Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 06, 1886, Page 4, Image 4

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    . * A Jo.
OMUIA ortiir. , No , mt ANII 9io r.utjfw 8r
NBW VIJIIK OH'if.-i : , HOOM G.tTiunit MviMil vo
PtililMifil ovf ry mot nlnv , rxr 'pl Sitmlnjr. Th
only Moii'lnj mottling jmior | pnljll.slicd in tlio
Ullto ,
. nv
MIIP Venr ( launTlircn Months tr.V )
ft * Months. . . . .VX ) Ono Mouth . 1.0)
Tin vyiKfivlii : : , IhibiwTfd Kvnry WeUiics'lsjr.
, I'OSTI'AltJl
f ) IIP Vf-nr. with picinhnn . $2.00
.IMC Vcur. without iiteinlnni . i'Xi
Mt Mmitln. ulllioin vit-mlum . 75
One Month , on trliil ' "
AH roinmtililrallnn * rrlntlns to new * nml oJI-
tornil imilli'i MimiM Ix ; iulJri".s il to ( ho Kill-
1011 < K TIIL. Hl.K.
iirsisrss i.KTrr.its :
All hiitlnlrui'i4im < l retnlttiiiuf * fhoiild IIP
ntlilres .i'it I" Tun HIP J'i'iili C'OMIMNV.
OM .II . . Dniltf. . i-Jieofci nml t o tollli > aiilcrs
lobo niMili' ) > iinblutu the oiilcr of the company.
) ! . ItOSr.WATi : . U
F "v\M street Is in a blockaded condi-
tiou and should be cli , .rH mtned.iatcly.
I'r/rr.i ! 11. SVVKI.NT.V lias * returned let
New York. Tin1 proposition to elect him
chief of Tammany is eminently proper.
Tin : ill wind of Sunday nnd Monday
lias been tin1 menus of blowing many : i
KUOI ! dollar into the hands of Ihu shovel
Tin. civil sen ice whale refuses to swal
low Collector ilonus , of New Orleans.
Hi1 is to IIB investigated for ignoring the
civil service law.
SMAI.M'O.V has made its appearance in
Chicago. This will put tt damper on the
hydrophobia boom which wa.s about to
break out in that city.
IK any county in Nebraska has boon
omitted by name in the various railroad
articles of incorporation recently liled
let it speak ri ht out J The intention of
the manager- * was to take in the whole
Kx I'IIKSIPKXT ( ! ox/ , of Mexico ,
has been permilted by liato "go
abroad. " Like the man who wa.s ordered
to leave by the vigilantes , ho will not hes
itate upon the order of his going , but go
: il oni-c , if his mule doesn't balk.
TitniTY-riVK journalists have been
elected to the new house of commons and
lilli'ciinewspaper men have seats in con
gress. We arc. slowly gutting there ,
brethren. Kvcn President Cleveland's
anathemas cannot hold us back.
Di : i\ln.iiit : at last admits that ho is
not n success as an ollicc-brukcr , and he
accordingly retires from the bu.siness.
His " .swear-oil" is made in black anil
white , and signed with his name. There
is no going back on'that document.
Is spite of the cold winter ami the dis
traction among the democratic leaders , a
new democratic weekly is started in this
state about ( .very other day. They all
conm to till si long felt want and have
conic to stay as long as post olliccs and
land olliccs will hold out.
'I'm ; firant monument fund ended the
year with a total of $ li,000 ; ) in sub-crip-
tions. As the average increase is some
thing over live dollars a day the unil of
the subscription list.of u million dollars
will probably not bo reached by the end
of the present year.
DIE. MII.I.KI : has issued another mani
festo , -It ia in sub-tance : "No olliec-
seekers need apply. " Judging Iroin the
fruitless cll'orls of the Kind-hearted doctor
to give each of his friends an olliec , it
would seem that thu manifesto is a su-
Tin : Chicago Times now puts heads
on its heavy editorials. This i.s Ameri
can , whilst the headless editorial is Kng-
lish you know. The readers of the Times
will no doubt appreciate the resumption
of the American style , as they will not
be obliged to wade through a column edi
torial to lind out what it is nil about.
IUIKICI : AX claims that the
newspaper reporters invented all those
Morics against .Marshal Cuminings. Now
let the marshal summon the reporters as
witnesses in that investigation nnd , if wo
are not mistaken , they will show that
truth crushed to earth , by Mr. Sullivan ,
will rise again , and put lUr. Sullivan in a
very inconvenient tiiul contiadictory at
DI.PITV United Status marshals are
bringing crowds of prisoner * into Santa
I'o , Now Jlo.xico , charged with commit
ting hind frauds. If there is 11113'
section of thu country whom hind-grab
bers have had full sway nnd where hind
frauds have been carried on in a whole
sale manner it is New Mexico , and it Is
from just such section * that come the houls against Commissioner
Sparks. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ir is now certain that the Chicago ,
Rook Mnnd & I'aellio nil road will ( ako
a hand in thn race towards the i'aellio.
Tlio company for extending its lines
by way of Kansas west has been organ-
i/ed and thu announcement Is made that
400 miles of the new trunk line will bu
built. This moans competition for both
the I'nion Pacific nml the liurlington in
its Denver business and now railroad
facilities for southern Nebraska.
Tin- ; now board of tnulu has done well
in re-electing almost without exception
the old board of directors. Now lot thu
ecrctaryship bo placed ona.solid footing
Hvvith a good salary , so that tlio Unto nml
services of an experienced business man
can bo secured. A live , active , wide-
nwako secretary would pay his way ten
times over In the value ho would return
to the members of the board individually
nnd collectively through advertising
properly our city.
Tin : Dolphin has made hur long sea
voyage to the Uerinudas and return. Shu
was iu search of a storm under orders ,
and she found it. Tim result was the
vessel behaved beautifully in a furious
gale , but thu entire complement of naval
oflloers madn desperately tea sick ,
Now that the Dolphin lias been -o thor
oughly inspected and overhauled wo
stiggefct that.our naval representatives
bo Mibjectcd to an examination to ills-
cover their seaworthiness. The rolling
deck of a vessel In a storm is very diner-
cut front the motion of a Washington
ball room Hour ,
l.nllroml IIititilliiK of tlie Ycnr.
