Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 06, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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Free from Opiates , Emetics and F
\ i I- tej pSJ r
* j Ijfly
SURE. jgjlP * * l '
hole 1'toprlrtor * .
CharteredbythcSt ;
hitll chronic , urinary
Rvite dl seaies. Ooi
complicated forma ,
dlse en of the S
Blood promptly reli
. dieitestedina/
. _ \HiifflalVrartlre.
rht Louts by Dreamc , Pu
the Kuce.Lojt Manhood , jxul/Uv/i/ciirf
Ii tiorj'iierliiifntttKit Th opproprlate
n at once utcdln enchcase. Consultatl ,
lonnl or by letter , sacredly confidential
Iclnes sent by Moll and Express. No n
r.&cUace to Indicate contents or tender.
DR. MMESNo. 204Washnglon ! SI. .Chi
I nm it unlive or I'n lntnl. mid ulill-
Unit cinintiy I ( unl met cil n ten Hi
MMIH. | und fin t o j cms wii * miller iv
us an oilt-ilonr initlent in NKltlnulinm 1
r.aKliiinl , Inn mis not cini'it. I Biilli
most MKorn/.liip | ialu In un lionrc , innl
I'inlullli MIIC" all over my timlinr
I'linillj I ciMiiiilcli Iy ln > - tMl hupo in th
try , mul 'inltii IcnAmi'ilcn. . nmlvn tr
Itoimevelt In tills elly. usu II us liv u ] ir
lilt ) fleliui In New York liiulnjf no cm
Vltll Illl' ll ( } ] . | llll- .
or S lfffl
I wiv nihf-itlsemtiit
mul I iletennineil to ) rhe il u trial. I
liotlle. " mid 1 can MIullli jricHI joy II
luue cine * ) me entirely. I inn ns fro
veil us 1 eeius In my life.I.
I. . IHIII : U M
New Voilt City , . .liimI''tli , lusn.
In Maieli of lust year UNili. I contrnt't <
IKilMin , anil liem -iH-iinin\li ! , ' ( in. , at I
I went lulu tlie lin-pltal llieie I'orticati
Hilteiedciy nuich IIDIII rhruinnll-i
Mime lime. I did nut ret wed timler tl
mem tlieie. imr > I emeil by mi } ' of l !
luue taken seven lin
meiiiiH , I IKI
Hwtlt'w Ppecllle mul nm MUinil unit
duM-tliu iiolsun out thruugli l > uil.Honi
Jci cy C'lly , X.1. . , Auir. T. I-IW.
Tw-ntlso on Ulooil und Hl.iu Ulscn'r
lrt > e- .
Tin : hwii-r Hcr.diu' Co. , ur\\vi r : i ,
N. V. , 157 WWaBt.
A nniKLT i < ixr rou
'Jlio sleaiii'-lilpH of lists well known Ila
orium , In ater tislit cuiiipnrtiuunls ,
liiinl ieil wllli evc-n iliin 10 miiKn Ilin
lioth blito and iiKieeuliln. 'lm-\ < -irry : tin
Jstiitebiuul Kiiiopcini nuiiU , and leuvoNi
'J'hursiln ys mul futuitlnys lor 1'lymoiitl
DON ) , ClierliouM.irAHlSunil IIAMIII'H
Untm I'liol uiiulii , tWJ-ilOU. St
< tr .luiliii' Iluliil , l'osili\
ui'i-il l > y Administering Hi
llaliu's * C.'olilen Speeille.
H can M-a In n ciii ut r < in > or ti-n
the iuf Hit1 pctvm t.iKliiK II. fsal ;
. ami ulll ctfcct u pi-rinaiiL-utuai
cmoUiellier tin * | u\nctit taa mudi-ruli * di
un ukiiliollonH'k. . II linr bcvn tilvon
s.iiuli ot c.isi-s , uml In every Inslnnccnpcil
lias fnlloAeil. Il nt-ter I'ulN. Tlio sytt
laiprrRiKitril llh llntpcilllr. . It truonu'i
ltnpi iillilUly fur Iliu liquor npiictltctocxli
i-'ou SAM : HY roi.unvisfi unt'iia
Kl'IIN iV ( 'O.Cnr. I. ill nml llciueli
IStli < Vr ( linnlnu SIH. , Omuhu , . * >
L'liiinrll ItlilllN. In
Cnllorwrltn for pamphlet containing li
of ti-HtlnuiiilulN friini lli b \\otat-ii aiul m
all puilAof ihecoualrv-
A rfgulnritrinluiUflf two McdletKVllrgcs , fc
i'Cifcl irebtuiiutof runtime JM.RU
cncuBtJIii the '
Mid llto'D UmiuiEi * tinn aiir ottior rtirilelati luf
Ncr\ous Prostration , Df.lilllty , Men !
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and ntho
lions ol Throat. Skin or Bones , Dlootl Pol
old Sores and Ulcers , r t u-i with mr
, I'rUn
ucc jiruttUti ( > tiPlvUttGo I'rlnclplrj.Hafely '
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , E
Exposure or Indulgence , uMch rioJ" " "
rolluiTlDg rtlfcU ; nertou UfiB dcliuy ( , dlmnfji
miidcfeetlTt nt'ii rr l > linplc ou ttu ttat jbTilt
AUnloU tOlh * MAClctjor fcUftUl , COUfUll03 of U
renUerint : TTnrriano improper or unli.iv
' . ) ttc ib-
rrnuueuilf cn > * J. J'Aiuftleti .upKjeicn
frculu * Jif i. Con mil it
luenl * < t rotcUifv , aur n
Dc or by laiill fiuc. liitit.d ami * > Uilf ( nllJouiIu
A Poslllvp Written Gtiarnntco siren in
r Ueci , JJ 4lcIa9 cativer > nti rel > 7iulore |
200 rAfifiS , riKB TLATEtJ. Orjiol cloth
1 ltd It rin\ \ > 1 f r5Oo In i it j orfurr ncjr.
> ri nJirful jtu jiieturci , true to ltd j rtUl > < ott
ul > Jfctn who LI ay msrry , whunot , vrtijr i inauhoaJ ,
Itooit , \ hrvtritl tUcnr tUrctfufe llinry Ku > l tr * fi
pmilut ktit DUI ) tunov mtirr , Itiome
untriij * > t nlrt rul iit 1" r ijt
Bioyal Havana I ott
f oVll ! nl . ' . . . . . .
