\i \ THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , MXODAY , JANUARY 11 , 188G. nt PO I TIAV AP Tltr * OT/IHH CESSATION Or THE STORM , The Fearful Woatbor of the Past Few Days Blightly Moderates. SOME ADDITIONAL COLD FACTS , New Wcfipons of Icsl motion Tor tlio Army .More Uxlil on the Travis Case Interesting Local Happenings. Stnto of tbeVcatlicr. . "Well here's " said the , a how-dyc-do , gnburban citixen who pays rent liftccn ] > rr cent above the schedule because the premise. * ) arc on a street car line , "fifteen blocks to town and the line shut oil' . Jf the breath of the balmy spring time Invi ted a walk down , there'd bo no end of cars , but as it is almost a fatal undertak ing there's nary a car in sight. I'll hoof It and assess the company heavy dama ges for the loss of my probos. " " \Vell \ , here's a pretty mcss'svvoro the the drummer , ripping out a big piratical oath , as the bland hotel clerk sweetly in formed him that railway traflic was sus pended in every direction. "la ) h me in to a dasholy blank old dash , this cooks my ' ' Shut up in a state of singe for half a week while appointments out west , down south and everywhere are be ing smashed lo matchwood , and the June time of my youth is bringing no returns. The house will never swallow any block ade excuse. " and ho rushed to the bar and took three hot drinks , which he charged up to miscellaneous expenses. "Well , here's n state of things , "snarled the merchant as he t inured a deep hole through the frosty pane with his breath anil ijcored out into llio deserted streets. "JliiHiness knocked into a cocked hat and nobody oven to buy Iho cocked hat. We'll just inventory the stock , " and ho commenced by ordering Iho book-keeper lo go down Into the cellar and count the lumps in the coal pile. Meanwhile the "early cili/.cn , " "wid " and "railroad ollicial" who ow , com plained about the previous day's twenty below kicked like mad while "icemen" as over testified his jubilant emotions by once more walking down to llie troxcn river and smiling upon the solid stream. The weather yesterday and last night had not moderated as much as had been expected. At dawn Iho mercury stood 18' ' below and the best rise of the day , at about II o'clock , was .1 ° below. Night set in with the tismporalnro at 8 ° oolow. Omaha was ( he coldest point on this nar- allcl west of the Missouri as the follow ing bulletin of the Union Pacitic shows : North i'laite , Neb. , clear , calm , 7 ° above. Cheyenne. Wyo. , clear , calm , 10 ° above. Laramic , Wyo. , clear , S. 10. wind , 1U"1 above. Kawllns , Wyo. , cloudy , strong W. wind , 10 ° above. Green Hivcr , Wyo. , clear , calm , 12 ° above. Granger , Wyo. , clear , calm , 12 ° above. Kvanston , Wyo. , clear , calm , 4 ° above. Ogden , Utah , clear , calm , 10 ° above. Denver , Col. , clear , calm , 20 above. THE lI.OCICAlinAISFI ! : ) . It can bo safely declared this morning that Iho railway blockade which has existed in every direction from the city for the past four days has been raised. Every main line of raihvay-except per haps the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha , which running to the north ward has caught the worst of the storm , is open , and that the schedule of arrival and departure will bo generally resumed. The Q" train duo Friday morning was the lirst to got through , arriving at 1 o'clock yesterday morning. The train was the heaviest which has run into llio city in a loii" ; time. There were nearly liOO people aboard , The blockade was encountered Thursday evening at Vil- lisca , and there the train stoppcu and the passengers obtained supper and break- last on the next morning. Hy hard work the train was pulled dcnvn to Hci ) Oak , and dinner taken thcro , and a rest taken until the next day , when desperate light ing brought it up to Pacilio Junction , where a lunch was obtained. From that point the remainder of the night up to 1 o'clock was spent in reaching Omaha. On the arrival of the train the .hotels were besieged in a fashion which tested the capacity of every one in the city. At the Pnxton and Millard pallets were laid in the halls and when those failed of ac commodation scores of applicants were turned away to tind quarters as best they could in less pretentious hostelries. The passengers bore their trying experience with true American fortitude and al though they looked worn , a more cheer ful crowd is seldom seen. The onlvgrum- blor on the train was a crabbed old Kng- lish tourist who expatiated on the short comings of "tho blarsted country" until the passengers wearied of his discontent and made such game of him that ho wont to his berth and .stayed llioro for the re mainder of the blockade , complaining of a sick headache. The coaches were kept comfortably warm and all meals fur nished at the expense of llio road. In consideration of the company's ollbrts to mitigate the unavoidable situation , the occupants of Iho two sleepers drafted the following : Aboard Train , Jnn. 0. ISSfl. We , the imtlcr- nril . ' ' the ' . p.'tssi'UKCrs on west-hound C' II & train , which Intt Chlcaico Thur ilay noon , us snowbound for two days , desire to ex- tenil our most licnrly thanks for the uniform courtesy and consideration extended to us by Conductor WHlliun Jameson , together with the other Killioait ol'ctN ! ! : ! , IncludluMr. . holt lirown , their western Inivi'llnnuwnt : Juiiios F. Shields , A. ( i. lla.st , J. A , Frank , J. \Vooilniff , 1J.V. . Slnieral , K.V. . Skiff. Kninkll. 