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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1886)
/ - If VO " OTCRESSIOXAl PROCEEDINGS * lX'olh Legislative Bodies Attemmd Af'r A the Holiday RCCCM , THE UTAH BILL IN THE SENATE. JMr. U'llcon , of Town , on the Itclntloni v ol tlio ( lOVCM-iiuicnt to ( lie Colon Paelllf Tlie HOIHO c Mnloly In I In : Cull of Slnlcs. I Scnnto. i WASHIXOTOV , , ) nn. ft. Pirphely .tt noon Ihe senate was called lo older by Scnatol Mieiiaan , the pie-ddeiit pro tem. who , iifter inayci and the icadlni ; of the journal , laid bcfoie the senate the rirdclitlals of .lohn W. D.uilcl , the iicwlj electnl I'tiltcil States PII- utoi liom Virginia , which was lead and laid "ii the table. Al'o , a communication fiom Oca. W. It , Franklin. pie hleih ot the na tional home for disabled \oliinlecr soldioM. notifying the senate of the diMth of Con. ( eoit'o II , Mcl'lellan , with tlio view of hav- hit ; the coinocitionl v.tcancj on the boaid ol tiustei's tilled ; the communication was 1C- lei led to tliec-iniinitteeon military alf.tiis. Mr. llarrlinti , fiom Ihe cnmmlttioon tori I- tnrles , teporled f.tvorablv a hill to lcirall/e the eh-cli'iliol the Ninth legislative iisseinbl } of Wvonilns. Foi this he asked illillli'd late cull vi | lei illion , Ml I'jlmiiiidssald he would not object If Its coiisideiatlon did not consume too much ( line , bid that he wa anxious to 1:1 1 up the t tali bill as soon as possible. The bill , as iciiorled by Mr. llaiiisoii , was then lead the third time and passed , A monk' the bills Intiodiieed and lefeired wcie the following : ily Mi . illalr-To clve the ihrht of trial by jm.v to clalniants lor pensions , whose upon- rallniis bue : been icjecteil by the .seciet.n ; . ot the iiiti-rlot on appeal tiom the deeislou ol tliecommisslonei of ) iensoii | ! < . Ale , to ino- \lileloi ( lie eiecliiin nl moiuimcnls to Abia- ham Lincoln and r. S. ( Irani. 11 } Mi ( 'iiHom-To lacllilate piomotioiis in Ihe ami ) bv'iclloviiin liom acllvo seivhe on thclrown application olllceis who seivcd in tne war ol the lehellion , lj ! Mr. Hale For the ictlieiueiil of ceilalu olllceis ol tlm navy. Itv Mr. .lajlUsriii To delino and reirulate the jiiiisdletion of Iheeouits ol the fulled Mates. 11 } Mr. Miller To inciea'C the pension for loss ol both aims 01 both l < * s , or the siuht of both eyo.s , or other Injiiiiesiesiiltliitr In total helplessness. A le-olnllon , offered by Mr. Mitchell of ( > re oii , wasameed to , dliectlnj ; the commit tee on tiaiispoitatton ionics to iixiiihe into tlio alleged Kiicvancc by discilminatlon and oveicliaiKo on Height , laics fiom the tar west , and also the subject ol the4 improve ment of the Columbia river iind tiio icmoval ol obstructions to nav liratlon. A ii'Sulnllon. otfered by .Mr. Fryevas imiecd tocalllncon thesecretaij ol stale to tiaiismit to tin-senate all eoiiesionlenceaiid | ) intoimation in hisdepaitmenl telatln < ' lo the extension ofccitaln n-lilni ; i kills and piivi- le es under the tie.ity \Vasldimloii. . A icsiibitloii , olleicd Ii } Mr. Hoar , was , at his iciiltest , lelened to the committee on lorelun lelations , diiectin the piesidenl to Like measures tin levisln aiid extendinioiir exliiiillllon lieatles so as to cover eases ol eiiibe//.lenieiit and other bleaches ol tins ) . In ollci'lnt ; his lesolntion , Mr. Hoar made special leleience lo the number ol delaiiltiir- bank ollicers who tiled to escape puni-liuii'lit b.v Ill 'ht to Camilla. .Mr. hliciiimn , taking the floor , olTeicd a concniienl lesohilliui iicceptini ; a maible Hlaiiic of e\-l'ieslileiit ( iailield , jireseided to coiiui ess b\- ' the stab1 ol Ohio , and now in position in' the Matnatv hall at the capitol. ( ioM'inor lloadloy's letter of iiicsentatlon . was at Mr. SheiiiiiuiN leonest lead by the I'leik. Mr. Slierman tlien delheied a hi let , caincsl and waiin ealos.v ol ex-l'iosideut ( iailield. and moved the adoption ol the icso- lullon olleied by him. The resolution was then atiieed to. Ir. ( ! niy travo notice that he would to mnr- io\v call up .Mi. Deck's silver resolution tor the iminose ol iiialiilit ; some lemaiks on it. Mr. Heck Inquired as lo the present p.tilia- inentaiy condition ut the lesolution icleried to. to.The The chi'irman ( fr. .Sherman ) leplleil that ( it was on the liible , and thai the pending mo tion was to icfer 11 to the committee on Unance. Air. Heck icferred to thecillleism made bv Utr. Monlll in his speech , and fiiiiiied | ! of 3lr. Monlll whether , on u careful ieadiiir ( of the speech , ho had not been nilstaUcn In hU iinder.standini : of Mr. Heck's i cinarks. air. Monlll replied that he tool ; ple.isuie in sayini ; that he had soniewhal misunderstood Mr. Heck's leleience to the piesidenl and see- ictary ot ( lie ticasiuy. Jlr. Heck disclaimed hav-hitf made any per sonal attack upon the piesidciit or scciclaiy ot tlie treasury , > > ic aiiliiic the f\ \ M't'ietary's ' loekbifj ii ] > the miiplus would , he said , have been quite as well ilhistiated , and pmliaiis mine aptlv so , If ho had said a cv- : elono had blown down the treasury building ( ami scatteied lliesiirilns. | and the people had ( ilcked tin tlie moiiej In the street ami put it in ciiciilatlon. That conclusion would bo nioiobeiiehcial to tlie people than keeping the inline } 'o ' ked up In the ticasurv , The chair laid beloio the senate the resolu tion heretofoie oll'ered by .Mr. Harrison , diicotiiij : an IiKiidry into Iho alleged praolice of the late pension ollicers in taking Into of account in the tciaiitini : ot pensions con- shleiittlons other than the nieiits ol appli- e.inls , Ily unanimous consent , upon Mi , liar- ilsmi's leijtiest , the ri"-olution v > cut over lor to-day. Air. A'an Wyel ; otreied a icsoliition whtrh was luiiocd to , diiectbiK theeominilteo on of eitiiciitlon anil labor to Inquire how many hears of labor per day was exacted ol tlio men and bojs In the employ of slieet cai and other corporations in the dlstilct ot Coliindiia , and lo report whether such num ber ol hours of labor weio unreasonable and for inconsistent with former acts ot congress , and If so , what leinedy was necessary In the piondsc.s. to air. Kilmtinils then called up the Utah bill lop.iited by him Iroin the committee on ju and diciary. air. Hoar moved to stilkc out HIP seventh the section , ] iiohibitlnj ; tlie itxeieise of suirnigo bv women in Utah. hi the discussion that followed , air , Ed tin munds said the law was Intended to lelievo tot the women ot IMnh of a condition ofMavery to which they were held bv their hciraichy , air. Hoar thoiiKht a. similar icmark would have been made by bomo people twenty years the uo with women profc.sain tlio Jioinan Cathollo laitli , and debates in tlio KiiKllsh of pailiameiit for the past fifty } ears showed Ihnt many KiiKllshmeii assei led that the po litical movements of the lilsli people weio