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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1886)
FIFTEENTH YEAR , OMAHA , MONDAY MOKNtNG , JANUAHY 11 , 1836. NUMBER 373. Thieving Sharlcs that Prey on the Public Domain the Gramblers. HONESTY MECTS OPPOSITION. Tlio VlRlit on Commissioner Sparks Number of Honso Hills Gen. Crook to Kctiini Ills Command Malm In Hrccdlng Stiots. The Tmiul Orntjhpr's rnciny. WAsni.vnro.v , Jan. 10.-.Special [ Tel egram , ] Ltnd Commissioner Sparks says llial thrio h abs ilutcly no opposition to thu suspension of Ihe Issuance of land pitonls In the prescribed atea from honest sotllcrs. The honest scltlci is on his homestead , and no ono can take It away fiom him. lie can transfer It afler he lias made pioof of Ihc fulfillment of the conditions piu cribed by law. Ho can moitga < ; o it If ho deshcs. 'thousands of claims lave descended from lathei to son without n patent ever having been obtained. Thousands havu died on claims without ever having applied for one. Thousands will not apply for them , because they nny thus escape local taxes. Thu ofllce is In lecclpt of bushels ot lutteis fiom setllers and not ono has , so far , been iPeeived complaining of injustice , allhuugh soiiiu have boon iccehcd wliich , upon investigation , have been proved lo emana'.cl'iom a turn ol land shall ; lawyeis In this elty. To show how a fraudulent entry of public lands Injures "honoit bclllcrV' It Is only nccessaiy to lead some of the lelteis received by ( Sen. Sparks. Unu woman wiltes to film saying lliat .she Ihanics lilm lei his effort lo oust tliu speculators fiom fiaudulcnt home stead claims She Males that It is live miles from hei c ibln to that uf her ncaicst neigh bor , and yet within a ladlus uf live lulled which cnveis-lOJ quaitpr sections of ICO acres raeh , theio is not ono subject to entry , livery homestead Is pie-empted by some spcculatoi who Is holding it tu sell to some ' 'hunest set- l.ei" at " > , 510 or SJ'J pui acic. I'.veiy entry of llio-fOOisfiaudulent. "Iflho'-e fiaudulent claims could he letnrned to the public do main , and ncvei allowed tube taken from it , except by an honest scttlei , " says the wilter , "l&vvonid not have to live in this lonely way. I would have somu nelghboia to help and sympathl/o with me In our hard sjruggle fin a home. Theie would bu a school and a chinch and a sloic. " Thl' ' Is not a solitaiy ease. It is one of limits oils. Mi. llolmtn to'd ( iun. Spaiks that he had driven tlihty miles at a .sticlch In Dakota O\PI line land without seeing a single hou n 01 human being , and yet upon inquhy ho was Infoimed tint eveiy auo ol it was "taken up" undei various homestead , tlmbci cnltniuand inp-cmpllon laws. Ccn. Spaiks did in the land olllce whit It became necesiary lo do in the pension ofllic , vlhe : stopped tliu macticc of making case- , "special" at the bolicltition ol inlliienllal men. Iledcteiinlne.l that evciyiasu should take Us tmn , and ono little ordci ut that kind bioku up thu gicat linns ol lawyers soliciting pensions. The oidci in the land ofileelms dlsoiganUcd and tlncalens lo de stroy the business of turns heio who have innda Iiom $10,000 lo 5'0,000 pei vc.u In ob taining pUent-s foi syndicates otlandgiab- beis. 'llio howl of the pension thieves piovcd the dcstiucllon of Pension Coiiiin'siioiiei Bcnlluy , hut his successor ncvei had the courage , even if he had the duhe , lo letuin to tlio old sy.stcm. No man will evci hive the coinage to ret inn to.lhe old system In the land olllce. The "honest sctflci" will not be Injuied by tlie determination ol Ihc commissioner lo take eases up in their tmn. The pilnclpal Intelcsts affected by the nillngs of the com- mlssloncraiutho > u of Iho tallioad com panies , but this fact Is not as piominciit as it ought to be. The lailiu.ul companies and thulr at toi nu\s in tills city , who aio men ot gicat ability and unlimited icsonicc" , seeing that Commissioner Spiiks' action relative to individual settleis on public lands ovei n wide extent of tenitory is extiemely unpopu lar , liavo taken up the cause of the disgrun tled setUers , and are pushing the opposition against 1dm In tlie picss and in congress with all their muht. vv in tti : i itr. MASS OK nn.i.s ao. r Knnuxh bills have already been Introduced In the house ofiepiesentatives to keep that body haul at woik until the do days of August. Yet only about ono fouitli of tlio bills that will bo Intioiiuced have been pic- Edited. Dniiiirf the lliat fifty years ol con gress tf , 777 bills vvue inlioduced in the house. In the 1'oity-clglith congiess there weio S.cW ) . The piescnt congiess piomises tobumoio prollllu than last. Aheaily ! ! .000 bills have been piesentcd. The great nu s ut these go to two commlttcps ono on w,11 claims and the other on claims. Thefoimci has chaigo of all claims that giew out ofthowaisln which llm United Stales bus been engaged , and the lattei of all the other claims. As It Is nt present conicss pays voiy little atlon- tlon to Ihem , and nut one In a hundred Is cnnsldeicd. Legitimate claimants havu no redress , but tchc'iucisaio ' moio liable to faio bcttoi. It has been fipqueiitly suzgested that con giess bo iclloved of the wink uf coiisldciing thcsu claims , and that they bo lefericd ton couit of claims. Springei , who Is nt tliu head of thu committee on claims , sii goatcd to the committee ycstculay thai n bill bo pie sentcd to the house cieallng a com t of claims in which claimants hcioattcr could go foi relief Instead of bringing their claims to the attention of congress. JleKcnna , who Is a member ot thu committee , also bpoko In nvor of this plan , and It is likely such a bill will bo presented at an early date. OKV. CIIOOK vvtr.i. m : JIISTAIMW. Gon. Sheridan has succeeded , by Ids stout defense of lien. Ciook , In seeming his leten- tion for the picsent in command of the de partment of ArUona. It was Gen. Shcildan who had ( 'rook made a brigadier-general years ago through Ids Influence ) with ( Jon. Urant , and ho stands by him In spite of all opposition or ciiticUm , but If the. Indian out rages continue In Ailronn for another month It is said that Crook w 111 hav o to go In epltu of the lieutenant-general , and Gen , Miles will piobably boglven a clmneo to see what ho can accomplish there , Shetldan dislikes Miles as much as ho likes Ciook , and natu rally