Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 07, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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c1i.inKG < l nl former price * . Inferior flock
or poorly dres cd poultry Is not wanted
and holders of oncli will do letter to sell It at
home than to ship It to this market. Tur-
Xejs. .strictly choice , dry plrked ,
Ib JnrruU JHT bbt. . .
T'lin-if. ; ; ; is , Jr.i.i.iijo , rrr. Pie prvc J
ft1 ! kinds , 20-ll > . pallt per lit. , in e : do 10 pall
enl. . 10 > ; ns orlcil A-lb. pnlls pel doSS.W. .
.h-llk'S , nil kiiuN , lirst iiadiyalb. ? . pails , per
II ) . , e : a'-surti-d. ' litst Kiado , Mb pails jier
do ? . , ? . ( ) ; do , 1Mb paiN , per doSt. . " > ; do ,
Mb palls HT ci : u. 'J doz. , S'i.'i ; do
Fcliooni'is per do ? . , " 'fi'i ; do , tumblers , per
ran * , 'J di7. ( . SI.-to , all khuN , eecond L'tade ,
. W-lb. liailt , per Jb. b\ \line < ; .Mfat. best
alls per Ib. , Okc : iwni-li. pltini and
bulte ! > - \ \ > . palls iit-r - i\nt \ , , S7..W
cntMip ( Sujdin'si , linc > it iiiai ilo , per ease. ! !
do/ , pint bottle- . ( * . * ) .ix ) ; rmllili , pint
bottles , pel dux. , Sl.iV ) .
> Ti TH Illt-koiv lulls lar c per bti. S1.40 ;
do shell baiKs.Sl.'fijclieslinits I'.V ; pecans ,
InrRi * nollslied , lie ; pecans , inedhun , ito ;
Knillsli walnuts , lie : almonds , Tairiioiin : ,
Wlc ; do , LnngnciuK- ! Uni/.lls , 1'Jo. lllberts
He ; peanuts , band plckud , fancy Vhglnla ,
11''c ' ; do ioasted..s' ' c.
I'iris' FP.ET , 'rinri : . ANP LAMIII'TONOUKS
I'lK'S * feet per X bbl. , 84.70 ; do. U bbl. ,
82.W : do. per kit , SI. 00. Lambs' loiicues , per
! tf bb ! . , SUM ; do. per kit , S'J.7. . ; tio. qn.ut
jars per doS..W : ; do. pint lars jicr CUM * ,
J dor. . . $ .W. Tllpc , per } J bbl. , Jr4..Vi ; do. per
i bbl. Si-r. ; do. per kit. ' . .V. Ilrollcd mack
erel , new. iier case. 60 cans. W.W.
COMII Ilo.\iv : California 'J Iblrainc CO Ibs.
n caMper Ib. , 15c ; c.xtiactud , 3 Ib. in cans , "
doIn ease , per case , 8-1.00 ; 10 Ib. liaiucs ,
INebrnska , lsc.
ClKKiNew ! York lollncd , pel bbl. , S7.00 ;
do. half bbl. . S-I.OO.
Vi.vr.riAU Wbltnltu - , in < - ; elder , 12Kc.
\Cir \ < > Axrrs Tlicu ! Is illiberal supply in
tile mm kut nt 8-I.Wif 1.50.
Xiw : Kins AM > DATP.S MRS. bmyina , 100
boxes' , per 11) , 1 Ic ; fancy Persian , M ) Ib boxes ,
tier II ) , lie. Pninelles II ) boxes , per Ib ,
ill. ' .
* f II.MONS : .New Messina , per box , $ .1.00.
OitANfiis : Valencia , per ease , ! - " < > sl'/e ,
$7.00 : l-'loililii , tier box. Sl.r-0 ; Louisiana , per
box. SJWri ; per bbl. SiUO.
Arii.Ksfancy jNt'wotk nnd Michigan
apples per bbl , Si.r/ : ; fancy New York
nnd Michigan apples t > bbl. lots , per bbl. ,
S'J.fiTi ; fancy New foil ; anil Michigan apples ,
10 bbl. lots , per bhl. . SU.M ; Illinois applL-s , pur
bill. W.7fi ; Illinois apples , r , bbl. lots , pur
libl. , k2.r > r ; Illinois apples , 10 bbl. lots , pur
bbl , , S--KJ ; .Mis.souii ( ieniloits , 5 bhl. lots , per
bbl. . M.2.1 ; Missouil Cenitons , 10 bbl. lots ,
tier bbl. . Jfii.OO ; fancy catinfr , per bbl. , S'ii : ! ;
rliolcis MIchiL'an it nit. KJ-fiO : In 10 to 23 bbl.
lots. St.'r : > : car lots , si.OO :
< iiiAi'is : Malaga , per bbl. S7.00 ; Calawba ,
per basket. & ! ( in
CiiAMiinmrCape Cod , fancy dark ,
per bbl. . SO.OO ; Cape Cod , fancy dark ,
r > bbl. lots. per bbl. SS W ; jeis-ey
Hell and Bucli' . per bov , { W.M ; Wis
consin Hell and Cherry , per bbl , SO.M ) ; Wis
consin Holland Cheny , 5 bbl. lots , per bbl ,
CAMFOIINIA I'ltinr 1'enrs K.Ucurrc and
pound ) ears , iier box. Sli.OO.
Piiovism.Ns. Ham. lO C'CHc , breakfast
bacon , bljOi'.ie : clear side bacon , 7c : dry salted
sides , Ce : shoulders. susar euied , r J < c : mess
poik per bhl. . Slil.W : laid. 40 Ib. cans , pcrlb ,
7rt7J-e ; U ) . riiind.'i Ib Kaltbanks , 7J8c ;
dried boul hams. l'.c.
Ovsiiiis : M. Y. counts , ! . " < ; ; c.xtia selects ,
3 > ! c ; selects. 'Bitstandaids.HOe. : ; nicdluius. aic
U.N-io.v.s-Salt haku stock is bulling at 551.00
tier bushel ; coiiiinon home Ktown teds , 70@
ifC. Theie aio a few extra choice In the
Market that an- held at Sl.OO per but-h.
J'OTAIOKH None are coming , anil pilces
aio nominal at.ljgCOj lorcholco stoek.
HHAXH Kecelpts' of inferior stock me
iiirnlii iicciimiilntini ; . Hood clean stock Is
sellliiK teadily. Hand picked navy. S1.7r > @
2.00 ; liand-pieked niediiini , 81.50 ( < ? 1.7.r > ; uood
clean country , 81.'J."K < } 1.4 ( ) ; inferior. TflcOI.OO.
( iitAi.v Tfte lollowing aio the ptevailins
juices nnlil for the wairon loads on the Miects
nnd nt ( ho mills to day : Corn , ii.'e ; outs , ! S.i ( $
25e , wheat. No. 2 , ( Klc ; rye. 45 47c. Elevator
prices lor car lots : Corn , 21'Je ' : oats , lia c ;
wheat , O.'iV ft'iB'iJic ; rye,4lc ; bailey.ioatole.
Puu'it and MII.I.STUKI-S Winter Wheat-
Finn ; best qunllty patent at Sa.COgy.W ) .
Second iiiiiility S'.riO@i.oo. :
Sni-Iiig Wheat-Best quality patent at 82.60
(2 ( > :
Buck wheat Flour In ban els , SO.OO ; ready
raised 3 Ib packages , Sl.OO ; 0 Ib packages ,
Hrati OOeiicrcwt.
Chopped I' eed Per 100 Ibs. SOc.
CornMeal White , bOc ; yellow.7r.cpercwt. .
.ScH-eiiing No. 1 , 75c per cwt ; > > o. ' . ' , fjOc.
Hominy SI..r.O perewt.
Shorts COe per ewt.
( irallam S'J.OO per e\\t.
Hay Hales , S0.i @ 7.oo per ton.
