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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1886)
a THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. MONDAY. JURUAl\r 4 .1886. SPECIAL NOTICES , AdvcrH'emrntsuntlcr this hciul lOccntspot line for the nrst Insertion , nnd 7 cents for eact nul'noqucnt Insertion.Seven words TT ! 1 bo count ft ] to the llnej the ; mint run consecutively ftnc muM bo paid In ndvmico. All advertisement : inn tt be handed In before 2 o'clock v. iu. , mx under no eircumstnncis will ihoy bo taken oi discontinued liv tolotihoiip. rnrtlosiicHertMiitrin thi-eo columns nnd li.ii Infrtlii'nnwer * nddrovcd In cnro of HKK , wll jilensc nsk for check to rimblo them to pot tliPh Jfttcn , us notio will be delivered except or liro'ontntlon of rlieck. All answers to ndvrr tl-ciiiPiits "liottld bo enclosed III onv elopes. TO Z.OAK-MOHBY. iroooo to lonn on rn > residence "property , $ ( lee W. Day , l.Vi rniiinm _ ! l " l.oAN-On f.iria nn I city prop" HONKVTO ; not om rate * Stewart A Co. , loom il Nobrn'ka National llnnk building. " 1 Ijll * l\TlNiV | ; TO MIAN on tiOl r , wnirniH niul JJl fimilttiro without rcmovHi. C. .1. Cnswell , Itoom III. Iron Dank Uulldlng , 1-th und IV.rnatit , Tnko elevator. _ I'MJnn'i * rpo LOAN Money many nmount , AOn nil cln os ol security Short time loiins on real c tnto I/IIIK tlmo loans on real e tnto. Molicyto lonn on thnttels. Motif } to lonn on collaterals , Money to loan on any need eoourity. Terms onsy , tlino to cult Apply at thoOmnlm Financial r.rclmnzo llnrkor'HbnlMliKr , 8\V corner of I'lfteentli mill rnrnnm sts. upstnlrs _ . _ "ifTONKV or overjbodyl Votl tnn bonow J'l inonny on fiiinlturo , horn1 * , wnifnns , lilnnos , clock of nil kinds diamonds and line wntchos on jour own Ilino. rnvmontsiecolved lit nny time , nnd Inloic't rcilntod pro rnta. I'ropuity Iclt In your own possession. Jorina t < \vr \ us the lowest , Cnll nnd tfo mo. HuslncM conlldenlhil. Noailviiiitano taken. \ \ . 1L ( nift , Jtooin I , Wlthncll's New lliilIi'liit'.NortliPiiBtcor ' ner l.'itli nnd Hartley. _ _ ' ' _ ONI'.V T ( t.OAN O. 1' . Dnvlsi Co. lloal M Katato nnd IXBH BttcnK , 1503 rarnam St. 7 ? " _ _ _ _ _ * 'nTroNUV'TO rX3AN'-On ( rooiT'pccurlllPS. A J-lljitGnvock , room 7 Hedlck lllock , IM'J 1'nrniuu St. 377 _ 'JVf < lNiV : TO LOAN On chatlelp , Wooloy ft I'l Ilnrrlton , room " 0 , Oinnlm Niitloiial bank bnlldlns. 70 TltONUV TO LOAN On leal cstato mid ohnt- JJI tcs. ! 1) . Ij. Thomas. too _ _ - l.OAX-ltranms of ? : oOniulnr > - MOSKV-IO tlrd-class renl cstato Bncurlty. J'ottoi At Cobb , 1615 I'nrnam St. 8U1 Tf ONICV LOANED at C. F. Herd ft Co'fl. I/nn .I'l ollleo , on furniture , plnnos , hoiro * , wntfons peroonal jiropcrtyor alt kinds and nil other nr- tltlos of vtiluo , vvllliout removal. Over l8t NaL'l Hunk , corner lllth and I'nnmm. All Mi Icily conlldcntal. BUSINESS CICA.irO Q rilO ICXCIIANOi : Vor inrrchandlfo , Inncl In J I'IIRO and I'lomont countlos , Addict Hutch- ln"on V Itloley , Shcniinikiah. la. -Thn Pnralocn Hou\mfiiin. J1 ture In Mllfnnl , Neb. ; hoipl In nonil condi tion. and linmtnin new ; cvcrytlihiK In ilist- clnssoKlor ; iloliiK an excellent business ; only cnuso tor pnHlnif , t-iO n > s in lamliy. Kmpiliu ol .1. V. I onfituif , iJioiirli'tor , or \\ortcniljko , Jlllford , SiiHindCo , Nob. 57vii" ; vfiinit SA1.IC A dostrnlilo business In farm JL1 machinery , lo elhor with the biislno-.s hoiiM1 and lot In iiMO d loun In ventral Nebras ka. Address , \\Hli tamp , It M , Bee , Oimilui , Kelt. CVJ-4 * r and elKldy acres of Mo. , tlmbnr and Kiass Innd , lot ty mlles cast of Kansas City. As iluh Mill nc any hind in Iho Mute , will tt-ll all or part nt Illtcon ( tollniR vcr acioor will exclinnuu for peed Impinvod or iinlmiiroved NebrasUa laud. llodCoul A' f-aiier. 1W " OK HAI.i : OH K\MIANSi : A Pplendld lollcr ilouriin : mill InuiowhiK raihoad tou n In Nohrasloi , snnonnded bj eve. llenthoat n'nil ( Joni country , dohur n KOOI ! business and Hour him finnd trade in Omaha , Iteat-on lor sell- lux , on iiccdunt of nmi of ( i\Micr. Clark V Jlatiher , 11)7youth ) ronrtecnthstitct. M5-1 , , . . . . . , AIK Al Platte Center , on Union 1'a- ' < 'illo tallioiid , a ranclio suitable for lewlliiK cattle nnd hess or breedhn ; jnuimsoH , consist- Inn of two nnd ono-half t < eclloiiH < il' land , well lonoid with lioiuds and wlio , Good pouer wind-mill with Iood ( irlnder and tted eooker tunl.H. etc. lloir Iioiit 7f'\i1. Corn cilb to hold tvvntlioii'iiml InishoK Hveithhnr In lli tohii fhapo. Will ho Mild at a bairaln as ovtnerls nhout to leave the state. Addioss 1'rud. W. th/ ) 0'olatnbun ; Nob. Briji1- "inoUjSAI.n Or in trade for pnort ical ostalo , J. a vi ell established Krocury bii"lii ( hs In ono of tlie lending sticctH and 1cst loeatlotiB InOiiia- 1m. 'Iho Miielc Is Iic.sli nnd now. and Hlllin- \olco lonL.t..rr ) ) i. Monthly pales liom WftH ) to $4.txi. lOvcrylliiniT is In llrst clnsi older. Ad- diois II SI , Hoc Ollleo. CUUj'J FOU SA 1.15 My dahy. VVIM foil UK lovv as S ) cows : also II head of hortos , KOOI | for do- llv cry vrnifonx. J. ! ' . Much. 5IHJ1 * ITfOICSALKnil TiAI : > i-Kor : renl estate , the X1 lestaiirant , Ililmcs nnd eontontsof tvrelvo ftnnlMicd looms on the H. U. tor. of l-'th and Capitol avcnno. ( est $1COO to lit up. Will soil for f.'jOJ cah , or on tlmo to uood rcsiionsiblo I'arty. ' Apply to Coibott , S. W. tor , 15th tiad .rilllliuil Hb. , lljislillrr. 4VJ Foil HAI.1C Two holels ntti liarpraln.Ionian house nnd tlidXuu itiand : | hoii'-o , located Hldotiy sldoon a main tired in Uraiid ithind. .1 A .Icjidun. 475-J1 Kor Salo-3 lot ! ) In Hprhifr Hill , flfOcaeh. For Palo Kstnbltslicd bnnkliiKr linslnus-s in No- brauka , county heal , ( llbbon iVAichcr , Itoom U Wlthnell lllock , Unialiii. > : i "ITIOU HAI.i : Tlm only leather and llmllng Jliitsini'ta In i-liu'olii , which hub boencnr- ilcd on for ten \crytiiiciobhfnlly ; the ion- Mm tor selllujr , death ot the propilctor ; eapltal ieiillied | , fiom * : iU ) to 5JUW. Addicts Mrs. Jacob Mullet lo , Lincoln , Nob. f > 7- 1OST. TO , T Iliad , mare pony , lloturn to _ 1415 TOST A cnrrfur'H route book. If found , .J | > tense lutiiin to Daily lleo Ollleo. r > sl-t' LOST rifleen $10 notes , pnyiitilo to W' , 1) . I'Miyn.NlKiiod liyciiii-kson ( town and Wil liam I'ion n , I'liidor will be io aided by leltirn- llW them to ISit North Isth bt. ftit-Ji ! * RTItAVKli IK'litioan | oily with bridle nnd liluc Klt'tli. Hut ill'n lo Koom Unluii block , J&t'j and I'lirnam. BOAEDIIia. * VTMH ! room mid goo 1 board , $1.50 II week : i > very host location , 418 S. Illlh M , , * T3OO3I nml board , fSpor week ; very bc-stlo- J-V cation. 1B1I Duvonpoit St , lUSjunlU * BXOVE RJJPAIU3. nAlli : W , C. Mot/nerHtovollcpalr Co. . Ill South JUlhSt. . bctvvooiiDodKoimd " KUPTUHB CUUED. TVT'i opoiallon or usnluaa trusses. Dr. M. M JJlnoro , 2W Wabash uvo. , Clilcauo. Will bo ut C'ouiia Hoiigu. In Oiiiulia.Tiiei ) duylte.'j ) 4lir7/ nnrPil'lto \ ' luomucrint J' \J\J\J\J by Iho Smiflo Mon's l.iMow- mint At-n'n of ilinnuapolU , llnn. i\amlaod : und appiovod by tlm Ins. Com of Mlnuct-ntu. Wiiliiiorolioiihir- . II. KN.U'1' , Pocut irv lloI.U13 , iioiitlon this pupor. Thcro'd money In It. J\l US ( UIAIH I-Thoeolcbiatodfortunelollor HcslUciico Hth und Jaclison. Kr.'jan I AIUCS in .want of oed domostmhelpcnn t bo supplied by culling on tlio Oniulia Km. plojinciit llllico , Itoom l.lliibliiaau'slllouU. Mia. J , \V , Moi ribon proprietor. b7J 1-voil S.