the president does not Ilko togosijimiely against his judgment. VVIllbKYAIvD MAIIIIA , To day's Herald of this city says : Itepro tentatlvo Hepburn of Iowa , savs that several winters residence In Washington has thoi- ouglily convinced him thai the unhealthy Dlacus here are the saloons. Ho Bays ho be lieved voty few people who leave the saloons alonu gut the malaria to any considerable ex tent , He says that when ho arrives heio lie Is usually fc'ellng very badly from having his stomach upset by the rough roads 1m pusses over In coming here , but after a few days lie begins to Teel lint rate and enjoy s the climate Very much. A BII.YEH HEAD AND GOLD TAIL , "I heard a rather quaint , and It struck mo tn accurate , description of the committee on coinage weights and measuies , " said Repre sentative Itandall to a reporter last evening. "One f the members of the committee per- petraieo' the JoVp , declaring Iho committee as at present constituted was a silver head with a gold tall , Or It mlcht he reversed and des ignated a geld tall and sliver head. I'.lthcr way suits the ca e. It seems to be the gen eral impression on the democratic side of the chamber that the present committee will rec ommend legislation against silver , no matter what the views of Iho chairman may be , " Titr sr.\Ti's : vvoitu. The spnale has atrevly accomplished n gieat deal In the way of lohhliou. Upsides a number ot important mMS'ire ' * , It has pissed the succession bill and the Morrion b II , 'j ho next Important bill that comes up for consideration willlw lion's hill estab lish a uniform sy clem of b inkruptcv thioagh- out the United States. It stands third on the calendar and will probibly bu i cached this week. rnvnitr.sstoN u. Kom.cvsf. WAsimnros , Jan. 10. [ 1'reis.J In the house of ipinesenlatlve.3 lo morrow the lir t business will be theic' nlarcillof s ( UPS fur the Introduction of bills. A < > the pa-it week has been prmcpally devoted to ihis business , and thu nipiiibms have lor the most nut te- llovcd Iheh desks from thu bills wlilch had accumulated. It is not likely tint tu-moi low's call will consume much time. The next busi ness is HIP call of rommitle s lor lepotts ; but , in view uf tlieh 'veiy iccent appointment , theio is lltllu expected of tlipra liming the next few diys. 'Iho piesldentlal sue- lusslon bill may , however , bo ippoilod lo Ihu house fiom HIP committee on that subject by Tuesday 01 Wednesday. In this event , the discussion will piobably con sume thu icmaindci ol llio week , as many iiieiiibeis have already expiesscd to the speakei their deslu- bo tuco 'Hired to ape ik upon the subject. ' 1 he committee on coinage , weight * and measures will not organi/o until Iho middle of the week , and ns this commit tee is supposed tu DC about uvenly divided on the siivui iptcstiun , It Is nut thought that any incasino iplating lo thu coinage of silver , eltliei In the line of suspension or of tree coinage , urof a comiiromisubjtwcru the rad ically opposite views , will ho bionght hefoie the hunse until thucummlllee sh ill h-iveeaie- Inllv consldpred all thu various piopositlons. The jndtcinl salaiv bill lomains the un- nnlsheil business in the sen ite. Thn electoral count bill and tnnkiuptcy bill aru to be brought un for ciiisldei.itfun If an nppor- tunlty Is found , and the Diknta bill may bo piesspd towatd the end ot llio week It the printing of Iheaccommnying icpoit is then completed. Under oulluaiy plreunislanccs any tinuol tlicsu mcaanes would fuinlsh ma- lull d lei a week's debate , b it as the subjects weio all very fully discussed dining tlie last congiess , comlne debates may hu somewhat shmtcncdand several speeches un the silver question await an opportunity for dcllvciy , and benator MaiulerMin has given noticu that he will addioss the senate tu-moiruw upon thu hill to piomot * tlio infantry blanch oftlioaimv. The executive eilendai is un- dcistuod to have only about fifty nomi nations upon U , and tlieso com- pilso not moio than OIIP or tvvn over which a contusl is deemed piobiblc , but il is undeistood that a consideiablc number of nominations Imvu been acted upon tavoiably by the committees , and aio leady tu be 10- joi ted baek as soon as oppnitunity Is alfouled , Senaluisexpic s thu wisli tu begin active work upon the nomlii itions as soon as possible , and il is probable lint much ot the week will be devoted tu this duty. UT1MZLSO TIIK DATU A Conference of Irishmen In Chlcnj ; " on January 20. CittrAoo , Jan. 10. [ Special Tulczram. ] A juintntpc'llng uf thu 1'atncll commltluc and Ihc council of thu Itish Na tional league was held last evening ; , John V. rinncity jn eliding. Timothy Ciean ex plained the objectof the incellng. as Cuntial Mnsle had been icntedfoi Janmiy SO , nnd us thu national convention had baun postponed , it was pioposed to aiiangu foi a demonstration foi that dale. It was decided that thu demonstialmn should bu ol national charactei , enibiacingaconfeiencc dining the afternoon and unturtainmunt In tliu uve.iing , A committcu was ap pointed to aiiange a piogiammc foi tlio o'-ctsion. It was voted to invite the follow IIIK gpiitlpinun to deliver addicssps on that date : Ituv. Charles O'Ueilly , national Ucasiuur ; 1'aliiek Hgan of Nubiasku , piesl- dent league ; Hon. M. V. Cannon , D.uenpoit , Iowa ; Col. M. lioland , Nuw Vuik ; Hon. .1. G. Donnelly , Mtlwau\eo ; John P. Suttun , Quebec : Hon. J. F. Aiiustrnng , Geoighi : Hon. James W. Kit/geiald , Cincin nati. lluv. Mi. O'llullly will bu Ihe piinci- pal bpuakci. Iho otheis will be limited to IHtcon minutes each. Tliu lest of the pio- giammu will consisl uf iccltations , ninslcaiul singing. The committcu appointed will huld a moetlng Monday cvcMilng. JjKT THi.H OUT. The AVnr of Kntos Hctvvceii tlie K. & O. anil I'umisylv unfit. Xnvv YOIIK , Jan. 10. The HaUimeio.t Olilu lalhoid announces lliat , commencing to-moiiow , througli tickets will bo sold from Now Yoik to all wi'stem points at rates less than the fates leeently adopted by tliu other trunk lines. 'J'he leason assigned by the Ilaltimoic ,1 Ohio Is that the fares fiom 15al- Uimno and WashiiiRton weio put by the 1'minsyhaiila laiho.ul compiiu .S itnulay. imoiii : . Jan. 10 'I lieI'onnsy Iva'ila lallioad on 1'ilday put into ellPt ! a new sdiedulo ol nassengei iate < , u'duelng Iho piico ol tlckels Iiom lt.iltlmou > and Wasliln - iontuall points west lo a level with the lialtlmoiu > v. Ohio's cut iatp , which wuie on a basis ul tl'l In Chicago 'lo moiruw the ISaltiinnuuv , Ohio will unnonneu n cut fiom .New Voik , which will eminll/o with llio i.ilo Iiom here. 