Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 07, 1886, Image 1
PHE OMAHA H.H FIFTEENTH YEAH , OMAHA , THUJISDAY MOUNTING , JANUAHY 7 , 1880. NUMBER 170 VAX WYCK VANQUISHES THEM Nebraska's ' Sturdy Senior Tires an Indig nant Volley of Hot Shot , It.- AIMED AT THE UTAH SINECURE. In Which Ho Fairly Hews Down the Tnll Hycnmorc of the AVulmsh- TIlO UotlHC Committees AVcntcrn I'ostnl Notes. They Mel Ilio AVronK Hnn. ! AVAsniNoToxJan. 0. [ .Special Telegram. ] The speech of Senator Van \Vjck , of Ne braska , In the senate this afternoon nualnst perpetuating the Utah commission , vva ? the sensation of the day , Uesidcs scoring n mini- burof points against the profligate habits of the commissioner liu llooicil Senator Voor- hce.sof Indiana. Mr. Van Wyck veiy much objected to continuing this commission at an expense of twenty or thlity thousand dollars per year , when the ilutlea of it might Juit as clldovolvo upon tlueo letlred army olllccrs , there being a number of mm on the ictlicd list \\lio arc callable , and who coidd lie pressed Into service , lie said that the government was not only called upon to pay the expenses of tliocommls- sionin going to Utah , but also on their numerous tilps to Washington. Kveiyyear , he stated , the commlssioiicis came heie and dollveied their leports. No other registration t ofllcers under the government me loqtiircd to comu line dimply to make their lepoit , and the poveminent had to foot all the hills , even to tint tips they made to the porters on the train and at the hotels , and while the com missioners weio hem paid their slrcet car ' fare to the capltol and their bills lor luncheon and cigars. " \Ve must loosen the gilp of theses and other men on the tteasury , " paid Mr. Van AVyck. "It Is seldom , however , " ho con tinued , "that when once an olllcer gets hold of tlm thioat of the treasury ho can bo choked on" . " The anti-polygamy laws , ho declared , wcic Milliclently and properly executed by theteniloilalollleots any way. Turning to tlmdcmociatli.side of the .senate .Mr. Van Wyck said : "J hope the men on this side \vlionri ! new balling In the vnllev of icforin will help cut oft this abuse which has crept into the public Mjtvlco under icpubllcan rule. " The senator called attention to the fact that thoio vu'io no less than six clerks employed by the Utah commission , a laigcr number than as many senators \\ould employ P while the duties of the commission were known to bo nominal. When tliis statement was made Mr. Cock- lell of Ml.ssoml sprang to his feet and de manded that the f-unator Irom Nebraska should name the oleiks employed , olheiwise ho would di-cicdit the statement. Mr. Van AVyck leplicd that he did not like to enter into personalities and lofiisod to name the clerks. Then Mr. Vooihec.s ot tudlana Jumped up , and in a dramatic way challenged the statement of Mr. Van Wyck , and said that It was unloundcd In tact , and unices the names of the eloiks weio leait ho would pro- noiinco the assertion false. This cicatcd a decided sensation. Mr. Van Wyelc , however , was equal to the moment. Drawing fiomhis papeisa iccent repoitoftho commission , ho began loading the names of the cluilcs cm- ployed by it at Salt Lake City. It look Bomo time to lind the names of three cleiks , dining which time lie had named the commissioner and counted a messenger as a cleik. Then Mr. Voihees jumped to his feet nnil began taunting Mr. Van AVyck , declaring f ho could not rind out thrco clerks employed even though ho did count a messenger as a clerk. Mr. Van AVyck had something In reserve , lie read fuither in thoiepoitand btill fuithrr , and boloio lie hail Mulshed ho had named eight oleiks Instead of blx- . The whole scene was like stage acting. Senator Van AVyck never played a pait better or stronger , and when he Hooted the Indiana senator the senate chamber rang with laughter. cAiti.isi.ii's roMMiTTin : rioiiiti.if. : : Speaker Cuillslo was In hiding last night In order to get u little ro'4 liom- impor tunate committee seekers. Ho Is not , how- o\er , making many changes , and the chair manships of Impoitaut committees , with onu or two exceptions , an ; about what newspa pers have guessed them to bo. Col. Moirlson said the speaker went to the capltol Tuesday prepaied to announce the committees , pro vided that itftcT consultation with some of Hie mciiibt rs of the hout-e the lists weio found to bo satisfactory. On the opening of the house only a few of those weio picsent whom the Speaker de.slrcd to tulle with , and ho felt obliged to wait until ho had a chance to Fee them. The committees will without doubt be announced to-day In almost the MUim the older as that decided upon oilg- Inally by Speaker Carsllle , unless some lur- thcr complication shall arise. A bitter con test has been waged over the ehalimanshlp of the I'acilio lalhoads. Tlnockmoiton , of Texas , lias been assigned to the place , but the Puellle nilhoad Interests aio endeavoring to have the speaker substitute Dunn , of Aikan- sas , because of Throckmoi ton's alleged hos tility to the 1'acllle toads. It is not piobablo UK change will bo made. Two impoitant changes that Inteiiuptud the woik of the speaker were those of Hewitt , of Now A'oik , undCuitln , of I'eniisylvanla , Hewitt was f,1 originally assigned to the chaliman- t t hhlp of naval alTaliK , as ho had expressed a disinclination for tin ( her sei vice on the ways and means commlttco under Morrison , ' Upon ictuinlug to Now York , however , during the holidays , ho was pci- Miadcd to lecouslder this determination by leading men of that city , who 1'cel that ( ho largo commercial Intciosts of Now Yoik should bo lepiosontod upon the ways and moans committee , Yielding to this senti ment Hewitt declined the tirst place on the nnval affairs , and at his own icquest will bo continued on the way.s and means commlttco. In addition to this ho will bo second on the naval allalrs commlttco. the chairman ot which will bo Heibctt , of Alab.ima. Cm