The ehcck vvhicli r.iilroad extension re-
ee'iMd In 1 < < SI wu-i repented In the jcar
ju-t p.t-'ed which touched in inileng .1
lower ligurc llian for ny period since
1"7S. According lo the stati-lics of tlie
Jt'tiliray Af/r , the leading tinthority on
Hie subject , the total length of main line ,
not including * ccoml truck , sidings or
renewals , was : ! , ! ! ! ! or 700 miles less than
the new mileage of 1S4I The wet and
south led in new extensions. Miir'ouri
hi-ads the list wilh ! > < 0 miles followed by
Kun-as with'J7(5 ( ; 1'lorida , Ml ; Nebraska ,
21 ii Tc.xas , 311 ; JVnnsylvania , 175 ;
( icorsriu , lol ; Mii'l'l-rnn ' " , UII ; Wi-con in ,
1211 ; California , 137 ; Dafcolu , H < * . Wash
ington territory , 113 ; South Carolina , 10 < .
The remaining-lutes show less than 1UO
miles each , llr-gamlng the more im
portant work of tlio year the
article speaks us follows : "The
longest extension has been thai fo
the I'Vemont , Klkhorn A : Missouri Valley
line of the Chicago .vi Northwestern sys
tem from Valentino , Neb. , west and north
Ittl miles to lliilValo Gap , U. T. , whence it
\Tii ! ! ; ; pushed in the .spring to the Hlaek
hills. The next in length is the Ktinsai
City , Clinton & Springfield extension of
the Kansas City , Fort Scott & Oulf sys
tem .south to Ash ( irove , Mo. , I' " . ) miles
from the junction with the main line.
The most important work in Iho east has
been done on thu extension of the Haiti-
mote & Ohio railroad from Haltimore
to Philadelphia , on which the track has
now all been laid , about eighty-live miles
having been added during the last year.
Another very important work has been
iJonii in California by the extension of
the California Southern road eighty-one
miles to a connection wilh the Atlantic &
Pacific , thus giving a continuous line
under practically the same management j
from Kansas City and Si. Louis to Los
Angeles and San liego. Thu
extension has been made in Florida by
Iho Jacksonville , Tampa & Key West
railroad of nearly sixty-live miles front
1'nlntka to Sanford , and this line has
virtually been extended by the Atlantic
Coast , St. Johns & Indian River company
thirty-six miles further toTitusvillo. The
1'lorida Southern road has also added
eighty-four miles of new line in the south
eastern part of Florida , and a nttmAor of
short roads have been practically com
pleted in that state. "
The total trackage of the United
Stales i.s now 128-i)2 ! ) , of which
51,708 miles have been laid dur
ing the past ton years. The Aye
concludes its summary with the following
hopeful prediction : "There is every indi
cation that 18S5 has marked the lowest
point m amount of railway extension for
some years to come , and that 1880 will bo
signalized by a very large increase of
con-truction. indeed , work has already
been commenced on some thon-ands of
miles of proposed road , and an extraor
dinary number of new enterprises have
been projected , while others are coming
daily into existence. . The outlook for the
coining year is therefore full of hope for
manufacturers nnd all others interested
directly or indirectly in railway con
struction , and hence it seems certain to
be a year of general prosperity in this
country. "
The I'ccrft' Hill.
The cable brings the news 4lhat Lord
Salisbury's ' cabinet will decline to face the
Irish opposition in thu coming parlia
ment , and that the premier has formu
lated a bill for homo rule in Ire
land with a view of securing the 1'arnell-
ito support. The details of the forthcom
ing measure are meagre , but enough is
reported to indicate that its concessions
will fall far short ot what the Irish na-
lionali.sls are demanding as Iho linal set
tlement of the problem. Still the minis
terial bill will bo a slop far in advance of
the present and towards the desired end.
it proposes to extend the county frrtnchiso
in Ireland to the peasantry to create local
councils for the administration of
revenues and expenditures , to grant them
powers which will enable them to take
charge of licensing , of education and of
the fee question , to yield to them the
right to acquire laud for public pur
poses and then to let it out again lo
small owners in short , lo give to
Irish representatives of the people
a measure of homo rule which only falls
short of being complete from the fact
that the imperial council reserves to iLselt
n power of supervisory action.
This a decided change from the bluster
of a fortnight ago when any alliance with
1'arnell on a homo rule platform was in
dignantly repudiated by Lord Itandolph
Churchill and his lory following. The
threats of a liberal alliance , of a vote of
confidence and of an nssaillt upon the
hereditary privileges of the peers have
had their ullbct. Lord Salisbury and his
ermincd followers are not anxious
lo test the feeling of Kngland
upon the question of retaining its titled
legislators as n. reactionary power at
Westminster. The temper of tlio newly
enfranchised Hedge loans more to the
side of Chamberlain's radicalism than to
that of the Cecil's lory conservatism.
The peers will now bid for I'urnoll's sup
port as every party has done during the
) > nst twelvemonth. Mr. . ( Jladstono is re
ported as serenely watching events and
as preferring that the first draft of homo
rule should como from Lord Salisbury.
Ho recognizes that whoever makes the
first move places himself at a di.sud'
vantage and stands ready to overtrump
any card thai his political adversaries
may play. When Lord Salisbury suc
ceeds in passing his proposed measiiro of
Irish reform it will not bo a matter of
surprise if the liberals through their
leader "raiso" the bid of thu peers for the
Parnollito support.
Tlia Doiuoot-Htlo Agony.
The prose-nt condition of the democracy
in Nebraska reminds us of the republic
of San Marino. This Halo political divi
sions-is the smallest in the world and
while comprising only twonty-threo
squaio miles of a run , but has all the ma
chinery and heart burnings of the largest
republic. Nebraska has IJVi.OOJ voters.
Of this number not more- than U,000 are
pure and simple democrats. lint the
Kilkenny cat fight now in progress
among this political fragment is like a
tempest in a tea pot. For twonty-fivo
years thu old moss-backs and wheel-
horses of the democracy in Nebraska
have becu pr.tying for a ohunuu
at the llcsh pots nnd now they
are tearing ; themselves nil to pieces in a
scramble over meatless bones. Among
all tlio republican states Nebraska is torn
up worst about tlio distribution of oflices
with smaller returns for thn wear and
tear. To these in. the gallery who arc
not interc-ted in this deadly struggle the
spectacle i a comical one Several great
nif-n who have contracted for future de
Ihory are Ju t now very short on the
ii-is'kct. ( tambllngon political futures in
Nebraska ! : : < become very unprofitable ,
and the leading oprM'at'T his : pulled out
of the pit announcing hiretiremr : .t in
double leads. Unlike Jay Gould who
did the = antr thing ome weeks ago , there
is a suspicion that u collapse in his politi
cal Mock * is responsible for this game of
po nm lut ! the smaller operators all
over the state who banked on hi- pointers
feel nonplu cd at this sudden change In
the temper of the political stock exchange
and are hnrryinc to cover their shorts. It
hvLjasif the Mortonian "bears" would
have it iii ? ! ! ' own way for a little while
until the Miller "bull" ri-J ready to
make another onslaught.
