11 "V -V THE OMAHA DAILY BBS.MONDAY , JANUAKY 11,1836. SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertl'cmentsnndpr thu bend lOccntspar line for tlio fli.H Insertion , nnd 7 cents for ench irubtcqucnt Ictcrtlon. Seven words nr.Ibo count. c < l lotliolinoi they must run consecutively nnd mtiM bo paid In luHunco. All ndvcrtlftmcnH must behaiidul In before 2 o'clock t > . m. , and wnrtcrnu nrcumftnncts will they bo tnkcn or dlM-ontbiucd by telephone. PniUesndvcitNlii ! . ' In these rolumns nnJ hnr- Inptliu nmwt-rs nddicvod in euro of t HER. will plMito Mk for chock to rnnble them to cot their li tn r , nt none will bo delivered except on Vrocrntnllon of ehcck. All nnsncrs to ndvpr- jltcuiciilg should bu cncloeed In envelope * . ' " TO 10AH-SIOHHY. MOM Y TO I.I'AN on hm.'OSrnfrons , fi r- niimi ) , wntchi'S without romo\-nl. Terms easy. C' , J ( mucll , lloom IP , Iron Hunk llulld- ItiB , mil and 1 itriiiuu. Tnko clcvntor. OW-lob7 * $ ir nnnotn loan on city residence property. Oeo. W. Day , 15JU Furinuii iW ' . . Onfnrra nnd city prop erty } call nnd ( tc-t nur rntes. f-towart it Co. . room aNobraskn Nallonul llnnk biilldlmr. aiJJU rpo I. AN Money iniiny amount , JL fin nil clix > . ' ' 0floltcuiirlty. ; Short time minis on real o'tnto. Ixmp time lonnt on real estnto. Money to loiin oil tbattelit. Money tn loan on collalcruli. Money lo lonn on nny food security. Terms oncy , time to ult. Apply nttlipOniulm Finnuclnl I.xclmnBe , lliirki-r'n bulldimr , SW corner of riltotnth and Fnriiam sis. , uuslulr37Bl _ _ _ _ M ONKY lur uveryhodyl Vou can borrow money on furniture , borfcs , wnuons , plnnos , * tech of nil kinds , diamonds nnd linn vnlclic'son > ourown timo. Pnyiuonts iccolvul t nuy thnu , nnd Interest reduced pro rntn. 1'roperly left In Jour own posccs'lon. lerms l w us the lowest. Cnll nnd co run. IHitlncss coolldciillnl. NondviintnnotnRen. w. H. tioft , Itoom 4 , Wlthiicir.i Now Hiillt'lnjf.NorthpnM cor ner 151 h nml lintuey. * ONKY TO I.OAN- . f. PnvN & Co. lto l M Batata and Loon agents , 1605 Farnam 8U TI J TO LOAN On good Rccurltlos A MONEV , room 7 Uodlck lllock , 150 urn am Bt U77 TO LOAN On clinttrK Wooloy A Harrison , room 20 , Oinalm Nutlounl bank bulldhiK. " > VJ TO LOAN On real eslnto nnrt elint' MONKV n. I. . Thomas. W.O _ _ TO I.OAN-fn nirni nf fZOOnml upwards - MONKV on ni-st-clnss rrnl cstnto Beotlrlty. roller & Cobb , 1515 Fnrimiu Bt. Ml I.OANP.n nt C. F. Herd & Co' * . Ixmn MONKV oniro , on furniture , plnnos , lior c , wnfrons perromd property of nil klndB nnd nil other or- tlclen of value , without romovnl. Over 1st Nat'l Dank.corner lath und Farnnin. All business fctrlctly conUdontnl. SU BUSINESS CHANCES. | 7HHHYI.K OHTHAUK for Omnha property , JL1 to-wit : ARilcultural Implement liusinu s Iiaylnif $151 per mouth nottoiruthor with -lots unit hulldlnir , .TJiN ) , with n f l.r.Oi stock , price C"IO ! ) : one bii lnt s lot oppojlto depot nnd nn Impioved an'totrnet ilxlit In thu town , 1,10) , M'ill bo sold sepaiulu or tn ctliur ; nil located lu Utleii , Sowurd Co. , Nob. J. L. Jtlco , 1J rurnam. 077 wu 1'artner , to Invcstlirate n J < bii'lness cluinoe , In which ifl.UMcasli Is re quired. Wo know tl'ls ' lobe n splendid cliiinco nml uortliy of Invcstlgiitlon. J. L. Hico , I'--J , l''nrmim ' btrcct. i > 7i ) FOH SAI.i-A ipatiiuratit dolni ? n peed bnsl- I v , ues ; leatous lor selling , lonvlm ; the city. Will tnl.u hoi-su lor pait pay. Addicsslt.'ll.IIco USO-'X Olllue. - TTMm KAMI The Conimcrelnl Hotel lit South JL Hum ) , Nub. , pilco J-.IK" ) ; ii-rms eiisy. Ail dross T. W. ! ' . , llox K , South llcnd , Noli. . , Ui'l-foblO * M : AtPlntto Ci-mrr , on Union 1'n- ollle rnllioud , u iniieliu biiltnblu for feeding rattle and IIOMS or bleeding purposes , consist- IiiK of two nml onu-liulf ticri'S ol laud , well lenc'd.ith bnnvdfl nnd wiru. Good power wind-mill with Iced grinder nnd feed cooker tnnks , We. lloir Iiouf.o75x'ir > . Corn cilb to hold two thousand biMhcU. Kvi'ithbiff In llrM-cliiB3 "hlmpu. Will bu bold at n baivniii ns owner H nl.oiit lo leave tlio state. Address Ficd. W. Shaw , Columbus , Nub. Gll-D * . OK SAM ! The Fnrntoun Hotel and furnl- J.i 1 turo In Mllloiil.'Nob. ; hotel In cool condl- tlon. nnd ininltuio iitnr ; overvthhw In llrft- ulniMi order ; dolnir nn o.\collent bii'-iue.ss ; only t'ftt < fe loriollliijniilcrJnt-ni ( in family. Knniiiio ol'.I. V. ( * oiii < nul.jiroiiilctor , or \\ortcnuyKc , Milfoiil , SuuiiiilCo. , Koli. ! > ,6-W I poll HAI.E-Or c.telianBO T clvo liilildicd. nnd elKhly acres of Mo , , timber nnd Kinss hind , loity mllcHeustof Kansas City. As rich poll us tiny laud In ibo stiite , w III foil all or part nt Illtccu dollais ytv acieor will e.vchanse for itood Improved or unimproved Nebiuska land , lludloid iV Sauur. 155 FOH SAT.K OH Til A OK For runl vstulo , the lestnnrunt , llxtiues mul contents ol twelve lninlMirdvtotims on the S. K. ( or. of l-lli nnd Capitol nveniio. CostlJOi > to 111 up. "Will sell for MOJ cncli , or on time to rood responsible ! luu-ty. Apply to Corbott , S. W. cor. 15th and Fariiam MH. , npetalis 4VJ FOH SAMC-,1 lots luSprhurllill. $4.0cnch. Also nn I'Sliiblltlied tinnklii ) , ' bUHlnu s In N'e- liraskii , county teat , ( iibton < .V Archer , Koom a Wiiimull lllock , Omaha. M T71OII SAMJ The only Icnllicr nnd finding JL ; liiiplucFB lu Lincoln , which him been cnr- Tlwlfin lor ten jours very successfully ; the run- tun for selling , di'iith of the propilrtor ; cnpltid rcqulicil , liom Jlt.i'W ' ) to fl.WW. AdJrciS > lrri. Jacob llnbcilu , Lincoln , Nub. ! i1 ESTATE. , LMl'llOVKIi homostTad nnd timber WUM claimiClOucrcs , hnlftlio iiiicoof wild laud ; near riillronil , KOOI ! nolKhl'orhood ' ; HI cat suori- lleomndo tor family reasons. Hull & McCand- llsh , 1511 DodifObt. Cii : . : K UUNOIIKH. Itenl IMnto STOCKDAl.i IliokoiB , Unams 8 nnd 0 , AilhiKton lllock , 1511 Iodu ) ) st. If } ( ) ii huro any teal ostnto to sell nl n ruusomiblu prlco , oltlu r In the city or country , ito not lull lo list It with us. Prompt attention und EiU'iuo ' dealing Is llm basis of our business. Wo nro polo iiirciiits for l.uwls' sul- dlvlsiun of Olcahonin addition. Those lots are chonp at present pricoj , mul will double as soon as tliu viaduct question Is settled , liny now and innkfi money. Monthly pii ) mcnts. Lots In Kbkwood walnut Hill , Paundors , Illmubiuiah. ut\d other cliolcu uddltlous. Cull mid euo ua. U7J llifAKSirAT.T. & l.OHKCK , real oslnte. JJJlliave n tbiulistof Improved mid unimproved lota lu Omaha ; uerosnear tboclty and liundieds of thoniiiudHOf acres of land lor sale ; corre spondence solicited. .MHrrthall ft Lobcck , 1500 1'arimm etiect. Ollico open till Op. in. f > K > PERSONAL. 1)HHSONAI. Omaha city nnd Douelascounly itbstiuotH fiirnlHlied uud guaranteed. It. 0. Patlcn-on , m Fariiam. G1U TOVSXD. III' Ijiirtrorcd cow with louj ? horns. TiAKHN can Iin\Obiuuu by enllliiir on ( l.A. IIcmielt"Ut nnd Plcico , nnd payiuir oxpuiibcs. Jun7-luw5t * BO JIDIHO. ROOM nnd lionnl , ( A per wcok ; very best lo cution. 