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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1886)
y me i' > i ] ) iek Uni < was 18SI for t C. citllo r chan 1881 , 11 cl was store , M ) tl tcr , loin i rufn Skin ! w Wllh | over jiluin iiri' lll.S U pluc ( tlio that river boon thu 11 Otlftl wcu. . 110VO 1 lol ontli mar- thai I hai inov tlllYH On ( iufoi Hhllti onorj tlio i ollleg wo vv relcit it vx\ U'lm l bold1 was i tlieil thai < abouj bliuni not g C'rq out a1 eannt ; 11.1 Am u \ \ us a 1 wa-l ft > 4o 11 , | I " { JO OV ' IB 1 bank ) qnc tl nicntj know 2 THE OMAHA DAILY BEB , TIIUUSDAT. JANUAUr 7,1880. SPECIAL NOTICES. A(1vertUomcnt4uiiilor ( this hcnd lOccntspor line for the Hi-t Insertion , nnd 7 tcnt f or cixoh eubcftttnt | Ii scrtlon. Seven word , ' rrlilbo count. til to the llnoj they must run con orutlvDlr and munbo ptildln advance. All BdvcrtUomcntJ liiufct Volmtiiled In before 2 o'clock p. m. , nnd tinder no circuinMiincos will thoj bo Uikon or dlfcontinuiKi brtdc phone , rnrllcsnd\ei-ti ine In tlu so rolumni ami hnv- InKtha riii-wei-s nildic < le < l in cnru of l lire. will plinM ) n k for c'iccit to enttblc thorn to KCt their Idttrd. ninnno will be delivered except on | > rnonlntlnri of tlieck. All misttcrt to nt ll tmonts fliould be enco ed In vnolopci. . TO I.OAW-MONET. $ 1finn oto Iriflnon ( itv re idoncu property. Oco. W.Duj. I&JH Jnrnnni , M _ MONHVTO 1.0NOII farnT nnd cliy prop- t rlyi call nnd pet out rule" Hlownrl V Co. , room n.Noljin kn Nntlonnl Hunk building , l-'lljll MONlV TO Mi Won norocs , wrwntw nnd furniture without reliioxul. t' . .1. ( . 'newell , Itoom li , lion Hunk Uulldlntr , 12th mid I'siimm. Take ulcxator. WKJjnni * rpo I.OAN-MoiiPX in nny ntnoiint , JL On nil eln cBoffeciiiity. Mioit limn loans nn real o-lnto iiontr tlmo Inntrs on ual estnto. Money to loan on chattel * . Mono ) to loan on collaterals. Monojr to tonn on nny K OI | tocunty. Torinn cncy , time to Milt ApilyntlhoOinahn ) Tinnnelnl Haehnnge , llnrhcr > bulldhUf. S\v corner of 1 Ifteintli nnd Knrnniil en , uuslalr * .01 MONKV for uvciybodyt Voti can borrow inonoy on furniture , her ci , viuron" , pianos , Hock of nil kinds , diamonds and line wnlclicscm ) our own tlmo I'nymonts iccelvod nt nny time , nnd Interest reduced pro rntn. 1'roperly left In ) our own vow510"1 Tuimi lawnstlip loxuit. ( . 'nil mid ceo inc. Ilii lncM confidential. Nnnilvnnlniro Inkcii. W. H. Cioft , lloom 4 , VVIihncU'R Now llulWlujf , Northc-nitcur- ncr Jftlli mid llniney. _ 713 TO I.OAN-O. I' . PnvUfcCo. Heal MONnV und Loan iifcnts , 1W51'urnnin St ' ONHV TO LOAN-On jrood fccttrltlcs. A Mctlnvock , room7 Itcdlck DIock.lMvrarnmr St. 37T TVJONinrTf } I.oTx.Vbn cTiiillrh , WooTcy .V J.'l Harrison , room SO , Omalin Nntlonnl bank building. TIM MONHV TO LOAN On real C6talo andelmt los. ! 1) . I. . Thomas. H'U ' MOXKY l o LOAN In sums of fax ) nnd up xr.iuls on tliM-clnM lenl cstuto security , 1'otlei A. Cobb , 1515 fnmum St. HJl TT ONIY : LOAN it : > m c. iitocd . \ . Co's. ixim I'l ( inicion furniture , plmios , lioi ci , im'u pi'ipomil iimpcrlyof nil kinds mid nil other n tides of Millie , without removal. Over 11 N'nf' ' Ititnk. cornnr iih : ( mid Fnnmtii. All luilnc : ttilctly conndentnl. M : CHAJICES. IrtOIC SAI i : 1 Imvon stii | > lly honoiiibli * inrr enntlle Inistni M | axliui i et SH.nO per \eu- tlmt I uill M'll to u li\o innn lorSroO. ( > tlier ItliHlnos iluiiiniidH mj ulli. in inn. UJIOM totloir ili)5h ) 'lue'tlmlliui ' to Ihoie meiiiiintr I u liters , AdihO' llii , * I7l ( > KSAI.i-At : rintlo t < mrr.oii Union 1'n -L ellle riillioul , it imiclie mltnblo for fei'dlii ) entile uiiil hoc * or hiceillnw | iiti ] iofcs , ooiihl'l Injf ol two mid ono-hnlt mi en ot hind , \\i'\ \ feneiil Milh Ijunids mid \MIII. ( lood poui > r wind mill irllli lied piimler nnd Irodeooki tmiKi. eie. MOR hniMi7fi.Porn crib to hoi tWO lill.ll'lllKl bll-hcU. I.VI'ltlllll- ] ClllSI hhiiie. | Will lie sold lit n li.uniln us nunci is nl out to If'iivo tli" Mtnto. Address 1'icd. W MIHM , L'oluinbus , Nib , Ml-.l * " | 71tll AIn A leotmiinnt ( loins n f-'ond bn--l Jni's ; lonions lor telling , lotalnif the eltj\ AVIII tnl.o hoibu lor pint pnj. Aittliuss II > il , Ilco Ollicu. li l ) " * B A peed tbtelii ' bakery In ( rood .L' LOiiUIIiun. AUUrui > > > li M , I tuo Olllco. bll ( , FV | i.MIIA : ) > < : i : Vor iiieichmidl'e. Imiil In J I'nao mill I'luinont couiuiiAddicis Hutch- Inton A. Iticlcj , Slitnnnilouli , In , ni7 JjtOKSAItH 'I lie f-'nrntoon Hotel and fmiil- 1 line in Mlll'uiil , Ni-t ) . ; hole ! In .ool ( O n II- lion mid luintuio IK\V , ecrv tliin ? In Hist- ( IfttH ( iniur ; ilolu miccllent bii'-lne-s ; only cmifo lor Milliner , so ins in Iminly. Ijinulio ol .1. \ . < onsuul.iiKji ilctor , or \\oitendvko. . Mllloid , Sorfniilt'o. , iNch. 67h-ll' ! inn ; .SAI.C-Or ; c.\ehanso t'uilvu hundreil. J. mid nlBlity nctosolMo. limber nnd KHU > ' Innd , lintymlloseiist of Kiinsns City. At ilch Mill nx any land In tlio suite , w ill et-ll nil or pm t nl lltlccu ilollmspcr iiciooi- will e\lum o for freed Improxed or unimproved NcbnH.a laud llcdloid & f-nncr. l.V > . . . { SAM : OK TIlAUK-rov runlr'tnlo. the ie tauraiit. ll\tuie and contents of Iwelvo luinMicU looiim on the S. Ji cor. ol I-lli mid Cnpltnluxvuuu. lost $1/00 to lit up. Will sell for t"flJ cash , or on time to unoil rcsj onslblo pmt ) . Appl ) to L'otbctt , S. VV. cor. Jjih mid J'ainuin t-ts. , upslniis. 4"/J rOK SAl.ilot : ! ) * In Pprlni ; III1I , ? lrcMehI ( Also nu establlj-hed bnnkiiiM : business In Nc- Iinn-lui , county peat. ( JlbtonAichcr , Hoom : : \viibiicii nioci.oinniiu. ii : , .SAM : The only Untlicr nnd flndlns X1 buMtKHs In lilncoln , vlilch hnsbcmcm- lied cin lor ten jenrs i-ucL-rsiliilly ; the ion- Mill foi Folhntf , ileath of the proprietor : capital iciinliiil , fiom Sil.tOi ) to MiUU , Jncoh Hnhcilo , Mncoln , Ncti. lIH ON.XI. To you UK men nnd Homoii.nmr- ilo I orhliiuloilctl < abooklioi per mid 8 > liool- mlHiin , uliat , inu jon IOIIIK | Iih ynui monej / Do you ulsli lo mnko a hplendiif liivn-tinent tl ntwlll jloliljiu. hnndsonioietiiinsmlMdaysi' Ii MI , iHiino and p o' < you outn lot In Wctt urn- Injr luldllion ; fiJ IOIH Just put m tlio nuuKet to cliooBO fiom , mid lit tcim- > \\llllio\vlllun the lei e'l of nil Only ten per cent down , mice fUln moiilli tit bpercont intoust. IIou . ileclio lo pny halt cn < iinporennt oil : nil cisli , ] ( ) pur lent oil , 'JhM boaullfiil iKldillon luyn just couth of Wnliiut Hill , \\ill jou gl\o this 1hoioby' I Ihlnic not. Call or nildto-s .1. L. Itlio , I Ul'mnim bt. t5L T > EHS > VAIr Omiilin elty nnd Ioiilii | county J. nlisliactsfiiruisliod und Kiiuinutcod. It. U. 1'attouon , 1 1 fninam. Ci'J tOST STIt.VYKI ) OK Sroi.H.Vlioni near Sulphur SpihiK , 1 sonol hoihO.nhlto hind foot , ! t In oueli ftullnhlo loumd ivlll b > p.ild lor retmnlnj'same to W , A. Van Noinimi , Miliihur FOUND. m.VKHX Hl'-lly the underblwnod , 1 tnllos .1 noilli of Oninhn.'iiear I'tormico I.alto , n leil con with n ulilto npotln toiehcnd , % vhlto li'K's mid uhlto under In lly nndliad on hciuy iopo. Dec. JlM7-'l-.ll-J-7 : O. HoKt. 10031 and board , J.1 per xvcclc ; very bestlo- I cation. 