Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1886, Image 1
AILY FIFTEENTH YEAH , OMAHA , TUESDAY MORNING , JANUAIIY 12 , 1880. NUMBER 174 WAS IT A LIBELOUS CHARGE J. Milton Hoffman of Lincoln Demands Heavy Damages from the Bee. SUED FOR THIRTY THOUSAND. The Gotcrnor'n Private Hccrrtnry Tnkcs i\coptloii : to the Chnrfo of UciDR n llorsrtlilc'f- Papers Korvcd Yesterday. Tlic HOP Knod CorlilhH. Ll.NToi v , Neb. , Jan. 11. ( Special Tele gram. ] Mr. JMwnid Ito'ovvator , cilitor of the Ur.t. , nrilved liero this morning on ti business 01 rant ! . 1/itu this afternoon ho was turvcil with u summons to make answer tea a milt bionsht by J. .Milton Hoffman , In which the latter seeks to lecovei S-0,0000 damages for nn alleged 11 be I published In tliu Ur.r. during the se'Mon of tlio lclshituiohi t winter. 'I he article appo-uod timing the ex citement attend mt upon the attcinlitotl rob- bpiy ol the stale tip.isuij , nnil Intlin.iteil thai Hoffman , the governor's pilvato secretary , might IIP in collusion \\Ilh thu gang , as hu Imd once IIPPII uricsted for hoiso Moating. AVliy the m lions \ deliycd until this late bonds not known. .Mr. Uo ew itei lias been in Lincoln u do/pn UIIKM tdnco thu alleged libel vvua ( Hinted , always leglstcred nt the leading hotels , and could easily have been summoned to answer at any time , eithoi then01 In Oinnha. ImmcdlaVly after the papers were served today , Mr. Koscw.tlci engaged M.ison V Whculon ol this city tod"fond thn ease , tin 1 will press It to III il lit once , HP bays ho pub lished the ai tide in good faith , vv Ithout inalico toward Iloiriinin , nnd had good ipisnn Cot bu- Hcvlng His chaigps UUP. About six weeks ago Mr. lll.u'Umin , of the Union 1'acllie , c.vlk'd on .Ml. Kospvvatei at the 111 I. ollice in Omaha ns the Hlresent.Utvoof | Mr. Hoffman , nnd sought l < > hi ing about in In ton lew be tween tin in with H \ lew to elfert a reconcilia tion and' ecnrc a statement to the public of Mr. IIofinun'H side of the case. Mi. Uoo - \vatcrthcnsadlio \ li.ul nothing against Mr. Hoirmun ppi omilly and was iridy to meet him , and that the columns of the l > u : weio nt his sen Ire foi anj statement he de- < lied to iiiakp. .Mi. Illarkbum was at tlitisimo tlmo plainly told that Mi. Itnspw.iter had no ro- tinctlon to make , and was given in conh- deuce all the putienlars of thu ease. Mi. Hoffman novel erne Im thu inh M leu , ami the next hend lioiu him was through the bummuiis to div , Thli ty-slx Moms in the Dilfts. ( iitVM ) 1st VM > , Jim. 11. ISpeilal. ] 'Ihe Iastlii.rsiiil ] } : ( ( Jiatjd Hand passengei tialn which lull Hastings ) ' 1 hinsd ly mottling , Jan- uaij 7 , inn Into a snow dilft between Hast ings nnd Hanson , vvheto ( hey lemalned until Satnidiy morning bifoio the nei css.u y help could he obtained to loleasu them fiom the FIIOVV In vvhldi the ( lain was neaily bulled. 'Ihe supplv of baid coal foi the Uakei heatpts In the coiclics inn out , and the pisscir.cis ; anil ti.un eievv had totuko np theii qiwitois In Ihe oiiiokln , ; car ami ba- age caiheio liiosweiekcpl upby caiiyin. ; from the engine. Thulaimetbln Iho vicinity ol the BIIOW bound tialn looked allci the eomfoits of the passengers and tialn men , so that they finlTeicd not for good f.iic. ( Jeoigo Locke , the bi a cman , hail both leet badly lie en \\blh ) shotcling snow Otbei lso the crew ! > nnd p iHscnscis miluil hero in Kood shape 4- after theli slcso in the snow. Two ISiiulnoH DeiiiolKliciI. OAKLAND , Neb. , Jan , 11. While twoen- Kines , coupled togctlierlth : i caboo'-o at tached , ueio coining fiom Sioux City with JIKMI loassist In clearing the load between jieioand Craig last e\enlns , on acnr\oone mile noith of Oakland they stiuclc u brolten rail and jumped the hack. Ikith engines were ditched anil badly demolishoil. Sam. Allenhicinan on thclnslcnulnf.vns thio\\n headlong in the snow , the only man tnjmed nnd not seriously. The llrst train hinco last Wedne.s < ! aj rtiino into OaKlnnd this aftoi- noon fiom SIonC'lty and ictiirned. The road between hero and Omaha \\ill ho cleatcd by tonionow nl ht. Opening Up tlio St. .loo Itond. OIIAMI JsiAM ) , Jan. 11. [ Special. ] A Inrgd foicoof nu'ii loll hero jc lc'iday mom- Inn \\llh a snow plow and two engines to open up the St. Joe & ( ! rand Island lalhond , which has been blocked with MIO\\ drifts since Jaiin.uv U. No tlnougb trains have inlUI'd here Irom St. Joe for the past wok and It Is hoped the present fouo out will boon clciir the load. UTT11K1/V IXA OUQUATL ! . Mr. Niiiiino SpoakH Out on the Slor- iiiun tjueHtlon. Nr.w YOIIK , Jan. 11. [ Special Telegram. ] Jn an Inters low with the Tiibnno Wash ington coue.sondcnt ] ) , Joseph Nlinmo , c\- chlof of the bmc.uiof btutlitlfs , bjicaUlnu of the KdinuinN bill , s.ijs : "I rcgaid that bill us nttoily Inadcqnato to the exigencies of the case. It is miilnly dhectcd to the euro of a eochil c\il and fails to punldemeanstoi sup pression of u much imno political exll ; besides It renders tlio pic-sent In ongin ous co\crnment more Invohed. Sections 21 and-i iiro\Ido lei a bert of double beaded goNeriuueiit. Tnonty-lUo jears beloio our foicfatlierscro culled upon to proclaim lib- eilylhoy eradicated the evil of union bo- t\\LCII church and btate , but foi the hist furtv ycais theiuhas existed In Utah an tceleilas- tlcal iiilo more 11 want than nnj thlnj ; Jc'lFoi- BOHns called upon to consider. The icmu- dy Is to plnco Utah under control ot a coin- mission \\ltb leKlHlutho powers. There aio abundant pieeedcnts for this. I icfertotho cum of the noi thu est torrltoilcsnnd the ca es of I.onlhianit , Floilda and Michigan. The piCbldent recommended that expedient In thocnso of Loulslanit und 1'lorlda for the reason that tlio iieoplo \ > cio not prcpaied for elt-go\i'niiiiciu. " AVIMj NOT ruKOU MATTRIIS. But Will Settle by Arbitration If Sat- ufnctory , Naw YonKi Jnn , H. [ Special Telegram.J The Tribune bays ; Tne olgar makers lm\o about Hindu up their minds that manufac turers \\lll not lorco matters byoideiln ; ; n lockout until the Intcinatlonal Union lias had a clmnco to Fay \ \ hether or not there U toboabtilko. The fact that the etiikoln Kaufman liios' . shop Is now four days old and the nuuiufuctmoiK huvo as > etmndo no aggressho sign leads to this conclusion. Tint tenement house woikers alfocted by the now tcale , eome 2,000 in number , Inu o made up their minds toutiike against thu reduction of pay , audit Is said n majority will slopwork tonlay. Thu manufacturers ha\o Invited dU- tatlslird ciuplojes to confer with them ut thu Grand Union hotel this afternoon , and the probability is that some deftulla conclusion will be reached In regard to the matter at Uiatcoufcrcuoo. 