Meantime the republican olllce holders
who remain are enjoying the performance
hugely. They are warming their oll'icial
chairs and drawing their salaries with
great regularity. The reces * is over , the
senate i in -e-ion , confirmations hang
lire nnd the front door of the while liou-o
is closed. Let the tight go on and the
devil take the hindmo-t. To republi
can servants of the peojile in this slate ,
eh 11 service reform and the democratic
jamboree have been a blessing in di-gni-e.
Our roi'i'l n Tt-aUe.
The fifth monthly statement of our ex
ports and imports from foreign countries
ln just boon published by the treasury
department. The showing is not alto
gether satisfactory when compari-on is
made with the corresponding period of
last year. For November , lor in
stance , the balance in our favor is
nearly one-half Jethan for the
same month of ISSt. Last month
our merchandise export * amounted to
! ? ( J7WISy ! , ; ; , whereas for the correspond
ing month last year thu valuation was
$78,80170. ( ! These figures show n de
crease of more than $11,000.000. Hut
while the country has exported Ie- * it has
imported more. The following table ex
hibits the exports and imports tor Novem
ber , 1SJM and IS 'i :
ISVi Tot.d exports of merchan
dise. 507isJlSJ
Total impoits ot nieivhiin-
dise -.o.r ) : 1,710
Kxcess of e.xpoitoxer luipmts. S 10,757.l".l
IbS-l Total expolts ol men-hull-
dl-e SVOIGO ; ;
Total iinpoils ol lucidinn-
dKe I.VJlI.ur.
Excess of e.X | > oiIs over impmls. SVi'JViM '
This indicate ) that while we exported
$ tl,47-SH : less during November , 1881 ,
wo imported more than $5,000,000 more
of foreign goods , making u dill'erciico to
us of $ ! ( ! ,8 0,1' ' . " ) for a single month.
This is a heavy balance against us. For
the live months of the current liseal year
the report shows a falling olV on mer
chandise account of ! ? ; ! 7,7. ) ! . ' , 107 , that be
ing the difrc.rc.ncc between the balance in
favor of the United Slates compared with
the corresponding live mouths of last
year. A large p.irt of this reduction is
due to the decreased exports of grain ,
and this in turn is chiefly owing to the
growing dilliciilty of nompctition in
foreign markets. This in turn i.s the re
sult of high transportation charges to the
While American producers are forced
to pay interest ch.irge-s on i7,000OOIOOJ )
of inllaled railroad debentures theeo-t of
transportation must continue to be a bur-
densoiijii barrier to our entrance into the
foreign grain markets. And while a dis-
torled and unequally arranged InrilV shuts
out our manufacturers from the free ex
change of commodities out-idu ot this
country by increasing the cost of produc
tion above what it is in competing coun
tries , the double disadvantage of over
production at home and no market for
the surplusage abroad must operate to
still further lower thu credit .side of the
lodger of our foreign trade.
AN important decision regarding the
civil rights of colored people has been
made by the Iowa supreme court. A
negro who v\as refused admi ion to a
theatre because of his color , appealed it
to the law , when the circuit court held
that it did not appear from the averments
that the plainlili' had any legal right to
enter the place ot amusement. The .su
preme court allirms this ruling and says :
"The act complained of by the plainl'tll'
was the withdravval"by the defendant-
to him , of the oiler which they hid : made
to admit him , or to contract wilh him for
admission. They had the right to do
this , as to him or any other member of
the public. This rigid is not based upon
the lact that he belongs to a particular
race , but arises from the consideration
that neither ho nor any other person
could demand as a right under the law
that the privilege-of entering thu place
bo accorded to him. "
Tin : United States supreme court has
afllrmcd the constitutionality of the
principle of stale and interstate regula
tion of railroads. The case in which the
railroad commission of Ml lsippi were
defendants has settled forever the fear
that any bill for the national regulation
of interstate commerce would bo over
thrown by the supreme court on consti
tutional grounds. Some of the railroad
tools among the congressmen and
senators who have boon apologizing for
their opposition to bills for railroad
regulation on the ground that they would
never stand the test of the courts will
now have lo prospect for a now
argument. The old ono i played out.
Ai.Tiioi'oii the election of a succe.s or
for ( lovornor Dawcs i.s in the ha/.y dis
tance of the future , candidates are hejng
announced with a frequency which shows
that thu conventions will not Jack for
material on which to experiment. Ne
braska Is willing to bo surprised with a
man of brains , honesty and executive
force , and when the time comes such a
candidate will receive a respectful
AT a recent sale of unclaimed baggage
in Omaha a man made the air blue with
oaths on discovering that he had paid
bus en dollars for his lost trunk. His rage
is now duplicated in Washington by a
party who attended the dead letter sale
and bought his own application to thu
president for a consulship.
O'AIH.ISLK is about ready to
announce those committees and every
now congressman is holding his breath
while the hat is being shaken ,
llt'MOits from Washington Indicate that
( ieneral Miles will 8iipurse.dc General
Crook in Arizona. After Miles has made
a winter campaign ui the mountains try
ing to put hi.s finger on tin .lppor.v !
Apaches he will long for the eu < hioncl (
ea. e of i'oit LeaVeiiworlli. Schools for
tactical instruction lire of very little as-
. itnnpp in Irapiting the wtpp
deni/-n of the Ari/on.i rock *
I'ljoK. Cofrif , the Nebraska weather
prophet , ha * otrm-k It about right -o far
thi month. We nominate him a * the
Mtcces-or of ( Jen. Iluzcii.
Till : livery mini wears an 18xJO smile
but the iee-man is Mill silting on the
fence and glooinily viewing the open
* " * * * * * M * * * * *
six.\ToiM.\ti ; KfjlMiis.
Senator Jones of Nevada spoils a coach
Jifi'h coil y'OO-
Monlll , of Vermont , 73. i- t' ' a oldest
member of tlie t'nitcd Mates senate.
.Senator is to ad'he s the Massachu
setts club on the subject of biennial elections.
Senator IMlnipr's Washington house din I in ;
loom contains t\\cnt.v-one tons of solid inn-
Senator Hook sijs he Is not "out" with tin1
ailmlnlslr.itioii , bill lius received ne.iil.v every
appointment he asked for.
