Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1886, Image 1

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    J. HK
The Gallant Indian Fighter to be Removed
from Arizona ,
Montana SeekliuAdmission AVIHi Da-
kitii Posloltluc Changes In lovvu
mid Nebraska An Important
Decision Washington News.
dm. Crook to lie Removed.
"WAsin.vdinx.Jan. I. [ Speei.ilTelegram. )
Tfesldcnt Cleveland has decided lo lelleve
Gun. Ciook from his command In Arizona.
Oen. Miles Is to succeed him , and will pioli-
ably receive his ordei w ithln tt-n days. It Is
understood that ( ien. Kheildaii has been try
ing to prevent this , and ho may } et ' > < ? able
to do so , as In believes that ( Sen. Ciook has
done eveijlhinic Hint human power could dote
to eaptuie the ictiegado AD.iches. lie thinks
that no one eould have done any better than
( Jen. ( 'look , and still eoiishleis that olllcer
the ablest le.idci In Indian waifale in the
United Stales in my , but the piessuie
til > on the piesident to make a
change Is \eiy stiong and eomcs
from both the tiiends of Con. Miles ,
who Is anxious to try his hand at thejob , and
fiom Hie people of Aibona who have lost
confidence In Ciook , and have sent any
nmountof apiieils lo the piesldent to ielle\e
him , ol both an olllcial and pilsate char.icter.
( Jen. Sheiidan says It is very easy to crltiebe
n man who has been laboring under disad
vantage' ' , ami thinks If Crook is let alone he
will do all that Is wanted.
A roi.rrirAi. NirTiiAi.uiit. : :
Governor llansir , of Montana , who Is
now here , said in a convei-v.ition with your
correspondent lo > t night : "The one thing
that Is nowalliaellns the most inteiest in
Montana Is the pio-pccts lor our admission
Into the union as a Mute. Although no
formal application has jet been mad" the
question will hobinught up veiy0011. . As
\vo have now l-Jii.OO ) Inli.ibit.inls theio can be
nodllllcully on the scoiool population. The
dinicitltlcs In the \\nj ot admission now
being experienced by Dakota have
alltacted the ntteiitlon ofeill/eiis ot out tei-
rltoiy. As the lepublie.ins have a majority
theie , and as that is piobablv one KMSOII why
It eannot gain admission , a jnoject ha- > been
ioimcd to lake advantage of that and gain
admittance for our tenitoiy. South Dakota
Is lepiibllcan , which fuel is given as a loa-on
for Its failine to gain admittance. Montana
Is demociatlc , and would neutiali/e Iheelleet
ol the other slate. We think that bj piopos
ing as a compioml e tliat the -tales be a Imit-
ted Ingclliei theieill be no dlllcitlty e\p"il-
eneed. Montana Is ginwing i.ipldlv , and
Within a jear will have I.IO.OJO inliabltants "
ro-iornn. c HANOI s.
( ; oll'Ugioii- ; v\eie i'-ueO. 'Jdato _ the fol
lowing lovv.t poil'iiasteis ' : .fame * iv" . JL'l-ili ' ,
CHI Ion ; Amos 1' . Il.ill , U'onliwi ; Jolm Hart ,
r.ia'lyville : ( . 'hiolys S. [ 'r.- me , Tiiooks ;
ChaileW. . U'imie , C.iil ; K.ul S. 1'eny ,
Clemens ; ( "eorge Illeeknor , Cleveli ; Nichols
O. W-oii , Clio ; iibi : Idgo WaineiCambill ;
John I ) . Hums , ( i.udcn ( iiove ; James W.
Illblx , Numn : Ih'iny Coons , IVoil.i ; Arthur
K , | J ft , WlHi ( ; ; ' ° ' " 1 * Knip t , Vorkton ;
Clyde A. D.ivis , Aim-tiong ; Alexander
M. Xoble , Ulencoo ; John II.
Walker , Cr.iwfoidsville ; Ch.ules . W. Smith ,
Dinnoiil ; Iflehaul W. ( huMen , Djpivillo ;
Uuiyan Thin ton , F.umington ; M.titin
Cooper roiost City ; Mai tin I' . Benson ,
( ioshen ; Alex. W. Clancy , James. Also for
the follow ins Xebi.iska poitiuastcis : James
L. Uules , Ida ; P.ivid 1) . lloutShubeit ;
Jciomo II. Dancer , Stookvillo ; Cyiiib M.
Wahvoith , l.oiii | Cit } , John Wilson ,
Thatcher ; 11 f. Hmch , Waco.
Tiio-s. II. ( Quintan has been appointed post
master t Covlii''lon , , a newly e > t.tbllbhed
postolllee in Linn eoiinly , Iowa.
The name of the pe-StoflL'O : it Moakiar ,
Neb. , lias been changdd to Hay Springs.
An additional mail earlier has been al
lowed lor Siou\- City , Iowa.
Judge Klnnc , ol Iowa , was at the post
olllee dopaitment today after the sealpi ol
some postmasters in his slate. It N said but
lltllo .success I- being made in effecting
changes in Iowa poslolliees.
THINKS n \ r.i iMiMton.vm.t : .
Senatoi HaiilMin was asked today what
he thought of the compromi-o bill which Is to
booll'eied on the Dakota ( jneitlon , pioposing
todivlde Hie tenitoiy on the one bundled
nml llrst nieildlan. whleli inns noilh and
bonth just easl of the MK-omi liver , tin ow
ing llismaiek in the western half , lo be
known as Lincoln tenitoiy. mid making
Abeideen ol tltuea-tcin teiiitoij ,
which will letain ilio inuiiu of Dakota ; al.-o
the statement that Iho westcin tenitoiy ,
know n as the IJhicK 11IIK eountiy , is the
Btiongliold ol demoeiaey. "I don't believe , "
replied Senator llaiiNon , "that a teiiltoiy
can by any inaiiiicr 01 mean.s bo e.nved
out of Dakota which would be Miiely
demoeiatle. Noi do I believe the iepnblicaiii >
In the hcmite would accept sueli a compro
mise. They want to dispose of the issue
faiily audMiiaioly | as It now stands. Hut
then 1 am glad to hear that the democrats uie
willing to entertain even a deslio to com-
jiioiiilse , and am glad to hear thai they will.
A compromise , 01 anything thoj may submit
on the subject , will iceelvo thecoiibideiatloii
of the leimblleaiis , and If It Is sensible It will
bo accepted. However , n ill vision not Hi and
south 1 do not consider seii.-lble , " Ihitler's
resolution on the Dakota question will piob-
nbly not come beloiu the senate until next
jvx isiroiiTAXT iirisio.v. :
The best lawyers in eonguvss say they con
sider the decision ( onlay of Chief Justice
Walte , of the United States supieniQ coint ,
conlliiiiing Iho acts ot the railroad commis
sion created uy the state legislatnie of Missis
sippi In Mmch , IbSj , deteimlnes the coiibtl-
tntlonalltyoftliu uioblem Involved In the
Cnllom , lleagan and olhei Inter-stato
commeieo bills. The stroiiKOU ar
guments made asalnst theao meas-
uies has been that they weiu uncoil-
stltntlonal ; that neither the states nor the
federal goveinment eould Interleio with the
operations of the i-.ilhoads or other piivato
piopetly. The commission created by the
state ot Mississippi was given moro author
ity nnd went fuither than has been proposed
by any Intei-stato commeicc bill. The
friends of the Cnllom and Heazan bills be
lieve the decision will matoilally assist them
In seeming the passage of nn Inter-state
commeuo law.