11. . . . . . . .l I * ( illmoic . .I , . . . , Hum-go " J. Stafford , A. 11. Wolf , II. 11. Wllurenner , 11. 1) . Itobliison , .Mi * . Win. 1'lnloy , Ed. 0. Caller , Airs. C. .M. Hell , Itobcit M. Simons , K. 11 , llloi bower , Dim Cnroy , S. Dwljrlit Kutoii , Jolm .McJ/.mglilln , ItobeitV. \ . Ouitls , Emily A. Weaver , ( looojo S. Murlson , ilulm K. l.oui'tullolle , Jl. It. 1'nrnnly , 1.11. Mmdocl ; , .Mrs. I. 11. .Muidock , .1. 13. Solii-ld , C. C. .Morrison , " T. A. Itlonlon , A lux Q. Smith. Ono af lor the olhcr the blockaded trains from the east and west arrived during yesterday and tilled the city with strang " ers , The capacity of every Institution m town that pretends to give lodgings was It exhausted last night. TUB ici" nirsiKRSs , It takes" r.0,000 tons of lee to supply the refrigerating demands of Omaha. The harvest season which will begin witl > | \ rus ] | , ig goon as Iho weather moderates suflU'lontly will give tem porary employment to. nearly a.OOO num. The rate of wages is from I.-IO lo 91.70 , It is estimated that there are at least 3,000 able bodied men in the city out of employmcut If thcso then are really anxious for work they will lind their opportunity on the ice Held , Cutting began Yesterday ou the river Kenmtrd & Newell , who have the right to the reservoir , art } at work takinsr off oot-lhick ico. During thosnap of amonth ago this concern garnorcd ono thousand tons of ton-inch ice , and has thoivforo a Coo < i istart. Hammond & ( Jo's mammoth Ice house near thn cut-off is having its forty seven thousand ton's canaelly sup plied as fast as men can bring it from the lake. lake.There There scorns to bo among a certain clique , known as the "Kosslor's hall caiiff , " n soil of organisation wherein Iho Hue is drawn at if 1,75 for ice cutters. The crowd numbers'-about thirty men Who have followed the harvest for years lud. consider themselves iudisucusiblo. They have previously announced that thi'V would submit to no deviation from thrir rule' and r.iany of the ice dealers , in consequence , have declared against them. The outcome of this small labor question will perhaps be int'-roting. ACcr.Mri.ATKi > SIAII , JI.VTTKK. The delivery clerk in the po. toflico , worn of questioning * ) , has set up a bulle tin board at the window announcing the fact that no mails are received , in lan guage forcible and distinct. "The delivery department , " said Mr. Cotilant to n reporter , "is having a rest now , but the relief lo riniueh of Us pleas ure in the kntiwlt'dgo of the overwhelm ing rush which is gathering during ( he resting spell. No mail has 20110 out or come in since day before ye.-iiM-day. ( and then only in part ) except by yesterday's Kansas City train. While the matter for delivery hero is piling up in the blockaded trains , outgoing loiters are aNo accumulating in the ollicc. 15ut. this last will not bo largo , as Iho cold weather has had a depressing elleet on correspondence nnd not many arc writ ing letters from Omaha. TIII : oi.n INII.UHTAXT. A reporter interviewed a number of the olil inhabitants this morning with u view to sounding them on the subject of the cold weather. "Whew ! whew I whew ! " whistled Councilman Uoodrich , as ho stood ten derly hugging a base-burner in his store , "tins weather is something fearful. Last night was the coldest over known in Omaha , to my thinking. In fact I have iH'Msr known a season of such long continued cold , with such heavy winds , as llio present. There may have been other nights in the history of Omaha when the thermom.iler sank lower than it did last night , but the wind was so violent that the cold was felt ten fold more than it would have been otherwise. Three years ago , for instance , there was a time when tlio mercury sank a little lower than it did last night , but owing to the absence of wind , the cold was not felt nearly so much. " "How about the winter of 1850-7 ? " "That was a very biller winter no lonbt lint it was not nearly so cold as some ncoplo imagine. You 'see. in those days the houses were not constructed ns warmly as they are now. Most of them were nothing lint log cabins , having the chinks