Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 06, 1886, Page 6, Image 6
THE OMAHA DAILY BEB. WEDNESDAY , JAMTAtlY 0. 1880. TIIK DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS WEDNESDAY MOHNJNO , JAN . 0. OrriCE : Ko. IU Fearl Street. If-lhcml by cnirlt-r In un > part ol tlio city nt twenty itnts jcr with. H. V > \ TII.TO.V , Manaijcr , Ilm.NKSS OiTi.S ! , r.o. W. N't.ii f 'uruTon , yo. gt. _ " " MINOR MHNTIO.V. i'auts to onli'r , from $ . " ' ii | ) , tit Keller's. Tin1 Danish society has a ball in Bono's liall on fluIlitli. . Mr. " . .John Iiiiiiini died \osli.-iday at her late residence , Ko. I1T ! Mill Mroet. Tin ! new ice rink on llroadway was Hooded night for tin1 first time. IVnnll to wcil was yi.'it.iiny granted J'jttil .Hi'juivi aim F.cna Knhl , both of tliis city. Yesterday Justice SelmiY. performed eoromo'ny uniting 1'aiil Meyer and Muri M. Kniil , bolh of Hits city. Tliu city marshal threatens those who ilo not clear tin : snow oil'their sidewalks. Ik'tti-r I'ommi'tii-i' with tliu county. Ono of the notorious Sanders boys was Ill arrested last night for stealing silver knivi-B from tinI'liirnix restaurant. One of the llr.i : ruailrrs has a line dog which has strayuil lohblioiiM ! . and whk-li the owni-r can liavo on iilunlifyiiig and If' paying rlntr es. Tin1 Mivt-t i-ars will not. be run this wri'k , lint a big box .sk-lpli capable of holilhi } ; twi-nty-livc persons in run hourly to and from tlio transfer in thuir sluad. Mr. ( iolilht'i-K who fornu-rly owni-d "Tin1 Fair" in Omaha , has loafed tlio vacant half of the old Hrneknlt Maud , nnd will shortly open a dry yoods uiul faiii-y .store. To-day the derrick ut tlio new K vorn- ment building will lie hoisted in position and in a day or M > I hi ; cut stone Is ex- peeled to arrive and will be placed in position as i-oon as posMbh ; . The adjourned meeting of 1'iik'llly t'onncil .No. tfiil , 1 ! . A. , postimncil on account of the sstorm , will be held this ' livening- All olllcers elect and members in general arc e.spcelcd lo be present. A .stranger made a .small pnrcha'-el'rom .1. V. C'rockwell yesti-nlay , giving in jia.v- nii-nf a lil cheek , purporting to bo signed ny t1. ,1. I'\ans. ] ! received the balance in cash , and disappeared before il was tlif-eovcroil that the check was forged. Itort Kvnns wa- out sleighing with n parly of young men yeMcrday afternoon ami in turning the corner of Seventh street into liroailwa.'v the cutler was over turned , lie was thrown out and sup posed to lie seriously injured , but after neiiiir taken into an adjacent drug store was soon re.-tored to eoimeioiiMiosS. A slight cut on the lip proved lo be the only injury. It is now leaking out that Oeorge Gcr- Kpaehor took more of a part in the affray in which Hughes was than has been I ; ! disdoM'il. 'I he theory is lioiug told by some that ho had the iron "goose neck" in his hand and was Mrikmg at some one with il , and that hi.i linger was hurt in this way instead of being shot. It is claimed that the mark on this door was where the goose nook struck it , and that the window was broken in the same way and not by the bullet , as at first thought. For hardware and house furnishing got prices of Cooper & Metieo , is'o. 41 Alain btrcet. Personal l'nrairail > H. Mrs. F. H. Hart and her two children left last evening for their homo in Min neapolis. D. S. McCannon , of the Trelan bridge company of Centerville , Iowa , was in the city yesterday. A. C. Vancott , bookkeeper at the water works , has resigned his position to go to Dnrango , Col. , to accept _ the position of cashier in the-First National bank. J. W. Simpson of Chicago , an old ex- resident of tliis city , and a member of the hide house of MelJancld & Co. , was in the city yesterday shaking old friends by the hands. Fred ( Jcise , of ('s brewery , was out with a novel sleigh yesterday. On a pair of low runners was placed a beer barrel , over which he was straddled. Ho drove two horses tandem. J. S. Standeford and wife have rn- turned from their holiday visit to friends in and near Kansas City. Mr. .Stande ford now starts out through Nebraska to supply his many customers with paint. Miss Lix/.ie Kirseht left last eveninc : for Chicago to attend school. She was ac companied by her brother , Leonard , who after leaving her at Chicago will make a ghort visit to his married sister , Airs. Cowduroy , at I'lattsvilio , Wis. