Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 09, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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- . .
Adtertl'cincnHunilPr this hcml lOcrntspof
Jlne forthoflist Insertion , nnd 7 cents for each
riirrMvjui'nt Itsprthin , Seven wordi i Mbecount
ed U tlio line i they must run consecutively nnil
mtifti > a pnlilln mlrancc. All ftdvertlwmonH
niu t I'dinnded In before 2 o'clock p. rn. , nml
under nu cinmniMaiices will they bu taken or
difcoi tinned bv telephone.
I'ntUisftdverti'iiiif In tlie o columns nml iinv-
In K li.i nniwers adilrcs wl m cnro nf i llttB ,
w i I I'lrnfrt nxk forclieok to cntnble them to pet
their t r r * . ft nonr will "bo drlircml except on
prc-tn nl Km of rbrclt. All nnver to fvltcr-
" "
Y TO l.oAN on howswnitoin , fur-
J'l iiiiiiin , wn'oiie * , whkoiit rumoinl. 'lerms
e , ( ,1 ( n-tweil , Itnom in , lion Hunk llinM *
Inpr I Hi nnd I nrinun. Tnkn I'levafor. UM-luliT *
$ tr,0onoto loan on city residence property ,
f.toV Day , Iff fl ninmiii. _
TV I ONI V TO I.OAN-On fnrm nml city pi < > | > -
J-'l ulyi cn.l nml wit "in rnlrs. Mawnrt \ Co. .
loom .1' el'iu-kii Natioiml Hunk bull < lm < . "Itjll
Tlio LOAN Money in nny niiiomit ,
JL On ii.l clu'-M h ol MM only.
Miottiiino I'jinu on runl C'lnto.
Ixniff tltno li > nn on icul ntnto.
Mine ) to loun on chattels.
Moncj to loun on itilliili .
floncy to iiiim ou nny fiood eocuritjr.
Toinm eiify , time tosint
Apply ntthoOnmhn Viimnclnl i\chnngo : ,
Iliirln-r's bnllillnir. S\V corner of
I IfUinth mul riirmun bts , upstnlM .01 _
MONT.V for evcrjDO'lyl Von cnn borrow
money on fuinltuiu , bor'C' . Mnt'ons ,
plimos , Hock of nil Kliuli , dlntnonds nml linn
wnleheiou your o n time I'nMinmts rccclvcil
nl nny tiniu , nml lnivra t rcd'iccd ' pie rntn.
I'Kipeity It It In nmr own jwcisMon. lenns
) tig the lowest. Cull nml FCO mo. Hii'lncss
confidentInl. Nonilvnntniro ,
lloom 4. Wltlmull sNtwllinlt'lntr ' , SoitlmRS " cor-
tier irth nml Iliiincy. ' . ' >
ONiV ; TO LOAN' O. I' . DiivW V Co. Heal
M Lonti HBonlH , 1 u05 Knnmm St.
'ONT.V TO T/1AN-On FOO'I securities. A
MuUnvook , room7 llcdlck llloclc , Kffj rnrnnm
TVT ONKVTO LOAN On itmttrK Wooloy A
J'l Harrison , loom 'M , ( Jimihn Xiitlonul liunk
- TO l.o vv-on real cBlnto nml I'liat-
tell , 1) . I , . Thomas. HO
MONK V rl O l.o IV In nuns of fax ) nnd up-
w.iiila on fli l- < lass unil catnto wcuHiy.
I'oiici , t Co'-li. irilrj rminim ft. sul
TltOMJV l.OANl-.ll nt C. T. Itre.1 ft Co * . Loan
J'l ollli e , on furnllnru , plnnns , hoins. nwons
pernmnl property of nil kinds nml nil oilier iir-
ilclcnof xitliie. without removal. 0 eiIht Nut'l
Hunk corner Wtli mid 1'nrnttm. All
( tl Icily cdlillilenliil. MB
ITIOKSAI.U OKTUAOI : i rOiiiiihapion | > rty ,
.V touitAprifiiltinal linpli'inont lni lno'S
liiylliw Sl."i < l IICMironlh not , tmrtlifr with " lots
nil I liiiIMmir , Hiisj , with n JI.VM Bloc Is. | > pco
? ' , 0 : line l > iiuiic | < is lol oppomli ) depot nnd nn
linpi'ireil i n inlnicl ilislil In the town , fl.UM ,
Mill boi"lil M of tofruther ; nil toenled In
Ut It'll. Si'unnl C o. , lub. J. 1. llicc , US ! l-'ni mini.
IJT7 i'llXC > ' 'Jo a liiiRinrfs limn
JJwIli $ . " , ( i'.ll icaily ciish tind n l > nonli < lvo "t
the i nlnnt rlulit linsini-bS , nn opiicriniilly H of-
It red 'hut IOIIH but oin-c in 'i lilo tiiuo. ( J.ill
or lu.dicas J. I. Klcc. 1JJ 1 aninni t. fl.ii
XirAVTlin Viirtncr. to InvcRlIimto n No. 1
V buMnc'f-s < Inn cr , in nhlth itf.ll rt ) cnsh Is 10-
quired W o Unow tl'l" to be n Fplumlld clnincti
nml noilhvol Invifetitiiuion. .1. 1 < . liKe , r.- . " . ' ,
rnriinuiIn ut. (7U (
37IOK SI.K A ir-UMiiiMiit , dolllif u peed Imsl-
ne's ; ron-oiis lor felllnv , lo i\liif Hie eitv.
Will liikc hoibi' lor pint 1'iiy. Addicss It .1. llco
Ullice. U.O ! >
T7iMt s\l > K TlioConinirci.U Hotel nt South
I Hi nd. Nob. , pi n o " . V M ; terms onsj. Ad-
ill ess ' 1.V. . 1' . , Uot l.i , South liond , > 'i'l > .
InoilsAI.i : Ail'latlo Li-nnr. on Union I'n-
cilk' riilhoml , a nmclu'miltnble for Iccilliiff
( little nml liujjrs or ItittdiiiM1 pmpoees , icmsist-
ln - ol two nnd one-linlf IK na ot hind , > u-ll
IOIICM ! ; ilh bonnls and wne. CJood poweC
wind n ill TTilb KOil n'indi r nnd ln , l cooker
tnnl.s o e. Ilojr lioiiso" . < \ i. Coin erlli to lioM
HUM IK 11 nnd biiolinls. T.\M tiling In lli-tclndj
slmpo W II lie told nt n bail iiln us owner M
nl out to U'uvo II" ' atuto. Addicts 1'iod. W.
hhtiw , Culumbuii , Neb. i dll-B1
wn- li r Tin ) Fmnti n lintel nnd fninl-
tuto ill Mtlfiuil , Neli. ; bolel In fiuo I tonli-
tion mul liiinitino iu\v ; uvurvtbliiir In M-l-
chifSoitlL'i' : dnina : nn e\ci llent biiMiic s ; only
cniin1 tor < nllliir ! , t-o ir-s in Innilly. Knuniio
ot .1. A. ( onmnl.jnoi lietor , or \\ortcmlyUe ,
Mllliml , Sen mil Co , Nub. 67r-i : > '
JTIOK ' .Al.l'-Or e.\chniiKC Tncho Innulird.
J. nml elphly ncrc-sol .Mo. , timber nml jrmss
Inml. loin inllcsi i < sl of Knusns City. As nth
K-ilni ; IHIJ Innrt In iltii stnte , ill tell nil or piirt
nt tilitcn nolliiif. per ticio ot will \i IninBO lor
pcioil mipioxcd or unliiiiro\ucl | NcbiiisKn lanJ.
lleillord .V Snucr. l.Vj
-JTIOKSAI.IIOK TKAli-ror rollc'tnlo , tlio
JL' icniiunuil. llxtuies nml contents ol twelve looms nn thu S. 1 : . cor. of I'-'th mul
Cnpilnl lucnuo. Cost lfOO to lit tip Will sr 11
lor inn ciihh , or on ilino to wood rcsi onsililo
jatij Apply to CoibcttV. . coi. 15lh nml
ritinnin Etx , upbtnli i",1. }
Tr0lt Srtl.U-aioH InPpilncr III11 , Sl'Oench.
JL Al-o nn estntilished ImnMni ; biit-lne's In Ne-
brn'liti. enmity teat. Ciibton JcAichcr , lloom
J W ithncll lllocX , Onuilin. ; .l
JiMMl hAI II 'Ilio only Uiillier nml ( Inillnt ;
liiplnci-s In Lincoln , Mlileh hii.s been cur-
iteil cm lor ten jcnrs veiymcies-sfully ; the i en-
urn lor fclllPK , rtcnlli of the proprietor : cnpltnl
lefimieil , Irom il ! , M to fJ.MW. AUilicss Mrs.
Jninli llnlidle , Lincoln , Neb. In' '
STOCKDAI.i : vV HiXOIIii ; : : , Itenl IMnto
Iliokeis , Hi onis b nnil U.\ilinirion llloeli ,
l&tl Doilyru Hi. 11 you Imvo mis rcnl cstntoto
KL | | ul n leii'-onntle ' price , cltlur In the cit > or
countryilo not lull to list It with iii < , 1'ioinpt
munition nnil MIIIIUO ilcnllmr Is HIM hnstonl our
InihlncbN.Vo nro hole ii 'onis lor l.owis siib-
dlvlHloii of Oknlnnnn ailiiilioii. Thot-o lolxnio
cliunp nt piesont firlcc * , nn M > III tlonblo us soon
IIH Ihu vlnilnct iiucstlQii IsM-ttlcil , lluymm nnil
innl.0 Inonev. Monthly piijinnnls. Uts ) In
KliKuood Wnlmit Hill , Siuiiiilcn * , Illnicbnu h ,
nml other choloo uclilltloiiH. Call nnd see lib. 07i !
HAltsiiM.i , .t i.ninx'K , ronl citato ,
liuyn llnollMof Improved nml iiniinproveil
lots InOinnlm ; nciusnenr thoclly nnd lii.mlicilB
ol thoiMinilsof ncrcs ofliunl lor s.ilo ; corro-
cionieiico | t-ollclteil. Mnr-h'ill AT l.obcclc , TiOil
Imnnnihticcl. Ollicoopon.tlllUp. in. f.1- . !