Funs AND bttiN.s Mink , each , .
ilo. mountain. { j-.t)0 ) a.OO ; wildcat , lf > ® 40 ; bea
ver , Sl..V.ii2.60 ( per Ib ; fox , each , Sl.40@1.50 :
deerskin : . dr\ winter , l5Wlt < c pcrlbdo. ; fall
nnd summer 20S'5c. ( ;
lli is : ( iiocii outcners' , 7c ; Rreen cured.
8K@ ( ' ; fiiy flint , 14c ; dry salt , lOc ; damaged <
hides two-tbhds price. Tallow le. Grease ,
prime w'llte. ' 4o. .Slienp Pelts-25ra7rx ; .
LKATimi No. 1 Pitt.sbnn : harness .1. C. U
&Sons ' ; No. 11'lttsburu' , K. & S. ate ; No.
Cincinnati , : " > c ; No. 1 iaeu leather. OOc ; tnhno
lorco boot lojr , HOxglf-'c ; Mointx-o oil pebble ,
Bi if.'u ; topplnuH nnd linliiK.s , SO.OOrttlO.O'J '
iierdo7 .
COAL AtithiacituKratc , St.M ; eg- , ' , S8/.0 ;
ranee , SS.75 ; ehestnut , S9.75 ; Iowa.3..r > 0 ;
Walnut hlnAPH.TS ; Illinois , S5.UO : Alis-
Minrl. Sl.OO.
HEAVY HAIIDWAIIE 'ron , rates , S2.25 ,
tlrj' , Sl.40 , toiiBiies , each. 75c , axles , each , 7 : * ;
Minarc nuts , per Ib. , 7 ( lie ; collehain per Ib.
CQ12c : malcable. So : lion wciiges ' 'c : crow
bars. 0 ; hanow teeth , 4c ; sprliif , ' htcel , 7@Sc ;
Uuidcn's hoiso shoes H.'ii ; Uiirden's mule
hboes. S5.-J5. ItaibcilViio n ear lots , 84.00
per 100 fts. Iron Nails Hates , 10 to CO , f3.00.
Shot-Sl.50 ; buckshot. Sl.M ; Oiiental
po\\der , Ui'BS 546041.00 : do. half KCRSS'J.OO ;
do , iiuarter ki'KS. S1.60 ; blastlnu' , Kess , sa.85 ;
Inn ! ror 100 Icet. 60c. Load. Har Sl.Oi.
Duv I'AiNTS-WliHo Ifad. he ; fiffnvH zl c ,
I'-'c : Paris whltinir,2) ) e ; wliitinirKililers.lJioj
wliltlnK.eom'l. l > ieliimpblaelf.ii-rmantown ( ,
12c ; lampblack , oidinary , lOc ; 1'insslan blue.
B5e , , uiitiaiimrlne. Ibc : vamtyke. mown. c
timber , burnt , 4o ; umber , raw , 4o ; sienna ,
burnt. 4u ; sienna raw , 4o : Paris irreen. cenu-
Ine , a'ic ' ; raus urei'ii , common , iiOoj ciirome
creen , N. V. 20c ; cbr me jsjocn. K , 12c ; ver-
wlllion , KngllHb. In oil asst I5o raw ami
burnt umber lib cans , lee : raw and omnt
Plcnna , lOo : vamlvku Drown , IMC : retin d
lampblack. V-'c ; coach black and ivory bla K
lOc : diop black. lOc : Prussian blue , 40c : nl- l
Inuimrlnobltip. ibo : rhiomo crcen , K. At < x
lH5c ; blind and shutter KIecu , 1 . . .M. fc 1 > .
lOo ; 1'ails nieen , Itx" Indian ted , 15c ; Vuno-
tlnn red. Vc : Tiusean ted. ' . " 'c ; American vermillion -
million , 1. . .V1) . , Wo ; yellow ociire. fo : i , , M -
tV 0.1) . , Itu : KoldiMi ocluo , 10o : patent dryer
Ko ; grululii' color.-- , Iilit ) o.ik , cluilc o.ik , wal-
nut. clicbtnut and ash Ion- . _ . . . ,
J'AINTS IN Un.hlto lead , .Omaha. P. P.
7c ; while lead , St. Louis , jnno c7.yMar ; uil-
leh gieen , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 'Xu\ \ French zinc ,
crcen seal , 12e ; Ficncb zinc , led sea , lie ;
Ficnoh zlnc.ln varnish asst.Mte ; Frenchzino
75o ; vcimllllon. Ameiiean , ISo ; Indian , red
I0crosuplnk. : lie : Vcnutuin , ml Cookt-oirs
i9ie ! ; Venetian red. Ameuean./ ! ; lead
jkc ; cbioiuu yellow Kenulne , we ; chrome
jellow , K , I''c : ocino toclielio ! 'c : ochre ,
h.-i ! ochre Ameiiean , 2o Winter's
bro\Mt. " > o ; I'rinco'sinUipiaiac
Uii.3 llUt-arbon , perirui on. Ho : 1M head
lielit Pr ! ! ' c ; 17- ' ' ° lM-aUII | { . ' , perifAl-
Ion , li ! IWlo water \\hHo. l.V : JiiiB Ca l\l \
per KnllouHo ; linseed , boiled , per KaHou ,
47clard : winter slr'il. pm ualiuit Ac ; o.
1-ttio ; No. 2 , 4 o ; castor XXN , per gallon ,
M. ' ) . ' > ; No. H , S1.4-J ; bueei , jK'r gallon , Si.lXi ;
_ , , ejierm , W. H. , per Ballon. fel.CiO ; tibliV. . H. , W
/ pt'ruallon.iiSc ; neatsfoot extra , per gallon ,
I * See ; J 'o. 1 i c : Juhrleatinp , vero , p-n"tllo ,
70o ; hummer. l.V : enlden tiiaclilni' . No. 1 , per
gallon aoo ; No. a ' . ' " < ; biK-nn , slcnal , iiercal *
tu,75o tmpentlnc , per gallon , Hi cjnnptha ,
IKT gallon. 7 . ,
\ AisNtsiiKs Httrtyls , ixr ; pallon : Furnt-
tune.tiu. . fcl.10 ; futnlfure , No. 1 , Sl.OO ;
eoaeli , extra Sl.40 ; coach , .No. 1. 51.20 ;
Uauiur , extta , Sl.73 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltuut ,
s ; : shellac , 53..V ) : hara oil finish ,
M-iHITS Cologne Siiril5 ] , 1SS proof , SI 13 }
do 101 proof SI .13 ; MuriK < eeond Quality
101 jumif. SI 12 do. l > a proof , SI.ll. Alco
hol. 1SS iiroof , ti.10 tx > r w ini ; nallon. Itcdls-
tilled whiskies Sl.OO-rfl.V ) ; Kin blended ,
Pl..V > n2.0) ; Kenliiekj bo.itbons , S .OiVif ! . ( ) J ;
Kent i c .y and I'lntisyUaiila ru-s , 1..V3 ;
Koldcii sheaf , bourbon nnd"i\t whiskies ,
Jil..Vjf. aw. Brandies-Imported , S.\W ) . s..VJ ;
domestic. SI.M > : i.oo. ( tins Iinportetl , S4..V )
( itCi.00 : doniMlli' , S1..V ) < < . " > . ro. Hums Ini'
jMjited4.50SOO , ( : Now Ki'iL'land , S2.0l > iHiO ( ;
domestic , il..yj l.oa Chanipane-Iiii- "
polled. | wrcan. iKOVlUAt ; Aiin-iican , per
ra c , iio.wxslG.oo
nsru 'i1'Irf ' " u y r llhl * ? * < u
Munn' S't No.I l/b 7 014 M ! 1 fift 2 Gi I TO 7:1 : f2 70
I/KO ( Hired rnney fi ui 1 ) : i 2" 1 K ) I fin 7 ! > M D9
1/KO It'll Sh'io K'ey C ( Mil 5ti"i : I 70 IJJO 75 1 JK )
MtrKl'.iit.t. 1V cuciu
NKW t-Klt. j"bK " lr lll'l 01rtHi ] ' .ag
_ _ _ 1 J [ (
liloBtcr Me. s ' a , oo 18 m id 2' . n m"7 ) l a >
K * . NO. i sirr S4 ( w 12 wi 11 : n n 30 : . M i w
No. 1 Phuiv ' 1C Ot ) W ) f fl-l 4 > 0 a IHM 10
Jicii. No. i siiotc. . . ' 1:1 : w - m n a.ni2 )
" ' li > . I il oi ) n oo t > i.'i : i cv'i 2 M . . .