tin was put down for chilrmanof the banking and currency committee , hut was so much displeased with his removal from the foreign affairs committee that he threatens to doclluo scivlco on the banking and currency com mittee. Uulmont , of Now Yoik , is llrst on the foioign affairs committee. wunTiuix I'osT.u , cit.vxans. Commissions were to-day Issued for the fol lowing Iowa postmasters : Andiew Itccd , llentonspoit ; 1'nink Scaton , Dclphos ; Adella M. Drury , Hancock ; Krvvln S. llutTum , I.o Hey Jacob X. Willed , Moulton ; I.eviT. ( ireenlco , Weidon ; Jcromo It. I'Vlgcr , AVood burn ; Frances V. 1'uuk , CiownjShcpard Caven , Kmlllno ; John 11. May , La Cello ; Virgil Chlpman. Muimontown ; Lovciedgo 11. Axtell , Itlels. * Also for the following Nebraska post- masteis : llichanl J. Skcen , Ncmaha City ; ICdwaid L. Loock , Dllier ; Josiah Smco , Logan. * Ahhley 1) . Coolcy hab been appointed post master nt Cooieyton , n newly establlshi-i ] otllco In Loup county. Nebraska , and Thomas J , Brown at Long Horn , a nuwoOlcoln Duwcslcounty , Nebraska. Changes havu bceu oidered In the time . * ' - * * * gr TTTWI rclicditlcs of star ma'll routes in Iowa as follow - low < l Hamilton to Attica Leave Hamilton daily except Sundays at 2:30 : p. m. ; arrive at Attica by fl:30 : ) i. m. Leave Attica dally except Sundays at , ' 5:45 : p. m , ; arrive at Hamilton by 0:45 : p. m , Smllhland to Maplclon Leave Smltliland Tuesdays , Thursdays and Saturdays at 1 p.m. ; arrlvo at Maplcton by SiCO p. m , Leave Mapleton Tuesdays , Thursdays and Saturdays at 4 p. m. ; mrlve at Smltliland by GtKOp. m. Smltliland to Sloan Leave .Smltliland Mondays. AVednc lajs and Fridays at Gr,0 : p. m. ; arrive at Sloan by 10:30 : p. m , Leave Sloan Tuesdays , Thui.-davs and Saturdajs at 7 a. m , : at ri vent Smltliland by 12 m. After the 15th hist , the star mall service fiom What Cheer to Delta will be discon tinued , The president to-day sent to the senate Iho nomination of J. . CMoigaii to be postmaster at Kearney , Neb. AX IIOXHST rniKxi ) or T.AIIOH. Senator A'an Wyck , of Ncbiaska , has begun an Inquiry hcio which ninj lead to something of Importance lo lahoiing men tlnoughoiit t.'io country. The street ear company of this city woik their emplojes about sixteen hours out of every twenty-four. Mr. A'an Wvck Is going to eo If a law can be enacted which will regulate this and leave the employes so that If they want to work siuh long houis they must be paid for It proportionately , but making itoptionalwlth thocmploycs whether they work more than eight or ten lioms out of twenty-four. If this thing can bo reme died heie It can and will bo clsevvheie , he says. _ A F1KUOE FLOOD. Continued Damage Cansctl hy the 1'entiH.vlvania Freshet. LAXPASIKit , Pa. , Jan. 0. The flood In the Siisqiiehana i cached Columbia this morning , and theilsc Ishluherlhan for twenty yeais. Thu water Is up to the bank of thu Columbia it Port Deposit rallioad , and tlio Pennsyl vania and Tidewater canal ami liver are one body of water. Fred Heller , a yoimc man of Columbia , fell Into thu river this morning ami was drowned. M.vrrii Cnrxic , Pa. , Jan. 0. The damage by the fieshet is greater than has been ie- ported. This morning the Lehlgh liver and the cieck that passes thioiigh the town weie oven , nnd every cellar on Broadway was half full ol water. Thu water in the Lehlgh Aral- ley building was lour feet deep. Long be fore tills thu dam at Stroll's foundry gave way , and a raglne toiiunt rushed tun-nigh the stteets. Merchants on Uio.ulway were busy Irom 1 to fi a. m. carrying their goods liom basements to upper lloors. Mat- teis weie made worse In several parts of the town by the walls of the cieek giving way. In many cases not only wcro the cellars filled with water , but the contents of the looms on the ( list floors were itoating about. Trains aie still limning. JACK POTS THE CAUSE. Another Hunlc Olllulal Caught Short lit IIin AuuonntH. CIIICAOO , Jan. 0. J. H. Meyers , teller of the Pullman National bank at Pullman , III. , was anested lo-night for emlC77lement. He was suspected some weeks ago , and Mr. Pull man engaged Major Uauckly , a New Yoik expert accountant , to go thioiigh Meyers' accounts qulelly to sec what the shortage The expert lound a disciep.mey of several thousand dollars. Meyers was con- flouted with tlio ligmes and confessed , but said ho could fix ( t up. Ilo was given a chance , but to-night when ho was illscoveied starting his wife and child to Canada ho was attested. Poker is the cause. HOME KOIfTcOMMEKCE. Dulntti Dedicates Her I.oard of Trade Temple. Di'i.UTir , Minn. , Jan 0. The new board of trade building was dedicated to-day. Guests were picscnt Irom thcboaids at Chicago , St. Louis , Milwaukee , Tiicoma , St. Paul , Minne apolis , and other cities , and fiom the grain centers In Dakota and Minnesota. It. S. Mnnger loumillv presented the keys of the building to Pii'sident Foibes , who responded with an appioprlulo add i ess. CongiPtnlatory dispatches weioiecelved from Vlco Piesldunt OaK-es , now In New York , and C. U. Wiight of Philadelphia. The guests weio bauquetted to-night , A Tank of OH on Fire. Ciivii.AXD. : O. . Jan. f ! . About 5 o'clock this morning 15,000 banels of oil caught liie. fiom some unknown cause at the Standatd Oil company's No , 1 vvoiks. The tire depart ment together with tlm Standaid Oil compa- iiy'sapparutus soon got to work , and other huge tanks In dangeious pioxlmlty caused appichcnsion of a gieat liie. The burning lank made a magnificent spectacle , liithting up a large teiiltory. As quick as possible ar rangements weio made to dialn the tank. At to o'clock the I'no was still confined to one lank and all d.ingcr of Its spreading past. Thu company was unable to give an estimate of thu loss. The Klcvutcd J > lust Hun. NKW i'onif , Jan. 0 , State Itnilioad Com missioner O'Donuell this morning called at the ollico of thu Klovatcd lallioad and in formed tlio superintendent that under the charter of the