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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1886)
-THIS OMAHA DAILY BEE. S V'LVUDAYj JUUUAKY 2 .1830. SPECIAL NOTICES. Aclvcrll erncut ? under this head luccntsper Uric for the ( list hi-MTtlon.nnd 7 cents for each mbseqinjiitlwortlon. Seven words \rl 1 bo count- c-d tothcllnoi tliirniujt run consecutively and mutt bo paid in advance. All advertisements in net be handed In before. 2 o'clock p , m. , nnd under no circumMnncDS will they bo tnkcn or JUl discontinued by telephone. rnrllfindvartltlniMn these rolumm ftmllmv Inft tliu answers mldres'od Incnro of IlKK.xvtl Tilcmo nek for check to onnhlo them to Rot their An jrttcrg , ns none will bo delivered except on presentation of check. All IIIIMXPM to adver tisements should bo enclosed In envelope * . TO 10AW-MONEV. iroooo to ( ( inn nn citv rcf.dcnco property. $ ( < > . \V. Diiy , l.VJ I'limnm. all _ M OMVTO : T.OAV On farm' mil city prop erly ; citll nnd irtit our late * Mownrt A : t'o < n jm niVobrfwliii Nullniml Hank Ijiilldlnc. "IJJll MTiNliV TiT l.OAN ou norntj , wnnoiM nnd fiinillitrn without rcMiio nl. 0. J. ( 'nswell , Itoom in , Iron Jlank lliilldlnif , U'th nnd ri'.riiiiin. Tnk pluiiar. _ _ " _ _ W/.Jmii TMvai ; > M > AN"on clmttol fecurlty , in I'lBiiinsf-oin JlOOtotlUdO. Apply to. I. II. rrexl niRii , tnruMomau llroj , eor Doiiyo . < t lilllii j-Uj rpo I. < " AN Jioncy niiiny nmount , JL On nil cln cn of security. Hliort 1 1 mo minis on rcnl u tntB txintr tlmo loans on real ostixto. Moncyto loiinoii UniUeM. M < moy to loan on pollaternls. Money to loim on miy nod focunly. Torrim eimy , time to mlt Apply at HiMlmnlm Plnnnclnl Kxchnnira llnrktr'd linllillnv , 8W corner of Klftorntli nnd Karnnm jts. Jipstnlr _ _ 7v4 _ MONKY" utfrybodyl Vou can' borrow mciiioy on furnlturo , liorRCB. wwfoii * , tilnnoc , stock of nil klndo , rilnmoniH nnd linn wntolir on jour own tlmo. riiynionta rccclvod M nny tlmu , mid Inlrreet reduced pn ) rntit. 1'roperly left In jour own possession. Terms low n I ho lo fBt. Cnll nnd tee me. . llu liif s ronlldontliil. NondvantiiKo tnken..lttiort , Itoom 4 , Wltlincir * Nuw Uulk'hiir.Nortlioiir.U'or nor l.ltli nnd llni-unj- . _ ' ' ' osr.r TO I.OAN-O. ? . imvn fcco. u &l M Katnto nd Loan agents , liW Furnnm St. rONKV TO 'LOAN On ( rood necurltlcs. A LMiUavock.ioomTIlodlekUloek.tiWl'Hrnmn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " l Nirv fo LOAN On cTialtt-lc , Woolnjr * Harrison , room 10 , Omulm Nntlomd bunk TO IO.\N On rcncatato nnd dint MONTY I ) . U Thoinnd. HO MONKV 1 O LOAN In FUII18 of 1300 nnd up- wnnlR nn Hrfit-f'lnw renl cstnto seciiTl Teller .V Cobb , 1515 Fnrnnm Kl. Mil T\f ONiV : I.OANH1) at C. I' . Heed A Co'8. Loan I'l. olllce , on furniture , pianos , horse-swan - pcrconal property of all kinds and nil other titles of value , without removal. Over Kt N'nt'l Itiuik , corner 1.1th and Fiirnnm. All Etilctly conlldnntal. CHANCES HAM : oit I\CIIANCII ; A roller llfiurliifr mill In ( troxx IIIR riitlrond tou n In Nnhuiskii , uunoiinded by excellent xUioit mid coin country , doing n jrooil business and Hour bus irooil tinilo in Omaha , Itunson lor ' Inir , on iiecount ol' ave til' owner. Clark llnliher , lil'faoiith roiirtecntliNtieut. f > r-l M : At I'lattn Center , fin Union I'll ' cllle ralhoad , a lanchoHillnblf for lecdhitf cattle ami IIORS or hicediuir purposes , consist- hitr ol two mid one-half secl'oiiH ' of hind , xxell Tonoid xxlth boards and who. tlood pouer xxlndmlll XTlth Iced grinder and lead cooker tiinks. oic. lloi ? Iioiiho7.'i\-"p , Coin ciIb to hold txvo thousand biMliels. Kvcillilnir In hhatiu. Will 1m hold al a biirimln us oxvncrls nLout to leave the state. Addicss Ficd. W. Shaw , Columbus , Neb. 5irp IilOlt SAI.i : Or hi tiudo for BOfiil teal estate , a well established grocery bie-luiss In ono of the loading Htici'tfl mid l > vl locations inOma ha. 'Iho Hock Is trftdi und uevx' . and Mill In voicu nlioul t-II.MNJ. iMontlily pales fiom $ . ' 1,500 to SI.IMJ. Kveiylhlnv lain lli.-tclasj older. Ad drct-s IIZI , llco Ollicc. rRKij'J IfiOlt HAl.i-My daliy. Will toll us loxvnsSJ 1 coxxHinlso U head of horses , good lor do- llxeiy WUICOIIH. J. 1' . Ilocli. MSJ4 rpo K.\CIIANOi-Kor : meichmidl a Innd lu JL 1'ngu nnd Fiomont counllcH. Addicss lliitch- hison & Itloley , bhennndonli. in. mrj-l > Fpo iX'IIAN : < ! i : Stock Kcncrnlmoielmndl-o J for land. Addicss llox V03 , bliemiiiUonh , la. JTIOK SAI.H Oil TltADK-I or realeHnlo , Iho -L restnnianl , ll.xtuirs nnd eontcntsol twoh'o fni'iilVhcd KionlH" on tbo .S. i ; . cor. of 1-th ami Capitol lueiinu. Costlr.(0to ( lit up.Vlllbell for tf.OJ . , or on time luuood rcsi onslblo . Apply lo Cfiibctt , S. W. tor. IJth nnd 'nrnnm fits. , npbtali ? . 4VJ "IT Oli NAI < 15 T\xo hotels nt n Ii.'irKiilnt.lordaii JJ lioiit-o nnd the Now KiiKland liom-u , located tlduli ) sldoon a main btrcet in Uriind Itland. .1 i , Jordim , 47.1-.ll 'or flnle-i ; lots In Fprlntr lTluTfTro"ciu7h. 1'orh'ale Ilstnbllslicil bnnkliiB buslne s in Jfe- liuif-lia , counts' tent. Clbeon tVAiclier , Itoom : i Wtllinull llloek , Omaha. ' "il inoit > i.\li ; Or e.vchnnBe--'IVelx'u bundled , anil clirbty acicHOlMo. , thulier mid KIII S land , loity iniloiiifit of Kmi'-as ' City. As lich mil atan ) laud In the Mate , xUlln.ll nil or part nt llftceii dollms per ncio or xvill excliiinvo for food Inipioved Ncbuuka laud. Itcdloul i f-iiner. 155 POK SAI.K The only leather nml llmllnir hutlnct-R In Lincoln , x\lileh \ IIIIK been cur- lied mi lor ten } piirs vervmcccbi-lully ! thu 10.1- tun for hellliic , death ol tlio prtipiletor ; capital ic < | iihcd , fiom t'.lfW tf > ttfjdO. Addicts Mrs. Jacob llnlicilu , Lincoln , Net ) . 572 LOST. I ovr A led satin nnd iilnsh \Vodiies- day oxonlmr. Sllltabln rcuaid x\ill be paid the Under 11' ret tuned to 210:1 : Unit stieet. & 70-1 * T OST rifleou 510 note.s , pnynble loV. . I ) . J-V 1'injn , sinned byClnrkson Ciiixvu nnd Wil liam I nmn , rini.ervlll be icwaidcdby loturn- IlUthem to Ifi74 North Ibth HI. _ fiSI-JS * T ovr ono pair hearer sum jrloxes on St. J-J ' I'lmler ' Bio- - Mnry's nxu pleii'-o icturnto - man HIOH. on liithn. nnd reuilvo uiuaid. ; ! S7 BOAHDIHO. "VTIl'H loom undRool board. il.DO n xveek ; X > very be-l loentlon , 418 ri. Kith nt. Ki'J-.iri * KOOM mid board , f.lpcr xvcok ; very bestlo- cullon. ItH Davenport St. IWjiinlU' PEKSOlfAI. . I. If C. A ? AMIion nlll come leI -I Onnihii nnd onqitlro for HobnrtVllon , nt Commercial hotel , ho Mill loam MimolliliiK greatly to tiHiulvaulat'e. fi7l-l ! * BTOVE KEPAIH3. lli : W. 0. > lel/nerStovollcpnlr Co , . Ill South UlhSt. belxveoii Dod u mid Doniilas. KUPTUKE CURED. " \TO openillou or lifeless trusses. Dr. M. M t J.1 Moore , "U Wnbabh iivn. , Chicago. Will bu at Coz/ons HOUEO. hi Oimiha.'rucBilair.Dco.vj K1SCELLANZOUO. 3M Its riTAIlllD-Thocolehratedfoiluno teller Kecldcncu 14th unit Jackson. blUjmrJ * IADIliS m want of Kood domrstio liclp can J hu Fiipiillcil liy calllni , ' on thu Onmliu Mm- plov incut ulllcu , llofim I , llUdlinuin'a lllock , Mra. J.V. . Moiriboupropilelor. b'l < K SAI.iAt : it Imriraln. furniture of mi 8- loom houfo , siiltahlu for liomillmr house or roomers ; iibo hoiuo lor tout nt U'Ul lloxvmU blrcet , ssu-l * _ LAAV J.IUUAHV I'nit SAI.I : , A 1 nxrllhrarr MiiiplMIn ! ! of loxxu revolts , I' , H , fiupitimu touit lepoitu , American dicislnnx , AiiiL-ricau rcjioi ts , fi'tntliuoU'rii , 1'aelllu uml I'cdurnl in- iKirturs , nil houml nml a line of lo\t hoolcB nil latest editions Mini us irood us now. lliit-t bo Kilil lojjclhor. .luct corl flr > ' i.wi. Fair n-tliiu- tlon luroiich or uooil notes. 