1814 Duvennort tit. lUSjnurJ * BTOVE KEPAIHS. TIIKW. 0. > Iet-nerPtovollepalrCo.lllBoutU 14th Bt. bctw eon Doilk'u uud Uouelus. BUPTUUB CURED. N O operation or useless trusses. Dr. M. M Moore , U Wabash nve. , Chlcnjfo. MJBCELLAlfEOUS. LADII'S in want of peed domesticholprun bo puppllod by culling on tlio ( Imiihn Kui- jiloyment llllleo , Itoom I , llusbiuun's lllock. Mra j , w. Morrison iiroprlvtor , l > 74 lOlt SAZ.E-aiIBCSLI.ANEOU3. HALK A laipa nleVrl-plated parlor Foil , "Splendid , " with fancy zlno board ; ; i5. Api'Iynt ' 13 Wubotoret. FOH HAI.i : At n liarKiiln , 41 flciijlH JIIHI 10- coUeil fiom nn overstocked factory . Now Isjonr ehnnco for ubarjrain while they List. W. T. Buamun , corner Furuniu ami llth bts. 071-1) ) " TTloirSAirK-Thooas'o lnd ftirnlturo of llio JU Metiopolliau Hotel ; liont-e dolni. u Kood lnilncKs. ( Iood innii can IIIIIKO fJoo pur month. Will foil rcuMinublu If tnKeii nt ouco For pur- tlculuiB liKjulio ol J. C. FltZKCiuM iSoiiTro- inout lloute , Lincoln , Neb , Oil "I71OII wentber ( trips , storm rusli nnd doort.go X to K. I ) , JIi-Hd SW B. lull fct. bW _ * TTloll SAI.K T\to lots in IVluum Plnco , one L fc JU block from H reel car track , lnciulre"l ? , Jotu gtrcot. W WANTED-FEMAIE \\rANTKU-At 8. W. cor. Klh and I.cavim- wonh us. , t'ltl to do eimeiul houtowoik ; German . \\7ANTii : > ( Jooil kllclion fill. Apply ut N , , .11 W , cor. KM and l-'iiruuui ou KU * \\TANTiu : A Rood nctlro woman lo do > thnmbcrwork. wnccs ? ! porwrfk. Apply between the hoiiMof 11 nml 2. 012 Douplni St. IMNTKD A jrlrltl or 1 * . jMroldn < nnrfo , S. II tor. 2Ut nnd lA-iwnworlli. C8M > AY 17"AVnn-hl ; ; for pcnernl housework. Ap ply at IJSfi I'nul etrcct. 0.17-9' WAXTii ; > An experienced , capable nnd noiit yomif ; wnmnn to nwslst In tnklntt care of ehlliln n t.nl do second work. Call nt brick ie < lik-nco , coiner of llth nnJ I'lorco. Sirs. 1) ) . S. Itni r.Kcr. ( K3-9 \\MNTKD-A peed cook nt tZl N. lTh st ! fM _ " \\rANTISO A competent Blrl to do ffcncrul if lif > u. ework. yjlftlltiil pi. 4il ) ANTliH A competent plrl for liou. o ork. 44Q ronvctit bt. Cll-11 \\TANTii : ) Oniiiotont | fflrl to cooic. 1 nnd lion : Ct-rinun prorcrroJ. Ap ) > ly N I ! . IDIti anil Culirornla. Mrs. r. . Wnkcloy. fill \\7"ANTii : > Oootl Blrls for general IIOURO IT nnrk. Mrs. .1. W. Morrison , room 4 lliisli man Block , Kth and UouKli s. liO ANTii : ) first clnsllmiiffroom pirls al tlio.MftrotioIitaii hotol. UOt V\7'ANTIJI ) l.iiillps nnd Rontlcmon In city or IT country to tnku llxlil Murk nttliclrowu liotno * . J'lto } 4 u tiny L-ivlly inn.loiork ; sent liymiill ! no cAiiVAsslngr. Wo liavo a pnoil do- iiintiil for our w ork nml furnish etoady i-mploy- in on I. Adilros , ltli Mump , Crown MTV Oi. S.U1 Vlnust. . Clncliiimtl UlUo. U JanlO * U'AKTEl-MAIi : HELP. WA TUU 5 good gntofinoit of peed mlilre's rr-ndyto juatlo onUIJu for bis pay. Cal iii5 ; llainuy su ufli-o WANTKI A peed mnn to uork on ilnlry must bo nblutodrho tcanm. A. Fiodrkk BOH , nurtliof deaf nnd dumb nsjliim. MiTV * w ANTKI > A socd boy frem Istol6rcnrs ! old ut f.C B. lUlh Bt Cl. ) BITUATIOira WANTED. W ANTIMi Tlaco ns flocunl girl or nur o. In ; iiulro71''JImcybliout. UtB-U * \xrANTHD-Sltuatlon for BOO ! plrl In prlvnto family ; fmnllliir with Kencrnl housework. Can comu wull luconuncndud. Address "lilts" Iteo ollicc. ObU-li * _ "l\rANrl'ii , ; Situntion by npobor nnd rcllablo if maul ti 'itMimlcrtukinjr buslncse.xperi ; - cuco often j > raln nil Its biniichcs. Direct let- tois to V. N. , Itoom It ) , S. U. cor. 15th nnd Doug las. cuu-in A pn ltlon Inn bank : Imvohnd i nmploo.\peflenru nnd cauluinlsh llio bo-.t of rcfuiL'iicoi ? . Address II S7 , lleoOlllce. 577-1. ! * MISCELIAIIiOU3 : V/A1JT3. " \\7"ANTii : > Fobrunry Ut , for manmidwlfo , two uatiirni-liLcl looms ( eiupctcd ) ulth bomd , In ( 'ood localitv mid not tco tar out. Mn-t bo Hist clat ? . Addie'S 11 CO , lieu Dlllco. iViJ-l ) ' \\7"A ? > Tii : A BrcoiiiMinnd Hio proof bank T T fc , with liurirlur proof thus' . AddieBJ , F. I * Drown or Fust National Jlnnk , Jlcl'ook , Nub. tji ) UENT-KOUSES A1ID LOTS. KENT Stoio.OtU North Ittli St. Tmou KHNT-Sceond nnd third fiorios of JL1 Iniok btilldlntr on Fainain Btrcct , i-\tiW. Freight olcvulor. II. 40 , euro Iou ! ollicu. ItC 1 > , > < ! { liN'T : Cotliigc of Brooms nnd summer 1 kitchen , barn , city water mid elstei 11,011 18th. nunr I , eavenHoith sticct ; nUocoltnjju ot 4 ooiiis -Michigan , " blocks lioni 1'nrk uvu. line , small barutll , etc. II. U. Clark. Wl- DoUBlas st. OM-it _ ( Ml HUNT- Part of furnlhhed lioitson : ox- clmn u for bonid. Addri-tt , with luluieiiccfl , Iltf.i , lluoOllico. OSJ-U * TTiOIt 1CKNT Hmiao of ten rooms , nnd fur- JJ nltuiu lor suit ) ; loin looms now lentcdlor enough to juiy ic-nt of huuso. O. it. Ainisii'oug , 11)11 ) rainambt. W.l-H . * TTIIMritr.vf Nlcu llvo room cottnc. ( S. Ifith JL ; nenr C'onlur. A. I''luKcy , 1.W1 I'urunm fat. foil 1IINT : Tlneo houses of 10 , 0 unit 1 I 1 rooms e.ich. J. I'liljips Ilou. 5."O ] J OK IIIJNT llrlck etoru , boulbsidcofJoucs Blieet , nuvt to Wh ( bticct.ioO per month. Apply ntlUlli l-'uinniuEt. Uf.-l TTlOlt KCNT Cotlniro on Kth ft. , between JU cnpllol uvuuuomilDu\cnjOit ) , 515. 8. l.ch- GUI EOll JIKNT Tno cottages Sir , nnd J1S ] > er laoiith. W. Swilzlor , Urnnlte llluck. 4&J FOK JIKNT To smnll fiiinlly. innru fiirnMied bousu on paved Htrttit ; luriuieu and nil niodoin conveniences ; rulcrunccs ruguiied. Apjily at I'-C'l J'ainaiu Bt. 454 "IT OK IlKNT A 10 room house centrally lo- Jcnted and near two Hi cot car lines. ItiKood ropnlr nnd .ill modern Improvements , Imiuiiu of John A Freybam Jc Co. , HH Houtli 10th st. UJ7 " 7\OK ItKNT Oil I.EASK-Storn room. xl'lO ' 10-aciu Konlon w Ith li-room IIOIIHU luljolnln uily ; Hl-ncrc lnrm,17 milc.-t west of ( Imulia ; U titibliicss lots on til. Mnry'h avu. Apply to K. II. Ctmpimm .V Co. , 1J17 Howard st. Ill ) T71O11 lllNT-Nuw house nt IKS ) Jackson st -L Apply ut Cunningham ii llrcnmin's , 1511 Dodfto Bt. 11 TTIOH HUNT House belorwlutr to the ostnto JL1 of Judge Chudwick , BO-J 1'uik uvenuc. W.J. Conuoll. 281 Foil HUNT Two now R nml 9 roomed houses ; furnace , bath loomund all modern conven- Icnccn , ono block fiom street curs. Inquire Jo. F. llartou , 3H 5th St. , or Bmolthu ; Works. BW I poll HUNT A Ktoro loom with good collar 1 J'JOC ' Hurt street. Apply to John lluumur. 110 KUNT ' . ' stores on Dta and l.cavenwortli ITUHl . 1 Moroon Koillh lllthfll , UolhUrst-clu.fi liiiBini'ta Iccutlons. Alee houses to rent A. Mc- Uttvock. 0H ! EENT-UOOMS. KiNT Furiildlimlrnonift tor Indies nml Poll gciitlomon. Uta Capitol iivonno. 