stopped up with clay or muslin cloth or something of that kind. Consequently quently our grand-fathers and fathers used to sutler Iar more from the cold than wo would now. " Hon. A. J. llanscom was positive Ihat he had never known a night in the his tory of Omaha when the cold was felt as much as it was Kriday night. "There may have been colder nights , " he said , "but if there wore , I don't know when. I am positive that 1 novel- felt the cold so ; no , not even during the winter of 1850. ' UI.IKKAKD IILAST3. The enurinp of No. 1 , the out bound Union Pacilic passenger of Saturday night , while passing Gilmore about mid night left the rails and dragged with it the express , mail and baggage car. No one was hurt except the engineer .lim Monalinn who sprained his thumb. The locomotive and cars were put on the track after about live hours' work. A number of school children have hud their hands fro/en on their way to school. Matt Glair had ono cheek badly frozen this morning while shovelling snow from Iho sidewalk in front of his house. Marsh Kennard is said lo have unfeelingly re marked , when he heard of the calaitro- iihc : "So ? Well it's a cold day when Matt Clair's check is froxen. " The street pars arc nearly all running on schedule time. The river is fast frcoxing up and ice cutting will commence in a day or two. The thermometer in the signal oflice showed u temperature of 21 ° below zero at 7 o'clock Saturday morning. As tlio thermometer is online fourth story of the government building , the temperature indicated is a degree or two higher than on the street. A test has shown that'the fire'plugs about the city are not yet frozen up. Assistant Superintendent Hunt , of the Waterworks , informo 1 a reporter that no freeze-up of the pipes about town has yet been reported. "Thero will bo none , either , " lip concluded , "no matter how cold this winter may bo , ns long as this heavy snow is on the ground. Colonel Henry who was frosted Fri day has had some experience with cold weather , in this country. In Iho winter of 187.1-73 ho left 15cd Cloud agency for the Black Hills , was out some two weeks with . of in , M 11 ii tin average temperature | UA 1 below zero. The last day , having to face llio blizzard in an exposed part of the country , he and his command , some lifty men , were severely frozen being saved only by coming across a ranch of ii "squaw man. " Col. Dodge in his work "Plains of the Northwest. " graphically describes this trip , and suffering ; ; of the command , who to this day feel llio effects of Ihoir exposure , The officials and clerks in the railway olliccs and mercantile establishment \yho handle correspondences are nerving themselves to face a deluge of mail mill- lor when the blockade is raised. General Test denies that ho ever gave the Omaha fair board any forecast oT the weather for next September , but states thai lie will do so if il is desired. F. L. Ilolbrook , of the Union Pacific engineering donartmcnt , had his face painfully frosled while running n survey line at tlio Summit Saturday morning. Reports at Union Pacilio headquarters state that a number of the men at work clearing the track were badly frozen. Despite Iho blockaded postal service , unusually largo sales of stamps were made at the poslolllce Friday. Ono corporation bought $ UOO worth and an other purchased $113. Other largo sales ran the total amount up to $700. A FOH.MIOAIlljK WKAl'OX. rho Gun to 1)0 Ailoptuil hy Uncle Sam. A circular from the headquarters of Iho department of Iho L'laUo , shows that the army in the spring are to be supplied with now Springfield rillos with model 5lghts. "This gun , " said Col. Henry , inspector of rlllo praolico to a reporter "is so arranged that with a full screw you obtain your elevation and al lowance for drift at the same time. The "drift" is the ilNlanco which the ball will sway to 'lho right on account of the twist receives in leaving the gun. Formerly the marksman had to make his allowance for shooting at any given distance that is in technical phrase obtain Iho elevation and then by turning a lit- lie screw make an allowance for the : drift" of the ball. In the now gun , by Automatic arrangement , tins allowance for olovaiiOU .nil drift is made at the same time The olliciency of the army , already at a lilgh point in markmanship , will , it is believed , bo greatly increased by tlio in troduction , of the improved gun. The Springfield or single loader system will : be adhered to for thn present , as unfavor able reports are made against the present magazine guns. " "What are the mnguzlno guns ? " ' "They are guns witn q magazine attach ment to the barrel , containing shells , and so adjusted that a number of shots can bo lired in quick succession. They are clum sy and imperfect at present , though in time they may