Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1886, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , TUESDAY , JANUARY 5,1880. ll Cures IH RHEUMATISM , 11 NEURALGIA. Itncltnrlir , Ilrnilnrltc , Tciollmchc , Spraln , IlKiltrx , c-lc. , etc- . I'rlcc , Fitly f nl . AtDfugslati unil Dealer" . HIE CHAfU.k.3 A VOGELER CO. , Sola Proprietor > I . .tTiatuut. lUniLA.irj , U.H.A. Chartered by IhcSUtcof Illi nois far theespreMpurpose of glvlncimmidiatc rtfletla all chronic , urinary and ptl- vale diseases. Oonorrlicea , OleelkndSyphitle In all their complicated forms , ulto all dtaeates of Ihe Skin anil lllooU promptly relieved and permanentlycured by reme * Wcalsnem , tfif-ht Loiscsby Drennu , Pimples on Itie I'nce.Loat Manhood , iioiUltdiirtircil.T/ifre Silioeri > erlniftitt n. The appropriate remedy la at once used In each case. ConiuHalUns , pr- onM or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med * Iclnea tent by Matt and Uxpress. No marks on IwcktiRe to Indicate contents or tender. Address i DR.lAMES.No. 204VVashinflton 5l.Chicanoll. ! \ - = Contagious. I nm ii nntlvo of llni/lnml , nntl wlillo t was In Hint co nut M 1 r Diitnuliil n tonllili' hlooil IIOIMIII mid for two jt-.irg wns tnnlcr liivttincnt IIH tin tint-door | iulli > nt nt Nottliittlnun Itnsiillhl , Ilnirliiml , liul wui nol cnicil. I ulli-n-il tlio most luiim/liiLc piiliM In my lioin > c. inul XCIH cov- ti'il uIlli norcs nil ( ivor inv lioily and llniln. J'liiait ) I c-oiniili-ioly ld l nil Impo In Hint conn- tl j , mill Minliil lur Aim-licit ( tlnl wn ( routed nt ltooH-\r-li in this < Hv. iii "rll us liy it iiriiinlnilit | > li ) xlclini In New X urli lumiiK no cm tillli tin * liii'-plltil- ) . I.HIUV tin * nilM-itl'cititnt < ) T Sniff * iHti' < l I llojeinilncil to KlM1 II n tilnl. lltxik'lY ll'Oltli-'s mill I can mv with flout jn ) Unit they limit ctiti'il mo cnliii'ly. 1 tun us fount ! inul xvt-ll us I i-M'i Hiisln niylirc. I. . 1 111:11 : H XLioitii. r\'c - X'ork ril > , .luno l-lli , l-sj. Ill iM II re 11 of 1)151 3 CM r ( ISM ) , I i null not I'll blood tioisoii. ami IM-IIII ; in MtMiiinuli. lit. ! , in tintime. . J .ui-nl Into tinho'Mlil | Ihcio lor tir ilinont. 1 mlltiiciln > much tioin ilii'iinuillsni nt tlio Mimelinn' . 1 clkl nut K't "rit iinilor ( In ) In-lit mi-ill tliorc.tior ns I rurcil by tin ) ol the iisvnil tneiins , I Inuii no' FI-VUII liotllcs of h\vllt's SM-i-llli | ) nuil inn Miinul inul Atoll. It ilovc lluliulsun out tlnuiiKli liollHon llio skin , I > . \.N I.LXIIV. yClty.N. J.A r. 7lt" . iso on lllnuil und Skin Dltenscs jnullcd Tin SMUT Si-i.rmc Co. , DruxicrS , Athmta , N. V. , I.1) ) , XV , : lfaL RESTORED , irrniptly l'i - ( - . - \ictimorjcmtli- - lul inii' caiixiiiir 1'ieiiwtiim Dec-ay , Nor- . - - il , c Imlnif tried \alno\ory Lnnuii rfinoily Ii i4 Ilari liinlniiloffull < | > cirtiulilihcM\ilfccuil ! ] I'linr I i lil follow niin ii > r4 Aililn-M J U.ULUXLS.JJCluUiiiiii-jliCct , Kurt Vork Cltr. Or llaliil , l > ositlti-ly C'uri-il Ity iii Dr. It cnn boKlvcn Inn cup uf mllpourton vvlthout tlit ! kmmUMlKPOf tin.H'i3un | InkinK it.Haljiululi ly L Inunilon , nnd ulll ell.'ci a , pi-riiiniirnt und npc-L-dy itkurp , wlicll'cr tlipMtit-nt | it a imuli-rntoilrinKprur nn alc-i > linlir ureiU. ft has lu-i-n ( ; Ucii In tliou * iMsfi , nnd In PMTJ InMaiiceiipcift-ut euro lim folliiil. . II nxr IUIN. 'IluBystuin unco liiipregiiali-il ltli tlin liccompa nn utter lniio | lbility ( ortlip llipiur npiiclltu tuoxl-tl. roitsxu : in * ror.r.owrNo DUUCSOISTS : Kl UN < V < ( > . , C.iil.'ilh anil DniielnH. neil I Mil V ( 'iiinlim Sis. . Onialui , Ncli.l A. I ) . I'O.sTIMt iV IIIIO. . * CiMiin-ll Illun's , town. CnllurwrllP for pntnplih't coiitnliilne humlrcda of lo-.tltui > iiiids from tlii-bcyt uint'ii and mull frutu nil par Hot tincountr * 017 SI. CluirlOHNt. , fit. I.onil , IJttietul r rituiloof two HcOIcal Collcr , lui lifta lonjtr rl'frBpi"tlnbfla ' ( | e-'altrcatiueot ' of CIIHJTIIP , NIR\CIUH , HKII mini ltioai > DuituKj Mianaor other riirilriaaluUI. Loul' , Nervous Prostration , Dchlllty , Mental and Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Allec- lions ol Throat. Skin or Bones , HlooJ Poisoning , Old SOrCS and UlCOrS , mr trcitnl ltli unparallelol QcrriitDnlatrttirknttae iirlitclpl i.HAfcljr I'rhalclr. Diseases Arlilng from Indiscretion , Excess , EUpOSlirO Or Indulgence , ublch troJu-e , ome or lh < Itillowlbg rllictil neiToiittiras , Uctllur , ilimnvit of llgtil arcr.luucclhc toclcty or fsuialoi , eonfuiloi of llcsi. no. ' , renJorJii ? MnrrlAiro Improper or uuhappy , BIO lutcajttliiirtrofe , freetonuTitiltlrtiat Conaullatlouatof * Ketat t > r mall ( rfa. Inilu-.t anil at Icily c.nlU < nUal. A Potltlvo Written Guarantea ciicn ID et.ryco. fiTvblb'caic , UcJUloe aoalcrcrf MUum bj mall or GUIDE , 900 rAQJJJ , mfU PLATH9. flrciot clatb u1 tilt ModluR , c t afurftOo ( u I' O r lift/ won Jrr fill | n f tclurvi , ( rup to lire ) tt1clc orj tbc folloxt I u < vubJccUt * du may marry , t > uotf whf i uitoliooj , era n ) it > 9 > l. j bVileattlrcur. elfecti tifeelll * cy an.lcxccn , tli pliy - loloff of rr prod lie i Ion , * nJ innnr utor , lliuia iu rr | kl i > cooururUilnic iuu..i. . < > ' < . ] I' } * pilii e.lln < t. IIIUA. l al tr COTi-r yftt . u I"r U' ' ' JDIt. UAJJl'S Asthma Cure. X 'Tlili lnviini\blii | Biipcldo rcndlly and pormn- iitntly i-nriis nil kimli ) of Antlnnn. Tim most jiol < l ptoinpt I ) ' to IU wuiulnrfnl cnriiiK jiropuitlort. It M Idmwn tbu woiltl for Ita uniivaloJ . , 'J. li.t'Al.nxvni.r , , city nf Lincoln , Xnl . , wi'itu' , .Inn. ' > , IWIi .Sincu iiHni : Dr. lluli'M Astlnnii L'tuo , lii-iintu | | limn nnuji-ar , m > "ll'o Inis lituu i-iitlu'ly WL-II , unit not ovim u t-jiiintnin of llio dlscusu tins iippiMii ixl. , XVII.lJA.M liCNNiri'l' , Illoliluml , Iowa , wrllo * . NoxMM , I'iNl : I IJIIMI IUK-II uilllclud with liny li'vi-riiiiil Asthma shu-u ISiVJ. I Jollowcd your illii'i'iloni , mill inn Uuppy to say Unit I iinvor hli'it | linttrr In my life. I am clad Unit I am ninony the iiuinyliu c-an siioak so lavoialily of , A falnalilutil pairn tiontlso rnnUiinina' tlmlhii jirool I'nini uvitry unto In tlin \ ' H. , Ciinudu und tirtuit llrjlulntl \ \ hu nnillud njKin application Any ilitiKgHt not huvliu it In ttoCK will precut - cut o It. * it-rllnt an lU'ncloala . ! RDtir.ftfT * , | , ] * i . likuikvt. Ml P At i. . ant all 4 orJM4 < lU'p IUi > r bAI Ar.vdl-lluif r1ad.l. lutttpr - | | M. * f rha t tM. kai I * all aut. r Jt ax * . It , II kai l. * it v ( t Mai.rfciU vrir | r * r arJi rul r U > , abfc a AcuUiwai.wl li.rtJaf Ijlt i. U.J. fell-ClLnl J , ONS- j.