Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 06, 1886, Image 1
iHE FIFTEENTH YEAK , OMAHA , WEDNESDAY MOKNING , JANUARY 0 , 1SSO. NUMBER .1(50 ( 511'ltl'llY ' WANTS THE EARTH Pulling the Wires for the Iowa Pension Agency for Ono of His Lieutenants. A LIVELY FIGHT IN PROGRESS. A Hill Introduced In the House to Make Onialm a Port ol' Knlry J'nloiitM Issjicil lit Western In- \ cntorsWasliltiKlo" NOUH. Tlio lo\vn I'otmlon WA IIIXOTO.V , .Ian. r , . [ Special Tele- Brnni. ] Aery Ihcly.ll ht Is Iniiro rotsnvcr the pension aiteiicy for the Iowa distilct. Col. .Mci rill , of Clinton , and .lud Klnne , chairman of the democratic state cential eoimnlttee , aie hcie , and each wants the place. lloietofoie these Kcntleinen have winked harmoiiloiHly , hat tlielr IntuiiMts clash at pieseiil and lliey aie oneiiiles for the futuio. Kluiio wai siipposoit to have the strongest political back Im ; . hut Col. Men 111 has a war record behind him which \\lIliunloublMly prove a strum ; le\ui In hoostlm : him Inlo the place. If .Mei i ill Is appointed to the position it will bo another leather In Jciry Muiphy's cap. Mlnphy has alicady beenicd the tip- polnlineutot the United Stales marshal for the 1101 them dlsliict In the poison ot Mr. Desmond , of Clinton , while his brother , "Thas / been appointed United States distl el attorney lor the same di.s- 1 1 Id. .Meiilll is fiom Mmpiii's bailiwick , and 'If ' he succeeds in getting the L rplace , some of Minphy's colleagues think that the Judi o will be a lit candidate lor the vacancy In the trinity when It occurs. For fcevcud days thcie has been a 'eatdcal ' of qidct wlie pulling oil the pail of the friends of Ihc two candidates , and each has privately cxpiesM'il the opinion that lie has tilings all ills own wiry. The fact remains , however , that Cen. lllai'k has adopted a rule which * Allbo [ iletiiiuental to the Kinnu faction. llo has sniil that whenexcr ho can do so he will always select an ex-soldier for tlio posi tion ol pension a eut , all other things beiu erpial , in pieleicnce to a ei\llian. tioinool' tho-o who knew the I > a\cur > oit nieniber jiettywell , assetttlmt .since lie secured the appolntinent of his two candidates for tlie two positions abo\e mentioned , It has been ucc- c.ssarj to send in two eaids befoie lie would fcecanyone. They aie afraid that if Murilll is appointed , a slhcr saher tocairy the cauls upon will bo necessaiy , whllo it li-l.s success should bo topped off hy the passage ot the llcncplu canal hill , nothing buta coach and four , with a lootliian in li\eiy wlli ; atlsl'y tlio ambitions ol the honorable gentleman fiom Iowa. 1III.I. JIY XrilKASKA In the house today , Jlr. Weaver of Xe hiaska , piesented the military lecord of Albeit Cotton , lie al > o picsented bills ap- pioiilatim | ; 510,000 lor the eoiistructioii of a pulillehiiildimrand the pmchaso of a siteJor the same at the city ol Beatiico ; illiectlmr that there shall bo one tenii of the United States district and eiicult comUhold In N"e- hraska City , beginning on the first Monday of Fcbiuary In cadi year , and that one gram ! jury ami one petit Juiy only shall be sum moned , and sen o in both of these coiuts at each term ; dividing the stale of Xebiaslca Into two judicial circuits on the i'latto river , thociicait north oC the liver to bo known as the noithern district and that south as the southern dislilct of Nelnaska ; icqulrln ti-ansciiptsof judijiiieiits obtained In United States com Is to bo tiled with county otllcers MET-- having charge of judKinent iccords In certain cases ; extending the piovl.sion.sot' the act of Juno 10 , ibtO , entitled "An act to amend tlie .statutes in lelatlon to the immedi ate tianspoitation of duita'ile ' goods , and for other pai poses" to the neil of Omaha ; declaring the time , the cost of MiivcyltiK , selectli Mind conveying should ha\o been pahl by the raihoad company under the 1'aclllc raihoad act ; aiiieudiiiK an act authoti/.liif : the consti notion of a hildi o acioss tho. Mlhsour liver opposite to or within tlie limits of Nebraska City , approved . I mio 4. 187'J , by irlvlngtho rkht to any eompaiiy or corporation that may build a Inid c under thepiovisionsof the act , a light to build the .1 same fiom the most eligible place it may select within a distance of seven miles up or down the river Iroiu tlio corporate limits of Neluaska City ; nimiiilni ! jndgus of the United States circuit or distilct points to reduce their Instiuclloiis to jiules to wilting In idl states wheieln the bylaws theteot .state that judges aie leipdicd to do so. Mr. l.alrd intioiluccd his laud hills , which weie mentioned in these dispatches some tliiio tvjo. M r. J/iiid also preheated bills for the relief of ( ieorgo S. Comstock , James Ualnter , Homy Martin , Moses Pnllliigton , Wesley Montgomery , Stephen C. Monioe , I : John II. AVhltaker , Delia ( i. Webber , 1'alsy Jackson , lieiijauitn F. 1'ope , David Stone- cipher , W. 11. Tibbets and Charles II. Holt ; also a hill tor the erection of a public build- Imjat Hastings ; to equali'/e the pay of hos pital stewards of ( ho army with that of other ollleoi.s of like lank ; dlicclln ; , ' that teiius of theclicultand distilct courts of the United States shall be hold at llnMltig * each jcar ; for the relhl'ot certain oillceis ot the aimy ; regulallni ; pioof icipdied In pension cases ; to pievent iieijulsltlnn of piopeity hy aliens. Mr. Doisey picsented a bill lor the icllet of Otto Shlttler. i-ATiitfis issuni ) ro wisTinN : : iNVixroi : , r.itents weie Isoiied as follows to-day : Wil liam 11. Habeoek , assignor of one-half to I' . ( loeble. Alton , Iowa , bolt look ; James Da- veiuiy , assimior ol one-thud to H. llltlle , Coifiath , Iowa , buckle ; Uobcit 1) . Duncan , assignor of one-halt' to A. Wallace , Omaha , Neb. , strainer for catch basins : jj nines Jill- inoio , DoWltt , Iowa , llio wood saw ing ma chine ; Maiy A. ( Jieeley , Ottuuiwa , Iowa , rnndlestlcU ; Joel Mosiman , Falls Ulty , Neb. , traction engine ; Collins F. Xewton , assignor of ono-half to W. S , Wliif , Omaha , Neb. , train Mgnnl ; lliumon D. Ovoiton , Mlssotnt Valley , Iowa , thill cniipUn.i ; ; Theodoio 1'ldl- llps , assiKiior ot ono-half to 1C. Kgli , Whltinir , Iowa , washing mnehlnu ; D. Smith , llising City , Neb. , filter ; Fenlln-and Windier , Kco- knk , Iowa , car coupling ; John A. Yaiger , New Hampton , Iowa , loller skate. sAi.Uiis ! ; iaii'riii. : : J. F. Diiver and J. 1' . ( irantham of Iowa , have been leduced in the general land oflleu to SI , 100 a jear fiom ? l.f 00 on account of up polntmenth being made In classes nbovoiuul old men lilllni : them being ictained bj 10 dnelngtheli rank. A 1 IW1,1O N Hiibt St. I-ouls Driving Tel 1'olew 1'foin the Streets , ST. Louis , Mo. , Jan. 5. In tlio case of the eltyof Kast St. J.ouis against thu Western Union Tclegiaph company on the charge Hint the company's poles and whesweroa milMinco , In violation of thu city ordinance Justice. Shea gave a judgment for the city of S5'J ' and costs. An appeal was at < mco taken , Thocaso will piobahly be ran led to the MI piemo court und the oue , llon definitely tet tied whether thn i-oinpauy has a tight to maintain its. pole.s In the city. "Wheat In X w Vork. NKW VoitK.Jnn. 0. The \Uible tupnlyo wheat as compiled by the New York pioduce exchunuo U V ) , iJ.V K5 biiihclb : an Int- ! -a l'J luistieU .SKIJHA.SKA AM ) IOWA. tlie Snow Illooknile In tun ! Around Uncolii. LINCOLN , Neb. , Jan. 5. ( .Special Tele- ( Train. ] Tin1 'Ilurllncton tinin No. t , which left Omaha Monday mottling at S o'clock , icached Lincoln at 11 a. in. to-day , laving been twenty-seven hours on the toad , ) vcr one-half of wfdphwas nawd In cnltlnc through a diift aUireenwood. There wcie ! " > pasn-ntois , nearly all bound tor points west if Lincoln. Tialn No , 1 , which left Omaha this moriiiinr , came tlnoiiL'li on time , and the iialn line east of Lincoln is now clear. The \tchlson branch will be opened to-day , and m attempt made to get a tra'ii west on the iialn lino. The-sheriff of Cook county , Illinois , * , islt- d Lincoln ) cstcrday and obtained extia- lltion pajifis lor the ictuin of Heniy ( lil- oj le to Cldcago , wheie he Is now under In- llctment forbmglaiv. Ullfoyle was aitest- wl In Omaha last week , but ionised to Debacle ( i Illinois unless Iikon on a ie < | iiMtlon. The tapers1 weiecnt to Omaha last nlclit. The U. 1' . ti.iln which stalled for Omaha jesteiday atternoon Ian an oir the track near the stock \aids while bucking snow , and had to ic abandoned , The pilot ot the einrlne was oin oiraiid It took neatly live boms to light ho machine so the train could be hacked loun to Lincoln. The liist iRiin on the llmllngton fiom the west siiiceSinulay came In about 8 o'clock ast night and was at once sent last. The naln line Isjiow opt'ii Hiu lull length. The Ncbiaska City biancli was also opened last light , and tlioUiand Island load will ho cut out to-day. Hold KM nines DemolUlicd. LONO 1'iNi : , Neb. , Jan. r , . ( Special Tele- irinni. ] 1'assenger tiain No. 5 an I veil heio he houis late. While changing endues , engine No. is collided with engine No. ' . " . ' . lemolishing both engines and smashing up he bairgage car and doing consldeiable dam- ige. No one was Injuied. Died of Heart Dlsrnnc. Dis : MOIMIS , Iowa , Jan. 5. ( Special Telc- giam. ] Mr. C. L. Cain , a pioialiiciit cltl/en mil well-known lepubllcan of 1'leasantvllle. ell dead in a stole al that place to-day. AIH wplexy of the lieait was the cause. Iioyal to tlio Core. 15ii.i'A : T , Jim. r > . Airangemeiitsaiobeing nade for a moiibtcr meeting of loyalists in Ids city on the l th nit. , to piolest against m > mcabiiiegranting home iiilo to iieland , Sl'IjMVAN'S fj/VTKST KNOCK OOU'N lo Clubs a Newsboy AVItli a laiatlcd Umbrella. HOSION , Jan. 5. [ Special Telegram. ] Slugger Sullivan added another leaf to the ; ailaud that adorns his blow , yenteiday. Ho was in the lobby of the ( illsoy house , accoiii i.mlcd by Hilly Maditeii , when Tommy Lee. iged W , a sickly little tellow , eiitcied , i-elllng ) auers. Sullivan was ugly di auk , and was mgcred by not liiidlug Al Smith ol Chicago it the hotel. The boy stepped up to Sullivan mil Madden and asked " ' : 1'apeis , gentle- nen'.1' * Sullivan tinned on him s.uagely , clubbed a hca\y silver handled nmbiulia , and shuck the little fellow a savage blow In the mouth. With blood Btieamhig lioia his mouth little Tom fell to the floor , ciylnir. Sullivan walked leasmely out ol the hotel , while Madden lan to tlio hey , picked him up , placed a dollar bill in Ids hand , saying : ' 'Take this ; don't speak et It. I'll boo you igain and give you some iiioie. My lileiul sa little diiink. ' ' Madden then icjolued Sullivan on the sidewalk , ami the boy fol lowed , his blood dilppiug on the nimble Moor itcveiy step. Mis. Lee , mother of the news boy , will tiy to have Sullivan aiieslcd. IlUKGIjAKS IUAST A BAKU. Tlio CJuiiicy Inrkct niilldini ; in Itos- ton HhaUcii U | > . UOSION , Jan. f . [ Special Telegram. ] At midnight a heavy explosion shook the great Quiucy mailed building on Noith and South Maikct stieots. I'asscis by saw the windows and a pel lion of the walls of the second stoty fly Into thesticctand an alaim ot tue was luiued In. Tlio tiieiiien ami police found that the explosion was caused by buiglars who had been opeiatlag upon the enormous safe of ( he Ames 1'Iow company , which occu pies the whole second story of the liloclc. The explosion was doubtless iinu'li gicatcr than the lobbeis antlcljiated. The loot's of the safe weie blown ell and gieat damage was done to the inteiioi of the build- Ing. The Intel lor of the sale had been stiip- pcil of all valuables. A large amount ot money and secuiities were always on deposit tlicie. Two policemen icached the building a moment alter the exiilo.slon , but saw no one leave the place. Jt Is impossible yeltoe.s- tliaate the loss. A I'L'OIMKTIO TltADCIi. an Aiiliiiateil Conver'-atioii Witli a Well-Del I vei'd Itlow. CIIICAOO , Jan. 5. ( Tele.'iaiu. ] rallies standing in the pnnlsioii pit and aiound 0110 of the tables at which the tellers meat woik on 'Change