\li : U a bnitruhi. fnrnllurool nn 8- loom IIOMKI. euhablo jor lioiirdimr hoiibu or loonier ; nUo house lor tout at uoi llnuaid BlIOOl. _ _ * J-4 IAV I.I llltA HV roil S.u.i-A 1 aw library J coiuUllim ol' lo\uk lejiotts , V. S , biljiteino ( ouii icroiU , Amorlcan deeUlonx , Amerlcun icpoits , Noithnottorn , I'ueltlo ' and rcdcml in- itoileii , all bound and u llnoof text l > ool.6 all liiloot ottltloiib und us vood as now. Jliitt ho Mild lOKClher. Jntt co.-t fl.fuli.W. Tillr ie < | iiu. ton ! tor cash oruood notes. 1M furnished on lippllcutlon. AilttioeS IX , lleo ollleo. 433-J1 FOK SAI.K OK ItKNT-Clionp , new biirrTlS by Si , vtlth every ronvcnlvnco. Jnqiiliu Driiystuie , KHh nnd Dniiflns. 777 1I1OU vvoittlior blilif. | mum futh nud 0ior ! > , ire J ? to K I ) , > lcnd itUS , ICthfct. MW ) llAI.'K-'lwo tote in rcllium F liUick liom ktii'Ct inr truck. lUtli'Mrcot. , . K13 HELP. \\rANTKO- A competent pFrl to cook , wa = h ' and Iron In u tmiill family : pnoj ungca t-'lvcu ; icloruicca rixjiiliod , 11) ) tit. Muty's iivonno. [ J'JI-I' \\T ANTii : 0 | | | for K < ; iieriilhotife oik. A i ' WANTJIliIJoiupttunt Khl lo cook , und lion : ( icrimui ptrlonud. Apply N. X. IJlli * na CullloriUtt. ilrc. i ; . WnU-le > . > Ami > ' 4lo niio < l woman to tak < ii carooftwo children , ( lormnn preferred J..t ) 8 , 2d si ( thlmil-ofrom Knrn n. TOI-t \VANTin-A : chambermaid at thc Oeclden > > tnl hotel 570. dining room Rlrl , 172 Douglas street. i > si-4' ; [ ' ANTCIl'i plrls ffir Renew ! homework nl o. 4 femnlc cooV t bo t wnip . Cnll n onco. ( linalia I.'inplo.vinent Agency , HU liar ncj slfcft Mr il. Smith. JbB \\TANTii-A ; cook nt 1'crklns Iloilfp.l'lntts * > mouth. Nofi. 4--'J TV ANT I'fO-Uood wnijes will'bo pnid forl M flrM cln = s plrl nt SOI 9. Hrth. KU _ \ V * A NTlTlT ( iooiU > .xiiFrfeiicpi cli I forjifoiipiii > housework. N. w. cor. Isth nml Lrnvcn viorth. to" \\r.\NTin-t ! < O'l ' Rlrl < for jrcneral i TTO. k nnd mudlliulv for cointmnlon. .1. Vf. Monison. room 1 DiiMimiiti lllock.ictli mtO A oompetit Rli-1 to do penciil holliowork. ulDllnrt St. 491 "W ! A oompptont kitchen slrl 1S3' Farimin. 41 ! ) \\rANTii > A ( fill to do Koneriil honsowork. ( lennan prelorrdl. Mrs M. F. .Mnilln , B. c. cor. Slst and l.oavcnwoit sis. ; O1. AANTKI I'irot-cl-vss dlniiifr-room gnM al JJ the Mttropolltnn hntrl. 1104 l\7"AM'ii ) I.nJIes and Rontlcmun In city or > > country to tnko lltrht work ntthelrown home ? . JI1 to | 4 n day tn lly nnulp ; work font by mall ; no canvnsslnir. Wo Imvo n Kood demand - mand for our work and furnish sternly employ ment. Addle" , with Mump , Crown M'f'jr Co. , .Ill Vine fit. , Cincinnati Ohio. WANTED-MAtE HELP. WANTKii A fir t-clflS3 Dnrlicr , well iccom- tnrn'lcd. Correspondetit-o solicit I'd. Ail- lit CM C. E. ltoil o , Norfolk , Nob. fi'Ji-l l ) A cnrrlor for n horse route on the UvenliiK Hoc. COD-1 * \if ANTCO Pnlo mcn in cnoh county to In- i' tiodncen now patent spihnr wlilllletieoj toll s Illio nllilllro ; iiroflts laiUo. Addrct-s , with Mump , King Wlilllletioo Co. , Vlltan , Neb , 8117 B * EITUATIOIIB WAUTED , "IX ANTKI ) A rosltlon In ii bank : liavohad > amploo.xperleiuii and oiuitinntsh the ho t of rofcionco3. Address HU'7 , HeoOllleo. fi77-ii ; * r\\TANTl5l ) Situation as tiavolMnr eiilefiniin ; i-eveial jours' experience oaM ; can lur- nish ( 'ood rclcicnccs : salary can ho lUod after trial , list , lleo Olllcc. C7lj * \\TAJ < Tii : > Slttintlon l > y nn ncllvo niiui us concltnmti. 1'or further partlcu- 1ms nddio- . the bonm IkinulliiK llimso on Kiirnnm Mroct. Muj- * V/AKTS. \\A > Tii > Twoeomplotoly furnished rooms In end locution for ucjutlonmn andwiln , bniint or near bo.inl. Addicss tU. . Jojco. loth etruot and ( npitol nvo. fiSU 1 * \\TANni : Liidycorri'spoiHU'iice liy a > ounif limn "ft j cars old ; i biocl , imitilnioiiy. Ad- dicss HoxNo. 11 , Jolm to n , ill-own CD. , Nol > . fi74 4 * A\rANTKU To ptchntiffo forOmnlm cheap i * lots or losidonuo , a Hue Imin , IMI acres , ( W cnltluttcd ; in hoii'-o , eli , -tiible ; excellent hay land mid rkh full. Wllla& unio nny cn- oumbor.iuto. Addiuss J. W. s. Kill 17th sL , Oiimlm. riU-j'J * A\rANTii : > A srcomHinnil llro proof bnuk i Fnfo > Tvith liuivlar pioi > r clics' . AildicB' , V. U Drown or 1'iist Xiitiomd lliinlc , McCook , Neb , 4l'.i ' UENT-HOU53E3 AND LOTS. 1iAIMiNT NcwIJs'.Ofjr I oii'-e , 7 iioms , all o onvonlenccs ; on Capllol H.ll. Api > l\ " 1 7 Uuvcnpoit. 6H7- * 71llt IINT : Hoiif-c , 3 iioms 2 piuilrirja , hla- ] . Me on Walnut St.f > lilot'Kslroia L' ' . I'.dcpi'l ; Inquire ) 11)17 ) Chicnpo bt. A\i Itmulow. Cs ( 5 * HINT ; stoicyj Noith isthst. "lAOl ! Itl.N r o room hot'se opposite Unngro- JL ; ( 'ntlonal c lunch , on Si Mnry'tnvo. , t"- Kioom lioicio x4iliiunl IlodKo , olteit ] ) , Si"i. Now IKUI-O with bain , N. ifmnuluis si. , JIG. ] ' . F. UliigorHU N. l.'itli st. i T710K ItilXT Truck farm , KiTTuintrer , Ua N. JL lilth street. . . . S75 "I71OK KENT DcMrablo cotlairo h looms tras -U city water oiks , novvly painted and papeicd tin oiiKhout , lAtcllcnt nclghboiliuod , I'd I N. Juth Bt. Wl'2 ItUNT llnn u of moms on flnulc ; 1 sued , ( Int-li'ri aililltlDU. foiiith hou.-c liom St. Mmjr's nvoiinc , fltf a month. Apply ti. i : . ior. lllli and Cube Ms. ni'-J "ITIOH HUNT Two ciittajrcs , 51.1 and $18 | , or JL1 month.V. . S ll/lur , ( iinuito Block. isj "ITlOlt UKNTOIt .SAI.K A Hood brick store J- builJhiK'xiii. . tuo btoncs and bu-oiiicnt , localeil In n thriving lo n on the O. .V K. V. It. it. Bplundlil Oinnlm | ? lordrygouds btorn. Ad- ilross II , Jeu ! olllcc. fiT--S * J7\K HIXT TO siniilllnmlly , airifo liiinl lied ' liouto on piui-il gtnut ; lurnuco und all modem oonxemoncori ; rutcruncus ruiiuiiod , Apply tit l'i 4 niimim st. 454 IUNT A 10 room hnuso rcntrnlly lo- X' cutcil nnd nuartwo tti cot cur lint's. In good repair ami all modern inipiovoiiunf . Imiuliu ol John A reyham \ Co. , Hl ) S-'outli luth bt. 'JJ1 " 171OK II\T : 3-room honso on Culllornln tt. , JU liclHccn ith mul"oth , lu > | Ufic on prembus , 1' . J. Croodon. iitsl -I.TOU UIIXT OB : room , J1 10-aero ( 'Rt'dcn " 1th ( i-room IIOIHO inlj oily ; fcU-ucio ltiiiii.17 inlliis woat of Omaha ; 0 l.uslncss otson ? t. Mnry'b nvc. Apply to 11.11. Clmpnmn & Co. , I.'IT llouar.l bt. 110 TTIOit ItKNT Nuiv honso nt 1KO Jackson st Apply ut Cunnlniliiuii X JiujMiian'1511 Dod o ht. lOi 17MIC HUNT R-roomod houto on Chillies bt. J ? in good icpulr. Dr. Pun1 H8 ITIOH KKNT Tivo-story brick honso with J. basement ; inodcin improvcmen . t-econtl iloor Irom t. ilury'B uvu. on U'UthBt. Apply lo Jlru. C'Iuikf.011. _ _ _ Wi _ Oll ItKNT lloiiso bclfinuln to the eatnlo E Cluidu-lck.WJ I'aiU inunuo.VJ. . Council. . "bl Itl'NT Two now t < nnd ! ) rooiuoi Poll nirnuce. batlt loom anil all modern conven- leiiccd , 0110 block liom btmct cms. Imjnlru Jo. J' . nation , qiirT.tli bt. , or Bmultin WoiKs. bU ) HUNT A btoro room with peed collar IWo Hurt stTiiut. Apply to John llainaur. 