become sufficiently im proved to warrant their adoption , " "What will it cost to introduce this now gun ? " "There are 25,000 men to bo supplied and each gun will cost about f IB. Yes , the weapon will have u bayonet attach ment. " MONEY HAISKn FOU THAVIS. Cnpt. Iltistln nnd Oon. O'llrlcn K.x- plain How It Was Us nil. The BBB presents below n few cold facts concerning the Travis alleged bri bery case which have never before been published. They form u very interesting nnd iinpurtnnt supplement to tlio tcs- tinoii3' ! brought out at the recent investi gation , nnd ought to satlsfyoven the most hostile to Marshal Gumming * as to "what became of that $300. " Capt. 0. B. Kustln was met on Satur day by a reporter for tlio HJEvlio : en gaged him in n couvcrs.itiott bearing up on the Travis ease. Mr. Jiustin , it maybe bo remembered , testified at llio investi gation that he had been intiamtely concerned with tlio disbursement of the money raised for Travis , ami further that tlint amount was something less than 'JOO and more than $ 200. "I can't understand , " he said to the re porter , "why Dr. Miller wants to strike John A. Creighton over my shoulders. If them is any crookedness in tlio affair , I am the man who ought to bo held respon sible. I wont to Creighton mid got him to advance the money to gel Travis back to his home. It was merely an act of kindness on the part of John Civighlon. The Herald said Hint ho disbursed the money. There is not a word in tlio testimony to justify such talk. I disliked very much to bobrought into tlio ( Jtimnungs investigation , but if t had refused to attend and give testimony Iliev might have chargetl that I was guilty ot soinu crooked work , or knew something I didn't dare to disclose. This man Travis is not a bad man. Ik-didn't commit any forgery , and was incapable of doing it if ho wanted to. Years ago , when the Comstoek and Waslmo mining business was in a most t1ourisliin < r state , Travis was a highly respected and promi nent man out in tlio Nevada mining country. He was ' horitV at Pioeho when 1 lirst got acquainted with him. Of late years no took to drinking and running with fast women. Finally , ho became deranged and was taken to the insaiio asylum in California. He made his es cape from the asylum. The lirsl thing his brother out in Utah heard of him was when ho received : i notice from Omaha by telegraph that his brother had been taken to jail while attempting to epmmjt suicide. lie telegraphed mo to tind his brother and let him know how badly he was hurt. Ilu also asked mo to have the unfortunate man eared for and returned as soon as he got well. When 1 went to Creighton Jo raise the money , there was no complaint tiled charging Travis with forgery. So far as that is concerned , ho was simply a victim in that bogus check transaction. lie got on a spreu and fell in with some sharpers at the IMutl's who victimized him after they hail got what money ho had. Travis comes of a good family , but writes a. wretched hand , and couldn't have possibly forged that cheek , which was executed by some expert in such work. " When Air. liustin was asked about the money which , it is claimed by the Her ald , is not accounted for , ho suid : "Wo didn't use any more money than was ab solutely needed to get the man in condi tion for trial and send him back. Travis was actually almost eaten up by vermin. His clothes Jiad to be thrown away. In his deranged condition we could not put money in his hands nor trust him on the road with a through ticket. " When asked why all this had not boon staled before tlio investigating committee ' tee , Captain Itnstin said 'he thought the tcst'iiiumy of lioncko cleared up nvory- Ihing , and as ho was not asked to tell ajl he knew about Travis , ho did not see lit to volunteer testimony , beyond answer ing questions put to him. Mr. Kustin felt extremely sore over the treatment of .John Croighlon , when ho bad simply done for a friend what any oilier humane man would have done under likO circum stances. Gen. O'liricn was POOH by a reporter and asked whether lie had known that Travis was an escaped lunatic from the California insane asylum. "Of course E did , " replied tho'goiferal , "and I had my papers all drawn up for a writ of habeas corpus for Travis'release on the ground of insanity. Judge Heneko held the man longer than ho had any right to , and I hnilto go several times to him before he ordered Cummings to release him. " "Uut what about tlio money ? What was done with the excess over what it re quired to pay your fee and buy him a new suit of clothes ? " "Wo didn't have money enough to pay 6 legitimate expenses as it was. Travis couldn't oven nay his doctor's bill. If : Mr. liurnham had asked mo what had been done with tlio money 1 could have told him almost where every dollar went. More