Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1886, Image 1

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I * " " " 1 G u T&S" A V T A
Becatuo With the Fire of Justice He Would
Burn Out Dishonesty.
Nebraska nntl Iowa AfislKinnonts on
the House Committees General
Dig , < m < lractlon Hlntod Car-
In ( lie Land Office.
ON , Jan. " , [ Si > eclal IVIcginni. ]
Formoio than tlnce months Commissioner
Sparks of the general land ollice and Ids sub
ordinates have been < pilctly Investigating
certain ctookcd transactions going on be
tween the clerks of thohtiiean and a nniubcr
of altorn 's located in this and other cities.
The railroad accounts anil stttvey divisions
liavo been the ofllces In vvh'ch ' Ilio main
tionblo has existed. Attorneys and their
agents have been finnished with information
by certain cletks in Hie divisions named , nnd
owing to this alleged collusion the govern
ment has been defiattdcd out of thousands of
dollars , nnd the pockets of the attorneys nnd
their fiiends , tin : gitilly cleiks , have been
filled with Ill-gotten gains , Thu Investiga
tion Into the survey division has brought to
lightsome of the most glgniitlc and glaring
frauds ever uneaithed in any depaitment of
the government. One lit m ot lawyets in tills
cllyiiavcclcaied within the past two yea is
over SI5' ) , < > 00 from ( ho select Infoiination
given them hy dishonest cleiks In the land
ollice. One clcik named Nelson , a gieat
church member , has been called upon to
/i Rpcakorwalk the plank , lie has not con
fessed as yet , but it Is understood that he will
dososhoitly. and by so doing ho will aston
' Cl ish the natives , owing to the piomlnenl
* , < names he will divulge and tlio enormity of
the crooked doings ccitaln-vvcll known law
yers and government emplo > es have been
uncaged in for several years past. The com
missioner sa > slio is coiiitonted by the worst
gang of thieves the woiltlcver saw , but he
will lotilo thorn out if he lives. Fifteen
or twenty cleiks and tliiee or four
chiefs of divisions have been maikcd
for dismissal , and within the next few
das Hie older of decapitation will lie rffilil
to them. Kitch division In the general hind
ollice will be thoroughly Investigated and
pmred of whatever may savor of dishonesty.
Onoolllcial lemaiked thai it would lake vol
umes lo contain the rascalities which ate nl-
icady known to exist in this blanch of the
inteilor depaitment alone. A bold stioKo
lias been made at tlio very heait of the dis
honest ways , and the i.isc.illy means which
have been In pia tice in this depattmcnt for
so many > eais pa-t.
M IIKAMiA AM ) IOWA O\ fill : HOfsi : COM-
Mrmi : : .
The low a and Nebraska men evidently did
notlignio veij prominently in Speaker Car
lisle's mind when lie wtu making up tliu list
of committees announced in IhehoiiM' this af-
tcinooii. Of Ilio lowans ( ien. liendorson
got the most dcsiialilo poiltion. Ho was as
signed lo appiopiiallons. the most piomincnt
commitlei ! ot tlie lot. and wlieic ho vv ill make
his distinguished abilities known. Mr. Hep-
huin was given a place on judiciary , a com
mittee composed of the beat lawyers in the
house and one possessing much influence.
* ' . Mr. Hall was also given a lawyet's place on
a committee composed of lawyers , that ot
elections. lie will serve , too , on private land
claims. Ir. Conger Is given a place on in
valid pensions , wheio ho can well
Foivo the soldiers ol his state.
Air. Holmes goes to Pacific lallways , which
con.sldcisall Pacific railroad maltcis , includ
ing some feat mi's of land loifeitines. Mr.
Lyman is assigned to warelaims , a committee
with much woik , nnd Judge Muiphy gets u
place on lallwajs and canals , vvheio lie will
look after the Hennepln canal and push his
billon that subject. Mr. Ktiiibei is on terrl-
toiles , and will thereforefigttio on tlio Dakota
statehood movement , ( Weaver was
not given the cons'dcrallon his fiiends think
ho deserved. Ho much desired a place on
coinage , weights and measures. The
most prominent place ho gels is
on labor , n commlttco that sel
dom meets. 11 > Is made chairman of
cxpcudlluic.s in tlio IntelIbi department , but
for years that committee has never organl/.ed
nnd has no Influence whatever. Mr. Fuller
will wink with the levlslon of laws , and Mr ,
Ficderlck with agrlcnltuie , Ncbiaska's
three members take modcHt places. Mr.
Weaver , who goes on eommeiee , Is given the
most piomlmnt position. This committee
considers bills proposing bridges aeioss
navigable nvcrs , Interstate eommeiee , and
navigation matters geneially. Mr. Laird Is
placed on military affaire , and Mr. Horsey on
private land claims , which meets Infre
KifKi.Nn ON Tin ; ro.viMrrrins. :
A gentleman who aulvtd heio from Xew
Yoik this moining said tliat a great deal of
comment was being made there about the
formation of the house commlttee.s , and the
most seveie criticism was being Indulged In
upon the selection of Perry llclmont to sur-cr-
ccdo ox-ovcrnor ! Cititin as chairman of thu
p foreign aflaltb committee. "There is tall ; , "
said lie , "of levolutlonary pioceedlngs in tlio
k1' ' liouse after tlio committees have been an
nounced. It has been suggested by promi
nent dl.statlsfiod democrats , if s much feel
ing Is shown In tlie opposite paity as
in their own , alter the commit
tees aio announced and two-thiids of
the house can be persuaded to join the move
ment that the arrangement of the committees
will bo declared void and a special commlttco
of the whole to arrange a now list of commit
tees , which the house will ratify. A two-
thiids majoilty can do tills , but as It would
rcmdrc t'io ' co-operation ot many icpttbllcan
members , It Is not likely to occur. "
nnsoNAi : < AND oTiinnvvisi : .
A petition was Introduced in the scnatu to
day by Senator Wilson , of Iowa , from John
IJuikoaiul twenty other lowans , praying for
tlio passage of an act of absolute foifelture
of the unearned lands within tlie grunt of
tlio Sioux City & St. Paul lullroiul company.
He presented also a similar petition from the
cltUcns of Dakota.
Thcio are mure Iowa dcmociats In
the city now than at any time
io7 many years. These want onico , but
they010 vCrww el'nbout It. The chaliman of
the democraticsir. ! ? ccntial commlttco Is
' necking u place for himself 7'W'o ' pretending
to sci ve his friends.
D. P. Stabler , ot Fall Held , Iowa , Is nt the
T. S. Lewis , of Omaha , anil Frank Fuller ,
of Wayne , vveio to-day admitted to practice
before the interior dopnitmcnt.
Jlcprctcntatlvo Weaver , of Iowa , was at
the white house looking alter sonii ) of ids
ofllco seeking constituents. > u's : niscounrnsv.
