlior bo taken or dtK-oiitlntlcd bv ti-icDhoiip. ] 'ortlc > Bnihbitl < ln In tlioso polumns nml hnr- Inptho nns prB ml'lrp pil of i Her , nlil filcnfc nek for chock to pnntilp them to t-ct thflr Utler . n nnnc will bo il'livcrfil except on of flicck. All nnsncr * to mUrr- iilil bo i-nt-lot-cil m - ' ' " ' ' lope * . TO LOAIT-MOHEY. 711 ONI \ TO LOAN on her i > . wntrniH , fur * ' ! niliiir\uuclii-i. illioiit romovnl 'Icrms cnay. C . ) ( n-mcll. Itoom IP. lion Hunk IhiMil- Im ? , luh nml 1 in num. Tnk < - elevator. MMe-liT * $1 to lonn on pltr resilience proport- . ( leo. W. Day , IftW Kurniim. atl M ONKVTO LHV On fnrni nml city piop- lertyi ; pull nnd cet our niti' Mownri \ Co. , millNobru ku Niitionul Hunk bmldliiKI.'JII ' rpo l. ( > AN-Mono > 111 any nmuunt , JL On nil clu kiiol n-t'iniiy Pliurtinnu loiilis on rniil O'tato. IW 'lino limn * on tciil ostuto. Moncyto Imln on cliiitlcli. Monc ) to lonn on follnliTiils. Money in loun on nny nooil eecuritj' . Tornm uiiiy , tiinotosnit Aiply ) iittlinnmiilin rinnnclnl l.vcnnniro , llnikirn tiiillclliur , 9\V fornurot III tut nth mid riiranui ow , iiDsiiiIra . 'U ' MONiv : tor 'ver ' > foilyl Vou cnn tiorrow moiioy on niinltiiiB , liorpuimnit > , rlniiiH , stoi k of all klmK illnniomlfl nml line wnlilicDim joiirown tlmo I'nyiiinnts ruculvol lit RIIJtlmo , nml Inti-n-t ruilurod proriitiu , 1'ropcrly Iplt In > oiir eiwn | n > 9' C"islon. 'lerim low im tinInucsl. . tHll nml cm mo. , Hiijliu\ss conllilonlliil NoiuUiiiitimutiiKcn..HOoft , Kooin 4 , \ \ lilihcll i > Ni'wllilllt'lnif , Nortlioii't ' cur lier IMIi nml lliirniy. < Jj _ 10 LOAN-O. f nnvM&Co. - Eotnto nml Lonn nguuu , 1505 Farnam St. 7 i" MONKV TO LOAN On Kooil Bccurltles. A McUnvoik , loom 7 Hcillck lilock , IMtfr'nrnnm 8U 77 MONHV TO LOAN On ehnttrK Woolny .V Harrison , room 20 , Umnhn National bnnk bullilhitf. 7M ! . TO LOAN On rial cetnto nnd chat MONP.V tels. I ) . I. . Thomas. HO MONHV ' 1 O LOAN In Fiumf of $ KK > nml up. tt-iirili on flr l-cln H ipnl cstato sccm-lty. Potlcr tV Cobli , 1B15 I'lirinun St. KM TVTONKV i.OANii : ) nt C. T. llcr < l * rW . Ixmu All flfllco , on fmnlturc , piimos , lioisfs , Mti otn pcrpomd property of nil Kind1 ! nml nil other nr- llelrw ofiilno , without rcmovnl. Over l t Nat'l Iliinlc , corner l.'ltli nml Fiirnuin. All buclnu * etilctly fontlilontnl. nrl F OKSAI.K-AVonlTrr for aln fnp DID ncU3) dav a Vii'o \ tiUll ) lied and piiyinK busnie - . 'Ihunnl ) businesB ot tin1 kind In the cltj and county. Hu-l ic s consiiH of pump , tubtiijr , tilppH , KIH llxtiucs , tools , wiiifoni , liaini" " ' , liniBos , and the oxclo ho iip-i'iicy for the city mid county lor thu Holiday Itclipxn and Ault- lioil'o ulnd mllH. Cnpltul rfxiilliPd , about llvo thousand duliu ! . I'oi p iticiiiutilltcjn ] ( How- utd A : llollin. Lock llov 6fl , Kenruoy , Neb. U'lMO ' r llt SAM-A ; ie tmirnnt dolns si pond busl- IIPSH ; ica'-oiH lor i-olllnv , loavlns the city. Will tal.ehoise lor putt ] > : iy. lleo Olllce. tt.0 U' 7011 SALK-Thorommercinl Hotel nt South . llund. Nub. , pilco S-.l ) < xi ; ti run cnsy. AU- rossT. W. I1. , llo.11 , South llund , Nob. ( M'J ' fcblO * FO K.SAI.iAt : Pintle ( i > ntcr.ou Union 1'u- elite iallioadii iiiiielioMiltiihlo for feeding catJlonnd Imtrs or brecdlnif pu i poses , romlht- liiB of two nml ono-lialf m i " ) ol land , well fenci d uitli I'ounls nml Mire. Coed po er wind-mill TTith lecd KrlndiT and feud cooker , dr. Hojr Iioii3o7ri.\ir > . Coin ciib to liolil Hsolln u anil bu-bcH. livithliirf in Ilisi chisi pliaprMlliotolilat n bargain as owner Is nl out lo lpn > a Ibe state. Address Fiod. W. Hhnw , Columbus , Nob. l > 41-U * I.K T ho Furntopii Hotel and fiunl- J' line in Mllfnid , Nob. ; hntcl In oed ro Mil lion unit new ; ovcij tblmr In ll N clati. oiilor ; doinw mi uscclli'iit business ; only tntiM ) Inr pt'llln , Flo'.ni M In tamlly. Kmiuho ol .1. V. < onsaul. pi DPI fetor , or \\orlendyl.o , Jlilfonl , SuttUiilCu. Nob. 57d-13' 37IOH SAI/R-Or e.\chiiiiKC Ti\elvo lumilied. mid elKlily iicre.MOf .Mn. , tlmbnr and masi luiid , loity mlleseiist of Kiuisiii City. An iluh cell MH nn > hind hi the suite , u ill sell all or pnrt nt Illlccn itollmx per ncieni- ill OM'tuuiRO lor uond imirn\ed | or unimproved NobiiUika land. Iledloid iV ? uuor. l.Vi fj OIt SALK Oil THAlin FnrrunlcMnto , the 4ipKtniirant , llxtiuos und contents of twclvu liiinlflii'il looms on Iho S. K. cor. of ftli : nml Cnpiti.l nxeniio. Cost ? 1M to lit up. Will sr-ll lor tffOJ ciit-h , or on tlmo to irnod rc8iniisblii | | piuly Apply to Coibctt , S. W. cor. 15th nml rnrmim nu , upstairs. 4V.I FOlt S.vli-i : ; lot ? In Spring Hill , SI.-Qcnuh AUo an cslnblli-liL-il luinldlitr liUBinrs.s In N'e- liniFlin , county seat , ( ilbeon jcAichur , Itoon. UWUlinoll lilock , Omaha. 'iSJ T71OK SALi : The only Icnlhcr nml llmllnjr JL1 liiiHliH'fs In Lincoln , nhlch lnix lici n ciir- rioil cn for tun j cnr > cry tiiccc"sfiilly ; Iho ro.i- ton for t-elllnir , ilentli ol the proprietor ; uipilid iilhril. | liom SitO ; ) to HdOO. AililiCss Sirs. Jncoh llnberlu , Lincoln , Neb. . ' , ? - REAI. MAKSIIVM. > t rllicK : , nml ostnto. have u tlnollstof Improved and imiinprovoil lots In Omaha ; ncu.N near thoclty anil hundii'ds of thnnsamlHol' iicres of land lor hiilo ; t-orie- fiHindcneo solicited. Mur-diall \ lobicl ; , 1 , Q Farnam Micot Olllco open till U p. m. C'Jl ' WKI.I. niriiOVii : > hnmo-ttpad and timber claim , JtWiii-res , hull the pi it-oof wild hind ; iieiu-rnllionil , tree I neighborhood : Kieal saorl- tlcn niado lor family reasons , lloll & McCand- 1U ) | , 1511 Dod. o st. CSU-13 TOOKDAI.i : .V lUINOIIKK. ItDaflMato DroLorB , Knotus 8 and 0 , Aillnslon' lltock , 1.111 DodKo st. It' you hnvo nny i-cal oslnto to Bell ntn roiihoiiablii prlco , cither In the city or countrydo not lull to list it with im. Prompt ntlimtlnn and FOUIIIO doallmc Is the bush ofnur IniHlni'HH. Wo are Mile ntrontH lor Ixnvls' Hub- division of Okahomu mlditiim. Thnso lots mo phpnp at picsunt piko-i , mid will double as soon ILH tlio viaduct qnchtlon Is seltli'd , liny miw und inaKo money. Monlbly pujmentx. l.oU in KlikMnod Walnut Hill , Pnundi'i1. , Himebautdi , mid other i holcu additions Call and ifeo us. U73 PEKSOITAI. . I > iitSONAL : In our Iiis-t poihutudo Mild thcro won 5'i lots to choo-o Irom In We t C'umldiT luMlllon , but thnt xt tin a cok two. Now wu liuvi ) iibiint 411 the went her kci'psdn\Mi to uliouteio , 1 don't belle\o theie will ho mnnr to choiuo finni by novt Monthly. Thhili you'd boiler miikii It a point to cull tliU weuk. J. L. lllco , 12 Fai num. ( If yon are looklnsr for luye t- inontBor any kind , huliu < $ schiin''O4 , tmpiov 'oil fiirins , ratbnad lands , Omaha city piopoity Inuu-oved or otherwise , u hpebil bargain lor thlH wppk i n. ' .ll oero triirt only 0111- lioin's ililvn liom Oinalia , tlinl will imtko jour oju-i Hinip to look at and t-omo stilmi ! del arii bcAldes If piuchiiiird at our price tills week. J. I , . Illce , I K ! li'arnum S , . 