Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1886, Image 1
1 'JI.1J8L1i ! ' / THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. Vt FIFTEENTH YEAK , OMAHA , SATURDAY MORNING , JANUARY 2 , 1880. N UMBER 100 COMPLEMENTS TO CLEVELAND , The President Receives the New Year's Greeting of Six Thousand People , BEATS GRANT SHAKING HANDS. Tlilrty-ronr Grips n Minute TlrenkH llio Itccnttl The Itcrcptlou a HHIIInnt AITnlr Who Were There. New Vonis nt ' WASHINOIOX , Jnn. L [ Special Tclc- gTam.J-rWbcn it wan announced that an ex trafoiceot Plnkci ton's detectives w etc on thelrvvay hero fiom the wpst to piotect the preside nt , the laughed at b } while house olllclals , but any one who Is used to golnir to the white house could not hut hive noticed the unusual numbci of delccthcs within Us portals to dij. Tin1movcel like chcsfi.i.-n on a bo.inl. Tlipy wcio slationcd nt cofftenliNit points , anil during the e-.iily part of Hip day WCIP moved b } signals from n chief or head man. No soonci did any one * rylo gobcond a certain pioscribcd part of the house than one of these men gel up fiom somewhere and stopped ( ho way. They were nil dressed In cili/cns clothing , and some were uncomfortable In white cotton gloves. Towanls the end , when tlio ciowel of clllens began to cuter , the chief gathered Ids men about him that Is , closri vlthln the pioscribcd pieclncts and made thorn irnaid oveiy eiilrancp laphll } . Many people did not think as tin- } mixed In the rrovvds In thocast loom that evciy now and then they elbowed n detective. Vctsucliwas the fact , and but let them once til to ictiace their stops and they soon found out if de tectives weie mound or not. Of conisethc usual police foico of the1 white house was on guniil , but the1 oxlia oue-s weio theie too. A long line of handsome equipages stood in vv.-.lting outside of the white house at 11 o'clock this nioinlii- ' , . The line looked like ngi cat in a } ofeav.iliyiiien , for on each box of each cariiago sat a coachman mid footman In llvci } , anil on the knee of each coachman tested the handle of his will ] ) , and thcccsof both coachman anil footman looked only In flout. The ea-riasos xveic those of the diplomatic roips , and Iho variety ot llveiies and tiappiugs was almost as gicat as ( lie-11111(01 ( ms woin h } the diplo mats thcmeohis. Double1 lines of policemen guaidcd Iho caipdcel portico of llio white bouse , and on ! } Ihosp having a rtghtful en- trancoatlho piopci time could pass b } and cuter. " The whitehoiisegiimuds weie asvvoll gmiiilcd as thu iiooivvai and the public , the pool unwashed , the anxious hungiy demo- ciats , had to content thi-mse-lvcs bv looking through thubais nt the gengcous displ.i } iu- bide the gates1. Inshlc the while1 house Iho scene was one of bustle and oxi itcment. Tlio Diesldcnl nevoi falteicd once in his dull of hanil- slmklng. Ho began almost on the bom of 11 , nlid It v\as some time uftoi U o'clock when the long line of dtf/PUs ceased to flow thiough the looms. Cleveland shook ovciy ono by the band. He has a lightnmir-liku shake1 , and he bad it down to a line point , i and knows exaclli how to pass them on. Ho poke vjiy little1 , except now and then to an acepialntanec , and then it was oulv a wo id or two. Ills maiinci dining tbc diplomatic ic- coptlon was easy , bccauso l.o had just begun , and as Sccictaiy liaiaic ) , who In- ( rodnccd the visitors dining tills portion of , tlio icceptlon , stood near him. the pii'sielont was able to each diplomit by name. Pcilmps the onu who aUiactccl the greatest , amount of nttcnllon was llio Chinese minister and suite , Cheng Toao .In. His cos tume-was cxccedlnglv licb anel ppculiai. and hovoio on Ids head the stiango looking Chinese hat , with pompons slicking out at the back. Tlioothci att.iehe-sol the legation \vcrobimllail } atliicd. The Japanese min ister anil his huito uNo altiactoil Iho usual at tention. The of and linn-out bcnators con- gicssmon must have been a disap pointment to the piosldcnt , lei It was an exceedingly small number. Senator Cockicll vvas the Hist to airhe1. Senator ShcniKin came about ten minutes aftei this part of the ice-option had begun. Senatoi Logan came In and sliooU the piosidonl coi- dlally by llio hand , bowed to .Miss Cleveland , and with a ellgntlicd bow lo each ol the ladles of the cabinet , pissed inplell } thiough the blno loom and thence to the c ist loom , w lu-io he llngcicd lor a short , time talking to ac quaintances. Senator Cameron was also .noticeable , while Senatoi Sabln hail bi ° long black hall caiclull } parted and biushcd. The public came with a lush , and thopiesl- dent's liand shook liUu u immp handle. At lirst tlio ciowel went past him al the late of forty a minute , but ho Incicased it elton , and oncpfilt } eight people shook lunels with him In ono minute. At - o'clock the outer gates woio shut : anil these Inside paused thiongh llio p.uloif , and then the 10- ccptlon closed. Itnlph Modjpska and biido spent the day vlowlng the bights of tlio capital and visited the president in tlio iilteinoon. Mrs. Senator Maiulci&on lece-lvcd intoi- nially at her apartments in ( lie Portland , and welcomed a laigu miuiboi ot hciutois and nimy olllceix. Mrs. Senator Van Wck did not receive to-day , as she has been out ot soclot } tor pome time , owing to the death of her slstci , Mrs. Van Ankon. WAHIII.NCIIOX , Jan. 1. ( Associated Piess. ' ] Atthoentiance to the whllo housogioiinds today , two pollcen en kept back tucciowd ot cuiious Idlers whoga/cd with Intcn-st at the handsome equipage ol the diplomatic coips , the high ofllccrs ot the gov eminent and oihci distinguished pcisons. Mountcil policemen kept the can lago appioacli cleat , anil a long Hue of olliceis loimeel on cilthor side ot the dooiway ot the executive mansion. Tlio full Miiiinu haml occupied the vestibule and dibcouiscd familial nils dining the pin- gichsot the ccimonies. The dccoiatlons of llio inansioii wcro exceedingly simple1 , being coilined ) to tasteful tlorul niiangumoiits. Ciracofnl palms and ram plants wcro In pioftision. Hoeinets si/u and harmonious colors stood on the ccntio tables , and dellc.ito gailands of smllaxontwlncit thecivbtal chandclicis. At II o'clock , to the accompaniment of "Hall to the Chief" by the Maiiiio band , the presidential party entcicd llio icceptlon rooms and took up lliuir station In the hlno parlor. Mis. Havard leaned upon the aim of the president. Se'crctaiy Haaid cscoitcel Miss Cleveland and the icmalnlng membeis of the cabinet lollowcd with thcii ladies , Scciolary Lamar being the only absentee , Col , Wilson iiieci'dPd them , anel Llout. Duv- nll , with Miss Hayanl , ( nought up'llio , The ladles blood in lids older : On prosl- dent's right , Miss Cleveland , Mib. JJ.iaid ) , Mm. Manning , Mrs. Whitney