George O , Jone * ot Now Yoik , ehafiman
of the ( liei'iiback National committee , Is heio
and says he has been busily engaged feeling
the pulses of the leaders of both houses of
congress , and that nelthei of the compiom
ises proposed by the fi lends of the admin
Istratlou on the sliver coinage question will
bo accepted ; that theio U a deteimlnatlon to
consider no comptouilses , but to defeat Iho
Bdtnlnliitiatloii'a iinuuclul policy without
giving any quarter.
Senator Miller ol California has been fall-
IDE veiy rapidly during the pjst two or tlneo
days , and his death may be expected at any
The two lUtlt ebtlvlron of
Delegate liajmond , who died at his home In
1'arifo , Dak. , jesterdav. are In the eltywlth
Senator Sabin. who will prob.ibl ) adopt them ,
as he has no children of Ills ovv n. Their ages
aie > > amis respectively.
L. W. .Simeral of Omaha Is line.
t I'IUMU ; ronir nirisio.N : .
W.vsiDN'iio.v ' , Jan. ( . [ Associated Press. 1
The supreme com ! todav rendered Its de
cision upon tlie petition of I'aymastei ( Jen- Jo-uph A. femlth , of the inivj department ,
that a wilt of ptohibition bo issued icstiaiu-
Ing lhe ei'ietaiy of the navy from Imlhcr
pioeicdunrs against him lij coint martini for
olfenses alleged to have been committed ill
connection with the administration ot Ids
functions as chief of n bureau of the
navy dcnaitineiiL The | < etitlon bail
been denied by the supieme court of
the dlstt let of Columbia , and this judgment
is atllrmed by tliu supreme coutt of tlie
United States.
The court also icmlcred Its decision In the
eases know n as ( he Mississippi raihoad com-
iiiisslon casus. The juilgnn'iits of tlie circuit
coint trom whleli these are appeals weie
revel sed , and the causes are remanded. The
mlitoadscomeined aie the Illinois Central ,
tlie Mobile A ; Ohio , nnd the New Ol leans iV
Noitli l.asteiu Tlie piinciile ] involved Is
the light of a state toia-s | laws eonliolllngin
ceitaln ie pects rallioads whleli extend Into
other ihiU'i. Tlio decision is Ia\oiable to
the state eontiol.
Tlie opinion lemleied to-day , sajs : "I'lie puipo-es ot the statute In qiie-tiou
( which piovldes fori : hoittl ol slate lailioad
eomml 'ioneis ) is to tile a maximum ol
chaigt's , and to icgiilnt" in some matteis of
a police natuie the u-eot railroads in the
slate. In its general scope it
is ( ( institutional , and it applies
equally lo persons or eoiponitions
owning or operating railioads In the state.
When tin ) commission has acted and piocoetl-
ings aie had to enloiee what they have done ,
question may uiise us to the validity of some
of the vaifoiis piovisions widen will be
w01 thy of consideration , but we aie unable to
s.iv that as a whole the statute is Invalid. "
The eouit also icndcied the lollowlng de
cisions :
No. Til Hut man I'resser , plaintltf , In ciror
vs the state ot Illinois , In enor to the supreme
court ot Illinois. The principal involved is tlio
ilirht ol a state to pievent armed assemblages
ot its clti/ens ami their parading as militaiy
rompmies when not oiiranl/.ed as such under
the laws of the state or of the United States.
Tlie com t allh ms the judgment ot the lowei
tiibuiial , holding tliat the state ma ) picvcnt
such assemblages. To di-nv this light , It
s.ijwould be to denj the iisihl to disperse
assemblages oigcin/od for sedition and
tiea-ou ; and tlie light lo sujipiess aimed
mobs bent on riot and rapine.
m VNA'S innuni. TO nnric.
During the holiday iccess of congicss , and
since the deliven ol his speech inlavorof
silver coinage , Senator Ueek has iceeivcd
moie lelteis than am other member ot the
senate. In tact , letteis have come to him by
linnilicds dail.v , all ot them commending the
position In * has taken , and urging him to
-land mm inuppoit ot the silver dollar.
U'liilotho bulk ot the-o letteis have come
liom the south and west , not a lew
have been .sent by icsldents ol
the east. Among the tributes
ot commendation that i cached Senator Heck
by mall dm lug the holidays was one friim the
Aoungesi daughter ot Jcllei-oii Davis of
Mississippi. It is a neat little water color
minting , lenie-entlng the silveiy moon
looking down thiougn a sheen ot silveiy
clouds on a pi npeious landscape. Untlei-
neath was written in Miss Davis' hand :
"Diana's tnbiito to the champion ol bilvci. "
. _ ronne.v-T.
The most inteiestini'and impoitant feat-
UlC OT ll''J mesent week in the fiousj ot lep-
" ' ' "
mcmbcislnpol tliev. _ _
will loimufute tlie woik to bo uonu . 1W
roil-iilnthcongiess. Tlnoiighout the lioii-
d.i ) lecess Spe.ikei Caillslu has been engaged
In loiming the committee , ami to day lie oc
cupied one of the looms at thec'ipitol , and
denj ing hlmsull lo till cnllt > is , devoted him-
sell'to the completion of his task. Unless
something iintoieseon sbtiuld happen the ie-
suit of his labois will be announced to
the hoiiso to-moiiovv immediately after
the leading of the jomiml. Then , in obedi
ence to tlie oulei ol the house , the call ot
states lor the iiitiodiiction of bills ami i evolutions
lutions will bo lesinned at the point wheicit
il was inteiiupted by adjoinnni'-nt for the
holidavs. The call will piobabl } ho not com-
pluleil'uiitlllatu Wednesday alteinoon. The
Uiu-l bills intioduced the day betore theie-
cess were Inlioduced b > ciglity-nlno mem-
beis , nn average of ovei eleven bills lo each
lepuscutatlve. Should this avenue bu kept
ni ) ne.uly : ) , OJO additional measureb will be
lelened on Tuesdaj and Wednesday to the
newly appointed committees- . .
The lloarpiesidcntial succession bill lies
upon the speakei's table , and though an at
tempt may bo made to pass it by unanimous
consent , it will In likelihood bo lefened to the
committee having jiui-dictlon over its sub
ject mattei. Should this bo done , the house
will llnd it-ell on Thur-day without any busi
ness bi'loie it , nnd an .idjoinnment until
Monilav will piobahly bo l.iken to enable the
committee looiL'iiiil/o and to consider and
lepoitiuoposed legislation.
The bill to llx the sal.uios of iiniges of the
distilcteouils , and ol the lesoiullon ol m-
quliy willi icgard to the action ot the author
ities ot Dakota , aie nnimislied businesof
the senate , The committees of tliat body aie
expected to begin woik in e.uiiest dining the
week , and it is e.xpected tliat not much legis
lative woik will be undci taken in tint -enato
othei than consideration ol the two measure-
named. 1'iobabl ) a huge pait ol the time ot
the senate will bo spent with clo-ed doois in
an enile.uoi to dispose ol accumulated nom
MOIII : coMi > r.\ixrs ATIAINSTPAIIKS. .
