Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1886)
* - ap THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. TUESDAY. JtTBUA'KV 5 .1836. SPECIAL NOTICES. _ Advertl fmontsnnlrr ( this hrml lOcentspcr Jlno for tliu first insertion , nnd 7 cents for ouch ub < > qu nt Irscrilon. Seven words TT ! 1 bo count ed tolho line ; tticy mut run consccutlTely m uuiitlio paid In mtvntice. All ndvortlscmcnt must bclmndc < l In bcfoic2o'clock n. m. , am undorno cireumMfincM will they bo tnken o dlH'ontlnncd liv tclculionc. rnitlcsiKivcitMttK In tlit-se rolumns nnd bar Intrtlii-ivnswprs ndilrr nl In tnro of llr.K.vvif plnh'o nsk for check lo enable tlicin to pet thcl nonn will 1 > o ddivrrrd except 01 of tlicck. All miMvers to lulver * 'fil In cnvelopoi. TO LOATJ-tlONEY. $ I , 0,0(10 iii lonn ou ttt > rcMdenet' property ( leo. W Dnj , Ij-fl VnriiMiii. tin MONIIV TO I.OAN-On fnnn nnd city prop vi t } ; cnll nmt pet ourrnti Stewiirl ACe itidui 'iNobrn'kn Nnt'olud ' llnnk biilldlmr. " 1HJ1 MONIIV TO LOAN on tiorsrs , wngnns nm fin llltnro without iPiimvid. C. .1. CnMioll Itoom II. lion Hunk IIUHdltifr , 1-ih nnd I'm mini TnkooUivnlor. itjfljiuii * o LOAN Mono mimy ninoiint , On nil tliiffsof fcciirlly. Plinn tlmi ) lomiRDli renUt'tftto fxitiK iimo lonn on real oMftle. Mime ] to loim on thnttcK MOIIPJ 10 lonn on collnternls. MOIIO > to lonn on nny ( rood security. TCI ins eiwy , Hint' to mlt Apply nt thconinlm rinniicl i I' llMikiT JiiilKllitK , 8VV coinorof llftccntliiind rniiinmelf. vinstnlrs i'Ji I ONKV r everybody I Voit cnn . niniier ou fiiriiltun- , lior - cs , . . . . . . . . - plnno , tock of nil kinds diamond * nud flm untches ou } our own lime. Pn.viueutflietolvci nt nny lime , nnd lutrrcU icdiurd pro rntn I'rrtncrl ) lelt lu J our own pow lon. Trim * low ns the loweM. Cnll nnd nee me. ltu liies confidentInl. Nondvnutncu talieii. llooni 4 , Wlthnell's Now llnllOluu.NoithcnrU'or nrr l.llb nnd llnincy. _ > Kl ONKV TO LOAN-0. l11nvl A Co. Hual M K tate anil Lonn aecntelS05 NRV TO U > AN-OII ( food perurltlPi. A M Mcdnvock , room 7 Itcdlck HlocklD09Karimn TVONiVTO : r.OAN On dmltrlc , Woolcy A J'l Hatrl'ou , room 'M , Oinnlm Nntlonul bank bulldlmr. 'IJIJ _ _ . : TO LOAN Ou icul estnlo nndiihnt MONiv lols. I ) . I , . Thoums. ( CO nriJNKVTM LOAN In Mini * o Jl'l wnidi on UrM-elnRS run ! itlato cccurlty Vottni A Cofob , 15t.ri I'm nnm tt. T\OMv : LOANIin nt C. r. Heed.'i ' ; Co's. Ixinn I'l oniio , on I multure , iilumin , lioit < e , wagon < pciwimil property of nil Kinds nnd nil other nr tl ( lr of vnluc , Illiout removal. Over Ut Knt' llimk , corner Mill nnd J'nnmni. All luismus Hi Icily confident ! ! ) . HU TITO lAUIIANlli : for nierclinni1l c , Intiil ll -Ll'ajie nndVieinont touuile * . Addict- , Hindi iii'oii \ Iticlo ) , bhinniidotili. In. M.- " , * f.iOllsALi : DIP Fnrntora Hotel nnd fninl J1 tine m Mllfnid , Neli. ; hotel In t-'oo.l mm II lion mid Inniitiiio nov ; eveilliiii ( ? In nifl cl i outer ; dolns nn i < otllcnt biislness : enl > tniiM' lorcilllnr | , ' o ib s m linni'y. Knniiiu ol .1. V. onsnul.ptxipiictor , 01 U. woriendjl.c JUIIImd , 81 win it Co , Neb. 67-W ALK-A ileslnililo lins.iie9 In JL1 niiicliliu'i ' } . topeilior villh tliu business Imuw nnd kit in n toncl io n In cmlinl Tfi In KM. AdiiKss , with sunup , It "it , Itce , Onmhii POUhALi-r ; ) rTLhnnRO Tuilvo bundled nnd elmhty iicics of Mo. timber mid KII limd , toitj mllmoi BI ol Kimms Cltj' . As ml golliis mi ) land In the Milk' , M 111 f ( II nil or pnrt ill Illli en tlollins per ncieorl \ \ c\rliiinj-e lor peed Imnrovc'd or unimproved I\biiisKn land Jtodloul \ Hniier. li" , TTtOll SALi ; ) lt i\LA : -L' lollpt llomlnt ; m It iiitriov Injtnllroail In Nelna kii. MiuouuiUd by exeillenthoil mid torn coimtiv , iloln n peed business ami Hour Inm jrooil trade in Onniliii , KeiiMin tor sell Inu , on iictdum ol n e of OIMIII. LluiK A llatthuf , IUT South roiulirnth-tittit. f.ij'i-t rroi5fAl.i-Jj\ dull } , \\lllfelliis lmv7is3 . toHstiilso (1 ( bend of l.oiscj , good lor du- \v.i on , . J. K. Moth. Mttjl 'a7"H.hx\r \ , JIM fili'nKlicd looms on the S. r. . cor. ot l-tli IIIK Cnpilol avcnuci. Co t'Jl OO to III up. Will si II lei ? ril ) CiiMi , or on time to vnod rcfci on > lb | piirly. Appl > lo t'oibctt , S. w. tor. 15th unit raiinmi MS , 1'ot Sale a lotH In i-piliw Hill. EirocacTi. I'or i Palo I'-jtnbllblicd Iniiiliiujf lmtlnu 8 In Ne- In at-kii. couut > teat. ( Jlbton &Aichfr , Itoom ; i VVitlmell Illock , Omaha. . ' "ITlOlt SA Li : The only hatber nud llndiiij- J biifliie s In Lincoln , v\hkh Inm bc ( n cm * ilcil on lor ten > nrs vei.v i-uceei lijlly : the lun- C4ii lor selllntr , donth of tliu viopnclor ; leillihi'il , fiom $ aUO ( lo JMJW. ( AUdrcsa Jli Ji-cob llnlierlo , Lincoln , Neb. r,7 : > PEUSONAL. 1 > iKSXAi.ToTnd : ( ri-WInU IUOMUI to J tunic ? An Impiovcd in m cii } In or Impiovtd D sldiiucH piopi'it.v. s ckol moic nu- jlneiil nny Mud , Il\iMn'k.elu .tullor iuldie-ii J. li. UIcu , I ' rnimim blicct. tui I > iilSONAI ; , Tolliiyer : Do von wnnt n In'- Riiln in vnrnnt lots or rerldtnun pioiKiil } , linpicn. d linniB m NV lii.iHl.ii , tincc in OoiiKh HiOlllitUnit will niiikn MII inoiio } it taken IhNuot'k. hpli u lid biiMiiio-s tliiluro lor ( Hill o.1 Irado. It will piiv jou lo call MI 1 iiucs- lliale , or addicts .1.1 , , Ulu' . U" "J I'liimuu blrcol , W7 IKSO.N.\L-TO | : iMllfr.-lln o jon nny vn cant lotH or m > io\ol ri'-ulnmo inojierl.v jou ileslinlo dlipobc ol tor ca h : nny slot'lisot inuit'handls ( < ; imj' oed tliinih la Nolir.i.xUu , lin | iro\ed m olhniVMse. We ate \\aitlni ; tor ) ou to mil or iidiliej * J , I. , lllti. ' , 1"4 ranium TKUSONAl-To Whom It Jlny Concrrn- JL .1.1 , llleo , H.-2 fm mini bt. , in thu only icnl oilnlo nnd iiiciclminliM. ' broUer In Oiiinha v\ho iloy not iliaiKO n ic lsicr tie to imishic par ties who pliuu luopqit ) hi his homls lo sell. VV'o tin our own nilveitlbinh' . Mile or no t-nlo. nnd Iniiu nt all limn" 11 line ll-t ot bnitfiiliisto buy , uull orliado , biieiiics.stliiuicps , etc , CJj T.03T. LOST-J.II1 . In f milt i > U1 jio icnnidod b ) Ic-iivluir simiii nt lids olhcc. IA'1-I ' * T OST Potiljihi ) cTL'iilnp' ' , n p.Hr of opera J-J KhibSjs oh H. l.llh , rimlir will iileiiMMe- tuin to MIIUJSCI'MIIluting olliuj nml ictelvoru- tMlllt. MJift JOST -1 Illicit mil ro joi ) } . * Ifotum to N15 J.l < ) III " | imT A enri ler' i out r > book. If found , \J pit IIBU iituin In Daily lice Ortice. Ol 1 * TKAVUD I luht lonn lonywlth liildloand lilnu 1'litli , llultllllto Ituuill L'llldM blocK , l&th and I'm iiain , ti'Ji-l ZOABDINO. N lUI ! loom nnd KOOil bonnl , .TI.IJO 11 week ; vci } bctt location,4bd. | I.'iihbi. r uj,1) ' K IOOHI nut ! lipnnl , ffipcr vrcoU ; veiy tieiitlo- cut Ion. 18U Uavuipoitbt. BTOVB REPAIRS. MIJIIJ W. C. Jli'linerSlovolleputrCo.IllSoulli X 14th St. lulu cun UoiUro tuul Uouyhij. CURED. NO operation or UFcloes IIUEMH. T > r. M. JI Moofo , 'JM Wnhasli n\c. , Ctilengo. Will Vo ul Coming lionet1. In Omiilui/J'iicSilav.Dfe.l. ; - 'TVI l's CHAIU'lt Tliocelobraiedfoitimotcllor j'l Itcbidcutu lllh nud Jntktoii bv.'jani * LAIMis m wnnt or ( rood doinoooticlpntn bo nippllod by cullliu ; on Iho Onndiiv Kit. jilov nient Olllc-o , Itoom I , llUsliiium'b Illock. Mis. J , Vv. Horrlbon pioprli lor. b'l lOK SAIiE-MISCELLAIlEOUB. - \ SAI.K At n liiiu'iiln. fiirnluiin of nu 8- 1T\Oll liouhO , Biiltnblo for bouidliur hnuno era a ; nUo boubo tor tout at U'Ol llotuud AWI.UtllAUV I' ( IlS.