'I hu IVniisylvanla will he unable lo meet till * cut without violating the lei nif , uf tliu tinnk llnu puolln ; aiiangimcnt. lialtimoiu > V Ohio pissengeis will be obliged to como tiom castein jioluts UVPI thn I'eniisvlvanla railway , but tickelsaie tu bu placed on r-alo In Xevv Yotk ami plsewheio at sntllclently luwei figuipslo make tliem at- tiaellvp to tiavi lets , and Ihu cut will bu mado. Iiom this point , as tlie Daltlmoic.V Ohio will have to pay ugiilai i.ite-i Iiom No.v Voik , The Ilalllniuiu A Ohio anuuiimes Its dctei- mlimtlun to pn < ii the liu-ht tualnst the tinnk line pool , and hope tu heuh'u ' by its courbu tu comiiel ipco-'nltlon by its tivab of Its clilms fur dilletuntial rates. The Detroit ( Jhniuli Trouhles. Di.inon , Jan. ' . ) . K.itliui Kukisliiski , llio dcpuiPd 1'oll-ili Cathullu pile- , ! , has with thu assistance uf lilsattointiy pi cpaicd an appeal tu thu ecclesiastical aulhoilty at Koine. It bets Until thu cliaut's madn agahisl ICulas- ItihKl and dunlin IliPlr tiutlilulliipss. It pie- bents allldav its tu show lliat thu accusations aie ttilM ) and thuiesiilt of a lonsphacy 01- tu wink thu oveitlnuw ul 1'ather Kulaslnskl by chaigcn biippoiteil by falsu uvl- ' ' " - ' " " ' antli oj ) to snijienil thu talhurduiln , ; an investiga tion , but claims Unit hu violated canon lawt > In deposing him pcimanontly without Mich tilal. The document will at unco bo fui- waulcd to Itumu and a speedy disposal uf it is iiniy ed for. A Peculiar 1'ot.tnlliuG A flair. Lorisviu.r , Ky. , Jan. P. Vesteuiay United Stales .Marshal raulknei and Deputy Vest aiilvcd in tliu city with J. 0. Teuton , postmaster at High drove , Xelton county , who was held as a pilsoncr tor ictusingto give up thu olllco to A , D , Mc- Cormaclr , vvhu luesidcnt Cleveland appointed us his successor two weekbago. When thu parties were brought he foi o tliu United Stales cummlssluner , 1 on ion announced that the case had been com promised , and ho was willing to uivo up the otllee. 'Ihu case was accordingly dlaiuUsed. The ulfalrwus peculiar. I'luguc AIIIOUK Stouk. BI.OOMIXQTON , III , Jan. 0. A fatal dis ease has made its appearance among the milch cows In many of the counties In cen tral Illinois , which ia attributed to the eating of mouldy and rotten corn , which farmers left in their fields. The anlnmU worst at tacked are tel/ed with dizziness and fall dow n , many of them dv Ing. A disease simi lar to thu epl/ootlu has broken out among the horses , a number hav ing died from that dln- e-ute. A SENATOR'S ' SILVER SWITCH How Evarts Was Transformed Into an An < i- Ooimgo Advocate. POSTAL TELEGRAPH DEMANDED. niTorts to 1'Incc Sttijnr and Salt on tlie Free Ijlst CoiiKrcssmoii AVor- rlcil hy Pension Anpllcnnts The Hi\er.s nnd Harbors. Senatop Kxarts' Clnnso orIlnd. WAsittxfiTov , Jan. 10. , Si c'al. ] 1'co- ) ilo me al a loss hctc to know whctlict Sena tor Kvarts , of Now Voik , will speak on the sll\cr cpicsllon. It was announced n foil- n' ' htngo thit he w mid speak to'acontln- tinn * o ot cJlnage. Members of the Now Yoik boatd of liado Immeai tte'y ot togethei and dettr.ninc-d to ) utestacainsUMr. Hearts' proposed actions. The > wcic opposed tea continuance of slher coinage , and did not want his Influence tliiown to the contiaiy. The result was that within thice or four davs Senatot Kvails was flooded with letleis and ( ilcaMins piotesthu against his bpeaking for blher coinage. Jitters came by llio bushel. It was frightful. The boauls of tiado tluonghout New York put their friends attet the senator , nnd it Is estimated Hint they w tote thousands of Ictleis e\cij day. I'inalli he lied to New Yoi k nnd Instiuctcd his clerk not to forward to him any mall. Then tlio atinounc'iuent was made thai Sen ator JUarlb would not speak on the subject of slhet coinage. It is not known hero whether this Is true. Senator 1'vaits wasdtawn into a committal to speak foi coinage by peculiar tactics. A prominentsll\crstate senatoi , lemembeiing thai Mr. llvaits , when ho was a member ot thu slim committee > cai.s ago , had made a \cry stioni : speech in favor of sll' er , hnnlcd upthodocumcnls , rcau It o\cr , and then went to the famous New Yotk lawjer and told him he would like lo have him make a speech in f.ivoi of slltcr coinage , lenuiklng that if Ins would do as well ashe did some j cats ago he would bo very much pleased , as ho had just lead the spcecii , audit was a magnlllccnt aignmenl. Atler bomo diplomacy on llio pirtot the wcstem bcnatot , Mr. K\aits : , in a lit of good humor , bald that he would make a speech ; that If lie could not do any bettci ho would ie\loc his old speech and delhei thai. Then It was announced that Senatoiarts ] ] would speak on slher colm e , and thus was hu pushed Into it. post vt , TKLion.\ri UUMAMIEU. Senaloi Kdmnnds is quoted as saying lliat thetc is little doubt about t'ae go\cinment controlling a complete bstem ol telegraph lines within \eiy tow jeiis ; that ho be- lle\eslnspiopoiitinn to establish postal tele- giaphy has grown in popnlauly , the juitness ot It and the constitutional authoilty being moie clear as it is looked into , benatoi I'd- niunds docs not consider tint the establish ment of a sjstem of cheap tclegiaph commu nication lot llio people at this time a imne- anj faithci in ud\.ince ol gcneial imple ments than olliei advantages the people pos sess In mail facilities , compatt'd to those of thht } jcats ago. lie wondei- , why we have not ah only eitablished postal lelegiaphy. The people can undcistand souu'thing of the advant.igcs pioi > oscd bv tliel lmunds billon this subject when they are Informed that lor fifteen 01 twentj cms they can send by tele graph twentj wouls in the day 01 night time , and hive it piomptly dcliveied at any joint in tiie United States not ovei .r)03 miles distant , and for longer dis tances pionoitionntely lowiatcs ; that theio will he no Mich thing asihal hues minimi to get these low latcs ; that the fanner In the l.u west can get just as low lales al his iillle raihoad sl.itlon as the banker in populous New Knglaiul. This is wlieiotho ad vantage will como in. Undei the picscnt bjslem a man in New Voik pajs less tor a messigo lo Chicago or St. Louis 01 Kansas City than the man In the countty , whJio theie is no opposition tele iaph line , pa > s lor ame-sigo M-nt but ten miles distant. The itlon ol chaiges piopo-ed b , > the gov ernment lines ii wliit the common people feel a& much as tl'c icductlon ol chaiges. 