A good deal of surpi Ino and much legiet
\.vas expressed when It was found tliat Delu-
gate lilltfonl of Dakota , was ii'ttgiven a po
sition on the house comniittco on tci.Jtoiles ,
Riid the action of Speaker CailMo in < > vvi-
looklng him Is taken ns positive evidence o'
his opiH > sltlon to Dakota statehood. Hut one
territorial rcptesentatlvo wns assigned to the
committee On tcriltoiles Josephs , of > ew
Mexico who Is a democrat and opposed to
statehood. When Klefcr was i > P\lrr ! and
the Dakota question was Iwforc eon jie. ? , es-
Itocl.-U care was taken thai Delegate Petti-
grew of torrlloiy was given prominence
on Ilio cominlttrc on tertltoiles. and the.
fiivnilsof the Dakota government say tliat
coniiiic ! ! cotirt''y sh-mld have appealed In
behalf of Mi. ( MIlTonl.
jic\snis : : i.vTioi : > t'ni : > ixTm : nousi : .
WAsiitxnTON , .Jan. 7. [ Press. ) Mi. Laf-
foon of Kentucky , Inlioilur.Ml a Mil In the
hon e to-day to amend the civil smice art.
l y limiting examinations to oiilr tlia ! 'iatter
which may fairly tot the applicant's illness
for positions to whlrli ho seeks appointment.
It alto provides that all olllces In the classi
fied scnice filled hy ainioint'iient ' pi lor to
.latiuary 10,1 't , ( the d.itc of ilio apploval of
the civil < ervlce art ) shall be declaiud vacant ,
and shall ho filled nccotdlugtn ( lie provisions
of thuaet. The persons dismissed under the
above mentioned section mu ) , turnover , bo
icappnlnicd after passing a satlsfactoiy ex
Mr. Anderson of Kansas. Introduced a hill
similar to that Introduced In him at the last
session of congress to amend the Thin man
sinking fund aet.
STA 11 : ( mini -i'oxiixri ) : : . *
'I'lio picsldcnt today , in answer to the
resolution adopted by the sennits December
! . tiT.iSinHled ! eoliies of documents showing
the action taken bv him to ascetlaln the son-
timent.s of foieign govcinmcuts In iciraid to
Iho establishment of an inteinational nitio
between gold and sliver , The correspondence
Includes letters from ministers of ( lie I'nlted
Slates to ( tical Hi Haiti , France and Germany
icgaiding the opinion ami intentions of the
unvciimicntsnnd peoplu to whom they liavu
been severally accredited. Seeretaiy Hayiuil ,
In a note accompanying thu cnricspondcncc ,
mentioned the designation of Manlon .Marble
as confidential agent to obtain information
upon the subject. Itayaid says no
sep.nrato repoit by Miuble has been made be
cause the lesults of his investigations appear
Inlly in the lettcis ot Messts. Plielps ,
.Mel.ancand Pendleton. Thu communica
tions hy these gentlemen and the letters sub
mitted fioni Consul Ceneral U'alkerof I'uils
all take n discouraging view of the piesent
ptospect for the establishment of an inteina
tional bimetallic union. Messrs. McLanc
and U'alkur intimate that the adoption in
Kinope of Mich a monetary policy would ho
hastened by the suspension of silver coinage
in the United Stat-s.
Aptly llliisH'iuoTr'iTT"MlnlHtcr Win-
ston'n JlldiotiloiiN Conduct.
CmrAdo , Jan. 7.- [ Special Telegram. ]
The Inct tliat Ficdcilck Winston , the now
Aiiu'ilc.m minister to Persia , tins been commissioned -
missioned a brigadier general In the Illinois
National ( iiiiud , to enable him to pieseiit a
sufllciuntly Imposing appearance ! while In
attendance at the couit of the. .shah , as an
nounced in the telegraph columns of the ! : :
ol U'oilnesday. has subjected thu new minis
ter to considerable travesty by the press heie.
Ho only became awaie of Ids appointment
jesleiday afleinoon. JCven ( lovernor
OglPsby has comoln I'oi ad\ eiiticism In
commissioning Winston to the command of
a shadowy organisationhich in le.illty only
exists on paper. It appears , however ,
that thu matter . s to be a close sceiet , and
theaniioiincumoiit ol the appointment was
not to be. made in the oidcrs. The commis
sion , as near as can be teamed , \\as only to
be used to the extent ol enabling Minister
Winston to appear arracd in bis da ling
military uttlie. The minister U now ehlded
by his liiomls for disclosing the .seciet to tiio
men about lovvn.
Oneof ihcp-ipets commenting on the in
cident siy.s : "Democratic simplicity would
not permit our Mr , Winston to take his post
in Poisia as a plain American cltben. llolmd
to be commissioned as a biliadler iccncral
of the militia , so that ho could wear a gaudy
nnitonn at ilie conit of the shah. Plain
clothes have In other days been peed enough
for our minlHteis to foieign countiles. Den
Franklin never woie a uniform abroad , nor
dlil Motley , Washbnrne , Lowe or Saigent ;
and Sunset Cox , who is considerable of a
man In his way , has not tound it neeos-
.sary to da/xlo the semt-barbatian's Moslem
eonit with a nnilorm of the mlllish.
We are afiaid that Mr. Winston has not lead
tin ; Instructions of the slate depaitment to Its
foteign repiesentativos. If ho had ho would
Ibid that only those who have attained mili
tary houois under the federal government In
the volunteer service of the war arc permit
ted to wear nnlfoim. onieei.s of the state
militia are not mentioned In these In-
sti notions as coming under this rule. Demo
cratic simplicity is slowly but Miiely leading
us Into thu most vulgar and disgusting ways
of snobbery. "
A Disappointed Olllco Seeker At-
tacKH Secretary IJayarcl.
Xiw"i.oiti : , Jan. 7. [ Special Telogiam. ]
The Januaiy number of the Xorth Ameri
can Kovlew contained nn open letter signed
"Arthur lllchmond , " attacking Secictary
Hayard in a scathing way for his appoint
ments as secretary of state. The slgnatuto
was , of coiuso , tvssnmed , hut the letter at
tracted vvldo atteiuion , being well written
and stinging. To-day the Woi Id has a Dover
dispatch saying : "It can be very icllably
stated , though not a do/en poisons In Dela-
waio know It , that Dr. Thomas 0. Fiame , of
Wyoming , a small village Unco miles south
of Dover , is tho'Aithur Klchmnnd'nowso
well known to fame. Dr. Kiame , though
never extensively engaged in newspaper
wilting , is a well educated man , son ot Hob-
eit Frame , n prominent lawyer ot this town
during the days of John M. Clayton , About
the timeHayaid was placed at the head
of the state department Frame concluded
ho would like to bo consul to
I.eKh. Ho was baeked % by piomlnent
paity men In Delawaie , Including membeis
ot the legislature , secielniy of the democratic
committee , Kenny , and others. Aimed with
a bushel of letters , the doctor mauu a pll-
gilmage to tlm national capital and pouieil
the documents upon the t < cciclary' tdile , but
fiom that diy : to this tliu application has been
tteated with contempt. The doctor lias now
taken out his revenge by this same and \\ell-
wiltten 'philllple , ' treatiiiK of the life and
public seivices of Cleveland's premier.