\I.i-Alnwlibrniy I J i-oualstitiKOf I < ui reports , 1) . ts , Kupremo four I ieport > , Ameilcnn drchlono , Auicilcau U'poits , Noittiw ( tiiiii , 1'ucltlo nnd Fioloiul r - iioiicu. nil bound und n llnoof tot books nil liilejt editions uinl us noud ns umr. Must bu hold toRC'Ibor. Juki foU $1,51/0.00. / 1'alr icduo- t'on forcmhorKiiodiiotcis. I.Ut funiUlud op application. Addro 8 IX , llcoollicp. ' - " vilthOil : HUNT Cheap , ncwlmin IS FOIt VI , vilth eveiy couvcidcnco. Inquire 777 171OII w cuthrr ftrlpf , tturm Eutb and doou.yo JL' to I1,1) . Mead M1 & ICib tl. wo ] * F OK SAI.K Tuo toll in IrlT'iiii riBCCon block frvui { titet cur tiaik. jJtli euc-cu 13 < - WAttTED-rZMAt.E KELP. AY > A laundress nt the Occidcnta bold 57G AYWY WY Tiu : nirl for er ncrnlho i pvrorh ; a ! < n ttirso Rtrl. a.H > oiipl-M M. fcls-6 * _ _ _ _ _ " \\rANTIJIi Competent Rirl to COOK , wn ] > > nud lloni Germnn preferred. Apply N K. lath und California. Mrs. IJ. Wakelc } . Ol n XT-AM ! : ( lood ptrl for soncrnl vork , Mis. ,1. W. Morrl on. room 41lu h fnnn Illncl < : i6tli nnd Unifglfti \\f.\NTln : A cnmpptmit trlrl to conk , va l > > ntid Iron , hi n niMl iRinllj ; good vrtirt tifucnccs rcquhcJ , 2oin St. Mnij" ' * \ * "AN11:0 : A mtrdlo nfred woiain to take * ' citteof iwo tlihdicn , ( Icrinnn preferred S. SJil st. 4th homo from Karn nil. _ Ril 4 rANl Kli-Cools nnd dining1 room jrlrK 1W nonplus street. liouscivrtrk. X. AV. cor. IJtli ntid l.rMen lTAVri4l - A ep-npt'id pill to do pcnnrn i lioiuouork. \T"ANTii \ : < * A competent kitchen glil .1"33 1'nrimin. ' " ' Xt'ANTl : ! ) Plr t-clVS4 ! illuinir-room gnl > n > > _ llio Mttrop'olllnii HoH-1. \\fANTHi ) Jnd'trM nnd ppntlphicn IM ell } or countty to InkP llhl | work nt tholrtmi home . Mto ? l n dfiy in'lly mn.le . ; work feu liyniiill ! no cfttiVfl * li > ir. Wo Imvn n ( rood do niiuid foronr work nnd fuinlsh ( toady employ nient. Addrc < s , with etninp , CtottiOI'r'R\ : ( ) . CTI VltluM. . Clndimiitl Ohio. r" ' 31EI.P. \v7\NTii : inlc iiinnlo cll n Iliioof Mnjil frooiUto tlio Illililt\nc1indo on coiniulf ( ilon. AOdrutfJjrnvvbrn 4 , hti illng , 111 , fili \\fAM 1:11 : A Uepiit ) fortboOiderofMutmi T 1'ioloctloii , I'liitrtcrctl ! aucuil oppoitliullj Tor the rtitht nnn. Addle1) ) ( > . Del Vrefhlo l.noledo Hotel , it. Louis , Mo. 003-0 * " \\TAXTr.D A jounpdrnjTclPik ; one Injr ( lerinun prcleticd. N. \ \ * . cor. I , 111 nnd Howard. i \rANTiil : A nr l'CliH ? llnilirr , well iccnm \ T inrndpil , ( ( rrp"potid iiiP follclted. Ad ill ess t K. lloitH' , Noilolk , Neb. WI7-4 \\7"ANTii ; A emnor lor n horse route 01 tiioKvcnlnlfUee. BOM * \\TANTI ! ! ) Piilo'inen in ench county to In > liO'lucon ' new pntetit spilna-vblllletice poll slll < \vlldlln > ; piollts Inrfro. Address , wit I Hlniiip , Kimr VVhllllotret' to. , Viitnn , Neb. Wt < Y SITUATIONS WANTED. U ANTI'.n A position In a bnuk : hnvohm ninpleexpciif mo nivl cnnlinnUli the IIP * of rt-fi'ioncc . Aililru s US7 , HccOllice. i'il'J WA > 'L'liI > HilmitlonliolrnVelmir snle-iimn. jearV e.\pcrlenru ru--l : can lur nlxlt pond n fcmicci ; talaiy cun Lo llxod oltci irud. IILM. Ilccdlllcc. 57IJ : ; \\TANT : ti sitnntlon liv an actlvo jom T man ns lonclnnim. 1'or fintlier purlieu Inn nildiu'-s tliu l.niuu liuiuiUngIliiuo 01 1'ninnm strei t. fiinj : * lA'ANTi : ! ) Itonm and bt d by , . . 1 > nnd wife with piivutt' or siimll tniiiih Must be fliM-clnss In ovoi } itspccl. Address 1 \trANTI2l > To icnt. Immediately , n IIOIM > i vUlh ' . ' or 111 looms and niodcin convent onccs ; in dcsiinhlu localily. C. ll.isrliiuldt. V. Pi Kiimtiiblo 'J riiM Coin ] > uny , under Nobin ln Na llonal linnk. UoUV \\'AX ni : Two complete' ' } ' ftiinls < icd loom ii lu ( teed location lor ( .ontlcinifii nndvvlli ! . bnnid or near 1 n.ud. Addicbb S. 0. Joce , l.'ith btiect mid i njntol tiv u. 0 0-1 * \\rANTI.I Luly COIM poiidencc bj n.vounir > innii * ' . " } etils old ; i bi < M , inatilnioii > . Ad- dicss lo.No. ! . II , ilohu&tovvii , liov ! u co. . Neb. 674 1 * \\rANTiii : A sfcond hand llic proof tmnk V > Mifc , with binylurpionl chest. Aitdica- " f L. llrown 01 liibt Hank , .McLouk , Neb. 41'J IZE-NT-IIOUHES AND LOTS. "Iiioi : ICI N'l llouio.O rcoint , 'J pantile' , Ma Ju blcoii W iniiiit st.,0 blocks liom U. 1' . depot ; Inqulie l.l" I Inciijin st. Aug Itinidon' . f > 'l 5 * -r.iois JiKNTteirc.SMNoilh 15th 6t. Jn . _ _ _ _ _ _ i _ _ D 'J-S * ITIOIt 1CKKT ( I loom liousu oppo-ite Connie J . jrntlonnl t lunch. on > l MiiiV iivc. , M1 * . Hi com liontu ' 4ih mill 1'oilKi' , cheap , ! : . ' .r > . Now IIMIMM\II | | bain , Is. buundcrs St. , fJO. t' . f. KIiiKcr , I I'J N. 1 jrlt St. i IT10U Kl.vr TutcK liuiu , U. ! ' . Itn fc'ff , ll'.i N. JL1 Jiithiilruvt. ,173 ITlOIf ISLNT Two c.lta/Hi5. | $15 and SIS per JL' month. VV.MUl/kT , Uian tn Illoul ; . 4M ITIOIt KI.ATOIt .SALi ; A peed I'llc-K bloiu 1 liuililinir \iii , t o stoiks and batoiiicnl , locilleil In 11 lluivlni'lou n ( in llic O. A U. V. II. U b/l | ( luldl oi"iun.r | lei ill ) youtts tuno. Ad ill CM II ) , lleo ollkf. f > Tfi' J.-AOK JUN : r To small ininlly , Inrcu luinUlicil 1 IIOIIKO on imv d street ; Ituimiu nnd all modern convi nluutes ; ruleiuncfj ruiiihoU. | Apply at I'I ; I i'urniiiii bl. -I'll ITlOlt HJNT : A 10 icem honso eontrallj lo caied and near tuo btiui'l carluifj. In peed lupuir mid .ill moduli ! liiipiovcinuiilii. Iii'imiu ' ot Jiihn A l-'ru ) Iniin A L'u. , till tenth 10th bt DJ" : \ itlJNT OR"LIASI- : Store rooni\rjO I\OK 1 lO-ucK Kftiilun vtUh ( > room lioutu adjoining cny : fO iifio tntin , 17 miles vtbt ot Uiu.iha ; i ) bu-incss ol8 on St. Mni ) M nve. Appl ) to I' II , Ulinpiiian .V Cu. . 1-J'i Honnrd st. 110 1i1Il ( JCINT : Now hoiiao at l.V.'o JauKsim si Apply at Cuntmie' \ lliuiinan'x , 1511 " | 7UK liiNT ; .Vroonusl hoiiso on Cluulis M. JU In peed icpulr. Dr. I'aUl 148 irioit ltivr : Tu.o-sloiy In hlc house with J. biHcmtnt : inoiluiu linproxomen . fcecoml < hK'i' 1 1 Din fct. .Milli'S'uYL' . on UlliBt. Apply lu .Ml.C lull. son. , 7l > .i FOK KiNT IluiibU bCloilRhiir to Iho cMalo or.ludKf ClindnivlvtbW 1'iuK nvcnllc.V.J , Loimcll. 2S1 HUNT Two ue Biind'J roomed liiinnii' , liatb loumimd nil moduli toiivim. iciiric , onu bleu k Irom < 'ius. Iniuuo.lo. I1 , llailim , Ultp'itli tt. . ui tjiuulthiB Woika. . m HIJ > T A btoio loom ultli peed tfllnr J7MIK 1 1'JUlj Jturt sticut. Appl ) toJuhu Ilaumuf. > 0lt HUNT - fiorcy nu ' 'tu mid Lcnvonvvoilli Jj 1 BLs , 1 btoru on Poutb lth ! ) st. Doth first-class busl- nenj Itiations. Also lo i eat. A. .MtUnv- ocU. _ _ _ _ _ WJ FOH1IKNT T ojiowrfslilcuco fl rooms ench , iiitiauo.'tiooiueJiuiibolUiooma. J. t'lii Hoe. 655 KEHX-nOOMS. IJ1OK HUNT Ono brd-ioom or bed-room nnd i- pallor. Cull 1511 ( nllloimil. IUJ- . . " "TTiOlt HINT ; 3 iwuib fmulshcd or imfiir- J. iiUhod , with or wiiboui buiiid. l&'lNoith ITlOlt 'KKNT ' N Icily f u in sliud looms llvo J.1 lilouUb liom P.O. , 0 17 ft Ji'lh. fiS'i-b * "IT OI ! lti.N : r Tuo nipi l > iinmslied looms at JJ ia > iniillu lamin ; IILVV houtt1 ; Ijuaidirilu- slicd , 71(1 ( S. lltn si. _ ? * ! IriOK li.NT ! ; Hiunleoinrly InriiKli'd rooms on suite or bliiflv ; modem convcnlciuos. 