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Clark , their daugh ter. Miss Sadie , anil Mr. Clark's brother , J.W.Clark , of O.-wego , N. Y. , who has been their guest the past two weeks , left last evening for Kearney. Neb. , where T. A. Clark , as locating engineer of the Union 1'aeilio railway , has business to at tend. The party will be absent several weeks , during which time Mr. J. W. Clark will have a chance to view some of the fine country west of the Missouri. All kinds of interior drapings , cornice poles , shades , etc. , the very .cheapest in the west at K. Sloekert & ( Vs. gnlctly Wedded. A great surprise was yesterday given the friends and acquaintances of Miss Kiltie Ingolsby , one of tlio late employes in the telephone central olllce. and Kd. Sherlock , a partner of Henry Wagner in the saloon business. This big surprise was the announcement ot the very quiet marriage ol tlicso two on Monday even ing , ami their departure on the train yes terday morning on their bridal tour to St. Paul , Ono or two of the young mnn In business in this city claim that Kitty , as slui was familiarly called through the 'phone , quietly gave them the tip over the wire on Monday morning , Miss Ingolsby had been in I ho employ of the telephone comnany over since its inaugu ration here and had been an exceedingly line operator. Money to loan on chattels , 03 Torres Smith , 1UO Main street. The District Court. Hankie , who has eonfldenced so many business men hero by representing him- pelf us it great Colorado stock man , ban been found guilty of obtaining money under falbo pretenses , Hughes , charged witli burglarizing Scott's hardware More , has been found irullly. Haeon , who forged an abstract ami pccurcd a loan of $ UOO , was found guilty- Sentences oti prii-onera will be passed on Friday. Cottage ranges , ( iarland stoves Ha- iliant Homes and Hub Heaters of the M , very latcbt patterns at bed rock prices , tit Cooper & McUee's , No. 41 Main rtrcet. ICarly Closing , The following explains itself : Wo. the undersigned hardware , Move ami tinware mcrchant-i of Council Ululis , do hereby agree to close our respective places of business on and after Januan J , 1880 , at ( I o'clock p. in. until March f , IbBO , and then at 7 p. m. until Septcmbei 11 , Urahl. ) niYK nv nr The City's Fres Library nnd its Trans actions the Past Year. GALLAGHER-PASCHEL WEDDING. lorry Ritchie Still on llic AVrong Hoacl The Kimcral of the Mur- f't'Tccl MiiKlirs Various Itoinn ol' Hind's Interest. The I'ulillcj Library. The trustees of the IVcf Public Library if the city of Council Blurt's have Jire- ared their animal report to the city oiincil. The. board con i tsi of Iknaef Everett , in'esl'l , ; , ; : J > . C. Bloomer , sect-e nvy ; A. W. Street , N. 1) ) . Lawrence , W. . { . Vanghan. J. 1) ) . KdmnmUoti , .1. P. Casady , P. B. Me.Mcnom.v , J. ItKeed. . J'he terms of ollice of Mr. Lawrence and Mr. KdniuntNou expire at the Ural meet- "lig of the city council-ill IHMI. The receipts of the year from the liter- iry tax and incidentals amount to fi,81it'and ! : witli the cash on hand at the > eginning of the year mako-i the total , W,1W.J ) > . Thee\peiidllnrcswerc.f-\iWT.'Ji , caving a balance ami net of $ .11:1. : Or > . There has been paid for new book" . * 7. il ; for salary of librarian , ! ? ( KJO ; lor rent , ? ' Mi ! ; light * , § I , " . ' ; and many book- have jcen rebound , money expended for mag- i/.ines and for insurance , incidental ex- lenses , etc. , all shown in detail by the cport. Number of government and Iowa -tale loeuments received , II" ) voU. ; number of lamphlets , 1'J vols. Number of volnnms /cpaired. 