1,1ft fiirnlslud on iippllcmlon. Audu b IX , lieu olltcc. -iW-Jt ; , K.M.i : Olt HUNT Cheap , nuxv barn 18 1 by It ) , xx Ith every convenience. liuiulru o , lutli ami Donulas. ' , ' < > 17HUI vxcttthcr i > lilpt > , etoim m li uud r 10 K 1) . Jlcml iOUS. Ibthbt. KU IpOlt hAI.i : 'Ivxo lots in I'lllinu. Tli'ie.on ' J3 block tuna ttrc'ut cur truck. linjuho"18S jath street. KK WAMTED-rEWAiE HELP. \\rANTUI ) A chambermaid at the Occldcn- ml hole ) , 57" . \ \ rANViifouknnd : dlnlatf room girls. 172J \ linijlamtitH.'l | , 6SM * "l\'ANTii : > U'lrl for Kcncrnl housuxrork ; \i nl o , ifcimuu . .mis ; bo > t vrniiOH. Ciitiat oiut < . Onuilni L'mpl < ) ) im-nt Aucney , 1411 liar , lie ) sheet. , Jilt. l ! . fcinlth. 4C& i\rANTii : A Klrl for Bdicnil housexvoik , 4 > f In mully. 21SU Capitol ivxo. tOjl * TNTlTlV'A"cook at I'ciklnii HOUEOI'lulls- mouih.Nou , 4&-2 iTlfANTISH A ctrl f or Hcncinl tioufinvoik at \ > No. H j H. KlKhti-t'lltll St. JW ) 1 trANTinT-tTood vnifc-is vtlTTFoliiiuT Tor a > lli t class jilillit Wil S.-.tth. ttti \\fANTUIl Ooodtupt Hr-ncrd fdrl for neneiol housework. N. VT , cor. 18th nnd Ufucn. worth. 5b7 \\'ANTii ; > t oinpr'ent Klrl forfrnernllioiMo- T norfc , for Keiitlf'innn ami xvilii. No ehll- i dron. Apply S4J I'crkavenue. M7-jl ! \\'ANTHU A leninlf cook , r t cliiss , nnd n I ( linn ) ? room Klrlat tlie city hotel. 6II-J1 * 7ANTin-A : httle girl Idor 12 yt"nr of nffo. I7IK Callfornlii st. 570-1 * \1ANTI.I A Rtxxl frlrl to do hon eworlc. Fmall fnmiiy. Apply at esi So th Itfih sirect. 5HJI * U7ASTii : > firo'l ' plrN for linu'S > W-k nml an i 1 1 lady for companion. Mr * J. W. , \Iorijn : , loom 4 Iltisliinnn Hlocli.lutli ant ] Douglas 4 ? \ \ rANTit : ) A compcnt plrl to ilo l > hoiuowork. i.011 Hint st. \ \ 7ANTii : > A competent kitchen girl Iti rnrimm. 41'J "l\rANTKt > A Klrl to do Kcnonil hou owork l Ucrmnn prt-leiir-il. Mrs M. F. Mnttln.s. c cor , ilpt nnd l.cavimxrort sts. 391. \\ANTii : > I'lrst'ClA's ituimg-room Ritl * a jMhe MutrppolllanJitilrl. -.04 " \\7ANTKIi-Ladlns and Kcntlemon In city OL T > country to take llifht xxork attlielroxvt hotnn. f-tto $4 n tiny ia lly nmdo : work ten by mull ! no canva sln . Wo have n Kood du maud for onr xrork and ftnnlah etoudy employ mont. Addles * , with Mmnp , Crown MTjr Co. ! ; y < Vlmist. , Cincinnati Ohio. U2JmilOr WAKTED-MAI.E JtELP. ANTlin Sidc'incn In rnch county lo In . trodiicitix nexv patent p lmr vxhlllletrco fell ellkeiildtlic : prollti liirut. ' . Address , xt 111 Mump , Kim ; Whlllloticc Co. , vutmi , Nob. 5n ; 0' ' BITUATIOKB WAITTED. WANTin : Slttintlon ns InixcUn ? snlc ninu. i > ox'ornl jcnrs * experience oa't ! cnn fur nNIi Rood reference' ) ; suliiry cnn bo fixed alter trial. HiH , HeuOlllce. 57IJJ' \\7ANTii : > munition by nn nctlvo youtiK M man ni conclinmn. lor fmtlier j'nrtleU' ' Inri iiddii' s tbo llornn lloaullngllousu 01 : I'm nmn street. filOJJ * KISCELLANEOUB WAMT3. WANTHI1 1/idy eorre-'poiidcnco by tioutiir nmn : ' .ri jI-IIM old ; i blect , mnlrimony. Ad- diess Itox No. 11. Johnston n , III own co. . Neb. r > 74-l * \\'ANTii : ) Vlnlnly furnished room about l llvo minutes'\uilk Irum L. 1' . depot. Ad dress A. A. Adiims thy. & 71-1 * \\rANTIM ) Sltiplc ordoub'e ' room furnl hed xvlth BUS ; ceulmlly localed. Address US5 , Hoe Olllce , fiU'J-1 * \ \ ANTii-2)boaidcrs : nt ! US N. 10 St. : just T > opunoil : uvcrthing iit-xv , stoxe and fuel fiirnl-lictl ciuh room lice ol thaiKC. Flr-l-chiss iiccommothilious ; best In Omiiba. Hoard mid lodfT'iiu : per vxivk , ilday ; boaid U. .lordan V Lonnill ) proprli'tora. ' KSJl * "VArANTIIl ) To e.xchmijrc rorOimihn cheap ' lots or ics.denco , n line Iiirm. luu ncii.i < j cultivated ; new luniM- , well , slublo ; excellent hay land and rich sod.v ill as umo any en- cumbcrance. Addicts . .1.V. . * * . bOU l.tli St. , Omaha. _ 5U-J" * ' \\7'ANTI5H -To sernte the njreiuylortovoial T ? lli" > tlii' . ( ; tlio niMiiniiu ) companies. I'nr lies xxl lilnito plaro iiffcucy In wood h.inds ud dros H 15 , Ilee otllce 4COJ1' \17ANTif : ) A si com1 linnil Hie proof bunk i' i-nfe , with burylar pioi'l dies' ' . Adiuisi , I' lu llroxvn or 1'irst Nntlonal Hank , .Mel oi.k , Neb. - 44 E.EIJT-JIOUCBQ AIID LOTC. llliNT C loom boil"- ' ' opposite Conifro- 1 Rational dim eli , on t Murj a axo. , $18. Sreoin house Mill und DodRo , olicnpsi" > . Now bouse xxlth linru , N. fcuunders * t. , J10. 12 , 1' . Uliixur , MUJil. iJtli tt. TnorJtKNT Tiuclcarn : . I' . Kinder , 11 N. -t : 15th street. Jii73 _ _ , > Olt ItKXT llon en rooms , li ! miles xx < slot 1. postolllcc , tucio of Kionnd und bain. In- HUiiout IBia Daxeupoit bt. DTU-1' " 171OH Kl'.xr Do'linlilo eottnuo B looms , jrns -U city xxatcrxvoikH , nunli painted nnd pnpuied throughout , c.veellcnl nclgliboiboud. till N. i'Olh si. fiSl'S * Tj OIl IlKNT lloiito of fl looms on Churlos Jj htieel , Clnrk'h RddltUin , fourth l.oui-o lioai St Mm j > in'onue , * IS a inonlh. Apply S. 13. cor. Ilia and I'ass SIH , 512 "IT lkK K15NT T o rottiKO : , $ t. , nnd $ H jier -U inontli. W.ijxvll/.lcr , inn to lllock. 4by ITIOR UiSTOll : HAI.K A j0od biiek store K biilldinir 2i.\fi ) , txvo .stories mid bif-oment , located in n thriving town on tlioO A : it. V. 1C it bpleiulld OI < MIIIR | lor dry youds btoro. Ad- di ess II St ) , lieu ollico. 072-5'- JjiOH ItKNT To finall family , largo furnl'lieil ' hoilfo on pnved htreel ; fnrmice nnd nil modern conveniuiHe.ruleicnccs ; reiiilied. | Apply nt 1U.4 I'm nmn Bt. 4.H InoitllKNT A 10 mom house centrally lo- fated and near two Mice ! ear lines. In ( food lepnlr mn ) idl piodern Imiuoxemcnls. liuiulio of John A re ) limu \ Co. , Hll h'onth Jutli bt. LUT T11O11 ICI5NT 8-ioom noiiio on Californiast. , JJ between Uh and-oth. iiujuliooii premises. 1' . J , Cieedon. "NI Itl'.NT l B I.KASK Store room.'J2.\lM 1 Kl-miroffBrdon with fi-room hniisuailjoliilujr city ; t-0-neio titrm , 17 miles cst of Oniaba ; ii business olson M. Jlnry's avo. Apply to K. II. Chapman \ Co. , 12)7 ) Jlovunl bt. 110 OKTir f flixvhoii rnt 1KO Jackson H Apply nl Cuunlntjlmm lliemian'h , 1611 Dc-utf u St. Ita 7\OIl \ KI5NT n-roouioil hoilio on Chillies tt. In cooil iijpalr. JJr. 1'nu1 MB ITI OJt 1CKNT Two-story brick liouso with X1 bnscmrnt ; modern improx-emen . Pecond door liom -Mmy s nx'O. on 2lthht. ) Apply- Mrs. - TJ1OK iiKST Iloufo beloiiBins to the estate JJ ofJiulKo Cluuhvlck.fcW 1'aik iircuuu.V.J. . Counell. 281 _ _ "J71OII KHNT Tivo now Sand ! ) roomed lioiisos ; -L fuinaee , hath mom nnd nil modem conven- ienciv , ono block lifim filicel eaitliuinlio.lo. . V , llm ton , U14S > \ \ \ St. , or Snieltlmr Woika. KU T > OIt IttINT A stoio room \xlth jiood cellar J ? lUWiltmt stieet. Apply to John li.xnnior. , " > OH HUNT 2 stores on 1'th mid Lcavcnnortli J 1 Ets , 1 Btoio on Fouth 1'lth st. lloth llrst-class bus | . ness Iccnlions. Also lioueos loient. A. ; > lelav- ( ufk. _ _ _ O'JJ HUNT Two llxvlo ( IdcnccsC rooms each , FOH 5 roouis.houbo lu rooms. J. 1'lilppa Itoe. 655 ron KI5NT I.IIIRO nonly fiirultlieil front J loom with hoard. 701 N. ll'th ' st. MI- " HUNT I'lirnl'lied looms for Indies nnd jienllemen , 1211 Davcnpoit stioel. Mis , 1'annio Ai TTIOIt ItKM' llnndsoinely fiiinbliod rooms J-1 on biilto or blnt- ) > ; modern coiivc'iilencoj. U''OCnpiUiUvu. _ W4-J1 * " 17 Oi"ltiN'r-l'uruif-hcd : iouiu . y. W. cm\ J1 IDthnnd Cnllloinla. 670-2 > iiiNT-ruriiUhcdlooTi : lM2"Doi bluet. 