Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 06, 1886, Page 2, Image 2
X r 03IAHA DAILY BE3B..AVK ONES DAY. JUKUAUV 0 .1836. SPECIAL NOT JOBS. Advertl emptitKiinilfr thM hrnd lltif for the first imK'itloii , nnil 7 wnts for ouch ub o < nicntli sort Ion. Hevin words wl IbocounU cd to tbo line ; they mutt tun consccutlrotr and niuttlic jiahlln ndvunce. All udvcrtlsotncnH niu l behniidcd In befoic 2 o'clock n. m. , mid under no circtnii'tnncOT will they bo tnk-cn or ti bv tfiitdiono. liiK In thfo rolurnm and haf ddH'Se < l m rnro of . i llir. ; nek for cheek to f-nnlde them to | rc thwr < t III re. n IIOHO will lie di liveied ejiei pi ot | ir " .Mitntloii of ihrpfc. All n i'ito Hd - ( iici' . c-d In tint elopes. TO LOAMMOHEY. . IM roIHIO to in ( in ( residence P ( iio. W.DHJ. MONKYTO LOAN 0 : fnvm niul Mly prop unyj rnll mnl ( rM our niH't. SlonnriA : f'o > 101. in aNblinu-kH Naltonul llmik btillillnir. aljjl : 'JXIONIIV TO LOAN nn liornownrons nm i'l loiiillnic without icimnnl. I' . .1. rcinucll Itonm I'.i , Iron II. ink llnildnif , U'th mid IV.rmun ' O I.OAN-Monej iiiiiny ntnoiint , On oil clii' . .Bof M > L'iirlty , fhort linn1 lomiK on real o-liUe. IXMIR tlmo li.Hirn ri'id cslalc. > lone } to loan on chattels. MotH'j to lotin on colliilernls. Mutiny lo tniiii on nny uood Toi 1118 o.icy , i inio to nut Apply at tlH'Oimiha riimnolnl Muhnngo , llarker s linildlnv. f W ( ornt-r of Mltuonlh mnl r nm in m . , nnsialrs ( lU tor exi'tytioilyl Von ran Ixirrotf money on furnituio. holies , uiuniii * , nit , Mock ol nil kind' , diamonds and line watches on ) our own time I'nj mem * received nt miy time , nnd Intereft iiiliicxyl pni ruin. I'ropirly lilt in jour ox n possession. Irriiin low us the loueet. Cull and fee me. IliiFlncss fontldonllnl. Nonilvmnniri1 taken. W. It. rrott , lloom 4 , Wlllinell's Nun IJnil'ln , Koitheu-1 cor ner l.'tli and Hauler. ' ' ' . 'I ( > I.OAN-O. I * . TbivlKi. Co. Itoal MONI'.V nnd Ixjon RKcntb , IM'j I'm unmFt. MOM2V Tf ) JXAN-On rood securities. A MtUnvock , room 7 Itcdick lllock , I'XM r'nrimm tit. tf 7 j\t IINMV To'l.OAN-On ebatlcls , Wonlny A J'l llHrrison , loom -XI , Oiiuilm National bHnlc 1 7UJ TAI ONnV TO I.ONOll ical cstlitu and < tint- J'l les. ! JJ. L. Tlionmo. tUU 1\Tl NiVlr : > LOAN In sums nf JSdOtind up- J'l wnrds on llist-chiEf < teal estiilo cccurfty. 1'oltci & col Ii , 151.11 miiuiii St. biJl HONiV : I.OANKI ) nl C. F. HCIMI.V Go's. Ixinn olllccon Illinium1 , plunos , hoit-eo , xvnpons pcn-fimil propoily of all kinds tun ) all other ar- tleh" ! of value , without removal. Oxer 1st N'nt'l Ilnnk. coiner Mill nnd Fftitmra. All t-lrktly coiilldenlal. s CHAIJCES. | ,1i ( : SAI.H .A ic-taiiriint dolmr n p fnl linal- J ius ; reie-ons Inri Ilinir. lo.ixlnj : the 'ity. Will inUo hoibu lor jiait pay. AUdio t I ! : H. HCL ( Ulicc. I/.U7 * bilker ) In p'iod JL1 condition. Address II'JO , Ike Ollicu. oil ( i rpo i.VCIIA.ViK : rur mcrchnudisc , hi ml In J I'n o andrieninnteoimiie-i. AddtOas liulcli- Inion , V Klclcy , Khcnmnloah , la. MB- * * I,1011 SAI.I : 'ihn snrmo-n Hold and luinl- 1 line in Mllloul , Noli. ; hotel In itooil conll- tion and fiiniltmu m w : evervtlilm ; in Iii't- f-lii's order ; dom mi evecJient biiMness : only ( iiuse lor Hcllinx1 , so iiess in famliy. Kmiuhc ol'.l. V. ( onMitil.piopilrtiu- \\ortendyliO , TjlOlt SII2Or o\elinnpe--'r elx'o hi J nnd eighty ncroMol Mo. timber and land , lot ty inl'ci ' ei'Ht ol Kansas City. As HL-II hell a" inly land In the slat' . xtjll sill all or jnut nl tlltLon tiollnii per nrioiir xx'lll e\chmiKO lor coed iniiuox-eil or tliiunpixn-cd Ncbiaska land. 1 Icil I did . \ tuner. 15. ) Tn [ ( i : s.L1C oTl IHI oe dM ieThe JL' , llvlitK-9 uml conlonts nl txvclvo I'ninfslii'il looms on the H. i : . cor. ot I'.tli nnd < npilnl axenne. < " ( )3t 9l0l to lit up. Will Bell lor KJ ( ) filth , or on time to jrood rcsi onfllilo paily. Apidyto Corbut , \\.iorjutlimid raiimm bis. , opbiah -IVJ SAI.Iim ; : m Sprhig liill , 8iflcei J ANo an I'Slalillbhcd Imnlonulitismuss inc - In n Kii. comity scat , ( llbson iAroher. Itoom : rM'illinulll'oclcOmDliu. -jrj SAl.i : The only leather and flmlini ; JlillsliRf * In l.hieoln , xxhith hus been cur ried ( , n lei trn \erysiicoossrnlly ; thu it'll- ton lor Mlh'tr , ileiilh or the ptoprictor ; i-apilal icoiilii'd , liom sai > i to J4Wy. ) Addicts Mrs , Jmoli llnhvrlu , Lincoln , Nub , ; .7- pICISMI.N.M Trill v.-WI-nt l.llxoxi.ll . to I triule ? An inipiovcd In-jn , ( "iy lo's or lnino.-d | r H'iloii"cpioii | > ily. Bti ekoi more' mi- < 1 scot miy Vhul. llxo PIO ! , , eto.f.UI or aildrc'u .1. I. . IM'o , lI'lirnmn ; struct. ( iiiii 3- > l'iCHNAiTo ; lliier-lo : ) jon xvant n 1 nr- . Kiiln in xacanl Inu or Imiinivnl ieldcnc i pie ; oity , linp-oxMl tiiniisinNibrr.sU'ii , thrceln Ioiml. ) s county i hut xx ill IIIHI.O yon monoH ihlineek. Splfiidid IniPino-s cluinco for ( tis'i or trade. It iil pay jon to cnllu 1 luxe- Ilijule , 01 addicMi J. I. , Uice , l-'i. I'm Main Biteot. W , _ I > IKSONAI. : 'In Pell r : Mavo yon miyn - v.'int lots or 'inpioxol ' residence propdily ' jonilt-slrelo UI-IIOMI ol lor ctirh :'l inerchmidlse : any wood Im ins In Noliriskii , Im liruxi'il or oiliemi-e. Wt- are wiiithitr for jon to mil or HiMio's.l. ! < . li.fu , ! ' . " . ' rarmim f-ticcl. 1Diisi : : > NAI. Tit Wliiim It Mav Court rn .1 .1. 1. . Ittc , l ± 2 rnrnuin ht. , is the ou'y re.d o lale and meivlmndNe lirokor In Omnha xxlio lees not I'lniruo a fi't'isli r tro to outside pur- tics nlin pluco | iro0ily | m his honds to Mll.Vo iio our itxvn niheuKluir. sale or no Milo , mid Inn out nil tnniis a line ll-t ol' bui' aln to luiy , Fell ortrade , hnslnes'i dinnce ? , etc. lit ) . ) iOST OTIIVKI > Ois STOi.KVniini near Sinphnr O Sprlniri , I M.noi her e , xvhlto hlml teut. hill In o.U'h , Miitunlo rcxxar , ! will b < paid lor iclnnilnrt > amc lo-W. . \ . Van Noiiuiin , Hnlphur 1' OST .eatnidiiy I'Vi'iilntr , 11 p'Hr of opcr.i .IJrhiss'H on S. litli. I'miler xxlll plem-o ic- linn to.Mmife'cr'n pilntinjr olliej mat ici-chc ic- ' TVi lllacU nmro i ony. llolinn to BQAKDUfQ. "VTK'i : mom uml nno ) boanl. 81.50 a xvcolij J- > xciy bchl loivtlon , IIS s 1 aiitt. * 1 > < ) ( ! mid lioaril , $ .1 per xx-rc.1 ; ; very bust lo * V ut lull. 11:14 l ax ui | , oil bl. Cl'OVE KCPAIHS. rplli : W. C. Met/iierSU > xoIIepalrCo.llISouth JUlliHt , biitween Doilvo and Ioiijla ( , RtJPTUKE CUJIED. NO operation or itcolcfS trusses. Dr. M. M MooiuS1U Wnbiifch avc. , Chk'iiro. | MlfiCELLAIIKOUU. LAU1I2S m M-ant nt irood ilomeMio help ran bo supplied by culling on thu Dniiiliu Km- ploxineni Olllco , lloiim I. lluatiinan'a lllock. Mrs. J.V. . Moirisoi : pixipiletor , b71 HAM : OK Itcvr-Cheap , nexr burn 13 J1 by ! ttxlih ) e\er > ' conx eiiicucu. Inquire Drujfflore , lltlh mid Doiitfliis. ' 77 "ir \ \ < ntlier i-tr't ' P. etc nn MUh JL1 10 r. 1) . .Mi mlliny , ICtlist. HKJ MHl SALIC Two lotH in I'elhmii Place.ono block troiu tticct car track Inquire2lbi ? . O-'ii WAHTED-l'EKAtE IfELP. \\rANTii : > A ilrefcMimker lo tonto to mv > ? hoiifo nml t-utv IB the tiny. Mm. M.I , Wnrlln.ti. 1C. tor.