company , tr.iins on Second and Ninth avenue lines could not bo with drawn without violation of its piovislous. Theiu was a bun led consultation between the supeiintcndent and such ol ( lie directors an could bo foundwhch ! icsiilted in sending out of an eider that the employes of two lines should at once depart tor duty and begin iunnlngol _ trains , A Iliihlmntl Hunter SnoccodH , SAX Kn.vxnsfo , Jan. 0. It is announced to-night that Sarah Althca Hill , plaintiff in the celebrated Shaion divoico suit , will bo man led to-moirow moinlng at Stockton , Cal. , to David S. Teiry. ex-chief justice of the siijuemu court of California , her le.uling counsel in tlio pioeeedlngs for dlvoice. Teirv U alto iiiiiovvned as the slayer ol Sen ator Hrodcilek In the famous duel between them. - Kteamer Jjost. Piui.Anni.i'iiiA , P.I. , Jan. 0. The owners of tlio steamer City of Nassau , which Is now twelve days out on a tilp to Jacksonville , 1'la. , boliuvo thu steamer lost. The hip un der oullnaiy chuiinislanicsoccupies only live days. The steamer was eommauded by Capt. Thos. H. Pnlno , chief olliccr , and the lemalnderot the ciew with thn exception of Stewart , woio liom this oily. She was val ued at a.yj.ixxi and'she liad no cargo. Thn CiiinIIN Loaded. CHATTANOOGA , Tcnn. , Jan. n. William Kennedy , n student at Ttiscuhim college , was In the dormitory last evening with a number ot companions , when ono of them plckd up an old aimy jilstol fiom his tiunic and began llouilshlng It supposing It was not loaded. It was accidentally dischaiged , whcieupon Kennedy clasped hio bauds to Ids bieabt , saying : "I'm shot ! " and fell ? lercliiuily Kleotlnj Officers. ST. Louis Jan , O. SclhV. \ . Cobb was today - day elected piesldi'ut of the Meichants Kx- cliango lor the ensuing > car , ami Charles W. I'loishelm , Ili-st vice-president , Kvvlng Hull and .1. Will lliiyd vvcio rontestaiits for second vlco-piesident , but neither loeelved a majority and will bo another election to-moriow. Two Soamim Diowned. Pm.xcKss Axxi : , Md. , Jan. 0. In the wind and ndn stoim which jiicvalled Monday night two be.uuen weio drowned while trying toinako blioro lu a snuill tklff from their vessel , which was anchoicd a few .unulicd jnrds trom bhoic The s > mf was vwy SIDNEY'S ' FUTURE SWINGING , Jim Ronnolda Sentenced to be JIung for His Double Crime. MURDERER OF THE PINKSTONS. The Third Awaiting tlio IfaiiKinan In Nebraska State Supreme Court Decisions Specials From Our Sister States. A Candidate for the Gallows. SIIINKY , Nib. Jan. 0. [ Special Telegram. ] Jim Kennolds , the murderer of the Pink- slons , was to-day sentenced by Judge Hamer to bo hung on May 21. The o line for which llennolds Is to be hung was one of the most revolting In the annals of Ncbiaska. On the moinlng of September 17 Jim llennolds and Leo Nnnn came Into Sidney and icpoited n honible murder had been perpetrated on Middle Clock , thlity miles northwest of here. About dusk two men , as they stated , disguised as negroes , came Into the tent of James Plnk- ston and John Plnkstou , father and son , who had located a slioil tlmo before on a homestead. After a short conversation , one of the strangers picked up an axe , striking the old man and son on the back of their heads , killing them Instantly. llonnouls was in the tent during all this and could do nothing , tlm other stranger pointing a cocked pistol at him. The murdeiers then examined the pockets of their victims , extracting S51. They hitched up Plukston's team , carried the dead bodies In wagons to a sand draw a mile and a half distant , and coveied them up with sand. They compelled Jleunolds to assist them. Coming b.ick to the tent they burnt up the entire effects and advised IJenuolds to skip out , turned the horse loose and de camped on foot , going In a westerly direc tion. AVhen I'cniiolds was first questioned by the authorities here , ho said ho had no money. The latter deemed It adKible , fiom the eon- lllctlng stories of llennolds and Nunn , to place them both under aracst. Searching Jlcnnolds they found SIM In his possession. He accounted for this by saying he found a loll of greenbacks six miles from town. Investigations were made by the ofllcials of tills county , and enough evldenco secured to convict llennolds of the double crime. Enough was developed on the trial , which concluded on December ai. to warrant the jury in bringing in a verdict of murder in the fust degree. On tlio night of the muider the Pinkstons cro visited by Itennolds dis guised as a negro. After a short conversa tion llcmiouls grabbed an ajcc and felled the olil man , splitting his head open. Then turning upon his son liennolds served him In like manner. Both died instantly. The muiderer's motive was robbery , as ho ran sacked tlio picmises and secured S > in cash. The sentence gives general satisfaction in this county , as the evidence of llennolds' guilt and the enormity of tlio ciimo are con sidered suflicicnl \\aiiant it. Supreme Court TccsloiiN. ! LINCOI.X , Neb. , Jan. 0. [ Special Tele gram. ] At the session of the supreme court this afternoon the following opinions were handed down : llambcrpo vs Hughes , error fiom Cuming county. Jlcvciscd and jmlgmcntintliibcouit. Nisi , held , that a ver dict cannot be set aside wheio evidence is equally balanced ; that in replevins damages for detention are iccovcrable only in case of icturn. Wheeler vs Crcssman , error from dimming county. Decree modilicd and affirmed. Held , that parties complaining ot taxation of 'costs in alstilct comts must tile a motion In that com t to relax. Kqultable Jnsiiiance company vs Brobllt , eiror from Adams county. Affirmed. Held , that companies aio bound by the acts of agents employed by a general agent , unless the persons employe't are notllied of removal of authority. Hand vs Phillips , appeal fiom Platte coun ty. Decico modified and affirmed. Held , that payment of a poition of a debt just be- foie icndition of judgment does not defeat iccovery