r H.H FIFTEENTH YEAH , OMAHA , SATURDAY MOUNtNG , JANUARY 0 , 1SSO. NUMBER 372 CONFIDES ! OF THEIR CAUSE , The Official Torco of the Embryo State Quartered at tie Capital. A DELEGATION FROM DAKOTA. ToAVnlcli the Com so of Their Cher- lulled OhJcot A llimst for tlio Pen sion Coimiiigfiloucr Democrats Seeking Scnnto Conliol. To Wltitcoq Dcft'nt or Secure Success. WASHINGTON' , Jan. * [ Special Telegram. ] There was quite nit accession to the Dako- 1ft L'nthcriiif , ' hoic to-niitit. ; fceliator'lect Edgorton , ( iovinioi-elcpt.Mallette , Represen tative elect Koneu , Judge John II. Diake , nnil ntlici iironiliu'iit men In the statehood movement , nirived mid have taken npart- ini'iits al tlio > ( illon.il hotel fni llic wliitci. Senator eli-el Moody 1ms been licio a couple ofdas , so ( hat only one icpicscntallvu is needed in make picscnl the full complement of national olllcers the proposed state hay K'kiloil. They Intend to lemain until the > meet nosltlvo defeat or achlcvo full fcticcps" . They weio all' een b } } om cotres- pendent t ) night nnil wcie found to bo full of enthusiasm , nnil conlidint that Ihcy will suc ceed III havlllgHio loliiloiy divided mill tlio HHithcin h.ilf admitted to statehood. Their lust woik will botoa'ceitaln thu temper ot tliu members of Iho house. .Scnutui llarri- bon has expics ed Ihu belief that thu 1)111 lie will n'poit iHim the eommittcu thu liist of next week will prss the senate by the I6th , nnil tlio Dakotalan * . will liy to have thu lav of the laud In the house bv that time. They will .select some able advocates of their move- input to see that tliu honate bill is leioitcd baelc to the house fiom the com mittee at the eaillcst possible day , so that It mav come up foi final consldeia- tlon within a month or two tf possible. They believe tli.il a nuinbei of domoci.itlc members will speak in bel'iiirol their bill , and that no rppuhllcan wllloiiose ) | it The } are all un- nlloiaulv opposed to admission of tlio whole tenitor } imi state , pioloning to remain as at present to coming In as a whole. How ever , the } will attempt division alone If they can get nothing else , providing thu tcnitoiy is divided on an east and \ > e t line on the foitj-sl\th standaul paiallel. lliey spinn the suggestion that the people of Dakota want statehood lor the olllceM > oils nlone , or thai lime is any division of sentiment oil pail } lines. .JudgeKdt-'cilon , retelling to the inslnua- lion made in the press dispatches } csteulay , that it Dakota was admitted to htatehood mid bo became a senator , hu would rctnui to Ids ante-bellum politics and act with tlio democials , .said that his lepiiblicanisin was well known to to the lepubltcati scnatois and he was perfectly willing that they should piss judgment upon it. Ho was a icpnbll- can , lies-aid , lime mid simple , and Intended alwajSM ) to he. A resolution is to bo in- tioduicd in the senate giving Senator s-clucl JMgorton anil Mood } and piobibly the two lopiescntatives elect and ( ioveinor-elect 3Icllelte , tin * pi iv Iliges of the Ilooi of the sen- nte , and it Is likelj the lioiibu w ill e\tend the tame com tesies to them. I'OMI 01 S roMVIISSIOMIll 1II.AC1C. Jt begins to look as though Commisblonci nt Pensions IMack would get a pictt } Ihoi- ousli masting befoieliogcts away fionitheie- puhlkaiisol the senate and house. There are a mmibv'i of demncials , too , In both linuiches of congics * who aie dlssatislied with .Mr. Black's wav of doing buslines and they will help make tlio coming Investigation of the pension olilce llv el } for Its chief occupant , who appeals to consider hlmselt above a con- Biessman , nnil todlsiOjMid theii letteis and icijuestb whenevei ho vvMics. One ptoml- nent western repipscntattvo is quoted by this even Ing's Mai as i-ajlng that ho novel- went to see Ul.iek th.it he did not ( eel as If he wcie humiliated. " 1 am nothing but a mem- bei of confess , " ho "aid , ' 'but as an Amci- Ican cltl/en I teel that I should re ceive hall vv.i } decent tieatment horn public boivauts. " Senatoi .Mitchellof 1'cniisjlvania clialrman ol the senate iciiblon eoinmltti'e. is said to bever } indignant ovei having been lefusod an Inter v lew b } Commls'.loiioi 15lack the othei day. Ho iailed at the pension olllco and asked to sie the oomnil-sionei. 'llm mev-enger at llrst icfiiscd to take his card in. ] Io lnslstLilth.it lie Hail a light to enter , and commanded the mos ongoi to announce him. "With much itluctance the messenger I'om- jilted , hut ictuined to state tint ( jen. Hlaek was busy and could not he dlstuibed. "Does ho know1 who I am ? ' ' nked the senator. "Yes , hli ; but he's bnsv , " leplled the molsen- gei. "Well , " said the SBiiatoi.and howent tit one' ) Into a doputj 's 100111 anil icqiiested to bushovMi Into the pie ° enco of thu commis sioner , o\piotslng thu opinion tliat as tliaii- rnan ot the pension committee he liud a tight to see pension olllelals on business The deputy took him Into the loom wheio Jilaclc Kit looking ovei his mail. As they enteied Illaelc looked up lot an instant , and then , without saying ' woid , went on with his work and completed it heloie btopplng to see what hilsltoi wanted. am : DKMOUIAII A.VD run si VAII : . Thndemoci.itsaio Hauling vriy t-aiefnll ) on the m iko up ot the senate in the nest rnngies . Developments In Xtnv S'oiK ii - L'cntly stiengtlienrd theii hopes of a demo cratic senatoi liom that Male to Micueil f SVnuici ailllct. Theii allaneu Ih laigelv upon the ehaiieo that liu'hts between lepubll- can laetlons will give them a mnjoiily In the leglblatme. IX Sonatoi 1'latt Is waging a billet llt'ht foi conliol of the le lhl.itiuo elided last full , pait of tlio meinboKihlii of which vote feu a henator , bis object bulir ; to defeat .Miller's plection , and If pn-slblo lestoiu himself to the place 1m held Hlong with Conkllng , vacated In IbM. i'lalt will piobably hucteed In piuvenllnjJ Milk'i's lo-elettlon , mid thu loimhllcans fe.u that contests In the icpubliean tanks will give the demoeiatsole - . enoiu'h to elect u United States benator. As them is a lighting chance fora senator In Connecticut , New Jei-.oy , California , mid Michigan , sanguine demo- ciat.s do not abandon the hope that with thu nld 01 Indlamt they \\lll ba\ua m.ijuutj in thu last half of Clevelaud'b teim. w isni.v : : : I-OSIAI. ixi OIIMA i lov. Iowa postmastois wcro commissioned to day as follow * . : Clmilt's i : . Cameion , Alta ; Tobias C. bmclzer , QuniiyJames : 11. Hough , Jtlvirion. I.ou KK'pporwas commsIoncd ! postma'-ter tit Itockton , Xeb. The tlmobcliediilo of the Star .Mail touto from South Side to iiicwer , Neb. , has been oideiod changed as follows : Leave Huuth tiidu Tuesdays and l'ilJi : > s nt S a. in. ; an ivu atUrowerbyflp. m. J.eavoHrowciVedne > - da ) s and Katiudays at 7a. in. ; auho at South Side by 4 n. in. 1'l.AUMJ AX IMJ'OUTAXr 1-AUT. 