1)IISON ! M To yoini'r ' men nnd women.innr-
110 I 01 Fln lo.cU'iU.lioolle"per-'nml HI liool-
tcnc'icrs , wlmt tno ) ou 1lo.iiir ulMi youi mom't .
Do yon \ \ 'Mto \ ninkri n hj.lemlld inxertinent
tl nielli jlolil ) on hnndPoiiiii ii'turns In mi lays' '
It Mi.come nml p o > jou 011 n lot in Wchtt'nin-
nit ; uiHiltion ; ! < . ' loin Jitt : put In the nuirljet to
t1 oc sr fioin. nml nt teims Unit will ho w.ilnn
the ici'o1) of nil Onlv ten pi r cent iluwn.hil-
nitc S1U a inonth n > s | > cr com interest. If , vt > u
iK-noto pny hull IH-II , ? > per cent elf : nil ciia i ,
1U pi r unit oil. This bonntltid nddltlon lu > s
Just-onlli \Vnlmit Iltil. \\ill you ( -Ixo this
Iliciolj' 1 Ihlnl , nut. Call or nJdio-s .1.1. .
Klce. ) " - ' Turn nil ht. iDl
IJUH'iOVM Omnbn city nnd Iiouulin county
iilistinct'fi fiirnUhed nml b'uniaiitieJ. It , 0.
I'nttorson , 1 11'uriuun. . tH'J '
rpAUI.N l 1' 1.1114:0 : unUow with lonj ; burns ,
1 O\\i'i'r eim huNosnmu by ctillinsr on fi. A ,
llemiuit-1st uuU 1'lcico , auU paying i > xi > i'inu i ,
JmiV-lcw l
OOM nnd lionnl , iipcr \ tci i vcrv be tlo <
t cation. Ifell U.uonpoit M.
Ill AV. C. MetrnerStovollcpiilr Co. , Ill South
tlth gt , Lxjtwumi UoO u uiut UuiiKlas.
* l AUIKS in wnnt of Rood doincstin lielpenn
4 J bo Hipplicd by ctilbmr en the Uinnhu I'.in.
jiloMiH'iil OIlUu , Itonni I , IHibliiiuin' ! ) liluvk. Mi'i.
J. VY. Miuritoapropiletor. fc'l
" "
, SAI.i ; At ii barKidn,4t6h > lsiiJilft ) nv
1 it'lei ) ( from nu ovoi toekiHl fuoioiy Now
in j 01 v chanc-c lor n bnrgu n \ > h.lo they List.V. .
'J' , M'uiiiiin , cormtr I'lirnum unit 11 tn tt . UU-U
rinclt SAl.i-Tlio : lo.i o nnil lurnlturu of Ilio
J-1 Mcliopnlttun Hotel ; bonsu UoiiiK u jiunil
\ > \\a \ in M. ikx.d mail cnn iniikit $ : UO per month.
AVill tell rcu 4 > iml'lo ' If lul.en ut once 1'nr inir-
tkuliim lininlru ot J. r. ru/yuiilKl Eon/l'io-
ii.ont llouto , Lincoln , Neb. Utt
"TIM ) II wi'iillicr Milpp , ttorin tiu-1) mul doors , go
JL to ! ' . D. Menu WiUB. 10th M. K"0 "
OK SAI.i : Two lota in rcllum , I'lnce.oao
Mock from tlU'ut i-nr truck , luijulro.iai' ,
ISthtticcu WJ
TvrAVrilleMnd ( rood Rlrls for
ii ImtKCirnrk. cooks nnrt lnntirtres- : | ,
V'fir § : morhnifrco. Omiihii I-drllisc-nce Office ,
Kofmrf , F. H for 15th nnd Donjrlns. O.S
NTlil-Ufio ll ! . at N.
\VA : - < > ltrlionfrrl. Apply
11V cor. Sd nml 1'Hrntni it. ( IK
V\7A > iTii ) fjood pills vnnt up peed ltim
i llen in tnBll Inmillcs fit blurmre w 111 l > o
flffoiniiioilMoJ hycnlilmrn mnhn lnlolltrneu
Ufflce , Iooin3b. ( H. cor. 15th nnd Uouglnsstf.
A Rood nctlvo woinnilTo lib
fi ( lifiinlifnork , WAKO * ( | i > crut'ek. Apply
between the hours of liumlS. 913 Douplus SI.
" \ \ TAniriil : ; forporn'rnllimisework. Ap-
> > | ) I > - nt HI" . Tliul Mleet. _ K7-9 * _
V\TAVTII : > An experience. ! , rnpnble nnil
V ' nt'i't youiiir woman to n * l t In laklnir euro
of clill'lmi on I do wcoml work. Cull nt l > rlot <
rn l < ! < > iicp , toi nor of lltli nnd 1'lcrco. Mrs. 1) . S.
Dm n frr.
TMNTi ; -A good cook nt 121 N. l lli st.
> >
NTHU A competent filtl to do frncrsl
tMlilllurl st. 4 'I
A compfloiit pirl lor ( rcneinl
, 440 Convent tt , CU-ll
i\7ANriD Comi'ftcnt plrl to coolc. Rli
and linn ; ( Jerinatl pieforied. Apply N.
II , 19lli mm Callfornln. .Mr * . IX Wnkoloy. Old
UrAXTUD tJood Rills for hnu e-
work Mr . .1 W. Mot risen , loom I llusli-
inmi Hlocjk.lOtli ami
* A X r IMl Oooil ot iirrlcnced ffh-l for crnernl
U lioiiiO'.Mirk. N.V. . cor. IBlli mid Linvcn *
irANTI'D A competent Kitchen Klrl 1S21
> rniiinin. 4TJ
AY rANTHII rirst clixis dining-room fc'iils nt
tin ) .Mctropolltnti hutcl. UJI
WA > Tii : > I miles nml Rcntlfinen lu city or
country to tnlie llitht work iiMlinlronn
homes. } ! l to 14 n dsj tii"lly innlouirli ; tout
by mull ; no cnnvnsslne.Vo hnve n ( .ood do-
mnml for our ork nnd furnish steady oinploy-
mcnt. AildiT s.vllli Ftninp , Crown .M'l'ir ( > i. (
till VlntiKt , t'liiulnnntl Ohio. t'SJJiinlu'
I'ANTKD-liovnt Wlllilo's I'npcr Hot l'i
> tory , 100S llth ft. ( .70S
pnod adcliex ,
rcndy to instlo out'Mu lor bl pny. Call
lil'fi ' Hiuiiei ct. U t-0
" \\7ANTrii A BIIOI ! man to woik on iliittv ;
Vi nnifit lie nhle to drho tennis. A. 1'redikk-
pen , nurtliof nnd dmnli ns > lnin. Ud.V.1'
" \\TAXTiu-A : Kond boy liom titol'ivems
> old nt TIM ii. HHIi St. M.J
xlTA VTiU : Sltmitlon tor RI o 1 phi In prlvnto
I Innill } ; fiimili ir nb urncinl hons"U-orU
rnncoinotell itcoinuiLiidcd. Addixsa "lits ; , "
Hi o ollice , USM > *
"it 'ANTl.Ii Sit intion by n sober nnd iclhililo
' * innnl ii 'ic ' iintlcrtuUlnff Inislnesoxporl : -
encool ijn j rm nil its Innnilics. Durctlct-
teislo V. N. , llucmi 1U , S. K.cur. 15th nnil DIIUK'
1 3. Ua-U
\\rAN'riOI ) A po itlon Innbiuil , ; Imvo bud
> ' nmple expt rii in o nml cnn liirnlsli the best
of icferonecs Address 11 i" , llco Ullicc. n77-l.i
\fANT1IO Hv Pinulo eetltin'in of nntet
' > bnliltx n comfortable , will tin tu-liud loom.
ptolmlih with In mil ; In (111 ( cn o would pny Ml
pir month. Addii s II ! i7 , leo ! Olllii ) . tlb-S *
"ISfAXTIJIl Tebrnnry l t , for man 'itnl wile ,
TT tuo iinfiuiiHlicd rooms icnrpulcdi with
bop i it. In ffoodlocnblv.inil not ti o far our. Must
bo Hist clnsfi. Addicts U OT , lli'o ( Jllico. tfcH-9 *
ii : ) A 8. eoiiiMinml Ilio proof bank
i" Mifc , wltlj bur ' pionf ibcs' , A < : diiB- > ,
r L. llrown or lust ntiomil llanlc , .Mctook ,
Nub. 4 J'l
Foil JttNT : Ilonso of ten looms , nni ] I'ur-
iillnio lor s.Ho ; Com ruum * now icntedlni-
unonurh to | iiicnL ol liontu. U. 1C. Ann liong ,
l.'ll rniiuun st. util-ll *
FOIS 7iNT-Nlce : Hve loomcottncc , S. 1.1th
ninr Cun'cr. A. 1' . TuUuy , 13J1 rnrnnm bt.
(117 (
" | 7MlJ ISUN'I' Houpo , n rooms , s piminos , FUI-
-LA Me onaliiol vt.ft blockhtrom U , 1' . depot ;
Inquliu tcilT Cliiciiiio St. Alls ; Knmlotv. l'S2-a'
„ _ _ _ _
oit JtHNT Tin CQ liousoa of 10 , 0 nnd 4
looms uiieli. J. 1'tilpps llou. C.Vi
: HUNT Hi Ufc Mori * , south btdo of .Tones
htitot. not to ttrocl.v-yj pei nioiUli.
Apply nt lulu rninnin st. ( ii'MJ
JADll Kl-STr-New bonso 11 looms , linn-coin
1'l.ico. per inonili i'-'I.H )
llouM ) 7 ioonis. iib ! nml Vlcrco St.per mo. . " 'J.IHJ '
S.oie llb d cllnif loomyup Btnlitf. on bt. > Ml\u. , near 17ih tpar montl 40.00
K T. I'd 1.1 urn \ Co. , lioom 3 , S. U. Cor. iJlb nnd
IJouylii8KtiL'Ct. _ CJ7
ITIOIt ItlINT CotlOfio on 17th St. , lCt cen
JCupilol n\cnuoundDu\cnpoit , } 15. S. Loll-
KK.NT-Storo.yj'J Ninth IMh St.