by an attorney of fees for the entiio sum. sum.Van Husklilc vs Chandler , ciior from Ad.uns. Ilc\er cd. Held , that defendant relying upon payment of a defense must prove that sum. State ex rel Lyttlo vs Commissioners o Douglas county. Application for a wilt of mandamus denied ; that the court would not in this proceeding determine whether or not tlio act mincing tlio number ot justices of the peace In Omaha to three was in contra vention of the constitution. Mills vs State , ciior from Douglas county , llevcrscd. Held , that to lender a husband liable for a letter containing Hbelous charges wiltton by his wlfo it must appear that ho aided In or authoiucd the wilting of tlio Hbelous letter. llcnzon vs Burlington it Missouri , error from Douglas county. Affirmed. Held , that In an action toiecowr damages to piopoity and the cause of jury Is a exjunction ; a ver dict In favor of plaintiff will not be set aside at the Instance because it Is not as large as It WON Id have been had these causes been fully pi oven. The following causes were submitted : Bu chanan VH Kni/.er , Post VH School District No. 10 , ( lage county , Mai bio vs Magee , Hal- lard vs Cheney , White Lake Lumber com pany vs Stone. Com t adjourned to meet Thursday morn ing. , A Spurt or GoudnoHu. Dr.s Mofxiis , Iowa , Jan. 0. [ Special Tele gram. J The edict has gone foith that tlm sa loon must go and concei ted actloi. lias been be gun tocnfoiccprohibition. MayorCaicywho lias paid no attention tothopiohibltory law thiough thugteaterpait of his term , is a can didate for re-election and thinks ho must con ciliate the tcmpeianco folks. So he has is sued an ordci to the police to close every sa loon In theclty. ThushcillV has joined foices with him , and 1-etween tlio city and county oillcers the saloons aio having n waim time. Sixty cases of beer woioseUedthls moinliiif , andconsideiablo wldsky. It is expected by the end of the week every t\loon : in the town will bo closed. Jlarrel Makers on n Strike. CJIICAOO , Jan. 0 , Journeyman coopeis from ncaily all the shops In the city aie out on a btiiko against a cut of five cents In wages. The reduction Is an effect ot the dull times consequent upon over-production. The men think that by laying off they will loieu up the nuikct , vtliich they would rather do than accept a leductlon. An Kv-Mayor's Demise. Dr.s Moiwr.s , Iowa , Jan. 0. [ Special Telo- Krain. ] Ulles Tinner , an old losldent of this city , at one tlmo mayor , and piomineiit In vailuiib enterprises , died today , Tlio Snow I'low Fallcil to 1(111 Him. Coi.uiinus , Neb. , Jan. 0. [ Special Tele gram. ] Aaron Cue , who was struck by the snow plow , was not killed. Ills In Jink's aio so blight that he will teen recover , roitimx German Peasants Deinntullng the He storatloii of Silver. Niw : YOHK , Jan. 0. [ Special Tele < crnm. ] The Sun's London cable says : The agita tion In faor Of a bimetallic standard of cur rency in ( icrmany has attained great proper tions. A committee of the German farmers' conpre shas oheady handed Bismarck and the llclchstag two hundred petitions from farmers and peasants' unions dcmandlne restoration of silver. TJidlnngungc of the pe titioners are as strong as could bo used by CoiiKiessman Bland or Senator Allison , They protest against the chaige that bimetal- ism means injustice to creditors and they dc- clare that on the othcrhaml , ihe enforcement of monometallic gold standard IsKrossly un just to debtors , because tt makes money dear. Dismal ck has been much Impressed by the extent of the demonstration In favor of sli ver and Is anxiously considering his action , A tllow at tlio Carlisle MADIIIU , Jan. 0. A manifesto which the Spanish bishops submitted to the pope on the deathof King Alfonso , has been approved by the pope and will be published foithwitli. The pope sajs : " 1 would strongly Impiess upon you that althoimh politics are based ution leliirloii , you must not engage in poli tics provided f.illh in Catholic piluelples is lespeetcd and lorms of noveinmont aie ad missible. ' This Is consiili'ied a fatal blow to the pretentious of the Carllsts , who. It H claimed , use religion as a cloak for the ad vance of despotism. Dcinamls Conditions. LojjnoN' , Jan. 0. A number of unoftlcial liberal niembeis of parliament have been making overtures to the 1'aincllltc.sfor the eo-opciatlon of the lattet In raising the question as to homo iiile Jinlng the debate on the addiess In icply to the queen's speech. Painell declines toieply to liberal overtures unless they are accompanied by an expiess agreement to grant Ireland homo rule. If the queen's speech refers to licland , the Par- nellltes will await the government's pioposals. Another Itow in Iturmali. LONDON , Jan. 0. The Times concspoud- cnt at Maudalay , tclegraihs that ten thou sand rebels aicscoui ing tic country with a radius of twenty miles ot the- capital , and they threaten to attack the IOTII. Fears of an emeuto aie felt owing to the gieat icdiiction ol the British force at Mamlalay , for the ex pedition to Bhamo. Snow HI onu In LONDON , Jan. 0. A snow stoim has pre vailed thioughout England during the past eight houis. Railroad traffic is gieatly Impeded and many teleiraph wires weic broken. The snow greauy interfeied with travel in London. Servlu Ilefiiics Peace. LONDON , Jan. 0. It is Mated thatSeivIa , acting at the Instigation of Austria , will re fuse to discuss teims of peace with Bulgaiia excent on the basis of a return of tlio status mm ante , und non payment of the war in demnity by Scivla. Dnvilt lo AnlinieAVales. Di'tii.i.v , Jan. 0. Mlfhael Davltt lias piomlsed to visit Wales in Febuiary next for the pm pose of assisting in an agraiian agi tation , and of aiding in the formation ot a Welsh laud league. , _ The Order Kcselmled. , Jan. 0. Unltt'd 'States Minister" Pendleton lias induced the government to rescind its eiders for the expulsion of Ameii- cans fiom the Island of 1'oefir. COM ) WAVE COMING. Promised In the Northwest Storm