THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , MONDAY. JANUARY 4. 1880. llr ; ) x > r.iii < . mrillitm fle ; l-nijlMi a mtt . lr an.irn.l . r.irrurma , Lnugwnoo , lie. Ittn/iK 1.V : nlbrrt" . c ; poannti. Hand j.l.-kwl. . \ Irt Inln , C < r'ifu inaMrtl si , , . . SAtT.n KiiAn-lifst finality ,"X . ) h2baiiel : i . . . ' I'HKM.nvi.a. .in.rna.'rf mcs : ft'l UiitK 'JO-Ib. ) ii < l < MM > r In. . 10 : ! ) ! Wl..J < ) o : n oiiiil. fi-ifi Blister doz. . J.oo. c-Mlos. nil Kind * . ni--t prude. 'O-llt. palls per 1J > . , fo : ns'oilul , iirt piade. Mb. jmlls JUT ( to ? . , So ; do. rlb. pnll , per do ? . , S-.T'i ; ilo. l-lli. jtnils i-er c-i'i' : , ii do/ . . S'J/io ; do. Jcliooncisprrilf7. . * ; . - { . - , : do. tumbler * . ) > tfr e , u doSI. . 10 : nil Und s < coml trade , lb. Jmlls IXT Ib. , . * . Mlni-c .Meat , I M , | 4 bll. . . Hi. . 7r ; do. 1 , 3S and Oil Ib , Jin Ib , . T' ' r ; do. .Vlb. jmlK prrdo ? . , $0.m ; njijitu biittci. i-xtia line , ' < bl-l. . per II ) . , To ; ll > ] inllsin ] II ) . T1 c ; do. VI li. jmlU. 1 01 doH'.fhi. . jwdi mul filuiri Iniltfi. tO-lb , vans ) irr ll . l'sr ) ; in-m-li. plniii nnd ( ininrc1 Iitiltri. ns oil < d. .VII ) . iiaiN. jior do/ . , PT.'iO : talsnji f.SintltTHi , lini t made. IMT ra c. B doiilnt t nltlp . 5WX ) ; 1 OPMJ ladi'li. nint bottles , wi doSI.V ) . Jlnow v ( Vmov l.av\rpnci > 1,1 , . T < \ Shnw- intit hi , . TKIJoncr Dam Ifa ; Atlantic 1. K , . ' ; Indian lload , ToVaiiplin \ < 't f > * ( c ; rroun XXX ( ) ' P : ( Mitten CCO , Cc , ' ; UticaC. 1. 5' ' < c. J'KlS' rii- : | , 'I Illl'f. AMI I , MllCToVOlT.S ! ! < fppt ] KT U I'bl. ' . Sl.iS : do. M Wl. . S'J.-tO : do. | IPI Mt.'SI.W ) . I.inbV ! : toiifU ? ( " ) IHT X bb ! . , ti./0 : ; do. | < T kit. ? ' , ' .7 : > ; do. qimit jars IKT do ? . , yt.'fc. do. iilnt laistiti oan1. J doit.H ) . 'I'llnc , IIPI } < j libl. . SM..V ) ; do. IKT > fibl'l. ' .V.VJ5 ; do , UPJ Ml. UV. Htoilcd in.ick , new. IKT iMsi' . WJ cans , . M.MO.NI > < Molnii > , per box , S'.OO. OiiANfii : i Vak-ticiii , per an' , t-20 slyc. S7.0 ( ) : 1'loilda , IMT bo\- . * : i.'iO ; l.onMana , iior bov. SI.'IIIT : ; ) bb ! . i , Ari'i.r.sI'HIIOV New ioik and Michigan apple" , perbblij5.7.V 'l,00. ; lanc\ New York and Mlrliltili : ti)1es ] ) ) , 5 lilil. loti , pet bbl. , t'tt : lanex Xew Vork nnd Michigan apples 10 lilil. lots , per bill. , S2.W ; lIlinoN apples per bbl. ? ' , ' .7ri ; Illinois apples 5 bl > l. lots , per bbl. , K'.iVi ; Illinois apples , 10 bill , lots , per bbl. , S-J.40 ; Allsvoutl ( ienllons , ftblil. lols. per bbl. . V..ti.'i ' ; .MIsMitiil ( lenltons 10 bbl. lots , per bbl. . 5:1.00 : ; fancy eatinir , PCI bbl. , St.'j. ' . ; eliol < ( > .Mieldiran linit. M.M : In lOto'J. ) bbl. lots. S.'L'il : car lots. ? l.00 ! OitAi'iis Malaga , pt-r bbl , 7.00 ; Cata\\ba , jicr basket. i > l ( xt CiiAMii.iinir < > - Cnpo Cod , fancy dailc , ppr bbl. . V..OO ' ; ( 'upe I'otl. lancy daik , f > bbl. Inls pri bbl. S .M ) ; .lei-ey JU-11 nnd liiiilc ; , per bbl. , 8S.OO ; .Jersey Hell and IJiinle , h obi. lots , per bbl , , 5r7.)0 ; .leisey Dell iind Huslp , per box , SifiO ; Wi.s- coiisln Hell and Cliotiv , jierbbl , ifi.M ) ; Wis consin Hell and t'lienv , 5 bbl. lots , per bbl , 1'iiriT 1'cnrs K.Ucitrrc and pound ) ears , per box. Sii.OO. I'IIOVISIO.NS. limn , 10'iiillc. ' , ( bicakfast haiiin , s'iC'Ik'M'leai ' fcldu b.icon , 7cdi ; > salted f < ldos ft * : hlifiuldoi.s Mi ai pitted , A11 ' ; mess 1101 k per lib ! . . S13.W : laid. 10 Ib. can's , per Ib , H' < 7 . . ; 1i. ( Aiiml ' ) Ib l-'alibanks , 7 jusc ( ; dt led beel bains. 1V.V. liiA. : > s Cuoil clean stock moots \\lth irady ( ale. Hand picked nuv\Sl.T.X"-.C ; inedluin , SLoOcil. ? . * ! : uood clean country , Sl. ' Xiil. 10 ; Illfplidl 7.V ( M.nO. O vi i-iis N. y. counts * " * : PMia selecls , 8bc ; .selccl.s , I.k1 : slandaid.s.JiOc ; iiiediiiins. U"io O.MIIVS .Snlt LakeMock lsM'lliniat Sl.OO per busliel ; common home louii ie < K 7k' ( ' r c. TliPKi aio a lew cxtia choice ! in thu Maiket tbat aiu bcld at Sl.OO per Co.M.--AnlliiicluKiate : ! , Ss.7t : e , runiie , S.7n ! ; t'bejitlint. S" < .7r > ; Io\\a , . Walnut block , 51.00 ; Illinois , .CO ; Kicb Hill , VI 0(1. ( Fit u HAND SKIVS.Mink , each , 10@TOc ; ninskiatlnler. . 'JteV do. kits > c ; Otter , t'.Woiii.dO ; hknnk , Mioit striped , l.ViW5 ( : ' do1 bioad Miltined , 10Wir ; badger. 'JSC'O'X ) ; I'nc- coon , \o. I laiKe. lli'riO ( ! ; do. iVo. a , UOiffaoj do. i\o. it. lOiit'JK1 : wolf , pialiic. SOyfinV ; do inonntnln , SiUWW.OO ; wildcat , ir.fffiO ; bea- \eiSl..Ii ti.r.Opui Ib ; locacli , ( : dierskln : . dt\ winter , 15t51bc pel Ib ; do. lal | and sinnniei UOfCJ5c. ( JliDis : Ciieen Diitciieis' , 7c ; , . , . - , . . . Hint , He ; diy wilt , Hie ; dani.iceil hides t\\o-tlilidh julre. Tallow le. U lease , in hue \ \ 'lite.le. ' . .Slipi'ii 1'clU lot75c. ! ( ! ijKA-nin : .No. 1 I'ltMinn : harness.I. C. L. .tSons , SV , ; Xo. 1I'ltlsburg , K. to S. 8c ! ; No. Cincinnati , : r > e ; No. 1 lace leather , COc ; piiino Iciiah lei-sole leather , > ( ' ( ; inline oaks lu leather. ttViri..it1. Upper leather , per loot.'o ® 2 c ; Ilein kin.7.Y > iKVoak ; kipsXtiUHMKicnrii kip. Sl.OOfiM.25f Hem calf. Sl.oO ( > 1.10.tMk calf. 8 UXX ! , ' . ; 1'ieneli ealf , fel.U.'iO&l.SV. Mo- loceo boot leir , ! .0@f.'c : : Morocco oil pebble. MSr.'c : ; topplncs and linings , SG.OOfuilO.ix ) jicrdo ? ilKAW ilAimwAitn Iron , rates , SS..T , plow .steel , special east , -Jo ; crnciblu bteel , Oc ; nut tools do , l'.J ( < ilS > e ; wagon spokes , per set. 1.7.'Xftt.OQ : : hubs per set. . " 1.23 , lelloes. saued diy , islAO , tongues , eaeli , 75e , axles , eacli , 7.r > c ; squaio nuts , per tl > . , 7@llc ; coilchain per 1 ! , ( KigrJc ; inalable , So ; lion sedges , Cc : prowl - l > ai .0 ; liaiiow teeth , -le ; spring steel , 7 < si > c ; Jliiidcn's horse shoos SI.'Jo , liiinlcn'.s iniilo bhoes , t > .ri. ! . HaibedViie In car lots Si.oo per 100 Ibs. Jion Nails Kates , 10 to 00 , S3.1I Sliotr-&l..riU ; linuksliot , Fl.W : oiienlal voider , kec * . SH.W ) 1.00 ; do , halt lwffs.S2.00 ; do , quarter IKB. I . ) : blastlnir , kess , ; ho DerlOOli-et.riOc. Lead. Uar. Sl.Oa. DIIY 1'AiXTh Whltolea < l. he ; Kreiicli/inc , /ncl'ailswlillini,2 : > < c ; whitincgilderslc ; liltlnir.eoin'l , I'jcslatnublack. ( leriiiantown , I''c ; Ininiiblnclc , oidinary , lOo ; I'tussian blue , 65c , , untrnnurlne , it-c : v.iiuijke. biown. be timber , burnt , - c ; timber , raw , -le ; fctenna , blunt-ip ; sienna raw -ic ; 1'a iscreen. eenu- ine-Oc ; raits picun , connnon , "Oc : ciiromo pieen , N. Y.'v'Oe ; cliionie cieen , K , 12c ; vermillion - million , Knu'llsli. In oil a.sst 1 > * C' raw nnd biiint timber llbeans. lUc : raw and biitnt nlenna. lOc ; \andvko Dnmn , iu : ) ; relincd Ianiblnek. | ) P-'c ; eoaeli lilael ; nnd ivory bhillc lOc : chop black , ific ; I'liisslan blue.lOc : tin traniatin" blue. . ] S < c : chroiuo Kieen , 1. . . JU A 1) ) . , l c ; blind and Miutler uieen , ! > . . M to I ) . lOc ; Tails Kieen , Ibc ; Indian red , 15c ; Veno tlan led. fi" Tuscan led.'o : American ver iiillllon , I ; , to 1) . , ! iuu ; > ellow oeiite , l > o : L. M t 0.1) . , ! & < ; Kolden oclue , lOe : patent dryer J e ; Bmlniiiu colon , IlL'hto.ik , daik oalc , wal nni. chestnut and asb l.V. J'AINIH IN On. \ \ blto lead , Omalm , P. I' 7c ; white lead , St. Louis , pmo P7. J ) ; Maisell- les 'ieeii , 1 loSlb cans , < ; Ktencb yinc , green seal , PJe ; l'ienebinc. . led seal , lie ; r'leneli 7(110.111 ( vninlsh bit , "Oc1 ; Kienclizlnc 7.10ennlllliiii. : . Ameiiean , IHc ; Indian , led lOcrose : pink , lie : Venetian , ted ( . 'ook.son .s ' ! ? 4e ; Venetian ix-d , Ameiiean , t 4e ; led lead 7 > < ; e ; clnoinn yellow genuine , 'AH ; ; clnnmo \vllo\v , K. l"c : oetiio roelielle : e ; oehrn I'leneli , 'J5te ; oelno , Ameiiean'o ; \\inters mineral. 'Jj8e : Lehluh liiown. 'J'ue ' ; tinanlsii brown. o ; Pnneu's mlneiil : ' u OILS lK'fartinei ' ) ( ) L' ; 1M ) bead light , jier callon , le ! ! ; 17r > o bea d I ij .peiKal Ion , life ; Ifloo water \\hlte. linsee per trillion , 4-le. ; linseed , boiled , per ijallon 47e : lard , winter btr'd ] ) er uallon. 5 c ; JNO J-tfc ; No. U , t''e ; castor XX.\ , per jiMtm SLM ) ; , Cl.4-1 ; b\\eel , iier irallon , Si.OO , HICIIII. W. H. , per callon. 51.00 ; lishV. . U. , iier'k ! ; nentsfoot e\tia , ) > er gallon , We ; No. 1. OtV : lubilcatltiforo , per gallon * ! 0e ; sninnier , lf < e : mojdcn machine , No. l , per iiallon. : iOe ; No. ' . ' , av ; sperm , signal , pcrKal- loii,7.rHi : tin pentine , per gallon , 10 .0 ; naptha , jtcr eallon , tie. \ AKMMir.s HarielP , per pallon : Fnrn-t tint' . e\tni. ) ; furniture , Xo. l , Sl.uOj foaeli , extra Jft.-lO ; coacli , No. 1. Sl.SO ; Dainiirtui , S1.73j Japan , "Oo ; asnlinltiiin , i-xtru , shelluo , Imru oil linlsli , Cologne siliit.s ] , ibs proof , Si. W ; do 101 ) iioof , Sl.KI.sjiiilts , M'c'oml Kolden shear , bonilion and i > u J > I.rjOit,00. : IJrandlesJnipotled , ( domestic , Sl.fiOiJfii.OO. ( ilns Impoited , S- ( rdl,00 ; dmiii'Stie , SI.W ) ii.)0. : ( ) Itiims Im- IMiiteci. SLfitXiiSOO : New Knislandt'.OO t.OO ; dotuestle , s.l , ; > 0 ( < f.n ! ( ) . Clmmpaijiies Im- iiorled , | ) , S-HOAiMil.OO ; Ameilean , per o , tlb.OJOilO.OO. > ( ( ! . . . nne n , . . . neatly . nil lines , but blocks are ino\liiK Mnwiy. v t tiwln Is Inooked for in all iiuilkel . llolhuid lieuInij , new , per Ie ; ? . Wo ; new Joii ) , ' split stocklUli , lOo , now blunt split . , , , itiisDonu'stlo lloll.uul herrings bi'M > itiis- : kegs 60o ; llnsslan Kiullnc's , 45o ; Audio vies In Klass , < iu Hull brami. jjer mu. , 53.M ) ; Anchovies in KefOlu ilnll brand. S4.00 ; biilced llambiii hoirllit'S e > llns and heads oil , pur p.ill , 31.13. ni.iiiii.sns - \ CATCH. H1MP fill's Or. lllUPJsKU xitr I IXK ) , 10J VJ U ) M IS K ll ) ? < IACIijHii. : ( lhi > 3 CATCH. ) liliU llulf lltiUQlr 11U Now U. M ) M W W 40 lIlontcrMets. , . jO n I Ki. No. IBh'r. . . it ( OU Wll SUU305 101 id NO. ] Hhoin. . , , . i > > to u w. b ujj to a w i 10 Ned , No. 1 blioie. . . 1,1(10 ( , T to css a srsaj to llaj- . 11 III 0 ( X ) , 5 IJJOJ-'iO , 75 Lnruo Family. , . V UI , & ( Ml 4 6J 2 M a 1U ( l' " . . . ; uu 4 w ; u io.a ijj.i ' , \ ) \ u UKE 116tl flShT , . . . | H'fIII < ftfa- Jiuo py ( J o 11 10 No 1 \ \ hue I Ml 7 00 0 303 son 10 I f 4 W rntnllj- " 3 r/.l 152 0,11 TO f3 M No. 1 Trout. . 4 ffl4 002 M2 10 74 < V > No. 1 Pickerel 4 ( W 3 00 S . ' ) J 1 J J ( is ) GJ Pl < lil.KI ) SM.MOV. MWFT l/iil" / Hlf llbliTJr. FltiM Palls or kin niood Hf < i i i i i i i i r Aln kn. . 14 007 JOG fOS M)3 ) 101 2. ' > 1 01' ' W ) Illood Ued | I i I | I | I J'al Jll OOT MO ft ) 1 03 10 t ! - .LOj ] _ ) rt it. < l-0i CACTII. " 7T rieit " "I'M ' riTriibT tTr litilsTiili or Kit Nonvpclnn I ! | i | ' I KKK iiei ing * n ror wic Kin M3 101 i ot ro Norn t plan I I I I (107 ( me r.i MS 00110 ui 4 fin 4 uijs : w t iw | eo ns , co .t New larsr- bank cod , 4c ; MM Kitifr. ( iconics rtimil : ,0o : eloior leaf. ( ieoices ships. Ilijc : I It ) lolK 2 Ib boxes. fi P : Halilclloucr , 21b brick , < V ; wild lose , ' . Ib In ii I ; . .V e. hMiiKui Kisii-Halibut , now , lOc ; new scaled heirlug * . -'c ; inai-Keiel I'-'o ; salmon , 1'C : Miinked ttuiuciiii. Ifc. nuincrs . . . . _ . Ditu.n Kitfiis No. 1 winner nwlpiIVci i rvapoiated , hoses fc ui'c ; blackberries , I boxes. U 4M i , e : iieaehrs : iastein.