-Itl uno l Hivcnitoilh. ( u. " > U " \\rANTl2li Hevinil good KiiN lor ycncrnl il bouse" oil ; , COOKS and laundiin-e > : trooct viiL'gj iio | i'laiiyo-1. Oinabii InldlliKiiiCi.Olllcc , j { ooni J , .S 1' . iciv Jjth ami lloiiiflui. d.'S I'ANTKU-dood kllihnn filil. Apply at N , W cor , 3M 11 nd rarnum l. "tTlf ANTr.U 0 iv ill Mills lor peiu'ial hoilrl < - > l work ; iilro illinnv liom KiiU. cliumbcr- nmliU mnl lnumlrc c > , i.'oiM ) cooks for liu.iidini.- a ; K ° < 'J ' xxntft s. t'.ill Iliu rariinm st. tD \\r/lNTiu : Gwil Kill * xxntilliijr peed jjtnn > T limn , m small luimhca nl bii ; xxnpos \ \ ill Iio nccommodulwd bycalilnjr.i inulm Otllcc , llooma , S. 12. cor. Ijlh ami u * \\'ANTKI I second eooU ami" ilUliXMuh i ? . ' ' Apply m once nt NoirU * UcetuiiiHiit. 10th Pt. , hot. OodKO mid Doufilus. tioMS TirANTKli A competent Bill lor jrenernl Tr boiiecxxork. 4(01 OIIXMII H. Clt-II " \ \ MNTKl0noJ | phis for noncial house. wink , ( lift mid ncximl . IUIKIX Call ul Ncbrai-kii 12iupouivut : Aticuc ) , lit' ' U'ta i ft , , Croum.0 llluck , Olb " \\TANir.l lie pvrork : s' o > ( i iiiiifofflil. 2H I > DURIH ! si. r.t.-V A\rAVni : C'omp < tenl tflrl In COOK. wn h > 1 anil lion , ( in-ninn prf-tciied. Apply N n lr'th , niirniUiiuin ) Mr- > . I' . Wukelex. 610 \\rAMHIi-niiocl frlrl" for ircuprnl house V > IMI k Mi-i .1 W. .Voiii Mi. loom 1 llu h innn IlltHk.t'illinnl IKn.jrlm. . 41 U'AVrnil 0MKle-Titeflen'ulilrl ( fortrtmrn homework. N. W. cor. 18)i ) ! niul Oftt'oti worth. " fibi Ur.lVnin-A u. MII pen I frlit to do gem ru linnwoih. . / 14Unit ft. < U _ \\r\MI.I \ ( ompctcnt kil'-hen girl 1k2 ' ' I'mimm. 4v.l \V 1 > 11:11 : J'ii t.e'ns ' iiintnir ' room pnl nt 1 tllll McllOIKllillltl iHlU'l. WI UTAN I ii : ) l.n lie < mill jrenltrmtMi in i-t-or ! country tn IIIHC lljflit work ill Iliclro" n lmmu . 5-1 to Jl n Udy ui'lly Hindu ; wmk font by mull ! mi cnimi iiir. ( \\o bine a jrood do- liiiiiiil fur ( , uitturk mid funihli Jloud ) employ ment. AiMiv , "nllli slump , Cronn M IV Co. VJVIliPM. \ . , Cincinnati Ohio. " ' WANTSD-lIAtB \ \ r A .s"f'i"i : - " vyrim n iin i 'I 1(11 Illlllnail XVOlk ! tlCI' tnlllSliOltH'll .1111 pond \xitirn i nU nt Patton Hold Iiom ' . ' a. in J W Atkinson. IWS- _ V\TANTrl : > ivilc ii n 10 soil n lineot iiii1 | 'i piw d > l' > Hie fii'iiiune irH'lo on cointii a ftloll. Ailrn ! * llniiti il 4 , McltliH111. . DUO \\TAN rin : A depntx 'orllie Order o' ' Mlitu.i f I'lOtcctmn. I'lmili ivd : necod < > p | > orliiiill } tortile rlirlil innti. Address 0. Del. Veecluo Laulede Motel a i. LonlS , Mn. Ufi-C' \ \ * "AN"riil ; Siilccmen in rnch ronnlv lo In TT t induce n ° iu > . pitiful fH | Ilif ulillllctnc sell * IIKn uiMlli'i i plotllB iM'lii : AiMlfnS. M III Mump , Km ) ; XVIiiilltiiieu ( , u. , Vuuin. N'cb. M' 'i ' " HITUATIOITS WANTED. _ " \\"AM'lH ! A position Inatmnlii htivehiii TT ample n.vpcr cm ( mill c\uluinMitlip best ( if I nfcrumos AdduM ligii lluuOllice. 677-1. MIBCEI.I.AIfEOU3 V/ANTB. \\'AN I Ml 1 i rui'iicd iiioiii wllli or xxllhont 'i loudloi single gentleman. Aildicss M. HeoOtliee. lilJU * "l\AVlT.I > Itcoiii iintl Uomil by it niul Mile \\llh pi'luili' ordinal linnih. Musi in- fli-st.'li < is In cvrij ufin.0't. AiMii's 11 ' , 111 ivUlllcc. L'fJV To icnl , Iniini-illiitcly. n lioil1- ' * villi U > r 10 rooms uinl iiiodvin coini'in- i noct ; In < lo lnil'l" ' loi-iiltly , C. It Schmidt. V. I'l. i'xiiiitnlilo 'Iriiet Co m pun y , umlcr Ncl > rn kn Nu- Iliink. OHK. * "lyAVrun A S'Cdiiil-bntvl llro proof Imnk > > nifi , xvltli prorir c'hcs' . A'ltlris * , V I , . llro ii or 1 list utiotul 1'iinlt , Mule < ik , Neb. . It'J ' roll KKUT-llOUBES AUD LOTU. IJIOli Hl'.XT Xt lioiif-c 11 looiili. llllll-cnm riuii > . PCI miiiuii . { JUKI HoiiM1 i roiiiM-j.'t > ili niul 1'lc'ire SI .pvi'ino. . 'M.W S on > ulh : ( lu.-lllnj , ' i com "lip SI nl is. oil M. Mur UM' . . m HI ITili M , | HT iiiiinth. . . . jn/K ] K T. t''ii. | " iit A : Co. , Hooni : jt . i ; . Cor. l"tli mid loitiii"Mioijt. ! UJ" rioit Jiii.vritnuc - > Cni > iol : iiU'iuiuum ! O.ut'iiiiuit ' , 5 13. S. Lull- man. Ull 'IT1OK KKNT lluuvc , ! ) t-oniii' , ' 'pinlriP9 : , fill- .1 ? Moon Wiilnni t..5 liloulnli'om ; 15. I1 , ilcpot ; lli\iiu' | \ 1J1T ( . IIK'.IKO si.ViiH Jtiindotv. 5-15 * 1/lOK JJJ.NT-Storo , S/tXoith St. KIIN'T ( i loomlioiKr di | ! ( > 5ito C.niKrc * JpitUoiml c.luiicli. on 81 , Jlnr.v1mo. . ! . , s-ls Sr-'oai IIOIIPO Mill mill Iloilj.-v.c icnp.jr. " ) . Kow In u-i' nlih burn , N. fcauiiUcn bl.flJ. ( \ ' . r. itiiwfiii iV. t. i UI..N r Triiciiiiwi.mib'f'\ itN. * - l.'iih street. ! > 't'i : Kivr'-T > vo c.itiTise in nmT cis irPT month.Y.Swltlcr , ( iinn to Ulock. - ! > ! iiioi : IINTOU : SAT.U A pomi init-u htoro Imll.lliifr ' s\il. ; ( ( wo hlork's mill liu cmi'iit , looaleil in n UimliiKiottn on thc'O > V It. V. It. U. f-plc'iiilnl oi"iilnif | lor dry ( roods store. AU- < lrcs- I ! "ii. lii < iiilk-o. fiT--.i' Jrvoi : It J .N I To Mimil fnnilly , innnrunilflicd 1 ltoi.-c on pir.c'il ureel : lurmieo mnl nil iiiiKU rn ci'U\ciiiiiuo ' < ; iv Airily ut JiiJl l.iuaani t-l. * "iron IINT : : A in ioom IIOUH < cpmr.tiiy lo- -L cnttxl unil ncflr'lMu'flici'l ' uarllno . In peed 'inr ' and < ill modern imiuofcinuiits. ol .lului A Tie.v hum .V To. , fit touth lutli si. 3J J ( K Kr.NT OK l.iAi-Sloro mora.SISxISO .1 ic-iicix' nilh li-rnom honsu luljoiiilnjr i uy : HI iicic inrm , 17 miles west ol Oiu.ihu ; r lui-lne-s loin on bl. Maiy'fe nvu. Apply to K. 11. Clinpmun \ ( Jo. . U17 HnnniM st. llll "JTlOIt jiJ : > r Now lioiiso nt IKO Juek&on st . Apply ut Cumimt'hiim X lliciiiiuu'.i. Fill lindfi't-t. 103 JM\T .Vroomod liouso on CharkM st. In pooJ repulr. Dr. 1'unl. Hb I1lI ! HUNT llmi'o l elon-liif ( ? to the c"-lito ol .IndHU C'biJrtiul.,6W ! 1'urU iivonuo. W.J. "bl I 71 OK KKNT Two ilcu-FrinilO roomfd l lnrmii-i * . luilli ioom niul nil ino.leni convcn- ii'iiee * , ono block liom street cms. Inquire Jo. I1. Itailon , ail aih tt. . 01 Smoltini : Woilis. b'JJ > oi : IJNT : A MOIO room with ir ' HMO Unit blie t. Applj toJolin It.uimor. OK HUNT a s-iort's on Otn mid J7 fts. 1 fctorc on South liltli 61. llolli flrnt-cliiM liiiMmS Iccmionj. Also iioiui. lo runt. A. Me- ( juvocl. . o'.U Flt lI.NT-Ti\one Tf-idoticrhC roomsench , c.ntUiKi > n rooms.liouBt- ' rooms. J , 1'lilpjij Hor. K'J ron EEIIT-KOOMS. "I/1OK KIJM1 i'mnlslifcJ looms 17U7 .1. . ( JJi-lb- K JiNT : I nrniblifU looms. Si.i' ' Itodjre. ) t Jt.NT-ltomiMVlth boilid. 