577-li - , < oil til. NT Handsomely furnished rooms 1 1 xxllhorxUlhout lioiutlaui ) IJodgii. 41IJJ2" oil 11I5NT I'liriil'licd front room xxith use of bath mom ; plensant location , Jnqnlio at ollico ol C , I ! . Mn } no , 15th mid I'm mini , M7 ITIOlt ItKNT-Omiplctely furnlslicd ihiT i -1. looms and bath , Addrc * II. H. HiuOlllee. 'JC.5 . loom. 8V cor. I'.th ' nnd t l. Mmy'H live. Ml TTIOIt JIIINT Txio niifilinl-hed looms , HO JL1 i cr month. S , W , cor. 22d und I.cnxcn xxoith , KI5NT To gentlemen , huge room with lingo closd , ni2Ciililoinhiet , 64 , JtKNT Klcvnntly riunl-hed room xxllh JToil lionid. All mcdeiii con\eiiicnccs , 22:5 Dodge blieot , 543 ITlOiriTliNT i'SrHUiiciFrooiuV 1017 thicnco J : 617. _ IT' Oil Itli.NT rouriiuxr Kloio roninv , suitable tor dry goods , bin d arc , tin tbop , time ( tore , rstnuiant , buibcr bbcp , etc. ; xeiy ulcoilxxelllnv looms nbovu In ino : old's now block m the heiid otSt. Mnry'8 uvo. 6C jS Foil lliNT--Somo : very nlco dwelling room * Just tlnUhetl ; nice location nml line view ; Irom one lo lonrci.n bo hud In r.nexxuld'Hucxr block at the head of .St. Mury' * avu. 505J2 17I01C UUNT-Txxo culls of 4 rooms cuoh , JJ 1'leico fticit bctxxc ii Hlb mid 2Jth. Ku- tjulrp Illh mid l''iU'iiuii. | V. Muelilc. _ Kte Foil itr.KT llyMn. IlTTuoiT , mld-xi-Ho. No , 71K. . lOlli , u furnished loom cli up lo u lady xx ho xvlll takconh r l'orbu'diulnjlicrabbciieo. 61' ' > J1 jrum itiTx'i : " - . J3 roillxaW'uriiUho { < J rooms , IUU llarniiy 131 KKXT With bofml , arpe front room ; Poll ami modern improvements ! Hirj .lonos Irtet ' " ItKNT ViirnMiotl room with suitAblofortxfo iteutlcmcn. HH Uoiler t ItKNT-With board. R room suitable for one person. I''ll ' ' Wcb'ter. SO _ - _ 77UMI ItnMr With board , two rooms ndjoln- J ; IIIKJ front room , southeast. 1UU Wclntyr. b-vij ATI I WOK HUNT 1'imilsbfd room. 131 * , lnek on. I/UHl UKNT-fieucnnt rooms , furnlshoil and .L1 unfurnished , for llalit hnn e' ecpintr. cnn usually be found In llcemor's llloek , corner Howard. oti , roa . . , & : < 'Ki : . real estate. MAIIMI.VI.I list of Improved and unimproved lots In Umnlin ; ncresneiir theeity nnd ht.niliedR orthoii'iimlsof acres of hind for HUP : corre- ppondeneo solicited. Marshall .V I.ebecke , IVX5 Km mini sttect. Olllcoopc'ii tlllOi. in. 6 j _ rpo triuem Improved fni m of a JL miles fronitoxxn of ! . ' , OJO Inhabitants liixxt'st ern lown , A splendid bcmhur mchatd , plenty of natural Umber , spring xxotur : trend houseot S looms nearly new , lnr < lut cmrnt burn. 1 unti cuco ! ed h } lences. iiml dlvMon of lenecs mostly - ly seeded to tmiioRiiiM , llulldlngs and fences ItiKood icpnlr. To trudo for Improved or tin- Implored Innit iirnr * Omnlin. AMU tiiute for horses or cuttle. 11. 11. Hake , HGO Hurt utrui-t. * X 8-1 * rpo pell or buy rcnl cstntoor nny klud.cnll on JL C. K , MHJIIO , S.eor. . 161 Ii nnd riurmmMr. ho has property In ovuiy part ol' tlio ell } ' , UU iituls lnim > rycoiiutj-oftheftnto. Mil IjMilt SAI.i : II ) Dexter-L Ilionidj & llro. , JJ loom S , Creluhtoublock : m leet on I'm mini st. ff.OOO . ! 5i ) , . vr , cor. 17th ami Center , r.C03. r.Uxl.'iO , llanscom I'luce. ; 700 U lots i < 0\ir > T. on Hamilton and Ohnrlvs t j , fftOO to HU , 'I bluuliB \ \ et > t of conx cut. WiAllJ , cur. ( .linrlos and Mil sis. , fTOO. XlAl&l , with bouse nnd barn , near SOth nnd Center , Jl.bM ) . Very cheap ; small payment ; btilRtifu inoiitlih. riuxi i.'i , utli and ciuulvs , with house of 3 roonjs , well , etc , ? IWU " lots , i.o o's ndilltUn.CM ntul JO.V ) . U lots , \S . A. ItcUIcU 8 Ililil. , Jl.-NM. t.olcor. Sith nnd Onvelipoit , S1.W10. \Vo ttiink nil lhciibo\e liuiniilm. Cull for tnrnis. Do.xter I , . 'Jliumiis & lli'o. , lt ( > om i ) , Ciclglitun lllocli. _ a.- ' ' ! : Adjoining tlai harineks on tlio uoitb , has tiniidximtaKO on nlL-u loxcl dilxuuay , liuauillul locntlon , tine viexvH.tmd uvurythlnir eKe that pees to make up n splendid plnco lor ii residence , f-'ee llolveilere. It Is olienp propel ty , nnd no nilstnUc' C. K. Mnjnel S3. W. cor l&thmul I'nriiiiuu WW njTO sell or buy real c sinto ot nny hind , call < m I C. K. Muyne , tcor. * . IMh aiulTavniini sis. , who luia piopeuy lu oxevy port ol tliu city , nnd liuub In ini'ij tounli ol tinsuite. . (01 "IJIOK .SAI.i- e.xchaui'o forOmalm proper- -L1 ty , mi Improve ! liirtu , nancies a milelirmi ) nillioiid toHii. AudiessLd Wiiltnimi , .5)1 ) Lea- xc-irxTuith fct.Onialm. JO-'jIp ' rpo fell or buy ical estate of any klm ? , call on Jt' . II. Mil ) ne , a. W. eor. Kith mm F.II nmn st * . . x\lm has piopcrly hi exevy part ol tlio city , and hinds In exery county ol tlicttute. I'll rpo till ur bu.x ical estate of any Kind , call on J. C. i : , Mil ) lie , S.W. cor. Kith mid I'lirnmu tls. , xxho 1ms ptoperiy in exery pail ot thu cltx. unit lauds Inuvoi } county ot tlio i-tiito , M T oit SAM : OH nxciiANrn : ono of the J beet hull'.sections ot land ill Ni'hmsKu. For tuitlicr intoimation inquire of A. K. AllKcn , Ixciirnov , Neb. Also , UO acres xxell inipioved hind in Cusler county. CU7-I > T SI in : Station cm Leuvenxvorth stieet WI xvill bo the Junction of the Mo. 1'ac. mid Holt Line. Lots pmcha ed thciu now xvlll re turn u humUome piolifto the IIII.VCT In a veiy shoit time , licit iV McCi'iidllsh and C U. Mnyne , SOlC agents. 5J5 "jTXMt SAM : Large hom-o mid ! 1 nicely cluviv- JL ted lots . ' Shinn's d add , iU"al. 1'or bale Fmo tJ-rooniL-d IIOUM on Claikstioct , nicely oloxutcd lot , t5OtO. 110 ( Jilis-on & Aiclicr , Itoom 3 , Wlthnoll lllock. OATItlCK'S addition on Sauuders btif-et Is -L the chenpost piopcrly in that pint ol thu city. Stic ei car.s run tliiouuh tlim udilillou. Schools are convenient , business ic'iiches lion Ixxo hides' 1'or conveiilencu mid desliuble local ity 1'atlick's addition has many advantages , t nil mid luvestljruto. Lots only $700 to * iJO each , C. K. Mayno ugont , 8. W. cor. 15th and Fm num. 5jU irion SAI.I : on KINT-TIIO Commerciui J- hotel at Kemncy , Nfb , Address Dr. F. W. W limb , Aiapuhue , I'liinus count } , Nub. 5uO-j- * fpo toll or buy icnl csuito oT any kind , cnll on J ( ' . K. Miiyuo , S.W. cor. l.'itb and Fmmiiu nts. , xxlio lias pioi oitj in eveipnrtof thu city , und lands In every county of tlm state. 6U1 rpo Pell or buy ical e lntoof any kind , call on - iC. . U. Ma.viiu , S.\V. cor. 15th and Fnrnam ht . , who has iiiopt'it.v In all pints ol' thu city , mid lands in over } county ol tlio Mate. Ml : : : . \ ( ) licaiitlfiil acre and half aero Giii.N\VOD lotf , line location , : Ji ! miles liom 1 * . O. , onlyu few momcnls wnlU I rum llan com Park. Acics $400. Halt acres J-'i'i , 10 percunt cash , biilancu monthly payments. < J. K. Maynu , S. W. cor. 15th und Fm num. 4 J \yMSTSHli : stnllonon Lenvenwoith street TI xxlll bo thu Junction ot the Mo. 1'ac. mid licit Linu. Lots pniclnihed llicio noxv xvill le- tuin a hmidsomi ) prollt to Iho luijcr In u very Ebon time. Hull .v McCmidllsh mid C. K. Mayiic , bolu ajjonts. 