While the in tide has been unlveisally
It is haullj necessary to say that a large body
of the Delaware democracy don't shaie the
feelings expiesscd In the letter , "
Tilt ) Sliiguer'H Coniirclieiihivo | and
Oliurltiitilu Cliullonue.
Niw : UAVII.V , Conn. , Jan. 7 , John Jj.
Sullivan to-day authoii/.cd the following
clmllengo : "I will light Mitchell or any
other man in this country tor fiom 1,000 to I will light Mitchell for one cent or
nothingevery day for n week , ami if I don't
lick him on Monday , I will give 51,000 to the
orphan asylum ; if I don't lick him on
Tuod\v , I v > 111 ghe 52,000 to the policemen's
benevolent > : ! . il ; If I don't lick him on
Wednesday I will give 3,000 to the tiieman's
fund , and so on to some chailtr.hlc institution
till the week is up. "
Conscience Smitten.
The threu boys against wlioiu Miss
Mollie Allen , the publio librarian , swuru
coinjihiints Wednesday on a charge of
mutilating books ami papers , came into
Judge Stenberg'.s court yesterday gave-
themselves nn yoliintanly. They said
they luitl. jioticul tlm item in
Urn , to the efi'iHit tliat they were to ho
iirrestetl. niul wauled to plead for mercy ,
Judge Sieulterg guvu them a good k'etur-
nig and ruloiibod them ,
TTir it 4 tiTin vi i nipt 4TJ'ni ?
Some of the Itaportot Matters to bo
Pressed for Consideration ,
Prohibition , Slioriitnii-Hi'nwii , nnil
tiuliool tlook C tiostloim-Terrl
anil Katnl Mlno I2xplosion
An Il\i1iidKC Insant ; .
Nf.s , Iowa , Jan 7. [ .Special. | Thu
Iowa legislature will convene nest Monday ,
anil promises to be the most exclliiiu session
hehl In the slate for many ye.its. An tin-
usual number of important matters will be
pressed upon it for consldeiatlon.
Tlicro is adelleieney of llnee quaitersof n
million of dollars In the icvcnties of the
stale , which must bo piovided for either by
Issuing bonds or Ineieaslng the rate of tax-
allon. Which hoin of Ihe dilemma the leg-
ishiluie will take It will be hard to tell. They
may endeavor to tide o\er the allalr
by cutting down the appropilatlous
for the coming two jeaislmt a formidable
lobby w ill slant ! In the way.
Politically Hie legislature wilt be consti
tuted as follows : Senate , lepnblicans r.l ,
fuslonlsts 111 ; house , lepuhlicans f > 0 , fuslon-
ists-tl. This gives the lepnbllcansa major-
ily of 12 In the senate and IS in Ihe house ,
ami will Insuie the enactment of any bill de
termined on hy the caucus.
For the past few months a ten illc onslaught
on the pic.sont prohibitory law has been
made by Senator Snttonof jMaishalllown ,
ami otheis. The senator scents danger in
the fast waning majorities of the
paity and cries halt. It Is doubt
ful If bis cry will bo heeded.
The measuic of telief be proposes will allow
local option to the cities of four thousand In
habitants anil over , leaving some eighty
counties with Ironclad piohlbltlon. Tlicro Is
a hitch in legaid to the unanimous license
between the democratic and lepnblican fac
tions , the former holding out forS."OOnnd the
latter stoutly contending for Sl.OOO as the
lowest. A compromise on SSOO will piolmbly
he effected and a bill intioduccd at an e.uly
The final settlement of thcShenutm-ltiown
controversy will take up a good pail of the
session. The legislatnie will no doubt older
a thorough investigation of the whole matter.
A lesolntlon ccnsiiiing the goveinor for his
conduct will bo piessed by the democrats , but
will hardly receive a sullicient lepublican
suppoit to carry , at , least till a full investiga
tion lias been made.
The school book question will be brought
prominently forwaid again and a modified
bill will undoubtedly nass. The bill in ques
tion will contain a piovision leqnliingeach
township district ( opmchasc and own all the
books needed by the pupils In their respective
distiiets. Theoiiglnal bill icqniied the stale
to publish a uniform si-iies , thus shutting
out of the state all other publisher. This
bill was killed after a haul light , two years
ago , by a strong ami powerful lobby , ami the
piesent bill Is the result of a compromise.
The speakership contest piomlses to bo
qnlto spiiitcd. Six candidates have already
ont.'ied the field , and several dailc hoises are
watching the race. Those already in the
licld are Butlerof Page , Story of Adair , Henson -
son of I'ranklin , Thompson of Linn , Head
of ( Sreenc , and Weaver of llaidin. licnson
leprescnts the distinctive monopoly element ,
Thompson is being pushed by the
high llcenso ciowtl , while Weaver is
championed hy the ladical prohibitionists.
It is quite likely that this element will
triumph in thecancus. For the minoi ollcis !
a multitude of candidates are developing.
Mr. J. W. Hopp , of West Union , the well
Iciiaun newspaper coi respondent , seems to
bo in the lead for secretary of the senate.
Mr. W. T. Wilkinson , of tills city , would
prove a formidable candidate w e It not for
the fact tliat ho was journal clerk four years
ago when the piohibitory amendment was
put tliuuigh so bungling- ! . The prohibition
ists never can forgive this although thcie It
not the least proot of any deiign in the mat
ter. Mr. JJ. F. Jiehkopf , of Van Uuien
county , takes the lead for cliief cleik ol the
house , though no one knows what combina
tion may bo made by the caucus. Xone ot
the candidates for speaker have yet opened
looms in the city but all will undoubtedly dose
so in a few days.
Ail Iowa Mine Horror.
Dns MOIXKS , Iowa , Jan. 7. [ Special
Telegram. ] A teiiifio explosion occnired
about noon to-day in Valeila mines at Col-
fax , just as the miners weie prepailmr to go
to dinner. A yotjug miner called "Texas"
si tick-ills nick into a twenty-five pound can
of powder. The friction Ignited the powder ,
and a teirllie eplolon followed. In the
loom at the time , besides "Texas , " were
( ieorge Stoims ami Peter Angstorm , while
Lewis Kvans stood at the entrance. The
clothing was culiiely bin netl oil' fiom every
one in the loom , and Stoims ' and Angstorm
i eceived Kiich severe b'urns lliat their condi
tion is critical , Kvans was Instantly killed ,
being blown back upon a pile ot coal with
suulcicnt foicc to bieak his neck.
1'roin tlio Hoiioh to Insanity
Dr.s MoiNis ; , Jan. 7.-fSpccal ! Telegiam. ]
Judge. So wan I Smith of tills city , was taken
to the Insane hospital at Ml. Pleasant to-day.
Ho was appointed justice of tlm supreme
court of Dakota hy Pieshleiit Ailliur , and
was lemoved a few weeks ago by Mr. Cleve
land. Thesoveiostiain of his largo Judicial
woik in Dakota and ilio annoyance and
cliugiln attending his summary lemoval on
trumped up charges , played upon his mind
and caused him to lese his mental balance.
Ho was one ot the brightest members of the
bar In this state , and veiy general lezret IB
felt at his sudden mibl'oitimc.
