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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1886)
\ 0 THE OMAHA DATIiY BEE. THURSDAY JANUARY 7 , 1880. II IS ! 1 THE JXVtliY BJBI5 COUNCIL BLUFFS THUHSDAV JtOUNING , JAN' . 7. OrriCEl Ko. 12 rearl Street. liy tnirlr r In anj part of the city nt ( Mlt8 | r Milk. II. W. TII.TO.V , - - - Malinger. Tl f.r.l'HONIH , Uf.etNFeROHICt , No. I i. NICIIT CIIITOII. No. it. MINOIt MKXTIO.V. 1'nnts to onli-r , fioin $5 tip , at Holler's. The soiit'nifis of tinV ! ' ] i.\toriiincluirci ] an1 to be it'iilcil Iliis m citing. Pi'i'iuit tovi > il lins liccn \\rn \ to Will- tor Strunni ami .loniiiu IiKui. ! : hoth of this oily.TIic TIic Impel ial Hub \sill pivc nnolhop of Its set it's of ilnticot in Mn onlu liall on tliu Mth insl. Onlv one ill unk , ami Hint HIP jiLiinc't Kirt of it tiliiin one , t'iinliliiti'il all the fitipuiior c-oiirl had lo A\oik on je ter- tlny.The The fiinern ] of Mi-i John Inninii will tnko jilnctj this aflc-rnoon at i ! ! ! ( ! o'eloel ; , at this family residence , No. 017 Mills feti eul. Jo cih | Drh'sbnt'li. of Omalin , lini lea = rd tlio corner sloio in tliu oei ] ) a building and will slioitly opun a inanufaetuiiny rniifeotionery. Mr and Mn Charles liiirgliaiiscn on Tnrsday evening onte.'tainpil nboiit t\M'nly-livi ! of their friends at their rosi- dcnci ! on lienton .si i cut. The nnuorailniits that ho has .till 'f'O ' li'ftfrom the ainonnl appropriated for his nxpcnses tt ) Dus Moines. It will not bo tinned into the tie.iiiiry until the coun cil so orders In .Jnstieo SHmr/'s ooiut jcsterdav thi } lime was taken np In Hie trial of a ra'-o in whioh a small roeeiy bill in- \ol\cil , and all tlic pintles coneerned bu- lonircd in Omaha. The eighth series of the Man led Ladies I'roiessi\e Kiiclni1 clnli v\ill be oiiter- tained tonioriow e\enm at tlio resi- deneeofMis John X H.ilduin , Ko. 1-1 South SKth street. The council eommillee , in fhecKinj ; over tin1 accounts with Milt hell Vmcelil , iiuohin an e\pi'iditme ) ol about Sl OOO on the new sen or diteh , to mil only ono cent dilleience Uloic lifiniin ) ; . The < -otinty boiiid lutsicd itself yester day in cheeking up thn treasurer's books and making a linal settlement with IMr. Henncttlio now n'tirt" . to make room for thi ! now dcmociatic treasurer , Mr I'lummer. The new county superintendent of fcchooN , Mr .1. W. w. Laiid , has taken a room in the Masonic building , No 7 , and will occupy it jointly with Mr Thomas Toste\in , the retiring county Mirvej or , who will keep bis ollico I hero. Much complaint is made of the slippery condition of the Mono walks aion f llroadway , and in front of Ihe Masonic temple. It is suj cMed that a sm.ill quantity ol Kind spiinkled on the side walks would hcrvu to s.tvo limlw and jno- lanily. The d-eiiption ( of the man who passed onto Mr. Ciockwell a forced check , boar- iii the name ot T. .1 K\ans , an \\ers lo that of the man \\lio recently pa ed a foiled check on another way dealer. The police ha\o not captured the ollendcr yet. City warrants aio ciawliiiR up , they now selling fiom " 7 eenls to bO cents on the Atthi > i-ha\o they still nay tlie broker a bij ; per cent. In f.icl , they are better than almost any other sort of investment , as thej can teen be changed into cash , and draw mtcroil until that time , besides the amount of the ili-count. Mr. John Inman. ho Inis been called on to mourn ( he death ol his \\iJc , has been kindly ii'iiH-mliered by lii- . li Mow members of tlicgr.ind jury , who raised a piirsii for him v'Meiday , con I lining about $10h cli \\.is dflic.iti'l.y pie-cut ed to him lie had a heiny financial di : iin ot Lite , and ( lie - . , niiiliy | ! I hi- : , manitcst tool. .1 | > foi m " 1 e\ica- ( ) hint : . The county ' bond appropr.Ued la t year o ! m- the purpose of liirn'sliing ' n .iding mailer foi the pri on- _ ci.s in IIIcoimly i til , this being in ib.irge" of Hex. ( J. ( ! like , \\lio \ licen domj ; htich \\orlhy\\uikaiiiiiiiglliii jnisoiicrs foryonis past Yi'slculaj Mr Hice rn- poiiedto the board