-w. worrrsMAim , ttis ionsT , Y. X. r , , A Clear Skin is only a part of beauty ; but it is a part. Every lady may have it ; at least , what looks like it. Magnolia Balm both freshens and beautifies. A PORTUGESE KING'S ' WIDOW Doming Back to Boston to the Home of Her Ohildhood- laotnnncc of Hie Dunil KliiRof Poi-tu- B t anil Ills American Wire. Hoxv Itc Won Her and Iocllneil Throne * ) to Ducll WUh Her. A private cable dispatch xvas received in lioston from Lisbon on the Stith of De cember , ctating that the xvidow of eKing \ King Ferdinand is nbottt to return to ] ! olon , hnr nntlxv city. Ferdinand xvas buried xvith great pomp a foxv day- ago His xvifo Itixs always boon conpiouous in her attentions to visiting Americans. She ham a isior now lix'ing In n suburb of lioston , xvho is married to lr Slado , a xvcll knoxvuphy. eiaiiiand xvho has visited the favored lUdmbQr bf ; the family in her palaeo ut Lisbon aim hi the historic resi dence of the Into King l-erdimind in Ihe ronmntie suburb ot ( . mtra. A speeml in terest attaches to the marriage of the beautiful and accomplished Bo-touian tea a "monarch retired from busiiie ; , " xvho had xxon n grdat name for himself In the history of Ins country , from the position xvliieh sbo thereby attained at its eonrt and In tile records of Huropcnn sovereign ly. Her name appears in the royal I'od book the famous "Almaiiaeh de Uotha ; " and it is an ixcii : : > Tiox.xu.v itoxtSTIC I.M i : xvhich brought a girl , born in Ho-ton , anil edtieated at llie public M'hooN , into the select and fastidious circle * ) of an ancient eonrt , the coord of the career ol tin ex-King" Fordfiiimil , of Pottugal , in thr "Almaiiaeh do ( iotliu" for IS-H. clo-t xvith the--taVini'nt that he xxas married on the 101 h of .June , IMili , to eouiite-is of Kdia , nee Hon-ler. A quarter of a century or more ago there lixetl in lioston a mii'tician named Adolph Hens ler , xvlio had also praelieeil his protesiioti In .Spriiiglleld. He had a daughter , a brilliant brunette , xvho-c charming manner ner- and melodious voice attracted the attention of persons prominent in the highest circles of UiMo and citlluro at the hub. Tlie girl bad been educated at the public schools , and hail prolitcd by the facilities xx Inch her linmc afforded for her musical dexelopnu-nt. Among those xx ho xvere intoro-tcd in the young nnd promising siiigi-r xvas the late The * > . ( . ! . Applelon , xylio Inul a Keen apprecia tion of artistic excellence , and lie xvas inlliiential in having her brought out in concert and social entertainments. Alter singing xx ith .success in this country she xvent lo Kuropc to complete her profes sional education , xvhere she allracted Ihe admiration of riimN.\M : ( ) OF ponrnjAi. , xvho xvas xvidely Knoxvn lor lii arti-tie tastes and accompINliincnta , and xxho had actnircd ] n high reputation by the xvisdom xxitbvhici ) he administered tlio nil airs of Portugal during tlie minority of his son. Ferdinand not onlj alloxved the Portuguese togovern themselves through their constitutional representative.-- ho inspired Ids son xvith an earnest at tachmcnt to free institution ! ] , ami the hit ler's brief reign ot six years xvas .signali zed by devotion lo the highest inlere-ts of the people , for xvhom he may truly be baid to haxe sacrificed his life , as he fell H \ jetim to the yelloxv fever while exposing himself to save others. Mi-s KINo lien- slor had received Haltering attentions Irom society leaders in Kuropo during her musical cm cor. Her stately ligure , her queenly bearing added to the attrac tions ol her line voice. The ex-King Fer dinand xvis only a litfle Imyontl 50 yours ol ago xvhen lie prox'ailcd upon her to abandon her career as a prima donna for tlie position of ins xvin : . Jt x\-as an honor such a.s might xx'ell have led her to forego the pro-poets of tin. higlic. > l success in an art in xvhieh success is proverbially uncertain and Hooting. Tins lamily connections , the personal position ol her suitor , xvero more exalted than those of the titled xvorljik-s xvho had bcforo'.iiiidSirice. brought brides from America to Kngland. No duke or earl , indeed , could boast such an elexated rank , or bring the lady ot his choice into such a circle of royal connections. He xvas allied lo the leading royal housi > of Ktiropiiv He xxvis by birth a prince of llio hou-c of Saxo Cobnig , a cousin of the laic Prince Albert , consort ol Queen Vic toria , und one of his brothers married a daughter of Louis Phillijipe His son Doni l.iiis , King of Portugal , is married to tlio Princess Pie , daughter of the late King Victor Kmmaniicl of Italy , sister to the pro-cut king and to the late king of Spain , Amailnus I. His title is King Fer dinand Augtisto Francois Antoine , king ol Portugal , duke of Saxony , Held mar shal genorul.cto. Horn October iii ) , 1810. bo xvas U'J ' years of : Tge xvhen ho died and Tilt at the time of- his marriage to iUi-.s llensler , xylio became countess ot Kola before being elov.itcd loher high position as Ins xvifo. ins rittST wire , Ixjariall da Gloria , queen of Portugal , dietl in 1853 , anil it xvas utter sixteen years of widowhood that ho took his blooming lioston bride. Ferdinand re ceived iho tillo of king September UI , 181)7 ) , and his regency of Portugal during the minority ot his son Pedro covered Iho period Irom the deatli of the . . , . . . . . . , , . . . . . . , . . . . queen . _ . . III i * I. i it t L > * rfr f\ .f * t. ! l.i till September 1C , 1855. One of the -ight.s of Lisbon xx'jis the three grand coaches and.four in which thiiiix-King Ferdinand and diis American xxulo xvitli their suite xx'eriivonvox'eil'nujtaUj to some morning concert. J'ho ex-king , indeed , xvhile keeping UP Ui\i cNteniiils of pomp befit ting his augtiil , hi-torie position , liked to unbend xyhuneVer 'iirtislio couiany ] ) could bo nif't. Ho xvas often to be soon at partiu ? givc.n by titled "Hrasiloros. " Tlicso are the men xvho have given brilliantly toho modern society ot Lis bon ; I'ortiigCM ' ) xvho have MADI : roitruNKS. in the great cities of Hio ilnneiro , Bolivia , or Poi'immbiico and come homo lo spend them in llio gay life of tlio capi tal Tlie minds ot many of those "lirasi- loios" have been enlarged and their man ners nolisheil by foreign travel ; their fresh blood and iuiilo ] xx'calth are xvol- coii-o in the old aristocratic taiiiilio- > The mansions and gardens of tlio nonvoanx riches are said to vastly ouinuniber the imlaces of the old nobility and a stranger , is , on ; i suporlicial acquaint' nnco , bexvihlereil by the frequency of the high founding names anil hiuullos ot namos. The oll'ect ia to give the oily a lustra and an Importaiico altogether out of piopprtion to.tlni extent of tlie king dom and xvith the actual resources of the country , lira/.il xvas formerly a depend- anoy ot Portugal , and slnco the sopara- lion ol the txvo countries in ta-.Mi , it .lias been ruled by a sovereign of Iho rci"ii > ing family of the old nation , i i llOWTIIEVUVi : . ! . The palaeo occupied by tlio late king and Ids lioston wlfo in Lisbon is calleil the Neoos-jiiiailas , and thoxvit of the court , in alliihiotv to Ids fondness for costly objects of ait , styled it Him Palaeo of the Prcsoicidiides. At { bis palace the still beautiful JJostonitui has been visited by nor nieces , the tlaughtors of Dr. ami .Mrs. blade , of Che-stnut Hill , and she takes r. lively interest in the prosperity of her native city. SIjo sympathi/cd xvith the kindlrfeolings xvhieh her husband enter- taiiiQd for Amoi'loans , and ollieisrs of our navynntl ; other citi/.ons who visited Per tugal xyero abyays. snro of a liindly wel come f i oiii the happy pair. At , a historic capital , Lisbon takes precedence in an tiquity not only of .Madrid , but of all Iho M-aport tennis of ivustorn Kuropo , havmij been the chief gati of the na t nnd \ \ ot Imlks. anil in beauty onlj NnpkM alnl Genoa t-Oiikl rompnro with it It i * : i cnriotH fact that the tfroat earthquake xxhieh ilcstroyctl o inanx bniltbn s nnil lixcs in Lisbon xva of ailxantage In llio lope niphical 1m- iirovt-nipnt of the rlty , for Vinre 1T5" It find no strot't , but only lillls Thp great couxiil.sion of natnro broke dnxvn the bairiers canned by these elexatlons. The lanes and alloj s wbic-li trnx-or Cil them xvere throxx-n into oonfilsloti , and after comiilpting the xvork xvhieh had been be gun by the earthquake , the i-ity hud a number of fine streets around Black Horse square , xxhero one fancies hinisolf in some stalely quarter about the nt-xv Paris boulevards or the . ' . .tldiifglrtn and W 's ' bourne park di. tricl3 in London. A American tourists do not oven xisit Spain : is much as they should , consider ing the unique appearance and historical ussoeiatiotii ! of tlie country , Portugal , of t-oui'se , sutler still greater ne leot , but there are fexv conntrius xj'Uerc nature more I'ICTI IH'.sQl i : ATfll.YTl6X8 , xvhile the land teems xvith historical af- It is said that Lisbon is a good place for an Alpine cragsman to take pieliminari practice , the ijixMtiid be ing admirably adapted fur climbing , nnd except near llio main square of the citx , and along the banks of tlie 't'ugii' there is no Hat space xvhieh has not been smoothed doxvn and terraced ; tip xvith great labor and c.xponse. lioston hills , xxhieh had not beeu iill lex died x\ lion Klie llensler sang her childhood's song * , little dreaming ot the fortune xVllich fate bad in store for her. are nothing com pared xvitli those of Lisbon , xvhere she Int.s lived in sumptuous Mate , nnd xvhere the is noxv mourning bur princely bus band. IScside the palatial fct.x/lo xx'hich tiio ex-King Ferdinand and his lioston xvifu kept up in the IVntugnoSu capital , thi'i had a charming retreat lifleun miles axvay , to xvhieli tlto retired in Iho heals ot summer. This is at Ciiitrn. tlutt lovely spot xx Inch has been .so Vlvitlli' pictured hi lixron in "Childe Harold. " iiiu I'Ah.xun where the late King Ferdinand and his lioston xvife occupied : it Cintra is one of the most interest in i ! structures in rliis romantic region , and R has the charm of historic association to gild it.S IHher at tractions. It is sitnati'd on one of thu highe-a peaks of the bicrru , eoniniandnig an unnv.ilcd viexv of tlie pieturcsquu scenei'i xvhere tropical fi nits gixoa soft beauty to the xvilil grandeur ol rock and glen. The ercdion of this .stnictilie goes hack to the golden age of'ortug'al , the daxs of KmaniiLtl the Uiett , .xfho made \aliiiilileaeqinsitions , ! Indies , houlli Aineriea and Northern Africa. It x\as during his rojjtn , xvhieh lasted Irom 14'M to lo-'l , that Portugal acquired thai Br.i\ilian dominion , xvliich atlded so largely to her xxeallli , and which , being ruled to-day by a descendant , it' one ol ' her oxvn sin eieigiis , I a fu'ld .foi Oio enterprise terpriso of her