9 George Friable Hoar for President KKW YOBK , Jan 11. [ Special Tulegrain.J f-Tlio 8un' WashlnKton correspondent My * there w eomo milut Ulk auiOutf New England men there about bringing out Ueo. JfrlOdo llow a * a candidate for pntiilent iu ,6tss , upevUUIy since \arU' unfcrtuuatu o te & if mlt ou Uie silver question. MO.VKY AND TltADK. llio Clearance Itccortl of 'I lilt tj Onc r.cadliiK Cities. HOSTO.V > tft i .Hn tl ' 1 ho follow injjta'tlp , compiled from spcolnl dlspitehoi to the 1'nH from the leadini ; cleirin ? hoiw ? of "the UnltcdStatei , chr the gross clearances for the week piiilltiit , Iantiar > ! ' , lth percent- atp ot increase and deeiea'o computed with the coirespondln week of llrt : Noil. Minneapolis , Denver , Omahi and Cialvcstou not Included in totals. The Visible St.itoniont , Cmrvdo , Januuy H. The following lift- urps , takpn fiom HIP olllelal statpiiient of the bo.ud ot tiado , to be posted on 'Chaiigo to- inoiiow moining , hovv In bushels tlio amount of giain In bight In the United Slates and Canada on Satuiday , Janiuiy ' . ' , and the amount of decieaso over thu piecccdlng vv < ek : Wheat. f.7,7SOno nT2G7l , ) Com 7,7s.nj , : Decioass IDs , MO Oat- < ' ' , W.iJsrj Decieaso 'Jsfl.lIi'J liyo , Decieaso S0,0ii ! : liailey . 'JOIV.O'i Deeie.aso 173 , IJJ The proimitlon ol the above contained in Clileigouluvatuison thodito named was : W heat . ] - -lfi07,7- Corn . J.TO , < I1' > Oats . 'J7'i.'J5 I.'yp . : 0,7l ( ) IJailey . 'JIVU Jtrltlsli Tratlo Itovicvv. LONDOV , Jan. 11. Tlio Mark Lane Kx- press. in its ruview of the IJiltlsh giain tiado foi the past week , bays : Kiiglibh vvheat has been fieely olfeied. Tiado icpoits show Iho hai vest vvasmiuh In excess of the estim lies , and that considerable nil intitlos ot old wheat H'liilin in fatock. bales ot English wheat dtiilngtlm week , ! ) ' ) , UOO quaiteiat i.'Oa'JOd , against 51'HO at , > Js 7d the eouesponding iH'iiod last year. Countiv Mom li ia weikei tendency. Poieign wlieat is stagnant. Five c it ( TOPS ot vv he it ai rived tw o WPIO sold , ono vvlthdi.ivvn , tlneu remained. At todnv's maiket vvheat was nnlmpioved ; liom dull ; coin steadj ; oatd , builoy and boms bleady , but Inactive. _ BITS OF Till ! UM//AlID. rourvlctlmsot irce iiig to death are re ported liom Texas. Joseph Weir was do/oil btifT in bed al Joplin - lin , Mo. , Satuid ly nigliU Oalveston repoilseontiniious i.avv and cold vveathei Huoiyliout Texas. Mobile. Ala. , Is e\peilenclng tlio coldest weathei In its history 13' above. The St. Lavvienco is Hooding the city ol Montieal nnd causing serious damage. Sioux City lump : about the /eio point nil day. Tlie Illinois is bttil blocked. Chattanooga , Tumi , , ippjrts 7 ° below /pro yesteiday. Cold genoial tliioiighoul the stato. All the raihoads entoiintj Kansas City vveio moving ti.iins yesteiday without sc.i- Ions delay. Ton below at nooiM esterd ly at Marshall- town , low a. Thoialaoadb are digging out of thodiilts. Advices from SI. Paul btato the vvoather is modeialing tlnoiighout the noithvvest. No damage will occui to winter wheat. Intense cold prevails at JlaiUmotc. Ship jiing Is retauled on ac'ount ot ice ( lowing Into thu bay fiom ilveis emptying into it. KAnotlur bc-vero snow htoim piovalls In Kansas. SVestcin trains liom Kansas City mo expected to buflcr detention again to day. day.Prod Prod I5oy dot Gaidy , Jaeob Kocnlngham of ( iaiday , Kiinsot Voltaire , and a boy named llaiuer troai Vollaiie , aio icpoili'd tro/en to death at Wallace , Kansas. Several otlici poisons aie inlbslng who aio ptobably fiozeu. _ IndlcntloiiH 1'or To-Day. Hissoir.i VA I.I.EV Pair , bliu'htly waimci weather ; variable winds , gcnorally houlh- erly ; tailing baromctei , and lollowed dining Wednesday by local snows. A Chilly Inaugural. Coi.uvinus , Ohio , Jan. 11. The ccicmo- nles inciilcnt to the inauguration of Cover- noi-elect Porakcr took place to-day. The boveio vvcatliei of vostciilay and last night diminished the attendance of mllit.aiy and political oig.inl/atlons. The Kjiccial tialn , beailng Ihu govotnoi'a ptity fiuiii Cincin nati , was an hour late , which delayed thu piogiammo , Theio vvcie. about .Y-'OJ ot mill- i.iry anil m-'inbcis of clubs who pailhipated In thu iiiocubblon and made a billliant dis play. Thugoveinoi'.s nuty was met at thu depot and oscoited to tliu state house , whoio tlio inaiiginal iixercibe.s proper occtiiied In thu lotnnda of thu uipitol. Uovemor Hoadly , In delivering the commission tnldsbuccossoi , gave oxprebslon lo his own personal good will and congratulations. A It ear End Crash. Pn rsnuno , Jan , 11. About 8:00 : this morning the West Newton accommodation on the JJaltlmoro & Ohio ralhoad ran Into tlio tear Of the MeKeesport accommodation , standing at Salt Works station , seven miles cast of this city. The West Newton train was going at a high rate of speed and the engine crashed tliiouuh the smoker ot the MoKeesport accommodation , tilling It with steam. Foi innately thu passengers in the smoking car weiu notified ot their danger before the trains came together , and by jumping fiom the cat escaped i-eilous injiiiy. A numbei , however , were slightly cut and biuiscd. Would Trnnch on Free Speech. SAN FIIANCISCO , Jan. 11. The order in troduced In tliu city council on Monday last by SupcuUor Fimvell , piohlbltiug sand lot ineetlngb , camn npfor dual action to night. It was defeatid by' n vote of b to 4 on thu ground It was in coiitiavonslon of thu con stitution of the United States to trench oil tlie rights of free speech. - * Ono Man of Eight Saved. BAI.TIMOIIE , Jan. 11. U was learned to day the schooner Crlsslo Wright , Captain Clark , which sailed fiom Haltlmoro for Sa vannah on Deccmbci Bo last , was lost at sen off lieautort , N. O. , on Sunday. Only one man of her crew of eight was saved. The captain's body was recovered. Ailiore Near Gape Lookout. WASHINGTON , Jan. 11. The signal corps station at Fort Macon , N. 0. , reports the schooner Livonia Ttiouia * reported ashotu on a rough point near 0 pe Lookout , lioats have gone to gain particulars. It la reported tume men aiu lost. DAKOTA'S DAY IN THE SENATE New Bill for Admission Eoportccl Prom the Committee on Territories. A STRONG MAJORITY REPORT. Pacts nnd Picnics Cited to Show Her Jllplit to Statehood Double the Itcqitlicd Nninhcfof Le nl InhabllnntM. D.tkotn's CAUSO. Jan. 11. ( Special Tole- giam. ] bmiatoi Haiilson lenorted fiointhu comtultteo on territories to day a now bill piiivlding for HIP admission of the teultnrv of Dakot i Into the union and for the organl * /allon of HIP leirllorv of Noith Dakota. Ac- compinyhm' Ihe bill isa lengthy icport pie- paied by Seuatoi Hauison , who has madeu close study ol the subject. The imln piopo- sitlon of the bill , the lepoit states Is that the pioepcdlius taken by the p-ojiloof tliat pait of the iiicsent leiritoiy of Dakota lying soulh of Ihe foils-sisth juiallel of noith lat- Itmlo , wlilch lesiilted In the adoption of u state constitution by n populai vole on Novembei : i , iss'i , shall lu nccpptcd and ratified by congioss nnd Iho state of Dakota bo admitted to ( Mo union on an equal footing with HIP othui slates 'Ihe history ot the movement foi statehood Is H'citcd by Hie lepoit , showing tliat oveiy- thlng had been conducted in oulci nnd with piopiielv , going so ful us to icceiveiill the authoilly Iho legishituio of that toiiitory had , and its full legal sanction. Thciepoit concludestliat the k'-jNatuie had authoilly to authoii7c an election of delegates to n eon- coiivention , and calls attention lo llio fact that Iowa , Mlchijaii und Oiegun proceeded in n like maiimr. The olllclal letuins of the elections selecting delegates to tlio convention and lallfying the consti tution accompany tins lepoit , Senator Harilson bays that it is cleat Hint an oveivvhelmingmajoiily of thu people of South Dakota appiovo the constitution and desliopiesenl admission inlo tlio union of states mulct It. The constitution framed by Dakota is Updated lo bo lepubllcan in lorm and spiill , and gives lull recognition to Hiobiipiumaey ot the constitution and laws of the Unitol btates , establishes absolute 10- llgloiis toloiation , tlnovvs about the lilo and assets of the clti/.en a silcguaid of law , and pioviuos In the most way lei a pu- maiienlsyblem Df public schools. The uin- btitutlon was flamed by HIP people who are to live undei it in thu exeioiso of Iho Ameil- can piinciplo ot po.mlar goveininent. It meets theli wishes and , the icpoit believes their wants. "It is not IhcpiovincpoCcongiPss , ' ' states Senatoi Hamsun in the icpoit , "to frame constitutions for the now btales. In some cases cougiess h.ib authoii/ed the piPshlent to announce by proclamation the admission of a state If ho found the constitution adopted to bo lepubllcan in fonn and to contain cer tain uitides ot compact stipulated in the enabling act. In biich cases ot cotiiso , thu slate constitution was nevei laid beioio con giess. As eailv as Junuaiy , IbTl , a incmoilal waa unanimously adopted by the teril- toiy and letilblaliiio playing cougicss to divide Dakota fiom the foity-slxth lul , and to oru.uilro two tciritoilal govern ments for the people , The political conven tions ot both of the great political paitles havu lepeatedly dcdaicd in favoi ol division , and some of them in laver of tlie admission of tlie south half as a state. The newspapoi piess ot the tenltoiy has voiy guneially voiced the bamo desire. Demociats as we.ll as icpublicans have taken pait In all ol the movements ol the people lo which wo havpioteiied. " A compiehciisivo abstiact oC the several tuatles of the United Status by which cessions of teirltoiy have been acqulieil ahd some tcirltoilos admitted to thu union is given in the icpoit. showing the legal light of Dakota foi admission into the union. Then follows a long line of piece- dents , fonnlng a foimldablo line of aigu- mc'iit. The soiithoin demoeiats in the sen ate who have so bitteily opposed thu division of Dakota nnd ndmlsslon ot a half of It to blatehuod aio lemlnded by the lepoit that theii states weiu admilted in every instance with less claims and In a less legal way than Dakota has and it Is proposed she shall come Into the union. The aigument , so f.u as law nnd pieeedont are coneeined , is veiy exhaustive. The opinions ol piesldonts fiom Washington down to late yeai- , bearing on the biibject of ad mitting tetiltoiies to btatehood , sue quoted , all linnlbhlii ! ! the strongest piool in behalf ot Dakota , Hiniy Clay , dining the coinsu ot a icport made liom thu omiroiniso com- mitteuot thliteen in iclation to the ndmls slon ot Califoinia , said : "Theic are \aiIons instances pilot lo the case of Callloinia ol the admission of now states into the union without any pievions authoil/.atlon by eon- gie s , The solu condition icqulied by thu United blatcs In icspcct to the udmlbslon ot a new state Is that its constitution bhall bo republican In foi in. The tcriltoilcs which have been admitted Into tlie union of states dining the past decade or two , it Ib observed , weiu admitted by n piellminaiy action almost Identical with tliat alKMily taken by Dakota. When Oicgon was ad mitted into thu union , on Fcbruiuy U , IbS'J , theio was qnlto a piotracted debate In the ho u so upon thu bill. The debate , howevci , tinned ehlelly upon the question ot popula Hon. Theio bccmed to no no otlioi point at Issue. It was conceded on both bides that the possession ot a population equal to thu latio of ropicbcntatlon In thohousuof icpie- bontatives was all that could bu demanded ot n terrltoiv applying lei admission. Under tlio oidlnanco of 1767 only 00,000 Inhabitants could bo insisted upon as a requisite foi the ad mission of n state , and these who combatted the piopusltlon to admit territories twenty