leeching ballots for the second vice piesidcncy of the boaid , weio astonished about the time business opened this month ) ! : to t-eoMi.John J. Hi van ! ami Kobeit Lliulblom In animated conversation , Nobody appeals to have heaid what passed between the two men , but the Iciiuliiatlon ot the inoiaeiitaiy meeting VMIS a violent blow delheted on Lliulbloom'scyeby llr.vant'.s list. The piCM'iit dliector left the hall Immediate ly after. No secret Is made ol tlio fact that tlio tioublo grow out ol yesteiday's circular Issued by Llndbloom , in which his opponent was by inteienco tciinetl a "sticai ; Ihict. " Oiinlon ] on 'Change dilfeis as to the merits ot ( lie case , but all aio agreed that Direcfoi liiyant showed alicmarkablo lack ot fusto in ma'king a pii/.e ring ol tliooxuhangu floor. IIIO I't'LlyfOD ' Ill-ill WUIO O1M3.V. A I'assciiKor Ti-am Oaslies Over n JlnrnliiK ItrldKe Salbly. Piminsnuio , Va. , Jan. 5. [ Special Tele- gram. ] A passenger tialn tioia Wilmington , NC. . , for Kli'hmoud , Washington and New Voile , over the Atlantic Coast line milroad , was ono hour behind her schedule time In leaching hcie last evening , having naiiowly e caK.'d | de-tiuctlon near Kockj Mount. The ticstlo theie , Engineer Thos. McMillan dis co veml to bo on the , but nut befoie hU ti.iin was within a few yaids of II. A poition of the bridge had iu'en burned but the rails weio In place. Thcro was no time for icllcctlon und pulling out tlio vaho of the locomotive as.faraslio could , the train dai ted over tlie tottciiug trebtlu at tlio rate of sixty miles an hour. TJio speed of the train was Incicabcd so fauddenly that all lights In the coaches wt-iu extinguished and the iiassengcis WITS considerably shaken up. No one was hint. An KxLMtrdlim Itoat .Burned , WASHINOTOX. D. 0. , Jan. 5. The well known excursion steamer America bin tied about 5 o'clock this morning at Aloxandiia , Va. The vessel was owned hy the -Jmuan b Coastwlso company ot Daltinioio. and was valued at goO.OOO. A Change of Jan. a. George I'.IHs , publisher of the D.rily Advettlser and tlio livening Hccotd lias , icaiuned. Jt Is stated that Hcuiy Cabot LoUgu w ill take hU place. /imvTi.\i ? \ Din ? Comment on the New Tear's Display of Detectives at the White House. THE REMOVAL OF MR. GURLEY. A Penny Postage Ailvocnte's Vloxvi Po\v ClintiRos finite In the .Senate I-'oicc ttf Attaclici Derelict Army ami Navy Ofllicrs. Guarding tlio AVMtr lliin e. W.\sni.x noN , Jan. r > . ( Special. ] In all the comment made upon the icceptlon at the white house on New Year's day , more is slid about the supciabundanco of policemen and ihtecthcs the n an > thing eNe connected with it. People are Instilling whether it was Mr. Clcu'lnml or his filendswlio rccouimendrd such an unusual number of bed ) guards ; and whether theio was any iea on especial tor such precaution nirnlnst harm to the execu tive bj some wicked individual. The people nt the white house continue to ilcnj that anj of rinkeiton's men weie em plojcd , 01 detectives of any character. His uNo tine that theie weie uioie than a do/en detectives on the inside audirnt side of the w Idle house during tlio leceptlon. It is also true that them weie twice as many usheisand dooikeepcis , whethci they were policemen , detecthes ot elti/piis , ttian usual and tinIco tlio piecautlonsusuallj taken were observed. It has been suggested that thepicsidcnt has leeched .so many threatening missives of late from cranks and disappointed olliee- holders that lie was wananii-d In Hooding the executive mansion with men to guatd against violence. He the cause of all this what It may It has attiajted a gtcat deal of attention bete , and will undoubtedly fail of emulation at latino receptions. The folly ot It was eatly discovered. Tin : LAW is riAiiti : : * . The rciiiovlaofCiiti ley of the postofllco depart incut , has eteated a good deal ol unpleasant ness again among the department employes. Gmloywas superintendent of the free de- liveiy system , which lie was the author of , was one of the best men In the government sei vice , was lice fiom objection of any char acter whatever , except that he was a icjiubli- ean , and the duties ot his oflico leqniiod that experience he was possessed of. It such an ollicer Is icmoved without cause , other em ployes ate Inn. tilling of themselves "Why am 1 letained'1' Theio Is piobablj not another man In all the seivicc with so many coed aigumcnts In favor ot his ictcntion and so lew lor his lemoMil. If he could be lemoved with impunity , just to make loom for a , nisieganltiig the good ol the ser- vie" , what .sense Is theie in keeping the clerks and those generally who come within the let ter of tholavv'.J lt is icmarked cverj where that tlicie Is a gieat tllspailt.v between the piactlce of the cabinet olliccrs and the ptolcssions ot the inesidcnt on the subject of civil set vice re- ioiin. Theie is not. in 1 act , any ie. < einblauce between them , 't'heic is not a p.utiele ot spoils la tlie ollice held by Ciiuley. Jt is sim ply a clerical position , bat witli many com plications and tar-reai'hlug ami indicate duties , remming expeiieuce and ability. One thing is u ry plain , However , in all this : The ptactlcal benefits ol civil set vice ic'foim aie never consldeicd only the law Is leaied. AN KXI'I.ANATION C'AI.Iii : > TDK. It is leportcd that a number of army and navy ofllceis who were In tlie city on Now Yeai's day , and failed to pay their icspcets to I'losidoiit Cleveland on that day , will be requited to furnish excuses and show cause why they ignored the oideis of their superior olliccrs. il is not especially incum bent upon otliccis to do houois to the dent on that da.v , but custom has made It an unvviitten itile. that It Is seldom hioken. The sccietaries ot war and the navy issued oidci.s for the olliccrs to assemble on that morning for this customary social event , but so many ot them ignoicd the older and custom that it Is believed some inquiry will be made into it. A nxNV : rosTAoi : ADVOOATH. "We can just as well have penny postage , " said an old postollice