iiiiirehunts'aS prolijnble as if it xvero still a naif ot the ancient inoiiaruh , } . Tlie pilticc : xx'ta originally the I'cnlui conxent , anil Jving riu'dinand slmxvcil his appreciation ot its attrac tions by restoring and beautifying it for use as bis royal residence , llcio , after bi.s retirement from the carool stale , he 3IANX IIA1TX IIOI'I- ! , and thox-oiiorublc convent never saw a brighter day ilnufxilicn.lhj } jfjtm.ooMoii- ian came thi-ram IhU/bloom < ( t ! uoi' youth and beauty lo grace a .monarch's home a.s his xx il'e. Another < : ouv-ii't afuLintra , xvhieh i.s occupied by Ferdinand's s < n , the present kimi ol Portugal , Louis 1. ha * * a pccujiar interp-t from its hax ing been the resilience of llio JxIoorNh sovereign- . In this historic edifice , Alfonso VI , was confined during the last eight years of liis life. Tlieic is still another conx'ont nt Cintrii xvhieh has a peculiar interest. It is called the I'on.xlrfit'\fivf8.tifCm , , ; | | iho biiliifcilii.iMiUfUttHiiusub- Jactof iui-j-lU - stancc. This conxentxlucb xx'as built for Ihe rotormed Franci-cian monks by lo'astro ( , is partly hollowed out of the solid rock. This has alxxavs been a faxorito resort for the Bo-ton queen. Cintra is not only a ic-orl for opulent Ktiglishmen anil other foreigners xviio c villas deck tlio ne' ighboriiig < hill > ule.s. , Few men xvho lnixe xx'iftpjM ' We iioxVer and inllnoncc ot l the laf Kli/4/f ; fcrdinand xvould have hac4r { t'ontcnlujl to retire to private life , audit , xxas fntUliiliito for him that ho had Midi allraetivo homes in xvliich lo garner the treasures of art anil taste , xvhich it xxas his delight lo gather Irom all pait.s of Kuropc , ami in xvhich IK ; alxvays found able assistance from his xvifo. lie xvas only | i years of ago xvhon ho laid aside the carcsotffiiVeJ'inneiit.\Vlien in lUli'J the rox'Oluliim In 1-Jrei'to liroko out , xvhieh compelled King ( , Ute , \\i \ \ leave the country , tlio British guwjrnuiont xvas eager to haxv Ferdinand tnKo tlie vacant throne. Lord Pidnicr.-lon .sent a inau-of xvar to Lisbon bearing an autograph let ter from jLjucen Victoria , urging liim to accept -overoigiity , bijt YneHC requests xvcro unavailing. Tlio king had no am- bjtion lor a crown. Kven the appeids of his undo , Leopold of Belgium , xvhieh Lord P.ilmorston onlj ted in support of IMS project , xx ere nmix'ailiig. | 'In fact , Ferdinand was somoxvhat indignant at his uncle's request that IIP should' recon sider his determination , a.s it sCi-med lo ( mention his decision ol. character. Though assured by Leopold in n Idler borne by the king's prmifo .secretary that ( ireat Britain , Franco and Itiis-ia xvould support him , ho lot the bcaror ot the royal missive understand that there was nothing lo bo gained'by persisting in an unwelcome oiler. ( . recce had to take up xvith a lessor dignitary for her sovereign in Prince ( Jcorgo ot Denmark , xvhoviis enthroned ID 1BDI. ! Perhaps iho moat notable cviimplu of Iho respect nisjilred by King Ferdinand xvas the oiler ot THIS OltOXVK OK M'AI.V to him on the expulsion ol Queen Na- bolla in 18IW. A noxv constitutiimal mon archy having been decided upon ho was tendered the Ihrono bv Prim , who repre sented m this ad leading liberals as xvcll as monarchists , lint Ferdinand resolutely declined Iho oll'or xvhioh xvas the more jlattornii > beoauso it implied conliilenco iu his ability to unite the txvo countries by the bonds of good lello\xship as xvcll as of nationality. King Ferdinand had an cMiccial claim to the regard of Ameri cans Irom the poxverful .support jvhich ho gave to dm union canso during the'xxar ot the reltollion. Noxv that Forilinand's ' palaoo is shroud ed in mourning by the death of her beloved - loved husband , Ids xvidow's llionghts lurn xvith a keener Interest to the home of her childhood , xvhich slio ha < j imvcriohaseil to love , Changes hiiyo oeWirrod .since she left Boston xvhich xvill axvaken sad mem ories , The deaths of her early friends ami admirers , that of Thos. G. Appleton , tlio pool Longfellow and Dr. ( joo.rgu Derby , have made gaps not uasilx filled in her old-tlmo circle in Boston , but xvith thu fcoeiuty of n beloved sister ami her family , llio xvidoxv of a beneficent kin" xvould Hnd much to enjoy in the city xvhich more than any oilier 411 the conn- try retains the au'oclionsof persons born and brought up amid its liborali/.ing in- fluencies. 1-erdinaud loft hm * a fortimo of 11,000 ( XX ) , whleli xvill p-obxbly | ; bo do- votetl in largo part lo continuing out in America the many ( . ImriltiblaamFkindly deeds xvhich are planed lo-Mibr credit In ner loving people of Portugal. When ll by a * alck , > re pars her Cutbria , V lM the w j a Child , the crioil for t'Mtoria , When rhe bociuie ltla , eho clung to CaitorU , Wlieu iho Lad CLUdrea , aiie garo tUam Culoria , * - i * - wr , i A a THE lflUlONAIRE" ; CLUB , , , i _ How tlie New. Sfnatora Rank as to Brains nnd Dollars , TliP NtunliPt' nP Million * 1)j- tinMorhliPM of I IIP tnlu < il The elfftlOjli pf John I ! Mllclirll.xvrllos ' the Washington'rorrespoiidenl of the Philadelphia Tfnii" , us senator from Oregon , xvhUpnYibt contributing another millionaire ttf llio United Slatp < t nnti' , mills to it mrunijors u in m of consider- nblo wealth and one who thoroughly understands queer < ty leni of economy - my whereby u million dollars or more pan lie aved from a snlnry of $5,090 year during a senatorial term If ho sus * tarn * his reputation for lnnine s sagacity of the Chandler order it is not unlikely that he will before his ix year * nre out beeome a full-lleilged uieinber of the millionaire club that graces the north end of the cnpitol. .Moil of the noxv senators are embryo millionaires of the same Kind , or ready made ones , which is Mill better , if the complexion which the