Amount of Htoluii Funds JCu-
Vt. , Jan. 7. Detective Dyson
received a large amount of the missing funds
of the Lancaster ( Mass. ) national bank here
to-day. There was 815,780 In hills , etc. , in
two valises bmled under a pile of otones in
Tlnniouth , ten miles from hcio.
Charles II. Ten , tieasurer of
the West Rutland Jliublo eomnany con
fessed at Lowell on Wednesday atterapon
tliat ho helped MoXell steal the f unds of fim-
bank. They came iieio together last Wed
nesday moi nlng. AeNcil took tD.OOO in gold
mid part of the smnitics , and went to
Canada , veo , thinking no suspicion
could rest on him , get oil hero and went to
work at his desk. Thursday. December SI ,
Wot'nye his book keeper , 7. . L. JJainum ,
tw and told him to hldo them , Jiar-
num refusal , but JJr. XeNon , president of
the \\est Hutland Maiblo company , in
sisted , and he felt obliged to do it his position. Thursday night , Do-
cemDfrlU. Harnuui took ateamlorTinmouth
and called -op. - his cousin , who lived on a
lonely road hrilCa mile from the village.
Afterthe visit ho cOn mied the two valises ,
containing the monoAs soon as
- . . . . .
as u'VR'sented by yeo.
"i > f ,
Sickness anil Poverty Encouraged lly
a Itt'tlijloiis UoiiHiratlon.
Nrw YOP.K. Jan. " . [ .Social Telcgiam. ]
The Herald this morning sa > s : La t No
vember tlie Constitution club appointed a
committre to examine Into the condition of
the tenement hon 33 of Xtw York city , La t
nlglit Dr. ( itinn. chairman of the commlttco ,
made a vcib.ll report to the club. He says :
"I have learned that Tilnlly church Is the
owner of the wort tenement house * In the
city. Tilnity chur.'h has the universal lepn
tntiou , I find , among the wretched people
vUio are foi col to live In srdli places , of being
thehaidcst and meanest landlord In Xew
Yoik. The policy of theTrjully chinch cor
poration Is to never make icpalrs oil n teue-
'nu'iil ' they own , but to let It actually fall
to pieces , until no one , however wretched ,
can live In It. Then the corporation teats It
down and builds a store or waielionse , era
comparatively expensive iliit. It never
spends its money to impiove the condition
of Ihe poor.
I may seem to bo maklm : a sweeping ac
cusation , but I know whtrcof 1 speak. Let
any one who wishes to verify my statements
go to the building , : H Laiglit street , which Is
owned by Tiluity ehnrcli , and Is Inha'ilti'd
by "CO poisons. On the giound floor on the
Laiglit stieet sldo U a liquor store ,
although Tilnlly church professes never
to lent ptopcrty to liquor deal
ers. The building Is In the most
terrible condition imaginable. The floors of
the halls are coveted with ! llth from sinks
and closets. The halls are sodatk tliat it is
almost impossible to lln.1 one's hand belore
one's face. The stall VVI\VH \ are broken. The
sky lights on the top are kept fastened , and
how any human beings can livoinsuch a
den it Is'dlllictilt to lmalne. "
At ft ) Cults stieet fc anotlier tenement
hou o owned by Trinltyjchurch and icnttdto
its occupants dliect fioilj the Tilnity church
olllce. Mv attention vvsu called by the out-
bteak of scailet fever sorje mouths ago. Tlio
father of the sick bhildien went to
Trinity church oflice mil complained of
the building. He was bid that if ho did netlike
like It he could leave It. The cellar was lilted
afoot deep with sewcrige lliat had leaked
fiom bioken sewer plpoi Tlio floors of the
hall weie so coveied with tilth fiom some
source that It deadened the sound of one's
tootsteps. The boaid of health was notified
and was forced to onltr Trinity to make
some icpalis , as scailcl fever was a con-
tagcous disease. "
A Good. Indication "of ( lie liustness
l > iiisiof the Country ,
Xnw YOUK , Jan. 7.pccial [ { Telegram. ]
The Times thus intioiluciM and summaii/es
several interviews with manufacturers and
dealers in iron : "if it 1mtrue , as is claimed ,
that the condition of thy iron tiado is tlio
pulse of the business rf the country , It is
sate to say , basing thctasscilinn upon the
outlook in the Iron busiicss , that tlio coming
year will be one In wldili business generally
will be much better tluln it was last year.
The Interview had by the Times icpoiter
witli a large number oflirniH In all branches
of lion and steel tradolndicate in substance
a healthy condition ortiailo. and good de
mand for all classes ofpoods In which Iron
is the material uscd _ , $ joiu railroad equips
incuts to builders' lu ivare. Thejnarkets.
aie firm. Theie , is vNy"JiUliT-'SpeeuhiUvi )
buying. Th'-ie is no .slock on hand tospealc
of , and there isMilllcIeaSprcsentor immedi
ate tnttiro demand to Indicate a good busl"
ness for the year to ciMe. No one in the
tiadc believes that thcrajjls a boom in pios-
pccr , and everyone hopj'l tluit1 there will be
no boom , but lather a'/i'ontinuanee ' / of the
healthy and lOrmal condition of
tiade. "
I-'ifjureil Out a Advance.
1'iiTMit iii : , Jan. 7.- \t a largely attended
mcellng of meiehant Meel inaniifactiiier.s
hcio tonlay a national i sy'elation was formed
ami a standard classiih tion of all grades of
steel , similar lo the Ininl classification caul , accepted. It is uiltlci.stood that under
the new classification < i > rtaln grad < H of steel
which have been selling at very low prices
aie advanced about nquarlerof a cent per
The Columbian Covei'iiinent Sues I In *
Panama Itniirpad Company.
Xivv : Yonif , Jan. 7. j-fSpccIal Telegram. ]
An unusual claim Ins been picscntcd lethe
the lTnted ! Slates supreihc court by Carmelo
Arango , attorney goncial of the United
Slates of Columbia , against the Panama mil-
loail company , which .has its ollbe on Wall
stieet. The complaint Is based on an alleged
violation by the railroad company of the ori
ginal contract that it iliado witli the Colum
bian goveinmcnt In April , 18.10 , and also the
.subsequent contract of 1807. The contracts
as-incd to the government the real owner
ship of the railroad , but pcimlttcd tlm use of
it until HHW , provided tlie lailroad company
obsoi veil the terms of the contract. It is as
serted that it violated them by its agreement
witli the Companle Universal of the Inter-
Oceanic canal ol Panama , and that the rcsul
of this iigicomont Is UM destroy the rallioad
route itself , without providing any idcmnity
to the \eifcment. > . J/l'Jio / complainant asks
that thesnpieme court ! declaie the pilvlleges
ol' the Mllio.ul company extinct and that tlio
republic be allowed tlitmlor upon the posse < -
. -Ion of the railroad with all itstranoliisos and
H'ceivo damages sulllclent to indemnity th'j
goveinmcnt lei its looses.
Sharon'N Assumed Wilt' Married lo
Judge Torry.