5j5 Foi : SAI.K Hons-oand lot 213 S ! tli st.ichcap and payments. AddrUjj C. S. Clupmaii , Lin coln Neb. 071 rpo hell or buy leal e tiite of nny kind , cull on .L C , K. Maynu , S.W. cor. lutli mid Farnmiists. , xho lias piopei ly In ex eiy pan of the city , and lands in every county Jn UioMato. Mil UC-TION SAM : Thull , fi M. It , railroad In Neliii."kii txlll f-ell at pnVlif auction , In Lin coln , ! il7 o Mreet , commencing 'Juniiaiy I , iwi. mid contliinliiM' xvitli proper luljounidif'iits Until all Koods linxe been Mild , a lawo collection ot unclaimed mid lolUM-d iiei'lit ) , , eon lsthi ) ; ot liu m implciaonth , hotwhold Kiiods , liiriiituru lepah-ft and u lot of property dimm ed by.lltu at Omaha depot. ? s5-Uc-u. 31 , Bifviiiui. : : : Any hue m ? .0) to ? : ! . > ) I v a eh xvlll miiKfj .von 7,1 to KM ) per cent , pro ! t boloni novt New Vciir'sUtll. C. U..MilJllcvM > lo isent , B , W. tor. lr.tli miU" J anialu. " C.VJ ] J1O Bell or buy ic.u e tnto ot" nny Mnd.cnll on C. I' , Mil } ni' , S.W. cor. Ipth Iiml I'uniuin Ms. , vhohns piopeity In every pint ot the eijy. nnd amis In uveiy euiinlyot tiiuMato. , MH HAI.i : Chcnp lots lu IliuiSDDm I'lnce. Add.-csaU. 1' . atobbnia. UOJjiml7 moiS.vr.i-A ! two story , iii.vaa. framO Uulhl L1 liiK.siillablu fern bloiu. near lOtli uml I'.n- W7 ST SIDK Station on U-iix-cnwith Mreot xvlll bn the Juuutioii ol tlio Mo , 1'no. and leltl.lno. Ixits puruhtihiid Ihnu now xull 10- inn n bandsomo piollt lo the buyer In n veiy hoit time , Hell & Mct'anUbslimid C. i : , Muynif , ole iiaunts. f > V > 7,101 , HAI.i-IOnoo : 10 per cent nivIdlmT I.1 paylnir Mock. Gibbon iV Archer , Jtouiu , WitlmJll lllock. Mil [ _ po M'llorTiuj'iviit esttiTu'iit nny kindT'cit ( J. 1 ! . Mn ) no , b\Y , cor. 15th mid I'Mrnaia xho has piopeit } Inoieiy | iut ot thu clij.and uiiiU lu ox ery county ol tbuHtnte. Ml iilOU KAI.i : Hell MiCimdlUh ofTtr b nets lotHOii lonnla tt. atl,70J. . House und oor. Igt 1 ploeU liom aiioct lit f\MO \ , Aero lots nl $ lf to JLOno. llou o nmlfi7 ft. on Farnam , per foot , $75. o tuul lot on luvuupurt , fli J. DodfO ( ktre IIIIMIICSI * per foot , J . 7. . 1'ark , fJooiK'a ' mid Virginia ave. lots , J730 to a.iXK ) . fiont liouso nnd lot , I'.uk ave , ? 5OX' l eor , lot ne-u'tcavon\xoith i-l. , location , easy terms and monthly pn ) menu. llollA.-McCiindlhh.l5ll Dodrfu t. 5'llill : . : ) : : : - lotsnt t XI to f Wi. Cach xvlll imil < Oou 75 lo 100 per cc-m piollt bu- loio nitti Now Vcar'adiiy. u K. Mtijnu , i-olo t.S , W. eor. litli and rAriiam , &VJ "I71OK HAM : A jrcncral uicrcniiudieo tiuslnfcsi X' In a nipidly crowing toini not lar Irum l.ln- coin. Jk l tnidu and loc-.iilon in town. A t-plen- did opportunity lor a puny xxiolilu n KOO > I opcnlntf , mul huvlnir from t.oveit to ten thousand ( lolhir.s in ciisli. WIIUoll lor wish only , or part . onsli , Lmlnncu real cetulo in Omulia. licuUiuco. : , : ) : ; - lots at fiio to ? a.-o. iuci : ! will maVo } on ,5 to 1UO jicr cent , prollt before - fore mat New Vonr's ila.v. U , 13. Jluyno , nlo ngunt , H. W , eor. 15tli uml rarnum. aa ' : , notice to . Sl'iuiAt clorjjyutpii. Clorjym o \ xxUhliiffhulf fmo ponnlts lor 183 ix'ilj plot d t end or Iciive tliclr iiiimoi ut t'liieuiro i North v\-c torn ollico. 1(11 ( I'urnuiu bt. lbl-Jun-1 , rpo ecll or buy real cstnto of nny kind , cull on A 0. li. Mayne , U. W. cor. l&tliunil rurnmii tts. , xvho 1ms pi-oiiuily In eveiy part of thu clly , mid huidi In every county ot ttiu ttutu. 601 " rp < > gel ) or buy real cjtnto of any kind , call on _ L U. E. Mayne , S. W. cor. IMh and rarnam sis. , xx ho luu iiroperlr lu every pun of the city , and huulb hi every county of thu tutu. Ml SAI.I' : A vxholosalo notion xvaxon lu . L' good repair cheap , liuinlni Qt or uldnu.i s J. li , I'riM , IJucyhi , JiuU , WijiJe ; Bii.\ ; I.IIKI&tl kl4clot , $ i > lt < 1353. \ \ nluut HAnrts J.w to fiju. IVfSt Si'U Iotst' > tt0 Krtl. Tlioi 'itilii luls $ ; VJ to fl'iO. I'nrm-ut , r h4i5lW tn JK ) . Maker Mo } ti < mid. lots Sl" > to f"/H Ikuifcken s nl. fi l $ &r > to ftiU Sunny Side lolf fSTWto $ lix > . Hnnnimi I'lurtl'ltisfflW toft/iQQ. Illmulmuirh 1'l.icwlot ( Irr titlj9. ) tlrocnxxooilucixilois ' $ a'rttoi7.V J. I. Hritlck'd iulKllv. lots flrVWto f 1,93) . t anc .V Soldoirslots JVfl to $1,01)0. ) HnrrOak lots $7i"iOtolouo. ticnl'ondd. Intf ? W THJ lor's mid. ncro lots $ I.TOO. Tutt'c's ' sub-dfv.'fuiie * a- . Lots m every ijort of the city : ca y terms , ronvt.jnncp * ntrtliftiloornny' llmoof the tiny. 0. K. .Mayno. y. V > \ t ir. .5th and 1'armim. liS T > iiV : l'Iiiti : Adjolnltip the luirrncKs on J ) Ihe unrlh , | HI Uio mixunlatre on nice level ilrlxoxvMy. licntlnfiil locntlon , tine vluxx , nml uxorjthlnir else that iroes to ninke up n splendid place lor a residence. Hcr > llelU'dere. It Is chenp propcrl } , ami no mistake. C. K. Mnyne , S.W. cor. Dili and I'urimm , . . . _ FOI ! HAI.KOII TUADi : 1KI acre of laiul 1'4 miles mirth of North Auburn , Neb. : about MxtynurcMliulorcultlxntlou ; irood hou < o , bum , and a Koodxxoll of xxotor. For tuitlir-r pmtlcalars apply to 11. 11. lloadley. Ilroxvuvlllo , Neb. 4r.'JiuUil ( BibViiiitl2-ror : : : mupnlnccnt xloxc. nno lex-el drive , pleasant location , dirt cheap prtipcrly. See llelvodcio nein lots.f'WJ to fUl each. la ) .v terms. C. i : Ma ) no , S. W. cor , IMh and I'tirmnn. r > 5S 171011 S.M.I : LarKomiit small stock ranches 1 XTith or xx Ithnnt stock. Tor Sale 3 lot < lu t-prlntf IIII1 , Jtjf ) each. > 'or Snlo Ustahlljhpd blinking bitRlnu < s In Nelii iifka , county sent. UlbbOti \ Aichcr , room y , Wlthncll lllock. J'oi JJxchnnxe Nebraska farms for Omaha property ; n'.so lands to cxchrtiiKO for stocks ot ( roods. Wautcil 3 bitslues ? lots for cash xxlthln 4 blficks of pixtolllce. 1'or KxclimiKU 100 noio Improved farm , 31iull < son county , Neb. , lor house mid lot In Omaha , 1'or Sale Afi-nctc tract Italics of po tofteei ! hntuocost ri'Jv ilorf l.'iJOcasli.UlbsoniAiTticr , Iloom 3 , Wtthncll lllock. : U."i rpo tell or buy real estate ot any kind , call on 1 C. i : . Mayne , H.V. . cor. 1.1th mid I'm mini sis. , vxbo has propel t } ' In every pail of thu clly. ami hind" incxery county of tlio Mutu. Ml ll'KST Bide Stiitlon Junction of the Missouri I' 1'iicillo mid Ilult I. luu. fin l.eiivemxorth ft. If you xvant n lot on We t Mdc don't xcult Intw or v oil Xvlll bo too late. Pi ices of lots $ ; ! UO to K > , Kasj tuim.s , C. H. May in15th mid I'uinmu mid Hell .V : MuCandlibh , 1511 Dodge st. . solu : . ; : : - ' iniwaltk-out vlcxv , tine loxcl ill he. plea'-mit location , ilirt cheap pioiicrty. t-cu Ilelxodere ucio Into , $ ! UUto &LVI each. in : y ivnuv t' . II. MaiicV'cor. . IMh and rarnum. u. " > S i > iiiui-ror : : inamiinccnt xiexv , Hue J- > level ilrlxc , pleasant location , dirt cheap property , bee llclvedero licit1 lot * . 3ii > to $ ' ! . ' ' ) eaeli. lias } tcims. C. U. Mtixne , tf.V. . eoi. intli and I'm num. 558 \\rAl.M'T HIM.-OVCI- nnehoiisi-sliulll TT in this beautiful addition ilurlmr thepiust summer : over UU i moi o to be built next season. Lots t Kl to & 7.V ) each ; verx easy tcims. C. K. Mn > no , S.V. . cor. I Ith nml I iirmmi. 55,1. \\rAI.\I'T nil. ? LotsTfTiOl ) to S7.-.0 . eacliT T > Mrcit Car line bchur luillt out I'timhu tt lo this mid tlon. Holt Line depot locntrd In lt centii > . 1'mu locations . beVnlnut Illllll } omxniit : i be.iutllul lot. U. IS Mnymt , xvost coiia-r 15tn uiul rnrmini. Cut. IjoilSAM : IJyl'ottcr & Uobb J-1 Choice luts In hoxxu's 1'hst add. , $2iJ to f 150 each. C'oiiiotin Isaac & Seldcu s add. , l.'t'U''l , for { 1.1M. I 'i Fine lots on IJroivn St. , CO.xlTO , nt JTOOj each easy lei ills , ' J ' ' AUIL- lot llroxvii and vcrVrpheHp , cor Ciiliforula i-ts. , 5 ( ii > j U cl r , mid 10 ncici tracts on cu y turms at tl" > to 8 tw ; Kroat banjithis. A few cliolct ! Jots in Tbornburtf I'laco , on Holt Line , cheat ) . K ' - ' lots in Shluu's Third. JSOO ouch. Fine biiMiioisuurOn 1-urnum i-t. , $10,033. Lots in I'ollqft'o add. , { 500 lo $ UJO each ; very cheap. i ; , ' A U xv tine lot ? , llanscom 1'Jace , nt f750 each. Call and seoonrl > ii > ruiiis lu HCIO tracts. b75 i111" - ' -lUiu. 1515 Farnmn St. LAND SKKIvJBIti1.ATTENTION ? , For full par ticulars ahput , , ireo nnd cheap hinds In Western Nobiiuka address Tlios. r. Pattvrson , Iteiil Ustuto Axrdnt. North 1'lattu. Neb. USi rpo sell or biijfg cujlestate of any kind , call on J. C U. Maynu , S.AV . cor. 15th mid Fiinimu sis. , xho lia.