481.1. Periodicals bound , 18 vols. Moneys received : Fines : ? : )8. ) . " , finding ists ? ! ) .70 , cards $ : uri , damage to books 7oeiold papers l.CKll.l.X The number of regiMered books in the ilirary January 1 , I.1S5 , was ltl.5 ; num- ) er now on hand , fi'lMincrease \ during he year , UTO , of which (1)8 ( ) have been mreliased and ! 2S have been donated. Donations have been made during the vear by Mrs. S. C. Key , Hon. W. H. M. 'usey , Hon. Jos. Lyiiian , Col. 1) . B lailey , Hon. Ceo. Carson , Mrs. Maxwell state' librarian ) , Frank D. Jackson ( Mate secretary ) , C. 15. Allen. Prof. J. K. Maeoinber , A. W. Street. Theodore Bray , ) r. 11. S. Wi ! t , M. ! . tJrillin. Number of registered book-takers , ,5. ! ! . Increase during the year , Sltri. Number of visitors to library and read- tig room , ; WOU ( > ; increase over 1881. .VKt'.l. Number of books taken fiom the library , J I. ' , ' H , according to subjects as follows : Theology , : ! . " > ! ; philosophy , -M : natural science ami art , 8 ! I ; poetry and e.ssays , . ' , ( > 80i hiMorv and biography , a,535j travels , 1,41(8 ( ; fiction , IIJ.WK ) . 'Tlio increase during the year in the lumber of books taken from the library over lSt'4 is4J31. ! The report shows a full list of the peri odicals in tlio reading room , and the Lhanks of the trustees are expressed to liose publishers who have donated their ! > erioieals. ( 'J'lic rcjiort closes as follows : Our library lias been designated , on of Hon. Joseph Lymaii , as the Icposilory of government documents for : his congressional district. Our list of ) oth national and state documents is very large , and comprises over 2,000 volume" . We have also a very largo collection of newspapers and pamphlets bearing on the early history ot th city ami county. Among others a complete set of the jonnd volumes of the Council Blull's Bugle"lotli ) daily and weekly , have been added during the year. There has been a most gratifying increase in all depart ments of the library during the year. The visitors to it have averaged over 100 daily and the number of books taken from its shelves have reached nearly eighty per lay.As As heretofore noted , a largo proportion of these books are taken and read by pu pils in our public schools , and they also gather in goodly numbers around the tables in our read ing room , busily intent storing their minds with useful and interesting information. Much care is taken in purchasing books and periodicals , to seclcet thoc especial ly lilted for our vouthful readers. All persons residing in the city over 12 years of age , can , on being properly vouched for , take hooks from the library and huh ! them fori period of two weeks. Not a single book has been lost during tlio past year , a fact which sneaks loudly in favor of our system , and the watchful care and vigilance of our excellent li brarian. The reading room is open to the free admission of all , whether resi dents of the city or strangers. The library and reading room arc open from 2 to i ) o'clock on each day except Sundays , and the latter is open on Sun days from a to 15 o'clock in the afternoon. A propo-ition is now pending to open the doormat 10 o'clock in the forenoon , and continuously on every day , except Sunday , until the present hour of clos ing. It will add about $200 a year to the expense. 'The trustees would be glad to receive from tlio city council , ami our cili/.cns , an expression of their wishes on this proposal. Although our present library room an swers our present purposes very well , yet the time is not distant when more commodious quar ters will be required. The increas ing attendance in our reading room and to tht ! reference books in cases especially devoted to them , will render an enlarge ment an imperative necessity. The establishment of free public li braries is designed to cultivate a love of reading , and thereby aid in tlio dilVusiou of knowledge through the community , and also