1'Jl-Hi' HUNT Very nice furnished rooms for | .itfht lioUbckcuplnK , & )7 ) N. 17th fit. lithVII * T7\OU \ KK.VT Nlco room nml best bonrd H.W1 JU a oclcvery ; best loeatlon,1lH S.iatli ai. 7t-H * Foil HUNT A nicely Iurnlshod parlor : also Olio iipbluirrt loom , 1-4 N. 17th St. UUIl Foil JUJNT-lJosk room lor one or two per- tons.no ( dnctoisor real osluio nii'ip ; plena- nnt , wclllurnlshcd ollico ; Imjulro Itoom u , Ar lington bloak. C7ll IlKNT Inrtr nnivly fuuilaliud Irout X1 room with bouril. H N. I'Jth fit. C8I FOK 1CHNT Itoom nnd board for two pontlo- men In private- family , near ImsliiosH center. Hcfoioncu rucpilrcd. 411 > ' . 17th st. ( KU'.i * FOultl.'XT riunlblicd loom. Inqiiho 10th and Uoutrlus. UV > 17 < ( ) U HKNT ; i rooiiH , cloeeta , cellar , city X1 wider , nt COS N. lath st. UJ'J-'J * 17KMI lti.ST : I'miilehoil roe ms 1707 CnsH St , J } OEJJB * OH IlKNT Furnished looms. SXO DoiluoT C10-11' r.KNT-KoouiM-ltli board. ICIIl Cupltol IpOK 1 nvo. ttl-n ! ] T ( > H ItKNT A iilei'ly fuinUiicil room with 1 Hi o mul i ; us. liitihont ! | No.Wll IJotiKlus OK KKNT Cotniilntuly fiirnlbhcd "llatT5 moms und biilh. Adilresb II. b. lieu Ollico. ; M > 1710K ICKNT-Nleely furniblitd loom. S. W - . cor. 1'Jlh nnd bt. M nry's nvc. Oil Ijtoil HUNT ToircntlrmenInrgo room with 1 } llUloelo l t , 171S Cidiloinlu st , CIS. POU HUNT rurnltlioil room. 1017 Clilcupo 517. I poll HUNT I'liriiUhed Jrout loom IM UFO 1 of bulb loom ; plousiinl locution. Inijuiru nt ollico ot C , K , .Mui no , 1Mb mul 1'uinum. K.T 7OH IlKNT Two suits of 4 looms cncli , ] ' I'loicu meet lietwi-en lUlb nnd Wth. Un- niilrollth mid Fiumim. F. iloehle. .MS IT ) II T jiKNTlFurnlshed rooms. Jl N. IStlH JU HiNT-l'unilshod : rooms , ISOoliirncy iron JIKNT With bouid , u room suitable for JL1 oaopurroiL It'll ' Wcl tor. NJ9 TTIOH HKNT Furnished room nltli board JL1 bultabloturmo Kouilcmuii. 1S14 UuJKi'tt 'I71OH HKNT-rieuHiit rooms , luraUliud und JU unfuinibbed , for lUht hoiisukcuplnv , can usuully be found in llcomer's llloek , corner llonrd. . 076 FOK BAXE-HOUSi:3-LOT3. : I7loil.SAI.K-Forcasli- of beautiful JU land In Wjoniliitf , Just over the NebrasKa llnu , three miles fnuii station , 'JO mlU B eut > tof L'hujenuu ; three dollars per ncro. How lonir nill jou let this baivuulook jouhl tliufucu J. U Uluo.Kuinuiu. U7i _ > OHSALK T > vobrnn now splendid cotlnics I7 mifl lots , unu block ca t Sheimuu Avenue , it ll.sxl each , on monthly payments. Must bo > u.d liuuji-dlalely. It. C. 1'utteiiou , l ± 'l F.inmui .Intut. \ SAM : Two lots nrar ll n eom Tin-It. Ir\oii , $ liHO. llo o nml lot , flAVl ; monthly pnincnt . 2 lots lit Sunny Side , f--W. Demi" , l.Mli nml Doimln * . Cn 1" : MUlSAM7i8rooin1iousnnnd7 ; li > t9 near 1 theeontomplnlc I -omll"neillc depot ; nil wl'l ' I M.M for JJ.UUU. Cumilnftlinm i lircmiiiu , loll DoJ o. IJMW RAM ; A jrooiTconicr lot on tlio bus- J1 Itio-spnrt of Cumin ? Street , only fxVuO. ' llicnmm , 1511 Doilge. lit SAM : SOOrcre * ncarCcdnr IliipitU , N'e- JIM kn ; JS an aero. Cunningham & lirenimn , lAUDodKO. _ _ iriOK s.U.i-Thc : best ncie lots hi llio ninrkct -I. only $ .V < U. Il.ijy teuus. Cunningham .V Ilrciimin , IM1 Dudtfo. I1 YOU WANT to ! ecuio nn ncro In Wn li- l liifflnn HIM you bad lioltor call on us ut once Vou can luuoyotirclioluoof the un-old lots nt foil nn ncio , mid on o.ny term * . See tlio plnco nnd } oil will bo convinced that Its natural he-nit- ties point Itout us Oiimlm'B best suburb , dm- nhiKhum St Ilronnnn , 1,111 llodgo. OJJ-'J TjT JirsATTB btTccroain Cii s county , with 1m- JU provomout ? , "ill trade for city property. J2GV1. 7 ; ! ticres Ono liny bind near Council Illiitffif.tOJ. ) Parties hnvlnir vcnl oslntoto sell orc.\chntiKO will llml It to tlielr Interest to call on u . Wo will do j ou pood. IMivnrd T. 1'oter- Mill Sc Co. , Itoom 'J , Lli. . cor. 15th mid Douglas BtS. KO rpONKl.l OK Ht'Vrenlcstntool nny Mnd. call JL on C. K. Jlnyno , 8.W. cor. l.'tli and Fnrnam tts. . who has properly In uveiypnrt of the city , nnd lands In every county of thost.ilB. cm TI1OK SAM : Ily Hotter I , Tiiouuu le llro. , JL1 loom 8 , dulfilitoti block ! EUO loot on rnrnnni Bt , fg , < KO ttixlM , B. w. tor. 17(11 ( ami Center , $ -J,003. Mxino , HmiBCom I'lnec , t-TOJ Ulotst0.uri7 ; , on Hamilton nnd Clintlea sts , $000 to fSHy blocks wo l of convent. 6UX145 , cor. Chnrluj and Mb sis. , $700. ; : ivir > l , ullh IHUISU uud burn , near 20lh mid Center , J-IK,0. Veiy chonp ; sinnll puynieiit ; bnUnec monthly. 5u.\li.i , Vth mid Charles , w 1th house of & rooms , well , etc. , tl.iKX ) U loin , l.o e'.s luldltlou , { GOO und $050. " 1015 , W. A. Kcdlck'g mid. , SI.-iX ) . Lot cor. " 7th nnd Davenpoit , flr'tOO. Wo think nil tliu nbovo bnitriilnsi Cnll for tnniiH. Dexter L. lliomus Jc llro. , Kooiu 8 , Ciclghlon llloclc. fCJ BKI.vr.UKIlK-AdJoinlnir the bnrrncks on tlio north , hns tliu lulvuntiuro on nleolovol ( Jilvouiiy , bcnutltul location , line vlowsmid ovorytlitnir else that oes to iniikn up n splendid plnco lor u losldonep. Sou llclTedore. It Is clieap propelty , und no niUtuKu' C. li. Mnyiie , B. W. cor 15th and I'at'iiinu. 6iiu T71OKSAI.I5 l.urtro hoitso nnd 3 nicely clova- JL1 ted lots In Slilim's M mill , { OA'cm. Als- > line K-roomuil lum.'o on Clark f licet , nleoly uleviiteil lot , Woua Gibbon .V Archer , Koom ll , Wlllmoll llloclc. 411) iiddltlon on Snuiulcra sticct la JL tlio chciiicst | piopofty lu tliat part oC tliu rily. HlrcoteaiH inn through tins ndilltlon. t > c'fiiols IHU ccinveniciil , bubluofs teachcx IIon ( MO hides lor convenluneo and dcshnlilu local ity 1'nlilck's nddillon Iui3 muny ndvanttiKes. ( nil und Imcbtlpntu. l.ol.s only 5-'iUl to fan ) each. U. li. Mnjno agent , B. W. cor. 15th mul I'm num. 5.V ! GltniiNWOOD llcuutllnl ncro nnd half ncr ° lots , line location , : > ' / miles lioni 1 > . u. , only11 few moments walk Hum llnnscom 1'iirk. Acre3 JKtO. Half acre'sS-'J , 1U jiercuuc cu.sli , biiUmeo nionllily payments. C. -Muyny , y. W. cor. lutli nnd Karmnii. 473 WiST8IUi : : Stntlonon I.onven orth htrec wlll bo the jnnetlou ol tlio Mo. 1'ac. nnd Jlelt Line. ] , ols piucliuted thcru no\v will iiv turn n limidsnmo piolit to the Imyoc inn vury bhort timo. Holt v .McCandlisli und U. U. tolo IriOU.SAM : Itouiso nnd lot i-'lH S tli st.sclionp mid payments. Aildicss U. B. Chlpmtni , Lin coln Nub. ! > "l I7 > OJl SAi.i : Cheap lota In Hanscom I'lneo. 1 Add.-cabO. 1' . Blfbblns. POIISAM-A two story , s\rn. fnimobuiia IIIK , EUltablo for it btoru , uuar lOtU unJ Far uamSts. Applyut this ollico. 'J17 FOK SAM-10OCO 10 per cent dividend pnyintf Flock. Gibson Aruhur , Jluoin U , \ \ itlinell ItlouK. WJ . : : : : - lots at ? su to $ iso. will iiuiUu yon 73 to 100 pur cunt profit l > o- luiu nt'M Nu\r Vc-ur'Bduy. L. K. Jliijne , solo ngent.S. W. cor. 15th nnd rArnum. 55'J Foil SAM : A KanoVarrfieWmindfso business In n niiilly ] | giowiiif ; town' nut lur liom J.liv coin , lit'-t triulo mul locution in tfiwn. A'tplon. did opiioitunity lor u ptutywishing a KOO.I openiiiir , mul liiivin ? from seven to ton thoubimd dollars lu c.isli. Will still for ciwh onlyor part casli , balance real Cbtnto lu OmuUu. Address lluicbimt , llooUlllcu. 