Drawn nt Havana , Cuba , January 2-IG-3C
Tlfkfts In rillhs ; Wholes > J ; l-'iuctlu
riiiu. Htiiijeut to no ' initnlpnlnMon , not cnntrr
tin- pill HUM In ltllercat. It Is tliu ltlruat t
the imliiio ol i-hinu'K III ( iMMoiii'O.
fintlikelt. . npiily lo Sllll'SV \ CO. , 1212
' M. orriJ.VH Jc CO. . fil
M-n > .N. V. t'ltv :
hreet. Kunsiis I'ily , Mo. , or 1 , " > OIJ rnriuuii
UiinUia. ii liu.M
riiehll-l InpliiiHMly iiiiiullie < liiniit
oil * iIilMlmo'il U Iliu losuli.
II mul n Jo )
MiniUof i-lillilii'ti iu peo\Uh unit lu-t
litiinr Kowly t-tnrvcil , u\
i-inifo llie ) ino
tliu iniitilllt } cf mi lliiT-t to supply tliu
KlilgoH I oo.l ulll tnpply
tlcluucy lietter tliiut uny oilier ; ' limited '
bnuU hiivii liut-'H DII ltlilit ) l-'ood
A Clear Skin
is only a part of beaut
but it is a part. Every la
may have it ; at least , \vl
loohs like it , Maguo
Balm both freshens a
beautifies ,
ABOUT llini & \H S lUJ.
Texas , South American' and North
and OI-C- IMRSome
Scurrts.ot * Hie Trad
on one of the Mat tin i
Hrooklyn L'tnon reporter wateho
some Intend the dUeharging of a
ship of its Vanjo It was load
hides , eoflee. and other Smith AT
products. The hides -\vcru from
video and the eftilVe from tiie m
rial a There were V .OOO hlde ,
naralively * mall inxoiee. taken fi
Iirdd of the liij > ( the "Holes" ) ani
on tlie dork. The o were subsc
inspected. It w ; > InteriMing tf ;
tlii-ir handler. Without opening tl
lie eould , as if liy look and touch ,
sound from the defective one- . tli
had been spoiled by ttnevdn dryin ,
sun. UIOHO tlial had been atlao
worms , and those which nits ha
into and damaged. In regard to 1
l > iisine > .s the repoiti-r gathered ei
able information , some ofludi
pnented. .
In the South American cattle j
plains , when an animal Is < lxu
on tliu hide being roinoved fiomt
it is cured by spreading it in tin-
am ! gh ing it the full hciiclil of t
air and the sun'.s rajf. In this w
juieos are taken up before jiutri
M'tH in. When thoroughly dri
lude U ulosud and paekeil for ohip
tlic markets of Europe and the
I'ormerly New York watlie gn
importing center of tiiis country
not only tlie dried hides of TIM
Mexico , Central and South Ameri
brought , but the green or salted <
tin.1 iiortlnve-teri ) plains. This im
trade iigradii.dl > ehangiiig it > i
It Ksimn ing toward Huston. Thou
ninml for leather is lieavier tluvi
XcwVoiKand Urookl n , the grc
nirleand shoe facloriei of the
.state- , being in Now Knglamt nn
Mii-ssK-hifiettS. .Still the trade in
eiiiilj is euormoiiij. It is iucrcaii
but not in th < > ratio to popidulion
marks upgrowth in the neigliljorl
Hrooklyn may bo regarded as
trepol , of the melropidi-i lorfoivigi
r.emoved from tliu ship they are
in one of tilt' great warehouses ,
they are taken to Now York or i
direct to tanneries in the i
} \ here they are bj > cedily trans
into leal her of various <
of linencs- and of weight
hides froiii Buenos Ayres , thoiigl
or , are. said to be of si much highe
of liber than thox : which conn
Texas. Tcxaiis are plumer. | T
taken from the. young bovine 1
llitciioi Ajroi inaUes the llne t
tanned ca'Mvins , mul for this re :
being sviM-cptiblc of a higher iinis !
greater ilemnnd for , the butter li
uppers for men's und women's
gaileiv and shoes. The skin of t
dress slippers and
is : i favorite lor
The leather known as eo\\-kinis
in liber. The age of the animal
cour e , much to do with the ( pi ;
the hide. Tin-younger the cow tl
tinliber and the higher the price.
In tin1 imjeexof tanning or in d
leather there i- > held to be much m
Almoit every tannery has iU i
Iroiu ukiiowledgi ! of which even
like oitahlNhmcnl is jealoiiNly g'i
liven individual tanner have liter
ods , wliioh , rather than malro 1
tliey would prefer to lese their hi
A secret with many tnnnur.s i hi
to iuereat-e tliu weight and the i
ablenes = of the hide. For examp
si Montevidean whole skin that
dried st.ite weighs hay twenty i
the bet way to mal
weigh , when tanned , fully
as nuieli. A leather dealer in ( Jold
Jsew York , said to the writer thai' '
ii ud to be a journeyman tanner
Sv\amp it w.ia in ( ioldun Luu'.s
who , on tunning a bun-dried hide
ing twenty pounds , could make it
so much lanniu aeid that when re :
the market its weight would conit
sixty-seven _ and sometimes s
nonndi. It is said his hecret die
Iiini , although Mr. Lee , who left
tune of ( jWM.OOO , olVerod thu man ,
for it. "
Tim ( Sold .street man added that
not an unusual thing to raise a
sun-dried hide , intended for use i
hcaij work , Irom twenty eight to
pounds abo\ tlie average weight.