department to day , "as not. 1 have seen some estimates made of the mcie.ise ot the service since the icductioit of letter postage to two cents , and eompated to appioximutions of what the re sult will be if an ounce of letter could be sent fora penny , and I tell you we can just as well atl'oid to ted nee the postage fiom two cents to one cent as we could a couple of yeais ago fiom tluee to two cents. I believe , however , that the reduction should at be made on the lir > t halt' ounce , thai Is ehaige two cents an ounce , as now , but let the letter go tor u penny if it does not weigh over hall an ounce. The dcflelcnuy would not be ueai so gieat as it was when the oilier icdui'tiou made. ' ' was 1'eoplo w'ould wiito of tener , but on lighter paper. When the 10- duction was made of two cents for an ounce , people isimply nscil heavier paper. J think , too , that a folding postal caul would take , too that is a piece of paper , stamped , twlco tlie si/e ol a po-tal card that could bo wiltten upon , ttu ned over and sealed , all lot a penny , would be the thing , That would alioidchcap letter atatlonaiy and postage for n penn > , and cost no more and be no heavier than a postal caul. " rr.w f \\fns : ix THI : SP.N vn : roue i : . Thpie have bicn no changes made In the foice.s ol the senate dinlngthls session which aio maU'ihil. The leorganbatlon of the com mittees amounted to little of consequence , and no changes have taken place in tlio cm- plojes positions , The senate adlicic.s to tra ditions , and changes occur inlicquently. Things go by courtesy , and nc.uly as many democrats icmaln nndur icpubllcan inlo as icpiihlicaiis In the minor otllces. In tlio house , however , the changes aio veiy iailic-al eveij twoyeais , whetlier the same party 10- matiis In powei or another comes hi , Tlio im-mbeis say they get better sen Ice by having change * made. A man Is moioaccommodating , It Is found , about congress , especially , when he knows ho can ictaln his place onlj byehllily aiidclllcieiicy , and hasno ilaim upon diatom , tiaditlon or 1 ! > ictalnlng tlio same men in po-dtlon for many jears , old Jaw- makets sa > , the nits become graves , and lines become ditches. None of the positions about congtess. wllh peihap * a do/.en excep tions , requite much talent. It is said a com inlttce Is again to bo appointed to look Into these matters In the senate. I'JIOal'KCTs I'OII NAVAI , LnOIsLATIOX. Your coiiesimnilent Iiuiuiicd of a naval ollicer if ho thought much would bo done lor the navy by ilils congrew. "Well , " ho replied , "It Is fcpivteil by the administration , but 1 have been trcllng mound among congressmen for sentiment , niul don't believe anj thing will bo elrected further than woik started up in our navy yaids. It Is my Impression that when this I\PW \ navy is constructed 1 mean tlm new ships built the woik will bo done at our yards , as it should be . Then wo will never bo at the niciey of unjhody or any country. The t'oveminent can do Its own woik. " DlSAI'l'OIX'l Kl ) KM'Kri'AYlONS. The hotel keepci's have begun to tear that they have built tuo high their expectations of , und that after all theie Is not going to bo acr > large crowd here during the winter. One ot the le.mlinp landlords Mid this nioi nlng : "I have a Manlier nuiu- brr of rooms enpazed for this month than for several years. Of course we have , as all the hotels have , a good business. , hat the lirst four months of the year aie our hat vest months" "Why is this ? " "Well , because there Is nothing likely to come bcfoic congress to attract tlie masses. Itevision of the tarllf. hankniptcy bills and discussion of commercial matters fetch the crowd's. It seems that Jiono of these matters n re likely to come up , at least vciy soon , and wo must put up witli bridal ] parlies yet. " llti : lt.Vii : ! ( { t'KSTtOX. Westeiii members ot congress re turning from theholiilayvacatlon sajthepios- pects aie poor forany antl-slh er legislation In the hotfpat ( Ids session. Most of them hav ing intetvlewed tlielr constituents while at home , come back more determined than ever tote.sist Intel feiettce with the "dollaijof our daddies. " The antl-slher members , who foal the lesult of continued coinage of silver , say the only thing now is to wait until the exportation ot gold begins in earnest , and let the house know Its error by bitter e\pe- ilence. The question bids fair to lead very soon to an interesting discussion , to say the leaM , In the house , and one- that will engen der bad leellng between f e picsldent niul some democratic memlieis. OH1TUAUV. Tlie Ucv. ArtliurO.lJrykeinan. ) HAi/riMom : , Mil , Jan. 5. The Ilev. Arthur O. Hrjkeman died at Ids residence in this all } at an early hour tils moinlng in his blst year , ot hcmorihagcs alid jaundice. He was born at Koeiigbuigh , Dttssla , and was a son ol the most prominent ( iernian iihysiclati ol his time , and It Is said tscloscly lelated to the royal family of Prussia , llegtaduated fiom the unlveislty of I/eiislg , and then en- teiedtho Lutheran ndnlstrf. Ills connection with the troubles of 1813 exiled with him tlie Hon. Cart Schuiv , with whim he hasalwajs maintained an aftcctlohate friendship. Since giving up the woik of the ministry , he has pursued llteiary laboishnd Icctuilng. Oeatti of a CiNC'tNN.vii , 0. , Jan. 6.1-Jtov. Dr. J. W. Hall , formeily president cf the Miami uni versity of Oxloid , died yesx-iday in Coving- ton , Ky. , aged S > J. ! Joshua R. Uppincott. I'nii.ADiii.i'iiiA , Jan. 5. Joshua U. Liv ] pincott , head of the book plbllsliiug liotise of Joshua B. Lippiiieott it Co. ' , died tills luoin- ing. ICIIjali Upton. HATH , Me. , Jan. 5. Elijah Upton , senior editor of the Dailj Times and Amcilean Sen tinel , died this iiioiniiigagtli70 ( > eaia. AMONG Til 13 HAIIjUOADS. A Kebiiinc of the Illinois llnllnmd Coiiinilssion'b Hqport. SritiNorui.i : > , 111. , Jan. 5. The laiiioad and warehouse comnilssloiiers to-day slit to the public pi Inter their animal report of the condition of the fifty-four railroads in the state , together with a statement ot their business , indebtedness etc. The fol lowing tacts ate gleaned.from the tables : The total length ot tnu&S in Illinois loots up iis ; > sooo , miles. Thoca'.iltal ' stock of titty , loads as it-ported. Inclndijig least'd-llnes , wh ( fruXi.l 11,000'ait iaeicusoovor last year of SIC.r , . 