8 j ' ji : Liirjjoand email Btoclc rnuclica ' with or without stock. For Side I ) lots In Sprlnif Hill , $ r > 0 c.ich. For Bidu Ifelubllslicd liAiiklnc business In Nelirai-kiv. county scut. Olboun Aichur , room II , Wlilinull lllock. Foi H.vclninKo Ncbraikn fnriiH for Onialm properly ; ulso lands to uxcliango tor stocks of ; oods. \ \ niitoil 3 business lots for cash within 4 blocks of postolllcu. For Kxclnini-'G Ilk ) ncro Improved farm , Madl- on county , Neb. , lor house mid lot in Umiiliu. ForSulo A6-nero Ir.ict 4 miles ol postollloo ; IIIIIIMI coxt $ ! ( HMorfI&uOcasU.OIlJboni-Arelior , Itoom 3 , Wlthnull lllouk. \K \ FOK.SAMt IJyl'otlor & Uobli- Uholco luta in Lowo's First add. , ? : 5 to $150 each. Corner In Isaac & Seldem's add. , 13xl2i , for fl.irx ) . Flnu lots on llrowti St. , C0xl30 , at $700 ; each easy lei ins. Acio lot very cheap , cor Urown nnd California BIS. , * iOW , 5 und 10 ncro tracts on oiisr terms at $175 to 00 ; yi'eat bar nbi9. A few uholcu lots in Thornburer Place , on licit I-Ino , chenp. 2 Iol8 In Shlnn'a Third , $800 each. Fine liusinubH cor on Fnrnam sL , $10,0) } . Ix > ts In 1'oi.lor's add. , J5W to | Ot/J each ; very clioup. A low linn lots , Hnnsuom Plnco , nt $7M each. Cnll und bee our bargains In aero tracts , fill ) ] 'ornu : it ( ; onu. IMIi Fiirnum St. IANI > HIIICIKS : : , ATTENTION- For full I particulars about free und chonp lands In Western Ncbrnslta address Thos. ( J. 1'attorfioii , Koal Kaliito Ak'oat. North L'latto , Nub. VM SAM-Uy C. 13. Jlliyno : ; iii-Kull lot , etnnll house , Wllcox mjd. , $7W ) . JID Full lot on J.cnvoii oitli st. , nu\v botiso , nil modurn convuniences , } tJWO. ,1S Ixn on Furmini bt. nuur Utli St. , houeoi ) IOOIIIB , nil modern Improvements , $7fU. . 3M Two lots , two huiibes , I'Bih near Howard , IC.WIO. l-Lotv.Ul.'il.Soiith ' st , good house , $1,8.V ) . Monthly paymuiils , JJO 1/ot lni\-0 ( , frontini ; two streets , nlco cot- t.itto facliw Iliibcom 1'ark , 1 1,800. 10 llnndsomolot , nlco eottu'u7 ; rooms , Ocor- irla nvo. , $ .1,0110. H Lot WxW-i , Uth and I'arnam , house 7 rooms , . " 99-Tliiconcros , orood liouso , fruit , etc. . Lcav- ( > nworlli8t ; , ( V > i < 0. " 00 Full lot , two outtiiffoi. fihlnn's add. , tS. "ii llonto 7 rooms , unst trout , beautiful locu tion , llnnscom 1'laco , , . "Jl iio : unl ruoliteneo it ) rooms , two lots , flno location , every possible convenience ) , fll.000. 05 On nor lot , nlco eottniro 0 rooms , onu block nil Saumlors M. , t-'l.iAKl. 03 Ilaiidsomust coltngo In Omaha. 5 looms , beautiful lot , ( Jeer in nvo. , iO ) . "S Lot uijHO , bouse 1 rooms , t-uulh l'Mst. . . 00 ( iood koneoO rooms , full lot. Hickory nnd 10th , Jl,7uuj very cheap. C. E. ilayno , K. \ \ ' . cor , 15th and Fariiam , tM LAAV i.initAiev rou SAI.K.-A LAW iibraiy conblxthiK of lown icpoits , U. ti. tmprnmo onrt lenorU' , Amnrlcan decisions , Amcilcau e ] > nitB , Ndilhueatern. I'uulllo nnd Fedoial ro- mrtera , nil bound , and A llnoof lo.xt books , nil Blunt millions mul us oed us new. Jliiht bo old loKiilliL-r. Jnet eo > t tl,6'K.ol. ) ( ralr redtiu- lon for eashorcood notes. I.i t furnished on ppllcatlon. Addicts IX , Heooltlce. Foil SAI.IIOK TitAliK 101 ncros of land 1U miles north of North Aubuin , Nub. ; bout flxtynciobiindcrciiltltiitlon ; irood house , barn , mid a ( rotHHtell of wnter , For fuithur pnrtlculais apply to II , II. Hundley , Ilrownvlllo , Neb. 4ti.'Juit.'l \ \ rAItNlNGThupaity who called lor terrier > T dofr on Farnnm street bciwoon Kliilit- eonth undN neteoiith.Ttmedny afternoon , bo- twcun&nudu , Is known und has been duteelnd , To suvo further trouble , ho Is wurnod to return the < lo toU14 South Fnilrfeentli btti-el , and .Mr. 1 loll liiMiiiei'w III p EDWARD KUEHL , MAOISTEH OF PALMYSTIIHV ANII CONDI- T1UNALIBT , UUiTcutn bireot , botnocu Fariiam nnd Humor , will , with the aid of gunrdlun spirits , obtain fur any ouu A idanoo la thu put nnd present , and of certain conditions In t lie future. Hoot * nnJ shoes niado to order. Perfect sutlsf action iruurunluod. FRUITS and FLOWERS _ Those dcslrliDr < o put out Fruit or Ornamen tal Tree * , Phrubs , I'liuits anil Vines , will Und it irroally lo their Inlereil locxmsnlt K. UKmery , by Ictturorlii person , In toward Hi kind , quality unit price , buloru ordcrlntr of any ouu. Urduiii tbould bu Klveu fiirly , Olllco l jO llurncy Bt. , ie5dcncoi.MU | Fainain St. E. L. EMERY. IT WAS FOOT BY ONE MAN , j j A Queer Kingddtb on , an Island in the South Sea , VisitbA by Captain Pulton. Peculiarities of Tristan D'Acttnlin A Hcinai-knblo Islnnd One Hundred niul Twelve Poo- pic , Aloofly Women , ,1 "Dit1 you oVtJr Ijo.ir of tlio island of Tristan d'Acunhn , in the South Atlant ic ? " asked Captain Fulton , of the bark Kudora , while unlo.uling n cargo of su gar at ono of the Delaware wharves , Philadelphia , the other day. "Vou haven't , 1 suppose , " ho continued , "nor liavo many other people except these that follow the sea , atd yet it is n very Interesting llu0 | island. Let 1110 tell you nbont our stop there on this last trip. AVe wore on our way to this port from Doilo , Philippine Islands , nnd began to run short of potatoes when not fur from Tristan d'Acunha. There was nothing very surprising about that , of coin-so ; but how do you suppose wo got a now supply ? Why , when wo got in sight of the island wo just hoisted up a little sig nal , part of a regular cede , meaning that wo wanted potatoes , and when wo dropped anchor oil' shore the islanders had a ton ready for us. "It is the people of the island , however , wlio are especially interesting. Tliuy tire nil white , and are the descendants of a Corporal ( .lass , who was onouf tlio guard ever Napoleon at St. Holcna , and of two women from the Cape of Good llope.who settled there early in the century. From these tliroo have sprung 112 persons , now living , who have a very peculiar com munity. They cultivate the island , winch Is very fertile , and sell provisions lo pass ing ships in return for many articles of food and of comfort which they cannot get otherwise , Just at present women's clothing is al a particularly high premi um , and the most of ( lie women wear men's garment , * . They look funny enough , dressed in their husbands' , fath ers' ' or brothers' trousers or jackets , and imparently enjoy the novelty of their clothing immensely. "ISnl to return to our trip. When wo reached llio Island thrco boatloads of men put oil1 under the direction of a son of the governor and boarded llio Kudora. L'hey remained on board nearly seven hours , and told us that in n few moments after weeing our signal for potatoes , , the entire pollination were busy ut work , digging them in > for us. They had als-o killed some cattle and chickens , which they brought for sale and had some al batross' breasts and skins which they ollered in barter. Thu men anncured much pleased to ce us , no ship having visited them before in .some time and made themselves at.homn on the bark. A little ruin and tobacco , they said , wonh bo particularly. . acL-optablo , as they are deprived of lliono aiilieles. "There are al present liitceii families on thu island , unit tin equal distribution was made aiming Them of thu clothing and other artidcs liey ( got from ns. Not withstanding the awkward and ill-filling men's garments in winch they wore drcsacd the womoiijWero strikingly hand some , with tall and well-roumU-d figures and of the dark eorniilc.Mon common to the residents o ( IhwCapo of Good llope. They largely 'Outnumber tiio men , and " are inclined to" bo independent and as .sort their rights. Thirteen of the.se lovely v ly creatures , all of marriageable ago , are tno daughters pf llio , present govenu who is a .spnof , jho" common anocsU/i , and who' ItclliiJ hm OlFico by virtue , of being the oldest man'on tlio island. "Tristan d'Aciiiihii is at present sufler ing greatly from immense numbers of rats which were brought there several yoarsjigo in some bales of hay. They even invade the homes of the islanders , and have become so great a post as to seriously threaten the future existence of the little settlement. Tristan d'Acunha includes Inaccessible and Nightingale islands , both of which are uninhabited. This isolated community i.s about lyoO , miles .south of St Helena and nearly mid way between Capo Horn and Cape of Good Hope. For years at a time the people ple never see a ship , and the coming of ono is always considered as a great event. The summit of the i&land is a cone- shaped peak more than 8,000 feet high , and Ihis great elevation makes it a mark for mariners to rate their chronometers and to miikc departures. The signal cede which we used in making known our desire for po tatoes has been lately adopted , nnd has proved a great convenience. A Phila delphia ship , the Industry , commanded by Capt. I'allon , visited the island in 171)0 ) and loft some men there , but they were altiTward driven away by llio English , "Did any of the women want to come away with us and see a country where there are more men than clothes ? \Vcll , I can't say they did. They are rather shy of strungon ; , and I didn't.see Unit any of my men made a 'mash. ' lint if a mail can't get a wife anywhere else 1 am sure ho can got ono there if ho will go and met tle down. 1 tell yon they are stunners the women of Tristan d'Acunha. " A Sou and Heir to Itonniiza Mackay's Daughter. A letter from Paris , dated December 19th , says : The young prince and Prin- cc s di Galatro Colonna , ( ho latter formerly Miss Kva Mnokny , are rejoicing greatly ever their splendid boy , now just ono wcok old. The young couple ardent ly wished for a son , as in llio Neapolitan branch of the Colonna family Prince Ferdinand himself is the only male re presentative in tlio present generation. Ho was his father's only son , anil his two uncles , now both of advanced years , are childless , BO that this nuwly arrived young gentleman 'receives nn especially warm welcome. The layctto of the Infant has just ar rived in Paris.jfroiji California. It was made at the Ladies' Repository uf San Francisco , of Which noble charitable in stitution Mrs. Mackay has been a di- rectri'ss for some years. It is not in the least a sensational qntlit , all ribbons and satins and eihtrodfcnos , but is remark- nblo chiefly for the extreme fineness of the materials'a ' ml fir the extreme delic acy of the htl , ( hln.g , Komo of the line embroidery in Mlk.im thu thinned hkirts anil blankets Is tlui work of a lady over Wl years Of age , and is of artistic elabor ateness and IAiimt.v > . The basket , shaped like a shell , M'linii ' ; | witli white wadded satin , and is bordered with a wide riifllo of Yulcncioiint.'t. .The chribteniug dress , the gift of Mrs. Maekay to her Jln > t grand child is entirely composed of iiutiquo point of d'AleiH'on of great beauty and extreme rarity , The dress , made as a loose slip , Is bordered with antique lace a quarter of a yard in width , the remainder of the garment being woven to correspond and having the arms of the Tolona family designed in lac'o work upon the cor. ago. The iliess is lined with soft white surah , and has a sasli of oreani'Whito satin ribbons. The coak is in oroam-whito crepe do Cliino , bordered around the edge with lace like that upon the dress , thl.s hica being bead ed with a band of white curled ostrich feather trimming. The capo is bordered with similar hi CHI and trimming , and la dotted all ever with sprigs of Howard In point d'Alencon. ' The cap in ( ho sumo lace , and the veil in white nut udgod with narrow point d'Alcncon , complete the outfit , which is in closed in a box covered with white corded silk and having the arms of the Colonna family embroidered unon llio lid. The Duchess do Mouchy ( Princess Anna Mural ) , who sow the dress before it was scnl home , declared that it surpassed in beaut1 the fatuous christening robe of the lute nrinco imperial. The lace , deli cate , strti.stlc and elaborate as a nicdliuval carving i.s the most superb that has been seen in Paris for years. Kvon llio wed ding llotincef of tlio present queen re gent of Spain could sustain no compar- 1011 with it. Mrs. Mackay has a genuine passion for th's ' most artistic of all the adjuncts of the toilet of a modern society lady. Few ladies , oven of the royal houses of Ktiropo , possess a collection of hu-es thai equals her own , which comprises specimens of all the famous f.ibi les , from the sumptuous antique point do Veni c , massive and rich as though wrought in ivorydown to the aerial point a I'Aimnlie , Hue as a cobweb nnd elaborate in design as the fairy queen's state robes of gossa mer. One of those dresses the cele brated tunic and Honnoe in iioint d'Alru- con. manufactured for llio Kmpscss Ku- entile in 1870 and left in tindealer's hands by thatf-ovoreign on her High ! from Paris was copied from a picco of lace originally in tno possession of Mmc.de Pompadour. It lormcd the birthday of fering of Mr. Mackay to his wiln on her recovery from a long and dangerous ill ness a low years ago. THE LOTTERY OF LIFE. to iv I.oii Uvllle nirl nml Marrying IUIs Hill of Memphis. A Momnhis .special of January 1st says : Charles N. Grosvcnor , of the firm of Overtoil and Grosvenor , a young man known to everybody in llio eily.siirpriscd himself and the community by marrying what the gossips say was thn wrong young lady on Tuesday night. Mr. drosvoiior for a long time was assiduous In his attentions lo Miss Olivia P. Hill , the daughter of the loading cotton man of Memphis. Miss Hill's parents objected and throe mouths ago Grosvonor was for bidden the house. So ho gave up all thoughts of Mi.ss Hill and turned his at tentions to oilier matters. A few weeks iigo Miss Kva Mitchell , of Chestnut street , Louisville , came to Memphis - phis on a visit to Grosvouofs sister. The young man was naturally thrown mucl in the society of llio prolty Louisville girl with the usual result