or thiityyeais ago simply Insisted that tticio bhouldbe the unit of population , which was 'J.1-1 0 , to entltlo n teirltoiy to representation In congiess. Now concessional lopiesonta- tlon In the Htatu is based upon a lepiesunta- tlvo lor uveiy 151,011 , inhabitants iiiidci the census of IbW ) . "Hut wo do not need to Insist upon that , hovvevei , In the case ot Dakota , " btates the icport , lefeiiingtothe population. "Whero a largei population has been Insisted upon in iiiyumciit by tlie opponents of the ndmlsslon of a new btatu , they have not gone fuither than to claim that thu toirltoiy should have a " a population equal to thu unit of representa- "tion in the house ol repiesentatives. In fact , tluee states , Florida , Oiegon and Nevada , were admitted when their population was less than the existing ratio of representation. In the case of Kansas , congress in terms de clared lu view of the contingency of the question of the rejection of thu Lo Compton constitution , that In that event the people of bald territory are hereby authorised und em powered to form for themselves a constitu tion and state government by tha name of the slate of Kansas , according to the federal constitution , and may elect delegates lor that purpose whenever , but not before it la ascertained by a census duly and legally taken , that a portion of sihl territory pqnals or excels the latlo of representation roiulrcd for a representative to congress , President Utichanaii Is quoted in tlio re- poit as bavins aid , referring to the admis sion of Kansas : "This excellent provision which congiess applied to Kansas ought to be extended and tendered applicable to nil torrltorles which may hereafter bcok ndmls slon Inlo the union. " When Oregon was admitted she had a population of H.G30 , wlillo the existlnijiatloof representation was jn,4iu. In repaid to the population of Dakota the rcpoitsajs : "U'cnre not left toconjecttno or calculation of the population of south Dakota. I'nder the provisions of section 22 of the act of Match .1,18711 , a census was taken as of the date of Juno last , nnd Iho retnuis thereof dulj cpitllied to the ecietaiy of the Interior. In ie < ponsp ton no lest lor Information mation , HIP ceietaiy of thu inleilor has ie- plied with n tabular Btateuient showing thu population , number of fauns manufacturing establishments , etc. , In Dakota , ns the ( .ensii" of Juno 1 last shows The population of smith Dakota the p < 'ictary states was then JffiU'V'j ' and that of not tli Dakota 1W.KU mak ing : i total of 41VVM. 'Iho pic'sent basis of icprcspiitatlon In the house of ippiosenla- lives beinc r > l. ll , thatlortion of the tcril- toiy pioposcu for admission vvotildbe entitled to two eongipssioiml representatives. Nest st itoever otiinl7eil fiom the public domain had al the time of admission iinvllilng like the piesent pouulatlon of south Dakota. " Fiom statistics piu enled in Hie icpoit It Is been tliat the pmposed stale of D ikotu would bo thu eighth state In atea ; only ( . .ill- fornla , Coloiado , Kansas , Minnesota , NPV.I- da , Oipgon and Texas haviiiL' a larger aiea , vvhilo the teinloiy ol l.lniuln , whleh Is uo- ntod out of the otliei S'oitlun ' "F Dakota , would bo oulv excelled in aiea by ono state , Nebiaska. The inopo'cd btalo vvouhl bu more ( Inn twice ns laigu as Indiana , ' . ' 0,000 sqnaio miles largei than Illinois , ' .M.OOO squaie miles largei than Arkansas S.OUO.sqiiaiu miles laigurthan Wisconsin , and moip than two and a half than boulh Catolina. ritoji nuvoNi ) TMI : SKA. The Qnt-cii or Italy Cntri Down I For Allow unco of StnivvhiM'i-lps' . NKW YOIIK , Jan. 11 [ Special Telegram ] The Sun's London cable bays : The Nevvb' ootiespoiiUent at Itoino says that he h ts been Informed by high couit ofllclals of a ctiiloiis domestip sceiiu at Iho Quliiiial palace. Kim ; Huiubeitwasiccciitly taken with an econom ical lit , hav ing became alarmed nt the enoiiu- ous expenses of the loyal household. Kvl- dencesoflho mo-it extiavagant luuiy vvoiu found on all sides Tlie King was paitlcu- huly shocked nt discovoiim ; that Ills consoit- Queeii Maighetlta , insisted on having a heap ing plate ot btiawbenles cvoiy day in the je.u , although the fi nit can only bo obtained in winter at cxoibitant cost. The king stoimodat the queen and she letoited by chaiglng him with many-neediest acts of cx- tiav.u.'anee. At length the queen offcicd to eompiomise by eating stravvbciiies two days only Inepchvvcck if Iho king would eider hlscasl oirelothing to bo Fold hoiealtor , in bload of becoming the i > erquistes | ot his lack eys The king agiccd'to tills and also ordeicd that not moiuthan 7 fintios per bottle tle shall be heieafter be paid foi champagne , which Is the usual dilnka | , the loyal table. National Contiol of Liquor Tr.-ifllc. , Jan. 11. The ciupcioi hashlgncd the bpirits bill and submitted it to thu liun- desioth. The bill propo es to compensate tlioso depilvid of a livelihood thiough its operation on the basis of two cars mote to eaeli poison ten years in the trade , the tiallic to be contiolled by a monopoly of thu minis- tiy , which will appoint agents to do whole- bale vending of lehned spiilts , Hie ledeial states toappoint ictailors. liestatnanteuis by special lavot will bo allowed lo boll bpints obtained liom the monopoly without le aid to the piocess enacted by the state retaileis. Possession ol iiraiintvveln by pilvato pet- sons , abovoa speciiied minimum , will be a penal otlense , al-o the iuioil.itiuii ] ) ot law 01 lelincd spiiits. Communes will bu empow ered to add 60 per | cent to Hi'1 umnomdv belliuu pn > e. 'I'hc bill , if p isscd , wilt go into opeiation in August , IbbS. Germany Gets Onto Kiunou. LOMJOX , Jan. 11. Intilligoncu h is been leceived hoio that ( ! eimany has bcl/ed tlio Island of Samoa In the Pacific ocean. 'J he king and his elileta wcro insulted and linally lied. A toi c-of maiines vveio landed fiom tlio Gci man warship Albitioss. 