anil Mis. Vlbis. UIng ton sov cio cold Mis , L'udlcott was not pipsont. The president and members of his cabinet wore Prtnco Albeit coats. MlbS Cleveland woio a court train of gat net velvet , with tahllcso of white bilk wioii ht with beaded cmbioldcry , The corsage was of white , cut Piimio in liont anil heart shaped at ( ho bick. Thogninet velvet foimed a pleasant waist iu liont. Tlie sleeves weio short anil the pcail coloicd gant do Mie-do reached high above Iho elbows. She earned ft bocpjet ot w hlto roses. Mis. lla.vard worn a ( rain of w hlto satin with richly embroidcicd white Canton crepe , draped bliuvvl bhapo over the skirt. She woio a bouquet deeor&ago of natural roses. Mrs. Manning were a vciy faint t > hadoof heliotrope satin , embroidered In pearl and cryst&l beads all over the trout. It had a train as did the dre&s of each lud > In the re ceiving jmitv. Mrs. vVhlliujr vvoro \\hltosatlu , richly eniDroIdeiM Iu silver. A magnlUcent dhv- raor.Ci r.c-cj < lace and diamond comb com pleted her toilet. . . . . . Mrs. Yllas woie a shrimp-pink silk , with piloutal tilmmlngs and ombioidciy on cicpo Mrs. Lament , v.ifo of the pi I- ' - ate ecntiry , who was present with her bus bind , wore an elegant toilet of flame-colored satin. The members of the foreign IcffatIons who take advantage of this op.ioituniiy to pay their rc-'pctts to the executive" , had all anlvpd , and the president's part } bid scarcely taken their ' eats before the Portuguese minister , who Is the dean during tlie absence of tlipllavtian ministei , vvai presented , anil his brothoi diplomats follow cd in UUP. 'I h"lr handsome uniforms travean acbled brilliancy to the ecnc. 'Iho British government was icpie-scntc-d bv its ministi-r , lion L. S. West , .Miss Wo-st , .Miss Flora \Voit \ , Mr. and Mis Ilclyai. the lion , Ch.itlcs Haiillngs and Mis Lehman , the gentlemen nimcit being all members of tlio Hrltish logatlein \vaslilngton. . Thn MIsM-s VVOIP dark blue1 elicssei. with bonnets and muffs to match. Tin * sldrts of the1 di esses wore of silk , striped witli led , blue ami old gold , ami the bodices were ti limned with a little gold passuiucnlciic , and had lull fronts of white rippe ll is. Durluir tlit'diplomatlx icc-cption the ecro- taiy ot state stood at the loft ol tlio president to intiodiicc to him the members ot the for eign legitlons , and Col. AM Null , coutmls- sionci ot public buildings and grounds , stood between tlie picsideiit and Miss Cleve land , and introduced the diplomats and their families to hci. Tlie fed lowing counliles weio lopieuMited. Portugal , Itilv , ( iieat Hiltain. Hoi- plum. China , Anslil.i , Mexico , Russia , 1'iaiiic , Swlt7cilaml , Turki1 } . Spain , Pciu , Costa Kiev and Salvador , the NctlipilaiiiU Hepiad ) i , del- m my , the I'nitcd States ol Columbia , Jap in , Noiwa } anil Sweele1 ! ! , tlie Aigentino Kopub- lie , Hia/ll , Doiimaik and Vi'iie/.m la. All the mcmbeis of the dlplomitie coips , except tlioso who icpri-seiit leimblicson this conti nent , wcio In theii rouit unlloiniH. When all of these had been picseiited , Col. Wilson took .Seeietiu } H.i } nd's place anil Inlioeluec'd all the otlie-i olllc lal classes as the membeis ot each nirived to the picshleiit , while Lieut. Duvall of the aitiiy uudc lu ll odtictlons to Miss Cleveland , 'I ho u-ccptlon ot tin1 membeis of the stinremo coiittand the ( ointol cliiims followed. Ot flu1 foruu-i theio won1 picsenl Chief Justtto Waltoand Jiisticoi niatchtonl , Hailan , Hiadlos , ( Jia.v. Wood , MIlloi Meld und Stioug. accompanied b } tlie ladies ol thcii families' . Aceompinying the jiistlccM woio Juilno H.iuciott Davis mid Mi. and Mis. J. II. MeKennev. The coin ! ot claims was icmesentcd by Chiet .lustlco liicliudsiin and Justices Knoll and Davis. Tlio supreme court of the distiict was repio- vciitid liv JiuUe-s .MacAilhui , Hagne-r. ( ox , Mcirlck anil .lamps. Commlssloiii'i Webb and Majoi Ldeckel icpicscntcd the distiict commissloneis , Asthovisitoispissi'd tin oiuh the receiving patlois they coiigregiteel in tlie east loom and mingled in animated conversation. Scu- atois and icpii'sentallves began to aiiivo eailj. Among the senalois weie Slieiman , Logan , Cockicll , Haw ley , Miller , Dolpb , C.uneioii , Ce > ke > , Cullom , Manelersoii , Sabin , IJiovvn and ( ii'oige. Among the loiucscnt.i- tives weio Speikei Caiflsle , Itaudall , Ke-tchaiii , Paiipihai , Seymour. Willis , Culeh- POII , Hiown of 1'cnnsvhanl.i , Slrublc- , Tavloi ot Tennessee , ll.ukd.ile , Cobell , 0 Donncll , Haiboui , Van Laton , Thompson , Mattson. Ward , Monison , Lotcvio , Scott , Swope , Pavson , I'ulloi. Piedciicks , Cougei , Stone , Davis , blow.ut , Hic'-Keiuidgo. ' Ito au , Townshi'iiil , Spiiugei , Sinirlcfon , Hi.nrg , Weavei , Houte-llf. Hlaiie-haid , ( lavncs Ontli- waite , Caswcll , UiUei , WilliamsT. J. Ilcn- elersoii , ( icddc-s , Sleele1 , Cole. Clements , ( ilb- son , \Vilson anil Delegate Came1 , 'llio most ot the eougiessiiion had thcii wives 01 othci ladles with them. Mi. Ka'son lepicscntcd the cx-ministcis. Senator Shciman was the only px-cabinct ollieei noticed. At a lew minutes to 12 o'clock along line 01 aimv olllecis wended thplr w.i } liom the w.u deiui tnieiit aeioss llio wav. The Hup nnuibcicd niMily Ihico bundled , allliough only loity olllcersaio stationed Iu thlscit } . Hetwcen s-oventv and eighty ictiicd olliceis icsiele in Washington , and all who weie able to tiavel wcii'ln line today. Hcsides those liom llio dt iroRMit bin cans ol ( lie vvai depart ment , the ban auks and Foil Mi-r , a number came ovei liom Tort McHcnry to pay their icspocts. and the foico vvaslaigcl } incicased b } theiiumbci on leave who aio stopping hero tcmpoiaiil } . ( ion. Slicildan beaded the line , accompanied by bis personal staff. Adjt.-lien. Dunn folloncef , with the olliceis of the adjutant gcneial's de- uaitmoiit , then in oidei came the olliccrsof Iho ooips ol cnginccis , headed by Col. Mo- Comb , the ictiicd signal coips , headed by ( ! on. Hiiron , thocavaliy , artillciy , intaiiti } , iiipcllcal corps and piy corps. Theio was no Inteimlsslon belvvpcn the aim } anil navy icccption. Thu lineol naval oOiceis followed in Hie footsteps of the iu in v olliccrs. It was headed by Admlial Porter , anil by his side walked Woiden. PoIIovMiig came the dllfcicnt chiefs ot Hie buicausot tbonav } department , and many ot the other naval offlceis ol luomincnce. In fact , HKc thoaimv , Hie navj vvasippicsciitcd bv iiisirty ovei } ollicoi who is at ] ) iesent \\'ashiug- - ton. Hoth the aimy and navy olll- ccis wcio In lull cliess unll'oini , and picscnted a vci v lianehome nppc-aianco in tlio cast loom , wlicio the1 } gathcicd foi a low moments aflci their icccption In the blue pallor. The now olllclals fi om ( novations dcpirt- ments wcio neaily all juesent. The civil hcivlco commlssionois , L'dgeiton , Tionholm and Kalon , and Commlssioni-i ot I'duiMtlon Katon , and Piofcssoi Halid , tollowcel hy Piofcssoi Powell ami all the1 heads ot the seii- oiitilic di-paitlui-nts , led in the pioce-ssion. Then followed all the hi'ads ol llio buic-aiis In tlipclppartnieuts who aio ap pointees. Assist int Se'cictai } raliehlldled tlielieasury ollieials. Tlio Mexican Vete-ians' association was well repic'sented. Thenieinbeis , nnmbciing sixtv , hied in am ! paid theli lespoitto thu president. Following them eamo the oldest inhabitants , nnmbeiing about llity. 