Lartfo Kiimily I 900 , t , Ol | 4 MS WJ 10 ns
1'ut " I TOO 4 00. I ! US (01 ( 70 , 85
IAKI ; itsii < ( , 'nteh.i
SEW FISIt. II f llbl ( } > Ilbls P'U Kls
100 IU W 40 12 10
No. 1 Wlillorish 7oon ; mj : HI a 10 1 04 no
rionlly " awn iri2 ( 1 70 ci w ,
No. 1 "Trout 4 M t IH'J V > 2 10 71 Co
No. 11'lclccicl 4 oo a w 2 ; w i w C8 ' oo
llbls Illf libN riiTih '
StW h FAT g I'nlli or kits
200 I 100 DO ! M 40 I 15 13 10
lllooil Hod ( ' I i | i | "
Ahukn . . 14 00,7 , 80.3 tOl , ! 10.1 2. " ) 1 Ol'W '
Oil. . .Y. . 14 on 7 no o so'n ' w n 101 n \ qt1 _ ro
i.MriiifKO ii it , ill < ivru\icti. )
riSII. llbls Hit llhls O'r liliN rall ol-klls
200 I 100 W ,60 , 40 i 1.1 12 10
- . „ . . - I I I I I |
KKK Her'lnifs It 007 MO t03 W3 10 1 2 ; . 1 01 00
Norwegian I I I ! I | I
KK lleirlngs.'n ' C 7 OOll 4MI fi.,2 ! H)1 ) 10 OR 85
Ilrl tllllffS | 8 OU 4 M4 00,2 'JO 1 ' . ) ] _ C ! CO
Holland heiihiL' , new , j-er koi ; , MJo ; new
IntiK split stockllsh , lOo , new sliott split
tjf.vnim : ? 'Domestle. Holland lidrliiss ,
IscBS , We ; Kiibslait satdlnes , 45c ; Audio-
vies In ilass , Ule Hull hianii , per do/ . . , : ; Anehovles in kegs , i4oie Hull bi.iud.
S4.IXJ ; spiced llaiiibini ; heiiin s , skins and
heads oil , per pall. M.l" . New larue bank cod , 4c ;
pea Mnn , Cieoives ehuiiKs , lie ; clover leal ,
( eorires stiips. c.ije : l Ib lolls.'j | b boM-s.
< > ' c : pi.ilileilower , 'Jib biiek.Cc ; wild ioe , a
11) htiek. W v.
SMOKKD FISH Halibut , new. lOc ; new
scaled liciriii'rs. "Cc ; markeiel l.o ; salmon ,
ttuiu'eoii. ICc.
Svni'i btandaid C 'J c , bbls ; Standard ,
do 4-uallon ketrs , Sl.'O ; New Ui leans JJxuMDe
pergalluni Maple tj > mi ) , > tf banvl. P. tV C ! .
slilctly puiv , 70e per gallon ; 1 gallon cans ,
SI' ' . " " ) per doK gallon cans , t-VA * per doz ;
M.vrciir.s Per caddie , .T.Sc ; lound , jn r case ,
46c ; square cases , SI. 70 ; Uabkosh cases , gr. ,
51.20 : mule s-iuaie. jjl.y- .
SALT IMay loads , per bll , S1.S5 ; Ashton.
In sacks. Sil.Jrt : if sacks , Ashton , Wo1 bbls
dairv , 52.0X ( lJ.7ri
ht-iciis tiround Ulack pepper , boxes , 15
( S'J.'o ; al'spicc ' , I'-'foiirc ; cinnamon ISffio 6c ;
cloves , l5U2.c ( ; ginger , I5 ( 2oc ; mustard , 15 ( < j )
CoKFir.s : Onllnaiy grades , 'c : lair , OhCS
IQi. c ; piinie , lli ( < ! l2'4c ; choice. 12'4(7iiiUe ( : ;
lancy uieon and yellow. 1 ! ' . , ( l4'vo ; old gov
ernment .lava , 20yWOc ; Intel ! ' ) ! ' .lava. Ifi' ' dO
HOe ; Mocha , 22rn'Jle : Aibneklo's roasted ,
lfl c ; Mel.auublln' . } XXXX toasted , ii : jc ;
Pilwottli's ISWfc ; I ted Cioss , 1:1140 : ;
DihMiiiirs. Arbuckle's and Mclvanghlin's
XXXX are sold 50c per case oil above prices
in It-case lots.
TllAS ( iunpowder , fair , . " 0 07 ; good , 45 ®
CPc : choice , fWgWo ; good Impeiial , 40 ( 4lc ! ;
choice , WHrit'Oc ; ; Young Hyson , good , .WiW > c\ \
cliolce , 60@7c ( ) ; Oolonc , good , y'ilOc ; Oo-
lonir , choice , 40 ( < fnoc : Engllsli Hteaklast , good ,
: . ' 0 ( < | lOc ; choice , 60if ( > . ' .c ; Souchong , good , : ; o@
36c ; choice , 35@45a ; Japans , fair. 2.-iC.f.-u ! ;
peed , iViQyinc ; clioice , KdalUa : Tea Dust , 16c ;
Tea Siltinss. Ibc
JIIIID : KnuiTS No. 1 Quarter apples , 4' c ;
evaporated , boxes , S' C'i'lOc ' ; blackberries.
boxes. 0 4C < * Hic : peaehes : Kastein. 4 > , ri.31je ;
peaches , evaporated. 15 > i@17c ; Salt Lake ,
newsi e ; raspbeiries. new. 22a27c ( ; eur-
rauts. new.7 } © % ; piuue.s. new. S' c/n e.
HUOAUH I'owdcred , be ; cut loaf. 8c ; ( rran-
nlated , 7lfc ! ; confectioneib' A. 7j e ; Stan-
daid extra C , OKc ; extra C , O tfc ; mediinn
yellow. C"4c " : New Orleans , r
1'i.uu Ton ACCO Climax , 44c per Ib ; Horse
shoe , 4.'c ; Star , 42c : Spearhead , MOe ; ( iold
Itoll , 4fc ; Piper Heidhlck. OOc : Punch , 40c ;
\ oung Fritz. 41c : Silver Tas. 40c : .ITJ. iBti- .
Hoj'i : Sisal. K Inch and larger , 8 | c ; Inch ,
c ; Jtfinch , 0.c. !
ANNKI ) ( Soons Oysters. Standard per
case. SIUO : strawberries , 2-B ) . , per case. S2.sO ;
laspbeirics , 1Mb. , per case , S2.iTi : ; California
pears , per case , S5.CO ; apricots , per case ,
4.7f > ; peaches , per case , Sl.75 ; white cher
ries , per case , SO.OO ; plums , per , Sl.OO ;
whortleberries , per case , S2. 10 ; egg plums.
2-li ) . , per case , S2.00 ; green gage.s 2-lb. . per
case , S2.UO ; pine apples , 2-tt. . , per case , S3.203
5.60.CANOV Mixed. ' . > K@12o : stlclr. O
SODA In Ib panels , 53.25 a case ; salsoda
keg per ll . S2.2.1.