-l : /rf.'i c : peaches , evaporated , Is fglTc ; halt Lake , new , s ifj'.v ; rasjibetties , new. S.'XfZ'.JTc ; ent rants. nei i , < ni e ; jiinnes. ne5 st'j.ife. bMti I Standard C 2-p. bbls : .Stainlniil , do4- . trillion l.ecs , SI..1"New ; ( Jrleaiis'lyuKM pernallon Miiplo Sjinii , ) { bniiel. 1' . At O. strlelly inne , 7Uc per gallon ; 1 gallon cans Sli.'J. " ) pel do/ : * > , gallon cans .Vi5 ier doz ; tjiintt cans t.i.oo M OAIIS I'owcleied , "Vc ; cut loaf , 7J < c ; Riantilated , 7'fe ' : conteetloneis' A. 7' , ( ! ; Mandaid e\ttaC. ( ilsc : extia C. 0\c ; inedl nni > ellovv. ! ' | . New Otleans. . " > 8jtnO'-jp. I't.fti Ton \ ccoClimax. . < letter Ib ; Horseshoe - shoe , 4'"c ' ; Star , 4'c : hpearhead , 40 ; Otir Hope M e ; I'iper Heidslclc. OOe : I'uiieli , 40c ; 1 cuing 1'iitz , 41c : Slhet Tatt , 4 ( > cMM. : . : ! ' ! < . Itoi-i : yistl , H ' "ch and I.trzer , 834'c ; Inch , 9l e ; K inch , u Hc. JANM.D Goons Oysters , Standard per rie.s , per c.ise , Su.OO ; plinns , per ease , S40J ; wluiitleberrics , tier case , S'J. 10 ; epic plums. J-1L. , perea < e , S'i.'JO ; ureen traces 'J-Il .t per ra e , i'" " ; jilne apples , ! i-Uj. , per case , S3.liO , ( } l.W ) . MA rcnns 1'er caddie , aV ; loitnd , rl. case , 4fic ; bijuan1 cases , 61.70 ; U lilcosli eases , K ifl.'M : iniile siiii.ue. S ! . : ) . CANIIV .Mixed.i ! > i@l2c : stick , ' ' , ( i nc. ' faiiiiA In Ib papcis , S3.'Jj a case ; snlsoila kej ? jier H , S'itw. \iM.d.\it Cinnii l"1 ; \\liite wine , 13 ( Woe. bl'.ct1itotind ( lllnek peppei , boxes , 1" > WJiic ; ill-lib e , l.'iiMiio ; cinnamon , IVK' ' . " ) ' ; eloxc113 iic : in.'or , l"i 'Joe ; miisluul , ID C" " " > ' . 1'icKi.ns Medium In barrels , sr.OOsdo I n halt hands. Sl.oO ; small in battels , SS.IK ) ; do In hall luirels , St.'iO ; jilieikins in barrels , tu.oii ; do in half banels , S.ioo. SAI.I lniloads , per bbl , S1.53 ; Ashton. In sacks , iaiB batUs , Ashton , 'JOii' bbls CIIACMIIIS darnean's soda , butter and picnic , r > ' e ; ereinib , S ) ) e ; KiiMer snaps , S ) e ; Citv soda , 7 } e. CANIU.KS Hexes , 401b , Os IPe ; S , boxes,4011) , 10 oz , ( is , li-.c ; hall box , Fi.vr. CUT Ilaid to Heat , 70c ; Cliaim of the . . . . . SOAI-S Kiik's Savon .Imperial , E3.00 ; Kiik's satinet , SH.lfi ; Kiik's standard. W..VJ ; Kiik's White IJuhblan. Sl.OO ; Klrk'a White Cap. $ fl..r > 0 : Dome. sl.W. ll 10. S'xi ; _ foul's bulk. 4c. bricns dround Ul.ick popper , bo.xos 15 ( ? -'c ; al'sjiice , rj&Jl'c ; cinnamon IbOj-.ic ; cloves , 15 'Joc ; t'lnyer , ICiji' ou ; mustaid , 15 ( Corrnns Otdinary grades , ' . c ; lair , ( J4@ ! 10' ' c ; prime , lic ! l'-'jc ; choice. 12'C"13iju ; 13 > < i- Keel Cioss , 13140 ; s. Aibuckle'sand MeLaushlln'.s XXXX aie sold 50e per ease oil abo\e prices in : t-case lots. TKAS ( innpowder , fair , R0@)7 : ; good , -tr > @ STc : choice , fiotaTSc ; Rood Impelial , 40g4c ( : ! ; choice , r,0t7V ( ( ; ; Young Hyson , peed , HOYyM llry UooclH. PIIIXTS Steel Unvr , 4Uc ; Amcilcan , r , Ai nold's , fie ; Coeheeo , fie ; Manchester , tm Iivmaii. Gloucester ; , .rJ < .e : Dunnell .lac- quaid , r.c : Dunncll , .r > 5fc ; Windsor , fie : r.i cllie , fie ; Harmony. 4 } e ; Anchoi Shillings , 7 e ; Meiiimack Shlitliigs , 4'fjc ; Berwick , fle. fle.Ill Ill i AfllKn COITOVS Kanueis' cholco , CMe ; < a'ot ' ) , rC ; Hojie , 7p ; 1III1 4-t , 7'c ; Hill % . fiXc 0 LonBdale , 8 ; Kruit , b c ; Wain' hiilta , 10jc ( ' < nsur JKAifs Kraisarste. 7c ; Armory , 7e ; IVppcroll , 7 c ; Indian Oiehard , o ; e ; Nanmkeajr , 7c KIM : HnowN CciTioxs I'eiipciell 15. C'/e ' ; Pepporell O. flj e. Atlas , C < 4c ; Mutuo of jJib- city , Oc : Saranae ll , 0Hc. I'm.N'rs Steel Hi ver , I , ic ; American , .r 'fe ; Anidld'f , x ? : C'ocheco , Oc ; Manchester , Gc : Ijvman , f > c ; ( iloucestcr , SKe ; Dun ne , 'ludiiiil | , Oe ; Dunnell. % : Kama po , : i > ac ; U'indsoi , Oc ; I'aellie , tic ; llaimony , 4'ac ; Anchor Shillings , 4j o ; Meirlmack iShiithiKS , 4Me ; lieiwlck , 4e. DIIMMS Ifeaver Creek AA. He ; Heave Clock , HH , lOc ; Heaver ( Jieek C'O. ! > e ; .Jauioy XX , Ho ; Jntricy XXX , V'c ; .lallieyD.VT , % ; Columbian , I'J'fj'cl Yoik , ISu ; Yoik , tancy , WHc : Ivverett , lac ; llaymakei's blue and biown , 7' c. ic ( Unbleached ) Sor. Magnolia. 10 Mufinolia , I''e ; B o/ . West 1'oiiil , 10o . We-t I'olnt. 1'Jkc. Dune ( eoloiedl lioston 0 oz. binwn and drab , KIUe : Hoston O 11 blown and drab , 'Jc ; Huston XX blown and drab. lOo : Hoston XXX blown am ! drab , H' o ; Hoston 01' blue , HKe : Wniien Tilunt , loe. TifKiNos Am kcae ACA , ll c ; Thorn. dike OOO , 7fe ; Thoimliko fancy , ' -We ; \ oik olOSc ; Vork fancy , l-J o : Milllmiy , 12 c : 1'earl HI ver , U'5e ; Hamilton. I'-'e : Switt Kiver. fife : bhetuckot b , b a ; Shetucket SS tic , , : MonlaukAA , 1'Jo ; Montauk UH , 10fc } ; Omeita ACA , lii' ' c liiNOHAMS Kentiew. ' .HaJlOi e ; Amoske.i' chi'-is. ! 'c ' : Amo-keai : . staple , 7' < , c ; Iv.inhou ti'.c ' ; Wamsiitta. t > > < ; c : .Nubian. hyc ; Wa- \\fck , hHc : Whittendon , I'c ' : Hates diessbc ; Hates- , staple , OVc ; Kandolph. Maple , Lansdowne , 7c ; ( iloucestei , i\c. Cmiviois Amoskea ' , ehecits.OJic : k-jaif , stripes b c ; Slater , 3ttiies | , be : Kdln liurii , UJie ; \\liittciiliiii ( , stripes. Sc : ( Jlen- lose.'Jo ; Otis , cheeks , ; < o ; Otis , stripes , 'Jc , Hojal G { c ; Amoskea1 ; , napped , ID'fe ' ; hu- ray , book fold , 1'Jo ; Oburon , book fold , JU < c ; nuurance , book fold l-o. Dry Ijumucr. Shlnt'le.s have advanced r > e nnd dimension 60e In Chicago. _ DIHUNSIOVS ANT ) IIMIIKIIS , _ " " | i "l I i i 12 ft U ft 15 ft 18 ft 0 ft ! ft 21 ft . IUI .60 14.50 15 60 . . . . 