Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1886, Page 6, Image 6
0 THEOMAFTA. DAILY BEE , FRIDAY .1ANFAKY 1 , 1880' . THE DAILY BEE COUMlTBLOFFS , I'llIIUy MOUN'IXC. , JAN. 1. 0 Friers Mo. 12 Tcarl Street. nilvmilby cntilcr In anj | intt of tlioclty nt l tntj imi icrwtfk. II. W. TIM ON , - * - Mmiagcr. lit MM s On n i. , No. n. NlllllT r.lllTDH. No.1. . 3IINOII MK.Vl'IO.V. Id id r , tin1 tailor. for winter s Thenwon - i\l.y inarritigu licenses j'rantril in Dcet'inlicr. I'hc Uii : : vvNlii's sill its- round ! Ulufl's frii'wl a Jlnlipi New Ycnr. Tlic cil.\ council vvill meet nest Mon- tlnj ni lil in ipgtiliir M-SI'IOII. 1.i ! t eveniiif , ' lr. ) Mont oincry nnil Ills vvifo chk'iiiihifd a I'ompiin } c'oinnoseil nioMly of JOIIIIK jH'Oplo. Nolml > lias jet claimed the $10 hill found liy Khun.Slmgiirlonllio tluniiny car platform -line time n < ; o. William Lmltl , of this city , and Nora ( S. Muk < > ll , of Chicago , were married last evening hj the mayor at hih rust- ilt-nro. Tlicre will he no freight reeeivod at the llroadway tluinnij depot to-day. The train * and ferry cars \\ill run to-day as tin .Snnday < ! . Oeor c Hill , the sneak thief who stoic a hat from thoTremont hoii'-e , was yester day M-nt , by iJustiriSehur / , to Unity days in tliu uoimlj jail. It ( J Dun iV Co. , whose olllee hero is under the management of O. S. Stanbro , are distributing new books for thu iiiirterof | : the new > oir. : Permit to marry has been fiiven to William II Pardon and Itulli C. ( iaidner , both of tbih city ; also to Marcus Skinner and Minita IJelle I'ike , of Hockford town- .ship Id'yiiliir nieoliiitf of I'idelity Conneil No loll. I ! . A. , this ( I'riilay ) evening. Ar- ran enients uill bo portcfted at this nii't'tini , ' lor a public installation oi olli- I'l'I'S 'The I > I > AS. " at Dnnlap { javi1 asocial reception last uMjtiinir at tlic ratiujr house The committee" consisted of Dave Moore , 15. F. I'lnlbrook , K. II. and M C. Dally. There was a combiiu d Christmas and New YcarS entertainment in feaints' church last ovi-niiitf. The programme was a varied ono , and M-ry pluasiujjlo old ami ioiui } ? alike. ( ti'orjje W. I'aneake , of Arthur , I'iko county , hid. , writes to this city making inquiries for his runaway wile , Mattie , and says she is accompanied by a man named' .James M. Campbell. The Imperial club gave another of its enjoyable parlies last evening. The oc casion was a happy ono and in all ils arrangements was hilly up to the liifrli standard set by the opening of the MTIOS. 'J'ho masipiorado given by the CJornnin lailic-s last evening was largely attended , and proved a successful all'air. The miisio Has evcellent , and a variety of costumes , many of them \ory novel , wore fllOWIl. Maud Hennetl , ilaiightor of A. M. lien- nctt died at her homo , corner of Sixth avenue and Fifteenth street Wednesday , aged thirteen months. She has boon ill bfiicu Iho 1st of .June last , so that the Mid event \\as not without warning. The funeral will bo hold this afternoon at 1 o'clock at the tamily residence , and the little ono will be laid at lest in Fairviiuv cemetery. A suit is pending in Kansas City to force the city to pay a royalty on that swinging harness used by the lire depart ment. This city is using the same sort of swinging harness , it being patented by Chief llalo , of Kansas City. Another company claims that Halo's patent , is an infringement , and test cases are being tried. This city will watch the outcome with much interest. In Justice Schur/ ' court yesterday the time was taken up in the trial of the case of the Council HluH's insurance company against a Crawford county school district. Thu company insists on the payment of certain premiums on a policy which the school board rclu.scd to accept. Charles McKcnxie. ol Dunlan , was the attorney for the .school board. A. J. Smith , the president of the board , and Anson Averill , former president , were both in attendance. The other morning several alarms of lire were turned in , but nol ono reached the engine lion es. "What was the mat ter ? " asked the HII : : man of ono of iho boys , "Oh , they must have got stuck on seine tree , and lluty will all come in thu lirst windy night. " Those who have .watched the department turn out every fifteen minutes on a windy night to an swer mysleiious false alarms , will ap preciate the force of thoo.