than two-thirds was not disbursed in Omaha. Travis could not bo safely sent to his homo alone. So wo hireil a man to take charge of him , and see him . through. That made the trip quite ex pensive , paying fare for two men out and ono man back , besides incidental ex penses on the road , and a good round sum for Inoservices of the man who went out with Travis. So far as Cummings is concerned , I didn't need him and wasn't foolish enough to iiay him for obeying the judge's order. Ituncke only did what ho was obliged to do. There was no law for the hold ing of llio man on the more . complaint without a requisition. " A KOOIVS QUESTION. A Man From "Wnlioo Sliim ] a tini-Ris Numlicr ol' AVJso 31 on. The following intorohango of corre spondence passing between December . . iiO and January 8 , may prove interesting reading matter. It all began in this harmless inquiry by postal card : WAHOO , Neb. , Duo. 21) ) . Davlil Brad ley & Co. , Council Bluffs , Dear Sir : Are \ vou agents for the Now Oarlnans lottery if so 1'itfl mo a card and oblig by Return inaill address Wf.lioo , Nob. , Respectfully fours , GOUIKJN TIIOJIAS. This harmless note was matin the butt jf much merriment and away it went-- : COUNCIL HI.UKF.S , Iowa , Dec. 2t > . Slmgart , Wailo & Wcis , City. Having a customer on implements in Wahoo , and not carry ' ing the goods Mr. Thomas requires , wo turn the onior over to you If you do not keep thorn , iisw it along to some one who may possibly h.v/u them , lours ' Lruly , DAVID lliun.W & Co. COUNCIL BUNTS , Iowa , Dec. Ul. Lininger & Mctcalf Company , Oinah , ' : , I ] Neb. fr j The enclosed order has , „ forwarded to ns , but wo can not j > ill it. As such goods wore handled ox jm t-nsively in your city during Mr. Tattoo's Ime , wo think you may bo able to help lim out. If not , please forward. Tours respectfully , SniKJAiiT , WAITF. & Wins. P. S , Wo will divide commissions. OMAHA , Neb. , Jan , 2 , ma. Jinn-chill Parker , Esq. , president , Parker , Robertson & Co. , Omaha , Neb. DKAH Sin : Referring to papoi's at- achcd would say as wo do not handle the articular kind of goods Mr. Thomas isks for , nor in fact know anything about lliem , wo take pleasure in Imndm" his jrdor to you , believing that you will bo 'ully able to satisfy him In this matter. With the compliments of the season , ivo are , respectfully , LIKINOKIC & METOAW Co. If you cannot give Mr. Thomas the in formation ho seeks , please pass It on to whom you think would bo able to do so. OMAHA ; Nob. . Jan. S , 1880. ' Bucliil Martin , Esq. , Purlin , OrondorlV& Martin , city. DKAH 8111 : I take pleasure in handing you herewith papers relative to an ' inquiry made by a party atYalioo from n Council BlulTs house fof the agents of a certain "Lottery. " It occurs to me that It was useless to forward the inquiry beyond its original destination , as L know of noplace which comes nearer to being a lottery than Council Bluffs , and the gentleman at \V ahoo probably had the saine idea when ho wrote the card. If you know of any place where thn gentleman can bo better accommodated I tru t you will forward the communica tion , lours truly , CnunciiiM. PAKKHI : . Messrs. Deere , Wells & Co. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. < } RXTIESIIX : Wo herewith hand you postal card from Mr. Thomas of \ \ ahoo , .Neb. , making inquiries in regard to a "lottery. " Wo also attach correspond ence in relation thereto. Acting upon the suggestion of friend Parker wo re turn the whole business to the place to which it. was originally addressed , hoping that should you not bo In a position to accommodate the gentleman you will forward it to some one who can , or in the event of n failure to do this wo suggest that perhaps it had bolter be re turned to the house to whom It was originally addressed , so that they can make such disposition as they deem best. Very respectfully yours , PAKI.I.V , OiciN'i : oiti > 'K & MAIITIX. Considering that all the linns whoso hands the inquiry has reached arc dealers in wagons , carriages , farm implements , etc. , and that the real representative of the lottery hereabouts Is in jail , Mr. Thomas ot Wahoo is not in a fair way to obtain a satisfactory reply. TAIiKS WITjTTHAVKUSUH. Short Interviews Gathered In tlio Ho tel 1totumn ! < ) . Ed L. Carter , Detroit , Mich : "Tho excitement citement over the Polish Catholic riots in our city has almost entirely subsided. I do not think there is any great danger of further serious rioting , and yet an out break may bo looked for at any time. The impression you receive in reading telegraphic accounts of the situation is wrong ; the police have always had the mastery over tlio rioters , and they will hold it. No , the priest who has been deposed by the bishop and whose re moval was tlio cause of the mutiny on the part of the