Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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OrriCE : Vo. 13 rearl Strest ,
T'cliuitil liytc.rrler In mi ) pmt oftlioclly nl
intiit ) < intSti | will.
11. tt' . TJ1/T6V , - - Manngtr.
TitipnoNi : : : ? ,
HI" IM : S Ornci , No. I't.
NIOIIT r.iiifoii. No. SI.
Heitor. the tailor , for winter goods.
Thenwa nothing doing in tlic police
court jestcnlay.
The district court will rc'ttme business
tills morning.
Keellue ; * Kelt's employes all ate turkey
3etcrday , tin- gift of tinlinn. .
Percgoy A : Moons jeslcrday iniulu all
tin ir employes u present of n ? . " > lint.
The cotitity board mot-is Monday and
tlm now county ollh-ers will step up , anil
thu "i-\y step down.
II ( . ' . Cheney returned la t evening
from t'lii-iiipy , 1'a. His \\ifo will re
main a coiiplu of wt't'ks longer.
On Tuesday evening there will bo n
meeting in tno Preslnterian cliuroh for
thu purpose of renting thu sittings.
A niinibcr of tlio merchants have
alicady coinmcneed to taku an iiivuntory
of their .stock , and others will begin to
J-M. Phillips and Jack Shields WITH led
In by the police , being chared with
beginning the now year by drunken
row.Tho district eouit will today continue
the. trial of llisnsoii for the robbery of II.
Smith' : * house in Umlerwood on October
15 last.
The mayor yesterday made his annual
New Year's call on Itev. Father McMctio-
my , u custom which he has kept up for
liAcen years.
Tlio I'ueilie house presented its mtosts
yesterday wilh a .special menu. rergu-
hon & Son combine. Uis.t'lh \ \ hospitality
vi'i-y pleasantly.
A year ago yesterday the thermometer
in ( Ouneil IJlull's .stood 'J decrees below
/ery , while yesterday it was twice as
many above xoro.
A special meeting of the trustees of the
public library will be held this afternoon
atI o'clock , to prepare the annual leport
to Ihe city council.
Miss Clara Iti'liliin lon entertained u
feu couples of her friends wilh an elegant
New Year's ni ht lunch. The participants
in ( he allair had ( lie new ushered in very
Invitations are bein scut out to the
ucddiiifj of Amelia ( ! . I'a'-cliel and IIuh {
J. ( jalla lier. U. S. army , at St. Francis
.Xavior eliurcn on Tuesday morning ne.\t
at 8 o'clock.
Hughes , tlie victim of tlic "major's"
deadly lire , was quite low yesterday , and
fears were felt that he would noMivc
thiough the night. His physician .still is
hupelul of him.
Tlu following prjitus were drawn last
night in the confectionery .store of Jtaird
& Palmer : -I , 'Ju1 1 , gold watch ; ( ! 33 , lady's
gold watch : 5 , Sill , lamp ; i,8T ) ! ) , napkin
ring ; fi.'V.Ki , dinner bet , and -1,0)7 ) , pair of
Services in the Congregational church
to-morrow. In the morning the .sacra
ment of the hold's Supper will be admin-
ihtered after the address. Preaching in
the evening by the pastor. Subject : "On
the Throsholu of : i New Your.1 ' All are
Married by the Hov Wilbur Fisk , on
the Illst day of lJecember,1885 , at Hie resi
dence of the bride's father , on Unpor
llroadwny , Mr. Joseph Findale. of ilavtcl
Dell towiuship , and MKsKditli Alice Fose-
Icy , of Council ItluDs. Their numerous
friends join in wishing tlm in a happy
New Year and a prosperous journey
through life.
Tojilc at the M. E. church Sunday
morning : ' 'The need of greater spiritual
power m the church.oung people's
meeting at U : 15 p. in. The evening ser
vice will bo conducted by the Hov. W. T.
Smith , presiding elder of the Council
liliill'H dlhtriet. Meetings will be held
nightly at this church during the ensuing
week of prayer , services commencing
at ? : : ! ( > ) > . m.
Last evening ( lie drawing of pri/cs
took place at tlio store of Arthur
Liofkovit/ . The prize , a gold
watch was won by No. I ! , ! ) , " ) ? , the second ,
a lady's gold watch by No. 8i88 ( , the
third , a dressing case by No. B.lWfl , the
fourth , silver cake basket by No. 11,087. the
fifth , a silver butter dish by No. 5f7 ! ! , the
MNth , a silver pickle castor by No. 1,010.
The watch meeting at Broadway Meth
odist church on New Year's eve was
largely attended , and the services very
inlctcr < ting. The .sermon was given by
lev. { W. 1' . Smith , the presiding elder.
Thu pastor , Hov. Dr. McC'rcary , gave a
short address. There was also a baptismal
service , five por.sans being bapti/.ed. The
closing moments of tlio old year were
spent in a consecration bervico.
AH day Jong yesterday a number of
carpenters iiiiil all of the male clerks in
the employ of Klseman , Hoddn & Co.
were kept busy in shifting goods from
oiiii place to another , under the manage
ment ot Air. Simon Kiseman. Last night
there was u complete transformation. All
the dillercnt departments had been
changed , and to-day the stores will be
open as usual for business , with all the
goods in now places. This .shows what
can be done in u short space of time
under able management ,
The progressive tea and euchre party
given last evening by Mr. and Mrs. J. N ,
lialdwin was > as novel as it was elegant.