11:11 : or DI i v. A stienuonsciloitwlil lo made dining Ibis sebiion ot congie s lo have .su ai and sail placed on tlio lieu IKt. A heady bills anne a number ol llicm havobcc'ii iniioduccd on llils subject. Tlio common people in botli pjillc'ii modem Hiding this. Tliey aio putl- tloniug congic'-- ) and selling foith that these ni tides aio In ton gcneial nso by poor people , and the pioductlon In thiscountiesi ] < dally ul stigai , too fat below the consumption lo wanant fiuther customs dues. It Is Mid that the leison A brain S. Hewitt of Ne\v Voik so much dc < iicd his old | ) lacoontho house committee on way j and nic.ins was to work toi jut hiich inopoiitlons as lice sugar , salt , Inmbei , coal , etc. , and that ho is to become the champion of what is lieio known as "populai taiill icioini" meaning an eii'auement of the fieo list by specific bills , which will place at tides one at a turn ) on the fteo list and not try to icvlso Iho whole fault llil al one lime. mi'on i rsA 11. i-i.ssiONi.ns. "It t iKis jiistalmutono-hall ot my llino , " said Itcpicsenlatlve Onlhwallo of Ohio to da > , "ouNldo of cnngiess to look afler pen sion mattus lor mj constituents. numbers heie , too , who gho nji mine than halt ot thch llniu to pension mattcis for con stituents Wo blmplj hceomu jiension uttoi- nejb , withoul any addltlunal pay , of couis-c. The work In FOIIIO lesjiects is very pciple.c- Ing. We h.uo to go to the pension olllic , call thu cases up , and in many instances lookom the papcis to see what Is needed to make the cases complete. The coitcspondence is very bulky. Then , oftentimes , after a congiuss- man has done all within his pnwei to get a e.e-e through and it falls , tlio claimant thinks the congiCbbinan has not dona fahly by him or the claim would have been allowed. Too much sticss Is put upon the pu'Mimcd Influoncu ut a congiessnian in pen- bion matters. Many supposu thai a case need not bo vuiy complete it a congiessinan will only demand its allowance. That Isaml- lakc. 'Ihoadvantage , and thu only luhau- lago a coiigiessinan can have in the matter , ib to gut a case taken up sooner than It might otheiwlsebd cnnaldeied. lint thotases miiat bo just as pcifcct as If a congiessman had nothing tu do with them beloie they aio allowed. A congiessman could not get an impel feet case through , and should not If ho could. All skould bo tieatcd alike , and I bollevo Ihey me. Congu'ssmen are always glad when they get a pension lor a con stituent , and they are disappointed when they encounter falluie. " BOMB i onTIIJ : ma MUDDY. JT.IIIIAPS. "It is my Impression , " tald a Pacific slope senator to-day , "that there will be a very liberal ri > er and hurboi bill passed by this oongrcas. The work begun In many localities four years ago was suspended eighteen or twenty months since on account of there being no appropriation bill passed by the last congress , and It will not only be necessary to appropriate enough to bring up the work to where it shoutU have been , but a good deal has been lost by a suspension of the impiov- ments ; that is , the work begun once and allowed to remain idle a couple of years retrogrades so rapidly that in mnni Instances half of the work and money expended Is thrown away. " Di ArrotNTnn , As usual , a great deal of dissatisfaction Is shown In the organisation ottho house com mittees. The time that tins Intervened since they were announced has only served to In flame the troubled fecllnps of disappointed members. It Is always UIQ case that the men who Imagine they should have prominent positions and do not cet them ate mad. Un der Speaker Kclfcr , In the roity-scvenlh con- KICIS , a lot of members in both parlies "pouted" for w ceks and w ceks after the com mittees wcicannounced. Take it all in all , however , the committees were invariably as stromr as could have been undo. Speaker Caillslo , however , has not given that falls- faction that he did twoycars ago. IOWA. Legislators Asacmulln ; ; for the town Htatc Congress. DnsMoiM.s , Iowa , Jan. 10. [ Special Tel- esram.J The day has brought Httlo change In the legislative sltnalton. Attain came through fiom Hie noilh late last night , bilng- Inc ; s-evcial belated members , amons them tlio three candidates for speaker Weaver , Benson and Thompson. The last named has not made \eiyactlvorauvass foi the posi tion. bill is the choice of nnny men in his own , the lifth , congressional district. Some of the fiiends of Captain Iteald ol Jefferson aie tty ing to push him as an anti-monopolist candidate , claiming that Weaver Is a lall- tend man , bat not much Ishcingmade In this line. Weav cr Is still holding the lead. Story of Adalr county Is developing more stienglh for speaker than was anticipated , nnd as a icprcsentallvo ot the younger clement Is being pushed vlgoiously. There Is just about n ( inoi urn of tlie leglslatmo hero lo-nlght , and inanymoio nic expected in the morning , Accoidlng to law the general assembly w 111 convene lo moiiow at noon , and effect a tem porary organi/allon. If most of Iho mem bers ate hcio by that time , Ihc party caucuses for nominating olllccrs will bo held in tlio afternoon. ( , o\ciiun Larrabce has not yet arrived , but is expected at any Iiom. Thawing ; Out. LIXCOI.X , Neb. , Jan. 10. [ Special Tcle- gram.l The Burlington tucks west of heio vv cio denied to day , andtiMn No. 1 , which airivcd fiom Omaha about 1:20 : , was stalled wcatw.ud ot 7 o'clock. This Is the first train dispatched fiom Lincoln tow aid Denver since Sunday of last week , with tlio excep tion of one Wednesday , which was compelled toiolurn. The first train from tlio Iho west , No. ! . ' . of Mend iy last , which has been laid up at Harvaid is expected at this wiillngi"/ ) p. m. ) lo reach Lincoln al midnight. Theio has been no tialn east this afternoon , and theie will be none until No. 2 gets here. Tlio is open but the olliei Uui- lington system loads , as well as the Union 1'acilic , ate still closed. T'H ' ; snow plows aie atwoik and the blockade will ptobably be