1814 Unvcnpoit St lusjanl'J * STOVE REPAIRS. rnun W. C. Mct7nerStovoltcpalrrxlll South JUthHt. . hem otm Uoih'o mid JJou hn. RUPTURE CUItED. NO operation or lifeless tiussos. Dr. M.M Moore , -U Wnbash avo. , CI ' WISCErLAlTEOU3. m want ckf peed ( lomostiolicipenn bo tupiillul by culling on tlio OniaUii Km- ] ilo\meiit ( illieo , tloom I , llublmum'b Illook. J. \ \ , .Moiiiboi piopilulor. b TOR BAIiE-MIBCELLAHEOUO. ITWIKSAI.H Tlio lease nnil fiirnltuio of Hio J. Jli'tiopolllaii Ili4e | ; house lining u iooil liiirln t. " ( i < > eil man um imiKo f.M per month , Will eli ipiuoiuiblo If ttiKon tit 0111.0 I'urpai'- tk'uimn hujulio nt' .1. c. I'lUjioniUl \ Son , Tio- nioiit lloiioe.J.Iniolil , f\ob. Oil -T\Olt SAI.K nu HUNT Clienp , nevvlmui IS J1 by .si , with o'iy i'on\emenco. Imiuhe Itnrj fcioie.iuth ami Domjlas. r i - . . . 1 x\calbcr Ptilpp , Hoim Fueh A JJ to KI ) . Mend MA'S ' , ICthot. .SAI.I : Two lois m r . Irioit ' block fiont btrcct cui true UthEtiivt KJj WANTED-rUMAtE 1IXI.P. \\rANTii : > A good iictlx'o uimau to do > ihaiiibeittinl.vii c > l pcrxM-cK. Apply bcu\ee.i tlie hours ol Hands. V12 Douglas at. \\f\ > Tii : Peveral pooil chli for fe'oneial \ \ lioiuowoiK , < xMka nnd laiiiidicsHia : ooii \ \ tla \ ; ( micluujes : > . ( linalia Inlelllgeia-o Oilico , ] | ( imi ; , ti ; . tor. 15th mullouj.rliis. u.8 T V-ANTini-dc oil i.iuiien Kill Apply at Ni - \ \ W wir. sail mul ninmm t-u ' xuuniiiff peed sit mi ikimill lauilllcsat Wu wajos ; wlllbo nct'OininodiiteJ tiy callliig'a imilin InlcllUrcntu Olllic , Itoom U.S. K. cor , IMh und Uoujjlaiists. U " \\'A.N l'ii : > J tecoud cook nml a dUhwnbi'r > . I Appl ) alinro nl Nun is Kcslaiaant.lCtli It. , but. IJodjju uud UoUflas. U/'J-j 1 fc "ITTANTKI ) A competent rlrl for pencrnl > l housework. 4 IP Con vent t. fiU-11 " \\rANTii-fonipotcnt : irlrl to cook , i h > > nnd lion ; ( jcrmnn preferred Apply N. H. ICtb nnilCnhfornln. Mr * . I.V kelo > . CiO uowork : ol n mirsrirl. . iU ! Dougl.u et. OU-51 \1TAN rin ; fiooil ghli for eentnil lieu e- > wok : Mr * .1 w. MorriKm , room 4 llusli- tnnn lllock , IGtli nnd Douirlu * 483 \ \ * \NTii > OooilPTiirrlenrrtljrlrlfo ' boutbMork. N.V. . cor. ISth nmt l wonh. W7 lf VM KIJ A comiiotctit klti lion plrl i I'nrnnm , AY L'A > TKI > Plr't-e'ixss ' dining-room ( ? irl < n' ' the MttroiKjlltnii hotel. 'Ml t \rANTfi : ) T.n lies nnd itcntlemcn In city o it couritiy lo take light work nt their owi liome tI to M ft ( In ) tn ll ) rnndo : work &cn liyinnil ; no cnnr lnir. Wo have n peed do mnnil for our work mi'l ' furnish sloiulj employ miiiil. Addre , with Mump , Crown M'fV Co. W4 Vine at. , Cincinnati Ohio. 'JSJnnlO * WAHTED-MALE HELP. A , Rood boy front li to 15 renr ; KUlift. Oil \\MNTii : > M men mid 3dO tcntn * lit once > for riillioiul worlfjficc tninsi > ortion iiiu frond n flftcfl ( 'nil lit to 5 p. in. .1 W Atkliicon. * > * > ' \V"A > .Tin : A deput ) for thw Older of Multin ' Protection , riitirlcred ; niroo 1 oil)0tttinlt | ) for tinrtalit inin. . Addicss U. Uol. Vrcehlo LuclCMlv Hutcl , 8 1. Louis , .Mo , nit sato tncn in ench county to In trodiicon now patent sprinirwlilllletree gdls liho wildfire ! prollls linirii , Address , wil Plump , Kimr Whllllctreu Co , , Viilan. Nob. ECr SITUATIONS WA1JTED. Po'ltlonnlinxciliiK1 ) salesman b. ll an expotleuced innn ; Ihst-cliissieleioueos Addii-sKiUuiinan , lice Ulllie. fill ) ! , ' " \\TANTii > A dttmtlon 119 ninso or com Bullion toIndv by u utrl with icfcronecs Address II it ) , Ueo Olllco. ° ! ! L0 * _ \rANTI'l ) A position Inn bank ; linvo Inn V > iiiiipleoxpeiiem-o nnd ciiiifuiiil'h the beef of rofuienco . Address II " 7 , lleoUIIlcc. TiTi-i1 ; ! UIQCEI.I./VITEOUS WANTS. \\7"ANTiil : Hooin mid honrd lor innn. wlfi > V mnl ihlld ( clulit jours olil > . neat biMne * . ccnlor ; prlco iiiodcrnlu. Addicts II : il , Ilco ( Jlllcu. Clu-7 * " \\TAN l'll ; ) To liuy n ot or hoti n nnd lot > > Oi\o oMiet o.Ipllon nnd voiy hwcsi price. AddioislIK , Ileo O.lico. 031-7 * \ \ "AM'ii > furnished ioom nlth or wlthou 1 1 I oud for bliujlu gcnlluuuui. Addict M. lloo unite. Cl.Vi ( * _ _ iVANTHI ) Unom mid boiird by jrotitloinni fi mid wife with prluilo or Mniill Ininih Mitit Intlr t-eliiss In over ) itgjiout. Addio-sl ! "J , Itco Olllco. CltMl * "I \rANTHD to irnl , hiimodintoly , n hoii'o i i with i ) 01 1(1 ( looms nnd modi'rn oouxeiil- dices ; hi cl < slrulilu locidtl ) . ( J. II beluilldt , V. I'l , llipiitublo ' 1 1 iitl Complin ) , uiiik't * Nebraska Nil Iliink , KuOO" A \fANTI. II A f > cond-hnnil lire proof linnk " fufc , wltli liiirclilr pinof clii'Si. AddKS , 1' 1 Ilrunn or I llittiU , MCUH k , X ( Ii. 44'J ' roil BEHX-HOUSKS AlfD I.OTR. ' ofai I'e.Tl St. lliilf ol II is . nocupluil h > .Mis-i .M. ( i. Cjk'ii.ons lilt's ; ! milking i-tuhllsli 7\DK \ HUNT Nii'o ilxo loom cotliuw , S. l.ltl near Conler. A. 1' . Tukcy , 1.JJ1 I'niiiuinbt 017 "ITlOIt KINT HouFd U ioom , " pnnlrnn , tta J bio on Walnut t.f > blocks tiom U. 1' . depot ; Infinite MIT ClilciiK" St. Aiiff Jtuniloiv. ti5- IT'OK lCiNT : Tlirco houws of 1U , U and 4 JL looms each. J. 1'nlpps Hoc. fiw ITOK l tli NT llrickMoro , ionthildo of .lotic-s Micnl , next to lUth ttioot.fW perniontl' Apply ut lUI ! ) I'm nmn St. UTMi ITUtlt ltlvr Now house 11 looms , llan'com L 1'laee. pi'r momli file House 7 tiiiiiiis..4itli and I'lmco SU.pcr mo. . 'M.i S.oio with ( lurllmi ; inoimup stidrs , on bt. Marsn\i , n-ar 17 h st .per month . . . Ifl.Ofl E T. rijiuioon \ Co. , Uoom J , 3. K. Cor. 15th nnd T71OK Uivr : Cotta o on IttU tt. . between JL Capitol uveiuib nnd Jufiiiui.l ) | , 510. S. Lull * innn. n.11 i : II : > T stoic , axiNouh ir.thst. ifiois KINT : 0 loomhouso opposite Congic- ( intlonnl chui ch , on St. JI.irj'sa\o. , ilH. Kieom honsoItli nnd Dod e , olieap , SJ. > . Neu housoxllh hmn , N. buuiiduis bt. . $10. i : . I' . IthiBor , H'J N. 11th at. i 7 "IT1OU HIINT TnicUfmm , i : . 1' . ItliiBcr , M'tN. ' -U Ifitk btieet. K5 "ITIOK liKNT Two iMttngo * . $ r > mid ? 13 per JL ; month. W.Sivil lcr , Uinr.ito lllock. 4SI iruiu UiNT Tofiiinlllnmlly , Inr o fumlslied hoiibo on puvtd htivet ; linnneo nnd nil modem conveniences ; rulcrcnccs iciiilicd. | 'Apply nt I'.1-'I i'ninmn fct. -I.Vt J7IOK KINT : A 10 ioom lioiiho contrnlly lo- J-- enlid andnear t o ttioot carllnei. liiKOod lepnlr nnd all inodcin Iiiipro\einonts. Iniiuuo ol John A 1'ivjlimii & Co. , Wl ) fcoiith luth st. UJ7 ] 7\OK HKNT OK LUASU-StOio mom , K\l ! ! JD 1U acio garden \\ith 0-ioom honso adjoining eityKlneio : tnrm,17 inllu.sci > c ot Oinnhn ; U ] > U-IL'BS lolHOfi bt. .Mniy'n avo. Apply lo i : . II. Chnpmmi A. Co. , l-)7 ) llounrd sU 11U 1J1OK KINT : Now house nt 1S20 Jackson st J- Apply nt Cunniiiflnim it liieniiati'H , 1511 Iiodgo&t. 1WJ TT\OIl \ ItlINT lloii'-o belom'liir ! to the c-tnto JL' ol'JuilKu ChadttIcKW/J 1'aik uvcnuc. W.J. Lonncll. Stl ) "I71OK IUNT : Two nowSnndO rootnod lieu os ; JL1 fiunnvo , bnth ioom mid nil modern coin en- lenecs.ono block fiom btrnet cars. lniUlroJo. | ! ' . Dnrton , oil ith Et. , or Smeltlni ; Woi ks. 8'J3 . , . . KI-.VI' ; A Morn room w Itli Kood collar I'joi ' ) llm t btruct. Apply to John llaumur. 7 > OKKiNT 2i > iorcRoii'Jtn and l.eiixenwoith 1 sib. 1 Morn on Somli lolli El. Ilolli I 'h Itcalioni Also tiouBus to lent. A. Me. Unvoek. bill _ _ _ POU KENT BOOMS. * I71OIC ISHNT One or nvo looms , fuinleheil or Juiiliirnl.lii'il. . 