7U4 HOARDING. K mid board , $ .pii > or week ; very best lo cation. Idll D.ivcmiort.St. STOVE KEPAIK3. m : W. C. MutznerStovo UcpulrCo. . Ill South nth St. botwinin Uodvo nnd KUPTUKK CUBED. N O operation or useless trusses. Dr. JI. Moore , " 1J Wnbiiih uvo. , ChlcuL'o. T irvr llntueun Cor I'lh ' ami I'm mini nnd Dili J-J unil C'lilcatro aii llth , thrru 4-Utol'l ' plei c . l'lmlurlll pluaso luuvo lit Ilia Chicago s-ln-ct nml iiireilowiinl. . 'Iboimia K. Harry , 7"' : , LADIKS in wnnt of Koixl itoiuet-tio help cun tin tupiillc , ! hy culling on thu Oimilm Km- plinnu'ilt Ulllcu , Itoom t , llushmuu'b II lock. Mro. J , \V. Morrison proprietor , b"l IOB BAI.E-MXSCKI.tAKEODS. _ JMUt KAJ.H . \ lar o nlcKol-plutoil parlor 1 ftovo. "tjph-nUIil1 with limey /.I IH-ICP , fas. Apply utsJllWulitior t. TOU SAI.i : Tlio K.n o unil furnlluro of the Hotel ; hoiibii tlolmr u Inisln h-j , tUnul mini um IIIIIKK J.XM pur n.onth. AVI1I tell rciiMinnblu If taKn t once Vuv imr- tic Him a Imiulio ol J. C. l-'aruuiuia & fcou.Tiv- iiioiit lloubo.Umolu.Nob , til TTIOK wcnthcr rtilps elonn sash J ? to F , 1) . Ml Uil U4) ) B. Utli SU WO JMHtSAl.i : TITO lots in rdhaiu rjiicp , ono 1 Mock JixJiii ttrvc'l cur truck Imiulro Sins. lath tucot. ! M _ HELP. t\\MNTiu-At : P.V. . cor , ll'tlmiul ' Iavcu - ii worth et * . , trlrl to ilo ticucial luiUMiv\orkj Gpinmn prcfciuil. tM \V A NT l7i ) 0 ooj kiltbuu fill ut 10J S. 111 hit r.\vriti-A : plfl for liouscwr.rk. Cnll n 1712 rnllfornm t. VSt.11 ' ' \V-ANTII : > - o wc nt tu k'nu'noiw. ' I'liltonouth , Ni brnskn , with nr wehi'U nn s'lin , Mu t br > 'pr , i-o .ipot' nt rnnn w t'- ' lee I tfvoiiti oiilnt ons Noo'i ' irtiontotniiiitiml w fi- . Apply In peroii nt Mr. llljrgln rtuu - Hint. 711-11 \\r \ > TiD : OiH for cmfnl lon oi\ork In ' Mmill fiunlly. Hotnnl St. , second llonfo pn t of Oitnpbo'l. ' Mr * . WrlRht. 70M3' Yl > frl ! | for etn'ral hri \ pork. . \\7ANTKO-A eirl In fatnry oflbr-f 2111 TT Cnlifornln St. 'iOD \\-ANl till Onol kitchen Klrl. Apply nt N. It W. por. L3il nml rnrniim St. ttjy : \ \ TAM'fTOldwnmiiii : to cook , flprrucek lUSmtltlZtlmt. OJ7-I.1 * \l-ANTKIl-A competent girl. ' . ' 123 Vntnnm. T T 02-12 If < Nr > : Flist nnil second cook at Tornit " \\7 ANTii : > An pxp ilpficplffhl to tnki'pnrr ' nf two dill.II-IMI nml In On iinlnlr | work : ( Icrninu pipfonvJ , Srt ) S.U St 4tli lioiisc fitiin t'lini.iin. 119-12 \VTAN1 Ml ) A pond nttlvo ivuiimn to ito V ilinmlmnnrk. wnpp" * ? ! perwpo'i. ' Apply between tlio liojr.ot lliimlUl Uuuwlas at. _ _ _ W ANl'IMI A uooil coolc at .21 N. l lh St. Oi.1 w A dsinpptent Kltl to do ironuriil ww w IAN'llili A comn | > lent Ktrl for Ki-nuriil oi U. 4101'imvent st. 011-11 A\ fAM'IJI ) ( "oinpotont Kill to coon , wnsh nml lion , dcniina proionuil. Apply N. 13th au > i Ciilifonilu. Mr * , i : . Wakuloy. 010 WANTiii : Oooil clrH for jrenorrtl hou u- wok. Mrs. .1 W. Morrison , loom Illtisli- mnn lllouk , 18th nnJ Dougliu. 4J " \\rANl UD rirst tfass lUnim-room Kills nt t V the Metropolitan holol. OJl WANTKI ) Lmllr * nnd jrcntlpinon In pity or country to tnko liKht work ut thuironn home * . $ .1 to fl u Uuy Lii-tlly miilu ; nork tout liyiimll ; no cnnvniolmr. Wo have n free I do- iminil for onr work nnd furnish sli-ailv employ- ment. Aililn-ss , wlili stump , Crown M'f'n Co. , U'l ' Vlnont. , Cinuliiiiutl Ohio. UsSJanlU * V'AKTED-MAI.13 HELP. " 1 V7"ANTSi : ) A llr t cln" ' buiriry and cnrrl'iiio ' KUlo'tnmi , upll miimiiitM | nlth tl.n bmtuy tiado In Nobias'n ' Aililtiisx , suit nc pievlous evpotl'Mico to bi > \ IU , iinntl , i 'hlo. ' ? 'l-12 \\'ANTiil : A No. 1 dellvciy clerk ; rpfpicneo- * ' ioiilluil. | Call n : cor. Lc.ivein\nrlh and 1'nrkiuo. 710-111' WANTii > Palesniun , bv a Inrno wholcsiile whisky housu m Kentucky , lo Hell straight poods to tlio saloon ttadp In this city and vlcm Ity ; liberal eommlsslo'is ' to the lUlit man. He- ply mii't bo actoinpanieil bv llrst-oliiss roler- imccs. AOdiess / , cato Lctler Carrier No 4 , I < oulil.o , Ky. nai-11 \\7 AN I'KI > A copyl'U male or lomale , to do V > \uuk at homo In Oma'aa llvo hoiii.-t a day. I'm Illiernl. II nplojment nbout thrco munt'is ' Addioas , 1th stamp , Kdltor' Mnfnot. ' Oxford , Ark. CU1J ! W iTICl > A ifncd boy liom IU to 15 years old at WHS. lothst , ( ill SITUATIONS WAUTSD. GDOI ) CIKl.s furnl-hcd to prluvu fumlllo * Biimodiiy as onlcr N left , ( nil or hcnd your order to Omalm Intellitiuncu oltlco , Ifoom : i , S. i ; . Loinerljtli and Douglas sts. 7.0 : \ \ rAN i Kl > Situntion by a Mibor and icliiiblo nimilii 'lOiiiidoitnUln business ; export- enco ol tjn } jr-i in all It biunches. Dlirct let- tcisto V. N. , lloom 10 , S. B.cor. 15th und Doiif las. OO'J-13 GOOll r.Iltl.s , supplied with jjoud places In privnto fmnillcolii'o of chniKo attheOiimlia , tloom 3 , S. K. cor. 16th and 7-1 \\7"ANTii ) A po-iltion In a bnnk ; Inuu bud i * iirnploexperii mo and can liiiiiishlbc best of iofciom.cs Addresb II " 7 , lleo Olllce. 5',7-U * : AIlis ; If jon vnnt freed domestic help , J call or send > otir onier Mild wo will fninish yon iimai' < la'i : ly.tSc'amliimvlan lutlp esneelallyl. I'lnub.i ' liiii'Uiy'ituce olllcu , lloom 3 , b. 1 ! . LOT. 15th urd lei a.a.i bt. " - ' ! UISCELI-AIIEOUS WANTS. Toliruiiry 1st , for innnnnd wlfo , t\\o iinruimslied looms ( eitrpulidi uith boiiiil , in K'x > d loenllty nnd not too lar out. Mt t Im Addie > s II ol ) . lice Otllco. 54-'J A efcnnii-hnnd flio proof bnnk mfo , with Imrulurpioof chest. Aildics-t , ! ' . L. llruwn 01- First Nut.omd Hank , .Mclnnk , Neb. 4 1'J KENT HOUSES AND Z.OTS. > < ) i : HUNT Oioom cottiitro , 4tl. hon o noith 37 liom St. Mary's live. , on Charles Hticot , Clark's add ; tn.c ! < fiirm o-t of city ; 8 loom house , bain , etc. , Sauudcrs st. K. F. Hinder , Hi north lilh. e 4 UKNT Store , 338 North 15th St. St.BsJ.11 BsJ.11 * KKNT Scpond nml thlr < Florin's of Foil brick bulMliiK on l-'mmim Street , KvUM. I' rcliilit oil vator. H. 4U , i mo lloo iillicc. t8w'-l > I71OIS KKNT Cottngc of 8 rooms und summer J kltchon , burn , city wilier iinU chtoin , on 18th , near l.eavcn orthstii ct : nl-o cottnsro of I oom,4 on Mlchlxnii , " blocks limn 1'nrlc nvo. line , flinull burn , \\ull , eto. n. U. Claik , Ul- lIlllllllllH St. IMl-11 7IOK KiNT : IMrt of lurnMied housoln ov- - cliiuiKO for boutd. Address , with loluiuncus , 11 : i'J , lioo Olllce. lijil-U" KKNT House of ton looms , and t'ur- FOlt nltuio lor S'do ; loyr ioomnov icntcil lor unnuKli to pay rent of houuo. U. It. Armitionir , 1'Jll 1'nrmim sU ail-14 * POK KKNT Nlco llvo loom cottturc , S. 15th in-ill-Center. A. I'.Tukoy , 13J4 rurmim St. _ (117 iroil HUNT Thrco lioiifPS of 10 , tf nml 4 L * rooms each. J.l'nlpps Kou. KB ir < > K KKNT Ililckptorn , south side of JOIUH J Fticot , tinxt to lilth stroct(0 per month. Apply nt 13PJ Fiiiimmat. Ol.