V.I.MGAK CIDKU 13@lSo ; white wine , IS
St'jccs ( ii-ound Black pepper , boxes , 15
32c : ! ; alsplce , UCfMfit- ; cinnamon , Itkuix' ;
cloves , 15 i"jc : cinder , 11 'J5j ; tnustaid , 1ft
f'lCKi.r.s Medium In barrels , S7.00d ; I n
half baucls. S4.00 ; small in barrels , fcs.oo : do
in half b.itrels , S4."XJ ; glieiklns in barrels ,
SU.OJ : do in half barrels. § 500.
UIIACKKIIS tiarneau'a soda , butter anil
picnic , B } c : cieams , S c ; glnser snaps , 8c ' ;
Citv soda , 7) c.
OAMII.KS Boxes. 40Uj.Cs lUtfc ; 8s , llj 'c ;
Mixes , lOlb , 10 oz , Os , ll'iCi ' hall box , 201b ,
FINK CUT Hard to Heat , 70c ; Charm of the
West , OOc ; Fountain , 70c ; Golilen Thread ,
fi7c ; FavcilteCOo ; Biuls. fiOc ; Jtocky Moun
tain , Mc ) ; Fancy , ; Daisy , 40c ; Noith Star ,
70e : ( Jood l.iiok. .Vx ; ; Our Hest. ii'J"-'e.
SoAi-s KlrK's Savon Imperial , Sa.OO ;
Kitk's satinet , SH.15 ; Kiik's htaiidard. VH.50 ;
Kirk's White Uusslan. S4.CO ; Kiik's Whllo
Cap. SO..V ) : Iiiiiii > . 54.-10.
hTAitni Niagara gloss , 1 Ib , O'.c ; Nlapara
gloss , a Ib , Cc ; Niagara j-'lo * * , 0 Ib , 7c ; Niagara
coin , 1 II ) , ( i'.c ; Kinustoid's coin , 1 Ib , fo ;
Klngstoid's gloss , 1 Ib , fc ; Kliujsfotd's uloss
Olb. S'.c ' : KlnKSfoid'spure , aibO c ; Klnjrs-
foid's bulk. 4c.
Dry tioods.
PIIINTS Steel Hlvcr , 4'ie ' ; American , 5Ji ;
Ainold'sCc ; Cocheco , Cc ; Manchester , Co ;
l.yinan , 5c ; ( Jlonce.ster , 5c ; Dunncll Jac-
ijtt.tiii. fie : Dimnell , 6/o ; 11 iiuinui. Ce ; Pa-
fllle , tic. ; llainioiiy. 4' ' u ; Anchor Shirtings ,
7ife ; Mertimauk Shiitint's , 4fc ; ! Berwick ,
ltir\fini : ) Co i TON * , Fanners' choice ,
0/cCaiot. ! ; M/c ; Hope , 7c ; Hill 4- , 7 c ;
Hill)6 .Wo ; I.onsdale , a ; Fruit , 8 4c ; Warn-
bllttU , lOjj'C.
Cousin- KAXR KrarsarRe , 7cj Armory ,
7e ; J'epperell , 7 'c ; Indian Oichard , 0/c ;
Naumkeair. 7c.
UIIOWN COTTON 1-awivnco lili , So ; Shaw-
mut LL , Oe : Beaver Dam 1..U &o ; Atlantio
< lj , 5c ; Indian Head , 7eVa o'uissrt G'fc ;
Crown XX : . owe : Clifton CCC , 6a ;
Utica C. 4 > ic : Atlantic 1' . sue
FINK BIIOWN tono.Ns I't'ppprell 11.6'/c ' ;
I'eppcrell O. 5\c. Atlas , Otfe ; Statuu ot Lit ) ,
t-rtv , 6 ; Saianan It. OHu.
DINIMS : Heaver Creek AA. lie ; Bcavor
Cieek , HH , lOo ; Beaver Creek CO , Uc ; Jaffrcy
XX , Ilo ; .lalfrey XXX , I''c ; Jaffruy J ) ifcT ,
12Xo ; Columbian , 12."je " : York , liks ; York ,
fancy , isjjc : Kvetett , iSc ; Haymaker's blue
and brown. 7'ic.
lucic-Unbleaehcd ( ) 807. Masnolla , lOUc :
10m. Maijnolia , r.'c : So/ . West 1'olnt , lOJio ;
10oz. WcSt 1'oint. lij < Tc. '
DUCK ( column Boston I ) oz. brown and
drab , KUc. : lioblon U H brown and drab , Oo ;
Boston XX brown and drab , lOc ; Boston
XXX blown and drab , ll } e ; Huston 01' blue.
ll > \Vnrrnn Trirnr. l.ic-
HI ver , Oj/u ; hhetueJcet b , b c : Shetucket SS
in.i'c ; Moiitaun A ; 1-c ; Montauk BB , 10 } o :
. -caACA. WWc ,
iMiiiAMB Itcitfiew. Oijno'-jc ' ; Ainoskcac
diess. He ; Amoskcasr , itajile , T' ' c ; Ivanhou
o ; Wamsutta. t < Jjo ; Nubian , b > fo ; War
wick. 6 > 'e Wbitteiulon < Je Hates
, ; , : , dress 8c ;
Hates , staple. 0 > ie ; Uamlolpli , staple , ,0' < o
haiisdowne , 7o : ( iloiu-ttater , Iw.
Jtoyai ; Amoskeas : , nappfil , 10' ' (
ray , book fold , We ; OU-ron , book /old ,
Uuduraucc , look fold I2c.
Dry Iininbcr.
12ft 14 rt 10 ft is neon 22 ft 24 ft
2x4 . 15.03 K.O ) IS 0)lC.iT01i.CMl * . < MI9 )
2ti ( . It. . ' , ) 11 ! A 14.M ) 1.1..VJ IS.'fl IVXSiM
2t . 15.WlftMlS."l ( ( ) ! . < I7.W1S.OD ( 19 00
zxiii . 17.01 S
4X4-8x8 . 15.W Ift m 15 1 lil.W 17.01 1J.OO 19 00
( Klt..VO
ripir. < Inch Yi-llow 1'iiie . S2I.CO
Clenr \ Ineli Xoiway . H.W
2d Com. , ; V incli , Xorvnv . 13.00
. .
1M nnd Oil Clear. 14 inch.s. . S"OOJ
lt nnd 5 1 Clear , IS and 3 Incli , s 'Js. . . . SO DO
: M ( 'leaf , 1'i inch. s2n . 4 00
: ; < ! Clrnr. IS' niulJ Ineli. ss . 4-5 00
H Select , 1 ' ( . 1' * nnd 3 inch. s.Js . M 00
Istand-'dCli'iir , 1 Incli , 8. is . WW
: M clear , 1 Inch. * 2s . S'J
A Sclf-et , 1 Inoh , H. 2 . -(000 (
HSpkft. linoh. . 2s . W
II.TTINni.i. : . ii'in.vd. rici r.T .
0. 0. Units * incli . * 00 " 0
> n\n.sls . oo o
3 IneliVell Tubliiff. I ) . A : M. and llov. . 20 W
IlOAUt)1' .
No. 1 lioanls 12 , 14 anil 10 ft . SN
No. S hoards 13 , 14 and in ft . KM
No. 'Iboiuds , 13 , 14 and in ft . 1B.M
Xo. 4 board : ) , 13 , 1-t and 10 ft . 10.M
No. 1 , 4&0lne1i , 12 and HU-et , rou ; li. . , < fin.OJ
No. 1 , 4.VOInu1i , IGfi'i't. lousli. . . . " . . . . 1 . " 5
No. S , 4 , fe 0 Inch , 12 and 14 feel , rough. . i.T.-j : '
No. 2 , 4 & G inch. 10 feet , much . 14.25
I'Ain iiniv.
1st Coin. , * ( Ineh White 1'lne . SHp.OO
! M Coin , , & 'lliuh AYhilc I'llii' . 23.M
Fl.ooitlxo. Inch , white pine . S l 00
2dCom.O incli , while plnu . JM 00
Jkl Coin , 0 inch , whlto plnu . 2900
1) . 0 Inch , white pine. . 2000
Com 4 nnd f > Ineh yellow pine . 1 .5C
Star InndOlncli jollowiilnc . 21.00
1st and 2d clear yellow pine , 4-0 Inch. . . 2t.CO
snip t-Ar.