bcnator ha * taken of Into is to be pro- Mirxcd , I'.ijiie , of Ohio , is the richest of them. Ho is worth at , live million- , * nnd is increasing them rapidli with llio immense incoiiic he receives from the Standard Oil company and other corpor ations which ho controls or has largo In- tore.t3. . Mr Payne has mixer had any legislative experience to speak of , but as he is financially solid he will be rewixod with open arms by the gilded club A XVISU MX MII.MONAlIti : The little , red-haireil , skeleton-like Spooner , who will occupy the seat of An gus Cameron next month , can a No , ho\v a good many pennies , hone-t ami other wise , turned in Ills long career as railioad lawyer ami general lobbyist. That hU dollars ran up higher than the ordinary few hundred thousands of senatorial as- liiranls is Mill'ujientlv proved by the fart that he beat sex era ! recognl/ed million aires in the race for the senate in Wis consin , too , a state xxhosc senator.-- , with the exception ol Matt Carpenter , have al- xxajf been tor their money and little eK1. ft is not probable either that Mr SpooniT.will be anything out in the long run on account ot oh-etion ex penses when opportunities lor compensa tion will be .so i.nintroiB in thu now ca reer open bcfons him. Mr. KuitU , of Louisiana , \\lio , if re ports bo true , xx ill begin his senatorial life with u knocA-doxxn iiglit with tlio ail ministration , o.\cs his election to his large wealth ami the valuable assistance hereeehed from the Louisiana lottery robbers the latter. His- , especially Hispro - deei'.ssor , Mr .Jonun , disappointed Dauphin in tliat he failed to dolend the legali/.ed swindle when IV-tmastor .tiuii- ' eral ( ire.sjiam assailed it ; so it was de termined that he should be retired and n more piiahlu > ) niu ; sent to \ \ ashington in his stead. Mr. KiiMis seemed to nil the bill , for xvlgnjtjie democratic legislatixe caneiis met Dauphin's ngents weio around in plentiful numbers and worked in no concealed way for Enstis. S * * It would to calcUl-itl ! jnt how much th i represented tyy tluji M'\ClltJ-sK , siilons xvho xvillflin'dtiin- the elegant. . lorial club room ( ii a l'r\v days. Oi t ! it is impossible to et at' the exact li , lire' . , bill llie { ' . , . . . . _ " , i : cial status of tin1 senator * j , .so well Known that an approximate estimate mm be easily made .James ( ! . Fair ol Ne vada is the richest man in cither branch of congress. lie is the po-so-Mir of about forty milliolts in mining and bank Uook , go\ eminent bonds and real estate. .A honan/a Klng fiiccesstul in all his'min- ingoperiilioilij , ' 'ho has a No wonderful business .sagacity and known hou loin- vest his easily gotten gold so that it will not dwindle a\uij as rapidly as that of .some of his boiian/.a brctiircn. His yearly income of nearly two millions places him above any piv hi" wants , as xx 111 be readily allowed. 1 hough Mr. Fair is not credited xvith groat-'poldico economic knowledge , and ib' ' not an expert in tarill'majluiv ; , . , he has had the xvNihtjnTV maintain a prolound .silence ox'er < uict-ho | entered the senile chamber , and certain ly that i.s in his favor. Senator Miller , of California , his more than his share of worldly goods , his dollars being xx'rUtcu xvith M.\ cipher * . Ho lias given no evi dence so iar thit : brains had anj thing to do xv ith his elex'ation to the somite. lloxvcn , the cell 'ague of Teller , made a fortune in Colorado mines and Ijke Mr , Tabor mid other western money < > d men cast about fora Held where ho iliignl dnv. jilay his wealth Washington having'Mt-1 coiiiu the centre for ju-,1 this Kind ot < U > - play ho turned his e.ys eastward ami MIO- cei'dod in getting th'e Colorado Legisla ture to give him a jia-sport to the north t end of the capilollor a consideration , of course. Ingall.s , of Kansas , has stored up a round million in the course of his successful political career. A viiti.xTiii ; ; WSIMSS : MAN. Plumb , tin ! other senator trom this state , has a million or two aNo , made by ventures wlileh evince remarkable x'ora- ' tility. First ot all , he made money \xllh newspapers , not ninth 1 fancy , : is thu Kansas uress Is not a xm-y prolitablu con cern. Then ho . invcited in Colorado mines xvhieh panned out handsomely. Finally lie bought up immense tracts of gra/.ing lands and pocketed something I rniu raising cattle and olioop. lloth HID senators from Maine art ) rich men. Hale controls i\ii > n lx-o .shipping and ice interests- , while Fry has a good income from the same sources , boiilu - , xvhat ho twniby priictielng UK profoi- bion. Gorman , of iMaoland , owns t-ox- oral hundred acres of coal lands , a.s well as real estate in dillerent counties of Maryland and in this citv. He also oxvn.s HUD third of the stock of i he West Virginia ( 'mitral railroad , of xvhloh Ex-Senator Henry G. Davis is president. The extent of Senator Palmer's xx'imlth is hardly known to himself. I ID practically con trols thi ) lumber and tiiniiliin ) tniih ) of Michigan. His wit'n is also xvoalthy in Her own right , having in herited a " million just ht > lnri > her marriage. VviNii , of Minnesota , oxvned a largo niinibuvVif factories at the timu of his election to the senate , but as some of his he.iviost venture.