110 OIt HUNT "ttorosoiiStii und Leavcmvortli I 1 us. 1 Moi o on South 10th st. lloth first-class busi ness Ito.illoua. Alio lioujos to runt. A. .MCJIIV- ti'JU ock. _ _ ItKNT Two iiovvroslilcncesO rooms each , coituiru6rnomnhou6o , 11) ) rooms. J , 1'hlpim Hon. fi.Vi EEITT-KOOMS. ItKNT-- : . ' rooms fninl&hri ! or unfui-- Fott , or nilhoiu buaul , 1571 Noith IMlift. ti'Mti' I7UK Jli\T-Muoly : fuiilUhed lOO'lts llvo 1 ? block' , liom 1' . O..M1 S. luth. C83-S * 1T1OH KliNT Xtvo nicely lurnlilied rooms al J. reasonable lutes ; In now hotibo ; boaidifdo- -ircd,7l'J ' K. llt'u at. f > 7'-6' CI\T : Ilanilsomcly furnished loruns - en snlto or tlnjrly ; modern conienleniod. 1720 Capitol a o. I , , , m Ki\T :'KO newly furnUhnd fiont I1 niotavUthJioai\l7JlN ; . ll'thi-t. _ tol-S " * r/lim KiNT : THo'unf.onUhed lobuii. "S. W . 13 eor. d and U'liM'iiuoitli , 4'kUj * KKNT-Furnished rooms COO N 1'lh bt. 17'Olt KKNT rnrnlslicd rooms , N , K. cor. I-1 ICthiuul jjulllouila , Ml-b' IilOK KKNT rnrnhhcd looms lor ladles and ' ( - ( intlcmen , 1"11 Javoniioit btioi'l. ids , I'unnlo Artfjlo. FOll JIKNT 1'iirnltlicd rooms. 8.V. . cor. loth und Calltornla. tja- 171 Oil ItKST-niiiilbuTtriooinr"ir5S ! Uuuylua JL' btioct. 077-U _ _ _ < Olt Itl.NT"rHuud oiicly ! lurnUhcd rooms 17 with or without board , A)9 ) Dodiro. 4'J ij : . ' * 1710K KlINT-Complclely furiil ircd lt" 1 X1 looniKimd Imth , Addu-bS II. f. HioOlllcc. UU IiMMl KiNT-Nlccly : fu7nIslicTioonT. B" Vf 1 ( or , ll'lh ' inn ! bt. "Jury's uve. Ml < OK KllNT To Kentlcmon.lnrgo room with 17 lurB'oclotet. I'i CulIfoniliibt , Ms , J.iOK KI-NT : ifcj'iuHly : fnuililiLxl room vrTili 1 I'dittd. ' All modem coiivonlcutcs Dodiiu tttoul. da o 7 < OIC ItKN'T Voiiriiovr sloro loonii , eultiililo ] UT ilry uoods , tmtdware , ( In tliop , tltoo ; tiui ( , utaiiiHin , buibcr blu.p , ftc , ; toiy nliiidMrllliiK louius uliovo In uw hlucl : ut thu heaU ot St. ilary'tf nvc. HKNT 1'nrnlslicxl front room with n < Foil room ; plcftsftnt location , Imjuln nt odico of 1. K. Manic , 16th mid Knrnnin. W . . . . KF.NTSome very nlco dwelllnc room I 1 JustdnMirtl ! nlco location and tine view from one to four can l n tind hi hiionoltl r.ov block nt the hend of St. Mnrj'slive. BVija lliNT : Two nlt "f 4 rooms ouch Fort street lutwetn Ifth and SJth.'n qulro llth nivl Fainntn. F. Mochlc. _ _ _ rjs ITIoif IINT Fin nlshetT looms. i Nnwh Jj Kai TT OuTtiXT-Furni : hc < l rooms , KW ) Ilnrncj inll ltiNr ; With brvnnl. nrjto rnmt room ; J-ras and modern improvements ; 141W Jono < trtet. " * _ _ TTloll IIKNT rnrnhhoil room with bonn ! Jc suitable for two gentlemen. 1911 Doilfrn't P.KM1With board , n room suitable for Foil person. 1K14 Web < tor. HU ) tJIOlt ItnVT With liotinl , tno rooms luljoliv J lint : front room , southeast. 1H ! ) Webster. S.MJunl ITIOIt KUNT-l'unilshod room , Ifllfl .Tnckson. J' TtUJnnl * JTUMt KllNT-I'loafiint rooms , rurnlshoil and mifilrnl'hed , lor llwht hotl ekoeplnf. cnn mindly bo found In licomor's lllock , corner Klylilli nud Howard. ( < ( ) 'll > irsALi-Oiiinlinioal ! ( E tnto and Urnti Co , ' J' Wtthnoi : Illilldhw laIn \ Impiovoiiient A oclntnti , $ IWO. lxt In lliin om'8 1'litc'C. mar tnn park , $1,5-0. Ixit and IIOIIPU In Hickory l'lico ' : , f i.tKjO. ( Vm ncio tuna lth Hint-class Improvomcnts , all u utter etilllvatlon. llvo miles from lalhoad station , onlyJIW poi ncio. 4 lot ! , and liin r In Him ° coin l'lan cheap. l."i IILICS of hind In lodar county , Neb. Coinur ' . ' 'Itits. and bain on i'Slh st. , Bout hot l.oavonworih , ? .1tiO. : HOIIKO and lot In Mtllll d luhl. , J1N)0. ) l0\ioo ! ; III I'nt'k 1'lacolKiU. . A lot and 3 houses In Konntzo & limit's add , , flr/H. II lots In 1'lalnvlow cheap. a lot In W. A. KcdicU'.o ucUl. , JCOO each. Lots In 15. V. Smith's add. II lots In How cry Hill veiychoap. Lots InAMlcot sudd. , ft'O. ' Some voiy ( losiinblo lots In Jllllard 1'lnco cheap. A v ory choice business lot on Douglas Htoot cheap , Cheap lots In Patrick's mid. CottitKo of U looms on ( looigln live. , now , , . . U lots on Virginia avenue. A . fi lien- * , house und li nil , near the city. Jl.'HX ) , Hoif-o nnd lot in Kount/.o \ Hnth's adj. . near l.OllVCIHNOItll. fxV-0 . . .v i.itcKi : : , ioai c-imo. MAKSIIM.I. IM of Improvid anil iinimptiiToo lei sin Oimilui ; act e.s near the oily and lu.ndieds ol tlioii'mulsof IIOIOH of land lor sale ; cone- Fpondenco solicited. Mni-'hall \ I.obecko , Ifiofl litrmimsticet. Ollleo open till ! l p. m. 5"5 rilO trade an Impiiivcd laim of 200 acres two J- miles lionttrm n of..OJO Inhabitants inv\est- cm lou a. A splendid bearliiic oichaid , plenty of natiiial timber , spring wntor ; jrood house of 8 rooma uemly new , larKObu'umcnt burn. I'tirm oncloted bj leaee" . and division ol lencos mo > l- ly ooildto tami-fiiiis" . ItulldliiKS mid lencos lii ( food icpalr. 'lo trade for Imjiroved ur un improved land near Omaha. Will Undo for hoi ca or cattlo. 11. H. lltiku , ID.'O Unit sttoct. VS-1 * rpo tell or buy renl e tate ol any Mud , call enL -L C. H. Mil ) no , .W.iir. 15lh iiiuirurimm tc. v ho has properly In every pattol the city , and andis In cvciy comity ot the ttitto. hUl OIt SAMS Uv DeAtor li Tliomtts & llro. , IT . loom H , ( rcl hton block : JH loot on rarnam M. fr.gOM WiAl'ii ) , f < . w. eor. 17th und Center , frf03. ! MxlM , Hunsfom Place , SOU 'Jlotbiiil.vluT , on Hamilton and Chailcs sts , SOW to fMJO , ! ) IjlnL'lisift \ ot ( . ' ( invent. AU\145 , tor. thailos and hth sis. , $ TOO. : ci.\iril , with houbo and barn , near SOtli and renter , $ llul ) . Very cheap ; biitull payment ; balRiico monthly. Mvl4"i , Dili and Charles , with house of 5 rooms , well , etc , 1 , ' W 2 loin , Ixmo's addition , $ IXW and SDIU. y lots , W. A. llcilluk'B add. , . * I.W ) . Lot eor. " 7th and Duvenpoit , M.'iTO. Wo think alt the above barcaiiis. Call for term" . De\tor li. Uhoaias i ; ilio. , Itoom 8 , ( tciKhton lilock. r > ' 1 > KIAT.IKIi : Adjoining Iho bariacks enl l- > llio noilli , Ims the advautu ro on nlm level dilvowuy , beautiful location , line vioub , and ov erythmtf cite thai sees to make tip a splendid place for u losldoiiL'C. Sou. JiolTiiUnry. It Is olioiipptopotty , and no mUtake. ' C. 1 . Mnyuol S. W.cor I.ltli und rarnam. Will rpo sell or buy toiil osiato of nny kind , call on IC. . 11. May lie , S.VV.cor. Kith and Varnam fcl.s. , vrho lias propel ty in every putt ol the city , and lamia m ov cry county ol the btute. &M rpo sell or liny real oMatoot' any kino , call on JC. . 11 Mtino , S.W. eor. 15th and l'ainiimIs. . , who has piopeiiy In every part ot the city , and Jtindb In evury uotinty ol' thostato. 001 M V ) bell or buy real estate of any Kind , call on JP. . i : , Mnyno , S.VV.ior. luth mid I-'ainaiii bis. , who has piopcrty in ovotj partot Iho city , und landd Inovoiy counlj ol the state , fJUl | 7 > OK SAI.K OK i\-CirANt5i-Ono of Iho J best hall t-cillonsol land In Kobnthkii , I'or Intthor Inlormatlon imitiifo of A. I' . Altkon. Ivoiirnuv , Neb. Also , ttu acres vtvll Imptovud land In Custcr county. 007-4 \\7"I > T sun : Stiitlononltcnvonvvoith Hrect TT will bo the junction ot Iho .Mo. 1'ac. and licit Line. LOIB pijicluised Ihoio now vsill lo- turn u liandMiiao pioill to the biijerm a voiy ehott thao. Hell < ! c 31cL'i'iidlbh uiufU. 