-rj KKNT Coduiro oil 17tll St. , betivoen Capitol avuiiuo and luVL'iiioit | , HJ. S. Lull- man. U'll TT1OK KKNT Two o.ittuffos , $1.1 nml 613 per .1 } month. W. tawlUlcr , Uranltu Ulock. 4 J "I71OK KKN1' A 10 lodni houbo contrnlly loU - -U ciitoil nnd ncur two stioct car lines. Ing-ood repair nml .ill minlcru Improvomimts , Imiuliu of John A 1'reylmm to Co. . HOI gonth lUth Bt. ! M7 KKNT ) K LKASK Sloro roomlX'\130 JMIH 1 lu-ncru unrdcn with U-room house uiljoiiiliu cltybO-acic ; larm , 17 mile * wpst of Onmlia : bU'-liiess loin on St. Mnry'H avo. Apply to K , H. Ulmpimm \ Co. , K'JT llouur.l Kt. ill ) "ITIOK KKNT-Noiv house nt IS'M Jnckflon 6t Aunly ut CunniiiKlmm iV llu'iiuiin'1511 'iriDK UKNT House beloilKini ; to Iho cstato J. ol .Iml.ju Clunl\vlcl.K'J ) 1'aik nvonuo.J. \ . Connell. _ _ _ _ 28 ] _ 7IOK KKNT Two now 8 nnd u roomed douses ; 3 fiirimco , bath room and till modern conven iences. oiio block fiom btiiu.t cats. Imiuiro .In. F. linrttm , 314 tfith St. . orSiiiPllliu Woiks. B'Ji KKNT A btoui room \\ith ( 'ooJ collar Ipoil 1 ' tRti cot. Apply to Jo.iti II 1 1 mar. KKN'I' Snores nn Sin nnd Leavcnworth J7MHI . 1 unro on Eolith Mill Bt , llolh llrst-clat-s bii8lm > .slLcatioiia. Also lioiised to rent A. Mo- TOIL JiEHT-llOOMS. FOlt itCNT Fiont pailor with bniitd for tuo or llirL-ut'Cutluim n , Ibll U.ivi'iiport bt. ' K KKNT .1 rnoniH , closets , ccllir. city water , nttx)3N. ) lathst , ( gJU-lU * KKNP I.iirjfo funiislied front room \\itli cloaci , nl o bnuls joom. 17U I'nllfor- Ida tt. 7C "IT1OK KKNT I'urnlsliiulrooms tor InUlosiinil L fciuliuiieii. 1J13 Cnpilol uxemiu. ( Ml 10 * 17 Oll KiNT'ory nice fm iil-hod looms for 1 .Iffht lioutvktuiilnu' , bo7N. 17th St , tuVII * T71K [ ( IlKNT-NIci ) room mid liest board t.50 .L' \tuck\ery ; best locution , Hs S.lUth S1.U7HI' OK KKNT A nicely l 1 oiiu upstairs loom , l-'IN. 17th St. U15-11 Ti OK ItKVT-Desk room for ono or two ] ui > t ; tons , mo Citato im'iu ' ; pleas- nut , well furnished oltico ; liujulro Itoom U. At- llugtou block , 07'-11 17 OK mXT I.Hitr uenly luruUhud fiont 1 loom with board. UN.U'thbt. nsi 1F F OK KKNT Fuiuhhud loom. Imiuiro 10th und JJoiit'lus. ti53 niOK KiNT-FuuilticdiOOm8 : 17U7 J1 J1F F oil Kl ir furtlblied loams. lilii-ll' I -MHl , KKNT-Jloomnith liOftl-d. 1G13 C'Mp J1 aye j _ _ ! f''Jl ' * _ . 1Mll ; KKNT A uli-ely funilsiu'.l loom with ' llioand gui. Jii'iuliOHt ' No. 1'Jll Uouulaa _ _ _ _ ! ? l-l ! _ * inOK KKNT-Comph'tfly fiirnlfhed Trtt. 6 -I ? luoms uud bath. Address U.f. UcoUOlvo. UC5 r.r.XT-X'cotr ' ftirnl hed room , ? W 1 th nml St. Mnry nvp. 614 T/1OII KINT : PurnlMifil room. IG X 61 _ KK > T-rnrnl hciTlront room with u o Foil of bath room ; plensint location. Inquire nt oilicpot C. K. Mnvne , 13th nnd Fiirnam. S.J7 i.oit KiNT-Twomt : i of 4 rooms cnc'.i I" l'ierco tppt | bttwoeii I'.HIi nnd SMi. Kn- < | Ulro llth nnd Fanin-n. F. Moohlo. 5."H IIK.VT Furnished room' . 150J Harnc : -71OK ltiNT : ruriiMinil room with tionrd X1 tulinblefortNVOKcntlcincu. 1314 IJoilfro't 17MIK lliNT-'lna : ! mit Tonmi , fnrnlihod anT X' unfurnlshod , lor lluht houselieepln , cull usually bp found tu llcemor's lilock , corner Kighlli and llonard. d70 I.iOK J AM : Ti\o now houses , , " rooms pnch. 1 iindilot xiincnc-li. on P. lilth St. Hust lront , only $ . ' , < > * ) t'licli. Cumiliiarham & llren nnn. 111 Dodftp. OKSAM-Acio : lots In W'aihlnaton Hill ; J510 iieh ; verj oj y terms. L'utiiiliu.b.ini & llrennnn. Jl'you want to mn1 > o HIP lie lklnd of an In vestmentbnj- neic In Washington Hill. If joii want the best phico lor n home , buy mi acie In vviishliictnii Hill. Iljoii wnnt to save i our money mid inuki' the 1'ii c t perceutiiK'a on It. buy an ncro ln\V.isliiUKioii 1IIII , nml nny moutblv. If } oii wnnt to nee Omiiha'a most bciiU'l lid silbutb visit WuMilnKlon Hill , It Is Ju t west ofvlimit ( HIM nml u fiw minutes walk liom the Ili'lt Ii'iiodoi ' > ot , CunnliiKham i tlrcnniui , nil lodso. F (111 ( SAM : A bountiful coltnironml lot lix - ltd ; jrooil tinrn , Inilt nml glimlo truoncnr 1,0.1x0 iMouh St. ; J11 be M > 1.1 lit u suciilli'U. * i llrennnn , 1511 Undue. iron SAMJ-T.lxlM foot lot on Coor ! lix Ave ; J. cast trent ; will bo "oil for fl.lNO cusli It In- I > IMI lilibi u wook. Cuiinltigliiiiii iV Iltcnliiiii , 1511 FOHSAtjiSin'en : tut' * nmt ii'i 8 room hoii'o ml 10-VJ.tfJO. Cunuln liitm A : lUoiuum , 1'itl Doitfio. JJOK Slil { TPII lot' "ixtttl , nml 4 houses on - iith : st. , linnVintim ; nil \ \ 111 besolil lor SI'-- XKI. Cnnnmuliam & llicnmiu , till UoilRo. 70)-ll ) SAM : ' 1 wo lots ucnr llunscoiu 1'iuk , linrgum , Sl.'VpO. ' House unit lot , fl.Viilj nionlhly | iiu incuts. - lots In Sunny bide , { -.V ) ) . Huml" , l.'iili mill Doimlus. wu rpositr : on in JL on O.K. MII > III > . 8.W. cor. 1'ith : m < l Filrnmn pis. , uliii lini piopurty In uvury putt ot llio city , mid Innils In IMUIJ county of tliobtito. filil 77101 : SAI.i : Ily Itoll A : tJuConUlisli , 1BU J1 DoilKUbt. tltsn-clnsi ro'Monco property In Denver , or will u\chiimt < for Oinnha property , S7UJO. ? I'lnn liirm In Smpv county ; ulll uAclinin'u.for Oinnlia pinpeity , ? 7 , " > ' " . ( 'lioicoip'Iilpatu In St. Ioul < ; will oxclinntro. Aurolot ami ninv liousu , IIImubaiiBli a iulJ. , fl.'KO. Itiislnos-i lots on Dnupln * st. , $1,700. Tuo-iiory house , full lo : NoitUOmatm , f'i,500. tholcc I'Oiolnf , Glso's tiki. , 51.100. Ilusmecq Int. house mid Imtn. lo > lgost.,51X ) . Iots InVest hiilo , fi'iJ to t-ff.U. Douglas county Inrm , 101 IICIPS , S3 000. 'i' o trooil roalilimuc'S ou 1'aik atuniio. 701-1 1 ' T ° K svLIC Itv lloxtor t 'iUioiima llro. JL1 loom b , CrolHlstonlitocIc : loot on raiiiumst. CAinu , < . w. cor. 17th and renter , 82,00) . iAliii ) , Himsuoin rincu , $700 Olots U ) > 1.'i7. on Hmnlltoii nml Clmrlus sts , SGOO to tsijt ) , ; ) blocks e-t of com out. fiinHu , cor. Lluirlo- . and bill 818. , $700. ! > l.\l. > l1IU l hoiibo nml barn , near 31th nml Center , $1,130. Very cheap ; small puj muni ; balance monthly. rju\I"i ! , Utluuul CUiulca , lth housoof 5 rooms , well , etc , * lfUU lols , I.OHO'S lulilltlon , ? 