The "progressive" element has entered
largely into the social curd party , but
this is its lirst introduction here in con
nection with the serving of the refresh
ments to guests. Them were about eighty
invitations issued , and the company was
n gay one and the allair n brilliant one.
The well known Chicago caterer , Kins
ley. hail charge of the refreshments.
The tall , Mini figure that UMU ! to hang
about the doors of the gambling houses
in this pity has been missed for some
time past. He is known to "do gang" as
"Lung Dave" and has been siiendiny the
fore part of tlio winter season in jail in
Omaliafor being , us thu papeit , called
him at the time , "an all round crook. "
lie made his appearance hero yesterday
nml was greeting his friends with a
Ha New Year. He's a pal of Johnny
M laher. Wonder if they will bo harbored
in this city.
The Hist greeting given the Uii : : man
on the coming in ot the New Year , was
one by telephone. . Just after midnight
lie was called to the iiibtruinent , and a
wild chorus of voice * w-is poured through
tlie phone into his capacious ear. The
Martling medley of greetings was fol
lowed by a in > le.-a enthusiastic , but more
harmonious ehoius of "In the Morning
by the Hiight Light. " Tlio ehorus ot
voices was linally located by the pu//.led
Hr.K man as being at Dr. Montgomery's
residi'iu'o , where a jolly company of
young folks were gathered. Duo grati
tude is fell for the kindly remembrance.
One of the society young men of Coun
cil UliiUs , residing on Willow avenue , in
attempting to arrange his toilet the other
evening to attend a Mvell w flair , found
the vefct of his dross suit would not meet ,
the buttons ami button-holes being sev
eral inches apart. H-J mildly inteivd u
few "cuss words , " and proceeded up
Uro.vdway to his tailor's to inijuiru into
the matter , only to be laughed at and
si told to unbuckle and let out the strap in
the buck , and then pull down his vest.
returned home somewhat happier ,
nowing that hii ovcnuiy's enjoyment
lould proceed.
The Bluffs Polks Shut Up Shops and Spend
the Day Quietly.
The Dond SlrniiKor Olvrn ( o llic Doc
tors Tin * New 1'npctMill tin-
lifoxiMiicnts In St. I'rancls'
Acadeiiiy--A Week of I'r.iyor
Iinu-o\rmenls | nt St. Frnnols.
Yesterday afternoon a IUi : ; man ac
cepted an invitation from the llev. Father
Healy to accompany liitn on a tour of In
spection through St. Francis academy to
. ee the impro\einculs that have been
made since July. 1SS. " ) .
The two entered the reception room ,
and the Hix man being presented to Si.s
Superior Mary Oamiaii. who kindly
appointed Hishop l'osgio\o s sister as the
lady to accompany them through the
On the lirst lloor is the sister's dining
room , kitchens , pupil's dining rooms and
school room * . On the second Hour are
dormitories for the boarders who number
forty , an infirmary , museum , music and
art rooms. Tlie third lloor has the sister's
chapel in which mass is held every morn
ing , a dormitory and lavatory , bath
rooms , etc. Clotues room * are being put
in here for each of the scholars.
One of the features to attract the
visitor's attention is the neatness which
charaeteri/cs everything. The beds in
the dormitories are of snowy whiteness ,
tlie woodwork has not a spot or a speck ,
and the impression given by every room
is , that of being immaculate
'Iho building was raised last summer
siv feet , which affords plenty of base
ment room , which is used as a i cereal Ion
hall , for roller skating , gymnastic exer
cises , sport and games. A piano hero
furnishes music. Another poition of the
basement is for laundry purposes. The
cellar is of concrete , lloor , walls and ceil
About twenty-live feet distant from the
main budding is a frame one , occupied
as a music hall , in which there are six
pianos. I tit. heated by steam from tlie
main building.
There are in attendance an average of
SOO day scholars besides -10 pupils
boarding at tlie academy. Of these 1/iO /
are being taught music , f > 0 painting and
drawing , and i)0 ) embroidery. There are
' . . ' 0 sisters connected with tlio institution.
The improvements made _ since July
last are numerous and expensive. Water ,
gas and steam heating apparatus , have
been put in. Several of this rooms have
been repainted and repapcrcd. The ex
penditures for raising the building , filling
tlie grounds , making interior improve
ments , etc. , amount to about $ H,0JU. (
The academy is now furnished with
almost every possible convenience anil
comfort. \ \ ith an excellent corps of in-
M melons , a carefully outlined course of
study , and with the nealthy moraljitmos-
phere pervading the whole institution ,
St. .Francis academy is one in which the
city as well as the church should take
15c sure and ask your grocer for the
lueail made at Smith < te Loerko's bakery ,
No. 5',1 : ! Main .street. It is tlio very best
made. Try it and be convinced.
Haying put in a complete new stock of
clothing , turni.sbiiig goods , hats , caps ,
etc. . Fox & Hughes , Is'o. 1115 Main street ,
invite tlie public to give them a trial.
Their expenses aie small and they can
and do bull cheap.
Jlnppy Young Men.
Out of the most inviting places in the
city yc tcnlay was the Y. M. ( J. A. ball ,
with its parlors and reception rooms.
Tlie ladies , who received hero yesterday ,
in behalf of the association , gave a hearty
welcome to all callers. A very tempting
spread of refreshments was provided ,
and the abundance was so great that de
spite the great number of callers , there
were many basketftils to be gathered up
at the close of the reception. In thu cen
ter of tiie temptingly arrayed table was a
beautiful pyramid of fruits and llower.s.