'IliuCei- man consul then hauled down thu Sainoi Hag and uin up ( ii.'iman colois in its hte.ul. ThoSomoaiis Uneaten to make wai on the ( ieiiiiuis. The American and Hiltlsh con suls piotost against the i.etion lot the ( ier- nians. _ Cutting Down Ihe ArnilcR. LOMION , Jan. 11. The Telegraph bays the povveis havu demanded tliat tlieecu , Seivia ami Bulgaila ( Icmoboll/e their nimles The Times.savs Kngland also inojioses that Tin- kev hhall alsodcmobnli/ahei army. 'Ihu Spanish government has lofused to giant Jnghiud : a toaling station on one ol tliu Caiolmo Islands. AVII1 Continue thu DUIII.IX , Jan. 11. The Painelllto conlpr- OIKU to day icsolvcd to continuo with tin mi- altci.iblo detuimliiation their stiugglu to secmuthu riglitbof lieland. Coiisideiatlon ol the leading qucsllous u' anliiij ; Iiisli allalrswns poitiiouod until the tutival ol Mi. Painoll. _ _ _ A Iiiokon I.oxitov , Jan. 11. The Jeiscy bank has biisnended. ' 1'hu liabilities aio said not to bo heavy , as the bank was lepoiled as doing only a small bust ness. The Htnerciild Sululde. KANSAS On \ , Mo , Jan. 11. Thoioisqnllo a general disposition hcie to take the view that Jaidinu'b death was accidental and not buleldal. llu had been fur boiuu time ad dicted to the chloroform habit. Si , Louis , Jan. 11. Funeral bervlces vveio held thib evening at Trinity chinch over the remains of Hpiuy Jardine , who .suicided yesteiday , and the body wnu then conveyed to thu deput and placed on 4 train lor Kaiibas City. TKtaccat.u'ii NOTKS. Kejmits of cattle losseiflii Colorado by the bll//aid aiu claimed to bu gieatly u.xaggui- ated. _ _ _ Thu bclioonei Doreil * Kabn , of Uicenpoit , Conn. , Is missing. It Is supposed bhu was lost In the stoim Flicay ) night. ( iladstono held a motion at Carleton u last evening. All Uio liberal leaduis vvero conspicuous by tUulr absence. Three hundred Chlnamcii were discharged froindllfcient manufactoiics In .Saciamento yesterday. Whltu men will taku their places. Allen O. Thurman was yc.-tciday nomi nated by the dumocratlo caucus as tfiph can didate for United Stales senator from Ohio. A. M. Digelow & Co. , wholesale leather dealers. Boston , railed yesterday lei 5200,000. The collapsu druw with It tlie turn of J , A. & U. F. Koberts. Their liabilities are unknown. Honner'0 Caid. Great , Krotit i eduction in all kinds ol Household { roods during holiday. Full lines of Furniture , Crockery , UawjMig Lumps , Sloven and. Holiday 1'renentn. Everybody inviletl. A'o cards , . 1316 Douglas St. JAMKS HONNKH. Great clearing salu of line clothing commences December Jth at Kls'tittor'a ' niainmonth clothiii'j house , 10011-arium street , corner Tenth. PIFf/FS OFTHF PflllTirAl PIF 1 ILituu / ul lllu lUJalll/iVL I ILi Hungrj-Monthcd Oandidatos A\vaitiug the Parcelling Process. THE SPEAKER AND PRINTER And Those \Vlio An\louslj Aspltc to These linnoftant Positions Tlie Iowa IiOKlslntittc Coit\cues- Other Ilnnkojo Nows. ln < ; Out or the Drift * . Una MOIM : , Iowa , Jan. 11. [ Special. ] The snow blockido ptomlsed at onetime time to bo n "blircjor man" than the Beneial assembly , and many members found theiiisehes lodged In snow binks In dlfloient parts of the stato. For this icason thej ham been \erj b.ukwaid in comlinjfotwaid. Thocaiididates foi the \.ul- ons ulllces In the cirt of the le lsl itnro ha\o come to the fiont ready lo iiabe\erj member ns ho landed. It seems as 1C theioweroan unusually lar o number oCeandldates for the minor positions , and thej aio nuking lltn miserable1 forcveii prominent man nbout the eapltol. It Is possible- that In soif-piotectlon thule lslatuio ma > > et bu obliged to pass ohil service iiik-s to ieinlato the stale ollk-e- ' , In oidei losavo themselves fiojn being talked to death. T.veiy man with any possible inlluence , is bcslo od bj a cio\vd of e\i > eet- ants , and In most cases woithj ollice seekere. Many of tlio candidates for miuoi positions , such ns engiossliiK eleilc , post mistress , papei toldeis , aio ladles , and theli pleas are haul ID leslst. borne ol them aio dausiliteisot men killed or cilpplcd In the war , otheis ol men who once hehl high posi tions In tlio state but have been icduced to jo\eit ) > and thoii chlldien compelled to e.un thc.r own Hunt , ' . Theio aio inanj pitiful tales ponied into the eats t oveiy s.vmpa- thetlo Ihtenci , nnd It the niembciseoiild enl > vote tor all thoj would geneiallj bo glad to do so. Ono blight little fellow who wants to be a page in the sunnlo , wiltcs to ono of thebenatoisaskiii hlsholp , and concluding , "Jtemembei that m.v latliei Is dead and mj niothei is pool. " It will bo pieltj haul lo lorget tlio touching eloqnoneo of that appeal , and oveijbodj will liopo tliat the little 1- \eu old whoso tathei Is do id and who lias to he ! ] ) bis niothei will succeed. The contest over Iho speakeiship is lather w.uiii , with half a do/en candidates though most ot them aio simply "s ii ing" for good comndtteeshlps , hoping to develop enough stiengtli lei the foimer imsltion to bo en titled to good places in the lattei. Kepio- scntativo U'e.ivu , ot llaidln conntj , boems to have the lead and will piobably bo elected speaker. KvCongiesbinan Thompson , ot Cedar Ifapids , is a loimldaule opponent , and Ciptain Ujtibun , of Kianklln connij , also is pushing him closely. 'J ho held will bo di vided between IJntlei ol 1'age , fatoii of Ad.ui , Ljon ot Giithiie , and Head ol Ciieene. 'llioieisa voij spliiled contest ovei the state piinteiship. Finaieiall ; > ills the best ollico in the stale , pajiut : aei > nice income , and usually is given toi tlnee teims at lu.i'-t. The piesent inciiuilent , Clcoigo K. Kolieit-- , of Koit Dodge , has had Iho ollico two terms and is a candidate lei ic election. His fi lends claim that helms on the Hist billet enoilgll mumlicra to-cloU. His pilncipal oponcnt ] ) is Mr. Uagsdalo ol the I.oMnrs Sentinel. Ho Is picking up sticnglh he can as a gcneifil opiosilion ] candidate , gutting the disgruntled mombeis ot the pail ) as an anti-ling 01 antl-bometlnng candidate. Ho w III get left. Mi. Chailu } Jniikin ot the rairlicld Ledger is also u candidate , and Is malting maiij fiicnds. He is picpaiing tlie way lei two jcais hence , and would lathci see Jlobcils lo-olei'tej than have Ua sdalc or any othei now man get the position. Capt. Wilkinson , iinblishei of tlio Gland Army Advocate , and a prominent mem bei of the U. A. J { . , will piobably be elected secretaiv ol the senate , while theio Is u movement setting In to put back Sidney Kostei ot Maisiialltown in his old place as eblol cleikof the house , although he has so I.u reliiRed to bo a candidate. 