to carry forward in the minds of the young the work of education com menced in the public schools. We believe - lievo all these objects are largely nro- moled by the establishment and practical workings of the noble institution placed in our charge by tlio city council. It is supported by the small tax of tlireo- fourths of a mill upon each dollar of the assesseil valuation of the city. Wo trust and believe that it will bo con tinued and cheerfully Pidd , to the end that the city of Council Blurt's , tlio limt of tliu cities of tliu state to establish and maintain a free school library within its iimits , may become as noted tor its insti tutions for thucdueation of the youngand for the fullest intellectual and moral cul ture union ; ; all classes of its population as it is now for its nro-oniinent pliyMciuI and business capacities. For first class Missouri wood call on ( Jlcason , at his coal olllce , 20 Pearl street. For everything in the grocery line give the new firm of Kintz & Klccb , 10'J Broad way , a trial Everything new and I'reah. Fancy groceries a specialty. Weddliu : , Tlio marriage of Lieutenant Hugh J. Gallagher to Mies Amelia (5. ( Paschul took place yesterday morning at St. Francis Xavier church , Hey. Father McMenomy olliciating.assisted . by Huv. Father Hculey. The altars were beautifully adorned and brilliantly lighted , while tlio auditorium was crowded to the utmost with inter ested friends. Tlio bride was attired in cream colored satin , and worn tlio white veil. 'J'he groom appeared in full military uniform. Miss Mary Paschel , sister of the bride , attended her. She was dressed in cream colored Katin. The groom was attended by Lieutenant Fred L. Palmer , ot Company E , Twenty-first United States infantry. Ho was also in military drc s. These young men were room mates during their four years at West Point. The parents of the groom , liviug near Western , were unable to attend on account of illness. His brother , P. J. ( Jallagherva in the party , as were nl o the bride's parent * , Mr and Mr * . Henry i'c-hi'l. and her si ter . Mr . 1) ) J O'Neill gave Mendelssohn's wedding march on the organ , : : . < ! in the song portion of tl.r sprvjee was a > i ted ' " . . .II-XPS Katie and Nettie ( Seriier. 'After the ceremony at the church a re ception wa given at the residence of flic bride' " parents on Willow avcni'c. The gather'nu ; was a large and brilliant one. The refre-limenls were bountiful and temptingly served , and nil the arrange ment's Were f-n generously planned iinil happily carried out as to imtkc the a flair highly enjoyable to all. The happy man and Ins worthy bride left on the morning train for i'i Lewis near the south liuo ot Colorado , where Lieuteiiuiit tiallaqhcr is stationed , he oi'i--r ' of the SKtli Tniled Slate * cavalry. Among tlioc from ont.side the city , besides - sides Lieutenant Palmer , were Mi" . 11. B. Suing , of llartinglon , Neb. , a sister of the liriile , Mits Katie Murphy. Mi ? " Liz zie Murphy , Mr. Kd Murphy , Mr. Burke and Hubert MacDonagh. all from Omaha. ' 1 he gifts were inaiiv and rich , bill the well wishes and friend-hips were much more numerous and richer. C. B. Jacquemln & Co. , Nor 27 Main Mi-ret , take pleasure in announcing to the public that their. stock of articles , or namental , stylish and Useful goods , is complete in each and every de partment , and cordially invite everybody to visit their store , inspect their goods and compare prices. No trouble what ever to snow goods. Substantial abstracts of title and real estate loans. J. W. , iE. . L. aquirc , 101 Pearl street. Kttclile. Jerry Ritchie , who has had quite a sen sational career here , is in more trouble. The charge of having been "knocking down" in Buslineir.s store , where he was employed , was quietly dropped , although at the time of the disclosure il created a great sensation. The amount taken by him during a course of years was sup posed to amount to several thousand del lars. Mr. Bushnell , who had treated him more as a son than an employe , did mil prosecute the caue criminally , and Hitch- ic's folks made good about $2,000 of the deficit. 