The rooms of the association , which have
just been relittcd and refurnished under
the direction of tlie ladles who attended
tlio reception , present a very pleas
ing appearane . The walls have
been repapered elegantly , the ceilings
decorated , the rooms painted in har
mony , and many little adornments added.
The place lias a homelike , attractive
look , which cannot but make it an at
tractive resort for the young men of the
city. Several new games have been
added , and tlic gymnasium is well sup
plied as well. It seems that with so many
attractions there is little need ot young
men and boys hanging about disreputa
ble places or indulging in street corner
loahng. The place combines tlie attract
iveness of tlio homo parlor with the ruddy
exercises of the muscles , and there seems
little lacking for the rooms to take rank
as Iho best had by any association in tlio
state. The ladies have worked hard and
well , and the young men will lose all rep
utation for gallantry if they do not fiuly
apppreiate and fully improve tlie oppor
tunities thus aflbrded them. Yesterday
afternoon there were over a hundred
callers' , and in tliu evening as large era
a larger number. All were placed at
their ease , and all seemed not only ( In-
lighted witli Iho appearance of the rooms ,
but as thoroughly enjoying Iho reception
so cordially given.
All kinds of interior draplugs , cornice
thuh'S , bhailcs , etc. , Iho very diuapefct in
thu wo. t tit K. SlocKurt & CO'H.
Hest coal and wood in the city at ( ! lea-
son's , ' , ' 0 Pearl street.
Not TlUman's Body.
The mystery about the killing of the
colored man on the Hock Island track ,
near ( Jreoudalo , has not been cliaied ( up.
The body was thought to bo that of Edmund -
mund Tillman , who used to live here , but
some of those best acquainted with Till
man declare that it could not bo him.
The coroner held an imjnest yesterday ,
but little additional was to be learned.
It was learned that Tillman had a scar on
his right hand , and as none was to bo
found on the body , the jury became satis-
lii-d that it was not Tillman. There have
been several theories as to how thu man
came to his death , and the peculiar
wound in his head led .some to believe
that ho had been shot instead of killed by
tlio cars , The jury doeided , however ,
that the man met his death by falling
from the Hock Island freight train or by
being struck by it.
The coroner had a request from a well
known physician anil surgeon for the
boilv. The coroner , after receiving a
permit from the city clerk to "deliver the
remains of thu unknown colored man to
Dr. for medical or surgical
purposes , " went to his ottlco and had the
remains packed , and upon an order from
the doctor the body was delivered.
Hut where it goes is a mystery as Council
lltiu" ! > has no medical or surgical college.
Section I.U.'O of thu statutes says :
The remains of any per.-ou received as
aforesaid , shall bo u-ed for the purpose
of medical and surgical study alone and
in this stale ( lo\\ag ) only , and whoever
tliall use .such remains for any other pur
pose , or shall ren.ove Ihu same beyond
the limits ot this state ( Iowa ) , or in any
manner trafllu therein , iliall bj guilty of
a mUilomonnor anil shall , on conviction ,
be inipri nnoil for : t U-rin not exceeding
one year in the county jail.
The linost fringes , foot re ts nnd fancy
( lionilli * llowor * for fancv work nt L.
Stoukort .V : Co.'s , N" , ? ' Hroaihvay.
A hanilsonic iircsi-nt loyour wlfo an
in tiraiicc policy on your lifo. Forrust
Smith has the ino t dt'iirablu companies
Jo insure with ,
New Year's HVP 1'ai-iy.
The ffoinp out of the old ami coming in
of the new year wa observed in a very
happy way tit tlio home of Dr. and Mis.
Montgomery , Xo. O.'S Fourth street , there
being gathered there a goodly company ,
composed mostly of yoting people. The
hours wore from 8-.IW until 1 o'eloek The
evening was pa * ed veri pleasantly with
games , mu-ieal and other oetal features.
Mi1-1 ? Nellie Ilateliri' gave an appropriate
reading , and al o favored ( lit ! company
with some songs. At midnight the re-
tre'diments were served , temptingly ar
ranged and boiinlifnllyerved , itntl sis tt
hajipy featme of the ushering in of the
new iuiir Mr. Don A. .Ittdd read a lilting
selection , while its the hands marked the
hour of I'.1 , the old year , represented as
an aged , deerepid man , Ihrongh
the room , Mr.Varbtirton taking this
part , his eo ttiine being perfect in till ile-
tails for this representation. Fullouinu
him eamehis bright little girl , reiire ent-
ing thu new year. The incident was one
ot the iiio-l pleasing of the evening ,
Among the young folks who were pres
ent were :
Ml.iscs Annie Oberholt/cr , Carrie
Spooner. Kiltie Htp-ehel , Jennie Han-
thorne , Anniu Stiire ( | , Made .lo.slyn. Min
nie Cole , Annie Oberholt/er , Nellie
Spooner , Mav Cole , Jliss Com toek ,
Laura Cole , Ktta Maxwell , Cora Woodbury -
bury , Nellie Hateher. Julia Kiteh , Ollie
Woodbnrv , Hattie DeVol , Mr. and Mrs.
Don iluilil and daughter , Messrs. ( . 'liarles
Mnnger. Chtrenee lltidson , Jle-sr.s. Slae.v ,
( teorge llico , Krue-t biiiiro | , Will Somer.s ,
( ieorge Hanlhorne C'harli" . Woodbury ,
I'M and Charles Filch , W. S Homer ,
Will Goering.