S'lor KTON , Cala. , Jan. 7--Davld S. Terry ,
ex-chlel jnslice of thovbnpicme couit ot Cnli-
foinla , and Miss Saralf. Althea Hill , claimIng -
Ing to bo the widow iff.ox-Senator > Slraion ,
of Nevada , won ; mairjMIn the parsonage of
the Cathollo church hifo shortlv hpfoie 10
o'clock this morning. "ilUi + HIll aiiivcd on
the .stunner fiom San Hriinclsco at ! l o'cloclc
this moiniiiK nnd leunji'piid on boaid until
when' Kliu left 'f < ) r' the parsonage
with Stuto Treasurer.Ouluhan , who acted as
gioomtman for Tcjrj. The bride was
dro.M-J in a vvalklncj iilt of dark woolen
materhl , there being Jouiing ) In her appear
ance tu Indicate that jiwns \ \ abimt to wed
the mill who had sq Valiantly fought her
ease btloro , the courts of law against the late
Senator Shaion. Father' O'Connor , of St.
Maiy" < chinch , pcrtyi-incJ thu ceicmony.
The oily pcisnn Piesipit'Wiis ' tliugroomuman ,
Miss I Hull having alecidi-d to dispense
with .bridesmaids. fwTeiry \ icfnsed
to alvvv any rejioffl'ls to bo present.
.veddltigparty . . . , . _ . ,
. a ldPin-o vvlierutwn editing breakfast had
been | jf p-acd. AH ROOD us the In ( ink fast
was over'J'err } * cjt ) direct to the faiuneino
couit ivheie ho had 3TCR iV < in tiial. Ulluton
Teiryj'ho Judges onlyJivmiTrMUtJs icportcjl
to befieatlj annovcU. . at his laTllKi !
riage , ind IntemU leaving for Fiesno , vvlicITr
his father lately purpl ased for him a large
amouir. of propcity. , ; :
Jitsti-eSclden hiH iled with the comity
commissioners a biu ) < l to act as JIIKU'CU of
iieaie .Xo action , lms been taken upon
it or upon that of justice Wright , w liiuh
was file. ) some tiiiui .since ,
Tollins 1 Kiiiuf vvltliiiKttllcx'iisn nt t' .
which vvas tot for iWifeT < Tll B 4
lieu Andor on jestewlnV. w S co
Ib > i < uie vveok. ,
* '
Manderson's Omaha Port of Eiitrv Bill
Passes the Scnatft.
A Tilt lletvvcon Teller and Ciillom-
The House Continue the Call of
States and Hears ( lie Commit
tee Appointing ut sJKeail.
W.v ! ! is-urox , Jjut. r.-Tlie chali laid be
foie the senate a letter from the secretary of
war , transmitting a petition Horn West
IVIul. student * , wiio ate to bj giadtmted In
June , ISs'i , praying that provision may bo
ma'le ' for tli-lr appplutment to the aimv.
itefoired to the comtnllleo on mllitai.v nf-
f nl is.
Thensjliition nflTciol by Mr. Matider-'on
wasagiu'd t > . calling on the secret. u of the
intei lor for information as lo whether any
stirvejs of public lands have ben.i made with
in the last two .ve.irs in Nebraska , ami
whether there me any unsurvejcd lands In
that slate , what recommendations have been
made within the last threiMcats by the sur
veyor general ol that dlstiict as to the con-
lintmnco of sdd ollice and whether It Is ad
vlsablo to discontinue the olllce of suivcjor
.Mr. Dolph. from tlie committee on com-
meice , lepotled favorably the bill extending
to.tbecity ot Poitland , Oie on , the inovis-
lens of the law ot ISM ) relating to tlio imme
diate transmutation of dutiable goods ; also ,
similar bills relating to Omaha. Xebiaska ,
and Port Tovvnsend , Oregon. The bills on
-Mr. Dolph's motion , were at once passed.
Mr. Voorhees ollcred as a substitute for the
resolution iccently offered by his colleague ,
one icciting in is pieamblo that the com-
missioncrof pensions In Ids annual tepoit
liad stated that at one time the pen
sion bateau was all but avowedly
a political machine tilled with uncompromis
ing aliheients of a single organisation
( meaning the icpiihlican pally ) , and that
claimants weie often tcquiicd to suppoit the
icpiiblican pally as the consldeiatlon upon
which pensions should Issue. Thu it-solution
instincts the committee on cxpciiditniosof
public money to-impiirc Into the tinthof
thcso allegations , and confers the power to
send for persons and papers ,
Mr , Logan had nothing to say against Ihe
commissioner of pensions , whom ho ie-
spected highly , but ho wished tlie icsolution
enlarged so as to include an investigation of
tlio pie-sent ndmlnisliation of tlio oltico. Ho
said that Col. Fied Stevenson , a gallant
wounded soldier , hail been removed fiom bis
position at tlie head of a div ision ol the ollice
at the demand of a demociatio member of
congress. Xo charge had been made aeainst
him , and the only reason known lor bis re
moval was that he had siippoited an inde
pendent democratic candidate tor congress
In opposition to the man who lias bad him
Mr. Voilices accepted the amendment ol-
feied by Mr. Logan ,
The le.solulion went over lor one day.
A fi o'clock the Utah bill came up , and Mr.
Morgan aildiv > ed the senate upon it.
He spoke in Minimi ! ot an amendment offer
ed hy him pinvldlntr lor the disno-al of the
piopeity ol tin ; Moiuion chinch accoidingto
the itiles ami piinciiiles ot common law
as in ease of tlie dissolution of a corporation ,
He felt , he said , that we ought to strike tlie
. Mm mon chinch oiganl/alion out of exist
ence ,
congiess had
the liL'hl to deploy the religious
Tiinrvf of the .Mutinous What liulit , ho In
qiiircdT'would concic s Ir.tvo , for example , to
undertake to administer , hy tinstees or other
wise , tlie pioperty and temporal alfalis of the
Itoinan Catholic church. The Christian sen
timent of thccountry , and the oidhmiy laws ,
II enforced , weie amply sunicicnt for deal-
liurwlth polygamy.
"Mr. Cnllom alluding lo tlie lemaiks made
byMr. . Teller yesterd.iv , said he diirctcd with
the senator liom Colorado. Ho did not
think we had peisecnled thcMminons.
Mr. Teller denied haviinr mailo'the stale-
mentattiihuted to him bv .Air. Cnllom. What
ho bad said was tlrit the I'nited .Mates gov
ernment had peiH'cnlcd tin : Moimons , but
Unit the action ol tluMinwisi * aponts selected
by the government bad ie > ultcd in irritating
the Moimnns1.
A Sphlted colloiiny ensneil between Mr.
Cnllom and Mr. Tellei , the foi mer content ing
himself with biiel impdiies andsIileiemaiKs ,
to which Mr. Teller reiilled nt e nisidet.iblc
I'-imth. '
Jlr. Ctillom rend fiom the icpoit of ( ! ov-
einor Foul to show Hie course pursued by the
Mormons when in Missouil.
ilr. Teller said th t tlio go win men t had
condemned the couise ol the people of Illi
nois In de.illng with the .Mormons as con-
trar > to justice and right.