The state ot Califoinla to-day tiled witli
Sc'ietaiv complaints against the
general laud olllce for not piep.iiing patents
lor lands granted tliulaioo ! Calitoinia by
eongie-.s , and subsequently continued to her
in a .special act , and approved to her by
Seciclaiv liiowning in IsOii , and eeililied to
tlie state In Commissioner Joseph S. Wilson
In the same ' veal , and which Land Commis
sioner Spai'ks has loienlly decided m.i ) be
still I uither contested banj onudesliing to
claim them uiulei other laws.
1111. NI.W VOIIK ni ii-utrAst'itv.
It isaid at the ticasuiy dcpailment the
piesident will probablj uomlimtu an iM i -
ant tieasuiertoi New Voile city tomoriovv 01
next day. with a vlow ol having the new ap
pointee , If he shall have been continued by
the senate , assume chaise ot the .sub-treasury
next Mondav. The count ot monies and se
em it ie.- , which began this nioining , will bo
continued until completion ami it Is hoped a
toimal traiiblei ot the olllco to Acton's biic-
eessor can bo made during its piogiess.
A VAitiurv or i'iionsrs. :
lion , A. Itoynton , membei of thodemo-
cmtle commlttcu ot Dakota , lias
willten a letter to Senatoi Hanlson , chair
man of the committee on teiiltories. "pio-
testing against tlio action ot tlio last legisla
ture of Dakota teiritoiy in uppiopilatlng the
teriitoilal levenuesas e.sbcd upon allcountiea
in that tenitory for the expenses of a con
vention composed of delegates from only a
poition ot tlm counties , and acalnst { lie
action ot the convention held at Sioux Falls
in the boiitheastein part ot the territory , anil
the assumption of power of a so-called state
ieglslatuioiecentl ) convened at Union. "
CAI'll'AI. Cdl'.AMXOS.
TliofPcielary of state has just iccclved and
sent to Ihiccbon , the distinguished Invcntoi ,
the grantl ciossot tlm order of naval merit
lecently eonlened on that gentleman by the
Into king of Spain.
The number of commissions issued to
fem Ill-class postmasters since the -Mb of
March last is ia.4 Si.
Jacob rrolich , of Liltlo Kock , Aik. , has
been appointed ehlefo f the mineral division
of the general land otlice.
THUS. ur.i\i : :
The Tragedian Suddenly , but Not
Seriously Airected ,
KANSAS Cirv , Mo. , Jan , 4. Thomas W
Keene , the actor , while attending a reception
last night by the Older of Klks , sutfeied a
rupture of a small blood vessel in the head.
Ho was taken to his hotel , and confined to
his bed. Ho will not appear in Hlchaid III
to-nlglit as advcitlscd , but It is hoped tliat ho
will bo able to fulfill his encagcment for
to-monow night. He had a similar attack at
Iowa City two weeks ago.
One of the attending physicians described
the tioublo , which was reported to be in the
head , as motor paralysis , a foi m which some
tluiui iitiecfc ) pedestrians. He did not con
sider Keune's Illness alarming and expressed
the opinion that he would lo able to appear
to inouow night.
'T\Ti ? \DIT\I \
lAlIi lArllAL
The Storm Gains in Strength and Blockades
all Roads West of Lincoln ,
Monster Plows Kali lo I'lcrcc tlie
I'lnkey Hnbstmice Teleprntili Ser-
lee Demoralized I'our Paid
Klrcmcn Appointed.
The Storm at Lincoln and Vicinity.
LINCOLN , Jan.t. . ( Special Telegram. ]
The storm still rages In this locality with un
abated fury , ami Is pronounced by railway
men tlio worst they have ever encountered In
Nebraska , It Is general all over the state but
at Its w orst betvv een Lincoln and Ited Cloud.
The railways are blockaded ; up to noon to
day not n wheel hail moved from Lincoln
since Suiulaj moiiilng. West of Lincoln
and on all branch loads oolh passenger ami
freight trains have been abandoned until the
wind subsides so the hacks can be cleaied.
A train from the east managed lo reach heie
to-day aftei a hard light , but could not get
any fattbei west. In town business Is at a
standstill. The Miccts aie blockaded with
drifts , and theie are but few people abioad.
With the exception of one tialn from
Omaha over the Iturllngton Sunday night ,
Lincoln's railway connection with the out
side world has been entliely suspended for
ncaily thlityslhours. . All day Saturday
and Sunday the IJttrllngton people worKed
haul to keep the main line west of Lincoln
clear , but weie forced to give It up Sunday
afternoon , leaving the cast bound pass
enger at Haivard. The company is
taking care of the passengers
and has made them as comfoi table
as possible. All trains west of Lincoln have
been discontinued until Uie storm is over.
The tiack In many places Is covered with
diitts twenty feet deep and neailya quarter
of a mile long , and all the Hitrllngton
branches and the Union I'acilic's lepublican !
Valley road was blocked and tiallic is at a
Train No. 1 on the Hurllnglon , which
started from Omaha Monday moining , drawn
by two engines and pieceded by a double
header and snow plow , ran Into a huge dilft
near Ashland about noon. Three hour-j later
It was reported at ( Sieenwood battling with
another diift , and at 0 p. m. was stalled in a
still woise bank of snow atWavoily. The
snow Is dry and tlie wind forces It Into the
cuts so complete ! } that the great plows ,
which arc calculated to cut tlnougii drills
fifteen bundled leet Jlong at full speed can
make no headway against It. In most cases
the cuts w ill have to be shoveled bv hand.
Superintendent Thompson has sent out or-
dei.s along the line to liiio all tlie men that
could bo had and hold them in leadiness lor
work as soon as the wind subsides. When
that tt t will be is uncertain , as to-night , tlie
ta thiid t of the storm , it is still blowing lieicely
and without prospect of immediate abate
The telegraph companies have sulfeied as
wuli ns the railways. The i'acllic Mutual
suspeiiileil ' ' " " "It's1 ? Sunday owing to dis
abled whes. The \\V"'H ' > l'"l ° M ? ' > (1 ( J5l -
lington iViMlssoiiilliavlngextiawires
abled to get messages thiough In isv !
JiayorHurr has appointed A. H. Hosinati ,
Heiny Fushla , Carr Kindle and E. M.
Lusher membeis of the lire depaitment at
a monthly salary ot S Oeach. George White-
sell is continued as driver and W. II. Newburg -
burg as lire warden for two years more. The
inlos by which tlio department will bo gov-
eined are copied from those in use at Omaha ,
The Storm In Iowa.
Dr.s MOI.SMIowa : , Jan. 4 , [ Special Tele-
gnim.J--A soveic.snow storm i aged all Sun
day night and ( ho gieatei pait of to-day.
About ten Inches ol snow has fallen and rail
way travel is .somewhat Impaiicd. Much
damage has been done to telegraph lines. Up
to 7 o'clock this evening the Westein Union
had no dhect connection with Chicago , lint
was doing a limited business by way of
Omaha. Neatly all the raihoad telegraph
lines weio inteiiupted , and trains have been
del.ied , but have mostly been ablu to get
tluougli. The DCS Molnes and Poit Dodge
i.illioad abandoned four trains in the foie-
noon , but sent out the expiessthis afternoon.
The Wabash ami the Northwestern airived
two hours late. Other lines weio dehrjed
moio or less. Much damage has been done
in tlio eountiy to tiees and shiubbcry by sleet.
An Alley's Unexplained Gap.c
HDi : Moi.viIowa. . Jan. 1. [ Special Tele
giam.J A portion of the alley west of tliu
Kiikwood hoiise.embraclnga surface of about
twenty feet in length and twelve wide , has
given way suddenly and sunk about six feet
in depth , e.u lying the pavement with It. A
team and loaded wagon had passsed through
all light half an hour before , going dliectly
over the pavement whcio the eaith gave way.
