Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 11, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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    ijas ur *
f " - " - .
2t4nsnrc selling steady at former quotation * .
v fir ) few potatoes are cban lni ; InntK b ut
there Is a stronger feeling In the market and
choice Block noiild sell at roQGOc. Onions
oic fclllne In a small way at 70o per bushel.
The Rrnln market Ims been slow , few load's
Ii.i\c betn broKS1 la to the mills by local
fanners , and the elevator lias received very
little on account of the snow blockade.
While It is not possible to predict what will
IMJ the condition of business during thn week
Jo come , tlio'e who are in the best position to
1'iiow , anticipate a very good business as soon
ns the roads flv cleared so that live stock and
produce can mum In ,
Satutilay Evening , Jan. 0.
The MIOW blockade has prevented the ar-
rKnlof vtook traln and the ll\o Mock mar
ket Is ut a standstill.
DKOCIttl'TIOX. 1'oor to Good to
Mcdltitn. Kxtia ,
ViOO Ibs am ! over 81 r 60(35 ( 00
3 7fXj4 15(34 ( 45It
] .2ou > ! iirjO : HIS 3 MM-J 00 7ii ( ! It
Western Hanger * . . . . 3 C5 < fJ4 00
Native Cows a 35
Western Cows 3
Hulls a 10
I loirs
Mixed 45
Heavy Packing COM
! ! ! . ! : : : : : : : : 75 M
McillHin 150 3 60
HANOI : UP miens pott imos.
Thcextiumoranvi ot prjces for roueh
mixed , heavy tucking and light weight
hojrs lor six da ) B Is shown below :
) { oi/li : | Heavy | . _ _ _ , . _ _
Mixed. I Packing. I Weights.
Monday. . .
'rnesday. . . 3.03.0pi ! !
Wednadav. 8.30 ( 3.00 . ,
Thursday. . S.OC ! ! < t .00 8.2oca : ) . : ; "
Kiiday \\srm\M \ \ \
Satnnlay. . 3.'S 3.45 8.30 ( < ia.OO 8.20fl3.31 (
Note All .sales of stock In this matkctaio
made per cwt ll\o weluht. unless otherwlso
( dated. hozs sell at Ic per III , for all
welchts. "Skins"orlio swclKhiiiR less Ihan
1X ( ) KM , no value. Pregtunt bows ate dockud
\ Saturday Kvenlnir , Jan. i ) .
I General Markets.
Eojis The market continues steady at
firnieujces. ; . sales bolni ; inadeat20c.
liunnit Cliolcu table butter Is meeting
with loady s.tlo while infeiior grades are not
wanted. Strictly choice lolls , 15gl7e ( ; fai
to treed , 9C'il2c : Inferior. 48c.
ClUtiiHi : Fancy full cieam cheddars. Oc
tober make , lie ; tlats 12c ; youni' America
lJ ) < ; i ! ; quality Swiss cheese , lOc ; second
qna.lty , 12i ; l4c ; biick cheese , Uc ; himburgur ,
i'oui.T uv The market continues un-
cnnnp.'d at former prices. Inferior stock
oO poorly dressed poultry Is not wanted
and holdcisof Mich will do better to sell It at
homo than to .ship it to this market. Tur-
kovs. btuctly choice , dry picked , 12(3i4c ( ;
chickens , strictly choice , dry picked , U ( < filOc ;
teese , stilctly choice , dry picked , 10 ; @ 11 ;
ducks , btiictly choice , dry picked , 10@11.
( ! AM : : Prices are steady ; iccclpts light
PrairlechIckensSa.60Qi.a75 ; ducks , mallard ,
82.2Ti ; ducks , tral , 81.25521.50 ; ducks , mixed.
SK2.Xgl.50 ; quail , 81.00CdI.25 ! ; snipe , 81.
1.25 ; Kcese , M.OOiJ3.50 ( ; jack rabbits , S3.00M
3.50 ; small labblta 76 l.oo.
SALintKitAUT Hcs quality , 50.60 pcrSO
lb barrel ; per bbl.S3.75.
PIIKSIUVIH : : , JKI.I.IES , KTC. Prpsones ;
all kinds , 20-lb. pails per lb. . 10) c : do 10 pail
gal. , lOc ; assoited 6-lb. pails per doSb.OO. .
, lcllic : < , all kinds , first gtnde , 20-lb. palls , per
lb. , tic ; assmted , llrst grade , 5-lb palls , jicr
doS5.UO ; do , 3-lb pails , per doz. , 52.75 ; do ,
1-lh pailb pur caio , 2 doz. , S'i.25 ; do
Bchooners jiet do/ . , S2.C5 ; do , tumbler.s. per
case , 2 doz. , S1.-10 , all kinds , second grade ,
80-lh. pails , per lb. be. Mince Jlcat , best
grade M bbl. . per lb. , 7c ; do. 18 , 3H and 03 Ib
pail't , per lb. , 7' < c ; do. 5-Ib. palls , per doz. ,
EO.CO ; apple butter , extra line , k bbl. , per 11 ) . ,
7cdo ; 40-lb pails per lb.,7Xdo. ; 5-Ib nails ,
per do/ . , $ t1.00 ; peach and plum butter , 40-lb , ,
iialls per lb. , Okc ; peach , plum and quince
butter , assorted , 5-lb. palls , per doz. , S7.50
catsup ( ydet's ) , linest made , per case , 2
doz. pint bottles , S5.00 ; horse udisli , pint
bottlc.s , per doz. , SI. 50.
Nins Hickory nuts , largo per hu. S1.40 ;
do shell barks , 81.75 ; chestnuts , 12c ; pecans ,
largo Dolibhcd , lie : pecans , medium , i > c ;
Kngllsh walnuts , 14c : almonds Tatragonu ,
84s ; do , Liingueiioc , I7c : lirazlis , 120. filberts ,
BOC ; peanulH , hand picked , fancy Virginia ,
Oji ; do roasted , Sc.
1'Ics' . bbl. . do. bbl.
" .1 ll D feet per W uui. , 54.75 ; iiu yuu * ,
82.40 ; do. per kit , 1.00. Jjiunhs' tongues , per
Jrf bbl. , fcy.50 ; do. per kit , S-.7. > ; do. quart
lars per doz. , 65.50 ; do. pint tars per case ,
5 doz. ; . $7.00. Tripe , per J < bbl. , iS-1.50 ; do. per
I. 82.25 ; do. per kit. U5e. Uroilcd mack-
eiel , new , per case. 50 cans , JiO.fjO.
COMII IloNKY Caliloinla 2 ibframo CO Ibs.
in case per Jb. , 15c ; extracted , 2 lb. In cans , 2
doIn case , per case , S4.00 ; 10 lb. fiamcs ,
Nebraska , Ise.
CiDicit New York refined , per bbl. . S7.00 ;
do. half bbl. . Sl.OO.
VIXEOAK White wine , lOc ; cider , 12) < fc.
COCOANUIS At 84.00S4.M ) .
p K
Niw : 1'uis AND UATEH lrlcs , bmyrna , 100
lb. kegs , per lb , He : layer , b , 13 aud Ifi lb.
bo\cs , per lb , 10@17e ; layer , fancy , 45 lb.
boxes , per lb , 25e ; layer , fancy , a lb. cartoons
teens , per lb , lUc. lalcs , fancy Fard , 12 Ib
boxes , per Ib , 14c ; fancy Persian , fiO lb boxes ,
per Ib , lie. I'l-unclles , 25 lb boxes , per lb ,
IJKMONS .New Wesslna , per box , $5.00 ®
5.60OIIANOKB Valencia , per case , 4-20 size ,
7.00 ; Florida , ner box. Sl.&O.