-piopi.-ity iiyevj-ry part ot the city , find hinds in everyismlir ) ol Iliu stale. > U1 WALNUT liu.r , Lots SMO to OTi each. Street Car IliiU1 In-liur built out riinilng street to this addition. Kelt Line depot located in its centre. Fine location' , Ac. boo Walnut Hill If } ou xx-iint a beiiutllnl lot. C. K. Mnyne. st corner lutli mid I'mnani. Tut \\AINUT iin.r.-i.ots $ m to each. ' ' St rcot Cur line bohijr built tint Cnnilnu- stieet to this addition. Dull blue depot located m its centio. Fmo locations , Ac. SHOVulnut Hill If vou vxmit a beautiful lot. C. U. Miiyno , Southwest corner lutli und Farnmn , TM ! F . : Lot CO ft. fiont , lUth st. near Lot Ml.xlJi iriixx-mil t-t. near 10th 815,100. Lot 41.XH8. Jones nem litliNllliO ) , I'lill lot , U ( rood hiinVt-s , Hint near 2-.M. $ .OOH , Lot luxlilj , hoiiso 0 rooms , .So wind Siiiiu- dcrs , $ J1.1K ( ) . rrtoom lioin-c , Rrorffiu avp. , u harK'uIn , ? il.20fl. Lot 1)0x110. ) lioiibcS ioom > , ISIh bt. near 1'op- plelou.fl.MU Lot III O'Nell's Piibdlxon Hint &l7fi. ! t lota In llm r Oak LlrK , ) . r > lotrt taping' llan-com J'ail ; Jl 'O1) each , or $5 , Mil ) cash. Lots In Omaha Vlexx 4i'i ) to $ t5 J. Lots in 1'ail. Koiot10. . lots on .Ocortrm axe , J-,700. K. 1' . Ithisj-i- , lit ) N. 15th. i'J -ITIOIl SAI.i-II : ) W. P. Ph-iver : . JL Nicely fjnhliod eottiifro ol fi rooms. m.-iv bm u , etc. , lot ixiAlbi ) It. ! rooc [ location , ! , UlUcusb or yiflU on time. Tuofroud liiinse * , barn , we'll and cHteriiflul C'JxU'ion ' N. lUlht , eiih } terms , $ \rtu. \ Men4ioom LOttniie , lull lot , e.i y terms $ lfwO Oooa business lots on Ciiiiilmrsl. each l ) i ) . S bcmiiiliil lots on Hurt St. , near car line , $1.000 each. y lots , corner , 01 feet front each , on Leavnii. xxtirth vt. . 1 block Irom Holt Line , both IIUO. : l lieiiiilltul lota near I'm mini , each 5-71H feet mi 10th r. . near Ilium-y , :7'ii > 0. : U.xlil ) ieet on lloxxmil , , . . ! \1I' It-et on Ilmnoy. near Will. .SQIX SMcutliont xxith carpenter Miop , on Dnvwl- ioit , near Illh , Sl.soii. ' 051JU' W. ( i. Phrlver , Opp. I' . O. : , \ ' : ) : : AdjOlnlntf the bmnicks on llio iiorlli , I n-tlio iidMinlaK" on n.eo ltc-l } itrixexviiv , lieaiililnl localion , line vic-txs , and ox-crythurj' else that KOCS to make up a splendid plnco for a i evidence , See llelvedeie. ll Is i-heiip inoiicitj . anil no nilfttuKu. C. II. .Mayno , S. W. cor. l5th mid I'm mini 5'w . / cjI'.NNY SIDi : Wo bine only t-lx lots loft lu' ' n In this beiiutltul uMitlun. They mo till" i-heapeet usxtell us tlnu-t lotion Calilornia M , S-l.ooil each. Ilnsy terms. C. 11. Mayno , K. W. for IMIi mid Fiu'iiiiin. 557 FOK SAI.i ; Heal IMiite , bx Coclinin , llro. \ Co , , Heal et-tatedealciv , 1V/I i-'arnain hi. 1'Ji'iiM'leadeai'i'lullyilio ' lolloulinrlls1 ol prop- I'l ties mid ) on x\ ill -ee.ichono > Is n Imivaln.V { ivill be plea-od lothoxv jou piopcrtyut ) iilir 'onvenlenco. No. M , full lot , 1 loom houm , Kount/u's Did iiddd..SI.HO. No. 1 I , IQO.xUO It. 4 room hnntcJ,500 , K'onnt/.i-'D ; ird u lilltifiii , No , 115 , uvuf , Ut ) , 1'aik I'laec , treed hupiox'e- liinilU , SI/iHUHm M | No. l''i , Full Tot.o room houxu , Slilims adj. , [ 1.010. ( " 14 No. 50 , lotdjKxl.'jU.ll loom houi-u.flne Impiovo- inenlh. I'm k nvo. , Wbiirtjiilu. ) 5 > " > , i JJ. f No. ItO , bt aSilM , iJ jfoO'l IIIUIMM , Kount/o's No. 175 , liilVlo't' , BT 1'iKiin lioin-o , S. K. Holers .idd. , Mlh ht rf J.IIUT ; l-Iiisy lei ins. No. 1C' . ' , fulrlot , ,100111 hou.-e , Impiovement Assoeintlon tfli.illlly \ tl.lUJ. No , ISl. inlllAr.'fJ'fiuiin ' liousn. city water , etc. , Shliiu'fi ii'ld. . fJJwV.1 ) jiiimeulH. . No. Hit1 , Initru-I * > t-nuwii loom tiOllnin * , clly irnter , llnupliieu. ( iHuruiit iix'o. , cheap at No. 215 , lull lot , H mom hiiUiu , "oil. i luirii ; Hnuscijiu l'h/ / t limit. V\3M. \ -No. < , bcuutifn)1 rn-ldenco propcity iidjolu- imr nlioxooa-f tn\ylltM. \ No. "II , IliUljit , Jfced's llrat uihl.,0 room cot- aye , t'oodtaur. . hl'ado and Irtilt ticca , grapes , Jte , south 1 niiij * ! ' ( > ' lowi , i.'I.OXW. . No..II , luifo lot. Impiovement At oclatlon uld. , xtltli huiiso at low tliruio ot I.'mO. ' Coinorlot i.lvlVi tui I'm muiii \ blocks from .omt hoiii-c , fll.voJ , Corner lot on upper Harney. flV > 1. Hplendld barviiiuson Miuth Uih bt. near Ka- rlor'b hull 75xlW Icct very chenp , * 7,000. Thieo Itirso lots on N. IClh , iduO eticli , IliirrOtiV lots fKiU to TIA'iO. lliin > eom 1'Jiicu i-esldcnco lots 8WJ to t-V 0. Lots In Ixjxxe's add J. , cheap. I/its InShlnn's adds , m n bacrltlco , Ixits in Wulniit Hill , Tliornhuiv , West Side , \\0il Omaha , Marsh's ndil. , mid ueutlj every ither add. on thu market ; besides 1 , , 4 , Timid 10 acre tracts near thuelty. Soveiul Impioriil mil itnlnipnived forms at low llguief. Cull nnd eo us , xx o will ilo you KOO : | . Cochrun llm.'s it Co. , 15yj I'liruam stieet. ' _ _ _ "po sell or buy real estate of any kind , mil on J C. K. Mnyne. S. W. cor. 15th und Farinim sib. , xho haproperly In uxnry part ol the city , and muls hi ex'cry iHiui/ty / oriho state , OU1 lirAI.Nt'T HIM. Over W film houses hullt > l In thlb beautiful udditlou ilurhiK the pnst .iimtner ; over Winoro to ho built ueit beit- .on. IxitnJ-io'i lo f'rxie-ieh ; veiy easy terms. . K. Mu > iii ) , ti. W , cur , 15th uud 1 urnuui. Kii C. r VTT15K .OS-12J4 tVmnm. Spocla nltl titi ) tPiincresof splendid tf round. ccurc'i n prctly house nnd full lot on Wettest reef. tUOObuys n houeo nnd full lot on It. NMMh t. fffiAUM luiyj n tuirtlie t corner on I'limnm st. $ o.t wlUysniiortlnvpstiorueron Chlcnpo st. $ M toJ , ' > permrebuysoneortnoreofl1 < fnrni r < ld < Micc on f4.0 > niiujsn lovely luune on Dnxeneorl t. f 2.2.V ) Ini } ji n IIPXV hou < o nnd lot on Wntnilt Hill. t i\K ) buy ? n lot in Sniitulcift .V Illniballpli ndd. t.V'l liny , " n lot lu LOWO'J addition. Jiro buys n lot lu Kirk" ocid Addition. J.s ) buys n lot hi Wct Side. S.M1 buy.o n lot hi 1'mteiMUi'R sulnllvl ten. $ a ) luiys a lot in Hhncbnugh and I'atlerson's fnlpdivl < loti. . J.VO ecurp a lot In I'nttcrjon's Tlnee. S.W bu > snore lots In lllmebnu rli addltlidi. Lots and re < l ! cnee < for nlo In nil pails of Ibo ellj--ome ofxlilcli can be purclm < od for Io s tlni'i tlio miiiket price' . Doiipln * county mid Otiinhn city nbslrncts fuinl'hed nnd Riniriinteod. Cnll on or add l ess It. C. rnttei on , No. 1221 I'liruam. pATUU'K'fc nddltlou on Snumlers 1 the chenK'st | property In llinl pntl of tli city , Street curs run throinrh this nddltion ; schools mo convenient , business ronches It on m o lilM-Tor convenience nnd ileshnblo local ity 1'atrlck'f ) nddltlou bu many ndvantaje-i. Cnll nml luvc tlirnte. Ixits only 7lO to nun ruth. C. E. Maynu nuent , S. V. cor. 15th mid I'm mini , rV ) n > on SAI.IJ-Ily C. n. Mnyne : 31 I'lill tot , fiunll house. Wllcov ndd. , $7.10. ; ) IO 1'nll hit on Le.ixuiiHorth vt. , new house , nil modern convenience * , $3fitiO. SJS Ixitou rmimni st. near IIMb si. , hoii eO looms , nil model n Improx enienti , } 7WU. W. Ttxj * lots , txu ImUH'Si Sdtli nenr Howard , $ ( ! , * , ' R ) , 321-I.ot U.t.XlMSoulh SOth st , good house , f 1.S5D. . Monthly payments. 