1' . Mil ) lie , bolo atfents. Oii InoKSAlJC I.arffo hoiiho mul ,1 nicely olovn- 1 ted loio .n Sliinn .s M add , ( li UJ. Tor Mile- Fine h-i oomed hot o on Clark sti cot , nicely elovaled lot , iS.UUO. 4IU ( iliibuii li Archer , Itoom 3 , WIthnoll lllock. ' addition on Saitnders Mieet Is PATKKJK'S piojiei'ty in that part of the oily , hlitot cars inn through this uddlllon. Schools aiu convenient , biibinecs icuehes lion IM o hides lor eonv enlenco and do-li able local ity I'litrk-lv'h addition has- many iidMintttKes. ( .all and investigate. Lots only -'lOU in S-IKJD I'ltcli. C. K.Maj no atront , S. W. eor. ictli and I'aimim. rr U ITIOK SAI-K OK II i\T-T : ho Commercial Jl hotel at Keuinoy , Nub. Dr. 1' . W. Wilaib , Anipahuo , iMitnuh county , Neb , KW-J- * rno M > II or buy ical estate of nny Kind , call on J C. K. Mayno. S.W. tor. 15th and I'ainam bts. , who has piopoity In ovoiy put tot the city , and hiinlain ever > county oC thu MiiU' . 01)1 ) rpo Fell or buy ical oslatoot' any hind , cull on JC. . K. Mayno , S.W. cor. 15th and Farnani htb. , who hay property In all pai'lb ot thu city , und lands In ovcij count ) ot'HioInto. . Ml lloautlful aero and half aero lotb , line location , 3' > mlles tivnii 1' , O. , only a lo\v moments walk Irom ilanscom 1'urk. Acies lt ) . Hall iion-.i-'i'i , IU puruint. casli , balance in onthli paymontiJ. C. K.ilajno , S. W.cor. iJth and : I'aiuam. 47V Al/'ICsr.sioi : Plat Ion on Ieavenworlh 611 cot r T will bo llio junction ol the ilo. 1'ao. and licit Lou jniiclmsod ilioio now will IL > - turn a Inindaonu pioilt to the tnoor In a , vciy bhorl tnnu. tloll \ > UCiuidlif > h und C , 1 ! . Maynv , tolo amenta. , Kb POKSALI : Honso and lot Sill &ynst.choup \ ; und paynicntb. Addro > j 0 , S , Chlpmun , Lin coln Nub. 671 rpo bell or buy iotl : estate of any kind , ( mil on t C. 1 ! . Mnyno , KW , cor. Kith and I'm mini sts. , who hub propoily m every part of the oil ) , mid hinds in cvciy county In UiObtuto , utl : , : ) : ; : ACIO lots m ? .ui to * Knelt will iiiulio ) on 75lo liu jioreont. pioilt beloro iioxtNovv your'bdav. C. 15 ilayno , bolu iifc'cnt , S. W. tor. loth nnd J-nniani , 5i'J rpo sell or buy i cm eslnto of nn ) kind , call on J C. i : Ma ) no , & W. our. IMh ami riiimim i-tc. , H-hohns piojieit ) In every purt of tlio uily. nud lands In oveiy county ol the etiitu , Ml OK SALi : Cheap lots ill Himsuom I'laco. 171 Add.'OMti. 1' . btobbinu. IWJJanK * . ! - two story , 23x30 , fr-mo bulM FOKHAr.l-A Ins , BUltublo fora store , uu-ir lUth un4 tiam cjts. Applyat thli ollleo. U17 \\71IST SUM ; Station on I.oavcim-01'th street vullbn llio junction ot the Miv4'ao. und Hull Line. l/Jla piiichiibod ( lieio now will its- iiiin u Iniudboiao piotlt to tlio buyer In a very slant tlmo , IScll \ Mcl'undhsU uud C. 11 , Maynu , -olo iigeats. IM 17IOK NAI.i-llOUU : ) 10 "Jior ccnt UlvIdcnd J.1 paying i-tot-k. Gibbon i Archer , Itoom J , Witlincll IJIock. _ 4JW 'pOHillor buy leal estuto of nny kind , call on * U. U. Mti ) no , ti.W , cor. l&th und Kurmim bts. , it ho has piopcity In every pint ol the city , und iaiids in every coumyof UiobUite. Ml : . : : - lots ut SJO u > tw. Kach will muko you 75 to 100 per coin profit bc- ioto next Now Vrar'bdity. C , T. Mujno. nolo . W. uo r. 13th und Turnum. &VJ FOIt S.M.I : A t'cnurnl moi ctiandlio buslnosi Jii a rupldly KIOW-IIIB town nut far lioia Ltn- rain , ilctt irndu und locution In town. A splendid - did opporiuuily for u putty wUhlni ; u tnuxl jjjcninj- , and huvlnv from MIV cr. to ton the uwiml ilollm-s in wibh , Will tull lor , ca u ouly.or piirt bahinco real fbtnto Iu Uuiubiu Aildroai rpo fell or bn.v "il-nLcstato ot nny kind , call on JL C. K. MR } no. i * , \ \ \ cot. IMh anil Knrnnm st . , who lm proper ! ) Incvciy pnrt of tlio city , niul InmU In every count ) ; of the state. Mil 1 ni.vinini : : : Aero lot * ntnoto $ w. Knelt J J will iniiVo j-ou 75 , to ItM per wnr. proHt Ins fore next New llcarH dar t' . II. ilnyno , olc nyent , S , W. cor.J'itlijind I'lirniim. foJ 'po ell or buy ronl tstatc of any kind , call on 1 C. K Mn ) no , S. W. cor. l.'itli and Pitmani M ? . . whohn'piopeitv in every part of the ciM. nnd lands Iu ev er > ooimtj of thcjtnle. int FOK SAI.K A wholcwilp notion wimon In pond repair cheap Inqulie ot or nddrc s M. II. I'l nil. I.lneujil. Neb. MIJ.1 * : . . , $ : jM ( ) WHlnnt HIIHolH $ : WiiiorW West Sldo lots JIIJJ tn JAW. ThornbiirK lot * MM to J4V ) . I'nrmetitcr lotsj47 l . llnkor \ Mnyno add. lots f ITS lo Donocken'o add. lots $ ; W to STOJ. Funny Sldo lots S'.W to f l.ooa Hau com I'laco lot < JCTiO to J1//X ) . Hlinotinuuh I'lucolnt fU'lV ) to fl,4VX ( Ireonwood 'i-acio lots JiV ) tof-T5. .1. 1. Hedlck's subdlv. lols fLWioio Jl.sM. Ipnao \ ifoldon'Rlots JS-K ) to stOJJ. Iluri-Oak lots f7KtoSlOJJ. Donl.-o ndd. lots 5 'fl Taylor's add. acre lots Sl.OM , Tottlo's snb-dlv. aorej t-W. iKits m ov cry pnrt of the cltys easy terms. Convcv imccs at the door any tlmo of the da ) ' . C. K. Mnyno. S.V. . cor. J5th ami I'urnam. 1'JS : Adjoining tlio barracks on * ] 7U > it SAM : OK TKAIU : ino acres of land -L I's mlles north of North Auburn. Nob. ; about sixty aci us under cultivation ; irood hoii'-o. barn , nnd a ( rood well of wutor. Kor fuither partlcnhirs appl ) to 11. 11. Hundley , lliownvlllo , Nob. JKJim'-'l 1 > iijVii : : > KKK Vor magnificent view , fine L > level drive , pleasant location , dirt clump proporl ) . Sto Itolvoiloto aero lot ? , f-MU to fr.0 each , llasytorms. C.K. ila ) no , H. W.cor. ifith und I'lirnam. f > 58 1j > OKSAI.i : Lai'Konna small btoclc ranched ' with or without Htock. 1'or Sale ,1 lots In Sprlnu Hill , $410 each. 1'or Sale IlstnblHied t'liiiklntr ' buslne s Iu Nebraska , county boat , ( llbbon \ Ai-chor , room y , Wilhnell lllock. I'oi U\chan < { o Nebrnska farms for Omaha pioperiy ; nso lands to exchange for stocks of ( roods , Wanted .1 business lotb for cash within ! block" of poMolhce. For llJiclianiJO IH1 ncrolnniroved farm , Madi son toiinly , Neb. , for house and lot In Omaha , 1'or Sulo A 5-aeto tract I [ miles ol po tollico ; house eost $ l,2iHiror J1.51HJ cash.UlhsoiuV Archer , Itoom U. Witlincll Block. ; tt : > MM ) foil orbliy real ostnto of any Kind , cull on JL C. U. Mayne , K W. cor. loth and raiiinmsts. , who has propel ty In every pail ot the oily , and land" In every county of the state. Ml \ \ T i.s r t-ido Station Junction of the Missouri > ' I'acltiu and Holt Line , on Leavcnvfoithbt , If you w tint a lot on \ \ est fide don't wait loan or > ou will be too late. I'llces oi lols { 'iOD to t'JH. Las ) terms. C. 1' . Mayne , l.'itli ' and rarnam and Doll X McCundllsh , lull Dodtro st , solo airellts. ls > 7 Br.l.Vii : : iti : Vor imwiltlcent view , line level drive , ideaiaiu loeallon , 'Hit choup properly. See llclvcdero aeto lots , Sr.'lH ) to WV ) oueli. Kiisy lei ins' t. IS. Mil ) lie , S. W. oor. IMh mid rarnam. 53s : , : ) : ; . Tor inannillccnt view , line level diivo , pleii'ant lotation , dirt cheap properly.eo ! llelvedore ucro lots ? 'JOtl to $ .HJ caul , . i : sy tenns. C. 1) ) . jluynp , S. W. cor. Ifilli mid I'm num. " fijS ' ' l\7AL > TT . . - 100 tine houses built In this beaUlllilll addition diirin ? Iho past summer ! over ' 'it ) moro to be built no\t HOIISOII. Lois WX ) to ! f7V'cacIl ; very eusy terms. C. U. .Mil ) no. S. W. 001. 