No. 1 , Plain , 8 and 10 inch . 617.00
No. 2 , Plain , b and 10 Inch . ir .00
No. 1 , O. ( ! . 17.50
ropr.Ait i.CMitii : : .
Clear Poplar llox lids H In , s 2.s . S i 00
" " } < in , panel stk wide , s 2s. 27 00
" CoinnlutudCulllnifJa' . . . . 2U 00
. . , I.ATH.
* ASlandnrd . S2 fiO
1 Inch , clear , S1.M ; C Inch , clear . 1
No 1 . 1 10
Lath . 5220
White Cedar , n Inch , halves . 8 H
" fittf " " and 8 in q'rs 'J
" " 4 " lonnd . 11
Ten ncsec red cedar , split . U
11OOIC IIOAltlll ,
A 12 Inch , 1 s 12 , 14 nnd HI feet . S-l < * > 00
H " " " " " ' . 41 00
0 " " " n ii . yr , 00
I ) " " " " " ii . JKI 00
No. 1 Com. 12 In. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 and 10 It. . 17 M )
No. 1 " " " 10 , IS and 2(1 ( ft. . IS M
No. 3 " " " 12 , 14 and 1C It. . 1560
I.tMK , h'l'C.
Qtilncy white llmu ( best ) , Mo ; cement ,
Akron , c.l.7f , ; ) ) la-ter , S2.X : ) ; hair , per bushel
BOo ; wish , M ) per cent oir list ; doois , blinds ,
niouldinu's , 60 per cent oil ILst ; tailed foil , per
cwl. , 51.75 : htuiw board. Sl.CO.
Council Bluffs
And Chicago
Tho'only rend to Des MolncsMnr *
6liiiHtownCcdnrKaplds , Clinton. Il.\lo , Culciifro.
Mlhvankco and all j'olntH ea t. To the people of
Nobinakn , Colouulo , Wjomiiiff , Utah , Idaho
Ncviulii.OrcKon , WiiHliliiKtnn und California It
oil crs superior adviintiiffca not possible by any
other liny
Tow of the numerous points of supe
riority enjoyed by the patrons ol this road bo-
twccii Omaha and Chlciuro , arc Its two trains n
day of DAY COAUIIKS which nro the Hncst that
human art and loffpinilty can create. Itsl'AI
ACK SLKHI'INQ CARS , which are model * of
comloit and ulcffunco. Its 1'AltI.OH DKAWINO
HOOM CAIIS. iiiisurnusvuil by any , and Its wldo-
ly celebrated PALATIAL DINING CARS , tlio
equal of which cannot bo found oUowhuro.
At Council lllnlfs the trains of the Union I'm:1-
fie Ily. connect In Union Depot with those of tba
Chicago & Northwestern fly. Indite-ago the
trains of this line nmku close conncetion with
thn-oof all eastern lines.
For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis , Cincin
nati , Niaanra Pull" , llnirnlo , Plttsbunf. Toronto ,
Montienl , llo-ton. Now York , Philadelphia , Hal-
tlniorp.WnbliliiKtnn and nil points In the east , Halt
the ticket iigent for tickets vlu the
If you wish the best accommodations. All ticket
fluents pell tickets vl this line.
General ManUKCr. Gen. 1'nss. Afout
Kail , NorthrMl and Bnullirait. and c
puliltt Wet , NoilJinctl anil Soiltljivtit
The Croat Rook Island Route
Guarantee ! II ? tiatroin that lento ol perional secu
rity airoi < led by a , .oll.l , tlioiciizhly l'.ll.itfd road-
flallr ! * " . " ° MUl 'P"-1" gf * nnllnuoiii ferl rail , tubsun-
built culrri-li nml uildKM , railing itoeic i near
perfection ai liuniuu iblll rail make II , I IIP lofflv
appliance ! ur pauni butTen.plalfurins and air brakra
aiutlhalriacllncdlnclpllnu "lilcli CUYCIIK tlie lilac'
IU-al operation of nil ll > tralnn OlKfr ipeclalllen ol
Ijili louta r Tranifcru Kl nil counecllni ; iiolnta In
Union Utpota , and the uiuui pasretl comfort * and
luzurUsof Its rtf ! ienK r Fqulpnunt.
The Fait KIBIB.I Tinliu hftireen Chlcieo anil
Peorla , Council Illuir > , Kaunas ( .Hj-.l uii'iim/iih and
AtchUon nr catnpa d of well fcnlllatfd.
. . . . Par Coachra. HinrnlllcMit fullman Pnlica
Bl ep r of lli. atoit ilnltn. and .iiiniuo.i" | Dining
Car. , lu which elaborately mck t meal , am Jel.ilrely
cnlrn. n l n Chicago anil Kan > a city anil AtchUou
ma alto run the CelcbrolcJ UeilluliiBCIialr C rs.
The Famous AlUort Lea Route
Ii the direct and faroilto line between Clilcmto and
fllnneapolii andnt. i'aul.wlieiu conncctloni are made
In Union llepoti fur all points In Ilin T < n Hoi Its and
IirltlKh I'rmrlncci. Ov r thU route Kuit Kipi.i
Inlni ai run lo the.walerlni } , plarr , luinmer r -
Btlll nolber DIKIXT LINK , rla fnecn nnd Kan.
I'l tu'l & Gcn'l U'c'r. a. ii-l T'kt & IMI. Atft ,
Ten Years Maintained Superiority.
AND OTlliit :
American Breakfast Cereals.
Aek for A. II. C , Hrand only. ( Kcslstercd TrnOo a
Jliuk. ) Kor wile by till grocer * bend lor liu aII
eular. THKL'BltKALH M'PO CO. ,
83 Murray St. , NE W'YORK.
Billiard Tables.
Manufacturers of Billiard < S Pool Tables ,
And Kiloon. Office niul Unnk Klxture * . Mnrkct
nml Huron Sis. , Chicago , ill. Uinalui ollice , 5J
S. 10th St.
Book Binding , Etc.
Printers , Book Binders ,
And lllank Hook Mnnilfacturui * . N < > . 100 nnd
_ ION South Hth Street , Onmtia , Neb.
Butter Tubs.
" " "
J. SNVMOt'lt ,
Manufacturer of Butter Tubs.
> , ! tc ! ; < OIb. k.l"iIh.1.MciaSi. : ! ) 'C ! too ftdrk
ins We. Ifth nml I'lciciSt . , Onmlm , Neb.
Cigars and Tobacco.
MAX \iivr.H : .v co. ,
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
nuns nnd Ammunition. 215 to 8S1 South llth
Sliect , HIM to lir.'l I'm mini Street , Uinalui , Null.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
Ami Wlmlc nlo Dealers In Ix-uf Tolwceon , No * .
_ _ 103 niul HON. lllli Sticet , Oimilm , Neb.
Eagle Cornice Works ,
John Kpcnoter , Prom It-tor. Manufacturer of
ftiilviinti'ed Iron nml Cornice. V \ Ioilsu ) ; unJ 101
iiiul 1U5 North lUth Stieet , Omaha , Nub.
Manufacturers of Ornamental
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , Flnnls , Vic. , 310 S. Will W. Workdono
In any tun t of the country.
Western Cornice Works ,
C. Pl'ECItr. Proprietor.
finlvnnlrol Iron Cnnlcei , Htc. Ppc-cht's Int.
pro\ed Patent JletalltSkjIliflit. 50S mid 510S.
U'lli St. , Omaha , Net' .
Doors , Sash , Etc ,
The Gate City Pltnlng Mill ,
Poora , Sash mid IHimls. Also all kinds of
tnrnlmr. Seioll mid Stair work of c\cry do-
A. ItOIKN'lir.Hi * ,
Mnniifncturir and Denier In
Doors , Sash , Binds , Mouldings , Etc.