( Ireen bidet , are the ruver&e ol tl
lakes two pounds of raw or salle
to make ono pound of dry leather
l > le for boles .of boots anil brogan.s
It itin thu dru.-slng , now done bj
: ind by chemical metliod.s , thai the
number of f-ecfots are supposed
lield. Coloring and linislung ea
in an extra Mipo.r.ior .sljle is an a
ire permitted to master. The i
who can make the mo-t markelab
; 3 held in the highest cstuc
i workmen. ' 'It is son :
urioiis. " tlio reporter's informa
leil , "to inspi-et the work of dii
Ijnihiiers. It two skins , exactly al
liber and age and general quality ,
handed to two different currier
would , in all probability , show a si
satin-like .siirlaee , while I he other
uii , compared to it , nuiti ; rougli
ouch and eoarso to ( hi ! The
iiiKliril goods would , o'f conr > e ,
more markutablo. The one , ho1
tronhlue quite us durable as the t
In clasMtying Bkins great care is
It costs as imiuii in tinni and'inon
an a tainted ait doea ] ) eric
md for such allowance must bo
Tainted or worm-eaten skins m :
nferior leather. The co-.t per )
tvhetliur of upper or solo luutlii > r , is
Thesu cla-
ewer in the market.
.tinned skins aru made up into ii
{ oods into auction boot , and
md into trunks , butdicls , cliair
JtC.'i'lui cullelo of every living or
into leather ,
'an be converted
lie epidermis of man
jo made available when
srly treati'il. Them is a traditio ;
Jonghis Klian or some other of thu
rt'nr uliiufs of the Tartar people ,
lying ordered thnt the bkin should
noveil from bib body , and when cu
stretched upon tliu heads ot a. ilrun
Irum to bo beaten when his foil
ivero about to c.lmrgo nu cnumy ,
uldcd that tliu di-ud warrior's '
, hus used won moro victories for li
Hers than when ho led them in per
The turning of the skins of quadi
nto leather , and il.s after HMV , , wo
) xliau thcly treated , make a va
york for those who \avo a turn fo
istics in connection with tlie ineivt
vciiltli and the industrial arts ,
eathe.r trade is enormous in its r
If it were striekyn from the ollie
urns decennially gathered and
ishod by the National ( Sovornmui
ibseneo would burioiihly reduce th
lines of ligurcs which represent the. \
uul trade of the republic.
The demand lor the. skins of an
uiir and fur bearing , give eniploym
argo comjianies of herders on our
iontinental plains. At this very
'ommenciup at tlie Hio Urando ,
md proceedingnortluve-st to thobon
ino which separates tlio Domiut
Canada und its duiiendenoies fro
Jn'Ued States , tlita'O is devoted to
ng purposes an urea , which 111 ;
oundly estimated nt 150,000,000 a
i breadth of country equal to all ot
England , Now-York. IVniisylyania ,
lersoy , Illinois , Michigan and 01
ther of our great commonwealths.
I'ho henU of bnll'alo which once n
ho grout plains that olrctch froi
itissourl to the Hocky mountains
rom the. Kio Grauilo to the Hed Iti
the North , growing mnn.Toas ! on
the generous herbage nature line ; ! 1)1(1
vided for them , ha\e givi a place
domestic breeds of cattle The
the buffalo was in Muh demand
time that the thoughtless hunters
plain * slnii < 'htcred them without '
{ nation , until now there are few o
left ,
It i * not po = * ihlc to climate the
1icrs\ cattle that at this time m
inji anil fattening when * bison <
joiced They may roughly w c l
at milions Theirgrowth in nun
xvondi-rful. Trom the e come th
or salted hides that arc less a\
then thee from Montlvideo an
parts in South America. It is
grand divi jon of the western
plu-re tluit the world looks to
hilly three-fourths Of the leathi-i
coiAumed in the varion * art * tl
tribute so much to the health , saf
happiness of the e wlio live in tl
rigorous latitudes of the globe.
A Hank CaMilurlio AVim Noise
so Green no llo tiookcdi
"It aint no use In saying that 1
been a crooked man in my time , '
marked as lie leaned back aga
door and pulled his hat down. "
know that I'm ju t out of tlie Ohl
tentiary- alter serving a lei ; h"'l ' '
for trying to vtork it bank , flnd'Jt' ;
in me denying it. lloKsonu've
was more in that case than lite
ever trot hold of. und it v > ill bo m
to jarn it off.
"To begin with. 1 la
around Cincinnati , haid up and <
aged , when an old pal of mlm
along one dm with a soil .snap.
struck soinelmnu' to gladden otir
In a village about tlfty miles uwa ;
bank That wasnM $ o very cur
you may think , but it was a nev
and the ollicials were a s-et of gree
Tlie president was un old Jarn :
bookkeeper a former miller , a
cashier well , he was dc-erlbed
the greenest snecimen ever bro
from the corn llelds.
' ' the bank t :
"My pal had 'piped'
knew how everything wont. Win
and book-keep
cami' the president
to dinner , leaving the greenhorn
Indeed , he ate. a cold luncheon
desk , It was a chance if nnyotin <
between I'J and ll : ! ( ) o'clock , and
of us could do that cashier up as
grease with any of the. old tncks.
"Well , in a day or two -we. v
there , and it worki'd like the bigj ;
out 1 ever came across. As you
the bank there was an inclosed s
to the right , with a gate to entei
' and book-
n as. the president's
quarters , while further along ,
.same ideas , the ea-hier's plat
not divided from tlie other by any
When the cashier was ; i ( the pa
( low his back wa- toward the otiie
and aKo to the big afe. The latu
at least twelve feet from him , aga
outer wall , with all the doors witl
' 'Well , when 1 came to enter tin
and seen how oas.v it was to 'sue ;
s > afe , I was laid out with astoni *
And then the crcenness of that t
Why , gents , lie didn't seem to k
more about a drait on New Yo
about the complexion of the man
moon , and after I had detained
tlie window fully ten minutes on o
text tint I another , just to sue if it ci
done , we went out feeling that >
tlie. boodle in that safe dead to rig
"The time appointed was nc
noon , and when w had seen th
dent and bookkeeper out of the \v
pal enlcied , walked lo the nay v
and < iot a bill changed , anil ' tnei
to dicker about a draft. _ 'I , enl
- Wnir--l'i
bank on tiptoe soon -after
was open , as nlso the dnoi > of tl
and the cashier , with his back to i
feeding himself as he talked. Wii
it makes my mouth water to I
what u ( rlorious opportunity v. as
me ! 1 had on rubbers , ami I slipp
way to the safe as sotlly as tlio
creeps. Then there w as a grow
rush , and a dog about the si/.e ot
ling stcer _ ( lung himself upon inc.
down with a crash , and thu dog li
there , but while it as happening
the click ! click ! of a revolver , !
greenhorn of ; i cashier coolly sa
my pal.