as to how he had impended the money , and thi- > was ' oat i.sf.ictory that a similar amount was ' nl lowed' for this year. Mr. Uice lias for a long time -een to it that religious er- Tiees aie held in the. jail every Sunday , and aside fiom the icligious n.ituicof his work ho lias taken a ( leal ot in terest in their and physical con dition. Hi ; has conliibnted liberally of his time , .strength and means , in outer to better those \ \ ho aie -hnnncd by tlm woild in gem ral. While in m.inic , Eiiects tlin work is discouraging , Mr Kieii lin * an < > e . | s ion.d fruitage which is gralilying lo him Once in a while he hticceeds in his attempts lo make a good cil/on ! out ill a bad one. His woik is one which ei ilainh merits co-oniT.itum and Miiorl. | ) | eondiicled as it is by him , with no posMlc ) inothi ) except the higbent and bo.1- ! . lor bin dw am and homo fmnishinggrt prices of Cooper V kec ( ! , No 11 Main hi reel. All kinds of interior drapings , coinico poles , hhades , etc , the \ cry cheapest in tlm wcs-t at K Stockeit iV Oo's. Upset Ciitterri. The snow lies M > unovcnly Unit a nnni- Ler of npsclsaro icnoited ot blciglnng liartlcs , Dr. Montgomery Weigh , widen was oc cupied by two ehildion , jo-tenhiy npsot , the horse running away and consideiabln ilannigo was done to the hleigh. Tlie inn- awny uioiight np in fiont ot llarkness Uros. J. IJrodbeok and wife were iineere- jnonioiisly dumped out of their sleigh in thohnow William I.inabarger up ot hibcutlorand wiiHilrag cd ( inito a distance. The Misses Mebinglon and Milliard were grui'ufully luiiilud in the .snow , and nu merous other such litllo incidents OQ- cured but without : in.\ damage to the oc- cupiint.s of the ctilttiih , Alonoy to loan on chatto Is , by Forres Smith , ii : ( ) Main Mieet. Cottage ranges , ( iailand htovos Hn- ( limit Homes and Hub Heaters of the very latest patients at bed rock prices , at Cooper ti MclJeo's , No. 11 Main street , I'ortioiml I'ar.ic C. W , Stiock has gene to Omaha , where bo will bo in the employ of the Fairbanks Lard company. F. J. Seanlan , roptcscnting the Inter Ocean , is hero on a brief business tiip , looking utter the intcreaU of that paper. 11. K. Morgan , who lias lately disposed of his interest in the Amsworth , Neb. , Journal , was in the city jcsterday gi cut- ing some of his old friends. Ho was for merly ono of the Nonpareil family. Mr Ini Copson. who has served so ac ceptably as clerk at the Ogdcn house , buHgono to Maqnoketu. Ho has served the guests of that hotel and tlio public gcnoially in a man nor which has won for him many friends , whoso well wishes will go with him. _ Having put In n complete now stock of clothing , furnishing goods , hats , caps , via. , Fox & Hughe * , No. ! H5 Main street , invite the publio to give them a trial. Their expenses lire small and tboy can and do sell cheap. Titr > ivnt iT nniM tr t\tTntt THE INDIAN CRttR DITCH , A Complete Statement of the Work Thus Par and Suggestions for the Future. THE NEW CANNING FACTORY. Gi hiding Awny on Criminal Tip Ovrr Cutters All Hie Craze OJlicrM8 OntliiMTtl Prom Council UtiilTH , 1 IIP Xow Scwrr Dllt.'li. The city engineer , J. I' Hiodbeek , has made a report on the Indian creek cwcr ditch , in which he .tys : "The condition of suid ditch now is a clear rind unobstinctcd channel , except ing piling under i.'il\\n.y biidge , from 1'ifth a\cnnc south ton po'int about Ilirie- fouilhs of u mile sonlhweslcily of the city limit" , at which pc lit t ic same inns out nt tin * nalural Mirlaeo of the vlonjih , but without fall , however , to thi" point from a point about one Irilf mile noith of the city limits. Tlio oiiginal inti ntion wn" lo make the point at Die city limits eleven feet above the plane of iclercnee , and at Hto.uluny liftecn fent , iiiaking a fall of two feet per mile , but in coiisc- ( picnco of what is known as the ' hort cut' across the fields lo the lake not having been fully decided upon I ran the level from slid p olnt one-half mile noilh of Ibe city limits in order to do as little work