'J he sudden hi caking down of Judge Leon- : nd Smllli , who was taken to the insane hospital at Mt. Pleasant a few days ago , is a pecnllaily sad case. Ho has been ono ot the stioiiKost hiw\eis in the city , nnd twenty jcats ago was one of the leadois of the bai in this pint of Iowa. Hovvasa gical fiiciul ol Kasson , and through the latter obtained an appointment us jiibtko ot Iho .supiemo couit ot Dakota. But Cleveland icmoved him a few weeks ago , not foi "offensive pai ( Kinship , " as in so many ca es , but on t lumped up ehaigi-s ol taking oxeessho fees , physical lncaptcit > foi the vvoiIf , etc. , ch.uges which , though ut terly giumuilebs , hint Smith's bensltho initmo veij keenly , and the stiain ol the lieavj woik theie , and tills el ailn and mor- tihc.itlon to Ills leelliia'b cuiseil his mind to give way , and he came b , c > to Dos Molnuj n lew days ago In n shatlci condition. Mr. Kasson , bj the wa > , ls expictcd hero fiom Washington in a lew dnjs. It isre- poitcd that bib vvoikon "Diplomaci" will bliortl > bo issued , llohasbeni piej-ailng It with gieateaio , having had aocess to the olli- eiul aic-liives of Ureat Uiitian and othei KiiiopcancountilPb. It Is understood tli it it vv Id give special attention to the diplomatic matichlstoij ol this countilnilni ) . : the wai , and all who know iowa'b auompllshcd dijiloinal will inleistand that u will bo a linished and authuiitivo woik. 'llioattlvo woik ot the city and countj olllclals In closing Ihe saloons indicates that tills will bo a dry Uglblatiiii' , The Fjejlhatiir ! < > OOIIVCIIOH. ] ) Ks MOINI b , Iowa , Jan. 11. [ Special Tel- erain. ] Tlio twpntj-nibt assemblj of louaconvenud ato'eloek to-daj. Tlio recent BIIOVV blockade has del.ijud many members , botliat but tbiitj-four out of liliy senators ipspouded to the toll call , and but bovcnty out of 100 mombeis of the linu e , The senate was blngulaily destitute of proper pcibons to call It to oidei , MeiiteiiiiuL ( ioveinorMannlni ; having iPiuoved trom the htatc some months ago , nnd the last presi dent pro tern ot tlio bcnato having aUo left Ibo state. The last bi-cietary had been elected sccietiuy of state , two assistants had been elected to other positions , so there was not ono ot the oid oIllecrH on hand. Accord ingly , Donnan , of Jiiichanan county , called the senate to older and nominated Senator Whaley of Untler , benlor membci ot th leKif > - latnie , for tempoiaiy piesldent , Dr. Hntchlns , formerly HEsistant bccretary , was elected scciclary pro tern. 'Iho roll call showed lltteon abiPiitccs , most of them detained by the snow blockade. Without attempting to perfoim more than temporaiy organisation thoseimte theiefore adjorned till 10 o'clock Tuesday morning. In the houbelWcslo ) Itedhead , .senior mem- bur from this ( Polk ) oimnty , called to order , and Kopiesentatlvi ! Mitchell , of JeJitrson county , w as elected speaker pro tctn. 'J he foi inrV chief clerk , bediioy Foster , of Mar- phatliown , was elected temporary clerk. The roll call showed thiity absentees , about equally divided between republicans and democrats. Otto t temporary olllier.s vvem eelectpd , and adjournment taken till 10 o'clock to-morrow. Itepubllcan caucuses to iiomlnHte for the various lecislntiveposltlonR will lo held to morrow aftei thpip tnhr spsslonsof thp sen- all1 and hnn-e. The chief Intersto to-night Is felt in the peaketshlp. Itepicsentatlvo Woavei Is clenilj In the lead , Ids friends olalmlii ! ; t till tU v otts for him. Hepic enta- the llcail Is pcond , claiming thlily vote- . Stoiv'sstreiiKth will probnbh go to Head and llutler' < i toices toeaver. . If this is done Weaver will bo phvted without dinicnlty. ( Jovernor I/innbpe and wife ai rived this morning , and have tal en looms for the win- tei at the Kitkwool. lie Im se'eoted ' Prof. llossfehlt , of I'avelte countj , as his pilvato secietan. Tltnu t > > the I'oiploc'k. , Iowa , Jan. -Special [ ] 'Ihe piohlbltlontsts have taken time b ) the loicj lock and called a state convention , to meet In thisell.v on tho'Jlst hist. I'lils convention w 111 detei mine what Is ncwssaij to make the prohlbltotv law muioulUvilvo , and biing all jiosslble iiiihieni'cB to beat to Induce tlio le ts- laluio to adopt Ihcli suggestion * . A stioin ; license lobb > will also bo at woik , nnd what the lesnlt ma.v bo Is liatd to conjecture. It will depend n gieat deal on the position tiken b.v Iho leading pail.v oican1 * . ' 1 lie eltj authoiltles have tinned OVPI a HIM leaf In DIP past few dajs , and aio i.ildlin ; tlio siloons on evciv hand. A laigo quantity ot contraband goods has been condemned , and the end is not jet. _ Ninv.s. Yestoidiij'H AVorkln Nominal IOIIH nnd ConllrinallonM , WASIIINOIOV , Jan. 11. The piesident to day ent the following numlnations of post- masteis to the senate : 'I' . A. Cailisle nt Mis- souil Valley , Iowa ; Tiank D. Tnuls , llold- icdge , Neb. ; llenn O. ( Joodrieh , Jeiseyville , Ilk ; ChailesT. llaskell. Viin'inia , 111 , ; l-.A. - Tioiisduli' , Mehopolls Citj , 111. ; J. S. It. biovltle , MoiilM , 111. The senate to dij inexoeuthe session eon- hrnud the following nominations : Hen. ! ' Jones of lAiushnia , to bo collectoi ot eiiitoms at Now Uile.uis ; Alfied I' . J.dgn- ton ol 1'oit U'.ivne , Ind. , Win , L. Tienliolm of Chaileston , b. C. , and Doimaii It. Katon of New Voik , to bo civil bonlcocommls- bionets. Tin1 pusident has wlthdiawn the nomlim- tiouolni.II.McAidle ol Mississippi , lo bo ( ousiil al ban Juan del Noite , ho having declined the appointment. \ ( ttriii D KOI : ins ni prune \MSM. In the exeeullvo session ol the senate to- div , when the nomination ol Doiman H. Laton came up , bonatot l.o an MI ido a iiolnt that ho ( Katun ) was a " .nngwiimp , " and that the spint ol the civil --eiviee I iw leipiiied thai 0110 ol the eoiiimlssloneis be a lepubli- caii. benatois J vaits. Hoai , nnd ono 01 two otheis vouched lei his lepnblleinlsm , Jlieie me said to hive IKOII loin loon votes cast against baton's coninmation , one-halt ol wlncli vveio bj lepiiblkaiis. yV n.Mii ) : > mi MI. vseii : : . The housoiommllteeon Iciiiloiles to-d.ij took up the honato bill to legiilizo tlie elec tion ot the legislatuio ot Wjoiu- iiiw' , and aiiieuded it bv stiikltn ; out the pro- vbiiin a.ithoii/in the legislatuio to anjioi- tion the teiiitotj intoconneil and lepicsen- tativodisinets and inseitin a chuiM' consti tuting the novel noi , veciet.uj ol tlio temtoij and the jnesident ol tlie council a bo ml ol ap- poitlniimont. 