Mr. Cnllom remaiked that the senator limn
Coloiado ( Mr. Teller ) , seemed disposed to
take ( ho side of the Mormons all through.
Mr. Teller remaikcd that he knew he had
taken Mime ilsk in undertaking to defend
the constitutional lights of those people.
He did not charge the people of Illinois with
anything that would not have occnncd in
any other section of the country. Hcslmiily
asserted that force begot foice. The Mor
mons , having been robbed of their juopeity ,
would naturally tctaliatc.
ilr. Cnllom Ingtilrcd whether tiio senalo
meant to s.iy that people who weio not .Mor
mons. had been the persons who inaugurated
tlie stealing nnd plunder.
Mr. Teller leplied tliat ho had said that he
did not know about that.
Mr , Cnllom did not like to hear the scnalni
putting the people who weie not Moimons
always on Ilio defensive. Theie must | > u
Mimi'thlng wrong with the class of people
that could not live with other people , aii ( !
that had been sent away liom eveiy .section
In which they had to Ihe.
Consldeiablo debate ensued as to the hwd
clfivt ol Ihepiovislons lelaling to testimony
lo be given by husbands and wi\ciand some
ammidmcntsnf detail weio made , but Mr.
Morgan's amendment was lost ,
Mr. Vooiliees sent to the desk and had the
cleikronda telegram fiom Salt Lake City
which , hos.dd , In Insist to tliu Utah com
mission , ought to be read. It was a dispatch
liom A , S. Paddock , saying : "Van Wyek
mistaken about cleiks ot commission ; aver
age permanent cleiks from begUnting to *
dale do not u\ceed tlnce- possibly four. In
cluding tempnraiy clerk , Only 011.0
. " . '
now enrploycd. .
.Mr. Van Wyckthomihl it uxliaoidlimiy
that the commission did not know how many
eleiKs il .had. He did not lll.'i ) that espies-
siou , "Thiee , possibly tour , " Pel haps IJ
Ihov emjiloyed iinothcr cleik they could '
piohahly liud out exactlv IHMV manycloiks
iliey had. ( Laughter. ) Taking into account
the dlblance , and allowing lor mistakes of
the lelegiaph. lie guessed It would linn 911.1
alterall thai hint a.boiii ' ' '
alter they . tjiiimmit/i'roj'
cleiks lie had stated , namely , six. ' ( ( Jrcat
Laughter. )
Without concluding the consideration ol
the bill the senate adjoin nuil.
\VvsniNfiiov \ , Jan. 7. 'J'ho call of state-i
vvas-ieMimed and the following bills nnd
resolutions weie Intiodiiced and lefeircd :
IJyIr. . ( loff To repeal the Internal.ievc . -
nuo tax on tobacca
JlyM r. Can well To levy a lax on oleomar-
garinu'a'ndi-bllcct the bame through tfd- ! In
ternal ic.venuu ; bureau.
Uy.Mr. llean-Calllng " on the f > ccietaiy of
the mrorjor f"or copies ot the coiicspomlence
Uefwcen ill's di'paitment and the goveinor of
Arizona on Jn'dlan inatteis ;
Mr. ( Jlfford For the admission of the
oiVJhiliota. Also for ( ho appoint
ment of tw ? > ildltlonal Justices ofthe su
preme couit of DaTrt > ta. .
Uy .Mr. Halley For th > v .o > ( dntment of ad
ditional Jubilees of iliu biipreins couil of
Hy ' .Mr. Josephs I'lovlding foi an addi
tional jiiotlcool Ilio snpieme couit of .New
.Mexico. Also , to provide for tlio organisation
otU4 rl wwtuf volunteers In Atl/ona and
Waw-Meslco for the puipose of Mippie.s.sing
ludlan hostilities. Al > 'o , for thu relief ol I ho
iMUi.jut.Culti ) ! > pher Caison. A No , a , rcMKn-
ii lor tnerjinHMUiiiuuii.of a cortiiiiitteo t f
to invt'stiiiite'rinj wnd.uc.1 ol
the campaign aealtisl the hostile Apaches In
Atl/otiil anil Vow Mexico ns conducted by
Oi'll. Ciotik.
Hy Mi. Voorliccs For the admission of the
state of Washington. Also , to forleit the tin-
eat ned N'oitliern Pacific laud grant. Al o ,
ttf-cctue moii1 efficient civil -civlce refoim.
15y Mr. Henderson ot Illinois Foi the
coiHriiction of Hie ileniteplii canal.
Uy Mr. Dunham of lllliiids lo o tabli h a
deiiaitnienl of eommeiee.
Hy Mr. Anderson ol Kansas -To pievent
sales of Pacllte railroad befoie ceitaln 1'nlteil
Slates bonds with Inteiesi shall have been
lullv paid.
Hills weio Intiodiiced for the ei-ectlon of
public buildlmrs at Oshko-h , Milwaukee , Su-
peiior and Clalrs. | . , ami Fremont ,
N'eb.At .
At theconcluslnn of the call the speaker
nniiouncetl biscommlllee aupoinlmcnls aiitl
the house adjoutned until MoHtlay.
Tim NI-JW ru Ncn o.vniNir.
Ooniposltlon of'tlio . Ministry Formed
by OeKro.vHiu't.
PAIIIS , Jan. 7. The new cabinet was an
nounced In the Olllclnl Carelle this aflei-
noon as follows : DC Kicjeiuet , picsident of
tlie council and minister of foielgn alfalrs ;
Saiilou , mlnisler of the iPteiior ; Snidl-
Cainol. minister of Iliiance : ( iohlot. minister
of public itistiuctlon : le ) Mole , minister of
justice : Do V'elle , mlnlstei of agiicnlture ;
lieu. Itonlanecr. minister of war ; Anhiii ,
mluls | i ol' marine and colonies ;
iniiilsierof imblle woiks ; ( Jiaiiet , minister
ol posts and toleiriuphs ; Lockioy , ndulsler
of eommeiee.
Composition of Ihe new ministry creates
no enlinislasin , notably the appoinfmenl of
Jl. Tin ilen , a third r.tte . polillclnn to the Im-
iioitant ollleeol minlsferol the inteilor. U
is said lliat bis apiiolntment will mose a
somceol weakness. The cabinet will , -It Is
believed , be blunt lived.
1'Aitis , Jan. 7. ( icneral DeCourcev , com
mander of the Ficnch f otces In Toiiqtiln ,
telegraphs the war ollleo as follows : "Dining
the latter p.ut of December the icbols tle-
stioyetl the Catholic mission houses at Agh-
ean , Annam. and kllletl the Ficnch mission
ary ami MX ) native elnlstians. A
column of Fiench tioops weie sent In pin-
suit ol the rebels. II oveitook anil united
them and c.iptuietl their aims ami ammu
nition. _
A Denial From Halnc.