at Denver. -Dnxvnn , Jan. 0. The snow storm Is not unusually severe , though general , through out the Kocky Mountain region. The snow blockade , caused oy drilling , lias been con fined to Kansas and Nebraska , delaying Burlinu'ton , Kansas Paeilie and Santa Fo trains thirty-six to seventy-two liouis , has been raised. This evening all tiains arrived and departed on time. Moun tain travel is not delayed at all. The snow Is not over six inches deep. Cattlemen do not anticipate any lossof cattle. The wind drifted the snow , exposing plenty ot grass to support the heals until the snow melts. Coming from Montana. AVASIIINOTON , Jan. 7. , W:23 : a. in. There Is a severe cold wave In Montana moving slowly soiithward.'whlch will overspicadthc Missouri valley during the day and the Missis sippi valley dining the night and continue dining Kiiday , and will icach the gulf states dining Thuisday night with a norther , caus ing severe frosts in Louisiana and Texas on Filday morning. Cattle SiifTerinir from Cold. Si'Ki\ii ; : : , N. M , , Jan. 0. It is feared very heavy losses will occur among the ranges In this legion. Cattlemen , anticipating an open winter , have gfiiieially retained fewer men than usual , on account of the lecent stoims many cattle aie already diilting liom the ranges , In the Northwest. ST. PAUL , Jan , n. Specials to the Pioneer Piess fiom Cilendine , Mont. , 'Claud Folks , Fargo ami Mitchell , Dakota , indicate a cold wave with snow Is coming lapldly eastwaid. The mercury is 10 to 'M below /ezro at those points. ca _ At Kaunas City. KANSAS CITV , Jan. 0. The snow blockade - ado on the western railways has been raised. The last of the delayed tiains arrived to-day , IndioalloiiH Tor To-day. Mi-soi'in VA 1,1.1 ; v Locol snows , follow ed b.\ lair weather , with cold wave winds , shitting to northerly ; higher barometer. Ainonir Ilio Stove ; ] Mould : rfi. FiTTsnnia , Jan. 0. Local steve moulders and Knights of Laborvgeneraly ! are In deep concern about a cnculai which has been Issued by a committee [ of the National Ab- Eoclatlon ot Stove JMinuiIaetmci.s. The ' circular Mates that.fjO 'per cent of the foundiles are non union , and advises lliu employee to boycott jill ( inlun woikmen in them. The foimer will hold a national convention at LouISTille , Ky. , next mouth to discuss thu committee's advice. A prominent member of thottovu niouldiLs' un ion , ln | ) e.ikng ! lo-nlght of the elieular , said : "Wo w ill give them plenty to doshoitljJMhoy even hint about mcddllngMith our union. Wo 1110 getting htiongerovbry day and mean to exact some conce.ssiona from them , and then they will understand whether or not we aio to bo supplanted by apprentices , f may say that the bujcrsof .stou'tf will bo asked to boycott bomo ol thoau anti-union manufau- tineis. " Kiniolced Out in the ICij-lith. Ci.ivi.i.\Ni : > . Jan. 0. A i > rl/.o light of eight desperate louiids was foiiglit to-night between a piofesslonal named Dillon and an ameteiir named Stlekney. Sllekney was knocked out In the eighth lound by a heavy blow on the neck. Jay Gould on a Jaunr. Nr.w YUIIK , Jan , 0. Jay ( iould left the city to-day for Charleston , where It is said ho will boaid his yacht Atlanta for his long pro posed ciuiso In southern waters. Tlio length ol tlmo ot bib absence is unknow n. Ohio Senatorial Caucus. Coi.t'Miirs Ohio , Jan. 0. Tlio jepubllcan senatoilal caucus to name a candidate to sue reed .Sherman in tlio United Stilted tenatu will be held to-moiiow' atlcinooii. THE POWER CANXbT PREVAIL That tlo People May Select Their Own Postmasters by Election , FROM A CIVIL SERVICE VIEW. Olllclnl riRhts That Flood Senate Com mittees With Heaps of Corres pondence How Iowa's Ma jority AVns Itcdtieed. The Proposition Will Tall. AVAim.NHTox , Jan.O. [ Special Telegram. ] "Spcnklngof the pioposltlon to elect post masters as wo do town marshals , mayois , constables , etc. , " said Civil Seivlce Commis sioner Kdgciton to your couespondeiit , "re minds mo of the foiee of the saying of the Pennsylvania magistrate that whoever shook him shook the whole commonwealth. It would not do to place the selection of post- masteis in the bauds of the people. 1 do not mean that the people aie Incapable of making their choice of olllceis , but we must have some way of demonstrating the power ot the gov- eminent. AVhy , the boy who cm lies the mall to and fro between the posloftloe and the railroad station is a part of tlio government of the United Stales , and weio It necessary ah army would be pent to protect him in the dis charge of his duty. This Is a local Illustia- lion of the necessaiily far-icaeliing power and duty of a coveminent. Now , you put the selection of postmastcis in tlio hands of the patrons of the ollices and it w ill have the effect of making the people believe that they have the power to contiol the details of the government , and the fear of and respect for the government will at once diminish. " Jndiro Kdgerton does not believe that the proposition to give the people power lo select their postmasteis will pievall In congress , and Ills opinion Is generally concurred In. win : : ? nmxt : > rinnrs rmr.xn. "People borrow a heap of tumble , " said a member of the senate commlttco on post- offices and postioads to-day. "They imag ine all sorts of Ihlngs when they hold ollicc , and write and write , and telegraph and worry until life Is a bmden to even body who has anything to do with their affairs. 