'lliej aio dnectcd lo meet in bcptembei next and K'.ippoil'on the iiiem- bcisoi thu council and hou o ol lepiesent.i- tivcson a biiisot the voting pojudation. 'llic measiiiesas amended will bo lepoiled to the lioii o when the committee is allowed lo icpoit. In the couit ol claims to ilaj judgment was lendcud in fa vor ot John M. Langston in his Milt against the goveinnipiit to ieeo\er the ilineiuiioo betvvepii his salary as minister to Hajti , as" " < i\e > rbyiRSv5'itlfrt > flWnmount paid him tinder the iippiopilutions b > con- giess. Tha amount claimed In Ibis case wiis57flo" , and judgment was givoii foi the lull amount. Illl.DM1SSJOX OK DAKOTA. Theippoitot thecommittio on tenilotoiles : ieiumj > iii.thu . bill lei admission ol tlio state ol Dakota into the L'nion and the oigani/a- tlon ot the tcnitoiy of Lincoln , was icpoitcd by Senator Hainson todiy. It cov < rs moro than one bundled p iges ot maniisciipt In ad dition to its voluminous minted appendices. It sijb the main piopobiifon of the bill is Hint the pioiceding taken bv part ot the pit sent terntoiyof Dakota lying nouth ol the toitv-sixth paiallcl ol noilli l.ill- itiule.whicbiesiilted In the adoption ot a con stitution by a populai vote on the 'lit day ot Nov. , l s/i , bliall be incepted and ratified by eongle'ss and thoslatii ol Dakota be admitted into the Union on equal tooting with the lest ot the states. 'Iho icpoit gives thoblstoiy ol Iho movement for tlie oig.ini/atlon ot the now state , foi the pass.i o ol the act ol the teiiitonal Itvilslntnio aiithoil/lng the Sioux Kalis convention to the picsent time. It has not been claimed , the icport savs , that tills act ot the leAislatuio a neces- baiy preliminary to iioldlng a constitutional convention , and It it woio admitted tliat it hail no legal loico vvhaleveiand the piooeed- Ings which lollowed aio to bo tu.ited as pmcly pojml.u , still it g.ivo the people the macliineiy necvss.ny for the expiessinn ol the iiojuilai will in an oiderly and ello'tivo way. The conventions which liaimd the constitutions ol Iowa. Michigan , Florida , Oregon , and peilups otliei bt.Ues , the icioit ] says , vveio held inidoi acts of the tenitoilal legislature. The journal ol tlio pioceedlngs ol the convention Is alluded to as giving ovi- deiuo ot n high de uo ol Intollirienco , public spirit and mdusli > . The submission of the constitution , In accoidancc with the oidl- n.tuco ol thu convention , to avoto ol tht > elec tors Isdiv.cilbcd , losiilting in the adoption of ( ho constitution bv a majoritv ot l.b. < U lo i > 01 , making it cleat , In tlie opinion ot the bcnato committee , that an ovci whelming majoilty ol Iho people olsouth Dakota appiovo the ( onstlliitliin and desho the present admibslon Into the union ol slate's undei U. ClliSb ; OIIA.Ml'IONS. A ContPst I5 j/nn / Tor the World's Trophv. Ni.w YOIIK , Jan. 11. A chpss match foi the championship ot thowoild began today at No. to Fillh avPime. Chailei J , ISuek of Now Ol leans is lel'eiec and holdei of dm 54,000 hl.ikes , and Thorn is Fioyio a < ted as iimphu lot Hen Williclm Steinitol Now Voik , wlulo Adolpli Wohlu acted toi Di. Xulcplloit , the Huu.'ailui , Tnu attend- iinio was uiiexpeetedly huge. Moves weio duplicated on a gigantic boml and watched with utmost easiness. A special coile of Miles to govern thu contist luts been diawn up und hlgned by Iho < on- leataiit.s. It provides that tliu malilies hlmll be di elded by ollhei play or vvlnnliiirlliu games duwgaiiiPs not to LID counted , 'JJiu contest Is to bu divided into loin gallics to bo playtd in Nuw Yoik , all tobuvvon by ono playei , thieo Kamos : in St. Louis , and thicu pimis In New Oilcans. Thiity moves must bu madu dining the in it two liuinsot eiichgamo undlllleen move.san bom thcrcatiui. Tin in games a week are lo bo played vvitli Intel v.ds ot one day between ' .icli Kami' . Doth ( untestants appealed in excellent condition , and at 'i o'clock thlt > ailMiioon tossid up a coin to decide who .should have thu tlibt move. It was won by Di. Xnkoftoit , who clioso thu white pieces , and opened pj.vy by moving a pawn to tliu queen's1 louith. ' 1 his Is known as HIP ' nuccn'n gambit , " but it wai declined by Heir StclulU , who icspomj- oil with a pawn to thu qiucn'h ilouith. 'lliu houis fur pliy having been Jived at liom S to 0 in the tifternoon , and b to 12 at night. and an i ) o'clock had aiilvcd when Di , Xukblloit had made lilbtiility-Jiiil move , play u as sus pended 101 buppei , thu situation at that mo ment being decidedly lavoiablu to Hen StelniU. 'Ihe evening cami' was , as ctpetted , in ' ' ' " favoi ot Hen A Out In Itatcs. NKW VoiiK.Jan. 11. AH a teult of the cut of 60 In vvost bDiind pat > - > t'ngn latcs , niadn by the Daltlmoio A Ohio mad , its ticket offices In thl * city havi < bum riowded all thu morning. ' 1 la ellect ol thn iPdiiction upon tlie business ot othir tiunk lines had not a-s yet been made fully ajipaient. Mujic ut vvholcsalu price at KUIIOI.M i ; KIIICKSON'S. FROM THE COUNTRY'S ' CAPITAL Measures Iiitrodured in tlio House by Town Members. THE GREED OF DEMOCRATS , onic-o Auk- Ing Aullioiltv lo Iho Mlssuiu I CJoneial Injiton NIMVI. 