7iOrupltqlavc WI-Jl * _ _ TV OK IlK.XT Lingo noivly finiiUliud front I 1 loom vt | lh lioiird. 711 X , IPth ft. f o ultllNT Tnii ii'n/uniltlu ol mis R W. i or , S2ti nml l.cnvcuv * tilth , 4S3-5 * fis.l-0 _ poll lli : > T Fuiiilshud rooms. N. II. cor. JGthuml faliloinln. 6l"l-B " HUNT Furnished looms for . -I. ( 'Ciitloiiicn , U'll Diivinpoit bliout.Mis , l'nmilcAiiflo. roijl * if 1 OIt ICI T ruiulchrd itiom , lul Douglas ttiofct. 577JJ _ _ I/UHC ltiNT : Coiiniloicly funiMidl Hat. fi 13 looms mid biitlu AiUluts II. h , lltoOllku. IViG furnt ticd joomS W -i-1 tor. UlhundSt. 3inr > 'i > nvu. fill IJAOIt lH.ST To Keiitlouicn.lnrjfo room with 1 lingo closet. nlJC'iilllornlafet , m | 7 Ol TlE T iiijniilly : ; furnished ib'oin with L < liiiii il. All iiioilfui touvfiilentft. , .5 DO.IKU 1 1 out. _ _ 6U moit UINT I'niiiibhod roou iui7TiiJuip I- 017 , " , nui ItKNT FurnUhiMl trout room with UEO - . ' ol bath room ; pleasant locution. Inqulio ut ollico of C , U , Mu > no , 1Mb und Fui num. K" ] "Tioii KINT : TO eotis of 4 loom * euciT } I'ieicu ' bti-rvt I'ctw'ccn ' 1 lli nnd Will. Ku- qulro llth and Kiirnam. F. Moehlo. &W ( 171011 llUiNT rurnl lipd rooms. SS N. l th. JL1 fctt p Oll7iiNT-FunUshod : rooms , IWi llurney - l'J7 Foil IIKNTWith i > o uM , ft looiii lUitnblefor cut-ptrtou. I''H Webster. dm ItKNT With t'onnl Brae front rnojii ( Ipion 1 and modern improtcmenls ; .14 i Jonc trcet. IJI "ITIOIl HUNT rurnI Ucd room with l > onr JJ suitable for two gentlemen. IM Dodjfejt TpoilTtllNT-l'lcH'ant rooms furnished nn JL1 unfurnished , for. Unlit Jiqu kcepln ? , en iiMinllj be found In Uecmor * Illock , oorno Klghthnnd Honnrd. , B TOB SAI.E-OmnliRltcnl INtnto nud Loan Co Wllhnoil llulldlliK . , , . Lot In Improvcnient A ormtlon. fl.OX ) . l t in llnii'coin's llnce , nciir the mrk. f lr. . I/t nml lieu e til Hickory Placi , tl.KH ) . ( mimic fnrm with HlM-cIn" liiiprnveuiMit nllunilcrtulllviitlon. live miles from - stntlon , onlyjau J'ot acre. 4 lots nnd home In Hnii cvtm rlnro clicnp. VJ ) iicio * of laud lu Cedar county , Neb Coiner Iol , tinu < u and Iniin ou "itli * t eontliol Icii ciiVvotlli , $ . , ' 'fl , , . , Hou e nud lot In Slrull t"d ndd. , (1.800. luUttUOIn 1'iirk Plnce. S1AO. . , , . , , , , A lntnd a bouses In kountro A IluthU ndd 2 Iot lu W. A. Ilcdick' * ndd , , fWO eneli. Lots III I1. . V .mitir ndd. Sloisiii llowciy \eiychrap. . Lots In Wllcoxsinld. , J4JO. Some vciy dcslrnblo lot In Mlllnnl Pine * A\c'ry choice bii'incFS lot on Dourlnsstloc' chcnp , Chcnp lots lu Patrick's odd. ol U teems on Georgia nvc. , nnw 2 lots on Vlrjrlnln hvomio. A linrfrnln r. ncres , house nud fruit , near the city. 51'W Hoti o nnd lot in Kountzo Ix lluth B nil J. . nen Ieiv envortli. . , " * * Its 11.M.I. * I.OItKCKK , real estate MA n niiull'tof Impiovcil nud unlmpriivei lots in Oninlia ; ncros nenr thecity nud In.ndrctl of thousands of litres of hind lor nlo : toi i ( ppondcnce Fiillcltcd. MnnlmllA t.clicckc , li I'm ' mini ttnut oillco open 1111 Op. ni fo rpo irfldc nn Improved fnnn of 2tXlncrc't JL mllps liointnvviiot 2UOO < nlmliltiint4 lu ve cm Ion H. A splendid livntlitR orehnrd , plcnt of imtuinltlinlici-.spilnn : vvnler ; peed IIOIIMM 8 i-onins iieiuly new , l gcl > fi cinent Imrn. l\m t'liclo'td bv Icuccs , niiddlvWoil nf fence * inos IV seeded to tniue prilB" . llulldllifr' nud telie ( In Rood repilli. To ttndi for Improved iirui. ( inpi-oved hind mm Oiimha. Will tiiulc lo hoist's or entile. 11H. . llnKc , 1KW Hint sticet. 118-4 * rpo sell or biiv tonl estme ol nny Iiliid.cnllon JC. . IJ. Mti > ne. B AV. nn 15th nud I'niunm st , \vlio has pi opeit > In every pull ol the cltj.Rli'1 ' units liicvcij cmmt.v-ol thetUle. M Jnoit .SAI.i : 11 } le\tcr Ij Thonms A. lli-o . loom 8 , ( iclBhtoiiblock : 00 li ' on I'm mini Bt. fcf.OXl Uixl.1i , , f. w. cor. ITtb nnd Center , SI.COJ. Wxl.iti , llnupcom Plntc , STlKI y lots ( < I\IT , on iiinnllton nud ChnilcB 5ts , MXIC to $ NOiblotks ; west ol Vouvl-ilt. MxU5 ) , cor. I hmo ! nud sih Ms. . $ TiX ) . ; ci\11l , with house nnd Inn n , near oth an Center , 1,1 iO. Vei } cheap ; small pigment balaii inonthlv. riHxl ( , Uthmid Chniles , with house ot 5 rooms well , etc , tl.MW Jlots , WiWf's nddltloiifi00 und S030. U lids , W. A. Hi dick s ndd.rl , M. l.ol cor. Ktli nnd Diivciipoil. > lMW ) . We lliluk all the above liui ulii-i. Cnll fo terms Uexler I , . Ilionun \ Itio. , Itoom " liclKliton Illotk. t > S BBi.Vimii : ( : A < ljolnimr the bnuacks 01 Ihunnitli , has the nd\.inlnjre on lileelevc iltlvcvvn ) , lii'iiutlMll liiculiou , line Alettt-.aiu rxcrjihliifr CM' Hint jroos tuiuuUt1 up asjiTcndk pinto for a ic-idciue. b'co Hulvedi ic. It i : cheap propel t ) . nnd im mistnku * C. K. Mujncl ij 'VV.coi ijtlumd r.i.mmu W u riio ell or Imy ical ( tnte of nny kind , call n. tC. . K. .Mii.vne , H W .cm. 1.1th . nud I'limum sts who liusprapeit ) lu evei > paitol the cltv. an lauds lu evci } count } ol thu suite. OSl rpo sell or buy real ostutnof miy Muo , call 01 J- ( , K Mnnc , S W'.icor. IStli nml riun.un l" . who ] iioi'crt } In every pint ot tlmclt > .mn. hinds in uci } counry ol the Mute. > 1 rpo PI II or IHIJ icni c/uu'e'oV'ati.v ' ' IMiuUtnll 01 JL ( . ' . I' , > lnj ue , S.W. cor. IKth nud Tlirmim sto. who Imspiopcrt } lu every pnrt ol the tlt. % . ipu liuiils in every coiiutj nl the stntc , Ml T.-MHI SAI.I ; on i\ HANOI : om < of UK J1 best hnll Fottlous on.iiul ill Ni liniskn. I'oi lintlici inloinuitloii Innuiio ot A. 12. Altken Koumov , cl > . Alao , tw ncics well impiovci Innd in CuMt'i count } . MI7-1 " \\rivr : SIHI : stntioiioii LCUVCIIVMIMII t-tieci \\dlljuthc3umiUoniil the'acmn shoit Unit1. Hull & MCLViitlllsli find U. i.Mii : ] m soli HKTiits. 6Vi F OISSAI.i : Uirpo hou e nnd I ! nltclj clcvn tt'd lots : u Milnii'H1 ' . ! add. j'O. UJ. ror nlo I'mu s loomcil hoiito on Clmkstioet nicely elvvnud lot. SfitlOU. I1U lilbbtmi. AiL'hoi , ltooiu3Wlthnol ! llloclc. 1 > A'lKICK'S nddillni ; on Snundois fcticet is the i lu apcst piopcitv Ij ) that pa t o | the cltv. bti < iuuu r.uinii\4iKli | ) ibis tchools mo ton\ciiii.'nr. biihliit'-s ICUL , . . It 01 two fciiiex lor coimjliienti-lmd iiilhlo ! | local it } I'auicK'h addition 'lias irnltiadiimlti es , Lnil and iiutMipmc. Lots enl } $7uu loUN each. C. IJ. Manc agent , S. W. cor. IDih nnd 1-iiinam. r > "j'i ' M > soil or buy ical e tatoofiui } 1,1ml , call on 0 , U. > ! n > nc , b.VV. tor. Iftlh and I itinam tb . who haa pioi city in every piolot lliot-il } , and hindii in ovciy toiml } ol the stulu. Hd rpo sell or bu } icil , csntc | ot any klid | , call ou Jt. . IJ. Mu } ne , S.