Ari'i.KS i''ancv New \ oik and Michigan
apples , per bbl , 6i.76gj.OO. ( : ; fancy Now York
and Michigan apples , 5 bbl. lots , per bbl. ,
S2.C5 : fancy New York and Michigan apples ,
10 bbl. lots , per bbl , , S'J.W ; Illinois applcn , per
bbl. 82,78 ; Illinois apples , 6 bbl. lots , per
bbl. , 32..Vi ; Illinois apples , 10 bbl. lots , per
bbl. , 92.40 ; juissoutl Cieultons , 5 bbl. lots , per
bbl. . 2.25 ; Hlhsourl Uenltons , 10 lilil. lots ,
pei bbl. . $ : t.OO ; fancy eating , per bbl. . g.i.25 ;
choice Michigan Unit. fe&SO : in 10 to 25 bbl.
lots , 5f.25 ! ! ; car lots. 53,00
OiiAi'KS Malaga , per bbl , 87.00 ; Catawba ,
per basket. Hi ( M
CitANiiKJiiiiKB Capo Cod , fancy dark ,
per bbl. . gU.OO ; Capo Cod , fancy dark ,
6 bbl. lots. per bbl. Sti.60 ; jersey
Hell and Bugle , per box , 3.nO ; Wis
consin Hell nndChoriy , per bbl , SC.M ) ; Wis
consin Bell nnd Cheny , 5 bbl. lots , per bbl ,
C'AMFOiiNJA frtUiT Pears K.Beurro and
pound pears , per box. 83.00.
PitovisioNs. llam. I0 ; , ' ( < jllc , breakfast
bacon , HinUc : clear bide bacon , 7cdiy ; salted
sides , Co ; shoulders , hiigur cuit'd , 5fe ; mesa
poik per bbl. . $13.00 ; laid , 40 Ib. cans , per lb ,
r J 7to7)ie ; 10. 5 ami a lb Kalibauks , 7@Sc ;
dried beef hams , 12c.
OywrKiis N. Y. counts , 45c ; extra selects ,
3tc ? ; hclccts. H'te : BtuiuhinlH.aOc ; mediums , 25o
ONIONS Salt Lake stock Is helling at Sl.OO
n er bushel ; common home grown reds , 70@
7 6c. Thcro ate u few ttxtni cholco lu the
Market that are held at Sl.OO per bubh.
POTATOKH None ate coming , nnd prices
mo nominal at.V > § COo tor choice stock.
BKAXB Iteci'lptf' of Inferior stock are
again accumulating. ( ! oed clean stock Is
Fi.oun and KiLLbiuprs Winter Wheat
Finn ; best quality p.ilent nt 53.0033.30.
Si-cond miallty-S-.50Lt3.00. (
SIM Ing Whcut-Uesit quality patent at 53.60
Buckwheat Flour In barrels , $0.00 ; ready
nilKHl31b packages , SiOO ; 0 Ib packages ,
Bran Oocpercwt.
Chopped l-\'cd Per 100 Ibs. BOc.
Coin Meal White , bOo ; yellow , 76o percw t.
Screening No. 1 , 75c per owl ; No , 2 , 60c.
Hominy 81.60 per ct. .
Shorts COc per ewt ,
Orahum 8'J.OO per cwt.
Hay Bales , tfl.00@7.00 per ton.
1-uits AND bKiNb Mink , each , lOrtJSOc ;
muskrat , winter. 2@5o ; do. kits , 2o : Otter ,
f 2.60040.00 ; skunk , bliort striped. 15 < ai"ic : do.
broad striped , WS15 ; badger , 25 50 ; Itao-
coon. No , I large. 40s50 ( ; do. No. 3 , liOOta-J - ;
do. No. 8 , loS'iV : wolf , prolrlo. S0@75o ;
do. mountain. 8J.0003.00 ; wildcat , 15 < 5WO ; bea
ver , f l.60@a.50 per lb ; fox. each , S1.401.50 :
dcrrskln : . dn- winter , l6\So per lb ; do. fall
ami summer 20a29c. (
HiDEH-Urcen butcnera' , 7e ; crecn cured.
8U ( < sOo ; dry Hint , Uo ; dry salt , lOc ; damaged
hides two-llilids price. Tallow tc. Ureaso ,
pihmi w hlte , 4c. iilu op Volts 2S&73C. No. 1 Pittsburc liarncsh J. C. U
&Son , TC ; No. 1 Plttsburg , K. & S. 33o ; No.
Cincinnati. ! c ; No. 1 lace leather , too ; mime
blauclitcrbolo leather , 2 ( ilSc ; piiuio oak sole
leather. OVSSPp. tipper Icalhcr , per foot. 20(3 (
2 c ; 11 em kip , 7.V3S > c ; oak k I p , 8.xac : Fren el
kin. 81.00(31.2Hem ( / ; calf. ! Sl.OO ® 1.10. oak
calf , 51.00(31,25 ( : Kronen calf , Sl.B3rtSl.83s Mo
rocco boot lejr , JXXgtfJo : Morocco oil peoblc
ayafBo ; topplnES and linings , SO.Owtflo.O' '
uei dor.
COAL Anthracite grate , 88.50 : egg , $9.60
range , 83.75 ; chrstnnt , S3.75 ; Iowa , 83.60
Walnut block , 3.75 : Illinois , 55.00 ; Alls
sonrl. S4.w. ,
HKAVT HAnuwAHE Iron , rates , 53.55
plow steel , special cast , 4e ; crucible steel , Cc
cast tools do , 12ejlbc ( ; wacon spokes , per set
81.75(33.00 ( : hubs , cer set , 81.35 , felloes , sawec
dry , 1.40 , tongues , rach,75c , axles , each , 7.V ;
fwiaro nuLi. jier Ib , , 7Mllc ; collchaln per n >
( XrflSc : malcable , Sc ; Iron sedges. Oc : orow
bars.O ; Imi tow teeth , 4c ; spring steel , TfSSc
llurden's horsn shoes.S . .2j ; Utirden's mule
Bhocs , S5.U.-J. llarlx-il Wire In ear lot , Sl.Ofl
per 100 tts. iron Nails-ltatcs , 10 to CO , S3.00
Shot-S1.50 ; buckshot. Sl.M ; Oiicnta
powder , keps S3.50't .00 ; do. half lcgsS2.oo :
do , quarter hoes. S1.50 : blastlnir , Kept , SS.Sii
fu o , jier 100 leet. We. Lead. Uar Sl.0' .
inv PAINTS White lead , be ; ircnuh zlne
18ctl'aris hltlntr,2 > fe\vhltlnpBilderslici :'I. Ike : lampblack , tiermantoun
1'Jc ; lampblack , ordinary , lOc : Piu slan blue
55c , . untramarlne , INj : Vandyke , brown. S
umber , burnt , 4c ; nmber , raw , 4oj sienna
burnt , 4c : sienna law , 4e : 1'arlserccn. ccntt
Inc , 83c : rans creen , common , act ) chroma
prccn , N. V. SOcj chn.iue ereen , K , 12cer ;
million , Kni Ilsh. In oil asst Uo , raw ant
burnt umber lib cans , loc : raw and bum
sienna , lOc : vamlvkc Drown , I8c : roiiiud
lampblack. 1-c : coach black and ivory bla K
ICc : drop black. ICc : 1'iusslan blue.)0c ) : til
tranmrlnc blue. Ibc : chromo ciccn , ! > . . Ai it
] ) . , irc ; bllnil and shutter creen. h. , M. A I ) .
IRc ; 1'arls creen , ISc ; Indian red , Ific ; Vcno
tlan red. Uo : Tuscan red , 2 e : American vcr
million , b. & U. . 2oc ; > oiiow ocnru. c : L. M
A O. D. , Ibc ; coldcn ochre , 10c : patent dryer
8c ; gralnlne colors , light oalc , datk oak , wal
nut. chestnut and ash 15c.
I'AINTH IN Oii - White lead , Omaha , P. P.