Smith , the Vcimonler who wauls to suc
ceed Kdnniiids. is incaiitnislv hei.dded as
the richest man in tinstate. .
It was tiniioi of the stomach that killed ex-
Senator Hnlley of Tennessee. He was high
ly esteemed , even by Ills political opponents.
lleniy U'.iltei-on m-i'Hses the senate of
limning too nnn-h in ihelorlcul pomp and
bomlust and ot bono\ving di-anmtie eilects
Ironi the Mjiia- .
Senator Cnlloui of Illinois IMS lion nr.iy
hair and n tall , slender liiriue. He wor-ldps
l.otfan and ardently MippuiU Lovan'i picsl-
dentlal asphatioiis.
A complimentaiy banquet was given to
Senator liirk tit l.exlipton. Ky. , last Wednes
day ninhl , by icpie-oi.tidlve . men of the blue
grass lesion without wgurd to patty lines.
.Senators ( ieor e anil Walthitll , of Missis
sippi , \\llliciiKiin in Yn-liliiirloii durltii ; the
session ol the .Misippl Icgishituic , as Ihej
have assurances Unit ilicy will be le-elocted
to the senate.
1 tls < .aid Hint Semtor Kvails will tel.ile
some ot Ids exiK'rieiico as a member of the
silver commission In .Kniope and will show
huw the altitude of ilie . \illiur administra
tion luoinptcd an Intel national ugiccment
which would have set-Jed Hie silver problem.
Senator Uiddlcbeigdle.uls the foitie * . lie
is U. .Mr. Sabin IsV. . Mr.Spuuner isIS. .
.VfessrAldilch and IS'ity are -tl. Mr. ( irny
l < 15. Mr. ( .iinnnm is 10. Mes-i-s. HlacMmin ,
Miller of New Y oik aid Miller oC Pennsyl
vania QIC each -IT. Mandeison isIS , and
Mes-,1- . Plumb and Hitler me each -til.
A menu ; the miscellaneous at tides pur
chased toi the ii-c of United .Statas .senatois ,
and by them chained to the republic , ate
b.irontal envelopes 'he ' KnglMi qtiiiitcily
nmua/ines , the Aiti < Tlem ; inngitxlnus , in
cluding several ] > iibli-hed siieuiidly lor
children , e inkheais , made
pencilwhistle - , silver and pinivkdii tooth
picks anti-neuotis | ciiholdeipeail ulove-
hooks. e.ud-phitcs mid caulcoiksciews. .
siitjiir spoonAppolliliaris \\nter. < ; i , undated
sii tir , ivinircr ale , IctnOiis , Icmon-sipiec/ci- ,
dlppeis , tumblers 'inte punch-bout lor
lemonade , " suits of tirlar , spiiitsof ammo
nia. en-tor oil. cologne , soft , and re-
palis to a tiieyole.
Xot Impossible , liil Improbable ,
l\tinUli > ) L Ttinf-1.
A democrat IP majority in the next Xcbrns-
ku legi-latuie is not mining eventimpossible. .
1'rolialily Know * Why.
Piobabl ) Mr. liigclovv knows why lift ic-
signeil , just us some other dumoci.tts know
whj the ) aie not resigned.
Very lilkcly Xot.
llia-tllll fll'l.
Probably firass will not ftiow in Wall slicct
If .liiyCimld docs retire. Jn tact It will nut
bu as' well vvateied as It was before. Now York Mont
Al'ir Km A Jain nut.
The t'oveinoi's stall' Is moicfri'iHcoiis than
a diamond-decked dal y on the top ol a sjold-
cmbioiUeteil umber's pole.
3Iiik.cs Up in Check.
lliiiml Niitul tiKleiiatiJcnl.
The Omul. a Itepnblican makes up In check it lacks In enteipn-e. U is about time
foi it to interview old man IJciuk'i again.
The NclH-anlca I'.nllroaU Mollo.
l\ < l > Ullwi Times' .
"The longest way 'round i < the slioilest
road to wealth" is the motto ol the uvciago
Nebr.iska lalhoad cumininy.
ISelter ( JIT tliiiu They lOx
C/ifKi/'i / [ Hi mill.
When the Vundciblll- came to count thi'ir
money th.\ . found an extra . > 10)i ) ( JiJ , ( ( ) 01so
which evcijhody api.c.irs to have ovei looked ,
but which will KIP a tfiett ways toward iccon-
cllmg them to the lo-s | lu > y have sustained.
Tbc Foundation Tor ( Ji-eat Kesults.
l'lililtlili ! , ) ! < i It'-conl ,
Now York city has .set it put tern for Hie
country by appropiIatiiiK over one million
dolluis fur new school buildings anil the land
to build them on. This | s laying tin ; loiuuln-
tion t'oi' ieal lestilts ,
Canes Cur
Ktii' \ ' < > ili .Iniiriiiil.
'i'ho ladle- , have taken to < 'ane- , and the
imibherdun'l know what it manes , lint II
any bold dude should atlempt lo b.t rude ho
vv 111 get u sharp rap for his p.ilns. 'Tis Kn- :
lish , j on l.nuw , and the style , and a Misis
iisguod as a mile. When she walks , don't
) on laiow , she will swiii ) ; It Just so-tind the
next thin ; ; she'll wear Is u tile.
There Slay lie l''nn Ahead.
CliicauD llcraltl.
Now thai the Ohio le islaliuo is about to
assemble , the convicts In the penltentl.ny bo-
Kin to Icol that , with their liiends near at
hnnd , theienmy he tini nhcnd. It was a w ho
dispensation ul Piuvlilenvu which lucatcd the
le i-latiuoaiul the pii50iiof , Ohiolu the same
town. Kvery ) enr sees | men In ono who
were In the other the , \ eat befoie.
Tlie Growl It nl'llio 1'ross.
ffeit Vi'ilt ll'in W.
Sjn' jiapeis and ipagu/Ins- , multiply ,
and in addition to tin- numerous now ven-
tuies devutcd to the 'Hntcrests of ictall
liquor tlealeib , " there U now a Michigan
jinper which will nttehd fhMy to link Interests
ests , to bo npuroprlu'ti'ly lulled the Itovoher ,
while a new iua''u/.lit ) abY > ibcd in advancing
thu poll , inteiesls and piuJucts of the pieat
west will bluntly call Itself tlio Ho . It Is
suimlscd that Uismai'Mv will nut bo u sub
set Iber.
Loaded With Another .Speech ,
St , Joe ( liiMttr.