1 have been kept busy for two weeks answeiiug the inquiries of newly-appointed postmasleis and their friends. And lemembcr , theicara eight other members of the committee. All have this same expcilence. AVe are over whelmed with Infinities fiom oveiy part of the countiy. Postmasters Inquire about al leged chaiges tiled against them , and make all kinds of explanations. Then eomo their friends , asking about the charge" , wauling to know what the committee will do , and indorsing the olllceis and pleading lor leniency and fahness. Against all this arc additional cluuges and the lights of ene mies. The gieat piopoitlon ot the corres pondence is worthless , lu many instances it is on imaginary foundations and docs neither harm nor good. It shows , however , Ihchritable disposition of some people ami their nervous temperament. Yes , theic is all back-stabbing and neighbor and pro- tended" friends "pursue pietemlcd trieiuls. This thing of considering nominations In committees discloses all the chaiacteii-lics of the human family and icveals many tilings which Intel Cl : and icvolt. " now IOWA'S MA.ionirv WAS itnnurnn. 'The cause of the deciea&o of the icpubll- can vote in my state , " said Senator Wilson , , of Iowa , "is plain enough. It Is not piohibi- tiflif or anything but emL'i.Uion. Iowa has during the past live yeais sent : ; o,050 voters to Dakota teiiltory. Nearly all of them aio lepubllcans , so that the lepublican vote of the state has decreased very niatei hilly , you sec. The people who have come In to take the places of these emigrants have come Irom the old states , and their politics have been well divided. The politicians of Iowa know well enough wheio the republican vote has gone. " IIII.I.S I1Y XnilKASKA Si.VATOII : . AVAsiiiNirioN' , Jan. ( ! . [ Piess. ] In Iho senate to-d.iy Senator Mandersoii Introduced a bill to confer mcvct promotion on ollicors of the army below the grade of hi igadlcr gen eral who have distinguished tlieni'-elve.s ' by heioic action against hoitllu Indians. It also piovldes that non-commissioned ofllccis and privates who may distinguish themselves by extraoidinary luavorv in Indian battles shall be entitled to the highest pay of llielr lespee- Uvo grades , and alrt ! at toi passing a smvoi s- lul examination to the light ot piomotloii as commissioned olllceis , next alter West , Point cadets. Senator Van Wyok ofl'eied tt petition of the National Labor Icauue , praying that Liou- tenantCeneial Phillip Mieiidan bo made a lull general. He asked that II be printed in theiecoid , and also be i el erred to thocom- mltteo on mllitaiy affairs. It was so ordeicd. TIM : si'iurfr IMI-OKTANT. The pieshlciit to-day tniiismltteil to eon- giess the diaft of a bill humiliated by the commissioner of Indian aflali.s , Intended to protect timber on Indian lands horn spolia tion. In his letter ot tiaiismlttal thepiosi- dent says that thosnbject is Important , and is commended lotliecaily attention of con- giess. i.Mixivn.Yrirrionv. : : . It isundeistooil that hoireturj Whitney is enthely satisfied of Iho seaworthiness of the Dolphin as shown In her lecenl lihil dip , and will loimally accept Iho vessel as soon ascertain ) iioliminaiies can hu aii.mged. It is not thought neuL-ssary loiiavo anothei sea trial. HAVI : AX oiui c r ix vti.w. The executive committee of the thin ! and fourth-class postmasleis' convention , which meets in ( 'hic.i o rchnuiiy ir > , mined in Washington to-day lor the piupo-o of invll- Ing senators and iepH"-eniatives to addioss theconvi'iitlon. They will pay theli icspccts to the to-moiiovv. ' HIGH I-IIM ; IIAI'I'IMSS. : The rirMt Step owhlch Wiis Taken in a lirllliant Wedding. Ji.u/iiMom : . Jan. < > , Mls.s Kato 11. Davis , daughter of ovSenatoi Henry < ! , Davis ol \Vest \ Vliginl.i , was mankd this alfeinoon to Lieutenant Itobei I M. O. Drown , I'nited States navy. Tlio eoiemony took plheo at Hotel licnnnit , and VV.IH vvilncvsi'il hy u most biilllaut gatheilng. Cliu-tei A. Arthur , Jr. , was best man. The I'llilcMimlds weio Miss \\arheld \ ot Wa-hington. Miss .Salllo Klknis and Miss ( Jraeo Davis , sister of the bildo.i".si | > . Walker lllalne , A. C. Dllplmnt , Llentcmint Itogeis , United States navy , ami Miciluck Svvann weio groomsmen , ami Dr. J , ( i. Iloyil , United Slates navy , and Tiuston llcalool C.illtornla acted asuslieis. Among tliu notahlo jieoplo piesent weio Senators Camdcn , itans-om and Ailliur P. ( ioi.uan , Hon. H U. Klklns , Mr.andMis. W. P. Col lins , and Mis. Owen Tnppon of lioston , Mrs. ( iciicrnl ( iooigo Ciook and Mr. ami Mi . ItobciKiaiielt. _ _ _ _ A Journalist Joined. Qftxrv , Ills. , Jan. 0 , A notable vvtdding took place heio this evening. The contract- iiigpaite.s ! weie Wll'Iam ' 11. McMeln , asso- elate editor of the Daily Whig , and Mies Lvdla K. Wai field , eldesi diii.llitei ! ofV. \ . ri. Warheld , picsident ot the Mist .National bank. Orintcrott to nxo'io.v , Jan. 0. in Iho senalo yov tenlay Mr. Haiilson , fiom the committee on teiiltoilcs , leported favorably the bill lo legall/o tliu election ot legislative asbcmhly of Wiomiiig. 1 nr this ho iisKed lumitdiato ecii-uleiatioii. ' 1 ho Mil was the thlid time and passed. A.V i\CCIiM-iM1 12NTKUTA1NMKXT. The Grand ( "oniplliiiehtarj- Concert to Kvuelslor Lodge. Metropolitan hall was lilleil last evening - ing with a large an intelligent audience composed of the elite of Omnha colored society. The occasion was the compli mentary concert given to Kxeelsior lodge No. 110 , A. 1' . & A. M. , by the ac complished vocalists , Mrs A. S. Harnett and Miss Mary AVilllam , sopranos ; Miss Ida Hnieo and Mrs. C. C. Carey , nltos ; Mr. C. C. Carey and Dr. M. O. lllckelts , tenor.- ) , and Messrs Charles Wtiolitnutnn and L. Spencer , bassos. Miss KHza llur- risen acted as tmisieal director and piano accompanist , and tilled her purl to the delight of all. The following was tlio programme rendered : ( 'horns . l'i leniNhlp , Love and Song Duet , Instrumental . On the Itaco Coin-so Misses Williams and lluiiUon. Solo . The ( iood-bj e at the Door C. C. Carev. Solo . . . The Warrior Hold L. Spencer. Quartette . Hlovvou yo Winds. C. C. Uuey , M. O. Kleketts , C. WashiiiKtoii , L. Spencer. Solo . Alice , wheic art thou Miss Williams. Choi us , . , . Hear doni Hells Mr , Chailes Wushlnclon. Selection , instrumental . Itobln s lietuin Miss Haiilson. Duet . How dear the Hour Mr. and Mis. c , ( . ' . Caiey. Quartette . Come where the Lilies Hloom MiHarnett , Mrs. Ciuey , Misses Hiueo and Williams. Ti io . 