'IhobliVH qiies > tlon continm-hto attract at tcntlon. Mciubeis w ho uomo b.u-k fl'Oin their ronstliucuts come full ol It. They say people- nro opposed to tlio biupcnsioii of the coliingo of the-dollar. They want U to continue. At the hamo tliuo the moie thoughtful of tliu members boo thu Impropilfty of maintaining two btandardss > o wide ] ) dissimilar in value. 1 > KIIKONAI. A.NI > OlllKIIW Ibl' . CoL Tlioiujsi A. MuPaillit , MII UJII United V Slates army , Is oulcred by the secretary of war to report In person to the roinmandliiK general at Omaha , Xeb , as medical director of the department of the 1'lattc. .1. T. Ilar-kwoith , of Ottumwa , Is nt the Kbbitt. Oen. Weaver Ins appointed Abram C. Weaver clerk of his committee on expendi tures In the Interior department. Itepresentatlvps rrcdericksand Murphy , of Iowa , and Dorscy of N'ebraska , wcie among President Cleveland's callers to day. A VVC.VST vnnr.uiY ornrn. WASIIIVOTO.V. Jan. 8. [ I'ie"9.1 It Is rumored in army elicles the pi evident will shortly rcpommned to congress the passage of abillaiithoii/Inghim to till the uillce of Judije advocate general of the aiinv. Oen. bwalm , who formerlj held that olilce , was sentenced by court maitlal to suspension for twelve jeatN , at the end of which period he will bo placed on the ictiied list. It is said thepiesldcnt deslies to till the office , but Is unrcrlaln us to his powprs In the pipmlses. A plan has been sugucskd that he nominate a pi rson for the olilce , and let the senate pass on the legal questions at issue. HIM MI si M.VM : ii ! roiiT . The St. Paul , .Minneapolis AManitoba : mil- waj cump inj , h iv lug taken the position that Hie loiil does not como within tlio spiiit of the langiiaKo of thu act ot .June v , ISM. which HHitilies a sjslem of ii'pmts fiom the * ! ) < : iHid land prant loads , foi the icason that the government made Its giant of land In this ca e thiimgh tlie stntu ui territorial gov ernment , . ill. Montgomery , assistant attorney cencial lei the in terior department , has decided that without doubt the statute applies to all companies , coiporatlons or Individuals which aieovMieisof lallioads that have been built In whole 01 in pttl upon the ciedlt 01 by aid of subsidies , In elthei bonds or lands ot the United States , whether such credit was loined by such subsidies given directly to the builders 01 Hist piopiletois of Midi loads or to theii piedecessors in Inteiest. AS A MAinn : or rnnm.SY. Judge Moody , chosen United States ccn- atoi bj the lo-sMalme which met at Huron , Dak. , a lew dajsago , was at the capital to day , and Judge Kdgcrton , his colleague , Is expprled toairlvo heie to night. H is piob- nble that a resolution will be Intiodticed In the senate when It meets next , admitting them to the Moor as a mattei of courtesy. PAI'llAli 01.13 VMMIS. Secretary Whitney lias decided not to con vene a couit maitl.u In the case of Pajmasiei Oeueial Smith of the navy. Jle will appiovo the linillngs of the com I , and submit thu case to the piesldeni foi his action. Senatoi \ \ INoti of Iowa , today reported favoiably liom the committee on poMolllces and post loads the bill inttoduced by him to piohibit mailing new spapeis and othci pub lications containing lutteiy advcitibcmouts A GOM > HUG'S S An Autl Silver Or un Very Gicntly Alarmed. Kivv : yonic , Jan. 8. [ Special Telegram. ] The Tiibiinu's Washington special sas : "Memboisol thu was and moans cominlt- tcu in.a } ho classified as follows ; Protection ists the , nil republlcaiib ; hec traders seven , and A. S. Hewitt. In ever } tiling except Ihe votes the minoiity of this commltteo Is stronger than Iho major It } . Kveibody pricked up his ear when thu coinage commit tee was i cached. Would It be slhei 01 iinti- silvei ? The loading ol the iiimes thrc'v lit tle or no light , upon either. It is certain that Miami , Lanham , I ) } mini , Pulton and Puller muopposed to the suspension ol slivei coin age , while It Is equally tutu lint Scvmour , llemphlll , Scott , James and I'ock-well I.ivoi It. Little , of Onlo , would lavoi tlm restora tion ol the old law. anthiii 1/lu , but not in quiring the soeictiry of the ttoisuiy to coin btaiidaul dollars In any amount , with Iho 10- shlcllon , however , that thu coinage should be limited to a. sm diet amount , while the Intrinsic \.ihtoof the dollar icmiins below par , oi below the h.uie appioslmating pal , sa } 07. Little , theiefoie , maj bo set down as in tavoi ot siiipuiHioii. Thu olhei mombeis ol thoconimilleo aio Norwood ol ( Jeoigia , who is duj-ci Ibed as a "friond ol sliver. " and McCieaiy ol Kentucky , who. as soon as his appointment was announced , bocimo u < c- ticmcl } lion committal. Ho had piononuceil viovvson the subject , lie said to a eoiiospond- cut , but lie declined to reveal them. Upon JlcCieaiy's attitude and vote , theioloie , the action of ( lie coinage committee , it it takes any , Is likely to turn. "It is a neutral com mittee , said ( > on. Win nor , after scanning the libtmiNlotuly , "and , " ho .idded , "it's action will bo likely to depmid wholly upon Iho shapuin which the question of slhei coinage is presented to It. " Kefeiilu. ; to the now house committees , Ihe Tribune savs : "On thu whole the choice ot committees is not eneoniaging. All Influen ces which have made the democratic hou-c d ingeious in thu past , so dangerous that dem ocrats and republicans havopracd In Icivent thanksgiving when such iioiisu adjonincd , seem to bu especially favoied by Spe ikei Cai- li-kuind cnilowd vvitli Increased powoi lor mischief. Theio will because foi rcjorclnir , Indeed , II this session of oongre'ss ends with out haim to the country. " TO 11T V-.N IXTH COXG U KSS. Senate. W.