duo to their Mihmt.sslon to the pilcsthdod. tlon The il ht to vote , oneo eonteried , wa.s as nnce much a vested iljlit as an } ilu'ht of ) irojicity. ail. Kdiminds lejilleil the position in I' tali was unique. Plural wives and person , under the inlliieiire of the hierarchy oi Utah , weio New under an Intlneneo eiiliicly dlflerent tiom Ihe thnt which could be assei ted of the men or lion women iirotohsliu ; the Roinaii Catholic , Ivpl-- lo copal , aielluullsl , 01 any Miiillaricliglon. Jl that came nearer to a state of t-crldoin. until air. Jllalr biippoited air. Hoar's inotlon , H the women who believe in aioimonlsin weie to budisliaiiehised , why not the men who ol believe It. eon air. Vest hoped tlio bill inluht ? o over ono clav , and it went over accmctingly. llio A iiiessni o was tecelved tiom the pto-ldriit of tiaiiMiilttiiif , ' thodi.ttt ot a bill lopiovldo lor the allotment ol lands In severally to the In ing dians. It wad lead and rofeiu'd. t.Mr.VilMin ui Iowa called up the lesolu- New lion heietofore ottered by him , C4llhnon the soc'iclaiy ot the luteilor for a copy ot each 10- lor poll inado by llio troveiniiienl dneclor.s ol the Union Paeliic luibimd , from the mst iippdlnl- ment ot siii'li directors to the picH'iit time. to air. U'ilson iy viewed at length Iho aetion ol1 thoKoveimuenl cliuvtors , ol whom ho bad himself been \tne , with a % 1ow ol hhowlUK ing that it' tlie government paid no attention to fora the information conveyed mid rccoiiiiiicnila- thins madoby tlm dbvi'tors. the lelations of the p > veiiiment to the ro.tds would lo-ihiv be u belter one. air. Wilson favored Ihu bill n- or JIDI ted tiom tlio judiciary committee ot the A senate of llm Fortieth cdnsiess , because b iy miller such a law , it enacted. Uiero would bu civil n possibility of Koveiument ownci > hiji of hiMil tlioentlio r.irllic. system , nut that ho hoped ieque thnt govern meat owneuldu would ever be any iieceosary , tor ho did not takit kiiully to ( lui uieasuies tak-lng lo oviriiuicnt : assuiiiiulon any nt a business that mi bt vrell be tinilcnakcn or by cltl/ciH , but with nrontlinrcney ot KOVCIII- to niont ovvnoinhlp roiilrontlnjr Ibcm , all the quest coniKiiik'3 liu'lti'lctl In the P.tcilic by t , torn would t > et lliciiiM-'lvci about duvlsin ? incsns touvold any | ! np < ! ndln < possession of tlioli Its loads by the overnmcnt. liulced , oveiy able iojj In the United States \rould take a lively Inlitictt In iire > riitln ! KOveiniiKMit ovvneishlii oMJir Jsrl no r e d . Vvr their u.'aiuvyeis well coiiii know that with tliospi-fxtds In tbohnnd < of the it'ivernmenl , thp vroblem of redtihtlntr Inter-statfcoinmrrce would IK TX'edlly and iHrfectljseveicd. . In WlUon . < oilnlon | wo had tlie case in our own hands , and should not consenthe , fur one. would not consent | i > r.v > icttlemcnt of the P.vilic lallKUtl riiestion | tb.ii < " ! ! ' uut.emliniee Ihe featiiru vf possible itHlciiiption \ > f f'"i ' gnverntiient of piesenl pfnamiinid lioiis an ( In1 J' 'ilic roads , so that the oveiniaeiit nilaht piotirt if-sclf atf.ihist defaults of the coinpunes. TJIOII conciiisinii i > f \Vilson'sieiiifr5c ! ! . . the judicial snlaiv bill was , on motion of Mr. oai. placed ln-foie the senate. Without liilthei action , however , the senate went Into executive es.inii and when the cloois ice o | > eneil , adjoin ned. Amoiic tlie hills introiliiced to d.iy weio tlie follow lln ; : Uj Mr. Morcan-To substitute silver dot l.trs in fait in jilnce of cold coin and ciirieiiey ill the MnerM le invcd lumMlicId in the 'tii.MMily. It ieitihes | the seciet.uv ol the ticitsiny to jilaee to the credit ol the leM'ived fund of M00.0"0ooi > in gold coin now lirld in ; he lien-tiiv for tin ; redeiiij'tlon of leifid tender I'nited Slates ni-tcs , not lo r < kC wl * .1iO.jiM. ( < "io in standaid slhri dolinis now In the treasurv or that shaii iiiniu ml , , the Irvasi'i. ' ) in excess n * tin' Hiiioiint ieiiiiieil | lor the U'lleinntlon ol silver ceitllie.iti's. htich sllvoi dyllals shall be MI aiilled | | to said if served ( nml from time to time until the MUM theienf shall boi.WiM.UM. mid nssiich silver dollais are o jilai-ed lii Ibis linn ] an equal MIDI ol L'ulil coin not lo exceed WMMOWM shall belth - diawn liiim said it'sciveil tinid and covcied Into the lle.istuv. It also icipiiies the secietaly of the tie.isiuj to place such stand.ud dollais to the credit of the seveial funds In the tit.v tortlie ledemption of notes ol national b.tliUs that have tailed or ale ill pioccss of liquidation , and the i per cent ledemption fund ol national banks in ihe extent of one- hall ol Mich oi siid ucvcral funds as tlieio shall be at any time held In thetieisiiiy. The secieliuv ol Hie treasury Is rciiilicil | liom lime ( o time to wlllidiaw liom such nl said funds and i over into the tieasiuv an amount of I'niled Mates tender notes or na tional hank note eipial to the amount of sll- \ei dollars so deposited by him to Ihe eiedit of such lund. 11 } air. Vaueo-To repeat the civil srniee icfoini net. H } Mr. Mandeison Providiii ! ; , that pil- vates and non-commissioned olliceis who have served thii ! } veais maybe placed upon Hioiellied list with ' < > per cent ol their pay at thetime of letlrement , and turther piovld- inirlliat peisons who have been hoiioiahly dlschai ed after thirty .vo.iis"jcivice shall be incluileil In Its provisions. H } air. Call Toil-tire jiuliresof olreuli or dlstilct com I M. It piovldc- that when any indue ol a dieiilt ordl-tliict lourt slndl have become disabled tlinwuh the cxcess\e | or habitual tisc > ol intoxieatils , or any other cause , he shall bo letired with an animal salary ol jr'.Oixi . n } ear , un less be shall theiealter be tiled and impeached. Ills disability Is to be deter mined li.v the jnd.ueol theelicnlt iidjacent to that in which the jndie to hi1 tiled has jails- diction. Tin.'attorney general Is autlioii/.ed to Institute luoceudlncs a iiinst such jmlies on complaint of senators or lepiesentalives. Hy .Mr. Ti'llei To piovido tor the com- pnlsoiy eilncatloii ot Indian children. It iiiilhon/.es the secietary ol' the intellor to take any Indian chlldien between theaieol sand lSears , who belouir ( o tribes icceivini ? anntillics tiom the United .States , and pliico them in vovcininciilschools lortlioeditiMtion ol Indians , to be kept theie for live yeais. This is not to apply , howevei , to tlie live civiliyed tribes nor to the O-aia1 Indians ol Indian teiiiloiy. 