\V. cor. 1.1th and i'nriiam hit. , who bus ptopcity in ull pints ol thucilj , niiiJ lauds hi oven county W. Hio tt.lto fM GKiiN : : WOOD lloautitul pcrennd half ncru lots , Hue location , Jl ! mllfi fnnn P. o , onlj a fnu moments ualk iioiti llnincoin Paik. Aeica flUil Halt ucic-.S-'j , 10 pi'Kc-'iit cash , balimcp inoiilbly piivmuius. C. L.l.iiio , b. VV.tor. 15" and raimun. 17J " \\7"isT : SIOi ; Sliiliotioji L < ; nvou ortli Bticot i i \ull Im the juiictlua ol tin ; \ln. 1'iic. and Hill Lulu. Lots pmtUiibtd iln-K' nptv "ill ic- luiii u liaiubiMiii1 ) ' " | tu jtliL1 IIUJ.LI inn wry hliou tiiiiu. litll A. JKL'.nlUlUIi-i.iul ; C. U. .Mttv lie , bole ni'cnts. f > 15 4.1 nml pn } menu. Addius * C. S. Chipmaii , toln Nub. 671 rpotcllor buy loal estate of any Kind , call on I C. 1. Jliiiiu , S.W. cor. 1.1th and Kiu'iiiiiu si * . , who has jiiuperiy In o\Liy pun ot the cit > . nud laiuls In uvoy fuuiitj.iii Hit htillO. > " oul Bui.v iiiui ; : : ACI'O lota nt $ .00 to s-avi- iai : li H ill ni.iUo } on 75 lo likl per tout , in ollt boloiu next NOH \ car > ilar. C. E. Mniiu , Mile i uu , B. W. tor. 1'iUi and I ariiinu. fJ f riio tell or buy linn t-tjitti nC nny Mud , cnll on * C. M Mn ) tie , s.VV. cor 1.1th and I'm iiam M . , ivlioluib piopcttj In every pail of the cit > . nnd anilin evt'iy tounlj ol Iho hllilo. 601 ] 7 Oi : SAI.lI-Cht'ap lotji In lliiiijcimi Plnco. 1 Add.-cssd. P. btcbblns. UlijunlT' FOKSAf.K-A two Ftory.i-JxOO , frmno bulM liife' , smtiiblu lorn btoiu , Hour lUtti uinl I'.ir nniiibla. Apjilyat thlJ oltico. V17 ' \ \ IST : SI in : Pint Inn on Icavenweih | t-ticut v ill lie tin ) junction ol the .Mo. Pnu. and lull Milt1. l. < > tB jniielniBril thrio nou will ro- inn u Uaiidnoinit piollt lo tliu lnitr In avui } t > hoi I tlino. iltll \ MiCundlibh nud C , K. .Muyuo , bolo iig cuts. ( M 10 pop cout dividend pajlnir Hinli Ulb on & Archur , Itoom J , Vtithiifll llluck. lliU tlOM'lloi Inij- teal c.-lnto ol any kind , call on t' . 1) ) , Mn } nu , h.W. cor. 15th uinl raimun sib , \io ) hiib piopt'il } in ovmy pail pi Iho citj.niui nndsiiiuvcry count } ot tliuttuu . &d i > ii.viiiiicioioih : : : : nt t yt ) to t .in. r.aoii LJ will iiinku } ou 7fl to 1UU per cent piollt bc- oto noM New Vdir'sday. U 1' . Mujne , fciilo uuent.b. W. cor. IMIi nnd I'aiiiiiin. ' Kt > POK hAl.i : A ucnoral mcrcliiiiidi o bu lncjs In n rapidly triottliiir ) o\vn \ iiuUar fiom I.ln- . olu. lloet undo and luciulon In tn n. A splen did opporumlly lor n piuty wiahlnjr n good oponlnir , nnd liuvlnir S I om suv or. to ton ( lioiiMinil clolluia in casli. Will sell lor tnsli only , or pint ciish , bahmco rcnl csiuto in Uuuihu. Additsj Jlticlmut , > , " ' * JUoOlUw _ _ , . _ - _ rpo tell or buy icnl Oflftlo of un > kind , cull on i C. r. . .Muj no , H. W. < J < u. 1Mb uiul Kuriinm sis , \\lui liiis juopcity In nvi'i > I mil ol the city , nnd Jiinds In eyoiy loiinty ol the sti to , j _ Ml : , : ) ! : - lots m J.VK > to a. r.uch will make } on 16 lo luu pir cent , pioljt bo loio licit New Veiu-'S dn > C , JJ. iliilltSMlo nifoiiti B. W. cor. Kith mid I'm mini. _ HO rpo tell or buy i fid estate ot any kind , cull on J C. 12 , Mu } no , S. W , cor. } 5lb nnd I'limam ld. , who hua pioportv In oVoiy piutot thu city , mid hinds In wcrj couirryof the tato. wjl "ITIOII SALK- wholosiilo notion wagon hi -i- good ropiilr chcnp. ImpJlto ol or ndilroq M.ll. J'liill. J.lncoliiji'ob , _ , W ' i Kl7viiIs7ur : .Adjonilni- the bnriacks pn the north , biu the futvuulMfO pn tiico level dilvowiiy , bo.iulllul . looatliui. line vllnvtt , nnd iv ur } tlifiij cUe that Buui to make up u tplundid plnco for n ic.sldcucc. too llclvvdotc. It is ihcuppropoity , nml no mlbtnlo. C. K. Muyno , S | w txl' ' 15th nud riirnnm. W -\\T-AI.NITT lili.l Ocr ( 100 , . _ . . II In Ibis bcuullfnljuddltioii diliinir' ' lhuiwi | < t-uimiicr : over -OJuloib to bo built nt t n > ou. I.ulsJ Xllo $7W eucbr itvri" CixjtiTiiib. | . C. i ; . D , HV. . cvr. 15th and Furuuia , IM , B : M n : ni\ijolpt , f ito ; w Mmit ant loU t o to trio West Side lots jaw to f Ml. Thornburp Ion MX ) to fry } . l'aimontrlptfilri to g.nn. llnkr A Miunc ndd , lnt $ l7"i In t IKiiieoken'i t d'l , lnt ftn to f TOO. Sunny Sld < Ipts Kioto $ looo. Ilnu < coin I'liroirfis jnso to f 1,100. Illmciimiiih Place Jot f 1,110 to f 1,1V ) . tlri-cntvooil U-ncid lots JJ.K ) lo.175. .1. I. Itedlik'i-BtllMlv. lot * $ t.rAlto fl.SH I nne.VSldonpslots Vto $1,000. llurr Oak lots f 7V ) to f 1.000. leiil < 0ftdl Uru 5MO Tnjlor'l ftdil. Hern lots 1,0tt. Tuttlo'S nb-iUv , ncre * J.WJ. or the city : en y terms. ( Ymvoviuct-sivff thMdoormi } time of the diiy. C , K Mnjne. S.AV. 'or. ,6th nnd Farnnm. lii ' ITIOII S.M.I : on TKAIH : ire ncrcs or. mini X1 14 nlles nniili of Xoilh Auburn. Neb. ; nbout ? IM } ncre" 'under ' culllvntlon : coed hou'o , Imrn , mil n iniod well of wntcr. For fuithor pnrliciilnrs npiil } to II. II. lloadlcy , UronnvlllB , Neb. 4KJnu ( l Biivil : ) > llti : ; roiiniipnltlccnt view , flue level drive , p1uH nnt loeallon. dirt chcrtp ptoiierty See Itelvcdeionoie lots. S2 l lo HVI vnch. 1U > tetins. t. U Mn.vne , S. W. cor. Inlh nud rnrmm. OIisklti : tinrffontiil smnll stock rnuehcs I V vvllhhrvvlthom stock. 1'or 8nl-3 lots In SprhlR HIM , JI50 cnch. I'or SJIe KMnhlHicd bAiddm ; business In Nchinskt , county sent. Gibson & Atx'bcr , room 3 , WltluiMI Illock. t'oi Ejclinnsro NobriisKn farms for Oninlin piopcity ( dso Inuds to cxclningo fur stocks of Hoods. WmiteJ .1 biHiicss lots for cash within 4 blocks ot poMotllte. I'or r.xjlnunro 101 ncrolinproM'd fnrm. Madi son tonin , Nx'b. , For house nnd lot in Oinnlm , rortfab Afi-acre tract 4 miles of poMolllce ; hon o toft f l.'ini.tnr f I.MO cnsh.UlbsoiKtAichcr , Koom . wnimtii mock. : ta rpo fellwrbuy toil ostnto ol nny kind , cnll ou I C. 11. > lnyne , S W.cor. lilth nud rnriinm ! . . vvho has j'lopoity In o\etv pint of the clly , anil hind in every county of the ctnle. iiiil \l'ivrSido : Slniion .lunctlon or the Missouri > ' I'nciilc andlliltl.lnu. on I.eiivcnnortbst. If jon waul u lot onVcM Side don't wait lomr or \-wii u ill lie too lat . Pi Ices of lots fc.WO to J1W. IJnsy terms. ( . . h Maync , 15th nud Fnrmun nnd Holt & McCiuilllsli , 1511 Dodge si. , solo nirents. 137 . , ' . ) : ; - ) ' - maiinlfleeut % lcw , flue lovcl drive. } lensnnt locntion , dirt ihenp pioiicilv. See Hilvodcie ncio loin , WMto 5:110 : each. Kn } lelnir C. IJ. Mnjuuy , Wcot. IMIi und I'arnam. .MS : . : ) : : - - mnvnllltcnt view , flue level dilve. llensimt locution , dirt cheap properly.ce ! IlOvedeie ncie lol0dto J tt ) cat1 ! , . I.n } trinici C. IJ. MIIJIIC , S. W. coi. ISlh nnd I'm num. MS \\7 AliNIT Uiul. Lots $ itCO to 5750 encli. I1 Street Car Ino beltiR tuillt oul I'uiiiliiK street lo ihis ndiriou. Hell Line depot locattil In Itscentie. Tim locutions Ac. ! see Widinit Hill if .vouwnut i bcautllul lot. C. K. Mn.vne , Southwest cutnt'ilDtn nnd I'm num. t5 . IpOltSALt : -Itji'otler i Cotib- 1 Cliolcu lots InLovTc's I'ltsi ndd. , } 2 CIIL'll. Comer lu Isaac & Soldun s ndd. , 1'H.vl'Jt , for fl.lW. J'lne lota on Him n St. , CO\19J , at $700 ; cnch cnsj tuiuis. Acielot verycleap , cor llrown nml Cnlirornln sl. . , VA 'H ' ) fitind 1U acre tnct ? on cn y teii 4 nt $17. ) lo A lew cholcu lorin lliornburg I'luco , on Line , thcnp. J lots In Sliluns Third , SHOO ench. I'mo buslnu-s ir on 1 arniini st , , $10,0 H. hots In 1'ottui * iidil. , ? 