\smv < . ro.v , Jan. b. The Utah bill was taken up mid quickly biought lo a vote. Whllu Iho bill was on tliu Una ! passage , Mi. Van U'jck iiltomptid loh\ the duties of the pioposed fun it eel i hiistces upon thunieinticis of tlio pic'scnt Utah commission , but was ruled out of ordei. He asked Mi , 1'dmi'iids wliulhoi ho had any objection to Mich an amendment , to which Ihu senatoi answered tliat he had. The bill then pis-pil Yeas fS ! , noes 7. The ir.rvn weiu Mcsiis lllah , Cull , ( iibson , Hnmpt'in , Hoai , Moigan and \pance. .Mt. Honi , psplainhig ids vote , MM ho vohd tigaliist the bill onlj bccaiisu of the sec- Hmi disiiaiiPiiisIng women , but even with lh.it soithin In hu would havu voted lei thu 1)111 had Ids votu been neecssai } to Us p.ib- "Aiijouriuil until Monday. 'Iliot'tah ' bill , as It parsed Ihu cenatp , Is substantially us lupoihdfiom thn committee. The onlv I'liaugu ot conseUenco ] rs thu ad dition ol a section pioviding Hint maiilugu between IIUIMIIIS within thu hmilh dogicuof eonsaiigulnlly , hut not Including that dcgice , shall bo deemed lucc t and punished as such. Colored Ilnrboi-'u AVJiltoVlfo. . Ciivr.r.VM : > . Ohio , Jan. S. IneKoilon , thuwhlto glil who eloped with Haiber , the eoloied toiisorial mtist. Is in I'.diiObVllIe , Oldo. Thu hn = band was to-day at work at bis cliah in a harbor shop In that town , as feieno as it nothing had happened , and the wile appealed happy , bhu sa > s hercholco was no timing matter , and the matiiago was not thoicsult of any sud den 01 iintcMsonlng Impulse , but vvusenteicd upon attnr inatino thought and delibeiatlon. 'Jim glil'.s tathei Is In Davenport , Iowa , at piesent , and the mothei , who has been pros- tinted by by thu shoelc , has disowned hei , Itouud Over for Jjll > il , CIIICAOO , Jan. 8. The case against M , J. Cahlll , Kditor of tlio Chicago Pilot , charged wltlicilmlnal libel by Very Hov , P , J. Conway - way , vicar general of the Catholic arch- dloccbO of Chicago , came up to day bcfoio Justlcu Di.oton , who held tlm defendant ovei to thovilmhml couit in bonds ot 5.MX ) . 'Ihucliauowas b sed on an article In the Pilot , rellectliirf upon thu vluu general's dls- ol cc'italn chinch IniiUs. Very Nu.u n Coi.uJlin s , Ohio , Jan. 8. Tlio house of iepH'heiitatlu-3of the state I eglslatuio to-day adopted a lopoil beating all but onoof the dcmocrullu icpicsuntatives from Hamilton county. Aftuivvaiil tlio point was raised that one less than a mijorit ) of the member * eh c ted tothoIrglshihiiuhadvoUd forthoies- olutlon. Thu spe.iktr chaiigLd Ills decision and declaud the resolution not adopted. The vv hole subject w as submitted to tlio com mit tee on pihileges and elections. OLD BOREAS' ' BREEZY BLOW , Iceberg Laden Blasts That Create Goal Deal ers' ' Broad Grins , PROGRESS OF THE BLIZZARD. The Storm Intends Iiotir the Moun tains on Iho West , .Manitohtt on the North , SI , 1)0 u Is on the South , anil Trmellnn to the Gulf. Inlonso nt St. 1'nul. ST. PA m. , Jan. a Signal Ofllcer Ljons sas : "Ac-old wave with high \vltul and snowcxlends with universal scveril } fiom noithein Montana as far south as bt. Loui , which Is thu most < -oiithorn station liom which 1 nt civ o direct advices. The tliermoin- elei reglMeis 10" above' at bt. Loitla , with a slight snow. The crest of the wave seems to have been transfercd from Montana to noitliprn Minnesota , St. Vln- cent being the coldest point In this state , with Hie merciir } down to ts ? below yore , with a northwest wind blowing tvvcut } miles MI hour now. Theio Is a alight moderation Deported from Helena and the siinouiullng countr } , show lug tliat the force of the wave has been broken In tint section , Itoports from the Northern Paelllo show from 2o ° to ntu below In I ) tkola and Montana. The storm has abiled on this line and tiaiiH are tunning fairly well. The mercury at ( ilendine is : ) T ° below , at Paige ! iOJ , In Mtniiedos.i 10 toJJS wlille in Western Montana It is 10 * above. Manitoba retioits tliu mercury at Poitland , Dak. , 33 ° , Ciookston'ri" , HallockiX)11 ) , Mouis 2J"and St. Cloud 12 ° . On the Northern Paellic a regular bll/zaid Is In progioss. The Omaha road report that snow Is blow ing so v lolcntly on the Xcbiaska division tliat oideishavu cone forth abandoning all tiains until alter tlio wind and consequent ( hitting ceases. On the Sioux Clt } division , tlio ther mometer stands at 30 * below , and tliu w hid is drilling snow. At Muiillan Junction on the eastern division it Is 10" above , whllo at Hammond it is 'JJ below , Themcicury on the Dnluth road averages sbout 10" below , w Ith quite a snow storm at Dnluth. The Minnesota A Northwestern ic- poiIs snow all along Us line and tliat the Il linois Central is blockaded. Advices this evening Indicate that the Xoithern Pacific , St. Paul & Dnluth , and Manitoba are all limning smoothly. Mil waukee , Omaha , and Chicago tialnsaioon time so fai as hcaid fiom to-night. General Throughout the West. CHICAGO , Jan. 8. The bli//aul raging at piebont throughout Illinois , Iowa , Kansas , Xebiaska , Dakota and Minnesota is declared to hu ot wldci extent and moiolieicu In cb.u- actei than known before in } ears. Allwcbt- ein tiains aio late , and many have been siio'wed innnd abindoned. Yeiy little can bo leained conceining them or of the effects of the faloim , owing to the blowing down of poles and whes and the stoppage ot telegraphic com munication. 'Die tcmpciatuiu tliiou.cn- out Dakota is ald to be fiom UO' to-JO below , with a bli//nd blowing. A tole iam Horn Paige sas the theiinometer uvisteicd ' _ ' ( > below at noon. Yosteidav was disuibcdas the roughest expoiieiKO tlratclt } has jet hid in Hie way ot bolstcious weather. Uismaiek icpoiteda high wind , wilh the thcimoma- tei : i" > u below zero. A high wind is picvailingatbioiix City , and the tempoiatuie is-Ou below/oio. Omaha logishiPil'-O * bo- low. Tele iaph comiiiunicatlon w Ith Omaha has been culoll neail } all day. California telegrams wuru being sent by vv.iv of bt. Paul and the Xoithern P.ieilic , with onlv one wiiu woiking. A telegram from DCS Moines sijs the cold wave continues them with n high wind and driftingbiiovv. All through trains west ot theie aio blinked ami branch loadssnowed undci. The Chicago A : Ituilmgton tiains aie tuck last in driltsaboiit tifteen miles south ot Des Molno . The Wabash ion ! south liomlhat city Is bully drilled. ' 1 he PI. Dodge and Xairovv ( iaiigo roads have been aban doned. The snowstorm pievailed through out Illinois all day , bnttho wuithei has not been very soveic so tai , but h is been glow lug coldei to-night. All tlio loads to Omaha aio icpoited pi.uticalh blocked in cenhal Iowa. At midnight tno snow lias nearly eeised to fall , and tlicto bum , ' not sulllclent wind to causa much ilnflnilailimul travel is not matenally ImpulPil. The tcinpciatmu Is still II de-ricps below /eio. AI Denver. livrii , Jan. b. Thu bll//ard in eastein Coloiado , Kansas and Xebiaslti , which sub sided Wulncbda } and allowed the snow bloclcadu to bo raised , was renewed late Wi'diiPcilay night with gieat vl or , dcmollsh- inn' tclegi.iph wiics lei milca , and iclilllng cuts on the Santa Pe , liiiilinglon , I'nion and Kansis Pacllio loads vvitli snow and sand to such an extent that all tiavcl was compelled lo suspend. Xol a single dam Ictt Omaha or Kansas Oil } lei Denver } esleida } . Xo trains have aulvoil fiom the east or denaited liom hero felnco Wednesday niijlit. when thu tempoia- tnie ol ( olonulo loll Hu between mid night and ! > o'clock. Veiy Ilttlo snow has alien dining thu stoim. An Imuiensu niimbei of cattle havu been dilvon horn thu noith hv the v , Ind and dilftingMiow towards Aikansas river , when * they vv ill h ivu to stop as thu rlvi'i is not ho/en so lliev can cioss. Xo gicat lo s Is ex pected unites the ( old continues two or Hncu weeks. I'lenty ot glass Is uiicoveicd to kiup Huiiiallve. 'lo da } has been vv aim and thu snow melting. Thubtoim , it is thought , lias ic.u lied its end. Iirt Molncs , Iowa. Di.iMoiM.s. luwa , Jan. S. Tlio bii.'zanl lius nigod licio all day , with HID meuuiy ia tolb bolow. Itoports fiom all parts ot the state indicate that thu stoi m is vei } geneial. A laigu niimbei of membeis of the leglski- hnu aiu blockaded and unable to icach laic. Xot one-third of them nro In town at jncbcnt , though thu legislatiuu Is to convene Monda ) . Thu lallioads aio having much dilllculty to keej ) ojien. All thu nairow gauge lines into this city are clobod. Tlio 1'oit Dodge rend lias been shut up lor tlnco da\s. Tliu Diagonal is dosed , and has a train stuck at Valeria. The Chicago , liurlington giilnc' } liadonu train In to-dav on the branch , thuiigh the imin line west of Albla Is lepoiiul closed. The liock Island and Xollln\e tetn aio both clobcd westbut thu Uoek l.slaml In moving cais east on the main line. The Wlnterm branch Is ahandontd , Tliu MilwaukeeIsuUo closed and thu liuiliiiL'ton , Cedar Itaplds tt Xoithein Is reunited closed north ol VVest Libelty. The Wabash is open to the south. Sioux City. Sioux CITV , Jan. 8. Thu high wind and cxtiemo cold continues , and tliu weather Is pionounced the mbst sevciu over experi enced. It is not usual for the meicmy to fall bo low during Hie pievalenco of a high ivlud , and all precedents are broken by Ute present frigidity. Tlio ther mometer was 'JO9 below dining the day , with a cutting noith wind. All trains are practically abandoned. The Sioux City iV I'acille. Is open , but makes no connection with the NoiHiwostoiii , which is bloel.id tl-rlit. Thu wuathei is too cold to permit any cnoit to bo made to open thu roads At St. I.oulH , ST. Louis , Mo. , Jan. 8. The BIIOVV here is drifted , but there has been no serious deten tion to business , Thu thermometer to-night was between zcio and fig below , molding to location , and Iho wind weeps through the fctitets tweutj-livo to thirty miles au hour. Heports from Interior tovvrs of Missouri and tlio central and southern tfcrts of Illinois In dicate higlr winds , low tenperatnre , but not much snow , liailroad trivol has been Im peded In all illmtlons , but so far not seriously In this stale or south of here. The Oimha dlv Islon ot the Wabash Is blocked , andsono brandies ot the Missouil , Kansas & Tevas In southeastern Kansas are seriously obstructed , but tlie main line Is in operation. Trilns aie generally delayed fiom one to Hirechoms on Missouri roads , and the eastern roads nre fi cling the weather somewhat.rlh * full foico of the stonn Is said not to have Icon felt licic ) ct. The 111 Jokailo nt Voik. YotiK , Xeb. , Jan. 8. [ Jpeclal Telegram. ] - ' 1 he snow blockade coa.inucs. Wo have had no train or mall slice hit Saturday. Wcdncsdaj the snow llow train passed through at " o'clock , readied Grand Ishnd the samu evening and relumed to Lincoln the same night , having Scared the track In good shape. About mldiight aiiothei stoim arosu and continued all day } estenlay and last nlghl. As It blew from the north It idled all cuts that had been dug out and bomo new drlflsate hlghu than the old ones. As I'mas Taiirm Hay. WsiiiMiTos , .Ian. I' . 13 : ! > 0 a. m. The i old wave now extends from the noithein portion of Ihe tipper Mississippi valley , and thence southiastwaid tolho Atlantic btatos , envoi mg the gulf sla'es and Tennessee. It has been umisiiall } < e ere In the southern stales. It is advancing ! toward the middle Atlantic states , and wlU bo generally lelt dining Saturday night and bund ty. hilling frosts will occur as iar&oUlr as Tampa bay In rioilda. Al Doxll'e ImKc , Dakota. Dr.vn.'s LAM' , Dak. , Jan. 8. Hv as av below vero early this morning. Passenger tiains woredelajeil six- hours last night , and freights weio abandoned to day. Davenport lovvn. DAvr.M'oriT , Iowa , Jan. 8. The blb/ard reached this city last night at midnight. Snow has been tailing all day. A hoav } wind is diifting the snow badly. The tlieimomeler Is 6U above. At Cincinnati. CiNcixxATr. Jan. 8. It has been snowing heie since 2 o'clock this iftcrnoon and about foui inches is the average depth to-night , vvitli the snow still falling. Thu temperature is about L'oo above this evening , and is fall ing. . . . . . Clny Center. Kansas. CLAY CIN rnrt. Kan. , Jan. 8. Iho severest bll//aid that has v Islted this part of the coun try for several } ears Is now raging , lleavv snow fell the gie.itci part ol last night and is now drilling badl } . IiKlIcntioiiB Kor M tssouiu VAi.i.m fair wcathei , fol lowed in northern portion by local snows , winds gencially nortlic.ly , blowly ilblug lempeialme. Southern Thu cold wave has reached Xow Orieaii' . Advlcsobtatu tlio wcatliei is the seveiest Known Two men weio found in the sheets of Mo bile , Ala. , badl } fiitfcn last night. ( J'llvoston is being trealcd to a regulai neil hei. The cold wave will Stop at Tampa bn } , Ploiida. _ CAPITAL AN'IjAHOn. } . Serious liovv , the Kesilft of the Box- Siakcrn' Strike. Cmr Vie , Jan. 8. A portion of the West side polko loico woio engaged this nioiuing in escorting omplocol Maxwell Uios. box tactoi } lo Ihosceuo of their labois. At 7:120 : o'clock , hlty-slx1 workmen assembled at the Tenth sheet