'The matter has rested there. In the meantime young Hitchie's penitent prom ises lo reform have been frequently broken. Lately he was concerned in a oaloon row in Sioux City , and was put in jail there. Yesterday he returned to this city. Mr. T. F. O. Johnson , one of the utrand jury now in se.s < ion , went bcl'oro Justice Schmv. and filed an information charging Hitehie witli the larceny of $1,000 troni Bushnell. Young Hitcliio tiad purchased a ticket for California. and had gone over to Omaha by the. time the warrant was out. The justice tele phoned to Omaha , and Hiteliie was ar rested there. Chief of Police Skinner and City Mar shal ( iiianella went over to Omaha after Hitchie and returned last evening on the 00 : : ! o'clock dummy with him under ar rest. lie was placed in the city jail , where he reiiinined'lasl night. He will be brought to the Iront this morning to face the niu.sic. It was understood that lie was on Monday night brought from Sioux City in charge of two olliecrs. Cy Dan- forth signed his bond fen § 500 at the re quest ot Jim Wilson , a local sport. Lu Sterling , Jerry Hitchie's old girl , is in ( .rand Island , and it is understood that she will be in Council Blull's to-morrow. Correct Abstracts of Title and Real Es tate Loans at McMahon & ( Jo's , No. 4 Pearl street. _ _ of Jltighc.s. Yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock a lieai'se , drawn by two white horses , and two two-seated sleighs drew up in front of the Union Avenue hotel for the purpose of conveying the remains of JtuiK-s Hughes to their last resting place. T.he same mysterious air prevails at the hotel as has ever since the morning of the shooting. In Iho hotel oflico there were seven or cighl men , some of whom were entire strangers to the BIE man , who was on hand , and from indications and outward appearances it is very probable several of them were friends of ( lie gang of conli- Icticc men of which the deceased and Iho spachor , and the roinains , which worn ly ing in a neat imitation rosewood collin in the parlor , which is located next to the room in which Major Williams shot Hughes , was then lifted into the hearse. The pall bearers were : Johnny Allen. Teddy Hakes , Dan Baldwin and Bob Me- Mullen. In addition Mike Cl.yim and George ( lorspaehcr followed the remains to St. Francis Xavier church. The funeral cortege passed up Broa I- way to Sixth street , to Fifth avenue , to Pearl street , to the church. Hov. K. J. llealy performed the .simple burial service which lasted about fifteen minutes. 'There were in all nine persons , including a BKK representative and the undertaker , who attended the services. The remains wore interred in tlio Catholic cemetery. The expenses of the burial , amounting to about $ . " > ( ) , nro paid by ( ieorgu CJers- pachcr. Having put in a complete new stock of clothing , furnishing goods , hats , caps , etc. , Fox & Hughes , No. 1)15 ) Main street , invite the public to give Ilium a trial. Their expenses arc small and tb.-y can nnd do sell cheap. ItH Killtiu- . With the close of tiiis week Col. J. II. Keatley will vacate the editorial chair of tlio Evening Olobo. He has occupied this position for n long time and wielded ono of tlio sharpest democratic pens in the state. His connection will ) that paper lias caucd the ( Jlobo lo lake quite a position and wield much influence as a democratic organ and as a newspaper de.