15th and 1'aimuii. fVJ. . A y A I.Nl T riVl7l.iiT > t r S : ! i o Stred CuV lln Micliifr built out stioettothb udiVtUnl. licit Line depot locuted Inllseentic. Fine licntluili < , .Ve. Hco Walnut II11I It yutivvont' ' ! ! Irf'uutllul lot. C. K. Miino , Southwest corner lOtn und I'urnam. f.54. IfOK.sAM-l5yl\.tler : , V Cobb Choice lots in Lugo's 1'ii'bt add. , 3 5 to $130 encli. , , e Corner In Isndc .S Sclden s add. , IKixlil , for { 'itio lots on rf/ovvii'st. , 50x130 , at70) ) ; each oiihj' teims. ACIO lot very Uioa | > J tor llrown und California Bts. , 52 , w 5 and 10 aero tracts on easy terms nt $175 to WOu ; ( truat liaiwnns. - A few eliolco tills In Tliornbiirff 1'lacc , on Holt Line , fhenii. a lots iu Shinn's Third , S'OO each. I'ino bii fno's eor on I nrniim st , $10OD1. Lois in Potter's add. , fioj to $ GJJ ouch ; very cheap. A lew line lots , Hanscom 1'lnco , at $750 ciich. Call und bcu our biiiyams iii aeio tracts. i75 I'OTiKn V Conn. 1515 rarnam St. LAND simenus : , ATTKNTION For rmi pur tlcnlais about Iroo mid ehoup lands In Western Nebraska uddrona Thos. C. i'ultursou , Ucnl Kstato Axont , North i'latto , Neb. 'J rpo Mllor buy real cstato ot an ) kind , call enL -L t. i ; . Mnyno , ! > .W. cor. 15th and I'm mini sis. , vv ho has propel ty In every pint ot the city , and landa in every count ) ot the Mate. Wll 111).I ) Lots ? 0 to 750 each. ' ' Ptiect Car line belli ) ; bulk out CiimhiK Miccl to this addition. Dell Line depot located lulls centre , l-'ino location- ! . bcunlnut Hill if ) oii want a beatalliil lot. C. C. .Mnyno , Southwest coiner 15th and ruiiinm. 534 \VAI.Nl'T ' Illl.l.-Uits ? IIUO to $750 eneh. ' Street Car line behiR hnllt out Cumins bticot to IlilH addition. Holt Line depot In Its cent to. 1'mu locations , , Vc. f-e i iilnnt Hlllit von want a beaiitilnl lot. C. K. Mn > no , bouthwcst coiner 15th und I'limam. ( At I OKSAI.K Lot K6 St. liont , 10th bt. near JuClkSOIl , Slj/iOO. Lot Wx\.R \ ! Howard 8t. neur 10th I&.TX ) . Lot 4t.\M , .lorn s near luth , f\i ) ii , I'nll lot , 8 ( rood hiuf.eb ( , Unit near ! ! , $ IOHO. ) Lot l \it."i ; , hotieo 5 looms , toward Suun- ilers , SlI.llHl. 5-ioom hoii o , neot'Kla avc. , a bargain , > . ' ) . - 'nl. Lot IXJAIIO , hotibo B loonib , Ibth nt. neur 1'oji- plelon , tl,500. Lot In O'Nod's sub-dlv. on Hurt s\ \ " > . 1 lots In Ifuir u. ik l,50tl. 5 lols lueliiK Hanscom I'ark $ lr"00 each , or J5.0MI ciibh. Ixith In Omaha View gliM ) to $ K ) , Lots in I'aik Foie-t &U14) ) . 'J lols on Uooivia'uvo. c ,7W. ( II. 1' . 111) N. 15th. & . ' ) T71OK SAI.i : II ) W. p. Sh"lver : Jl ? Nicely Ihilslied cottiifrc ol 5 rooms , now barn , etc. , lot liuvl&l It. ( root ! location , . ' ! , UXIcubh or $ . ' 1,600 on time. TuoKood hon-es , born , well and cistern , lot li'.lxH'J ' ' on N. lUlh hi , easy tornn" , f 4 , : > iW. New i-i'oom tottuifo , lull lot , easy terms , 1.5.iO ( iond hinlncslots on C'limlnirst , ench ? lnJ)0. ) ' . ' boiiiitltnl lots on Hint bt. , near car line , fl , Oi W each. - lots , corner , 111 feet front each , on Leavcn worlh t-t. , 1 lilock liom lli'it Line , botli 1,100. ! ) beaiillf nl lot > near , oaeh $ * > OJ. it'Klllleet on li'Ih ' nl. . near Hat ney , fr''JJ. ' ; ctviii ; i.M't . on ll.iunid , t.Vio. ; ) ! \l'tU feet on Ilainey , near lilth , tS..VO. 2. leotliont with ciiipcitKr bhop , on Daven port , near 14th , fl.MX ) . MIJ _ _ W. _ . Shi Ivor , ppp.l'.O. : . \ IIIKI : : Adjoining the bannoks on BII.\ north , hathu iidvmiuiK' ' on nice level liUenuv , beaiililul location , line vinuK , and jverthni.rulb0.tbut | poca to make up a splendid lilitco lor a | | : ( . 8uo Delvedtie. Il licnp pioiierty , muf no tnlstnUu ; ( J , li. .Mnj S. W. cor. 15th aijUl r 'inun fi'U ' Sl'NNV.SIDi : Wo'linvd only six lols loft 'in In this hi aiitltiil addition. They aio llio cheapest iiswel | 114 llntjt lots on ( 'uht'oniiu t , H.01W imeh. HuftjAfcliU ! , 0. K. Muno , H. W. . or 16th and r'm'iuitiifj 557 po bell or bii fent'l-sltito of any Mini , tall on 1 C I ! . Mayn , Jj. ! W $ cor. 1.3lhiind 1'iiriiiuii RtK , iv ho Inu prop < > H ] ' liV'Aery putt of thu city , ami und' . In ov or > eoVint"ol the btuto. fvll \\rAI.NlTT HIM. Over IOT line houses built > > In this beiwjllljjf } uddlllon dm aiir Iho past ainuuor ; over .OOiiioro lobe built next coa- ! < m. Lots 4UUO M yllOoachoiy ; ousy turms. . ' . K , Mn ) ne , tf. AV. cfll. Utli und i ariium , 5.V1 - fcltn HC , I'.VTTMtfON I2JI ruimnn. fcjiociul will bit ) teiuiciesof splendi ( . 'Jseciiicb > i piottyhouto and lull lot on i'loico Wrnet , J-HO bit ) a u lioiif o und full lot on It , N.ltth t-t. t'5iAio lnia a mirlhnCbt oincr on I'uinum bt , ) Liiya a norihn us ! corner on Chicago 1. fill lo { : . ' . " > per airu biiyhonu or moro ot JMnniiti { J.ixiu luiys a line rtuidunco on ( . lileni-'oeliovt. H.iMl uuyn a lovely homo on Davenport i-t. i 'iO tin ) a a now hoiiau und lot on Wulnul 11 ill. t'M > buyn a lot in ? uundeiii Hluibuugli uild , j > buf < alot ill LO O'H addition. tldo buys u lot in KirMuxid Addition. S UW buya u lot In West Hide. OMl buys n lot It ) ratlorbon's tmbdiv loion. fji buys u lot in lilinobuugh und I'liitoiaon'i tiliihvislon. t.luo socurosu lot In ruttursonV I'lacu. f.jUJ buys Hurt ) lots In Hlmebunt'li addition. Lou and i evidences tor biiloin till piulbof the : lly , bomo of whiuli can bu.purcluisoJ lor lei him | hu imtibct price. DoiiKhis county uud Oimilm city abstriicn tiniUliO'.l und KUiiranleod. Call on or uddrcai IL L' . 1'uttoraon , No. liil 'uuium. JATKU'K'S uddllloii on Katmdors street U ( the chouH | > t pioporly in llial part of .the Ity , Stiei't CUI4 i tin throiiKh this uildltlou ; hoola mo convenient , buslncaj rcucUej H ou two * Idps for convenience niul iloslrnblo local Ity 1'ntrick nddltlon has many ndvnntnires Call nnd invest Ijrnto. Its only V7iO to $ 'A wioh. C. K. Mayne aeront. S. W , cor. 15th ntu Fanmni WO pou sAiT TjT' . irMft)7rc .11" Full lot. Jtnftll hoii'c. Wllcov ndd. , $7V > 'MV Full lot on I.oiUeiiMorth t. , new hoti c nil modern conv enlenoos , } s > o. .Of Lot on I'ariiatu < t. itcnu 2'ilh t. , IIOU P ) room" , nil modem Improvement * , * 7 , < ViO. "SK Two lots two houses , " 8th neflr Howard . S.'l-I.otVivlSl.Snuth''OtlKt , good house , SI.850 Monthly piincnt.s. : 3-.M Lot lM\J3) ( ) . fiontlmrtwo trcot . nice cot t.nce fncltir Hit com I'nik. JI.SiW. lift Hiind'omc lot , nice cottr.ite 7 loom' , ( loot- Kin uvo. . $ , lKXl. ( 3H I/it ( KKlffi. i'ith and I'mimm , house 7 loom , $ IOJO. JOT Three acrc . soixl lioufo , fiult. etc. , l.cnv cinuirth st. , # S. * n. ? V I'ull lot , two cottnpcs , Pltlnn'sniM , $3 50 ! ! llousnT room . ra t front , beautiful loca tfon. Hunscom Place , | , I,6X ) . 2J1 HICBnnt i-csldcneo 10 rooms , two lot * , line location , every pos lblo convenience $11,000. 105 Corner lei , nice cottage 0 100111 ° , ono block oil Sntmdors M. , M.uw. 1"S IlniKl iini' < i cottnifo In Onmltn , ' > rooms beautiful lot , tloorfrla uvo. , jsi.'W. 1T5 Lot fiii.\140 , hou .o I fooms , South tilth st Kll 1 iood hoii cn lonms. full lot , HlekoryaiK laih , $ I.7PO ; very cheap. O.K. Mil ) nc , H W. cor , L * > th and furnam. rx \\r-VI.NUT llll 'V in this bvautlliil nddlllon iltnlnv the summer ; over Utl moro lo be hnllt ue.