2jB . 15 0(1 15.0J IS ( X ) 18.00 18.W 10.I i'xlU. . iri.lKVlfi.OO 1500 IB.IX ) 1T.OO 'JO.tW 20.DO s\ii. . iifitoiri.oo.i5.iiii . iroo iron 10.00 so.M ( nn.i.\o : Clear , | t ! . - ! : Yellow I'ino , . . 14' ° ° CleariJneh Norway. , , . ! ' i-'d Com , , ? ' Inch , Noi wav 13.0U Pl.VIblll.XI. 1st and 2d Clear , \M incn.s. 2s . , ? MOO 1st and 2d Clear , I > ? and2inch , s'.N. . . . M)00 ) ! ! d Clear , 1'i ' llieh.s''s 4-5iX ) KdClear , Us andilni'h , s 2s 4SOO U Select. 1 > ( , 1H andS inch. s. 2.s 80 00 1st and sd Oleai , 1 inch , s. 2s MOO tldelear. 1 Ineh , s2 44.V ) A Select , 1 inch , s , Us 4000 U Select. 1 Inch. s. 2 stlOO IIAIIKXSV1I1.I. . TU1IIM1 , I'tCKKlS. O. 0.11.UU , 2V4 tncti SCO 70 " ' < xi.bls : ooio 3 Inch Well Tubing 1) . .V M. and Uov. . 20 60 BOAltDS. Xo. 1 Imanls , 12,14 and lfl ft ? 10.M No. Uboaids 12,14 and 1(5 ft 14.CO No. 8 boards , IS , 14 and 10 ft 12..W No.4boards , 12 , Hand 10 ft , , , . , 10.50 FKNCI.NII. No. 1 , 4 A0 Inch , 18 and Hlect , iough..810.00 No. l , 4 A0 inch , 10 feet , rouyh 10.75 No. 2 , \ , v 0 Inch , 12 and 14 feet , rottsh , , 13.73 .No. 2 , 4 to6 Inpli. 10 feet , loiifh 14.23 PA in u ION. 1st Com. , V Inch Whlto Pine SrAOO 2dCom. , ft inch Whlto 1'luo , 2U.50 ri.OORlNO. IMCom. Cinch , white pine . S 00 inch , white pine . 34 00 Pd Com. C inrh , white pine . 2900 D. 0 Inch , white pine . WOO Com 4 nmt 0 Inch ; yellow pine . li.oO Slar4aiidOIneh > ellowpino . 21.00 1st and 2d clear jellow jiino , 4-C inch. . . lil.OO suir LAP. Xo. 1 , Plain , 9 ami 10 Inch . $17.00 No. 2 , Plain , S and 10 Inch . l-r'W * No. 1,1) . ( i . 37..V ) ' ' ° ' ' Al2lncblSl5Ti4C'Vl' ; ' 'feei . S40 00 ] J ' " ' . 41 00 ( j < i ii , i n ii 11 . 30 ( / j ) ii n n it n ii . jjjj Xo. 1 Com. 12 in. s. 1 s 12 , It and 1C ft ! . 17 Xo. 1 " " " 10. ISand'JOft. . 18 No. a " " " 12 , 14 and 10 ft , . 15 M POPI.All l.VMIIIlll. Clear Poplar HoUds , } < In , s 2s . 891 00 " 3 * In , panel stk wide , s2s. 27 0 " Corrutlated Cellini : , H T , . . . S2 CO inch , clear , 5 ? 1.50 ; 0 inch , . 1 W ) No 1 . 1 10 hath . 52 : ' VOSf" . White Cedar , fihiPh , hahes . 8 It " " fi > < " " andSlnq'is V " " 4 " round . 11 Tennessee red cedar , split . 14 . I.IMK. hie. Qulncv white lime ( best ) , S.V ; rpmcnt. Akron , SI. " , ; iilaster , S2.X : ) ; hair , ] nr bushel UOc ; asll , Mierc.ent ) | off IM ; doois blinds , motildinirs , jo IKT cent ofi list ; taired tell , per uwt. , S1.70 : htniw board. Sl.OO. AN OLD CRIME. Col. Alston to IIP Tried Tor the Kill I it C of Dr. WIHMI In IH50. A Houston , Texas , spoeial of Dceembei Msiiys : Slieiill'.J. .1. Itnnkiti of I'nyottu count v arrived in the city last nijjlil will Col. ll. 1' . Alston , a wealthy and prom inunl planter of Ore fr comity , In ens totly , who is under indictment tor murder and assault to commit murder in Fnyetto county. The crime for which Col. Alston is held to answer was com mitted two 3 curs before the war. The fnets nro as follows ; Alston was then residing in I'ujettc county and \vns u bold , outspoken friend and advo cate of ( Jen Sam Houston. A bitter an tagonism , the result of n luw suit , spran- ; up between Col. Alston and Dr. Wren , : i prominent olti/.en of 1'iijotte county. Tin ) Milt beiny decided in Col. Alston's faun-K ) embittered Dr.rcn that he .swoie he would kill Alston on sijrit. | Itoth were known to bo men of do peratu conrago , and their friends attempted to heal the breach , hut without The loth of November , 18. ) ! ) , was election day , ami ( Jon. Houston was elected governor. Col. Alston , although a strong supporter of the "Hero of San .laeinto , " hesitated about goiiiK to the ( Kills , but he hail been in Texas a long while and felt ho would not bo doing his duly if ho did not go and vote for his friend. Consequently lie went to the polls at La IJiango , the county seat of 1'ajetto county. While there ho encountered Dr. Wren and his overseer , and , as Alston an ticipated , they made an attack upon him. \ \ hilo Dr. Wren was endeavoring to draw his , revolver it caught in his sus pender , and ANton shot the doctor through the heart , killing him instantly , and turning suddenly ho Mopped the overseer , who was approaching AKtou from the rear with a drawn bowie knife , by putting a bullet into his body. The overseer beggocl so lustily for his life that Col. Alston i of rained from killing him. After the shooting Alston lied into Kast- crn Texas , liv ing in Cherokee and ihi'-k counties. Ho was residing in that portion tion of Kusk county which was cut oil' to form a portion of Giegg county , and hens he has resided for thu last twont.v- ! > i\ years , honored and re.speeled by all classes , Col. Alston is now 01 jears old. He is a tall , hale , heaity , robust- looking man , with strong , rugged face , which lights up with a kindly ox- presMoti when in conversation. Col. Alston has accumulated a largo property in ( Jrofrpr county , nnd Shciin'nankin .says no man is a better citi/en , stands higher. or has moro friends than the colonel where ho lives , and when ho went to leave the people flocked around the 'colonel in crowds , nnd he could have given bail in any amount if ho ( Hankm ) had authority to take it. On the train Col. Alston said to the sheriff : "J am an old man. I do not want to get away from you , hut want to go and get out from un der the shadow of this case , so do not take mi ; along as a prisoner. I could have resisted your arrest and made it very lively , but I knew you could arrest me , and 1 didn't want any moro trouble. " Sheriff Hankin took the colonel at his word and has kept no watch upon him , allowing him the utmost freedom of ac tion. Col. Alston's