station. Thu officers aicom- paniid them on liluu Island avenue cais to the tactoiy. Anothei bitch ot .seven cm- plojos came with six ollieeis as a guaul and a lew otheis sltaugled to thu lactoiy without mi escort. * One ol the litter , who gave his iiamo as O'Connell and who lives on Wentworth - worth avenue near Twentv-sccond btieet , was theonolo luinlsh Iho sensation , ol the moi ning. Hu walked liom Wontwoith aveuuu along Llghtionth btreet as Lu as llalstead witlioiit being molested , but at thu uiiiiei ot the I.iltet btiee.t . two men suddenly attacked him , one ot them attempted to strike him with a club. O'Connell was on the nleit and diauiiu a Knife plunticd It into his assiilant's bie.i'it. The injtned mm stag- geied , Hie blood gushmg tiom tl.e wound , and calk don his companion toi help. O'Con nell took to his heels vvitli all possible sliced , not stopping to Inquiio how badly thu man was hint. Thf Knights of ST. Lous , Jan. b.Tiro district asscmbl } KnightsoL Labor , will convenu In ils hibl annual session at 10 a. m. today at Llght- stoiiu'a hall. This district embraces the doiild bonthwoAlein system , taking in tlnce states Missoui I. Kansas and Texas , vvitli about 8,000 mi mbei s. Tliudlshict nssombl ) wasoigaiii/cd In July last , but temporary olllceisonlv weioelecled at the time. At the session to day a peimanent oi anl/ation v\ill bo peilecled and newollkei.s elected. Theie mo Ihiitv-hvu assomlilles in tliu city and Last bt. Louis , having a total ot SOD. Thuie weiuaboul eight } delegates expected to da } . More Mined Than Can ho Hold. Sr. Lei is , Jan. 1. Woik In the Lexing ton , ( Mo. ) Coal Mining compaii's inlnu lias bien stopped , throw In , ? 800 men out of em- plovmeiit. Thu suspension will loiillnuu hn somu Him' . On one switch .vosteida } al Hippompani'siniiio theiu weio iilncU-seven ( .us of coal awaiting shipment when theio should bu a demand foi it. Ksc.ipo of LIIIM : HOCK , Ark. , J.i i. h , The news lias icaclieil heiu that the pinlteulliii } con- vhts who hive bo-ii emplopl ( In tlio mines at Coal Hill effected thulr es ape at li o'clock on WcdiiPsda } . They tunnolcda ilUlancu of Illleen feet. The woik was commencpil at thu time of the stiike , whh h OK lined thoiu about three weeks ago , \\ascontiniud \ up to the present time , but was loucealid tiom thu otliceis. A siaicli was made Hiiongh the mine lot the puipum of iiniling tlie passage 1) } which they had usciped , hut coulil not be louird , HIP } liiving kept it olospd behind them , so Hint no n aiu was left. Twoottho convicts weio lecajituicd , Imt Ihu otbei foni- teen niadu their escape , lilooil-hoimds and a iipsso aie In imisult , and the delegation is lieadingloi the Indian eounti } . A Da in Jtreiik'n Avv.iy , LAVIAHIA , Pa. , Jim , 8. Thu dam aciots Wubaslr creek , at ileeve.Hlalo , burst tills inoining , Tliu pai-senge'i train Jrorrr Potts- villu was just ojiiiosllu , wlien It broke . Thu backwatoi htiiick tiiocais and rm into tliu heateis under them , causing a vast volume .ot steam to mlsu aim cm elope the ontiiu tialn. 'Ihu lUbsengcrs woio voi } much filglitoriPil. 'llm ciiglno how over , escaped tno flood and pulled tlio Unlit salel } thiough tire water , Iho hacks ot the Philadelphia & Heading wuio niiuli washed and completely Inundated , delaj ing all tialiis. Tlio burst was caused by the In cak ing of an old tunnel in thu abandoned KecvcMlalu colliery , * John Sherman's ThnnkN. Coi.umiUH , 0. , Jan. 8. At the opening of the loglslatuie this inorniiii ! the following to'e'o'iaiu was read In e-acli blanch , being ad- diebsed lo Hie sjieaker of thu house and piCb- Ident of the senate respectively : WAbiriNoro.v , D , C , , Jan. -Plcaso convey - vey toHioroimhlhaii nieiiibtr- the general asbumbly , mj inofoiiiul and great thanks for their nomination as senatoi. senatoi.JdllN SlliMA.V. : ! ! Tlm Chicago l'r s Cluh , CnrcAi.o , Jan. 8. J. F. IJallantjne , managing odiloi of Ihu Chicago Dail } Xows , was i-hi M iirualdeut ot the Chicago Pieis club last night , O I n'lf t n TA TA 11T ( PIlTtl T IT SAlISHliD TO Bt A CIVILIAN , Ridiculed Into Resigning His Monster Military Title. THE ORDER COUNTERMANDED. Kor Ijpattlcttco , Shoulder Sttaps and Ill-ass Buttoned Tojisory Mlulstof Winston KeslKim Ilia Illinois llrlgutllcr Knn for llic Nevvspaners. CiiicVoo , Jan. " . [ Special Telegiam.J A Washington dlsp-itcli says : The stoiy of our new minister to Pcisla ordering a got- geotis uuiloim to mark his appeaiance at the feliah's com t created nimh amusement heie among people In the state dcpiitmenl who came in contact with Mi. Winston white ho was one of the ablest pupils In the school of diplomacy Secietaiy Sew aril established. At the depaitment the statement was made that the stoiy could not bo hue , bce.mso the only rcpiCMMi- tatives of the AuiPiican government who vveio entitled to weat uniforms at foreign courts weie e\ union soldiers ol the 1 ite win. Those wuic entitled to vvo.n the unlfoim of their army tank at tint time and none other. The f.u-l that civilian dicss was to be worn by all olhei ministers aluoid was included In the Institutions usual ! } given , and theieloie must have been made known to Mr. Wins ton , though no special shess would belaid on them. This Is the statement ot an olllcl.il who thought it should bo suillclent to ills- ciedlt the stoii that M. T. Winston proposed todon the unlfoim of bilgadiei general In the "Illinois National Cln ud. " At thu bame time the belief picvatls tint when hero .Mi. Winston unfolded his plans of going abioad in unlfoim , or at least , undo cautious en quiries on the Subject , among some of the people In dlptomitlc elides , and that tliej plajcd on his Innocence and uncomaged hint togo ahead. (5oO leby was seen al Springlleld last evening and said : "Somo lime ago while in Chicago 1 met Mi. Winston on the street , and was intiodnccd to him. In the coinso of thu ensuing shoit convocation 1 req'icsted him lo wilto mu conceining the people ot Peisia , and especially notethe mllitaij and militia organisation , mattcis I take gieat Inteiest in. In icturii for this I piom- isedlo wiitohim the news fiom Illinois. Ho agieed to "diekei1' and biigjcsted ; that I in vest him with some olilce , It possible , In older that lie might putMiohls investigations with somu sl.ow ot authority. 