they became oil' gaged. Miss Mitchell went buck to Louisville isvillo to prepare for the wedding , wliicl was set down for Wednesday. Card1 wcie out , a reception arranged for , am several Memphis ladies h-ft for Louisville to bo present ul the ceremony. Nearly $ .5,01)0 ) worth of presents were ordered Miss Hill heard of those preparations , and she deli'miinod to sec her old love once more. She telephoned him to call just for moment . , lie refused , and said lie could not see her until IK ; came back from Louisville witli his bride. On Tuesday lie received two letters from her , and ho was weak enough to call upon her. She tlu-n confessed inil t > ho httd loved him all the time in spite of tlio objections of her re latives , and said she was desperate. "If you marry that woman , " she said , "I don't know what I wl'l ' do. J may com mit .suicide. Life will not lie worth liv ing. " ilo was desperate. Tlio old love ami the now were fighting for preced ence. His wanted three days to explain to Miss Mitchell. Miss Hill was linn. Ho must marry her now or never. So Gros vonor succumbed , anil , alter going to throe inini.ster.s , they were finally mar ried , and went to Nashville on their wed ding tour. The bride's father is wortl : Tin ; ONT.Y KNOWN Sm'iFic KIMIUV : : KOH Kpileptio Fits is Samaritan Nervine. ' -"I had Epileptic Fits forsixtcon years. " writes John Keithly , of Principle , . Md. , "Samaritan Nervine cured mo. " § 1.00 , at Druggists. A St. Paul , Minn. , dog watches the troiijih directly under the ice chest where the beer kegs are placed , and when the trough becomes tilled with the beer lie will lap it up. lie refuses water , and drinks beer morning , noon and night. After drinking heavily ho willgolosloup , and the fir.st thought on waking up seems to bo of beer , as ho goes directly to tlio trough and satisfies his thirst. * Tlio llcst Internal Jlcmody. Braudredth's Pills , the best medicine known lor all diseases. They are purely vegetable. The same dose always pro duces the same oll'cot , other purgatives require increased doses , and finally cca.se acting. They purify tlio blond. They invigorate tlio digestion and cleanse the stomach and bowels. They Mimulato the liver and carry off vitiated bile and other depraved secretions. The first two or three doses tellh the story. The skin becomes clear , the eye , bright ! the mind , cured ; the digestion is roslored ; co | ivo- ness enroll ; llio animal vigor i.s recruited , and all decay arrested. "Where is your God now , pig of a Christian ? " was the exclamation of a Ikirman cut-throat when the two Knglish- iiiDii slain in Itungoou quailed somewhat under the knives that wore brandished above them. Two Americans standing by and expectant of similar strokes of savagery , were not killed , and later they wore overjoyed to see British blue jackets rowing to the rescue. .1AMKH Pl'MJ'H ri3 < VIUjlM ! lm 1)R- ) ronw iccopilml as tlio host waililng ntloitovcr Invented. Jt lius lollevcd day of the old wear and U'ur , and cleanses the dullest fabric without liijmiiiy it. An English sportsman , nhooling on the north shore of Long Island , was invited to dinner at a farm house , and was so astonished that ho writes to a London newspaper about it "I wonder howollen in memo Kngland , " ho says , "a farmer , witli his family , and two men MM-vanls , sits down lo i east turkey , chicken pin , witli four or live vegetables ami cran berry pie , to say nothing of both whisky and beer to drink.1' _ The combination , proportion , and pro cess in piopariug Hood's Sarsaparilla , are peculiar to liii.i medicine , and mi- knowirto others. On Christmas day a cat walked into llio oflico of the clerk of the board of over seers in the Newburvport city hull , bays tlio Nuwburiport Herald , and , /u / mping into a basket , went to sloop , feinoo then the cat has been made a pot about the hall , and Thursday night wandered into the aldcnmiu's room , making horncU per fectly at home , mid in tact hoing kindly rocofvod. Afterward she strolled into tlio council room , and was there adopted In concurrence. ffiQST PERFECT MADE : rrcpared witli sp cl l regard to healhb , No Ammonia , IJino ur Alum. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. , CHICAGO. BT.UOUIB. DIG DROP DURING THE WEEK , Compared With Seven Days Ago , Wheat lifts Declined Tour Gents. CORN AND OATS UNCHANGF.D. SntlsTnctory Opening of tlio Vcnr In I'l'ovlslons , nml 1'i-lucs ( Joncr- ally Higher Good 'Crn lln In ljl\o Stock. CHICAGO A1X MAUKUT. CniCAno , .Jan. S'-lSpecial ' Tolegram.J \VIIIAT : One week ago today the opening pilcoofMiiy wheat was fltVc. 'to-day first trades n ore on a basis of S7 o , a decline of 4S'o , though l.ilo trailingwns at belter pilcos. The stati tral ! position ot wheat has not materially diniised dm lug the ucok , but the position of many of the spcculatois has MillU'il , A larco quantit } ' of long whiMl has been tlnown upon tlio market , anil the ceio.d . is thought te have lost a number et Its staunches ! anil strongest filenils. Sovoinl of tlio leading bear operators on this inaikct bought In who.U on the decline to ( ill run- tnii'ls , unit It was supposed tlut they had swumaioulidon tliuelhci side of the deal , but lo d iv the opinion pievalts that the .same l > .ntics have put out other Hues of shells. Wheat biv'ati Ihls morning whoio it left elf yosteiil.i ) nnd c.ullesl trades were at slightly belter | u Ices. Fioo oirciings by lead ing biokcrs. both on long and slant uoromtt , hioKo the inaikct Hilt < rclil r.'i > orts of biro wheat ll 'Id * In M' ' souii , Illinois anil Indiana , ox- light HO i. u at primary points , dccicasingbtoik-dt tcalo deities mid an c.s- tnuak'il ilivieaso in the visible supply of 0)0,000 ) leSwo ) bushels h mloncd the market ant ) It insisted yield , d sluidily holding its own ; n 1 establishing a substantial advance , May closing strong t bT tJs . . os trout atiio.id wasooiillicting , altlimi ; ! ! the tenor of dispn'c'ios was that Kuioin ) I.s coiilirnu'd in Its Independence of America , and that It would not t.d.o tliu win at ut anything tike mount julee.s. On ih oilier hand , icpoils of e\ioit | Imiuliy. both lu-ie ami at the soa- bo.ird , Vtcroat about Ihu iiiliugalues cur rent. The local s > i > cculaUvo leatuic was a brisk demand from small hlioits , whowoiu not dlsjiosud to go ever Sunday with open tunics iMi.Non (5CAINS ( Coin and eats remain in substantially the same jmltliiii thevvoie in a \\eelc a d as to mluo and geneinl trade pios- pccts. Thoexpoit iiioveiiionl Is Millsijutoiy in vuhnimatid sliows nosigus of diininution. Loealrucelpt.s and-ihlpiiieiils ate not a fair Index of ti.ide , frulnht dlscilinlnatloas against Chieago having inateihilly culiiiln loecipts. The ciilicut of Irnilo In rash corn and oat.s flows on\\ud ; without any .sieeula- | IIvu dlsdn bailees ol consefjiit'iu'o. To-day coin and oats weie qniut , bidh in the sample ciowd and .spot , and pi ice- ; did not tluetuiite. Speculation in theao cuie.ili was almost lllc- less. 1'itovHioxs III \\ocklyiovlew ot the provision nmikel , the U.nly Jiiislnuss says : U'hlle there hits only been a moderate tiade in provision.