Senator Van Vyck , < > f N'cbtaskn , Is said to
bo loaded with another powerful speech on
the backbone land grant. It Is claimed thnt
InarummaKothiough the dcHaitments durIng -
Ing thu holiday iccess he uncaithcd tacts und
figures that will create a sensallon when they
aio made public. The Nebraska senator may
be somovvhat addicted to sonsatlonulJHin and
U possibly over zealous In Ids defense of the
rlulitsoftlu'iH-opIo as against the lallroads ,
nut it scemb to be a labor of love with him.
AVliut IiivcatlKatloJi KIIM Shown.
All rcpoits , all InvestlKatlcin and all stalls-
tlstlcspiote that the busings of supplying
to large cities U very piolit-
ntile o proiifnble no pras mnmtfiictitrlni ;
coniptu ! > will CVPI ithe up the business If It
can hold on tn It : Hint eveij well-oidered
city stiiied | | ] | liy a pilvale company ot com
panies would be ln'tter oft' if thebu-lnp-iS
weieint- ! < own hands , and that eveiy clt.v
that hits It ov n f .is vvoi k < - should hold on to
them and put the prolit la Us own public
pocket ,
Xever ItcToio.
IMiiili Fire I'M .
Xc\ei befoiv In hNtoi-y , It umy be sifcly
said , did the conqueieden , in civil war.
admin Her ! i nn the iewuds ptld for the
seiviceof HIP couqneioi-s. Tills unique
spectacle Is nil onleii ! ) } ' ( ' "iJir sciice ot See-
rctai.v Lnninr at the head ol the deiMitmcni
of the Interior , and consequently ( he tirbi-
Imtoi of union pension" . Ne\er bcfoiein
lilsfot ) did thoeonquivd sppak with enthusi
asm of those tewaids paid lo the men who
coii'iiteied ' him ; or declare that thev mlcht
be mealer. and Hint lhe > weie the most
-acicd obliijatlonsiil the nation.
Xebi-aHkn ilollliii ; .
\Vav \ , lie's record for 18S1 foots up ijiil.OOd.
Two eonduclor.s have been let out by
the liurlington A : .Missouri at Hasting . '
Union Paeilie survevor ? are said to be
running a line from Strom-burg to York.
Itelviilere expects great bcnelits fiom
the pioposi-d branch of the llurlington A :
i\jis-ouri \ from ( .Jcneva.
lo-eph Korlean : old tesidcnt of
Ilooier | , clo-ed hi- career la ; t week by
taking a bath in Logan creek. The body
was recovered.
.lames Kelley of .Jael.son. hud a go as-
\oii-plea e tiller a young pjg the other
tlay , and tore an eyelid oil' in a collision
with a wire teiu-e.
A meeting is to be held ul CVntemlle ,
Dodge county , nest Saturday , to talk
railroad and encourage the Union Paeilie
to build in that direction.
The married , women of IVnder and
vieinitv have oriruni/od a l-'armcrs' Wives
n-i-ociation. They meet once a month
nml I discuss the topics pcitaining to the
duties of a hon-c wife.
Having _ seemed n pair of packing
hoti-e- pile bridge , u plow factory , and
other muuutacluring plants , Nebraska
Cil.v i- now moving lorn chee-e factory .
Where there's u will there'.s a whey.
The Burlington & Missouri Hallway
company has obtained the right ol way
Irom ( iencva south eight miles to a line
due we-t Ironi Tobias , and the bridge
timbers are distributed to that point from
tinnorth. .
The latest snooze from i\Ii-s \ Di-huer
reports her calm nnd contented after a
ten days' siege of diphtheria. Thiis the
sevent.v-tir-t day of sleep , and if she -nr-
vive- the mini < lratioiis of a St Louis
doctor now there , she may Avake up some
dislant day to lind her-elf famou-and re-
The Hebron Journal has rc-nined its
" -well front" appearance , with a com
plete new dress ot type and machinery.
The Journal is one of tlie tu-w-ie-t papers
in the -otitlnve-1 , and its recovery Irom
the ell'ectof the lire , two months ago ,
evinces a plucky determination to suc
ceed , even in the loci It of adver.-ity.
Mrs. Kentcr , Iho widow of a well to-do
Kichard.-on county farmer , who was
killed by n runawa.v team Christmas eve ,
will MIC. thc iiloon keepers of Hiimboldi
lor causing hideath. . Kenler went lo
town to purchase Christum * goods , and
notwithstanding the warning.of his
wife , the -aloons ileall him their ptiraly-
/.er. When helarted for home he wa.s
thoroughly saturated , and unable lo
manage bis team. A runaway followed
and he was killed.
Iowa 1 1 ems.
Dnbiique firi-men had forty eight calls
last year.
Improvements in Alia amounted lo
$ : ! ( ) , ( KK ) hist year.
Manchester has purchased JO.OOO worth
of steel cagelor crooks.
The lion. Lafe Young , of Atlantic , was
caned by admirers last week.
The Odd IVlIowsof Iitirlingtou propose
to expend > ' . > . 'i,000 in building a hall.
The Mackowen Packing company , of
I'Y ' > it Dodge , having a stock capital of
§ 10(1,000 ( , hn\o filed articles of incorpora
tion wilii the secretary of .state.
The sheriff of Polk county and -even
mu-cnlar deputies are amusing lliem-
selve- raiding the saloons of De- Monies
and -pilling the tanglefoot.
There were U'lii'application - for a i-t-
ance in Scott county last year. Nearly
? IM)0 ( ) were paid for food and clothing b'y
the county , and S' for the care of
the county insane.
John Dcckcn ami Mary Wenta runa
way couple from Belle I'laine , were arrested -
rested at MurMialltown before they were
married. When taken home the girl's
father i denied ami the ceremony was
A -1-year-old on of K V. Hood , of
Davenport , swallowed nearly a pint of
whisky Thnrsdn.v inoining , and it look a
doctor with -loiimch pump nearly all
dn > to save the little fcllcw Ironi joining
tillangels. .
JamesTerhune , a bov about 111 years
old , in jumping on a moving train at
Woodburn , Tlnir.-duy , tell uinler the ear
wheels One arm was cut entirely on"
and two frightful ga-he.s were cut in his
head. He Is still living.
An ellort will bo made to induce the
state to purchase ) an extensive library of
the late Judge Tabor , of Independence.
This library is composed ol some 7,000
volumes , nndjfcw duplicates arc lo bo
found in the slate liin-nrv.
Cedar Hapids has madua good nhowinir
during the past , \ear \ in the way of im
provements nnd increase of population.