The depicsslon extends four or live feet I
under tlio rear of the adjoining building.
Thecaiiso of this singular phenomenon Is
suppo-ed to have/ been occasioned by the
blnklng of loose cai Ih In an old well or vault ,
though the existence of either of thebo
causes Is not known to the persons doing
business In that locality.
Plague or Poison.
Dis : MOIMS : , Iowa , Jan. I , [ Special
Telegram , 1 Ileniy Ilartnmn , a faiiuci living
live miles noitli of Wapcllo , icports tlio sud
den death of thliteen ot his cattle within the
past twenty-four houis. He is unable to tell
whether it Is a case of plague or poison , but
from the symptoms the latter Is thought
piobable. _
The Storm nt York.
YOIIK , Neb. , Jan. 4. [ Special Telegiam.J
Wo aio In the midst of a great storm. Snow
began falling Pi Iday night and It Us been
( hitting ever since. No church
services were held yesterday , only a jew at
tempting to leave their home. Some diitts
in town am eight lent deep. No trains are
running to-day on this
lien Hogau at Buliityler ,
Sciiuvi.Kii , Neb. , Jan. 4. [ Special Tele-
giam.J Hen Hogan , the icformed pugilist ,
m lived lieio yesterday afternoon. Ho will
begin aseilcbof lovlval meetings this even
ing , the weather permitting.
A General Storo'a Failure.
JlAsrixos , Neb. , Jan.1 [ Special ] D. U.
Ftiiry A Co. , general stores of this city and
Blue Hill , doted to-day on a bill of sale to the
Exchange Uank of Hastings. .Liabilities ,
SIC.OVO ; nominal assets about tlio same.
A Heavy Dry GoodH Merchant in Hard
Sr. Louis , Jan. 4. A special from Hot
Springs , Aikansas , to the I'ost-Disnatch ,
states thai C. I , you , a largo dry goods mer-
'uint ' of that city , has failed. Attachments
to the amount of 83-J,0 , )0 ) have been levied
upon his stock and other proueity , but It is
stated that his liabilities largely exceed that
amount , The assets cannot now tie stated ,
ow Ing to tlie confusion lu w hlcli the creditors
have found Ids accounts. Lyon left the city
sometime agoaud lib whereabouts are uu-
knowu ,
GP.AV.n 'N
A Wealthy Citizen ol'dilcnco round
Drowned lu ailelitgnti' ' Waters.
Cmr.uio , Jan. 4. Chartes H , Curtis , aged
74.0110 of the oldest residents of Chicago ,
was found diow ncd In the lakonear Thirty-
seventh sticct yesterday. The
aie such that the police nre In ioubt whether
his death is attributed tqaccideit , suicide or
foul play. His family , however , are of the
opinion that he walked out on the pier , and
being sei/ed I'a spell of dizziness to which
he has not been in - . - , - .
made investments \ailousicoiporations ,
Home ot Ills recent Investment- have piovcd
disastrous , and by a bank cilltiro a lew
veais ace ho lost { 100,000 , but
iliat did not appear to distrei't him much.
His friends saj that he novel allowed his
money loises to deniess him , 101 would ho
lefer to them. He was desci Joed as being a
veiy generous man in a quiet way , having
given awav in one ditection and another
over $ ijOiWO. He hid a icuaikably good
constitution , and has t ilv been seiiou-lv 111
on two occasions In alibis lite , although of
late he had been lathet feeble.
T I II 0 V I S HlIjKj8TAT I : M 10 N T.
Grain In SiKlit and Store us Reported
from ClIiNij-o.
Ciuc.vco , Jan.I. . 'Jlio following tigiircs ,
taken from the ollldal statement of the
boaid of tiade to be looted on 'Change to-
moirow , slunv Inbushch the amoniit ot grain
in sight In the United Mates and Canada on
Saturday , Jannaiy'J , aid the amount of de
crease or increase overjio preceding week.
Wheat . r.8iUlIK ! ) Increase . UJ,0-ri
Corn . 7noMU ( Incieaso .
Oat.s . "OO'uvr ) Inciease. . . . . . . . 28.S07
live . 7.V..4S4 Deciease . M , . " . ) !
llailey . ! 3aU , ! J Decieaso . ii ! < , iM8
TliJpronnilloit of tlu above contained in
Chicago elevatois on tic date named was- ;
Wheat . HKofi49 :
Coin . V"-1" ! ' "
Oats . S70SH ,
lljo . : ill,110
Hhrlcy . S.RU ,
KzitDaliv \ Market.
CiiirAcio.Jan.4. -4. Inci-Occaiibpecial trom
Klgin , HI. : liutter dnl to-day and Cc lower
than last week. , l.hlO pounds
at ; MC" " < ' . Thcie wasno Inquiry for cheese
and no icgnlar. sales.
Prosiicctlvo Strike olilio Weed Work
ers in Xow York.
NIAV VOIIK , Jan. 4. ( Ipecial 'telegiam.J
The cigar makei.s met Inscciet session Sun
day evening , with dulnjales picsent lepie-
senting fi.OW ) vvoikew. They discussed the
action of the Mannfaeurcrs' association in
demanding a rediictionot fiom 00 cents to
S1.-10 a thousand , witli 57 a thousand for com
mon 4 } inch cigars asi basis , Tim secietary
of the meeting rcliisedlo jtlve detailed information
mation as to what waslone , but it ib known
that delinite action hai been taken , looking
to a icpeal of the new fcbcdule , and the In
tel national associationWill be asked lo sanc
tion a stiike. Thochrir makeis claim that
they must maintaiiu > nVas ' " w Yoik In
order to keep prices pMn all large cities and
tlllll ! ! ; ? ' " 1'J linancia ' prejiaicd to sustain
R.iWO sliiKels. , - r . . . . , , ,
Nr.w Vonic , Jan. 4-jSlxtecn firms . . . . " "
Cigar Manntaetuieis'issociation have notl-
hnd Iheii employes ot'a ' icductioii in their
wages , of § 1 to S.i per 1 * 00.
Prisoners Kscipo from .Tall.
CiiAiti.KSio.v , W. Vt , Jan. 4. Last night
excitement was aroiiscchereby the prisoners
escaping trom the comty jail.Vhen the
night guard went inio , ho jail to lock the
piisoiieis in their cellspne piisonci knocked
tlioguaid , Dick Wjatt.down , and a general
stampede followed. Ujion leaching the jail-
vaid , Jailer Uowles was mot and
knocked down bcfon he eould fasten
the outer tales. 'Uie ml.sonei.s who
escaped aie Geoico rtid HIchaid Jelfeiy ,
biotlieis , who killed WlJIam Douglas ; ( Jeoigo
lieailey , who killed Ileniy Mooic ; Louts
Doimlus , who killed Tom Teal hut Christmas
evening ( all white ) . Lather Smith , a IHVIO ,
who had been coiulcted and sentenced for
Unco } to the penitentialy lei grand
laiceny , also escaped. A levvaid is olfeied
Tlio Nailer's Strike
CIIICAOO , Jan. 4. 'Ilio strike at Maxwell factory Is Sfiicadlng. This morn
ing twenty-tivo men , who woiked in tlio
planing mill , icfiiscd to go to woik. They
say they have no special meeting- their
own , but tlieh action was bas d on sympathy
foi the striking naileis1. 'Ihlrty-livo non
union naileis went to vvork in the laetoiy
this nioining. They were unmolested by the
strikei.s contrary to expectation. The Him
did not pay olT the Mrikei.s on .Satinday , but
the men do not giowl about It ,
Suicide of a Hcrol'l Mother.