'Ilieii appeai.uup was vouoiablo and vci } Impiess- Ivc1. The Oiaud Arm } of the Kopubllc dele gation followed. Plp.lsant wonthoi helped to biingoutthelaitSestN'ow Veil icpicscntatlon toi man } } cais. Tlio membeis wcio In line aeeoidiiiL' to thcii posts , nnd nuiiilieied about a thousand Iu all. The1 } wcio admitted thiough the west gates at the avenue , am ! bo- foio tlio line had iinNtcd coming up Iho avc- nno , flu * limit portion wis going thioiuh llio east gate1 , having pissed enliiel } through Iho w lilto house1. Many coloicd men , MHIIP ot them maimeel anil cilpplod , wcio included in tlio tanks ot this oi anuatlon. The gates weio not opened to Iho public unlil aftei thnC A. H. loe.-ptlnn was concluded. The ciowel ot waltin , ' cltl/piis was Immense1 , and extended fiom the i-astein gate In a solid mass tin down the avenue ) occtipvlng tlio middle ) of the sheet. When the time ariived for the ireneial iccoptlon , the gales woio opened and the line passed lluough tjio whllo bouse1. Not withstanding the immense ciowd , the bust ot older piovallcd , and ovci } thing passi'd oil in the .smoollic-bt possible manner , Dining Iho icception all the parlors except thocast loom wcio daikoncil , ami when the diplomats , army and navv olliceis , and othoi oUicials onteied the beautiful loom the clfect was biilllant. The him bhouo brightly thiough the ) Bouthein w Indows anil the splen did views fiom them added no little to tlie cliaimlng scene. It is estimated that ovoi 0,00(1 ( people shook hanils with Iho picsideiit dinini : tlio leeopiion , Thopicsldoni lovvuipil the ice-old ol hand shaking considerably in eight minutes ho shook tlm hands ot.71 nei- hens , or about Iliirtj-loiu a minute. Tliu highest number picv loiisly blial > on by a pios- leiciiton Now Ve.u'selm wash } ( Son. lii.iul , when ho grasped the hands of Ivventi-elght poisons a minute lor twelve minutes. Sccictaiy and Mis , Jiajaid entertained the diplouiatlo coiis ] at bioaktust , ot which a laige portion ol the legations iu thoclt } piu- took , Mrs. Havaid , assisted bv hci danghloi and Miss. Andiowj , ot Haltlmoio , received from'to5o'clock ! in thoattcinoon. Mis. Manning was assisted In iccclvlnsbv Mi8. Falichild , Mbs Mmy Manning and Misses Huby und Su.slo Tildcn , thofavoilto nieces of ox-lov. 'lllelon , Mis. and Miss L'ndicott recehcd a largo mimbei ot calls at thcii home. Alls. Whltnuy leuehed at liei new home. She was usblslcd b } Mis. Cicn. Ihuen , M rs. Itaiuond Kodgers , Mi . Liivvienco Hopkins Howaid , Miss Piirfer. Miss Worden , MIs3 How ell and Miss Mabel Meddcll , Mis. Yllas and Miss Vllas wcro assisted by Mis. Stevenson , Mis Col. Lumont and Mis. Inslay ot Michigan. The Christians holiday Is a sad anniversary to the lamily of the attorney general , nnd they woreiiot receiving to-day. Outside of the white house the largest re ception was that of Speaker and Mrs. Car- lisle. A large number of ladles of the fam ilies of the members of the house of iciire- assisted Mrs. Cartlslo in rccehlut' . SEEDS SINGED AND SOAKED , The Oity of the Straits Qreatecl with a New Year Baptism of Fire , THE LOSS OVER A MILLION. 1) . M. Perry .V : Co's .Mammoth Sped Warehouse nml White's Theatre Itcducccl to Smoldering Hiilns One rircmnn ICIIIed. DcstrnclUe I'ho In Detroit. DnritoiT , Jan. L Shortly after 0 this morning smoke was observed coming from I ) . M. Kciri's nniumoth building on Hrusli sticet , between Croatian and Lafai otto streets. Analaim was ipiickly tnrneel In , second ami third alarms following ill quick succession , thcro being tlio promise of n big conllagiatlon in the heart of the business part of tlio oil } . Tlie tire dcpiitment turned out In force and eon urioundcd the build ing with hose. The llamcs had stalled In the packing department on the coiner of Lafav- etto and Hru li , nnd eon enveloped the whole building , whicli was a uieie slicll , hav ing but ono solid wall inside of tlie ontci walls. Hiavol } and Intelligeiitl } the liicmon kept at woik , but all efforts seemed futile , the llamcs spioadlng lapldly until at onetime time theie seemed a possibility that the wholedistiict in which the binning building IB situated was doomed. Hulldlngs on the opposite stdo of Hiusli and Ciojrban stiects caught a number of times , but tin * department managed to keep the flames liom totally do- .stioilng them. Acioss the alley fiom D , M. Peiry & Co's building , In the same sqiinc and fai'lng on Kaudolpli street , aio White's ( iniud the- atieand Wesson block , and a srnallci bullel- Ing used as a icslauraiit. The llamcs leaped neio-is the alloy and began local into the theater , riist tiio loof caught , and senm fell in witli a lerr blc ci.ish , firing the whole in- toiler of the building , alter dilv Ing away the men who hael boon woiklng on the I'cuy block thiough the windows ofthetlicalic. The clashing of window glass was the signal for incicased fuiy of tlio llamcs. An immense ciowd flocked the streets In eveiy direction , and at times wwe In the way ol the dcpiitmcnt. H } 10 o'clock tlie Kony block was a mass of llamcs , and the walls had commonccel to fall , cieating something of a pinic among the throng of spectatois , Numetous nanow escapes occuiicel among the In onion , who woikcel close to the llamcs wrapped in repeatedly soaked but lapidly diing clothes. H } 10,0 : Wldte's theatre had boon soi/cd and by 11 the fnoimjii were compelled to tuin thcii attention to saving the buildings on tlio opposite sldo ot Randolph shoot , although still keeping numcions streams of watei playing on the binning building. At 11 o'clock the men ot No. a me company lalscd a laddei In front of the theatre to got a better chance at the llames. rinding the lap- Idly advancing lite would prevent any eircct- ive weuk at that point , tlio men wcio descending the ladder nild bad about leached the gionnd , when sovcial loot ot the coinicefcll on tlie ladder wagon. Capt. Kichaul I'llbm was stiuck on the luael b } bilcksand instantly killed , and riiemaiiVhito was badly but not in- juicel. Soon aftei the flames spread to tlio Wesson block on tlie coiner ol Randolph and Cio- ghan stiects , anel that building was soon en veloped in flames. Although flic