-pito its limited facilities for news. It will bo a great loss to that paper. It is wldsperod that lliero are sonic political complications which have led to Iho change. Of late some of Iho demo cratic papers of the state have been fa vorably commenting upon the prospect of Col. Keatley being the next nominee for congress from this district. There have been factional troubles in the dem ocratic camp hero for along time , and tills prospective prominence of Col. Keatley does not seem to stilt all. It is said thai Mr. Pusoy has not given up all ambitions , and Unit his friends sec in Col. Keatley a coming ou > taclo to tlio nomination of Mr. Pusoy , The democracy which so cntlmsiastieally rallies about Mr. Pnsey is tiiid to bo the real cause of the change- a pressure being brought upon Tom Bow man , the owner of ( he ( Jlobo , and who owes his position as postmaster to the in fluence ot Mr. Pusoy and his friends. It is predicted that this is tlio entering weugo of another local split in the party , and that from now on there will be tlireo divisions , ono the Pusoy-Boivinan , the other the Keatley , tliu other the Vaughan , Notice. I have severed my connection witli the "Medical Journal , " published by Dr. Cnucll , and will not bo responsible for any debts contracted for said paper. A. OVIUTON. : _ He sure and ask your grocer for the bread made at Smith & Loerke's bakery , No. 523 Main street. Jt is 'iio very bust made , Try il ami bo coiiv'.ucod , The I'lrc tfcconl. The chief of the Ihv department yester day filed his animal report for the year 1W . rrom it it appears thorn are six liores and > i.paid men. The chief calls aftention to flu , ' poor fire alarmand nrge < oinn remedy. The number of runs and fal-e alarms in 18S3 wore as follows : Jnmtiiry . . " . . . . . : i o I 'el 11 unry . , . -2 0 Match . 8 'J April . 13 5 May . , . I 2 .June Inly . V ! t Atijrtisi . . . . . . . , , , . . , . : . . . . , , . 11 1 N--.criiucr ; . . . 5 - October . . . . . . . . 5 4 Noti'tnbi'i- ' . . . ft 1 IK'cciubcr . . 7 il Total . TO 7) ) The loci's in ISS'ivrni : ! ( ,000. Tlio fhii'f rnniplnln ! of tliu lack of a Mitlicicnt number of paid men. The called IIUMI < 'annot lie M > well di-pcnded on , especially In tiio wintiT. 1I rcconimends the ap pointment of three inoro paid men , deeming the expense no greater than o keep more called men an'd tliu service more Mitisfaclory. C. K. ol'A. 1-avt night at the regular meeting of branch Xo Sill , C1C. . of A. , tliu following ollicorserc installed : Spiritual director , Kev. H. 1. llunlyi president , IVtcr Wcis ; vice president , ISI. 15. O'Connor } record ing secretary , 1' . , L Kmig ; financial secretary , Henry Tellers treasurer , Rudolph Teller ; sergeant alarms , Peter Tholl ; * cntinol , .loln.i J'it/gerald. The County Hoard. At yesterday's session of the supervi sors Col. J. II. Keiitloy was ro-oleeled county ttttornuy , and the .salary slightly increased , it being fixed at $ 15(50 ( instead of $000. Tlio boavil choe.ked over the school fund , finding it all right , and then buried themselves \\ith various routine liusinei-s. The board will bo in ses-ion all the week. _ Try John Temple.t'M's ' "Hose" cigar. tT His Mind. While wailing for the remains of Hughes to be. carried out of the Union Avenue hotel to the hearse yc.-terday , ( Jcorgo lierspaeher , Who seemed so reti cent when before tlje coroner's jury , said to a Br.B man , " \\eil , 1 guess they've. . 'The " foul , " "A got. Major" sure tiling I guess" answered tinIlr.K man , to winch ( ierspacher replied , 'Well , I'm d dglad of it. " _ _ AVOCH'H New I'ost master. A. 1" . Cramer was ii the city yesterday , and while here receired a telegram in forming him of his iippoinlmcnt as post master at Avoea. IU > yas ket | ) busy re ceiving the congratiilatio i of friot.ils , a few republicans even joining in the smil ing. The appointment will give great satisfaction , and the olliqc has fallen into good hands. Best coal and wooJ in 'the ' city at CJlca- son's , -i ( Pearl street ! _ ONLY HOTEL In Councl Ulilla bavin ? Fire Esoa/pe And nil nionern Improvements , call bulls , lire ujuriu bolls , etc. , in tlio CREST ON HOUSE ! , i" and 2JD , Main Street , MAX H011N , Proprietor. P.T. MAVXK. A. S. UA/.UL.TO.N P. r.JOayne & Co , Real Estate Exchange Nn. 1011'oirl 3ti'03t , Council llIufTs , Town. Dealers 1" Iowa , Kunsn * uncl Nebraska Lands LOTS IN COUNCIL BLUFFS AND OMAHA A SPECIALTY. Heal Estate bought and