LAMAII , Mo. , Jan. 4. Harly yesterday
nioining this community was Maided by Ihu
Intelligence ' that Mis. Cliailes V. A wall , jr. ,
Had ' committed suicide by di owning In a well.
When ' the act was peifoimed it is stated she
was laboring under temporary Insanity , as
she had liiken oil all her clothes and thrown
them Into the well. She left novvoidoi noloas
to the cause ol her suicide , but it Is believed
that the death ot her six months'old child
caused mental derangement.
The .Sunday Law in Chattanooga.
CiiATrAXooiiA , Tcmn. , Jan. t. This city
lias been tliiown Into considerable excite
ment by the announcement that saloon
keepers , against whom the .Sunday law is
belli. ; rigidly enforced , had sworn out nearly
one hundred \\anants against those engaged
In all Iho trades and piofossions who do busi
ness on Sunday. The whiskv men say they
nave been discriminated against , and pio-
' lose to test the law to its lull scope. 1'ho
wairants include newspaper pubilsheis ,
lively men and street ear company olllclals.
Content for Hpealrcr ICmled.
AI.IIANV , N , V. , Jan. ( Tlio contesl for
the lepublican nomination for speaker ot the
as-embly closed at n6oilljy the withdrawal
ot Mr. Krwln. At that'lio'tir Mr. Kiwln In
vited Senator HusteiHo' jils moms and in tlio
pie-enco of the seventeen members vvho have
been supporting him , niirionnced his with
drawal , Mr. I lusted responded briefly. The
canvass to-night will n6minato Husted for
speakei and CliiekeringftJrcleik.
JMeuro Pneumonia ift I
LAXOASTI : ! ! , I'a. , Jan. < ! . Kit-sli cases ot
plcuio pneumonia has been dlseoACied on
the faun ol A. S. Krj" , near Mainonvllle ,
this county. Tvvonty-llTo'animals out of a
held ol one bundled aruallected , Tliu state
authorities have been notltied.
The Injunction Continued.
Nr.w VOIIK , Jan. 4. Judge Andiews , In
the supreme court to-day , gave a decision
continuing the Injunction restraining the
Musical Mutual Protective union trom en
forcing a by-law so as to expel Theodoio
Thomas from membership because ho em
ployed a musician who vus not a member of
the union.
Iiandlnur on KurilIslied Cerlffluntea.
SANFn.VNcisco , Jan , J. Jt is learned to
day that certillcates , empowering the holder
to land In the United States aie being Issued
by the consul at Yokohama , Japan.
Chinamen who arrived In the steamer
Oceanic , December ! ' ' , w ro landed on ono
ot these MM Uneaten. They aio binned by
WairenOieen , United Stales coiibul jjenei-il
for Japan , 1
A Good Young Man Goes Wrong ami Re
turns from Canada.
Itutmed With the Heading of Dime
Novel Ijltcrntnro Itoti ati Ohio rnrin
House Tlie Dally Itccord of
Crime and Criminals' .
A HookUceper's Don n Tall.
NEW YOIIK , Jan.I. . [ Special Telegram.1
Frederick Fi-hel , lateconiidentlalbookkeeper
for Augnsl llcriihclm it Hauor , dealers In
clothes , Is a prisoner at police headiiuaiters
chaiged with stealing S7OW. On the 17th
of September last , tlio da } ptecedlng the Day
of Atonement , Hernhoini called Flshel Into
his ollleo ami gave him n check for Sr > ( > , In
aceonlaiico with a custom of the tlrm to give
gifts to its emploeson ccitaln Jewish holi
days. In handing Klshel the gift Hernlielm
mentioned that on the follow ins Monday he
proposed to have the books balanced. When
Monday came Flshel was not at his desk ,
Kxpeit accountants were called In. A brief
In-pectlon showed tliat Fishel had stolen
laige sums. Late In the day a letter was re
ceived from the missing bookkeeper , confess
ing In pait his lobberies. I'rivate detectives
\voreomplojed to llnd Klshel , but theii labois
weie fruitless. Some time alter his di'ap-
pearance a second lettei was leeched by tlio
linn. In it lie told a pitilnl story about
falling into temptation and resetting to
desperate elfortsto letiiove his lei time. Tills
letter was postmarked Havana. Kishcl was
found at Hamilton , Ontario , Fi iday last , and
willingly returned to this city. Johnson &
Khbj' , keepers of a well known gambling
house , ha\e also been anested. Flshel lost
to them 5"0,00iat laio. A woman to whom
the guilty man gave from § 30,000 to Si5ooo ;
cannot be found. Six banks aie Involved In
the matter , because they paid checks on
Hernlielm , Hanoi & Co. which Flshel had
secured by fraud. It Is believed Flshel's
thelts will largely exceed SiT ,000 when the
rctni us aie all In He will be aiialgneil this
Ho wasaiiaigncdin cotnt this afternoon
to answer the Indictment found against him
by ( he grand jury for loigoiy. He said ho
did not Wish to plead until he consulted his
coim-el. He was then committed to prison.
Dime Novel Dovlltry.
CINCINNATI , Jan. t. A daring and unique
lobbeiy took place on the llanison pike , just
outside the citv limits , al nn e.uly bom Sun
day nioining , the burglais being mere boys ,
who wcie masked and conducted themselves
In regular dime novel fatyle. Theodore Wolf
lives In a small house a little apait from ills
nclghbois. His wife , who was alone in the
house , was abed and asleep. She was
awakened by a knock at the door , accom
panied In the summon"Open tills dooi , or
we'll bieak it down ; we're lobbcis , " and
then , while the woman almost
fainted with fright , the tlneat wascxccutect ,
and masked inaiaudeis stood betoio hei.
"Where Is your mono } and } otir bilvci w aio , "
demanded one ol theiobbers. Tlio woman
detected the voice ol a bov attempting to
speak like a man. She iclu-cd to give up
tlm valuable , 'and one t tlioiulllniis throw
* ' " " ' *
lev went liuQiigli" 'the lunlfie
VJtlWIi 11 VilV - * i'4 V'ty1 HIV ( JVFin ,
scattering evoiythlng to the light and
left and sliouldCilHJ , ' and pocketing what
ever stiuck his tauc > . When the house had
been thoroughly nlled , the two yoHthtul iob-
hois made good their oscajie anil have not
yet beenaiiested , norisllie hientlty ot either
known to Mis. Wolf. When Mr. Well i fi
lm nod , scaiceiy h.ill an hourafter the unique
lobbervhad been eommltted , he found his
wile nearly oveicome with tear , and -lie has
been dangeionsly ill ever since.
She Was Not Murdered.
DnTitoiT , Jan. 4. Developments in tlie
Knocli minder ea-o to-dav aio of a some
what btaitling character. The skull ot the
mother , who was said by the county physi
cian , at tlie post moitem , to have been Killed
bya blow on the head , was brought to the
city to-day and examined bj a qimitette ol
phjhicians. Tlmj declare death lebiilled
Irom pneumonia , and that the Ir.iclurcs
which Comity I'hjsieian Dvven lotind , wcie
produced by liiniselt in lemoving tlio top ol
the head to e.xammo the huln. Tlie two
sons , lleiman and ( liistave , vvho weio placed
under an estyestoi day , have accoidingly been
Bel rayed No Gull I.