00 nml $ OJO. 2 lobW. . A. IteUick 8 ailil. , lm J.ot cor. ' 7th nml Davenport , luXI. ( Wo think nil the above baiiriilns. Cull for terms. Uuxtcr L. Thomas i : tiro. , Itonm S , C i uighton Uook. ! K-J roilSAMrino cotiur lot , cast anil south liont , IlaiibLOii ; I'.uco. Vi. T. Uruhani , lilock. 71 - IriOK 1 SAI.i ; A tlno piopuity , Djluwiiio St. , tl.TOO. Lot mitt two houses , Davenport nnd i.4th sts. , iniN for SVipoi- month , fiVOO. ikiopiii house , 'Jth , nuar Chirk , $ .1,50) . 2 cnttiitfcs. cornoi- lot , Chirk , npiir 10th , S > ) , " > 00. " lot-s , " coltiij.rcs , I two-story housu. all miw , I'nplileton nie.vlieap , 5'i.fiUi ' ) . Lotli-Kll- ) cottiiapx , Shuiiihm t. , fl.VOO. Now s-iooiu cottmto , ( Jcurjri.i avo. , $ ) , : > " > ' ) . Uioom liouso , lot laces 10th ami 17th sts. , fUVVlU. Lot .W.x 150 , .1-room 0110. Virginia nve. . $1.275. 4 lot 4JAl.'l ' . ' ) . mom pottiiKv , IJotiKl-H st , S'.lli _ b i oimi now houM ) , li ! corner lot , Doujilus st. , _ A line icaidcnco , lot CBU13 , Mnrthn , nciu10th , Lot 11x150 , 4 room house , Ilnrnoy , ncnr 2-M , JJ.IJI. Nuw hoii'o , I looms , Hamilton fit. , monthly piiymonts , 1,550. I'ull lot , il-ioom house , ? hlnn's mill. . $1,000. Housu , I ! rooms , lot asi\llj ! , near Fainaiu st , school , $ llJ ! i. 5 room cottiiBO , Suwaid , near Snumlci-j St. , Lot UOvl'.l , bilclt liouso , Ifumlltnn st.wjllcx- eliaim-n lor iiniuovcil Inimlaml , fr5WO. House nnd lot on D.ivunport , near high school. 8Jl.5. rull lot , 2 g-ood houses , Webster , near S.M , , . r > ri om cottnL'o , Goorsla nvo. , near Loaven- . , lloiite , S looms , lot 00x110 , 18th St. , near I'op- plrlon. ? 4 WJ. lleautitnl lOjldenco , N. ISth st , iS.'XiU. llou-o and lot on Hint ft. , ? li ! , 00. 1'nll lot , it-room hou-c , hone ! -t.clicnp , $1,050. 'J lots , good housu. Milrm's.'nd add. . J. ! . ' > W. O'lU-tl ' K. K. Hil'ffor.ll'.i ' N. 15th St. I f\OK \ SAM : Corner on ruldnell sln-i't , minr 1 Saunchufi , : o.j Jcot liontnjfu. ( jraliiun , Cieighton , lilock , _ 7111 , : ) : : ; - . \ ! the biriacks : on the north , bus tlio advantage on nk > o lovul dilvuwuy , licautllul location , tlno viu H , unil nveij tiling clio that ioes to innko up n splcnilld [ ilnco lor it'blilonco. Pee IlelTiiiloio. It Is L'heap property , and no niHtaku' C. K. Mayno , 5. W.cur 15th and 1'imium. WiO SAM1 : Tw-o fc'OOd lots In HuiKcom 1'hico , $ i'D euch ; oaay terms. Graham , ! ioihton lilock. 714 1T1OUSAMIMTXO : house anil 3 nicely elcva- JL : ted lota in Sliliin'M M add. ? fl 00. Also line ' loomed lioui-eonrinik stieet , iilwly i-lovated . .it , S-5.000. Gibson Archur , Itoom U , Wllhnell lllook. 440 Tj.VTltlCK'S adJItlon on Saundcrs stioct U X tlio I'licapest property In that pnrt of the city , i im tluoimh this addition. Schools moeonvcnli'iit , business icuchi's It on two tides lor convenieiHO and dcslraulo local ity I'atrlcKV addition 1ms many ndvantiiHi" * . t'nll ' unil InvestlKiito. l.otn only * oo lo JWO euch. C. K. ilayuo ugcnt , B.V. . cor. 15th anil I'nrnam. f"0 _ olt SAfi : 1,0(3011 ( Dmlft-K St. , 1150 lo $500 : moiitbly payments. Ciuihum , Crcisiliton lilock. 715 _ _ _ _ _ - nml litilt acru lots , line locution , , ' > > , ' miles tiuiii 1' . O. , only" lew moments walk ( rum llaiiocom 1'arU. Acrea flOO. IliiU'ac'iL'sSiii , 1U puiceat canh , balance monthly payments. 0. 13. Mayno , S. W.cor. 15th mid I'Hinaiii. 47J SAI.K South fronts in Clifton 1'lnco , $1,000 each.r. \ . T. Giiiluun , Cielnhloii lllouk. 71U _ \\TKST SIDi ; Stntlonoiil.cavcnnoith street > ill bo the junction ol the Mo. I'uc. and Hell Lino. Lots ptuchasuil lluio uou- will ro- linn u hanilMimo piollt tu the buyer In a very ehort time. Hull V McCandllah unil C. U. Miiyne , solo iiuontii , f J5 7lOKriAM-Ilouso : anil lot 13 S 'Mft.choup \ ; } mid payments. Aildiuss C , S. Chlpmaii , Lin coln Neb. 571 SAMt Clipnp lots hi Ilunscom I'liico. . J' . btobblns. 171 It SAM-Ixits : In llnrllPtt'sndil. , ? COO ; easy JL' touns. Giiihum , Ciolgliton lilock , 717 P on SAM : A two story , ? ' w. framobullii- Imi , sultithlu for n ston > , mur Itlth und Fur numbls. Aiu > lyut this olliix- . V17 rum SAM : 10 | or cent I 1 paylnif stock. Ulbson ircher ; , Itoom \Vltliiifll Ulocl.- . 4J TlVJliSAr.i : Lots In JInrch' * add. , SI/WO teL -L ? f\'j'M \ ; tormg to suit purclnibcr. Giuliani , CrolKhtim lilo.k. 7t . : ) : : - WtoflOO. r.ach will uiiikooii75 to 1UU per cciu piotlt bo- lure uiul Now V oar's ilny. I.E. Mnyuc , solo W , cor. 15th und I'M mini. KU * inolt SAM : A eoncral nicrctiaiuliso business Jt : in u nipldly t > io lnirtowii not liir liom Lin coln. Host mule and lociUion in town , A bplou- did opportunity lor n paiiy wlbhlnt ? a good opening- , and bavins from buviniotenthouband dolluM In cash. Will sell for cash only , or part catb , bulnnco real Ceiatc In Omaliu. Address Merehunt , lluoOlllco. < Co FOU SAMTlK THADIKJj ncrc-i of land 1'i inllca north ot North Auburn , Neb. ; about tlxty acres under cullhutlon ; uood house , barn , and u Ki > "d wi'H < 'f ' untiu- . For lurthur imrtletihus iipply to li. 11. Houillcy , Ilrownvlilo , Ni-u. - J OIfAM : I JirpriJ mid pmnll stock ranctics 1 w III or without tock. Tor Siile-J lot In Hprintf Hill , f 150 Pnch. Kor Sale Ustnblijtied bftiiklnif tmjlno" In Ncbrn kn , count } sent. Gibson V Archer , rooa ; ) , \ \ ithnell IHocte t I'oi liTchnniror-Xpornikn fnrim for Omnlm properly : iitsojijnds to otchniiffo for stocks o jroodi. \Vntitcit 3 biMnesi lots for cash within 4 ook of po tollltv. I'tir l.xclinntp-l : o ncrc Improved ffirm. Mmll son county , Neb. for bouse nml lot In Onmtia. rorSalc Ar.irro M-.ict 4 mile * of tioMollioo hoiiSP'-oit $ IA""nuirl.VDOcnsU.OIlnoiuVArehor Itoom 3 , Wltbnell lilock. Wo I.K lit1'ijtter. XCobli JL1 Choice lots fit tone's First nilil. , J.S3 to S ench. , Corner In Isaiuj St. SulJen a iidd. , IJu'vUI , for Flno lots onllrjmn St. , SOxlSO , nt J700J cncli e.i ytoims. Acre lot wiry cheap , cor llrown nml California st.s. , tJ.iiiu fiinul 18 norc tr.ictg on ensy terms nt (175 teA A few choioo lots In Thornburs Place , on 1 ! Line , chonp. 2 lots In Shlnn'e Thlnl , $ < 00 cnch. Kino business cor on l-arnnm st , , $10,0) ) . I/ots In 1'otter's mlil. , fiiw to fWJ enchj very cheap. A lew flnp lots , Hiinscom I'lnco , nt $7V ) cnch. Cnll nuil too our liirfr bis in ncro trni-ts. K J > 1'cn I m & On mi. l.'lu rurnnm St. LA > SIIKKKKM , ATn\rio\-ror : mil pHrtlcnliiM about free ami cheap lands in \\Vfteru Nebrmkn nildruti The < . C. Patterson , AKimt. North t'lntto Nob. 3. SALK-lly C. U. Mnynol . . . .11 lot , smnll house , Wllcor mid. , J7M. U4U 1'ull lot ou Lcnvamuuth st. , new house | nil modern ccmvcnlunccs , iS"iOJ. 338 Lot ou rnrtinm t. near A'lth st. . house 0 rooms , nil nioiletn Impiovenient" , $7.W/o. 330 Two lots , l\\o houses , S.tlti near Howard , 331-Uit'Jixl5lSoutliSOtli st , KOOil house , Jt.SOO. Monthly payments. a Ijot 1IK\220 ) , fi-ontlnirtwo strepta , nice cot t.iiro liu-iiiK Hti iom Park , fl.SiM. 31C Handsome lot , nlco cott ! fo7 looms , Ocoi1- jriu iivo..ff(1 : ( l. 311 l it ivixlX ! , 25th and rmnnni , house 7 rooim 51 1 , ( WO. 2W Three aero ? , jrood liouso , fruit , etc. , I.onv- IMIXMU-tll St. , , ' , Mll. y * ) rull lot. l\vocuttmriM , Shlun's ' ndil. , $24. : > fl. y Housu 7 niotiK , east trout , beaiillful loca tion , llmiocom Place , 5 l,5iJ ) . 