\panaion ! ! , that alarms which failed to got in are lodged in a tree top until the wind shakes them out , _ For hardwara and furnishinjrge ! prices of Cooper iV McCSce , No. 41 Mail street. Cottage ranges. Garland stoves , Ha- diant Homes and Hub healurs of the very latent patterns at bed rock prices , at Cooper & Mccu'fl ( ! , No. 41 Main street. The Markets by I-f MoWhortcr , Kollins & Co. will open their grain commission ollice , in the rear of Porogoy & Moore's retail store , on Monday next. W. II. U akcliold , the "Co. " of the linn , will manage the office in person. A private wire miming di rect from the board of trade rooms in Chicago has been put into their ollice , and Manager M. I ) . Itrown , of Iho West ern Union Telegraph company , will place Frank Nicoll in charge , of the ollico as operator. ( Sraln quotations will bo received and placed on their bulletin board every two minutes during the ses sion of the Chicago board. C. n. Jncqucniin & Co. , No. 27 Main Flieet , take pleasure in announcing to the public- that their stock of aitieles , or namental , stylish ami useful holiday goods , is complete in each anil every do- paitmcnt , and cordially invite everybody to visit their store , insiiect their goods and comparu prices. No trouble what ever to snow goods. Tlic Now National Hank. To day the new bunk , with the tlllo of the Council H lull's National bank , starts into bnsincbs. It has a capital of f 100,000 , nnil an authorised capital of $ ' . ' 00,000 , All the slock has been taken , and a con siderable portion of it is hold by citi/.ens not actively engaged in the business , The officers of the now bank uro A. C , Hum- hum , president : L. W. Tulloys , vice pros , idcnl ; Jiimea N. IJrown , cashier. 'Jho main purpose in enlarging the capital null organizing as a national bank , is to meet an evident neccosity hero for .in- creased banking capital and banking facilities. In securing manufacturing ' enterprises hero it is necessary to have sufficient capital , BO that when loans are needed , an tlioy ro at certain seasons of the year by almost every such enterprise , thib city hfiould have facilities for grant- inKsuc'h accommodations. 'Iho stockholders - holders of this bankroprosont a capital of 81.000.000 , so that if the present capital in the bank is not sufficient , the stockholders - holders can easily increase it. In addi tion to the banking business , the house will continue to negotiate all r-orti of so- cm-hies , bonds , etc. The bunk will continue - tinue to occupy thu old building , No. 10J Main street. THE FIRST IN THE BLUFFS , A Happy New Year nnd a Glance at Pre vious Starting Points. OROADWELL FOUND GUILTY. Killed by the Cnrs The Now Oovprn. incut IttiltilliiK Trade ll < ; t lew nml Outlook Social and Ihents. Tlic rirst In thp The lirst of 1SW to-day. 'I ho lirst piano biought into Council Hlnlls wnsin 1818. Thp lirst brick sidewalk was laid by Col. Cochran in IH.Vi. It was six feet lonir anil two feet wide. The lirst brick church was in IS 10 and the lirstnoilun church in 1KV1. The lir t iron bridge in the city was built oxer Indian creek in 187" ) . Tins lirst block house was erected here by the government in 1KW. The lirst Moimuns ajiiiearod here in Tlu firsl postollico was established lierc in 1818. Tlio first postmaster was Hvan. M. ( llVell. Tlio lirst regular mail survico was in 18.V.I. 