- , failed last year , just after ho xvas elected chairman of the na tional I'npnUi/'irii / committee , he is now a poor man , a. tlui term is undorstooiL , in political eli li-p. Knmor has uxhansted l self in rugarjtUJo thu llnancial landing of .John P. .J/jffik-i the Xoviida feilvor king , Only last xvmtcT it xvas rojiorted that1 ho had lost cvJT3jjng. ! | Huforo the xvomler had ceased iTimor had changed its tone and would have it that the buoyant .Jones had met x\ith only temporary em- barrasmeijr | ] ( iid xvas making money faster than over. His ro-clcetion this- your jndicJU-s that the latter report U true , as Ncvjula Icgislutow are not ao- cnstomcd to ileternunu their choice for senator by ideas of pure patriotism. Sewell and McPlierjion , of New Jersey , are generally reckoned mlllionuires. Warner Miller conies in the samcicate- gory by reason ot the profits of his \\-ood- pulp monopoly. John Sherman is thu most illustrious example xvu have of that jmlnstrious set of men who. xvith umill incomes , manage to amass millions , Do- fore hu ifamo to Washington ho xvas poor. Since that time hu has received ubont one hundred thousand dollars In salaries from the government , and , having no pcofiu- sion , could not add materially to his jiu como Irom ether sources. Put his living expenses for the whole period at tu'enty- llvo thousand a xvry modest 'llgnro in- duoil anil wo have by the ordinary rules of Bul > 4tni6tfbu sevcntv-iivo tliuusanil left. Hy John Sliennan' rule.s. hoxvovor , thcro It a ronitllmlc)1 ) 6J I txro millions nnd n half. An > one 1 xTho dr ire to knoxv ( lie precious for mula by which thin is worked out one niiiJl apnly lo mathematical phcn omenon from the xrc t the senior sen ator from Ohio The 1U1 of senatorial millionaire * xvould not be complete x\ith out the names of Cameron of I'cnni . vaniii. Mahotin of Virginia , Camden 'of West Virginia , Snxvvcr of'iscon hi. and Broun of ( Jeorgia , xxhile among thoij xvliose dollars rim up into ( he high hundred thousand * arc 1 nrle.x of Call fornia , Iluxvley of Coniicdletit , Alli < on and U iNon of loxx-a , < > ib on of Louisiana. Mandoron of Nebraska , Dolnh of Oregon , Aldrieh of Hlmdo l land , I'd niuiids of Vermont , and others. A CHICAGO LOVE STORY. A TrlmtKiilitr Amatory Kpi oi1c in Wliloli n 1'oot xvn * Itaillr AVoritctl A stor.y of loxo and jealousy of xvoman'fi ineon-taucy and man's despair xvas developed a da v or txvo ago through Ihe romantic medium of a xxc-t side jus tice shop in Chicago The fact. " , as uh en by Ihe Chicago Tribune , are as folloxx > ilo-oph Sanders appeared as defendant in I list feu Woodman's court on a charge of disorderly conduct Cluulos Ma.\o , the. complainant , ( estilied that he xvas stand ing at Ihe corner of Chicago and .Milwau kee avenues last Sunday evening , having slopped a moment lo light a cigarette , xvhen Sanders , the defendant , came up and xvithout any provocation , pu-hcd him oil' the sidewalk. As Ma cs xxas tlio bigger man ol tlio two ami made no claim of luix ing been injured in the en counter , and a.s -coined there had been s-ome previous ill-feeling belxvoon the pai tie- , the court ordoted the defendant to pax costs and dNini-sed the case. Behind and bejoml Ibis justice shop incident there is a story , which , like mo-t stories , has a woman in it. She is only Hi years old , and xveighs something oxer eighty pounds' , and is employed in a dry goods store. Her name is Kitty ( Jlcaxos. Sanders is a lloor-xvalkcr in the same .store , and he is credited xvith being a re spectable enough sort of n. joiing man. xxhoso only mi-lortuncs aie a beau of ag- gio-sivo hair and'an uud.xing love for .Mi Kitty. Ho la > n claim to being a distant relative ot his namc-akc , the alderman , but xx hat ho especially prides hnn.-elf on is his literary abilitfcHe xvrites o-sjijs and poolrx , ami thinks there N in him the making of a great author or journalist. He once xxrote a letter to an afternoon paper about the delay of the ears on Ihe Milwaukee axenne line , and it xvas printed in full over the signature , "Many Sull'oring Cit- { yens " His employer nexor prepares an iitlverli-emcnt tor tlie Sunday paper * ixithout getting Mr. Sander.- ' af.-istancc "lo slick the grammar into it , " as Iho merchant has jocosely oxjtro--od it. MayeH , the pro-editor m the case re ferred to in tlio commencement of lids liarratixe , is a clerk in a shoe store n lit- tU > InilliL-v np the street. Ho al-o loves Kitty. Before Mayes appeared on Iho set-lie Kilty ahxajs appeared pleased lo receive the attentions of Mr. Sanders , noxv Mn yes is the faxorcd suitor , and therein lies tlie ciin-e of all the trouble The .xoting men hate oaeli other xvith a deadly ha trod a hatred that has already dex eloped into a "pu-li oft'the sidewalk , " and xvhich may cvi-ntnallv result in blows or possibly blood-shod. Omox ening several xvook * < ago Sanders WtlM xvaltjng at the door of Ihotore after elo-ing , expecting to escort Miss Kilty boi'nc ' Us usual , xvhen Mali's came ii | ) in breathless ha-to. "Mi Cloaxosgono ? " ho panted. "Xo , " aid Samlcis , curtly. Ho thought this shoe felloxv xvas gulling too niimenms. "I xx us afraid I'd bo late , " vouchsafed Mayes. ' " 'For xvhatv" "To sec her homo , " replied Mayes. "I promised to comoarouml forlierlo-nlght , and I xx'as delayed a little. " "Von miglit haxo s.ix-ed .yourself tlio trouble"said Sanders angrily , " 1 xvill o cert Ali-s ( Jleax'cs home. " "Won't yon let her have a x-oiec in llic matters" asked Mayes imprndciitl.y. Several of Iho clerks had boon attracted by the altercation and crowded around I < \s < w the outcome. One of them dipped inside. , . , xx hero Kitty was adjii-tiuir her friH/i'-J , mid lold hor'hoxv mailers stood ISIie-ivxrag 'frightened ' , and thought -lifer oa Fo'st xvny out of the M-rapo xvinild bfc to leave by the rear and no down the alloy and homo alone Tins she at once did. Meantime the rivals stootl at llio tronl door glaring at each other. Ton minutes passed , and no Kitt\ . The crowd ot spectators momentarily in creased Clerks from neighboring stores stopped to learn the cause of the liulla Jialop , ami then staid to see the result "I xvonly minutes , and no Kitty. Certain irrovortjut juveniles from other stores bq nn.tQcliafl ; Iho lovernnd the post DOCimic irksome. At lust Tim Midinno.x. Hie janitor , came