221 KIptfaut icsldenco 10 rooms , txvo lots , flnu location , oMjry possible convunlcnce , ft 1,000. 105 On nor lot , nice coltnno 0 rooms , ouo block otl Saundutu st.uoo. | . IDS llmiilioiuost cottage In Omali-i. t > rooms , bi'iiutllul lot , ( icor ia nvii. , $ : i 0l. l"i Ixit MixUO , hoii i4 rooms , South 13th st waxi. 100 ( iiMXl liouinO looms , full lot. Hickory and loth , ? 1,7UO ; very chciip. C. K. Jiayno , S. \V. cor , Ijth and Itanium. f > > " > 2 A WlillfKA ItY Ifoil J-A MT : ATnw Ifbniry consisting of Iowa rrpotH , U. f- . supreme contt ictiort-i , Amrricnu docHloni , Ami-i-iciui repoits.Northueslcrn , I'nulllc mid 1'oiloial ro- iiorlcrs , all bound , and n line of text bunks , nil latest editions mid us KIKX ! as now Must bo ( old locethcr. Just io t SIMMH ) . Fnlr ledno- tion lor uiishorKDoJ notei. M't luriilsbed on application. AiUlrc.-.a l.lloo olhco.l.SfiJll DE.SSEL & ( Successors to J. G. Jncobs , ) AND niHALMERS. At the o'd bland 14J7 1'armim St. Orderi by h Mibclteil und luumptly ullou.iud 10. FRUITS .aivTFLOWERS . Thn-o ilpslruit ) u ) plllouc Fruit or O.'nnnipn- tul Trees , bin-lit s , I'Uiits and Vinns , will lind ll ificiitlv to their hllpic-i to consult K J Knien , by N tier or In porsou. In ipjrnrd lo Kind , iiunlliy and price , beloroliilcilnirof any one. Oidure i-lioii'd ' boKlM'iii'jirl * . . Olllco 13 (5 ( Ilnrnoy St. , i evidence , 220J Tainanr , St. E. L. EMERY. _ _ ASnuilardMctlica.1 Work for Youne Man Jliddlo Agul .Man , only ijL by mail postpaid. I GREAT MEDICAL WORK OH MANHOOD or e money w to rouni n vcry ii'.raiiro. r-o nnly $1 by mill , postpaid. llliiHinil l niniplo , ii . Sent ! notr. l.nltl mo 1 d tnritnlcrl ttin mittior lir thi ) Slv tlonnl Mcdlcid A ? i > clilon : , to tlmorllci'Mof Wmch In " " 'Ihe yclccoof I.lfo should bo rc'ij y th vr.uni for Innnictlon nml liy tlm ninictea for relief , it will uonu- lltiill. iKMUlon Ivinei'U . , III U. l illiriiiw nim tii"i niiinj j- > ( j v biitllod the skill of nil other phv-l- Chun , n specialty. Such trenlul mccssrully without nn InotiiuoJ THV PI P cllulluro. Montlon Mils pnucr.iniulilll A FINE LINE Ot Pianos and -AT- WOODBRIDGE BROS' MUSIC HOUSE OMAHA NEBRASKA. WHAT WOMAN WANTS IN CHOCS : 1st. RKcat , Close-fitting and Graceful- "siiapetl S/ice / , 2iT. No Tiieaklng-in iorttire. Easy at first , anil always snug and handsoino , ALL THESE DCSi ERAtTA SHE CAH FIND IH _ J"/ioceFcbraledi"JA & T. Coushis'JJeiv 01 ic Shoes , "j > fjlll kinds and materials , in ' 14 widths andTO shapes of iocs tin f heels' They will npi ift ; m not slip at tfrefiscl ; will not wrinkle * 'and are the perfection of achievement' fffthfalioetnaker' a art. Look on Sold lor Rime and AJJresi ol J. & T. COI78ZRS , Ccrn.r3a.si3r. A mur.cT LIKK roit England , France & Germany. Thu bti-imthlps of this null kuonn line are all of Iron , in ualor litfht comimiunimti ; , ami ro- M'hursiluysmill DUIUIU J- ' * n < ijiiMJi4n > , m\/ * - DON ) , Clieiboujf.d'AUianml liAMIIUliu ) . . . Katus-l'irat cabin , < tx-la. ( Blcormjo to .Now York j } * \tT.- \ > I'.UIUOt J Olllh. Manhood I ! ( ul liurrudf lite rauvlnir I J'reiualuro Dix-ay , N'cr * - - - - - -J > 0113 l > 6l lltT , J/o t Mttll * hood , ic.lnvlnif tried In value erykto iirpjnMly li i ill revere < l a lmi'les ifcurelilcU uo 111 enu FHKKto bla fiillo\futle r . Adilren , , , J. U.ilUE\'liS.UCU tliaiutrect. . Now York Citr. EBHASKA CULTIVATOR ANO HOUSE B KEEPER elI .MM > iiifll'm ? poudetlulln I'ifuiiuuii. nd ) ur name mid adilie-i on oioilul ntJ fur anil | cti-r - mid rou will Ui ill lu hu-d Jli' illon Iliu | | * BJ * ddi < H. B , UMITH. Pub. , Omaha , Neb. The pain anil misery surrpred by those who are atleelpil with dyspepsia are hide- scribablp. The di trp s of the body n pqualled or surpassed bv the confusion anil tortures of thp mind , thus making their victims siill'pr double iitlllctiou. The G relief that is given by Hood's Sarsaparilla has eauspiFthou ands to bo thankful for this great medicine. It dispels - pels tlin pniwn of dyspepsia , and tone * lip the t digestive organs. Try Hood's Sarsparilla. An Attachment Not Uoi-lni-oetilPtt. " 1 lm\o a warm atlaphmr-tit for that man"said a Stockton lautllady , speak- of a boarder. "Fall m love will ) him ? " "Oh , nipi'py , no. I've levipd an at tachment ou his overcoat for a bill that lie owes me. " The most pllle.ielotis stimulants to exello the appetite ate Anuostura Hitters' , pie- I in red by Dr. ,1. O. H. Sietrert & buns , lie- waic oL eouiiteifelts. Ask join giocei 01 1 ' ' for tlie k'enulnptnlii'le. The ] > opular notion that the inhabitants of Chinese cities arc given to HUM hole- some habits does not seem to boell lotmded. Dr. Dudgpon , in a recent xvurk on dli't , < lrp 3 anil ( hvullinpt of the C'hl- ncso , Buys that the people fiavo admirably theinselvus to their surrounding ; * ! , and utijoy a maximum of comfort. "They havp a jrood many les ons jet to teach us in respect to Ihlnjr and practical health. " After an o.xiierieneo of over twenty years with them , lie say- that "they arc subject to fewprdiseuscs , their dispenses are moro amenable to treatment , and they possess a greater freedom from nciitn and in- llammatory tiU'oetlous of all kinds , if in deed , these can boaid to exiM at all , than obtains union ; ; western nations. " JuMgive H. II. DOUCIILASS & SON.S CAI'SK'UM COUCMI DROPS a fair trial they will relieve your Cough instantly Thousands tc.