as possible oulli of aid limits until the route was finally adopted The distance to the lake acio s fields equals about ono and one- eighlh mile.s , and by way of slungh through sections II. 15 , i2 ! ami L'7 , nearly four niilcs. I'levalion of water in lakes December 1(5 ( , IS , equalled ' . ' .5 feet. Klevation of river at piobablo in- tcrscclion via slough , about 1.0 feet. Ex- cayalion by shoit cut with a cio-s section of hay ( ! feet on bottom , slope ono foot to one fool , average cut about li ! feet , with fall of' ' ! feel per mile , equals about Id- 000,000 cubic .vaids This tall would In- tei'scct the lake at an elevation of about live feet above the present elevation of water Uonlo via slough would bedillieult ol conslinclion be.vond pool near south east corner of ' eelion n , slough being about 0,000 , feet long , studded with dead willow snags and stumps , and be.vond that again tor a distance of about a half mile h'gh ' ground covoicd with timber. Taking in consideiation the ilillerenee ol distances in routes and meat iiregnlmity of via slough , and fall being prae tically equal , the short cut seems the more feasible. " Tor first class Missouri wood call on Glcason , at his coal ollicc , S(5 ( 1'cailsticet. For everything in the grocery line give the new him of ICint/ : Klecb , IG'Iiroad- \\ay.aliial Kvciythingnew and fresh. 1'aney gioceiies a specially. Coi tect Abstracts ol Title and Heal Ks- talc Loansat iMcMabon iCo's , No. I 1'earl street. _ Tlie Doings til * Court. In the disliiel eomt ycsterd ly Miles IMullen was found guilty of stealing Ir. Mitchell's hor.-c. Tlic grand jury relumed an indictment against Jerry liitcbic , the joung man who is said to have pm Joined so miicli dm ing the years of his employment in Uushnell's store. The case has attracted a good deal of attention as the young man is so well known here , and thcie has been many comments on the lact that be has not been prosecuted bcfoie. It is piedicled thai il will be dillicnlt lo piovo grand larceny against him , although theieseoms _ little doubt but thai his pe culations amounted in the course of years to seveial bundled dollars. Tliodinicul- ly is said to bo thai these amounts were taken a litllo at a time , and that it will be dillicull lo prove that he took moro tli in ' , ' 0 at any one time. It is claimed that he will h.uo to be tried on ono at a lime , and that the most that can be done is to find him guilty ot petit laieeny. One charge titter another of this kind could be ptoseciitod , lint it is not likely that ihi com so would bo pin sued tor .my great length of time. An ellbi t w as be" mg make ycsleida\ secure bail for him and thus get him out of jail. The "land Jin , } returned an indictment jostculai eliaigmgJ W ( ircon with the larceny of a liorso belonging to J. V. U mm ell , of Knox township. The trial of criminal cases will prob ably take all of this week. It is expect ed that will bo sovcial piisoncrs sententcd to-day. A motion for n new dial was piescnlcd ed yesterday in Ihe case of S. A well , who was found guilty ot obtaining money under false pietenses. It was ' taken' under advisement. At rangemonls v\eie being made by Mime ol bis fiicmls ye terdilo : secure bail for him , bo as to icic\clitm ! liom Ihe unpleasantness ot lemainmg longe ; in j.ul. Much ol the time in couit yeateiday was taken np with the tiialof Kiehaid Maker , the colored man known as 'Texan , " lor slabbing another coloied man. Prank Tiidey , in a low in Nelson's siihion , i tow weeks ago , Uespile tliu se riousness of the chai ge , "assault w itb in tent to kill , " the tualwas an amusing ono m home ot its Icatiirca. 