'J'lin first newspaper was in 1818 , called tin1 Frontier Guardian , and established by tlio Mormon bishop Orson Hull1. Tlio charter as a city of thu lirst class was in February , 18 , " > t. The first mayor was Cornelius Vor- hees. The first meeting of the council was in 13.VI. 13.VI.Tlio first fine imposed by tlie city was on two ahluriiK'n lor not being present at coiineil meeting. The first city recorder was W. H. Rob inson. The lirst entry in tlio land olliee hero was in 185:1. : Tlio lust orthodox sermon was preached by Kov. William Itectur , of thoMulhodist church. The first protestant mission was cstab- lishi'd by Id'V. G. ( ! . Kii'e. The first plat of the city was drawn by Tims. Tostevin , the present county surveyor. The first banking house was opened in 1851 by Green A : Wi-are. 'J'lio lirsl loan made bv the city was in 1850 , $10,000 being .spent in improving liroadvvay. The first white chilli horn hero was in 1S.V. . 'I he first railway train arrived hero in The first brick house was in IS.Vi. The sired car \vth : in Ib'il ( ) . The lirst steam fire engine was in 18(18. ( The first brickyard wa- , started in 183' ' . The lirst stage express was in 1855. The first blacksmith shop war , in 185'J. Tin ) brass band was in Ib5 ( > . The lirsl dramatic performance was in the same year. The lirst military company organi/ed heie wai a No that year , il lieiug known as > "Council H ] nil's Guard,1' vvithGeii. Dodge as captain. Substantial abstracts of title and real estate loans. J. W. , & E. L. Squire , 101 1'cail street. For lirst class Missouri wood call on ( ilcuson , at his coal otlice , 20 Pearl street. For everything in the grocery line give the now firm of Kiutx At Klceb , HW Broad way , a trial Everything new and Ircsh. Fancy groceries a specially. Uncle Sam's New Houses. "Well , what's new about government headquarters ? " said a Ilii : man j ester- Jay to Mr. O. J. King , uperindont of construction of the now United Stales coutt house and postollicc , but now fore man for Contractor Rice , as he entered Ihe snug and finely fitted up ollice of S H. MtiMJin , the superintendent , which is located on the northeast corner ol Iho government property on Broadway , cor ner of Sixth struct. "Nothing especially ncvy , " answered Mr. King , in his usual genial way , "but I'll tell jou we are going to have a litllo beauty when this building i.s com- plutud. It's just going to be one ol the prettiest buildinglor the si/.e you ever saw , and 1 take it for granted you have seen a largo number of government buildings. " "For the money which will bo ex pended on it , 1 say it will be hard to beat. " "It's hard to Inul a man of superior qualifications to those of M. K. Hell , supervising architect of the treasury do- paituii'iit. All the buildingi-designed by him .sineo ho has held his present nositiini have been perfect beauties , and all ol them entirely dill'orenl./ / D"You know Kansas City i.s trying to sell their postolliee for a comity court house , bo they can get a now potlollicc ? " "We'll have .some news for you about Monday ; drop in and .see us. " Alter the above Mr. King went out of the ofiicu to attend to MIIIIO details in the moving ol the hiirh board fence out to the edge of the curbing , .so the liii : : man talked to C. K , Hell , Mr. Maxon's assis tant , for the reason of moving the fence out. out."Wo didn't expect we'd have lo do it but Mr. Hicc. the contractor , demands more room and ot course wo had to , " an swered Mr. Boll. "lnt ! why don't you occupy the ground on which tfnkn Rogers' house and barn Mundh ? Rogers sold it to the govern ment , " interposed the JJii : representa tive. tive."Mr. . Rogers has received notification that we vvi&h the removal of his barn tin nu'dinlolv trom Iho government ground , and 1 oxpcct in a day or two he vv ill com ply vviih iho requcsl. " "How much ground does ho occupy that should now bo vacated * " queried thu "You , 1 suppose , know that lie formerly owned two lots. His brick house is straddling both lots now. " "Does the illustrious Jake kick at having to pick up ? " "Well , yes , i-omowliat. But ho's given bonds to remove hon > o