1013 Ciip nve. UJMl OU UiST : A nlioty Inrnl-ned inmuith J 1 lire iiml liviuiroiil No , I'.U1 Dun liij lil.NT OIIP lied-ioom or boil-room find .1 ? purli r. Oill Ijll Cidlloriuii. UU-.i * ! JKN : ! ' { . ' looms furnished or uiilur- 171OI - ni'litdsith , orHuout lio.ud , 1KI Nonli IJMHt iiXT : : Meelv I'm n.Slllul lOOlllH Ih C blocks liom 1' . O.,6ti ) SJ lull. r.S5- ! > * "I7M1J : JII2NT Tt\o nicely luni.slied moms nt .L1 Kti-oniiblc riile ; in ninr liotitu ; board II do- hiuil,7M , H. Ilia st. rj"2-V ' KIJNT Iiirju nowlv fiirnlshoil trout F ! ! ; 111 n-llli boiu\l. 71 1 l-i. I''lli ' St. f > bl.t > > _ I71i K lliN'r : Txio unfiiinlihcd looiua. fi. W , a. ( dr. : . " 'd mill Lcaxititvoith. t > tf > ' x : | j10U ltI.XT-l'iiiiii-hnliooin7c05N 17lll fTT" Tj7 > lt KUNT-KimiWiud moms. N. II. lor. 4 : IMh ami Ciihloi nla , Wl-b- i oi ! KCNT-romplriiily turnUhod HaiTf. 1. lOdinsinid liiitli. Aildli a l.f. ! IkuOllice. ; > > ! . > : iti.NT-N : ofly iinnbhi'd ioom. fV ror. V'lh mnl M. Mar ) ' ii\ ( . Oil ol ! lilINT To Kinllenipnliiro room > fllh J . laiijoilij-ot. ' 'Uililoinw tt , OK Hl.M Innili-liod room nli It liomd. All mLikia toi\L'int'iiCT ) , _ " ' .0 Uod c ttieel. rjii ; TTUm JiKNT rurnliliuJ room. 1017 Clilctiso 1' 017. _ _ "IT'OK HINT : rurnUlifMlfiont ioom with nso a' of liuih mom ; plouti.iiit location , Iniimro it ollicu ol ( ' . K. MHI lie. liilt ami J' , C.'T ; ) IIIIXT TM'O Bulls of i looms t'.io i , 1 I'i ic'ice ' i-lieil liduL-C'ii It'll ' ) mid : 'j < li , Kn- Illh iiml Kin num. 1' . Moelile. Kli I AUK Itl-.N J' I'lirnlsliFii rooms , is.1 N. lutii J ? f-a _ _ FOK ItUNT-rinnUhcd rooms , Km tlniney 1J7 ' ] ? Dlt Itl -With bom d , n loom tuitublo [ or X' oni > peri-oii. li'H WubMcr. _ N.'J } 7 > OK ItKNT rnrnlsliM room with Jtuil llulorlMogfiitUuicn. iiilt DuJtrt-'ht * Jr\OH \ lii.vr-l'iuu : aiii ioom , furnlslio'J tin I . niifuioislu'd , lor liylit luiiitektieiiiiiy , can iMmll ) to round In lleoincr'o llloik , to li nnd llotvurii. b7 TOR SAtr-HOUJ3E3-JiOT3. - [ 7\IC \ ( S.\li-iOiicii.5 ii | C.i.E county , witli Iin- X inou'inuiUf , lull Undo tur city piopoitt , . ' .iVVl. 7J ( ivtOK line liny lull. I ncir Council Huns , f WO ) . 1'nrtlr * luivlnr icul c-inlolosdl n cxclinutio will tlnd It to ihi'lr intuirtt to call on u . \\o will do you yooJ. I'.dvvuid T. IVlcr- son 6.Co , Hooiu.J , & . i : . cvr. JJtii iiml l > uuvluj is. u.O \\7AsTiTN frix nu.r. , 1 > uil-i lol tolJ In tuo weeks. > > bn limit lu-f-nu Ut of May nr.M. Noir is ibo line to scenic mi in ro Mfjari. \ \ o-lrn 'Irm Illil njli \u-tofttlollcll l l.lnr I't.prit \\aluutlllll. . Itjcuuuu , Ull Dodge. V.ltVANTl > Biit.iln lii rcuU'Slntc. 11 lf\.ii want alimifsml 'ot ' , Ifon want n M on which to InilM n liomn. If ion vnnt lni itic pr.'i" ' < > . If ion want to trn Icti nl ' tntf , II joiminit luicpi-opfity. lliou n aJfirm in Ni-nraskn , ( .iilUuul t'V imlT o > irll i. Ifjou wnniiuoiidjnle for yonrptopony , Iii 'l II lth ti . , , , Cnnniiiplnim * Itunnnn , 1611 U.'ilBC. _ _ lib's otioltnj * r lots nod nnroom ! IOII P no.i P I'lic now ill-rot t W ! # ( 91'lt' . fuiililiiBluun A Ilioimnti , 1511 Lmlio. ) ) -T.-10I ! \I.I-A ! rood tornrr lot on liii'lnf" JL' pmt nl ( tnnliiii tirrt. \i ill ho s ilil tu'it Mini on wit } ti-ims. ( . umilnsuiim A : 1.111 linhro. 1illir.s.\7.i : Hin e mil lot's In nil . Ihcoity. rml nud t'Miinliic "iii'lht. < - " .V llrciinmi , 1311 UodKt1. SAI.i-Somo : verv dc lrnldc bii'lnes I piopcilj lii the liestsll rot * . I'uiililligliuni.V 111 eniian , Till Do.lito _ _ \\'ASHl7 > ( i ION II I Mi Is till' imiM popiiln" \ \ iiddit on tm IIPIP lots. Only flUl un nrir veivi'iis > teiiiis. Cuimiiiulnim & \ > o\et : - ' ; _ _ A \ \\TrjT- To litiy u lot or hon f mvl lot One fvnd de'cilptlon umlciy lo 'J pilco. Address II : c.llee Olllco , ' -I' ' : ' ' _ l oii SAI.K-UIIIH'IIII IttHl Kstntc mi-l l.onn Co Jj \\ltllliul ! IllllMlnir l.ol In Iiiipiovonient Asocial Ion. f 1,000. IxM in ll ncom's 1'lnci' , titur llio tinrl. , JI.I-O lot Hinl lionsoln IlleVory Vlnw. ifltV > . Oiiuio inrm wllli Ihsi-t'Iu- . * iinproxcnipnt * nil iintlbrenltiviillon , flvn miles from itilliuiu slutlon , only ? W pel nein. . - 1'ln-o < ht-np. 4 lots mill IIOIKII In llnii'i-otii ; j2i iicioi ! ol Imi'd In ( . 'ciliir doiimy.NoO. loincr - lots , liou'o tmd bum on "jU | st soiilliof 1 ot\cn orlh. J"l , : > n. IloiiM-iiiidlot In Sliull'f "d dd.l. * > . ! . nuvlimln I'uilv I'liicp.fl.-'iO. ' . , A lot mid 0 luuM-s iu Kouut/o i Uuth s iifld. JI.W.U il Ion In I'lnlnvlcw cheap. ! ! lota InV. . A. Ihtliuk'f mid. . $000 eiicn. I.omln i : . V tmitirMidd. mills In llonery \oiyoheup. . Lots ( n\Mlco\'H ' mid. , t4 U. Seine voiy di-slnililu lots In Milliml I'laco A M'IJ- choice Int lnes8 lot on Douglas stief t'heiip , Clii'iip lots In Patrick's mid. Coltngo or U looms on ( .icoifflsx nve. , ! ! > J l.iKid. a | 4H on Virginia luonnt1. A bnivrnln n IICH 4 , bimse Hiid frolt. near ttio clt > . ? l , 01) HciiM- mid lot In Kouulzc tV Knth'ind J . nua rns.nL ( ! OK -L on C. 12. Mnxiu' . 8.W. cor. IMh and I'limam sis. , vbo lnfiii opc'i'ly incxei.x p.ittof tbo cit ) , and hinds In cxci ) count ) of thubtnte. Ml " 1/tOlt SAI.U II ) Dexter L Thomas & Uio. , -i ioom h , l rel'.htou blocJi : : > i ii" t on I'm nam s-f. fi-1 ! ) iiixivi. s. xv. tor. r.lh and ( enter , -eO ) . fi'iAKiU , Hftnscom Place , t7U ! ) lUolsMi.\i I'l.on Umuilton anil Charles sis , JOOO to fill1 , 'l blocks e t of convent. .Vnl- i , cor ( li.ulos mnl Mil t-ts. . S-700. : t.l\K > t , XMth house mid barn , near "Oth and Center , $1,1 > l. Very cheap ; hiiiall paiueni ; balnir-o inont'il ' ) . Vi.\l d , Utlriinil ( . harle-i , u itli house of D rooms , Mell , otc , Sl.'iicj ' 1 lot , Lone addition , M and $ JJW. 2 lots , Vi. A. liille\ mill. , tl0. . Lot mid liu\eiiporll T10. Melhink all Iho aboxc 1'iuyiilin. Call for term * . Dexier L. 'Ihoiniu A : lln > . , Itoom S , Cieijthtoii llluck. f > ' J > l'2I.Vii : > iui2 Atljolnlai ; the linrracks on J the north , iho adwintrwe. on nli-o lcx ( I ( lrix-cx\i ) , lifiintilul locntion , line viuxx's and evert tlnii'r cNo tiiiil p-oesio make upusp'endid ' place for il jesidence. See Itclvodeii' . It is eheappropurlv , and no niKtakuC. . 12. Mii.xnc. S \ \ . .coiI'jth and 1'armim. ! M rpo S121.LOU IJl'Vi-crtlfRtiiteof mi ) kind , call .L on C. 12. Maxm. ' , t.our. . IMh and rarmim f-l" . , who has piuporly in every part of the city , and lands In exerj county ot the state. fr'd . . . LOK III Vrealcjtatool nny Jon ( . I ! . Mayne. S.W. eor. Titli nnd rainiim SIR. , xx ho lias piopiity in ex cry part of the city , mid hinds in ex cry county of thu state. fM flio SI2I.L It It f.lIViealC'-latcol'auy kind , call 1on C. T2. Millie , S.\x..cor. l.'th and rmnam si . , xvho ha ? piopeily in cxery pint ot thu city , and lands Incxcr ) county oftbtf state. f.iil " \\7I2ST sii > istationonLcavenxvorlh : sheet 11 xII1 bu Iho Junction ot the Mo. I'lio. and licit Line. Lots pincha'cd thcro now xvlll re turn a handsome piollt lo the liujei-ln aver ) shot ! limo. Hull A. McCfiidlish limit' . 