0,000. The landed debt is b"U.- ) , iHOCO , ) . The Heating debt is S40m7,000. The iiirgie- gate of stocks , bonded and lloatinir debt is 6t,4.4h.'iooo. The total gioss income lor the > earof loads iepoitingisnH,4SooOol : ! ! which amount s-W/JiS-VKH ) is tiom passenger earnings and jJlJMjttJl.Oou from liuight ; fiom other souiccs the Income was Sl.b-i OOO , The gross cainlngs for Illinois business amounted to S.VUI01,000. The total updating expenses and taxes paid In Illinois during the year wasS17KW.Oi. ! ! The nguregnto gioss juolit on Illinois business was Sli , ( V0Ouo. ! Tfieie- poits fiom twcntj-lour lo.tds show an aggie- gate gross piolit of , and light show an aggiegatc loss of W5IUO. The Wabiihli Foreclosure. Sr. Loi'iJan. . 5. Tlie Wabash laiiioad foieclosuie case came up today in the United States court , but counsel wishing mote time the court adjourned until to-iuor- 10W. ni'U'OllTKD FU-3D. Iltit Denied by tlio Indicted Million aire's Son. CHICAGO , Jan. fi. The rumor that Milton Weston , the Chicago capitalist Indicted tor conspiiacy In thoMuirysvlllegas well tlots near I'ittsburg , had lied to South Ameiica , cannot be vciilled , ami is not cicdltcd here. A son of Mr. Weston , scon here to-day , said lie was In icceipl ot a letter from Ids father , dated New York city , Januarj " > , when he appeared to bo In good spit its ami said noth ing to indicate that lie intended leaving the cotmtiy. The son also said that Ids father was not the man to run away in any c'-cnt. JMrrsnt'iui. Jan. 5. Jt Is icpoitcd heio that Milton Weston , tlio Chicago nillllonaiic who was recently sentenced to fouiy eai.s in thowcslcin penitentiary for complicity In tlio Muiiayville icas well i lots , but after wards iclcascd on § ir > , uo ( ) b.ill , pending the decision of the supiowc court on an application lor a new tiiaf , has by the advice of his counsel lied to South Aim-lira and foi lolled his bond. Westell's application was iclused yesteiday , and Ids lilends think ho will not ictuin to abide bj his sentence. A Planter Full * . Viruxiitnn , Miss. , Jan. n. Deputy United States Maislial Banni has attached the piop- eitj ot U. Iv. Ingcinoll , | n Issaqucna county , tiion ] a judgment from the United States peart , The atlarliment was based upon a judgment In favor ot W. C. Hameilln , a biokcr of Dctioit , Mich. , for 31 ,000 , Mr. Jn- gcr.soll Is one ot the leading attouunsot this city , and his planting and mcicaiitllo Inter ests In Issaqucna county ate veiy huge , which places his liabilities at fcl OflO , and Tils assets at sl.MO.OOO. The Oolilen City KiprosH Itohhcr. LAM.VII , .Mo , , Jan. . * . I'age , the ( iohleri City evpiess robber , Wits hcjd under guard In Coldcn City until jestf-iday nunning , when ho was biouglit to Lauiar for picllmlnaiy dial. Ycstcidavaftciriooa the justice's court was ciowded with anxious to see the prisoner and hear the testimony. Ho waived tilal until the rebuuiry term of tlio fin-nit court and Ids bond wa ? fUed at -i'.lHXJ , in de fault ot which he was ieuiu\'cd to jail , Nortliei-ii Pacific lij Ni wOIIK , Jan. 5 , Tiiestati'im ntof tliu Nortla-in J'aeillc isijhiad for Dieember shows gioss eainiiigs ( if .j l JJ ! , an Incicaso over the bantu month , la i year of c'Jl. : ' The statement ot tho'toijtl trom July 1 to Dcct'iubei : > 1 shows gioK.s earnings ot Sil.iUT- , 71i ( , an incicase over the same neiloil labt jeai ot.-l4iOd.i. ' . A io : , Jan. .vfj'ension Agent Ku-r ett je-steulaj Issued to Alex ( illclnlst of In diana , I 'a. , the laigcst < ] iension ever paid to a private soldier. The Jiack pay -aggregated $13t. " > l and the money came to a blind ci it' ll le , an old man who Ims been an Inmate of the pool house for twelve yeais. - A WimlovyJ Smasher. Heii\v ) Loreiison a peart-i ) Itetore 1'olieu Jndyo Slenber. ! yiHterduy and fcocurcd a warrant for Anton Hchlowosky. 'I'hu latter , ho said , had knocked for admit tance at his house 'last night , anil 'ipon beln c refused entrance , isommeiu-cd to .smash the windows jiiml tear things up general Jy. llu watf Urresti-d yesti rday THE TORIES1 HOME RULE PLAN7 A County Government Scheme fo Ireland With Full Local Power. PARNELL'S SUPPORT PLEDGED. The Irish .Uembcrs to Toll Their Pull Vote to Sustain Salisbury Gliulmoiio PoinliiK to America. General Foreign News. The Oovcrnmcnt'H It-Nil Measure. LONDON , . ) an. 5. [ Special Teleuram.- ] All doubts as to the Intioductlonof tin1 prom ised English home inle bill is put nt rest. It Is leaincd ollicinll ) that the bill has pro- greased far enough In enable tlie cabinet to pledge lt < elf to bilngit In e.tilj in the es- sloii. The queen * * speech vylll d\\ell partlctt- lailyon this Itnpoilaiit uieasnie , which Is destined to accomplish.a a icvolutlon as gieat in its \\iy : in Lnclaiid as the libctals contcm- plate foi lieland. The bill is to substitute the elective or pattly elective system of inoial self-gov 01 muent fet the parent u\clusl\e system , which is toproscntathe only of landed inteie ts. It is to be known as the county govcinmcnl bill. It will transfer lo newly created au thority suint'ino eonttol of local administiatluii , revenue , and espendlline ; will doaway to a huge extent with contiol ol the local government boaid and conlino the opeiatious of the government depait- ment to puiely supciior funetlon . The bill conl'cis power to laiso money. Clauses me being diafted to enable the new local gov em inent to take chaigeof the licensing , educa tion and fee questions , and to aciiiilieland for public pin pones , and to let It out in .small lots to rate pa ) ei for cultivation at a nomi nal lental. It is asserted that the govern ment lias leeched assurances almost amount ing to pledges that 1'auicll will accept the tory local go\einmcnt .scheme as the Hi