711 llhal , cor. Ciws. UliS * F ) lt Ki.NT : a looms , ulobcls , celliir , city water , lit UBJf. IJtli t.0.1-J-U * Ki\T 1-iiinUhed looms. L'\ ' IrtOK 1 Olb-11 * IOK ICIJVr Jtooiu with boaid. 1U1U Capitol X1 uvu. ( j21-ll FOIt lti\T ; A nkoly fuinUmxl ioom with Hi o anil ( fas. Jnijulioal No. I'Jll lomlns ( ! n * " ITlltlC lti.VTlooms : fuinlbhed or iinlnr- - -I iiishcd , with or without boaid. 1571 olth litlltt. 0'JOb Itll.VT Nicely furnished looms live blockb lioni J' , i.VUi ) S. Jiitji , iTiOH ItllNT I.niffo newly furnlshod fiont L1 ioom with hoard. 711 N. I'Jtli t. tol-b' KNT l'urnlahcd looms W5 N 17th I'fHt JSIINT l-'urnUHcil looms. K. K. cor. liHh mul Culltoiulu. 5'Jlb 1710H HKST Comiilotoly Imnlshcil tint , n i. looms nnd bath. Adiliesd IIt. ItcoOlllco , U5 ! 171OIC KINT : Nicely fmnlalieil ioom , S W - cor. IVlli nnd bt. Mui'j't. live. fill IMW , lti.vr : ToKenllenicn.Jmtro loom with J InrKi'ilo.-el. t'idlliiniiii tl , fiH , 1 , < ) ! : Ki.NT KlrKiuillj luinlMicil loom with - J' liuuiil. All moduli ! , V.'JJ Dodyu btiout. 611 JJKXT I'urulolicU ioom. 1017 617. _ _ ITL itll.NT ruriiUlioil liout ioom with n u -L of hath room ; pleasant location , Imjuho ut Olllco of U. K , Mil yi lo , 15th ami I'm mini , j IjiOU ISiXT : Two suit * of 4 lOOiiiiL .1' 1'ieicoitieit betueon lUth mid UXlh f.u- iiulro llth nnd I'mimm. f. Mochlu. Sis I . t ISIiNT i'uriilihcJ rooms. Si ! N. ll th. ; rooms , JCOU Jliunoy lic liI 1 Oil Itr.NT With hoard , n room suitable for one person. It'll ' Webster , Ni'J ltiNT : t'urnUhcil room with boanl uultablofortwu irentlcuicu. WO liNT-I ; > | t'U = aut i-oonis , furnUtioa an I -L.1 unfuinlsluul , tor JlKliI bousekeeplnt , ' , can usually be lonml In IJcemer'o lllofk , i-orner iiylitli : und llottiud. O'lG . FOR SAI.E-HOUHEa-I.OT3. IAO.t hAI.13 Two Innn nowtplcndld cotta ci 1 un4 loth , 0:10 block enM t-heinnin Avenue , ut nionthly | Hmuiiib. Must bo Md limucUlutcly. It , C. 1'Jttcuou , 1 24 I'.u naui btruot. Wi ir tsAlr-0iC'-C' ( < inCi 1 county , wltlt Im- X1 protement * . will trmlo for < tr property , $ SMO. ( 71 ncre nno nny Inml near Connill llliitfs. fl.'Ol. l'nrllesbnvln renl o lntoto ? i II or oxclintiKC will tlml U to tnelr intirtst tocnll I il aril T. I'eter- on us. W e wll an 3 on good son A Co. . Itoom 3 , rf , U , cor. 13th and Douclns < t * . _ _ , _ _ _ Is0 _ . TTTOIfiAtr : Omnlinllcnir tntcnna Loan Co. i : Witbnol llnlMlntf lxt In Improvement As oclntlon. fl.OOO. . Ixt In lliinH-oin's I'lncOfiienr tlic nnrk51 , . > U Itnl nml hou o In Hickory I'lace , H.un ) . omiiptolnrm wltli HiM-clfm | miro\onient | . nil under cull ivntinn. flvo miles from rnllroad station , only $ .W pet ncro. 4 lot ? ami hou e In llan com I'luce tlionp. 82J acre" of land In Ceilnr county.Neli. Corner ' . ' lot * , hmt o nml bain on ' . ' 5tli t , south of I.cavonworlli , fHr\0. ' House and lot In Sliull'sflil jiiW. , 51.KX ) . nri' , , . . . A lot nml a houses in Kountzo \ uulli $ ( / ' " ) . 'ilotiln l'lnlinlc\vclieai > . . ' - lots In W. A. llettlck'4 ndil , ? C03 each. Ix > t ln i : . V Pmltli'sndd. Blots In lloivcrs Hill \ orjcheap. . Lots In Wllcox's mid. , S1.A ) . Sonic vcrj desfinblo lots hi Mlllnrd Plnco A'\ ' cry diolco business lot on Touslixsstroct ) cheap , ( heap lotp In t'atrlck'i mid. Cottage of U rooms on Ueorpln nve , , now , on Virginia avenue. A fi ncies , liouso mid fruit , nenr tlio city , ? I.iOO , Homo and lot In Kountzo & Mutli's ml J. . nenr I.envcnwoilli. & > " . A : l.niir.CKi : , leal P tnto , Innonnnoll'torimprovtil mid uiiimprOTed lots In Uinnlin ; nciesncur tliocltj nnd hundreds ol thousands of acies of land lor sale : corro- fpoiiilcnco fcoliclled. Marshall & l.obockc , 1.00 1m nnm nil cut. umcoopon till 9 p in. 5 5 ? | 1O Sl',1.1 UK IIUV real c > tiitofil nn > Kind , cull Jon U. r. . Mnjno , 8.W. ir. IMh nnd I'm nmn Pt . , i\ho lias properly In every purl of the cltj , and lamia In m ei ) county of tlui Uta. Wil SAI.Kty ) oxter fi Thomas i : lira. , -L ioom H , l relit hlon block : 2iW I eel on I'm nmn st. i-s'.OiO ' fii.vlW , s. w. cor. nth nnil t enter , $2,000. Mixl.Vj , Himscom Plate , 7M ( OlolsMivli" . ( in Iliunlltoii nnd Clinrlos sts , 5000 to JHO , I ) blocks niulof conxcnU UivllC , cor. ( IwrltM nnd Mh 8l * , $700. .llxlfil , with lioino nnd bain , nenr 20th and Center , il.lWl. Vciy cheap ; ( .mull pn > mcnt ; balnnco monthlv. Mi.xiri.Vtlinnd Cliiirlos , IIU hoiisoof 5 room ? , well , etc. , J I , ! W y lots , Lowo't nddltlon , JfiOO and $ OM. 2 lol < , W. A. llcdlck s add. , i-lAiO. Lot cor. trith nnd lluenpoi t , S1WO. \Se think all tlio abovv biugallB. Call for torms. IteMer L. Thoinus & lln ) , Itoom y , Ci elghton lllock. KiJ _ BUViiiii : : : Adjoining the bauacks on the iiottli , has tlio luhmitajro on nice love 1 dilvoiMt ) , lieantllnl locution , line viinvi , ami u\crjtliliiK elro that goes to make up n splendid plate lei n rosidumo. t-eo is clienppiopeit } , and no mlslakiy C. 1 ! . Mil ) no , S. \ \ .cor luth mid rmiuuii. too _ TU ) sti.f : , Oi : IIUVii-ul estate of mi ) kind , call on 0. i : . Mayne , H.W.cor , l.'illi nnd 1 ainnin sis. , wlm Imsptopcrt ) Inoverj pint ot tliocit > , mid landa in o\ei > count ) of tliu Male . & > 1 Yreal estate of any kind , cull JL on C. K Jlajnu , S W' . cor. llth uml Taunm t-ts. , who has piopuil ) In o\ery pail ol llio cilj , mid lands hi o\eiy county of lliottute. r > ni rpOSKU. Olt ItUVi-emestnteol imy kind. eilll -L on C. K. Jlajue , fa.W .tor. l"th imd Inin.un tts. , w bo has | ii\etty ] In every pat ! ' ot the tit ) , mnl lainib luoxci ) county ot the slnte. Ml 'V\7'I > T SI Hi : Stnt Ion on LiMXonnoilli stieet i > will bo the junction of the Mo. Pile , mul licit Lint1. Lots purchased theio now will ic- to tlio buverlti a very I line. Hell V > IuC'ndlIih und C. K. Mn ) ne , TroitSAI. ! : I.iifKp house and ! ! nicol ) flCMl- J-1 ted lols.nhlilmis-'dndil , $ uiOJ. ; 1'ort-nle 1 Ineb loumeil house on Chirk sttortc nicely eleMittU lot , Sl.unti. ; vi.s.i III ) Uibso \ ArLhur/ltdom , \VUhne1l i lllbab . ' JDATHIOK'S addition on Paunders Mroot Is - the clicnpest pioicity | In that pint ot the city. SticotcaiM inn tluoiiHli this addition. Schools mo conx-ciiicnt , business u aches lion two fideslor convenlcnco mid dci-hnblu local ity I'lilrick'H nddiliou has many mlxuntiifres. Cull mid investigate. J.otti oil ! ) S70U to s'MJ encli. C. K. Mil ) no agent , S. W. cor. 15th and 1 m nmn. f > Vi ft U ) soil or buy ical q5M&qoJUmy Mud , q ill on J C. i ; Miiync , MV. cor. iMliiniil I'mnaiii > ls. . wliobin iiiopotty in oviiy jijutol thu.Uly , mnl lands f u ox'ci ) county ot tbestate. * ftil rpo seller buy icnl estate of anv kind , call on JC. . i : . > la > nc , b.W. cor. 15th and I'lunam tt > . . who has piopeity In all pans of thu city , und laudb m t-\er > Liiiint ) ot tlio btato. Ml GltiiN\VO : li Ilcnutltiil acic mid half aero lots , line loc.ition.Jii miles tram 1' . U. , onlyu low moments \uilK tiom llniirconi 1'arl ; , Acid flUO. Hull iicics U , Hi percent ciibli , lial.mco iiiomldy paj mcnts. U. UvUiu v , S. W. coi' . 