ef fectually lalscd to moriow. Lincoln has been praclieally shut oft fiom communication with the outside- win Id for a week , and her peonlo aio looking anxiously toi llio lime when ti.ilns will run on schedule time , and the JJii : : come to h ind regulaily. Three VIutiiiiH ol' the Bli/ziml. Dis MOIM > , Iowa , Jan. in. [ Special Telegram. ] Several caes of dcatli from freeIng dining Iho recent stoim have been icporled. William Cook , a fanner , 5o yeais ot age , was found fio/cn slid near Orlmes , a few miles from this clly. He had been to DCS Molncs , and icturniiiK in the stoini Thurs day night , lost ills way and diovo into a pond. He and both hoiscs were found dead. He was but foity mils from a house and ten lods lioni a Iwystiek when oveicome by cold , but in tlie blinding storm could not sco them. llenii Tpil , a Icamsler In Creston , was ovcicomu by cold Kiiday night while de livering coal and died yesteiday. John Shipley was fio7cn to death in lliuisday's stoim near Gravity , Tayloi county. His team i.m away , tin owing him into the snow , and hu was unable to find his w ay. _ The Complaint of Xo Avail. SIDMY : , Neb , Jan. 10. [ Special Tulc- giain.J The following letter has been ic celvcd fiom 1 { . C Drum , adjutant geneial United Slates ai my : Hnvi > o.rtitiuis or run Auvtv , Ann- TAM ( iiM.nvi's Orrif r , WSIIIN . ION , Dec. 'JO. I'-Si-.I. W. Nonvi.u , , LAttui ( | - Law bldnc } , Nib : In icjly ) toynni comniunic ition ot the bth ot Oclohci jasl , setting foith the cnmpliint of Ihe s.iloon- kci'peisol .Sidney , Neb. , asalnst a saloon es tablished by the o ilk eis at Koi t Sidney , 1 am diluted by thu > > ecietaiy of warlointoim yon that the nntlci has neon thoionnhlv in- visligalcd ; th it tin1 sale of llglit vviius , ale and bcei at uimy posls is not in violalionof outers issued iiom llio war dopiitment , and thatcoiiseiiueiitly tlieie is no impiojiiiety in tlio manner of conducting tlio amusement loom at I'oi t .Sidney. lam , hli , icspCLtlully , your obedient ser vant , It. C. Dii M , Adjutant 'Must 1'fiy Her Itihann Tn\ . Lixroi.v , Neb , , Jan , 1) ) . [ Special Telu- giam.J The suiiiemo ( ouit to day giantcd a wilt ol m mdiimus In the case oC tlie state ex icl Attoiney ( 'eiieial Lcesa vs. Iho commis sioner of Douglas county , ouleiing the com- missioneis to luvy a tax to pay the S-O.OfX ) claimed by the Mate for keeping insane paupers fiom Douglas county. Thu couil holds Hut the law Is constitutional , nnd all ( axes uiidci it must bo lev led. The Issinnce of Iho wilt is withheld In order to allow an nmlcablo ai- langumcnt loba made foi giadual payment Coal Chutes Consigned , ' HIM.I : : I'I.AI.M : Iowa , Jrn.'io. [ Special. ] The Noithweatern coal chutes binned yes teiday moinlng. They were built new last summer. They contained 600 Ions ot coal and 700 loided flat cais , The loss Is vatlously estimated nt fiom S10.00J it ? 20,000. A tialn of empty carr. standing alongside llio chutes j aitially binned. KilJcil NOUTII PiATrn , Neb. , Jan. 10. [ Special Telegram. ] Jciemlah Donovan , n fanner rcaldlng fonrtucn miles south of this 1 1 ice , sunendc'iid himself to Hie ghciin ycsteu'ay afternoon , saving ho had phot ono of his neighbor ? , Krnest Smith , with bn kiliot , Donovan claimed that thu shooting was dune In self-defense. Ills biippo ed that Smith's wound will piovo fatal , Diovvnnl In the Missouri. NioiuiAUA , Neb. , Jan. b. [ Sjiecial. ] A cap and medlclno case bulonglng to Dr , 0. L. Qulnton , was found on the ice on the Mlssou- li this moinlng. The doctoi Is supposed to have stepped Into an air hole in the Ice while ciobslng the river , and drowned. Fire Hells Fnllml to Find. OAIJIO. HI. , Jan. 10. Tlio lire bells were rung talllng.the cilUens together to instltuto a search from house to lioitso for Annie McKeon , who disappeared mybtciiously fiom school at the convent hero last Thuibday. The search proved fruitless , no trace of tlio gill being found. A Itioh Man Satis Hence. CIIAIII.KBIOV , S. C..Jaii. 10. Jay ( Sould's yacht Atlanta bailed hence lo-tlay for Nassau. FASHIONED AFTER FABIAN , TLo Liberal LoauVa Plan nt the Coining Session of Parliament , A NEGATIVE PARTY POLICY. Homo Rule IjicHciiicni Slniiiicriiij ; llouu The Go\oiitmenl to St.uul or rnll With Their Pro- Krninine-Thc rroiich Sit- ' ttalloii. A Glimpse at I'liqllsti Politics. LONDON , .Ian. 10. [ Special Cablegram. ] The lulciosl uf the Kuglish public In home rule lias showed a milked lUollun dnrinclhc week. The papcis , especially tlio Times , ( on- tliuio to publish nun } letters on the subject , but the Icadeis of both parties ni.ilntnln com- plclo silence. The public peiccives that noth ing Is likely to bo s.Ud or tlono bufoie thu meeting of pnillmnont. All iccent attempts to draw Gladstone out has failed. Hercseivus him elf for the inccttuc of liberal leadeis summoned for .Monday , nnd to be followed by u meeling ol the whole partv on Wednes day. Thu Hist meeting will endeavor to .uiee on tactics lor the opening of the ses sion. Gladstone will make .1 statement to the second meellng , Intended to scenic the co-operation lit the whole pat ty , but thn pro gramme is not expected t j disclose a definite Irish policy. Among thu nnny mumis the iiiostpiobablo one Is thai Gladstone will adopt the Fabian strategy mo\o no amend- incut to iho address , abstain iiom all attempts to the government , and endcavoi to force both hold Sallsbiuy and I'.uncll to show thph hands. A negative policy is , In fact , the only policy on which Iho onto united libci a ! p.ut } is now able to agree. The conservatives , aftei a slurp conlllft In the cabinet , h.uo icsolved to oppose every demand foi an Iilsh parliament. Lord Han- dolph Chuichill stood out for n fiesh ulliaiico with the I'.irnellltcs , but obtained slight sup- port. Ho was obliged to admit it was im possible to unite Ihetoiies in support of homo rule , but It Is nndei stood he hoped to detach enough radicals to construct : i loiy-r.ulical- Parnullltecoilition , wilh.xwoiklngniajoilty. Ho abandoned this pretty plan when lie found the majority of his colleagues wcto icady to icsign lather than submit , The RIM eminent adheies to Its Intention to propose a laige measuio of local government , conceding to lieland in principle e\ery priv- lego giantcd England and Scotland. 