Cunt-v.1 Alstrj : : ; s ofTltjo and Heul Ks-
( site Loans at MeMalion A : Co's , NO. 41
Pearl street.
Try John Templeton's "Hose" cigar.
llroaduoll In .lull.
S A Hroadwell , the Logan real e.-tato
man , spent Ins New Year's in jail , the
jury having found him guilty of obtaining
money under false pretenses. An attempt
was made to secure bonds for him , but it
did not succeed. An attempt was also
made to Inn e the .sherilV take special care
of him , and guard him in some room , in
stead ot locking him up. Jt seems that
Hroadwell , when heas at the xenitii of
his apparent prosperity , scattered money
A\itli a lavish hand , and whenever he vis
ited this city , Des Moines and other
places , he spent hundreds of dollars in
"capturing" the town , and even tried to
capture Chicago in the same prodigal
manner , but his pile was hardly large
enough. Those wlm Hocked about him
and enjoyed the good times ol which he
was the can.-e and center now show their
"butterfly" friendship by leaving him to
his fate. There are some other charges
ot fraud pending over him , and the out
look for tlie new year is not a happy one.
For first class Missouri wood call on
Gleasou , at his coal olliee , 20 Pearl street.
For everything in tlie grocery line give
the new lirm ofKintx. & Kleeb , HKIlroail-
\vay , a trial Everything new and fresh.
Fancy groceries : i specialty.
The AVock of Prayer.
Next week is the week of prayer , and
it will be observed in concert by the Iap- ?
tist , Presbyterian and Congregational
churches of this city. Tlie following is
tlie programme suggested by the Evan
gelical Alliance :
Monday , Jan. 4. Praise and Thanks
Tne.sday , Jan. 5. Humiliation and
Wednesday , Jan. 0. The Church and
the Family.
Thursday , Jan. 7. Homo and Foreign
Friday , Jan. 8. Nations and Govern
Saturday. Jan. 0. The Christian Life.
Sunday , Jan. 10. Sermons"Let your
loins be girded about and your lights
burning ; and ye yonr.selvesliko unto men
that wait for their Lord. LukcX. II : U5 , ! ! 0.
C. H. Jacquemin & Co. , No. 27 Main
street , take pleasure in announcing to
the public that their stock of articles , or
namental , stylish and useful holiday
goods , is complete in each and every do-
paitmcnt , and cordially invite everybody
to visit their store , inspect their goods
and compare prices. No trouble what
ever to bliow goods.
Substantial abstracts of title and real
estate loans. J. W. , & K. L. Squire , 101
Pearl street.
Soon to .Mako 1'apor.
Coker & I5a.\ter , the eastern parlies
who have bought the paper mill , are put-
tinjr in e\tensive anil expensive repairs.
Some important changes arc being imule ,
and the mill will be made one of the best
in this part of the west. It is expected
that the mill will start tip in a mouth
Mr .1. J. linrpy in the foreman in charge.
The lirm Imvu"sullicicnt capital to push
the enterprise to thu trout , and will make
it a success without doubt.
Cottage ranges , Garland stoves Ha-
diaiil Homes and Hub Heaters of the
very latest patterns at bed rock prices ,
at Cooper < fe MeGee's , No , 11 Main street.
Jerry Meyer leaves to-morrow for a
fchort visit to his old home in Allentown ,
Judge James combined a birthday with
a holiday yesterday. It was the ! Mth
Now Year's day which he has spout in
the ISlulls.
W. C. Beer , formerly of Ollleer &
Pusey's bank in this city , but now of the
Omana National bank , was in the city
J. W. Clark , of New York , is in the
city visiting his biother , T. A. Clark , v ho
is chief locating engineer of the Union
Paeilio railroad.
Alon/.o Jay Harr. formerly in the law
practice heie , and now ono of the pro
prietors ot the popular Capitol hotel of
Ies Moines , is in the city for a lew days.
He is making headquarters at tlio Ogden.
E. W. Nelson , of Kearney , N"b. , was in
the city yoMerday shaking hands with
friends. 'Air. Ncfson i on his way to
New -York city , "and is ono of tlio loan
and abstract lirm of Ncl ou & Munger , of
this city.
For hardware ) and house furnishiii' ; get
prices ol Cooper & McGec , No.11 Main
street ,
Death of Iluuhos.
Hughes , the man who was shot by tlio
major , died last night at ltl"i : o'clot-K.
A largo number of new books havu
been received for the public library.
The meeting at thu Scandinavian Hap- church New Year's eve proved = -0 in
teresting that it was not closed until be
tween 1 and " o'clock in the morning.
Several wens convened and a number of
others rose for prayers.
The pastor of tlm H.iptist church will
preach morning and mcnin ; ; . Haptism
in connection with evening service.
A sine ritre for HUtnl. Hlf-cdlus. llchln
ami rieoraled PiliI I LI * been ilbpinoreil by
Dr. Williams (1111 ( Iinllnn reined } i , vallvl "r
Williams' Indian PillOintment. . A < lucle
l.ox has cineil the \\ornt eliionic ci-es ot 30 or
80 j ears standing. No one ii'K-d MifTer live
inlmites after aiiiillnj \\ondcrful sooth
iu jnedlriiif1. Lotions niul inilriuiiciitsdo
In6ie harm than good.' Jinljn |
Pile Ulntlneiit ' ) Illinois alla > s ( no
Intense itchhur , tparlfoiilnily at ulalit after
cettini ! warm in lied ) , acts as a poultice , aives
Instant rellel , and Isiuvpntcd ont > foi Pile- ' .
itching of | iri\ate unit * , and for nullilmcelso.
suiv DisiAsrs : cirii-i ; > .