arrest , however , is having a very dcpressingelleet upon him , although ho has no fears of the re sult , and has assurance * , from the best citi/.cns of Kayetlo county that they are reaily to go on his bond to any amount. Such a. long time has elapsed .since the killing took nlaco that in all probability no witnesses will lie obtainable vvben the case c'omcs up for trial. Sheriff Uankin and his prisoner lett for Lu ( Jrango to day , and the result of the trial will bo iwaited with inteiest by the veteran fi lends of Col. Alston throughout Texas. Tfhen I ! bj woa rick , wo pave tier Cat tori ft , Wlicn slin was a Child , be cried fur CaetorU , Wlicu she became Ml , nlie clnng to Cncloria , Wh u lie bail Children , kbe gave them Castor ! * , "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. " Tlio Original and Only ( riiiilno. F&fe tiMfclwaji ICrlliblc Hewtrenf Hurllili n Iiulliilom. li.JI.KimU. ; la LADIES. * ! > " UrucdUl (01 ( "Clilchrittcr1 ! , Rtitfllftlt'1 * u I tft < o an ctthrr or uiiloic le. ( uinpota ui fur | arliruUri ( Irittr lijr return mail. NAME PAPER.'blchcXcr Wrmhrnl to. . lifil K MutlUun Nfjniirc. IMiltmlu. , r . At nniiil.l. . Trn < lc in ] rlicl ! > } 1'ullcr A Fullrt fa. , ifalnrn. III. RAILWAY. SI-ZOO O ? Omaha , Council BlBffs And Chicago The only rend to take for Des Moines , Mar- shnlllo n , tednr ItapidsClinton. Illxlo , Chlciiffu , Mllwminrt.r.U ill ! "olnts eiibt. To fho people of NoliiUbka , Coloiailo , Wyomir. ? , L'ti ! : , Malio Nevada , Oregon , WaMilnifton mid t'liuforflM onerdinipoilor ud\mititgcs not possible by any other line Among a few of tno numerous points ot supo- rloiltyonjojcd by the patrons of this road be tween Omaha mid Chicago , mo Its two trains n day ol DAY COAl'UKd which lire the llnet that hiumiii art and Ingenuity ean create. HH I'AI , . ACU Hliii'lNG : : CAMS , which are inodelV of comfort an.1 eleaanco. lib PAHI.OH IHIAW1NU HOO.M OAHS , nnsurnasi-cd b-any , and Its wide- y Lflcbiutoil PAI.ATIAI , UlNlNft UAHS , ilio cqunl of v , liloli eminot bo found ebewhcro. At Council muffs ( ho Mains of the Union I'acj- lie Hy , connect In Union Depot with those of Ilia .hlc.ijfo Ac Norlhweslerji lly. In Chicago the trains of this line make Uoso conntctlun witli those of ml eiuteru lines. For Detroit. Columbus , Indianapolis , Cincin nati , Nhiiram Kalld. llutfalo , Pllteburv , Toronto , lonlieal , Hoston , New York , Philadelphia , Hal- tlmorc WufcliliiKton and ullpolntsin tUueust , ask the ticket life in for tickets via the , "NOIlTll-WKSTBUN , " If you wUh thu beet accommodations. All ticket M"tothliMl1 * Sf.iriWl u . H.S.HAIH. MtiuHt'cr. Gtu. J'uSti. ClilCAOO * OMflHA MANUFACTURERS. | Billiard Tables , run imi'Ngwiov-ii.uKi : t-oi.t.iiNnKiuCco i ' Manufactnrers of Billiard & Pool Tables And Pnloon. Orlico rttid Jlnn't Fixture * . Xlnrkci nml Hiinin St , Clileugo , III. Omnlu ortieo , ,1) : , a loth st. Book Binding , Etc , " "' : i.NTiNo CD , Printers , Book Binders , k Honk Mnnufnctiiipr * . Nni. 108 nnJ ins South Hill Slnrt , Oinnlm , Ncli. Butter Tubs , " " " j. siiVMoru. Mannfactnring of Butter Tubs. en m. .t'c ; 40 n > , wvn : > , 2 < c ; a ) ft. Ke : iw IMIiniuI I'ici-enSI.Oiimhn , Neb. Cigars and Tobacco. " " " " " MAX Jtr.YIIU A. CO. , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos , fintu nnil Aiiiiiiiitiltloii. "l * > In jtPoiitti : Uth fctitet , Kr.'Oto UUI ruriinin Stieet , Unmlin , Nub. l > Tr.u-Ocnvx CiiiAii \ViST : i FHITSCIIKK , Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And Wlioe ! nlo Denier" In Leaf Tolnieeii' . Xos. liks mul HON. Kill Sheet , Onmlm , Cornices. Eagle Cornice Works , John Kpcncter , Proprietor. MamiCai turcr ot nnlMini/iHl lion and ( oinlco. | i i loibe ; , mul Ut and iuri North 10th fctrcut , Omaha , Neb. Itl'UMI'INU A UOt.TR , Mniiufncturursof OninincntM Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer Windows , riniils l c. , : ! ! ) ! . l-'lh St. Workiluno In any junior tlio country. Western Cornice Works , C. SPr.OHT. Proprietor. Onlranl7ed Iron Cornlcei. Ktc. SpcrhO tin. mned Patent Metall't'bkjllght. Dos and 6108. 1 h St. , Onmlm , NcK Doors , Sash , Etc. " ( JATi : CITY ' Planing Hill , floors Pa li and Illinds. Aim all kinds of ttmiltitf. Scroll and Stair work ot u\ory Uu- Bcriptlon. A. UOSr.Nlir.KY , Manilfiicturer and Denier In Doors Sash Blinds , , , Mouldings , Kle. Stair Hulls n specially. Telepliono No. OJ. l.Mh mid Mmcy M. Omalm , Neb. Electrical Supplies. Electrical Supplies , L. W. WOI.riJ & CO. , Klectriclmn , Masonic Illock , Onmlm. Hnr lar Alarms , HelH , I'iio Alarms , Uleetiiu Mattlni ; , Siiuaklnir Tubm , Cold , Sll\er and Nickel Plating , lllc. Iron nnd Nails. OMAHA NAII , MANtTACI'I'ltlNG CO Cut Nails and Spikes , Tire Nnlls a Specialty. Onmlm , Neb. Omaha Iron YJorks Company , Jinchmury , Castinirs , Steam Kiminea , Hollers An hlUctmal lion > \'oik , lion IlildKes , Mining and Mill Maclilnerr , Ollico mid \\orks , Union ' Pacllle K. H. 17th a'nd Ibtli Streets. WUAKNI : & nito. , Foundry Works. Cor. Uth and Jackson Sis. , prepared to do nil kinds of Iron and Unite CahtiiWH ; also , O , C. Uministoi's ItocklnuCrato ll.irs muiiufauturoa Mattresses , 11 M. 1IULSK , Mattress Company , Manufacturing } Inttrcs--o , Ilcitdlnp , Fonther Pillow H , CotH , Kte. IM > and 12US Douglas Street , Omaha. Neb. Overalls , : iT ) MANUrACrUItlNf ! CO. , Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeans Pants , Shirts , Kle , , 1103 and 1101 Douglas Street , Oiniiha , Nob. Paper Bozes. j. L. wiucn : , Manufacturer of Paper Boxes , IMS. Utli St. , Omaha , Neb. Orders by mail so- licllcd and will rocclio pionipt attention. Safes. Omaha Safe Works , O. ANOHKn.V. Manufacturer of Klro and Hur lar Pioof Safes , Viiult Doors. .Inll Work. Shutters ami Wire Work. Cor. llth and Jackson Sis. , Omaha , Neb. Soap , P. J. QUKAM2V , Soap Manufacturer , Jnico and 1'actoiy , near Ponder > Iafra7lno , Omaha Neb. Wagons and Carriages. OliATTON k DKUM.MOND Manufacturers of Fine Carriages ," llmnoy street , Omalm , Neb. Solo Agents In Nebraska for Jones' Celebiated Split r-lmlt Sulkies. l IK.V4. A. .1. SIMPSON , The Leading Carriage Factory , llOUand Ull Jodju ticclOmuhiNeb. : White Lead. OMAHA WHITi : I.UAlCOMPANY , Coiioders mid ( irlndersof Perfectly Pure White Lead , . Omnlin , Neb. 7.e\l Cmter , Pies ; C. W , Mea.l Vleu Pros. : II. W. Yiitcs , See. andTreaa. OMAHA HOTEL DSREOTORY. The Millard , Bhcnrs , J. K. MiuhilTlios , Swoho , Piopriotor * Omaha , Nebiaetu. Arcade Hotel , James Casey , Proprietor. I2I.S and li.'I7 Douglas St. , Onmlii , Neb. TlieialionaircHi ] ( tiimniriclal men respect fully gohcltcd , They willlljid IhU the best Ju'iulay liouto wen 01 ° Planters House , c. r. . I'liiims , pHopiiiirroii. l.M per day. blieet ears troui U. P lejiot , wlthm one block of liouue. Cornel nd lull Gtrvot , Omaha , Neb. P. Rumsoy is Co. , Proprietors. Ilatcs < 2.iO per day , no dark rooms. Also Palac Hotel tj.intii Fe , Oiuuliu , Neb. Canfleld House , Cor. NInili and Karnam St . The beet t2 per day hotel In Omiilia. Itemodeled. returnUhcd , reuoeraltul ; ono block from army licudciuarteis ; opK | > sltu Union Paclno bcadiiuariei-s ; t > lreet ear * pass the door. ( ieorKO Cunneld .V Co. , propiio- tors. Also Union Stock Yards Hotel , South Ouiuuix. Hotel do Gees , P. GOOS , Propilelor. \ European plan. Thu only icntrally located $ J day house. Thrco doors from HojdV Opera llouf-oand onu-lialf block from the PostoltUo und thu Court House. iM > i MWi ' > ' - 1'uruum Kelt. OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY < _ Agricultural Implements. ' MNINOKH A MKTt'AU' CO. , V iiolcsnlo Dealers in Agricultural Implements. OflltttormrCth mul I'dclfipt , Uinnlm. No' I'Atti.iv. otttixnourK * MAHTIX , Wliolt-salc Donlcrs In Agricultural Implements , Wagons nnd llugffUyi.Oinnh'i , NtK Boots and Shoes. " * " W. V. MOH 12 A0 ( . Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , Hll rnrnnni Slroot , Omnlin , Ncti. Jlniuirnctory _ Carpets , " ' P. A. oitntAiin , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Matting * , Curlnln Cioiule , Ilic , icj rarniiin _ _ _ _ Street , Onmlm , Ni-U Coal , Lime , Etc , Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone. OflliTSKS. ) HtliSt.Omn1in. Noli. Vnrd , Oth nnd Dmenintit S COt'TANT A , Sqi'iaiC' , Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal. llcsUnrlUle * . Omco.SnS nth St. Telephone No. 14WOimihaNeb. NKItHAPICA ITlJI.rO , Shippers of Coal and Coke , 114 S. 13th Ft. , Omaha , Neb. tiro. C Timi.K , President. Clrn. PATTFH OX. Sec and TUNIS. J.ll. , r A. , Proprietor. MnmiRcr. Nebraska Coal and Lime Company , OMAHA , NHIIItASKA. 217 S. Mb Street. Telephoned. CKO. ! 1' . I.\IIMIII , Pie . 0 , P fiooiiM VN , V Prcs. .1. A. M'.Mti IH.4MI , See. and Tieai. Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company , Jobbers of him ! nnd soft ( iml-VJ S. Uth M. Onuihii , Neb. OMAHA COAI , AND PltODrCK CO. Hard and Soft Coal. iilei In lloiilder Colorado Coal,21' ' Mjuth llth bluet. Coffee and Spices. " ri.AHKK illtOS. A.CO. . Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills. Ton Coffees Spices , llnkltiK 1'owilei I'lnvorlnu KxtiiKts , Lmiiuio Illue , lnU , L'lc. llll-lo liar- ney Strout , Oiiinlni , Xob. Commission , Etc. - IIHANCH & CO. , Wholesale Fruits Produce , , Oysters , 1121 KniniunSt , Onnihii. Applei Om oun I/.IL- . Inif Plait .Vto's'I'luer Ilinnd ( J > stcii , Iluttur , DirK , C.iune , Ponttij , Potntoes. .IOIIN r. rr.ACK , General Commission Merchant , Produce , PIOOIIS | | , rrulls , rioiirnnit Peed , 10. S. llth St. , Oinalni , Neb. ( 'ontlninnenta t-olioltuil. Itetuiiib made ) iroinptly. i.oris ini-i.iit : : Jobber and Commission Merchant. Cheese. , Snimapi < 4 , Piiills Hiitchet- , Tools unit Huiilies. | | 1J1. > Jones St. , Omaha , Nub. \V. U. HIDDIIM , , General Commission Merchant. FrKCiAi.Tlts l lii'e e , llnMer. lljrfs , Ponllty and Cnnie , 112 S. 14th. , Onniliu , Nob. Tck < - phone No. : iJr > . i ) . A. : iuitur : , Commission and Jobbing , Butter , KgKH nnil 1'rodiirn , A full line of Ptoiio- % MIIU. CoiislKiiiiients bdllcllud. 1111 lodt'o St. , Oumlin. K. MOHONV , General Commission Merchant , Iluttur , KKK" , ( . lici'M ! mid Countiy I'toducoRcn- umlly , 'M > tf. Utli St. , Oiiinlni , Neb. MO-SHANK &pciiuor.iii : { , Buyers of Butter and Eggs. Hofilt'cnitor mid Pneklng MOIIPO iltli & I-envoii- tvorlliSt. , on U. 1' . It. It , Tiin-k , Onmlm , Nob. K-itnlill-hnl 1870 IIOIlKItT 1'L'KVIS , General Commission , SI IS. Utli Sl.iniiliii. Neli Ppcuiiillles Hiitler LVss , 1'oultij mid Omiiu. I'lJVCKK Commission Merchants , Fruits , I'rodmu mid 1'iovl-lons , Oiimlm , Nfl ) . A. P. SCHACIC , Wholesale Conimission Merchant , , i-ctds mid Prodiico No. L'l J S. tsth Street , Oinalni NelnasKu. TltOXlU < i. A WII.MAMS , Storage and Commission Merchants. Trulls , Klonr. Apples Slonon HI i > . ( "idi > rVfiicgnr , ( lines Seeds , llulter and KW HI i and ; H5 Soiith Utli btrect , Omiilia , NoliinbUn , " \vnii : ) : > iAN * c-o. , Produce Commission Merchants. Poultry , lluttor , flume ? , TiultsKle. i.'i.'US. Hlk St.Oiiiali , Nelii.'iFka. A. 1' HUTU OH , Wholesale Foreign aud Domestic Fruits Meats , I.aiil , Jellies , Ilntter , l'.XKf , Chtehe , lite. No. ltd.7) 8. K'tb .SI , Omalm , Ni' \VISTBIIFIBU : > linos. , General Commission Merchants , HtfiDodfe'eStieet , Omalm , Neb. Solicited. It. .Mr. DOXAU ) . COMMISSION MERCHANT. I''ili Sin el , Onmlm , Neb. Specialties ! Hill- tor , llfc'gs , and Chickens , Crockery. W. T. . WIIIOIIT. Agent for the Manufacturers and Imporlori Crockery , Glassware , Lumps , CliiimicjB , iic. : Otlue , .117 South ] 3th blieet Omalm Neb. Dry Goou's. .7 , J. IIHOWN A ( O. , Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions , 13211 Douglas Slrui I , Oniulm , Nub. I , . OINRIlHItfl i CO , Wholesale llLiilcre In Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions , Linens , LaceH , Ilinbioiilery nnd Wlnio fioods , 1U20 Douglas btl tct Onmlm Neb. bngines. niiowNUi.l , A ro. , The Baker Automatic Engines , Btiitloimry and j orlablo < nt'inen , bollerd ami flift't Iro'i \ \ nrkMIUOIIH , tiuiieiiltuial hniilu- inenlB , pumps etc. l.'li l-Tj l.imciiuoilli Si. Leather , Hides , Oc. L. C. IIL'NTINfiTON A WN , Dealers in Hides , Wool and Talloff , 1114 .IuckMii . tierl.liiinilju , Nub. M.OMAN 1IIIOH. , Wlmlttiilu Leather , Saddlery Hsrdware , Saddh rj nnd hhoo PhulinyR , JIlili t > , Wool , nri , l' ( Us , Uiriue , Tiillmv , I'.iu. , ( Jiimh.i , Nt 1 , riour , Etc , \\'U. \ PlIKtiTOS. ( < 10. HlLIUllllkOV. W.M. Pltl TON A ( .U Wholesale Flour , ' "I ! PJmt fellttt.Om.ihu. Nib. < OMAHA JOBBER l > JRr : nnrxo T/SC-IU IK .in , Afrcntfor.l C , Ho.Tinr.jr t To. , Hfinufactnrers of Highest Grades of Ion 1' ' } Holier n.d : llmipiuim ! Tietrv. . \\iii iliiu f U1J. ! < lies MM 1 1 Oi.inh.i. Nil > . \ \ , tvin t > ns A. co , YftoIesaU Flour , Feed and Grain , Mninifnctureiso . .1 > \ < Klmn A Co 's y Ilnl'inir lliii'K" dent tlotti ntul | ii > i > i l < toi < Onmli in > Mill * , ivr. Mli nnd t'aiii.ti.i Mtoet * . Omahfl Furniture. IITAVT.V Asioxn , Wholesale Dealers in Fnrnltara , _ I'ai until Siren , Oinnli.i , Neb. _ Groceries , _ _ " * - AI.I.UN 11KO . Wholesale Grocers , 1110 ami 111Donjrln * ' iwti.Onmlm , Nib. K 11. t IIAt'MAN' A IU , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigirs , Tolnu-eo and SnmUpr * ' Attic le , I.'IT llouard * t. MImt : A Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , paes riirius and Tel > aeeo , 1317 and 1318 DOUR' bis Slieel , Otmiha , Neb. i , 1IKADV& COMPANY , Wholesale Grocers , ( "oiner 10th and Partial ! ! Stret t , Omaha , Ne PAXTON , CAI.t.Aniir.U A , CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , Nos. 70i. 707 , 7lM and 7II J 10th St , Omalm. Nub. Hardware. W. J. llltOATOH , Hardware Iron Steel Heavy , , , SiirltiBS Wncon Stock , Hardwood Lumber , etc * . IJliUaml Ul1 Mmiieyttieel , Olimiia , Neb. KUXKY A. ( IIIIIION , Wholesale Iron Steel , , Wagon And Oirrliitro Wood Stock. Heavy llnidnmo lite. 1217 and 121U leii\ciiuoilh Mictt.Unuilui N eb HlMI'.llArOII &T\Y1.0H , Builders' ' Hardware , Mechanics' Tools utnllutlulo \ Scales. 140,1 nous liiBStioet.Onmh.i , Neb. " " iKirmr.D : A ro. , Jobbers of Hardware and Hails , Tinware , Sheet lion , Die. Audits for Mono .Valid anil Miami Ponder Co.Onmlm Neb. JIII.TON ISOCJUltS .V PONS Stoves Furnaces Tiles , Ranges , , , th'f , lluitt's , lti.i < s ( roo'K Io21 and 1 U'J far- Hum Mu 1 1. HlILTOIt \VHIIiMY ! CO. , Wholesale Hardware aud Nails , KmciMm bteel:1IN. . Cor. H'lli ' and llmiiey MiTci" , Omalm. Null. Harvesters , ' WM. OnnitlNd ACO.l IIICACO , Mnnufnctiiror of the Deering Harvester Goods , Write to Win. M. l.oi liner. ( Jenc-riil Agent Omalm. Telephone 010. Iron Pipe , Etc. ' COWlN.VtO ( ! , Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers , Jobbers In lion Pipe , Iron IHIHIKH , lion nni' ' lli.nss ( inixK iii'iin : ( ers' Siiiplic | . Htli aim ] ) odiu Streets , Onmlm , Neb. A. BTIIANO COMPANY , Pumps , Pipe and Engines. Stemn , Water , Hallwiiy and MIllinirMipplli'S , Etc. WO , U ! mid IT.'l Tin niilii St. Omaha , Neli. CIItIltCIIHI < 1T.MP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Fleam mid Water Supplier Ilci\d < | imiteiH for Want Koost Co.'b ( Jooils 1111 > ° mimm Mreut Omiilm , Neb. _ Jewelry. ED110I.M A KltlCKSON , Wholesale Jewelers. Donlers In Sllvoiwaic1 , IiIninmidH. Watches CIocKi.loweleiH' Tools nnil Mnti'rlals ' Kie. , 101 nnd 1UJ , Ittli Slieet.Cor Dodsc. Onmlm Nib. Fish. Etc. N MM I CO. f-mepRSois lo IcKc'ii A Co Wholesale Fish Dealers , linpoilprs of KorolKii I'Mi , Nov. ! | | ! | , lOnp bliecl and U. I'.Ti.ick Om.ilm , Neb. Live Stock , Bridge Stock Yards , Omaha. No Ym-ilasc ( I . Close to It. l' lliMu. . Spioialaivoiiiiiiodiiilon nnil HKOIK ! nmil.ct lor IIII K K. C. Cooper , Man- lifer. Olllto , WJ Ninth Mli htiecl. JI. IlUJtKi : A Live Stock Commission iii o. Iliiikn , Manajrer , Union Stock Yimls , S. Onmlm , Nob. Tele. 682. W. 1' . IIHOWN ACO , Commission Dealers in Live Stock. Kin i.viluini ; ! Biillilinir , I'lilon Flock Yards boutliOmimit.Ncb. TolcphonoNo. ( HI. .MAII.OItY. SON ACO. . Live Stock Commission , Tnion MoLk Yards , Clileiifru , 111. , nnd Oinnlm , Veb. I'idiil. CliltlemeiiMiiiii'ei | Oiiinlni Iliancli , I'l lephonu No. I'st. INlnlili.shcil IN ) . ' . W. I , . PATIIICK ii CO , Live Slock Commission Merchants , all eommmncalioiih to us at I'lilon j-torlc i'iiids.uoiilli Onmlm. Adumees iniulo un ( lock. Union Stock Yards Company , or OM.MIA. Limited. John 1' . lloid Huperlnli mlem. SAVAIJi : , t ( iHI'J'V ' , Live Stock Commission Merchants. Milrnioiits ot any nnd nil Kmilsof Muck soliuit- d. Union Slink Ymils Omalm Nell. Lumber Lie. i-oris liitAuroiti ) , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , HSI , Doors , iio. : Yards-Coi. 7th and IO.ISHP. ! Coi. ' .Mil and Doujrlaj. 1IOIIN JIANLTAfrt'ltlNd CO , . Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , loiildliiS'F , Stair Woil , mul Ina-ifor Haul Wood 'lulsli. Jni-t opciiud , N I ! toi. Nh mid l.ea\cn- MJillibtncts Onmlu Neb. ClIlC.