1'arnoll will decline this otTci , and renew his appeal to dladstone , who will leply that only mln Islois In powci can piopose a substantiate scheme. A week ago Gladstone took a dil- feient v lew and intended to load an attack on the gocinmi'iit on the giound that the libei- als would otheiwisc 1)3 obliged elthei to sup- poit or opposu 1'ainell'b aniendnient , but in dications to day are that Gladstone will stick to gciieialities , will piononnce Loul Salis- bmy'sschume inadequate , but Mill icfrain tiom proposing an alternative. Keep the toiics in olllco toi tin' present Is still the gen eral libcial feclinc. The minialiy will neither challenge or c\ado n vole of conlldcnce. They will announce tlieh policy , hiing In their mea .iuosaiul stand , or fall w ith them. A. r.itchcd Up Cabinet. Xnw Yor.i ; , Jan. 10. [ Special Telegiam. ] Thn Sun's London cablegram says : On the other side of the channel the polttlcil atmos- phcie is somewhat cleaici than it was a week ago. Shiewdobseivcif-aio noto\ei sanguine , howe\er , tnat the political --eicnlty will be of longcontimiaiicc. Thoielnttanceof Dorioy- einel to as unie tlie iclnsof go\crnment did not picdKposo the pub'Ie to expect a stiong ministiyoi a vigoious policy. In the lust pirticulai it has not been disappointed , and the piospects aie that no disappointment awaits It on the otliei scene. The 1'ailslan papcis aie disposed to make the best ol Iho mlnisteis , but thej voleu Ihu izcneial feeling call It "cabinet . " when they a ot conciliation. In less dignhlod phiaseohyy that means a "patched ti ] ) cabinet. " It Is generally be- lie\ed that upon all disputed questions ( he aim of the cabinet w ill bo to propose a policy to which neithei lepublicaiib 1101 ladlcals can object. Orocco AVnnts to right the 1'ortc. LOVIION , Jan. 10. The Greek gov eminent has made overtutcs to the govemment ol , looKlmr to tlio founation of an alliance , Lboth ofTcnsha and defensive agalnbt the poitc 'Ihe king of Gic'ccu will leave his capllil shoitlyfoi the Thussilian fiontlor to inspect the iiiiny. It Is supposed that this vv ill Lo n > pieludo to a beginnim : of hostilities. The Gieek government lias leeched from I'linco Bism.uck a reply to fieii uliculai note sent leecntly to the gieat jiow eis concciu ng the Hall an question nnd the attitude ol GICCOJ in connection theio- with. The ihmcellor wains Giccco thut if shoengagis In war with Tnikey him will do bonthciown risk ; that she can expect no asslstamu iiom any ol thn gieat povveis , all ol which will hold themselves alool from the eonlioveisy. The loyalists' DUIIUN , Jan. 10. The liisli 1'atilotie union Intends to lay bofoie Loul Sallsbmy an extensive lejioit upan the method In which Kent elections in Iicland weio con ducted. Tim icpoi twill aliped I hat intimida tion andclcihal inllucnco wein used in fa\oi ot tliu nation ilists. It is stated upon good authoilty that seveial .Scotch and lilsh ppois , both consul \.itlvu and llbeial , will Mippoil a motion ot thn earl of Kilmoie. In tiuur ot HIP abolition of the oniuo of loid lieutenant ot lieland , Govcriuiient Powers. Di'W.iN , .Jan. 10. The board of gnaidinns of KilmallocK , county Limerick , at a meet ing lichljeatciilny , wlilch was presided ovoi by rather bliechy , adopted a lesolutlon to < n > ct cottages for the poor without going olllclal toimiilities , and to giant imtdoot lelicl without asking thu sanction ot the local guvcimnent au'huiitles. Thu buaul oxpies-ed Its willhuness to HD'lit the authuiities with eveiy means In its liuvvci. In the Cabinet on Conditions. JlADitii ) , Jan. 10. Gen. Domlnguci , who was recently tendi'itd the Spanish nnibassa- doishlpat 1'aiis , has accepted ndlro nndei these conditions : 1 That ho bh.ill lumaln chief of the d > na&tic lett. 2 That the cabi net will engage to btipport thhttwo candi dates named by the dynastic left. 'ilmCar- libts ha\e decided to abandon their picpara- tioiiB lor a ilslng and to take part In the elections. t The Kulaur Jncllsposeil. UrjiLi.v , Jan. 10. Alaimlng reports weio cunent jcitciday concerning the condition of Emperor William , who was faald to bo seriously 111 , The rumors probably tholr origin In the fact that the cmpoior was Biitiering fiom an unusually bO\t'ro attack of iheinnatlsm.aiidaUolionuolil , His majesty , howuser , in i > plto of his Indisposition , gaNO an uuUionto jfatciday to be > eial ot thu min- isterd. _ Dicit a Defaulter. DUIIMN , Jan , 10. A report has been circu lating In tills city to the effect that Hobert Karnuharbon , who was manager ot the Mun- bter bank , which failed a few months ago , and who absconded , ImUng committed do- lalcatlons to a largo amount , lias died at lur- tulona , bpalu , TIII ; nun iucoui : ) . niaro AiruMTfT lci-sry Jackets niitl Yiu'legntcil Ho leiy. rntiAUKtrtUA , 1'a. , Jan. 10. The exlon- sUomlll bulIJincr In ICcintnslon , known as Atrol's mills and Health's mill1' , occnp ) Ing two blocks , bounded by Kmer.xld , Letterly , Tajlor and Coral sheet * , and scpirated by Adams stioet , woio destnned oy ilio tills morning , linohing a loss estimated at { l.OOJ.OiX ) . 'Iho buildings weie occupied by about a do/en linns cngagod In the m inufftc- line of hosiery , cotton ami woolen jams uphohlerj goods , JCIM\\S , mill machinery , etc. , all of whom lose hca\llj on thc-ir mi- chlnery andstoi'ks. Alltheiirms had hr o Mor\s ( if nnnuractnied goods on hind , which had ah i ad.\ been < < olil to dealers to bo dt'llu'ted on rtbiuaij 1. Kb ing Sunday , It isdllllcnlt to obtiiif InilMilttil losses , the membeisof the dilTerent limis u > sidlng In \ailous pails of the elty lemoto fiom the scene of the Hie , and the books Iiom which liguies could ho obtiinod being In the safes wlilch aie In the uiiiH. Dnstrtu-tlxo 1'lro In Cincinnati. CINTIN.VAI i , Jan. ft Aliio luoko out this moinlngat 0:50 : a. m. In Jewett t Adams' mannfactoiy , t > l to bValcr stieot. liuitig In adangcionslocalltj , the entile lire depart ment was called out. On account of the ex- tremclv cold weather the lliomcn woikcd with gieit dlfllculty , but .uceeeded in confining the llio to the building in wlilch It started. 'Iho lois nt Jewett t Adams will learh fioni fc.ri.CKX ) to SM'J ; In- suiance , i40OoO ; Mellen , Hi own it Co. , deal- eis In poannts , los-t ? . ' 0OJO , tull.v Instiled ; V , C. Cilheit iV , Co. , dealeiri in pe mills , loss J7,000. fnll > Insmed ; J.Mlci ite Co. , also dealciIn peanuts , lo > s SM.OOO. tnlh co\utvd. The danmco to the buildlmr , which bcloncs lo the Wiggins es tate , is $20iiOJ lo SSO.OtO and is lull } co\eied b } Insinancc. At Aahtnhnlii llarhor , Olilo. Cuvr.i.