Dr. Trarier's Mnqlr Ointment euros as by
mncic , Plmiilpo , Hlat-k ,1 , leads or ( inilx ,
Hlotolies and Iviaptions on tlie f.tee. leaxtmc
the skill deal and beautiful. AKn cine * Iti-h ,
.salt liheinn , Jjore .Vfpple * , ote Lls | ) , and
bold by diturgUts , or mailed on receipt of
Kctalled by Ktilin it Co. , nnd Selnortcr it
lieclit. \ by C. 1' . Uoodin.m.
Among the wonder of arelueologieal
discovery in the homes of old Greece are
the separate apartments of Iho men and
the women , each wilh Its own open court
ami common hall and its own corridors ;
the bath-room , paved with an immense
single "lab , the water conduit" and cis
terns , the royal bed chamber , the olliees
and guard-rooms , and Ihe whole interior
of the palace of a great chief , as it was in
pro-Homeric dajs.
"Over nml O piAgain. . "
Repetition is sometimes the only way
to Impress a truth upon tlie m'iml. Ac
cordingly take notice that Ir ) 1'ieree's
"Plea ant Pmgative Pellets , " ( the origi
nal Little Li\er PilN ) continue to be won
derfully ell'ecti\e in ea cs of sick and ner
vous headache , constipation , indigestion ,
rit'lt of blood to the head , cold extremi
ties , ami all ailments arising from ob
struction of the bodily functions Their
action is thorough jet gentle , and the
ingredients being entirely \egetable ,
they can be taken nitli impunity into thu
most delicate "touiaeh. All
NOTICK. Special mlM'rtl eincnts , snob a
Lost , Found , To foan , Kor Sulo , To ItciU , Wants
Itourdiiijr , etc. , will bu liucrlcd In tills column nt
UK * low rate of TKN t'UNTri 1'Rlt 1,1 Ni : for thu
UistliiMuUoutml riVU C'K.NTS IMJK I.IXK lor
cnch subsequent iiiif-riioil. LcAVO nnvOl'11 0' '
mcntsnt our oiHuu , No. ti I'viirl fatruvt , tit-ar
Hi midway.
SWAN .V UAI.KCio. : . ! < Mnlil Mu-el ,
( iitnlur Citi/en's HiinM , leal < suite mm mcr-
( 'liiuull-i- exulmiiKoliiokL-rs. Cm l > ool. me lull
of h-L-uiiil | ! > mnaliiN but It N impo-Mlili- pub
lish a ic'mblc list Hum Ilielni't ol so nuni.In . Iv
I'hmilics. Wluil uu a-lc l > : If joumit to ' ell
01 tiadc mi } thills' In our liner te in mid Me
uill st'inl .MIII u nllc ot Imijr.'ilii' ; t j M'li'c-t fioin.
l.niuls liiipiovuil or tlniitipioM'cl , cll > ot toun
proper ! } . stooks ol ooitol mi.kliul . In un > such jou Imxccr such you \MIIII let us
no u from joii. Sunn > \ Walker , Council III ill's
IJ10U HUNT A lluoly tutnisliu.l flout loom
J ? No. . ' 1 VltiuMicut.
I'Dtl SALi-Att : : baiiilinr MjM MKn
J inUnL-io-i , (1 ( i miles sv ilhwcst ot Omitlm. li
room liuiiso , excellent wi-ll mid cMern.IIIIIH. .
one lor eiylit IKIISU-J , ono lor : 'ij ions : hen , tool
mid w.ivun hoiisL-3 ; 103 ilcioln tlmothj : i > " > , UO )
loic-t ircua , cotlou wood.hliiuKaliiul , uxli : md
ninplu ; Rood oicluud , applcehcrric" - , pluin .
Itriipcs and Muill : friiili- . Never tailing flock
water. It. 1' . un-itmi , 6' > J ltioad\\a \ > , Ciiunuil
Illull" , lonu. _ _
Al ANTBl ) To l7uy all the
IT luiiid hoiiM'lioldouils ( lliit : are otrerud lo
Fiilu , nucti as luinlturu. carpet" , moves etc
Persons not Inning yiitii-rl.v lli > l-cn ! < i ( rooiH
will biivut line by not applying. All others \\lll
receive piompt uttiMilion and will bo paM tlm
lilshest iniirkut iiili-ui by A. .1. Mnmlel , ; i
Ilioiulwnile.ilcr in noi > ' mid strictly Iii > t-cl.is3
Bccoiid-lmiiil finiilliire. Olc. . t-u.
ES roifHIJNT At .MoMnlfon i Co's '
No. 4 I 'curl bticct.
ManutnctiirciEof all sires ot
Especially Designed for Humilnjr ,
Tubular and Locomotive Boilers.
New Massillou T Lrc&hcra.
Carey and Woodbury Horse Powers.
Portable and Traction Engines ,
Factory Ma illon , 0. Branch House
fi JO Pearl St. , Council BluJfo.
In Councl Illuffa bnviiiff
Fire Esoa/pe
And nil moaeru Imimneuicuts , call bullii , flrs
uluim belly , etc. , Is , the
, Not.1J , -'IT mid 219 , Muln Stieot ,
MAX M UIN , 1'iopilctor
U li d 1815.