7cvhlto ; lead , St Louis , pure 87'JJ ; Marseil
les preen , 1 to 5 lb cant , 20c ; French zinc ,
green seal , lUc ; French zinc , red seal , lie ;
French zlnc.ln varnish asst , 20o ; French zinc
76ccnnlllion. . American , ISc : linllan. red
lOc o e pink. 14c : Venetian , red Cook nn's
2c : Venetian ted , American , ijfc : red lead
) < c ; clirome ycllo\y Kcnulne , 'MO\ \ chromo
light , per callon , 1-c : IT.So headllKUi , pergal
Ion , We ; lWo ) water white , I5c : linseed hard
per gallon , -He ; linseed , boiled , per gallon
47e : lard , winter str'd , pur irallon 5 c ; Jno
1 , 4Sic ; Xo. S , 4 c ; castor XX\ , per gallon
S > 1.B5 ; A'n. , $1.44 ; sweet , per gallon , Sl.OO
sperm. W. U. , per callon , Sl.OO ; ihh , W. U. ,
pur gallon , 0 * > c ; neat stool extta , per gallon
Wc ) ; N'o. 1 Cc ! : Inbrlentlnc , zero , per gallon ,
70c ; summer , 15c : coldcn machine. o. 1 , per
cation OeMo. : u Sljc ; spcrin. slcnal , per cal
lon , 75c- turpentine , per gallon , 4Gtfc ; napllia ,
per gallon. 7ic.
\ AiiKisur.s Hatrols , per callon : Furni
ture , extra , ; furniture , No. 1 , Sl.OO ;
roach , extra S1.40 ; coach , No. 1. Sl.-M ) ;
Uamar , extra , 51. 75 ; Japan , 70u ; asphaltum ,
extra , 85c : shellac , $3.50 ; hara oil linlsh ,
bi'inirs Cologne sjilrlts , 1S3 proof , 51.12 ;
do 101 prool 81.13 ; hphits , sceontl iiu.illty
101 proof. Sl.l'J ; do. l&S pioof , Sl.ll. Alco
hol. 183 iiroot , S2.10 per wine gallon. JSedls-
lilled whiskies , Sl.OO l.W ) ; sin blended ,
S1.50@2.00 ; Kentucky bouilmns , S'l.OOfflii.
Kentucky anil Pennsylvania tyes , S-J.OOCifil.
coldcn Hheaf , bouibon niul whiskies ,
§ 1.50@3.00. llrantliei-Importeil , 55.00 ( 8.
domestic , Sl.CO ( zoo. ; ; ( tins Iinpoitcil , Sl
ffiO.OO ; domestic , S1.50W3.00. Itums 1
poi-tcd. SI.50b.OO ( ; New England , S2.00@4.00 ;
domestic , Jjl.50fa3.00. Champagnes Im-
potted , per case , S23.00@31.00 ; Ainetlcan , per
case , 510.00@10.00
. Ill's Iff It IsQrUbls 1'UICts
niw TISU. 200 100 UO 50 4U 15 12 10
MUIIU'B S't No.l lib 00 I Oft 3 Cfl 2 f"i 1 70 751C2 70
( Jlb'ed Fillip I ) OO.J 503 2T 1 801 fiO 7i M 50
IfdSU'io l"uytl | 003 ! 60,3231 , 70,1 uO,75 , 6tt 60
lUIIKI(1883 (
Ubls. Half
M12W USII. aw 11XJ 90 W 40
IllontcrMcsir. 33 00 18 00 10 - ' . 1) ) 03T 30 1 9 >
Kx. No. 1 tili'r 4 00,12 , 50 11 30,0 30 5 lull 40
No. ] hlioiu IB 00 U SOi b Ml Nl ) : IK1 ) ' 10
Med. No. 1 Shore. . . ] 00 7 00 0 M'U ' 5Ti 2 90
" " liny 11 00 0 CO 6 10II 05,2 , 50
I.nruo Family U ( X ) fid 4 frtlS 55 .J 10
Fat " T 00 4 00 ! 1 ' > ' 2 ( Ijll 70
Holland herrinc , now , per kej , Nc ) ; new
lout ? split htoelcfisli , lOc , new shoit split
stocklisli , 'JKc.
LAKIi FISH nES'l CntCll. )
H'f Ilbls O'r Ilbls F'la Kts
NEW FISH. ICO 90 ) 40 j 12 10
No. 1 White rish. 7 00,0 , SO3 Mil 10,1 , U4
Family 3 f.03 152 0-,1 , 70 t'2
No. 1 Trout. 4 50 4 00,2 , 658 10 74
No. 1 Pickerel. 4 00,3 60 2 3jl |
.llblsllll ItblsO'rllhls I'alla or kits
- FJS1I. | o j ] ( x , M w 40 i ] D ] 3 J0
Norwegian , , , .
KKK Hor'iiiffs 13 00,7 OO.fl 33 3 65 2 00
' ' - - - ' '
Norwegian \
KK Kuiriiiga. K 00 0 60 5 O'H ' 30 2 70
lirlAtllii s 8 004 BO'l ' 00,2 , oO 1 IW
s Domestic Holland herrings ,
lics { , 60c ; Kusshm sardines , 45c ; Ancho
vies In K\'ASS \ , Oie Bull brano. per uoi. ,
SI1.00 ; Anchovies in kegs , > 4'Ole Bull brand ,
54.00 ; spiced Hamburg hciriiiKS , skins und
heads oil , per pail. Sl.OJ.
COUFISII Now lau'o cod ,
sea kltiK , ( icorties chunks , Olyc ; clovci leaf ,
( leorp's strips. fij < c : 1 Ib rolls , a lb boxes ,
fe : pi.Urlellower , 21bbrckCe ! ; wild ioso , 3
Ibbilck. 5e.
SMOKKO FISH Halibut , new , To ; new
scaled herrings , 23c ; m.ieKeiul l.u ; biilmon ,
lue : smoked bturueon. 1'ic.
Oroocra Lilat.
Svitur- Standard C 'J e , bbls ; Stanclrvnl ,
dolralloii keis , Sl.yONuw ;
per gallon ; .Maple Hjruj ) , < ti.uiel. P. & U ,
hti Icily pure , 70c per gallon : 1 gallon cans ,
g'J.35 per do : H gallon cans , SWS per doz ;
MAI on KS Per caddie , SSo ; lound , pf r case ,
45c ; snuaro cai.cs , 81.70 ; Ushkosh eases , gr. ,
tl.'A ) : miilo bdimie , Sl , - .
SALT Drav loads , JKT bbl , S1.55 ; Aslitnn ,
in sacks. WA > ; X sacks , Ashton , 'JOcbbli
dalrv. Ki to'J.7.r.
bi'iCKS Uiouml Ulack pepper , boxes , 15
( JZ'-'e ; allspice , I'JiglCe ; cinnamon lt > @ 5c ;
cloves , 15f25c ( ; elngur , I5 ( < i5o ; mustatd , 15 < ij
' .
CJorrKKS Ordinary cranes , ' c ; fair , 93j < ( j
loxe ; inline , ll@rjic ; ; choice. 12 M13 > ic ;
luncy ercen and > ellow. W feHKo ; old EOT
ernmcnt Java , UHjjJGo ; inteiior .lava , inltGi }
i0e ! ; Mocha , ? JiJlc : Arbncklo's loasted ,
l-Sftfo ; .Mel.auK'hlln'a XXXX roasted , l 4o ;
Dilwoith's 13 tfo : Ked C'loss , llfc ! ! ;
' Aibucklo'u and . '
Diluoiili's. Mcl.aushlin's
XXXX are sold 50o per case elf above prices
incabo : lots.