3-1) ) Lot 1 Oil x-2-IO , front lUR-txvo Ml enls , uloo cot- t.uro fnehiff lln coin 1'nrk , JI.8W , 318 llnndsomolol , nleo eottiiKt1' looms , ( ! cor- : II4 Uit MxlS" , Mth nnd Varnam , liouso 7 rooms , . iW Tin eenercs. ( rood house , fruit , etc. , I.env- An ) Full lol. txvo colliurc" , Slilnn's ndd. , f2.V ) . - ii llousn 7 room * , cast limit , bcnutltul loca tion , llan'com I'Jiire , .fi,5) ; ) . > . SSI KleBimt rc lileueo 10 looms , txxo lot , fine location , every possible convenience , t ll.uoo. 1M Cm ner lot , nice cottage 0 rooms , ono block elf Snundors cl. , $ ! lo , < .m. 19J HnndMUiieft roll nun In Omaha , * > room ? , benutlfiil lot , ( icorirm live. , ttO : ) ) . 175 Lot lUl.xltU , house 4 looms. , youth 13th st. ISO UoiMl house 0 looms , lull lot. Hickory nnd loth , $ l,7l l ; veiy ehenp. C. 13. Mnyne , S. W. eor. IMh ntul I'm num. K > 2 \VA LNllrTl Mli-6ver i llmTluiufei biillT > In this liemillful nddlllon diiilnir the pn t Bummer ; ox cr KM more to bo built next st-iiMin , I.olsiMOOto 4750 eaih ! very ea--y lerms. C. U. Mil } ne. S. W. cor. loth mid fnriiam. fC3 rpO Mill or buy icnl estnte of any kind , cnll on 1 C. i : . Mn.xnc. S. W. cor. liith and rmmim sl.s. , xxho bus prupeilj In every part ol llieeltv , and lauds lu every county ol the stale. Ml lC'irs nddltion on S.umders f-tieel Is J- the cheapest ptopcrlv In tbnt part ol tbe clly. Stieet ears inn tlimuph this nddltion. Schools iiu > convenient , business icacbe.-lt on two sidelor convenience mid de-lral le local ity I'atrick'.s uddlllon Iniinanj tulxiintmres. Cnll nnd Inxo tlirnte. Lots only i7iO ( to J-UK ) each. C. K. Muyno iilient , S. \ . cor. l.'lli mid I'timum. u"i'l ' I'ltblic snpikt r.s uud s-inger' . Iiml 15. II. lass i\i Sous' C'apsieiiin Coiiylt Drops roiuctly f erA A London paiier speaks of an A men can lady who is driving in u uuiTiujfo of .six liur. i' & tliriutffli the provincial towns attracting jieoplo by means of Iier brass band to acuupt her advice tuul medicine its from tlic xvorlil-rt'iiownoil Atnerieiin lail.v doctor. 1'lic .same paper tells of tin Knglish quack now tr.tvi'lin in America with : i very lovely yoniifr vx < ) tnan , whom In ; e\liibit-5 as the result of his niedirini1 , wliieli , he ileolurcs , catwi" ! the perfection of her complexion. Ilo sells u tonic to which lie attributes tlio tilumdanco of her hair , und drills for the hiL'i'uasu or reduc tion of lledi to her btanduril. Ncrvona Jel > illtiitcl JMen , Youaro.illovveil < t/rci'ti-/t / ( for thirty ot'theu-o ot Ur. Jxe' Celebrated Voltaic JJelt with Klectrlc buseiisory Appliances for the speeilv lellel aiuiiieruuiueiit ctne oC Xeivou- , Debility , loss otvlt.ility anil Alan- hooil , and all Kindicil tioubles. Also for manv other dKcases. Complele lotoiution to health , vluor and matihooil. N'o lisk is iu- cutied. Illtibtrated pamphlet xvith full liifot- mation , teims , ele. . mailed lieo by aihlrcsiiiiir Voltaiu JJelt Co. . Maihiill. .Mleh. lew places nro nlcntilied so con iictt- ou > ly with thu iiilieitt landinarKs of Kng- lisli liNtory us Ankerwycko hull , near Wintlsior. II includes in its grounds the I ] und ol Mtt < rna Cliartu , in wliieli Kins John < iran ti'd the liberties of the lund to his bni'on in l lf > . It Iia Ix'en an olt ru- Ijeatcd qiicatiiin whether ( lie elmrter wu ni ned on the i-luud or on the udj'aecnl .Surrey nieadow of IJunnyniedo , but til all events a one lime lord ot the manor de cided it in fnvor of the former in ISUl , and built u room clo--e to the lunding plao' * , in which he I u copy ol the uharli-r. _ _ Atouml mind h'oes very seldom without a sound ilii"-tion | , and nolliln ; : conliilnilo toll nlute than thciiio AiiK < > miira ltitti-H , tlie'vxoihl-ieiiiivvned appeti/er nml liivlgoia- tor , maiiiil'actuieil only by Dr. . ) , U. li. Sle- _ A wrller lells of a debilitated patient who did not do al all well on beef tea , but was cusil.y restored to health on a diet of bean ) > . The only remarkable tiling alHml this is that ( lie patient never ev pucted to derive f-lrength and nourish ment fi.xim buiif tea alone. Considering that we luivc npwauln of a hundred thou- fiind doRlors ami that a very lame pro- jior.tjon . of them are fully agreed tlml neef tea is almost valueless , except aa .stim ulant , it is .surprising that neuple con tinue to lopk upon U as ti food. ] 5y the completion last month of thu railroad from Cane Town to thu .South Afrieiin dltimuiul mines at Kimberley , bloani car * have stiiijilanted the tire-ome stiigefc and tlm great ov wagons ot the Dntcb and llrUIsh traders , for abunt 700 miles along the direct route toxvurd the The advent of tlm locomotive into tlm Very region where Moltall and Livingstone liven among benigliled sav ages is not only an evidence of the sub stantial ju ogress of .South Africa , bnl ulr-o illitstrale.s the Imjntlso that is now moving t'ivili/.ed nations to iienetrtite new Holds ofcohimofee _ with railroadh. Oharlos A , liobert.s of KaslViIson \ , N. i' . , hud Ihirleen erol'iiloiis nleer.s on lii face und neck. Ilootl's.Sar.saparillaeiircd' Jieiii. _ i An' ' aiiv of decay about J'ckin intends even lo its temples. The ininber of iN ponlation ] i.s notccnrately ; vliown , lint , aeeonling to si Chinese esli- ifnte , wliieli is probably in e\ee > p , il is l.iiOU.WO , of whom ! iOOuuo reside in thu I'artar ' , and -lOO.OOn in the Chinese city. i'hcro is no direct loreign trade with . I'eldn , and the small population is made . ip of the member.s of ( he various lega- .ions , the maritime eiistomerH , | he jiroles- iyrs at the college and the mis.sionary wily. . _ , The Great Invention , ForEASYWASHINC , ( IN HAHO OR SOFT , HOT OR COLD WATER Without Jlartn lo VAHHMUor HJKltS , mid particularly adapted Uiir < irmCm | < ifes , No family , i Ich cr | x > or , should be vx ithout tt , > Sold by all Crocers. but Irware or v Ilo linl . tuiona. 1-EAKLLXK la inaimfuctun.4 only by JAMES PYLE. NEW YORKi NowYonf AVIshos. A hiss for the Hps now mule ntul cold . A rose for the mound nlm\o their mould , A lear fnr the Imppi tlavi that weie , A stair for the sad he-arts bear : Such are the themes Hint mliistrol < slue , .Such are the thoughts that New Year * tiring I These ate the thltms for xvhkli xxe sli li , The.-e are the sohi of days pone uy. A heX | ) fnr the nicotine * ? oou to come , A torch for the \ve.uj w.ii'of some , V cross for n henron o'er Times sea , A uod and a blessed etetnlty. tiucli an- the liope.H of mahl ami man , Htieh are our quests since o.iithbtxnu ; Thespare the wants that Xew V ear's I'licso are HIP joys thai Into heaits shift , A Uliu-k Hlieep. Matj hail n little slum Ilsoveteo.U xvasvhilc , And olt It niailo poor Mary vveop To eo her pet get tight. One day he traveled In her vxako As she to school did io ; , Hut vxlion he said "Now MUiiPlhltig take" Tlievllloiul. ! luiutcil"Nol" fCSooilnH's Sun. IIOM-iY Ftlll Till" liADIK-S. cameo and palntod biooeltcs will he worn , .Materials wllh vxovcnhoideis foi tiiiuuilng me favorites. Visiting and home iltesi-cj me made with ( leml-tralns. Velvets and plushes have line cold thteaih tunning vcttleall.v. Silk heaver Is the finoille hat , anil unite puts telt In the shade. Plush headed with painet mnameitls Is used lor millinery ptnposes. In spite of piedlrllons lo thecontiaiy , cor- diiio > i&popiilnrfor\vnll > liiT | suits. The palest cojois ptrvull for hall ill esse . vVhlte Is the lavoiile for these ally creations. I'lushlstholeadltiir 1'nlule foi all toilettes. even thin evening dicssome tiiiuiued with Chain-Kolil purses , vxlth a sold Initial onllii- moiul inoiHi'ium ) , tite the latest Taiislan fancy. The Cuban ilandv .soiui'llmesatlends a lull In u black dtosb bull , n v\hite uecUtie and a Kteen shirt. An KnglNh fancy Is to wear thealiehou- nets ami mull's of black ciape ovet biighl- coloied eiape. Yellow continues In favor , and .sometimes Is too InvMily tiH < d on walking costumes lo be in > 'ood t.iste. Cuilyastiakhati or kilmmor will be sujipr- cded by the soil wavy astrakhan. The gal loons even ate showing less cm I. Tailatan , ciepoand tulle evenlim have lluelx-iluUeil | ed es instead of hems , al though man ) have satin nbbon mn tlnouiih hems ot lluitntes. Siptaie shawls ot knitted silk lareedwd with liitiKc. In all the eveniiii , ' colots , me novelties. 