't'liesecielaiv isiiuthorbed to withhold liitions and annuities I nun i > a- icnts who lefnse to eompl } with these pro- Mslons. All such schools aie to be manual labor schools , and to Inclnite teaching ol ajrticnltiiii ! and stuck laislns to bovs , and hoiisevvoik . Uy .Mr. Jones , ol Aikansa1 ' 'ic.itini ; two adililional jiistiee.s ol the supieme eoml ot Dakol.i. Ily Mr. linralls To establish a national tinlveisity in thii District oL Columbia. Tlie .sum ot sr 1UWiU ( | ) ) is planted to the bonid ol icgonls In a luglsicicd eeititicule of the fluted .Mates , to be un assignable , mid healing . " > jier cent inleresf , to be juul quarterly. A- , much ol the interest as is needed tor sites , buildings , ete. may be so used. The tica < uicrnl tlie United Mates .shall he ' tuer ol llio univeisiij ; noeli.iii for iiistine- tion in scctailiin or IMIIIS.IO | ililies shall be maintained , and no set-Milan nor palllsali test shall bo allowed In selecting ofliceist or professors hails or ( acuities may bo endoweil by citt , bequest , etc. , but no amount less than siott- , uuu sliall be coiisldeied an endowment. .In struction sliall ho as neailj fiee as i- con sistent with the income ; no jiersoii shall be ( admitted for tegular study mid giaduatinn who lias not juevioiisly leeeived the device ot bachelor ol at la or a device ol equal value fiom some recosnl/ed Institu . tion ; stales niut ton itoiies.shall be entitled to scliolai.sliljis In a lallo ot one tor each iep- icsentative or delegate. > nU two lor each senator ; scholarsldjis shall .seeme lice I insti action for live jean ; the governor - nor ot each M-.ue shall nominatu candidate lor life si-liolar.ship , and each state and ten itory shall bo entitled to ono like sL-hoIarsldji ; tvvoelnsses of lellovvshlps ire lo be established , one open to eomiietl- Ion ol graduates best qualifying Ilicmscnos- , and the other open to leained men of all nations who have meiited di-tinction. lloum1. AVAsniM.itiv , .Ian. Ti. Mr. Millei of New . Voik made Ids iijipeaninee In the hmiso lids nioinini ; lor the Jn-t lime and took thu oalh ollice. Alter the reading of tlm joinnal tlie Hoar jiiesidentlal snecesslon bill and the senate le.solntion juoDosiiig ccrtuln Joint rules was lelened to apinopiliile eominlllees. Continiy lo general c.\jectation the POIII- nutteei weie not announced alter the reading the journal , and the speaker immediately jiioceeded to the call ol state.s for the Intio- ilurtinii ot bills and lesolntioiis , I'mler the call the lollovving were introdiieed and O. lelened. ' liy.Mr , FlndJcy of Mnrylnnd To iirovldo ] the const ! uetlon ol the Jeluvvaie and J. Maryland ship canal. Also , a jeioliitlon dlieetliiLT the committee onvayn and means iiKjuiie into thu cause ot tlie decline ot thu American cooiei.v'e | intcicst and ( ho tlmlicr shijijiing intciests eoninvteU theievvith. Itj Mr. McComas of.Miiiyhind To jnevent iidultei-.ilfon of food and drmrs. Also , to establish a jiostofllco aivlngh bank. Also , to a establish u postal telegi-njih system. A No , the ledeiinitfon of thu trade dollar. Also , the election of a monument over thu - ave of 1'i.iiu'ls Sc'Ott Key. lfy.Mr. l.alid of Nebiaska-Deekning for the feited the hinds crautcdto nillioads on which and ' rest ol'Htiiveylngand convoying Ims not been made. Also , to prevent thu acquisition lirojieity by aliens. AMJ ! , to inete.ise the elliuieney of tlio Infaiilrj bianeh of the aimy. Also , a lerolution railing on the eoniiiiis- sloner ot the general land ollice for Iiifoima- ol coiiceiiilng Ihe suspension ot the ly of patents to lands taken by settlets { piu.siiaiil to law. loss HyMr. Dovvdney of Now Voik For the election of a monument to ( Jen. ( iiaut In Voik city. It ajutiojirlnti's SJOO.OOO lor ot jmrpoic , to be e.\ieiided | under Ihe dlree ol the hccivlary of war by a commlssloii 1m appointed by the jnetldent jiiovided. none of thu money sliall be expended an additional sum of S'i',0,003 1ms , been inhc'd by juivute btibscrljitlons , and Ily Mr. I'lieljof .Sow Jersey A re-solution tfio legl&lntnit ! of Xuvv Jeisov , asking for a thins re , lonal Inquiry into tlio tituess ot Alaska for the purpose ol a penal roloin nml iiihi.Mblllu ot cstabllslini } ; theio a place conlincimmt lor long tei m eonv lets. Uy .Mr. l.alid A Joint resolullun aulluuU- tlie president to c-nll out two volunteer icgliiieiitsol cauilty Into the territories ot .Mcvxlco nml Arlxona to bo cnilsted and is ollicei.s tuna the clti/ens ol such territories thu Mijipicf-slon of hostilities therein ; from nlsoajoint ie olutlon iiistiuctiiig the com half missioner of the general fund olllco , keep . , jiuss to patent all pending aid hoineMeail and tiie-emjtfon claims against ' lira which u sjieeiiic ehargo ot fraud is not penillos oi uroveil , and also uilllncon Mich oflicrr the stntcmenl In detail t > \ the icason lor honing the order of AnjJl " - . Mitppiicllinr the It Issiinncaot patents ; also a bill to establish a ing soldiers ' homo \ehni5lca , Iowa , bosl Minnesota. est bill was introduced In the house to-day ties Mr. Cuti'beonof Michigan , to lefoiia tlm the tei vice. It makes It unliuvtul lor any tion ot lulcjiaituicnt or chlet of nbuieauto t , or solicit U'commeiiilatloiis from T senator or ivjuesenlativo in u rnul to ? i. , remuval orupuolntiiu'iit ot any oilicial in for ot t-enatoib the executive or ) . department . . _ . . . . * .it. . * . . * ploys now nominate , 01 lecoinmciiil.ortusoJIclt.orro rate the . . . . , . of - - - - - - apjiplntniput ! ( r v < any iMTbon to any dress position In ellluu- the cxeeutfvo or Jtiillchd ileiMitiiionts. It makes a violation ot miy of nov | irovi loiii B misdemeanor , and punish- by a liunol SlU'4)am ) | thuiomoval ot tha apiiotnieU ottleer. It jHovides for the Oaliih- acidity llbliiiiciit of a bureau ol'civll nniioliitaiditb , lo > i oHho citi ! suivlcc couimUsi-jii and the 1 officer * , examiners nn < l other enipbvcs lhorv I Of , mid of civil appointment boards In each i jnillclnry of the I'nited States to ewi isl of three - ineinbPi U'1i. whootiall iodide \vilhiii i drriilK vvhich boaids .shall be subnrdlnntr to the civil # eme < < commission and who e duties 1 shall be to examine mid irpoit in iceaid to nin matter rofoiieil to them b > theptesideiit orlds bends of dojMllmeiils , as to tlie resig- i nation , removal or appointment ot nnj executive or litdlclal olllrer. The recommendation mendation- these bn.tnls an- , however , loboadvlsoty. I < 1 The bill siH ) jnovldes that It ' s | , , , ! ! I"--tll" bitof tliocivil service commis sion to extend the coTrrp i"lvo. examinations til t nil ! appointments below the fiailr "f o classified civil service where the coiiijK'lisa' tioi exceeds ? .VX ) a > car. The 1 | iioshlonth\s withdrawn Ihe nomina tioi of .lohn (1. ( L o of I'lilladelpbla , to IK- of Iho lesralloii nt I'oiisutntluople. > Th is iloiicat Lee's . ' Dills 1 were iiilrodiiceil lor Ihe erection of , public buildings at Healiice and I No | U'lthiiiit roni'linliiic Ihe mil thf house ad- Jouinod. The niiinbcr of bill * Infroditoed to-day was AXOTiiHit iir.s run Violent Si ! > UNli up il" iv MacriiiKP The police are ailvised of a road house ] racket which is romantic in n rough wnj. Leonard Hillings , a nailer , recently working in the Oinaha mills , had pre jiii' red ' lo