Polish congregation was not a oad man , though there was some rumored talk against his character. He was very popular with the majority of his congregation , the faction widen op posed him being very small indeed. There is no doubt bill that in the long run the bishop will come out ahead , that the Polish Catholics will have to submit to his decree regarding the removal of the priest. Ho is backed in his action by the power of the Catholic church. Charles L. Kimball San Francisco , Cal. : [ Mr. Kimball leprcsenls one of the largest lea companies on the Pacilio coast. ] "There was : i time when the ten trade of the coast and indeed of the entire - tire country was in the hands of the Chinese the ( liinc.se Six companies , for instance. That time has passed. The commercial relations of America with China and Japan have of late years be come more and more free. Tins is espe cially noticeable in the tea trade , a. large portion of which , in 'Frisco , is now trans acted by American lirms. " T. L. Mclntyrc , Chicago , 111. : "I do not think , and I believe L am backed in my opinion by other railroad men of the west , that the rumor of the Chicago & Norlhwcstcrn purchase of the Central Pacilic has miicli foundation to jt. Yes , ] know the Northwestern is making rapid strides westward , and that it will pay them to head oil * the Burlington and the Union Pacilic , in almost any manner pos.Mblo. But they cannot secure a satisfactory - factory louse of the Central Pacilic , so long as it is indebted to the government. As llie situation appears to mo it will hardly prove prolitamo to the Northwest ern to pay oil'this indebtedness in order lo secure the lease of the Central Pacilic. ' ' IK.VYIXG IUS GUII/T. An Omalin Convict Dies Protesting His Innocence. An event of some httlo local interest liappenod at Lincoln last week forcibly calling up the question whether any man dare die denying a jrimo of which ho is in fact guilty. Three years ago about this time , the residence of Col. liurnham , on Idaho street , was burglarized. The colonel was iwakoncd and had a little brush with ho intruder before ho escaped. A man ibout town named Kregor , who had stranded here with a busted theatrical jompany , and had no visible occupation , ivas arrested on suspicion. When con fronted with the prisoner , Col , liurnham leclarcd that he r < cognized in him the .hief who had entered his hoiiic. Krcgor ivas of remarkable physique , having a stature of six feet si-vcn inclu-s , a large a frame , and n deep ba s voice. Every ividcnco was against him ; his shoo , icculiarly worn and of uniisiiai size , fitted the track which the jurglar had left in the snow and Col. llnrnham confidently testified thai ho was he man. The prisoner imiloMod his in- loconce , but was notwithstanding con- icted and sentenced to nine years penal servitude. About a year ago , Kregor immifcMcd failing health and since that time has sunk rapidly under the dread disease , 2onsnmplou. ! Day before yesterday , ho lied in the prison , and , rou.-cious to the > last , denied lo llio attending minister his juilt of the crime for which ho was pun- .shell. Thcro are many in this city who only lalf beliovcil the man's guilt , and since 10 died with proU-stations of innocence m Ids lips , a larger number will conli- lently conclude that ho was not'guilty , \n old citizen who has dealt with crimi nils of every character , said upon this loiut to-day , that lie had wen men ninged for crimes which beyond all qiiosy ion they had committed , denying their ti niilt until the stretchuf the rope checked licir breath. "Ten Yours.Hotter. " The antiquarian rage still continues. ( I'ho following is the latest communion ion : Mr. Editor T notice in your issue of ho 7th inst Mr. Colo's reply of "Ton L'car IJ.-tter" to my 3 note ; also Mr. ' hotter than Mr. 's forty-seven years ; 3. , in yours of the Hlh inst. Now , while admire the gentlemen for coming to the roj't ' , would it not h advisable to avoid nixiii" i"o much with the "dark agus1 crimps , if I was pushed very hard. 1 night produce i. ' ' ° logbook kept by old atlicrNoali in his . 