-tify to this indignation is pxpresspd by the judges of this Mipivmp coin-till the pur- rent intimation that they are haul drink ers. "There is , " says .Jus-tieo Miller , "a tradition that in olden times there used to be a black bottle in the closet of the room where wo hunt ; our overeoats mid put on our robes , but ( hero has never been any sueh thing in my time , and 1 never fceii any of my ax-opiates drink ing. If any ol the employes keep Hojiior about the p'lai'p and .Jud < _ ; 'o Wailo Finds it out lie will make short work of him. As for any of tlio justices being in the habit of drinking about the court room or hav- jng a .sideboard there it is as silly as it is untrue. . " In making the as i-iliou that Poz/.oni's medieated complexion powder is eiitiro- ly free rom injurious or deadly poisons , we do it upon tlio authority of a thorough chemit-al analysis. It is otic of thu old est face powders in the American mar ket , and is used In tlio families of .somo of our most prominent medical men who have personally acknowledged to the pioprietor that tlipy not onlj consider it , but esteemed it highly boneli- pial ill every respect , not only for thp use of ladies anil children but for the 'lord of creation' himself. Sold by druggists. An explosion in a eollin that was e\- huined lately in Yorkvillc , S C. , is repotted - potted by tlio Enquirer , of that place. Tlm coflin , which contained the remains of a child llneo or four years old , was buried in 187fi Recently the parents of the child bought a family lot in a ceme tery , and the disintormeut was for the purpose of transferring the body , which is .said to ha\u been loiind in an o.vcel- lent state of pcr-sorvatiou. 1'heie was a glasi panel in the cas-ket and the heat of the sun sliiuiug on this is believed to ha\p cau ed tin expansion ol'gasM'.s with in the eollin , resulting in the explosion , which ks reported to jm\o equaled that of a dynamite calrulgo in force. "The Sloiiftli ol'Despondency" in which you are wallowing , ou account of s-nuip of tho.sp di.soabos peculiar lo jou , madamc , and which have robbed yoii of the roy hue of health , and made life a bunion to you , you can easily get out of. Dr. 1'iercp's "Favorite Prescription" will ftce vou from till Mich troubles , and soon recall the rose-tint of health toyinii'clieek and the elactioily to your step. It is a most perfect spcalle for all the weakness es and irregularities peculiar to jour sex. It cures nleoration , displacements , "In ternal fever " sensations , bearing-down , removes the tendency to cancerous all'ec- tions , and corrects all unnatural discharg es. By druggist * . A club at Yorkville , Now York , has built a kilo 10 } feut high and M feet wide , ot red , white and blue cloth , mounted on cross btioks U inches square , with a cen ter stick of IJ-mch stutV. The tail is of rags ami100 feut long , und I he cord , 1,001) , ) feut long , is as big as a clothesline. So far it hasn't been a MICCO.SS , the tail being too heavy , but startling results are prom ised. PlhHS ! IMIjHS ! PII.RS ! A sure eiuo for Hliiid. Dlonllng , Itcliln anil Ulcerated Piles has been di.scovoied by Dr. Williams , ( an Indian iciiieilyj , called lr Williams' Indian Pile Ointment. A Rii 'le box clued the \voist cliioulu cases ol y > or , ' ) > cais hlanillnt , ' . Xo ono need suiter live minutes alter applying this wonderful sooth Itif , ' medicine. Lotions and lustiiiiiiPiitsdri moio litirin than KOOIVilllams' | \ Indian Pile Ointment absorbs the tumors , allays the Intense itching , ( pattieiiliuly at ni bt after W'ltin ? warm In bed ) , acts as a poultice , elves iiislnnt relict , and Is piepaied only foi Piles , ilcbiii- pihiito inirls , and for nothing else. J SKIN IMSIQASiS : CUKHI ) . Dr. I'ni/.lei'.s Minrie Ointment eincs as by imujie , Pimules , Illaclc Heads or ( iittbs , lilolelies and Kiiiptious on the face , leaving the sKiti plpiirtitid beautiful. Also cineslteli , .Salt Ulieiim , Soio Nipjilcs , Sole hips , and Old Obstinate UK-cr * . Hold by diiiKglitN ur nmllcd oniceclpt of SO ceii Is. . Itelailed by Kiibn & Co. , ami Schroder & IJecht. \ by C. K. ( jooilm.iu , Tlm Justices of the Mipromo court are not pleased with thu recent fatones about llieir excehsivi ) convlMttlily. .ludgo Mil ler insists that nobody drinks about tlio com t or Inii a sideboard there , and even the tradition that there is u black bolllo in the robe room is branded us fotinda- lionlcss. I Tlio manuscript for the second volume- of Mr. HI.tine's book , "Twenty Ycais of Congress , " is all in , but Iho prools have } not yet been rov-ed. Thu second vol ume , which is larger than the first , covens the adminiatralioiib of Johnson , Grant and Hayes. "Brooklyn , " says the Times of that city , "spends ! ? .Mi ! per milu to keep her htreuts clean ; Now York hpendf. yii.lUO anil her Mreots tire notmticli cleaner than thosi ) of Brooklyn. " .Soim-boily , it thinks , miifl jiucket the diHoreiK'e. > The Great Invention , For EASY WASHINC , IN HARD OR EOf-T , HOT OR COLD WAT Ed \ Without llaritt tv f'.t Jilt JO or IIAXDS , ana particularly adapted to ' rmC/fma < * No family , j Icli or poor , Bhould be without It ] SoliI by all ( Jrocerb. tmt Inva re of Vila Im ) tatlons. l > EAiatSK is manufacture only by JAMES PYLE. NEW YORK ) WEATHER AND THE VISIBLE , Factors That OonSpireil to Hold the Wheat Market Steady. VERY LITTLE TRADING DONE. Keorlpli of Idvo Stork ( Slvo Trntllni ; n Temporary S of Sti'ciiKth ( Icneral oniCAno o CntC'Aao. .Inn. 11. ISpn-Uil TolcRi-am.J WIIBAT TheicM nothing lu wheat tiv d. y but dullness. Cold Wenllier and an n- tifipnteil docicnsp of 7tM,00) ) bushi-ls In the \ isiblo siipily hrlil tlm imuliet steady. L'nder oidliiary clicuiustaiires those fnctois voulil liit\e caused a decided upvMiid nioveiaenl. To-d.iy the aliiunt total abs -nc of oatsldo bn.Ins' ordeis , and OHteiitalIoa.s inditlereuco on the paitof local bulls to tlioadv.intntespre- scntiilviii , the most conspicuous features of the m.uket. Mny wheat opened at txS c , an advance ol U'fe ( Inuu Satuulny's clos- Inu' , but iirircsdid not o above that point , and .settled back e\eiituallj tobTXe , iall.\lm ? In a shott time to W , where the miuket 10- nmined iM'KKed foraii hour or mote. A ic- > hal of bullishness mnikcd the last hours of tiadiiii ; , but theieas nolhini ? of a icvolu- tlonaiy rli.iiaclcr ill dealings. A dlspatcli liom IJ.iltlmoie , that W.OOO busliels h.iil been taken lor export , talks of a lM.OiH ) ) bushel Instead ot u TO.I.OJO bu.shcl decicase In the visible , and scatlciiuif ic- poits ofdaimiKe to winter \\hcat weie the stlmulatlug iigciits. An aiitlcluntod in crease in tarmcis * dcliveiies in the noitlnvest \\asoucol tlie new boar niguini'iits used. The highest juice paid for Mayas s > sisc , and at 1 o'clock bs'ie ' lilted. MixouiANs.-'oin ! : ! ( and oats \\cie. even duller than usual , and quotations lluutuatcd little. Itecelpls weiccry lljht , and antici pated iccciptsaiOKUcn la small limucs. Puovisio.Ns Polk opened 7e bluher , and by 1 o'clock another advance of "c had been accomplished , hard was 'J'a'e deaiei. The demand was almost entirely local , and * c 'incil to come fioia the scalplu ; ; cioud. Arrinvoox HOAUI > 'JiilO p. in. Wheat diopped back on the aftcinoou board , closing the sumo as on Satunlay. Pro\lsiuns stiong. Pink t ; > jc liiKhci than at 1 o'clock. Other aitides unchanged. 