5'JO to $ UiX ) each ; very cncap. A Icvvflno lo } llnnscom 1'lncc , nt $750 each Call ami suodlr'bmjrmiis In ncie tracts. 875i'iru.11 A.i'oii LAND SnV.rCKWtl ATl'IJNTION For full pur- tlciilara nbou. frco nud chcnp Inuds In Western Ncbrnsld address Thos. l. 1'atternou , HeiilKstato Aupnl North Pintle , Neb. JJ3 rii buy mil etlntc ot nn > kind , cull nn J ( . i : . Ma ) ie , ii'iv . cot. 15lh and J'iuimii | who ( IMS piopitya | | oveij juut ol tlie citjvaiul lands in incri.eoiit | ( ) ol tlio Mute. f > 0t. , \\rAI.M TrUlll.L-I.ots F.WO to ? 7M ouch. > > btnet Cn * Ino bunfr built out ( imilnjr sticet to lliN.ridllun. lleltl.ino depot locntuil In Its cintii ! . . fiii ) . liicntlons > Vc. t-tn Walnut Hill It jou mit. iL.bunutllul lot. C. I' . Mil ) no , onth csl cnyi'itli , and faimiiu. 051 \\'ALNl'T II Ill Lots $ , t.O to $750 cnch. 1 St rccr Mat M'rc ' bvlnir built out CinuliiK til i ct to thin nddltoii. Hell Line depot totaled lulls Qintii.'i I".1 * , locations , \o. t-eo VV alnut mil n > , . . . , : , . , t i DUUIOH..I iui. - u Jii.ivni , f-'outhttest ( .orUU10lh'f ) id Fiirii.un. o'l FOK. SAI.Ulit ( JO It. liout , lOtk it. ncur .liiul. on. 15,1(0 ( , Lotliiivl lloniul i-t. m > nr Iflth ? 1.,500. Lot llxh.S.limctneiii Ilith , sS.tKW , full lot.- wood loiitt'b. Unit near Mil , ? ' > ,000. Lot H-\lri. liuif-u 0 looiiih , .SuvMiid Saun- dt-f , i-l IHO. n-iooni house , tyoiirlunvi * . , a bnifrnlu. $3.3ffll. Lot iKKllil , hout S rooms , Isih st. near Top- plelon , f4..iiKl. > , ' ) pl < Lot in O'NcH's < ub-dlv. on Hint Sl.-jrs. 4 lol iil S-.l.rAJ. . fi lots Inciiifr Ilmscom Pail : Jl-ICM each , or J.-I.10) ) cash. ' Lots In Oinnlin 'rlmJi'rf ) to JiiOO. Lots in Pnik fnest J-Jod. a lots on ( iuuiij'u ' n\o. f-,700. II. f. Itlnifcr , I ION. 15th. VfJ BiLVii : : > ; { ; - . ( ( | , ' the bunacKs on the 1101 th , Imi tlio advuiitiiK'Mm nice level ililvcnii ) , beauliriil location , llnu VUHN | and iiveijtloiiir else tint KOU-J to malic up a splendid pliico tor a icndence. See llelvudeio. It is cheap pi opart ) . and no mbtaUu. ( . ' . i : . , ' f. W. cor. inth aril 51U' 4 U-Wo ha\n enl ) slots | left In ' in Ihii bcniitlul nd'lllii.n. They mo the chcapesl nsw elli.s-lliiKnt lots on ( Mhluiiiln st , { I.MIU each KIIST tcinis. C. II. Ma ) no , S. V\ . toi Jiilli and ' anmin. K'I riio sell or buy ipal cstalu of any Mud , cull on JL C. K. Jl.iiie , S W. cor. I'lllinnd fiuiuuiiMa. , \\lin Inih piopDiiy in every pint ol thocllimU hinds in uvuiy toimt ) ol tliu .state. .V4 \rTALMT tril.I Over 100 line hoiit.os liulU > in tills bcailllliil aiidllion ilinliiK Ihu lur-t. . binnmei i ever liOnioiu lo lie built next DU.I- ' hon. Lonj.iii'i ' to tTWeach ; veiy ens ) | ciM s * C. K. Ma ) IK. ' , h , W. cor. l.'ith and Kariiaui. 507 IATIUK's ( addition on ftiunduib silent M the chuapcrt pioporly lu Unit pail of. thu . city , SlKci tin * tun thioiiKli tills addition ; t-fhuol.s me coiivcuicnt , bii-ino < s icticlioslt on Ino fides - lor ( imvtmenco mid dir ! > liuhl < ! Lie-id- Ity I'atit U'h nddltlon has intiii ) advautiij-cb. Tall and linrMltfiik' . Loin enl ) f.71,0 lo > . 'JM eiiLh. C. U. .Muiio UKdit , S. W. cot. 15th and fuiiiam. JiT , TT > OH Li-lly ; C. U. Mtiyuo ; alii f nil ! ot , Finiill hrtiiKQ , WilcoA add. , ? 750. ; tlU full lot on Leavunitoitli si. , nuvv IIOMM ? , nil niodinii toiiMjiih'iice.s , $8i J. ate : l.ul < ni I'aiiiiun ft. near iili Ft. , honecti looms , all modem liiipiovniiiuntH , 4 > 7f//0. , ' ! . ! C Tuo lotb , tvto boiibCb , : ; iilh nunr Howard , 021 lotiii\ljlSouthiOthbt , ( rood house , Monthl ) piiyinenln. il.M Lot | iM\ri ) , lioniliiir luo hticutu , nlcocot- I.IKO tntiiw Iliistom I'niK , H,6U Ulfl llini < bHiii ( lot , ulco totlKKoT lounif , ( ieor- ail I Art i : \ir : , ' , lOth nnd fariiani.lioiiboT looms , ? jf ) Tin oc iifiD- * , wood honso , fruit , etc. , Lenv- enuoitli M , < -f ) l. 210 full lot , tv ) cotliiKPS , Bhlmi'0 ndil , $ -a'i.V ) . SJ5 HOIISII 7 looms. iju-.t limit , licniitllul loca tion , Piain , ( .1,5 M. Sil lik'tfiint ia-idcncu 10 looms , luo lot , tlno location , uveiy pobslblo convunluiicu , , . P.II Coiner Uu lUiji ) collii'-ro 0 looms , onu block oil HniniiltrvUl. , tt , ( > M. 1U8 llaudsoniyU totta u In Oinalia , fi lupins , liciuil lli/ll / | it , Crtfnia n\e. , t'l.fO ) . 175 Lot li'iJtlW.hllUetf I moms , houtU 13th St. VIM > . Iffj ( Jood lioiisoB looms , full lot. IllcUoiy and IMlli , fl.'y ) \ 'ry cheap , c , 13. Mujne , H W. cor , l&i-vWl ! ' . > " n.iin. KU _ \\r.\i.Tiirrftit jL Over lee Iluo houses bhlll t ) in Ibis UMnrmil ndilltnm iluiiiur Iho pnt MIIIIIIHT ; ovc/L'Xlnioio / lo be buill HUM oriibcm , i Lolb * ; tii to SuMlflithj verv unty IDnns. ( ' 13. .M ) no , b , W.'V-rr/nth and I'm 11:1111. : K3 riMlM'll orbiiv realeilalool an ) kind , cnll oir 1 C. i : . Majjij-.lnrV.coi- and I ailiain bls.j who has propliu in ovoij part ol tno cilv , and lainUiii uvcr > ! iuunty ot lliubintu. Ml _ _ , _ t trtlf . , _ _ _ _ , ATHU'K'Mirt/tlllon ' on Haiindcr Mic t Is the rhciipt > f4opuil ) In Unit pint of the oil ) . SI i rut -I..IIM inn ilnoii li thU adilitlon. tjthoolij niiiioiiviiiluiit , bublucbj icachoij it. on tvto Mdns for ( onvcnlcncii ami di > lrut lu local ity 1'atilck'b uddlllon has miiiiy iidsiintuciH. Call and Invcbtlirntu , Lots enl ) $ ' , W to ? .U > J imih. U. 13. Mnyne iieent , 6 , W. tor , 15th uinl I'll i iiuin , _ M ) EDWABD KUEHLT MAOISTKU OF l'ALMVSTI31tANI1CONDI - U'lO.N'ALIhT , yWTcnth btrcut , between furnnm und liurney , will , itlth the uld ol Kuardlun spirits , ohtulninv for any onu a glunco ill tlio past und present , und ol ceituin i-oiullllons la hu I ut me. llootf , und thous mdu tq order 1'crltct BiitUfattlo hiruurautupil. a " " "DRSXEL & MAUI. , ( Buqccsf orf to J. 0. Jacobs , ) UNAJ211TAKJ3RS , AND KMUALMKUS. * At the o'd fetuud HUT fanmin St. OrJerr , y i Millultud und iiibiniiUy atcud tl. AN EARLY DAY IN DEADWOOD. The Alnnnlnn I'entiirew of hire In a Western MlnliiK fainp. A j > nry ( of olil-tinicr vvero sitting in a well known report la't ovenitif' . "a s the Denver Triliuno-Ilopiiblicnn , uUens-inc past events nntl celebrated phnraeter of tliofc ilny * . The oonvcisation drifted on various affairs fiom the days of " 60 in Cali fornia to the exciting events which oc * i-niTed In Novntln , Montana. Dakota , Wyoinlilpf and Colorado The ramps which had | > ninpfiotu sv small collection of tents turn cabin' ! to pro- porous cities , only perhaps to bo dcs-crtcd nt the end ot the so.Tuni , wlicro spoken of in turn , and the personal n'iiiiiii cencpsvcroinativ. . When tlio Hltick Hills oVcitcinent was readied one of the guiit-cmcu spoke tip as tliotigh that part of the com