" 'I'm on to yon , my friend !
move hand or loot I'll let d
through you ! Tiger , hold thai
fast ! "
"His left hand slid down to a 1
and next moment a bell outside vvti
ing a lire alarm and collecting a
of people. They came rushing i
bank by the do/en , and , of com1
cake was done for. I gotten ' } e
that little operation , mid , my-.tya.
siivcn for hi.s nlijire. It turned' 01
the bank was guarded in all s
ways , including clog- , and sprinj
und thai llio seeming greenhor
cashier htm been imported from a
ilclphia. bank. lie had spotlilttis
ighl , and had given us rope to hai
. . "
selvc- _
Une ill' 1'rositlom Clevelaml'h
masters L'TOVCH Ills I'iinoss i
tlie Olllce.
I'hiiailelpliia Call : The appoiu
iy 1'rciidcnt Cleveland of the d
lollowei's of Ins part } to federal pu
, n various parts ot thu country , se
be bringing to the surface. slirtl :
llectioiis on the common intelligi
the American people. , or at leii l
residents ot this nation.
Many a liino the ( ircsident h :
alibi * to blush lor theuma/iliig dis |
gnoranci ; winch men whrnn hu li
liicted for important iiOsitioiH
: nule : , but what i.s apparently th
< triking iiistiinco of illiteracy bus
Drought to light in the posttnait
: ) lni"-H1Ncb. , by a leading indiiatri
.ablishment In this'oity.
The linn in question inclosed n
! ar in an unsealed envelope , add
, o "Olaf lUtrg , Ulney. Ncbraskn , "
ntelligent po-.tmanter at that pijli
ng unable to iind"Olaf Berg , " nut
olleclion stamp on the cnvciopi
ivroto in big , bold , but awkwardly f
.utlcis :
"Uetornlarilor. " which btipiiral
'U'torn-ta-ritoi1 ' , the ot wl :
.ieturn to writer. Whim tliu lette
oiurned the linn was compelled
ho. penny postage lor its return , a (
\ldch was wholly iniiieoeisary.
xior poat-ma-tui. but in Nobrask
lot know this. *
An Aoloi-N I'l'itcilcal .lolce.
A New York special RHJO : .It
dackay is the comedian in ti bur
tow running here. Them is a
unong thu actors thus imploycdii
Tork to iiihurlUe thciiHulvtiS by ,
) f hninorous ex ) > loils. An act-on
leareil in a dailj journal early thir
> f Mackto having observed a cou (
lodding sleepily on his box. wh
ml dowager of a m tn ! > 4 was in a
vhercupon , it is said , tlie tu < lor st
o the curb , opened and slainmet :
ho door of the carriage , spoke pi
md raised his hat to a presumed in
md then remarked to thu t
'Homo ! " Convinced that tlio lad
vlthm , the servant drove off wi
imply vehicle. Later a dramatic
ailed attention to the fael that the
lote was ancient in the annuls of joi
mil charged the reporter with wit.
ilagiammg it. This got the vomit
inhbt into dilllculty at his otiico , n
uul to fcavo ids place by proving tl
ictually wltnoescd the teat byM
ixaetly as described. The evident :
Convincing thai tlui actor hail beei
dy mimetio in the matter , ant
vaitcd until he got the right am
icfore giving the , performance.
laborato has the art of advcrtish
fi A TT "KJ fU T BLUf
IM I I I li
* CITY Kl\V ;
The Oily l-'ntliern.
The city council mot yetcnlaj
in * , nil bolus i > re enl cxcopl Al
nctt.A large number of bills were * a
JL V. Holii < ? wl * tillowcil $ JOO ii
inont of claims for iliunngoto
vca on of the new sewer ditch.
A petition of properly owner * \ \
willed , asking for change of R'
Wirtli Mreet uimv Third Mtfout. H
for further investigation to' Aid. M
Ucnuett , and Strnub. with the i
Ueorge F. W'lrtli , a > attorney to
riiilllps , jmvq noliee tlul Mr.
eluiiued damapos on ncmnnt of
of crude imttAVirth and I'onrth
Heferrod "I
S. ( . 'linton tiled n reinon trance
beinp as-o M-ll for \ ) \iiij ( ; on
stitH-t , tin1 lottrontuifr on Hroailw
liuvinfr to paV.ior iwvinj * there. 1
to i-itv nttornPT.vlio has already
opinion ndvorXpiv to sneh rcinon-
Tht' reports .of the city ollleor
piv-cnled. j
Aid Hc'lM' ixporlcd In vopnvd to
tttlou for an oh't'tfio liffht to bo
near the MothddM e'linrplt. Snoh
\vonht do nvnVsilh > ovornl Inniii
und would M- \ii the city fifty
month. Hi1 f 'id not fioor the. <
liowovuf. Aflfci'fliiic > hot tsilk the
wits Ittid over Jnlil n full bo.trd ci
pvoscnt. AidJHonni'U wti-- sent
uuforo ho arrit i' < l Aid. Mj nst > r wa
in court.
toultem tl cai-u
Tlio oily uttpntuy was iiiMruelpd
in the ens' '
1st the c'oitnty nttorney
onnly vs. FiHr < National bank ol' '
lUntl's , in its cnrt to collect the
thecifj an l cfjiihty from y.iiil banl
A coinniilteAfljn .i < iin < j of Aid.
lopf , Shiigart aim ! * ! ( Stratibwas emp
with Col
to make u f-iMleinent
Vincent for won. on tlie Indian er
Aid. .ShugalF presented a re *
tllat no hill b& ( allowed e\ceil | it
and acted oil 3u open council , i
warrant drawnV'vecpl by direct o
the council. thought \ \ there ha
too much "curlstone hiisinexs.
The city euHil.eer prcsenkd a 1
rejiort concerniji ; ; ; the proposed on
the .sewer ditchj favoring the nhc
instead of tholonier ) one , the %
llefericd to colinnittee on sewerajj ;
15y rc olutio'nfl. \ . " > 0 was placed
hands of Ald.Jlj-ei < e for the payi
aticli hinall ca lt bills a s mi < ; ht net
incut from tinii to time , Mich a f
tlic lire tennis , ilc. . he to report
council al caili cjtnhtr meeting ; ,
C. Wc.sle as cd that
made of s claimed by him
residence properly on aciounl
change of yradt ) lleterred.