'uomorabo voyage ' omo years since , but prctCi' to deal more lircctly with homo matters , ijyu as Air admits "A Practical Discourse ( 'on- erning a Future Judgment , " a London niblicatlon , would it not bo well to debar iim from our class and consider only Mr. ' " " which nrob- Colo's "Pastoral Courtshjp , - ibly Is of American origin. But if not , claim first place with my Jersey shin ilaslcr. Lot us see thut Nebraska has ho oiliest piece of paper printed in this lountry since its discovery. ( J. W. MANSni : LI ) . Accounts of Kv-Ooinity Clerks. The county commissioners at work up- m the accounts of ox-County Clerk John Jaumor have appealed to County Attor- ley Cowin to return his opinion upon laumer's claim to $100 , duo him for ser- 'ico as clerk for the county commission- irs. The law seems to provide for such in allowance but the commissioners are loubtful about granting it in tins case , I'hoy have not yet acted upon Mr. Point's idjustmuut of Mr. Lcavitt's accounts. -OF T11AT- Taken on Monday and Tuesday , January 4th and 6tb , 1886 , AT THE MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS , 1119 Farnam St. , it was found that it would not pay to carr , anything over IP A BUYER COULD BE FOUND , and through close inspection it wds found that the recent arrivals excelled those of the past in QUALITY and WORK MANSHIP , consigned at sucli prices from THE LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS throughout the country , that any man can flnd it to his interest to inspect and in vest in one of those OVERCOATS -10 00 That was made to order by a merchant tailor for 20 00 It 00 dodo dodo do 22 50 12 80 dodo dodo do 24 00 ia 20 dodo dodo do 25 00 14 00 dodo dodo do 27 00 1)5 ) 40 dodo dodo do 00 00 10 To dodo dodo do 03 00 18 00 dodo dodo do 85 00 SO 80 dodo dodo do 10 00 25 00 dodo dodo do 50 00 28 00 dodo dodo do no oo HO 00 do do do Go 00 Further developments showed after balancing the day-book of the past three months , netting a nice business , that Suit after Suit still awaited the person whom it would prove the size to wear it , there will be found a suit for yon , AT YOUR j OV/N / PRICE , in order to close down the stock. NO DISCOUNT , NO FORCED SALE , and as a greeting of the old saying , "what we don't ' see we don't ' credit. " But when those pantaloons m seen , at prices they can be bought for , no question can arire as to tills statement. THE PUDDING IS HOT , and the old saying , the test was in "Chewing the Bag. " But now-a-days it is said to test it is to eat it. Every man is invited to cat pudding during the next twenty days at the 1119 STBEIET. AMIUSKMfiNTS. Presentation of tlio "Ulnck Flat ; " Saturday The Florences. Only a small audience greeted Edwin riiornc and his company presenting the ' 'Black Flag" at the IJoyd Saturday. i'ho play , which has been produced here nice before , is an excellent one , and full jf interesting .situations of a melodram- die order. The loading role of "Harry jlyndon" was filled by Mr. Theme in ns usual clover manner , and he appeared joforo the curtain twice in answer to tlio ipplause which greeted his acting. His upport was fairly good , anil ( ho iltontion of llio audience was held lironglioiit. "Tho lihick Flag" will bo epeated this evoiiing , and a good attend- nice is expected. Tin : ri.oitr.xoF.s. Mr. and Mrs. l-'lorencir appear at ioyd's opera house Kriday and .Saturday if this week. On Friday evening I he our-act society comedy entitled "Our lovcrnor , " Mr. Florence as the champion iar and poker player , Mrs. Florence as ho lady of fashion , "yo know. " On Saturday by general request the 'lorcnccs will give n matinee of the 'Mighty Dollar , " and on .Saturday night vill bo given Dickons' "Domboy V , Son , " Jr. Florence playing his great character iart of " ( Japt.Ktlwnrd Cuttle , "pronnnced .y the entire press to bo the greatest bit it character acting scon for many cars. He JjaiiRi-lHlics In .Tail. "I don't want to go to jail , J can't go ojail , " cried a woll-drowd , good-look- ng young man who was being hurried ill' tothe county prison by Constable ) oixey Friday afternoon. The speaker was Arthur L. DiAVitt , a oiing man occupying a responsible posi- ion in tlio ' 'nlon Pacilio car shops. IIo lad been arrested on a cliargo preferred gainst him by a young woman , Anna s'orstrom , whom , it appears , ho had rrievously wronged. IIo nad a trial Fri- lay and was found guilty. The girl illored to compromise tlio case and no- opt a monthly stipend of $ Hi from Do Vitt until she was out of her delicate ondition and could work for a living. ) i\Vitl ) agreed to do this , but could not ivo the satisfactory bond of $1,000. Con- cfpiontly , ho will have to remain in jail intil the February term of the district ourt. 'I'rosccntliiK a Lottery Man. Frank Keene , the delicate and dullish 'oung man who represents the Louisiana llato Lottery in this city , was arraigned or trial in police court Saturday. raived examination and was hound over j Jlio district court in the sum of $1,000. lumg tumble to give bail ho was taken to lie county ba 'Ue The section of thdi'ity ordinance under rhich Kcene is being presented by the iiw and order league , raids as iCli''U'S : " ' 'very lottery , gift enterprise , game r device of chance in the nature of a lot- iiry. within the corporate limits of the ityof Omaha , by whatever iiuino it hall be called , shall bo decreed unlawful ud a common and public nuisance , " Tobo United In Kclininry. The marriage of Mr. N. B. Falconer to iliss Nellie Lo ach , one