\t season l.otsKioto J7"1) ! ) each : very ca y leims. C. i : Mayne , S. W. cor. 13th and I'm num. , " 3 MM ) toll or buy real oMato of any kind , call on 1. C. I ! , Mniio. 8. W.cor. 1Mb and I'm mini M . . vi ho Ims proporl v Iu every part of the oily , ami lands iu ev cry county of the state. 501 pATIUCK'K addition on Snundors slrcnt Is J. the cheapest propcrlv In that pint of the oily. Street ears rim through this addition. Schools nro convenient , tmslmw teaches II on tv\o sides for tonvonletieo and deMiaUo local ity I'litilckV addllloii Inn iiiioiy advuntairo' ' * . Cnll nnd liivostljrato. Lot * mil ) ! ' , M to Jim ) ouch. I' . 13. .Mnjiiu nHcnt , S.W. cor. 15th and Vaiitam. K > Dif oU\tlon Kotlco. ATOTlClChlioiobyplvonilint the co-partner- -tA fh Ip huiotdforo exist ii e under tlio 111 m name of Vatltor. Uobert'im .V Co , at Omaha , Net ) . , Is this ilay dlt-soh od by mutual eonsent. Tito biislno s will be continued by Chntchlll I'm li r , who wi 1 settle nil < iiilnii iipims the lalellrm , I'AllKlIlt IlOllUIITrUN A : CO. Omaha , Neb , Jnn. I , issr. EDWARD Kirskr,7" OF l'ALMV8TiitV : AND TIONALIST , ! 1 Tenth Street , botwcou I'nnmm end Hatnoy , will , with the aid ol iruimllnii spirits , obtalnlnir lor any ono n Blanco In the past niul present , and ol certain conditions in lie future. Hoot * and shoes miio to order I'erfeutsatlsiactio u mmrantood. a Keaelvor's Bale , BV ( micro t liio r. S. Clruult eou-l for tit n DIM i lot oi .Nebrnska. on the tli iluy of I'oh- iitary , ISN ) . eommem inif ut one o clock In the alii im on. 1 Mill s.-ll to the hlidii-t lilddor Iho tollovvi .a propoily boloiifriiic lo tlio West Point llntter mid ( heiso As-oeintlon. ln-w.f 'Ihe creamety Innl llmr , barni , mnchlnor ) , tUtnivs , and ilnhy Implonienls. totioihor with 0 acres ol liu d upon \\hleh said liuil.lliiK. ttand ; nl-o a bed ) ol l.KJi ncics ol the eltoiest land In Nebraska - braska , together with the lintldlmri , laimlnjr ImplcmenlH , re. , theieon ; also , IHO blooded rt'it- Islered Jefsc ) and ( luornot btoek ; also , about .7KI milch cows , steers und ealv cs ; al-o. 15 horses , vvmriinx. < ait- < and harne'.siM. etc ; also , 00 IIOKS , piKs etc , all to tin sold lieu undelenrol all in- cumin uncoTermsof iile , ten per cult cash , balance at or belorn eonllrmation of salo. Halo totnko plnco at Iho creamery Imildnurs , Wi si 1'ohit , Ciimlnjr fount ) , Nebinsku , In vvhloh county all ot saM propeity N situated. I'or lur. ther paitleiilar.saudio-s nt the promises. j.'WMjat-loIeba AUTMLHI S. I'oi u.n , itecelvcr. SHE WOULDN'T GIVE IN. An Otintiiiiitc Ijady Gets Ahead of ii Stool Car Conductor. A nilhcr tall , dignified-looking blonde , about UJ ! ycaro of ago , dressed in thu usu al saleslady style , says the Chicago Xows , stood nt the corner of 'J'hirly-liftli nnd State streets Thursdtiy morning. She motioned to Ihe driver of ; i cable car to slop for her. The car was crowded and the..driver , did not wait. The lady stumped her foot on the muddy ground , nnd from the o\ | > n.s.sion of her face it was evident she was very mad. Another car came along and stopped when the lady signalled to the driver. She boarded the crowded vehicle and pus-hud her way into the middle of it. Presently the con ductor stepped forward and retmestcd lier jiny. "Mo , sir. I don't intend to pay mv faro. The driver of the train abend o'f Ibis refused to btop for mo nud I don't to pay. " excitedly exclaimed the woman. "Hut , madam , , T am not lo bo blamed Cor that , " reasoned the conductor. "That doesn't make any difference. T ivon't pay my fare. This company re fused to slop for me and 1 will not pay you. " "Then f will be compelled to btop the ar and put you oil' . " "Yon dare to put mo oft" ! You just try : i , sir ! " The passengers by this time were all Ucntion. They were not : i von * select south Side crowd , and feome of their re- nai-ks worn meant to be very funny. 'Ain't she a little vixen ? J adinire her ) jtiok , " said a gentleman who never jive.s ; up bi.s .seat to anybody , A Jlesby nan in the corner , with a red lace , was ligbly amused , Iml when Hie conductor igain tlircaloncd lo put her oh1 llio car 10 slopped funv i'i'd nnd gallantly oll'ered 0 pay tlic mtcesatiry nickel. "iV > . sir. I will not allow il. You will lo nothing of the kind , " the angry lady aid. "Tills company has Miullbi'd mo , intl I will not pay my fare nor allow any mo else lo do so. " At 'J'wenly-lonrtb stive t the conductor itoppod tlm ear. "Xowyou pay jour are or gel oil',1' lie .said. Jlnt tlio angry passenger did neither. View encouraging remarks fiom iwo itlior Judy pns'jongiT.s who had o.\pori- iiiecrt tins s-auio annoyance that slio had , undo her all the more determined , and ho Ignored the demaiido of tlio bell- union manipulator. "Start the oar ! " yelled an impatient in-M'iigor who was in hurry to got low town ; women are onlv n nuisance Ltiyhovv. " And , having said this much or the fair M'.X , the speaker closed \ri \ i.ycn vvilh the view of taking a nap before caching bin destination. , The ili giibtcil tiekel-puucher vigor- inslv jerked the Jx'll-.sti'ap and the car lartod Determined not to let a woman ; et ahead of him , hu again stopped the ruin nnd said : "Now , madam , you got oil'this car or I fill forcibly tljrovv you out. " The "nwd'im' * dhl not even condescend n reply , and , while everybody vvis : ijuiet- y wilting the result , a liltlo 8-.vear-old oy broke ( he MiIINILS ; , by ruumikiiig : "iVc got a nickel , mU.iiis ; I'll pay yor lire. " A lautcli from the nasseiigers greeted Ills jiropoHilion , but the ol tinatc puh-ell- ; pr niftihed the kind oiler. "Js'o , sonny. " bho began , as the patted lie little fellow on llio bead , "I don't rant your money and 1 don't ' iutoiid to ivii the conilucior any. " The lady took no notice of the rrics of : Oh , this miikcn me tired ! " "Why don't ou pav the nickel ? " etc. , and still ro used to pay t liu ncce.ssary nickel. Thn oitrlucior did not like to forcibly cleft lie woman , so lie again vigorously pulled lie bcll-Mrap. At thu corner a ijojico- lan wtisi culled l put the obalinato v\o- inn ol ) ' . but he wa.s a iliscrcct olliccr nnd L'fnscd lo pull lioroll'tho ear by main ireo. Again the slrnjj was jerked. Tlio eket-punchor WJIN fut'ious. He declared D would get oven if lie Jmd to wait live ears. Tlio train continued tlio journey own town without I'urtliur trouble from 10 uuwiilcomo paci-diger and at tue cor- cr of Madison and Main blreels.lio lighted. Iteforu f > lie loft llio car fcho n- larked that .she was about oven vvilh the river for refusing to slop for her. Tin : H.Mtvr.sroK Ur.A-'ii WOUT.D UK SK- ioiisly diminiijlied If ail tlio fev cr-brreii- ig , blood cori'iipling , alcoholic pillions 1 exibtl'ticii wurn biippi'i'ivscd , and jr. iclunondrt Pure , iJealtbful Life Saving amaritan Kurvitie fitibalituled ever- thuir atuud. SATURDAY'S ' MARKET REPOR1 Not Enough Business Transacted to Giv < Trading a Show of Life. ARMOUR'S WHEAT HOLDINGS The Ijnrgrst Cortier of ttio Cereal In Chicago Aputlij- Alt OonmioiH- liUp Stuck nnd Homo nnil Km-olRii Ilcmiiiio. CinrAno. Jan. ' , ' . - [ Special Tplejrrain.J- Wlth IKI timlitiK wing on at Xinv York until tt , nnd none hctc until 10 o'clock , luokots nlout tliolioauli'atly this nionilni ; | iU > uty of tinii1 tiM\atch nnJ comntrnt on ik-ltvciii-s otinoilucc , ntnl tht > ycif llsht , rotislilcilnq the \.iNt ninount of nroperU In stotu In the city , llnnlly onc-t cntlotli ot , nnd not oiip-one-liiiiulri'dth ot tin' local 1otk ( of the ho , ' inodiirt clianccd handi. It H ustl. niali'd that about 1,000,000 of u heat and about bushels of coin \\enl nround. The wont nlnio-t altogether to Aimour , although ( iooice ( ' . WulUo.r & Co. look some. The ii n went to .Mllnilne , Uedman & Co. Of the hoimidtiet / there woic no ircelpts no- In ? round , Thi'ie U no paitlculur siRiilli- canee In those tran artlunw. Armour Is now thu lamest cart lor of wheat here , and has simply Increased hinllne. He habellexorln grain and a bullon theory , but the impulsion l.s Keneial that he has almost nil of his pi opei ty sold for ilay dellveiy , and Is simply ( . 