15th und raiiiain. - " . i7J i : Statlontmlk'itvenwoith Jtrect IT will bo the jniH.tion of the Mo. I'nd. mnl licit I.inu. Lots piiichutid llieio now will 10- tuin u linudMJiiio piolit to tliu lin.sei In a % ory bhoi t time. Hell .McCmidlbh and C. K. .Mil ) no , f > ' > 5 FOU * AM : House nnd lot 211 SL"Jtli ft.ichoap and pa ) moms. Addiuas C. S. Chlpnian , LIii- ( oluNcI ) . 571 rpo tell or buy icnl cstuto of any kind , call on L C. li. Ma ) no , & .W. cor. t.rith and bmiuunbts. . who has piopeity in cveiy part of tliO oily , unit lauds in ox'ciy comity hi lliobtatu , Wll . ] : > ii.vii : : > iiii : : Aero iota at $ : o3 to fs'iii. J Kncli will make ) on 7" > to lH ( per cent piolit beloro uci\t New Vein w day. O. K Ma ) no , nolo a cnt , H. VV , cor. 15th and I'miiam. & .VJ rpo tell or buy ic.u o tnto of mix' Mud , call on J. C. i ; . Mn ) no , sJ.W. coil l ! > th mid l''aimuu Ms. , wliolms piopcit ) in every pint of the city , mnl lands hi uxciy county ol ifiu ctuto , Ml nK SAMI-Cliuiip lot In Hnnsc-om Place. J 1 Add.-csa U. 1' . Scbbm3. ( iiOJjiilili * "I71OUSAI.IJ A two story,22x30 , fmino build JJmi5iiltiiblo lorn btoro , near IDtU und l'.ir ' naniats. Applyat tUU oillcu. U17 Wivr : si nil Station on l.eavenwcith stieet uillliu tlio junction ol the Mo. 1'au. mid licit Line. Lots puiUiasud tliuio uovywlll re- tuin n Imnd-omo piolit to tlio buyer In nveiy Blioi t timo. Hell \ McCandllsh nnd C. I' . Mn ) no , fcOlO llgfOlltM. Kft FOR hAl.i : J10.0WJ 10 per cent dividend piiug stock. CilbDon Jc Archur , Jtooia U , WitliiiLli HlouU. 4J'J ' _ rpo sell or buy real otnto ol any kind , call on L C. K , MII ) lie , b.W. tor , 15th mid I'tunam his. , who has piopeil ) in u\eij put of the clt ) , mid lands In o\cr ) county of the state. Ml : . ; ) ; - lotsat fsxi to $ KO. i.ich : will iniilio ) ou 75 to 110 jiur cent piiillt bo- loio iiu.\t NouVuiir'bday. . ( , . ! ! . .Ma ) no , Milo iigontiHV. . cor. 1'ilh und rninaiii. 65'J 1IIOH .SAl.i : A general mcrclmndiso bm-lness -L in a nipidly giovviug louu not lar fiom Lin coln , Host triido mid locution In town. A t-plun- did opjiortumty lor a paity uli-hln- good ojiciilug , mid huviug fiom hovuutotciithouaimd dollars m ciibli , Will bell lor mill only , or pint ciibli , balance ical c&tmu In Omaha. Address Mcichant HcoUllicu. b-J rpo tell or buy iem ebtato ot any 1,1ml , call on A ( ' . K. Ma ) lie , K W. lor. l.'ithand rurnniil Ms. , who has piopcit ) liiox'i ) pait ot the cit ) . nnd lands In over ) county ol tlio date. Ull : , : : : _ ) at f..l ) to ji.V : > . Knell xvill mnko ) on 7.r > to ) l l jier eeni. puillt lio- foioncAt Noxv Vi'Hi't. dux' . U.K. jluiier solo iilfcnt , S. W. cor , IStlt and rarnam. K > 'J p ( > M'll or buy icul cMnteol mi ) Kind , call on 1 C. K. Mnno , h.V. . cor. Ilithnnd I'.iinain fcln. , nlio tins piopciiv in o\ei ) liaitol tlie cilj , and lands In ex cry county of Unit into. Ml 17MMI is.1,1C A xvhoIvMilo niilion wanou in -L' ttood lupalrclieap Jnouiio ot or adiliiTS M. II , 1'j.ill , Uiiculn.Ncb , O'JIJS' ' BiiVii : : > iitiAdjoining : : the Imiinc-kti on tlio not tli , has tliu mix autajfo on moo Jovcl Irixcwui , bcautllul location , line xiunp , mid j\co Ililnji clMj Unit j.'oua to jnal.c up u hplundid iliuo lor u ici.-lili'iuci. fcco lleUcdcie. ft H heap propel t ) , and no mlstnlvO , C , V , Mane , , W.cor , 15th mid fiuiuini , LW p.VTltlCIC's. addlllon on Sauudora stuet is Ilio tinaiest | pni.'riy | hi that pint OL' tlio ' Ity , Stict.'t cms run tliioiitfh this addition ; schools are couxviilcnt , Inirjueia icaclios ll on HO t-ldi" ! lorionx'cnlonco and desirable l/ical- ty 1'airlck's addlllon has many udxaiildtfo" . Jail and iim'sll ate , IxU only > 7tO to t'J nch. U. U. Mil ) no UKOUt , S. W. tor , IJIh and I'uinum SV1 , j \\Mi.Nur HIM. Oxt > rM3 linohourcsbuilt , II in this beiuullnl nddltlon during' tliu past ' mmtiier ; oxcraxj moio tg he built ncAt tea sun , Loth * . ! ui ) to t'j'Jencliery ' easy terms. ( ! . K , da ) no , S. W. cor. 15th nnd fnniuut. t-'Jl ' IVJ-Vr Sulo Station Juncllou'of Iliq M.i iur7 I'nclllu and Holt Uiiu.ou j.eaveinunilibt. If ion want u lot ( MI West Mdo don't wait long or .ou will bo too late. I'lloes of lots c-'VWIo f > U. : aty turms. . O , K. May no . , Ijtli und I'liniuui mil Hell i : McCandlbli. J&U Dodge bt. . solu . IBCIltg. 1.7 Bii.viiiini : : : : Tor nmguliiceut % lolint \ - lo\ol dihci , plcnsnnr loc.illon , din ihonp uopci I y. beu Itelvodcio acio lots , yW ) to t.r > J aid. l.ns ) ici uls1 L. Ii. JIaiuc. \\cur , l.'th ind I'liruuiii , ( Mat Foil < ! \T r Ktflit thcso bnwnlus nml call on u nml lct > is u o you out tor .xnminc. All on tc rm to 5111 ! tlio purchn er Two full lot lit SJtullS 2d ndil , llinu C now , nil model uhnmoicinonlM , 0 ntnl 8 roomsi rfidh : will let It go U sold nt oncplor .K . $ O..VX ) Two lull lots ( cofnOr I room house.Slutlls S l . . . . . . . 3,000 1'nll lot nnd 2 houses. 2Cth. near St.Mnrj s nxcnup . . Hou < eofll ixoimi new , line locntlon , HftiiK-om Plnco . 3.JXI lloti eof lUroomsi new , 20th nnd I.eti- xcnwortli . , . . . 4,000 Hou oor .1 roanut < utd bnscment.Kth mul Iienrm worth ' . . * . . . . . . 1. < WI \ ' \ \ n ioom hnnep , nill lot , Pie pfCtl'lacp. 1,000 I'onr room lrt > uw. full lot , Hnnstom Pmce. chinp. . . . . . . . . ] ,110 Six loom lieu f .jUill lot. IMh ttcir U > a- \ennoith . . ' . . . . . . S"A1 Hou e nnd lot.iath nnd Center . . . . 1'XW lions of Sroonia.blp bn enieiitInipitno rncnt ndil , lot "SvlOJ , corner , chcii ] ) , on y term * . . . . . . . . . i , * 1'nll lot , .ninll monthly | > n ) incuts , In the tol- lowhiff ndditlons to Oinnhn. Hnn com I'lnco . J 7M Mc-lniin Hill . 251 fodo HrllllnntP . . . 101 Newport . ; t > ] HelhederO . 8.W . Ililithlnn . 2.V1 PnrU Few t . , . . , . . 2i ) HoiiecKen * . , t . rM Dnlght.V I.Mnans . 4(1) ( ) Potter , V-(3olib ( . ' . 4V ) 8i\ lots In Wlleox : add , cheap . 1,710 lluslne pnipcrty , IHIIIK and unhnproxcd lands on thp lie t terms. ( livens u call. Con- voynnces nt all tlmCs. Kd ard T. I'eteunn & Co. . ioom a , s.j : . cor. 15th nnd Uougln .St ti2.- > \-\TA I.NI-T llll.l-Ovcr 100 line hou es built i In this benutllnl nddltlon dining tlio past umimr. over 2V ( ) more to bo built nn\t SVIKOM. Lots WO lo $75u each : tery easy terms. C. li Mn ) no. S.V _ cor IMh nnd rnriinm. twJ. BUIA I'lHMtR ncro lots , $ - . ' : > ) lo J3i ) . Walnut Hill lots fPUllio fTW \Ve , l fcldo lots 4,1 1) ) to f.VW. Tlioinbun ; lot ft.V ) toJ'IV ) . I'mmcnter Iotst75 to ? . .iM. Hakoi Ar Mil ) ne add. lot $175 to } 3)0. Donccknn'c niltl lots J.T21 lo f"iJ. 8111111 } bide lots S'VJ to $1,00) ) . HatiHOin Place lota id.10 ) M.V . Hlmcbnugh 1'lactlot flW : ) to $1,11) . ( lieenwood ' 4-ne-o lots fi'K ) toJ7" . J. 1. Hedlrk's sulidiv. lots JI.IUUlo flS3) ) . Isaac A. f oldcn'silts $ s,0 to f l.UJJ. HinrOak lots $7 > llof l.OOJ. Ionioadd. lots Is'iU Taj lor's add. nciv lots fl.OW. Tuttle's utilir. ncios fW ) . Lots m i\ety pint of the elty : easy term * . ronxtjmipesnt tlio door any time of Ihe day. C. K. Ma ) no. S.V. . ror. .5th ami I'nrnum. Ki TTIOK SAMoilTUAm-lfiO : acres ot land JL' ] i , miles noi III of Ninth Auburn , Neb. ; Hbout "Kty aciestiidorciilllMitlon ; uoodhou-e , bain , and n good hell of wnter. For luithor parllcuhus npjil ) to II. 11. lloadle ) Neb. ; BihVii : > iii--rnr : : : innrnincunt Mew , line level ilrno , ilonsaul location , dlrl cheap property , f-co Itehedcio neielot , f2)J ) to fr > each , llnsy tcuns. C. U. Mil ) lie , S. W. cor. l.Mh nnd 1'ai num. f > 53 | ? OK SAM : l.airo nmt small stock ranches X1 w ! th or \ \ Ithot l stock. I'or bale J lots il sprmit Hill , flW ciieh. 