of hiuccoin - illshed lady clerks is announced to take ilaco in February. Mr. Falconer , who is one of Omaha's nest prominent dry good * merchants , ws concluded to leave the rank * of the bachelors and seek benedictine joys. His numerous friends in Omaha will con gratulate him on his resolve. Miss Leach lias for some years occupied a responsible position in Mr. Falconer's establishment and has made many fricnils by her gra cious winning ways. The friends of both \yjll wish them all the joys of married life. Dclnytn ; ; a. Messn c. The National .Mutual Accident associa tion tiled a pclilion Friday , asking llie district court lo grant them an appeal in their case in which Justice Wright rendered a judgment against them for $107 in favor of Amos , L Van Allstino. In their petition they claim that the gen eral manager of the company , who lives at liloomington , 111. , ordered them to take an appeal and sent a telegram to that elleet. The telegram reached Omaha at ( | o'clock p. m. , Deo. Ill , but was nyt delivered until 10 o'clock the next morn ing , which hour was too latu for filing an appeal bond , hence the legal request. Army Notes. It is quietly rumored about the army headquarters , that CSen. II. A. Morrow , of Fort Sidney , is to be made head of llio judge advocate's department , and that very shortly , f'on. Morrow , who is now commandant at Sidney , has many friends , inllucntial with the present administra tion , and they are ouiotly working to se cure his appointment. The impression about army headquarters appears lo be that hu is lliu man lo fill Iho position. Lieut. Hiitehinson , of Fort Niobrara , Is snowbound in the city on his way to his poit. Ho has been cast on a buvural week's leave of absence , MAKKIKI ) . - - 21 , nt the of .Miss KaloMaihlmll , the nlcco of llie rie. on South LaKe street. Mr. TlioinnsM. ) \ ! ( | , tif Omaha , Nub. , to Jli > . Laura l'n-i' , of hugiir ( Jiove , llev. L. 1) . Temple ollldiilm ; , ' , Absolutely Pure , This rowiier never vnrlea. A inixrvcl or pun ly. Btroiixth uiicJ wliolvMiiuonet * . .Morn ceononi Icultlmn UiiMiiilliinrylilii'l ' , nml oitnnot iMiwilil In compi'tllion ' with tlio inuliltuilu of low tpst short wi-Bht , Blum or iiliosi'lui1. " powilcri. Bold only In twin. Ilor&l UaKliic 1'owdur Company , Wull Street , M. \ . ARCHITECTS. F. M. ELLIS & Co. Architects and Building SuperinFs OMAHA , NEB , and DES M01NES , IA. Ollk'e , Cor. lllli unil Farniim Streets , Uoom 18 orrvr.A.'Ea : . , ISTEB. Or.onci ; HuiiuNciiior , ivltli F , si. Kills. DOCTOR MclENAMY rr.ni'iiiirnn : OH TUB Omaha Medical and Surgical ' , L'OHNlin 13TH ST. ANI ) CAl'lTOIj AVENUJt TltKATfl AM/ Chronic and Surgical Diseases. . DornrmlllrH , DI-H'-IM.N if Women , I'rlvMe DlsouhM , I'llc-i , Oiilfirrh , IHnraHim of the I.UIIKH , l.ivrr , KliliinyK , IIIouil , Nkln , Ktiiiniifli , .N'orx's , Hjro mill IJnr , Send for Hook up on nil ill rn en free. Jtuums and llinrril for I'nlicntn. Write for PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO MEN. mi I'liivATi ; , Krucui , mid Nnivoun nieraru. Hem- Innl WfukiicBs , HiiiTmntoirliira , Syiiliilln , ( Jloct. SlrlrtiiriYurlcocilv , mid nil Disrates of the Urln. my untl Kuxu.il Organs. Cocm nriiUil liyroirci. liondrncc , nrjicrtoiinlly. C.mlldenlliil. NcA\r.lne \ tent l > y innll or rxpri'ss Mllhont murks lo Indicate content ! * nr condor. Unlli' rlcN , InliiilrrK , llr.-iocH , Trtuscs , and r.ll Unili of MeiUral "nil Sur icul Alinlliinci'd , man. ufuclurrd mid for fculc. Aililrur * nil loiters lo DR. MoMFiNAMY , Or OIIAIIA MnnicAb AMI SUIUJICAL INHTITIITK , laili .St. . Our. Cjpllul Avenuo. Oinnlia , .Neb , ARE YOU A DEALER IN SEWING JACHINES ? Ami do you wmit to Imixllu tliu licfit Kowln inii- clmio unit iimiiov can liuyy II i > u , for imr- 'B , terms it ml iinccs , ndiliofu , 206 North IGlli Street , Omaha , Nebraska , At llio World's Exposition , Now Orlonns , tlio I'nlon Foivlmr iiiiit'lilnii ivns mvimlrd Iht I'rcnil- inn iiinl Unlil Mi'ilul iivur nil uomiJoilloiH , on tlio hrnuil olumiiJl'fcupi'iIorJty ns u liunlly It In orl Jiuil in Invention and JIORBOSRUN felling whluli you Inivo no coiiiiclltloii. | It is the Only Machine that has Reverse Feed , Enabling ( lie Operator to Sew Back wards or Forwards without clmnjdnx or Mopping HID muulilno. This jiolnt iiloiiti iucrniMHi IIH viiliiii fioin fr > to tlilovrrniillnury wuulilnoalii tlio oytuuf OVLT/ Bt'iiblhlti customer. II you niunirooil , IV | nrorrcfalvi ( ) ilculor uiul wmit tn liiuiillo u iiiiiulilnii tliut will Intri'iiBu your irnilo and jilouso your cuaoniurs , wiHo lor puitluulurs to Union Man'f g Co. , 206 N , 16tli Somalia , Neb. TIHflKE-N SPRING 1/EHICLCS / , OVER 400,000 m. IN WE. . vcll ilui-lrd lo niusti j-umimr tundu niiS Uiio lvrncfillU- in.li"4urr | < Juii.1 oldlJJI HU ( vii dluit Vnttlu&u Uulldcr * nud Ocul 4l