1'inloy , on llii ! sland.gavoa humoionsaccounlot the albiir , and tiom his account it appcius that thov , must have bad u "monkoy and 11,11 lot" limn. Finleygot m one blow on Texas" which landed the latter nineteen - teen and a half feet , according lo Ihe tes timony of ono witness , who Hiad taken the pains lo measure the distance aceti r.itolywitha tape lino. Fmluy claimed thai no knocked "Texas" fiom eighteen lo twenty live fi'ot , iirnl puihnps moio. Fmley lecclved several cuts , but was nol bled , C. 15 .Jacquomin & Co. , No. 27 Main Mi cot , take pleasure in announcing to the public th. it their .stock of ailiclcs , or namental. Bt.vlish and useful goods , Is complete in cneli and every do- paitmcnt , and cordiallyinvito everybody lo % isil their store , inspect their goods and eomnaio piiccs. No tumble what ever to bliovv goods , Substantial absliacls of title and leal estate loans. J. W. , tV U , L. Squire , 101 1'carl sti cot. Notii.'o. I have severed my connection with the "Medical .lournal , " published by } ) i : Capell , and will not bo responsible for any dobta contracted for said paper A. Ovunox. Canning l-'jutory Tor It seems pretty well settled now that Council Bbill's will soon hae located hero ono of the laigest canning manufiic- tones in the slalo. Persona inlorostcd from elsowherohavo been in consultation with clti/ens hero , and as a result of the contoronces , it has boon decided to go ahead with the aiiangcmcnls tor starting such an enterprise hero. It Is understood - stood that the parties coming hero will invest if 18,000 , and Unit if 7,000 moro will bo invested eili/.ens hero , making tlio capital $ . . ' 5,000. Tliu intention ib lo put npwoiks at once , and to can tomatoes and corn next niimmer , with the proba bility of adding m the winter season facilities for c.uiiiing meat. Tl.o capacity of the works will bo such that from sixty to ono hundred persons will be employed , It is hoped that this will bo but the be ginning of a boom in manufacturing for lids city. Council Itlulls needs factories of all kinds , and the citi/uua seem so thoroughly nrou = odnnd , so much in earn est that never before has there s etm-d such strong probabilities of the city securing several such enteipiiscs within the conunp vcor. " . le ? nre nnd a k jour grocer for the bread made at Smith \ : Locrkc's bakciy. No W ! ! Main streel. It is the vorj best made Try it and be convinced. Try John Temple-ton's "Hoo" cigar. Itcst conl and wood m the e"ity nt Glen- son'.s , 20 Peail street. INCIDENTS OF LIFE UNDER WATER An Olil KiiKlncciHolnlei Some of His r\potleiico < \\luH the Olilnaineii Saw. "Life under water monotonous , eh * Well , I guc s nol. At least I don't find il so. I've been there fourteen jears and on , and have always mummed to , find enough to oceup.v mj limeand altenlion. " The speaker was an engineer on ono of Ihe great ocean -IcnmcK , and as beinndu that remnik lo a New Yoik Tiibnno ic- porlcr , while standing on the pier , before Ins vessel , he readjusted his loose Jiloiise with an nwkvvaid jerk , and gave bis head n confident twitch. "A fellow needn't lei time Ing on him anywhere if he onl.v has hi * e. > es open , " he'added. ' 'Now , to some It would seem almost unbearable lo VMitch Ihe conlinn- oils throb of the machinery of a large steamer and hear nothing but the ever lasting 'click , click'of tlie piston rods nnd levers but lo me they all sound like music I've become paitly dulled nnd insensible to them , but even now 1 often sit 'till and watch and ll tcn to their nev er varying beats with that sol t of sat isfaction which a musician feels when he inns his lingcis mechanically jet skilfully over the keys of hisiustintncnt. Ills satisfaction aiiscs from the fact thtit he has the instrument cnliiely undur his own control , and mine comes' fiom a similar cause. With a touch of m.v linger 1 could propel thou sands of tons at almost any speed thiongh tlie water , or send a bundled lives into eternity. Indeed ; I feel that 1 am the sole responsible party on board lor the lives of Ihe passenger- , and il ic- mains with me to keep mv , , nniclrincij in such perfect condition as to withstand any otdinary sea or lough stoim. ' 'And again I take pride in keeping everything around me shiningbkc burn- i-hcil gold. It a spot of gic.xsc or dill gets on the rods 01 handles of any pail of lilt machinery il cannot escape my no tice long. 1 go over ev cry piu t of the en