sold. A.W.PATTEHSON&CO. Kos. 1 and 2 , Masonic Temple. Council Bluffs , Iowa. The cold weather has finally put in an appearance ami finds many persons not yet supplied with heavy underwear , con sequently we wish to gently hint that we have a fine assortment of Wewlshto call tpacial attention to our Double front and back IJndershirts with i drawers to match. Fur and Cloth Caps , Mits and ( rloves. Mufflers , i Etc. , Etc , ; Etc. CALL AND SEE US. A , W. Patterson & Co. Mos , 1 and 2 , Masonic Temple , Council Bluffs. SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICi : . Special advertlsomeiiH , such ni ton , Found , To I < onri , For Sale , To HentVanli Uonnlingetc. . , irill be inserted In this column nt thclowtnto of TKN CUNTS 1'Kll MNKfortho first Insertion and FIVK CKNTS 1'Klt MNK for cnch subsequent Insertion. I > nvo nil vertigo- nicntsnt our ollleu , No. 13 1'oarl struct , nour llroadway , t'ouncll llltills. WANTS , GJV..1N ffi TVAI.KKK , No. US Main street , > D ( under ( "Itlzoii'B 1ink' ! ' , ii < nl ratine ana mvf. | 1'lminMcimtiRo ! lirokcr * . Our book * nrn full , of special liniHiilnsliut It i * Itnpo-sliila to mill- I hell lilulmtilolIM rinttitliclactofgo iiiiiny iHllr LliniiKtVlmt no n. k ! : tf j-oil want to soil ortnulo imjtlilnjr lu our line , rite in nnd ivo u III tend jou 11 iilloof hanriiln" to Meet from. 1 .muls Improved or unimproved , city or town property- , stock of Hoods of any Kind in any place.It auvli > ou have or sueli you want let MK iiour from you. Swnn A : Walker , Coiliifll Illn ff * 171OH UKNT A llnoly fiirnlshc.t fiont room JL1 No. . ' 1 Vine street. If A KM I'Olf SAI > K Aln bni-ffiiln if sold fooif , 100 cro. , O'i ' miles sutillnvest of Uinulut. C room hcutfc. eveellent well and cistern. 2 liur'n , ono for 1'lnlit lioMVii , ono for -J mvttl lien , tnol ntid uneoti lioilici 1LVJ ero3 In tlinotliy : tljWil ( foie.'t trees , cotton walnut , inh mid mnplo ! Rooil orclitud , iiipli' | . cherries , plum ? , prnpes mid pinnll fruit * . Never fHillnjr mnck witter. II. i1. utriCKii , KW Hioudwny , Council llliilTs , lawn. _ HOUSKSIWI HKNT-At Mc.Muhon A Co' T No. 4 r Hi-l sticut RUSSELL&Co Mniiufaeturcrsof nil sizes of AUTOMATIC ENGINES Especially Designed for Itunalniir MILLS , GRAIN ELEVATORS , AND ELECTRIC LIGHTS , Tubular anil Locomotive Boilers. Xo\v Massillon T hrcshora. Carey and Wood bury Horse Power * . STATIONARY , SKID , Portable nnd Traction Engines , SAW MILLS , ETC. Factory Massillon , 0. Branch IJousc 5J01W St. , Council Hull's. SEND FOB 1886 ANNUAL. ouncil Bluffs arpet o. Our st ock Is now complete In ovcry ilopii mrntnnd coutuliiH nil tlio latest stylestiud effects n CARPETS , CURTAINS , SHADES UPHOLSTERY GOODS , ETC. , UTC. -TIIK- Largest Stock -AND- Lowest Prices. THE ONI.Y KXOMJSIVH CAIU'ET I10U3IS IN WKSTKHN IOWA. 8A.MIM.KS furnltdiud upon application lo.lowii town parllus. FIE UPHOLSTERY WORK TO ORDER Carpet Company E. B. Cad well , Real Estate , Probate And Dlvoic-u Lawyer. Ko. 504 Broadway , : Council Bluffs TIKIS. OFFICER. W. H. M , PUSET OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , UMU ilismiil IS'fl. ' Justice of the Peace. Office Over American Ktproil Company. B. BICE , M. D. or othw luni'ird rcimmifl nldiout , the kiilfo or ill a win jr ot UlooU. CHRONIC DISEASES of M Una * specialty. Ovortlilrty yrarb' cuioriuiiuu. OIUcu No. 11 1'curl Strt-ut , 1'onnc II lllutta. .N VllKli MRS. D. A. BENEDICT M.iNIIt'.UrrUllKI ! AM ) UKAI.hll IN HAIR GOODS " Broadway , Bluffs. PAID UP CAPITAL , $20,003 , , AUTHORIZED CAPIFAL , $100,000. , | 19 SUCCESSORS TO J. 408 MAIN STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA IMl'OUTKHS OF AND DH.M.KKS IN Instruments , M-usical Merchandise of Every Description , Toys and Fancy Goods. We make the celebrated llatdiuan Pianos , ntiii the Iloyal Whltiit1)- organs i specialty Every instrument w.uianti'd. Send for catalogue * . MUKLLKU Ml'Sl' ' ' CO. , Council Bluffs. HOUSE RAISER . . . . Uriel ; tjulWiiK * of nnjklivl rnlso 1 or inored an 1 