1 told him I thought that would bo a good plan. When I came back to Spiingheld , I could think of but one office in mv gill , thatot biigadlei gonei- al of militia. The state allows llneo biiga- diergeiieiiils and but two have assignments , o i concluded to make out Mi. Winston's commission as biigadiei genei.il , which 1 did December H As lie has no assignment 1 saw no Use In aiUeitisin the fact. While I admit that the title and nnltoim will make a gieat impicssion on the bhalfs people and Ministei Winston s impoitinco will bo in- ciea > .ed in theii ejes , noveilhcless theic is considerable mcuimcnt among the 'milish' ovei the appointment. " "What il the shah would ask Mr. WlnstoTflibont the battles he louclit and tlio womuis hn iccctvcii in the civil w.u ? " remaiked one veteian saicastie- ally.Tho The climax of the alTali came this aftei- nooii. Thu republican picss , not only In Chicago but throughout the entliu country , seeing in the matter ot .Mi. Winston's easily acquired militai } title so much lot Micastic comment , havulald to wltha vengeance , and thu democratic minister lo 1'cisla has been the laughing stock of the community. So mm tilled did ho become ovei the tun poked at him that this aftei noon he sent by mail to tiovemor On'lesbj at Springheld a missive which was to the etlccl lh.it thu ' 'brigadier geneialship ol the mythical Third brigade , Illinois National CJtiaid , is hereby resigned. " Mr. Winston Mints relieved of the possi- bihtv ot being oideied to return on the spin of the moment liom his miiiisteiial po-t on tlio shores ot the Caspian M..I to assist In sup pressing sonio lev olntiuii.it v i lot within the coniincsof the Suekoi State. The .Aslntie monaicii comes In toi ashaio of icllel , and the Amciican goveinment liom possible di plomatic tioiiblcs , slnco tlie oppoitunlty is lost toi an annc.d invasion of a lilcndly pow- ei's domain by a lull biigadu ol thu leseive foice of an alii n iiovvet's military protectors ' 1 ho resignation of Cemial Winston n.ilui- allj eaiiios vvithittho resignation ot his son and ad-de-cimp ! , thereby disbanding the bil- gade. those two olllcas embodjing the en tire ofllcl.il foico ol the oiganl/ation. Some obloipiy Is tciug ) dliected b > the minister and Ids h lends at tliu gaiiulousness ot the mill- taiytalloi , but lei whosc'Indiseieelntleiancu the biigado would piobably have cmbaiked lor Tehuian without any public com ment being made of tlie tact. The even ing papers to diij pilut pictures ol Mlnlstei Winston as he appeals In rnlllt.ii } attire , and tlie plchnolb not unlikt ) tliat piesenteil bj James 1'Mc , .h. , when commanding the XIntli Xew Voik regiment. Hie United States legation at Teheian will tin luloiu have tin its new clih-1 .1 gentleman wluMsImpli ) ( Itj ol diess.ind abioiicu ol olli- cuil pomp will lie all that thu most Jellei- honlin heait ( oiilil ile iie. Thii sudden change ot licait N asdilud In tome to un intimation horn Washington tl al this wou'd ' piovea vvlso cimisc' . It ben 14 iiiuk'istooil that hecietaiy lti.vaid did not i.iii ! to have a iipc titlon ol his doubles lesputlng the ap pointment ot auib.issadoia at loici n couiis AVOK.sn Til AX A IUJX/AKI ) . Tlio Kin 111 8iv allow hiK Uiil'oi'liiiiato MIIICIH' IfomcH. SHI N VNDOAII , Pa. , Jan. f , The excite ment at lioston run , wheio the block ol inlneia' lioiiaes was swallowed by a inlnu bleach jester da } , was lencwod this aftei noon when auotliui lai o aiea'ot'suiface , upon whkh Is located eitilit blocks ol houses , began to settle. The people lied liom thu houses in let ror , leaving all thclrellects be hind , 'J hu giounil hassettled about tout ft 1 1 and thu houses aio twisted out ot all shape , and arn oxpictcd to go down at any moment The bridge between Uos- ton inn and the village on Hut opposite slduot the vallej hits bun swiptaway bj the Hoods , and it Is onlj bj a long , clu uitous route that the homeless people ( , ui coinoj their hoiibehold goods to win lu thoj can iind bheltei , About twentv-ioai l.uullles havu been driven horn ibeli liomus b > the cavo-ln , Tlio Dry Goodh Alnrkot. MAXcnn-iicii , Jan. 8.Thu ( iuaidlan , In Its commeicl.d aitlcle , sa > s the market Is un changed. ' 1 he sales of cloth have been mod- eiate. Ordcisotait ) Impoitanco aiu Invlsi- bin , owing to llm In unless ot pikes , cswelal- Iv lor India and China gooils , thougli theiu is a .tali inquiiy at below thu uiiiunt priccb. Yamsaiu quiet. A Storm in Ki LONDON , Jan. 8. A huiricanu has prev- vailed along the noith coast ot ( Jrcat Hiitaln , causing seiioiis danmgu to piopuity. A life boat was oipsl/ul In the harbor at Whlleha- ven anil onu of the ciuvv diownul. hex nil Kinill wiccks aie rcpoitul. Hie wuathei has modulated and a tli ivv set In. 'Jlio ! ' "ii > ncli Cnhlnot. PAHI , Jan. y. Thu maJoiUy of thu Pails newspapein expiess satlslactlon with tlio now minlstij. The } Uescrlbo it as a cabinet of conciliation. xmvs or XIIUASKA. : : Plnttstnoiitli I'rovhiK One oT the Stnto'x Uest Cities. PI.ATTSMOVTII , Neb. , Jan. s. [ Special. ] At ( lie annual meeting of tlie Plattsmoiith board of hndo very llatleilng reports wcie shown of tlds cil's piosperlty in thepn t jear. They showed among other notable impiovcmcnts tiio liist jcar's work of tlio Plattsmoiith Canning coiupinj , whieli pild a dividend on tlie jear's work of M per cent , and al o the establishing of gas works In the city by tlio Plaits- mouth ( las and Klectrle Light company. ' 1 he fact was also announced at this aiinunl meeting tha t tlio Hurlington V : Missouri had rc'cntl } iicauliedb } pmx base a large amount ofeit > real e lale. which Is a definite assiii- auco for the coming > eai of extenslvo rall- load Improvements In thu cltv. Including a new union depot building. 