CivriN\\ii , Ohio , Jan. t. The eoloied
man , I'elei lliiies , undci anest on suspicion
ot having killed tlie gioceiy keener , Homy
ICemper , last week , was taken to the gioceiy
this inoinlnj : and confronted withJIIss Rein-
perand Mr. Kiletemier , tlm bakei who had
seen a negio theie bcloie tlie minder. Doth
ate positive. nines Is llii'saiim man they had
seen in the gioceiy. lllnci was then taken
to ICempei's lieu = e , hewn the dead man In
hiscotlln. and asked theie it ho knew any-
thingol thomunler. Hit showed some leel-
ing bill made no confession ,
A Peddler Murdered.
Sr. Lous Jan. l.-A special to the 1'osl-
Despateh from Llltle Hock , Aik. , .states Hint
apeddlei , nameil Sjialdintr , Irom Indianap
olis , i ml. , has been muideicd near bpilng-
helii , Mo. bundled ilolhus in
hlHpos.e iomvheii he lelt Spiinglield. and
It is supposed tliat he was mindeied lor his
money. _ _
.Murder at a 1'rayer Meeting.
Ino.Mo.N , Ohio , Jan. I , While a pia.vcr
nipetlinr was In piogiessyesienlay al Indian
Hun , Ky. Cliailes McAllistci and Chaile-
Maitln bee.imo involved in n qiianel. Mc-
Allistei btahbi-'d Maitln tatally and escaped.
Ohio's IjC'KiNlature ( > rcaui/ed ,
COM MIII f. Ohio , Jan. I , Tlio Ohio legis
l.ituro met to-day , and oigaiil/cd both
blanches lij sok'ctiiiK tlie caucus nominees
lei spe.ikei ol theioii-iaiid ) piesident pie
( em ol the M'lialn John ICntiikln to the
speikei.slil , ] > , and Senator O'Neill to the piesl-
< teiicy ( ) io ( cm.
_ _ _
Failed Tor # 1 ; " , , < ) ( ) < . rA.vooo.v , Tenn , , Jan. I..S. . Io-en- !
illtll . dealer in lirmois. lias iis-lgned. The
liabilities aio about Sl ino ; assets unknown.
A Schoouor fjouo Ashore.
AhToni.v , Oiegou , Jan , 4. A hchoouei ,
name unknown , was wiccketl otl Weather
Heach last night. One man was washed
ashore. It is lepoited the captain ana mate
were drowned , the icstot tli eiew clinging
to the rigging. The life savingdew at Capu
Hancock lias gene to the le-ciie.
A MitMlal Irom Cape Ilnncock saj.s I apt.
Ham * and his ciowhave letmned and lepoit
the lulling schnonei Cairle Lake wlocked on
Sand bench , about twelve nnles noilh ol the
entianco to Columbia ilvei. The eiew of
live men .stalled ashore In a small anil i
tapsi/eilonabandlur , and washed elf into
deep waler. ( 'apt. John Kim , -Matu Jamie-
son and the Chinese rook weie diowiiod.
The other two succeeded in gelling jack o
tliu schooner and wcie taken oil by tliu lllo
having cmvv. Heavy seas aie bieaking oui
the vessel , anil bho will go to pieces' .
ASettlemeiil Seoured.
ST. Loins , Jan. 4 , Tlm National Slallon-
erb' board ot trade have agieed to actopt tliu
fettlemcnt ol the afiairs ot the SI , Louis
Slatloneiy and Hook company upon the
basis ot M ) per cent , lid poi cent to bo paid in
cash and tlm remainder in MX notes of 10
per cent each , drawn at tlnee , MX. nine ,
twelve , llfteen , and eighteen months , in-
doibed by Hugli U. Hlldiclh. The attaching
and mon-attaclilng cieditois have alieady
agieed to u xcttlemcnt on Hits basi- , and It
beeiim probable that all the cieilitoib will do
Urn same , and that business will bo continued
le I'rryolnot Deeldei to Porin the
New I'ronoh Cabinet.
1'\ni , Jan.I. . M. De Kteyclnet has con-
eluded to foim a ntnv cabinet , and Is now
encaged In the ta-U of selecting the mem
" Do Tipjclnet's piosramme Ineltules ie-
II foimof I the budget , tefortu of the ndminls-
Iratlon. I and the organization of a system of
government ! In Annaiii and Toiiquin , te-
dnclinr the protectorate lo tlie smalle-t neces-
farj limits.
A dhimtch from Tamalnvp , dated Decem-
bci uo , sajs : The tieaty of peace between
Kranceand Madaa-eai , It is icported , cedes
the tenitory to I'l.ince , surienders the uoith-
west parts which l-'ratice oiiginally elaimed ,
and gives the l-'ieiieh government Mipiemaey
ovei the foreicn lelationsot Madu.fa-ear.
Several membei.s ot the kite mlnistivwlll
aeeepl poitlollos in Iho ealiinel of M , De
I'reycinet , Itispiob.ible that tlie only new
ministers will bo M. Constant , as minister
of tlm Inleiior. M. hpullei. us mlul-tei of
public instittctlon , and den. Davatil , in
mlni-tci of win.
ln M-ea > .ln > f Tavntloii.
Cvt.rnrA , Jan.I -The Indian govein-
nirnt has Inlioduced a bill III the legislative
council Imposing a taxd ( ' . ' pel cent on the
Incomes of all piolessUmal men and ollichils
of all classes who have hitherto been exempt
from Income lax. The imposition ot the tax
is lemleied In older to cover a dellcit In the
budget ot CJOOD,0)0 ) , ari-ing liom e\pendl-
tuies caused by mllilaiy piepualioti-when II
was tlmiiclit Iheie would be war with ll.i la ,
depieclation in tin ) ] ) iice of silvei and the ex
penses mciii red In building Hie Hol.m I'a-s
tallvva ) , and by the Huime-e expedition.
The Oovernmout's Irish Pleasure.
LO.NDO.V , Jan.I. . Tliu local goveinmeiil
measuic to belaid befoie pailiameiit by the
government , as ( halted , gives to Ireland a
household Iranelitso lor eleetlnn eoiiuly
boauls and for electing a central council ,
riieinopo-ltlon that the eiownhonld havn
a light lo nominate a p.nt of Uie council was
abandoned. The nieasme provides that
county bo.udshall luiveeonliol ot the trallie
in litior ! | , and that the ccntial council sliall
have a voice In appointing the magistracy.
little Greece Speaks.
LOVDONJan. 4. The ( iieek goveinment
has sent \igoious note to the powers , pro
testing against tliu union of IJtilgnrla and
Kaslein Iloumella. The note sajs ( Siooeo
leelsk-eenly tlie loss of thousands of ( Ireek
inhabitants Involved bv the union , and de
mands Restoration of the bonndaiy tiled h }
the loilin ! congioss.adding that ( lieeco con-
lliiites her naval and militaiy piop.iiations in
older to be icadv to asseit her rights il It
should be necess.iiy for her to do so.
The Confoiviicc Aliaudoueil.
LONDON , Jan. I. The Italkan conference
at Constantinople lias been abandoned , lus- !
. . . . lefrislng to guaranlee the Imlepeiidence
ot the union of llulgaria and Kastein Kou-
Itlvjil Lines routoiidiu < : Cor Disputed
ol' Way.