at in stallment. Should the opposition become so emboldened by any sign of waveiingon the pait of Lord Salisbury as to move a vote of want of confidence/ his ministry , nell , it Is said , will east the full stiength of the Iiishpnillamcntaiy vote for the conseiva- tlves. _ _ ( lailttloiic May Visit America. LONDON , .Ian. . " ) . Gladstone has summoned the liberal membei.s of p.ullament to a meet ing on the ICth lust. He pihatcly inlonus them that he will then waken hank state ment of the principles upon which he pro poses to settle tin1 lil.sli question. It is teamed to-night on high authoiity that Glad stone has been disposed to accept an lnita - tlon to visit Ameiica. He is willing to lisk his health in a utynge , but political tiiicei- taiuty lias so tar pievented him fiom making the tiip. llu mav possibly bo induced to visit the United Slates in the autumn , nller the conclusion ol the coming i session ol p.uliament. The imitation - tion ictcucd to came in the shapeof a pei- soual letter late last month tiom Mr. , lolm Jennings , who is connected with a London news asency which supplies the American juess with much ot Its Knglish news. The letter assured Gladstone tlm * he would bo 10- celyeil In America with the wel- omcrantl-c'crrcs'ed the idea that apoisonal investigation of thy workings of the constitu tion of the United States' would he piodue- tlve of most impoilant lesiilts , and perliaps enable him to deal with the question of homo iiilo tor lieland with a tar gi eater de- gieo ot confidence. The letter slated that the Ameilcans gem-rally believed Gladstone was the only man able to giupple succoss- lullv with tills question. Jn a leply , dated January 4 , made public to-day , Gladstone declines lor the reasons above given , and touching the Iiisli ques tion , say.s : "The knowledge that so many liiendly eyes in Ameilc.i aie watching the comseof events in this countiy with iclei- enci ) to Ireland will ho a new incentive to the pel foi mance ot a patiiotie and philnii- thiople duty. " _ King William's CoimillmentH. Binu.v , Jan. 5. Kmpoior William has Is sued a lescript lespecting the twenty-filth anniveisaiy of his ascension to the I'uissian thione. In it he says : "What touches mo most is the unshaken confidence- my people ple in me and their faithful and unaltered al- fcctlon. " His majesty letmiis thanks for the numcious expressions or attnchmen and 'veiieiation forhlm , not only tiom all ] > ait.s ol Geimanybut from places far beyond the Gciman'tiontleis , whciu\er the Geiman lan guage is spoken. IlulliiftWltli a Ked of troii.1 Drnux. Jan. 5. The Daily Kxpiess , the organ of the loyalists of lieland , sajs : "Hilttsh inlo in lieland has virtually ceased to exist In the southern dlstilctot lieland. From West Coil ; thioiigh the counties of ICcny and Claie , the National league is the only'govenimcnt iecogui/.e < l by the people. and it is i tiling them w Ith a led of lion and in cii'ditable tyianny. " The dMosuio of the authoi's name would jeopardise ids life. John HiiHkin's Opinion on Homo Utile. LONDON , .Inn. 5.Mr. . John Itnskln , wilt ing on thn Jiisli qiicstion , suggests that the government consider the viitues and pcctill- aiiliesof the liish people. befoio arianglng tor managing them. Ho ays that the JiNi pcojlo aie witty and affectionate and the wlt/eib / and lu.-aitess ! cannot govern them. , In liclnnil. Dnn.iN , Jan. . " . At a mectlmr of tlm Xa tional league hchl in this city to-day , the ter rible distiesfc among the people on the west coast of Iieland was eonsidciod. Sovcial im-mbe-is made addiesses iteploiing the con dition ol'allaii.s , and altilbuting It mainly to evictions. _ _ _ _ evidently More AntlH There. Di'iii.i.x , Jan.r > . At a meeting of thu l.ojal National association to-dav anumherol ley- 1st motions woin voted down amid gieat up- joar. The meeting finally dispeisid wiih shouts ot "Homo mlu , " iiml "tiod save lie- laud. " Will .loin Do I'Yc.volnot. I'.viiis , Jan. P , Goblet , Sadl Catnot and Hatiit-n , who weie mombeis ol liiltsnn'h cabinet , have decided to aivept the invitation to join the cabinet ol Do I'leyclnut. The I'riihKlim Diet .Summoned. HIIII.I.N : , .Inn. fl. 'Jho 1'iiisslan diet has been summoned to meet on the 1 Ith. iiisl. A Douhlo J'oui TOWXM.M > , \ \ . T. , Jan. 6 The bodies ot John Go\an , ji. , and Daniel Cionan wcio tounil toda > on the beach near Jamestown , Clallam county. Uolh wcie joung farmer * ot the neighborhood. The examination > o ph.ielaus < indicates that the men weie held under water and sliangled to deatli. I'hi'J weio backed and mntlhitcd about the head and late with a dull or other blunt Instiiimcnt. The bouit-s wc-ie Initially htiipjrt'd of theii clothes , lohlicd ol their \alnables. \ and turned adilll ina boat. It is Mipposed thoj wen * wa.vhiid b > strange Indians. _ _ , A HanUrupl ( Jrouor. Creditors \Villiiun ( iiinluuM. siyrocor on KoM-'iiteenth and Nicholas stients hworo out attaehiin'iiisjiirain | ! t him in Jitotico A don > un'i > ioiul : jc.siorda.v ainountin to about -i i)0. ) ( has boon ihinklnjjlicuvily , of latu , ami his allairsarc ivpoited in bad condition. Wculhor for To "lay. " .Mishot in VAI M \ > ; itlitb wanner. cn- i'inlly faii'wiMlher.aiiabh - soulhci ! } ; - ' I" HIP t'nl. > n PnollliAs Ntnnt SiipiM'ltiteniliMiep Not 01. The announcement was olVieially innde yesterday of a elian i1 in Union 1'aeilic whieh has lony UIRMI tin * subject of rumor ami Kitci'iilatlon. Mr. C. H. llaven , assistant superin tendent , has ami retires on January 0 , to ltf < weeedod by Mr ( . ' . W. ltm < i , late nmsler of transportation of tin1 To.