TUAS Unnpo\vder , fair , "O ® " ; good , 45 ®
ttc\ \ choice , 00 < u75o ; ; jjood Impeilal , 40 3o ;
choice , COCii Oe ; ; Young liy on. good , SduMSc ;
choice. S @ 70c ; Oolong. Kpini , WfflJOo ; Oo-
( . . ,
- - - - - - - -
5---- hiltliik's , Ibc
DitiKi ) l < 'nuiTs No , 1 quaiter ai , , . ,
evaporated , boxes , H s c : bl.ickbtlines ,
boxes , 0 4 ( < ilCo : iieaches : Kastein , 4 4a"i'je ( ) ' :
peaches , evaporated , 15J @i7c ; Halt Lake ,
now , tGi e : rusbcues. | ) ! now. 25Jj27c ( ; cur-
runts , new.i fj c ; prunes , now , " "
HuoAits Povuteieil , tc ; eut loaf , i-c ; gi.ui-
tdated , 7 > 4e : confocttoneia' A. 7 > u ; Standard -
dard extra 0 , Ko ; extra C , O'fc ; medium
Kllow.OKo ; New Orleans , 8 XC't < % t' .
Pi.uo TOIIACCO Climax , 4-icpcr lb : Horse
shoe , 4.'c ; Star , 4e ? ; Spearhead , 4Gc ; Hold
Koll , ire ; Piper Heldslck. COc : Punch. ; i > c ;
louiiKKilt/ : Silver TaJOo ; ,1 IM , ; Sc. !
Itoi-u aisal. H Inch aud hirser , 8c ; Inch.
We ; Klnch , 0 ao.
O.VNNUI ) Uoons Oysters , istniut.ird per (
case. S3.10 : straw beriles , 2-lb. , percase. .
ruspberries , 3-tti. , per e.iso , * .V5 ! ; Callfotnia
pears , per case , S5.GO ; apricots , iH > r case ,
5M.15 ; peaches , per case , fr1.75hlto ; ehet-
rles , per case , 60.00 ; plums , tier case , S4.00 ;
\\horllelxjiiles , i > er case , 5J.40 ; egsr plums.
> . , per case , 52.10 , jjreen gases , a-tb. . per
e , &VO ; pine apples , tt-tb. , per case , $3.W $
OANDT Mixed. Oj @l2ostlcic. > frfllo.
SODA In lb papers , Sl'i5 a case ; salsoda
CIDER 18@18c ; Mhlto wine , 15
firici : < ( Iround Ulack pepper , boxes. 15
w-tc ; ahplce , l' ( UV ; ; cinnamon , IbvudV * ;
elo\e.s 15 Joe ; singer , IViV ; mtustaid , 15
6'iV. {
PICKI.KS Medium In barrels , S7.00do ; In
half bands , $ UWj small lu barrels , js.uO ; uo
In half barrels. 84.50 ; gherkins In barrels
{ O.oo : do in half barrels. So 00.
CnACKr.ns Oarneau's sod.v butter am
picnic , 5Wc ; creams , bjjc ; ginger snaps , 8 , 0
Citv sodxlVc. 40Ib.Cs ll c ; Ss , llc
boxes , 40tt , 10 oz , (5s ( , llj.c ; hall box , 20it >
12c.FINE CUT Hard to Beat , "Oc ; Charm of the
West , COc ; Fountain , 70c : Golden Thread
C7c ; Favorite , COc ; Buds.60c ; Itoeky Monti
tain , SOc ; Fancy , 4rx3 ; Daisy , 40c ! North Star
70c : Good Kitck. Vx ; ! Unr Itest , ( J-c.
SOAPS Kirk's Sa\on Imperial , 83.00
Klrk'3 satinet , ; Kirk's standard. W.50
Kirk's White Uusslaii. 81.00 ; Kirk's \Vhlte \
Cap. 50.50 ; Dome.
ford' ;
Dry Go oils.
PitiXTs Stool liivor , 4hu ; American , t > X
AtnoldXCc ; Cochcco , Cc : Manchester , f
Lyninti , ftc : Oloncester , f > ) < c ; Dtmnrll Jac
quard. r : Uuniicll , A'fCiyindsor. . Cc : Pa
cllic , Cc ; Harmony. 4Hc ; Anchor Shiitines
7Jv'c ; Mcrrhnack Bhlttlngs , 4t'c ; Bciwlck ,
HrE.vcitin : COTTOS . Farmris' choice
ft.lX' ! ' ? ' ' r8/C5 . . ° P9. 'St. 11111 4-4. 7'VC '
Jlituw.v COITON Lawrjiice LL , Cc : Sbaxr-
mut JjL , 5c : Ucavcr Oaiu 1 J , Oo1 Atlantic , 5c ; Indian lluad , 7cVa : ciiHsot OJ/c
Crown XXX. o c : Clifton CCC , O o
Utica C. 4 > Xc : AtLinttc P , cue.
1'iNB UHOWN 1'uppcrcll 15 , C' ' c
reppnuIlO. 5 4c. Atlas. OJ c ; tstattto ot Llb-
crtv , Cc : Sarnnae U. ( iHc.
Ilca\or Ctcok AA. lie :
and brown , 7Uc *
UUCK-Unblcaclicd-8oz. ( ) Mau-nnlla , 10 < < c ;
10 or. . .Maunolla , r.'cboz. : West I'olnt , lOJ o ;
10 oz. Wust I'olnt. 1'iKc
( coloiedl linstun 0 07. brown am !
drab , IHKc : iSoston O 11 brown and drab , Uc ;
.Boston XX bro\\n and drab. lOc : lloston
XXX brow n nml drab.UVfc ; Uoston O P blue ,
ll' < \\atrcnTiicot , lot- .
TicKiNHs Amo.Kt'ae ADAiyc \ Thorn
dike OUC ) , 7 fc ; Tliuimllkolnimy , o c ; \ oik
IDKc ; Vork fancy , laVfc : Mlllbury , Wo } :
Pearl lllver , ll > fc ; Hnmllton. 12c : b\Ml
Ki\i > r. Orc : bbctttckPt S , s'jc ; Sliutm-kot SS
SKc : .Montaitk AA. 1'Jc ; jfontauk UB , lO c ;
Oincita ACA , lli' c. , . . ,
in.NoitAMS Ki'iinoNV. t'OIOKo ' ; Ainoski-a ?
iltcss. s c : AinoskcaiT , stajile , 7)sc ) ; Iv.iuliou
U > fc ; Wanuiitta. & { c ; > y c ; War
wick. h' c ; Wlilttemlon , Uc : J5atcs , dtcssSc
Bates , staple , O c ; Itandolnli Maple , ,0)jo
Ivans-downe. 7e ; Oloticestcr , 71 < c.
CunvioTS Atnoskcas , cbocKb.nj c : Amos
kai ; , stilpes , SKc ; Slater , Miipcs , be : Kdln
bur ? , 0 ! < o : U bittrmlon , stripes , be : (51cn
lose , IV ; OtN , checks , OJ o ; OtH. stripes , Ite
JEojal CJ/c : Anio4kcar ! , napped , lOJ c ; Lu
ray , book fold , 1'Jc ; Obcron , book fold , ll > fc ;
Kiidurance , book fold ! ' & .
Dry JLumbor.
AN1 > TIMIII'It ? .
2x4 15 00 15 00 150)10 ) 00 17.00 12.00 10.00
2x0 I4.5J 1I.AO.I4.M 1VXJ 111 60 ll'.M ) 20.50
150) 15tw'l3.l ' 10.(10,17.t)0 ( , ) 18.0J IP.OO
B ooi in ( w , in on 10.00 n.iio a ) oo ai.M
2x1 J ir.oo 11 o 1100 moo I7.uori'ooaoa ' ) )
is.ooiis.wlijoo.w.uoln.uolis.wiio.uo .