1'tu fc.ilo l.sabli' | < hed banking bushier In Nibiasltn. count ) feat. Gibson \ Aiclici , loom : i , Ulllilicll Illoik. I'oi Uxehange Nebraska fainis fur Omah.i piopeity ; a.vo lands to t'Acliango lor stocks of jfOOiU. Wanted ,1 bu bes3 lots for cash within 1 bloeko ot po-tollke. I'or i\uliniiKO : Un ] ncro iinpinxed fnim , Madi- 6on county , Neb. , 'or house and lei in Umalm. I'm1 Snlo AfiiuMyiirucl 4 miles < if po'tolllee ; hou-ecost ? l iHirji.lOoO cash Ulbbon\Aix'hor , Itoom It , \ \ itlitqn | 1C1 rpooil nr lni ) | iijnl-o tiito ot any kind , call on JL C K. JlayiiN , .s.7. . cor. Ifith nn I ritnmm SK , wlio has piopii | ) liiio\ory pint of the city , mid laiida hi cvci ) ' count ) ol iho stale. f > U : . : ) ; ? : - magnirctutiowf line le\cl dilMH lUasant location , dirt Olieiip piopeity. tcaillelvj'deie acii > lots. Jjjo tp frl'iJ oni'li. l.ns ) terms. C. li. M.ino , tV. . cor. Ifith and rain. un. ; i [ r S \TA I..N UT riMLU-Lots each. Stictt Car llfrf ) being Imilt out Cinuliu stiect to this it d'ljAi. licit Line depot locnted initseentie. flnu 'location * , A.C. See \\alnut IIIII1I ) oii\\ant n beautllul lot. C. K. Mane , st coiner IMn und Tut num. A5I. T710K S VM--liy ! Potter & Cobb- -L Choice lols.Jn Uiwo's Fnal add. , $ JJ Iq SIM , each. if " " i ' , ' ' Uirnor. inIffiioSoljlwi's add. , laivlil , for 1 $1.150. W " - ' - I'lno lots on llrown st. , BOxl.TO , nt S70J ; cnch cu > y icims. Aero lot \ cry cheap , cor Uiown and California sts. , S2UJO ft and ID noio traots on easy terms at $175 teA A few clioic-o lotb in T hornburjr Place , on Hull Line , chcnp. 2 lots in Slilnn's Third. $ 00 cnch. I'mo Imiint s cor on I aniiim st , $10OM. Lotb m Pollci's add. , JjtWlo * WJ encli ; , very ciicap. , , , A lew line lotIlunscom Place , at $750 iur'1- | ' Call mid beuour timguhis In aeto tiacts. i ' , ' bT'i I'lirinu LV'onn. ( l.'ilu 1 aiii.invSL. ' . . , ' LAND SliUKlJIlS , ATTUNTlON-1'or . tlculairi about frou mid choup lamU in Wuslcrn NubriiaKii address Thos. C. 1'attorson , ItculKstalo Agent. North I'l.ittc , Neb. &H riAO pcllorbuy ical cslnto ot any kind , call on JU C. I' . Jluyno , s.\V. coi. Ifith and rninnm t' . . who has propei ty hi every pmt ol tlio ciinud lands In ovciy count ) ol iliu t-lato. fi'il ' \ VAI'NL'TLots ' ' $100 to ST..1) ) v oh. T > Stteit Cnr line bilnjr built out CulniiiB stieet to lliib addition. Holt Line deiiot locatuil In ItcUutro. . Kino locations , \o. > i e Walnut Hill II ) ouwant n beautiful lot. U.K. Mnynci , nnd I'mnam. rril Al'-AI.Nirr IIIM.-Lols$3JO to $751 cneh. > > Street Cnr line being built oul Cumlng stieet to this addition. Hell Line depot located hills centic. I'ilii ) lointioiii > , > Vo. t-en \ \ ulnut Hill IIouvnnt n beiiiitlful lot. C. } i hi ) no , . fconllmest comer 15th nnd Fiirnam. 551 IfOK.SAI.n Lot Cfi ft. fiont. 10th bt , near 1 .InckMin , $ I5,50U. Lot1J3 ) Howniil St. nenr 10th SinrjW. Lot 4l\b ( ' , Jones near 10th , frS/im ) , Full lot,2good houses , Hint nenr aid , Jl.OrtO. Lot lUvlu. ) , IIUIIM ) 5 looms , tJoward ti.iun- dors , S.UIM. 5-ioom benne , Ccorgin avc. , n bargain , ( : ) ,20Q. Lot liOvllH , hoiiAOtt 1001119 , Ibth bt. near Top- plelou , J 1. )1) ) ) . I/ot in O'N'cllV sub-dlv. on Hint 51 75. 4 lots in IliurOiik ) , rxiu. 5 loth lacing Haiibcom I'nik JI..W o.tch , or $5Kid ( ensli. Ixits In Oinnhn Vlmr ? 2"iO to ? COO. Lo ln Park J'oiost t-j.10. 2 lots on liboigln a\c. { ,700. K. I' , lllngcr , 110 N. 15th. UfJ \ Bii.Vii : : > l'ii : ; Ailjolnlnir the ImnaeKs on Iho noilli , ha" I lie iiiUmitng" on nice linel ililxenii ) , beiuitllul lo.-atlou , line \lunx , and over ) tli ing else that goes lo niako up a Hplcndld place lor a io idence , Pen Helvedeie. It Is tlinap pioperly , mid no mlbtitUo. C. U. Milno , p. W. tor. Kith and I'ainam K ' jr.N.NV SUM : Wo hax-o only pU lot ? loft in in Ihls licnutilul udditlon. They me tlio | cheapest ai\\rll allnct lots on C.ullornla st , J-UJOU cnch. I'.ib ) tciins. U. K. Muiiu , .S. W. ( or 15th nnd I' MT rpo sellorbii ) icul eMiito of mi ) kind , cull on 1 C i : . Mayoo , s , W. cor. l.'ilh and I mmuii bt- . , who has piopuiiju uwixory pmt ol lliueilj , mid lands in i ici ) coiml ) ot tlio r-latu. Ml VyAI.Mir ljrtl.-4hor ( ( 10J line Illinois Unlit IT in this hcaiMllin addition duuiiK the past bummer ; ox or ; Wniino to bo built ne.\r MMI- KIII. lol i.'lou'fn fc"U | each ; xoii easy term * . C. K. Miiyno , H , W crrf. 151 h mid I aiiiuin fill 11 l oit > Al.i- : II ] | ) C. JJ. 1 ! Mane : * ' r. * ) iii-f ! | till lei , f nrtdl ho'Sso , Wlkox add , $7M ) . llf aio full lot oil leiivenumth - ( . , m w hou o , llf all modeliKHhix' dences , J-H/ht ) f SW Lot on fnrntiiii < * t. near -Mil M. , hoiiboO ! SJC Two lots , tuiliAUfeCii , itiih near Iloxvmd , ail L < itH\11lSoiith''Othbt ! , { food hou-ofl,8-"X ) . SI I ' MonlliH pn'x ( > i < in > . S.'O Iol Ktlvia ) , htrtnntttnn MiceH , nice cot- t.iiin lariiu-'lllJililm I'nik , M.bkl -llandMinin | MI , ; u.-o cottii o. teems , ( icor- Kia axe. , t.ijlifi. ui n 311 Lot w j" , ' , ; ounw ) > l I'm mini , house T looms j 2119 Tluou actos.roiiil ( house , fiult , etc. , I.cax"- jb ciixxortb ti.ftH. b IMO l-'ull lot. twocntttu oi , hhlnn'n add , $2 , 1) ) , : in i e Jlouso 7 loonib. ( a t lionl , bcmititul loiul- n lion. llmiKiom 1'l.iOe , % IG ) ) . ii iin "I Ulesmil ichtdciivo 1U loinns , tun lots line n location , oxory poalblo coiixunlciicn , 183 t'oinerlol , nleocottnso 0 rooms , ono block oil'hiiundcis ft , t''l , ) . lUi llmiiUoincbt cotlugo hi Onialni. & rooms , lieanllrtll lot. ( iuoi m axe. , * ; ifJJ. ( 17S Ixi UivllJ , housOi looms , t-outh 13th fit , ICO ( ioii'hou ! oO rooins.full lot , llltkoi ) and n luth , tl,7i4l ; vgry i heap , O.K. Maiio , S. j ] \ \ \ cor , fjth nu I I'm nam. & .V. , | 'po sell ( U-Tuiy real i-stuto of any Kind , cull on $ J 0. i : . Manc , S. W. tor , l..lh and Kmiiam bt . U irlin Tins prupei ty In every part ot the city , and IniiiN In cx'ery eotuiiy of Iho stutc. Ml 1J VTKICIw'.s luUlltlnn on Hanmlers i-tiect li Iho clu.i | > i < t piopeity hi tlial imit ol the ity , Stieet cam run throimh tliu ndditloii. School * nuuxmvt'iilciit. liit-lnes § leac-lies il on mo bldus for loinonlc'in'o and du-lraLle locality - ity J'atilcK'o addition ha man ) udxantuvos. h ; ; all and lnvet-tlK"te. Lots only fc7uo to f'J I aeli. O.K. Muiio auciit , S. W. cor. l&lh mid al lauiaui. ttu ' I AW I.Illlt.AllY roll "SAI.K A I ntr library con l tlnj ( of Town report * , t' H. supreme court reports , iinorlcnn Ocrl lon , Americnii reports , Noithw ' tern. PHI iflp nnd re port * rs , nil iHiunil , nnd n Hue of le\t books , nil InteM edition * nnd m good ns new. Mu t bo * otd toother. Ou t co t fljim.oo Tnir reduc tion for enMi or coo.l note ? . Li-t furnl hcil on nppllcntlon. Address IX , lice onico. \\TAKN I XJ Theprtttv who cnlle.l for te"rrler t dog on Piirmun stieet belwoon Ulght- eenth niidN'n 'tcpnth. Tue diy Aftoinnnn , t p- I w M-n fi and H , i known nml lm < been detecleil. To snx'o rmlli' r tio'ib1' > i ho 1 wnrnod to rt turn ttio doe tnai4 Soiilh Fourteenth stfent , nnd Mr. HotTlif iliifr xUllpn.x linn or bis tiouble , OP PAIAtVSTKKV ANDCOND1- TION'ALIS r , axi Tenth Street , bet eon Pnuifim and Hnrncy , ixlll , with the aid of gunrdlun Fplrils , obtaining for nny one n rlnnce in tlio pnst nnd prc cnt , nnd or certain conditions hi i he future. HontJ , nnd flmc < i mdo to order Perfect sitlsfnctlo u guaranteed , n DBSKEL 8s MADT * . ( Succcssoi s to .1. 