12 , Ma ) ne , sole narcnts. * ft" IjlOK SAI.i : Lm 'O hou " nnd 3 tilicly elcvn- V | i d lots In E-hlnn'b "d add. i , . ' ( XI. Pur fc-ale Kino b-i oomed house on Clark sticct , likely ficxatni lot , if.'i.irn ) . 41U Gibson A Aicher , Koom H , Wltlinoll lllock. fllO i-t'll or buy leal ustatonfuny Idml.eall on J C. K. Jlayno , S.XX" . cor. 15th and l-'mnain t-ts , xUiohns pie | > uit > In ox-cry piulot thoelly.nnd lumlsin oxuiy ooiinly ol tlioblnti. . Ml rpo tell or buy iral c late of nny Kind , call on JL C. 1" . Maj ne , S.W. cor. IMh and I'm mini H- . , ivlio lias properly in all pnrtB of the city , mid land ? in ovciy cininty of ttio btatc. 1x11 . - nero and hulf ncro Gitr.UNWOon-liciiiitirnl , \ ' liom P. ( ) , , only n 1 < ix moments \\alk liom lluif ; om Jlnrl ; . AL-IO-J J-IOO. Hall acicsf.J" > , 111 pi.-iceat ciwh , biilnncu iiionihly p.iyiui'iits. C. K , Mnyno , H.V. . cor. llth and I arnain. t"'J -\\7isTSIli-Slatlonon : Lcaxenxxorlh btrcot XM | | be the junction ol the Mo. I'ac. nnd licit Lino. Loth pnrchufcd tlirro now xx ill to- linn a hand-onio piolll to the lm.xer inn xery t-lioil tuna Hull i , MtCandlltJi and C. E. Max lie , tolo HHOIIU. tiiti | 7W ) S.\l.i-IIoi ound lot 2111 S2.itl ft.chenp -i- and payments. Addnbs C. fi. Uhtpnmn , Lin coln .Nob. .571 rpOM-ll or buy rcil : e.-lale of any Kind , cull ( ill I ( , ' . i : . iluj ne , S.U' . cor , inth and I'm nam bK , xx ho liaspiiipciiy in eveiy part of Hie. city , and amis In exerv count > Sn Uio ulato. Ml : . : : : : Aero lots at SDJ : to yr.i. Kach xx III imiUo ion T.'ilo likt per cunt , piotlt clom ne\t New Year's day. C. K. Miino , sole t , fc. XV. cor. ISlli and nirnam , 5VJ rpoell or buy reii cttaloof nny lindeall on J C. i : Mil ) nc. h.U' . ( MI- , rah anil I'm mini bis. , Iio lias piopcit ) in o\cry part ol Iho t'lly , and ands in exciy coiiniyoftlie state. Ml , It .SAI.I : Cheap lots in Ilanscom I'laco. 1,10 Adil.-etsO. I * . Muhbms. iWJJanlT' FOIISAM : A t-.x-o htory , 3-v.w : , rr ino imiiii IIIK , unitiiblo lorn ttorn , lOtli uml Far nun bis. Apply.U tills olliuu , V17 " \ \TIJsT SDI | ; station on Lenveiixxerlh t > licet > > ivill Im the jimcilon ot the Mo. I'ac. and lelt Ilni . 1/its piuvliused thuio now will ie- inn a handromo inollt 10 Ihu bnjcr in a X'ury f hurt timo. Doll .V Mcl'iindlish ami C , K. Ma ) no , bolO T.-xoil sAl.i : ( IO.IKO IU pur rent oli-ldnnd rpnxiiiM' i-ink. Liibaunx. Archer , lloom 0. Witum.ll lllock. 4/J po sell or buy real citato of any kind , call on 1 ( . K. Mn.x ne. > XV. cur , ISth and rannim sis , the has piopc'rl ) in ox cry can ol tin eily , tinJ atids in ci t'o L0iim > ot thetitalc. > ' ) ! ii.viinti-AcrP : : lots at JSD to f TO. Haeh 1 > uill nvike jon 75 lo lun per Of in prolit b i ie iirxi Ni' v Vcai sday. I . II. Majnc , solo ifiiil.b. W. cor. ir > | h nnd I'mnma. CiJ IjlOU SAIil' A ( rcncr.U morrtaii'lf ' > o bin > lncs-i . in a uipldly cio\xiii loun nol lar liom Lin coln. lluil Iraduand locntlon In loxrn. A t-ilcn- | did opporiunlly for u puny xtUhhiir a KOO ! cipenmi ; , mul havlnu liom uncr. t ( > tcn IboiiMinJ itoliiiri in cash. Will tell tor man only , or pure c fli. bnliinco real c.-tuto in Omalnu Merchant Ilco utllce , rpo tell in buy in.ii estate of any Kind , call on 1 r. i ; . Mil ) no , . XX.cor. IMhand rariimn tts , xt ho liy * | ) iocii | } in cxciy rait ol { ho city , nnd luiKlj in cvuiy county ol the tlatu. Ml 1 > ii.viiiiti : : : : Aero lom at ( .w to $ n.v ) . inch : J * will make jon ' 5 lo Jii-J IK r ci.'iit. piollt tj . iioiiuxt Noxv Vein's day I' . K. Wnjno , i-olu iiyi'iil , . XV. cor. Ittli ami l-'iininiii , K i rpo sell or buy estate of any Mini , cull on 1 ( - . li Ma > no , j * \\J. cor. istlimul Knrnninsis. , it ho bus piopfiir In ox'cry part ol' the. nty , and landd In every count ) or iho ftuto. M * I7Mlt ) 8AIi : \\liolci.ilc notion xxagnn In J2 KooU repair cheap. Iniiuhu iij or uddrofj M. II. I't nit , Lincoln , Ni-b. 8 J5 ] > l.lVLin.ii : Adjoltdnjf thbairckon JJ the noitii , IIIH thu ndxuiituxe on niv'ii loil drlxcwiiy , ticamiful locution , line vluxvs , mid ex'ci > tbliiK eUe tlml ( rot-s in ninko up n gpl < > ntlid | ihi"u tor n iisklem * . Si < u ltcl\oJera It cheap | iroppy. | | mid no m.jlaku . C. L' . Majnu , 6 , W , tor , 13th mul I'ariuuu. WJ 1 > lsi\ii- p iitlu , i 1).iii.iln | < niiii t" on n and h.t i | < 1ay-i- von cut toi xaniiiic All on t einiito suit llicp.irilnwr : Two toll lots Irj Mtnll At n 1(1.3 linitae in > x.n I modem Jinproxriaonts.l. II and s room * ( ( : ] Ic t It jro ilo d at once ior , , | . $ n.VVl Two 1ullIot Trnriicril room hoiiseSliiill < - ii . . . . . . . nouo Tilll lot nnd " . iK'iueo , aeth , near St.Mntys nx-emie . . . . Ilnii-ooMl i-ydnif , nexxflno locntlon , IInn < .enii I'IKre . . . . . . . llon eof luiooiiis. lieuafllli ami Lea- \enxroitli . . . ' . . t/oo iff find tin.'Oiiicnl.lTtli nnd . > . Vivo room honve , mil Int , lVo-p < ct I'lnco 1'nnr ioom housti , full lot , I1U : ) < om . . Si\ ? i odin house , lull lot Huh near lcn- \enxM.ith ' ' " ' . . . . . . . lloii'p and loi.l.ilhntnl Center . . laon Hoi B ol 1 rnom-.iiiif lia emrnl.Iiiiirova | men ; ii'ld. ' 1 it iStld. ' , tot ner , iJiinp , ciuy term- . . . . . ' . . . . 1.SOO 1'iilllnts , Miinll iiiDiitlily jiayna'iil * , In the toi- low iiddltlons to Oilman. llanoeoin I'hico . | "fl JMtotp IIIII . BW Codellilllinnte . _ l.W Ncnpoit . . . S * ' llellxedi'ic . . : Cil ( KiniMtiirton . SSI ) Ililu-liton . S.V1 1'mU Tnrest . yn ) lonccl.on . . . fi ) ) nulitLxmans ! - . 4ini 1'olli.i A Cohb . 4.VI S'\ Ion In Wllenx nUi | , eheap . l,7i llii liics's piopeily , farms and iinlmprovvil hiiul > oil the I > CM tci ins , ( 'Ive us n call. Con- X ej antes nt nil limitIMxnnil T. IVtuison A : ( o. . ioom a , y. C. air. IMh nnd lloiihi ( .SI.i . ' > vy.VI.M T IIILI.-Uxcr UW IhiehoiiMfibltllt ft 111 this bciiuiltnl addition diirliifr the otinimei : o\rrMliinoio to lie built nevt seaion lotsj : ilto J5W eachci ; > easy tcimif. r. i ; . Majlie , S. W. foi 15th and I ni mini. WJ. B , . Wulnut Illh lots jUU : ! to S7VI. West fcldo lou jw.i : to $5-iii. Thot iibiii-ff lot JIT ) to Sl'iO. l' tmt'iiter lotst'r | > to SWI. I laker \ M II.MH- mill , loti(175 In $51) ) . Hoiieuken n uiW lols J.'ti1 to t'OJ. Sunn } Side lots f7.Vl to $ IW. ( llan tom 1 'lace lot t < } ( do in f /it I ) . IlimeliaiiKh l'liiK < lot fiW ) to $ 1,150. ( iieenxuKidufix - Iot < $ iV ) to"i. : .1. I. Hedlck'w M.bdlX.lotsflriiHllo * I3) ) . Itiiac , V Mslden'f lots - < . $ > > U to J1OJO. HurrOali loti . Tajloi H add. ncv lot $1.0 > J. Tultle'h snb-diX'.iiuic.s IJJ. Lots in every pirt of the city : ca y tormf. ronxcxnnces nt iiedoor nny time of the day. C , 11. Mui no. S.V. . cor. JSth anJ I'linnim. ' S\l.ion ; T ADi-lGU acres of lam POlt l'i mile ? ninth of North Aubuin , IS'eb. about lvtyticic Indereiiltlxntlon ; uondhoiMC bain , and a Koodxtcll ot % xuter. Kor luithe 1'iirtn.ulais appl ) lo It. II. Hoadlcy , HiovxniiHo Neb. 4ICJunai ! BI-I.