'Jl. : > p. iu. Puts ou May wheat , b7Ye ; calls , 5 > se. ! OJJICA < ; O mviSTOCK. . CHICAGO , Jan. 11. Ibpet-ial ToIpRiain. ] C.v ui.n-Uuceips light , owliif ; vntiioly to tin : hiiinv blocl.'iuk'I'lm tlcnitiiidn : not lemiuKnbh stioiiir , but ul COIIIMI iiiuili : 111010 than equal to thu supply. lipcuipts uvpry- \\IIMO ! uei'i ILliL. l.ivcipool K-poiti'il nu ad- \ancc of > jp jier pound dicssoil. Xcw York \vts : SI per ln-.ul better than Fiid.ij , and Kansas Uity lUo IdsliPi on beeves , lleie tiadoas veiy actUe , but Miuie\\hit spas- niodic ami uuePH. . Hales \\PIO mailu at an uveiagu adMiiipe of about 10i ( 10c , A\itb a niiitli xieatpr mUaiice lu homo eases. I'lices weio lully oOe blt'lier than one week 111:0 , inakliiK piice.s about "w bibber than llie.v lin\e bcou in the past lew mouth' ) , but Hie uiaiKet , ot cotiisp , is on a blockade b.isis , and juobalily would "jo ; all to piecis In a tniuUliiii , ' ' ' \\itli a libeial stii- ) " ] > ! > and open loads. Shippiiif ; Mi-ei l , " M to louo pouiuls , S''i.CuyiV.'O ' : l..ou to liO : pounds , 5l.oOiLi5.10 ? ; 0,0 lo 1'JOO , pounds , & : ) .T5 fe-1.7. ' ) . IIoos Umlrra vpiy Huht 11111 speculatois weroablo to boiutr-llJJi-P.s nqd hold up the maiKcl until they ueie hold out , bo that buy ers \\lto had uijeiil onlei.seio Lompelled to jiay the pi tees asked or lea\u the mailiet. Sbippeis bought lully ball ot the icceipK julees WPIP a htion lOc than ou fcaliiiday , and all veie sold nt an e.uly liottr. I'.ieKiug and ' 'mto1.0 pounds , 5 : ; . ' . < 0 < aj.yj ; ; light \voiglits , FINANCIAL. New York. Jan. 11. MoKiiv On pall pasy n't ljM ( per cent. : ncANTii.i : l'APiit : 1(35 ( par cent. KxciiA.S'rsi : Un.t.s IJtiiet and steady at tor sixty days , ami SI.SS , ' ! ' lor ( leinaiid. ( ! oviux.Mi.vrs : ; Veiv dull but Mcady. STOCKS A combination ol n-poils tended to depiess the m.iikct. The most etUctUe was the announced cut In west bound passenger ititcs by the litiltlmoie it Ohio , and'later it leained the eoinjiany , in addition to the published cut , was olloiiiif ? a pommissloii of zl to it'eiiis | and scalpers toi placing Its tlpkeb. . Viinilei bills , ( iraiiKPis. Kile , and Louisville- Nashville Milloml most. Tlio declines laimo liom ' to 1)4 ) j cr cent , except ISiio pri'leiied , which Is oil l-'f percent. heavy selling of Lake sjhoio without any known icason. The Ceu- tinl of Now Jersey was veiy stion ; ; . and Mis- hoini P.iellic and M.untob.i on veiy .sitiall tiansictions show fi.atlonal ad\.incts. STOCKS o WAIi , sTiinr ! : , STI cent bomts. . . Wl'i ' U. it .S. W U. S. l' ' > i's H'i'iJ1 r jiiPlPrrcd. . . ' ' ' ' " Pacih'c < r.s'iVl'h : ! , ! ' - ' .Oie 'on Ti'iii. . ! Central P.ielllo.I1 ! P.ieihe .Mall C. it A IIOM'P. ' , 1) . itK ' ' ' P , P. 0. - . . . lijs KiH-k Islami. . . . 0. , II. \-ft. . . . . u . , . . uw ) . AK. . ( J . li ! I piefencil.IT' . . w Kue . ' < C. , M. .t-St. P. . . U ! pieti'iieii . . . fll piefcnvd. . I1. ) 4 Illinois ( . Jj : ! W St. P. it U . HIM , , 1. . U , < tW . Wjiiereinii. \ . . . Kll'j ' ( Kansas & Texas. : o'.jTe\as ' ] Panllm. . . la Kuke.Sliore . Wi > jl'nlon : ' Paciiie. . . ! W $ , . , . . , . i. . . Mich. Ontial. . . . TJ'i ' i picleired. . . 13J .Mo. P.icllio U'esteiii Union , 7-1 Noithi'lll P.ic , , . U7'-j ' O. U. N , . 10.1 pieleiied. . . . > 7.V \ lo Cliliaio , Jan. 11. I'lniir Unebaiitred ; ft'J.OO'i.J.OO ' ; rye Hi - In bail els ; buck\ els. : I'll in ; opciipd i-itliprbtionu'nnd V g/e blKber , sohl oil J1Wb'c. and plowed jeabovii.Siiluitlay ; hidtsy o lor e.isb : b'J > f , ' Citvi' ' e tor Jauti.irj ; b 'j'iiVv ' c lor Febru- . arvbi > : inP for .May. ( "oin ijiilptand linn ; sui' ' p lor p.-ish : : vjjf l > OIH : > MI- lei .lamiaiy ; JOJ ! , 'iiJJJ/bo lor I'ebiti- . , . O.itn t , and dull but hti-aily ; 2S o for , and Kubiuao ; UlJdiitol > i ! lor . . it'vp Uiieliaujjed at fSe. llu ! ley Dull and easier at ftn.-i.01p. ( lb Timothy I'nme. 1.7r , Kla\seiMl-\o. . , . a HilPil . , , . . . - iiuwilar Millilu I'lillx oiii'ii , i in. > i i.jvr , * > a 1 unall lanue , with p.utly act i MI demand ; j | lu. lor io.-i.'i lor piibli and Jnniiuij : SIO.I'J' ' , ; di 10.4'ilor Kebuiary ; SlO.VJ'.inJo. , o foi Ma ) . 1 - , ld liP mil clo-id hti-adj 1n , ; J Jill I I JHIIII - ii | ( - ii * v * ' < > t iiii > ij 1c So.lUdMil'j1 lei cash and Jiinuaiy : . < - ! . ( < for Febnwry ; ii..w ( ) > f ) . : * Im .Mij. : c , ( ; Jtiilk Meat--ishoiilileis , ki.Mii ; ! i.ui ; short , . cleai , S3.lOfn i.-fj ; nhuil ribs , Sf..l > jt'.1.jr ( . j , , . Uhiokj M.10. L Uutter l 'iiin ; good to extra , Sl wcjc1'-1- " 'e ? ilaii > , .0fi e. C'l.ecMt I'ull cieaiti. Octoln'r mal e , 10tlull ; cieain fheddniS l'4'j < ' ; i lo ! ! Flour , \ , Im Coin , nil OatAu . . { JtbU ) . 1.000 UarlVy.bu . * > . < Now Yiirk , .Ian. 11. Wheat -IiProlpb , , 1.1UU ; c\iioit4 , none ; djit'ons ' i poui'il heavy and lowi-i ; later on ruu-d MIOH cj , ii unjji.ided ted , fl red , S7p ; No. 3 red , noiuliinl , Ol1tc In eleva tor ; I'pbruaiy ploslui : nl I'l' e. Corn Is pot lii lieraiul fairly artlvpj ojitlons opened lo\\pr , plosjue linn ; n-ePipH , IHXH ( ) ; e\ioils | , ( ) ; uiiRiadpd , -t.Krf-IS'e ' : N'o. 3 , 4f > at HU.p ; Ao. 'j. f.o i.df.'ile lu elevator ; Keb- uiaij cloliuat4'iiic. ( MM .Moilcratpfv active ; m-i-lpt ; ' , C7fOJ ; evporls , 1-X1 ; mixed wcbtcnt , JliviJbcluto ; IVtioleuiu Stpndy : uulteil plospd at K -lllclur and linn ; 'J,11X ) l > nelanps ; \ > pterii , 'J7l . ( nU'jp I'orkr'lriu and quilt ; nipsi. . l/.i'd Tnirlj aelhe ; sail's : \\pstcnibteaiii , < l > ot. ? i .4-i ; rplll U.ll V. Uulli-r tjulet ami b.uelvdeady ; wo tcrn , Vici'JJir.liiu : creatuerv , : K\ifie. : ; iMtecse Firm and ifuietesteiu ; , 7(4 ( Cincinnati , Jan. 11. Wheat-Stronger ; No. 'Jted , Olp , Corn In irood demand and hlshei ; No. 3 mixed , fti'iiti'ip. ' I'll met ; No. 3 mixed , 0\\ lt > P-lull ) ; No. a , ill V. Mnilpj Sti'iulj ; p\lii No. i ! spring , WXfifi'c , Polls Held llrmly tit SU.7.\ ) Laid Strong ami higher at SfUffflrt./ ! ' , WlnskvSte.ulj at St. u ) . .Milwaukee , .Inn. U , Wheat Slendy ; cash , M . , e : I'ebruan , MVi May , S7'ie. Coin liiill ; No. : . : ie. lt > - ) ; No. 1,57'te. IJailey-Stead } ; No. ' . ' , r > l'4e. ' Pioxisloiis Illj-hei ; imws poik. cash nnd Jiiuu.iry , { ? lO.s-j'4 : ' ; rcbruaiy. * li > . : ! 