\vi > , Jan 10. A llio bioko out this morning in the bilck block owned by D.u id Mitchell on li ! Idgo stieet , Ashtubula Haibor , Ohio , and nine small buildings were desttojcuHiefoio the ( lames weio gotten un- dercontiol. The losses areas follows : I ) . W. Staikej. diy goods and gio- ccrles , S4,0')0 ) : A. J. Heck with. it Co . di\ goods and Rioeetles , S4OOJ ; Hose Cahlll , mllllneiy , WOO ; .Mi = . Jojec , bo-uding house , & 1.000 ; Huuell to Williams , meat nuiket , Sl,000 ; C. i : . blic < mnn. law olllce , S500 ; Geoigo Field , tug ouko. M.OCO. Olhi-i small losses w ill ag iegato Sl.iVJO more. The looses weio pirtly covered by insmancc. Deep snow ami the lack of wntei made the ellorts ot the hieiuen tntile. Ilnduarc Honso Smoked Out. 5 CI.IMI.AM : ) , Ohio , Jan. 10. The Ino which bioke out at a late Iiom last night at New aik , Ohio , destroj od a large stoio build ing on the squiie , occupied by the lliunner& Mi-Cue company , togethei with the contents. Thclo son tlio slock N feT.'i.OOO , and on the building S-Ti.LOX The amount ol insui.tnce cannot bo leauied. A Keg of IVmtlor Helps the At nrsTA , Ga. , Jan. 10. A hie at Alken , S. C. , ( Ids moinlng , dcstiojcd the --totes and blocks of M. J. Jtosclej , U. 31. Mo ele } , J. U. Iletcoit and V. It. Ilondctbon. Loss , SHO,000 ; Insuiance , tuOOt/0. / A keg ol powder ex ploded dining tlie lire , cilotibl } injuiing two ncgiocs and a while boy. Away OIT in I'omi. VM > , Oiegon , Jan. 10. The Oregon Kullwaj .fcXasigatlon comuany's laigo hotel nnd depot at Wallula Junction buined Hits imnning. I.obsS 10,000 ; insnml lot S O.COJ. The fninitnro ami Mtlooti was owned by A. I > . Hotallng vt Co. , ot this city. L.OSS , ib. Insuicd. _ _ " * AVIIUKU "TUB WAVC AVKXT. StriiKuHnsr Out of Her Depth ol'Snoxv and fjato Trains. Cine voo , Jan. 10. Since midnight yester day the tempDratuie hcie has giudiutly fallen , toiichhi ) ; Vi" below /cio at 10 o'clock to night. Vetj little snow has fallen during the last twenty-foui houis , tliongli repoits from outside tno clt > show that the hll//aid is still in loice. Wheip tialns are not detained by snow they aie dchjed in some cases sev- eial hours by the be\ciity ot the tcinpetaturc. Tills moining tialns on the dilfeieut loadb were dclajcd Irom thieo to nine liours , the last to aiiho being the New Yotlc limited. Thefuiyot the stoini having : ii- iiarently exlnusted itself , no luilber impeit- inient to ralhoad tii\el is antlcipttid , except liomcold. At midnight hero the wind has fallen to a .slight biee/.e. and the night Is clear. _ The Uli//.u-d VIsitH Texas. GAIhsrov , TuxJan. . J. The cold wave extends ou'i ,1101 aiul will lesnlt in Immcnsod imago to btock of all Kinds. All telcgiaphlc coinmunlcatlon Is gie.itly Im peded. Austin tcpoitsa tempeiatnio ten de- giccsabo\e7Cio. Hundieds ot watei pipes aiulio/cn. At Laiedo the temneiatme is eiglit de0'ii''s ( below the lice/ing point. At J'alustlnu thu meiciiiy touched /eio , the coldest wcathci oxpencnced tlieio in lorty \eais Tim water woiks btiectpliiL'S weio .ill ho/en and cracked. At Corpus Chi I ll the niiMcmy fell ( it = In twentj-lour houi- , . .Man ) of those points ici'Oit cattle bitllciln , ' Iiom the inlensf cold. Thehcids driltalm- Icssh about seeking lei shelter. Many cattle must peiisli , but It is jet tooeaily to estimate thu extent ot tlio damage 01 loss. Gnlo on the Atlantic Const. I'IIOVJIH.NCI : , Mass. , Jan. 10. The gale has continued with great be\cilty all day fiom the notthwcsl , and It is citlmated moiu dam age has been ( lone dm Ing the pi .t foily-clglit houiNthan lot thu ] nstt < meais on the coast. iight ; vessels hii\o been ashoio at 'J'linoand I'lovlncetown in thlsstoim , bnlnolivusweiu lost. _ At I'CDI-lll. III. I'joiit , 111. , Jan , 10. The cold wa\o abated somewhat dining the da > , and the nieicui ) ioto to , cio , but Is lapldl } tailing again to-nlglit , and indications 1110 it will leach Iho lowest point tonchnl nUht , whlcliwas SI * . I'huii ) lus buuii no sei iuns intoiiuplions to i.tllioad tiailluon thu toads ccntciingheio. Aiming the Ornntfc < JnneH. JACKSONVII.I i. , Kla , , Jan. 10 , The wcath ci lb cleat and cold , On Satinday night the thcimomctei K'loulcd lu at the blgnal olllce. Oianucsit'inalnliuon thu tiecs 1110 lio/on , and llieli loss will piobtbly bo complete , but the decs so not much Injuied. It is slightly waimei to-night. IndlcntluiiH I "or To-dny. MJSSOIIIII YAI.I.K.V 1'alr weather , in sontliein portion ; Incicasliix clondlneaS and local snows1 , in noithern poitionarlablo winds , gcncially bliilting to boutheasteily ; waimei weathet , Havtinn.ih , ( Ji. : SAVAVXAII , Ga. Jan , 10. 'Iho meicury was down to 11" tills moinlng , which Is lower than it has been foi fifteen jeais. The > ego- tixblu Intoit'sts ot this section ot ( lie btato will bullei hea\lly. At WASIIINOTO.V , Jan , 10. The cold weather continues , Thin moinlng at 7 o'clock the nic'icury stood at 10' above , and at 7 o'clock this evening l "abo\u mo. PIttsburg leDorls the weather unprece dented , and all tialns from out ) to lltleen houis lato. Catllo aiudlng Iiom uxposutu at the East Mbeity block jauls. Cincinnati letrOtU luv bolowand rallioad tratllobctloubly Intel ir.rcd with. The Westetn Marland roa'l In the HIuo KIdgo mountains is blockaded lo , i dt-jilh uf fifteen feet. Tour passc-ngtr tialns aio btuck in the drills. You can buy turmturo cheaper o ( A L. Fitch & Co. , 12th st. , but , Fainuin anil Douglas , thun liny other plucu in thu city. WEEK IN TRADE AND TRAFFIC llopofulncss Almost Universal , butDovol * opincuta Antngoiiiitic , PIG IRON'S POWER AND PRICE. Condition oT the Stnto of l'\chixnBe Jny ( iiinlil MnHier of Wall Stieot- ho 1'orplex- Inj ; Silver truest Ion. The ) ItimlnrsR Outlook. SXivv : Youit , Jan. 10. [ Special Telcciam.J Tito week has been without altciatlon In the condition of gpneiat liado Interests. Hopefulness Is still llio inle , and In most de partments of business U Is dllllciilt In find anv oilier sentiment prevailing. Al tlipiime time developments me not altogether In line with an Immediate ) bnotu In our Ineliistilcs. One of the stock niginupiits upon vvhleh pre dictions of