gine loom twice a day , and nib the brass and steel rods with as much plcasmo as though 1 owned the steamer myself. I Mmictimes amiiao myself in keeping a iccoid of ( he number of mile j we run an hour and comparing it with the rccoids of pi ovions trips , i have on a book in the engine-loom a curious table of dates and lignies , which shows to me the ex act lime for eermile made by difl'ercnt steamers which J have cn < rinccicl acro-s the ocean for Iho last foul teen yeai- . If anything mole than Usual occurs I jot it down opposite the date , and so make a dairy ot it. It speaks volumes to mo , and recalls mnn.v interesting memories. For In-tanee , J was looking thioiigh it the other di.and . I found opposite Nov. 1(1 ( , 1875 , a leleience to a visit fiom Chi namen. The incident was recalled to my mind in a moment , and I laughed hcnitily o\cr it to mv-clf. This is what it meant. One day while lying in poit woweic visited b.v several Chinamen who weio anxious to inspect the ship. They were an ignorant scl , anil had never seen any maeiiinery vvoikcd bv steam. The captain was a good-natured fellow and allowed them to como below , although they expciicnccd some doubts as to the advisability of-o doing. They vveio very timid , and it took some-time foi me lo convince them that the niaelnn- civ was harmless. Finally 1 got two of them to come close to tlic heavy diiving iod , which you know on : i lingo vessel is an cnoinio'us piece of iron. .Suddenly witboul warning , il gave n slart loiwaid , and , accompanied by a loud pull'of steam , leaped fully ten feel above our beads. Angry at my assistant for Idling on steam without my knowl edge , I turned to speak to him when my attention was atlracled toward the stair way. The last two Chinamen of the p.u- ty 'were making frantic endeavors lo \ lump up half a do/en slops at a time. The test had di-.ippcurcd , and before I could gel on deck the whole crowd had got into their boat and stalled for Iho shore. No amount of pel.suasion could ever get them to return to that ship which they claimed was alive. Il was ii mean tiick. but it has aflbidcd me many good , laugh .since. " KING FARO'S EXILt. . Felony Acts and Heavy Fines Too Much for the Tcrrlhlo Tifjer. Cincinnati Jonquil er : "The anti- gambling wave , " remarked an old spoil , as lie biaccd himself in a Vmostiect doorway , has pretlv tbotoughly swept o\or tins country. I suppose there , is less gambling-that is , on tins caid-table than there has been for half a century. Gambling , there always will bo. It is a kind of necossiiry evil , and if people can't gamble ono way they'll find another This criisiulo against the tiger started over in Missonii when they they got the felony bill through the legislatiuc. The faio Kings laughed , and thought it would bo n dead letter. Then Atlanta opened on the boys , and diovo every ono of them out ot town. Atlanta , Memphis and Nashville bad always been good gambling centers , and in ante-bellum days the wt.illhv plantcis used lo win and lose their thoii sa.ids a night We thought we weie sin oof Nashville and Memphis , Clotty first thing wo knew a bill was in- liodueed in the Tennessee logNulme making it a fi lony to deal faio and ccit.iMi other games. Wo woiointoimud by the light p.u ties Unit J.SJi ( ) would bur * , 't ' bevoud ic-amcelion. Wo pooh poohcd the pioposilion , and ono line nunning nwoko lo find it had gene Ihiough with n ni-h Too late wi-icah/cd they hnd nut the nippers on us Our lawyers said the bill was uneon stitutionnl Wo fought it lluoiiKh Ihe su- picmo con it , vylnch decided nganist its. I leokon poor Dick ( inrwin , who dealt Ihe game that miidcllie test case , had a piolt.v clear idea it constitutional after ho had served a jeai in Iho pen. Then vvo tried to dodge it The dealer dicsscd in u mask and long domino , but people wcro afraid , and no man wantto put himself within the shadow ot ; i prison for \'M s\ week. 