build ings acioss Cio lian stioet woio tlncalencil and caught once or twice , tlio department managed to keep it within the scjuaio named , and by 12 o'clock it was undei contteil. To-night the flames aie still raging lleicely , but arc confined within the walls ot the build ings alicaely mentioned. Dining the woist the wind had been liom the south , anel not a. single building on tlio coinci of Lataetto and Randolph streets was seriously injured , but all the lost of the squ.iro was a total loss. The binned district belonged to what is known as the Hiush estate , having boon the site of the old homestead. I ) . M. Teny < H Co. built their mammoth establishment six icars ago. White's theatre was oiiglnally built to accommodate thoPoninsul irb.ungei- bund , a Michigan oil slmot ot tlio Ninth Amciican S.cngcibund. A company was oigani/cd In isso , and this music hall was built at that time , being opened with an an nual fost , August HO , fbso. 1) . M. IViiy it Cei's building occupied half of the square , being ono of the laigcst in the citv , Tlieii seed business was piobabl } the laigcst in the Unite-d States. In the build ing binnc-el to day -100 people aio usually cm- pleied , bcsielcs-lOJ more emploCil on their Immense farms outside of tlio city. It was that the flic occulted on a liwlielaj , as otliciwlso the loss of life would piobabl } have been very Di'linlle'ligincs of losses cannot bo given , but the total will ii'acli not less than 5 > lf , > 00- , 000. The stock alone In D. M. Kcny \ . Co's Is estimated to have been vvoitli lienii ? 1OOJ- , , ( X to ? l'MOojo , and thcii building was valued atSiVJ.OOO. As to llio oiigin ol the fno theio arc no well devNcd thcoiios. Some ol thoomploes hint at Inci'iidl.uism , claim ing tnat theio woio no files in tlio .tail of the building liistattacked by the Ilames , and some outside airencv must hive been resjionsi- bio lei the inc. Tlio olliceisof the eoiupanvaio cemiplcli'l } nt a loss lo aciemnt foi tl.eoiigin ol the lire * , 'llio insui.imo on I ) . M , IVnv iv. Cc/h piopcit } lsSii.uowandlsdIstiihiili'i ( | among a hn o numbi'i ot compuucs. 'Iho Lion ol Kngland has -"JI.OK ) , bin none of the otlicis have ovtr SiOOOU each. The losses anil Insuiancoon tlioothci buildings cannot bo obtained , Till : HOOT OF KVlli. Dnrtmoiilh Conoco Anxious to Hec'iire Kanhorn'H Sln-Uonkeel SholknlH. HOSIOK , Jan. 1. [ Special Telegiam. ] The Hii : : published weeks ago a sketch ol the icmaikablodiial lifo of KeluaidS. San- bom , who , vvliilt leading the Hie ot n inisui in Huston anil ( oining money by keeping houses ol Ill-tamo , in compaii } witli ono Ann Hilton , was canonUcd InKln ston , N. II , us a saintly philanthropist because ho gave mono ) to chinches , and elected thoio In his native vlllairo a beautiful and cost ) } semin ary. Ills Hist w 111 bequeathed a largo sum to Dartmouth eollegp.butleailnghlsnamewould not bo peipotunted b } this Institution ho made a scco'nd will cnelowing Kingston semi- nai } nud cutting elf Dartuouthcollcge. Now Daitiiioulh seeks to break the will , showing Its willingness lo use the money gained In the vile business' . Thnrsdai the case came up at Kxctcr , N. 11. , vvlien two witnesses tes tified to Sanboin's sanity and ability to tian- sact business at tlio time ho made the second v > lll. The case w 111 bo up foi sov eial da } s. The New Vork Suh-Trpnbury. NJW : YOJJK , Jan. 1 [ Special Tclcgiam ] Tlie term of Assistant Tieasiner Acton ex- plied } osteiday. Iiiilnghlsfuui-crusservico ) nearly SC.,000,000,000 , has been received and paid out at the sub-tieasury , and ovei S'-'ir.- OOO.OOOln mutllaled cuiiency has been tout to Washington for cancellation. The I'aiittiiux Cunnl PAiiiB.Jan. 1. Clmiles Do Losseps will start for Panama , Jauuaiy 5. ills father will follow ou Ujo-Mh. XnUUASKA SI'RCIAI.S. illin lloiuiolelq Convicted of Mimter in the First Dcprcc. SuiMn , Neb. , J.iiu 1. [ Tele gram. ] The Jury In the case of the State of Nebraska \cisus .tiia Itenuolds , for the minder ot James and John Flnkston , father and son , on Pumpkin creek , thirty-five miles fiom here , September ICtli , rendered aer - dlct ot murder In the first degree. Judge llnmei suspended judgment nt the request ol counsel. The verdict Is heartily approveeib } he people here , who deprecated mob law. ' 1 he Plnkstons weie aged respectively 50 and 2-i icars. They came from Fall \lllo , Saline county , Mlssoml. On the night of the murder they vvero visited by Kcnnolds disguised as a negro. After a shoit comer * sation Hcnnolds grabbed an n\o and fulled ( lie old nun , splitting his head open. Then turning upon the son Iicnnolds seived him in like manner. Uolh died Instantl } . Themntdcr- er'smotive vvnsiobbery , as ho lansacked the piemlscsaiid seemed S"i In taMi. A da } 01 two aftei the tiagedy I'eiinoids gave the alarm , but his accounts of the lidding of the bodies weio conlUctlng and excited suspicion. He was aitested pending un Investigation , and on bolnneaichtd a poitiouot themune } wasfounclon his poison. Ablood > pooketbook belonging to one of the muulcred men was hlso found on his person. Fiom the moment of his ani'st till his tilal and conviction lie made no etlort to co\ci his tiacksand piactlcalli confessed tliehouiblo crime b } his conduct and convcisatlon. the Coininorulnl. Li.vcoi s , Neb. , Jan. 1. [ Spichd Tele- giam. ] days the Kitchen biotlieis ot Um.iiia have been in the city , consulting with loc.U capitalists upon the question ol cieetlnga l.ugo new bold and negotiating with the piopilotors oftho Commoicial and Windsor hotels with n v low to a pinchaseor lease of one ot those properties. The nego tiations culminated this evening In the pin- chaseol the Commercial hotel , leal estate , tmnltmu , and good will foi ? b,0)0. ( ) ) The purchase was made by 0.V. . Kltclicn , whew w ill take immediate possession. The piopcr- ty consists of six lots , twontv-livo by one hnndicd lect , and tlm building thoieon , which is only moderately valuable. Only slight changes lu the property will be made now , but extensive Impiovcincnls aienn- dei stood to bo a pait of the plans 1 01 the Intme. ACUOSS THCItOKDUK. A Missing liuiik I'rcMttcni Short iu Ills Accounts. CI.IMOV , Mass. , .lun. 1. The I.aiieastci National bank ol this place clood its doois last night aftei an examination of books by thodiiectois. 