creation was of partieiilnf interest to him , and lie knew whereof lie was talking , "I tell you , boys , the early tiny * of Dcadvvood were hard to beat. I've fol lowed mining c\citeiiienls for about thirt.V years , boon in all of 'cm , in fact , nnd in all my experience 1 never run across nothing like it " The speaker was interrupted bj'gpm w < mU of assent. "Tim day that Wild Hill was killed theio was tlie day of days. What an e\- cilenieiit ! On tin * nifiht ocfore theic had been n killing al ( tityville , near by , nnd then4 was great excitement about the lynching that was sure to lollow. The now * being brought to Dcadwood was the lirst excitement of the day. Dining the- forenoon a mini was cruelly butch ered in tlie street , and this event was followed , n few hours later. by McUanll assassinating Wild Hill in it saloon. The population of tlie town was wild when the DOWN .spread , and tliero is no telling wliat would have been tlio result of the day had not mat ters been strangely turned Citi/.ens were assembled in the street < ii cit sing the Wild Hill altair , anil an old fellow standing on carpenter's bench , was liarrangtiing the crowd , when a man on horseback came dashing down the street svv itiging fcomothing in his hands. When the mad horseman drew up the'something' was found to be an Indian's head , and it was being svynng about by the heavy top knot of hair. The hnraiigncr stopped talking and ho crowd surrounded the man On horseback. The head was reek ing with blood , and tlie horseman1 * , hands goivlookmg. The fellow explained that in a light jttst had with the Indians the whites had been victorious , and this was a tiophy of the battle Well , a victory over tlie Indians wus good news for tlie iVeoplo of Deadwood , and fora time the Wild Bill and other excitements of the day were lost sight of. A etovvd of men were seen going from saloon to saloon , beating the Indian's head with them , celebrating the victory , although it was n tloor victory , for more w lutes were kiucithan | Indian * . TKJ ! bead was set Upon tlie bar and the men drank their liquor lo toasts to the man who had slain the Indians Had this little incident not occurred it is pretty safe to say that the man that shot Wild Hill would have been visited by tlie vigilantes. " "There was n good deal that has ncv or been told about the killing of "Wild Hill , " continued the speaker after a pau > > c. "It was a cold-blooded murder , nUd Mufaiill deserved a let-son fiom the vigiluUles. lie didn't even know Hill , and killed him Ijke a inll'iaii. Hill had a pan.sion for playing sev on-lip with pil grims for the drinks nnd lying to Hum about liii exploits. He could lie about as fast as a horse could trot about sonic things. Well , lie was playing his favor ite game one alternoon in August -ISill was killed August 18 , 1870 , Mm know when McCanll entered and shot him in the back of the head , the Same ball also wounding Captain Mass y , who was p laying with Hill , in tlie arm. Jius-i' , you iiiimr , elainiml u Cerent repu tation as a lighter , but when the shot was tired he took to his hecLs , and I guess never did stop running. Hilt fell on his face , dead on the instant. Tom Mul- < ineen , now of Denver , was Hie lir t man to go into tlie saloon after the shooting , huving been on the sidewalk in front at tlie time. Ho turned Hill over on his hack , but , llndin < | him dead , he turned his attention to tlie murderer , who drew his revolver down on Tom and ordered him to keep away. Tom was not armed at the time , but he went and got a rille , and he and an'other man .stalled out after tlie innrdeier They cx-- pculcd IMcCaull would icsisl and the. } went prepared for a light. MeCaiill was found on the htreel , and Tom got the on him with a rillo. The fellow gate and asked 'that his life be spared He was taken in tMislo'dv without tiotible. lie was given 'fr trial brto'rc u miners' jury in Jack Lnngrishc's theater Ho got oil by ) > ing ' to ( ho miners , lulling them Hill'lmd killed hih brother in Tex-us years ago , and . hnjiad been hounding him over smco. This soci.ied -atisfy the miners and they lei him go. That was before ! there wa any govern nient in Deadwood. "After his n > feaso MuCanll swore \en- .g oanc.t ) oji Tom Mithmccii , threatening to K ill turn on sight. This was not pleasant to Tom , and as n consequence , vvjion legal proceeding.- ! were begun against McOanll , Tom took the load in hunting .down tlie murderer , who had then letl the count r.v. Tom followed his man on 1 u hot trail for vycoks , and would havogot him had theollicors not gel him in Laramie - mio C'lly just befoio Tom got ilium Tom had been depntixed a deputy United iSlales mar.slml , and Ins traveling com panion in Wyoming when tollowmu ; the trail was Deputy faherin" 1'oster "aicCatill was taken to Yankton , found guilty , and lumped. A lawyer who was in Ocsadwood nt the lime of the murder , and who made a > ovv that he would live to prosccnto and bring the inurdorcr to justice , conducted the prosecution and made his word good. "Deadwood never experienced such a day as August 18 , 1870. " Captain Mitchell , of the bark Anloine fiahi , New York und Havana trade , cam- homo inMay , entirely helpless vyitli rheumatism. Ho wenf lo lliu mountains , but receiving no bonolit , at his wile's re quest , began to take lloodSSar.snpnriUa. lie immediately began to improve ; in tvro months his rheumatism was all none and he sailed in command of Ids vessel a > Will man. HooilV .Su : > upanla ! will help ; j on bold by njl dinggNu. An Infant piodlcy has been dli > co\i > ird In tillhhajie ot a livee.u ohl ln > > , the MUI ol a [ iiH'chatiieot riiemnltHe has never been taught music , hut ho can , II is ulleuetl , play livin memory tlio most dilllcult pieces which holiiibonlyoiK'ohcaiil. llurriaxon majesty toiiovuloloi ] tliu education ; > . . ' ' ! ) Great Invention , ForEASYWASHINC , ' { IV JIAHO OR SOFT , HOT OR COLD WATER. Without Harm to I iltlUCvr tfJKJiSt and particularly adapted to M' rwCnwa/ * No family , rloU or poor , should be without It , ' bold 10 alHlroccrs , but l/cirurcCt Vllolmt UUOU3. I'HJJiLlXi ; U only by ) JAMES PYLE. NEW YOniCi jj DAILY COMMERCIAL REVIEW , A Bad Break in Wheat Caused by Tree Offerings of Stuff. A HEAVY VOLUME OF TRADE. lii Vitn Uiniiq ntnl a Drop In I'.ntc In Tiho SlockJon - oral . CU1C\VJO RUAIN MAUKKT. Cmr.voo. . .Inn.I. . Special Tolpgnim. ] Win : -Wheat liroki1 lieavilv to-ilny. H nix-ncil n simile above Siiltmlny's closing , nnil tin' innilct ; wa hchl with a itemco of lit in * ne s turn shoil time , but a tonent of stiilf. came pouting In fioin alltiuaiters and pilces- bcunti tiomHiiiz. 