Clear , % inch Yellow Pine . S'X.W
Clear. ' , < ini'li Xonxay . 1-4.00
M Com. , jtf iiivli. Norway . 10.00
1st and 2d Clear , l'f incb.s. 2s . fSOCKJ
1st and ' 'd Cle-ir , l and'J Inch , s'Js. . . . MOO
Hd Clear , ! ! < " incb , st . 4800
"xK'lvai , lk ami a ineli. s ' 's . 4800
11 Select. 1 % 1 ' 4 and 2 inch. s. 2s . 30 00
1st and ! M , 1 men , s. sis . 6000
od clear. 1 Inch , b a . 44 5C
A Select , 1 inch , s. 2s . 4000
B Select. 1 Inch. s. 2- , . 2950
O. G. H.itts , 2' < J Incli . & 00
" J < \i. : sis . 00 10
3 Inch Well TubliiR. 1 > . & Jl.aml Buv. . 20 60
No. Iboards , 12 , 14 and 10 It . 10.50
No.2bo.trds , 12 , 14 ami 10 ft . 14.50
No. Sboatds , 12 , 14 and 10 It . 12.50
No. 4boards , 12 , 14 anil 10 it . 10.50
No. 1 , J AC Incb , 12and 141eet , rough. .S1G.OO
No. , * Inch , lOfeet , lonsh . Ki.75
No. 2 , 4 t 0 inch , 12 anil 14 leet , lotigli. . 13.75
No. 2,4 0 inch. 10 leet , rough . 14.25
1st Com. , ji inch White Pine . 530.00
2d Coin. , } { inch White Pine . 23.50
1st Com. 0 Inch , white pine . SM 00
! ! dCom.G inch , white pine . 3400
3d Com. 0 inch , white pine . 2U 00
J ) . Oinch , white pine . 2000
Coin 4 and 0 inch yellow pine . 17.50
Star 1 andG inch jcllow pine . 21.00
Island 2d clear yellow pine , 4-0 Inch. . . U.i.50
SHIP i , A p.
No. 1 , Plain , 8 and 10 inch . $17.00
No. B , Plain , 8 and 10 inch . 15.00
No. 1 , O. ( J . 17.50
Clear Bo * Bds , % In , a 2.s . S3i ( 00
" X in , panel btk wide , s 2b. 27 00
' " CorniKatcil Cellini , ' , ; g. . . . 2-J 00
A * Standard . . . 52 00
6 inch , clear , § 1.50 ; C inch , clear . 1 CONe
No 1. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 10
Luth . 82 20
ios rs
White Cedar , Oinch , halves . S H
" " 5' i " " andbiiKi'rs 0
" " 4 " ronml . . . . 11
Tennessee red ei'dnr , split .
hlOCK DOVlillS.
A 12 inch , Is 12 , 14iiud 1(5 ( feet . 54C 00
U " " " " > . 41 00
(1 * * I * .1 4i II il . Jjfl 0Q
' ' ' ' ' ' " '
D " " " " " " . . , . . . 2300
No. 1 Com. 12 in. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 ami 10 it. . 17 50
No. 1 " " " 10 , 18 and ' ! 0 ft. . 1850
No. a " " " 12 , Hand 10 it. . 1550
MMr , ETC.
Quincj white lime ( best ) , ! > 5c ; cement.
AKion , al.7f , ; plaster , S2.0 : ! ; hair , per biibhel
aOo ; sash , to tier cent oil list ; doois , blinds ,
inoulitlncii , fX ) per tent oft list ; tauedfelt , per
cut. , S1.75 : stiaw board. Sl.GO.
The death ot Dr. V. Helen Priclcan.x has
called forth many o\iiruM > ion > > of regret
it ; Kn liiml. Shu was one ot the most
( listin iiibliL'ii ol the wonmu gnulnuteb of
London nnivprsity. in her li.wimiimtion
in 18S- she held the liril lionorri in anat
omy und took the gold medal nml scholar.
hliip. In 18 1 bho was iid'anlud honors
in each subject. Her death was duo to
iliiihthenii , uontrai'leii wliilo at Iier post
of house surgeon in the 1'udilingtou lios-
pilal lor ehildren ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago
Tlio only road to tnXo r.jr DCS Molncn , Mar-
sbnlltOH-n.Cedni tnplds. Clinton , nixlo Chlciiffo ,
UUwiuikeo mill nil oliitn enn. i'o tlio pee plo < oi
Jcbrubka. Colouijp , Wjomlnjr , Utnh , ill ilio
Novtida.Orcgou , Washington nud CnlfortiiVi It
" " 1'1' ' ' UJuinlllB uotpoaslblu by iiiiy
Amonif a few of the numcious nolntaot supo.
riorltyt'iijoj cd by tbo patrons of tills loaduo-
ween uimtlm iinu Chlcaco , uro lti > t\\o trninu H
luy of JA V COACHK3 wlil'tb uro tbo flnoM "hiu
luianu uit nud hivruuity cnn create. It I'AI .
AC I ! SI.UUI'ING OAltfi , \ lilch tire mod , . | if
, . , . . -
tK M O.VIte. iiiisurim'scd by liny nnd
r cclebitttCHl l'AI.ATAlmNlN/l { / OAKS ,
iqualot v.b clicuunot be found plsovrhero.
At Council llluila thu tiiilim ot the Union I'uci-
flo Hy. oannoct in Union Depot with tlmo of HID
. 'hlcagoA horthiTi-kturu lly. InClileiiKO the
rains of thu Hue mnkotloso tonnictlonnllb
tluwo of all oustorn Iinp8.
For Detroit , Coluiiibuj , Indlana | > ell . Cmcln.
lutl.Niuxiirix Inlls. lluUmo , I'lltaluiu , Toronto ,
Moiiiical , lloston , New Yotk , I'hllndtfidila. I ) it !
Iniore.U iibliln Hiti uud all points lu tiio uat. anlc
thu ticket agent for licxnts \ in lliu
. . - - - tN ,
If > ou wlfh the bust acconiniodutloiia. Alt ticket
Uinvrul Muniit'Cr. Gcu. 1'ius. A
Cl J \-AuU.
Billiard Tables ,
THE nUUNStVlCK-llALKi-COttiNIKll : : ) .1 Co
Manufacturers of Billiird & Pool Tables ,
And Saloon , Office nnd linnk Fixture * . Jtnrkei
and Huron Sts , Chicago , 111. Umuli.i oflJce.SJJ
Book'Binding , Etc ,
Printers , Book Binders ,
And Itlaiik Hook Manufacturer * . Nos. 106 nnd
308South Hlli Street , Omaba , Neb.
Butter Tubs ,
J. SnVMOl'R ,
Manufacturer of Butter Tubs.
M ! ft , tec' 40 Ifr , 30c : M ft. .Me ; L'll , 22c : 10J flrk.
Ins We. IMh mid I'lercu StOmalin , Neb.
Cigars and Tobcco ,
MAX Mr.ynit \ co. ,
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
flunr. nnd Aminunltion. 215 to 223 South lltli
btrcvt , lKOtolU4 ( ! rnrnnuiStiL > ct , Oimilia , Nub
iMnu-Ocmxciiun FAcronv.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And WholeMdo Dealers Iti Leaf Tobaccos. Nos.
JOS nnd 110 N. 14lh Street , Omalin , Net ) .
Cornices ,
Eagle Cornice Works.
John Kpcnctor , Promintor. Manufacturer of
Clnhnul7cd Jion niul Cornice. IK1 Dodro mid 1UI
nml 1U5 North 10th Street , , Oniulm , Nub.
llUIIMl'INa & llOI.Tn ,
Manufacturers of Oninincntnt
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , Finals , , nio S. 12th St. AVorkdone
In tiny p.utof tliocountry.
Western Cornice Works ,
C. Sl'ECHT , Proprietor.
Galvanized Iron Cornice' , Oo. Spi. . . . .
pro\cd I'atent Mplnll'cSlij light. 60S nnd 610 S.
12th St. , Onmlm , Nub.
Doors , Sash , Etc.
T Gate City Plenlng Mill ,
Doori , Snli and IlllmK nil Kliuls ol
tuinliw. Scioll nnd Stair Mork of otery do-
Mnnufncturtr nud Dealer In
Doors Sash Blinds Etc.
, , , Mouldiugs , .
Stnlr ItalU n specially Telephone No. 02
loth nnd Miucy St f , Omalin , Neb.
Electrical .