0 Itesllcss Sea Miss Hairlsoii , Messrs. Spencer andCaiey. Solo . When 1 am near thee Mis. Harnett. fcolo . Old Sexton Dr. M. O. Hleketls. Choius . tluod Night , ( lonttefolks Among tlm many meritorious numbers on the programme , all of which were deserving of 'mention , Iho piano solo of Miss Harrison was particularly well ren dered. Ily special request it was repeated before llio close of the entertainment. Miss Harrison showed by her perform ance that she. is an artist , und her skilled execution is certainly deserving of the highest praise. All who piirlieipated in the entertainment last evening are lo be congratulated on its success. MiiNioule. The twenty-eighth programme of the Ladies' Musicale was rendered yesterday afternoon at Moycr.s' music hall , the com mittee having the all'air in charge being Miss Riistin and Miss Hcll.i Uobinson. The programme was an excellent one , us usual , and was delightfully rendered throughout , greatly to the credit of tlm participants. It was us follows : Mlgnon . Thomas Miss KiMtlng. ( Joldeii Stars . Deu/a Mis. C. K. Squires. Ktude , op. 07 , No. 0 . Loeschhoui Miss Moi.-e. "Last Night , " . Winlher Mr. Diigham.- roncerto. A minor . Schumann ( With II piano accompaiiiement by Mis. Hitchcock. ) Miss Almy. "To Sevllla1 . Dcssaiier Mr.s. Sijuiies. a Consolation . Lis/.t b "O Du , " . . . . t . Waguer-Lis/.t . - - Mi--'i : . U. Hall. ; Meditation. . . . : . . " . ' . * . ' . . . ' . . ' . . . " ' . . . ' .Cheneiy Mr. Dtlgham. a Tarantella , op. 51 . Srhaiwonka b Polonaise , on. 11 . Mos/.kowski Miss Ida Wles. "A Novel .Tall. " The Republican of yesterday morning contained among its "vvull selected news matter and pertinent editorial mention , " tlio following item , which must have had a paralytic ollect on tho-e , whoever few , who read it : "Omaha , Noli. , 1ms just linishod a new jail , built on an entirely original plan , and the Omaha Uii : says it is a novelty well worth visiting. " The item of which the above is thu opening sentence was of a quarter col umn length and accurately de-cribeil the rotary jail built in Council IJlull'r , some five or six months ngo. Kor the benefit of those who might dosivo to know how Mich an amiiiing blunder can occur in a "metropolitan slu ot" like Iho , the ISii : : will briefly explain. At the lime the jail in miGstinn was liiinhcd , the Council Itliill's page of the liicr. tiontaijiod a Ihov- oiigh diisciiption of it. The artielo struck the tunny of .some eastern pupoix aiidiiotnotioingthoComieil liliill's titfis of the ] ) : igo , they ropubli-lied it , ereditcd to Omaliit. In this wi-o it went the rounds of tlio pre-- . until it lell into the hands of the "concern winch inaiii'no- Itiroi to order the Konnhlicun's "cnsjt and fresh intclligunee of events jmt frum the wires and tlio pen points of legions of busv reporters , etc. " Imlill'erent of Iho su'bjuot matter of it.s publicaiions , and anxious onl.v to ( ill threw in the plate which contained the. "give-away" article. That Is all , and yet how much of grand onterpriio and vast expenditure il tells , . alas ! Htatn Ai'i'ivals. Among the prominent Male peonlo at the hotels yeutenluy were : T. ! ' . Martin , Lorn n Clark , Albion ; 13. II. Chambers , Mi > s Alliu Chamber.s , N'lohnira ; Miss Kdith ITnderwooil , Cn'ighfon ; W. A. Cot- Ion , Nebraska City ; Ur. II , Morris , ( 'rctoj F. P. Olm-iea.l . , Ifu.stings Kdgur S. Dud- Icy , Mnj. N. < rranUliii , Liinolii ; U. A. Dally , .S. Sloinan , C. L. Slniio , J. M. ' Si will , C.V. . U'.vnohan. Hastings ; A. ( ! . Scott , Kiunioy ; II. O. Harln-i1 , lloldn-ge ; W. K. Hill , N < Ijnt.ska City , \Vni. \ M. Viis- tine , Iliisiiiigs ; Win. Nostrum and wlt'o , ( ) gull.ilaM ; C. Keith , North Platlo ; ,1. L. Milcli-ll , Nebraska Cil > ; A. V. Dean , St , Paul ; S. 13. Slcrrett , darks ; Cluis. P.IIIT , Lincoln ; W. T. Allen , Ashlainl ; , J. K. Ivcs , ( ' ) -clc ; llnu'll JI.Leilbeiill. hut Ion ; A. It. Ca.-e , John II. Honmn II , Lincoln ; Mi > . i'aiilgcr , ISIiiin W.AVUIiclmy , U. C. Dr.ipi-r. iNcbniska C-'il\ ; I. 1) . Clarke and luilics , ] ' .iiillion ] ; I ) . U. Ilnjikin-i. S. .i. Hei man , Wilbur ; I1' , S. llurr , Lincoln. The Cold AVuve , liistnieiions worn ruoohvd by Iho local observer last evening from the chid sig nal service ollleer at Washington to hoist tno liltifk thig aceoinimiiied by the fol lowing : "Cold wave , accom panied by u 'norther ; ' lemperatiiro will fall from t0 to'i dogiv-s in thu no\i ! > l liouis ut wfstorn and norilicrn stations , and inM lo : i < r > hours at .southern sta tions. " old probabilities lias ibis time told the truth , Miccolil wa\o began to bo full uiiont midnight , and tht/ coltl gradually increaseil towards muni- ing , with astill' brtc/o : Irom the north. Oniuhu Iliisit Hall lull-rests , A meeting of thoto intcriislfd in huso bull is to bo c.illed foino day tliis week to eoii.-ider the ad\sibility ol Omaha being roproiiomcd by u olub in the western lungiie the coming season. If deemed ndvisablo a ik'leg.ilo will ho , sent to SI. Joicph toutteml Iho iiiceluxof the lengue which is jo be beld tlieiu iJuiiuar ) Jl. ! The o.