P. T. MA V.NE. A. S. H mi.TD.N :
J * . T.May tie ifc Co ,
Real Estate Excliange
N i. 10 ! I'oKlStroot , rouin'-ll IHiilTs , Jowa.
DciilcTS In loua , Kaiiiud and Nebraska l.tuuH
Heal Kstato bought ; uiU .sold ,
! -
Justice of the Peace.
Ollko Over American I'xpross ,
B. BIOE , M. D.
or other linn irs removed without
tliu kiilfuorduwliiirof blood.
CHRONIC DISEASES * u > * vm , .
Over thirty yearn' iiruct cut uxnurluiivo. OOluo
No. 11 J 'cai I mifft , OOIIIK II liluils.
No. 337 Broadway , Council DluUT .
Now Christmas Has Oomo nml Gone , the
Stock of Goods on Hnnd Mnst
bo Disposed of ,
Those Who AVI11 Itcnil il c Kollowlnc
"Will Surely l-'lntl Many Acccpt-
nblo Presents for New
Yoni's Hay.
Tor Indies or jrcnl * cnn bo
lininil in liirK < Miinntltlcs | niul
"Iorv possible ite.'crlptlon
Mini ill pi-lee * Hint .Mill can
veil Mlloid to buy lit In tlic iiiiitnitiotli establish-
mi nt of Ulsemmt , Itoilmi \ Co.
\Vlm over lieanl of n
mote Sitltahte pre'l'llt.
Hllll II IIIMle Illlt1 HllCII
Iniiulni-tiliii-U lll la ) ac
ceptable to mo't anyone , ntul 11 can bo bought
- lit tinridilu - | s Suite.
New nnu-lilcs In tlilillno for
'lubes. Anj .unum tinui nuiy
llt li-'lllt'il IHilt lil 1 > ( M Kill
Mill llpptlcl.UO Ollf II bought
fioin ni'inmn , lloiliin & Co.
Vim l.iiow jour \vlfo
Hill HpplCCllltCH llllC pall'
or IICM110 mutter if
jotl do 1iiiiien | | to liu\oi
pi\ll HI' IMO of good ( ine. <
lit Inline. You need look-
lid Initlicr ilinn UK * IN o-
nles' Stoio lot thu finest
iiinkt-s ninl clii'iipest piici-d.
A fluilllnuk Silk Diets
1'iltletll Nciineldeii-il nil
ekKunt HolNliU inesenl.
"ch lultTx Imvu never
born ulH'leil IllO public ,
niul tint loujr iifio nn 01-
dlmii.oinniiin , e\er\
Goods dii\ diesould cu-l us
mneli iisiili.iiiiKoine bilk
, Mill now osl II MliL'leil
lioin tlie limm-liH.1 Miu-k
, of ii : emmi , HoiMii & 'o. s 1'eoplcs'Stole , ho
i has tlio luiiriMtit'U ) e\ei man In ( lie neit.
Ofoxerv eomelxable gtllo lor
M r jLM. Jt , KJ null and pool nllUe ,
run be found f 'fini suit purelni .ers
at pi lei x tlmt J&AjtJLf at tlm I'roph.- " '
( tote ol Klseniiiti , Hodda A-Co. gl a "C&S2
Ihciybodv Knows tlmt I'ms nro
iifriiln i oniftijr Into -t > le , M-- much
Furs f-o us they i-ie l.lor-O jeai" njro.
A nice set ulll l > o as line and ele-
cum n pi < ' CMII iifiuiy h l > will ! < < ok
to ! ' mill it will be the envy ol all licr
11 lends to MM her in hui nnw tins.
'I lie 1'eopli-s' MOIO bus them at
pilco that miiKe i-\c-n tables tjy J or them.
TTAnn | > ort HIP million nt Iho lingest dry
HOSE Moiu In the \\t--l. Smli u
tlmt ii .1011 'MMi' to lonnt
them b > thu pair. It uonld HiKe von
until IbsV to llnish ( onntlmr. The
roll Tilt : pill-eon line hosiery lor e tlier lu-
dle or nents i-eeniB to bo cheaper
tl'i-.n the rnw jio i l * inn 1m
bought loi. but the eoM Is u small
( oii-iiletatlon 1'cn ' the vl/u of
llutoLk iscoiiHldoied and it bo-
eomes Unoun that l'i < enmiilto.lda .V Co. bought
the poods < heap and mo Kh inur tbeir clistomurs
the advnntiuro ot thulrclosu buying.
Boots & Shoes ; Ss , ! ' ! Iniiiiilimblo liL's , ' boots men
niul siio < is can bp
found al price8 that Fiirpi-o ! all. Urn ; whole
stouof the mammoth c.-ialill-liini.'iil of the
' Moic , is tluvotcd to this establishment.
I.iubes who wish snit , no
matter wlnit Mjle , s-lmpo or
L-nt.iamiot belli but lind a
suit to nl' n-o tiioir ia > to at
Eieeman , Kodda & Go's.