" * _ _
L. W. WOLl'E & CO. , Electricians ,
Electrical Supplies ,
Masonic niock Oinalin. lluigliir Alarm , Hell ? ,
Flic Alarms , Klcctilo Mittlui ; , Spcaklnir Tuboi
Qold , Silver nml Nickel I'latlnir , Ktc.
Iron and Nails.
" "
Cut Kails and Spikes ,
Tire Nulls a Specialty. Omalin , Nob.
Omaha Iron Works Company ,
Machinery , Ousting" , stcntn Engines , Ilollcrs ,
Arclilli'Cturiil lion WoiK , lion Ilildgcs , Mining
nud .Mill Jluulilneiy. Office nndvork ! - . Union
" " It. H. 17th nud 1Mb Streets.
Foundry Works.
Cor. 14th nnd Jnckson Sts. , prepared to do all
Minis of lion mul.Hiass CnstliiRs ; nl.-o , D , ( ; .
lluiiulstcr's Itockiuii1 Gtato miiuufactuioj
attrqsses ,
E. M. lIDf E ,
Mattress Company ,
Mnnufncturhifr Mattresses Itcildlnp , Fcntbci
1'illOH s , Cols , Ktc. 1200 uud 1208 UoUflns Street ,
Oinnliu , Neb.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans Pants , Shirts , Etc. , 1102 nndllM Douglas
Sticct , Oiiiidin , Nob.
Paper Bozes.
Manufacturer of Paper Boxes ,
JOGS. Hth St. , Omnlm , Nob. Orders by mull so- and KllliccolvepiomiJtuttuntlon.
Omaha Safe Works ,
Mnniifncturcr of llro nnd Hur lar Proof Sdfo ,
Vnult Iooi8. Jail Work. Sliutlcis nnd Wlro
Woik. Cor. Htli nnd Jackson SI3. , Omaha , Neb.
Soap Manufacturer ,
Office nnd Fnctoiy , nt-nr Powder Mnfcra7lno ,
Uiuiilia Nob.
Wagons and Carriages.
Manufacturers of Fine Carriages ,
1315 und 1J17 Hurney sticct , Oimilia , Nub. Solo
Asrntslii Nclnnbl.a forJoncb' Celebiatcd Split
Established 183i
A , J. SIMl'SON ,
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
1409 and 1111 Dodge Sti cot , Omubn , Nob.
While Lead ,
CorrodoiB and ( iilndcrsof
Perfectly Pure White Lead ,
Omaha , Neb. Let I Oirtcr , 1'ies. ! C. W. Mead ,
Vcu | 1'ros. ! II. W. VatiB , bee. undTrous.
The Hillard ,
8. Shears , J , E. MnrXul ' 1 boa , SH obo , Froprlotora
Omuha , Nebraska.
Arcade Hotel ,
Jimica ( "nsi'j , 1'iopriotor ,
1S15 nnd 1'IT Iiu ) ' | i St. , Omaha , Neb.
Xliepnlionu > . ' ( iot'toruiiieiciul muu it in'ctfnlly
eolicitcd. 'llu-y ill tlud this the best f.'uUay
house nest ut Chicago. '
Planners .Honse . ,
c. n. nutilip , i'iioi > jtiF/ron.
Hatta. f 1JX1 pitday. . bticct CUM from U.I1.
Icpol , within omt thick of bouse , Comer
Jodjsu und loth strcqtb , Onmba , Nub.
The Cozzens ,
P. Ilurascy A Co. , Proprietors.
talcs i .CO per day , no dark rooms. Onmbii ,
lob. Also propiltiuiaot 1'nlaco Hotel hfuinu
"u , Nort Me\luo ,
CanOeld Uonse ,
Cor. Nln.h and rnriuini bis. The bebt 13 pet
ilny hold In Onmhu. JtcmodcUul , n lurniahed ,
( > iU < ot'rnttdouolloukfroiiimmylieudiuurtur8 ; | ,
oppobltu Union 1'ueitlu lu nd < | uiriitlisi : btirot enid
iiita tlio door. Uvuruu t'aiini-ld S. Copioprlo.
ois. Abe Union Block Vardd Hotel , South
Hotel do Coos ,
1' . ( IOOS , 1'inprletor.
European I'Jun. TUc only centrally located tl
t cliiy liousr. Uhiro ilooii from Hold's Upein
llouhuuud ono-half block fiom tie ! I'Dototlko
und tlio C'oint lioubo. IM-i. 1510 , 1JU I'uruaui
Agricultural ImplemenlSi
Dealers in Agricnltural Implements.
Office , Corner 6tb nnd raclflo St ! , Omnba , Nob.
Wholesnlo Dealers In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
and Uuggks , Omnlm , Neb.
Boots and Shoes ,
* s " "
w. v. MOKSI : A co. .
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
1411 Farnnm Street , Onmlm , Neb. Manufactory
Summer Street. Boston ,
Carpets ,
Wholesale Carpels , Oil Cloths ,
rlnln ( loods. Ktc , . 1' " "
Sti cct , Oniiibn , Nub.
Coal , Lime , Etc ,
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone ,
prace , 213 S. Hth PI..Onmlm , Neb. Yards , 8th
nnd Uiuenport Streets.
cofTANT A syunti : ? ,
Dealers In Hard and Soft Coal.
Best \arictles. Olllce,2l3f . ItihSt. Tclcpbone
No. IHrJ , Omnlm , Neb.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
14 S. 13th St. , Otrmlm , Nob.
fine , C , Tow l.i : , Vtcsidcnt.
GEO. 1'ArrrnsoN , bee. und Trcns.
J. H. 11UI.1ILHT , F. A. Il.U.CII ,
1'ioprictor. Main
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
Onice , 217 8. Mill Sti cct. Telephone ,
GLO. r. IUUIM , 1'rcs. C V. OIIOPMVN , V 1'ies.
J , A. HlMH-ltl.\M ) , bee. nnd Tien * .
Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobbeis othnrd nud FoH roal,209S. loth St. ,
Oiiinlin , Nub.
Hard and Soft Coal.
EM'lupho dealers In Ilouldcr Coloindo Coal,217
toutli Htli ttitut.
CofTee and Spices ,
CLAHKE llllOS. iCO. ,
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
Tens , Collccs , Spices , linking 1'oudcr I'luvorlns
i\tincl8,1.numlry : lllue , Ink , etc llH-lt ! Hnr-
ncy Sticct.Oiiinhn , Neb.
Commission , Elc ,
Wholesale Fruits Produce
, , Oysters ,
1121 Fariinin St. , Omnlm. Apples Our own pack *
liiK 1'lntt .V Co ' Tlgcp lli.ind Oisteis , llutter ,
- ne , I'oulto i I'otutoes.
General Commission Merchant ,
Produce , I'lovlflons , I'rultw , Flam nnd Feed , 103
S. 14th St. , Onmlm , Neh. Consignments eolluited.
Hum us made piomptly.
Jobber and Commission Merchant.
Cbccfo , SniiEiipe'i , Fruits , Ilutchers'Tools und
fauplilles. 1:115 : Jones St. , Omnlm , Not ) .
W. E. Iti UDELL.
General Commission Merchant.
FrrciAl/ms Clipc-'o. llutter. Kgps , 1'oultiy
and Uiune , 112 S. lltli. , Omaha , Neb. Telephone -
phone xvo.yj , ' ) .
Commission and Jobbing ,
Butter , Kfrjfs nnil 1'ioiliicn. A full line or Slono-
wuro. Contlfiimcnts solicited. 1111 Dodge St. ,
General Commission Merchant ,
Butter , KKRS , Cheese mid Countly I'roduco eon-
Cinlly , UUU S. l-'tli St. , Omalm , Nob.
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
HcfriKcrotor nnd 1'ncklntr House , Htb & Leaven-
worth bt. , on U. P. 11. U. Tiaclc , Oinnliu , Neb.
Established Ih70.
General Commission ,
Sll8. llth St. , Omnlm , Nob. Specialties Duttor
, I'oultiy mid Game.