out , having clo-cd ex cry bet | and bar. "What is keeping Miss Gleavos. TimV" asked Sander- . "Mi-s ( Jleavcis ilV Faix , she's "one homo nn hour 111:0 ; I let her out of the back door my-elf. " A cheer arose from Ihe croxvd and Hit- rivals strode oil' in diflorcnt direolions. Jx'oxt in'cning al do-ing lime ( he two suitors wore ugnin in xvniting , i-jicli having had a satisfactory intcrvioxv xvith Kilty in the meantime , A croxx'd of clerks gathered as lieloro. Kitty came out , oviilcnlly determined lo face the xvbrst Slic hosilatod for a mo ment , east a pitying glnneo at Sanders , placed her little hiind xvilhin Muyes' hooked elbow , and the pair xv.dketl oil' TliL-i'o wcro more hi-ios than cheerlor Sanders had the sympathy ol his felloxv employes. "Come along , old chappie , mid hax'o a drink , " said oneof his friends kind ! } "a i-oila xvith a dash of giugor in itit'll brace yon up , you know. " For somodaxs ' , , , , ' ; ; Sanders xvi's ' sick , but hu still walKui. . . - . 'floor as In- foro. Kitty and soinn of lb otliur girl clerks thought it great fun , and one altornoaii Kilty openly jeered at him. This made him angry , and next morn ing , before thu arrixal of Iho pro prietor , and xvhilomoslot the eloi'ks xvcro touting around the spool thread depart incut , Sanders slalkud up to the counter Kxviybody hold their breath as ho imcncd hN Prinoo Albert coat , dixed into the In ner pocket , and drew forth a lock of hair ! Jt xvas H big lie s , about eight inches long , blonde and kinky , and tied xvith' blnoribbon. Kverybody know it was Kilty's. "llcrol"aid Sanders tragically , Iling ing it on ( hu ' 'Take your hair , heartless girl ! ( Jive it lo Maycs-ho xxill take care ot it for you" ' Kitty scorned ready to cry. I ho lock lay on tlio counter. Nobody spoke for a moment. Then one of the juniors broke up tlin ccancu by picking up the lock and i tin-owing it in Kilty's face , with tin- remark mark"Take back the bail thai thoti gavcst xvhat Is thy rod head lo inu-di , Sanders ? " Stmio days laterSandors rocdxcd a p-ir- cftl by oxpuiss , accompanioil by a Idler staling that some admiring Inoiids beg ged to send him a Christmas present his portrait in oil as a token of Iholr ap preciation , eto. Sanilur * opened thu parcel - col on the spot. His portrait in oil ! A tlntipo one xvhioh ho had given Ix'ilty vojtrsago that xyn Urn portrait. And it was sxvimming in a hall-emptied sardine box . M aye 5 lold the story everywhere It xvas of his oxvn coneoolion. And fcomo pVoify lox'o versoj that Samlora bad oiico sent to Kilty soniothing about my antrol Kate , 1 watch nutl xvaij. at hull-past eight , tne hwcotoht mate Umt'cver fate did keep out late or rhymes to that cflcet. Tin-so x-or os xycre coiiied'aud handed around promikcuously for olcrkrf i jeer ut. And that is how it came to pass lhat Snnd.iy night liul Sail- dM-spu nod Charle * Alayos oil' the side- Jifalk. * ' IS ifi nest awl Largest ; Sfoufts t.n. the U.8. to Select from. No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passenger Elevator M. BURKE & SONS , LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS , O.EO. IHMtKB , UNION STOCK YARDS , OMAHA , NEB. nr.FEHr.XnS-Xlprclmnt : niul I'm mm' Hunk , Davlil Cltr , Net ) . ! Kfiuiioy Nntloiul Ilink.Konf nt-y.Ni-li. ! CVliniilinatflntft Hunk , Columbus , Noli.i JlcUuiiiiU's Uunl < , Nortli I'Utto , Nob. Omatt * Nmlonnl llntik , llin.ih-i , Nob. . . . , Will pur ciiMoinurs' Urrtft wltb Iitll of lAillns ; Bttaclioil , for Iwo-tlilrJl vulue ofJtoek. . U'hal is the matter x\ith that man , mother ? Ho bar , u bad cold , mx child. Then ho .should buy a bottle of lied .Star Cough Cure , mother. You Knoxv a foxv teaspoonsfnl ot it made me better , ami it hab no opiattH. Ulfo unit Mnn. I > itt bllrg Herald ; ' 1'hc follo\xug ! Is thii conclusion of an iutcrxiexv butxxceii a real estate dealer ami a coiilu ] ) xvho xveiv contracting to rent a thit in tint , citi , the the other day : "Well , " .sy.x the xvoman , finally , "I will give you iJ'Jo lor the tint , xum'l xve , .lolmv" "Ycs'm , " replied thn man , "And I'll paj my lunl iiromplly , too , xvon'l x\-e , .Johny" "Ycs'iu. " "And I'll take c-.ire of ihc house , xxon't I , John ? " " ' " "Yos'in. "Hut , " 1 iiuiiiicd | ; , as is usual in hitch cases , "arc you 111:111 : ami xvil'c ? " "Man and xvilo ! " CNclaimed thcxxoinan , sharply , "indeedvo are not , arc xvc , .lohiiv'1 "iNo'ni. " " \Vhat ! " say"not man and xvifo ? ' ' "Xot much. I'd huxc.ioii knoxvthat in this fumilyve are xvil'e anil man , uin t wo , .lohn1' ! ' " ' " "Ycs'm. STRICTLY IT CONTAINS NO oiMi'sr THREE SIZE BOTTLES. PRICE CEHTS , 50 CEfsTS , AND 51 PER BOTTLE QtKCENT BOTTLES " " ' pi i 11'roi ll.e n / yu.Si'1 nnioilallun "I iill liu ILNU' ! 11 DO iliul low Pi ' iiLsiltiM , A IIIMI.III : ion CONSUMPTION Oil .XNVt UN < > DISEASE , Humid secure Itie lanrr-1 liotllo- ; . Dlit-c-lioti aitoiiipuii ) lutr uuuli hottlo. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. Nebraska National Bank OatHt , NEBRASKA. I'A11 > I'l- ( 'M'll'AT c Si HIM rs. .May 1. I M 2iOJU.OJ H. \ \ . VAII. . . I'lVsiilcnl. A. E , 'J'oi.AI.IV , Vii-o rrcsidcnt. \V. H. S. IluiJilis : , Uaslilcr. IHIII OIIIIIH : \V. \ V. Molts ! ' . , .lOIIN S.II.MN3 , II.V. \ . YAU > , Li.wiiS.ltr.Kii , A. K. * , BANKING OFFICE : TJfE IRON BANK. Co. 12tli and rarjnuii Stroets. Go cral itau Inn lIUMhicto L'r.tiuautu.1. . A FINK LINK Ot -AT- WOQOBRIDOE BROS1 OMAHA NKIIIIA.SKA. "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. Jim Orluinnl mill Only U CM nine- . Ksto aa1ura ] > llrllal If Ucftaiu.f MnrlllriIralutlonf ) 1 1 , II.KUJ.W i LADEG. | A.I. out Itruenl'l I" < > ' uJ l nuollur cr fiiiiinn < o ur t'i ttilcr t > r ri'turu luull. . ' . , . . PAPEfl. lliUliiMrrClirinljnl -Hill Xl . .ll..iiiSinariI' , iK. Truilu iUnirl | It ; I ull , r A 1'iillu