leave town yesterday , intending take us Ins weddetl wile u Twelfth street tal.O'l lu-iiin of whom ho had become eiiain- ored , The woman , after the peculiar fashion ol her kind , really liked Billings and was willing to marry him and abandon her unsatisfactory career. The nuptials vver arranged for yesteiday all thai : remained was to gel the license and have the splicing made. As happy as was the bride-expectant to change her life , Mio thought it would bo of no harmful COUMMIIICIICC if sn- | indulged in it little farewell spree. Thus deciding she ac cepted | the courtesy of a hack drive 10 the road house Monday afternoon with three of her male acquaintance * and once at the "wav side inn , " the quartette proceeded to liavo a iolliliealion in thebar room. Billings caught wind ol the situation within a few min utes ntter the departure and. borrowing n cutler fiom a friend , hastened out to tin road-house. He arrived on the scene while the festivities were nl their height and , boiling with indignation , sei/cd his allianced and proceeded to hustle her out This step was nis fatal mistake , for the three'gentlemen in her company has tened to her re-cue. They wrested her from his grasp , md thumped him severe- U , pounding nis features into a med ley ; of black and blue.Vhen lie escaped he put whip to his horse with such vigor thai the animal ran away , pitched him out , and smashed the sleigh to match-wood. Billings walked into town , IKiid his friend the damages , and yesterday left the city , renouncing his marital engagement and pledging him elf to the lite of a bachelor , lie told his sory to a policeman at the depot , but re- tfused lo give up the name ot Ids -wcct heart or reveal the identity of his assail , ants. C'XITl-Jl ) STATUS .limOUS. The I'ctil .liu-y Drawn Yomi'uluy for tin : l.looolii 'ret-in. The United Stales clerk iiiul marshal drovv the following petit jury yesterday for son ieo at the Lincoln term , under or der to report nt Lincoln on Tuesday , , ) an- nitry 111 : D. P. Nowoimiberof Mine Hill , J. M. Lee of Oxford , Alison U illianis of Pintle ; Center. J. It. Xichol of N illovvdale , KM- iah Tilh-y of liealrico , C. \ , . Harris of 'Dajlon , P. 11.Vulkor * olMVnverly. ( i. 11. Caslle of Ulne SprinfjV. . | | . | lock- ley of York , ( TCOISJO forneliiis of ( ! rind ; Island , I'harles Sanp ; of I'reniont , li. M. Taart of P.ilmyra , Frank U. Holt ot Iteatriee , JiieobVilliauisol Omaha , , } . ( ' . Saiitee of Niobr.tni , tlolm U .Seiniin : : ot North Platte. W. F. Cut-ley of Omaha , Walter M. Seeley of liennett , .John iiliuore of York , W. II. New- berr > - of Lincoln , 15. I ) Slaujjhler of Ktillerton , A. ( i Iveiulall of St. Paul. .1. K. Whitmoro of llmorultl , . } . 1 ! . Iteed of Lincoln , K , ( . ' . Tarnes of .Seward. ( ! . ' Cooley of ( Vdar Creek , P. M. Col van I of Harvard , G.C. Howard of Kearney , 1) . C' . 1 trow 11 of Ilistin : < rs K. 1) . Ston nton of Vails City , C. ,1. Martin of Haymond , Louis ( irebe of Omaha , ( Jeer e ICnreher . of Lincoln , ( ! corgi ) \V. \ Keed of Lincoln. A rainl jury vvtis drawn , but no sum ol mons will bo issued upon it , as District Attorney Lainbertson has not yet deter mined w hether he will have business for their consideration. It is probable , .jud ; - iiie ; from what lie said when here a few days since , that the grand jury will not be called. KMOIITS OI.1 PYTJIIAS. is 3ltrllo's ( 'raini Inslallal Ion leino- - rial lo the ltto I' . 3Iiifpliy. . j\brlle \ lodee No. ' . ' ' , Knijlits ; of 1'ytliiits- , held its grunil annual installation meeting lust night and invested authority for the ensuing ear upon the following ollicers : W. F. Manning , P. C. ; W. W. Wells , C up C.J ( Connors , V. C ; W. Haker , P. ; M. . Mmil.M.of i' . ; David Kiiufnmn , I\l. \ of . ; W , Simpson , Keeper of H. and. ; If. . Fueller , M. at A. ; \ \ m. Odell , I. G. ; J. iludson , O. ( i. Mr. 1C. II. Crovvoll. Iho retiring chan of cellor commander , was presented by the lodge with a handsome watdi-clmin badge of the order and uniform rani : , a > The tribute to his faithful services ami a mark of the esteem in vvhieh he is jier- ' -sonally held. Tin ) following rcsolulions of respeuf lo Into Kv-Mayor Alurphy were dratted Wl" imaniiuously adopted : be Whereas , It lias jile.iscd our Heavenly rather In his infinite whilom to call to our , Suineme i.oiigi'im nign , Hrother i Patiiek ' ' ' Minnhv. Thcieliiu' , bo U Itesolved , That while we mourn the loss one who was ondeaicd to us , we uu > nieel- land submissive to an all wise Piovuleiice lie- leving Jlo cloeth all things well , and that our lege isoiirbiothci's gain. liciolved , That the high abllitv , other jiiiijiose , gentle demeanor and simiilcdlgnity oin dece.ised biotiier , hns won Joi him the leL'uiil and allectlon ot all with vvliom bo tlio caniD In contact. iicMilved , That wo extend our sympaihj lo the widow and children ot our deceaH'd biothcr in thN time of atlliction , bo it further Kesolved , a copy of these jcsolu. bo sjncad upon our minute.- , , and a \ cojiyol samobe loivviiidcd to thu tiuiiilvot and deceased and jiublMied In 0111 dally jiajiers. near Kr.wi.v 11. Ciiovvi.u , , There Wiwr. \ \VKI.I.S \ , the Wii. r. , ago A Hili-uaiu In Cornel1otn scene Dan what most men deslro , but to keep lilling a gnivo in n cemetery lot oru your days are numbered , always it supply of Dr. Picrco's-iolden ( ; Medical Discovery" by you When llio siy.s symptoms ol consiunjitlon appear < no time in putting yourself under vvas treatment of thisinvaluablomeilieino. Klliol cures when nothing visa will. Possess his , as it cloos , ton time.s tlio virtue ot the Ilo coil liver oil , it is not only the cheap gaged but the pleasantest to tako. It puri rado. and enriches tlio blood , elrengtncn-s ing system , cures blotches , pimpled , erup and other humors , By druggista. The telegraph system of the Itritislt ing islands , unilor control of the poetolliee , amounts to 160,000 miles , and cm- 17XK ( ) instruments , The standard is twelve words for a bhpenco. ad Minted > included. Press messages alone night average 1,000,000 words u day. pany. Hliounmtisin is primarily caused by well of the blood. Hood's Sarsapa- rilln.purilies the blood , and thus cures fieiut. disease. ent , merit WILD TORRENTS OF WATER Conspire to Create a Freshet of Devas tating .Magnitude. A MIDWINTEft SHOWER BATH. \oHliu"Mrrii ' JViiimyhiinlii l-'nlrty riootletl by Heavy lalii ! , and .Melting Snow IVoni the Moun- talni Jiirat 7)nmnjc Done. Tlio 1'enii'jThTniii rir.s'J-i Wn.t i VMsToiu. I'.i. . , laii. " > . The river N Mil lisjns shin ly. lint II is believed Hint It . hiv comiiiciiicd fnllliisr nt the bend of the Tflc boom of Wet iV lieiiois and nilllun feel dl new lux * vveiitdovvu this morning. The watei Is now smniiind- lilt * the Philadelphia \ . Ife.iding railroad station in this clt.v , and the Hacks air coveied both above and below the > station. Xo tiaiiis have gone out on the Pine Creek or Intel * Clock roads lo-iliy. A tmlli oil the ICast I'hlkidcljihla ' iV Heading is detained below Hock crook , whei-e ( he hildiie * are impns-.iblc , A tiain wa sent down fiom heie lo transfer jiassi-n- CIM-S. and it has not been able to rctuiii. ( Iheeutlie teuitory I etvveen the canal and the tivei In this city Is submerged , and Idont | damace has been done. I'.i. , Inn. .V The rainstorm throughout this section ye-tenhiv and lasi night was the most sou-re lot a niimbei of veals. Xo less than I'velve rolllcilcM In Ihe M.ihuiilng vidlo.v atell , < ioiled and Ihiown Idle by the mills , and tialiiMin nil the rallio.ids have been dela > cd tiom two to eighteen IIOMIS. Then1 are time washouts tvlvveeii Delano and.