- . List week , there has been eon- sideiMhlo liiteiiJit nianltestod , and on pork prices dining the week have advanced ! > < V5 IMI ; pel b.urol. Lard Is a little higher , and meats about , V ; pur pound higher. The inai- let , too , niut be lated as lutlier a sliung ono. In acunsuiiiptlve way thuiu was no nt.ukod iniprovuniuiit , tliu outgo not being lar e. but theic have bce.ii a good many buying ( specu lative ) ciders received fioni the country , and this , coupled \ \ lib n comparatively light i un of hogs , lin.s seu-od , lu pa jii.jees.up to the ex tent noted abov'c. liu.sldus lids some jiioni- Incut opeiatois , who \\ero known to bo on the sliuil side , wen ; buying , and whllethe.so latter generally hold .May , when ; they coveicd iliiiiuaiy anil February .shoil.s , this Net ion was not without olleet on the inaiUut. I > eli v- cricson Jaiinaiy oontr.icts so far have been very light , and has served to unnerve home shot I.s , KxiKiil inquliy was light until williin a day or two , vvlien it lias .shown a tendency to inipiovoiaciit. Attho clobu oC tlio niarKtit this iilteinoun tliu Iccling was rather weak. CHICAGO M.VI3 STOCK. CHICAOO , Jan. ! . [ .Special Telegram. ] ( lA-iTi.n The supply ot cattle to-day was modeiately largo In tact so large that under oidinary clrciiinstaneos steady prlcus would have beun all salesmen could expect. JJiit cas.t and west supplies were cut short by sunw , and heie thi'io .is sonic prospect of a blockade by Monday. It inadt- trading lively. Jiaycis weio out eaily Iniiitlni ; lor cattle , and values \voic honievtlint excited. Stiletly speaUIng there was not much of a inaikot , as the boom was accidental , but prices vieio about 10&515C higher than at any time in FCV- cjal mouths past. Thuio was a laigu volume of business. Droned beef men bought some 1171 Ib cattle at $5.00 , ami Fame line JB01 Ib at S-Ml'ii also some 15'JS Ib cows at ? l.7fl. Stoukeis and feeders wcio only lightly supplied , and trading was active to thoc\lent of limited ofTcilngs at Miong juices. Dm lug the week tluire has been a Mioug and uctivo movement , and pi Ices have advanced yJIOc over the rates curient eluly last week. ShippingMuer.s , ] MOte to minis. S .liSi.7'i { ; 1'JUO to iy.W lb > , SI.C'J'/J 5.15 ; HVJ tn l.'OOlbs. 5.b.1l.7. : ) " ) . Iloos Tiado was f.ilily active and pilecs a giade hlglier. The Hliani cold weather huriled both salesiuen and buyer.s about their business ini.reIhely than usual , .Sjicuulators .stalled a boom today. They butightncaily all the how , theoii/ing that the .stoim must Inluileie with HID miming of trains on .Mon day , and that the lecolpts would bo light. ( iood to choice jiaclclne soils sold al S.bO : ( ' ; i.lCi. piimu to clioleo hliiujiliig grades at SI.00 (31.15 ( , lough odds and ends at SD.TlX.ija.TB , light nml closely nS'.oilcdul&S.MiJ'UO , and pigs at . ' . . ' .lu o'.7U , KlNAXOlAlj. Now York , Jan. 0. .Mo."iv : OH call easy at H" - per cent. J'ltlHKMUHOA.Vni.lJl'Al'HK tffWi llOfCOIlt. Koni'.ioN KxoiiA.von HIMs Dull , stuady and unchanged , fcl.b lorMxty days , and M.Sx" ! ' lor ( lematid. < JiViitNinxrs ( : : Dull , but steady , .STOCKS SlocUs wmeevc'ii duller than yes- teiilav , The market was him. l'i It-en this evening ai vineinlly ( \ \ ( " > Yt jier cent higher than tlmy closed yesliTdav. .Mihsoiui 1'acllie Is up 1'V per i'1-iit and \\'e-lcin \ \ Union and Texas it I'acltio J < nnr rout each. ' .iclllo was heavy and shows a loss ui } { per cent. STOCKS ON WA IJ , STtcont blinds. . . liilYf. VA. W 1MV U. H.-lW's lUX Jiieleucd. . . \.f \ > 4 New 4V I'JJ | N. V , U lOii PaeilioG'sol "J > . l- > j dcnon li.in. . . K" > J Central 1'aclllc. . 4-i' ' I'aiilio Mail fft ( . .JBA ' ' . , D. itic .M ; iiiefened. . . . 1-Vi U'.I'.C ' "I nllitJ 10.i'4 ' linc-k Island , . . . 1 > 'JJ4" ' i > . , i * & \v vi' ' * bt. i - . .t s , r. . . . yj * j 1) . iVK. ( i . in i pieieucd. . . 47/f Hue. , . Wi'fC. ' , .M. ifcSt. 1 preforrud. . . . .VI I piolelli'd. . Illinois Ontral. . Jiu'i ' St. V. .V O . I. , JJ. , VV . -7J , jiiolonou. . . Kansas .vTevis. Jil1 , Texas I'aeiiiu. . . LaliO'JIioru . boi'lliuoii ' I'arllui. . . 51 L.AS.N' . 4-hi U' . , SI. L. , V = 1' . . ll M leb. Central. . . . "I | preloiiod. . . ! Jl Mo. 1'aeilie . U--VVVeMi-i u Union. N'oithein 1'ac. . . ' . . ' " > , O. Ji. X . J.ieletTWl. . . . . ( WVI Chluaun , Jan. 7. Mntir , quiet ami niehiitiuedlnter ; wheat Hum. sl.iu I.K5 ; bouthcrn , 5I.OO ( 4.l.ijyisconsin ( \ , k\M \ " " -MlelllKan soil Kpilii ! , ' whciU , 8UU i > lll < Ui sT I.r" it " | M ii ' M , 4 Wheat Hilled \i > ry dull , rntly illicit ca y ; ilicned iihont jcstt'iilay'b elostueeded , ( } - , ! aihiinced ' c and eld-"d Jo over viMor- lay a close , bl jW'l , te lor caaii ; bl/-ke lor Januarys iR' ' S-y/o for rolniaryS7 ; ; ' ( iS3o for May. Coin Killed very qnlct with scarcely any clianec ! : V for ca h ! .WsW-'fiJii * for .Ian- nary ; . ' 5ty y : , % c for May. Oats Xo cs'pntlal ehantjc anil ( julct ; - for cash , January ami I-Vbiuury ; ill l for May. Uye Dull , Ilfclp. < "i and nninlnal atf > Sc. Hiirlry Firm and iinlet at d-WOIc. Timoihy .January , } , c higlu-i , ailvnnccd 2j o ; pi line , S1.7 ? > . ria\secil--l'lun und U'o higher ; No. 1 , cl.l * 'tf. ' 1'oik Sleadv and niifhanccd ; Sld.W for cash and Jnniiniy : StO.rxvaio.iWiV for 1-VI > may ; S10.f)0MO.i.'Ji ( ) for May. Laid- Steady and nitcli.inxod ; 8(1.0" ( ' for ca-h. .lanitaiy and February ; Siu'r cg n."fl foi May. Hulk Meats-Shoulders , jt. : ! ! < VMA'i ; sliort clear. ? .V lV-.4-i ( . ; Miott ribs , 5 ? : .UK.i "i.l'J. ' , . \ iil > ky Sl.lO. M'-Slow ; ctcamory , best , .TOc ; trcsh , ; dairy , slow : eholee , l Wlc. r.ecse Klimj full cicam choldais , Jl',0 ' ? lOc ; tl.ns. lOiMOV ; y < > miK Aineilcas , scai-co ill lOV.rne ; sklim , ipuJc. llTdos P.irtcniell.Sy/S1'c / ; green , So ; heavy preen Milled , sn4ci Hunt doHu 'to ; hull hides. ' . } < : diy snllt-d , 12lsc : diy Hint , iKoillc ; calf .skins , 10@e. | : ! Tallow No. l country , 4 , ' c ; No. 2 country , le ; cuko , oc , . . . . , KccclpU. Shipments. Hour. Mils fi.uixi 7,000 \ \ heal , bn i.'i.ooo Ifi.CtK ) Coinnti rHooo 7iKH ) OiiKIm as.OOO GiMM { fyobu i.txxi none Jlarlev. bu 40.ooo iM.ooo Now Yin-k , .Ian. \Vhcnt-Opcnoil weak , Inter hcciunislioimer , closliu ; llrni : tccelpl.s , l.loo ; expoiU , iuiuuu : ; iitmnulcd i-eil.r.'SMic : No. U icd , wife , f. o. b. , Ul&e atloat ; i-'cbiuarr eloslintnl lilho. Coin Options | liuthcr. closing nun ; ro- oplpti. fi'juout cxpoits , r.iiK)0 ( ) ; miL'railcd-1C * } file ; No. a , l.'i'clXVc ' ; No. 2. fii4' ( | ! ( iMe. In elevntor ; old No. V ! , r.ic alloat ; Kcbumry clos- Oats Mitiile RltoiiRer ; nwlpts. : ! SC03 ; ox- poils , 775 ; uiKeilc.siein , aiJu'Gfifcc ; white lytioletnu hStcady ; nulled closed at 87 fc , KcK's Kliin ; iceelpts , l.tXKl packaged. rmk bicady and fahly ai-tUu ; moss , 510.1 ! . > . Laid Ualherquiet : nalcs : wcstein steam , spot , S0.4-J1 , ( iW.4 , ' > ; Kebruniy , 5 > t-l'Jj0.4i. ! ( ! ; Itntler ( Julet nnd weak. I heese bteaily and In loir demand. MimicapniiH , , lan. . Wheat Innetlvo * ' > | nnd dull ; No. l haid. .Innimiy , h7c ; Kebiuwl \ nry , r e : Maieh , ssj - ; Alay , ui c : No. 1 * ' iioilhenilatiuary,8Je , ; rcbiuaiy,8'ie ; March , MIMay ; , s7'e. ' Klonr-Dnil : patents , S4.75S5.Oi ) ; bakers , w' ' lO f ( l.tH ) , Iteeelpts-\Vhcat. \ 00,0001m. Shipineiits Wheat , 'J.bOU bu ; Hour , 1'J.OOO bills- . Cincinnati , .Ian. H.Vheal ( iood do- ninnil and Miotiner ; No , li led , 'JiliiUI'ijC. Coin Stumper and higher ; No. t ! mixed , M ; No. : t inl\ediTe. : Oats I'nin ; No. 