Stair Halls n speclaty Telephone No. C2
IJIliand Miut'i Sti.Omalia , Nob.
_ Electrical Supplies.
L. W. WOI-K15 t CO. , Electrlclnns ,
Electrical Supplies ,
Mnsonlcltlock. Omalin ItiiDflur Ahmnc , tlclU ,
Kiio Alarms , Klectriu AfilllliiK- , Speaking Tuboj ,
Gold , Silver and Nickel 1'lntlntr , Ute.
Iron aid Nails.
" "
Cut Nails and Spikes ,
Flro Nails n Specmlty. Onmlm , Nob.
Omaha Iron Works Company ,
Mnehiner3-Castlne , .Steam Knulnca , Hollers ,
Architectural Iron Work. lion llildjros , Mining
nnd Mill Mnchinery' . Ullleo and works , Union
I'aeilie It. It. 17th and l th Streets.
Foundry Works.
Cor. 14th nml Jackson StB. , prepared to do nil
kinds of lion nnd llrass CaMlmts ; nlso.O , O.
lliinnlbtcr'b KockliiK Crate liars iiianut'aetnrod
Mattress Company ,
MnnurncturliiK Miutiesses , llcddliifr , Fenthor
1'illouB , Tots , Etc. law uml 120S Uoughts Street ,
Oiniiliu. Neb.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jennsl'imlF , ShirlH , Kic. , 1102 and 1101 Douglas
Street , Oinuha , Nob.
Paper Bozes.
Manufacturer of Paper Boxes ,
1CCP. Kth St. , Omaha , Nob. Orders by mail so-
_ jlclloiljiinl will receive piompt attention.
_ _
Omaha Safe Works ,
Manufacturer of Kiicand IlurRlar Proof S. fo ,
Vault Doors , .lull Woik. Sbuttcrs and Wlro
Work. Cor. llth und Jackson Sta. , Omaha , Neb.
Soap ,
Soap Manufacturer ,
Office and Factory , near Ponder Magazine ,
Omaha Neb.
Wagons and Carriages.
Manufacturers of Fine Carriages ,
Mir.iuid iil7 : Htirney street , Omaha. Neb. Solu
Aseiits in Nebraska for Jones' Celebrated Split
Shalt SnlklcK.
Ef-tabllslicd | 8oS.
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
1409and 1411 Dodtfe Slreul , Omaha , Nob.
While Lead.
Corrodcis and ( irindersof
Perfectly Pure White Lead ,
Omnha , Neb. J.evl Carter , Pies. ; C. W , Mead ,
Vice Pros. ; II. W , Yules , Fee. and Treas.
The , Millard ,
6. Bheare , J. E. Markel 'ITiog. Swobo , Proprietors ,
Omulia , NebrubkH.
Arcade Hotel ,
James Cucuy , Prapiictor.
121.1 niul lu'17 llniiKl.iB St. , Onnihii , Neb.
Thoimlrunniio of eoinnierelnl men jesjioetfully
Eollcltcil. They will ( hid this the best fa
house we.t or Chlciifio.
Planters House ,
ItBtcs , tl.M per Uuy. Street curs from IT , P.
depot , within ono Mode of house. Cjrnoi
Dodge umi mth stieets , Omaha , Nob.
The Cozzens ,
P. HumBcy & Co. , Proprietors.
Rates i-.CO per day , no dark rooms. Omiiha ,
S'cb. Also luopiicioifeof 1'alttca Hotel Bantu
Ko , New MeAlco ,
Canfleld House ,
Cor. Nlnili and Fnriiain StB. The beet $3 per
day hotel in Omaha. Itemodeled , rrlurnlehed ,
redeu ratcduno block from iiimy heailiiuaiiers ,
OIno Hu Union PuclAu bcudijuarteis : ktieet curs
imts tlio door. Gcorgo CanAclii i ; Co. , proprio.
or s. AisO ynloa Block VtmU Hotel , South
Hotel de Gees ,
P. COOS , Proprietor.
European Plan. The only centrally located $ J
day house. Three doon , from llod's Open *
llouboand one-half block from thu l' < istollloo
und the Court House , IMS. 1310 , lOti Fururtin
Agricultural Implements ,
Dealers in Agricultural Implements ,
Ofllce , Corner Gtli niul Pacific Sts , Omnhii. Neb
Wholesale Denlers In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
nnd lli'KRics , Omalin , Xeb.
Boots antf Shoes ,
W. V. MOItSK * CO. .
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
1411 rnrnnni Street , Onmlm , Neb. Manufactory
Summer Street , 1lo ton.
Cnrpcls ,
p. A. OUCH.
Wholesale Carpels , Oil Cloths ,
MMtlnitii , Curtnlu Oooite. lite. Hi ) rnrnntii
Street , Omaha , Neb.
Coal , Lime , Etc ,
,11' . FFV. . IJKDFOmr
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone.
Oniee , 213 S , 14th St. , Oiimhn , Neb. Ynrda , Dili
niul DiuenpoitStieeto.
COCTANT & syrinns ,
Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal.
Itest varieties. Oillee , 2I.1S. l.ith ft. Telephone
No. MM , Uninhn , Neb.
NUIIItASICA rtMi : , CO. ,
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
2HS. 13th St. . Oiniiliu. Neb.
t.M ) . r , TOWI.K , 1'ii'sltlent ,
GUI. I'AiTr.usoN , See. nml Tien ? .
J , 11 , lll'l.HKIIT , 1' . A , lUl.CII.
1'iopiletor. Mnnnpcr.
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
Onice , 217 y. KJtli Street. Telephone 43.
Guo. ! ' . iMiiAini , 1'res" . C T. ( .ooimuN.V. 1'ics.
.1. A. SUMIKIII\M > , See. mid Treas.
Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobbers of luml nnd ( Soft ciml.aoilS. UtU SI
Omiilm , Neb.
Hard and Soft Coal.
Inclusive dealers In Itmilclor Cole nidi ) Coal,217
toutli llth
Coffee and Spices ,
CI.AIIKI : iiuos. &co. ,
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
Tea" , Collees , Snlees , llaklnn Powder I'liivoHnt ?
Kitinetf , l.iiuniii-y Itlue , Ink , ete. H11-1U liar-
ney Slieet , Oiniilni , Neb.
Commission , Etc ,
11HANCH & CO. ,
Wholesale Fruits' Produce
, , Oysters ,
1121 1'iirnmn HI. , Onmlm. Apples Our onn i-aek-
iiitr I'latt & Co.'s Tlift-r Iliuml Oysteis , llutter ,
Ere ? , Giime , Poultry , Potatoes.
General Commission Merchant ,
I'roiliicu , 1'iovli-lons , rmlts , Vloitr anil 1'eeJ , 1V ( >
P. 14111 St. , Onmlm , Neb. Consignment ; , sollciteil
llctinns niiiile pioinptly.
Jobber and Commission Merchant.
Chtcfe , Siuisa c ? . Krults , Ilutehort > ' Tools nnJ
Supplies. 1 15 Jones St. , Oimilm , Neb.
\v. K.
General Commission Merchant.
SPECIALTIES ChecPC. llutter , KSKS , Poultry
anil ( jiiine , 112 S. IttU. , Omaha , Neb. Tele
phone No. UJj.
D. A. nuiu-uv ,
Commission and Jobbing ,
Hutter , EWS and I'roduco. A full line of Stono-
CiiiibiKiiuicnts bollclteil. 1111 Jotltro St. ,
General Commission Merchant ,
IJutter , Eititf , Cheese ami Country I'roduco gen
erally , UIH S. 12th St. , Onmlm , Neb.
Buyers of Butter and Eggs ,
Kefrls-erator ami PucKlnir Hiu e , 14th Sc Li-avon-
HorthSt. , on U. P. It , H , Track , Onmlm , Neb.
Established 1370.