ITlOlt ItiXT THO c.ltiipcs. $ U. nml $ ] S per
J. month. W.SJw it/lor , ( ! inr > it lllook. 4Sf
Itll.NT To sinull fnmlly , Imsu lurnMied
± ' \\n\itu \ \ on piucd Mi-cut : lurnac'U ami nil
inoilDin cunt ciiliMicos ; ruloruncus iuiiili |
Apply ut 1U ' 1 i ai ciiuii bt. 4 > 4
"I/IOK ItbNT A 10 room hou o rontrally lo-
JL1 cntcd mid nciir too ttiuet cnrlliK'tj. In ooil
ii'pnlr and .ill nuulurn linpiovc'inents. Inniinu
or John A lie > luiiii Ar Co. , Hit fconth lOlh &t. aT
JTiOK JINTOK I.KASK-Storo lontn. SJvl" !
1 lU-neio nrdun with > > -ioniii | IDII O ndjoiiiliu
ciij ; hii uciu inrm , 17 niilu-j west of Unuilm ; i !
liutlncss lots on Pt. Mniy'n nvo. Apply to I' . II.
Chapman A. Co. , UI7 llimnr.l HI. 110
I/Wilt ltiNT-Ni.'W linii-o nt in-Jil .InoKson bt
J. Apply tit Cunninjjhmn X llrcniuin't1011
Uodau bl. 1U !
771OK HUNT Hoilto bololiRllljr to the estntu
Jol.ludKu Clindtt'lck , bcu 1'uil : iixunuo. W.J.
roinell. 2SI
"IjWII HUNT Two newHimiia roomed lioiif-eH ;
-L lurnaiu , luilli loninimd nil modern tonvun-
Icnres. , one block from Etiect ears. liniilro.In. )
I' , llai ion , ill I ! tli ft. , or SinultlnuVoi Us , b/J
I poll HUNT A ftorn room with ( jood tollnr
1 I'.KJQ Hurt sticut. Apply to Jo. m ll.iu mur.
KIC T ' _ noros on 91 n nnd l.riivenwnrth
J' Stfi. 1 floro on Biiiilh Will 61 , llolh llrtl-flat-i
business Iccutlotu Abe lioubOS to lent A. Me-
( JuvocK. On
T7ToTTilTNT-KI o rinm ninTbr fct b mnl * I.V )
J' oi.'Uvfo ; In st locutionIls .S.l.llhht.li7t It *
17101 : Kisr : A niccly"fnriiUlindTniriorni : o
JL1 ouu up tnl- [ > i ooin , , ' ! iN. 17th St. irVl i
ipott Ill-IN -Do lc room lor ono or two por-
L' hens , mo doo'oisor loid o tn n nn n ; jilcus-
iini , ull linn bhud olhcu ; inqulro lloom u , Ar
lington Uoi'k , l)7C-ll )
"Ion ltiN'i' l nigo newly inrnlshul iront
JI1 icxnn \ \ iili board. 711 N. I'Jth tt. Ml
FOK ISUNT Itooui nnd board lortuo pontlo-
men Inpihaiu lan.lly.neiirbiiElnoe ci nior.
llcfuiuncu loiiubcd. Ill N. lull bl , Miili *
iniou itllNr Furnished rooms nt fins. ] jth.
JO tWI fob I *
' JlllNT I'urnUhed loom. Imiiilio 10th
1 nnd JJoiifc-lad. t&'i
"iiOK IliXT ; Oni or mo looms , fiun'tliod ' or
J : unluinlihutl. 711 2lih st , cmCii m , ( ilia *
37011 ItiXT : ! l rooms , , closets , cellar , cliy
' uti-r , iiit < wx , lath st. iau- ' , > *
'IjlOll ItliNT FuiHlbliodlooms 17U7Cnt-sBt ,
1 ? UJJ-lo'
ItKNT 1 uiuUhod looms. kjUUDodso.
.1011 UI.XT ltoom with lio.ud. lull ! Cnpltol
' uvu. IBMl *
I/ Oil ltl"NT : A JiKoly fninhiiol room with
J' Juoaiiduas. In inliout Ko.Ull Uouulai
Ui.NT ; Nlooly linnUhad IOOIIM ;
I1 blocl.b * 1j J l' fi0 SJlllh. . _
liTou KINT : rinnUhcd jooius. K , it. c or.
I1 Ifltli mul Unlllornlii. fAll-8 *
inoit IINT comploicly furnit-iiod ii.u , n
1 looms mul bulb. Addic ii II)1 , bcutJIlliu. UJ6
HUNT Nicely joom. S. W
tor. li tliiindSt. iliiri' live. Cll
llKNT To pontliiuifln.lurgu room with
largo di ct. niaCiilifuiniatt. H > .
OK llKVr rurnltlipd atoiii. ItlT Chlcniro
Ipois IIXT : Turnliliod Iront room with
1 of bnth mom ; plcusunt locution , Insulin
nt ollic'o ol C. I ! , lu > no , IDtli iintl I'm iiam. tV.'T
ltr.\T T\u gnlt * of 4 rooms each ,
Jj I'leico ttii'i't between loth imd I'Jth. Kn-
ijulro lllh and 3'uumin. F. iloclilc. tVU
TJ > ' 5" Furnished i-oomTr tsT
17 * Oil ltiNTl'ura : hcd ron * , 15W llnrncy
17"OJ " : IIVTwith : board , a room eiWnb ! for
JU one person. 1S11 Vi cb'tcr , _ W
171OH IINT : FurnMidl room with boanl
.L' sultnulc for t o gentlemen , is 1 Dodge t
'fjioil ltiNT-l'K'ii : Rnt room * . funll ! ioil nnl
JL1 iinlvirni"lf. ] . | . for lleht lieu 'iiwiittip. can
v nnil > tie found In licomor's lllock , corner
l.Dthtb nnd lion aril. G7C
TpmT A I jf-l'or cash-040 acres of bonutlful
J. Iniid tn Mjoinlnir , Just over tlie Neir kn
line , time miles from gtntlon , 21 inlUs ea t of
Cheyennethice ; dollars per neie. How lonjr
will jo" let tbh bnrirnn look ) ou tn tlioJntoV
. VIIrarmini. . < Ji
J. IIlice , - _ _
: SAI/K Two In nil nc'Wfpleinlld cotlnacs
17101 lot , ono block enst Sheimnn Avenue ,
nt * lSii eneli.on iiidtitlily in > menlF. Must bo
? o. < l Immediately. H. C. I'nticrson , liil r-iiinnin
Urtct. -
SAI.K Two lots tienr Hnn'coin I'nik ,
Iriou . , { I.OtiO. House nnd lot , flAVl ;
inontli ! } rnj mcnts 2 lots In Sunny Hide , S'MJ. !
licml- i MU nml Uonclas. < *
"irtolt SAM : H ) ncio In C.KS county , with 1m-
JL1 pro cincnts , will trndo for city properlj.
52,0'in. 7.1 neies tine liny liuut nortr Council
lilulls. jl.fO ) . I'nrllesliavlmr icnl uftntetosdl
erc\chnn ! 0 will tlnd It to their Interest to call
on us. We. wjll do you R-ood. DdwnrdT. rcler-
cmiA ; Co. , Itoom3ti. II. cor. iJtli nnd Douglaa
MS. JJ cuil
_ _ _ _ _ _
( p < l SHI.f Oil lirVrciilcstntoot nny kind , call
JL on C. I ! . Mu.Mio , 8.W. cor. l"th nnd I'nninni
"t . , who hns propei ty In orery pint of tlio city ,
and binds In ctcrj county of the ttnlc. Ml
THOU SAI/K fly fnTxteVT Tlioinns & . llro. ,
JL1 loom f. < relqbtcm block :
ajij tcct on Vainum st. V , UCO
( iitiriU , s. w. cor. 17lh nnd c'cntor , S2Cl .
ridxIlX ) , llnnscum 1'lncu , $7W
tl lot * ) xli7 , on Hnmlhon mid Charles sts , SflOO
to WI ! blocks we lol eoineiit.
WJ.\Ur > , cor. Umilus and fib BIS . $70t ) .
; ; : \l'il , v , lih hou-o nnd bain , neiir "Oth nml
Center , Jl.lRo. Vciy clicap ; emnll pnjmuntj
bnlntice n/nnthlv.
'tixllj , Ulhnnif Clnulcs , with hoiito of fl rooms ,
well , etc , 51 , MM
J lots , I.OHO'S nddltlon , fROll nnd TC50.
J lotH , M . A. Ited'ek's mid. , frl OO-
Lot cor. " 7ih nml lin cnpoit , Sl,1on.
Mo think nil the nboto liaiirann. Cull for
li ) vtetI. . , ibotnns & llro. , lloom S ,
llliiclt. K
BII.VIIIIII : : : Adjoiniiur tlio bnnncks on
Ilio noi Ih. bus thn niUnntiiKe on nlco level
dilvowny , biniillinl kx-ntloii , line McuN.nnd
i \vr ) thing cl-e Unit ROCS to malm up nhplcndld
plnce lor n itjidenco. bee llolvcdeie. It Is
chenppiopcity , mid no niKtiiUu1 C. II. .Mii > nu ,
S..cor 1. > tb nnd I'm num. ( M
17'OltSAI.i : l.iu-feo lieu < e nml .T likely deva-
3 ted lots : nbhlnn's Kit ndil. SOAW. Also line
hioomed hotii-uuiiUuik hticct. nliely elcMiled
lot , i tjiLson \ Aruhor , Uoom .J , M itlincll
illoclt. 440
IJATIIICK'S nddltlon on Snundcr.s street Is
Iliotliciipu-t piopcity In that putt of the
city. Sticcl on i a inn tlumuth this mlilltlon.
fcclniols nio conxenient , bii iiie-s icnches It on
n\o Miloa lor coincnlencu nnd dcsbnblu local-
IIv I'ntilcKt * nildition hits iniiny mlviintiiKcs.