Commission Merchants ,
Fruits , I'roduco nnd Provisions , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale CommissioD Merchant ,
Fruits , Sctda and Produce. No. 21J S. l.'th Street ,
Omuha Nibraslcu.
Storage and Commission Merchants.
Fru It p , Flou r. A pples , 81 o non ni n , Cider , VI nmar ,
( linf-b Heeds. llutter nnd I 'KS.UIS and ills South
] 3tb Btreet , Oiuulm , Nubnibkn.
WHDIMAN ; A co. ,
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , liuttiT , Giinii' , FiiiltH , Ktc. 8SOS. Hth
St , , Onmlm , NiluaakH.
A. F. 'ILTHCn ,
Wholesale Foreign aud Domestic Fruits ,
Jkale , Liml , JellieK , llutter , HURS , Cheese , Ktu.
No. S05 S. 1'Jth St. , Onmlm , Nob.
General Commission Merchants ,
lICODodgoBtiect , Omnlm , Nub. CousUnmcnts
11. McUOXAU ) .
31D 13th Strict , Omaha , Vob. Spcelnltlos : Unt
il'r , I'-aut , und t'lileiens ) ,
W. I * WllIGHT ,
Agcni for the Manufacturers and Importora ,
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lntnpj , Clilninu > e , Kte. Olllto , ail South 11th
Stieet ,
Dry Goou's.
" " ' " "
1. 3. UHOWN & CO ,
Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions ,
1324 Douglas Street , Onmlm , Nub.
Wholesale DenleiBln
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
Mncns , l.aifs , nmbioldory nud Whltu Good ! ,
ir.O Uoufliis fctitel , Onmliu , Nob.
The Baker Automatic Engines ,
Stationary nnd portable tnKlncn , boilers and
f licit lion MoikuiKoiii' , iiKriutiltuiiil Imple
ments , ! > uiupt ! ite. l.'U-UI5 J.eiueimorlMbt.
Leather , Hides , Etc.
Dealers in Hides , Wool and Tallow ,
1111 Jackson Stibtt , Onmha , Nub.
Leather , Saddlery Hardware ,
Enddltiy nnd Shoo Flndlntis , Hides , Wool , Furs ,
1'Uu , Uieusio , Tallow , Ulv. , ( Jumli.i , Nil ,
Flour , Etc ,
Wu.Ptit.STON. Grn. IticiiAnuso.v.
Y/lioIesalo / Flour ,
C 6 , 10und 01 , . iKiiuMiiit Uiuuba , Neb.
Afrent for J , C. Hoffinnrr * Co ,
Manufacturers of Highest Grades of Flour
lly Holler mid II utifrnrlan Process. Warehouse
_ _ _ _ _ 1213 Jones stieot , Uinnlm , Neb.
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain.
Manufacturers of W. J , \ \ > l hnns A Co. ' * Quick
ItnMiiRlluckw heat Hour and proprietors Onmh.\
Cltj Mills , tor. tth niul Kuril , mi sliccls , Oinnlin.
Furniture ,
Wholesale Dealers in Fiirnitun ,
_ Kflriinm Street , Omatin , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
_ S Douglas Street , Oinixtin , Nob. _
U. II. CHAl'MAN i CO. ,
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tolincco and Smokers' Articles , KIT lion aid St.
MEYinti It.VAl'KH
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Splcis , Clpnrs and Tobacco * . 1.117 nnd 1310 Doug-
Ins 8tioclOiunhii , Neb. _
lllCOItl ) , 1IKAUV& COMPANY ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner lOtb nnd Fnrnnm Streets , Omnbix , Nob.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Nos. TIC , 707 , Wl nnd 711 S. 10th St. , Onmhii , Neb.
Hardware Iron Steel
Heavy , , ,
f , Wnsnn Stock , llnnlnood Lumber. tie.
I'M ) nml 1211 llnrniiy street , Onniha , Neb. _
Wholesale Iron Steel
, , Wagon
And Cnrrlnro Wood Stock , llcuvy llaidivnro ,
itc. : 1217aud KVJ Le.ivcmuuth Street , Oiunli.i ,
ArOlI A.TAYI.011 ,
Builders' Hardware ,
Mcclianlcb * Tools nnd Ilumdu Scidus. H05 Doug-
1Mb bticet , Omnlm , Neb.
MI : : , riiiui ) A co. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware ,
Elicit Iron , jttAvenls : fur Ilonn Senlcs mid
> llaml Pondct Co. , Onmlm Neb.
Stoves Furnaces Tiles
, Ranges , , ,
tj , ( iiutcs , HnibS pooili. 13J1 niul UU Tar-
limn btieet.
HKCTOlt & Wll.tlKLMY CO ,
Wholesale Hardware and Nails ,
Steel Nnil . Cor. lOtli and llninoy
Slrcuts , OiniUiu , Nub.
WM. DiiitIN : : ( ! A : CO. , CHICAGO ,
JUmufucuucr ol tlio
Deeriug Harvester Goods ,
Write to Win. M. l.oi liner , ( irnoiid Ascnt ,
Oiunbu. Tclepbonobtl ) .
Iron Pipe , Etc.
Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers ,
Oolih if ln lion 1'ipo , lion I ttliiffs. Iron mid
llinss ( rooilu. Dnu'lnc'oi V butijilies. lltli nuJ
] ) oJguStu > ets , Oiiialin , Nub.
A. It. SntANG
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Etcnni , Wnter , Iliilluuy nnd MlllltiK Supplies Etc.
U.'O , ' .i--- nnd IC4 I'm iiani fc't. Oiiinlin , Neb.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fillings ,
Ptenni mid Wnlcr Supplies. Ileiul.iinitcrs | fo"
Jln t Toost Co.'b Goods. 1111 Kuiiiaiu bticct ,
Oiuulm , Neb. _ _
Wholesale Jewelers ,
Dealers In Sili'ei wnio , Dlninoiuls ,
Clocks. Jeweleis' Tools nnd JlntciJuK Etc. , 101
iinil 1UJ , IStli faucet , Cor. Uodh'u , Oinali.i , Neb.
Fisli , Etc.
Bucccf-foi.s to Icken Slein sun & Co.
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
Importers of yoiclgn 1'isli , Nos. 'J11-'I13 Jones
blicct nnd U. t' . Tiuck , Oinub.i , Neb.
Live Stoc | < .
Bridge Stock Yards , Omaha.
No Yiirdngo Charged.
Close to U. 1 * . Ilrldio. Ojieulnl nei'oinniodiitlnn
nnd u K id ) inniKit lor IIOKK. ] ; . C. Cooper , Mnn-
Olliic' . boutb Sill Slieet.
M. I1UU1CC i , SONS ,
Live Stock Commission
Uco. ItinUo , Manager.
Union Stock Ynrd-i , S. Onuli4. : 'L'elo i'io 10 683
W. I' . IIIIOU'N .V CO. ,
Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
OflU'o Uvvliiuifru Uulldinir , Union Stock Ynrda ,
Buulli Oiniiliii.Nul ) . TeleptionuNo.AUi ! .
Live Stock Commission ,
Union Rtock YimK Cliii-nt'o , III. , nnd Onuibn ,
Neb. I'miik Chit I riidfii.MiuiiiKnr Omnlm ilKincli.
Telciilionu No. itoJ. l tnblKliod IW ' , .
W. U 1'ATlilCK & CO. ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Adilicfcs nil eoiMiiiunieationd to us nt Union Stock
Ynids , South Oimih.i. AdMinees nuulu on Ktock ,
Union Stock Yards Company ,
01' OMAHA.
Limit oil. Jolin 1' . llotd , .Siipcrintcndnnt.
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
bblj inontH ol nuy anil allkln.tsof stoek uolkit
oil. Union tit ult YiinU , Omnba , Neb.