1'iesident W. II. McNeil is missing nnd not been licaul lioiu since Tuesday , when ho was in Lowell , whence he started ostcnslblj foi Huston , lie is chained w ithliav ing used the bulk's' money tor pri vate cntoiiiiiscs in which ho was inteiostcd , and whicli do not linnlsh iiifllclcut sccuiitj. Thodiiectois. Messis. Hale-he Idei , Ilosmei ( iaiduer , Hiissell and Page , togelhoi witli Hank J xamluer ( U-lchell , who came to Clin ton to da.v , have been haul at work on the books ail el.i > . The dneclorssccui dopiessed and .lie exceedingly lotfcent. Casliiei rouester expicsses himself vciv plainly , and his condemnation ol Piosielent McNeil's liu.iucleiing is I'nmistakiible. Ho savs the lattoi , since lil > > elevation to the picsldenc } ol the bink hiU January , lias in vested the binK's funds , dd-ordiug to his ow n inclinations. Ills opcmtions have at times been far liom stiaiirht. At piesont the bank lias a surplus ot about ? .n,000. , The bank holds I ho paper of the Low Cattle company ot Woming to the amount ot S 50,000. bo fai as can be leal nod deposits amount to ovei fe"WOJ3 ( , and aceord- ing to statements Mom a eiuarlei which Is supposed lo bo authentic , Piesident McNeil has apnropilatod this amount The belief mevails tli it the examination of the bank w 111 develop new and slntling : lea- lures .McNeil Ins not been heaid from hinco last. It is said that a icsident of Clinton saw him in Nassiu , N. II. , last Wednesday. Nothing tuithpr icjraiilinK the real condition of the bank's II nances will bo known toi a day or two , and possibly not then. Bink Kxaminci ( ietclioll ajs ho is de- teiminod to sitt the nmttei thoioughly. D Weirisiut ) : : , Mass , Jnn. 1. Ono of the diiectois ol the Lancaster National banlc at Clinton is aiithoiity foi the -tatement that McNeil , the missing ] uesident , was at the bank Tuesday night , when ho took I mm the vault Hi.OOO in bank notes , Sl.OOO in gold , u lu go amount ot stock in the Kutl.ind ( Vi. ) Mai hie company , supposed to be about S.0X)0. ! ( ) and a lot of papoi signed bv himself ami held bj the bank , It Is thought about . .O- , OOd worth. Theio was in the vault consider able money belonging- the delmict Lan- castoi Savings b ink , of which MoNol ! was oneot the nccheis , a good portion ot which is said to be missing. MEXICAN MATT13HS. PoreliIiiiys of Intestine Troubles In ( ho Republic. MAT VMOIUS. , MeJan. . 1 Gon. Miguel fioimeariivcd beio jesteidav eliiecl tioni tin1 Cili ol .Mexico , and Immediate ! } issued an oidcr assuming command of the fcdeial tioops in tills state ( Tamanllpts ) . den Sob \stliin \ Villa Iteel has been appointed to the Imuicdiatu command ol the forces In this citj. ( Jon. Fianci'-co Kstiado siipeiccdos ( ion. Lauio L'in.isis as eomm.uidei ol the tiontlei tioops between Camaigo , and the odlcials aie icipiiicd In late \ assume theli ollkes tod.i ) . The Itil- eral loitcs will ti ) to punont this , ht.ite tioops will as coitainl } tii to instull the otlkiald , tlicieloio seiious ton- M'Uiiences mo Iciicd. The loiccs aio about CMH illy divided. I'lontinHamcntos aio I emg issued in the Inteiloi. Tlic state will hinelj bo placcil nndoi maitlal kivv. 'Ihls move Is In the inloii'st ol' Itubio , pics- ent ihiel ol the tedeial cabinet , talliei-in-law ot 1'ii-sldent li\/ ) \ , an asjiiiaiit foi thcpiesl- denc > ol the lejiiilillc. Now Vork fIiMiiin . Ni vVOUK , Jan. 1. . The bodj of an mi- know n man was incineiatcd lei exioiiment- | , il ' - at Mount - pmpo'-os Olli-ct cemclciy jestci- d.iy. 'Iho ceiueleiy ollliiiis decline to give any Infoimation in icl.itlon to the inclneia- lion. lion.Tho The hoanl of health yesfonlnj bc an pro ceedings uvainst li. .1. iS. Dcnnlei , ol Long Island Cilj , a leading phj'hleliin lot failing to icpoit the death fiom smnllpox of a patient attended In him. It is alleged that the dls- ease spicad to olhci l.unilk'ij llnoiigh his nog- Ct ( , 'Ihonoaidof estimates nnd iippoitionment } estenli > i ( included the linal eslimntes tor the maintenaiko of the iiiiinicillt.\ ! | ) . v c'.u issfl. The asrgicvrnte nllhw cd is 5.1.1 , IN- ! CuO. Jn jbV fe'Ji.OT iW was idloweit. John Agnoa well Known confidence man was jcsloidav suie&teil lei an alleged swindle , b > the saw dust Slime , of r. L. Otis , of ItoLholle , Ills. An Iiil'eriial Alhctilao. Ciiif .vno , Jan. 1. A m > steiloiis piece of mechanism was found at the new ollico build ing of the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy rnllvMiy about " . o'clouk tlU | moinlng , It is supiosi'd ] to bean Inloinal machine. It has been Ijlng around tibnut a week coveied vvltli dlit and revealed last night. An olllcei was called and took the imu'hino to tlio II unison tlcet polko station , wheio It was osamlncd by several elcctilclans , who \ \ \ 10 unable to decide the imturouf the 1011- tents. It isbiipposccl it liuld iljii.uiiitc. It will bo turned over to oxiioiientcd peisons today lot oxaminatlon , for To-Duy. Mtssoi'isi VAI.I.KV Local snowf , tol- lowed bj lair wiatlier , colder In uxticmo noithcin poitlon , ami stallonaiy lollowcd by ilsint ; tempcrutuio In noitheiti poillon. PITIABLE CASES OF POVERTY Those Discharged from Menial Positions in Government Departments. UNFIT FOR OTHER OCCUPATION Onc-rinii of the Postoniue Noinincco Will Tull of rciiilirinntlnn llnj- Uiunoieil tTiiiioi > nIai Itj Now York Suli'Treasury. The WASIII.NOTOV , Jan. 1.-Special. [ ] Some of llio people dismissed fiom cmploi incut under ( he government In the departments hero picscnt pitiable cases. In most in stances these poisons aio ellschatged on the pretext of an ovciplns of help. It has been rciuaikcd Ihat ncarti all the menial positions In the departments have been foi mail } } oais filled b } poisons In want and who aie help less to nuke a livelihood in an } othoi avoca tion. The chaiwomcn who sciub the tloois , sweep and dust things , have In ncail } ovoi } instance been hi the most stialghtcncd cll- cumstanccs , and vciy often ph.vstcally un able to do oilier woik. A man was dismissed the otiioi da } In one of the departments who gi-jvv so old In the scivico thai ho could not make a liv ing at an } othet work , unless It be vci } light. Ho was a watchman , and was 10- qulrcd oul } to sit at a dooi and discrim inate against Impropci pcisons coming in at impiopci times. A scoundiel who wanted to cntei the build ing aftei ! 