\ro ; U'MIIIIll COMPANY. Wholesale Lumber , 14 S. th Strict , Onmlm , Neb. T , Cohu'izor , .Man.iai. ) C. N. I ) 1 15 IV , Lumber , 13lh mid California Micel , Oninlin , Nub. nui : ) w OKAY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Elc , , Etc. I'oi ttb mid UoiifflUa Miiclt , Oiuuhn , Nub. ( JKO. A. IIOAfil.ANn I vjfhoicsale Dealer In Lumber , Omaha , .M Inastrt. CIIAS. it 1.1:1 : : , Hardwood Lumber , Wti nn fJiotk , Tmiey Woods , llnd e 'Iiu > li . Ac , H. W. (01. Uth mul louKla-niiitia ) , \i l > . ( i. 1' . I.Y.MAN' , * Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Houhllngs , llulitlnij ; PUJII r , lln ! * N < ulh Ulb 'tin 1,11.11.1,111 , Nebraska Lumber Co , J'nlil In Capital Htoik. | 1U,000. ) iH.nianii lactuii is mul uhoi&&lo ! rB. MllUul Mfiiill , NMf. UUulifuluaial Utrlbulliitf i uril. Omatio. Nib. Mi a. Slth bU JflBBERS'lJIREGTOlU ' ( l MIA U'MlJim CO. , .ie-l ! \HKlnd < of Miteriil at Wholes ill .fill Mixit iiinl I .P. 1 ! . 1 ! . I. . u e..OmiUi nniMAV 1) ) WVATT , Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , li ntiil 1/imtMici ' . Omah I , Neumann .1 A. WAKf.l tl'.tn , Wholesale Lumber , Lalli , Skingto , llulMliiK Piipci . N * h. Door * . HlltuI * MouliU ItiKS PlilieM , l'o . | , l.ln < - , PiiiMcr. llnlr , lenient. Mmli mid Joiie * Omaha Neb. Millinery. and .lobborsof llllllnery and Notions , l:13nnl lilt Hmne > Mreel.Omahn , Nth. - Instruments. Wholesalers of Musical Instruments. Fteiimay PioiiaseDcr l > 0kiT , llalmH ami ltilp _ < ! I'liimi * . 1'iU'kiiitl Oijftm * , Umso Orjrtiis. 101 mid lUJl.MliHtcet. Notions , DC , 1 , . IIIIAXUtlM .V BOX , Wholesale Job Lots , /ry ) flood' , Notion" , dents' I'lirni'lilnir floods ( liuids t iiiu Si w Viirk Titulu tales Uiul > . M < nnd JOS "until Uth Si , Omaha. c. P. fuwDiticH .1. ro , French and German Fancy Goods , Druggists' nwlStniliinrtV Sundries , H1J I'rtr- mini , Omaha , Neb. J , T * Robinson Notion Company , IIVI mil' 'M S. imh SI , Omaha , Neb. v holctalu Dcaleii In Notions mul ( tents' 1'ur * Oils , Etc. _ ' " ' CONSOI.IDATIM ) TANK UNiTcX } , Wholesale Dealers in Oils , Gnf-oilnr , MU' A\l Cu n < e , I'.te. A. 11. MI hop .Mmmirci Omaha , Nob. _ Pork . . P.icklng. „ . . a - . , - , . JAMI'S i : . 1IOV1) , Pork Packer and Shipper , Onmlm , Noliiii Ka , _ , , Packers and Provision Dealers , Onice ( tuion Maiket.lMT IKidqo Street. Pai'klntf ImiiM' , 1' . 1' . It. It. I'mclc , Unmlia , Noli. Telephone - phone No. 1" . Saft-s and Locks. * " " " P. IIOYP.U .t CO , Agents for Hall's Safe ft Lock Co.s rneand llui'ular Piool Siilc .Tlino l/ocUii , Vaults and J.illoik. . 1U.M I aiinini stroll , Omaliu , Nob. . Seeds , _ " " " .1. KVANP , Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Seads. YeifOtnbln , ttc. : Odd IVIIows ItalU N.V. . On. llth and Do.lce St. , Onmlm , Net ) . Drugs , Etc. 11. T. CI.AKKH DItl'C COMPANY , Wholesale Druggists , Jobbers of Palms , OIK Wimlnw UhK * ite. : , 11U Ililinej Muel , Oinalni , Neb. C. r. GOODMAN , Wholesale Druggist , And l ) nor in Paints , Oils and Window Onmlm , N't b , Wines and Liquors. PKANK DIII.ONI : : Aco. . , Dealers in Liquors and Cigars , 1MI2 mid 1201 loiiKhi St .Onmlm , Neb. i raclnue NOB.-1 uiuIJiOl.ikl Il"t. ) N. V. * i OHO. W. Dt'NCAN , ' Succetior to > teXMiiu A.lli' > o\N , Importori1 u l \Vliiili-iilu Deiileiitln Wines , Liquors aud Cigars , 121HS. Itlb St. , Onmlm , Neb. jt. u. onorrn , Wines and Liquors. Wetto n Atciil J' " . .Sclillt7. Ilienini ; Co. 719 S. 'Jlli Sliect , Omalm. l.i. . . . l ii . .1 i..U.i. l , Wholesale Wines , Liquors and Cigars. J'l } Donnlas Slieu , Omaha , Nub. I I.IMl A CO , Distillers aud Importers of Wines Anil Mipioifl , Solo nianiifuL'tnier or Kenneth's l.a'-l India Illtteis. llli ! I Im ney fill eel , Oinnlm , I , . P. \ltON A CO , Wholesale Dealers in Y/hiskios / And ( ijrais , nnd Ceneral Au-i ills for thuPlilllp lleni , ' ( < U hi ated Mllw mil.tu Deer , Omalm , Neb Harness , Ltc , WiiTY : 4 IANDHOCK , Mannfactuieib ami Jobbeifl of Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware , Tun Goods , lllatikels and Uolieii. IU'1 rurimm Street Onmlm. Neb. Chicago , Milwaukee fi St , Pay , The Short ino ncl Best Honto From Omaliajotlie East. TWO.TIIA1NS DAILY WmviiOMAII : ; \ AND ( lilraKH , MinneiipolK , Mllwmikeo , M. Paul , Cedar Itiipuis , Davenport , ( Union. Dnlmiiue , lloekloid , Itock Islniiil , rieiiiinit , .ImiehVllln , I'.li'ln. Jdailfton ' , LiiCiosi-u , Helolt. M Inoim , And ull other Iinpoitinit points Hast , Noithoai und.Souilieast. TJdiel oniennl HOI raiimm sticot.du Pnxtoii " * < on Hotel ) , mid at UIIKIII Paelllo Depot , Pullman SioiMiind | ( | | | , , , | . -mcfit DlnliiK Cms In \\oildnioinii mi thu nmlii llncH of ( lie < 'IIII.UJCI.MIM > AI Ki.i.\Sr J'tui , ) mei > iilK'iillon jspaM iop-issoniuis by courlo- HUB emploj CH or tint eoiiiptiny , II. MII.I.HI , ( ieneial Mmrnxer. .1 , 1' 'I re 1.1:11 : , Atsi-.tnnl CJonernl Manner A. V. II ( ; uii'i.Nriii , ( luncinl Piis oiuur tint 'Ifekut AKimi. ( icn i : . IlEArioiin , As&Istiiiit Oenerairato a K i midTlcUot r isaac GRIFFITH , Commission Merchant. And wholesale Dudei In Country Produce Fruits Butter Elc , , , Eggs , , ROOUH OS ( DNSIC1NMI NT A f I-LCMI.TV. 320 H. (6fh ( Si , , Omaha , Nab/ Ilefeictires , by Permit Ion Flisl llank.Diiliniiue , A. H liiiirelbon , ( nbliiiT flinix Natlomil liimk.Moiiv ( ily ; lena Nmlonal Hunk Des Moliiiuj H M.ICIiiuriimn , Afbiilant ( 'Mbli.oi1 'lift National Haul. , I lilraK" . P. BOYER &D CO. ' I11.AL1.1I8 IN and Jaii Work , I02j ( I'timum Sli'fut , ( Jinitlia Neb SCHOOL DISTRICT WANTED BY I B , f o&rej Lineal ! ? , Market 1'rico I'a.