\ iii : : ror imiffiiilU'ent vicxr , fim lexc'l dn\e , ' ( iliMsant location , din eheit ) piotierty. Sto itnlxedeio aero loin.,10 to $ ! V each. iti : yleiiuC. . II. Mnjnc , B. W. cor. Ifill and rainam. "M' JjMl'l K \ \ , Kl.nrcu unit small block raiiL'lied 1 xv th orxxlthou slock. 1'or Nile ; i lots ,11 Sptimf Hill , $ IV1 each. 1'or Sitlu I2liillilieit banking ; buslne-p it Nebraska , count ) { eat. Gibson A ; Aiuhcr , roon : a , Wilhnell itloik. I'oi Hxehim e-Nebriiskn fnrm > for Omidm jiropeity ; tu > o laiAl > : to ctcluuuju for stocks ot iionds. Wantoil 3 ImMicss lots for cash xxlthin 1 blocks ul | K tollb. ! 1'or 1-AcnuiiKo-liX ) ncrolmprox'cd fui-in. Miull son county , Neb. , tor house nnd lot in iiiiiuhn , [ 'or Ndo A "Jtu * e ir.ict 1 miles nf po-Killk-e : house cost S > l"U'iH > rSlll > JD eaih.tilbsoii.VArelicr , itoom , t , Witliiflll illdck. ; t'3 rpo tell in buy r'Mil'otlulu ol any kind , call on I C. H Maync , S. * jV. eor. J.lth and rarnanibts. . xvhn lais piop < it ) Hi ox'cry pail ol the city , and lands in uxcr'fO.inly ol the state. &ill t y I.VT Pule tltu'jnn Junction of the MKsourl I * I'aultle andlidt Line , on Leax-einxorlli tt. It youxtanta Joiini West Mdo don't wait lonjr oren > on xx ill bu too lain. Pncus of lots S-iliKMo # " ) ii. ) ICas ) terms. C * U-sMayne. mul I'liiiinin and Hell \ .M 'iiadllbh , 1511 JJ'jdgo frL. sol'j BUIMi > iiti-rcir : imwiiincciitiexv , line luxcl dilve , | lrisant louallon , din ( heap piopcilx. See Hehedeiu aoe lots , JS.IK ) to J.I , " > 'J ' em h. Kasy teiiasC. . 12. Mnj ne , ! ? , W , cor. loth and I'm num. 'f ' ' " 5. " > s : , \ ' : ) . : - ' - imiffiilllepnt xieiv , line level diixe , lik-asimt location , dlrl cheap piopeily. iupfJii'ltjL'ilorc acie lols. uii u $ -t.Mi cncf. . MIISJti'rwa. . , C. 12 , Ma ) uc.T ; . W. cor , 15th and I'ainam. " 558 \\r.\ I. % IT 111 M. IoU.Tnn io"fl5u"each. . l > Plreil Car line beuiB1 built out Cumiin , ' Street to this add lion. Hell Line depot located In UK centre. 1'lnc locations , \c. t-eo Walnut iilll it 3011 xxmit a beiiutilul lot. C. U. Mayne , corner 1'nli and I'mimm , FOI ! SAI.iII ) Potter i Cobb- Cliolco lots in J.oxxe'b rii'et add. , 5 ' 3 to 5150 each. Corner in Isaac & Soldcn s add. , ISJvl''t , for S1.15U. I'lno lots on IJroxrn St. , COxKK ) , al t700 ; each easy terms. Acre lot very cheap , cor llioxvu mid California bts. , jGiiu : .land lu luiro traits on easy terms at il73to A loxx choice lotd m Tboriibing' Place , ou Hull Line , cheap. S lots in Bhinn's T'.lrJ , S fl each. I'lno business cor on I amain st , $10,0)1. ) Uits inl'oltiii'B adj. , JSWto 40 > J each ; xcry clicnp. A lexx'llne lots , ILinscotn I'laco , at $7. > ll each , Call and bou ourli..rtrains m acie tracts. < bT.'i J'O-IHII A-'DIII ; . l.Mj rainam St. T AND SiUKiiS : : ( , ArrBSTION For full par- l-i tlciilairi about lieu mid cheap hinds in Western Nebraska address Thus ( ' . Paitcison , Hctd Ksiatu Admit , Xoith I'liltto , Neb. I'M rpo M'llorbuy ici I estate ol any Kind , call on .L ( . ' . 12. Mayne. y.lV.or. . Kith and I'liinmn bli > , , w ho hiipptopi'ity in eveivpait ol the ciix.anU lands lu over ) count ) ol tile i-talc. I < M \\TAl.NfT IIILI.-Lots fi'll ' to STV ) oacll. i Street Par line belnir built out Ciiiiiine Ml cut to tills addition , lloll Ijno depol loe-ilc.l 111 its centre I'lnc locations . Meiiliiut Hill II ) on xMint a bcanlllul lot. C' ' 12. Mnynu. comer l th and rainam. Oil \\7AI.N'l'T IIILI. Lots 5.'Hl to JV'ii i.ich. M Street Tar line bcliis built out Ciimliu street to Ibis adJinon. licit Line depot liuiiti J nils centio. 1'ine loealioiisc. . See \X'nlaiit Jlillll voiiuant a be.inlilul lot. Iv -Maln , h'ontlixt cst corner 15tli und 1'ai num. f-r > l TT'OKSA 1,12 Lot M ft. front , lUlh M , near -L .Inekson , $ iririil ) ) , I/ot 1\11 : Hotvaiil Hi. near 101 hr > , 'i'ja. ' I/it 4l\s-i , , lonei near Hah , S.KU ( , I'lill lotUuood house , ' ) , Unit near U''J. S-d.dkl. Lot IC'\M > , housu o ionium , iM.xuird riauu- iltTb , W.IIH. .Viootii house , Renrfrlii ax'o. , a bninain , ? : i 2K ) . Lot WKiri. liousos rooms , | sih M. mar Pop- pleton , fl , . > 'Hl ' , l/t In O'Nell'H snb-dlv. on Hurt $ lSi5. 1 lota In llm r oak Wftt ) . ril'lo ' ) lacIiiK llnnscom 1'aik Jl.'W ) each , or $ , " , < KNI cash. Lots in Oimiha Vlotv { .25'J toU K ) . Lots in I'aik Toiost00. . ' 'lolsoii ( ioortrm axe. t-,7LH ) . K. 1' . Hlnifer , llll 415th. . WJ Bin.VlvDIiKl ; A < ljolnhitr iho hat racks on. thu noitli , has the advantiiK"on nice luxcl , mlxx'xuiy , beauiil'ul location. llncxiLttiami cxer ) llmiircl-io that KOU. > to ninko up a splendid place for a incidence , Heo llcli < lern It is cheap proiierlx'in'iio [ } mislako. L' . 15. Muxne , b. W. cor. r-th iinfl 1'ai nam MM ' SIIHf-rtWe.hai'o only sl\ lots lull in SI'XNV In this bciiutllid aiHiiii.n. They me thu che.'ipcst asxxelln Illicit lolson Cal.lorni.i l , M , < Km ciich : I'JISA lonns. C. 12. Mane , is. veer v\ . eor 15th nnd rutltalU ) ( W" rp < tull or bnj'Vcjl 'f tiito of any kind , i all on 1 C. 12. .Maynu , SV ; , cor. Ijib and rain.imstB , xilm has puipuiiInij'xcry / < pan of tlicnij , nnd lands In every cmin ol llio statu. , ' . 'i ' ! \\r.\I.Nl'T HIM Over 10J line lion-e lenlt > ) in thin bctlliilnl addilion ( luiintr Hie pasi sniuiiier ; over ww moio to bu built in M MM KMI. 1/iis iauu w * JiOleach ; xcrx e.i-.t lurms. C. 12 , Ma ) ne , H , ) Vl. cor15th and I arniuii. i > i SAi.u-/iy / ID I'ull lot , siii.ill hwiiKO , Wllcox add. . $7M ) . u4Cr-rull lot on I.oaxcntxorlh tt. , ucxv house , all inodnin conveniences , jn. . JJLot on rarmim H. near ith ft , house 0 looms , all modern linpiovumenls , ? 7V/ij. SX Txvo lot ; , tuo liousts , Oth near lloxvaid , Wu. S.'l IxiltMAlil.Soiilh''Olli st , gooil house , f I.1O9. Monthly payiiKiiH , X1 Lot 1UH H , fronllnif txvo meets , nlcu cot- Line Incinir Iliiicoai 1'uiK , t4&U 10 JliindMiuiu lol , nlcu COUUKO \ looms , ( Icor- jslii nvo. . l.nno , H Lot cdxlfc. " 5th nnd rarnuin , honto 7 looms , VJ-TIll co ncros , coed lioue-o , fruit , etc. , l.cuv- enuoith st. , f2,5Ul > t I'nll lot , ItxocottHves , ShliinVndd . ? UV.50. il JloiiMif looniH. eiibt trout , biuutifnl loca tion , HaiiACom 1'lai'C , fJ.Sii. il HichMiit jx ldctico ) U rooms , ix\n lots , line location ! dX'cry pogilhlu itinxciilciuv , fll.WW. id t'orner lot , nice cottairo 0 Kxinif , ono block . . ' .ii llandM > iiie-t eottiife In OuialiH. li rooms , beautiful lot , ( leoi'Kin arc. , fU.MM. ; s-Uil WUHO , ImusOl moms , boulh 13th ft. jia : i. OJ-UooO hoiisoQ looms , full lot. lllckruy nml loth , $1700ory ! clieap. C. K. Maync , S W. cor , 15th and 1'uinuui. < M p.VTKICK'.s addition on ninii1"r * street Is J the cheapest property In Hint part oT the city. Street exit run through Ihis ndilitliin ; chords n re com onli-it , business r < aches it on tmn shies fnf coin , im aeo an.I | p ir'llil" luenl- lly Patrick's adilitiii'i has map ) ndxniitnuet. ( all mid line-ill ate Lots onlxin ) lo JiHil enili. ( . 