'iinilim n into of Interest on MWeiat millions of money without runniiiK 'any itsk ut nil. Therein wont to the linn which Is about the most i\cti\o \ slilp- peis of It In the market. Iflt wt-ie the prae- tlee of the pio\lslon oprr.ttois to deliver out Ihoir pio.liu.'p i\s the opeintoiH In grain , there would have been Mirpiise that no product went mound. Hut It will bo no siirpiNo to anybody If stuff comes out this afternoon or to-muinnv afternoon , orln the mlddlu of the month. I'.iekera sire not set Uuvvn us pio- vision ImlN. Wheat Opened at Olf/c for May , and touched 91 4'i ! , mainly becatiso oC llui little nn- Uiisiiie s on the p.ut of the shoit.s on seoini ; wlieat set Into Mich slioiiR hands 't'hl.sun- ca.sliic H were off , however , and for the lest ot the day the loullng wasbcailsh , 'Jhen tollowed ii drop of a cent a bushel , .Slock sit I.I vei pool was repoiled to show alar eln- cioase , and imukuts abioad were pronounced weak and dull. The pit besuios was lilelo - < . A lair , but maiket was had in coin , llnclu'illrlna bolus within .I4e. I'lo- vlsion tiadei.s weie a little apathetic , biokers , not being inctiinbeied with voiy many orders. ctrcAco Mvn STOCK. CHICAGO , Jan. 2 , [ Special Tolezrain.l CAITI.I : Kecolpts were heavy I'orHattnday ind thoie was but n hinall per cent ot fresh stock that were really useful ; but few loads il'cood fat steers , and none that could ba ela slllrd as prime number one stceis. Jn : i K' ' > noinl way Undo was latlier .slow. As oom- i.ii od wltli jostoiday , values were sulistan- iully lower , and compared with Tlunsday ire anywhere from I fie to JiJo lower in all classes of fat and useful steers. IJntchcis' stock continues to sell at very low price * . Stockeis and feedeis In good demand and steady. Tor a day or two past the icceipts In cluded seveial loads ot distillery steel s that lave sold for S-UiOCy I.I. . " . There vveioalso sovoial loads ol illstlllciy fed Texans on sale. Shipping steels , 1'J-iO , to l.WIO lb , 3l.r.'J@ri.r.O ' ; l'iiKtolM ) : > lbsSa,75at.75 ( ! ; 'JiU ' to l.iJOOlb.s 8i.fiO@ : I. lions Trade slow and prices about Gc ewer than j c-teidav , hut about the sume as ate on Thursday , i'.ickeis ssiiM at .S ) , and shippers at : ! .0n ! l.or > . I' ind Miippiiisr , 'JW to 4CO Ibs , 9:1.45 : FINANCIA.K. Now Vorlc , Jan. ' ) . 5Io.vr.v- e.ill easy tSa } < ? : percent. t'ni.Mi.Mir.fANTiin ! I'APKU lrt ? . " per cenj. ] ' 'oiUKi.v ! UxciiANdi : JJii.i.s Dull at .v.'jt ' ( lemam (5o ( VKi\Mi.NT ! Dull and generally steady , lilt : ! ' .s vorj weak , STOCKS Ojiened active and stront ; . At llrf-t juices weie tfeiicially j/.t ( xj per cent higher , and in the eaily dealings thcie weie , in some cases , tuilher slight advances. Thi.s , however , was followed by a dccldid icacllnii , ilnilnt ; which some ol the active .stucKs , on heav > salos.v ielded liom luiction- over 1 percent. Alter the hi. st thirtv niiniites Hie market became quiet and M > continued dm hit ; the ibinainder of the day. The closing piice.s , t'oinpaiod with those of. Thursday , show inejjular changes. Coal Mocks and Lake Kile iV Westcin vvero conspicuous lor ilteliiiesot ovei 1 per cent each. New Vork L'ontial , Omaha lueteirod ami Al.initolu show jrains of 1 to ' ' ' jnu cent. Thi'ie wer nnnors that the Oieson Railway A : Xaviwi- llon company had lout one ot its Mcamcr.s on the I'.icilic coast , but the clicnlatlon ol Iho > toiies had little elluct npim the pncii ol tin ; stock , which opened at Hir'tand ' .viulilcd only Ij'por cent , 'rlui picshlent of lheeompany | is authority for the slalemenl Unit it a vessel lionlil pune an entile wilhout insiuaiu'e ii other compensation , its loab eannot cs- ; ucd 75KKJ ( to the company. STOCIC9 O.V WAI.r. SrilUBT. 5Jcont bonds * . . 1U' ( ' ; 0. fc.N.V . -10 ! ( i. S. ' < S . 11'i-i ) prelurrcil. . . IJN'n ' sow 4fs * . wj iy. V. c . loit-v I'acilicd'sof "J'l. I''i OieKoii Tran. . a.-/ ! Jential 1'acilio. . ) ! , ' facilic Jlall . IHH L' . A . 110 , ! ' . , J ) . .tJ5 . ' , ' 1 mefened. . . . 1M 'iM'.C ' . ' ! ' . . /.itc / { ) . l.'ir' ' , ' Itock Island . . . lii'W I ) . , ] , . . .tV \ . I'-'t'i ' , bt. K. AK. l''X I ) . A ; It. (1 . -Wi juelciied. . . -in i < ; i iu . avfi c. . it. Ast. . i' . . . uvf pietened . . . M I jpieleiied. . ) 'JtaH : Illlnoi.sOmitra ! . . W.iy at. r. , VO . 401 ; [ . . | j..tUr . 'M'jl ' ] iicleiroii. . . 101 CiinsasitTexas. Kl'd Texas I'ucilic. . . lJl ! .akc.Shoio . hvV'Union ' l'.tc.ilc. ! . . fi-ui . . .VN . rV.SI. . L. itel' . . rJ' ' kl lull. Central. , . , 7r. . | pielciied. . . 'JJ'i ' Ho. 1'iicliic . ll' vWosiein Union. 7.l' ' ( s'oitlicin t'ao. . . ! iiJ < U. . It.iVsN . lOfW pmloiiod . . . OlJ/j * K.\-lnteiost. I'KUUUCIS. , an. ! . ' . rionr-Qiik't ami tin- winter vvheit ( lour. 4 Wnri.if > ; l.O' ) ; WISCOIIHIII , r4.tkftl.TTt' snin | wlasd. S : .7iiXu.0) | ) ; ' .i ; ; .VK i.Wjp.iti'iitmaiiited . low KiadiM , yj.o ) ' < ; . ! on ; ryn llonr , 3.w/.i : : ! < o : InieK , ijl.tiV.ii.W. \ \ boat -Dull and low c.i ; opened at 1'hnr.s- lav's clo-o , ( | iuulkly , Vc , and closed Ic midei ThuiMluy ; oieabh ; bl'U'J"1 ' ! 1 ) 01 Kcbinar.vjiio c lei -May. Coin Unlct and easy ; cloS I'liursday ; "O'tC ' lei cash ; K'i ' c lor .laiin- ry ; iStHji- for I'cbruniy ; liDJ ' .f/lOo . lor .May. Oath hleady and heaico : Him and m.itoil- lly unchanged ; 'A * for rash and JUIUMI ; ; - , lei I'Vliinaiy ; ill' t'Jl c tor ilay , j\o-Oiili't ; und steaili atI'jc. . IS.nlei Stead ) and uncliaiiK'-d at JWo. . 1'oik .Moiloialely aclhe ; < lo cd fi' < n' ' < c riwor ; t ! ' . ' . ' . > < / 10. ( 0 Inr cash ; $11.417' ' / ' 10.1 0 for anuaiyIO.OT : 'KI 10,10 fur February ; 10.17' . f'dO.'iO lor May. haul- J < itlli'd"lui ? : 'JJ fi" lower : sn.O' M .id li.i cash and Janunr.v ! & ( ! . .07,10.10 for ' ( in nan ; WJ'xa".1 ' 1 ; for May. Th.iotbsSUwly . iintl nominal ; mime. l.Tlirt'il * ' . l-'laxM-ed-Jiti-ailys No. 1 , SI. 12. Hulk AliatshliouldiTs , .i ux" . " " ) ; ahoit lear. $5.SO Vni ; lwil ribs , & . < J , > t < ! \'Ji \ . \Vhi kel. . It' . llntlei ( Jul l ; ordinary 1oo.\tracieamery , Sc : ' < c , K ud tochoR-i ) daily , U' it- . 1'lico.M'ht'MK. ' . In fair demand ; lull cicam heddar . yw'i ' , : Hats , V/t ( \ ( JcVonug \ . - , HidesUnchanifrd : UKID , s ; heavy lilted lull ) finud. H'/c ' ; liitht , Ittcj ilaamj'ud , ' 4e ; bull hidii , 7o : dry saliiul , l'i' ' < c ; dry int. l.Ji'ilin ; calf yin'k ! \ : Tallow Unohaiiift'il ; . 