Lull Mill Invchtljiale. Lots only S'.UO lo s'JM '
ench. C. ! ilnj nc ngcnt , S.V. . cor. 15th nnd
lAirmnn. iM
: : \ - ncro nnd h'llf ncro
loly , line location'i : ! miles Irom I' . O. , oiilyn
tim moments wiilk Irom llaiHcom Pail : , Acius
tluu. Hull iiuiusfis , 111 purccnt cnsh , bnlunco
monthly puj mcnts. C. K. Mnynu , S.V. . cor. 12th
nnd Fni mini. ITU
i : Stntioiionl.cavcnwoilli slrect
> > will be the junction of the .Mo. I'm ; , nnd
licit I.ino. Lots pniL'lin.sed llieic now will rr-
tiirn u hands oino pinllt to thuhujer Inn \ciy
sliort tlniu. Hell \ McCntidlbh and C. U. Mn > nu ,
t-olo iificiils. b'fi
iilOKSALi : House nnd lot SHI SJSIh 8t.choii ; |
and pa } incuts. AildiussC. a. Cbipniaii , Lin
coln hub. , )7L
j , > 0i : SAI.K-ciienp lots In Ilnnsfoni I'laco.
I1 Add s 0. 1' . stubbing. MKiJunlT *
EOJJSAM : A two story , 22vJO , frumo build-
inn , suitable for n btoru , lUtli unJ I'.ir-
namSts. this otllco. 1)17 )
T.-UMl SAl.i-C10OCO 10 per cent dividend
JL1 pit ] Instock. ; . ( JibfOli X Archer , Itoom
! ) , Witlmcll Ulock. 4i'J !
p iLVii : > iitn : Aero lots nt S2 to $17) ) . Kncli
JL ) will muKo jolt 75 to 100 pur cunt prollt bolero -
lore ne\t Now Ycai'sdnj. C. 15. Milncolo
a > ; oiitS. W. cor. 15th nnd rnrnnm. r 7J
Foil SAI < i ; A sencrnl nicrclnuidi o business
In a lapldljgnuv IIIIT town not Inr liom Lin
coln , trndo nnd locution in town. A splen
did oppoitiunly lor n party withlnjr n jjooJ
opeiiniK , nnd bavln fiom sever to tun tliouantU
dollars In cash. Vt'iilsell for tush onlyor p.ut
cash , bnlnnco real Citnto in Ouitihu.
.Mercliant , Itt'o ( Jillce.
SAI.i : licnd tlio'o bnr 'nlns nnd cull onus
us nnd IctnstnKo > on out loe.vanilne. Alton
terms to suit tlio purcliaM r :
Two lull lots In blinll's d nild , J bouses
new. nil modern impnucinents.l , II nnd
b looms each ; will let It yo it told nt
once lor . $ 0WO
Two lull Juts ( cornenl room boiibO.bhulU
Si I . 3,000
Full lot nnd - bouses , u'tjth , near St.Mnrys
uvcmiu . 3,009
Housoofll rooms , now , line location ,
lltiti'eimil'luco . 3SM
Ilou-ool 10 loonib , now , "Jlh
vonwoith . 4,003
Ilnnsu ot ! l looms nnd basement , 17th nnd
IjiMvcnuoith . 1,0'XI
l'i\u loom hoii'-u , lull lot , I'IOSIK ct I'laco. 1,0 JO
Tour ruoin bouao , lull lot , llunsioin
I'liice , cheap . . . . ] , IGO
Six loom house , full lot , I''th ' ' near L'ja-
vonworih . ! ) , "iOO
HOIIMI and lot , l.lth nnd Center . 1'JXJ
Him 61 ol ! i rootn .bltr biiMeinciit.linpiovo
liienl add , lot 75\lu. , corner , cheap , cnsy
Icims . . . l.STO
I'lilllols. Jiniill monlbly p.iyincnts , In ilio lol-
lowing uddltlons to Umniia.
Iliin-com I'liico . S 7nO
Mchoso Hill . 1I.V )
Coilollillhantu . l.riO
Nunpoit . itJO
Hi llvedeii' . ; ! " > )
lliluhlnu . M
I'llikroie-t . L'OO
DonccUeiH . .ViO
DulKlil.V ( .MIIIUIS . 40U
1'otleriV Ciilib . 4.VI
Kii loih In Wiltox ail d , cheap . 1'UO
Iliihlness piopoily , lanns nnd imlniproiid
hinds on the iio-t terms , ( Jlvons n c-nll. Con-
M.IIIKCS nt nil tlmrb , I'.iUvaid T. 1'ctcison &
Co. , loom U , K. K. Cor. 15th nnd Uonubis , bt.iiij
171011 SAMi LnrKonnd smnll stock rnnches
1 wjlli or withunt mock.
1'or t > .ilo ; f lots in hpilnt ? Hill , S150 each.
I/or Kale Kbiuliliblieil biinklni ; bubine s In
Ni'liiiikKii. county scat. Gibbon & Archer , loom
J , \\nlniL-ll illoc.1. .
I'oi liALbango Nebrttskn farms for Omnhii
luopcrty ; n. u hinds to Cicluintru tor btoc ) , of
XVmitoil il bnsliiosj lots for cash within 1
blocks ol postnihctt.
1'or KiCliaiiKO IW ) ncro Improved fimn , Madl-
EOII tonniy , Nub , lor lioiibo nnd lol In llm.ihn.
loroalu Afi-iteru ir.icl Inillcaol poolullico :
boiiM > ii < t f l.'iNi.loi-fl.VjiJ c.u > h.tJlbsQii\Aichur ,
Itooiu U , Wlihncll llloulv. U-J
FOIlNAI.i : llyl'ottcr & Cobb
Cliulcu lots 111 Lu'.fu's I'lijtudd , , fJi : to 1150
i nch.
Corner In Jenuo & Si'Wcn's add. , U.'xUl , for
l''i.o lots on lliown El. , W.vl'J' } , nt S70J ; C'licli .
Acie lot very cheap , cor llrovrn nnd CullfornU
unit lu ucrn triiuts on ciuy terms ut J17J teA
A l.w enolco lota in Thornbur Place , ou licit
Line , I'hcnp.
X IDIH In dhlim's Third. JHV ) each.
rinu biislnoKS cor ou J'ainiim ' tit , $10,0 ] } .
Lois lu 1'vttoi's ndd. , ftiUJto $ JJJ each ; \cry
A low fine lotu , H.m eoin I'laco , nt S7".0 oaoh.
Cull nnd &co nnr bar .iuia In uitio tract * .
M.'I Ton 1.11 \ l.'onn. l.'ilj 1 uin.nuSt.
y AND siiiciitsTTKNTioxror : : : full
l-l purtlciilnrd about free nnd ciioap lauds lu
Nt'brnsicn nddro * * Thos. C. I'attcison ,
nio Airnnt , North I'l.utc , Kcb. 'Jii
i SAI.Iiiy c. K.
: ,4d 1'nll lot , emnll honxiviloo.v udd. , f7W ) .
a-ii , 1'nil lot on l.cim'iiuoiih si. , now bouse ,
nil modern oonvonlftieuii , $ * , Mj ,
S& iMt on l-'Hinaui kt. nuur 'ilh st. , botiso'j
IOOIIID , nil laodmn linpiovouiunts , t-7-VAJ.
aafi Two lots , two hoiucslitlj iitrii' Howard ,
i i.0tli tt , food house , J1,8-"A
Montlil ) pamc > nt. .
IT30 Lot lUOkiuO , fjomliitrtwo tt i rote , nlco cot-
t.iuu fncliiK" Hn-coni 1'nri ; , $ lbtiu.
1)1(5 ) ( HaiiiUoiiio lot , nlco cottutto 7 loouib , GeOr-
tln iivo. , VJfM.
311 Lot Uixllf,1 , . 5th an ; ! 1'aniam , liouso T looms
? .i9 Tlut'oneros , good houeo , fruit , etc. ,
- , '
I'lill lot. two < ; oltitc4 , Shlnii' * add , J'O. .
Hoiifco 7 looms , eiut tioul , bcuutltul loca
tion , llansioni I'llKC ) , JSJJ.
SSI Klt > Kuntii UUnico 10 loonib , two lots , fine
location , cvciy po eblu ] convenience ,
. .
195 Coiner lot , nlco cnttano G looms , ono block
elf San i nl era tt . l.O j.
U'S Hiindsoniosc cottHft ! in Onialm , & looms ,
bcuiltlliil lot , ( jtxirt'la uvu. , tJ UJ.
175 IJM uJxlill , houbo4 looms , bouth 13th et ,
100 ( liHMl 'liouso 0 rooms , full lot. Hickory and
luih , l,7uo ; vciy ehcuii. C. U. lluiiu , B
\V. cor , 15th un4 I'ai naui. &U
LUV MNKAttr 4m Al.t : . _ AI ntv library
con i-tlnf ? of Ictrn reports , t. S. supreme
comt rcioits , Atntrjcnn decision * , Americnti
leports , Noithivci tlrli , i'nillc nnd tYdornl ro-
i-orteri. nil liomid.ftnd n bnoof textbook * , nil
Inte t exlltlons ntin n i mwtns new. Mint bo
fold together. Jilit A > t 61Xoo. ) . Fair reduc
tion for cn hordilril ilntc . M-t furnt hcil on
nppllcntion. Adan.tmlX , llco olllce. 4.10-jll
1 < mile * nortl of North Auburn , Nob. ;
nbont fhtyncicsuidprciillHntlon ; creed hoit c ,
burn , mid n froodvill of wnler. For further
rnrtli-cilars npply'ti H. U. Hondlcy , llrownvillo ,
A'fU. , 4ejnn21
17A KMNfJ-Tiii ptrty who enlled for terrier
M dnp nn rAVjniii street befwoon Kljtht-
centlinndNneteJitb. Tui duy nftemooii , bo-
twecnfinnd n , Is kiovtli nnd Ims lieeii dcteclod.