3 o'clock in tiio aftei noon , w hen thodooisaio closcel against tlio public , do- coycdtho old man from his posl of dull anil then sneaked In. The inteilopcr was dis- covcicd and ( ho old man wasdismissed. . Theie aio always cpiauols and jealousies among tlio lowest class of cmploos iu tlio do- partmenls.anel ficepiently sliifos arise out of which numcions dismissals take place , anel poor , dcsoivlng fellows and women aie tinned out in the cold. Neatly all of the re movals made in tlie chat women foico of the tieasury department wcio on account of evil gossipeis and jealousies , and in neail } every Instance tlio women dismissed weie in llio exliemest povcit } and want. ONIM inn wii.i. r vii. A member ot the senate committee on pnst- ofliccsaml post loads slid to day that there had been so Lit no assignments of cliaigos prcfoncd against nominees iii.ulo by that committee that is the chaiges which have been scut fiom dllfeieut pails of Ihc connli } to llio committee , and to se-natois generally , had not been leloiicel lo the sub committeemen - men having the nominations to whicli the\v ipfencd In custody. At Iho tirst meeting ol the committee In Januaiy ho picdictcd that theie would be a classification of ullehaigcs against nominations goucially , and that the' } would bo piop-iily iclcncd , and thai then aclual woik would begin. When asked if H was piobiblo that an } gicat proportion ot the noslmasteis iionil natcel would have to withstand ch.ugcs , lie icdlcd ] that it would not lall far short ol one fourth of the aggregate. Of this numbci ho predicted that 0 per cent would fall of con- liimation. Ho believed that there wore moio charges pielorred against postmastcis than any ofhei class of appointees , because theie ftas , as n genera ! rule , moio of local politics in the postofflccs and less consldeialion of the poi onal qualifies of the postmaster. ll.VVAlilt's PNl'Ol'LI.AlllTY. A gicit deal lias been slid dining Iho past Unco or foul weeks about the unpopulaiit } ol Senatoi H.iaid. It has been staled that he was In bad odoi with his party , with the president , and otliei mcmbeis of the cabinet. No especial icason has been assigned foi this condition of iinpopukuity. One of Mr. H.i } aid's closest fiiunelsgavoa vcision of it to.vonr correspondent to-day , however. He said that Mr. Ba.iicl had icliised to make that clean sweep in the consular and diplomatic service which the masses ol tlio party demanded. Ho said that theie had been at least 200 demands lei eveiy position nndciMi , Bavaid wlicioa e-hange liael taken place , and that it renuiied , the highest oide1 ! of diplomacy to make those change's without unending the entire bed } ol deiuooiatio representatives. ' 1 he talk-about the sccrotarv , theicfoie , comes fioiucongiess- nipii and othcis who have been disappointed In seeming positions at the state eleput- nicnt , Tlio gentlemen did not helicvo that theio were any stialned iclatious between the picsideiit and Mi. Hajaul , but picdiite-d that the latter would have some tioublo in pioeuiingwliat ho wanted 1iom eongicss WAMIINCHOV , Jan. 1. [ Associated 1'iess.j TIP.ISIHPI .Ionian will leave Washington foi New Yolk to-night to lake chaigo ol the sub tiiMSiny theie1. Light-on expert count- PIS will also go on Ibis evening , with the putposoot counting the ( 'oveiiiment's funds in the vaults. Tieastnei Joidon ma } cu- e-ountci somodillleully ill obtaining posses sion of the ollico , as it is understood that Mi. Ac-ton , tin1 piesent Iiieiimbeiit , asserts that in justice lo hiui'-elt and his bondsmen , ho can not linn over HIP monies In his chaigeoxccnl to a sucei-ssoi ipgiilail } appointee ! by'the ' piesielenl , ami eoiiliimed bv llio soiiati1. 'Ibis mallei , ho.vevei , has been iullv discussed b } high ofllclals In UMind the opinion pievails that Mi. .Ionian can avail } take possession. Should .Mr. Acton icsolutel } icluso to tuiii ovei ll'o funds to Mi. .Ionian's hcc-ietarv , it is said ho could , i ! lie loii'ldi'iPd it advisable , take advantaw ot M ctiou . < , W ol the icv Isrd statutes , which piovldes Hint the "ccietaiy ol the ticasmy iimv tianstei tlio mono } n the h incised an } deinislloij ol public monies to tlio tieasu , } ol tlio L lilted "states " to the cicellt ot the tictsiner. mi. PHI sinrNi h rovininriioN. PiPsldi ut Cleveland ceinli United MOO lethe ( iiant monument linn ! ve-steida } . Aeeom- panving tlteeonliibution isa Icttei p\picss- in. , ' Hie' ' liopo that the .issue lation ill slice e-i el in Its object. _ _ The Giilliilin Tr ine l > ( lAiiMis , Mo. , Jan , L John Smith auotuciot tlio ( Hudson miiiileieis , was at- ipstedWpduesd.ii iiLfht whileictuining - to- Ibis tenMi Horn the couuti } wheio ho vvpiil eliseou-ieel. Yosteiday afle'i thn body was moinlng bo nuido a full conli'hslon , * a } ing ho was coaxed Into this muidci on the evening tit thpeiitli hv Joseph Jump , who , ho si.s. btiuck tholatal blow , lobbi-el his victim mid throw the bed } Into a well. Iho loionc'i b jury lendeieel a veidict that "W. C. n adson i .lino to his death on Dcci-iubei : .0th about 7 p. m , bliloii } at the hands ol John Smith and Joseph Jump , who weio pilnclpils In sild Iplnuv. " 'Iho piisomis wiilved exaiiil- milion anil wcio remiimli-d. I heio was talk of 1 } n hint , ' , but it did not lake shape1. Dublin's Major InMHlloil. Driu IN , Jan. L-T. D. Sullivan , the new end maoi , was loimall } installed in ollico to el.i } with much ccicmoii } . The populace was veiv en thuiastlc mid tinned out on masse in honor ol the event. An immcnso i occasion , composed ot artisans ami labor PIS , cuiriing giecn banne-is ami healing othoi emblems ot gice-n coloi , was one of the lcatnies ol the dav's celebration , 'lliirty bands wcio in tliopiocesslon. doodoicloi pie- \ailed. Wicckol'n Vielnhi Tinln. ( \i.visio.v : , Tex , , Jan.l. Aspevial lo the Newhfiom Dallas as ; A collision oceiniod vetstcida } moinlng on Iho Houston it Texas lViiliil railway nca ! ( iauel Million , bv which a pastcngoi onginuundcaboo > o. and tlnco lieijht tais wcio damaged and 't on lie , 'I ho eabio > o was full ot nassengeis , uost ot whom sustaliie-d injmli-s. \ \ . h. MeCraw ami Mi. U.iil > > , both ol Dallas , weio otluoilouslv Injnicd. The passciiKCis wtio jiought bicu to Dallas whom tholujuad wcioc.ucel lor. ins in'uns AUI : ri . Sulllvnn Honel.v to ri | > Ut Mitchell nt An ) 1'lnio anil 1'laue. Ni.w YOKN , Jan. 1. [ Special Telegram. | The Hoiton corn-spondent ot the Times sas that Sullivan , when asked .vestciday If bo wanted to light Cluiles Mltcbell , said : "Ves outwent } minutes notice , at any time , with gloves baicknuckle.o , 01 aiithinglie wants for any amount of mone.v that he will pro duce , at .111 } hour ot the day or night , In the presence ot two people or ten , and under any circumstances that may bo Made. I will exact one condition , which the tight wilt be to the finish , and 1 will bet him two to oncasbighns ho wauls to go.on the te- sult. I am not oingnround hunting foi a tight , but I nm le.idy to meet an > man In thowoild. 