Kvcry ono know s a mulllin- l n
Mufflers bmidy thinir to tiaio iiliout the
liousu They como In Silk , Cashmere -
mere- , Wool , Merino , etc. , and
aio found In cicat Humilities to tt-li-c-t Jrom nt
tliu Peoples' Stoto.C
Is tlicrc a mnn , woman or
Eiseman child tlmt dnus not Know , or
lias nuvor been In-Mo of ono
, ol tliu laiRt'tt II iii.t the \ury
lniin-8t < lry jroods house In
Rodda Urnii. It la located at Iho
corner of llrondnny and Ilry-
imt Ft.Conniil llhillsund Is
( calleittlm 1'coplrs' Stoio , ot
&f | ! A wlncli El uimui. Itodda \ Co ,
\J\J arutho piopiictora. It wll
do your licart Kood to call
and see their Immense stock eion II jou don't
buy. They have plenty ol ileiks to show > ou
around and oxeij tliliir ( iimmlimblo is clone lot-
jour eomloit when in tiioir tinly Iminuiiso
Yon ran llnd anylhlnir and
For Children over ) tiling that is iiMnl bv
tliem at Jibemnii : , Hodda , V
Co.'h. Take jour uhildiun
them and fit them out In any aitiolo > on ivisli.
Von'll bo pleased with jonr .veleclion- . and the
piicp they maUejon , n't thuy havu an iis-orl-
incut ol 1'lne Ooodf. us ell a < > thu
to bu lonnd.
i'pt < li v bv pnrclinslmovuishoc's
r i ubbur boots ut the 1'cople's
Mo ic ,
If yon Ijreome tiieil of
Arelfou Tired ? ii kiii ' over the KOoiU
hmall stoics to thai
\ ihiiton \uini , K mem
ber tlmt : )10 ) , : : | K and 'I'M llioadiray. Council
lllnllB , tlm 1'iopleSloro , jou enn Hint on
Mime ono llooi ol the Imnu-iibu otnMli-liincnt
in-t nhat > on me looUlnn lor , and ii : > eman ,
Itoililn.A : Co. ha\o Iho Block and viniety tou -
lict liom.
The. cold nciilhc'r coining so Into
Underwear found the t-tock ol nnder ciir
lorullhei bCA tilled up ut ii-- ;
man , Ito.lda .V Co. Thu block la
bo Iniiro that It mii-t b t educed , and Unit at
OIKe It at nil. They cannot mford to entry it
OUT till no.M WCIIMHI , It thtliavo to loose
moiiej tij fellliw it non. Tlii'j me not belling
mil , - ( ' ] ( ' mutt Inno tlm loom tor
othergood ; , which will tuiho In Jiiiinniy nu\t.
The Cheapest Red Flannel in the
West is to be found in the Peoples' '
No store In I lie ctt ever hits
tlmwii ii : line nml Ini e n linnol'
Kaimunlhiis lue 1'eoplen' toio Inib
tills eeti-on. 'I hej Inno nou a
mueli larfcr fctocks on linnil tlinn all I ho oilier
lioiif-etj livi'OL'omliincii van Minn , unit nt juices
Hint K'oins Imposbllile , but it is n laet , nml to ! > ( >
convinced Klvo I hem a call. Von can buj a
cloak or liny kind ol n ini | ol tliem , and tan
nou Ktt limit ) Mvluc fcir jour money In lliln Him
limn over lieloio lor this ifiibon , Ihul II they
eairy them over till next m-at.on It will ininlin
one-lmll ol u lloor tostoiu them In , und ll.'te- '
inan , JtoUiliuV Co. fun't tiuuc the tiaci ; .
.MuellilB , Illcaclicd and Pnblr ached
Muslin e.m bo lonnd at tliu 1'eoiiles' bloie ,
liniiiuailllch tliul uonld siipply a
linndied tmall tlorot. 'llie > me
ft 1 D I TO 'rs > l-l cninn , Itodilu \ Co. hue ba-
rl/lnlr\ / blea , usell < > e\er.\ililnt ; els-e.and
UnUILO they iflvothein itnny nilli every jini--
eliiire ol SSUJnml iiiiuiinl . Voneiin
laKe jour eholecol liomlMimo hiihlcs , homely
luibics , nuly luiliielilonde * , biiiiieltee.iiruliut
( cr mlo you liuifj. 'i'if ) > cost > on iiotlilnj ;
und uieK\\i-a \ unit ) .
WcdHind anfl Partv In nil the leading ( olots
WtUQlDg flDQ rarly imdlliilHiiiuiobolonna
in all ti/c at KlM-mnn.
Hodda & Co.'b I't'oples'
t-loiu. Al-o all utlifi-
klmlb or hose lor mm ,
hojs , ladles.xlils , imd tliu tinullcil Imblcs.
llnool S-I1I.S 01 fiuiilh to
tehcl lioin as IOUK as
JIIII'Mluelinetlol Chi-
eiiKo us you fan bee uo iliu I'eoploV
4 ? H * * < ! le\i'bnio now rriiiiif iiipidli ,
9f I I lilll > tll till iiilllieli'dlocK
PV I M unit ricemun , Itudila > V to.
I k. I MM ki tl'on liunil llicy can iui | > ly
all coiners.
PAID UP CAPITAL $20,000 $ , SimiOBIZED CAPITAL , { 100,000 } i |
1 n
Musical Instruments ,
Musical Merchandise of Every Description
Toys and Fancy G-oods.
We make the cclchintrd llnulman 1'lano" , and the Hoyal Whitney org.iua , a specialty
Kveiy Instiiuueul wniinutfd. Send for catalogues.
t. > .