and barn , and if ho knows which side his bread is buttered on , as I think ho does , ho will lift his barn oil immediately , and in that case ho can in all probability allow his residence to remain for u while longer. " Nons. : Two cut loads of sciillblding arc on the grounds piled up , while another carload is at the Broadway dupot of the Union J'acillo road , Ono largo derrick anil a lot of ma chinery have already reached the build ing t-ito. A car i.s being unloaded that contains three small derricks. The cut Etono will begin to arrive next vvook. The cut stone will probably take plltho space room inside tlio enclosure , Although the basement is completed so far us tlio stone and masonry work is concerned , I860 will sec the structure sent skyward. Correct Abstracts of Title and Real Es tate Loans at McMahon te Co's , No.1 1'carl street. Try John Tcmplcton's "Rose" cigar. Tlio J'nut and Future or tlio IMufTu. Tlui productive forces of the country being quite fully developed , and prices reasonably remunerative , internal com- mcrcu seems to bu approaching a sound basis , There \ mi app.iii'nl improvement in Iho trade of the country , vvllh more certain prospects than for several yearn past , anil the significance of the failure * far le. than in the past few year * While the business in this section ditr ing the pasl year has not fully come ti | ' to the general anticipation , yet it jiii' been reasonably nli factory % , nnd during the latter half of Ihe year there has been a noticeable improvement , and generally ( here has been no great dillicnlty in mak ing collection * . In the main , the business of this citj and district has been successfully con ducted , and \er.y few failures have oc cured. The careful and conservative manner in which our business men have conductQil their aflair < , as well as loca tion , our extensive railroad facilities , and the growing thrift of this section ol Ihe country , haxe largely contributed to these results. The. citj of Council Ululls beinsr the terminus of several Important anil lead ing railway * , connecting it with the great western ti mle , renders' it one of thegreat- ( ' < ! railroad centers in the west , and gives it an impoitnnt and commanding prom inence as a disiiibuliug point. With Ihu superior advantages to be de rived from the now bridge , now in pro gress of oonstinotion : iero-- the Missouri river , designed not only for the n o of nillwnjs , but also for street cars , carriages anil pedestrians' , thereby bringing H into closer prox imity \\ilh the beautiful and ciilei prising dl.y of Omaha , Iho two cities will be no tloiibt eventually consoli dated as ell'eetuallyas the two great cities of New York and llruoklyn have become one. in interest and inVentimenl. This city is surrounded by a rich and fertile farming district , anil already it can truthfully ho said that Council Hlull's carries on a more extensive trade in the line of agricultural implements than any other city west ol the Mi.ssis ipti | river , and aNo does quite an extensive jobbing business in other lines. This county's legislative representa tives , Col. Iteiith'i and Ilr. Hurl , of Avoea , in company with H. V. Clayton visited the institution of the deal and dumb. Tiiis city not only possesses superior facilities lor commerce , bill has manu facturing advantages widen tire not ex celled in any other oily in the \vest. The abundant simply of coal in Iho southwest em purl of the state and othereontignoiis sections embracing an area of over ' . ' ( ( ,000 square miles , \vill produce at very cheap rates , sullieient to run an unlimited iiniu- ber of niannlai'torie.s With a reud.v de mand lor her manufactured goods , and iht ; lacilitios for obt.iining every Kind of raw material required theio can be no better point for manufactories of every description. TJie water nrivile es arc unequalled , and il.s. enterprising citi/.ens Inn e caused to be coiistiucled very extensive water works , of