The expenditure.- the year in substan
tial impiovcmonlr. fool up 0tli7ri ; ! , and
the population is now given as ' . ' 0,180.
The improvements in Pierce hut year
foot up - . - . ' ; ! ! , ! .
The Great Southern railroad has .se
cured right ot way in Union county.
Eastern capitalists are negotiating for
u site lor a wagon factory at Fargo.
Mitchell's improvomcuUs hist year
reached the ramtl s'lin nl $200,1)01) ) ) .
A little girl baby of Krank Adams , of
Cns-ler City , fell into n tub of boiling
water Tuesday , and was fatally scalded.
During the jear IH'C ) the Vankton pack
ing house slaughtered 10i'id ( ' hogs. Dur
ing ItiM they will inuv.i-o the niimbur to
0. IS. Midlory , treasurer of a school
township in Brown county , went to Cali-
toriiin n few weeks .since , and mnv it if
discovered lhat lie is a defaullcr In Iho
amount ot * 000.
The Laramie artesian well cost the
county .f 7,651.
The now year oened ] ) up in Laramie
with the mercury 14 ' below zero.
Twenty families of the striking miners
at Hock Springs are dependent on the
public for support.
The expellees of Laramie county for Iho
year just ended were ? ! ) S,71U.bO , exceeding
those ot 1881 by * 1-J'U.
The territorial paputs are coming
down with a heavy hand on tlie wholesale
slaughtering of game lor fun.
'The. Hoyal Artesian TroubadouiV
have begun a season of oporu In Carbon.
Kvidontly they are largo si/.cd bores.
The Johnson county comnns-jioncis
have been roquc-sted to resign by the local
press , but they have tightened their grip
on thu spoils.
The Kellogg ranch , on the Little Lara
mlo , has been purchased by C. W. and
M. K. Brumi'l for $ K',000 , poa. 6bion to
bu given on Juno 1 next
A Cheyenne paper innocent ! } o
"thai while we don't wanf the earth , we
want : is much of it as we can gel , but
thi.s does not Include tiny de-ire to lile on
coal hinds "
Jim Sunder * of Cheyenne , who < u
broth.Jnck ! vva recently 'murdered by
Hill 1 lilt-nil , is ! iT"d ! OUT to keep th'e
peace in $30J , having threuuTU'd to shoot
Jack'widow. .
A young man died in Omaha a few davx
ago troin * uieide who o death win more
decpjy regretted than if he had been
president. Large numbers of trade-men
v\ere Ihoroughlv interested In him. lie
owed ever > body who would lei him.
IChcyenne Leader.
Supoiiiitondi'Ut Cho-itc , of the Colorado
< ! iv i-iou of liio Union Pacific , has recom
mended to the eompan.v the construction
if three miles of now track from Lone
Tree , on the Ct-lr : : .iJ'j Central , to the
Denver Pacilie track at Cnrr station ,
seven miles south of Clie.M nne , for the
ptirpo-e ot n opening the road from
Cheyenne lo i'orl Colliii * > . The new
track will s-tve the ti-e of the old track
through the blull's-ouihwcst of Chejenne.
A jealous scribe in Laramic assert * !
( hal i'heycnno is growing rapidly. The
latc-il addition to her industries i- a steam
power pennul roaster , owned by u son of
sunny Italy. A piomineiil eit'i/.cu hur
riedly visited the factory while the | jea-
nul dinner whistle was tooling a live-
cent svmphon.v , and afler watching the
machinerv for a minute turned on his
heel with the remark "II- l ! 1 thought
yon were going to plaoiuelhing. . That
organ bu-ted.1'
r.irmeri iinil Taxes ,
Jin ir. I ) . n , < inii < iii ,
This is the time of the year when the
subject of ( axes forms tin important toplo
ol converse aniotm ; farmers , l-'rom one
end of the laud to the other we shall hear
a continuous grumbling ami groaning
about Hit : liurdeiisiiineness of the farmer's
tax. Farmers will gather in the grocery ,
the saloon , and other unprofitable places
of re-orl for , seemingly , the sole purpo-o
of discus-ing never-failing theme.
Time enough will be spent in this fruit
less manner to liquidate the whole public
debt , it we reckon fair wages , such us
any ordinary profitable business would
jield were this time so employed instead
of being fritted away in idle grumbling.
And to keep the thing moving , enough
tobacco and beer will be consumed by
tinclas - to pa.v a good share ol their
luxeKuougli wa-to will occur at homo
for want of their attention ( > start a nice
little bank account , were it properly
saved and u-efully applied.
Perhaps this is a little harsh on the
farmers. The , } certainly have much
reason for grumbling. No reasonable ,
thinking man can fail lo see thai farm
ers are taxed out of all just proportion
us compared with other elas-cs. The
nioiicj-lender , note -jhaver and land-
-hark in ireitcral pays less tax on his * . : } . ) , -
000 working capital than the poor
harra cd tanner on his little patch of
land llial would hardly sell tor a tenth
part of the above-mentioned sum. His
land is mortgaged , perhaps lor all it is
worth , but he must pay the taxes , upon
what i.s reall.v the property ol another ,
'lhat noble creature , the banker , being a
very philanthropic per.son in the estima
tion of Uncle bam , and born lo do good
to his tellow-men by opening up paths to
commerce , is kindly exempted Irom tax
ation excepting upon the bricks nnd mor
tar that enter into his humble abode or
modo-l Tittlehop. . He is one of the
great civiluers ot the nineteenth cen
tury , and he mu-l be encouraged lo
amtismillions. . And then that landed ,
tilled , and inonicd aristocrat , the rail
road king , cannot be hampered in his on
ward march and conquest ( of public do
main ) with thn annoying experience of
tu.x-pajing. lie , too , is a great public
bcneftii lor , and nin-t be. encouraged to
gobble up what the bankers don't got.
The tanner can do none of these gicat
and magniliccnl worklie i- ti mere
plodder. Vet ho is nece-sary. He i.s a
naught , but he ineccsary to that great ,
enterprise , the railroad , as HIO-.C oilier
naughts are at the ( ail end of the watered
stock valuation. The only title that he
can jn-tlv lay claim to. is that ol tax
payer. Vet in ti truly modest American
spirit he would fain drop even this mild
distinction , and -hare and -hare alike ( in
the tax-paying ) with hi.- fellow cili/ens ,
Well , Uncle. Sam has but two knees ,
anil as the banker and i ! . li. 1C. must bi :
Hotted along on them , the farmer must
be satisfied with an occasional lilt on
Uncle S.'n too which is often jerked about
pretty lively by the heavy banker on his
advantageous perch above.