A icnionstr iicti was presented :
lettiiifc any contracts to J. 1' . tlonl
the ffround tTinithe had not paid It
I'liipkncd by hhn on pre\ ions col
LMaceil on tile , , .
15iiU were opened and contracts
follous : .lauify' ( Jonlden , for
Kiplith avenyy ffoni MaintoSivtlii
at 17 cents inj btntls. or 15 c.ent
from Sixth fo'j3iventh street , at H
and It ! ceiif cash ; from Sove.
Eighth .itreeiarjM ! cents , and If-
htrcet , on
cash ; from Ffiur-to-Sixili
avenue , nt vHijKinls , or \ i cents
fromhixth to fJi'MMith struct. 111 cc
10 centt : cash ; trtnu Seventh to
Directs , VI c nt , > , or 13 cents en
l'-ifthlh .street&inu , Ninth to Tent
mies , 'j : ) ccnfctt prd'J cenjs caii
On inler. < eirions between
the contract at 10 cents cash or It
warrants. ! ' between Sixth and .S
streets , at lcc'iilauash ' or 'JO cent
rant * betn ocnlk > \ enth ami Ki < rhth.
sit 10 ciiiite cay. or 2'J cents wa
The interseeticBis c i Ninth avenue
awarded tlie | siime. Tlie contra
ul = o ffiveu liimnor lillina Eighth
between Nintl ancl Tenth avcnnes.
cenljin boml-or 1 ! ) tent < iNfli.
In onier to protect laborers , the t
decided that it would make no co
Pettlemeiit with a contractor mil
contractor hadjlilcd with the city e
full and receipted pay roll , Miowin
all thu men employed had been paj
'L'lic mayor "reported concevni
trip to Des I Ioines , that he had [ ) (
out of the $ lfiOiappronrialcd. lie \
to know whciher the remainin
should be turned into tlie. treas
retained by him for further e\ien-
Aldermen bhu art and CJcise
requested lo atlVnd the meetin < ; i
major-i mid aldeimen inDesMoi
the 1 1th , they to yo at their o\\n ex
There was 01110 discu- ion a
mayor's evpotne bill , which wl
iti'iin/.i' < l but .Himped oil' . Aid
Hcnnctl lavoivd letting the majo
the ! ? ? 0 balanf A lor future c\pcn-
woiihl not vote hir any more , Aid
iShu Mi't thought thi ! apmopriati
sjl'0 was for covering the e\pci
sendiiig llio mayor and such aldun
wanted to j o ti'i DiMo'mes. . . lie t !
that on the return ol thu deles-He |
iicnsii bill would be presented ai
ii.iljnee tinned into the livaMiry.
Sii'dentopf ( iid.'nitt nnderatanil flu
lutioii to mean ju t that. ' lie then
for all -orls
was the § 150 novided
( icnie-i connected with tlio incctinj
iltcmpt wa.s made lo lind tliu 01
I'csohilion , but the aldermen and
failed to lind it on ( lie minutes , and
iivil of tliehunt , il bcin > ; about ha
I o'clock , and dinner lime jisi'
ionneil adjourned until next \Vcih
L'lic ICMent and Jmiiortanoe o
TrudQ in tlio Commodity.
" of human hair i
"The bi'st riuility [
'rom l-'ranco , ( Jet'inuny , SweitiM
X'ortvtiy. , " said- lar o iminirler t
nan hair on IJroadway to the qner
S'ew York riluil and Ksproia
, 'iewcr.
"Years a ollic linnian hair trad
i bomuv/.a , almilm , to what few tl
hern were in tlic busines- , . Fine , 1
ant hair could . be purclniM'd froi
lo-sessor foiln J0\v beads or Knickki
' .ViitllciVi went itbunt tlie country
inditolny ; tliu women u
, vilh their hair. Times have elu
md not n woman in all of the coi
nentioned bulrcrniire.s a < i r > 'l roiin
o fcovcr her4lmrins locks to adorn
madin difif Id-n1) ) parts of the worl
"Well , hoib llio trade ntwV"
" \Vithin tlTIi ) list liftcim years
'alien till'surprisingly. . 'J'hen it wa-
-idurcd on the liM a-xthu third lar t
> ort trade ivk-4ATierica | [ , \shiU- nov
niji.s it rnnK'T'nnout the twcntietli.
ensou in obvious. Thu introduct
heap hair from ltal.\ and the ( 'him
inml hair has atttctvd thu nalu ol tin
due tirtlcle.fNy the. hair that i
oines from Italy either cut alter
> r taken Irom lie ] ) ltal patienus.
hen to 1'nviand carried thro
iroccss which ( > siippo-cil to i\
mil vitality , but < jra\cyard ; hair cai
ir equal thu o\iullcnt ; < malitof , th
naterial taken iiom a Hush-ami
ealp. "
"How is the hair prepared for n
itter il is llret cut from tliu heaih"
"All hair obtained in Sweden , No
taly and sfimutinies ( jcrmany ( ultl
ofion prepare
hu latter country
: et hair obtuincil the.rui ) ia bent to
s raw material , There it undergo
clinins process. It i.s cleaned , w
nil dried , and then drawn tliroiif :
and ; so tlio article It as pure asc ;
Jew when the raw material is sen
t is simply washed in * oda ami ii
or .sale. "
"What dot % luiir cost obtained fie
rifrinal wearer } "
"It depend * on llio length and
All thMifiom $1 to $10 is i the price
. . . . . U' , , . . . .Si li
paid for the rtw ; matetial We t
rnw until ft ii cleaned and pt
Thirty two inch linn retails here fi
to $1 per ounce , bemtj graded b
* hadr > .s of color deHired. Some
easily sells for $10 and $100 per pc
thlttv-two 6r thirty inehe ? long. "
"What color in hair is highest pri
"Pun1 white hair is more souKiit
now than any color and h wor
weight in irold. Intlersl , it is. tnon
able than gold. Itclls at $10 an
per ounce , and extieinel hard I
nt that Ini-fjo price. The reason of
that pmv while hair can rarely o
found. Nearly all while hair turn
jollowlMi tlnse from exposure to tl
anil weather Ordinarily wliite hn
three dlilVronl Miadco , beginning :
roots and varjlnrru little in the I
and the end. Hence the pi-eat dill
experienced In getting pure white 1
don't mean graj hair. ( Jrav hair \ \
i mixed. Then when white In
colored you can tell it easily. "
"What color ? come after white ii
tunritv * "
"The light or pale colors are a
more In demand than dark . hadcx.