0. .I AND JJMIUI.MKUS. o.J slaiul. 1407 Punmm St. Order < hy ph solicited iniJ piontpttntU'tiiii ' u to. Teiipiio i < No.Jj. . A J-'IJs'E UNE ( Jtt -AT- VVOOOBHEDSE BROS' ' OMAHA HAMBURG - AMERICANA A DIUIXT LINK TOIt England , Fraiace EC Germany , ' 1 ho steam-hips o ! this veil known line at o. ill ol lion , In wuiur ti'lit ) lompmtmentH , midio- luinlslii d with e\ei > tlinitf to imiku the p.iaMi i both Kifo nnd mrrocablo. They eatry the I'mte I Mails and Kinopenn nmili.nnd lenvoNeH Voik 'lliint-dnjsniid Sntuiiliij' * lor I'lymoiilli. tl.U.N- DO.M , nieiXmtiar , (1'AIII ( and HAMIIL'lili' ' . llates-l'ltst eaUin , JW-ilUJ. htucnuo to Now Norvoim Deliilitnlcil 3 Ycmniealloxvcd uVbit < for thirty oftheiiseot Di. D\u' C'elebiated volt.ii. Hell with Kloctrie buscns.irv- Appliances lei the sjieedv relief amipenu inunt cuii1 uC Xeixutis Dcbilit ) , loss ofVit.ility and Man hood , and all kniilied ttoithhN. Also tor nianx otho. ! diseases , Complete icsloratioii to jlu.iilli.Tvl/ornniLnmuhooil. Xo nslc is In- cuiieilIllnStr.ifell iiamjildct with lull iiitoi- uiation , let ins , ute. . niaUcil Iiee by aihlressin Voltaic JJclt Co. , Maisliall. .Mien. A clmnncy was blown ilown on Snntbty at C'iibtli'tiin. near Troy , N. V. , nnil cMMslird into tliu loof of Ilia leforineil ! chnreb at that pbteo , coveiing tins wor sliiiors | ] ) wilb ilebris and eansinji jinnlu. This sermon , xv bieb was interrupted b\ the ouenrreneo , xvis on the text , "Great xv as the fall tl The M < in iof that ( lolicato nature up on A > Inch the moil Ininroreinent can bo niadi ! and by the ii o ot I'o/.oni's lUcdi- cnled Coinnlexioit L'o\ydt'r all roughness , and irritalion can bis ovur - conio leaving I ho shin delicately white , soft and smooth. This preparation has a world wide repulation , f > o no fear need ho entertained of the result , bold by all ( Irn < rists . n\t > ' , ' " ' ' " - " lSifo'lHh''cfi'rpnso { \ will soon siijiplvn want which has been long fell in U est Afriua , \ i/ : an investing and commer cial bank. The company is now beiny formed , with a capital ot 21,000,000 ster ling. The head olliee. will bo in Liver pool , with branches at Lagos , Sierra Leone ami Capo Coast. i - But few aiticle.s liavo icnrhcil such a woi Ill- wide lepiiUitioiiith.nuost ura Hit tors. For nxei . " ( Ojeais thttt the > JI.IMI heeit tlie ac- 'kiiowleil edstnnil-iul K' nlatois ot the ill es- 'llve oiiraiis. ' 'I'lujtrsiicce-s lias Incited imita tions. Ho sine von eel Ih.i fiennlnu aillelo nianufnclinud only bi Dr. J. U. J ! . blesett k One of the notable portornmnces in the old Marshall tbeatie , in Richmond , about 1S. " > 7 , was vvlion one ni liL "Kiehnnl III. " wif pbtved by live aeioi's , the , aet by AV. U. linker , the ceeond bj II , A. Hiubt , the third byyilkos liootb. the lourlli by .Mm C'oilier'nnil tlio fifth hy Kihvin Adanis. U'ilkes ISoolli was Itichnionil in ovury net but the third , and then Adanis took Iho pait. "Work , Work , Work ! " I low many women there tire working to-du.v \arioiis br.inebes of industry to stiytiotbinjj ot tlie thousands of patient bonsuvvh ofe "whoso lives : tro nn nneeasin roundof , toil who are inaityrs to those c-oinphiinlti tow bieb tlie weaker sex is liable. . 'J'lioir tasks are renderud doubly Imi'd and irksome and their Jives .short ( ened , et bard necessity compels them to keej ) on. To Jr 1'iereu'h "L'avonto IVeseription" oilers u fiiiro moans of re lief. For nil female weaknesses it ib a certain euro , All dni < ' 'nsU. J Hy a court order tlio Reformed chinch building nt Richmond , Statcn Island , will be sold at action on February i ) . Tint chinch was founded in 170' ) , and Cor nelius Yandcrbilt , tlio grandfather of William ll. Vanderbill , was lor manj \cara a inumbor , Some of iho lii > t bibles used in ( ho ehnrch are still in the ! on ol Iho Vanderhilt lamily. Tlio First Ki'i'ii 'J'uno ! ; , As the season advances , the pains and iichci hy which rheumatism makes itself : known , are oxiierieneed aftur every uv ! ) Onru. . It is not claimed that I food's > iUNiinai'illa is a fipeeilie for rheum. ttiiin wl > iluiibl if thiiruis , or can be , such a remedy Hut the thousands benolited hy HoodS Sarnapanlla , warrant us in nrg- others who stiller fiom rlieninaliain L.iku iLb.foi'.i tiio lii'jt kjja ngo , 1'rofi'isor Arnold rjuoirs in ti half up- liniving way the opinion of a ( ierimm jhomini that Ijeer ia bolter food tor iuu > ing mother- ) than milk imulu fiom lrj\\oi's' ; gi.'tins. The mineral coiistMn- iil > are liigely bhiaelied out of barley in , nailing , and consequently the mati rial 'or bonu glow Ih is Inckii.g lint milk join brow -i a' grains in for tbN \ TJ i en- > son the best tor adults. What ! > needed or adtills K heat-prodiifing ftiod , to iiiplilj wastis not Jiono anil nin-ele pio- Incing lood to aisibl growth. IMM3S ! J'lLlCS ! 1'HjKS ! A htne eiito for llhiid. Hlcedln , Jtihin mil I'lei'iated ' 1'ilehas been dKeovoml by \Villi.iniN \ , iemeil > i , e.dli d ) > r iVllUtiiiiB * Indian J'do Uintiuent , A slnslo haseiiivd tlio woul ehiuiiU'rasos ol Alor .0 jcaiJiM.mdiu ; , ' , No one need MII ) . r ino inhuliw alter applyinu' thl wuinli-niil i-oolli nu ineditilne. Lotions ami in-iiuim ntxlu mite liana than WI < H\ \ . \ \ illiaiu.liullaii 'ilo Ointment ubsoibi the tiimor.s , allaj A Iho ntciiMj Itc-limt.VO'-'lilleiil.uly ' at nlnht after jet tins waimsn bed ) , aets ui a iioultiee , i's ; | nstiint ielu-1 , and Is inejiaiixl only tor I'l e , iiujil iiiivatiiiiaiH , and tor nnllilnsebu. SKI.V DlrflUKK CiritlJI ) . Dr. I'luzior's M.ule Oiiitim'Jit elites an liy nn'-e | , 4'ilnl le. , lilauk Heads or ( iiubj , ilololiPi unit JvinitioHh | on the fare , hauii' , ' ' ho skin cleat , uul beautiful. AUi > i un illui , Hi Salt Itheudi , Sere N'ljijiles , hoiu LIII- . . and ' bold by druait-'t' * , or m.ulcil on iccclpt of iu'taiied by Kiihn & Co. , and .Schroeler & ' edit. \boleh.ilu b ) C. K. IJouilm.iii. Wiicn yon bny/nrnitino / bo bttro you et pi ice : it Ifowi' , Kerr As Mar-hull V 'bey buy fronl tne. bi-.t muniitueimer * , ( mljnuninte } ( > to miiK tlio \ * o Jf W'l ' FiiluuntT a , Utiu laa bt. Tn i r\T n i PTf > t vipipnnpo TRADE rACTS AiND HGORES , Prepared IIoj Hoisteil in Trice iu a Very Uuoxpcctod Way. SOME ACTIVITY IN WHEAT. Opened U'ltb Sonic Id feu ml Tlien Sol- Hod Unok llpntilj Kiilf Pi Iocs In llio Cat tic anil Hoc Pi-oiluut ( Joiicrnl CIIIOAOO GKA1X SIAUKIJT. CntrAoo. .Ian. 0. Special Tclecnnn. ] I'novt ioNt Spt'culnlho Inteiostxns ill- x hied liMlny botxxeiMi client nntl | iruvl lon < . Theiuoibirl of the bog wns shaken up Iu nn nnr\pci'leil titul hnlily exhilarating innnncr. > ln > poik oprncil nt ye tenl.ij 'i cIosbiKqno- lallons , ami n btNk trmleln snmll loK'pmnn up. .Soon It was lent neil that two or llnve of the btokcrsxACro il\lng up At mom's nntnc on all pnrrhnse.1. A Rood