"Hut doesn't I' . S. give all his farmers
eighty acres of good laud ? " Yes , llio
lamb's are given the clover p.ilch lo fatten
in , and the wolv i s are then turned in to
herd with them Tin : i.Avnis oii.nrro
in : sAriiriu > . "Hut I'm-ie Sam's herd is
all on nnequalilv ; no well and lamb dis
tinction : ibout it. " Oh , jus , there is , my
Iriend. The wolf is a great , slrmigbeasl ,
nnulij formidable through class legislai
lion. He has been given extr.tloii" Lings (
in the -htipc ot special privileges. He
lias a natural appetite for unprotected
We can't blame the lamb for bleating , i
however idle iinil useless it may be , nor <
can v.c. blame thefarnnr.s for grumbling .
about taxes occasional ! . ) , though it does
bim no manner of good. "Wo do bhimo .
him , : \inl \ pilj him , however , for not ex
orcising the one privilege which Uncle
Sam ha-given him in protection of his
interests , and which , if exorcised with
any considerable- degree of unanimity ,
would work Ihu possible remedy at the
polls. W. I ) . HOKVION ,
A. .Mist Kill.
Among the lirt bills introduced in the
senate last week was one by Senator Van
Wyck , pnnidinjr for the tiiNalion of ttn-
palentcd lands owned by railroad com
panies. Tliis bill requires . --tieh com
panies to pa. ) the cost of surveying and
and locating land within sixty days iificr
the passage of thin act or thai in default
thereof the land shall bo subject to entry
under the homoMoad and pre-emption
The bill is .just When the land srrnnUs
were aiilliorm-d it was deemed lining
that us the government was giving Jho
hinds the railways should pay the costs
of miiToying and HID local ollice fees , so I
it was oidcred that us soon as the com
panies should pay thesis costs and foes
pulcnis should lie issued lo them for Ihu
iandiv It wait a most unfortunate piece
of nconomv , for all the companion had lode
do to avoid taxes on their lauds was to
wail , not pay , nnd allow their title to re-
remain in pickle in the interior de
Had the companion- , been compelled to
( akii out patunts at once , there is no
doubt that their lands in Lii coin county
would have for . \ < : ns been in the hands u
of small holders. Tlu-.y would have found
. .buyerin the east or in Uurono , paying
thiiir way hum iljiei---.sary. They would
have organi/.c.d eiiuh n ni.sli for clump
wcslnnuandu us no real olalo dealer has
over semi , and to-day lh < - Pl.itlo valley
would be ten i.-ai- . alt-ad ot its present
It Is not too late to receive .great beim- .
lit by uompolliili' the companion to tuku
out patent * . All thu Union Pacitiu liuiils
in the county aie sold on eontraulo , yet
almost none are tax-iblo. This is not
light Land that is deeilnd beii : Us
sluiro of th.i public bunion , whileit re
ceives no more uiihanci.-iiic.iil of value b.v
/f tini thun d" the
tinprogioss ' / country
parasitic i.iilwny lamU.
A * thingaic now it w.ll be many you is
before nnv con-ldorablo .Imro of lht-u U
1 * . laud * uru taxable. Tin-re is probably
not a suction among it all hut n worth .is
much.i fcl.OW , lllltl llu'ic ' " ' 0 lu llu >
ootint.v over a thousand secl'on ? of land
which' the company has sold by crmlnict
jet bceiii- > the eomp.tny has failed t >
'nay for sunej * . and local land ofllci'
fee's no patents luvo issued and no taxes
can be levied.
Such tt condition of things has exist 'd
and exi-ts to-dav along the line of th i
L'nion Pacific It Is time for Senator Van
Wyev'"ill ! : ' " lo receive the consideration
it iie erve * < in tne ? " " l.o and house , or
cNe it is lime the s'iiat'irs and rrp : " > 'it:1 :
tive-i should receive from the voters tii'
con-iider.ition they de-ierve.
The lies plainly with congr <
Only Ial l week the I' S Supreme i-oitvi
in iriving an opinion forbidding thcfeo' '
lection of taxes on unpat-nted railw.'V
lands called the attention of congress t >
this nutter m these words :
"We are aware of the Use beini ; mad
n ( tlii , : ju-iiicinle by companies' , who , hav
ing earned the Ian l < , neglect to paj these
co < ls in order lo prevent taxation. Th"
remcd.v lies vrit ! ' conirre-s tmd is of easy
application. If that TimS.v v.'i ! ! Ink" slein
to enforce its lien for these co-Is of Mir
vey b.v Mile ot Hie land < or by forfeitur-
the treasury of the United States woubl
soon be reimbursed from il expenses i.i
making these surye.vs , and states tin I
territories in which tbe < o lands I.
would be remitted lo their nppropth- !
rights of taxation.
The I'Yilernl Supreme Court iie !
Olmmploii or MonopiilistH.
.Vic Yitil , Mumm.
The supreme court of ( he Unilod Sta es
entered upon its records lal week OIH- ,
the most infamous and monstrous ih i i <
ion-of the1 century. That act prove i
mtijorit.v of its member * to be enen i <
of tin people and friends and ehampln-is
of mono ] > oli-t- . It slums conclusive ,
thai the highest court of the land is n
worthy of the confidence of the citi/'iis
of the stales anil ought to hcrcorganly.i' >
Patriotic people have long known that t
was sectional and partisan anil so , b.
cau-e it * * justices have been selected fro -i
one part of The republic , when , in fonv
dais , great euro was exercised in
representing all parts on the bench
but they did not know that if >
chiefly u body of railroad lawyers , w'
act in the interest of grinding mono )
lies. This latest decision dcinoiistr- : '
that disgraceful fact. Two suits wi.
brought in the lower courts , one in vvhL i
the New Orleans ( ! as Light eompaiiv w.i.
an appcllaiil. another in which Hie Louis
ville ( ! a Light company wa.s an appel
lant. The-o eompanic.s conleudcd that
the states of Louisiana and Kentucky
were hound under contract to see that
their riirhls were not invaded. The New
Orleans ( ! : is company claimed that for
llfti years lroi 1S.T . ) it' has a right lo ex
clusive privileges in manufacturing gtu ,
and urged the supreme court lo perpetu
ally enjoin the Louisiana Light and Heat
.Producing Manufacturing company from
[ interfering vvith its monopoly. Overrid
ing a clause in tlie stale constitution , and
basing their decision on the prohibitory
clause ill the federal constitution against
"impairing the obligations of contracts , "
the supreme court-a.vs that monopolies
are not detrimental to the public welfare ,
and thai exclusive privileges are not at
war wilh the republic , and the only man
ner in which a stale can et rid of any
monopolistic corporation is to buy out
the rights and iraueliises under iN power
of eminent domain. When , therefore , : i
slate grants any corporation delined pri
vileges , it becomes a coutr.ict to bo
backed by the whole judicial authority
oflhe United Slatesandinh vested righln
must be taken and paid for \v helhrr the
state wants them or not. There i.s no
other relief. Under licit decision the
slate of New York can ; ; i\e no other re
lief lo the people who may suH'er from
gas or railroad opprc ion , than to become -
come a purchaser oflhe one and the
other corporation. Thus the beneficiary
becomes the mtislcr ; the .stale becomes
the eietilnnvul ils own creation. For Iho
next half century a gaslight company in
Kcw Orlcan- can dcl.v tlio Mate and run
its extortions to an , > icnglh without fear
of rival. So , al-o , is the permanence of
monopoly in every cily of the union.