General Commission ,
JUS. 14lhSt.Oimilia , Nob. SpccMltlcs-Dilttor
KKKI , Poultry and Uiune.
Commission Merchants ,
Vrults , Produce and Provisions , Omnhn , Nob.
Wholesale Commission Merchant ,
Fruits , Seeds nnd Produce. No. SI.J S. IStli Street.
Oniiilm Nebrntka.
Storage and Commission Merchants.
I'rulls , lilonr. Apples Slnncn mil. ( 'hlor.Vlneffir ,
OuissHeeilH. Hnlter und l.'i.'Ks ! 11 < 'I mid ! HI South
VMi ; btieol , Onmlm , Neliraslcn.
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poulliy , linllcr , ( iiline , Kriiits , Etc. .HJOK. Ulh
St. , Onmlm , N
A. 'tirniHK ,
Wholesale Foreign and Domestic Fruits ,
Meiite , J.nrd , Jellies , llutter , Eirtrs. Cheese , Kto.
No. MB S. 12th St. , Oiniiliu , Null.
General Commission Merchants ,
14CC Doilfo Street , Onmlm , Neb. Conslt'iiinonts
I { . .MrDONALD.
315 ith Street , Omnhii , Neb. Speelnltloj ; nut
ter , Kfms , nnd CliicKuns ,
W. I , . WIIIOHT ,
if cm for the Manufacturers and Importorj ,
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lamp/I / , Chlmnoys , Kto. Ollleo , HIT fioutli 13th
Stieet , Omiih , Nob.
Dry Goou's ,
" " " " "
J. J. IlltOWN & CO. ,
Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions ,
1X31)ou lus Street , Oinuha , Nub.
f , . OINSIlEIta Sc CO. ,
Wliolcfciilo Dealers In
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
Linriis , l.iicos , Eniluoldery mid While Goods ,
HC.'ODoiurlr.s.Sticot , Oniulm , Nel ) .
Engines ,
miowNiiu , .v co. ,
The Baker Automatic Engines ,
Stationary mid portublo envlne * , hollers nml
ehcet lion oih , iitron § , iiKilcuItiiriil hii | > lu-
ments , pumps etc. 1213-1215 l.ea > ciioillifal ,
Leather , Hides Etc ,
Dealers in Hides , Wool and Tallow ,
1111 JiieUbon Stiuet , Onmhii , Neb.
Leather , Saddlery Hardware ,
Saddlery nnd Shoo Findings. Hides , Wool , I ura ,
'ells , Oieiibo , Tallow , lUo , Oinulm , Net.
flour , Etc ,
Wil.PllES.1 ON. RO.
WM. I'ir.STON ] ii CO.
Wholesale Flour ,
( Ce10 uud CU Piutu Stuet Oiualin , Nbb.
nni'.vo TZ ? < i ! t TIC , .1 it .
for J. C. Ilotrnift.Tr * Co. ,
Manufacturers of Highest Grades of Flour
Ity Holler niul llnnparlnn Pr > oe . Wiichoiijo ,
_ 12KI Junes street. Onmlm , Neb.
W.J.KI.SirA.N3 \ A CO. .
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain ,
Manufacturer * " of W. .1. Wel hnns. A. Co. ' Quick
ItaNntr llncknlicat llouniiul iinmi It-tor * Omnhn
Illy Mills , cor. Sth nnd rurimm streets , Onmli.x
m\viv : : A : ,
Wholesale Dealers in Farnitura ,
_ I'm-iinm Street , Onialin , Neb. _ _ _
- "
AI.1.KN 1IHOS. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
HlOnml 1112 l > oiifHa Strcet.OnKihs , Neb. _ _
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigirs ,
Tobacco mill SmokoK Aitlclcs 121" lltmanl St.
MiVRK : At HAAI'Ki :
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Spice ? , Clgius niul Tobaccos" , 1.117 nml 1310 Dotijf-
las Street , OnmKn , Nob.
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner loth nnd I'mimm Stn-ets , Onmlm , Nub.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Nos. ; i , T07 , 7tW ivmV'll S. lOth St. , Onmlm , Nub.
Hardware ,
Hardware Iron Steel
Heavy , , ,
, Wilson Stock , llnnlnnoil Lumber , etc.
l-ll IliumMreet , Onmhit , Xub.
" ' "
Wholesale Iron , Steel , Wagon
And Cnrrluiro Wood Stock , Heavy llurdivaro ,
lite. 1217 nnd 12I'J l.eiivennorth Stieet , Onmlm ,
Ai'dii & TAYI.OH ,
Builders' ' Hardware ,
Mcchonlcs' Tooli nml Ililtlalo Scales. HWDoujr-
Ins Stiut't , Onmlm , Neb.
MI : : , nuit : > > t co. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails.Tinware , ,
Sheet lion , Uli * . Audits for HOHO Scales nnd
Miami Powder Co. , Onmlm Neb.
MILTON 110(1 ( UHS .t SONS.
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Mantles , Giutec , llni s pooiH list nnd 1320 Par-
mini Street.
Wholesale Hardware and Nails ,
Emerson Steel N'alK Cor. 10th nml liarnny
Sticels , Onmlm. Neb.
Man esters.
WM. nuutiNa & co. , CHICAGO ,
Manuriicturcr or tlio
Deering Harvester Goods ,
Write to Win. SI. Lm liner. Gcnoiol Agent ,
Onmlm. TelephonixllU.
Iron Pipe , Etc.
" "
Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers ,
Jobbi rs In lion Pipe , Iron I ltliirs. ) Iron nml
llrass nonds. Kmrincers' Supplius. lltn unJ
Stieots , Oiimlm , Nub.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Stcnni , AVnter , Itnlluuy nnd Mllliii ) ? Suiilles | | , Utc.
920,1122 and IM1 l-'uriuuu St. Omaha , Nub.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Menm and Wntor Supjillc. " . Ileadrjimitc'is fo
Mast l'oo t Co.'s Goods. Jill Taunim Struot ,
Oniiilm , Neb.
Wholesale Jewelers.
Denlers In Silvuruaro , Uininonds , Watches
CloeKs , Jewelers' Tools nnd Material' ' , Kto. , 101
and 1UJ , 15th Street , Cor. Uodtre , Omaha , Nob.
Fish , Etc.
Succeffors to leken Sleins en .t Co.
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
Importers of Koiolpn Fish , Nos. SIl-'JI.T Jonvi
SI i cut and U. 1' . Truuk , Onmlm , Nub.
Live Stock.
Bridge Stock Yards , Omaha.
No Ynrdajjo Charged ,
o to U. P. Ilildtfu. Special accommodation
nml u KOOI | nnulcel lor Iio s. K. u , Cooper , Man-
Olheo. South Bth Sheet.
Live Stock Commission
Geo. Ilnrko , Minm''er.
Union Stock Viuils , S. Om ihu Tulo-i'i ' mo flS !
\v. r. IIKOW.N * co. ,
Commission Dealers in Live Slock.
Dfllco lUchaiiRO llnlldiiiK. Union Slock Yards ,
South Oimilm.Neb. Telephone No. CUl.
Live Stock Commission ,
[ Tnlon FtoeK YnnlK , Chie.u'o , HI. , nnd Oinnlin ,
S'eb. I'liinkChlllenilen.MuniiKerOiiiiihn llriuicli.
Telephone No. 2SJ. I inblHheil lbf,2.
W. PATJtlCIC A ; CO. ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Addic > * iillcoiiimiiiiicntlon lo us in ( Tiion ! Slock
idH , South ( Jnmlm , Advanccb Hindu on clock.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
Umlled. Jolin ! ' . IJovd , ijiipcrlntendnnt.
SAVAtJK it ( IJJIilCN , St.
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
ShlpinciitH of any ami alllilmtaol toclc eollcit
ed. Union M cl Yiuds Onmlm , Null.