ninny ouls-Ulo buy- Int ; orilersveio iwclved about this time , nml shorts suddenly conceived tin * notion tlmt It would be n Rood tlmo to "tx.ltn a hoie , " 't'lu o causes operated to advance pi Ices shaiplj. IMiK siurteit ) iinw.u d Me , and l\ul bltit'jV.hen ' \ the nitji'ticyof Hie demand \MIS satHlled the marUel eased hark Inlly hall uny , but toward the end the long session values < iren lhenotl ntaln ; , and nt i o'clock top Hetties aipilii mled , Win AI - Wheat opened VQV hlslicr , mlvanred rrartlonally , held imoxpcelcdly Him until well along in thu session , and then settled heavily back. A laiie number of local scalpers on the atdo of coxetcd tlii'irslioil1 ! eaily in the day nml look in the proms , and a small out-Ode buying In- nuliy unsiepoileil. The proisme from the toiu'ontlniicd heavy , however , nnd about thu only enconraiiii ; | : le.iluriMMis n very sllijlit iniiioxeinent ) In the tone of foiel.L-n iinuKet e.ihle , 1'ihate.idMi'fs' fiom the' otlier'sldu \\eie still beaiisli , nnd 1'nsllsli srlllnj ; ouleis \\eieoiiiiliheinlsrale. Doabnu's at lltel.iht \\eie on a basis ol ss'je , for Mny , Wj c lor .M.ucli , and 8J'c ' lor 1'ebniaryliicli \ \\ilhln Jgt'of Hie xeiy boltom. JliMin ( Sit viss Tin' lance In oats \xas ' 'sjillt , " and in coin J e anil a "split" on ( he most active mouth -May. OuMdo of the sample cioud business XMIS lilcless , and ns iiuelplseio \ciy llglit the cash people had an e.isy lime. Ariinxoojf : llo\i : 2-0 : p. in Wheat was iiilto | active foi tlie liist llfteen minutes , und ilc'i'llned shaiply to hl c lor Mny , tt bivame .stentller and lallled a tillle. nt b > | C. Coin \ \ , \ tiiliade easici. J'oiksoltl Vjc lower. 'IM IL m. Puts on .May wheat bT.'j'e ' , calls CHICAGO MV13 STOCK. CHICAGO , .fan. ( > . ISjieelal Toloijiam.J n.r. The nituket opened intlior .sloxv. As tlio ioienoon woie n\\ay ti.itle bec.nue fa ilyactlvo at Inlly as high juices as jeslei- d.ty on iiujthliiK that \xas iisdul anil cairied tlie least lat. The nn.illtv was penoially ot common anil medium noils , with hciu and Iheioa bunch of "good' ' Killius ; .sleets that sold between QI.GOmid SI.IOith coiiiiuon.s alSW ( < J4.50 , anil hciuhby Mi ok tit $ : i.tii ) @ ' > .7. > , Cow htoclc was In good ilemaiid and making as high pi ices ab any day Ihls week. Coin-led luiigcib and Toxaus me beginning toaitivuanil aic nuking lair pi ices. Stoc'Kcr and feeder liado icmains blo.uly , with little or no chance in jnict's. Shipping steels , iJV : ) to 1'OJlhs , SUiPiir . > l > ; J'JOJ to 1.JVJ Jlw , SI.OO head of coin-led , " averaging loii. ! Ihs. .sold atU7 < < f. HODS U'ith only a modrrate 11111 , good wcatliet lor npur.iiin , ; tiie picking houses , nml a slight up-lttra in po\isioiis , juices i iilcd ! > ( ii > Ue ) higher on the host ho y.the .same tifrain commanding a good piomiiiin , and s 11- Jng up to 81.00 it 1,1" . iJooil to cliolce ] nek iiigand .shipi > ii'soils ) ! sold at S'.VJ ' ( I o ? " . ! > " > , and comnion rough odds and ends at s.70i ! < ) : ! .7" > . The light ivc'ipts have no jnillcnlar Inllttenc'e on tlio nun kct al pteseni lor the icasiiii that as thi * inn iliujis nil and jnicuad vaucc , the s null p.icUIn in nib Ic.ive thu mar ket. . _ _ _ KINANCIAL. | Now York. Jan. 0. lo.vnv On call easy lit ! ( < ( < pel cent. J'niMi MKiioA.vrn.Kl'Ai'i : ! : lfn jieroent. FOIILHI.V Kxc'UA.N'ot : Jln.i.s ( julet and ste.ul ) at lor Kty duju , and Sl.Ss" lot ilemaiul. < ioviiOiMicxTS : Dull , lml.ste.idv. hiocKs htock.s , excejit Lacl.i\sanna and 1C lie , weie dull and Jeatuielessall day , Del- awaiu AJluilson and Lackawaiinn show gains ol 1 to I'd , JOiie piele'iedJl'i ' , and Kuo LOiiniion ; 'H pei cent. 1'iadin In Kilo was nccoiujiiinliil hy tliu icpoUthat it mnv jmol had been lei mcd In the stock , and consuls of the com ] an ) made a decided advance , tmioiia o.sWAI.I , sritiir. : \ 87,1 cent boinls. . . UU's ' C. & N. W U. H. I'v'n H-6H' ' liieleiied. . . 1I7 ! Now l'h * l i X. V. 0 I'.iciiico'sof 'Sij. r.- > ! | Oie'on Ti.iu. . cnli.ll I'.icilio. . H.l/B' I'acihoM.itl Ill I' . , I ) . AsJJ : nicleited. . . . 15" ) iM'.c n Kocl : Islami. . . . 18i ' ' ii'.1 , i//.tv/ ; ; ; ; ; ; H til. J > . its. K. . . . - . ' ) . it U. U I'M ' iiielcned.ty. \ Kiie < l'a.C. , M. .V St. 1' . , . { II > { jilefetted . . . .r > l' < I pielenetl. . liii'f ' Illinois Central. , J I0'4St. ' . t1. .v O liytf I. . H , .t w pi i'l en en. . , 101' ' Kansas .VT.ivn. I'li Texas I'aelilo. . . IKif laKMiiuu . h-ji ) Union I'.icihe. . . .Yi.'h l\ N . II , ' , \V. , HI. l > . .t I' . . llUf Mich. . , . 75 pieleiied. . . Udjf Mo. I'.ii-ihe . JJ \ViMtei n Union. 71'j ' Norlhein I'.ic. . . " U. JUtN 107-4 pietciml 1'itoDUcn. Clilt'iiK" . lan.C'- ' HoinI'lirbitiKi'd , win lloui. fcl 10 < il.Wi ; sotilliein , / ' ) . ' " ; \ \Siieonsin Vi'i I.T'i ; Aliiln an milt plliiK wheat , S ; .7iJ tl.O ) ; iMinneolalul > eis' , , : . . * iiVf i.rii ) ; jialmls 2i.T. < . . "iiW ; low ( 'i.nles , rW ( l.ui ) ; ijn Hour , ipilet at . ' a.-iOC'iii.iiO ' In j.nii'ls ; liaokwliout , SVJW I.Win banels. ( Jpi'iii d n hlimln inmei nnd mled ile.nly lot soiiiu time , deellneil ' ( n.-i.c , latet iuo\eied anil ehoed unsettled and jjc mi- lei } iHmilny ; H.'c lor easli and .laiuwiy ; si 'rti ' : lot Ki hi nary : fr'i S'4c ' Im lny , Coin -Unlit ; tuli'd bleul ) nnd ehned , 'loi'-i ' . . . ' . _ . . - - . . lei Kchi iiir > i iJ'J ' j lor May. hmandsr ucu2S'4 ; ' ( 'js'/e ' lei ivtslij ' Im .l.iuu.ux ; yji ; loi' ri'hiu.ii ) ; ' ' ] i , < ii..ii"icioi ; .May. lije-Dnll and quiet at JlitiJpj ( iiiet anil Him n I'dik Aetive ; un-etlled and pi ned sliou ei and 1 < V higher ; iminoveil dedlned iWrtl'J'jV ' , i.illled ' mil elo ed stead > ; sia't no. : ! ; lor cash ) _ ind .Idmi.ii \ ; sflU.7i.yiU.iJ ( far J'utittiar > ; lii.iM.'luiii'j' ' JorMa > . S'i J IIM | J''IIIIIUI ; mled S' ; < ff'io hlgliei and S'iT Jost-d hii ailv at nutiiitu ; Sii.O ) loteihh and S'iy iiinuaiv ; + d.lM c lor ) ; ? ii7 , ' \y \ ( ii.,0ui : ! .May. Timoth ) > I.7Uhid for pilmonlnl c.uh. .sll l''la.ieedSiMUe ; Xn. 1 , c.ish , § 1.U' , III \\b \ \ Uv-Sl. u IIIll ( Hulk .MeaK.Shouldii. ! ) . , > I.TO'i ? " 7'i ! short J. lear , t' ) . ! ! 't"j.lU ; hliMjt lib" , { V'f/j' ' ' . | ' ' > , JO , J.hi HiiilerFinn ; advanced ; uund to exli.i hii. ( . iramci ) , ,0'i.i'- ' ; oidintity to o\tia . .dair ) , lUlf 'tJC , Cieesi-I''nm and > lion ; ; d inrunl ; full i nun fheddiin , and Hat- . , ' . ' © lu c ; lull man ) i'nuif ' , ' Aiucucio , Wa.Ui ; ; clioicu Kiui * . < * ic. _ , X ,0 t lIUlos I'lichaiitfwlfjfivt'ii ' , fco : heavy ( 'ieen altixl liillx cincd. i'Mei ' liiild. Wo ; ihianu'ed , < ( ) ; imlllddu . 70 ; diy wltud , Wljoj diy mi , ! : ; ' * ! lr ; call Mn * . w. Tallo\v--Unch.niU' id : .So. l countiy , Sc. 'loui.lihli . lawx ) -IOW ) Hi V'liciil.bu. . . . . . . . . U.oxi j , ( KO Hiw 'out , mi . IHI , ( * w . ll'.O'W ' 7D.WX ) w tje.bit . < ! . < KW .1,0011 lo ) laili < v.bu . ! ll.k ( 21,000 Kl , Louis , .Ian -Wheat I'anlvnetivo , tl ) eav ) . and cloc < l V > e loxx'i than xinteidii ) ; II o l ud. t.i-h , iU'j'but' ' ' " 1 < J < ' 1'ob- ( | i mi ) 1 < M i h i . "i.i 4i' , . U Coi -ftU'iUy and j.i < c but lei ; mixed , rn li , Kl'tc ' : January , Wc tml ; IVb- umrx , Sir ; March. StSo ; Mny , Bo\o. r Oat * Stead } ; No. S mixed cash , U c ! Jan * uirx , SOW ; nominal ; Maj , 3l\jCll0. ( ! live Nothing doing ; M > c bid. WhHkv-SU" . 