To wive further trcuble , bo Is wnn e 1 to t < turn
tlio ilnto " 14 J-ou-Ji roiirtronth tieet. nnd Mr.
HoOlicimor will t > nj him lor bis tumble ,
nurxrjan CUR&O ,
TvT oncrntlon or ueolcss trusses. Dr. M. M
J- > > looroS4J Wnbish nvo. , Chlcn o.
List of letters ivmalning uncalled for
nt tlio nostollico f r tlio week undlnj ; Jati-
uary 7 , 1830 :
oiNTiiMix'3 : : : LIST.
AtulersonC Ash C
A.verSl' AUucclitM
Aunstrong w O Aiulcrson O
Aiukisni J
Hnllcr.T Hull .IK
IlalrlIJ | ( Hinu'liam M
U.ijanl Ilros JJiown 1J
Hraiuon It Do.ttilmati K L
UitieoOW JiurnsJ
ItiownO Jlradshaw 0
lleailC1 Il.tltolK !
ItaileyKD Jtiainanl ( J II
Kaltlceu C Iliown \ \V
IJclluuA Drthlwln A
HtiiiiH.I HralulKO
HowerK ItlclulaloK
Urn ton F IlnthlerU
Citizens Ilotul Conslillno T It
CouKhlin S Campbell (5 U
( nsper K Clyno K
Ciowclet'SW Cliiinln J
Cannon T K Cionch C U
Cl.uIu'D ClatrouCd
Y C.titet-A.U
Chapman C J
Dttmr II CJJ DnekXP
n.ikln TD Ucimoilv.r
Donald . 'I II
Denlck'I'J JMy C \ \ ' f2) )
l.tlliymi > lo W R Du.'tt.Al
Dopenclahl K (21 ( li.\on II O
Domjhwfy 1'
Kheispliacher li JllllottC It
Kppersnii U H Jliiclison K
Knici on II Jinicibon It
Hlchullwrger A A
I'lemliiRJIJ Faxon G
t rioslOW
i'o.x U O l-'erat B
I'roleyJ Fo.woithy J II
l-'armerF rinleyS
Hsk.Mt ! J'llnt , ) J :
l'Ilzeralil _ M FraxIcrU
( JardnorCS ( Icorce.I 11
( ii'more ' K U ( liltlitlisj YV
linllitan .1 ( Jlailolcn .1 G V
( nhhinder II ( ieih I.
' enlry S ( iinenlV
( Ja\itMO
tirinn C
jayfonl.IO IlanibheiU
ainey.l r. ! f HamelJ
Hin\arill ) , . IlnnswnldT
lane A 11 1l lliiiitlnsloii U
Ik'iiimiek J I tally M
lloiwn Ii 'I JliMKltin CB
Hunt U .Havens 1C
llartil lO Qjlaipet- I ) (2) )
llo.mlaml C B .t ailloHtenOA
Ilanton W . V Jlubc-rl-
llnnbi'cKer.I K \ Jloppern J 11
Jlenilcrhon FJj " "JIall K
Jlollon Mr JluiierV \
llai/nnh / /
Jensen J Jacobs S
Jaiissoii > , Jonsou J
IColbolmT 0 AJI Kent J Vr
Kitchen if Kenon A D
Kach U
Kinsey J . , Kent J W
Kelly It 1J * " KoluroJ
TTiilhllinu'll. * '
Llnclb-- ! ; \V ll'TK
IA\MS ib Son * l.ayfou K
Lyons. I b' Lluurance fj
Irt-wKsl'1 l.undv.MV
Lonen A Ju\\i ! > l' '
hoslllilll A l
Lutusoii Jl
Meoktim A .Melvin
Malier B Jhiiphv W (2) ( )
Mahe.\\t > C U .Mver ' 0 A
-McXeal.I K jMeCtejtor J D
-MeDonell J .McXestnov.l
McCrea. ) IMeC.illerlyJ
MeCombs J K jMeCoitney J F
Miis.selinan K Jloon 1)
.Melville 0 JUo.Maiies 0
Murpliyr Jlejeilmll A
MiiiceoJ lartin J
.M.IInsP JNIai'F
AleCtiexor.I D .Matron C. U
Me.Mnnns F Jilolancler J
MolanclerC IMofiito'shll ( : t )
Mailnnd Jl V
Xi'lilhnr C Nichokon A G
No la ; and -lO. " ; Mebon Ii
Nelson 51
I'efei.-on O 11 J'lovlnsin N
I'ltitaV J'citeifeon O II
IMgoA I'innei U
1'atci-Mm G 1' tj J
Totter \f nPorter J'opi ) 0 F
Porter I'
Ulgln P A Uay X 0
Kensboin J K Jtitchaid J
ItkhaidsKM JtnbeitsA
lioss 1)V ItolieilsA
liolll , J'(2) ( ) JJoll M1
Kolvils K Jdish.l
I teed Oil Jiog-ailCM :
lto\\land J Kovnohl F
Itelly Ur Jtojieis II
Uoemei M" Jtoiley J J
Jlelsner J B
Splcerll 1 1 SnlonsUyO
hav.T'olt .Sclianl ) J F
tjlmons.l .Scult.I
Kchmitt X Sventson , X 1'
haliuan It Hteuatt S B
ShoafS bteolol ) It
.Scott A Sniltii J , l ,
Shields JI Schwartz J
Stoncy < ! . I Helm II
Spiccrll 11 Sfhlapkeli ! 0
Stepeawitz It
Thoinas C Taylor II
Tayloi J S Tnlmiulgu 1C
Toiipcv X A
Union .Manf Co
VuiumalJ M VomakaJ
Voclicka A
WllljoltVIIIlamsTl )
Wells SJU2) ) V.'cstn'L
W.illaco W 11 Warty Iv A
WuIIcK AVelIsllM
WerhlyJIA 'VVlillmiisF WoUoit J
WnltciM M'liiston U'A
AVebstcrCIt "Waller. I
Wcioclmd CV ftt / rt Vlntcihow 0
Woheiton ( J F 'ill 1 3Womack W II
U'ltittO PV
* y [ ? >
-UA nbs r/i
r.Aiur.v i.isr.
Alls MM E ii . . .AiUms Mrs X
Adams .Mis 1) .III ! Allun Misll
Alldll'M'S-JJln ( i 0
Dennett Mia 0 y ojVitckus Mis K
Ilauicns Miy S > " ' " "Jl.u t Mrl A t
B.utholmaun F C ' . 'Vliu\\maiiMib L
Hiown Miri F ' "Jliown I
Jltttlcr Miss F
I'onr.ulo Miss M Carson Mrs AV M
Cinnamon .Miss < -.iClnik ) .Mis J
L'ou hlin Mis U ( X'uitci .Mlb.sO
I'lnnamon .Mi s cl > unnlin.'hamMlts
L'onley Miv > K -'X'ouncellorM ' iss U MUH
Dai r Mini , Dii\vMrs\V
IL'iup f } MlhS TJ Oiwrlni ; MUs A
leetln ) _ MI-HM A ( I )
r'a\eiis Mrs C J KvaiiH Mis It
llbv-itll Kbertl.
Kv.ins Mix K A
I'ranks Miss 1C Fay M IK F
1'iMier Mi > . 11 O Flj nn Mis K
foul Mis A Fie t Mis G I >
Iilbson Miss GiOflii MM M M
Iio\\an Mis A D Gealmit .Mi > s .M
Uhluutbt Mu G \ \ ' Guild Mia X h
Gib on C
Ulliler Miss L llluknmn Mrx L
Hills Mis Mi JlolonhuKMlaaK
Horan MtbS K Haul F
HausM Jlemhold F
Ik-ster MUs F .
Jleatcii'MfsVI' "
Injjalls Mrs H IvesMUsGJ
Johnson hmi \
ICcrbcr Mm It KvinMlssP
Keriijjan Miss U Kelly Mia \V
Kins MI'S G
LacC Louis Miss r
Lar nn Mr T Lawrence Miss T
1/nndlxM k Mrs E I.ft\\rcnre M
Mason Miss P Marshall Mro U F
Me.ido Mis M JIontKomery Miss II
Morpan Miss it Moran Mi J
Miiioiian K MBhlliaus C
Meiers Mii Mclnlyie MlV 11
Mntt oti Mio y , Mnr hMrsS
MooroM Hs I , Mor cati F
Mock 1. C
Nelion i : Nelwn Mli K S
XieholsMI K XichoIIMul )
Ogden Mhs I1 A. O'Connor MNs L
Ohlon Mi K
T.irks Mr i J U I'ofner Mri I.
1'riiNt Mlm t Picket MfsH
Poet Miss B Parroll Mis M
Price Miss L Price Mrs J E
Potter O O
Ulce Miss ( J Hauler Mis * S
liayMI-sC Jan ! Miss 1 ,
Jteam Ml s E lielltv Mr * M
ItoioMrsA lohpilsMlss.\t !
llilej A A lichaid ! on C
lilckey Miss A
Sauller Ml s A Setinolt Miss M A
HwMier Mrs W Sehilfeit Mrs S
snlKbniv Miss L bhitnnnn Mivg
Sander Miss S Smith Miss K
Sudenberjt .Mis C Sehlmon kl Mrs G S
Spilngbnrc MrsA M Stuid Ml s S
bnow MisM M
Thlncelste-d Mis u 11 'I'homnson Mis J M
Thompson Miss F
\Vhfte > tlss M Whittles Miss 0 (2) ( )
UVar MUs J M While Miss M
Wolfott Miss M Wllkins Mis H 11
Wlilto Mrs J
roL'iirn cis
U F Calvin Mts U IJiiHh
I ) F I.aison G X Xlceley
0 T PaLson
C. 1C. Cot-TANT ,
_ _
Give your cltildrun H. II. DOUCU.ASS
for tlieirCouyliSjColils tiiui Sore 'I'liroats ;
they will euro speedily , tire and
to tlie taste.