'lite- announcement was- made ipopllfoallj hytlu1 tilK'en ol tlio jilt that Heatn Vr Cmlahy , with their followers. had ( omhlncd to beat wheat. Thl lightened many , Mho had lumjjht with Rieatet 01 lcs Hbcrnlll } In nnllclpallon of a .Jniinat j hulno. ntul tin1 } unloaded \\llli IheUteAtCst possible liable , caiijlnic values down nearly -V ( loin tli highest range , ntid piodiielni : a leellinj ot the hiost piilp.ililo we.ikiioss. Tiadlng watet > 1aiRc.ln volume dinlnc the qreatei putt ol thoinoriiinir. not even election excitement nrutrnlli'lni ; . the Interest lell In the pioire s of the deal. Town id the close of the loiip session the mniket ( limed up. nnd final I o'clock < | ttulatlonsvcie V Vc above the lowest point touched. Hnslnc-n was lighter than nl any time previous1however. ] . Cotsv Coin was vetj little lowei , though It exhibited u bael.bone of its- own , nnd showed : in Independence ot nctlon not alto gether unlooKed for l > y the tiado. The net lo son the day was .Y 'ic. ItccclpU at pilmatj point" , were velv lame , St. l.ouis- loomiti ! ? nil with nit nnpleceilonti'd number ol eais. Mivoi ; ( in \ tsNo change ol lmoilanee ) ) orenned in oats- and tje , though the tone of thi'imukel was easier. riovi : io.Ns 'i'he slatemeiit of stools ol' piovMotis Detemhei i'l showed an Incie.isp lor the month ol ntioiit so,000i > 00 pounds ol' the piodiut. 'I his was- nut l.ii jjci lhan was expected , hill the ailveitiseiuent ol this vast addition to the load ( tightened timid holdei-s nnd olIctinic.K wo to on a .scale ol lihcialit } , ( hough no huge lot1 ? rnme out. The net tie- cline at 1 o'clock was "Voile. Trade w'as piactii.illy suspended after 11 o'clock , the members ot the pio\isionetovvd tinniiiijtlieir alleiilion to the election matter. ArTi.n.Noo.N IJoAiin 'JtoOp in. With the exception ol wlicat all speculation com modities weie liim on tlicaltcinoon hoard. U'lieat declined V ' ' .te fiom the 1 o'clock ranw. 1'iovisioiis woioappieciiihl.v belter. ir ! : > p. m. 1'uts'on iMny viheat , ss'4c ' ; calls , Mi 'e. CHICAGO MVi ; STOCK. CtucArio , Jan. ? ( Special Tclczram.J U \ni.t : Tiade was slow at the opening nnd 111 ires , as compaicd with Satunlay , inlher unsettled. .Some salesmen quoted their sales lather lower , others steady , and noiiu , MI as we could asivilatn , ipiiiled pilccs as stioiip us on Pntiiid.iy. Some bujc'is claimed pilcus ItlKlii'i and olheis stead.v. The quality ot stock -\vas \ lather Inleiioi. Then ; \veu hut tew loads ol cattle that could even bo i.ifcrfns good , and none that vveie ically piime. ( ) no nl the blfc caniiint ? linus lusinnud to daj but oply bdiicjht aljunl halt their avet.igo nimiher. Theicveic but few stocKeis nnd leeduis amoiiK the flush ntrlvnls and the pciib weie well elcaied on , 'jntiuday. pint ? bteeijj , JU.-.U lo - to i.ojibs , Jlor.s Tlicu ! was only n full demand at anj time. One or Ino of the liuyeis lor thu small packing turns , .y.i > thosclhat taKe liom 5,000 to 10,000 n day , had oideis not to buy iiiiles.s icccipts vveieMjOiK ) or over. As thu iinmbei lell .short some 10,00.1 , that class weio out of the maiket , leav Ing. however , a .sul- lit'lcnl number lo take about all the slock oJleicd and at pikes almost ns ijood us on .Xilmday. There vvcte few instances wheie heavy boils1 ( , olil a nk'Me higher , and lii lit a nlcKli ! lower , but In n general way : theic was little 01 no vaiiatlon us compaied ahonl . ' ) .CO@.iO : ) , I.ill to good jiacKeiM nt : ) . ' -0 v ( n\.W : \ , and best heavy at MUOCJI 0 > . I'ack- iiiK und shlpplii ! , ' , 2'0 to 100l \ > .i , : FINANCIAL. Now York. Jnn4. . ilo.VKV On ( all easy at " ( " ) < > pet cent. J'iriMi.Miiio.v..vrn.i ; ; I'AIMIH K-rtpcr - crnt. J'oini.v : ( K\niAS.r. Uit.t.r , gmet mid .ste.ulj loj bixti d.ivs , , and s-l.b-)1 ; lui demand : Covi.uviiKvrs Utill Iml htcady , c.xrcpl iV , v\hich weievc.ilt. . . Sioc Kh A slignt advance in the tales of stcilrng ccliniiiu ; led to ininoin ol tliccoiniiiR shipments ol gold which liuil it ( lepussiiitf ellcct. Allei openlni'ilovvn tiom ' < , to J. < c , thcin was u Uiiihei Uccllnool ovei 1 pe ! cc'nt lei nearlj all aLlive stoclcs. liplvvcen noon and tin ; close , however , the losses , oxccpt coal stoc'I.Mind Union I'aclhe , AVOID iccover- ed , and In many calls m > m linctlons to ovei pel cent tains over the openinir li''iues vvcicebtahlislicd , Hie maikcl closing stion . ' SI'OCICt' ON VVAI.I. STUIIKr. nwcent homis * . . IIUV t ! . it.N. W 110 " ' IKfi HKI5i ( ill'4 ' I .r . ' Jnn.I. . Klour ( Juiet ; winter ' flour. SUU < M.Vi ; hoiitliein , 3I.O'K' ' ( ' I.O'i ; WUconfeln. .M-VwJ.Vi : illuhignn holt ining , Si.fUt'ti.OJ ' ; .Minnesota -M ; ) . ) n l.r.0 ; p.iitntil.7.'fi ' > r.i ( ; low Kiades , Mm ryoota'W ! ' ; ijo ilom , cpilnt at 'jS.'Or ' i.c.o in m Mil els : biiuLtv , § l.'iitfl.TMn ( b.iuels. Sli \\heat \ \ Active ; Hint tiniling blighlly bet- VVI , cr ; declined 1J < ' , iciovOJcd ' 30 , and cloned l' ' ' ( .c umlur Haliiiduy ; K-1j"siThC ! ( lot cash ; l'lu rfl'gWM'ic ' ' for , lannai j ; WA. < i < t &c toi I'Vbiu- uv ; b'i 6 ( sii'o ; Jen.iy. | . i'oin .Sh.Kie lovvfi : closed Ve nmler ) ixlay : > < > < Joi ca > h ; Wl'bdi i'i ' e lei J.iamu } ; oc ) loj 1'i'hlliiil ) ; ii'lj.o tin > | , iy. oili---rjiiii > imll ) light ami dull ; ' ! * " lor M-h ami , lniu.u : > ; hn ( , u for l'cbiuai > ; ilV . > l v lo. .May , pi Hjc- Dull , e.isicr and } Je lower nl SV1 , CO Jdiilev- Dull and iincliungcd ; ( Vji/ifuc. 111 I'oiK , .Mo leutely aclivti and 4 > tu lowei 11 ailv ; Intel tallied nnd elo > cd steady : &P"x ) VII o'J't'.rsiiVVlo'oo.iViV.u'r.Yo'i Junimiy ; .0.07'i ' lei I'ebliiiiiJ ; > 10. li jfnio.-tu lei ila > . toi J m < l Moduiatcly active but nshadi' ' lower ; 11' ' iii.UUntO.OJ1 , lei ciili and .lanuai ) : J-O.OJ1 < ' i.O'jtot 1'cbin.irj ; Ni.l-Jl . . ( ' ) , ' ) ( M.iy. .i'l' ' imoth- - K.I IL I ; piime , SI 7UIK1.71. 1 'aiiUicca.sleii.So. 1.11JI | qti a I 'jiiiik im-athr-Shotilders. { ( ' < : i.75j shoit 'leal , s.W . 'i. . < r > ; nitwit uOs , 5-I.U7K. Wlllhki 91.10. Huilei Inactive : cieameiy , oed to fancy , ( : jle ; daily , extra fiinc.v , "Iti-'o ' ; e\tra , . nu Cliee-it-Hteadv : lull oieam elieddai1 * ji'iO ' * ml iv.o ; Hats , UXO'lO c ; yomu' Ameiloatis , 10' ' , ' ral He. KgL'S Limited demand at li'i . U < Tdliovv I'lU'haiijicd. ' ; < licctlids , Hlilpuiciits. 'lour , bhh ? ow 7,000 in i iVhcat , hit Sfi.iW ) 'iiOiX ( ) do di u , im . lOi.OiW 1.71.0W .SiI als.bu . . . 'i-f.'WO ' 103.0UO I tve.Un . : i.Wi > J.bOO do lirley.uu . so.wy xou3 ) New York , ,1nn. 1. Wheat- Lower ; op * tloni closed sto.idj ; nTelpt' , lO.OOii bit ; exports - ports , none ; nnirrmled led , sVu.'V ; No. 3 led , Win elevator ; lYbniaryrlo lnsrat 1'1'c. ' Corn l.ovvoi but closed sloadj ; icceipts , liw.ooi ) Im ; cxiioiK vviMlm. nnginded red , 4tCll"4e ; ; No. 3ISV. . ts c ; 4No. 2 , 4'.ic ' In elevator : . "iO > 4c ; Kebruary olotitiR 4 \e , ( > 3ls- Lower but fanly active ; receipts , ft\OH ) bu : e\poil ! , 1.IXM bit ; nitvrd weMein , r.t ( < W7 ; white w o tci n. " ' frf"i \ : IVlrolcitm Steadj ; united chued at W c. Item -Dull nnd e.vk : lecelpts l.'iOpack- nues ; westetn , ttTjlf'-Me. 1'otk Steadj ; iiu-n. 510 ? nnd $11JV La'd-Lowei but active , ale < western steam .spot. tr > . ; N ; rebin.nj. fi'--KWiHo. liuttci ( Jiilrl nndveaV. : westein , iVrfl v : r.leln eieameij. : ! H 5sc. I'hecsp I'll in. St. Louis , , lan l.