'J'liex aio buhl and may boused as tichtis or tor eov ciint ; the head. Kohls ofvhlte or culotcd crape have sujier- seded iiichlni ; for the neelf. Koin times the lohl-j ate oin iohcd by lanre pearls which al ways niii.cli the cr.iiie In ctilor. In llutmah itlsputiis , vvhh-li heie would be taken into the coints , aie settled by the two patties pultiiiK tiieit heads under water. The one w ho can duck the lim < , i > t gels the case. An association has been foimcd in llclslni- foie , Kiissla , with the Mile ] unjiose ol sup- potting women who aspitenol only to aca demical wotk hut also to ! udutiial eilitca- tion. tion.The The handsoiiRsl woman in Italy Is said tote to bo neail.v seven tcct tall. She ptohably beoas hatutsouie to moifals ol oidiumy lciutli. It is a case whcie distance lends en chantment to the view. Clasp-- the laicst wotkmau'-hlp I u cold audsilvei me used lor lastenlni ; bodices. IVisons bavins ; old Xoivvciriau or Ceimaii xvtouihl silvei onmments ate utilizing them lor embcllishim ; tlieii bodices. "Five humlri'd dollars levvatd dead or alive" isolleied by an allcctiunate wile ot Dallas. Te.vilor hei liiisb.iud , whose mxste- lious disappeiance wasehiouleled ju t alter the cotton eiop. A fashion paper says "tho bustle iscominir to the iinntiiKuln , moie rupiilly than ever. " This i.s all WHin r. The bustle ought to ho kept In the place wheie it belongs. When it comes to the iiont it is apt lu cie.ite talk. An enleriuisincl'ittsbin woman i.s about to stall an eseoit bineau In Washington , Uos ton , Now Voikand 1'hi'a ' Iclphia , wheiu tlie yoitnj ; ladies w ithout boau\ can secttie escoits lor the theatte by iiaylinjS'i1 ! . Khe is allow eil to choose liom an album a lace to suit liei taste and the youiijj man pays all the ex penses. The newest fans in e the ' 'Piiucess Heat- rice. " They aio painted au/.e with sill : up- ) iliiiiesandaie ] mountcil on carved slicks. One ot tliu outer sticks aiu puliings ol .satin , ribbon , covin-d vvilli ttilts of ostiich lealheis and idRietlcs , The lihhon exlends tothe haudleot the Ian , w'heie it ( onus a long loop fastened with bow and ends. Some of the outre mull's have dogs' and tigers' heads on them. Indeed one woman in a cioxvilcd thmoti hfaie attracted no little attention by her diexs o | ilaik blown slum v cloth with a tahlier ot tiger The Jacket had a plastron ol tliu same fur and a tuihait w Ith Iho aulmalV head as Its sole ado ) mneiit completed this ferocious ellect. I'eihaps when it is colder , Hie anlnmrs caudal iippen- dage will serve as .1 boa nnd his claws uncase the li.uul- . Peiunle dentists arc becoming the popular thing iloxvu in Chili. The cable gives the in- loilnalloii that : i joinig lad.v Iheie icceutly ] ia--.i-il a liiillhiut examination beloiu thu unixciaitv boaidand tecoivcd a diploma. If they vxeie to hcromu the fashion in this country it might be that a good deal ol the aveiago man'n piojudiuc ngalnst the den lint's cliaii xvould disappear. "Well , Klhnlinda do U'iggs , f don't s.0 ( how you could go and engage vomsell to that old Slmpl.lns. Why. he [ hasn't a tooth In his head I" exclaimed .Miss. Wiggs' dearest 1 1 lend , when slut heaid ol the engagement , ' -Well. dear , " xvat > the leply , "you mustn't be to haul nn him on thai account , for he was bom that vv.ij' . ' " "U'as liu' ' 1 didn't know that , or 1 wouldn't have said anvthing about It , " was Ihe s ) inpatlii'tlc le.sjxinse. "VernoiKi , dailing , " cooed Mr , Hruisteln , and he handed his hhishlng hi idit the nieiiii , "what xvill > ou older lor yoiirieiiasf. ' U'ilh ( what ilelicate viands will my own pici-hins . little In ido icgalo her paid ! ' " "Thank jou , I car , " lejilied the lih hliig litide , as her ilut- leting lieail lhtimieil ) a svrnpliony ol bliss In li Hat , " 1 think 1 will have a slice of luoilcd liam , a pork chop hicaded and a pickled pig * loot an gratln. "lloxvling Itehecca ! " iniii- inured .Mr. Kernstcin ; and ho hung his haiji jii the willous' . There seems to be no sign of decline In the u. eel heads , althoiiL'h the losaty and olhci wooden heads xx ill piolmhly not lemaln as long Hi I'uvoi as their compeers ol melal or < las.x Koine f if the newest fmicles In head ivoik me lhecolla ) > . vxith festoons ot pearl icads ami bugles in all Ihe evening ( oloi.s as ixell as blaek. Thcso ICMIUOIIS or vamlylies tall Irom the high beaded collar oxer llm jodlces , teaehiiiglu'low the bust and loniiing ilch adjunct to the iliess vxllh which the } lie worn. There seemlo bu a pioleieuce or heads without bulllancy. .Metal beads ire much lor evening die.sses , some ol ho hudices almost icseiubllng a coat ol mall , .0 moiiiH'ly me the gold , silvei , cupper or .ted bc.ub used , IJVIO HTOOK. . . ; Clih.-iiKo , Dee. ,11 , Tlio Diovrrs' .louriial tl cpiuts : n C.itlht Uecclpts , ! ioo : ; ; Miontf nnd ] < > o ) ilslH'l'J hhlpplitfMcei- , . sjr.0 : 'i.)0 : : , | oclci.s ; ,1 iid Iccdcih , -"AX" 1.10 ; coxxh , halls ami ' nixed , Sfl.wniUw ; hull , , t..CU-i'i.OU ' ; through " I'exits callle , fc'i.Wiiiil.Ui. 1' Jlogti Iteccipls , I7..r,0 ! ; himcr and r < e ci ihrlit'i ; loush and mlved , 5n.-l.V : i,7i ; jiacK- ij , iif ? and bhijijiln. , vu.VjiHT ; llald , ? U.o : ; ill/.ti ; bklps , &vi.0 3 10. " "Miccp-Kecelpts. : ! , ) > ) ; hlu\v \ ; natives , ? -j.OO 7 ; [ il.'J.'i ! TuMim , VW't.'MW ; lambn , SI"HM : - " > . til. I < tiils. Dee. m.taUItccclph ! ! , iJSlj hljimenls , l' ' i ; maikct active and nnu on II Kiaile.s x itli biioii ] ] ! ' : butchers u demand ; choice t > hlipniK. | SI ( HKi/.VW ; ommonto good ( .hliiiilii ! , ' , y l.wostl.W : hutch- rs stt-ciH , &uMiMi ) ; coxvs , 5r'.y.'Xi-.W ! ; ! ; ocKciHiind fecdeis , & ' ' .40M1.HO , j , lliUh-lSoceliits , : l , oo ; flilpinonth , 1,100 : j cttvuand 5uhitheron pai-la'i.s'.lmtchei'naml r e t heavy ,'j : ( ) | ' ; iiilM-d jacking , fcu.du j,1 , . 'l.K' , ; ll ltt. A.Vx t J.SW. ( i Kaunas City , Ucc. dl. Cnttlo Itcccltiti , V Rl ; hhiiimeiit , iitiim ; Mium ; and active ; N ' hiptiiiu Blades | 0\i(15o lihthei ; ( i.vioiteis | , v 5.WX.ii.Vi1 ; treed ! ( > choice hhlpiillix' , Sl.r.H'i Ji .b. ' , ; I'diiimon to mi'diuiu. ( 'Cl ' < " ; sbn-U- s and feeders. fc'JCOfa.l,7f. , cow H , W-SJ' . j , ' M HOKHJtcc lpts. 4,110 ; MilpliicnlU. . . i 11 live umlV" ' I PC iilirlii'i't nooil to cholci , > .MIJ 1 , , iJ,5i , COU1UIUU ( O lllWllULII , V".vOx4u.U > , i b New York , Doo.fll. MOSKV Onrall c.iiy nt Zjt'\ \ per < < nt. although at ono lime as high ns "i , cluslmj at " per cent. KoitKinx Kvc-itA.s'ot : ini.t , * null and unclmiiKi'd ; SI.S3'f ' for k\x\y \ \ dnjsandSLSs furdeinnml. < 5oVKiixMtxt : t Dull , but stcndy. 