llt . V A Qnlr-lj , , , . , , . , , , I \in T MASIII I'U 1,1 I ) , v NIIIV : < HWSJ > ( ' . - - - _ - . , Vu'UillllLir7. . NiNlirM'lUl\ui.'h I'Koni'h. n'ink iiy iiuii , > n.xi.ri : rnnr. ERIE MEDICAL CO.BUFFAi.ON.Y. Did you Suppose - v pose Mu&tang Liniment only good for horses ? It is for lullamma- tioirof"all flesh. MIO 11 u-i'cq ur.itn witu IMP atoon rnv or mil < DUMB , YMLl itC tl KVKIISKu THI1 UifIMAT IIH eHICAGO.nGCK ISLAND a PACIFIC RAILWAV lirii' iii > iiof Hi i-cnlml i > ( i-mmi KII.I rlrni relation la oil prim lul | Urn * I'ml iimtUtM Ht ItiltlAl Aliil Iff- uinnl poinii i.HI.1HU1CHu , niu.t finu-itAiii | mlif. rcitttm-ntM huh In Hint MM in r ttlluiltfli ltiinrior. | tation uht ill Im llm ullil In. mint , t tMvrl itlul IrnlUJ lirl vr-nilii i < r lh Allmiili nml l-jplllo CuaHii 16 I * aliu tlK-in\utii | mill 1 ui i iiuitc toiimlfn > in potnH Lull Niltliri.t mil tixiillii * ntul i'uruM > lill Hill ! li'lnlil XV ( lit Suilh i-it inul Ni.iillivttt. The Great Rock Islnncl Route The famous Albert Lea Route Is the illii-i't Atiil taxnrlu- tin , , | iftKii Clilrnrxo Anil Minn. | , , . ; in 1st I'uiil ln i < - ( uiinu'lliiMiiataliilulu In I'm ' ui r > . init ( ui nil piiiiii In iln-Jri i M.H li nm1 I'lotliKt- IM i flili jimt < ) AHI l.iirrKi | Irjlua aif inn I. , til ? xAitoiln | > to > ew ttiiiiinur ro- surtJ | ii | tui-aiino lui ilnli itn i liniillnir nlut tlablnff or l.tuu nil I MltiiUM.In II In ako tlio lliuafi . I'slnOilu ri'iittt tn tiif ii > \\liLiit litlJs mid puaturat Illlilc I Intel I 11 llnknl , * Mill iimtlKi ) | | ( | I' 1 ISI1. tin Pcnoca ni | Ifnn- I tUi lit * turn opt lit. . ) lii'ivti . | , i nn linnil , Iiuiinn- nn ills ullil liirj > i-ttp H tit * MI in II 111 u IT. IfnliFaaCltr , Mliim-nji'illi ntul si 1-.HII oml inlFrinediato poliilK cltoinnlik iii ivi'll nt H lo I. , nt nil | ilnt.lll'1 ) Icld C imn f , in HILUalu.d 'ji.ili.a unj LuiiuJj , vt by ml- ff. ft. CABLE , C. ST. JOHN , lica.i KUllM t'l. ( Iill ITI.t it 1'MS.Aa't , HAlBDRfi - Csm.paii.3r. A niiiuer MM ; nm England , France & Germany. ' 1 lie fitennif hips ol tlU : well linuwn line aru all or lion , In unu-r litrlit c'oiiipiiiliin-iils , iiniliu- Uninslii-il ivilh everyililiiH- tiniku HID pusM.ig-o both s-alo mill HKioiMililu. Thi'v ciury llio I'nltoiJ ' Suites and r.niopi-ait nniiU. ami li-n\iiNci\v ' ' 1 hiirmluys uli.l hatni'diivs lot' I'lviiionlli. ( I.ON- JM , Cheihoii ) , ' , ( I'AKIS nn.l . JI XXIIIIMKI ) . Jtuioj-rn-i-l wibin , f 'Ji-IOJ. ' l Vork Ten Years Dlnintainud Superiority. STEAM COOKED , CRUSHED WHITE OATS AM ) American Breakfast Cereals. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS I AcU lor X. II. T. Hiiinil itd-irNlnroil'IVaJu Mm U.I I ( irMttu In nil uioi'iu-M Si-nd lor Iru culm. Tlir.ri'.lil.lh x ) | -j io ; , , 83 Murray St. , NEW YORK. Hallway Time Table IIMAIIA Tin- following I- . the Iniuof nnix'iil and do- pnrluiuol liiilm by. Onlinl Ktaiulinil lliiio.nt I'MlouililuHti | < > . Tniltibdl llio U. . HI , | > . , M. & O , nrrlvu and ilopmi Irom llii-iriluiiot. conior ot Mill inulVelnler slieetrt ; tiMhuon tlio II. A ; M. , ( ' . , II , \ Q , and 1C. ( ' , 81 .1. .V U. II. lYom HIQ II. iVM , dupot ; alt olliois linm the Union 1'aclllu C' " ° U IIIIIDfJi : TJIAINS. llrldtrituiliH lull Ivitvu I . I' . diet | Mt fl- ; ; ! . IITMiI'.iW - b 1(1 ( H.MI II Idstrtll"il. : . . ni , , 1:01) : ) I.M I.TUII 8W : lUJ--5.UJ--5g-0ua : ! ; ! ! c.iu - ; : ixiiitiup. . m. loavn ' lin-Onniliu 7:1Ii * irain-lL'i a : - - KilC J:3 : ] J M tl lui'.lj IO..ITJlii u. in. ; IT : ani : - llS-il ) iliilu JU7 : 1.I7- | & : \ + - UXTIJ : \ ; ' 'I'M llS8p.m. : , coNNKrjNa ( , | | NH | AiriMtl mid iloimi nun ol Irulin from tlio Iniii-t'erilepot at Onincll ( IllU.UiO ii.l.l .M . -Mull mid i\1irem : 7:00 : r. > i I" HI i' . M . Arioiniiioilatiori . . lui' : ; . i b0 : 1' . M . Hxiri.8 | ( . bllli'Ulii . mil K IMM V.tfiA.H . . .Mail mid I'vpiesa. Ti(0 1M 7:1.1X. : . M . . Ai'i'iiiniiioiliuluii . KfJii ; H 010 ; I - . M 11:15 : AM II. > IIIXU \ BIJK . MIMIJI , . .1:10 : A. M . * lull nml i\in0jti. : . . . VM : p. u 'jM C. M l\IICtB ! | . . . . CllllMUO , III'IILIMI'IOV k 0,1'iMJV , ! ' . ; i.1 .A. M .Mull mill i\iri ; | : -i. Ili.'Wr. M ti.Til'.H U\ii'igil | ) 'J16 ; A. M XV tllXKII , I > V. 1,111'IS it 1-\CIHO. " l.ri C. M Iitltnl Kl. Ulllls IVAIlKIU 1,01-ltl U.OUI- . M/l'iiiniloi Hi. limits lv.'l'raiistii-iJOi ! | : : > .M UAf.HAti CU V , f > T. .101 I. IDIM'll " ; 15 A , M Mull inul Ihiutud. T'J.ri : r , M u.UO I.M . . . , ; \ | > n , . UitU .M MOUX ciiv * . CAI i no , ' , UI Hliully .Xliill . : ( ) | ' , ( .Mill' M , , Kl. I'linl lUino-ij . tii."iA. ; t Ifin.ui XVIJ.STW.XHU , Airlv A. M 1H. . i UNION I'AI mi' , \\\i \ nn 2:10 : * _ _ Arrlvo .X. M. I 1H. . JUKMJl 111 I'AI'irlC' . A.M. I'.U. " . . . . ! ) > lUmen U.JJtl bl5l ! ) . . .NI lH K\irt-m | . I K. : . , KT. J. A : I' ' . 11. J > : SO.i 8lJl ; ! > | . .Vlu 1'l.ilUiiioulli. ! 7WM : ! _ Dupnrt. NOUTHXVAltl ) . _ Arrlx-o. " A. fl. r. M. ] C. bT. I'.JI iX O. I A.M. I' . M. fc'X'u1. . . . I hinii.1 City lixpic s ! . . . I 5Wj : I ruhk ! Oal.l.intl Auciiiinuotrn liliOOo llCitiil. _ [ HASTH'AUD. Arrlvo "A.M. 11' . > i. i ( i. , it < v g. i AT i. ii'.wT . . . . ' fij.Q ; .Via I'lftttsiuoulli. . I Ui'0 : I " STOCK VAUDfl TUA1NB Will ltn\o I. I1 , ildiM.t. ( Jiii-.iliii , ul OslO 8:35- : 1U:15 : itcrtin , m. : ; ! : (0 ( y.V ) afftin. : \ . J.i avi ) Sini'i : Vinila lotDinuln nt 7iiri10 : 5 a. in. ; llll : -1U--1MO ; fi 07 fl"u ; ) i. ui. No n : A ii'iliiktlnlly ; ; lliluiiyi < xcrit | i. . . . 0 , dully i-jcupt hnlunliiy ; I ) , dully uc'oil | duy , _ _ UBRRASKA CULTIVATOR AND HOUSG < n KEr.fen nn om. nun AHI. idiinii'iciiuuuii f > . | i } r ii io innilllilll (111 it 1M til CUnlllM * 4IIIil | t-oi v nn.l rc/u ulll U- ilelii-liliiJ. Ui I lull llili IUIK.-I uu JJic . | { , a , UMITH , pub , , Oimilm , Neb. 1