sullieient dimensions to Mippl.v. \vith pure , wholesome water , for domes tic and other Use- , three or lour limes its pic.scnt population. With all these de sirable advantages the continued growth and prosperity ol Council ISlmis cannot be que.stioiied. The finest fringes , loot rests : nul fancy chenille lloweis for fancy work at K. Stockcrt v\ ; Co..s , No. Ml ) UroaUwai. A handsome present to your wife an insurance policy on jour life. Forrest Smith has the most desirable companies to insure with. All kinds of interior drapings , cornice poles , shades , etc. , the very cheapest in the west at K. Slockert A : Co's. Crnslieil by tlio Cars. Another fatal accident occurred about 11 o'clock ' Green- Wcdncsdaj' night , near - dale , but a short distance from where Shult/ was killed by the cars on Christ mas. The victin ( hi * time was a colored man who was found lying on the Rock Island track and had evidently been killed bj" u freight train which passed that spot shortly before thu body was found * I'hc man is thought lo bo Edmund Till- man , although some of his acquaintances doubt Ihe identity claimed so surely by other.s. Tillman was about 00 years ol' of ago and was well known here , having worked lor a long lime for Mr. J. T. Hart and aNo for Hen Marks caring for horses. About a jear ago he left here for Leavcnworlh , Kansas , liN aU'ectioiis be ingapparuntly sot upon a Mrs. Dugaii- who removed there , inducing him to fol low. He was a widower and had two stop daughters living in Avoca , and a step son , iJanics Scoll , living in Cnr.son. It is supposed that he had vyorkcd his way on freight trains , etc. , as far a.s Ihis place , and vvsis trying lo got to Avoca The theory is thai ho was trying to .steal a ride on tlio train , and perhaps in trying to jump on wai thrown under the wheels and crushed. Rest coal and wood in the city at Glea- = 011' * , ' 'ti 1'esirl street , Ladies and gents get a ticket lo the grand drawing on January 1 , with every T cents worth of goods purchased of Aithur hcfkovitx , O'-M Broadway. The choicest candies , California fruits , nuts , cigars , etc. , always on hand. An Kleviuit Idincli Parly. Yesterday afternoon Mr.s. S. Clinton ave an elegant ladies' luncheon at her licr homo , corner of lilufi'street and Wil low avenue. The arrangements in all the details were such as to allbrd great onjoyabililj lo all who participated in the sooinl event. The coinpanj was' coin- nosed largely of ladies who have resided hero lor aome lime. There worn a largo number ot invitations issued , and among those who responded in person were : Mrs. W. ) . Cooper , Mrs. A. T R ee , Mr.s. Saniuol I'oilerliohi , Mrs W. 1' . Saiip , Mrs. W W. Wallace , Mrs. Doming , Mrs. M.Turloy , Mrs C. F , Adams , Mis I' . C. Devol. Mrs. \ \ . O. Win. Mrs. u. Ulaino , Mrs. E K Aylosworln. Mrs. W. Dearborn , Mrs. Thomas Ollieer , Mrs. W. II. M. I'nsoy , MLS. J. Folsom , Mrs. E. Uimnoml , Mrs , J. W. Morse , Mrs. Rev. A. K. Hates , Mr.s Ed Spooner , Mrs John Hen uetl , Mr1'aul ol Nebraska , Mrs. Nathan I'ltsov. Mrs. Dr I'ntnoy , Mrs. Dr Hart , Mrs. F. Unit. Mis W.I ) . Millman , Mrs. Prof McDormiii , Mrs. H. W. Tilton , Mrs 1' M. 1'ryor , Airs. Ed Ingram , Mrs. H. II. Van Itrunt , MrFrank Van lirunt , Mrs. Thomas Metcalt and bur mother , Mrs. Canliold of Ohio , Mrs. J. 1) . I'Mniunilson. Mrs. L Baldwin , Mrs. E E llarkiicsi , Mis. J. E. llurk- ness , Mrs S. MoFoo , Mrs W Ament of Nebraska , Mr.s. S. S. .Slovens , Mrs. S. Slovens , Mrs. Judgn Casady , Mrs , A. R. Houghlon. Mrs. 1) . II Coolny , Mrs. 1) . Macrae , Mrs. I ) C Uloomer , Mrs , Nich olas , Mrs. 1) . Harle , Mrs Block , Mr.s. J. M. Phillips , Mrs. L. Wellb , Mrs. T J. Evans , Miss Jennie Baldwin , Miss Mary Phillips. Miss Emma Philljps , Mies Mamie Dovol , JWltis Anna Woirich. Ho sure and n k j'our grocer for Iho bread made nl Smith & hoerko's bakery. No , G'3 Main street. It is the very best made. Try it and bo convinced. o Having put in a complete now