1'oik-stcmlvnt flu.10. Lard I'lrin atVS'VWX HuUer r.asj ; eieamery , 35(3 ( KV' } dairy , At Truvonx lnim ? - \ VheatU'e.ik nnd \rf' ( ' e lowci. Corn Nothing done. Oats- Nominal. Knn ii\s riijr , Jan. 0. Whcal-Sloaily ; cash. f * 4o bid. 7tV- asked ; I-Vbiti u.v , 70'c ' bM. 77e ii. ruin Steady : oa h. 5oVe bid , MVi'nskcit ; 1-Ytntiary. Sv ; Mnirh , Sue bid , 8Uv ? nsked ; Mn > , . ! l'i bid : ! 1 < , c nokril. ( ) -\t < N'omlnnl , no bids , Toledo , .Inn. CliHeil weak ; rash and . .lnini.i'si ' \ \ Coin Dull : eii li. .MS'fp. Oats -Xecleeted ; No. ' , ' , pa h , HOo. lilvcrpoolan. ) a Wheat Supply No. a winter nndiirlm ; . Mendy at 7s'd. . Kloui-Oireied lieelj iiths'M. Coin.Stipplliooil : new niKod sleadx at 4s ad ; old mived wesletn ditll at Is rd : .bmuaij and IVbiuatj , 4s I'.d ; Mnirh , 4 * ' 'd. New York , .Inn. 0. Spot In bin PIS fa\orj ojitloli.o opened hlphcr , but wpnKetied nnd ctOM-d lira\ ' ; rpot > lil | , M.nm ) ; O\JKII M , 0,0 W ; nmrradeil ivil , Mii ( ) \o ; Xo. a red , iWe , Ute 1. o. ti. , I'ubrinuy Coin Split inoitpfntcly ncllvp ; options opened Hi in nnd elixed weak ; uut'liils , ( ) . . rtio hu ; uxput l . 141,000 Im ; nnu'iiidpil , 4H < 4 Wo ; No. a. J\nr.4p ' : Xo. 8Jit oMOo In ulp\ntorM ; ( ol'4 ' : rebiunty eloMngnt b.its Lcs ai'llvc : rpcelpt" , ! lfOJ , bus PV- polls , none ; mixed weMein , WiOfil'Ho : w hite we-tern , Jv\i < M lo , I'otioleina Stead ) ; united elo'ed nl S ? , 1's Dull and w'eak ; ivcelpH , 710 ) iack- npcs ; wi'stetn , 'J"e. 1'nik riimer nnd nioipnrthpjniess , ? lo.OO Laid .Moderatev ! acllve ; .lanuaty , ? (1 ( 0.11 : rebiuaiv , 5(1. ( IKnO. tM. Hullorljufel ami easy : woMeni , Klein oioamety. ! i.ViKiic. ! ( IICP-O Steady nml ijtdct. Clnclnniitl , Jnn. 0. Wlioat I'limcrj No , 'J led. HJyilKV. Coiti Tali demamd and linn ; Xo , " . mixed , | O.tts ( ! oed demand and Him ; N'o. U ml\ed , lje { I inn : No. - . OIJ 'o. ll.iiliu riim Hid umlianced. 1'ollv Held higliei nt { ? IO..Vi. haul I'll HUM ill t.0" ( ! > . \Vliiskv Aelhe and Him at SUO. Jtllxviuikop , Jan , 0. Wheat trn ° ct- tied ; cash , bl c ; rebiunty , SJ'4l'i bijr , Coin Stead ) ; No. 0 , MIA- . O.itsQuiet ; No. - ' . as i.e. live-Dull ; No. l , ri < t. , Harley Uuiel : No. u , 351 0. 1'iovisions Ilighci ; me s poik. cash and Jaiiu.ti ) , 4-10.1H. Jtiitiiii'iipoim , Jan. 0. Wheat - M.ukot Inaeiive and lower ; huvers and o'ets ap.nt and liltle doin ; ! So. 1 liatd. .ssJanu.iiy ; N > c retuii.u.v ; IKHMiticli ; HI1 e .Ma ) ; Vo. 1 noilliein , N.V Jauuaij ; N > c Vibruaij ; bio .Mnieli ; ssij May. rioinJmet ; jialcnts , Pl.bSyfi.lO ; , . lieeeiptsWhent , 1m. .Shipmenls Wiieat , oo.OJJ bu ; Hour , b,500 bills. bills.New New Orli UIIM , Jnn. 0. Coin Kaslor ; while , l"c ; mi\ed , lie ; jellow15i' Oats 1'ii nipi ; cholru western , Ji c. ( ' 01 u meal Mead y. II oj : I'loduots I'll liter ; poik , new , 510.75 : laid , Mi.l'JJj. Hulk .Miats Sliouhlei ? , &O.SJ ; lou ; clear , § . " . ' . ' j ; eleart \ \ \ - , ? . "i.K7 > . - - MVI3 HTOOIC. Clilonso , .bin. 0. The Jio\ei3' Jomnnl lepoits : Cattle lleeelpls , C , < 500 : slow and heavj ; phisini ; JOc lowei ; .slilpjiinj ; Meeis , Sll.iiu 5 > u ; blocki'i.s and feedeis , b'J.7.Vrt I Vfl ; rows , hulls " and mi.\eil , Jrl.NXil.OO ; uuiK , J.oiy 2J.OCO ; lica\y nnd no hpln'r ; Iiilit we liter ; rou h and mixed , Sj.r : x : i.v ; : and Mihiiilnt' . Sy.Vi ( < 5 > ; ll lit. f. ) . U'ci ' : > ( ; skips , .s-Uoi3.-i , ( ) . .Sheep Iteceipts , y.two ; htiouner ; uatlvps , S'J.ii ( > ii."i i ; wi-slein , Sir Jkt.i.jO ! ; Texnus , fc' ) ( : VJ5 ; Iambs , ? 'J.i ; ( < $ 'i.rjO. Kansas Uliy , .Ian. ( ' . Cattle Iteeclpls , 1,1(0 , ( ; shipments , IU ! ! : slioliiaiiil nelive lor sliippim ; u-iades ; butcher stull weak and.r > @ lOiilimoi ; exjiotleis , i-'iHVJ.'i ( ) ( ; eoiinnon to elioica shlppnn ; , SI.OV'I.W ( ) ; htoekets and leeders , S'-M.UWI.S ) ; eows , S'J.OOifii ! . 10. llo s Itu-eTpts , . | ,70i ) ; xhliimenls , mrt ; slendy ; jxooil to cholpp , sa.T.'Ha.'l.i.'U ' ; cuinmun lo medium , 5-.f)0iii.7U. ! : St. LoiiiH.Jnii. ( ; . Cattle JJeecipH , 1,000 ; shipments , HJl ) ; iietixu anil Klc hluhe'i ; KOOI ! to I choke ship jiiiit ; , $ l.lKt ) < p'i. : > . 'i ; coninion lo tan , SUXKVjU/i/i / ; Imlchei steers , Sa.-lU ) : cows and helleis. fe'iX ! . ' 1.7j ; stockeis and leedeis , W.rx ) ( > l.i0. ; Jho Iteeeipls , (1,700 ( ; shipments fi.fOD ; ncllve and tmiioc higher on mixed packlnjr and % 'it ' , cloiln sluing ; Imtcliets' anil ehoiee heavy , * :5. : < .Kifll.O' ) ( ; ml.\e < l paekinc , ( ! ; light , fei.5t : ( ) ! < . 3.7ri. OMAHA lilVK STOCK. Wednesday Evening , Jan. C. Tliec.ittlo mnikpl was slioiif ; and active today , liiiteheis' stock , II t'ood , IH In fair ill ni.ind . nt linnet mires ; II common it Is not wauled. Coin led steels ate in fjonil demand and sell icadil\ well fattened. Choke sheep \\ill sell In limited numhois hut Inferior uiaih's will not sell at any jirico. Tlio liojj iii.ii kct wasstioiiK and aellxr. 'J'lm Biipply jalhs fat shoil ot the demand ibid thu ji.ielc- ini , ' houses aio not ublu to inn lull foiee. I'ho leceijits aie esjieeli'd to he intieli LS soon ns the Hinds ate entltely lieu tiom the snow blockade. Patlle 400 Hogs 400 : o rincus. 1'oor to Good to -Meiliiini , Kxlia. , M > His ami ovit . ' . ) ) , / , ! ! ' ( 1I..S Ycstoin It.uueis Native Covv.s Vcsicin Covv.s , lulls IIOS'S- il.llls .Sheep ilidliilll. . H r > o * * jiriiisi.Mr\'ii\'i ! : : ; h A 1.1.4. COILS' I'lII HI'I.I.IIS in. Av. l'i. No. Av , IV lil . . . . 1131 51.10 57 1'ilS fVU M mxiI. . : ; ) ' .n. . . , ii7i U nons. fi. ( Av. I'r , No , Av. I'r. MI tisji ji.n : ( is , , . , you i MJ us'j ; ii7'rf ' o ; ! . , . . tyii i'i / ! ) : 71. . . , aos oi' j'iiins : ron iions. 'J'he ( < : < limeiiiiifo ( id pi ices fm ii.\ril , hi'.ivy ji.ieklm ; and light welgl tus lorslx _ dais is Hlinwn holow : _ JJ.ile. lioiu'li f Heavy I fujht iMjxed. j Packing i Weights. Jnn sd . . ' 5J , ' < ) . 10 5 > ; i. ' ! ! ( < < ! . Vi' ' ? fl , ir ( < i ' ) . ! , ' i 'inlay . . . 'i < k i. nil : i ! ir 'n'i..Vii ; tr t \ > i ) . itiuday. . . loml.iy. . . : wi..i..ri : iir. i. 'ut'-day. . . si. ' < > i. ' ] ' \OM.lS' : PI IK . , tlio niimhu ol lie s ] iiu < lmsnl at loud p.ieKeia duiiiii ; thu d.o , on in.ihii mailat : j ; uoii lieiiley iV Co 11. _ aininond . . t1 ! Note AII bales ol1 hlocli III this maiketau iaie | pel cwt , live wekht , uule-'i olhi'iwl ati'd. Dead ho.'H bell al lo per Jb , tor nil eights. "Skllib , orlio solKtilii lesji Ilian ) IIno value. J'legnant sowJi aio docked JUS and ht.wto | hs. . WIIOI/KHAI I' ; \ Wi'd-icnlny JCvenlnjfi J n. 0. ( /enornl itliirlcuiH , Ki ( -'llie maiket continued /.tc.ndy tit imci pilcas , t.alo.-i huiiiK luaduat IVdJOc. Hi i u -Choice table butler is meeting lib ir.uly hah ; xvhiic. Inlciior gnuli'i aio not anted. MiiclJy clioh'o lolls , 15iil7c ( ; tuir L'ootlUOjil''c ; inlcilor,4(0ttc. ( 'iii.-Kni : Kancy lull cicam clieddnrs. ( ) c- iher make , lie ; Hats We ; "ioung Ameica. I've ' ; hut iiiiallty iSwisu cheese , ii > c ; second iiiilit ) , l" < < ilU' ; bilck rlieosc , lUc ; Llmbui vii' , j' nuirkcl coutiuuct ) im-