blonde , nol reddish , and golden In
the fa\oritcs after white. In S'
light hair is moMly obtained and is
e.\p'ii ( lvo than in any other co
H-tnV'o .furnishes dark anil m
shade * ; Germany medium and Ital
orally dark.Hut , of Com > 6 all
oountricM fuvn'lsh'all colors , ' but
JiHl mentioncM iii'edominate. "
"Will the prepared Immaii hair
Ion"- ; thtvrslw.inaterlalV
"rreparell hair will last a lifetii
never loses * vittditv. The. raw I
elo-rgpil up with'oll ami will soon hi
dead. The retinrd Cliine e hair wl
generally nii\e\l witli the importi
and .soldJoi1 dirst iUality ] , veryNobi
In order , to tvliuu it , acid * nivi u -
pie elleet'.is tlelcle.rionTho CI
lull is dltfclieap. Tn'enly-Oj lil'i
in lengllvcan be purchased hl-flio r
sfS per pound. The traihs 'Italian < (
is about the Same price. , ,
"The prepared human hair , ( \
eight inches uorUi-Sf-'iU per 11
not counting Ilie eos'.l i-lilidecl gri
' Wltat i the matter with 'AnieHc
you can not buy the raw material I
"It is the. variable climate hi
think , \ \ | tieh seem * to impede the g
of hair. 'Kucti.s , hair doesn't K-I
grow long on American Women , an
only reason that can be given ;
strange freaks of the weather. Nr
Sweden thoiwinters are long and s
but nol capriclutts. ill cliavnge < - Tlu
nci-ature remains equable nli'l ' Sv
women take pride .in cultivating i
crop of hair lor the. huir-gatherer
he come.aiottnd late in thu s
American women wouldn't fell the !
if tln-y had it. Money i * not an
with them when it romu * to look-
hair i.s obtained from ' England f
reason it doesn't grow long in llio
islnnd. The hair from Italy is ti
and no doubt , in my mind , that if II
material was imported hero dircc
fore being prepared in L'aris , il. .
contain a germ of cliolera , n.t a
deal of it i > cut Irom patients inw \ -
Hair from Italy might properly I
eluded with rags ' during ti cholei
tleinic " . _
Tin : oxi .Y KXOW > SiM.rinc Hi
rou EpilcptiOf I'il.s i.sSaih
N en inc. ' .
" 1 had Kpilejitic Fits for. sixtc'en y
writes John Kcithly , ol I'rincipio.
"Samaritan Ncrvino cured inc. "
al Druggists.
McJheval locks were among the
cbVioratey.anil. ) . ,4 ilflicat.ely. eon
fitrwls-vy nicies nyci mo <
- ; _ ' it ' ! - ' ' . ' , ' '
"Stand back , gentlemen ! Clea
track ! " shouted the police , and :
quickly-gathering crowd .surged
steamer No. ! came tip the slrec
imigniliecnl black hordes slnkin ;
from the pavement. , '
15ut hold ! A1 wheel uom'ps pfl
eti'innev js overtui'iicd , ami the brav '
men are picked up bleeding.ancj' ;
le.s ? !
An investigation revealed Ihe fael
inoirm < ctho f-leainer that mornii
steward lijid neglected to put in the
pin. A little neglect on his par1
caused a loss of a half million ill
The busy marU of trade are lull of
fatal mi ,
\\hoarcmakingtlic same
Tliey neglect their kidneys , Ihinkiuj.
need no attention , whereas if they
oecahional use of Warner'.ssafe < ; un
would 7/rivr / say that they don't feel
well ; that a tired lecling bothers
that they are plagued with indige
that their brain refuses to respond al
lhat their nerve.s are all unstrung. -
IMIjliS ! IMMCS ! I'l
A sure cure for IHind. Hloeilhij ; . ]
iml t'lcenited 1'ili-s ! > > ticcn disc. > \i-ii
Dr. VVillUmis ( an Indian reniciljj , c.illi ,
\Villiinis' : Indian Pile Ointment. , \
bos lias i-iired the woist eliionlc cai-es nl
siainting. Xo one neetl suffc
! W > CU <
minutes niter ai/jil\inx thi > wimdcil at '
inn midirnie. Lotion ? and insinnnoi
iiiiiio liurin than co < l. Williams' 1
Pill Ointment absoihs the tniiun > , alia ;
. ulaily at niu'lil
ililcn i' itcliinij , ip.irtU
HoHiin ; warni in b.'di , acts us a ] ioiiltiee ,
instant Ji'hct' . and is im-paicd only lei
itchiliu'ol ) > iuatc I'lirtn. and lor uutlriiij
' Ointment -\ues \
llr. Via/id's Manic <
music , J'imiili'N Hlauk Heads or <
lilulc.hes anil l'.iiiition ] > on tin * faee , It1
[ he hkln deal and beaiitllnl. Alwi cult"
-all Jtlicinn , Siiic Nniplcs , .Soie JJii'i )
Sold by iliugglsts , or mailed on rece
lii'tiillcil by Kulin it'Co. , anil iSuliKK
Dwliu Al vrln.'liilo ) ; by U , I1' . CiuiiJinnii
Coniprcsicd paper is said to fiavo
uu'cc.s-fnlly , e\ti'iniontiil | with in
nany for piano cases.
A roepnt rtjMJil to the Kn lUli 1
sooluty of Aits allows thiit of tlio !
liiatiis which iiavo occurred in
nines MIICU 1B75 only ono-t'ourtii
juon ciuib'cd by lire dump.