\aet date nf the mifliig ! hero will be dcvi'li-d ' tu d.iy. HE MUST FACE THE MUSIC , Tour Years Oonfinomont or Forfeiture of tha Sum Nominated in the Bond , CAPITALIST CRIMINAL. An Interesting Story of nt "Wealthy Chli-aKO .MnuV : < ) ii\ lotion Tor the Urlmo orManslanchtorand How the Deed WHH Committed. AVIlt Servo Ills Henlonee. CittrAoo , Jan. ft. [ Special Telegram. J It is not often that a business man of gi eat wealth and luevloiisb iiiepioaehablo tuputa- ( Ion is cent to the penitentiary for the ctlmo of manslaughter In so curious and Inti'iest- Ing a manner as promises to be the ea ti In the ease with Milton Weston , who lias fora gi eat number of vears boon one of the best known residents of the we--t side , whoso social iclatlons and standing have always been ot the hlghc-st character , and whoso pioporty Inleii'sts nro of moiethan onllnarv magnitude. Dispatches liom Pittsbmg yes- terd.iy eoinejedknowlednoofa minor pieva- lent theio that Weslon had lied the country on account of a new tilal being re fused him In a ease where lie was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to in the Pennsylvania penitentiary. linestlgallon by lepoiters this morning showed that although Westein Is at llbeityjon lull , which it would not at all Inconvenience himtopa > , theieby leloasinghls bondsmen fiom an > lo-s in the case , he concluded to evade justice by going to some foioign eoun- tiy. He does not piopo e to do anything of the kind as Iho following teise dispatch re ceived fiom Now Yoik to-day by ex-Alder- man Jonas shows : Nr.w Voiiic , Jan. r > . .lullus Jonas Have not gone and am not going to South Amer ica or any other loieign port. Will face the music , come vJiut may. MM/ION Wr.sio.v. The story of the cilnio which will lesult In AVeston's confinement lor a term of four years Is an Interesting one. About live > ears ago , being of a speculative iiatme , lie went to the gas well i egions ot Westmoi eland county , Pennsylvania , and located a tiact of laud on which lie purposed to boio for gas. Alter making the pmchaso it was discoveied that the title to the land was In dNputo , and. In outer that no advantage might be taken ot him in the matter , AVeston built a cabin on tholiactand pienaied to assert the light of squatter sovereignty in addition to that ho had acqulied by the payment ot money. With him weie a do/en lesolnte fellows , who were armed 10 the teeth , and under the lead ership of so detei mined a man as the Chicago capitalist It was Inevitable that bloodshed should ensue , In ease other claimants to tlio property used force. This limy linalli did , coming lo the laud one night in IbSt , at the head of the crowd being a man named Obe- diah llaj maker. A pitched battle followed , In which mu-kets and b.i.sonets weio tieely used bv both sides , and at its clouo it was found that Haymaker had icccivod several bayonet wounds , liom which ho died a few days later. Weston was Indicted and tried for riot and muider , being convicted and sentenced to seven years impiisonmcnt. A new trial was seemed , i and about a year agoa second conviction was had , the penalty being llxed at four years impiisonment. An appeal to the Pennsyl vania supieme com I was taken , and not long ago the finding of the lower court wasap- pioved and a new tilal denied. Nothing theiefoie lemains for Mr. Weston but to serve the sentence. A PKCUMAU CASIO. A Doctor Sued hy a 1'aticnt For Jleavy Damages. YeMonlay Messrs. II. D. Kstabrook und J. C. Cowin , lilud a peculiar and noviil Mill in the district court. The notion is brought by IMrs. Alary Sa\o , wife of Arthur Saxe , of tlio audi tor's department of the H. & ] \I. \ road , against Dr. J. iM. Swetimni , for $10,000 iluninjri-'S. Her petition alleges the fol lowing : On June. 11 , during u period of lior confinement , or rather ut tlio termin ation thereof , Dr. Swotimm was called in to attend Mrs. Saxo. Ilolmil just been in iitteiiilniK'ii iion ] ) iinolhor jiitlient who Imd been .iiilU-ring from puonionij fever uiiii thill disease , it is ehiimed , being in fectious , was uoiiiiiiniiieiited to Mrs. Saxe. The petition in this connection goes on to stale that puerperal tovor is us < : ontigeious : as small jiour searletfover , : iiiil that Dr. Swetnnm uughl to have rots- ogni/.oti this fiiot itnil ucleil aoeortlingly. The petition eoneludes with aileging that tlio < U'fondint : performed sevrral unskillful operation" , which havit emliin- gored Mrs. > ) it\u'n lilo , nnd nmilo her a life-luntr invalid. In t'onsoiMionfi' , ilmii- nges iigainsf thn < let'eiulint : nro asked ill the sum ol ? 10,000. This eiis ( ! will raise some very line questions , for inMimcii its to whelher puerperial fever is eontugioiis , uto. , etc. Tjio is.Nim of the citso will hu iiwaihid with considerable iiilerosl , esi.'eially | ) by the mudieal fratornitv. A I'li'dNiint I'nrty , The fourth of the series ofiarties ] of the Apollo club was hold last evening at Light ( Iiuinls1 hull , and wm ; ; i in every | > : irlniiir. : ] : Tln-ro were about lifly roujilos in atlomlanci' , und lo the mii'-Iij of the Miisienl I.'nion orchestra u well arranged prognimmu of twenty numbers was ilclighlfully earrieil out. All of the iini'tie-i given li.y this oiani/aliiii ( Imvo leen ) moil enjo.valili' . anil the one liibi night wa % no e.\eeiion ; | to the rulo. Union Pauillu Hand. The Union I'iiciiio hand hold its iinniml election ( if oflicors li'ue.stliiy evening at band room. There was u full ullcndanco ot ihi * menibi r.s of the ormi/alion. ; The list of ollii'i rs oloeted i us follows : 1'ivMdoiit , AI. JCngsirom ; secretary , Fnul I'Jlnegliig ; treasiiror , Harryad. / . son ; Irmler , l''red Hloncr ; imimigor , U in. I'lhicging. _ Thi1 Post und Ti'legrih : | ) , mio of the city * ( iitnnaii evening piijiers , iimnd'chls siirh signs ot prtj-tperily as entitle tlm ] > n > | iriolors to eoiignitiiliition. The ollico and plant liimt ju-t bemi icmoyed to now ( | iiirt : < i > at Iho corner ot Twelfth and ( 'npitol aveniieaiid the paper come.s out in eight column folio lorin with a now ilivii. Thi ) neWs hirvieoiif the jiapor is up tothii .stamliird nnd editorial touches ant made upon nil toiii" ) < , local , political and foreign events that appeal to ( hi ) inlere.sU i > t ( Jurman-Amuricun rvx-CoiH lublo Kiln 'J'noMlny coixl.iclcd llui attiiehiiiiinl 'nlo of two lrmiKr > of elolliimr and loilot ailicle.s bi'loii.iig ; to ( iruii'Uiiisoll ) , who is now \-iliag /riendi in Lincoln. ( Jraeio dues not Know of tins exti-iisivi ! steps taken hy her cred itors during her absence ami will il p.iral A-il when slio rcturn.s. A rare elmneo fur a good hotel man , One half interest in DcwtiyHonuoforsiihi , Splendid locution. Cause for soiling in terested in other business For full par ticulars aililns A. L.AiiiliTtoii.Shoihonit , Idaho. ICufcruucu Duwcy ; SloneOmuliuf