sati't.ictlon srimrAiitoa 1. Kr.imu liousoi oiil.lttli-Uliuit trucks lliu hi-sllu tlio world. SOS Eighth Avenue and Eolith Shvet , Council IMulK If you buy any where except at Metcalf Bros , They are selling their Clothing at Cost , and guarantee prices on hats , caps , underwear , hosiery , neckwear , silk hand kerchiefs , trunks , bags , etc , , etc , METCALF BEOS , , 344 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Northwestern Hotel , Newly littnl and furnlslicil. Opp. liioadway Dummy Ih'iwl. S1..V ) per duy. SAMUEL TATU , Prop. L. II. BKIISIIAW , Maiwfjcr. Chicago Lumber Co. Wholesale and ictiiil dumber , I.alli , "hlniilci , gusli , Doors and lllinds. Polu adonis for tlio eolubrated Jlarhlohead Cuneenlialed Wlillo l.lmu. S. 1' . MM'CONNIII.I. , Manager. Telephone N'o.S. . . No , ilfi Mam Htrui-t. Council liliills. KVEUVTIIIXK IllAi.\AltLK ; JX CROCKERY , CHINA , Queensware & G-lass At Homer's , No. WMiiliiStreot , Council jmulls , la. ESSEX HOUSE , CoiMit ! : HIIVANT A.M ) Vi.vnSrs. ConiU'll llliilU. Warm rooms and ( food board al leasonablo rain. _ _ _ JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW coxjisrciij BLiXJirifS. I'racllcns In Slut t nnd Kcili-rat Courts , is , 7 amis Sluijcait Ulouk. Jiuiui. MERGrEN HOTEL , .Main St. , Council JilulTs. .SVar tliu f' . , I ! , & Q. ; ' - . M. & St. J' . , and (3. , K. I. A P. railway iliipots. btruut c.irs pass the door. Kvi-rytlilntf now mid Hist das , . Pioprictor mid J. M. SMITH LEADING KO. 7 and 9 MAIN STREET , Council Bluffs , Iowa UNION TICKET OFFICE J. L. De BEYOISE , Agent. No. COT llroadwar , Council Hindu. Railway Time Table. COUM'H. lll.UI-Tft , The folloirini ? lii Hi" tlniu of nrilval nnil flrparluiool iruliih bjr ei > nlrul sliindiuil tlrne.iit lliu local ilopolu. ' 1'ralns leavu ininslrriliipot leu inlnntes earlier and urrlvu tea inlniileit later : AIIIIIVI : . ! l2.A. : M . . . .Mnil tinil llxpios n-Mr. M. K-Mtl' . M Arfominoilallon 45Hc. ; M. UifiA. : M. 9-21 A. u . .Mall mid i\pirxs : . fifiii : . u. 7ir ; , A. M . AL-uoiiiiiioitiitlun . 5:4.ri : iM. . li-l- : | ) . M . lUpi-i-s . UiUiA. M. L'llirAfiO. IIII.WArKlIK & ST. IMI1I. UZOA.M : . Mull mill Hipiu.-H . ilifiOiM. . UWI-.H ; ) . Kxpri-M . U05A.M. ; Cllll-AIIO. IIIIIII.IMilON A Utll.M.'Y. 'JiKlA.ii . Mnil mill llxpnss . if,0i- ) : . tlS-j : p. M . IJxprosn . i05 ; WAIIAhll.KT. I.IIIIIMfc I'ACIIIC. 2:15 : I' . M.l.oriil Sl.l.oui * KA-O.-K | ) | Local . JWI' : . M.'I'raiislci'.Sl. Louis li.'rnin lr.iIO : : ; I' . M KANSAS rrrv , KI.inu * COII.NCII , IH.UKFH IQilOA.M . ilml "ml I'.xpii-iis . rr.ui : ) > .M. I'iUbl1. ' M . Uxplt s . t > ; iJiA.H. ! KUlfX ITIV .1 I'ACIMU , TilfiA.M . . . .Hlimx 1'H.V Mull . H.Tilr. M. 00i-xi ; ; ; . . . Ht. I'niil I'UproHS . 8-JA.u : , UNION I-AtHHU. 10TiA. : ! ! M . Iliiiivi'f Kxpn-iiH JiMl * . M. Jli : : r , M. . . Lincoln | 'IIF.H , , < ) III. Ic K. V . . -a : > Iu. . 7Mr. : M . Ovi.-iluuil K..iui'ss . HiiriA.u. IIII.Mkir TIIAINH'IO OMAHA. I.ravc 1'ouiicil liluiis 7-.U5 asm1. uX-iniin : : ) : llio : : H. in. ; lM-2 : : : : -iiu-i ; : : : : i5w.1iw ! : lllo : ] ) . in. HiiniliiyN > 'J'l'l : IIMI : : it , in ; 2WiM : ! : ; r-X : > --tt.'M IIH.'i p. III. f.i'iiM ' ) Ulililhil -Urj-7ir-K.Vj : ; : : : l < JW : ( lluiO n. in : lmi : BsOO- iW-i-M 5 : OJ ; OjliTi IIIU : p. in. Hniiilnvi.-Um : :5'J : ' 11:0. : ) u. m , ; ! i ; ( > i | -jOI ; : - 5UUilOi11:10 : : : ji.iu Chicago Wafer iViolor Go. r.i ii\itnor.N : STUKICT. I'owcr riirnislioil from hyilinnt prrBture for di-lvliw all l.lmU ol Hirlil niurhliicry. .Specliil aitiiuloiiKhcn to cluiroli ( ircuit hlowlim. o run pilntliiLincibtfH , nu'tit rhmipeiM. Irm-iemu Irctvurn , piilli > liliiKlftili < is. n.\vlnwiiiiu'liiiioK , wtc. 'J'lio I ctt i-lii-unort iiiiilor iiHiilo. K'liil lur clr- ciiliir. In nsu In Council HlnllH liy Ilcu joli oilli-o. rncnA : , < cliin.iU.inrnl inurKut. I lili-iicuMt-ut Murktit. I/ti > i/-nilorlir'H Moiit Murkut. t < inllli Kurt/ \ Kli-i-l Srlllnw Ancut 18 Mnn M , < ounull IHuUB , Una Jili J 'inn tin M. . O.milui.