When 31by wan riei , we pave lior Castotla ,
Wlicn alie irm a Clillillir cried for Caatorlt
\Vlicn elioliccame Ml , fclift ? luo ( ; to Caetorl
V/hon lvo 1ml Olilldrcu , tlic gava tliem Caoti
A New Vurk negro pleaded nol $
o a ehargo ol highway robbury
nch Icrvor that he might have esu
md he not pulleJont thu cuinpluin
his perspiring
landlturchicf to mop
A New Jersey man once said that
cople in the state rather liked mo
oci , because limy full so good when
. There must bu home.
vcro gone.
ee.ling in thu mlndn of thee who
utl'crcd tin : pangn of rhcnmati ii
ecu fpccdily reliuvod by thu Use i >
Incolw Oil. _
'J'hu import of thu international
nissiou btr.tes that bitwnen tliu j
S77 and \8V , 1,8'iO people-- " moro
he whole population of thu "kingd
if Monaco have committed
eipieiit uiion losses at thu gain )
ablcs of Monte Carlo.
Tlio IJcst Internal
Hrandredth's TUU , thu best me.d
: uown for all ili&ea ua. They are pi
vgelnble. The MI mo do e always
luces Iho same ull'ecl , other jiurga
ciuira increased dose > , and finally t
] '
. They purlfj the blood.
and clu
lige tion
uvigoraletiin <
They hiimi
liu .stomach ami bowels
ho liver .uul i AH } off vitiated
In , the U.8
One of the Itcst and Lnrtjest JStoobs >
io tided from.
Mo Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passenger Elevator
flEO , lU'llKR , Mniinjtcr. .
vlil Pllr , Noli. ! Kent nor Nntlotul llMiV.lCcRf
Hunk ti
ItKFKlir.NTrS' Mprplinnt-i Mttl Tnuticr1 , Nub.i ) McDoiiuWs Hank , Noilli J'l.itlu , Nub.
, two-tlilriM rMito ot tock.
DltnchcJ for -
Will | i r euslDincu'Mriift bill or iMtluu
other depraved M'cretiuns. The
or three tloscs telis the - < tori. The i
becomes clear , the eve , biigltl'- the m
cured , the digestion Is restored ; uo < l
ne."s cured ; the animal vigor it. recrui
and till decay aricslctl.
AmtonlHlicil at tlio tCtVcct of
1-Ililstlo I the New- *
A Wa < luuglon Special say- The :
tune the m'c < idcnl write a letter to
editor tif I'ncK about newspapers Ijm
will probably burn it up before MMH !
lie is represented to be greatly Mirpr
at tin1 reception of hh latest epistle.
wants the mean ami lyiny ; newspaper
lit the coat to themselves , but hopes
truth-telling press will not bo otl'endei
v > hat was not meant for it at all. S
exasperating inMunees of misiv
sentation and recMe-s charge- * were f
in his memory when he u-ceived
Krppler letter , lie had aKo been
no.vcd by impiinee from good people-
. .lories auoui
wanted to know if tho-.c
lishiiig Sundays v\ ere true. So lie fi
his mind to the editor of Puck al
new.spaper l.uug in general , and
both Mtrpriscd and pained lo lind ho\
had been misunderstood , At the. w
house uaro had been taken s
Mr. Clcvelaiul'f inauguration to give
facililv for getting cor
i > rc s every
information , and that any of the W i
. should have
inuton corrcsondeut'
taken the meaning of the president
inexplicable. . Tins ithe pcmi-oili
uMilaiiationliicli it has been dec ;
advisable lo make. Ill-natured cr
liave not only been finding f.iull with
subject-matter of the letter , but they I
Charles tinu
hunted up M > nielhinir
once aid about was-ting a litctime c
ing after a lie , and have found evhh
t > t plagarisiii liy the atitlior of the h
. The
exeeutnc document on lying.
shot cf it all is thought to be that
the - L-avo
iircMdcnl will for picM-nt
Ii tier-writing to his secretarici.
A'rolrir-ed man , JIarry Hrown , { Ci y
old , still IhiiiLC in a cabin in Te
Wayne county , X. Y. , \\.is once the s
anil coachman of ( ! ov. Dc 'ilt Clin
and obtained his freedom under the .
manumission act ) ult , WIT.
> KCCNT BOTTLES ! < i > ut up for Ih
/sWe Kiniiiioilutioii ot all \\lio ik'siru a
ui.J lo > v pri .c < l
Oougti , Cold and GroupReme
jiui'-i. rj-iniMj | A nt.Mii > v ion
Should hi-cui" Die liuyn $ l lniltli'1. Direui
Iitniiiiiij ! ! m ; . ' cudi Uul ( k < .
Sold by all Medicine Dealers.
4 Ml
> 'ltt
, l-'allhi )
. . . : iS. Cull
„ vuUiiJiw.SUVIt
us r
tnKnllnfl , f iiilnaleakjiioj
iniiutcncy , } i > litiu , tkrofuJa , and all
Wcrvouii and Blood Dlsonscs.
McicliaiitR ,
i nta ment causi 'Nun'nusl'roi
I'.nwelsorKidinfj1 , orvlio i-'nunn ain-rvi
tonic , npiK.ll/.cr or hUiuuluid ,
k'iatg. For ttfitlmo-
ulula ami
EUUll ttdHl' > .
rncc frcilj1 uniircrcd Ly i'lijrflclttil
ionlaltaiiU t irrnltrt M ml stamji.
Did you Suppose -
/ <
pose Mustang I/tninient only gooi
for horses ? It is for inflarmna
tlon of all flesh.
The Lanti o ! Oranses ,
Sunshine ,
and Tropical Scenery.
A lot * OxlOO ftH , In 8ll t
M Sr-tlnRii Purls. Florida , only $10
forwulav * oijUwry ) ? tniut ,
find clillrt nlioulit own n lot. IHn" . < " / >
Wman Ilottw' .
. .
No snntmn , or
rullliiu InnJ. .
hotel , nlrcftdy Intllt.
ntorf , $ UlWI caoli. A
Vlvo-scto ornnco ero\o tracts ,
| , U'liiiri-u ultci ,
Ulatot Orovntn clulil
depot , itix.ito. ; nlxo tlnoOrwica
wltlt clccant13e
lirtlllnnt colors ,
lift ol
onrtimn.aml n lone jirtntotl
Iwok of
tlvo All Donf Freo. i'op-
- .
over lOO land imrulwscr-4. " '
arrivals WCVMI JK"in'
uUtlonTn , ami now
I NCR. ll'iii. IT. OaMtu , I'rcn. National Cltlwni .