The , no\v balloon constructed by tlio
Jleudon aurotiituls will be directed by n
Meam engine , as directed by M. Henry
( iiljbrd. _ Klectricily will be { riven up ,
owiujj to its want of power for contin
uous action , _
IMo-t oem ] > lu\ioii powders bave a vul-
Rnr jilsiro , but Po/.oni's ; is u true beauli-
lior , whose ull'ecils nrc
The new liouso of commons conlnins
lit ! lin\.ver. , t0 ! inantifaetiirers nior-
eh'.uits , 85 journalists , ; > , j banker.SJl
brewers , and 21 shipowners. Is'ot more
than BO out of (170 ( members arc of the
distinctly aristocratic ; class.
For delicacy , lor purity , and for im
provement of the complexion , nothing
equals I'o//oui'a Powder.
The number of words between "ant"
and "batten" in the second part of Dr.
Murray'-i great Knrli-li ; dictionarv is
lljl'15. The work will embrace twenty-
si\ parts , on the calculation that there
are about 210,000 words in the language.
PITiES ! IMIjKS ! riTjRS !
A sure e.ure for Blind , Uleedlnp , llcliin
and ( Jlcpiated Piles has been di.scovcicd by
li. ) Williams , ( an Indian icmcd > ) , called Ir
Williams' Indian Pile Ointment. A Mmlo ;
lio\ has ctuc'il tlnjoibt clnonic c'ascs ol i" > or
M ) jearsMnndin < j. Xo ono need suffer live
ininutiw alter u ] > plviii thi.snndei fid t-oolh
inumedicine. . Lotions nnd instiumentsdo
moil1 harm than irond. William- . ' Indian
Pile Ointment tibsoihs the ; tnmois , allays tlm
inlelise ilcliinir , ( particularly at nidit after
tretllniaim in bed ) , acts - , a poultice , cives
iiisiniit lolief , and i.s iiiop.ucii only for Piles ,
ilcliini : of pnvate paii > , mid lor nmhlng Obe.
Dr. Pi.i/ierV iairie Ointment ernes as by
luiufic. Pnniilc'S B'ack ' Ili'ads or ( ! ntls ,
Hlotchc's nnrlEiiiptlons on the fnce , leaving
the : -kin clearand beaiitilnl. Also ciiiesltch.
.Salt Itheuni , Sole Xniplc ? , Suie Lips , and
Old Obstinate I7leei .
Sold by djug iits , or mailed on icccipt of
CO cents.
' Detailed by Kiiliu * Co. , nnd Schroder A
Bciht. At v/holc.saiu by C. F. Goodman.
Tlio document room eli'i'lc at tlic liouso
receive some queer reiiiests ( , say.s a
Washington lelter. A conslitueiit of a
western ni"tnber asUs for the Congres
sional Uecord from the date of its first
publication. Another would like to liavo
u revolver , while a third dcairen I hat a
call lie made at Ilio census ollico to ob
tain the rebidi'iice of a certain party.
1itlers. tliewoild lenowned
njipetizer and invi or.itor. Used now o\er
the whole civlll.edoilcl. . Trit , but bi'wtue
ol imitations. Ask join ijiocer or drnscNt
lor the genuine articlemaiiulactuivd by Or.
J. G. B. Siegcit & Sons.
Some twenty colonies have been estab
lished in the Santa Fo dLslriet of the Ar
gentine Hopublicj. Their territory occu
pies ninety-live square leagues , and tlio
settlers number 1,3" ) ! ) families. During
the last thirty .years tliedi-tiict has grown
through colonization until it ha * a popu
lation of 111,01)0 ) souls.
A Bargain In Corner Ijotu
is what most men desire , but to knep
from tilling a grave in a cemetery lot ere
half your dny.s are numbered , always
keep a supply of Dr. Piurcu's "Golden
Medical Discovery" by you. When the
iirst symptoms of consumption appear
lo > e no time in putting your-elf under
the treatment of this invaluablomedicine.
It cuiv > when nothing e-o. ! will. I'l sess-
ing , as it doc- , ten times the vii lue of the
be-il cod liver oil , it is not only tbn cheap-
( - . ! but the | ) lcasinte : > . | to taku. It purl-
lies and enriches tlio blood , sticnglliuiis
the .system , enre.i blotches , | > implecrni ) -
lions and other liumorBy druggists.
An English company lia > pcriccicd ils
arrangeinunts lor jiro'viding sicU chain-
liers \\itli telephonos. Tlio object U to
givu ] ior.oiis sitlVurmg with contagious
dNca.scs a cbanco to talk with their
frionils. Spnaldng tube- are injulmissiblf
cm account of the infectious nature ot the
The Lancet Iiocs | against liopo that
bn s who Mnoko will thaw lesson irom
the case of a twclvo-ycar-old lad in Lon
don , who died in consequence of smok
ing a penny-worth ot double twit. "Wo
jinn .1 hast , sn\s \ the vi'iicritblo editor ,
"adcvijry nuiuiblo boy to regard to-
bacL'o as a poisuii. "
The distressing diseases , .Salt lUieum , is
readily cured by llood'n Sariajiarilla , the
grc-at blood pnriliur. Hold by all drug-
At a Into meeting of Presbyterian
synod of Dakota tlio Indian \vonion re
ported having raised 501) ) for missionary
work among their own ] ) eonlo the past
year. This. wa moro than all the mouuy
raised by their white bisters in three
T n i a usiii v AMU
COMAIN A blM.I.C * ' SH1'
1'AltTlCI HOI' SO'Itl I'llV
' . . 4 3f55 - i2 * i-
illM'.IIAI. t-UHST\\l K , <
jitisi'iiiiiA' : viu- ;
tt AVill Cnro nil JlbcancH CauscU
by DerniiKi'iniMit til'tho I.iiur ,
Iviilnoy and Klonuioli ,
Uj ° " feel dull , ilicVK > 'iilehilintoil | have fro
ijiunit beiuluthe , nioiiili lu te < i buillj , poor up
pet Ilo nml loniruu eontei | , jon me xillerliiK
liom ( orplil lUcr , or"ilHouiiii' | - > , " mid noth nn
Mill cine jou MI fpoctlily nml iicnnnmintly M
At nny tlnm you fed jour Bystom
needs Hi'iiiislnj- ' , toning , icuiiliitbu wltht
nut violent nniyim. , or ttlmiiliulnjf \ \ 1th-
out lutiukiiilnirtiiKu
Simmons Liver Regulator
ritHl'AItlll ) IIV
J. H. ZKILIX & CO. , Pliiluilelnlilu , l'u
Radical Changes in tlio Lcadera of tlio Two
Strong Elements.
French Nmvs llni a Depressing KfTcct
on Wlteat lnlsln < j tlio Uiity on
tlio Cerent Oencrnl 2 > li\r-
Itct I'.ejiort.s.
CincAoo , .Inn. a ( Speclnl Tclejsrnm.J
\VniAT : Unlevi IhcM i eaeres arc olT in their
reckoning n indlcnlrliniiQo In the positions
of lender of Hie bear iiiid bull patties has
been wlm * ou during the paM two or tlueo
dajs In wheat. Kor nearlj a innnih n powerful -
ful noithv e-lcrti syndicate of millers nnd
capitalists , icpie i'itliiitf the bull Mile of
llu1 maikct , nnd an equally powerful
combination of local specnlati'ia ' , icjv
lescntlns cnoi mous lines of shoit
have been facitii ; each othet In
tlio Chltaco wheat pit. making occasional
feints and tliiowlnt ; out tcelcis. 'I'he unmis
takable diift of values has been doum\anl ,
hnweu'i , and the stolid stubbornness of the
bull * wns nn important element airninsl them
in the light. DmlnR the past few days deal-
Inn In the pit h.n been on n hnjo
scale , and the opinion obtained eicdcnce on
the floor of the CNcliniua * that tlio nni th west
has unloaded , that the bli ; local Mini Is
ha\e. taken piopeity to cover their
outstanding contiaets and that not
.satisfied with " - " bollf s-Ides
"ou-niiic up , - Kept
on , the bulls potin ; .slmrl ami the get
ting on tlio other side. "The milieu nnd
their filumh got nw.iy with nlntmtleof our
money the hist time they made a combined
attack on our ntniket , " said a prominent
local tinder this nf lei noon , "but wo beat
them out tills time , and we aietjolii ! : lode it
aculn. " Tlio iniuket to-day was ncnons and
stioii . A bull leellng du\ eloped on stonn
new < and n pie R-cllus decieaso of tlio
" \islblo" tills week. richold A : I'.loom
were the largest buyeis. Laiije Celling on
Xow Votk account was icpoited , and in Hie
last half liour the maikctwas Mild clown by
SehwcutzA : Dujice on a cablegram that tlio
new Krench ministry was piciiouneedly in
fax or ot laisinu the duly on grain to u still
higher liinlt. The range was Up , and tliu 1
oVIuelc puce wane above * Hie bottom.
Coi.'N Coin was \ery dull in a speenialhe
way and cd as to price. Trading
was contiiied to e.isli and ilaj , the latter ad
vancing 'ft1.
PROVISIONS Provisions were steady , nnd
generally .speaUing , btrong. I'luctiiations
weie nniiow and tradingnL L o'clock v\nson
the. basis ol jesti'iday's closing and to clay's
opening. There wab only a fair cash Inquiry
AITIIOONJc : : > AKD-SJO : ! p. m. Iy ! 2
o'clock the new" fi om 1'arls had giovvn Into
a positive announcement thai the taillf on
wheat had been already raided , and the price
clropcd ] to btyc the first tlftccn minutes.
Other .speculativeeommnditios \\cre easier in
f-ympathy. Jlay wh at co cd at t7'sSJ)7Ji'e. (
Tiio tone at the last showed a blight impro\e-
: W p. m. ruts on May wheat , P7@sr8xe ; ;
calls , b7 >
CmcAO.o , .Ian. S. [ Spei inl Telegram. ]
CAT ir.i : Demand n the and prices gen
erally higher. Ordinary run of good to
choice cattle sold at fr-l.U ) , ami plenty ol tat
and nselul lv00 ! to 11CO 111 btceis sold between
§ 1.50 and S-1.75 , while common and mcd'iim '
ranged between Sl.'Ji and 1. 10.