1 don't CM ix about fighting any of these people ple like Mitchell In public , be 'au o these pub lic matches aio alwavs stopped nowaday. What I am after if 1 light at all is a contest that will mean omethlng. " The coni'ipoii- dent avs Mitchell was seen and adeU : "lie did not accept the pioposltion , ho hemmed and luwe'd and made some excuse about his othet engagements. " rcmntox siATrnus. A Uoynl Heceplion nt the British Capital hy n Aniei loan. LONDON. Jan. 1. Thomas M. Walici , United States consul general , gave a billllant Now Yeai icceptlon at the looms of the St. ( .iconic club to da } . I lie looms weio bcantllnll } dccoiatcd with flags Nc-atl } a thousand Ameilcans and ui.iuy soclct } cis weic pic'sont. Phelps fulled States minister , stood b } the side of Waller and assisted In leeching the guests. Among the guests weio Messis. Thomas 1'ow or O'Con nor , Justin McCarthy , Pulcslon , Temple , Jennings , IJ.iggalav. Hallctt , Labonchcre , Kills , Klmbci and Vincent , membeis ot pai- llamcnt ; Consuls Uiisscll and Halo , Sir John Mac Donald and bii Charles 'I'uppock of Can ada ; Whistlei anel lioughton , aitlsfs ; Presi dent Sti'phous ami Messrs Stanley , living Hlgolow , Whitcly , Yatcs Unit , Noidcntelt , Mai 1m , Mapleson , Cell , U'vndham , Wel come , McLean , Leland , Mooic , Hulling and Hiissc } . KouoUoil With Joy. U w.unx , Jan. 1. The pioclamatlon an nouncing the annexation of Hui m.ih to the Hiitlsh empire was leeched to-day. Theio was a giand p.uado in honoi of thu ovcnt. A large coucouiso of natives gatheic-d to hear the loading. Kngland cedes to China ii.ut ot upper lni ! mail in oidei to maKe the Chi nese , ind Indian fionticis continuems. India invoc.ites an ( illeiisive and ilelensivo alliance between China and India. Fiery SpanlarcN Curlx-el. M VDisii ) , Jan. 1. At a binqiirt given by the icpublicans in honoi ol tacnoi Xoiill.i , spcakois icpifoonting a majoilty ot these jiicscnt ingod a icsolution against the gov- oimuent. The nilnoilti. headed by Senor S.ilmciou , an eminent icpnbliLan leader , pio- testcd against violence , which they declaicd would bo baimlul ol the ii.utv's Iiiteiests. 'Hii'j stiougl } uigcd that bcljibo sought liom the moelciatcs. Sp.ini li UcvolntlonlhtM Arrested. MADKID , Jan. 1. A band of icpnbllcan levolutionists made an attempt to-day to de1- stioy thei.dlwa } In nice iu the Slcira Moicna mountains Five mcmbois of the band woio auostcd. It is icnoitcd that sovcial jieisons havebcenaiicsle'd and impiisoiietl at Ciinlul Heal , on suspicion ot being implicated in aicvolutiouat } coiispii.icy. . VIIJXXA , Jnn. ! . Newspapers heic state that Lmperoi Kiancis .Joseph is negotiating witli a view to billing the Castiln domain , Including Hot Spi lugs ami Haelcsclosi hotel , the annual residence ot Kmpcioi William ol Gei many. A Gloomy Outlook in Germany. Hi.itu.v , Jan. 1. The Heilin exhibition 1ms been lixcel lei issb. The ( icrmaii tiado 10- v low says that the now } cai opens with a uloomv outleiok ; that the win Id 8 micas } on account ol the government's piojcct to monopoli/c tlio spliit tiadc. A MisHlonury to he Bfartj reel. LONDONJan. . 1. The king ol Mombasa , ccntrnl Afiica , has sci/oil Hishop Hanning- ton , who has been cimagctl in misslonai } sen ices , anel will piohabl } put him to death. No loason is given ten tlio king's action. Claiming Hleotion Corruption. Di ni.i.v , Jan. 1. Phillip Callan , defeated b } P.iinoirscandidatoin thcicccntclcctieinin County Loutli , Ins lodged a petition protest Ing against seating his opponent , alleging ho was elected b } cocicion and Lonuptlon. Fixing China for War. HiJtt.i.v , Jan. 1. lien Kiupp , the Deutsclie bank und Dlsfount bank will co-ojiciato with an influential London him In issuing a London loan ol i.I',0,000 to piovldo Cliin.i i aimamonts and Opposed to the Tunnel. LOMIO.V , Jan. 1. The govcinmont has in timated its Intention ol opposing the icvlval of the bill moviding foi eoiistiuttion of a tiinnol miller tlio Lnglish Lhannol between Kngland and Fiance. 'Tvv.iH n Colel lny. P.vius Jan. 1. The pilgi imago to tlio louse in which ( lambetta dlcil was smallci ban usual this ve.u on account ol a cold " i.dn. _ 'J'ho I'opo'H Ijiucsi Conversion. Itovn , Jan. 1. The jiojie * his converted priseiiml pic'scnts ol many } CMIS Into money mil donated Iho piocccdsU.OJU , to the ceillc , ; ! ' ol tlio plopigamla. .a. . U'ho .Small I'ov Troiihlex , MONIIII vi , , Jan. 1'Iho banlcado bp- twcen St. Ciiii'n'eimlei ) and the oil } on .St. lames St. was again pulled denv n last nl , : ) ) ! niglit but was icplaccd. A iovexcuiiLil and Ihco Ihecis woio pelted with slones , Ono of- IILCI was nit on tlio head with a bottle , hut no sei ions n suit cnsucel , A deputation tiom.St , [ uiiegomle waited upon the oily authoiltli's last ui lit ami nn agii'oment w is anlvid at : > y vvhiLli the city is let willieiiaw the loreo liom the b.iiiicadcsaml ( bo health icgula- tions aie to bo complkel w lib. Mining Klilk'o O cr. Pi n aiii'iiii , Jan , 1. The long titrlko of the live'i coal nilneiti Is virtually civet. Tlio mlncisof Alton , Ha } s , Klshci and Munhall ri'iuined tei v\oil > at Iho i' ' < J cent rate' , Tlirio no now almost 'JoXJ , ; men at woik at ; UlCC. The Pouting Poles 1'olerliiK. Di. ) HOI i , Jan. 1 , 'J a. m. Up to thlr , liom ho police ii'poit all quiet among the i'olish chinch people. It is thought the uescnceot tlio police and thoknowh'ilgo that ho militia aio niulei oidcia has a quict- ng clle-e t Coiknj Did llu' I'll IHII mi , Jan. l , , lohn Hlggliis , who was blabl.f. . In a Polish HIV. on Cliilstmas evening , died this moinlng. Thomas Coikc } las boon hclet foi till ) eutllng. 'b Paity. Invitations 1110 now out for the ( 'hit- lie'n'al'.ntV ' , tfivi'ii by Pieil U' . II. All- neil , lo nil nls dancing c'las o in the city The ove-nt is look'-el forwnul to vitli nincli ploisiiie : > ori Ilic ] i.ul ol tho-o vlioo.xpoct lei attend It will take placu oinrniow , Saturday ( iVPiiin- ; , In llio Jjjlil ( inaiils' hull , \Villianis hloid > All laicnts aiiilcli ssos will bo udinittLiI fieo , jnt uthui.s closiiini ; lo attend can do so 1 a small ailinit-.sion feo. Condon , Clarktou tV Hunt , ha > o icino > - od ki Uianilo Ulock. WITH BOURBON BRILLIANC ? , The Now Year Ushered Into Office Two Democratic Governors , FITZHUGH LEE INAUGURATED. lUolimoinl Ablaze vvlth Pomp unil Pa * Konntfj C3 v. Hill , by Vli-tuo of IClcotlon , the ( lovcinof of the Itlc Empire State. KiritMOM > , Va. , Jan. L tion. nt/liugli Leo was inducted Into olllce to-day in tlio picscncoof the geiieuil nstpinbly ot Vliglnia- gatheieel Iu joint convcnllou In tlie hall oC ilelegatcii , the galleries and cveiv Inch ot available standing loom being occupli'il witli Inti'H'sted spcitalois , Including many ladles- . Tlieiotumla anil aiipioachcstheictoweie also crowded with jicople1 , all eagcily striving lo gain admission to the hali or to catch n glimpse ol the new govemot as ho pissed. At noon the spcakci called the hoiiso lo older , and tlio plot-codings wcic opened with in.uei In Hlglit liev. Dr. A. M. liaiidolph , bishop ot tlio chuix-li. Then the semite tiled In b > twos and toeik seats i\s- ilgiuil thi'in. The speakci then culled llio joint committee lo oulci and named Dele gates A 1'ulKcisun and 1 ! . M. .Stiibllng , and Kemitois Tavloi and Hcii } asa commltteo to nolifv dov. Leo that the gcueial ns- scmbl.v was ic.ulj to iccolvo him. In u low