\slikmd nn the Lchlgh rallio.ul. Some ol'llio Hooded colhciie- will iciuiirc .some time to iciiiovc the water so us to be able toH'sumc oper.d mis , II VMITOV. : Pa. , .Inn. "i. Last iilght'sialn stoim did a vast amoint of damage Ihiomjh- out this section ol the anthracite legion. Kive ( I the collleiies of A. P.ndee V Co. me completely tlrovv tied out , the Wiilci having entiled the mines Horn a large clock which liuut into an od ! bieast of Ihe Lama Hill winkings and ponied steadily thlollgh this ojicliiiiK fnm ; 1M o'clock hf-l night until t ) this cvonlnir. Tvu'lilj-three mules woio drownedand all the puai | > s aie .submerged. The Civslal I'ldge , Sugar Limt , bandj linn , Amlcmlcd , Jlnne.v- brook and Stockliiit Mopes ate also Hooded. The watir again broke into Ilaitelgh , V Kheivale'l mines , which were re- cenuv Heeded , mid nip situation is now much more seiions than hcfnc. All the pumps ate lost , and the water is rising inpiillv. UN impossible to sa ) vvhrt Ihe losses will oirgie- srnlo , but It must necevs.nilv Iwer > heavy. KAMOX , Pa. , .Jan. ! . This altei noon 'the Lehigh liver heie is sixteen leet high , ami tlie Dekivvaieeighteen. The lloois ol seveiid mills aie covered with w.iter , and woik has been snsjeiided. Tiains on the Lehigh Valley and I chilli Siisiittelianna railways aie delayeil by land slides and Wiishoots. Coal and lielght tiains on the hitter loads have been ab.mdoned. AI.I.I.MOW N , P.I. , . 'an. . ' ) . Thewalei-in the lain of yesteitlay. 1'o-day tlieeity is pnic- tically without diiiikiit ! water as the pump- ; at the waleiwoiks.weie Hooded and lendeied nseiesi. The ( i ) ssiian liirnitine laetory waseompelled to.slmtilown. At lielhleheiii the water is b.u'kinj ? into the boiler house at the lion works and putting out the lues. That eompaiiy was oMlged to shut down. The mill will be idle tor Mime time. \Vn.ii\MSPOKT. ' . ] . , . . . " > . All trains on the \yilhnmi \ > nit& Caiiand.ilgna division ol the N'orlhein Central load aie stopped owing to bridges being swept away by the Hood , and the track being washed out. Wir.Ki.HAIMH : , 1'J. , .Ian. fi. For the | > at tweiilv-fonr hoiirt a vrindand rain storm ol fiteal \ iolenee iirev.iiled in this section , doing much damage to' ' biiildings in thu ennntry di-tiifts. Tliis evening the SiMjnehaniiii is lai-ing lapldly , and at T o'elot'k Avas thii' teen teet above ihe low malic. I.IK u IKvrv , I'.i. , Jan. 5 , The lloo-l in thcSiisiitiehamia livcrii.iched its lieiRht heio lids evening , alK'i having submeiged three- loin Ihs ol the city. No lives have been lost , lint the damage has been great. News liom out ol town comes in slowly on account ol travel being iiiRTinpled , Kiom all accounts faimei.s along Iho river have lost heavily. . The Hood bus very nearly icu-hed the high water mail , ot is.i.- . I'oxnoi r , X. V. . .ran. . " . The rain fall this moiningwas the he.iviest known bete lor many jears. Tiiu snow on the Catskill 'iioiintafiis , togellier with the rain , caused a Hood in I'Vopiis creek , which lose mplilly , lin- prNoninga iiumbcrol families on the Hats near Kington , The imieiit was so stiong that tow in attempting to leach the liottM's were .swainped. One man , Owen .Madden , wasdi owned. The water was as high as the windows in the utoiie.s in anmnbci of dwellings. I'onr Dr.i'osir , Jon. 5. Heavy tains have ranged a rapid rise in thu tilisijnchanna liver , and thu water is now thieu leet above high water mark and gaining steadily. Laigo quantities ol logs and driltwnod have been going down all day , and icporls limn up the liver indicate ; ! general Hood , but the rush ol water will not reach this point beloie to morDin low morning. Con-iilerablu apiiiehen. o n I - . felt by tlu * I'ennsylvania i.illioad , and I i men aie on watch at all points : ( -Many liunher yards are siibmerfred nndei1 i of J sis leet nt water , and It is estimated that i be | ( over a million leet ol valuable lumber went to-day from about WIIIiamsji'iH , I'.i. WII.I.IAvisi'our , 1'a. , .Ian. fl. The liver heie , after le.ielilng Iliiily-loiir led and a hall , has began slowly falling. Itopoils Irom the stieam announce a moid fall at all points , In this city the witerlaeked : UP In Matkcl sijihue , and reached within a Jew leet ol Ihe comt house. The damage is very heavy , but no leasoiiablo ostlmitte can yet bo given , $ An Old Sinner Convlcteil. ( ) ( .nix : , i'lah , Jan. fi. Lorenzo Snow , one the twelve apostles ot the Jlormon church , was convicted twice to-day on sepaiate In dictments ehiir fng unlawful cohabitation. defense was that Snow had since the of the KdmundSacI lived e\cliisiv el v with one wife , the third and youngest. Judge * . 1'ovvei- , instructed the jury lids was unlawful said cohabitation ; that a man having a legal wile. living , and shown to be llvln ; : with another bo woman , vv as guilty under the law. Snow will the sentenced January HI. Proposed. to Loxno.v ' , Jan. .V The Loid Chancellor of lielaml will piep.ire a bill/or Incieasing the the endow meiit ot tlio Cathoile college In Jie- ami convening tlio Queen'n col ot ( ialway and Coik into Catholic Institution . Ho . * will an visit bill granting sectarian regulation of vlhiiT luimaiy schools. The government will also ntinduro a measure exiemlin ; ; the powers ot Ue J.inil jmrciiiiso ul'f ( - nilii Tblee l ) a 1 and' ' Another Dying , \ Lousviu.i : , Jan. 5. At u naitylu Clay tun crniuty last night , Dan and ( ieurgeOray , Sam east Hcrago and Dink Stivers engaged in 11 light. \Vhcn tlio battle qmTud Dan Gray , Stivers llerago vveio lying dead , and by was ( ioorgvi < ! niy moi tally woiiiulcd. had been a King t-taiidliigfeml bet ween 4i ve ( days and .Stivei1 * famll.Tliieevears BUI .Slivei.s and his brother waylaid and shot and ( iiii ) at almost tlip same sjiot that Is the andW of the pit'st'i t tr eily. fion ' ' on ol'Oinalia. Louis ( ircbo , baillirof llio district court , ant j ( . that Oscar Klliol , tlio man arrested in Kansas Ja t wool ; for forgery , ter , sixyixir.s ago , : \ rosidonl of Omaha. always bore a good reputation here , occupation