Cow stock was ajraln in active
dennnd and made equally as high
piices as any day this week , selling b 'tween
Sy.2" > and S ' .50 ; stockcis and tcedeis in goud
demand at liom2 0 to SJ--O.
pteeis , iSJ : to 1X0 Ibs , ! * > > , tO'f.1i.7i : ; 1'iOO to iJO :
Ibs , 5l.- Di'.l" ( > ; JoO to l'J.n ) ihs , M.7X'I.OO. !
JIcx.s Thu imirUc't opened slow and weak ,
wilh llrst bales baiely as M-jh as the
> ehtenUy , and long befote half the nrihals
wein sold piiees weieXf { < 10i ! lowcrall aiomid ,
best liwny making only Sl.WM1 , ! . ! . Kair
to good packing hoith sold at S'I'.bOiit.j.liO , and
common at t-.70 : : ! .7fi. J'acking and slii | >
jiing , li5U to HO Ibs !
New York. .Inn. 8. Morfi'.Y On call easy
at " . & } ' ! pel ec'iit.
J''Ai'ni ( iiercent.
KOIII.ION KxcirA.Vdi : JMi.i.s fiiill at ; tor blxly d.ijs , and t-1.8 , ' tor de
< ) oviK\"jinvis Dull , but bteadv.
Siorivs Dull and weak , and ehlefly con-
lined to loom trading. The. iCMilt ot the
diiyVopeiations Ka net loss ol ' ( Si per
cent lor list , with a decline ol OUT
1 per cent In Ia < 'lawanna and somu inactive
sliaie * . The only e\.cc'itlon is thciVestein
I'nion , which was strong throughout and
shows a net advance ol % per cunt. 'J'liuic
Is a piuValent belief that .some kind of an
alliance is beini ; lot med between the Western
Union and llalllmou1 itOhio , whkli will 10-
niltln theliaiimmlous woiklng of the two
companies. The btienutli to-day in this slock
was clue to the cliculatlon ot these lepoits ,
STOCK1 } OX W'AI.I. STIl'.ir. !
r lcent IWIHH. . 101 's c. iVA.Y IWf
r. s. ) ' ; ' n-i l nicfoned. . . l0 ! ! > f
New -I's * 1'J.i | .V. V. O UlVg
racilicO'.sol "Ji l'.Vj ( ) ieon ; Tun. . . ! n
Cential 1'ac.lliu. . ) " ' „ I'acilio .Mail
C.ArA . Ill ) , 1' . , D. itK . 'Jl > ;
iiivfeneil. . . . l.Vi I'.l'.O . Ul !
C. , I.tQ ! . 1W Kiiek Island. . . . l't
1) ) . , L. itV . 1 1' b. .tK. ! ' . . . . .I'M
1) . , tlt. Ci . I'.l'Ci ' inefeiied.J74'
Kile . i > < 0. , M. iVbt. I' . . . SM-'g'
iiielened. . . . f > 'iQ inelellud. . I'f ) . J-IO'j ' SI. I1. , \iO . -10'f '
J. . Ji. , V W . Mi i pli'lerron. . . ICW'a '
Kunsas it Tuxns. CO1 , Texas I'acmu. . . II'1 , ,
haKe.Shoie . 87 Union I'.icilic. . . Rl
J\5V . -Jl I\V. , bt. IVl1. . . 11' ' . , '
Jlleli. Onlral. . . . W \ miiloiiud. . . 20j
.Mo , I'ncllin . 111'f ' Western Union. 74K
Xorthein I'au. . . 0.
Bt.fjoiiiH , Jan. K Wheat Fairly ndivo ,
heavy , and closed S'o lower than jchluiday ;
No iwl. cash , UO' ' c : laiiiniry , W ' \ Feu-
rnaiy. U.'V ; Maich , 'JIV : May , Oh { c ,
Corn -Sleadv and XM > & liotler ; Xo , 2
uilxc-d , cash , 'ii'j'e ' : .lanuaiy , ! ! ! , . > bid ; Feb-
inarv , Hie ; laich. iil e : May , li'Kc. '
Oals Slead > ; No. 8 mixed culi , 'ise ; .Jan
uary , yO'rfe ; nominal ; May , HI Vf"l ( ! > /c.
Itve .Nothlncdoinsi 50o bid.
] 'iuk-.Stua < l > at ,
l.atdKlim atS.'i.'s.'xt'j.iK ' ) ,
ISutter linclmngcd ; cu-amcry , S Oc ;
daily , liiCu'fip.
At Ho.\ii : tt'Jiunl ISiisy nt ' 'Q
' , ' lower. Coin Haivly bUmcly. OaU
NothlniL ' , done ; jnkei nominal.
< 'iilin o , , Ian. b. J'lour Slo.icly nnd
' .in ed ; \\liiter ( lour , 5l.40 , < $
boiiihein , Sl.on un ; U'lkcoiidln , fl.vt
MUhUun Mtt bjuin wheat , $ tTO
. ' . - . . , . .
cutH.7V 1.CJj lowsji.uiei , > 'i.00 t t.OO ; lye
iluiir , quiet at ? S.'u 'MiO in banclb ; buck-
wlieat , ! > l.'J.'i I.T.'i la barielH.
Wlieiu-rmlj Mn ii ( ' . , nilwl flrm ; opened
Jlnmr , ndvaneniK 'i'1 ' ' , c-iiwd oil ? * < ;
laliitil'c and < ' ' < > . ( M with advance lost ;
M „ lor cash ; h'MsiUe (01 ( January ; b' 2
for Kebiiiiir > ; > 7x4 < rf
Coin Kii m , bli.ul. ) Icilui ; l.ilr 8liliplng ]
deimuid I or loud giadcn , wirclilulod u.ifier
and dosed nbuiit ' c under jt'itturdaj ; ! Juic
lor ea h ; ; iP , ( < iJj < i lor .l.uiuaij and i'ol >
imiry ; iROtia-WHo "n Muy.
( Jat.vhitad ) and qui < 't ; near fiitnr.s shade
lictici , c'as'i ' inuethciundnoininul ; ss'i'a ' { < ' ;
lor cash 1 5 ' . ( ! ' / lor Januiuy id'io ' lor
J'Vbiuuiy ; Jlliin lor Maj.
lt\e--.lnst ammt stead ) at 5Se.
y Stc-ndy and imiut at
' 1'lmoUiy hc.iico ; pilme , 9l
u\s M-o. . .i ' ,
1'oik lliiltd au5u lower , eaily ralllfd
again and clowd steady ; U'.jJ ( for cash and
Jammr ) JflO.Utatu.UJ , , leu i-vlmiaiy ; Slo. < 0
C ltl , i'J a ( ol'Mu ) . Aveiagid lilllo h ' and eloM-d
su adj ; fc . ' ' < ' ,10 lor c' . h , Junimiy and
i'ebuiarj ' ; feO.'lT'iO.UI ' lor Mu > ,
Hulk Mcits .Shoiddtr * . ? . . .70 < ' ' " 'i ; short
clear , * * iv. . . -Jl ; Miort nb. < , ? : > .lX'i VI. .
Wlii k > Sl.Itl.
P'Hulter Quiet : ordinary to faneycreamcrj- ,
17rf ( ? * ( ; good to eholi'u d.ihy , 1 Ic * iV\
Cheese Ste d\ ; choice O'ctoVr full cream
eheddar ? , 0 ( ( tliv ; elmlee llal , 10 10'e ' ;
choice JOUIIK Atni'ilcno , 10\i lle ; sUims , IX-J
7c' .
KffKS 10 'T Oc.
lllttut 1'nrt cnrod. si c : erc'eu.Vjheavy
erix-n salted hilly ouredt'clllit ; , dot ' , i < iii'4e ;
( Inmaeecl , 7 e : bull hltles. C e : dry silled ,
VJ'jc : drv ilint , l-VUe ; calf skim , intjjinc
Tallow No. 1 countiy , 5c ; No. 'i eotinlty ,
Ic ; cake , .I' ' e.
KtrclnU ijliiiiinrnl' .
Flour. W > li . IUHXI
Wlieat. 1m . 30.)0 ( ) ( ) 7.0CO
Coin , DII . 71,000 l'intx ' )
( ' '
Uje.bu "CIM
Uarley.lm Sl'.OOi ) istxx )
lilM'ioollin. | . 8 , Wheat roordemnnd ;
No.J w inlei nnd spun ; , dull at t > i' ' < , il.
Coin-1'oiu demand ; old mi\ed. Is71d ;
new mixed , -Nti d : .launaiy nnd rebiiMiy.
NP.diMaich. < sS l.
Toledo , Jan. s. Wheat-'Closed .1 .shado
lowci : cash , ' ' ( ! ' . ! ( > .
( -orn Dull ; easli. : tso.
-I'neimnKcd ; cjsli ,
ICiiiiHim City , , lan. S Wheat -Slronccrj
ra < h , rav bid , ; oc asked : IVIuuaij , I' ' ebUl ,
71en lced ; > lij : , iil4r7il'Ve. | (
( Join Stioiiv'er : cash , -JTe bid , UJJ/e asked ;
Kebm.iiy , yj jc bid , as,4ca.sKed ; May ,
bid. : u < , e asked.
Oats Nominal ; "We bid.
Milwaukee , .Ian. 8. Wlieat Weal : J
ali. M Vie ; I eluuiry , S-l'ae ' ; May , St' c.
Corn I'hin ; No. 2 , niitc.
Oats-juiet ( : No. U. S-Ujc.
lt.\e Dull ; No. 1 , ft e
1 I'll lev liulet ; No. 'J , We.
I'lovMons-sio.idie-r : me i pot k. cash and
January , ? IO.0 ; 1'elu nary. slo.Ht ) .