Kvery Juwjcr "Knows that the
Dartmouth college decision settled
the question with all right think
ing men that a grant by a state was not
in the nature ot a contract , and that no
clause in the federal constitution made it
.so. That was .sound law , bill the latest
fiat of the stijireine court is so unsound
that : i justice of the peace would bo
a.-hamcd of it. Docs not tins outrageous
infraction of stale and popular rights in
dicate somctijingmorcthan what appears
on the face of the appeals ? The preen-
ilcnl of compulsory purchase i.s fixed by
thi i ! court. The central views of the jus
tices i of the court amount to consolidation
of power at Washington. The federal
government can now buy Jay Gould's
worn out wires lor a po-lul Iclcgranh ;
and , singularly enough , Semiior Kd-
nmnds i , immediately alter the decision ,
introduced i a po-td : telegraph bill. One
day the people will o\erwhelm monopo-
lisisbaclvcd I by I hejudiciary , and the muttering -
tering I of thu Morm is heard now by sonsi-
live I cars. One da.\ the monopoly law , > cr * (
will ho compcllcil lo ab.-indon the bench
every whore. There will be a peremptory
slop to the perversion of capital to Indi-
vidiml folh.shne.sand the perversion of
.justice by tin unfaithful and dishonest
judicsary. _
Imht Woek'H Kvpons.
N'KVV YOUK , Jan. n. The total expoits ot
pioducc lioin tills pint dinliiK Hie past week
valued at S < i/Jiii , Jl.
Diseases from Pimples to Scrofula Cured by
Culicura ,
Iliinilieila of Ipitpro In our tio'-rsjloii.coplos or
which iiiav lie lincl hy iclnin ol mail , icpcul ( lib
Mory : I Iiiivii been a len-llilu nnifmi'i loiynarn
lioin I ) caijot the hljii anil Illooil ; Imvit lieou
OIIMI ) | , ' < | to lllln iiolilic | iliicns liy IC.CHIM of my
dl n iiiiujr IIUIIIOIK ; liuvn bail lliitlu-st pliyM-
clan1 : liiive MMIIII limiUiciUol ilolliii'h , und nol
un reliol iinlll I HM'il llic l.'ulicuni llcnii-iliiH.
\tliiuh Inivo on i cil HID , mi'JIoll 111 } t > LuianU IjluoJ
US MUtU US UUllllU'b.
covniini ) WITH SALT UIIIJI-'M.
Cm ii lira IIi-niL-illos arg Un : Kteilini : inciUi'liim
cm nil III. Hail Iho wiiirl cilfe DfRill Illit'Ulii III
hi- coil nl i > - . My niol her hail it Incnty ) niii . In
liiuldicil lioin il. I iK'liin-ol.'iiilrum Houlil
Mi\c-il lioiIlli ) . My iiiiiin. tin-mil ami licailiiin
rnvnu-il toi thioo jeai-s , tthli-li HiilliiiiH lelluvnil
ur i-iii oil mini I un-i ) I lie I'lillcuiii lli'-nlvcnl ' , In-
tcioally , tunl liitlrni.i ini'l L'liiiciii-ii | t-.Mor-
unlly. J. W. AIMMa ,
ni'Ai > . KALI : AND iiunv HAW.
I CIIIIIIIR'lUlU III llrC.VOII'lllldllll | lll'lllrillcK
l.ii-l Jiil > . Al > litiml anil Ini n im.l . MIIIII iniiibiil1
in ) Ixiilv M-c-tii iiliniiil iiuv. Jly licml uiis i-nv-
mcil ultii wain unil ui ( ' " . ami III ) kiilleiliitr MIKI
Icuilul. I liiiil lni'il o\no llilnr f Ini'l hciuil of
III llio I'usl unit Wibl. M > < n > u nii loiitlileiml
very Inn ) out.1. 1 nutv nut u piulliln ol S.iu
lliiniur ahiiiit llio , unit HIV CUM' is loinldiauJ
vriin < ! . . M1H , is. Ji. tviUI'rl.K.
llucat ur , Mli-li.
ymw.rnoM IUIADTO pjir. : ;
Clnuleo KIIJI-- Hinilo..kwy ! I 'liy Jlelirtitn. N.
I. , WlilL'S' ' .Ml HJII , U l.lll III UM'IVU .M'lllS. ttll'J
L'Oinplclcl ) uiiu-'lol ' .1 IcnM'loiMvdiil Kc/.c-uui li/
lluil'iilii'iir. ! lit in i-il u i > . I'lom Iho lei | ol IIH
liodil In lliii ( ilc nr Ins led \uis IMIU inakh ol
I.CDIJH. " liu'iy DI In T luiHc-dj nml | II > I > | LI.IIJ
haU Ij oii l ( ul iu tmii.
itr.HiDir.s :
where. I'l . futlciira.
An > will ] ov ei v eo. -
Ui-Milvuui , fl : Niiip.Sln. l'iuiurii.l | l > y Ihu 1'ur. llltl II i > . rm.MIC.VI. CO. , liUnloil , . .Jll
Send for "How lo Cure Skin Diseases , "
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uiuu ciui'il I'V Cul.tuiu tJ" > ; u .
, UTlc-i IIA A ll I'.VI.N fMBTru l
1101 * , orlj'innl. ck-jiiiiil unil hiiulliuia
to I'.ila iiinl liilluiiiiiuitlou
- . , , , u , , , , , , , , . , ; lUiciiniiittc , Nc.inulKlu
v riiiiilliriiulilvu Sliuiii iinil
I'.uiisaslo iiwjfli-- t ill' ' " " "