15IIN liv Invvn ? \V \ \ iti\iiov. Jnn II. [ Special Telo- giam.l Uepiisenlotlvp Conger of town In- tiodmed In tliuhou-e lodiv u bill lo amend an act cntil o I "an ait Im HIP establishment or a bill can of animal Industiv. to pi event tlippNpoitatlon of ( list ised cuttle , and \iro- \ v Ide mi ans foi the blip ) i.ssion and cxllipa- lion of pluno piuiimoniii nnd other conta- ploiis iliM a-- ( -i iiinoiiK domestic animals ap proved May ' , li lv > l. " AIM ) , bills fin the tu- lie ! of Mis. II. 1 ! , liehkopf , and ineieasliiK the pensions ol suldieis nnd sallois who have lost the healing of both ens- . Other Iowa membcis Introduced bills as follow * : Hj Mr. Mnrphj 1'ot the icllef of C. 11. Stllmll , Wiley M. Jones , 'lho < . Tagan. ity Mt , llemieisi n I'loMilIni ; that all pen sions whiih mnyhavo been 01 may heicifter Wo gi nn ted by sppelal aet of congiess shall bo placed upon Iho same looting in eveiyro- spool as pensions nndet the geneial law , o\- cent In such eases wheip congiess shall ! ! the late , commencemenl and dilution oC such penslonp. Also , u bill lot Iho icllof oC Maiy Ilnlcom. Uy Mi. rullir-1'oi the relief of llliam lj. Wait and lleniy S. Uy Mr. Holmes lipieallng the llmllntlon of arie.usoC pensions and dellnlng the pay- inenl ol the same. My Mr. Weavei I'oi the lellef ol Samuel Hanson , James C. Hogan and Cap ) . S. C , Claw lord. lly Mi. Sliublo-Poi the lellef of James If. JJaeon , JoM'ph I ! . Itenjamin , W. W. Nonls anil blduoy blieiwood. Tin : niiii.i : > or ] I appeals that thedcmociats aic no morcln favoi of elvll seivlco lefoim vvlien ItalTects membeis ot their ownp.uty than v\hcn It atleclsthe lepublloans. ljulto a number ot demoeiats who held positions in the dep.ul- nieiits hoie undei leputiliean inlo have been dismissed. Undei the of the house of lepipseiitalives Iho gieat bulk oC employes li.ivi been tinned out although they weioall demopiats. Them is HIP H.UIIP gieed toi otllco w lieu it comes nt the eojt of demo- ( rats , as when II Is piid hi by lepubllcans Keaicely adcimuiat has been lelaliud under the leer ani/allon ot the house. The men bccm to think that the othccis ought to lotalo and tint new men should be put into the olhcps as of Ion as possible. Ol all the thiity- live page boys In the house only ( hreo 01 four , 10 a halt do/en havu been id. lined. roMiiti SSIONAL 01 ru i : IIUOM.II uir. " 1 shall vote lei Hint ( imposition , " said i\ lepiosentalive1 to join coiie--poiileiil ( to day , handing him a < iiculai tiom a civ II sci vice as sociation asking liim to suppoit n bill maUiiiK it a penal ollenco foi a niembei ol congicss to solicit aiipointments in the ( Vdctal .scivlec. " 1 think that bill bliould pass , " continued the iiicmboi , "and 1 luvu no doubt LiuLthat it will. " "i'es , * ' suggested Iho coiiesjiondent. "membeis of congiess .UP geneially in laver of unloading theli vv oik , and of coiuso the ehil seivice law will be amended as you sii ; gest. " "It is not bpceiallv to unload mj duties as a congressman that 1 would vote for this bill , but lo break up Is being indicted tilon ) the count i y. This thing of national law-makeis liylng their hinds1 foi the pur pose ol seoui in , ; positions foi tnclr con stituents tends lo impede legislation and make bad laws. It hns eomo lo piss that a cabinet otlloer through the dlstiibutlon of hl.s palionagecaii defeat almost any tiling before congress , and bccuio tlio pissagool iilmost anything. " ca ' 10 nittnni : 1111 : tun Munttv. Soiiiiloi Snoouor today inliodiiced a bll aiithori/ing the constimtloii and nialnle- ninco of n biidgc by the Dakota Contiul Hallway company acioss the Missomi river at PIOIIP , Dakota , and als-oto lay on and over thubildgoa , ami aiilhoil/lng Initliei that the compiny may constiiiet and maintain ways foi winons , c.uil.igis and foot pissengeis , chaining. ind iciclvlng Midi leasonnble tolls Ilieioloi as may be appioved Irom time to time by the botretaiy ot war. The biidgo must bo built so as lo not Inter- fcio with navigation. It Is soifnith that an agieement with the .Sioux Indians was ob tained on June 12 , ISM ) , by which thn right foi use lei lallioad nnd tiaiihpoitation pur poses ot one Hcetlon ol land on the western iiaiik of the Misfcouil at 01 ne-ii Foil Picric , in consldciatlon ot 'j'i ' pr-i nuo , was secured , and the bll conhims the liansai lion and belt asldo the land which h is been beleeted lo the i all way company. vuiimrr III.D TM K I > II.AY. Senator Allison In the .senate , and Repre sentative K. \ \ ' . Diinhain In the house , to day Intiodiiced bills alike in cliaiacler , pro- Iioslngto amend the statutes lelatlui to the iinmcill.ite liaiispoi tatlon of dutlablo goods , MI that meichandlsc , pa'-sciigcin and baggagu ai liv Ing fiom foiplgn coiinlilesnuiy bo tiaus- polled to Inland points by i.iiho.ids and ex- juess ( ompanles Vi Ithout iho red tupo nnd dchiv whli h the laws now Impose. ' 1 ho proposed - . posed legislation Is In the intoiestof ulljieo * ] ilo iivsiiy fitim the heaboaid , und docs not in- tcili 10 vvitli tlio ilghlboi Intel osts of seaboard. cities. VVVMb 1IIH MOV1.V II UK. .Scnaloi U il on ot Jovva , to duy Inliodncrd a bill < lliectlng the secictary of the lieasury to pay Leslie ! , hda jostmastor nt Iticlimond , low u , J > H. ' , ( lie amount loiw.udcd liy him to tlio designated dcposltoiy. In pay- incut ol a balancu duo thu United .States top the thlid qiiailci ot tlmyear IKS. : , nnd which being inclosed In a reglsteied letter wan stolen liom the nulls vvhllo In toiii&o oil tianslt , Itotnins lo tlio Pun Aiiri.rniA , Jan. 11Tho Blmre < 'lohlciH ' of the Phlladolplila \ . Id ailing mill load company held tholi annual meeting lieiutoday. The imctlng was icniaikublo lor the lustoiatlon of ( ix-l'iesldcnt i'liinklli ) 1) ) . downii , who two yeaibagoietliedfiom Iltj management. The dowun ticket was the only ono voted on , William W. Jl.ukneHa and William H. J I ink ness , who vveio choscri brcietuiy unit tieasuici , aio In ('s In- Iciest , and suciccd mi n vvliohavf been In the service of thu eomuany many ycais. ' ' Yon can buy iurnitnnt cheaper of A L Fitch & Co , , I'Jlh st , bet. and. Douglas1 , tliun any other placoin tliu city , Kvery peison will bo ublo to vvcavKI- gutter's hnu clothing. A bpcdal icduo- lion until December i.'oth. 1001 IViuum bticut , coiner Tunth. When you bnv fiiinilmo bn Hiiro TOI ) get puces ut lfowc , Kcir k Maibhall's. Ihuy luiy fiom thu best inaiuifaetureiaj andIjii.ii.uiteo lo mal ; the veiy lowusf plie'es Opposite rtilconer's , Dou Jujj i f