'Ihen wo fixed up the game of Ibiilecn , which is simply faro , with the exception that lliu diflcrcnt figures are used on tliu face of this cards. J'hoy are working thatdown in Memphis now , but with indiU'oient .success. Chicago Mint down on the boys , and now Louisville , which was the old safe stand-by of the gang , has rooted out tljo | igor and the 'bankeia' placed tornior under heavy pon.dtics , besides inllleling severe lines I hear it is very litllo better in the east. When money becomes plentiful again nnd the country pioioerous King line will return again. To my idea gamblingdoos a pjneo good. It makes money cnciilato moro rapidly , and at tracts country merchants , who want to see the Hirer an well as the elephant when they conns on their annual purchasing tups. The spoiu have had a html tnno. Fi Din elegant dinner.s and Fiench brandy to Iho lunch rontoand tlio giowler is a big jump" , but many of them havu had to como to il , 'J'hoy are nl ] living in hopu that a now is coming , " Coughs , Colds nml Sons-Throat > leld readily to I ) , il. Douglass V Sons' ( Japs , cum Cough Drous. Hob Tootnbi nno lln AVntlc. Boston ( Jlobe ; Speaking of Toombs reminds me of tlitj number of quarrels be had in the senate with Hen Wade , and nt one time especially , when lie came very near having a duel. The home < -t"ad bill was under discussion , nnd Tootnlx had referred to it with a iieor ns a measure for white paupers when Wade are c and said "Sir , you sneer nt the homestead bill betau e il gives land to the landles * . do joii ? What is your pet scheme ? Hujing Cuba , * ej/iiip ne- groe < for thene ioclcs1 We will go to tlio country upon it. " Shortly after this \ \ ademade a speech in which lie need Inngimce which almol , npnareidly , compelled Toombs to challenge him. Several fi tends of Wade went to him and bcgsred him lo dcsiM , but the old man went on until Toombs announced his intention of Inking him to account. Upon this Wade quietly sal down , and the soutliein men looked at each other in .surprise , as it was evident he had tiled to provoke a quarrel with a ( Jeorgia liie- eater J'hat night a friend of Toombs , a senator of the United States , called upon Waije to know if lie would redact the offensive vvoids he hnd med. "No , I won't take back n word , " was Wade's emphatic response. "Then , " said the ft lend of Mr Toombs , "Senator Toombs will challenge on to nun till combat. " "This is just what 1 want , and ho might got to this point without all ibis palaver. " "Von cannot be in earnest , Mr. Wade , " said the senator. ' Ve , I am , and for a reason Wo noitheiners do not want to light. Iain npposed to Ihe code , and so : uc my con stituents , but .you fellows broke Simmer's head , nnd if we don't spunk up a litlle you will break nil ourheads. Tneshoit- esf way to end the matter is to kill oil'a few ofj'ou. I have picked out Toombs as my man. He will have lo challenge mo ; Ihen , ef com so , I will have the choice of weapons , and I will lake down my old title , and me if 1 don't bring" him down at the llrst crack. " This conversation was reported to Toombs , and he replied : "I can't chal lenge him. if I do no will kill me. " lie then told his ' cmitcni'il fiiends that he and Wade had been putlogethershooting with n tilic seveial times , and that while he ( Toombs ) could hoot well with n pistol tel , ho was a poorrille shot. Wade was an old hunter , and ( onld Minll a candle at a bundled yaids. Wade , in speaking of this afterward , aip : "If old Toombs bad challenged mo that time , as 1 e.xpocted ho would , I would have made him pi I a patch thcsi/cof a dollar over his hc.ul , and the old fellow wouli' ' have got demorali- /cd when he saw ire draw ing a bead on it , and me if 1 wouldn't have cut the patch. " When B by WM nick , we R TO h t Ciutorim , When > ho WAS a Child , ibe cried for Coetoria , When Rho became Mis'sho ! clung toCaMorla , Whtu iho had Children , eho are them Cistoria , ONLY HOTEL In Council Ulufls having Esoa/pe And all modern Iinproruncnte , call hulls , IIro ulann bells , etc. , Is tlio CREST ON HOUSE ! Nos. 215 , 217 and 219 , MnlnSticut , MAX JIOHN. 1'roiuletor. 