-U'heat-Kalilv active ; nnd ravlei : No 'J led. pa-li. W'.p ; Jainiaty , i - : eiuai.v.c ; av. r. Corn -Si < Miij ; \o. ' iulMd , eaih , RJ c ; Janimij , in ve : Feluoarv , ; u te : .Ma ) , l 1 .c. OaNtjiilctand slead > ; No. ! mivcd c.wli , C e ; .laiinal.v , 'jr'se ; .Mny , BlXfo. Uvc- Uvchiskv \\his-kv \ t-1.10. 1'oilc-rirm - nil Laid Ilighci al &MI Hnlter Veiy ( lull ; cieamctv , 'JO ( lahy , 1V2V. ( Ai Tln.Noo.itoAitn : WhenlQuid ami vvc.iK ; declined n simile. Coin Shndo c.islei. Oats Mteadv and nnchanied. Cincinnati , .Ian. l. Wheat l.mvet ; No , Uivd , UP i-- , ! , . . Cot n Oiitel : No. " . till Ved. Ji-V rfTio. n Oats Moderate demand ; No. li mixed , li > -Quiet and steady ; No. ' , ' , fl.Wrtle. ! HailejPali demand and Him ; extra No. 3 MuiniMfu'Vie. . PoiK-DulInt sio.O-V Laid Pah demand ; SiVOi ) . Whlskv-KlimalSl.lO. Milwaukee. .Ian. 4. Wheat We.ik ; cn"li , V2V : Pelu nai v , Vl c ; May , SH'nc. ' Coin - Hteadv : No. U , ; : rtc. O.U-4-iill'No. | ; ' , ' . SV. null ; No. I , 5se. Katley--Phm ; Vo. S , .lie. Provisions-1wv or ; me ? * polk , wli , .Jan- > , S'.I.IHI. ' I'Vlniiaij , MO.Od. Inn. 1 , - Wheat - Weak , lower to sell nml light luislnvs , ir * inltioads me blockaded bj snow : No. 1 hard , Mi o anuatv ; tKJ'iC ' l-'eoimirj ; UP c Mnicii ; 'I'je ' Ma > ; No. t noitliern S'tc .laiiuaiy ; Sic relmiat.v ; tc > e.Match : sii'jcMny. ' Plom Finn nml nn Incieased 'demand ; patents , K. % . 10 ; balu'M , 5V0. ! ! Keceipts Wheat , iis.ntk ) bu. V .Shipments-Wheat , 0,700 Im ; Hour , iiiOO : ! r- * bills. In store in MinlieaDolU-Wheat , 0,217,731 bit ; St. Paul , I-00,000bti. Iiivorpiol.lan. ( I. Wheat Pair demand ; No. ' . ! vvlntei ami sniinir , 7s | " 4i | s1exdy. J'lour Pair demand : sjiot Is SI. Com-I..ilI ; .Inntiaiy and KelnnaryId. ! . Toledo , , ) an. I. Wheat -Steadj : cash ami .lanttry , tile , Coin Mead.v ; cash and .laiinai ) , S-MU'C. Oats -Quiet ictihli , : it' ) . UJIIIK.-IH City , . .Ian.I. . Wheat Steady ; cash , 7l"tli'(7l " Ve ; Kelnmu.v , 7 > ' < e bid , U c nsKcit : Mulch. 7tc bid , 7-1c nsked ; Maj , 7S\c. Coin Stead } ; cash.'Ji\e ; Pebtualj , Ii7t/fc / hid. Us' ' , ( . ased | ; : May , : \ \ ' 4e bid. : il'ae ' asked. Oats Nominal ; " ' * bid , 'J73 jc nskcd. New Orltnnsi , . .Inn.I. . Corn Khmer ; white , -t-'i'-TV ; mixed.-tn,1 ; yellow , IV. ( n Oats ( > utet anil weak ; choice vvestetn , < 'oinmeal Dull and unchanged. lloj ; Pioilucls Dull and iiiicniin eil ; poilr , Sl'.7."i ' : laid , lelmed. 5IUK ) . Hull ; Aleals Dull and unchaiiir6d ; slioul- del- * , ? ; i.Cn ; hjujj clearanil clear rib.OJ. . . i LIVI2 STOCK. Jan. 4. The DioVxTs' ' ' Jouinal leiiniis : Cattle licccipts. n.-lOf ) : slow , hut steady ; shippns steeiiSI ! ( Oin.'i.irf ' ) ; slockeis and Iced- eis. steady ntA. . " . ! ) l.I.'i ; cows , bulls and mixed , M.rflci J.7.1 ; hulk , ( .Tili , lloijs Kccuipis. a ; , ( ] ( o ; sitipniunis , 1,000j slcnd.v but lalher slow ; loimh nml mixed , > .j..1ji/ : ) ; ii.ieKiiii ; nnd .shipplmr. SM.bOftj 1.10 ; llRht , 's.i.llVf l..IO : skips , W.i.VijS.-JO. JSheep llecelpts , : > , OJJ ; weak niul'c lower ; natives , iODw-l.OO : wcsleiu , fe .riOO/a.OO ; Texins , & ' , ' .00vi : ' .2" ; lambs , j.r5rtJi'i.OO. ! ' Thu Dinveis' .loituiar.s MIV ( cableRram fiom l/iveipool qiioliv-i UjivyiiltWiftUiket vciy weak , baiefj sleatlv ; best Ameiii'AU fcleets lit l'Jt ) < i p 'i lb. , diesscd. St. Louis' , .Ian I. Cattle Keeeliits'J.WO ; sliipnients , l,0'JO ' ; fahl.v active ; 'Mat xJc lovviir ; decline was sliimccst on butcher cattle , cx- poit cattle , s-i.o.-.7r ( , ; ( . .oniinon to good slili > - pin- : , Sl.5HlW4.slml : < hei steeis , jj.l.l'il.K ! ( ) ; , , cows > .MI/KJ ( ; biockeis and Iccdei.ssteady , 'J/ < 0i.l.(0 ( ( llo s Iteieljils- s,7i ( ) ) ; shipments , f > , roD ; iinkcl active : , V (10 , ' Idirliei on tops , mixed packing and Hula uucliaiiueil : bnlcheiV to clioice licavj. ; i.K ! ) ( -lOjj mixed packing , Kiinsaq city , , lnn. I. ( "nltJi'V-lleccipts t"i ) ; hliipmciil none ; native htjipln Hliomr and simile hi hei ; ImU'hct'.s1 5n0..stioiuniiil ; active , HKiiCJc blKliei ; uxnOCeiS , yfi.ooCiM.'i'i ' ; common to clinic..1 slujiiilni ; , bl.lOciol.SO ; Mot kets nnd lecdei s , fc'J.bOfcji.iJOi ! l'i > vv , 5'J.OO iiotrs llecelpts , 2.1M1 ; flhlpmpiils8S9 ; maiket active nud .VnlOe lilKlu'r ' ; wood lo choice , § : ; . &tV ( I.Oi ) ; common to inedlum. SJ.05 ; 03LVILV Vt : STOCK. Alonda.v Evening , Jan. I. The live block nmiKet was quiet to-day. Iho heavy .stoim has Inleileicd with the iiiunlngoi slock tialns and iccelplu atu uc- oidinglj vei > light. Hogs 500 i' : 1'oorto , ( ! oed t ni.scniriio.v ( ) Cattle-- I.MKi 11)8 ami ovei . M \ ' > C-n W § 1 S0(35 ( 00 : > "ifi'n i iri 1 l.K./l . 15 ; j o > ui ' oo ! ) 75itl ( ti5 in 3 SO illlbsTo.XIIIIS. : i oo iVestern Kan. 8 Cj@l OD ' " W % S'atlveCovvb. . ' 2 - . lulls a 10 llofs di.xcd : i .10 cii\y ( 'miking ! ) Tft a M 3y.-5 ! . ' M\ \ y 75 i : % ivi : s IIOIM. N'O. Av. I'l. No. Av. I'r. am a.-H ; uo"m. . . . . : N ) , . 'i i ; u > " i. . . . : ui U.M win : oi' I'uicns von nous. iDi.niKo of pileiM lor roiiKh nixed ' , packing anil hlilpnu | nml lljht 'ilitho/s lorblxdiiKls .shown bolovv : " Date. . . . . "He.rvy .i.Bir- Mlxed. 1'ac.Uiii ! , ' . liic.sday. . . Vedn.iiav.1 iWii' ' . 'i. 10 , 'hiii.siiay. , u.0xi. | 0 'rlda.v . . . . ' ! . , ' < 1.1" ' latuiday. . liiiiilav..l _ Note-A II sales of hloelc In this iiaikct ; nro mile perevvl. live wcluhl , nnle-is otheiwisn laled. DemiWJM \ will nt lit pei Hi , lor all ciu'ht.s. "hkiiib , < u iK/Ksuel liliDf loss than ino value. I'lCKiianl sows ito | Uocl.uil JJha and bta s tO IU- . MAIA ! U'HOI/IWAKK MAIUCfiTH. .Monilay Kvenliur , Jan. I. .ilarletH. weather has streiiKlhuiu ' iltoi , mid C 'KS aic belli ! , ' held at "Oc. A iiitiniiiitlon ol the cold weather and u lail ; olT in the icucijtts aiu nccus&uiy to m unco pihcs. ( 'in. i -Knncv full cieani cheihlarfi. O ( ihci make , llcillutn 1'io ; * otlrlL' America. I'ic ; lust qnalit } Hvvlss cheese , 1ic ( ; f-ecoml nulit ) , I''iiillc ; hilck cheese , lUui'Llmbuigci , . I'dUi.iiiv J'l Ice iciualu film at flrinci uiitntloiib. 'J ho cohit'i' weather haf cicatcd bullet ilcmunil lei tiesh icceipts of poul y. TiiikejH , limey , J'iwiift'i cliiclcctis , funcj.i IOc ; duck's , lixnny , ' . 'GflOo' ' HCOMI , ( ancy , tw i : Them lsciy Illllo chnnco Jn th niiiu maiket. J'lalrlodilckuii'i&'V'O | > ci do/ inllaiiUlncls ; , ] 4rdo/liJ1.VJ.5itcal.81.'J.X < Cl.wi ilxcd , ; gec-e , HI.'XfrrKI.M ' ) ; juc ihUt > , ( < : : .ui ; Hinall inbbltA , .Vk. r > c ; ( juail , l.Wi ; biilpc. Cl.W ) : ( leci hiuldlas , ncrlb , 11 M ; > es,0' < 7iinteloiiubululc3pcrli ' ; : . lfttl''cettcasses. ; dttdo ; elk saUQlos , imilb , , 4t oc.ucas : > u. . . Wjfic. ' Oovtn .dlfoinla'JIbframonoibs. ' case pin III. , ITioj uxtriicted , SJ Ib. in caiin , 'J at. In case , pur c.iso , tl.tX ) ; 10 lu , fiameu , 'chiaslca , IKC. CIDKII New Yoikicfliud , purbbl. , 87.00 ; . half Mil. , 84.00. ( YiNLUAn-Whlto wluL'i ICc ; ctilcr , IS1& ,