'I he Platlsmnulh boaid of trade iiave as their otll ers for the coming jeai Joseph V. Weekb.ick as presi dent , 11. M. HushneH as Hciclar.v , and a bond tt seven dlieelois from among our most eneijclle business men. Tlio slgnn of the times aio ver } piomising for Plaits- month. In the Pulpit. .Scm M i.it , Xeb. , Jan. K. [ Siuclal. ] lion Hogan is conducting a biiciessful tevival hole1 , lie deliveicd his liist dseoiuo | on 'I'liesdav night to a huge and attentive audi ence The " -civ Ices aio being held In the.M. 1' . ehnuli , Sehnjler Is awakened and good icsults aie sine to follow. New York Moi c'linnl Do lioiior to Co > . Hill. Ni.w Voitu , Jan. K A banquet was ten- del cd to tioveinoi Hill lo night at Delmoul- co's b the Diisinc'-s Men's } - Dcmoer.itlc asso ciation of this city. Theiewere Illtj invited guests outside of the guests of the uvenlng , and thu .00 punuokis ot thu compliment. Tliu banquet hall wus tasletull } dccoiated and the tables richlj laid. Hack ol the guests' table IIUMJ : a porhalt of Andrew .lackbon , and the velvet-bound menu cards contained pm- traits of "Old lllikoij" nml the guest ol the evening. Alter the edibles had been dlbcusv ed , letters ol legiet vveie read liom Hon. Samuel J. Tlldcn , thu members ol thu na tional cabinet , ( ieneial llaiicoelc , Coveinor Patteison ol Peunsjlvanla ; Uoveinoi Abbott ot New Jeisej , ( loveinoi l.iuol Vir ginia , Chailes A. Dana , idltoi ot the Sun , and othcis. The i.ibliul oltlceis plead pressure ol ptthllo duties , while the otheis stated they weie prevented fiom being piesent by pluvious engagements 01 bj ill health. ( ! ov. Hill , in rcpljlng lo the toast to the guests ol the evening , eiiunciatul the pilnci- plcs ol his adminish.ition as he enun ciated them in Ills mess.igu to the legislattiie , ami then salii : "Those who oxpci t me to antagoiil/e the national aduilu- Istiatlon > vill b ( > dlsipjointed. ) 'that admin- islral Ion needs no detensu at iuhinds. . It Is ailministiiing tlio goveinment wisely , siti-lj. siiccisstultv and to the sitlslactlon of the people. Ot Picsidint Cleveland's honest } , coinage and tine deinociitu } theio i in bo no question. 1 had tlm liouoi ol being assoi i.ited with him in tlie state goveinment lei twojeais and our iclatioiis \veie and ha\e uvei since been of tlie most pleas ml and coidiil ch.uai.lei. 1 respect his slnceiil } ol purpose , hi- > sterling integnlj and pail } leaitj. " 'I ho goveiuoi then piocecded to eiiumeratu feovur.il things width thu now dcmcuatic administration bad not alone , which it , wns said , would be done. Amoii , , ' them , it had not jetttined the negroes toslavoiv run assumed tlio conledei- ate debt. It had not levied political as , ess- ments. and had ictalned In otlUe leiiublicans \\hopeiloinieil Hull duties lailhhilf } . Tliob.inquet lasted till a late hour. Iloiii'lxin I'ea.sl at Coliiniliis. Coi.uvim s Ohio , .Ian. b. The Jackson club at Columbus , the leading democratic 01- gani/ation ol Central Ohio , g.uu theii third annual banquet this evening. 'Ihcie weio MX ) guests , iiieludiiua nuinbei ol Ohio eon- gicss membeis ot thu le islatmu and state olllcials. 'Ihe aiiangements and seivieu weio complete. Hon. II. J. liooth , piesldeiit ol theelnb , was mastei ol ceiemonies , and Hon. P. I' , Powell mastei ot toasts. Among the postpiandi.il speakeis weio Heniv \VatteiM > not Louisville , and Hon. Allen ( ! 'I liuiiii in. A telegram ot regret was read tiom Hon. bamnel J. Tilden. \VIXD A\l > Kl It K. in DosiniyiHK n Wnrclionso , \VIh H KOHS of 'I In re Ijin's. LoL'isvu.i i , 1C } . , Jan. S Late this after noon , dining ilie he isnou stoi m , the liont and middle ) iait ot the laige , loui-oi\ ! \\aie- housooccuiikd b } H. P. Porwood and Co. , TiabnctlCo , IJalmfoith it Co. , allcolton ami commission meieliants , lull biiilduily , and ovciluming a stovu , st.uted a ilest.m IIM * liie. 'I ho building \\.is Idled vvlllr lotion. tobacco , molassi s and ilrv goods storage * , and thu llaiues Sjiliad all ovei tlio.phiio instantly. Theio weio elcvui pci- sons in tin ; hulldiiu when It lell. I'eter Peikins , poilei , heaid the eiash and gave warning lo seven men on HIP MO- end llooi , who escaped h > jumping liom back windows on lo a shed , ( hules IStam- iorth , loloied poilei. give the alaimon the liist lldoi and stalled lot the lioul dooi. Jt Is thought he was ( .uiu'lit and killed hv tailing w.illn. M. II. \ \ iLIit , nmuiigei ol the pi ice , and. ) . P. lialnislonli , one ol the proprietor * . weie In llieii ollkis on the liist llooi and slatted lot the dooi , but it Is believed the } weioeaUo'ht in the wink. Match tltikoiN Sroruhoil. Sn > M IA , Mo , Jan. S V Jim was disoov- eud last nlghl In Mitchell's match tat toi } in one ol the principal blocks , and lei a lime II was feaied a lt)0oO , ( ) , ) lihi/u was imminent owing to the teiilliu gale ami snow sloim , coupled with the Intense eo a. 'I'ho Dioiiit | action ol Ihu mo deniitmenl , however , pi iced the lire iniihr lonhol In lei o It rol a lieadwav.and HIP loss w.i > < mntmed to thu eonleiiti.ol Ilie building when * it oiiglimted , and will not exited lOUJ ) , tlioiuli no aidllatu estim tie has ' obtained , 'Iho loss Is paiti } loveidlh } iiibinaiice. Aiiinni ; liiimher Sr. Louis , Jan. 8. Last night the IIio de- Iiaitmenlw.ii called out lei a hie that bad hi en dlscoveied In the oillcu of the Jo n A. ( ianchal Lumber company , .situated on Ilioadway. Cave and Kighth htioels , Thu liio spread with rapidity among Iho line diessul Innibei plhd unilei tliu studs , 100 teel In depth b } 'M In width , and caused a loss on stock and building ol siu.ooo , with insuiiiucii In bomeiompanies on ( lie enliio liimbei vaiil alcir > , ( XJU As to thuoilgln ol thellip It iu- mains a mjsti'i } . hut the supposition is Hint it oilBliwted in thu southwest comer ot thu ollice , wheiu them was a stove1. OlH-ilin ll.ill ItiiriK-il , CW.VII.AM > , Jan. ti. At li : .u this nuirn- Ing lire was dlsaiveied In thu third Mory ol tlio ladles' hall connected with thu college at ( Jbeilln , Ohio. Thu huildliig is a Inkk stiiuhnn , thiio htoiies high , and Is owiudhj thoeolle.'e. It aipimimodales I'M females and ] ( X ) main sludeiiti , 'J hu inmalui escaped In tlutii nU'lit g.umenls. ' ] hu hall ! > a vMecL , The losi will iiiobabh apiuoxlmate Al Laiiri * ! , Inil , LAUiirr. . Ind , Jan. b. A lire } csleiday dpstrojcd W. T. btplley'sgroipi } and liquor stoie , and the stoics of Mis. S. A , L.vnn , J , T. Haikman , O. Hn/aid , and T. J. I'oiil. Tlie total lo-- . is about ybi.OOJ , liisui.ime , SlOjikxi. "IhMu men weiu in listed on sus picion ot iiicfiidiaiism. I''iri' on n Stramnr. LONDON , Jan. s. A blight Jim opiniod jesteiduy on thu Union llnu rleaiuei Alaska , at Li v 01 pool fiom New Voik. It was so in ONtingiiishod , alter destrov lug alow brdesut totton and nuiiiu ut thu beltings oi tin * buaurcr. * XT ivn i vi i 11'in mo PIMIIU f\N \ INSANh I'AlIIlutS ' CRIML , Murders His V/ifo and Two Children by Outtfug Their Throats. SUICIDE ENDS THE CARNIVAL. The flight fill Prod1 * Committed on Sunday tiiivt Hut Not Discovered Until Ycxtordnj-Intense i\oltoniiMil. A rntnlly Cold hi Death. JIMIIK Cm i K , Mich , , Jan. \ - Neighbors bors noticing the absence of PCTMIIIS