Lumber , Etc ,
IXJU1S llltAiJl'Olll ) , Jlhi
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime hi '
3asb , Uoois , Kto. Yaids Cor. 7th nnd
Cor. Ulh iiml
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , T'
niildhiKB , KtnlrVorlv niul Interior llurd Wooil
Khilsh. Just oiiineil. | N. Ii. cor , bth nnd leiiven-
i > orth till eels , Onnilni , Neb ,
Wholesale Lumber ,
' 14 B. llth Struel , Omiihu , Neb. F , C'olpct7er ,
C. N , niliTZ ,
Lumber , '
13th nml Culirornhi Hticule , Onmlm , Nub.
I'JIKl ) W. OKAY ,
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor. Clh and Douulus Hlrecls , Omnhii , NcLi. R
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Onmlm , Nchnuka.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wagon Htock , Funcy Woods. Ilrldjro Tlmborg.
Ac. , B. W. Cor , Ulli und UoiiKlOmulm , Neb.
G. I' , I.YMAN , C (
) calcr in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings ,
lulldlnt' Pupor , IHc. Houth lili : ! hHiccI , OmuUa ,
Nebrnuktt ,
Nebraska Lumber Co ,
I'ukl In Cupltal Slock , $ 'UlOXjO. ( IIINl
lx > K-'ri-siiiumi fHuliucra unit \vluiloMilo deal- Nl
u. MIIN at Merrill , \V | > . Wholemln und n .ill Dek )
OMAHA Ii MII i ( X ) , ' I
l > cnler ! n All Kinds of
Bnilding Material at
1Mb Sttcc < t unit 11. . . .ill Track. Oinnlin
Ol'.ltMX 1) WYATP ,
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
SOIh ii nd I/nnl Stn-et . Oimiha. N'cbrnskn.
.1. A. WAKlIKIKI.n.
Wholesale Lumber Lath
, , Shingbs ,
nulldlnp rnier | < , Pn i , , lior * . ItllncH , MouM.
lntr . rielicts ro t , l.line , l''i ! ter. llrtlr ,
CdiiPiit. Xlntn timi.loneo , Omalin Nell.
* "
I. oiiiiintniii. : : :
Impoiteis nnd.lobliersot
Millinery anil Notions ,
_ 11.1 piiil ISI4 llnincy Stieel.Omnhn , N'eK
Musical Instruincnls.
r.nnoi.M r.iuoKsox ,
Wholesalers o [ Musical Instruments.
SteliiMny I'lanos , Wetier , Decker. Unities mill
IlilpUTi I'lanoi , I'aeknrd Orffaiu , rinuo Organs
UU and UV1 loth stieel.
Notions , Etc ,
Wholesale Job Lots ,
Pry floods Notions , Penis' ruinl-lilns flood" ,
( looilofiotn Ninv Yolk. Trade sales dmlv. WJ
niul .HIS South Kith St. , Omaha.
o s. aooimu'ii A m , '
French and German Fancy Goods ,
mid Stationers' Sundileii. 1415
mini , Omaha , Neb.
J. T. Robinson Notion Company ,
4IS1 and -mi S. Kith SI.Oiiinhn , .Veh.
\\hole--iile Dealeis In Notions ami Uvula *
' liood" .
Oils , Etc.
Wholesale Dealers in Oils , *
Gnsollne , .Mien A\lo ( JieiiMiie : , A. 11. lllshop ,
_ Mamiifer , Omaha , Neb.
Pork Packing.
, iAMis : u. novn , w "
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
_ Uimilm , Xvliiuxkii.
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
Olllce , tJnluii > IaiKet.lM7 llodtrc Street. I'aL-kliijr
liou-.e , IT. i' . n. U. Track , Omaha , Neb. Tulu-
phone No. l.r > 7.
Safes and Locks.
1' . llOVIIlt A CO. ,
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s1
I'll n ami llinvlarl'i oof Safes.Tlme locksViiiilta
und Jail \\oik. Kt.M I'm iiam stiect , Omaha , Neb.
.1. P.VANS ,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seads ,
Agricultural Vivelnlili > . ite. : Odd Pi-Hows' Hull ,
N. W. Cor. lah and Dodw St . , Omaha , Neb.
Drugs , Etc.
" " " *
n. T. cr.Aiiici : niiuo COMPANY ,
Wholesale Druggists ,
Jobbers of 1'nlnt.s Oils , \Vlnd..iv Olaos Ktc. , 1114
llainey Stieel , Omaha , Neb.
TIIK noon.MAX DKIK ; to.
Wholesale Druggist - ,
And Dealer In 1'uluK Oils and Window Gltus ,
Umaha , Meb. ,
Wines and Liquors ,
piiANic DKLI.ONI : > v co. .
Dealers in Liquors and Cigars ,
VMS anil K'Ol Douglas .St. , Omaha , Nok Fnc *
toiies Nos. I und ym'ADisl. . N. Y.
Successor lo Jle.N'AMAit * . A : DDMHN , Importers
and Wholesale IJealera in
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
_ SH and 218. s. Ulh St. , Onmlm , Neb.
It. li.GHOTTIJ ,
Wines and Liquors.
Wcste'n ABOIII .los. SchlltIliewlnjf Co. 71'J3.
'Jlh Stieel , Onmlm.
Wholesale Wines , Liquors and Cigars.
1X1 ! Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. _
II.I5U A : CO. ,
Distillers and Importers of Wines
And Minion * . Solo nninuliictnic'rs ol Kcnnedy'a
Kai-t India Hitters. 111 llarney Street , Omahn ,
1. . P. LAItSON ii CO. .
Wholesale Dealers in Whiskies
And Ciwars , nml General Agents for the Philip
Hosts' Celelnaletl Milwaukee lleer , Omaha , Nel ) .
_ Harness , Etc.
Manufacturers nndJoliberHof
Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware ,
Turf Goods , Illankets and Holies. Hu'l I'mmim
Stieet Oiniihii , Neb-
Chicap , Milwaukee & St , Paul
The Shorffliiiie
and Best Route
From Omahajo the East.
Chlraijo , Mlnneiipollii , Mllwaukeo ,
. Prtul , Cedar Itaplds. Diivenport.
"lintim , DuliiKino , llockfoid ,
Hock Island , Kreepoit , .Inncsvlllo ,
KlKllI , Mudl-,011 , I.iiCio bO ,
Jlelolt. Wlnoim ,
Andnllotlior Important points East , NorlhunBt
und boillht-iiat.
TIckrt ofllcu m HOI Kunmai ( tticet , ( In Purlon
Ilnlel ) , mid al I'nlon Pneille Depot.
I'nllman Sleepers and lh < - Finest Dining- Curs
the Woild uio run on tlio main linen of tlio
I'III'AC ( < IMIIWAUIUH\-KT IHt'i , Itvn.wAy , and
e\ery attenllon Is paid to pnsscngorH by courto *
diiK umplo/ca of the eompiiny.
11. MIM.III : , ( ioncriil ) liiiuiior ,
J. ! ' . TiM'itnii , limt Cionenil Manuaror.
A. V. II.Ctiti'KNTKii , Uontrnl 1'asionxer unl
Tiikel ' Aurnt.
( Jin. 1C. llBArronii. AsfclBliinl Gen nilPc.uu'ii
per und Ticket ABOIU.
" "
P. BOYER & 00.
E3aSI'sSaf63VRulisTimc ' ockf
and Jaii Work ,
10i.'C Fiiniani Strcut , Oinulut Nob.
, E , Moere , Lincoln , Neb.
Highest Murkot Prlco Paid.
Commission Merchant
And \ \ tolosiilo Dealer In r
Country Produce , Fruits , Butter , Eggs , Etc/ \
320 N. 16th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Itufbienctig , by I'criuiSbion 1'list National
lliinkDulniue | ; A. B. Hiirn-Uon. Cashier Kioux
National llunli. Sioux Ciiy ; louiiNutluiml Dank ,
Moims ; H MJilnrman , Atsliliuit C'aslilu.
t'Jrtt Nutluuul Uunk , Chicago ,