\a A : Louisiana illvision of the Southern I'aeilie with liead < inaiters at Houston , Te\ . Mr. Havens resigns his railway eon- neetioiii. to enter private business. Ho has boon in the sen ice of the Union I'a eilie for years , beginning in the toll-graph from which he was transferred to the one-rating department , in which honxoto Ins present position. He is well Known and has man\ , friends in Omaha where ho has resided for \ears Of Mr. Komi- , the Houston Daily Post of December'Jn sn s. "Mr. W.C. Komi * , for many JOIUN eonnected with the International - national and ( treat Northern railway , but recently master of transportation of the i.ouisullo division .Sdutlii'in I'aeitio com pany , has severed his ronnootion with the latter company to accept ( he re- sponsililo position ot assistant superlntendi'iil of the Union 1'a- cihi ! railway , Nebraska division , with hca < liiiartci'.s | at Omaha. The many friends and railway associates of Mr. Kotnis while regretting his depar ture from their midst , will 1)0 ) pleased to learn of his advancement in railroad cir cles. Mr. Koitns and his estimable wife , during their residence in this city , have dnr.vii around themselves golden cords cords of friendship that time and distance cannot sever. They left yesterday over the Missouri I'acille railway for their new homo. The Post joins the railroad men In wMiing U. W. 1C. and his family Im- ) pinoss in nis now Held of labor. " Mr. Kouns arrived in Omaha yester day and is stopping at the I'axtou. WANTS A III VOUCH. The Sail Story Tohl by Mrn. Ratio Hclmldl. A sad-eyed , poorly dressed woman ap peared before Police .Itulgo Stenberg yes terday and wanted to proenro a divorce - vorco from her husband. " 1 ean not give you : i divorce , " replied the judge to her entreaties , "you'll liavo logo to the dis trict court for that. Hut why do you want one ? " The joung woman- girl , who gave her name as Mrs Katie Sclmldt , went on to tell the old story. She had mut Peter Sclmldt a year ago ill Des Moincs and married him. The. honeymoon was hardly over before ho began to beat and ill-treat her. Ho was an irrculaimalilo drunkard , and lialf the time was under the influence ol whisky. Some months ago the pair moved to Omaha. Here belmldt behaved worse than ever , abso lute ! . } refusing lo do any twork lo support hit wife. Mr . Schuldt linally succeeded in obtaining a position wherein she could earn $ : ! .5'J ' a week. This pittance her brutal husband made her give up to him , and he would then go oil' and spend it for whiskey. > Y < eUmltiy Mni. Sclmldt told her husband - sho-proposp.d to get n divorce from " * hhirr-"lH''assonted , and the two wont up to the district court together. Just before entering the build ing Seliuidt romarkcd that ho guessed ho'd got a drink , took all the money Ids wife hail , and went down the street. Ho lias not since been scon. The wife of one year is bound to prosecute her hus band , and Judge Stenberg issued a war rant tor his surest. lCI ) IJV A SNOW I'LOW. A Fatality of the Itlookailc on the Udion I'aollic. A peculiar and distressing aeeidont was reported at Union Pacilio headquarters yesterday morning. JJAt night-tall Monday evening , a girl came through thu blinding storm to the station at Columbus and reported to the agent Unit her father had boon struck by a snow plow three-quarters of a milo out of town. She staled that she and her father wore walking silong the track when suddenly a largo snow plow , coming silently but swiltl.y through the heavy drill loomed up before them. Sc.0 jumped from the track but her father was advised of the danger too late and was picked up 'by the rushing plow. A plow with two engines came in shortly alter llio nirl's report and exami nation revealed blood in the snow stick ing to its broad sliaro but neither the engineer or liromiin knew how it came there. An eiigino was sent out with a number of men to look o\or the ground which Ihe girl indicated , bill no trace of a body could bo found. Later , neighbors instituted search and dis covered this body of lint man lying dead in a drift lo onu.sjdo ot the track near the spot whore the girl said the accident hap pened. The body was taken to a farm house. The nanio of the deceased is Aaron Cno , a tanner In occupation , and a resident of that locality. a Chinaman. There was an exciting chase lor a riiinaman on I'oiirlceiitb street yesterday. The celestial was pursued by an ollicer , amid I ho whoop- and derisive jells of passers by , some of whom turned in and joined the purMior. The heavy , clumsy shoes of llio Chinaman impeded his "action , " and he was fast lo-in ground , when he ran plump into the arms ot Steve Mealio. The ollicer then ran up and secured his prey. The Chinaman , whoso name isViin Lung , is wauled in Missouri for theft. lie was completely out ol breath and nearly ready to fall to the ground whim run down ; a circumstance doubtless duo to his having onlj Wnii Lung. U'uiiLnngis now in the county iail awaiting to bo taken to Mar.\sville , .Mo. , whore his bondiim-n , interested in his return t < the extent of titi , are anxiously awaiting him. _ - KtrnlKhloiiIitu Ills Arrnmitw , TJie county commissioners wore busily engaged ycsi rdai afternoon with the accounts ot ex-Comity Clerk John llauin- cr. Owing to llio absence of Commis- f ioiK-r C'orli-s no action was taken in the in. liter , and a final hetll'-meiit ' will not bo made until Saturday. Mr. liaumer was short about ) ? IUU , but he slates that if hi * claims aie allowed on the same basis as Ihoso of ox Clerk Lcavitt. the ileliciem-y will bo more than made good. commissionor.s will take tin- claims under consideration , l'ar , < ura | > lis. Dinniny , Tiounisch ; m. . iisbc , , , oiic , bus , aim II K Nye , \Vaiin , , wcu- the piominont blalc arnvai at the iiuti-l.s TITLE i\ MADE IX A MOMENT Quo of Our Poreisn Ministers Becomes a Mighty Brigadier. ENTIRE FORCE OF THE THIRD. Serious ( Question * May Arise on Ao- rount of the Invasion ol'ii I'lloiully lo\\i r's Domain Mil It the Pull Poiuo of an AllcI5ri > ; imlo. AiiAimj Ina I'.inilly. CmrAi.o , Jan. s [ Telezram. ' - Altlunmh Mr. VVilciIck II. Winston of this city , new United Stales minister to 1'cis'n , neu'i lias been conmctcd Inauywa ) with either the regular at mj or any stale militia , jour coiie p indent asceilalncd accidentally today that he was Diep.utd to lake up his lesidcuei'at Tcheian eiUlpp | > d with the lull title and mllltai.\ trappings ol a lulsadler iicncial of the Illinois National Kiiaul. 