'J mixed , ilt'i'c. Hye ( 'met ' hut lllin ; No. ! i , ( He. IJailey steady and unchanged ; extra No. y splhlLT , fiVrtliJe. 1'oik ( Jalel at S10..W. I/ud ( Jooil ilemalid at 'SO.OT'stJJI.lS1/ ' . U'liiskMcady at SI.KI. AUIwiiiiicoi ; , .inn. ' . . Wheat \\Tcak \ [ cash , si ' 8e ; I'ebinary , sl"j'e ; May , 8c. Corn -.Steadv ' ; No. 'J , ; i ' Vc. Oals-Dnll ; 'No. ' . ' . ase. Hye Dull ; No. 1. GM- . Maili-y I-'iiin : N'o.'J , n.l'j'c. ' 1'iovKIons Weal ; ; mess pork , cash and January , fclll..i'i ; Kebrniiry. SlO.itj. ICniiHiiN City , .Ian. 1' ' . Wheat Lower ; cash , ore hid , i.ij'e . ! , asked ; rVbmaiy , 70o asked ; Apill , 7.i ; e asked ; May , 75 > 5c. Coin Stronger : cash , HSo ; February , 2Sc bid. US'Hca.stcd ' ; .May , : iUibid. ! . Oats Nominal ; : ! 7u bid , vWc abkcd. Tjlvpi'pool , , lan , ( ' . Wheat SupidyKOoii ; new No. 'J \ \ inter and .spi ing , 7s lj d , steady. Kliinr llohlcis oiler lieely at bs'Jd. Coin-OMeied li.'ely ; old inKcd , 4s 7Kd , dull ; new mised , 'is - , ' < , d ; Jnnuary and l''cb- inaiy , 4s l.ijil , .steady ; Maich , I.s Sd , steady. Tolcilo , .Ian. ' . ) . Wlio.it-Clo od linn ; cash , MiijiWc. Coin ( inletand steady ; cash and January , o Oats .Steady ; cash , . ' ! 0c. . Now Orleans. .Inn. 0. Coin Firmer ; white , 4le ; mixed , 45i- ; yellow , 4t5e. O.iN J'inncrat : i' ' . c. ( 'uiniueal Mcmlv. llo ; ; I'loducls J'limer ; poik. new , 510.75 : liulk .Meats Stiong and lil hcr ; shoulders , Sum : long clear , ft.j.as&'S. ; ; clear tibs. fc0.oiM < . ' .5U. A'H STOCK. Clilnnffo , Jan. ' . ) . TJiu Dioveid' Joitnml lojxiits : C.ittlo KcecipU , eWT , ) ; acllvo and lOo higher. Jtloekaih : t liouoli i pi ohahlc ; shipping stec-r.s. 5f.1.Wjj5.7.i ( ; , locKui8iiiid feedeiH. i'J.70 ( iM.tn ; cows , Imllh and nilM-il , S'J.OOQI,75 ; bulk. .ifii.iiOv.fl. ; . lo. Hogs Ueeeipts , 19,000 ; steady ; lough nnd ml.xeil , St..r > ( < ( . : i.hO ; pacidn and yldnpliiGr , ? : t.bU J.aO ; light , SIWW.O ; bklps , 'J.t > 0li ( ' .Sheoi ] lieceipls , : i,000 ; Btiong ; natives , 5a.a'KuH.Trisiei ; n. fc-J.rU&4.0J ; Tuxuns , 5fd.UO ( a.Uj : ! ; lambs , J1.0i ; ( ii.iM. ; ; tiy : ( , Jan. ! ' . Cat tin IJecolpts , 0. ; hhiiments | , none ; nominal ; exporters , $5.Ki ( ) > < ! .V > ; eoiiiiiion to choice Mdnplng , Sl.10ijAl.-0 ; Miickeib niul lut-deis , S2.00 ( : i.755 cows. , S'J.Mc ! ) : i. 10. lliKftt Iteceipts , 1.700 ; fihlpinonts , " 00 ; slou and lie lower owing to lack ol' competi tion caused bv light "supply and M-VUIO weather ; good in choice , , i.ijO ( < 1.03 ; commoii to medium , ciJ.t'iUtjiii.K. ) . Ht. Miiita , Jan. 0. Cattle Itocelpts , 148 ; Hhlpment.s , none ; btrong and jirlcui liiiner ; eomiuon to choleo .shinping , 5rl.OOic.iOj ( ; bnlchcr : steers , Si.a'iiil. : ' . > iO : cows anil hellers , tfa.'i5 : J.70stijclfi'rs ; ' and fccileiH , S'JSO@I.I0. ! lloj.s lte < elpls , leO : : ; shipments , COO ; Oiiiet and .stem I v ; butcheis' anil best heavy , W..Kiji.io ( ; mixed packing , S..70J.W ) : ; light , 53.OUjia.75. Trmlo Kovlcw. liuslness In thu live stock and produce markets as well as thu wholesale trade , has been practically at a btaiul.still lor the past week. iJiieelly alter the close , of tlio hol iday * * a dull season in tiado I.s anticipated , ; ind mci chants in gcncial expect to do little more Hum clean up their slocks and balance [ heir books dering tlio Hint two weeks of January. Unusually seven ) sloruiH liavo IjlocUed up the i.tllioaiKs and put a slop l'i Ihu hlilpment and lecelpt of goods for the past lew dayK Mei chants havn been glad to -lay cloiu to their places of business and the > ale > mcn have not attempted to start out on lie mad. Kur this leason tliu pant week has : ) ccn exceedingly dull , even lor thu lift i\euk In Januaiy. Thu live slock niarUel 1ms been stroiir ilirotigliout the week , and everyllilng ie < -elved was sold icadily and at goo < l jiilcc.i , the packers being willing lo pay top priccx. llog.s ha\o been In good demand , but ho hiuiw bloeliadu has kept them nit and the packing hoimcs tavu been compelled to Hii pend opci ilioiiH lei the tiniu being , It Is anticipated hat as soon as llm loads am cleaicd and tin' aekinir houses aio enabled to stait up again hat the demand ulll bo as Minim , II not diongei , limn at any time dining llm season. n addition to llio ineicaMjil demand on the mil ol the packing honc.s , a much largei iiipply nil ! be ii-iiiiied | by theeity Ijiilcheu , , is iioultry is not so cheaias ] just pievions t'i ' ind dm ing HID holidays , lly compailng Ihu uaiket iciioiiu it \ \ III be Fecn at < inei > that lln * Jni.iha hot ; inaikcl has been Hilly nji lo an I oiiiii ol thu lime i\eu : aliou ) I'li-'lei n nmikett m pilces , \ > ben iliedillciencu in tiansjioil ion ! . > laLi-ii Into eonsldciatioii. Th uiiiiledilli the Itict thai the gieatci the di anco toiiunl.et ilmgiealci tlio slitinkiiio In U'ulit , ILIS linlnei d ,1 meat many shiiiiieiri I i oiiimenie bending their hog.s lo ( Jniah I'heie iiii\i-i > good imul.et al jiiescnt li- ' hoieeorn-led bleers , hut only thohu Uli't ' mu ) a ( rood c < > \ ciing ( it ( at aiu wantei' ' iheep dn not i-ell well .uilcss they are vcr. hoiee , and euin Ihen only In limited nuin iciM. liiilehci slock has sold well \\heiievtl' hero has been nny choice stock on the miiket. Old and thin cows aio not In ver > O' ' ) ' The livi'ljIiBof all kinds nl irodncc lia ecu veiy Iffc'hl Hie I'ust ' week mid as a ic all iilcrs nit * somewhat Mlongci on fiomo fc'iadi s nil stoekx me cleaied up In hettcrhhapc. CL'L'S have udvailced limn I''c ' ' to ' .0 ; butter , I ! huieo table , hells ill l.V'CITc. while iiilciior lades BO All the way liom 4o to lic ! , hliico lie Iht ol Janimiy , ( jnail , pialrie chickens , ntelopo and deer liavo been out of sHi on nil pilce.s liavo been lo\ * . K dealeis jiio nl- i-nipiliii : In close < nit their block. I'oulliy as been selllni : atcry l.dr pilces ever sliu-o , ia'lioIliln > K. The iceelpts have not been ngeand I'llei-u ' li.no been conespond ugly tinii Dicsscd chlekmia aio esiwcially in ootl demand and bell leadily at V&lx ,