Jlank , Kow York. Aililrc.-u , for full twrlloiilata.
L. N. , fid.
. Btlyrr Pprlnan
Mninrh Odd-Hi Chtrauu , lll.i
' firiimVa o < ! > [ * * a ihy III
1 t.4voM > oMl' or m if
It ilcfilopti llMiivf ll8
mnadlnalmvo N-i ti i ii < il
thM I i-1 I T .T\\l > nil ! J I.K-i I ItKJI ,
lnl-i-Mi AI r
li'tf.titr > . Mhntl IHi I. T H KM .S-K - oiitliUdlmul .
uJdr il.
-II1 I1
rr Ili-m-M' ' > -
BBjtun . ' tl'b KimTmft
UK T. X bl.uJCM.IIll'
llteil OctO
Cine lnx will euro
mi"-t olilinntecn-i- lour Javs ni to s
'onnu c > unim dosta of rn lnlrriii tnor ol
nuclnlu.Hnl thin in ) i IM lain In pu oii'e iljsp
it ll'i bunnii
tlie enntiius
in li > ili liovliiy
l nil iluii'irlMf miuli'il o
'liroSI.MI. ' Pnlil > \
ei-elit | "I piifO. Tor fin Ilier
orolirulai. I' , o. llov liiU.
3 * . C. ja-XjXj-ft niooCURE. .
6.5 Jolnifcl. . Ni'W Veil ; .
lur--lh-MUl ) ni
[ & ( | KWJIMKTt MiAMt" ; lV"llnf II.Hv' |
C ) nrl.i-l-y.
. MPM.I II I'llf.r. .
I-JI4HII-M. To.iV. liy null
' " " ' " I'1"1" " " " '
NFBRASKA * < " "
UEEPBIf lli" " " * U'i'"J '
. TO" ' ' ' ' l l < "H'11' "
. mm" tii'l n on .
frn.lrnir un.l
JUi.'iun n f | ici
. , . i'l Iw ilph'lit l
.mt u
101 T > .
ar/llTH. Pub. . Omaha , Noli.
M.IHt it. 3.
Time TaMe
Ttio fnlloiMMir U tlie time of miiviii an-t - do-
Hrlinool timni l < y. Cenlnd Hinndiud titan nt
llie ' , SI V.M.i
ii- local d | iiis. Tniliisol
dmiDl. eoiiii.-r
.ariivu ami dopuit Irnm llmir
Iliu II. .t
I UUi anil Wobuler Atruulh ; tialnson
I. , C. . II. .V IJ , mid K. ( ' . , St J. A. I1. ' II. iioni ' tlio
: . * c M , depot ; all oihots from theI'ldon I'uolUo
L'"tU ) lUUIKir. THAINS.
Ttj-idse trnlns ill luavo I . 1' ilppn' ' at OtlVJ
" , ( Xt : ) IMIljir ) llJilii. m 1:10 :
1.31 1:5 ( > - - IU3 ! : : t : J- IUU&UJ5..iO : - < l
: | il 'iiW--lltUi. : : | in.
' 15 R Ifi
J.eaviMriimrer lor Omnium 7'1"
. n. m. ; ; ! : :
ti K ii iui : : > -10 : rt-iii. '
Si7 _ : t:30aS7 IW -fllj i . 0 1
; o-'l . m.
Airlvnl mi't ' ilcpurtnio ol tr-un from the
iinsrcrdt-jiot at Council
Aitlttvi : ,
( .111 ( (10 ft S .
l:15A. : h . .Wall and i\pros i 7.00V. M
( , 'M i > , M
* . AnniiniHidiition
! .4U i . M
y.i.iA. M
isar.ii . U\ir-a-s
UIIfMill IIOUK | SAM > .
:1R : A. M . Miilltind Hxpn > s. TiOl > . M
; l.i A. M . Auiniiliiiidiillon
: 'M r. H . ] ' . \.iu > s . . ! , A.M
CniUAUO. HII.W.M'ltl. ' ' , | - \ | [ „
I.10A.M . Mall iiiiil HJIII | ess 7 IKI e. M
. I'.vpiem UilJA. M
. N . Mm ! itnd i\pu-s-i 0 ! IU * I * . M
WMK II , Wl1. l.lll'lt. X I'M I no.
I'll1. H.fjOPdl. tit. IjdllH dlptl'si liViMl ( ,
.Tnnisli-r ! JISWi1 M
; Wle. M Tniiiflt-rRt. Ixiuh \
NOItTHWAUl ) . Anlvo.
. M. . M. I C1. ST. I' . , Jl. 4. l ) AH i' . M.
blnux Clly Kx | > r < " s . . 5 : ; > Jj
. I bMOoOnl.liuiil Aec'iitiiiiiDil'n lU.Uik
I'puil , _
.M. 1' . M. l "t' . , II. & C . A M I' , * ! ,
. . JiWll. , Vn | I'ltttlMiiiintli II JU
ill llHVIlJ. \ . I * . ili'Mil | , Oiilllllll III ; | ) g-'Ji
M in nri in. ; i'il : | ! ) Vl . "ii. | in. "
In n vi Block Yxulsloi Oinillii lit Ti.Vi 10J."iil. : !
. ! Kll1 ( 'Ji 1 : < II .1 07 ( l.'d p , in
.Nun. A lunii idinly ; li.ilm y oxenpt Binnluy ;
iliiill uiiept t-ulunfiiy ; I ) , U 'b o\cupl Mini-
lebraska Kafionai Bai
I'Alli Ul'CAI'll'AI S'-'fiO , . ,
Isini'i rs.Mny 1 , lsv > . . . Bi.OW ;
. \V. VAIII'rnsiiliint. : . .
A. K. Toii/.Ai.iN , Met ! I'ri" idcnt.
\V. M. Hlluoms , C
, , . . iniiiCToiiy- „
. V. Mouai : ,
. NS.YA'U/ . , LinvisS , "
A. K. Ti {
C"o , 12lh mul FurnHtii Street * .