Uiui.t.v : , Jan. 7. F. Kaine , United States
consul general In this city , denies that he is
in any way connected with the Cincinnati
cone.spondenco delamlm ; PendletiMi , United
States minister to ( Scummy. Unlne savs lie
has ( pdt joiirnallstio Illc " anil has wiitten
nothing for the piess since last May. The
whole matter appears to him to tic a "plot ot
evil minded jieisons , Jies.ivs hisicl.ittons
with IVndloton aio of the most liiendly
Tlio I'aninna Canal.
LOMIO.V , Jan. 7. The Times' Pails cones-
pen dent sajs : Tlio Fiench government will ,
at the icquest of the Panama Canal company ,
send Itotisscan lo insjiect and icpoit on the
condition and prospects ol the I'.inama canal.
If theiepoit is favorable a loan will be gi ant
ed the company to push the woik ID comple
tion. It it is adveisc , the entciprl < e will he
allowed tocoll.tpse and ( bo goveinmcnt will
assume the responsibility.
V.'lll Probably Kml in
LONDOX , Jan. 7. A dispatch lioni Taiiui-
tavc says that negotiations tor the settlement
of the difTeionces between France and Mada
gascar aie sf ill in the elementary stage. The
Inlngassy olllcials stlilihoi'nly ' leject some
conditions icccntly s-nbmitletl by Fiance.
ami it is e.\icctcd | tlfat'tho negotiations will
end In failnic. , "
. Finanuial Itnrdcn. " '
PAKIS Jan. 7. The ( Saulols. says that the financial houses in Paris have
agiccd upon a i-cheum for Ilio unification of
the debt of J-'iance. Accoitling to this piojecl
the piibhctlebt will bo COD veiled Into : i per
cent lenles. and the pcipetnal iloating tlclit
will bo consolidated at II percent. The plan
also involve.- national loan.
STltlKK AVKltTKI ) .
Tlio Klcvnled Hallway i.'roiil > lcN Ain-
Xi-w : YOUK , Jan. 7. The final coiisiillnlion
between the committee on gilcv.ince.sof the
Jlrotherhood of Locomi llvo Kngineer > anil
the olliccrs ol the J'ltevated ' rallioad took
place at the company's olliccs this allernoon ,
The constillation was a loir. : one , lasting
fi om : ! o'clock to ncailyO o'clock. Ceneral
Manager Jlain , Vice Picsident ( iall.uvay ,
Sldhoy Dillon and Cyius \ , Field icpie-
sentetl the company. A few minutes after
I o'clock Field announced to the renoiteis
that thediniciilties bad amicablvscl-
tied on a ni no hour b.isis. Vvlicn
tlio meeting was finally over. Chlot
Jinginccr Aitliursaid that HID elevated ial- !
way compapy hail granted all tinirquests
contained in tin1 letter ol triiuvaiiccs wlilcli
was forwarded to the oflicials seveial tl.iys
ago , with the exception of the eight hour
clause. The engineers had aiieed ; that nine ,
inslcnd of eight lion is sliould conslitiilea
day's vxork. I niler this acieemenl a full
hour's pay is to bo allowed whenever an en
gineer Is called upon to work a traction of ; ui
hour over the specified nine hoars. The day's
woik will begin al leO : Instead ol r > :15 : as
fotmeily , an additional thicc-quartcrs ot
an hour being allowed engineers to leach
their machines fiom the nearest elevated
road station. The wagr.s will bo W..VI per
day for old engineers , tjK.OO lor all englneciH
| ) ioinoed | lion1 positions as liiemen , liicmen
s'X ( ) , ilremnn piomoted lioni other loads
: > l.r > lor six months , JjJ.OOaflerwards.
"Weaiemucli pleased with the settlement , "
said Chief Aithnr ; "Hie. olllcers have dealt
with us faiily and srpiaioly , and wo have no
fault Jo liinl.\"The thing has been amic\bly ;
" lemaiKeil Col , ( lain "
adjusted , , "and tint
slilke is aveiled. "
Tlu > I'iioillo COIIHI JjiindH Offvvllli I lip
Si.MMir , Oregon , Jan. 1 , 18S'1. '
I To the JvUtor.J Jn the \Viim.v : ;
Uii5 : of.i'ejnin1nr . } . ' . ' ; ! , J.tJW , in an
arliclo - | uindi'il. . { , "Vandorbilt's J'al-
acjuyi , > urliOadlmos call his residfiiuo
the" in' America , and i lice | the
valuo.'incliidintf furniture , at - J.OOO.OOO.
Somi-occnsioiially Hitch urliuliui rovi.'al
'how iittio is " known of HID Pacilio
coast. Jn 5un 1'ranci.sco , the residence of
tlm widow of the Into Mark Hopkins cost
$ : iOuOUOn , exclusive of fiirnitnro. Again
; \l \ Jtciihi Park , near Sifi ; Tranelsco , is
erected the handnomo residence of J. U.
Flood at a cost of iKi.OOfl.OJii , also oxclii-
hive of I'tiniilure. This man is building
anolhor tOQOl)0 ! ) ( ) ) rc.sidonco on Lnlilor-
nia struct , San Francisco , nt n coal ( if
.frj.OOO.OUO. Intending t < ) liavn a country
and city liomii pf cqpal grandeur. . ft
would no well for yon to prepare an aiti-
clo on the costly residences of iho J'tioilic
coast. Yours , resj eitfully. ;
hicnco Storcw.
A hoard oj mrvoy has been appointed
by order of ( Jen. Howard to meet at tlm
.subsistence .storehouse in this city at 10
o'uloek tins morning , to inquire Into ,
report upon Hint lix the responsiliility for
certain < lnini"cil ; umlduluiicnt siibsistenee
htore.s , for which .Major John P. Jluwkins ,
commissiiry of subsistence , is.iciuimlablo :
'J'liu dftitil lor the boatil is : .Major Kuberl
II. Hall , Tuonlv fucuiitl mfanlrv. ( . 'aid.
Charles A. II. .McCaul.iy. A.M ( , , Second
end Lieut ( icurgo .N. I'lniMKomth in-
JUKI ) .
Jtlclunond , Va. ,
Dec. IS , JsA ) . FmlcufK Y
lormcilyotVeyijioiitli \ , I'ln lann , fu'u ic-ii
deuce Paik avcnne and ' 1 uchth stuct , Ibis
Old Boreas Blows a Wave of Arctic Frcjh-
Over the West.
Tin * Lead ! 111 : Cities Completely Iso
lated iViiui Their Western .N'eljjli-
bors Tin * ( "old Wave Travel-
Ins Sontlivvnrd to the Unit"
Tlie Second lUocKnUe al l.lneoln.
LiM'ot.v , Xi-li. , Jan. 7.-Special [ Telo-
irnmi.l At 10 o'clock lasi nluht word was
uvelved that a hlimtil was luglm ; at Hast
ings , nnd traveling caMwaid veiy fast , The
tbeimomcler hcio icglstered tvvcnty-llvo
above /eio , and Hie skj's weiebiiuht. An
limn later U was siiowlnu haul and llieie was
a diop of lo ° In the teuini'iatuic.