12. Miixnc niftil. f. W. cor. IVh nnd rnrmim. fi".S \\fAI.NUT 11 iTl.-Ovcr iiw"n no houses built IT In lliis boautiltil addition durlmc Ihc flinimer ; ovoi Kill tnoie to be built ne\t scnsitn. lrfit Wto $7W each : x cry easy toi inC. . I ! . May nn , S.V. . eor. ISth mid riii num. & .1 rl'O spjl or bnv i < dlpatnlo ot nil ) kind , enll on 1 C. 1' . M'U'nc. * IMh n'lil I'-unum l , xthu bus propei't ) lnc\ei ) p.ui of tin1 < it ) , and lands In rxerr eooii'x ol tin1 SIHIP , _ _ S6t _ 1) XTIIICK'S atUUt.iiit . on Itamiitiuvi fli"ol Is - ( ho chcapi'st pii'ix'i'tx In Hint part ol the ( llx. Slitel etii" run iuoui.'h ( this nddiilon. Schools tueconvetiti at , liisini.--l icuclii s II on ( xto sides for i oin enlencn and dcMta ! In IIy 1'ntilek's iiildlllon h.i < < nninv ii'U-nilnKCJ. Cull nnd lalc tiilile. l.iti < out ) t7i > " to JD > 1 ciich. 0.12. Mane agent , tf. \ \ . coi. liih nnd I'm num. f.f > 'i Tm paiti xthoe.illi'l lorlPiiler T iioir on I'miam Mnet beixtuen Illuht- icnlh iinclN n 'tecnlli , . daj nltcincon , l < c- Ixxceii % an III. kimtvn IM | ha" IM i n uVip 'led. To save I in I In r trouble , he Is xx at tied t'i ifliiin the iloit toSlt oulli roiii'ientlirliei't , and Ml. Hnllli"iiiiPi' xx PI pay hhiHoi his tiouble , CAl'lTAL , l'ni/51'J , $7o,000 JS t'l. SIlllH'S ill I'lOpOltll'll. LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY "We ilrt hereby cerllly tlnit > u "snue-'vi e ih niiiiiiHcniciitsfoi uli tin Momlili nml v n"eii.\ Urnxx-lnm ol 'I he I-oiiMana Si'iit < tiottcrt ( 'oinptin.x.aiiil In pcmon miniate nnd ( imtr tliu I'mvlturft them ehe , mul * hu thesmneuii eniiiliicleilMlli hone"t > , liuriies * mnl In KOOI Inlth toxraril nil pmties , innl xtc iinthm t/r tin I ouiptuiy to IIM tillscerlltlciite , xtItli lac. liiille We , the underslL'tied Hanks and II.inkers xvlll piy all Pn/i B iliuxMi in I'be l/niiHiiiiiaMiilc Iml- Ici'iCb xxhlcli may be piebented nl our counters , i. ii , or.i.usnv , Pres , Louisiana National Bank. SAM ! it. : II. 'KI2N\KIV , Pres. State Hallooal Bank. A. i\i.n\viN , Pres. KewOrleansNatlona ! Bank. IIKOIJ onMeil ill Iffs foi',1 : ) rnri : by I IIP ! ojt * | ' ' latur" lei l' and ( . 'liii'iitnblu iimpcx" x > llh ni'iipltal of Sl.iHii.DiiO to vlilch n tc-erv liind of ox-ur Vi'id.lXiO ha * since been added. Hyanoxemhelminiri'Opnliii vote Itslranchlso xviis made a pail ol thu | nent state eonstutiuii niloptfd IJecembrr-d. A. 1) ) . Is ? " . 'ibeonlx lolterx merx'otcd ou anil endorsed by the pcoplo ot nil ) stale. It nt-vei scnle * or postpones. ] i" a-rand single miiiiliei draxvm s takn pl.iro monthly , and tiio cuinordinat ) iliav. inguvu - nbix en ry Ihu c inoiillihisiend nl scinl-iinuu- allx as heieloloie. beirlnniny Mnich , ISM' , . A Sef.LMiiiiOrrnitTi'Mirio WIN \ ruint'Ni : . 1st ( iraml Dniixlnp , l'ln-s A. In th" Acidi my ol Music , Now Orleans , Tuesday , Jan. l.'th , IsSI ISMh Montlilx Draxruur. , TSL mill $75,800 10e.UJU Tickets mp ' | Dolhiillnch . 1 rait ion In rifths , in I'roportiun. 1,1ST UK IMU/.Cs : ICAl'lTAL 1'ltIXU $ 1X ) 1 do do iiywii srur/i-s or ST.IM ) ' . ( K.10 iTvwi ) to llO Itl/HM Itr )'j'l ' ' MM M ! i-IIW nw j L'j.OJJ ! 'Appiovlmalion Pil/es of t-7. 1 n.7. " > n H ilo do 4/cW I' ' do do IWi lrl/c , amoniitiiij : lo . faVi/iiH Appllentlon foi rale * to clubs 'lionld lie m.ulu onlx to Hip ollicu ol iho company in Xuxv Or Ran * : . Tor fnither Information wnle rlonrlx' , Elx-ini ; fiilliuMivss I'tisTAL NOI'K- pre < Jlonuy Ordeis , or Xnxv Veil , llvclniii o m onllmuy Int- lir , cilMviH'.v byextnos all bums ol $ .1 and up- xuiidb at our o.\ptiistv ! iiililrosMin , M. A. DAl'l'lIl.V , Nc. Oilwins , Li , Or il. A.TUri'JUN. Wiinlifm ; o i. I ) O Or M. D'l'J U.\is i. CU lj-'irmnnin i > l.Oiunlio I.liiUo . V. 0. Money Orders payable and n tvlttercil lein is to NUUULUAXS NATIONAL IIANIf. Now Oik'Hiis , In. Or M. OJ nNa& : CO. , liW rniiiom tl. , Om.iha DOUBLE THICK BALL. TvvoYear The " CAMIKB " llDUEcn Co. give a l.i . r Kub , Scr than win , bn ohtutncd clsoivh MO f > T the mme aionry , xiilh their prcat hnnpixcmint of tliu IIOClilK 'JIIK Ii I1A1.I ; . Tliu cjn t 1"i 1 ol riibbcni UtuuiJcrllio tr-ail , gives 1) Jl 1JE ! 11 hAIt. /pk to pen the "TWinE" DmiUo Tlilifc Hall Cubbrre in } ! oots , Alctlcs , Ovcrtlioia , AlJtl-r.t , Ac , A Common Sense (5KNKHAI , AiKNT ( , 1512 JOUt.L > SSTIKiT | : Onialia. Nebraska. < 'MJ'IH und OO1-.W Mu l d Prco. HORflEOPATKBG P E C 8 F 8 O S . l > i > 'uci.'Utvormil | | iaid ou n-rriljt f' ' ' . Ties I in.uH.N.l. . -anifinci i ! , > n im ivi-t" . 'CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. " Tliv OrlKliinI nml Only < > t-iitilnf' . . I liMiotir Cbcmlfnl. < ' NAME PAPFR. . . ' . . . V.5IB SBl.eahllMai.r | ( , I'l.ll.du. , ! At llruicUti. 'J'ruJt i n J i1 ullcr \ t'vllK C * . , t > tlc o. Ill , . FAILED TO KEEP HIS END UP Au Unlucky Daluth SpeculAtor Plnys Havoo V/ith tbo Wheat Market. HEAVY TUMBLE IN QUOTATIONS. 'Other fSralii Markets PcaturcU < s niut HullCnttlo ItecclptH lil lit , \Vlllt INoCitl yHlhiK Uctlci' ( .etit'i'iil OIIICAOO OHAIN ? \HK15T. 1 . CiucAM ) . Jan. 5. Special Telegram. ] \ViiK\T--.SKIniiidred \ thousand Innhels of w hc.ilx eiu thrown on DID Dnluth market this inornlnc on nccounl ol mi luihicl.x spce'.tl.Uoi by Ihc name of McKen.lexlto \\asnnableloLeephisciul ti | > . Prices took > tlnre cents ntiil iltmrteil ( his mailcl ; in sympathy , a * * oxcinl Dululh opi-intor * oideicd Iheii Ir.ule * clo-teil. r smlleih ( : bihiKliic oat n considerable tilyot long xUicat thai would piob.ibly haxo lKeii ? held miilcr oidinaiy elieiunslAiiec. ? . 