7'tf. KnimnNCIty , Jan. 11. Wheat -SlioiiRpr ; pjisb , r.s-e bid , m\c asked ; Kebiuary , 70o bid. 7Ieasked ; Ma ) , ll e- Corn ( Juki ; e.islt , use asked ; rebruary , J7' ' , e bid : Mav , ill VSM V asked. Oats Nominal ; 'iTSi'ihid. . Si. Louis , Jan. 11. Wheat Quiet , firm and Ic ou-r Sat lit day ; No U , cash and Janu- my. .He ; Kcuiu.iryti \ o bid ; May , Us"4(3 " ( Coin Higher and .steady ; Xo. 'J uiKed. easb , ; Hc ; Jauuaiy , WJ o ; Kebnwry , Jll' o bid : May.ifc. . Oats-Dull and about iiiiehanircd ; No. 3 mixed e.ish , vjli'je : May , : il , 'e bid. Kye I'.asier at .V.V , Poik-lliL'her at Stu/,0. Laid Kh m at S. ' " " Hutlet ( Julut and e.isy ; eicamery , ari@noc ; dalrv. ir/if-'l. AITCIIXOO.V Ho.Min AVIteat Weak and V.'e lower. Com Nominally unchanged. O , its Finn and unchaiiKod , Ijtvpi-pool , Jan. II. In poor de mand ; new No. 'J winter and spilm ; , 7s IH-d. Coin lu lair lUmimi ; old mixed -H 7 d ; dull ; uelsJijd \ ; ami I'ebiuaiy , Is 1'ud ' ; .M.uch , Is 'Jd. Tolpilo , Jan , 11. Wheat Closed easy ; tMsh.wiMi/nUjp. Coin I'll m ; e.ish ami Jaiiuaiy , ! ! Sao ; bid. U.itsSteady ; cash , ; iOc. IA\'IS STOCK. co , Jan. U. Tlie Dioveis' Journal lepoils : C.ittle-IJee.'ipIs 1,20.1 ; sldiimeiits , 1,200 ; sfpiidy and HVdl.'iu bltiher ; | | ] | ( ; steers' , C..7.(5.V ( > ; t.lockeis ami leedei.s , # 2.'iOiiM.'i"i ; POMS bulls and mixed , ji..c.oJO | ; bulk , ; i.0i ) ( ii.7."i. ? : llojs ; Itecelpts , ! ) .riX ( ) ; slilpmeiits , L\OCO ; stiiuiK and U > e lii her ; iomli and mixed. & . ! . ( , ( > i < : ; . ' .Hl ; jiael.ini ; and .shipping. ; i.l > Jij | l.'J'i ; lluhl. : . : . ) , . ; skips , w.7.-i(3.iO. Slippi | lipppipts , H.OiXJ ; slioiu ; ; niitivet , S-J. ' , ' ( ) < .1.0 \\estpi 1 ; u , - , ' . - , . ( I.OJ ; 'JV.x.uis , S'-.OO ( j : ! . ( iu ; lambs , § lli(4.V.i" ) ' . The Uioveis' Join mil ii-poils the hlveriool | eatlle market ' , e biitltei than last \\eek ; best Ameiii'.iu bleer-jaie selling at 15e per pound dressed.- Kansas CHy , Jan. 11. C.ittle Iteceipts , 7. " > t > : shipments , 1.111 ; bhiipliur ) nrndos stiong and 10e bl'tner : bideher siuif sliont ; ; ex- poriois. tft.m i.o : ; ; eommou to eholco .shin- jiiuu' , tl.- ' < " . ( M ; stoekeib ami leeilein , S-.00 ( U 1.00 ; eo\\s , scvJiiiiy. ill. llojjs Kirelpts , hUO ; slilpmpiits , 200 ; iU'tiM'aud ' Tie higher : ) ; end to choice , $ : ) . ( KQj ) J..r)0 ; common to medium , & : > .iHiti.8."i. ) ( : Si. Louis , J.iit. 11. Cattle Iteceljits , lotl ; sliipinents , SOO ; aelive , htioit } ; and Ir > t4 2io ) higher ; hliippei.s bu.\ln fieely at 8U5r ! ( $ 5.10 tor I , lir to flood ; eholeoould bihi } { tG.iX " . " ) ; liuli'liijis' .sleets. % : i.fii'rl.r ) ( > 0 ; pows and beifei.s..5Ji.70 ( / : ! ; slockeis ami leeders , t-iniKw I.H. ( I loss Keceiiils VW ; . j-hipuieuLs 2,000 ; film on all gladebnlebers' ; and best lie , ivy , l ( ) ; mi.xul p.iekiiif , ' , SU.'IOdi.J..K ) ; light , OJIAIIA STOO1C. Monifay ICveiilm , ' , Jan. IL The snow blockade 1ms pieveuled Iho ar- ol stock tr.ilns and Hie live block- mar ket i.s tit : i stnudstill. Kiiiht cai.s ol emu ted eitltleeie ipeeut'd to-day Mlileh went dl- leet to the i > aekiii hou-e.s. PUICIS. : 1'oor to ( illOll tO Medium. Kstia. Cattle , fiX ( ) liisatid over. IDS I 80(35 ( 00 l lTtA15 { , l.'JOUi l'iO , ! Uif , 01) ) _ \vesteiu Kiuuei > > U GOUrl ( 00 Nativ e Cow.s Weslein Co\\.s : i ; Hulls 'J 10 llotrs- 345 Ili-avy Parkiiif ; . j ) IM ) bkllls 'J75 Sheep Medium. . . r > o 3 50 HANOI : OK i > iticis : roii noos. The extreme i.iiino of puees lor roiiirli mixed , hetivy p.ickini ; ami ll ht weight IKUS lor six d.ijs . Isjihovvn below : Bate- . llotuh lli'.ivy i l.iu'lit Monday. . . S ! . ' . ' < ) ( ( : i.10 § : i. .v. : i.B ( ) f.'t.i Tiiesiliiy. . . ; i.'J."j ( : Thursday , . Fiulay Stttuiday. . ! : i.'J5uH.-15 Note All sales of Mock In this maiket arc mailo pcruwt. live weiirht , unless ntliui wise staled. Deiid ho s soil at , lu per lb , lor all weights. "Sklns/'oi ho sv\elKbiii less llmii lOdlbno value. Piegnaiit sows aio iloeke-l 10 ( 11 is tind bta s N ) Ib.s. JA1.VIIA AVIIOLICSAM' : HIAItKI5Tft. Monday Kiciiini , ' , Jan. 11. ( funoi'iil niarkolH. J5 ris The imtiket conliiiites Klcady nt IIIIIIPI pilees , salebelli ) ; nmdoat &h : Hrrrr.ii ( . 'holce lablo butler li mrelln nlth le.uly s.ilii while iulciloi grades are m \vanted. Strictly clioleo lolls , Ib&l'iu ; IH.I irooil , ! ftijl'i ! ; : Inleiior.-1C < ? H' . CIIIIM. : : K.iney lull ciPam cheddarH. Oe Iolier nitil.e. lie : Huts I'Jc : ; JOIIIIK Aineile.i | < ? e : Hist qutillty Swiss cheese , lOe ; spenii i limlity , I''wlle ; brick cheese , i : > eLiiiibiiiuv ; tic. Pori/rnv Tito imiikct pontlnitcs ici hunted id loimcr juices. Infeiior t > toi.u if puoily diessed poiiluy Is not wanted md liolileis ol such will do hi'lter to sell II at homo than lo ship It to this matket. Tur- LO.VK htiielly ebolce , div picked , IBfifHc ; 'lltcKells. hllletly eboiee , dlV Jilekotl , l lOi1 , .lucks , blticll > eliDtcp , iliy plefced , ID ll' . ( lAMt : Piiee.s aie sleiuly : uvclpls llil.i iidiioeblclpiihS'j. { ' ' < Oi"v.7.'i ; ducks , nitdlaid i y.r > : ducks , lealSI.'JVul.M ) ; ducks , mixed , Jl.'i.VnfiO | : iitiiill , &l,00 ( ( l.'J'i ; snipe , Sl.OOn i.-ii ; neesp. swxiti.M : ) : ) ! Inplt rabbits , SU.OO'u I.W ) ; small itibbil.s ificM-jl.wt. i.n KiiAT'iIlest lutidily , 50.60 perS'J b.uiel ; per bbl. & : > .75. is : , JI.I.I.IKS , iicPrescrvp : idl kinds , l-Ili , ji.ilN pel Ib. , KJ' ' 'ido 10 pi -ril. ; , IU , < ; as > s < ipi | | | fj-lb. jmlks per do& , 5H , ( ) . lellies , nil kinds , lust nile ( , "M-\\t \ \ , p.-uls , jiei b. , fee ; iishinled , lust ra < lo , Wl julln , jn lo/ . , ; ? ; , . < j ( ) ; dolb ; ; ptiils , per do/ . , S'J.'ifi ; u-t I-Hi jitiil-i per ca-o. " doh'J.i'i' i choonuis | ici do/ . , S''i'i ; do , tuiiibleiri , ) n ase , u iln/ . , $1.10 , all kinds , second gindi iitlb. lunls , lief Ib. hi' . Mineo .Meat , be' ti.ule 'I bblP.I lb. , To ; do. 11 , US and OS In Kills , pci lb. , 7J c ; do. rlb , pallh , per dof. ii.cO ; aiiplo butter , i-xlialine. \ bbl. , pcrlb. . ; do lull ) pails pel lb.,7Ki do , (5-lb ( pall' lei dofcti.uo ; iipach and nlniii butter , 40-lb , , iiiib , per Jb. , 'JJ < e ; iieach. plum and guitar Hittei , ii-soiipil. . ' > lu. pail , per do4 > 7.M 1 atsiiji ( Siidei'linest ; iiiudp , per ease , 'J lo/ . pint botth s. fc.1.00 ; boisu radish , pilit mitli'i , pel dim. , 8J.W ) . Nt'illlekoiy inilK , lar e. per HI. SI.10 , falicll lMiks$1.75plieatnuts ; , laiK ; aiis , aruo iiolibhcd , UP ; iiecaiH , medium , He ; ICuulIsli walnuts , lie : almonds , Tairukoiiu , lu ; do. l/.uiiii.'iiup ! , 17c : llni/.iis , VJP , jilbprts , oo ; PIMIIIIUS , baud picked , lancy Vlrslnl i Jp ; do ioasti'dH ; , l-ioi. ' KKKT. Tiwi-r. ASII Iiuiiisi'Tosni'i's lei , ne\\ . per C.ISP. Ml cam.V1..W. .