minutes loud chccilng on the outside announced the iippionch pailv. Soon aftei , ( Jov- oinoi Lei1 , aim In aim with the ictiting ct- i-cutlve , ( iovoinoi Camoion , e-nleii-d Iho hall , fedlowcdbva numbci ol ladles and gentle men , Including lion. John 1C. Masse } , liiu- tcuant goveinoi elect , and Mis. ( ! c-n. Lee , wllcot the goveinoi. ThcappiMianec of the p.uty the signal lei a pei lect ovation of enthusiastic ap plause1 , which continued sevcial minutes The two goveinors weio osc-oite-d to the speakei's plaltoim , wheie Hon. L. L. Lewis picsldeiil of tire supicme com t of appeals or Vliginia , ailmlnisti'rcd the oath ol ollico lethe the new goveinoi nnd lieutenant governor. * Yt the conclusion ol the ceicmony the joint convention was dissolved and the hoiiso took aiecosstoi litte-en mlnufes. Congiatulations anel hand shaking then beeamo the oidei ol the diiy , the , ) \eiuoi descending to tlio lleioi and meeting tileuds and sti.inceis alike with a pleasant wind lor each. A notice-able Incident was the almost total absence ol e-oioicel people In the hall , only two coloicel delegate s being piescnt anil a coloicel man wc.iiing the badge < > l the Joel P.ukci assochilion eit New.uU. N. J. The lattci iolne-d in the ol visitois that passoel bv the geiveineu and congi.itulateel him. lie. extondeel his hand lo the-goveinoi , anel with , i smile Slid : " ( iov- einoi , let mo congiatnlato von. " dovc'inoi Leo looked al him and Ineal Ing out into a laugh exclaimed : "Mv , liienel , don't ion think the e-ounli } Issalo now'.1" I'lie coloiccl man laughing ! } icplicd : "Goveinoi , I believe it is. " Uwas an amusing incident anil no oneenoid | il moii1 than ( iovcinoi Lee. Captain i ; . M. Haves , of tlio Filth Unltcel States cavali } , who was the1 bosom ti lend und companion ol ( iovcinoi Leo when the latter was a lieutenant Iu the same icglmcnt bctoiu the vvai , anel who came all thow.i } liom In- elian teiiitoiy to be pic-seiit at tlio in.iugin.i- tionas among the cieiud , and when ( ! ov- 01 not Le-e siiic-e ! him lie bailed tlio captain with "Hollo , Jack I how aio von led - d iv If" to which Captain Haics iiusweicd , "Voiy well , Pit/ , allow me lo congiatul.ilo vou , " and a waim and coulial guisp ot the ) Land followed. Alter the asscmblen'e-hid dispersed Hav- oineit * Lee pieicocded to Iho giihcinntoiTal i olln o in the * capitil. vvht'ip tlio icluiiu gov- ciiioi tinned tlio olliee ovoi to him. ( iovcinor Cameion lemained in the hall dining Iho ic ceptlon , ami was giceted b } man } ot those pic-sent. 'I ho iiunmn.d ball and icic-iition occuiicel at Aimeii } hall to ul lit. Coveinoi and Mis. Leo oicuilcd | a diason enie side ; ol the hull , and wcie pie-scntcd to the - , " > ( )0 ) ladies and gentlemen pic-sent , tliiseeiomoii } cic upIng till midnight , when himiuctiug and dancing bewail siiiiult.ineoiisl } . It was tlio most biil- liint.ill.til In the1 hlsloi } ol the old common wealth. David H. Hill. Ai.nvxv , N. V. , Jan , 1. The ceremonies attending tlio inaugin.ition ol ( icncmoi Hill toilaywcio among tlio most imposing over witnessed at the capitol. The wi'allici was o.xtie-mclv tine , and but lot the muddy condi tion ol Iho slrects. nothing moio could have been cle-siied. 'llio attendance' ot visitors lieimall puts of the state veiv huge. Tinpalide ol the mllilai } anil civicolganl- /atloiis was mo-i successful and imposing , about . . ' , " > ( ) ( ) men he-lug In line- . Thesticctt we-ie cio\velcd with people , ami gicat enthusi asm was manili'sli-il. 'I lie pioci'sslon ni.iU'lii'd fo the oxeciltivo mansion , Tliegeni-inoi and niijoi loiloin a canl.igo di.ivvn b } I m gall } eapaiisoncd icMchlng tin * \V \ ishlinrloii ave-nuo 011- tianco ot time apllol shoitl } beloio 1 o'clock. The gove nun ainlp.iifv we-ie c-scoite-d to the asscmibl } chambci , and as thov m.ido their ippoaianco on tlio tempoiaiv pl.Uloim , wcio gieofcd with long-eontliiuul iipplaiisc. Player was olToie-d liv Itlshoi ) Downs. Judge Leained made * a biief ael- diosfe ami iidministed the oath ot ollico to ( ! ov. Hill. ' 1 lie novelnoi tlie-n delheied Ids Inaugmal adilic-ss , which was chlelly duvotcd lo a ii-viow in brio ! ol Iho e-aiccis ol the goHMiiois of Ni'vv Yolk since I he InamrmaUoii oil Jill } : to , 1777. of Con. ( ieoige1 Clinton. Ho closed with a low vvoids of pi Ko to his immediate ) pie'de-ecssor , ( iov- einoi ( now Pii-sident ) Clevcl.ind , and plcelgcd to continue his aelministiativc 10- lonn. At the conclusion ol tlio ce'iomnny , llio goveinoi , with his staff , piocce-ele d to the executive chamber and icu-hed c-alle-is tor one hoin , Ato'clock Iho } pioceeikd to the executive ) m insimi wlieue calli'is weio 10- ce-ivcd liom I lo c p , m , The goveinoi enter- Ilined his milil.iiv stall at dinnei Ibis evening. An iiKht Hour Stiiko TallM. HiiviiDorh , Pa , , Jan , 1. Tln-io will lie no suspi-iihlono ! w oik at theLdgai Thomson steel winks. Kuougli iiic-n have accepted tlio 10 | n-i lent advaiuoolle'ii'd b } the him to eon- lliiuo llio mill in ojieiation , ' 1 ho moii wanted Iho woik divided into thico linns poi day of -ight houis , instcail ol two tiims ot twelve liouis eirli. Tills the him iiln-ed. ! U Is ihoiiKlit all ol the eiiiplojes will sign in a , le-w elavs. Rheumatism ' VCa doubt If ( hero Is , 01 can bo , a ppeclfU ronipil } lor rlu'iiin.itlsiii ; lint tliiiiis.iniN who liavosiurpicil iti p ilas h ivo lu-e u jic-.itly ; lic-n , cfltiel l.y . Jlood's Hir ( > .ipiillli. If } ouluvo Jallrd ( o flnil ic-liff , ti } tlih rcnuily , "I vva-i nnilitLil with ilicuinitl.m tucnty years 1'iovlutis to IBS. ) I found no relief , hut fjre-w woiso , and at ono tlmn w.n nlmast bclj- less. Hood's did mu irniogooil than all the other nieilliliia 1 cvc.hail. . " JI.'J , JUucni.Mihlry A Mhgo , Jltaxs. " I baitilKiiimtlsinlliRo jcMrs.aml rot no icllc-f till I tool ; Hood's N.trs ip.irlll i. Jt Ins ilnno great Ililiics foi mo , 1 ircnnmicnd It to otlicis. " J.l.H is JlirniiA.NK , liUlilcfuiil , Wo. - If odd r , Sus-ip.-irllh U ( li rartirl/ril by 11)100 ) | OCIl.l lll'll'S | Ut , tllC ! IHIIlljlllllttOll tit irim-ellil agents ; I'd , tlio projwiiloiu 3dllio } /io t if pccmiiii ; the ) iitl\u ( nirdlohial iiiilllic-s. | 'J ho i osiilt Is .1 mcillc'lno o ( miiiiiial stniiBth , en"ectli cincs lilthrito iinVnovvn. .Si-nd fut lnioK cciiitaliiln/ \lilencc. . "Ilond'H f-irfiiiarllli IOIICH nil mv fvstcm. inufllcs my lluutl , lui | IIIHIIIV ; ii > i i llliMuul Minis to i id o mu citi'i. " .1 V. InoJii-bON. cls.tLi e f Ui i us , Luvvtll , > l.i ! > . "Hcmd'H Hiisiparlll i lie its ' ! iillie-ni , and IsHiutllilswe ' | | . " I vu.l.M.loN. v UJ D.tuk tnicci , iuus iuilv Cr > . Hood's Sarsapan'IIa Sold by all elnmlsts. tih S < r 53. Mi4r. culyliyu. J.lH'im . ' . co. , j.c > tti < ! , Ha * . . . ! OO OOSOG Ono Dollar. 11 I