Lumber , Elc.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
neb , looi e , Ktc. Yui d Cor. 7tb und Oouglna ,
Cor , 'Jill uiiJ
Manufacturers of Sasli , Doors , Blinds ,
ilonlilliniH , htnlr Work nnd Intetior Hnnl Wood
I'liiifch. .IIIBI opened , N. K , cor. ttb and l.envon-
wuitli gtiietHOiuubu ) , Nub.
. Wholesale Lumber ,
814 S. lUb Struct , Oiiuibu , Nub. V. Coli > et/cr ,
Lumber ,
13th and Callfoinlu Stiueta , Omahn , Nob.
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor , Ctli and Itougliia Strtetu , Om.iliu , Nob.
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Omnlm , Nubruelia.
CHA8. It LEE ,
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wagon Slock , Fancy Woods , Ilrideo Timbers ,
i.c , H.V. . Cor , Vtli nnd Douifliib.Onmliu , Nub ,
0. I' . M'MAN ,
) ealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldiugs ,
luliainir I'apur , Etc. Koiitb l.Uli .Sluxt , Onmba ,
' ' '
Nebraska Lurabei1 Co ,
I'aid In nplad Stock , $ HI .urn.
I.o irr > > , iii tiiu l.i "in u v I " 1 '
rs. Mi'1in l < 14 > ' . i , 11 I ic
. 14 oil a v t. ; ,
Dealer * In All Kinds of
Building Material at Wholesale.
Ifth Sttcct mid o 11 in fl Truck , Omaha
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
roth niullziinlSlicciOnmlm , Nebraska.
j. \vAKinr.M : > ,
Wholesale Lumber Lath
, , Shingles ,
Hiillillnir t'npci * . Sa li , 1)oor ) , lllluds , Moi
lnr , I'kkPts , 1'iists , Mine , Plaster , Hair ,
Com-iit. Nliitu nnu.lotii'j , Omnba Nob.
I. omitiT.iwii : ; ,
Impoitcis nud Jobbers of
Millinery and Notions ,
121.1 orid 1I4 IluiiuM Stiect.Onmlm , Neb.
Musical Instruments ,
" "
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments.
Bloliittiiy I'lnlHK , Weber. Decker , HalniH and
llrisirs riiiniK. I'ni'l.aitl Oiirans , Clinso
1 1 nnd 110 IMli street.
Notions , Etc.
J. i * UI.\XI > MS : * . SON ,
Wholesale Job Lots ,
Pry flood" , Norton * , tU-nlo' ruruMiliii ? floods ,
( leeds rioiu New Voik. 'I'liKlu Fiiloa daily. WJ
nnd tOS South r.Hli St. , Oninbii.
c. s. oooDiticn A n > . ,
French and German Fancy Goods ,
Ururelsts' and Ptnlloiii'is' Binidrles. 1113 Far-
liiuii.Oinnliii , Neb.
J , T. Robinson Notion Company ,
4tl ( nud 10.1 S. HHli SI..Onmlm , Neb.
Wholesale Dealer * In Notions nud dents'Fur *
iilfhlm ; ( looils.
Oils , ClC.
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
Gnfolliip , Mlrn A\lo Oicif-i' , I'.U' . A. 11. Illjhop ,
* , Omnlm , Nub.
Pork Packing.
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
Onmlm , NfbiasVu.
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
Ollke , Union Market. Ifd7 Dodjto Street. I'ncktnij
liiuin' , U. 1' . It. U. 1'iaeK , Oinnlin , Nub. Tolo-
Idioiiu No. 157.
Safes nnd Locks ,
1 > . 1IOYKU A. CO ,
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s1
I'll o nml ItuiKlnrl'i on rSafes.Tlino l.oeUs.VnulU
niul .lull Mini ; . Kt'O I'mimm Mi eel , Oimtlm , Nub
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds.
Airrlcillluuil , Vepctnble , I'.te. Odd Follows' Hull ,
N. W. Cor. Htb nnd Dodjro SI . , Oinnliu , Nob.
Drugs , Etc.
II. T. CUYIlKi : Ultt'O COJIl'ANY ,
Wholesale Druggists ,
Jobbcis of riilutR , OIK Window Olns-i lUo. , 1111
Ilium' } Sueet.Oinnb.i , Nub ,
Wholesale Druggists
And Dealer lu I'alnl" , OIH nnd Window Glass ,
Oninb t , Neb. ,
Wines and Liquors.
FitANK mu.o.\i : & co .
Dealers in Liquors and Cigars ,
1203 nnd I.'Ol DoiiKliih St. , Onialin , Noli Fno-
toiles-Nos. I and U'Jyd ' ! JJIst. N. Y.
Gio. : W. DUNCVN ,
SncccsEor to McN\Miit\ III.NO\N , Iniportois
and Wlioles.ilo Denleis lu
Y/ines / and
, Liquors Cigars ,
214 and UlflS. lltli St. , Onmlm , Nub.
jt. it. u iton K ,
Y/ines / and Liquors.
Wcstoin AKClit J'j * . Selillt ? Hi uu lu Co 7193.
lull Stieet.Oninlin ,
Wholesale Wines , Liquors and Cigars.
] . ! - ! Douglas btruut , Oinnliu , Nub ,
H.KIl & CO ,
Distillers and Importers of Wines
And Million ; . Solo iiiniiiifnetiiroi'S of Ifonnojy's
l.i l India Illttois. UK Hninuy Hticct , Oinnlia ,
Nub ,
II' . I.AUSON i ; CO. ,
Wholesale Dealers in Whiskies
And ClKins , nnd A unls lor lliol'hlllp
lli'ets' Culubiuted MllunuKuu Hour , Omnlm , Nub
Harness , Etc.
Wr.l.TY fc r.ANDItOOK.
Maniiluutuicm nnd .lolilii'isof
Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware ,
I'll if ( jood" , Illiinki'lu nnd llolirx. lii'l Kuinum
birci t Onmlm , Nub.
Km Milwaubs & UL Paul
" '
The Short "Line
asicl Best Route
From Omaha to the East ,
L'blrngo , i , Milwuukeu ,
it. 1'aul , Colnr ItnpKH Dnvunporl ,
( 'Hilton , lubuiiiu ) , lloi'ldoiil ,
Hook Island , I'ri'i'poit ' , Jniu'svllle ,
Mmll-iin , I n ( 'riMi ) ,
Hclolt , AVInoim ,
AnduUotbor Impoititni I'ulntri Rust Nurtliouat
iiiulbuuiliu.ut ,
Ticket offlco nt HOI I'm mini Blrf > ut , ( In 1'nxton
Jloii'l ) , und ut Union i-m-iiio Dupot.
I'ulliiinu Muejiuiouiid thu I'liiu t Dining Curj
hi thu Woild nioimi on thu main lines of tlio
Cn ii..uoMiii\.umii ! : ! . * cSr I'AUI , u MI.WAV , nud
tiveiy ntluuilon l pul'l ' to iinesojiHci.s by courto-
oiiBumplo/usor Ihui'oinp.uiy.
It. Mll.i.Ml.d'uiicriil.Mniintrnr ,
J. RTiiCM'.ii , Af'ili'tiinl ( luncrid Maimitnr.
A. V , II , IHiirn.MKH , Uuiuinl I'msun or ixnJ
Ulcket Airout.
( > n > . K. lU'Afi'Oiiu , AsBlblanl Ueu
and Jaii Work.
1020 Minium Streut , Oumhii Iveb ,
Commission Merchant ,
And Wholesale Dualcr In
Country Produce , Fruits , Butter , Eggs , Etc.
320 N , I6ih St , , Omaha , Neb.
ItoforoncoH , by Permission I'li t Natloiml
Hank , Duburjuo ; A. H. Oiiriclhon. O.taliler Kloux
lallonul lIuiik.Bloiu City ; loHitNutlounl Ilnnk
Jcs Molncs ; II. M.KInziinui , AsBlstuiit t'uabut
1'lrbt Nuliounl
l < F , rVro : , Mncoln ,