How 1:1,1. , Mich. , Jan , I. Theie i liable to
be tionblu lieiu over the railroad war between
the Toledo , Ann Aiboi A ; Noilhcni Michi
gan and the Deli oil , L.uibing < t Northein
rallioaiK Then * has been a dlspnto about
the right of the foimer load to ciossthe lat
in extending Its line , and the ease
was biought into court and appealed. It is
now pending on appeal liijho ancient coint.
Yosteijlaj ; jiioi ijiji , ; i a , oieo./jd-jdwuji : > l )
gan c'liiptojccs wcie ( nought to the
point of the piojccled cros ilig
and bewail woik , discing under
the Lansing load. They ni.ide a ( lit , braced
up the dark of the Lansing load , and con
st ! nctod the lln.Mit the Toledo uild r it.
The woikeis were piotccU'd by an armed
toice , which left last night when the woik
was completed. This nioining about .VJJ
men weie biotwht on the scene by the Lan
sing load people , and they will pioceed to
lill up the cut madeuiKiei theirioad. Jliei ;
aie leO men on the irioiind in thf inleicsl ol
ilieToledo A : Ann Aiboi load , and Iheio maj
be v iolence bofoie the cut is tilled. The Lan
sing loico is aimed , but the 'loledo men have
no .11 in-to-day.
The Toledo A : Ann Aihor loicc this after
noon duivo the Lousing people away.
The men then cut tlie telegraph w lies of the
Detioit , Lansing t Noilhein load , ami toio
up the track foi hall n mile in each diiocHon.
Tialhe on the load between Genoa and I'ow-
leivillo is now inteiiupted. What the next
stop will be is a matter ol doubt. An appeal
bv the Lansing people was made to ( ! ov.
A'lgei to da } toi assistance , but ho decl.ued
he had nouiithurit } to call out the militia
except at the leanest ot thesheril ) , width has
not jet been made.
The Kock Island' * Intension.
CHICAGO , Jan. I. H was iiimoicd heie
jesteulay that Iho Hock Hand load had de
cided upon an impoitanl addition lolls to s.
teiu , namely , an extension of its main line
inlo Kansas ami ( he construction ol shoil
lines from Lai kin to Alchison and St. Jo
seph , -OHS to make ihei connections at those
two points. To dav the lopoit Is oonflimod
bv a icsponsilile olliclal ol the io.ul. 'I he
luimboi ol miles ol the new tiiink line pio-
jected is about tot ) . The exlenslon will bo
vlitiiallv a oomplolo line , and In its charier ,
which phues the capital stock at sir.,0'K,0JO ) ( ,
the companv Is named Chicago , Knnsns.iv
Nebraska. The move Is icgaided us highly
impoitaiit , as II will bring the l.'oi'lc Island
mad Into coiuCtillon | ! with all the big lines
west ol thu Missouri.
The W.tlianli Koad lu Court.
St. Lot isJan. I. The ma-toi's tepoit In
the U'abash ease , together with tlio lonnol
decree nf jiiuc'dine and -ale , was submitted
in the United Mates coint today bcloio
Judges lliown and Tieat. The ileoico pio-
vhh's lei ti liail-lerol ( he legal title , subject
to tlie equities of all paities other th.ill the
uillatoial tiust and general moit'-Miro ' boml-
lioidi'iwlioe intoicsl is deleimilied b > do-
ciee. Attn -omo illiissloii ' lint mint ad-
louined until lo-iuonow , when tlm ci-e will
be hioiight up again. Tlie Kansas City ,
i'oit Scott .V ( in ) ) lailioad eompaiiv eliteied
nn Inteivenlng petition In Hut Wnba-h e.i-u
to dav , tlalmlii110.Mi on aivuuiil oi Inlei-
Oi IAWA , Out. , Jan. I. Thu Grand Tiiink
mid Canada I'acilio iinlvvuy coinpanies have ,
it | Is lepoited , come loan agieemcnt lor less.-
eniiigexpense- ! places whom Ilieie aio agents ioiio-oiilliii | : ou , h compni } .
A Kloi > py Oily Invention lo Itovolu-
lionl/e Kallroad Travel ,
Si. Lei | s , Jail. 4. A lesldcnl of this eltj
he > tiled a caveat and implied foi a patent lor
an invention In whUhpasscngeisaiidfroight
imiy be taken on and dlsthaiged from inll-
wa } tiahib without slopping , If It pioves
what its model would Indicate , II will bo an
impoitaiit factoi in thu rapid transit
piohlom ] , The woiking model slums tlm
main on u level ami : in clcuilul fr.tek
in front ol an elevated depot , with an In
clined track leading to it. The idea in to
stall a Irani from one leiminns and not ntop
01 .slacken speed until it ieaeiie.itheothei. At
tint same time iiasscngois may be taken
upnnddi-cli.iigod at any .station. Asiilialn
iruclies a station on ilio nilin track the tear
ears aio switched oil anil inn up the inclined
plane to thu chtv.ited depot. At the same
lime another cai inns down the other In
clined plane , is caught by the othei passing
train , vvhlried onto thu main track ,
and becoiiioi p.nt ol the train. The
passmigois who do-no to slop at thu next
fctutmn piss to tut ) i.uvhleh \ Is .sih ! > -
tnickid as was the pinvious one. Another
eai load ol p.ihsen oisH taken on bv a 1011-
lilviinco which actb auUun.ititally. When a
train gets within aceitain dislaiucol a tloput
it ( Hops thooar In waiting thciu which starts
down Ihu inclined plant ) Justus iliu lu-,1 eai
of the train Is swlt'-'hcd elf nnd cUiu upun
the1 otlivi side.
- " * "
Heavy Rains and Overflowing Creeks in
Pennsylvania Regions.
A Ti.llu < .oo to the Itottomofa 1'reck
ami Three Train Hands
The Know term
out ( he Vortluvost.
lloavj rtooiN lu Pennsylvania.
Kvtt'oim vi , I'a. , Jim. -Theheavy rnlnsot
tliepaM Iwodavs and laigeiuantltlcsof | snow
on the timlieied Imvccoiispiicd topto-
duce the most violent llood known in many
veaisalongthe Drift WocdandSlnnnmahun-
Ine ; clocks. Millions of Ion- have biokon from
theii lasieiini } , * . and aiu going down
tlie swollen iheis at n teiiltUi
rate. It Is said the loss ( o Inmboimen will
approach s : , OiM.tH\i At this place there Is
over two toot of water In many stioets. Ito-
jxnts from Ciimeion state Iho gieater pait of
that town is under vvatoi , and the icsldents
are in tear lest then houses be swept
away. Man.v lesldeiices had lobe MUM toil.
A million loot ol hms weie torn loo-e and
swept down limit's Knn. Saw mills and dams
In various place- along the clocks aio In
Imminent datiiioi of being caiiied awaV.
The wafer Is well up in Drift Wood creek ,
whole considerable datiiauo has been done.
Till-i-a anxiety and oxoile-
meiit lliiongh thovallo } .
\\'u \ \ t.i vvi-i'onr , I'a. , Jan. 4. Ruin began
falling 1 heie heavily all tlav anil evening.
The small -tieams aie ovei Mowing '
and the Siisiiiehanna | Is rising last ,
News loielvcd liom points tin thu
liver lepiiit all the stieam.s
are hlcli. A big lloid Is Inevitable. Heavy
land -lidos' have ocetint d near Montgomery
and othei points east of hole. Iliidgcs have
nwashtd awa ) from over.small slieams ,
uuii travel on public toads Is wliollj inter-
iiipted. The lOseivoli ol the Wllliamspoit
watoi woiks Is neailj ovei Mowed , and ap-
pioheiisionsol alueak pi'-valls.