arontiil Dr. Mai Hn White's residence , In this city , bioke Into tlio house this nf let noon and found the eiiliio f.imil.v with tliolr throats cut from ear to oat Dr. White and wlfo weio ijlnir on the ( loin and ( lie two clilldien In bid. It is thought thov havu been dead since Sund.i } night us the } have not luen M-oii sineo then.hilo \ is believed toh.no become Insane and munleied bis family. The loom shows ev idenco of a terrible sting- gle between the husband mid wife. No olhei cause Is known. The coroner's jui } la now In Mission. Intense oj.ellement prevails over the tinged } . The family con-lsled of White and wlfo , and Uesslo and May , aged I and 1'J ' } CMIS. Mis. Willie's bodv was b } the side ot the kitchen Move1 , diossod as she came fiom the clnmh , with a tonlble out on the chin , and with hoi tliioalcut. White lay In front of the slovo. with a gioat cut on his neck. Hosslo was found upslalis on thu bed with hei thioat out , and on the Huntla } .May In a pout of blond , liei thioit cut fium oar to 0,11 ami the head noail } seveied from the bed } . The walls throughout the house weio spatleiod with blood , It is supposed that Wh t > * took little Ui'ssio up stills , cut her throat , then called May up , had n shmrglu with her , and waited for Ids wife to como homo iimiichinch and shuck hei wlthan a\o mid cut her throat. White Is a cousin of thu White who was munleied In the Crouch slaughter near Jackson. TII13 Tn.VAH PACIFIC. IMiuis for Iho Kcoi'fjanlzjUlon of the Company. Niw : Voinc , Jan. 8. [ Special Tolegiam.J Thu Times this moiniii sa.vs that the toi- lowing outline of thu ptoposud plair tui the ivoigani/itlon ol Iho Tosas Paclllc was widely quoted on Wall sheet josti'idiy : Tills propot.il m ikes Iho capital stock Stl'- ) ( XKOOi ) ) . The holdeis of the pie-cut stock aio to bo given 10J shues of now stock lei : ! 00 shnesol the rueseiit stock. This will use up about Sll.OiO.OJO oi the new slock , Ihe 10- malndei , iihoiiti,0)J,0)0 ) ) , Is to bo sold In thu maikel. Piist consolidated Uimdlioldeis aiu to reecho ft percent binds atpn , Intoiost to begin July 1 , ls7 , and Te\is Itios lo lecolvo : ! 0 pei cent in now " > pet cent bonds mid 7 per < cut in an income bond on the Rio ( Itamlo division , and thuov Urloans I'aeitle Hist lo receive "iQpor cent in new r > ) ier CPU ! bonds and * ) U pui cent In an iiuo.no bond on that division. Thu present land gi lilt bonds aio to leceive lauds of the oompinv , ahead } held against these bunds , in lull .settlement ol' theii lion upon the piopuitv. It is said this plan has been agieed toby Iho people who contiol a majorlly of the securities of the company. Without rrnotio.il I \ CmcAdo , Jan. b. Tlieeastein tiunlc line managers adjourned tonight to meet next Thinsd.iy In Xew York. The bossion has boon mitknd b } thu ut iio-.t seciec } , and the enl } Informatiin obtainable is that a con- tiact has been adojitcd togo into opeialion Januai } 11 and that a commission ti lei the wcstcin oinMiii/ilion and an aibltralor lei tlie Chicago pool , have been appointed. So lai as known the Chicago A ; Atlantic toid hasnotgivun I'oiintenaiicu to tlie meeting , and Hie Flint & Pole M.uqiioltt1 10 id distinctly lolused to c o-opei.ile. Tlie opinion Is pievalent Hi it thu meellng was piacllcally withoul lesult. Thu ' 1 hues to mot tow vv ill publish tin ) n.uiio ol CCOIKO It. ii am h ml , foiim il } vice piosl- deiit of HIP Liieioad , as Iho man chosen lor comlnibsionei ol the oi0rani/aion ( , Death ol'n ? -Houri ( Ant'iont. IINIIIAI. . , Mo , , , Ian. N LollIu ( hilllii , a eoloiid woman who elalmi d to bo ovei 1-0 veais ol a e , died jobleida } . Shu has a ilaiu'litii heioMeais old. hovoial old clt- i/ens place hei age at fiom 110 to liO. lo Spo.ikoiri on J'ojlll'H. J"iom ( in Idilirwi / / ) / li inudM Moody. 1. Don't talk lee iniicli. 2. Don't talk unless \ou me jiosted , ! J. ( iivo the best youlmvu. 1. Don't talk when pi oplo aio asleep , Wake some ono man and 3 on will hold tliu lest. ti. Don't try lo show oIKyoirr1 leainin . I ) , ( iel , bold of tin- most stupid man anil V'U'll hold the lest , 7. Don't Hv , Imt ilon'l bu nfriiil , to make people lan li. Milk Unit hdops ono vv.iy will the other , * U. Do iiatni.il ; don't to to bu seine onu I'lhO , ' . ) Avoid rani and pulpit ( mie.s. 10 Don't talk lee lon A man in London , who pi e.ii'hod until tlio | > ioIu | ) nil lell , said ho thought it win : i pity to stop when theio was aiiboily to hear. li. Don't hesitate to lejieat what ( Joel uses. IL' . Don't l.onp on talkiii' ' jtiht bcc-miso V n ate holding tliu aiuliencu. Seinl them nwiy : , liiin iy. Hi. Wliilo tlio | H ojilo aio atlieiin usu the tlmu with son' ; . 14 Shoot vvlipiu people shunl As tlio old Qiiuki r said to tlio bm lar. " 1'iieml , I am Ki"n towhuot vvliuio tlieu .stanils. 1'huo had buttur et out of llio wiry " in Don't 'jesttuo ami movu about lee nincli , anil ilon't talk with 30111 hands in jour pockets. Calasrh Cured Catarrh Is a very picvnluit disease , with distressing ami otTcuslvo bjiniitoms. Houil's Pnis.iparilla ulu.s icaily relief and njiccdy cure , horn the fat It , u-t3tliiouili ; tlm Mood , and thus reiches every juit of the nyhtcm. " I buffered with ratii rh fifti i n ye iri. Took Hood's H.irs-ijurill. i ami J nmiiol tioubltilaiiy v\lth catarih , aril my general licaltlt IsiiiiuH Ijotlcr. " I.V I.II.I.IH , Postal Cleric Cliltfago i at. I.ouh ltalliu.ul. "JMJffricd with catarrh Cor 3 yparsj tried. many wonilc'fii ) cures , Inlitkrs , i-to , , sj'uinl. In nuaily om huii < lrcdilomisvvlllioutbciiiflt. I tried JIood'H Kirsipnrlll i , anil was citullY 11. A. AIIIIKV , WurcustcrMujj. . IJood * Hirsijiarlll-i Is tharartcrl/cd liy tlmu I'Ctull nllii-s : 1st , Ihu combination o ( lili.cdl.tl u lt9 ) ; 2(1 ( , i\\u \ \ J > ro ] > ( , ittoii ! Jit , Uiu process of tccmini ; the nctho medli lual ( lualltlcs. 1 1io result Is anicilldno of unusual Mrcnilli ; , cHcrtln cures hitliuto unkaoi.'ii. Hi'i.d foi book containing ndilltlun d cyldeiico , "hood's Hinuiarllli tones up my stlcii , . urifies my I loul , bluiptus my ai I'ltllc , ami to iiiihu mo over. " J ) ' . ' llt' lslui ut Dccda , l.imcll , Mass. " Hood's 8m ipirlllt tieat all otlirrn , mid iiw rHiiisnpiilitliirilii. ; | " J li.MiaiNiiiow , JwV lUnk blittl , Wcv. VuiU City , Mlood's SarsaparlUa Fold liy all drurislsts. tltUfcr3. ; Made , only by C. I. HOW ) ft CO. , I.owoll , Jl - . SCO Dosco Ono Dollar. J