1IVtt.WAV lttixi > \ ery ncllve and Ren- emllx higher , KIOCKS Dull nnd foattucle , I'llceMhls evening atcnhout ( Viinlly | < ll\hlrd hctvu'cu rnl advances and declines. Ainonit Ihe advance * lire : Missomi I'.icllu ? 1" , , Manitoba 1 , ami Te\ns r.u-iho ; * per cent. Kcadln lost 4' $ nnd l.ackaxvannu | > er cent. STOCKS OX WALL STItKRT. rout bonds. . . 1(1H4 ( U. iVr.N.V 110' . U. S. 4's's 110 % iiteferrod. . . 1S.V Xevv ' . I'-MSN" . Y. C * 105 I'acllicO's of'O.V rr > ; > 4 tieioii ) Tran. . si * ( Central KiciUc. . 4JI'.vcllic Mall 00\ C.&A 140 | 1' . , I ) . , fcK > , JM jHcfeuod. . . . l.Vi I' . 1 * . C iW ! O. , n. ArO IHTYIlnpk IiliUHl. . , . 1iS ! ! < D. , I , . . .VV \ 12.V4 St. IiS. I \ . K. . . . S1 J 1) ) . .V ; I ! . ( J SO I jitefetivd. . . 4fl'r Jlrie. 2n ( 'C. , .M. ViSM . , UW . ptpferrod. . . . ffl ' ' llliioN . 1SHJ , SL I1. iVt . . -H. vt\V . ai fi ini'fo Kansas it T Tcxns l'aclllci. < 13 I'nlonl'acllic. . . 11. V N " W. , .St. h. A . V.i 12 ! Allch. CcntrAl. ! . ucferred. . . Aio. 1'ui'llie cm Union. Xortlicm I'ac. . . n.&y lireletied. . . . Otjgl PllODIJOK. I > PP. HI. Klour Sloarty nnd tut- \ \ lntcrluil Hour , f I.Wy.l.s'i ; i sotttlii'in , Sl.iHultM ) ; Wisconsin , S4.iOieJ.75 ( ; \ olt silnjrhcat | ) , 5X70c.f-l.OJ ; S4.7ViiAr > ii ; low null's fr'.od&fit.tH v ) ; rye tlour , ta \ : i.iKi : liiH ) > lirat , il/J.Xcti.7. ' ) . i\ \ U heat Quiet and Meadv ; teelliiK firm nml cio ed 'jc above ye-ilciday ; n r torcavlt ana December ; Wm1 lot , ltniiatx : ; sri't s'JVf for I'dutiary ; IMVifWVc for May. Uoin Mcady ami less dolUK ! Xo. S ! closed " ' ' under vestetilay ; ! ! dtne : for cash and December ; " - ( ' > ' 'Mnti' ' ; ( ' i ! tor January ; ! Jl ( o for IVbtitai.vlOolor . ; Miiy. O.ds t'ash and DeccmbiM- tided Itrtu ami adxauced ; cash No. a luhMl C'fVc hlKhcr ; ' . ' > e ror cash and Decembei ; ti'ie ! lor Jan- ttaiy ; "l c lor Mav. live L'nchaiiKdl ' nl r > ske. Itailey \u demand ; dull at fMVe. I'mU Aelive , him and IK'-ji ' frH.1 higher ; .V.UV10.10 lur cash ; &H.-I.X ! i.5ti lor Dm-iu- hei : tlO.LHii ) ( lO.OJ'j lor Januaiy ; 10.47' ' , lei May. I.aid-Meadv and 'J''r ' V hlKher ; SC. - , fl.d.'i lor cash , Deiciuher and .lanttary ; SO.10 ijo'U'J'i ' ' , tor l-Vhiiiai > : frn.oji iiD.ii'i for .May. Tiniolh ) Stead } ; mime. M.nutl.TJ. Klas-ueil tiiilol ; Jso. 1 , irl.lU cxl.l'J . linlti'i Dull ; oidlnntylo faitpv cicaiucty , IX : KI' ! ; coml to fancy daliy , Kluciu- . Clii'OMPull L'H'.mi I'lii-ddiirs , D fTi'j o YouiiB Ainciiea < , U)1 ) . ( iillu. " Kuuh-OiiIK at ilMi vie. Hull ; MiMN-Slioiildfi-s. S3.0c : i.7.'i ; slioit deal , .SV.'Oi/VJ-'i ; slioit riln , { rl.ll.\.N. 7 f. Iliili's UncliaiiLjcd ; Btet'ii ' , .v ; hi'.irvKii'cn salti'd lnll > I'liii'd. .I'ic ' ; IlKht , 10e ; daaaitiHl , 7'4c ' bull hide7o - .salted ' , ; - 7odry , l'J/e ; dry Hint. WuHi * ; call skins. iic. : Tallow UiicliatiKi'd ; ' > . l country , f > c. l-'lour. bbls . ( i.iwo 7,1x0 U'liL-at , litt . ; 'K\OIXJ 7,000 Corn , mi . i : , out ) O.itsbu . -17OUO Tl'.OCO ' U\cbn . Jt.iXKJ \ liurlov. bu . tii : ; 9ooo Oily. Uoc.Mi.Mioat Stronger ; r cnsb nominal ; lrclunai.v , Tli'fc ' bid , 7.'l o / < asked ; Maicli , 7V.V bid , TTo askuilMay ; , Vl o bhl , U.V a < < l > cd. l Com .Steady and ( | tilol : cash. iiC 'e bid , Jt4e a .kcd ; Jaimaiy , oUBc bid , u"jro ! a&led ; ; ll'f ' .Majtlj : , rMYc. U.itsonilmtl ; 'J7u bid. St. houis , Dee. HI. U'hpat Kalrjyarlivo ; } ( m ' ' blilicr ; No J led. cash. ! > 'c. ; DPCUIII- bur , i2'4c ; ' ; January , tw'bc ' ; May , S1.01 Q Coin -Quiet , ' I'lovM'r ; Nro. 2 mixed , pasb , rciVi Deeiiiibur , : wic ; .lanuaiy , mtGtimJci May , I' 'ic. ' O.its tinict and steady ; uiKed cash , and mMiib-r'jreMaytiWi ( ; : . . , , Kye Notlinm doing. ' M'lil'-Kv-Srl.IU. 1 ' 01 k-'ri finer at SHI.OO. Laid llluhi'ral ; ? . " > . t > > . Ilntter Dull but steady ; croaini3vy'J.S'lJc ; dali ) , liiwiiK * . Theieas no altcruoon board to-day. X -\v YiirU. Dec1. : ! ! . ItucclpU , 1.10J ; s > lilwu.'iit.s ] , I,0U ( ) ; tbciu was \uiy llttlo doni ) to-d : y , o\\lnr ; to Xow Year's sports \\liich wcic held lieu ; tlilballcnioon ; 1111- Kiadcd led , iMiij ( ( ! ( ' ; No , ii icd , nominal , 'JJc : ; .lannaij closlnvul 'JJ'.jV Ctn n .Spot lots witbont Important clmnjje , ojitious lililior , but veiy iiuiet : lueelpt.s , liis- Jui ) ; uxpoits , r > l.uo : ; ; niiu'raded . Btsc ; Nro. : t , l-l ( . l14c ; No. 'J. Iti ySWJo elevator , W ) > o ; January elosln ; ; at l ' c. Oats ( ? ; ! , better ; leecipls , n4,200 ; nx- jioits , MO ; mixed wciiturn , ; tli5.37c ( ; wblto I'ctioltiiun .Steady ; united closed at 88 0. Jii s bteady and quiet ; rocolpU , 600 package- . . 1'oik JJull and nominal ; mess , 50.75(3 ( 10J5. . Laid AVc.sleru steam spot 1'alily acllvo at SiUU ( < ) ; to aiilvo , 50.J7 : > i'f ( ' > M : January , . . . Under -Quiet and ( -teady ; western , ICQ Wic ; Klgln cic.iiiu-iy , "S1. ClicuM ! { } niel and steady , Clntilnnati , Ii ) c. M. Wheat Strong ; .No. " led. ' .Mr. Coin Klim ; No. ml\ed , Sic. Oats .Sic.tily ; No. " mixed , ! ! lc. ltyi > Dull and iiiirhaiiKcd ; No. 'J , ftlROOc. Ji.ulcy Dull and untlianged ; extra > 'o. a sjuiiiK , r/ifi/'jN- ' . I 'roviiiou- . Neglected , nolliinir doiliK. \VhWv \ v-Seady ! at > ! . 10. niliiiiiioiiH ! ] ) , nee. : il. Wheat Strong ; No. 1 haul , canb , ' . 'Ojc ' , ; Jaiiiuuy , WJi'o ; I'Vhitiury. We.May , UT's ' ; No. 1 noitliein , raMi , M"jc ; Januaiy , tw ; Kebiuary , tWo ; r Klrin and inoro demand ; patents , i.N'j ( < i'i.lO ; b.ikein , 5tW ( < J4,10 , IccelitsVhe.U ! ] \ , bfi.'JIO. Khijiiiienls Wheat , 15ObO ; Hour , 3,503. IjivtrMil | ) , Dec , ill , I'oor do- inaml ; .No. - winter and .sjuliiK , "s Ij tl. ( ' 'lour I'oor demand and imy tit Hs ! 'd. ( Join--l'ooi demand ; hjiotl.s bd , dull ; Do- I'lnlicrla Id , dull ; January anil Fcbtiufy , New ( > i-I ( aiiK , Dee. 111. Coin Firmer ; white , -J'4" 1'Ji1 ; mlsc < lJfic l ; jellovvKlc. . Oats liidet and vveaU ; choleovcstern 1C. | Coinnipal Dull anil niicliaiiKcd. lloK I'lodncl.s Dull and unchanged ; pork , B'.T.'i ' ' ! laid , ichncd , $ .iw. Hulk .Meats- Dull and iincliaiiKcd ; hlionl- jei.s , 5-i.Vi ! ( ; lonif clear ami clear tlbi , $5.00 , Toledo , Dec. : ) ) . Wheat Firm : cash or lamia y , Vi'/t ' ; . Corn Dull ; cash and Januaiy , a jc. -Unchanged ; cash , JiOo. JMIIxvaulcoe. , Dec. " \ , Whcat-'Slroilg ; ash , KI .JanuaryKityoi : ; ( ' 0111 ( jnlet ; No. " , JifUic. ( Jal- , 1 luu : No. ' . ' . 'J7Jc. Ilu ( Jniet ; No. 1 , & > k'c. l.uleDull ! ; No. a , fiiJ/c. . I'linKion.Higher ; iiiens pork , cash , oul.f iU.fjj ; new , fc > iu.0 ( \ tK \ KTOOIC. J'lhlay , Kvcnlnc , Jan , 1. ThetK was nothing ; doliiK In thucattlu mar- ' et tu-diiy. Thu hoj ; inaiKct vvasautlvoani ! hcie vxns a very ; iipaient | dcsiio amoiii ; Ihe- - itij i-is to ( 'et u.s iiiiiny loads as jio.islblft The cceijits xxi in liijht and vvcio not nulloup to lie ijn.ility ill HID day helotu. llcavkr i-lili > - iciiNaiiHuol.ed loi'HiKin , Tiiuio Is a juos icct ol a veiy KOOI ! demand for some time U oiitu. The puns vvciu cleaicd to-day , iiont I'lng lull over , llaulb k I'ibner will com- icneii IMIliii ! : h % this week ijn a. larger ale , vvldeh xx ill still tiutlivr incit'UjO thu do- land. IIKSC'IIII'UO.V. Caltlu- .v i I In anil over S11. " * { Mitl , M Ihs . . . . . . . .1 i\ \ " " ' 'iia ( < 4l , " ' J Iba a &o eeih-i.- " . -.1 iiasa 'J'c.\iHH. : . . i 'jltl > 3 ( ' 0\VH. 1-slClll ClJVV Ho s IlM'll . leav ) 1'iicliliU 'litVel \ hw. Upd