'J'he dcptctl.ttioii In value uu U'O e , nml thebic.ik was pieeiplkntx. Tim incie.tso In Hie \ l.slble Mtpply , Ihntncli Rin.dl , sxas another element of we.tkness , mid continued blue cable.s xxcio A slioim bear fealme. The flnuxv Ihi'nuzhoitt the xvest mid open weather In the e.ibt were UtVeti to bo In dications ol a hhtiltlut ; doxvn of * uppli" > at iniuiury point * . niiil .in I'Munsiu' coiiMimp- tion tit theothei eml. Ixxo factoiM I lull imulit to biing tiUittt healtny decrease In the wceU'jisible , and the combination gave the niatkel some stienirtli. laj lilt Ix'dux'k at &sc , fiom which ligmo theie xx-as n Hilly of : V'ix heii ! the sale ot 'W.OOd bushels by lliilclt- insoii tu l.lntlliloom mm Led Hie turning point , ; uid a deeline. of * > { o followed. Values nji to 1 o'clock weie within ae ' range , and 01111:1 : : M.viiMits Alutil nil the lite Inert1 was in speculation was eoiilincd toheat. . Coin , oatsnnd provisions belus dull. Coin was just a tiiile higher , mid oats \\-eio nn- chanci'd , Comparisons of closing figures showed no change In quotations of Impoil- ttnce. Deallngyere very light , and the niarlelvnsstihstaiititilly ; Ai-tr.ixot : x lioAtai On this nlteinuon bonul xxhcitt haiitencdmid adxaneed ' 4e , but tbelmproxeinent not stistnlmxl. and the 1 and do : : ; o'clock clo.slmr \ as lilentlivil. Corn anil oats \veie easloi' , and pioxlslons lecoided : i slight gain. 2:1 : ft p. m.Puts on .Max whenl , NTSIJe : callls , Se. CH1CACJO IilVIC STOCK. Ciin AGO , , lan. 5. ( Speolrtl Tcleginm.J CATILI : lii'cciptseie liyht , and theieiba , tailing olTol neatl.x : i,0(0 ( in intinlier us com- pmed with the lirst tx\o dajsot last xveek , The quality lo-di.\ \xis ; tnrain lalher Infiilor , scarcely it dozen loads ol leally ( ? ooil cattle being on sale , and none that crnild lie quoted us pi line Ill's ) elass stock. Then ! was just about a Millicient demand lo take all the tise- Ittl cattle , and most ol the sale-stnen reported an advance of l.VjKUe on an.x lltlnj ? Hint wuically lat. Large nnmbeis of l.tir logood jroj puniul .steer.s atesellln aiomul about 61.55 to S1.03 , anil largo iiiim- bt'i'.s oC 1"00pound steels nro .selling within laiitfe o ! H..0 : to m.SO. li-lit ; steers of KKKJ t ( llOJlbat . " -I.Oltc ) SI.1) . ) , and liilit ; eommoi sold down -i.fiJm.-i.T.'i. . 1'oin'or livu loads ol Texas COXAS sold at S'i.r-S , .Stockeram feeder ttatleojieits up ( alily active ) for tin H'ason. 1'iices aie now u strong Sfti'tnc higher on desirable xotini ; e ttlu than t nionth'or ' so linck. Sllijipln r sleets , 1 ! Tii ) t ( ) , SVXlyr.'Tiiai ' ; I'.OJ to J.'WJ lh < , Sl.TOii MO ; ! 310 isnj His , < -.r.y : ; < t HDI.S Tnule was lalvlytictix'e find pi Ices , aseompaied with Alontltty , about a nlckei higher on heavyand a nickel lower on llilit. uh and common odds and ends sold a ! In S.'J.'JO , and l.tlr to choice jiacking soils at S.7."i : ! to f' , with best heavy al s-.Uio : ) H.10. V.u'fl lugaml hhipplng1"AI t ( Now Vcn-k. , Ian. . " / . MOKIV : On call easy l'OJiijuN" Kxcii. . , s'un jJiLi.n Higher ; M.b-i' ' ' tur bi.\ly Uiy.e : , and H.S'.i'i" ' lor ile : ma ixl. ( ! ovii.v.xii.s'rs : : Very dull but htendy. Sidc'ivj Active , I'oxetNli and \xoak dtiriiitr the hist hour. The. litnl prices xxeio gciieially 11 mil \rili percent loxxer than the closing ( | iioldtioiir > of yesleiday , and ; in ttniiMuilly nit pillar iioxciucnt folloxvetl xxilli a decided xxenlne ; .s alter ] 0u ; : : o'clock. The niarket 1 > i"n became dull mid litni iint'l ' lale in the al let noon , when il apiin ( In-lined some Had ouy , ( lie teatt \u\ikiji vlieiiiir in ooal -tiKksand , hitti in thed..y. . tiie ci uci-i , I'IK es In-night aie al or xxuliin . it'U pet' ( em ol lliu loxM'bt ( iiiolations leai-iii'il , and ( . 'eneitilly liom small lla < lions to Jff per lent Inter Hum e.i'tiiiig , exn pt n decline ell l , jicr cent In , lTH'ier ) cent in Di'l.uxaK'e' Uiulsuii. J.1 , jcr cent in Nonh- wi-stein , and 1 pet eunl in Uesleni I'nlon. l.akawiiina < , Si. I'.ml and Klinvete \ lite most aeuve , TheleiviKh and weak condition ot Hie niaiKct in the moinlng xxas due lo thu mi- liiiuiii'cinent that Inn li-ulnu'ilealei.- hlei- lin. : cNcb.ingii had aiUiuiced Ihc posted r.tlus In llieshiipinu' ) iioinls , and tliu Hieel xva.s al.nell sniiplliilIth rnmoi's that ship- Hunts in' i. { > ld xt ere to ho made Itmncdialel ) . ' 1 he act mil l.tlu lor loieiijn oxehmiKU this iiiiiininif , however , wassoinexvlial lieloxx Ibe puce at xxhicli shipinenlr , can bo made xvllli- oni los- , and \xInle il siitlcnid toxilliin u small fiiiilion ol Iliat ligmc dining Ihc aller- niHiii , thcie uas mil iiiiu-h business ilulnir , and im enga ciiu'iils ul gold uctc inaili ; lor ' STOCIC1' ON WALL RTIIIMiT. SVeent liomls * . . 101" , C. tV .S.V lOiM I' ' , is.-1 , j' 11-jy jirelerrcd. . . I'Mj'.r ' Nevx IVf lii iX. "i.C IWI'H ' I'neilieO'sol 'di. IS'i'i Oivaoli , . Sil1. Central l'.iftlhp.Hlj I'.ieTnc Mall ( K\ C..VA jn'ji'i ' > . , u ; vi 4 jiiefencd. . . . J.Vi JM'.l1 ' IJ. r. , n. , vij -iiM..Kock ' Isiaim. . . . lil ) ' , ; D. , i , . A-W rn sat. i , . .vs. r. . . . w > ; D. Alt. ( i 1 'xi jDetened. . . -ir , ( Hue -0'4 ' C. , M. , VsSl. I' . . . IIV lilefened. . . . fi' ! ! MnIiTlvd. . 1-Wi' . Jln > , 'St. I' . A-0 'Ilk' J. , U. A : U' is , , jiii'li'iivu. . . 101'J Ktinsas.v'lV-xtis. fil ' 'IV\ai > I'aeino. . . li ! ; < j\x ! ! ' ! ? ! ? ; ; ! ! ' . ' . wi w,1 , M. r . .twi ' ' .Mich , ( 'clilial. . . . .i ! prefciTivl. , , 2) ) ' . Mo. I'acilie 113'Vstern ' Union , V K NoUhcin i'ae. . . u > , iO , If.itiN' lui't ' prcleii'ial. . . 'Ki l ( lilongo , , lnn. 5 , Flour ( > niet ; xvlnlor wheat llntir , ) . -0 ! < H.-'i ; .sonthein , $4. < Mci MM ; WiheoliMli , > ( V" ( I. ; ; Michigan Mill spiiiiK wheal. S i.7un l.lij ; Milinesfjtn bakers' , 5.i..V ) ( 4.'iO : p.iu-iis 5J.l.Vrt.'i.5'ij io v grailiu. , is..lKln.i.O'l ; r.xo llonr , ( juinl nl J'D.-JOWl.aO ill baiiels ; buckwbiMl , M/iVd I.7A in lam'ln. \\lieat-Attivo and Jnwett oiiu-il very weak ; declined In under jesfeiiluy , iwicted 4e , ca-i-dull ' , c , llnctiiated. and Iinall.t clocd , c lllldcl J "lclln iillC'Illuoli : KjK'vi'.e luf - : * * ! . ! ' loi'.lim'tiai , ) ; t < v jit'B' .0lortcbia- ai > : \f ti r May. Coni ( . 'nl.'tTiiid ' MliMilv : sjii'i'o fiirrituli : ilft'f ( ii.'ji e lot Jqiinaiy ; M.W-Wjuim t'Vbjuat ) ; ; > n lUfiav.c im May. Oats -OidH ; c..iili and near I'ulmes Him and n slunlo bciti'r ; dcleiied itncliaiv.'itd ; foi ra h , > and l''tiilliaiv ! Ul , ui-\c lor .Ma.x. . Kxn ( jnlet and dull , niiiteilally un- rliiiij-fil ; .it ' : Itattey , \l > out , ii\iM4eii..i , , . - - . . . . ' . , . j'oili About michmiKdl : oll'eiint'i iroiler- ale ; fcin.diKVflo.O" ' joi cash : S10071. . lor .l.inn- ioi' ! : ! ; Im .Muy. ' l.aid-l.oxxerlmt eleadv : SO.On3in.OJ1 ; for c.isli .nut .lanimtx ; Sil.Oij.'dtJ.O.'i lor rcbin- arx ; ? u. ' . ' . ' , * " * > 101 May. Tnnotlix btead ) ; plliili ! . Sl.TtXgl.Tl. KlavM'cd Dnl.No. ! : l.M.ll'j. ' , linllv .Meals .si'ioiiMc ) " : i.irf ( I7i ; shoil eJtai , > " < : * > . " : -hoiI JibM.'JJ' ' . " ' 'j.U > . \ VhskM.llt. | . Mntlei Dull. K < "Ml lo faiiev ( amer > , 'i S-V biHMl lo choice it.i'l ' x I K" 'V . HideI I nchaii"i"lH'lecu , N , heavy green ' lull } cuicil , 'J' , - . liobti l i d mf.'xid , 7 < > ; bull hides7c" dry sailed , 1'J | C , drj Hint. rv Mii < : calfskins. PV. Tallow Unchnneed : No. tconnliy , fa Ueerlnt * . bhipmenli. t'lour , bhk IO.IMO ' ' \ \ , bit fti.DJt ) ( "otn. on mo * ) Oats , bti 7'JiKK ) lje. ! btt 5.000 116116 J'arlev , bn SRi J M.OOO