1' . T. M.U.VK. A. S. H UEI.J-O.N P. T. Maync & Co , Real Estate Exchange No. lOU'eirl StiO3t .Council HIulTs , Iowa. Dealers in Iowa , Kun-as nnd Xclirnslm LanJj LOTS IN COUNCIL IJLUFFS AND OMAHA A SPECIALTY" . Kcal Estate bought and sold. A.W.PATTERSOMCO. . . . Nos. 1 and 2 , Masonic Temple , Council Bluffs , Iowa. The cold weather lias finally put in an appearance and finds many persons not yet supplied with heavy underwear , con sequently we wish to gently hint that we have a One assortment of Wewishto call tpecial attention to our Double front and back Undershirts with drawers to match. Fur and Cloth Caps , Mits and G-loves. Mufflers , r Etc. , Etc ] , Etc. CALL AND SEE US. A. "W. Patterson & Co. Nos. 1 and 2 , Masonic Temple , Council Bluffs. I SPECIAL NOTICES NOTlCi : . Special nilTcrll omcnt , such ( is I t , Found , To 1/wn , I'orSale. To Hcnt , WnnH Hoardingetc. . , Till bo Inscili'd in this column 1.1 thclotrrnto Of TEN CKXTS I'KIl UNHfortho , flret insertion < n < ! FIVK li\Td : t'lllt USE for Cftcli subsequent ln erllnn. Lonvo ndvcrti o. tncntsnt out ofCco , N'o. t ! I'o-irl sttect , near llrondwujr. Conmll llluT- ( . \VAVT-5. VJWAN K WAJ.Kin : , No. . Milu MHO ! , J ( uiulrnilz ! < llinkMinl ointPiitm inn- iluuidhcclKiiisi - Inokcf ) in lMdk ) < nrolull of | tfln ) luiiKiilne , but it i ltni > n slllr to pub ll h tollable ! i t fiomtliclmt < > 1 > o nnun ilali ilmiircMinl ) WP ek 1 : ll nii nnnt to i-I | 01 tunic mijl liliiff in i r line , t ito u niuHvo % \lll < CIUl .Mill II IlllcMil 1 111 Ulllll t > t lilt fiOlll. l.ntiiK linpiiiUMl 01 iinlnipniMM , lt ) ni IDMII IMiipvitji.Mortf * ol piDiU of nin Kind In nnv lilacc.Il such jo'l liavo c r eucli jciu until lit in lie irfi oin. xoit. Sntut&nlUci. . ( n mill tlln m I/nit Hl'N 1' A llnply furnish ? I Hunt loom J-No L'1lnc * tti-i't. roil JM J : \t iSrnimf , ( > i Moon" ltiilfuii , i i tiillos snullincvt ol Dnmli-i. fi room liouM'.pxipilonttpllnml il > ttMii. 1 biu'tn , one foi clKltt Inn-si's , ( mo for 'i ) m\\s ; lion , tool lllHl MIIL'llll llOUSIs. UXI HI-IP * III tlllllltll ) bV.IUll fnie.t trees , eiitlnn oed lilnck VMilnut , n li and initl'lc ' ; Kiioil iiiilniiil , niiln4 | | , iluiro < iilumi , f-'niiii'S unit iiinll ftnlN. NIMIM luillnn slock filler. It. I' . , 5W IlioiuluM ) . ' " "i , Ion n. _ 1.10l'MsiOHHnNT-\t : McMiihon \ Co' J . No I I'fiul sit col RUSSELL&Co Mnimfncttirereof nil sUosof AUTOMATIC ENGINES Especially Designed Tor Iluiiiilnir MILLS , C.KAIN KLKVATOUS , AND KLKCTKIC LIGHTS , Tubular mid Locomotive Boilers. New jrubsillon Threshers. Caiey nml Wootlbnry Ilorec Powers STATIONARY , SKID , Portable ami Traction Engines , SAW MILLS , JTC. : Factory Miussillon. 0. Branch Hon p 510 Pearl St. , Council Hinds. SEND FOR 1886 ANNUAL. Council Bluffs Carpet Co. Our stock { t non complete in rveiy dep.i mdntnnd contains all tliu li\lust Ulesniid effects n CARPETS , CURTA INS , SHADES UPHOLSTERY GOODS , ETC. . ETC -THE- Largest Stock -AND- Lowest Prices. TUB ONLY EXCLUSIVE CAHPBT HOUSE IN WLblEltN IOWA. BAMl'I.Kb tutnlslifd upon nppllcntlon todonn town pnrttus. FINE UPHOLSTERY WORK TO ORDER Council Bluffs Carpet Company & 05 Broadwcvy * E. K. Gael well , Real Estate , Probate AND DIVORCE LAWYER. No , 004 Broadway , : Council Bluffs Tiio = .oincri . w. n. u. pusir & PUSSY , \ & COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. N. SCIIURS , Justice of the Peace , Office Over American Kvpic 9 tompmiy. B. RICE , M. D. riWPURQ or olhor tinii irs irinotcil wlihout VAntrjllD tie Kiiifo nr iltawliifc' f folijoJ. CHRONIC DISEASES r mi kind. k | ci ur. UVLI ililrtj > ciiio' pi upoiioiioo , Olllco Ko. ll I'liul hliLi ; ! , ( oiiin il lllutls. i I'atu MRS. D. A. BENEDICT JUMHAClimUt AM ) llttl.tlt IN HAIR GOODS No. 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs. PAID UP CAPITAL , $20,00 , J. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL , $100,00) , ) . SUCCESSORS TO J. 4,03 MAIN STS&EET , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA IMPOItlTUS 01' AND Dr.ALKKS IN 1 ! Musical Merchandise of Every Description , Toys and Fancy Goods. We innke llic I'debutcd Huulm.ui Pianos , HUH tlio Whitney oijins , n specialty Evciy liibttiimcnl wniinntcd. Send foi catalogues. MIT.U.HU Ml'810 CO. , Council IJInlN. W.IP Hi iclluillillii F of nnv Un ! 1 nlwl or more I mil situt ictlon gtiir.intca 1. Krnino hoiisoi mi ) vail on I itlli'Ciliml trui'I.n lliu beat in tlio wml 1. SOS Eighth Avenue and Eighth Stroeb , Council IJlulTs. If you buy any where except at Metcalf Bros , They are selling their Clothing at Cost , and guarantee prices on hats , caps , underwear , hosiery , neckwear , silk hand kerchiefs , trunks , hags , etc , , etc , METCALE BEOS , , 34.4 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Northwestern Hotel. Newly filled and iuiiiishcd. Opp. I'.ioaihvay Dummy Depot. > l.JiOjici i.i ! > . SA.MITKL TA'l'i : , I'JDJI. L. 11. 15L11SHAW , .M.miujri. Chicago Lumber Co. liulfsiik' mid ictnll r.-iiiilicr , l.ulli , Miltulis , Sitsli , Dooib nnd Itliwli. . Silo iiKt'iitn Id ( ' " > iflclii.ttcd MmliU'liond ( 'din nili.ili il \\liilo IJlllL' . S 1' . M\U.NM I I , MltllHKUt. Tilrplione Kn. "f. No. ,10 Miiln htii'i I , Council lilnirs. KVI315VTJI1.SO I.MA < il\.UMH IX CROCKERY , CHINA , Queensware & G-lass At Homer's , Xo. . 'I.MiiiiiSli'eel , ( Viuicil ) I5liiiI'K , In. "ES S EX HOUSE , ( 'Olt.Mtll Hill AM' AMI VlMlbl" . C'ounuil llliillH. Win m looms nnil ( rood bniml at ii HUM , JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW J'lsictk't-s In > and IVdeial Courts. 7 uiul b biiu.iilt Dlucl ; lit mi. HOTEL , Main .St , Couniil liliill.s NiiirtlmC. , II. it i.M. } ; ( A * ht , I' . , ami ( ' . , It. 1. A I' . jilh\.i\ ili'uts. | btiei-t c.ilh ji.issllm ilooi i\t-iilliint : ; now ( fill lli'rtt I'jojulctoi and 3. M. Tai or ! NO , 7 and 9 MAIN STREET , Council Bluffs , Iowa UNION TICKET OFFICE J. L. De BEVOISE , Agent. N i. 007 llroiiilirnr. Council lliu ( In. Railway Time Table. Tlio folluwiiijf is lliu litnu of miivnl nnd dcpmttiri ! ul Inline l y ( I'litml Bliiniliiiil 111110.111 Dm locul ilupnH Tniim lo.uu tuuisCd diipot tun niimilcic.tillui uiul uttuo Ion inliuitoa luloi : . .IKAHO i Mjiirmtj-suuv. O.JiA. w . Mini mil Uvprt's-i fl : . " > 0i . v. l . ! Ur. M Auoinmoiliuloii , 4iii' : ! ( . M , i > : Ur.M ) I3vpii".s uoo i. M. ( llli.ACO i , HOCK IM. MI . , . - . . . 7PiA. : M . .Udimiimiliitlon S.46P. M. d-.nn : i\pit-3 : i. mi tin ) , tin.w ii M i. % sr. y : . , ' ( ) \ . M Mull uiul Kxpri'ss. . 6'Mf. : . U..VJI1. M . nXlll"S | J.a'i A. u. Clllt UK ) . lll'HI.l.SdlON < i . M Mull uiul Kvpti ' i,0i' : . ' \Vill SII hi. l.llfIS S , IM ( IHC. s.ifii1.Mi.oi.iin i.uiiii iviin-.i ; Lociii ( K HA-i MM. M 1111. \ I ( M/.M / | | , lll.tlKH 10KM.'i Mnil un I i\pn.s : . rWi' : , M. IMu I' . U 1.1 pi I us 11.25 A. M. .siot ' . i in , v I'M ii ic. ! ) ( . Sidiix ( il ) Mm ) HWp ) , n , biUl-.M. . . , i | . I'.Ull Uxpllw. : - ' . < A. u , L'MDN I'l , nc. in. : . \ . > t. DI MM i i : < um - , r > : tri : u. Jl : : i > , M .Lincoln I'IIHOin. . . \ U , V . . ' .ori i > , M. IlllMUt IIHINs'/o O'IMIA. 11it u Council Hlutls T.O"i-SH : ( nO-in. w II . ( I n. Ill J 1VJKl ; < . < .il li A-CMU llil.'i p. 111 , , ninli > i. T n.'i u u ll ! U ii , in ; > i.i\i \ > - . . "I , ' , " * i 01,1) ) | | l'i p 111. J.unrci Omnlm ii : ) > 7 , , "i I.VJ---lo.W-11'J : n. nit I iW ! iui : ) ' ' * IH n. in. . :5J : li.DJ i in'J'M J-S.Ud-u.Oi'i-11:10 : p.iu Chicago Wafer Motor Co , lUiYKHOItX hi ItiJIJT. fituii liydrunt pir-Sfinolor ill r. mi- nil l.lnOi i/t ll lit inuulilnc'o , Hpntnil nil. u loiiKlviti lo i luirth ort'iui liloulujr.u run pilnlliiK' iMCi-H' tluippcirt , ItcM'io.ini lit /cit i , I'olUiiniprlnlliciuvtliiKiiiiii IiiiU'K , Lit * . 'J lid I cst tin IIK | I inoUir iniiilo. ffii'l ' lor 1,11- mini In Hsu in Couiit-ll lllullB liy llto 'oh oilltc. ruuuiV bchin.ill un lit nun lift. ( li.uio Meat L ihl/fiiiloi I ui 'n .Mi at Mui kut. . " -Illltll X Mt'Jl6. Knit/ Kl < eli , mil.ogiimlor. ( Itoliuit Mullli , toll to Kiliulcr. II. L. WM.I.AJI8 , Sollliij , AKUII 18Main M , Council llluir t , unil Ull I'uin un ist. Oniulin.