I'M r-iu no , Jan. : : . - has been raining
liote almost Incessant ! } sliuu Katmdii } night.
Telegraphic communication with the east has
been seiionslj Intelleieil with. The wiles
on all loules aie woiking haul and tpiito a
number have been pios-lialod bv high winds.
II vnitisnruo , I'a. . Jan. I. Wlilleii freight ,
train on the l'eniisiv.inia i.ulwav w.iscioss-
iiitf a bridge at hheiman's eieoK lo-nllil , 0110
of the-pans weakened bv hluli winds , gave
wa.v ami pieelpilated the engine and eight
eais inlo the siienm rive men went down
with the wieck. Two ol the cion succeeded
In lobculng the engineer , who was b.ully
hull. A hrahomatt named ruiblt was gotten
on slioieand con\cyed lo the station at Dun-
o.iniion wheio ho tiled. The conductor of
No. 1 is lopoi led dead , ami tlio liieman anil
two biakemen ml-shi' ' .
Dvwso.x. I'a. , Jan.I This nioining a
heavy wind stoim nniooled Tvione school
house. 'A Illile child oi D. S. Miieklei'H was
buried In the dclins : iml v.hoii extiicaled
was found to be badly hint aboul the head
ami face. A boy ot Dav hi Newcomers hud
his skull 11 no ) m oil and is In a piecaiioiiscon-
dltlon. Several othei ihildioii vvoie moie or
lo-ssoi.ilohe.l and bnils d. The gieatest ox-
ollemont piovallod lor a limo , s It was ie-
potted many had been killed.
The Itll/7.ard a ( Chlunuo.
Cinr Afio. Jan. 4. The -ovoie snow ami
-leel ttpnn which has b cn raging through
out the noilhwest since .Salmdcj lias serious-
Iy Intelfeied with the telegraph vvlies In all
dliccHons. All lines west ol heiu are down
ami communication with thocstt , is very Un-
Ofllltlfll f\ .11 nntjijl , < , . .i tltm < l 1 , . . . , , , | , , flitr
Iowa , ia-t jilghl lojioilcd a blt//aid
llieio. It lias boon snuwlng anil
blowing badlv since Satnidiiy. Thcic was
ahead } a loot ol snow on the giotind and no
signs ol tlie-lunn nballng. DcsMoines and
Omalia also lepoited a heavy .snow stoim and
a second dispatch lopoilod the same tlnoiigh-
out Minnesota and Dal.'ota. The cold wave is 11 } ins ; from the signal seivlce building
in Chicago.
At If an SUN Cl / .
KANSVS Cnv , Jan. 4.A htavy snow
stoim visited Woilein Kansas yesterday ,
extending : is lai wiat as Ne\v Mexico , and
slill eoiiliiiiio-i , Two trains aie lepoited
block.ukd at Dodge City , and the tel graph
lines ate Intel ntplod. Tliesloim began with
sleet and l.i accompanied by wind , which It
driltliig oidly. Aicpoitliom Colorado and
Now Moxico'states that the stoim is one. of
the most seveie ill several } eais. A llgli
snow Mailing heio today. Thetempt'ia-
line is mild.
At KaiihiiH Oily.
KA\-\S Ciiv , Jan , ! . Ovoiland lialns
aii'all del'i > ed on lucounl ol the snow west
ol heie. Tialns weie made upon jhelbanto
l''eand I'liion ' r.iellieln Westein Kansas to
hiinjj in passenaeis Irom the blockaded
Ihioiigh lineThe weather is glowing
eoldci heie to-night.
lilailii-rslcllc ICITusioiiH ? lusi Ccaso on
Kcarnc.v'H SlampliiK Croiind.
KAN I'nvxc i-ro , Jan. I. The city council
to nlghl pa ed to pilnt an older making it
a misdemeanor , witli a heavy penalty at
tached , to continue holding the Kind lot
meetings which have done so much lo eieato
laNe Impiesslons In Hie east by making It
appear that the only prisons In
this city opposed to the Chine-,0 wcio
sand lollois. Supcrvlsm I'm w el I lead a let
ter liom Coiigie-smnii Moiiow , In which Ilia
lattei indicate- the dimeiilliCb he has to tin'
lountei in m.ikliij ; the e.i.tein peoie ) | under
stand thai the leal and sentiment
ol the I'.icllie coast iinli-Chlne-e , and that
Hie I'lloiis ot the people ol till )
coast to M'ttlo llii.s question are
neltlii'i liMVinlliii } 01 violent. MOIIOW
points out II will lita hnid mattei ! > amend
the exl-tlnii leslilctloil a 't nnle-.s the I'acllio
co , ist delegates aie able to ghe assiiianco
that the people cngau'cd in this agilaiion will
be content with legal mi Ihods in -t tUeinent
ol ( he ChiiiCiO ijiiestion.
Common Council Jto
peals ilio Conduit Ordinance.
MII.WAI MI : , Jan. 4. . 'J'ho K-cenlly insti
tuted I Milt , involving tlie franchise 1m aS'OJ , .
JOO iiiiilerttrounil conduit system In this city ,
will , likelj bp discontinued by lea on of to <
daj 'fi action ol the city council In lepcallng
Ih ' e ( iidliKinee , 'lhtclt ( ) believed Ihu fian-
ihl- would allow only the Dor-ell pat
ent , which is now being nnihldOred
in Ninv Voik ami other hugu ea-iein cllles.
to lie used. Jlj alleged liickci ) tlui contiol
ol the company passed Into HID liamls of pur-
tie w ho wi 10 about lo adopt another system ,
as vet niilned , which was the occasion ot the
Mill as vvoll as ot to day's lepeal In the comu
ell , Aliollierolillniilii-o will be ] > ass I spccN
I \ iiiii ; that tlio eomi.iiu | .shall iif-e only the
stv ] . ' ul romhilt uiiginallv Intomlul by the
count II.
* * - , * -
'J'llO I'llKHOIIKl'I'S 'Ml Sill ( ill ,
COM Mill * , < in. , .Ian ! . Thi' bteamer If.
I ) . Chljile ) , which wa sunk In the Chatlrv
nooga ilvei t-atindiiy nlghl , had u JOIKI
qmintlt > ol miscellaneous fielghl and liW
bales ot lotion. Man ) of the passengcri
chilli ; to Hie cotton and p.uts ol Iho wicc4 !
until npliy the .sle.inier N'i.uil , which
iMiue along H > oii atlei Hie disaster ,
W < 'alli'r for To day.
Mioiin VAU.IA 1'alr wealhel , rtwly
tciiipeiatunt in noithein poitlonj
tali intempeiatiiieln Mintlieii ! pnillou ,
pieiededb.i temiieiat 10 ; nortni
cilvmd - , li v.iiiiibh1.
lh < > i'oililon.
AH.AMA , ( in. , Jim1. . - TodayBdU in tlio aiipciloi coint dismissed III * fo
lltion ot the liquor men lor.i mandamus "out'
pclling Iheoidiiiary lo heai the M xtt'it ovot
the PKJ' ' ihitiiiii elei tion. Tlit"'i b > ) 111 net
jo ; to t.'il ; aiipiemo cuuit.