being in tire U. P. fchojis. attorvvards wont out west and en in business in Georgetown , Cole elay . Since that time ho has been drift aroiuul in tlio west and bis Omaha A friends had lost all track of him , until ho night turned tip in Kansas in the role of a forger. Nothing Is known hero concern of liis accomplice in crime , 01111 nn. tlio T/io / I'f'dplcH Tli cut re. plain The "Two Orphans" was the piny pro- who nt the "Peoples Tlieatru" last by the rirniiu Jack comedy com . Tlio thrilling story of the play wits presented , each member of the com- very "eaten . a iiero was n good audlonco pres though not such u largo ono us the of the sliuty culls for. out. Tlio Delicacies ! Afnmlcil by tlio I.oon Miu-tet * Prices'sutet Viil-lctles. There are very few changes to note it the loon ! wirl * . either lit the prices or varieties of the edibles foi' s , : ! ; . ' . riMi. The nio't toothsome food a't present in this ' ' line are the wliite ll haml I roll t. sell tug tor IS cents a pound. l're. li coil fish is lo bo pureliiisetl for I. cents a ponml , while halibut steak * and eels arc worth 25 conls n pound. lounders are worm 13 } rent * a pound ! ; resi | mnekei-el lirmiri l.i eents 'Ctv ' isinelfs , though ] not plent.\ are selling lor ! " cents n pnuinl Striped bass are su .scarce us to he nti- ' | lloted. Salt codtish tongm-s ' . ' 11 for i ° . cents it jiotliul. Otors \ , of standard quality nml si/e , are . selling nt 10 eoiiN a qt. The selects bring , 00 cents a it. | Cans 'JO lo 10 eont . MI'.AT , I'OI I.TIM ANH U.VMK. riiere lune been no material eliauges in the line of meat" . ' The best cuts of sirloin sell for 15 cents rumps ami upper part of round steak at Koasting ribs , ijnn and juicy , can boiighi from 1(1 ( to 1'Jj eents Veal is cslivniol.v seatce and comes hig from I. to .M cents , neenrding to tlte cni otthepait. .Sweet bread * can be pur chased i at ' , ' . " > cents a pair. Torn beef is selling at from o to 10 cents , according to cuts. I'riine legof mutton can be had for I'.M cents ; mutton chops I' . ' ) to 1 * > cents Hum is worth I1.1 } cents in bulk , .M cents sliced. Pork , 10 to I''J cents. JSatisage , 10 to 1''J cents. Venison , rich and juicy , can be purchased for ; ' 0 cents The ten derloins of steers killed for Christmas will be line , and should be spoken for in advance. ' Chickens ( are worth lo cents a pound. turkejs and ducks id to 18 cents a pound. Prairie I eliiekeii.s are scarce at it , " ) cents apiece. ! ( Quails bring ! il ) cents apiece. Ducks ( mallard ) are scarcely in season. They can be purchased for ! ! . * i cents , large si/e. Uahbits , dressed , can be purchased for 10 cents each. ' ' VKUITVIII.IS. : ; Onions are selling nt iJ ! cents a peek. Is'ow ' " " " ' turnips are wortliSO eents a pock. Uulah'igas ! So cents. Cabbage H bring ing i'J to 15 cents a lioiid. Potatoes , bo 'iirieties , are worth 55 to ( M. Salt La jiotaioes sire selling for 85 cents a bushel. Sweet potatoes , are wortli ( ! 5 cents a peck. J Iliihbard and Marblohoail squashes .selC for 10 to ' , ' 5 cents apiece. Carrol- , are wortli ' . ' . "i cents a peek. Oyster . plant .sells 4 bunches foraquur- ter Parsley 1 is sold at Jl cents a hunch. Pitr.siiiis | at - ' . " > conls a peek. Vankee pumpkins are worth Irom 15 to ' , ' 5 cents each ; swcetjw ! pumpkins the t samo. Celery sells at .70 cents a dozen. Xew hot-hoiise leltuco and radishe.s GO cunts a doZOll. Florida oranges are worth 25 lo . ,0 ( Tilts n elive.ii , aeooieling to.sixe. ISamt- nas are worth from ! ! " > to 50 cents a do/- en. ( .Snipes of the Malaga variety sell for J10 cenls a pound , vvliilo Catnvybn grapes sell for § 1.25 a basket , large si/.e. liaisins can bo had for from 10 lo ) , " > cents a ponml , dried currants 10 to ir > cents : i pound. Camiied citron is wortli fill cent a jioninl. Figs are worth from 5 to ! ! 0 cents a pound , cooking ligs jit ) cents a jioiind. Cranberries are wiling tor from 10 to 15 cents n quart. Calitornia pears are worth 1.1 ecnt.s a pound. Apples , choice Michigan varieties , are worth : ! .t > 5 to ? : ! . . " ) ( ) a barrel , New York slates ! ? : J.OO a barrel. Missouri slock i wortli from § 3.50 to ) ? n.OI ) . Hickory nuts are worth 50 C"nts a jieok ; shell biirkb and ha/.el nuts are selling for 75 cents. nrrrnu ANI > icis. : ; Hntter , dairy , is bringing from t5 ! to ! " ci-nls : t jioiintl. 'J'ho best creamery < -aii be putcliiised at ; I5 cents a pound , Kggs .sell for the slaiiilard price ) of W5 centra do/en. Clil3\.V YOiriJ SIDKXVAMCS. Tlie To.xl of u Very Pertinent , Ordi nance. For the benelit of properly owners whose sidewalks sire yet covered with snow , the following oil } ordinance is re printed : "It .shall bo unlawful for any occupant any lot or llie owners' ot any lols in tins citv to .Duller snow , ice or mud fo ac cumulate on the sidewalk contiguous therelo. or lo remain thereon , but such sidewalk sliall bo cleared within one hour after the cessation of any storm or fall of snow , unions such storm or fall of snow shall take Dlace in the night time , in which case Iho sidewalk , sliall be cleansed by ! ) a. m. the following day. In the biiMiii"-s , portion f tlie city Mich snow , ice or inncl shall i' removed ' into the traveled portion of the street , and so spread around as to not interfere with the jiublie travel , am ! no portion thoieof shall bo allowed to re main within eight feet of tlio sidewalk. Any person who shall fail or refuse to comply with the above provisions shall 'bo deemed guilty of a mis by demeanor , and on conviction thereof shall be lined in any sum not exceeding 20. If any sidewalk in front of any vacant lot or premises lie not cleaned as above directed the slreel commissioner , when direcfed s to do by the mayor or council.sliall clean such sidewalk ami rojiort tlie e-xjiciiso thereof to the city council , and tliu council shall thereupon levy n hjicoial tax on such vacant lot or lire'miscs siillicient to talk tliu t of [ pay exjionso , . i. -i ii. , I. . . , , sidewalk cleaning such , and shall cause \ tii.x to bo collected as nearly its may ot as is provided in section 11 and 15 of ordinance. " It does not full within the ) province ) of the street commissioner clean tlio lliorotighfaros of the city unless ho is sjiecially orelereci to elo M > by mayor or city council. the HrcvitlcH. Lieut. Loyilcnleit for llie onspypslcrday Col. Lorin .Miller lett yosteruay on n to Detroit. The Ladio.s' Musical .society meets \ clinch-clay afternoon , .Liiiiiuo ' ! : oi 'has , Llo d , .siijjoniitondunt of the om tt nibus line , is homo from tlm cast. Will \ Hamilton and John Patrick re turned . } osterday to their colleges in the > f . ) f east.The Cooper moiitione'd as one of Iho ' litigant.