St. titmls. ilnn. P.iiilvaetue , he.ivy , and closed' c Inxxer than xesteidaj ; No y red , cash , COV ! ilaniinij. ( .V > ' e. l-'cl ) . uiaiy , W * c : Siimh , tM'V : May , < , is'4p. ' Com-Me.ulx and y" ' . c bcilct. No. 1 mixid , ras , jNl' e ; . HIIIUII.V.1 . bul ; I'ob- niarx'flc : : Alanlt. M e : Maj , 'v\\c. \ O.itqSteady ; No. * J mixed o.v h. OS' , Jan- itai'y , Sli'-e ' ; nominal : May , ! live > othiiu doing ; SOo bid. Whisky I'oik Mcmlj at 51(1.10. ( l.atd-l'iim al SV-'mMK * . lltttter I'nll ' and nlu'liaiigod ; cieameix. ! M ' e ; tlalrx. in , , , j.v. Ai TCI.N'UV.N r.oAni ) Wheat Kasiei and K'M' ' c loxxer. Coin -Sieady and a simile belter. ) .mil a sh.ulo bettei. Toledo. . .Ian.Vhcatl \ < 'lim ; cash und Janu.n > , sHiji- . Com Hli m : en ah nnd .la nnar.x , ns' o tats ) -Kcxlecttid : casli , : uv. lilxei- | > ) , , ) . ' . . " . . Wheat Pom demand t No. ! wliiiertiml spiim ; , 7s i'd. ' I'lour Pool deniand at Ss.M. Com 1'oot demand : si-ot ts d : d.ill. , lan- litt ) , I'eliiiiaiy and Maich , 4 * 'd : stead.x Knniim City , dan. * . Wheat l.oxxer cas-li , ( is , < bi , | . wtf itsKed : I'Vbinarj , 71e ; Maj. ; d'e bid. Tie a-ki-d. Coin Oniet : ea h. 'J'i , e : rVbinaix , " c : Match , . " . ' : May , .1e bid , ill ' ' a'U'il. OaisMend ) at'.V. New Yoi'U. .Ian. fi. Wheat - llecelpts , SKWIm : expoits , 41iJK ) : spot loxxei and lair ly nelixe lot cNpoiteis ; oplions oK'lied | heaicaeted , liMxiniroll s.jid | > ; mmtadcil ted. Ji'.mUV ' ; No. 'J icd , IHJUi" in stote. l 'o mloat.'ilc f. o. b. , VI' cln elexaloi ; I'ebuiary elos-itu ; nt lM'ae. ( "inn 1 light r ami faltly actlxe : optioiH o.'iPit.'d NXi'ak , aUerxx.tids stivtiL'thencd , p.nd closed steadx ; iiveipli , .v..o.x ) 1m ; evpotls , ( itVXH ) 1m ; tncradcd. J.vii'.v : No. " . 4liO ( ii'e ' : No. ! . 'i'l-i in , e in eloxator : I'Vbtnaty eislmr ! atts' ' p. O.its Illeiier and modenttcl ) actlxe ; tv- eelpK 'J4'OM bit : evpoti.s. iiinie ; mixed wi'sii'tn , M' .iniircj white western. "Setl.e. ! Peliolettm Steady ; united elo .ed at Wo. Tj-'irs Hull anilveak ; ureiptl.i.O paHc- "I'oik ( , 'itlet' ' : mes's , Vin.KX ( in..1. . . li.t'd ' ( Jpcncd lower , eloscd slead.x , decline iceoxered : sidi ,4 , xxestctn .sle.un .spot , frl.OO , Fehruaiy , sn.iricrt. : ( ; i. llnliernlel ( and weak : weslein , I'-NnRle , Klgtn cieamerj , Jivitwie. Cheese ! inn and demand modeiale : west ern . , . 'f'jc. Cinoinnuti , , lan. & . and lowei ; No. 'J led , SU , < l Ie. Corn Itai'dy sleadvo. : . ! niKed. 'HV. dills Ktisiei ; No , : i miM'd. : W > .e. li.xe ijnii't ; unl unehmiQL'd : No. . ' , ntmole. Italic ) - I'lim , iriioil demand , and un changed ; e\tia Xn. "spjinij , fiifirii'v. I'oik CJtilel al tlO.'iV ' \Vhiskv t-tead.x at bl.iO. 3iilivtitkcc , .Inn. 5. Wheat ICasj ; cash , K"C ; I'VUriuny , Sl'ne ' ; iluy , V Corn l-'lnn ; Xo. 'A : Wjfc. Oats-Dull ; No. ' , ' , We I.xe-Uitll ! : No. 1 , r.v. Hailey ; No.Me. . 1'iovNlons .Sleadv ; mess poik , cash anil Jnnnar.x , SJ.-'ft ' ; l'"ebiiiiiy : , iKt.oi ) . Jan , .1. Wheat -Maikel dull and loxx-et to sell : No. 1 bald. v > e cash and ,1'inu.tix ; Nie KeliriMf } ; ' .Kc ) Match ; ' . M.IJ ; No. l noilliein. .siic uish ; c 'iruaij ; We Match ; hSB'e Mav. oiir ( Jitiet ; patent" , SI.SVSMO ; baKcrs , UeceiplN Wheal. fes 000 bit. { shipment- . Wheat , 7iMJ bn ; Hour. ' . ' .fiOiJ bbl.s. MVI5 STOOlf. Clilongo , Jan. , " > . Thu Dioieis' .lomnal icpoits : Catlle KeeoJpK l..tOO : strong and 10V high er : sldiipntrsteei.s. t".T"iii6.iO ( : bloekers and feeders , i'4.7llrc-1.10 ; finxs , hulls nml mixed , M.fiu e-i.oi ) : built. -iOi ( " .lft ; coin-led Te.xas eatlle. * ji.7rial.M : ( , ) . llo s Receipts , J'.OCO : stead.x lough and mixed , .Vj.fM' " > i ) : jiaeking and siipiing | | , i.siv i.or.'j ' ; light , i-j.H'i.yi : ' ( ; ; skips , s-/o j ! Sheep ItecelpM , " , : :00 : : sle.uly : natixes , # i)0\i [ ) \ I.IKI ; \\estelll , SJ.lWi , ' J.40 , Tcx.llts , 'iy. ( .Inn. fi. Cuttle ll-eeljiH , aeti\e. ox- . ' S.ojirfVJ'i : common to choice ship nin . Si.rA ; i.1 ; tockerti anil lecih rs , t-.uj ( a.1 : ! ! : cows , j-.o iu ( "Jd. . , , weak , ehiiiii ) : .n- lower : good to choice , S'i.sD OM.d'j ; comimiii lo iiiedimn. * : i..riO ( ' ' l.0. St. ljoiil , .lmi. n. Cattle I.Vcelpts 1,100 ; nhipiuent ) , , OJJ ; maikel actixc and ir 'JOc higher nn goo'i sliipjw'is' and linlclicis' eattle ; oed t'lehoici ; diiiMiing , l..iDt'i.'i.ii' ) ; cominon . . . eo\\s \ ti.'J. > ( . and feeders tjf t ) ; f.blmcnts. ] ) , ro ) ; talllv iicllxe : hnlehc.iV anil choice he.ixy , . - : . . sy'i 4,0" . ; inKf-d jMclung , 3 ! . (0i' ( ' ! . ; . ; li ht , OMAHA SXOCK. Ttievdaj Kxenhi' ' . Jan.r . Xo stock ti.iinmi hetl to-day by luii-on of the hiioxv bloekitdi * . Tliciewasa good de mand for all grades ol stock , ( iood butch ers * stock was In icijtie t , and c ( > : n led Meeis x\onld haxe loiind a very good nimlicl. Txvo ir.ilnsdl t t cattle weie due to-day , but did not arrive. The packers aie all anxinnsio buy hugfl , and there ih liLely to be suong comjH'tition belw n the hn.xcis , ' roxvw. No. Av. IV. No. Av. IT. , 1107 6'J.M r . . 1071 S'J.M IH'I.I.H , ? MHOCK HOCK , 01. , IIIA.S , No. Av. ] 'r. Xo. Av. I'r. No.Hi. ' ' : ! . : i-'j ' ci. . ( Hi. . : uoI ! ! . . r OK i'lticr.s roil nous , - . . .Kiiaiiifu ol' piiciM lor lonali ml.M'il , he.ixy packing mid light \xcieli' lmr lor hlvili _ : > i > In nhtixvn below : nni/ . l Hoit.'li I IN-ivy f fight . JMK I , I Packing. IWeiKhls. Wedii-d iiy. . ! . * ) ' ( < uu : i.j'i.i..v * li.l'm/i.'J MomLiy..1 Ji.'jo 'l.ju. JWn/.S. . " ! ! , ; j.r | ii I' : i.'j'/.r : , _ : ; . ' .i i.iw : t.-jOr i > N"lc All ituleot sini'k In tliis inailict ai < made pi rt'xxl , \xclirht.nnleis oihetxxP Uaii l. head hos ; wll nt ic per ll > , lor a ixciirlils. "hi. Itih. ' 01 Imvi xxel'hln | ! , ' less Ilia. 100 iu , no value. J'le uaiit aoxxi HID docKe \VJIOMS\IJ : : 'i'ue da ) Jan , lar.s--Sali'S ol I'HK ai not law , miu > tocl , ' . aie. l.iiilj huihiilcu \xeiu niiido to lay at Ji' ' < i.ov. : lit ri i. it- Choice tahlu bullet Is meet In- : ivllh ic.nly stile wlillo Inleiiot ( jrodei are nol ixantid , hliMlj choicii lolls , l.C'U7c ' ; lull o itood , Ui < i.l c ; Ililejior. IC'iH ; . ( , I'alic ) lull cicaiu I'licililaM. Or obcc intde. : lie : Hats I''c ; "i oiiii Ameiica , ll'c ; litkt iiuallt } SxxJso chwse , ] ' ; hocond ( iiidit ) , t'Idillc ; hi Id. cheese , luolJinbuigor ; , rori/uiv To li > ' nnlvals of laiir.\ inclitliic.iil.x su'oiil folloxvln iino . . mo laxoinhle , Inleiloi ock or pooflx dtesscd poultry Is not \xanled mil holder. ol failiill do heltci to bull It al lunnc lliuii In Mnp II to lliis iiiiiikct. Jnr % < ) ) > . hliielly eholrtliy , hickens , Mil < tl > fiioico , iliv plcl , * J , icese , hlilill ) choiu' , diy plekoil , 10 ; ( < jU , UlClvb , stlltllj t'Uwllf ,