Now York. Jan. A Wheat .Spot dull ;
options opened linn , but later weakened ,
andeliHliii ; he.u.x : leeeipts , 11.00(1 ( ; cNpoits ,
4 < , UOO ; nii-viaded led. t ci " ' ! c > ; No. - led ,
Die I. o. b. , rebin.iiy eloslint at l0\e.
Corn- Snot inni and lalher iiulrt : optlnna
opened lirm , but le.icteit and elosc-d weak ;
iccelpts , : is,0ik ) ; uNpoiLs , 1:1,000 : ungimlod ,
- ; < ( t"e ; No. : i , IV. . . . I eo. : . a , I. J < in eleva
tor ; 1 chui n > elosnjit ( ; ( ls' < e.
O.ils lliglier ami lather quiet ; receipts ,
: i.(0 ( > ; e\poits , I''O ' ; mixed westein , ( W <
! ( ! : white wc'-tern. lOyi iv : % .
I'ctiolcnm Meads ; united closed at M\ ! .
Kirtrs hie.nlx aid modei.ito demand ; 10-
ceijitv. POO pacK.ues.
I'oik L'tim and model. Uo ti.ule ; mess ,
l-anl Less active ; sales : Western
5 i. 1:1 f. o. b. ; ' ) . , $ . | mn.tlW.
Untiei Sle.ulj ami iiuet | ; wvslein , I'-Vio'e ;
Klirtn I'leameij , : j.\ < ( : GL * .
Cheese Qniel.
caiions , Jan. 8. Wheat Quiet ;
No. 1 liaid , hv Jaun.irv ; N'e I'eiiruarv ;
lOc Maicli ; ! it'eMay , ; NI1 luulliun. 2u
, ) ; inu.ii > ; s'c Fobruaij ; hie March ; s e May.
I'loiir-Dnll : patents , Sl.'Oifi.'JO ; b.iKeid ,
5.T.SU1.H ) .
KOI elpts Wheil ; , rM.noo 1m.
bliipmentsVliLat \ , bu ; Hour , l.'i.OOO
Cincinnati , Jan. S. Wheat Steady and
lirm : No.i led. V' ' . > . 'e. '
Corn Strom ; and MMICO ; No. ! 1 mived. Wo.
Oats biionger uncl higher ; No. " miNed ,
" '
K > 'c Sleady ; No. 'J , KliZfiV.
llailej 'NIodeiato demand ; extra No. 3
sprimr , . ' " ' ( ( iGie ,
I'oik-N'.iuiinlat SlO/,0.
Laid l 'u met at SiS. rkQ1.lO.
Viiiialo Quiet and linn atSl.iO.
Ohlonn , Jan. S. Thu Iio\ers' Jomnal
leiioils :
Cattlcj I.'eceipts , r. , < ! 00 : active and NWlfiu
hiclier : sliipilmr ] steeri , Si7"ia : 5.7.stockera :
and lecders. > 'J ; < V < M.'M ; eown , bulls nnit
mixed , -l.lO.nM.iW ; hulk. iSiWi.t.U : ) .
Ho4lieceipts , ; ' 0.0islo ( ) : and " > o lower :
rough and mixed , S ; .VIIII.M : ) ; p.ieKIng ami
shipping , fr.'t.Ml t.'M ; light , cD.Ri M.'O ' ;
.ski { , - , V..M ) 3.W.
Sheep Iteeeipts , r > , OiW ; slow and easier ;
natises , ? ! . - ! < } < I Vutei ; n , ; .VVi I.OJ ; Tex-
alls , s'J.OU i.i.'jO ; lamb- , $ l.OJif"i7. ( ) .
KaniiiiH City , Jan. b. Cattle lieeeipts.
a.iO ; shipments , none ; hlioni ; , active ) anil
l'ie hiirliei ; expoilers. S'i.ninAV.'U ' : eommon
toclioie. ' siiipiilnvr , l.lOn/I.W5 : stM'Keis and
feeders , 5-Xyrti.r ( ) ; > ; eo\vs , S'.oj.n.i.lO. .
ilo s lieceipls , lr.uo ; shipments , none ; hl'jlier ; good to choice , $ : U > Uij (
1.10 ; common to medium , ? ' 'i.iHH ' ! .s- ' > .
St. l oiilM , Jan. \ Cattle lcei ! ] > ts , 110 ;
shipments , : r 0 ; n > 'li\o and ltc ) * I. HI hlt'lier ;
common to choice shlitpini : , & -l.oOifl.X\ ( \
bntchei steers , J.l.I0i.ii ; 1.10 ; cous and hcllt'is ,
fc'J.iK.ii3. | < i ( ) ; stfickeis. mid lecders , { --.VJiu-UO.
f Hogs Keeclts ] ) , .r > , fi > ' ) ; sliiiuelits | ) , ' UT/,00 , ; al
ai'tive ; butcheis' mid best he.ivv. 4l.otVir 1.10 ;
mixed packing , S.J.70a ( i..H ) ; liglit , Vl.OO .i.bO.
i-'iltlny Kvenim ? , Jan. 8.
The snow blockade has pievented the ar
rival o I stock tiains and tlio li\e block mar
ket is at a .standstill.
rou.v rii : > sriius : : rnoici : .
Xo. Av. I'r. A'o. Av. Pr.
I'J ' . .VM : si.70
nv.voi : or i'inris : roii nous ,
ThccAtionic ! rantio ot | itict'for ronish
l\eil. hiMvy p.icliln ; , ' and llnht v cijht ;
.c.s lorbix tLuhJijihiiwii hulcnyj
11,1 , T Koii'h I "Heavy I l.lijht
L " _ " l _ Mixed. I I'.iekintj
Friday" . . . ' & * . ' ' ' ' ' ! .i < > ? : | as < < i..r. ' s.l.v ; :
H.itmday. . JWOcs : . 10
\Vcdn \ .iln. . . . . .
Tlinrsiiav. . ' : Wi'i ! . r > _ : i.uif.i.iio : ; : i.-0\ . ! . :
NoU'll sales of Mock In this m.nkctiuu
made pei evil. li\o vu'lulit , inilcts otlicrwlso
btated. Dead ho , s sell at Ic per Ib , lorn I
wights , " .Skint"or lio.ticlijliim ; less thtin
100 ID , , no v.ilm. ' . I'lu tiu daio dotkud
and btw:0 ; ! | b %
l''ilil.iy i\eiilii' : ' , Jan , B.
GuncTiil , Miirlci'H.
l-Ioas Thu mailiet continnc.s steady ti1
ilrnuT piicwi , saiusbeln I'Ji 'Ue.
iJui ii.i : Cholci' l.iblu Imtiur is IIILCUII
with ii'.uly BiI | ( ! while iiilt'iior i.ulc.-i mo in-
wanted , SJih tly ehoii'u lolls , IS l'c ; tiu
to troiid , Vditl'iiti iiilciior.-IMse. K.uicy lull ciciini cheddaiH. d
tohcr iiKilic. lie ; llnls U'c ; jonnK Ameiii
ll'-jc ' ; Ill'nt ( iiiullty S i s clmt'to , Hie ; M'co ,
( | iiidlty , U llc ; bilck cheese , uc ; ; JJmbuiK
lie' .
I'ot'Miiv The mnikot continues u
changed nt lonncr juices. Inlcnor hloc .
or pooily diciNdl jionlliy Is not v.inii
nnd ho'deiaof ' Michill do hotter loHi-ll it.
homo tlmu to hldp it lollils maiUct. 1m
kobtuitly cholcu , dry jilekcd , 12c < li
chh'lus ; ) , htnctly chukc , drv jilckul , i'C" ' i
KL'UMJ , Miktly choice , dry iilckcd , ! ( ' ; ( . " <
ducks , htnctlj choice , illy picked , 1 ' 11.
I'iiiiricchlckens , ' . . ' * ui'i ; duci.s. m.dl.u
jr , ' . , ' , j ; duck.H , loal , § 1 , y.'iinJ.fiOj diK'UH , mhi
Sl.'i.Vl.VJ ; ( limit , uu/.y | , ( Hiiipo , M.W
1-i.f Si.i.lW ; ( i m ; ificl ; MbbiU , S .OO
: s.0 ; . 1.Vf i l.iXJ.
j.uKiiAfi-Ui'ht jimlJty , o.r.O per
Ibb.iiicl ; | icr l > bl. fct.ifi.
l'ii.-inv : : i > , . , hi : MI s , rrr1'iwcrvi
nil 1-iiidn , 'A ) Ib. p.ulr. im Ib. , ID .c : do lOjmi
KH ! . , 10itMturli'd ; Wb. jiails ] < i do/.t b .i-
Jollies , all klndu , ural Blade , MU-lb. pallH , jn-
Ib. , be ; iisimtecl , lirnt uiado , Mb imlls , j ; ( ,
lu65.0U ; do , 'Mb jialK per do/ . , * ' . ' .75 | d"
1-lb iiads JUT ciuo. ' ' do/ . , fc'J.'J' ; i'o '
M'hoonciH pel do/ . , fc2.'r ; do , tumbUns. p ,
i-iise , ' ) do/ . , v l.-ll ) , all kinds , wcimd ( 'iadi
MJ-ib. palls , tier Ib. ft : Minen Meat , be
/rado H l-bl. . | r Ib. , 7e ; do. IB , ! h nml Oi Ib
iialls , per Ib. , 7Kc ; do , n-lb. palln , ptr do/ ; , ,
biUO ; apple biittui , I'.Ntra lino.i bbk , jii'i b ,
re ; dele Ib pnllH per Ib. , T1 ; do , { Ib im f ,
Ji ( felljliei H ) , llliesi niniui , per iusc , -
lo/ . pint bottles , feVW ) ; hoiso radish , jilnt
hot tic * , iiei dofcl.fA' ' .
Si is JliiKoi ) niitK , lar o | > Dr bu. fcl.10 ;
lu hhclj bil | > , -l.iifhes.tnuts4 ' t ) ieean'i ,
H "i. i , . . I 11 . pe'.ins , niedl tin , tv ;
n Ii I u ' 1-J , uliui'iids ' , Tttiiuconu ,