Hi Ipk building of nny kind rnl ol or movoil nn t sntlstnctlon fjtmrnntood. Framctiousos move
on Little Ulunt truckd the lictt In thu woild. 1
SOS JilighUi Avenue mid Eighth Street.
If you buy any where except at Metcal
Bros , They are selling their Clothing at
Cost , and guarantee prices on hats , caps *
underwear , hosiery , neckwear , silk hand
kerchiefs , trunks , bags , etc , , etc
METCALF BROS , 344 Broadway , Council
Northwestern Hotel ,
Newly ( Ttteil and fiiinishcd. Opp Uioadway
IJmiuny Depot. Sl.OOjiei day.
SAMUUL TATi : , 1'ioj ) .
L. 11. HEHSllAW. Manager.
Chicago Lumber Co.
\VliolcMilo and ictnll Lumber , I.ath , Shingles
Fnsh , Doors mid illliuU. Bolo ujfr'iits for Iho
( cluliiulc'il Mmbli'head Concentiatod Whlto
Imu. H 1' . > | ACCONM-LI. ,
Tclcphono No. " 8.
No. 510 Main Slice t.
Qneensware Sc G-lass
At Homer's
No. 2' } Main Stropl , roiineilJt iin'H , In.
COIIMK : AMI Vi.M-.Sr.s.
Wniin looms mid good boaid nt len oniibl
ilcs- .
I'lacllcos In Hlat anil Keileial Coinls.
KOOIII- umlb bluuait Hioi-lv Jlcno.
.Main M , , Council lllulli. .
Nea. the C , 15. A ( } . : ( ' . , M , i SI. I' , , and
< ' . . II. I. AI' , iidlway depots , Street iar
p.iss Hie iloor. eijlhlnt , ' nuw and his
1'iojiiiL'toi ami M.ilii ! ; ; < ; r.
Tailor !
NO , 7 and 9 MAIN STREET ,
Oounoii Bluffs , Iowa
J. L. De BEYOISE , Agent.
No. CO" Ilronilwnr. Council Illuffn.
Railway Time Table.
The followini ; Is thu time of arrival nnd
drpiiilinool liiilnn by ccinnil btandaid time , at
the local dcpotH. Trains leave liniblird'iot ) | tun
minutes cailior und anivu ten iiiiiiulcH later :
. . . . .Mail nnd H\pie H. .fiMi' : . a
ISMfl 1M . . ALC'ommodiitlon 4.Vi : ) > .M ,
i\inrbs. : 9:03 : A. x ,
yw A. M . . Midland ICvpinst Q'.h'ti'.u
T : IS A.M. . . .Acconitiioilalliin iJr. i / . M
. . . i\piess. : . . . 'JMA.U.
CIIIHIll ) . MIMtAl'KCK ' & SI' . I'AIJI ,
; ' 'ti A. M . . . Mail and llxpit'-h ilMr. : M.
; 'M I" . U I'MilCon. 'J'MA.U
UOA.M Jlniiandi\piiM : . . .
' ' '
'UAIIASM , Kr , i.oi'isi I'Ai'iric.
: ! ; > r. n Ic > rnl M. lmils i\rni : > l-unil
: toi' . M.Tiiinsferht. Konls ) ; \'J'iiiiiHf < Tlxj : : ; r , i
KA.NHA.S CI'IV. ST. .11)1 : A COI.'M II ,
lll'IIIA.M ' . .Mull and i\pniia. : .
* . ' : U51' M
7:1.1 : A. M . .Sioux I'lly Mull . . fMH. : M
( : " ( iu Bt. 1'aiil ixptess : V : > A.M
UNION I'A.-.I 1C ,
! i''iii-n. : ; ! .i.'lni ' ' . . niii , iV H. V. isWi ri M.
' , : .rJr. n. . . . Uveihuid Kuii'ChH 8liA. ; u.
I.ravu Coiiliull llliitlH-7a'-aMH- : ; ) -IOiO- : ;
' " ' ' ' ' ' ' '
Iliii : p. in. "Hini'ii.ijh''rTiTi'a. ; : : . in ;
if ; wiiil : - 6 " 3 Uni : : 11:1.1 : p m. I.envo Oinuhn
Bi1 : : 7'A : : H.VI : 1UOJ : U : U a. m ; Iu :
:00-lOJ-5 : : : OJ : iluri--.lil : | | 11 m. Hiniilayn-it : :
: ! > ) - 11.0 } u. m-JW : : ( ylKJs.Ou ; -0:01 : 11:10i.i : |
Chicago Water Motor Co.
r.i DKAitiiOK.v STiu-jirr.
fuinUlicil fioin hjilrnnt
nil MndH ul liKlU imiulilm ry , hMJt-lul |
Mm loiiKl > eio | t lunch UKIIIII liloHlntf , o
inn inliii i IK ini-bfi 8 , mi-lit < 'lioipcis | , hfiuiouif
ircc/vri- . 101. H'wliiniiiiuliiiii-H.ttr
Tliu lf'M < ticiir > " * i motor iiiiulo. Send ( ur cli
vn'iii In iiid In Uoimull Illullb by
Hi u job olllc (
I'ncv.V Selim.dl.mext initikeU
< hii'ii o M < itt Mnrlcl.
/ , iM/i mloircr'H Meat Mm hi *
{ nulli A. Mejerc.
Kin IA. . Klmli. eolti-o ( jr
Hi Ihii- , -\ir''nt in Jl.-un M.'I'UU ni.l illn ,
1111 1-ltllltt.U ft. OlIIUllU.