1 countiy , Sc. 'lour , bbls . -1WJ 7,00 Vhtut.btl . HAOW t , W : oin , tm iatK.bu . . : i. ° i > J . au.twj . New York. .Inn. 2. - Wlio.itSpot dull ; options opened lit in nnd sie.ulv ; re ceipts , 1,101) ) but eAporlsiioiio ; iinr-t.uled red , O ' 'M'9c ' ' ; No , 3icil , , t'i'.c ! Janu- nrv closltn : 91 ' * c. Torn Lower ; roccljils , KVflOl Inr. ex ports. OIP.OOO bit ; uni-railed , Iw.rl'Vo. ' : . 3 , -tl'4l'e ' : No. } , 4UV.l'-lls In clevitori ; Jan uary ll" e. Oats -lllehrr nnd moro ncllve : receipt ? , llUKh ) bu ; oxpoiK l.OuObu : mixed western , ; toS , : 'Je ; vvhito vvpMeiu , raV-i" . ' e. Petroleum Sternly ; unllcil CU'jc. Ejf s-Slo.iil * , ; iccolpts , 10:1 : packages. Laid Loss active ; sales vvi'stein tttttnt M > ol nt S < v'.sy'Un4e { ; to arrive , * 0.7J : univ , SiVPHjtfUO. lutlor-ulet ! and steady ; western , 18 ( < J ! ! 0p ; Klitin cie.tuit'iy , : ! Se. OIOOSP yulot and steady. Clncliuititl , ,1nti. ' ! . Qutot and linn : No. vl n > d , ! o TornSttniiitor ; No. 3 mixed , SW3.V/C. Oats Haslet ; xJ niKod , . ' ! 0'se. I ! > c tjuiot anil stc.idy ; No. ' . ' , c.le. llnrlcv toadv : extra spiltia ; , W'jo. ' . . Laid l-iiiu tit Srt.t\ ( V.'liiskvSiiMdvnt f.n ) . Jan. 'J. WheatQiilotj fjood demand lor samples and little trnillnij for luiuies ; Nr ) . 1 hard , cash , W se ; January , Wje ; rYlmiary , t'l' ' ' c ; May , { 7 < 4e. No. { northern and Janiuuy , M'o ' ; 1'Vbruary , K > V > : .Mav. inc. 1 loin r'ii in and an lnriea < ed deiuand ; patent" , 3l > ; bakeK SilvO. Itecelpts foi two days Wheat , 7X1 bit. Shipments- Wheat , Ui.OA ) bit ; llour , 14,520 bbls. bbls.MlhvAiikcp MlhvAiikcp , Dec. : . - Wheat Weak ; cash , s | , . : January , 8tc ; May' t"0 " > e. Coin Tame ; No. 'J , Wto. Oats-Kaslcr : No. 2. Us Kje-lnll ; No. 1 , fts e. Harley -Firmer ; No. a , Me. 1'rovlslons II inhoi ; mess jiork. cash , Jan uary S'.U > i > , o ; 1'Vbiuaty , SlO.OT'.c. ' Oats -CJnlet ami steady ; No.J mixed cash , se ; Januaiy , ii7'8o ' ; .May , : ! l > | 0. live fi e. Whlslcv-Sl.10. l'oik-1'lim at Sin.U ) . Laid Illahei atHO. . Hutler-Dnll but steady ; cieamerv,25(3Ma ( ; dali.v , 10 ( < i"iV. Kiiiisiis City , Jan. 2. Wheat Weaker ; cash , 7le bid. 7lTii asked ; I'cbniarv , We bid , ' Tie asked : Mmrh , 74V < Iml : .May , 78 Coin Weaker : cash. i ! < Ujo bid. 2itKo ask ed ; I'Vbruaiy , ' > o ; Jlmeh , ak- bid , siu c ask ed : M.ivill : | ( ! bid , MI'jC asked. Cals Nominal , and no bids. Toledo , Jan. 3. Wheat Closed llrmorj cash and . I anna y , .il' < ic. Coin Stead ) ; cash and January- ! < te. Oat.sDull ; cash , 'Me. Ijlvcrpool , Jan. 3. Wheat Supply goodl New wlulcraiid spilng , 7s l\d ; steady , KlourS.tpply iood at Ss 'Jd ; easy. Coi n- Supply ( 'ood ; HIOIs | | Sd , dull ; Jan uary , Kebtitaiy and larch , 4s 3d , IilVK STOCK. i-nffo , Jan. 'J. The Drovers' Journal icpoits : Cattle Itecelpts , : ) , TOO ; slow , but steady ; shipiniK steers , ; sf.0vi5 ; ( ) ; 50 ; btocl > eis and lecd- ei . % : > ( ) ii'iLOl ) . llo s Ucceipts , in.nno ; slow and fie lower ; rottch and mixed , "f J.MV'M.s'i ' ; parking and shipping , Pi.bjuil.l0 ; ; light , S:3.liil.OO : , ; w.0ija. 10. Sheep Itecelpts , l,703slcady ; nndstionccr ; natives , S'lOilui ! . : : westein , W.rplK'flV.GO : Texans , 8'/JOi. ( ( < Wi ) ; lambs , $ : t.Trii.VCIkf. ( ) ! at. IrfiuK Jan. 2. Uattle-ltecelpts , 250 ; shipments , 12(1 ( ; market active bat a .shado easier ; choice shipping , S.-.uoa.V-5 ( ) ; com mon to Kood shippinir , 'tf I.DOC'/'i ; bntcheri ) steeis , c : t.s. ' > ( ( f r.(0 ( ; cows , { f-'J.'JmiS.S. ' ) ; stockera and leedcrs , SU.riOy * ! .10. llo s Itecelpts.4,51)0 ; phipmcntrt , 1,000 ; market laiilv active at unchanged pilces ; hutchurs and hesl heavy. S.S.OMI.OO : ! ; mixed y.'O ; lislit. City , Jan. 2. Cattle Kccclpt.s , 1'irn ; slnpmonts , Mi ; blow , and 10 , l5c lower ; o\poi lei's. 5.VUViVeommmi { ; to ehoico ship- pirn : . Sl.lOyI.M ) ; sttH-Kois and locdeis , S&bO dj JWi ; cows. S'J.Oiiiii.S.AX llo Receipts , l..fiO ; sldpiuenls , noun ; wcali ami lovvei ; pied to choice , ; ! .TUti.b3 ( ! ; ; uommon to medium , SM.riUc.n'i.OU. . HA IJSTOCK. ! . Satin day , Kvenin , Jan. 0. The hos mailict was htion to-daj , and Iheie was n veiy jjnod demand. Itccelpta wore heavier than on the day pievloiis. UANI.I : oi' I'mrr.H I'oit HOOS. Tlio extreme lanue ol piices for roiiRh iii.Nt'd , packini ; and sliipjuiiK itild Ilxlit vei.htho _ s lor si\ ( lass Is bliovvn below ; Dm. , l ItouRli I Hu.ivy. I Unlit " " | Mlve.l. I 1'afl-iiu : I WelKhH _ liiinlii ) iiosil.iy ! ! 17 M ' , ' .ir 111.M . fil WJ M JfcK M W ) r > r HU 7 , " > iiOJ 'i. IU i ' * r.\ \ lit ) ! iVI 70 'Jf > \ ! ! ! ! ! ! . - li ) ' . . ' 71 f.i H.VJ 117 liVI I ! ) ! ! ( ! ) , ; llio nuinlicr elM \ bought duilng 10 day by Ihu local jMckcn : . K Ifovll 1,073 hoi-lev it Co U77 .11. Ilaininoiiil Ull Note All oalcol .stork in this mailed am iadt per cul. livti uvL'lit , unices othorvvlso .ilcil. Dead lioK-in'll ill ! < ! per Ib , lor all ck'lits. " .Skins. " or IIOKS vvclKhiii1' loss than ) ' . Ibs , no value. I'u'gnunl buw.i iiro doukud. ) I Us and Biutjti bO Ib- , , I.MAIIAVllOtiKbiliK 3IA.UK15T0. ' < 7ciloi'al 'M.'irlidl.s , 'iatiiulay Kvonlii , Jan , " . . ( ( , - Tlio slock oi ) hand ii hiif , ' ® , and bile Ilicio Is a belter toclini ; In HID niaiket ricos iiavc iiit ailvainctl. b des aio belli ! ; uilo at IHa I ! ) , lit11 ! jn I'holco lablo bntlor Is nirctln ith ic.idyale vvlidc infciior jjiailcs aio not anted. Nil Icily choice lolls , l.'jf'ilTu ; lair i iroiid , titHii'Jo : Intel ior , fi c. Cill.ihl.I'aiicv : lullocuin chcilihirsOclo- j make. ! " > , ( ; llatn , l''c ; Vnnng Ameilc.i , jji" , lull cicam ll.ils , August make , I0i" ( iiin % Aniciuas , lite : lull cjcain , July imp , ( > . < < : hint iiiitdllv Svvlhs clicoso , lilc , conil iiialt.v | ) , lU' < ( l-lc ; hi id ; I'hccbc , liic , llnbiiiiifl , He. I'm 'Ihecohici went her bus create I bcilci dciimml Ini lichb ici-oijits of jionltrv Hike..s , lane ) , it nl Jo ; chickens , funnyV' ' u ; dm Us. lane ) , C" ID. . : cce c. ) ' , ( ' ' " ' ( ( iAVIK l'lliHei'btekeil-,3'J. K.J,76 IICI do/ all.ndduckh , im do/-TU'.i' ) : talJl.2.Vil.'A ! ) ixcd , * > i.'yi-i.i : i.f'-.e. 5ju.XJf.i.WJ ( ; jack bbits , Ki.OO ; Mil.til i.tbhils , WaMo ; ( mall , , ( w ; hiiipc , tl.H ( ) ; dci-i h.tddlCH , pcrlb , llf'-i c : car , c.t- > - > csi7n7c , : and loposaddles , per Ib < l > : c' csf ( Ki 7c ; elk baddies , pel Ib. , COMII lioNi'A-t'aliioinlu Ib. frame , 0) ) ii. In c.n > e. per 1) ) ) . , lie ; tixliaclcd. U Ib. In in * , y doin ease , per ease 61.00 ; 10 Ji > . ame . Nchravka. l ' . ( iliin--Now : Yoilc lelincil jtcrbtil. , 67.00 ; i ball I'bl. , ( I./ ) . ViM.i..viihlK' \ \ wine , 10 < j ; elder , 12' ' < c , s. Tlu-rul * a libeial . Nnw I-jiis ANII UATKS 1'iKS , myrna , 100 . kcj ; > . , JK-I- Ib , Uo ; law , , 1ami 10 Ib , * ves , | n-i 1LKi 17e ; lajer , fanny , 40 in , ixei- , per It ) , 2x ; ; Jayui. fanev. v Ib. car , ions , pel Ib , ICc. DalcK fancy V.inl , 12 Ib MH , pcrlb , He ; fancy IVrslnii , COIb. boxes. rib , lie. I'liiiu-iUji , 'J5 Ib. Loxes , l > cr 11) NITS hickory nuts , Jarixc. per bu , 51.10 ; bKU , J. J ; chwluutc , l 'v