This moining the stoim Is still raging and
Lincoln people ate snowbound again. It Is
hotiilj giowlm ; colder and the winds aio
blowing licucly. All the inilioads ate block
aded nnd no attempt to move tiains will bo
made until the stoim Is over. The train
liom W.vnmie was abandoned at dole this
morning , and the Hinlln-ilou tiain No.I. . duo
In Omaha at 11 a. m. to-day Is Mill at
Hastings , Tiain Xo. : i on the lltiiling-
ton which left heie foi the west nt 10 o'clock
last nluht ran into Ihe storm at Ciete and
was Itneed to hack down to Lincoln again.
The train fiom Chicago was abandoned at
Plattsmotith and tlm Omaha connection wit's
not stalled out. The outlook now is that Hils
stoim will be worse in man } icspects than
that of Sundav. It is much colder , snows
harder and the winds am higher. Koports
loeelvul here .show the stoim is geneial tyll
over Xebtaska and ic.iuhcato Atchlson , Kan
sas , on the south.
At Kansas City.
The storm vvhichjuevalled all day on the
plains Is one of the most suvcicovei known.
Xo tiains aiiived ordepaitcd to-night on the
Santa Fe , Union Pacific or Burlington , V MIs-
semi liiver lallionds. Telegraphic commit-
njc.itIon with points west of here bus
been gieatly interinpted , and many
laihond wiles' are down , The
snow tall has been accompanied by
stiong winds and soveio cold , ami will un
doubtedly cause much stilfcring among the
cattle , probably cntalllnglhiMvy losses. The
weather here has been less severe , though to
night the meicuiy is its below yeio , with
keen , noithwest winds , and llglil , diifting
snow falling , A Vassengei who came in over
fho Santa Fo from Williams , X. M. ,
stales there isan nnbioken coveting of snow-
on the mound lor the entile distance ol some
100 , : ! miles. Kopnits fiom the noith s.iy ( ho
weather is so seveie that linemen cannot co
out to repair disabled telegraph wires in tlio
oi'cn conntiy.
Severe al Sioux City.
Siorx Ctrv , Iowa , Jan. 7. A seveie stoim
set lit heie last evening and continued
thioiighoul the day. I'his evening the wind
is still howling , and the thermometer I')3 be
low , The Illinois Ccnlial load , which was
blocked by the piovloiis stoi in , is now hope
lessly closed until the vvcjilher \
Celtics and tlio' hack" Van "bo
shoveled mil , Js'otialn vyu-.sent v.out
oiitlie'Omalia for Sr. Paul. ThoSlonv City
& Pacific line is open but tiains aio some
what delajcd , Nebraska roads entering lioio
abandoned trains to-day. Ail ( ho loads in
southern Dakota aio mostly open , though
tiaiiis aie delayed by cold , The stoim is iho
most seveienlnce. that ol October , IBM ) , and Is
gcncial thiouglio'it the cut 10 section so far
as can beheaid fiom.
Hes Molties Snow Hound.
Dis : MOIXKS , Iowa , Jan. 7. ( Special Tcle-
giam. ] The ! ii t bll/xaid of the season set In
at noon to-day. 'J'ho incicuiy has dioppcd
-0 = since moining and Isstill falling. Strong
winds and sharp , culling snow have been
blowing from the ninth all afternoon. Tim
lailioads aio geneially delayed or blockaded.
The nariow gauue loads noith and south mo
closed. The Jlock Island west of DesMulnesls
shnl up. Xoithwcslein tiaiusstaitedoutlatu
but aie expected to spend all night in Iho
snow banks. The Diagonal Jell late in Ibu
allcinoon. The Foil Dodiru load Is snowed
under. The weather is glowing colder very
_ _ _
At. Tnpoka.
Torr.ifA , Kan. , Jan. 7. All fKiins on tha
Santa I''e and Union Pacific lallionds aio
abandoned. The mall which leit Kansas
City at 10 o'clock thU moining on the Santa
IMS load Is tit Osage ( 'lly , thirty-live mile.s
west of here. The tiain on thu
Union Pacific , leavlmr Kansas city at
the same time is at Winiicun. A fenlblH
wind and snow sloiin piovalls all over tlm
state , but IK mot seveut In tint western p.ut.
At lltookville , 110 miles of heie , on Iho
Union Pacllii ; load , tlio thermometer legls-
Icicil l.v ; below /cm al 4 p. in , I hie , at
! l o'clock the thermometer le isteis 10" below
/cro with prospects of its goinu lower. Them
Is not a heavy fall o ! snow here , lint it \
( hilling badly.
Tlie Cold Wave Golntf.
o.v , Jan. H. 'l a. m , The. coM
wave mentioned Wednesday night ban ovcr the Missouri valley and west gulf
stair's , causing a fall In lempt'ia *
tmo of from 'JO" to 10 * . It
will move eastwiuit over the Mississippi
Vnllv today nnd in the casfoin gull states ,
causing veiy heveio liosfs In the migar re
gions of the B mill. U will bo fell in Iho
Ohio Valley dining the night and on Saint-
day in the South Atlantic slale.s.
SIJVVA.UI.I , Neb. , Jan. 7. [ Special.Trains |
niilvctl heio yesteiday morning for Ilio fust
I line since Ihe stoim , Kvei > thing Is blncK-
adt'd with snow heie. Another cold wave
struck n.s to-day , sending tliu thermometer
down with a vengeance. It now icgislm.s 10"
below , and glowing colder.
At KansiiH ( Jlty.
KANSAS CITV , Jan. 7 , - A liMciihlonn of
snow and wind Is niKlni ; wi-s | i > ) heie , ami
reached 'J'oiiela this alteinoon , iraveltiiL'
casiwaid. J'ho nieu'iny is imiortcd to be l.V
below /.i'io. At .Manhallaii , Kan-as , a largo
numliei of lolegraph poles havts buen blown
down. _
Al SI. I'tiul.
ST. I'.vti. . Jan. 7.A cold wnvo with a
bll/vaid itccompaninient .struck lld- >
lonighlliomlho northwest. The indications
aio thai ilio irmpcialuii- 111 reach " . < bejow
bv diijliglit. 'I 'ho storm Is geneial llnuiigh-
out t o
Indio.-it IOIIH Tor To-Day ,
iti VAM.I.V Full weather preceded
liy local snows in tonthern jioillon , colder
uealhi-i in sniiihcui pintlon , hli.\\lj \
lomperntine id noiiheni puttlon ,
wind' ' .
A ( ( iultnjler ,
Snii vi.i n , Neb. , Jan. " > . | S ( cclal. ) At
Ibis lioni , .So : : ; n , m. , the thrimun cii i .stands
at lh'lo ' , \ . Conaldeiable snow Inhini ; with
> Vllll qnito : ; .
In leaving lim olllci ) of ( ionnti Ircas-
uriT , .Mr. John Kiish turns overtouis
siiei-t'ssoi1 , Air. ISolln. In llit'iieiilihorliontl ;
of . * Moik , ) . The accounts have not jet
b i-ii completely nilins'rd , andyo | or
Ihnv inorr ili vs will ho notctiiiry t < )
hli.iiyiit' a out it 1 thu details.