n greatly Impiovcd tiadc have been based was lnciei ed activity In the lion business and ccitaln expectations that lion pi lees would havu un immediate advance. Tills piedleled punpcilly in the lion and bteel Industiy was lo communicate Its effects to the coil tiade , nnd so on through tlie entire line of allied and liUci-dependenl Industries. A few weeks ago appcai.inccsdhl favor an eatly advance In thu pilcoof pig lion , and the iiuii masters wciu nlmusl unanimous In Iheh expectation" . Indeed , so sum weio the indications consldeird thai speculators wore known to be1 piep.uing for huge deals on the bull side of the maikct. The fuels , however , aie not coming out In the way they weic ex pected. The first blow w as the acceptance by one of the laigcsl anthiacltu Iron con- ceins of laigu oideis at thu old price , SIS , Instead ot making their figures 51P , which ! ! they weio eonlidcnlly expected to do. Other concerns liavu followed suit , and instead of the expected advance of SI per Ion , the otlio foi Xo. 1 anthiacltu icinnlni stallonaiy. The elfcct of lids him bceii maikcd. lion spccuhilois have abandoned all hope of the good things Ihuy saw before Ihpin. The dpal In pig lion Is off foi Iho lime being. Thu week has not passed without some rc- cmtcnco of tlio dangeious symptoms In llio state ol exchange. This lime theio docs not seem to beany manipulations ol the maikct , but the scat city ot commercial bills in llio eaily p.ut ot the wi'ek led to thu mh.inelng ol i.itcs to tliu minimum gold shipping point by some of Ihu loading diawem. At llio same time llio movement was not gcneial , omc bankcis whose diafls aiu cousldcicd piiiue keeping n little below Ihu exliemo anle. Thisaccotdlngly negatived the Iminc- dhle shipment uf gold , and Iho Incicaso of gialn and cotton shipments noted dining the weekliought laics down below tlie gold shipping point. It must not bo thought , however , that llio diuigci ot gold shipments hasaltogcthei disjpiicaiud. It must bo re- membcud that 1'ngllsh cotton and gialn consiinipis me nlie.uly overstocked. lt should not hi1 said theio is loom lei appie- liensions. bill watchfulness is nrcdcd. The stock maikut has been disappointing. Them was no change. In the intoiu&t later , and loans wciu quoted as luw as lui sumo lime back. At the same time Ihu siliintiou cieatcd an Indisposition to cntei into specu lation to any extent. It would scorn that the effect of Jay Gould's complete ascendancy In the sheet Is becoming distinct , nnd cicates a feeling of unusual caution. .Manipulation of thn maiket dining tliu week points mulls- gnisudly to Its complete mastciy by Gould. His stocks have been flic chiul iiointa ol In tel cst , and their movements exliemely sng- geslive. It seems to hu scilicet lliat the alleged reliicment of tlie gentleman in epics- lion was pniuly in a Pickwickian sense. There teems also lo be an adveiso Influence alwuik , such as heavy storms in tliu west , which may ailed railway eainings , and n suspicion tint Januaiy eainings may be light , any way , bcciuso nipichants cast and west took advantage of thu luw i.iteswrllo thpy pievailcd K > accumulate goods , huas not tnbeloiced to pay the exti.i chaises uf the laihoads In tliu beginning of thu year. In deed , It is feaud winlci iPcelptsloi this ica- son w III bu less than expu ted. Then theto Is the sllvci ( jiiPstion wlilch Is causing anxiety. H has taken piucdenco ovci allothei cjuesllons. 11 < angles. ) would only act piomptly wo would know what to expect , but iinloitunalely ( 'xpeditlon to 10- liuvu business anxiety can nevei he expected ut an Ainciican Icgislatuie. Two opinions aie held as lu Ihu elfccl ol tlio blojipngo uf sllvui coinage , in tliu east Ihu bullet is , uni versal that it would icmuveall unccilalntyiiu to the Inline , and help the business ul Ihu countiy. In Ihu west and south , however , thu feeling is that the in leu ol wilvci dollars would chop fiom lifteun to twenty points , erIn In other welds , that the puuhaslng pcnvci u { guld would be enhanced. 'J his would amount to a heavy fall in all pikes wheie measured by gold. This lasl may not be u c oncet view , but It Is held veiy gonpially In the wibt and south , and [ undent eastein Invest OH would do well lo keep this point in mind , lei west- cm buy PI s have been gteat siippoiteis ut thle iinikul , and if thuy should bee o mo sullen wlietliei thulr theoiies weio light ur wiong , it would allpct pnccs ai Hnrnoil lo Dniitli. V.x , 111. , Jan. 8. 'llm farm house ft Luon.ud Duollltlc , In iho town ul Avon , twelve miles west of heio , was binned yes- teid.iy. 'Ihc family euapcd lium Iliubnlld- inn- , but Mi. Doolltllo vventhatk Into tliu huiue , hojiiiig lo bcc.uio some papin , and was KinToi.ileil , hU body falling Into the iiilns , Hu was about sixty veaisold , and a piomlncnl and Influuntial citl/cn. Rheumatism * vYo doubt It tlicro K or cm be , a , spcclfl * remedy for rlicuin UUm ; Inil thousands who li.tvc suffered Its jnlns have been IIIMII > lien , cfltccl by Jlouifs B.irsipai 111.1 , JI you lava failed to find relief , ny this great uiiiccly. "I was uniktcd v.iiu rheumatism twenty years. 1'icvloua to IBSJ I found no relief , but nrcvv wouo , and at one time wai nlniast lit 1 | > - less. Hood's fiarsiiurlll i did inu mrro n m ( than all tlio ctlicr incillcliia I ev r had. " II. T. IUI COM , Will Icy Village , Jlass. "I had rheumatism tlirco yc-ns.nml cotiio relief till 1 took Hood's Hiuaparllli. Jl liaa ilonu great llilngs for me. I icconmii ml ft to others. " LEWIS JJuiiiUMc , WilUcfoie ) , lie. - , Hood A Kawjiarllla la ibaractcrlzrcl ty three ] feudalities t ut , thu combination of rcincdl'd upcuts ; 2c | , tlio j > ri > i > ortluiiJO , tlio process of bccurhfy the mtivo ineeJItlnal qualities. ' 1 ho result Is a inedldiio of ummial fetrcnglh , rffcctln ( ; cuus lillhtito iinkiioivn. bend for bock contalnlii ) ; ailelltfiiiul i vhte nco. "llnoil'H hirs iiailll.i tone's up my yjMem , liinlfita my fitoeel , th irju'iia my .nipi Hie , .ind he i mi ID mil , ] ) mis over. " .1. r'Inojii BOK , UegUtci of IJccefj , I.ovvcll , Misi. : "Hood's Sircapirllh boats sll others and /Hvvorlhllswe-iKlitlup / Id. " I. JUnniMjroM , J30 lUuk fatact , Ntvv Voik City. Hood's Sar-saparilia 1 Bold by all ilrutr lsts. $1 ; s\t \ for $5. Made only by C. 1. IIPOU ft CO. , lxme > ll , Masj. ' BOO Poses Ono Dollar.