'I'he facts became Known In this way : An no- qudntauco of'luson's \ | was oveiheaid to ask the minister in what feint of du-ss he would appeal befoio the shah. Mr. Winston loplled he sluaild wear the mil- foi in of his milllui.x ahilKadler The icmaik was at tli'st lldith lOirauled , II belli ) ; well known Win ston has ne\er been hleutllieil with mllitmy nialteis In any capacity , bat a little ln < | Ufiy lias developed the fact that within the past week the new minister 'ins ' been commis sioned by the Ko\cinor ol Illinois to the rank ot a biiaillei' ! gcni'ial. In pioseciitlnt ; ids Impiiilcs iejaidlU | { thu etbUetlo | obsencd at loiolpi couils It ajh pcais that Mr.inslou \ was Inloimed by some /ealoiis li lends that inilllaiv lankwas one of the iciiui ites to piopcr social icco nl- tiou , and that tlie savants and gentlemen ap pealing In mutti wcie held in low icsard. This was an akumimr picdlcameut , hut a lew of his personal ft lends a iccd to lay tin1 sub ject personally befoio Coxeinoi O Iesbv , and eiiabli ) the new minister to dcpail in a state liclittini ; him. The Illinois state military code piovidcs that ( loops shall be dh Idcd into "not to exceed thice Itiiptdes. " As a matter of fuel nine ictiiments mid two batti'iles.Von- MitutliiK tlie state loice , aie ma sod Into * o hi taulcs on paper , but only awaiting theoi- deis of the ifovotnoi Inn \ < oi aiii/cd. To this command Mi. Winston liaa been com missioned. liitaulicrCoaci.d Winston will take his sou with him lo 1'eisia as pihato seciolaiy , and has icquc.slcd ( hat hi1 be appointed an aide-de-camp , with the lank ol Iiisl lieuten t ant. It will be seen that HieVlnsloa fam ily , thus fai , constitutes tlie ontho elloetlMi toiceol'the lldld biltiade , and it liasluet hinjuested that it may inxohea seiiom ciiet | lion for ( lie state dep.iitmi'lit to dctenulne , whether an ontho bii ado .slionld be allowed to leave tlie coiinhy , and , again , whether il would not olleud a liiendly inter to ha\c an entile biuaile entciini ; Ids dominion simply ns au adniiii-l toau embassy not of tlie liist lank. The mdi'i for the com- jJcte oiiulpment ol the new ollU-eis has been given to a ow Voik mitilaifainislier. . One of the jnovlslons iiuuli ! by'o\ornnr ( Oglcsby in Kivini ; the commis'slon was that In the event of any seiloiis tioublo In tlio slate dm fun Minister Winston's absence 10- < iuiiug ! theeinolbueut ol the thiid bil adc , he should send in his lesi iiatioa. lie Is to be allowed howcM-r , it is uiidei stood , In that event to icl.du ids niilitar.v traiipiugs mid uulloim. A MI'S KM KNTS. Jc IIcath'H I'lMTorinanuc Last II is .seldom thai an Omaha audience has had the pleasure of sitlending a min strel enlertainuii-nl so refilled , enjoyable and thoroughly laughter-pro\okmg as that given by tin1 Mclntyre it Heath com bination at ihc lioyd las ) night. I-'rom overture to curtain the audience was kept in a roar ; at no point did the interest Hag. The specially features were for the most part entirely new and taking. The songs were bright and sparkling , and rendered with a delightful dash and spirit. The jokes , barring a few familiar chestnuts , wore fresh , spicy and mirth-stirring. Mclntyre te Heath , in their negro specialties , were greeted with thun derous applause , their darkey dialogue proving the rich feature of the evening. I'lio musical performances , Dcuitt and Kirwan , the ( ioimaii quartette , Harlow brothers' , Delimiter and ( ! pyor , ( he ' frog man" and clown , all come in for men- t'ou as contributing to a thoroughly meritorious oiilorlsiiimii'iit. It is safe to say that the Mclntyre and Heath iiiin- stivls will be greeted with n packed house when they appear hero again. Knthcr O'Coiinor'H Death. ' * News has been roeeUod in this city of the death ot Hcv. Father OTonnor , of Ihc St. Philomena's iiarish , this cll.v , at Hoscnallis , County ( jiicon , Ireland , on December 17. Paralysis was the caiM1. In. October Bishop O'Connor granted Father O'Connor leave of alienee to \isit his old hunie in Ireland. It was hoped he would reenpcr.'de his Jast fall ing health. He bade a joyous good-b ole lo his many friends here , w ho w ill deeply regret to hear ol his sad and untimely death. Only imagre particulars of the Mid event ean be obtained at present , Father O'Connor had been for two sears pastor ot St. Pliilomena's , and had became greatly endeared to his people. lie c.ime here from Fremont , wfiere liu had been pastoi Ihree yearn. I 'heaped Mil til ere ! * ( 'a p In red. I'llnuioN : , W. Va. , .Ian , fi. Tlie pils oiii-rs who knocked down the iianl at llio l , ill Suiidav nielli and ex-aped , weie ancslcd h ) ddceiivcscskidny e\enins anil jalhd tins Beware of Scrofula Kcrnfu ! t Is luolirihly moro general than any oilier It Is Insidious la chaiactcr , nnil manlfi sis Itxi'lf Iniiinnliichwes , pustiilnr Imll'i , hvfllliis | , ctilaiui'il joints , oi on ) Uii , cto. lloiiI'sSnifcaiarim ( | all tiaco of ccrofala from thu Mood , iK It pure , tnrklicil , and licallli/ , "I wnsc\cri'lyanilf-tei | wllh Kciofnl.i , niul over a year had two i iiniilni : Mil N on my neck. Took live Ijottlci ! ; : m ? | [ " .noil. . " C. i : . lon.ioi" , J.nv.-cll , Jf.iss. i A. Aiaolil , Ainold , Me. , hail hcniriiloni FOI i-s for f.c > ca years , ( .juliig and fall. Hood's ' iMillla cmcil him. < Salt Rheum Is one of tlm most tils lyroeabloillspascs raiiwl I'yhiijiiuoli'.ood , Hlsica'lllyrmcdby Jloocl't H.II s.ii.irIlH | ) , flic i'i ( r > t l.lootl purifier. i William iij'lts ' , KljjJa , ( ) . , hiifTorcil cu-.illy fioiti rijhijitilas ami salt ilioimi , caused hy IininllliiKtotiacro. At Units lib hin : > lt > would riack OIH-II aad MccU , llu tried v.irloni pu'ii- aintloai without aid ; ilnnllytmik flood's K- Ilia , and now fujs : " lanicnthrly well. " "JIj MIU Jiad H.dL ihciaa mi lilsluudHiunt nil tl'ij ' C'ahcs of hi' ' } legs. Ju ( food Ilcn-l'j K.iiMi.ullU ] and U cntltcjy curiM. " .1. 1J , HLuitonlt. ] \ . Vriiinii , Ohio. food's SarsaparMla Jru'Kl ; li. I f f 1 IIOUMA.1. 0 , Aiuil cr tlci l vrtll , lUu , 10O DOMOB Ono Dollar , ,