- llio gram option casu is nol . Trunk D. Coojier. Iti'ligious services will bo hold every veiling this week in Iho Third Congre gational : church , corner of .Nineteenth Sjiriii'c. Mnj. Vroom , of ( ho Third cavalry Ma- tioncil at Fort Dayin , To.xas , is in the city , a lenvo of absence ) . Ho mack' a pleas call iit army liuacJcnarter | .senloreluy. Iloiiry Itu-tin Kifl tor tlio oi Miss Ciirrio Atkins and Miss. House , af upending llm holidays at homo , loft yeste-relay tor Knoxvillu to resume their slndies. The 1 $ . AM. engine Xo. ( Mi which was thrown oU'lho track in the yards Thur.s- morning vyjis run on at U o'clock yustenlay morning. party of joimg peojdo mot .Sunday at tlio reMdciico ot M. llollimin , St. Mary's avcniio , in honor of the birthday his daughter , Miss lHaticho. Somooflbo ioung ladies working in clown town dry goods Mom- com of a certain lawyer in tins city has been trying Ida povvur.s as n masher em Ihcin. Ac-vending to their btnU'inent be j veO fre.iiienly | ! foiinij standing on llio corner of .Sixti-oiith and Chicage ) . anet when lhe'.v pis , 1 lie U polite and nrnke-s every cllort to on , " feomotiimvs .succo sfully ami sometlmos not. Perhaps the diciplo of Ulaek-stone lint ! bettor "look ifecdlo " WATER , GAS AND VIADUCTS Reports on All Thsso Subjects Received by the City Council Last Evening. V sViijfs. tlio City Attoiney Thinks- About ftu'I'vvo rorinor The- lnin : ire 41'Yliulni't * Oilier lliisito | m , Tlie regular mecling of the c-ify council was held last evi'iiiiig after an aeliourn ment of two weeks. Pri'sidenl Itochel oceiiiied | the ehilr : , anil pivseist Members Hc'hni , Hal ley. Ford , 1-nriiy , ( toodman , ( loodrielt , Lee. Ln'dor , Scliroeder ami Tlii-iine , The1 president reported that be IvA nvuniii" * ! the journal of the InM meeting am ! ? W" ' tliu same correct Tin-regular business of the incc ! ri "t s then taken up. rirrtTtoNs AND c-oMvtrxte-\rto\s1 From the mayor , approving e'crlnin oiilinanecs parsed itt the last meeting , in eluding the one providing for the inspec tion oi steam boilers. 1mi From 1 the auditor , suluniltliig his state ment for the month ending December ill. its follows. tieiiei.tlfunil r..rxt : 01 Water lent ' ' W .litdUinont lund tt ) LiPo I Unary innd B.OM : : ; Police fund IT.iMI Oi l''lie tiuid li.taVi'J-t ( 'tub and atteiim ; fund lsiie | ) iv.1 1'iiylin ; bond lund 1fii : ' ! From the auditor , reporting thai be bad examined the books of the board of education stud found the smie ; eoiroet. From llie gas inspector , reporting thnt his tests of tlie gas for the past month showed an improvement of lour candle I'o ' wer over the month before. The light iswi. more imlforn than licrctotorc , ami we-re it free from -moke am ! lamp black it would * be considered a lair quality of gas. HefoiTcd. \ From the city marshal , reporting tin * number of saloons at I 111 and druggists at : io. ! ; Krom ' the oily physician , reporting Hie deaths for ihe mouth of December at ! W and births nt ! . Krom 1 the city attorney , submitting the result of bis investigations into the power of tlie city to protect itself against exor " bitant or" unreasonable charges on the purl ! ! > of the gas company. He recommend ed the passage of an ordinance living the price of gas per 1,000 feet , as tlie charter granted . such right. Referred. Kroni tlie cit.v attorney , recommending that : the oily hydrants be tested by tlie chief ' ' engineer lo see if the water worl.s company is living up to its contract , lie- terred. Krom the city attorney , recommending tin soUloinoiil of suits against ihe cityjiy tin executors of the Mouoll estate at $ ! l"il ( and , ( i. AI. Hitchcock at 5-1,500. Adopted. The ' appraisers appointed to assess the damages by the construction of viaducl- of'lentil and Klovonth streets reported that : the damages on Tenth street would amount : to iJ'J' , ' , ' , ' : ' , " ! , and on Kloventh street to ! ? ' .V:00. : Uelerred 1'rom tax pa.vers , a-kiug for a lire alarm box at Seventh and Douglas stiects. Referred. Krom 1 Jla\ Meyer , president of the board ; of trade. noiif.Miig the council that possession ) of the board's lot is desired at once in order to prepare lo eicct the new building Referred lo tlie committee on fin and water works , with power to act. From J residents on Ilanie.y streel , re questing thai the street be made a uni form width of .sixty-six , feet in Met'or- mick's addition anu that the street bo nol widened to 100 feet. Referred. Also from residents of the tame ( street object ing lo narrowing llio street lo sixlsix foe1 . Referred. ll.-OI.fTIO.VS. ! 15y D.dley Thai the city attorney be requested to prepare an crdiiiance chang . ing the boundary lines between the Konrth and Sixth wards , the line to be continued north from C'hieago to the center ol California and thence west lo Ihe boundary ol the city. Reterred. I5y Thrane To purchase the incandes cent lijrht now in u = e in the council cham ber. Adopted. Iy ! -Authori/ing the pavnienl of ilKto ( ) K. I ) . Meadimbor for tliu patrol wagon. Adopted. U.v Si breeder That the street commis sioner be instructed to at once make the street crossings passable by cloaringlhcm from snow. The ivsohition crciiled consider able discussion , it being asserted ! that the street car company vvasto blame for the condition of Iho oros-ings The resolution was then referred lo the board of public works anil the street commis sioner with power to act. Iv ! liehinThat the keeper of tl.e city nark have permission to cut such trees sis have been marked by the former com mittee of public properly and improve ment , Mich woik to lie ( lone at hi own OMionsn. Referred. My Kiiray Thai Ihe city attorney be in-traded to inquire into : ind ivp il lo this council what , if an , ) , additional legis lation is necessary to protect the city irom having the cicis.- , \vall\s blot-lent up the drags of the street railway in clearing their tracks from snow during anil following snow storms. Adopted. iiKi'i in > or Finanil Water Work Kcporling the iiiMiraiif o of I'ligine bouse o. n and the now I'ligiiu1 liousuon Ciiming and haiin- cic'i'B street. Adopted. Same Hecoinmciiding that the lire alarm wires should , by ordinance , be jive'ii the privilege > f occMijiying Ihe nri- \itti'telegrih ; | and telcjihone poles free clnir/ / , and thnt lln < chief engineer shoitht Le empowered to ivgiilate the erection and placing of electric light anil thor wirc-s whenever danger ol lo s or laimige to projiorly is likely to oeenr through improper coir.ruction ( or insu lation ; UHI ] linding thai tint chiiiingc to H lire- alarm apparatus was caused by lilacing telegraph wires on fiiime jtolcs in dangerous proximity to cleotrio liglil wires. Adojlcd aim rc'ii'rred lo the city . ittonic'.v. " SiieciiilKccommcnding thnt , lennio \lolCoon by allowed jiidgmenl for iftvOJ claimiges lo properly by the widening Lcavomvoilli street. Adopted. OIIDI.S'ANC l > . MaKingaro | ) ] | > nitloii : tor the jiaymcnl liabilities incurred during the month December , amounting to ? : J7Mi ! ; . ! > ii. ' . < \ Kslablisliing llie grmlo ot Nineleeiitli uiiiiii street from Haniey stn-et to St. Mary's ivclille. li'-lerre-il. 206 the grade of F.ightcenlh icot Irom Hariuii streel to hi. Mark's At voniio lliifericd. I'liion Adjourned. mn ITMIIII ll l > oliil U \Utlioul 'Ilih flu ocnsllile Jl vtuut your lor WOST PERFEGT nif rrvi'nrr-l lth special re.AT ft to tto miuouU , li me or Alum Jjool PRICE BAKINO I'OWOEH CO. . MfS r IIKK IIIICACO. T.LOUIB tl , M. Saiidard MiSllcHITO'j ! for VoiuiS \ Middle Ago ! M H.vnly 31 by trail. KHOW THYSELF , A GREAT MEDICAL WORK ON MANHOOD it- ' VCfotn snil r11" lrniitiiro PoilinpiH Mftn , ri- ; tirVniiih n t'u iiuniil nil rfir < ifiiltinefnmi inii , ictttn nJ et PO C A hmik . . torrjorr nmn. yoiina , mi.lillo-iirivf mid nM , ltniiitnln IUfc | prlilliiii | < for nil unite nml i htoriirill i > M < r , i > ni liumMil n\il. \ li n liirnlmiiln S. fontul hy thn AtilltnrMluo otniHIonoo I , if /I tmr N tiirli n pnitiftMr notpr tipfur , . foil lolho | i > l of nnr rlivlolniv fl n > a o tninn , ! In luMMtifiu Hpn i , nuii lln fmlm p < t rnor . t ll clll , eiinrniilfPit 10 hon ni > rl , in PM rr i < i c moi linii'i t. lllrMtr .111,1 prifp Himf * . Unnul Ilinn nnr ollinr wi rl > In tlm inuntrr ( orf'.M nMhi ni < inrt < \llll < nn > rnni1 in i very mtinni-p. l'M-3 M'lr } | , hjr | Him po | | nll , IlliiMtatiMlitW'l > . M' M-nilnnw. lloMinnlnl < iirnri1cil HIP ( inllmr | tit ihV Ni < tlnnnlMcillril V m'lnlion lulliconiipMot * IhK'MMpcoof t.lfe MimiM l-crovl lr the . r. 111119 r p fn ; ry" ; < > i > iiii'ii. ' > tlionniicu-ii turn-liuf n niniien * . M-tll.-l/imli'ii l r- " ' ! , Tiipf i iitincitiiitrof not-let r tn i ini ' , - ( Itliwin tint hi'iiscfnl , wliollipr jontli , | , itiAAi'lcnc iit-iii , * tltnn. InMrin tiTer rlrrffvnnn Aiu'iiiiiiut umts AililirMilit" I'oilioilr Mi' inMltuin , nrl > r VV. 11. rurkor. No 4 tri'i'l , Ili"lnn VI n . who m r I'P roiifiiltPil nnill ill p.i rMrqulrlng skill nml > | icn > t'llce ' , riii-olue iitnl olisllniiiu illM'.Ke" Hull liiivn Iwllleil tliesUllor nllollii\i | ) - i'1ttti . iv M't-C'lHlly. S U uli lirnu-l f\lce * tllllyillliiiut Mil Ill-tnlH- ; ' cffiillnit' . .Mention this l > iiuer. Cawing Kanfmann Bros. ' Cigar Stores , Faniiim and Douglas Streets , Tilt1 impitlnr nml rrllnlilieluintiltit of luiur limimlltlicri.U'KlMiiilli tTilli ntH'i'1. will hdlil Ilii'li''H' iiiimllil ) ili HIliulldll ol tul/e . , liui- lliu.v iV i , tvil , nl \\l\Kli \ lime tlie lullovi Inif p.M/cswIII lie iiv en ti < eitsionii r < liolilni | ! lii'knls Oncllnia VViilili.nM ) Slhet- \VMi'lii' . ii liolil lle.nle.l I line , Mlveiu in c , I'lmir- l.ick-i. . OIUM n tJlii'-'es - , Kevohvi ! * , etc. . ckluiioiiiitinjr In nil . toM-.i. How TMu'ls 3lii.le . ! Secured. laich eiKldinc'r itpti < llrl oiu > ei jrooil lor 11 clnoice nlih ev < > i- ) ± * > ci-iit ! , MOI th ol ironils pur cliiiseil. 'I'lii'-e vooils unnss | | ol al Hriulci inn ) liratiils n ! < ! , U' * . sinoKIn" : ml olien liur tolmrcu. L-liriiiolles | iiesini | | < 1 xni- KOIittllelus | . Miiiilv ) | iMAir. OnUEIia me s < ilidu-tl. unit "III ii' ecive jiroiupt ntlciilloii. 'I'lnilnnvlnp nllltnKe ) iil.-e | 111 thu iMCsiMice ol Ik-Ucl liolile s. anil [ > triiiiuiireeil to lie u tnlnlKti Ilillllon. Our ( 'iiiul. HHMilMlileliis" in lies lower Iliiitt the low KAUFMANN BROS. , Omnlm Nob. Meiillnii Didli Ili-e. KAl'-\MAN ! lll'.OS. ' l > li/.KS. : siiK of i'lielc l > i-avv ing on Dei-rni- Dee : Ust. ( iold watch. I'm-laimcd. wSDJ Silver watch , A. Frost , Utb nn I AVebster. -S7S1I ) Silver waleli , ( " ! . lleyn , loth mid Douglas. S-VJii'.l ' ( Jeild ' - headoano. L'ni-laimed. 8lil ; ; : ! Silver pitcher. I'lit'laimcd. WI''lMi Opera glasses. ( Jus. IJatiiiimi ! , , 1010 Farnam. Sill I < old lii'nil citne. rnclainicd S.V.MT . ( iold lii'tid cam ' , C. K. Iliad. HUh and Farnam. Slllfi Flench clock. I'nclaimed tfai.'li Opera glass , N. P. 1V | | , Omaha SS710 Meerschaum jiine. I'lick-iimi-d. ssiil ; ) nrcssiiiirHit. 1'lieliiimed. NSSll ! ! Castor , .1. It. Cibbs , f'oj : lluvv.ird 8riil ; Allniiii. I'liclainit'd. Srill ! Mi'd-sclianin ' ) pipe. I'ni'liiimi'd .s7.Cuke : ! di-li , W. Morri * , K. P h.ds bsli'J. ' ) Fruit dish , S. Ivalin , wilii llelfmaii \ - < 'o. Ml. " ) ? Castor rnclaimeil. SVjiil ( 'igar holder rnclaimeil 8WJ ( Cigar holder , T. 1L ifrclKWs Far 11:1111. : titW'J5 Nickel watch , A. C.ollin" ! , l-llh anil Farnam. ' Slllt Cignrelle Holder. Unclaimed -1 blllS ? Cigarette Holder , F. T. Kudiger , Kil.1 ) ! Dodge sti-ei-t. SOO ll .10 Imported Cigars , ( ' , . Karl , lltli and Douglas. S70I1 nil Key \\'est \ Oigaiv. rnclaimod yiJUli ! DO Domcatic Cigars , T 1'lackmoie Omaha National bank. ( Sl."ill ! ! . " ( ) Dome-tic CigiirMcMiehael ) , Idaho ami Cnniing str < ' ( ils. S81I ! ) . "jo Domestic ' Cigars , l.'ncl.-iiiin d yfiOOli .10 Domesiic Cigaiv , Mr. Aiidors'in llllh and lyaul , I reel. bDOIS . "ill DomesiuCigai.s , M. Samson , 181 li and \\'cb \ ier si reel. Partio- holding nn.v ot the above nn . claimed tickets will please send them by mail or present them in peivon ami fief tlicJr iirixcs. KAUFMAN 15JIOS . ESTABLISHED 1803. . " CHASDLER BROWN CO 0 BAIN AW1) PROVISION mmission ierchants OITK K9t ) Jliiunlcil ' Tmile , C'l nial" < i > tii e'Vniiiiic'ive , ! ' C'liloa o. IMilvviiiilifi * . | C. MILLER , Wtsle.n . Business Eoliritor , t- ( . Ijoeiiil Iliislncns Kollcdlor , litOI , ' , - Ins St. , Omaha , \cl > . lUi ( ARK YOU A DEALER IN SEWIKG MACHfflES ? a. _ \nililoon trim in litmdl tin Ijt'Bl Sf-nlnst nni- ' Hue iiiiino ) em i > ti > . - u so. ( , oinl lot par. tlciilni'S , f rnix | inct-3 , Ail'lit a , , North I6lh Street , Omaha , Bebrasku , tlieViirlr \ ( : | | | ) . New CiileniH , tint I I'liionnriii - iinu'liimniHiiuiniloii | ni j'reini * k iiini ( iolil Xciliil KVUI nil ciiiiiit'iiini. | | on ilut \ ! t-liiliu ol hiln | rlujitv UK u linnlly M-iviu- : : f Mui-lilno. ! > oiijtnal | < i lii\etii on am ] IIO.-MI'.IIH Relllnif j ] mi ulncli ymi IIUM no uoiai'MiliKii. Is tlio Only Macliiiio tliat lias llever e Teed - , If ( lieOiicniloi' lo SYiv IJ.ick- Is or I''oi' ' 'ardH. 1 | cliiinyoiif or ttOiiJn | | < r llie laticniiii' , piihil nloae JIII.IVIIMM lln v.ilnc liiin - > to ] ) iverMdlimi ) inncjifiiua In the C.M-S-I ! uvtry ij'i cuiitotncr , 1 JIM | iio > ri-cs < 'lv. ilnioi nail r lo Iniiiilki u niiuliiau i ai uiii ituruisu > liiiilo ami iilym jum cu iotin < i , Miitct JO imitii uliii-i to ' Union Man'fg ' : Co. , p 206U6lliSlIOiiialjaHet ! ) ) ) , * vittek i viiim y n ft > i ? in m vT * ' > ' .tUluo' > 1"M'1 ' * iVldHflOOQiiSlSlS , Ac luilnif trimllii csliibxrir knoVuronivJr | /ftlulI | * l/cuuwilililioHlJPfr.a | in HIM IHIOU ; nunurcfM An'tri" * " UlCtVUy , UOlMtl4iLU ktrct'tf jJQiV ' Jj 1 < ' | j | ' * ( ' < 4 1 , f { ( } f , p J" , ' 4. P Jl " * ! M ! ; , f1 * MM MM ii . IM .M ! f" ion | c Ivo. M. " fv Jl. ' > a. . day ; Ion- . i M.O'J ' lor.