slock of clothing , furnishing goods , hats , caps , etc. , Fox & Hughes , No. 010 Main street , invite the public to give them u trial. Their expenses uro small and they can and do sell cheap. Jlronilwell 1'otuiil Guilty. The jury in Iho case of the Slate against S , A. Broadwoll returned n verdict yes- tcrday afternoon , finding him guilty of obtaining money under false pretenses. Thu jurj' was rent out shortly after 3 o'clock , and returned the verdict ttbout 4 : ! > 0 o'clock. The verdict was no surprise to most who listened to the evidence , Now will be given a vhaucu for showing whether there ! anj truth in tlio report that he .said he would be immediately pardohcct by Governor Sherman , if found guilty. He had been on very friendly terms with the governor , and other prominent men of the state , and it is aid that ho relies greatly on IhN influence. There are some other cases pending growing out of hi < peculiar wa.of . managing the land and loan business at Logan. James Brady wns.tried . yesterday after noon in the district court on the charge of entering George Hoaton's coal otliee , and Mealing ! Ul overcoat , lie was ac quitted. , The ca o of John Benson , indicted with Prank 1'ierson , for burglarising H. Smith's house al I'udeiwood , i now on trial. * The court adjourned hisl evening until after New Year's. More fur the MIIHPIIIII. The establishment of a museum in con nection with Ihe Bloomer school seems to excite considerable interest , not only among the pupils whohavetlioadvanlago of it but among the citi/ens generally , who tire contributing liberally lo further the enlcrpiNo. Mr. J. 11. We U-otl has donated some valuable relics of the great Chicago tiro. Yeslenhiy Mr. John IVm- plelou , wlio has been accumulating quite a variety of curiosities for dNplaj at his cigar store , jielded lo the persuasions' of the local press , and concluded to give to the museum his most yiijnnblc specimens He has several varieties of snakes , in cluding one with two heads1. Ho has also a red bat , and some fossils. The Weaker Sex are immensely strengthened bj' the use of Dr. it. V Pierre's "Favorite Prescrip tion. " which curi'h all lemale derange ments , and gives tone to Iho system. Sold bj. diuggisls' . S. T. Spangler , of Independence , Iowa , lalher ot Mrs I. T. Fliekinger , ol Ihis cilj- , is visiting heie. SPECIAL NQTrOES NOTIUi : . Special lulvuitiscinunts , such n Lost , raunil , To Iionii , 1'orSuli1 , To Kent , Wuiits ltoullii : , elu. , will bu Insi'iiul In thli columnul Hit-low ruto of TUX CUNTS I'l'.ll UNUlortlio lli-stlnst'illunuiiil KlVi : CUNTS I'Ult UNU lor subsequent iM-H'itlnn. huiivu nth ci I ho- our ollluo , No. U 1'r.ul ttiut't , iifur WA N I s. iJVVAN & VV.\I.Kiit : , No. : is Main sttiet , > ' iiiiiiler ( "Itl/iii's Ilinik ) , leal i 'nti < ami iner- ehiiiidNe e\eiantre ! broKi'is Our bonUsaie lull ol spi I'ial I aiv.iliis , Inn u jt liiiio-sldi | | > to luili- 'l li u lu'n.ble ' list tioin the I nit ol M ) inanj dallv ciunui's. 1 Wlnit ue-iisK i : IIoiMant . lo so ' ' < M't milt1 nii.v thinir in fiur line , \ i-iti > us uiul HO lllsciKt joii n iillio | hutfriilns 11 select IVoin. l.nnils ImjuoU'ii or IIIIIIIIMMI'll | ] , i'lt.ortoun . piopi-rt ) , stocks ol KitiiiN ol iinj Mini in nn > jiliiec. I1 biiili jo i Imvcor s | | ( . | | jim nnnt Irt n liu-ii-ri-oin joii. SUMIIVVulkiT , I ouni'll Illnlls Ij Oll ur.NT A llncly ImiiisliuJ limit loom JNo. . ytl VliieMieot. 77 A KM KM I SAI.i.Vta : fi.iivaln il'suM ko J l ( ! ( > . " ' , ! miles bonllpu'st ol Oiiiulni. ti loom Imil-iM'Vi'OlliMIt Well li'lil tlst < nil.l : iii > is. OIH-loi'clfjlit 11111x1.1,01111 lol0 cons ; lii'll. tool iiliil silicon housi'sj IOJ iti'ioj ill tliuotlij : ijMJ ; ( loii'st UK- , cotton uiiUliltiK ) ! vriiliiut , nsi | : iiul niliple ; ( iiHiil oicliind , upplicliiuii'S , ] iltiiiH , fjiapen mill small Iriilts. NCMMliillinir Mouk vuitur. II. I' . Oi i K 1:11 : , 57J Utoiil : tii > , Council Hauls , limn. \\rAN" ! Bl ) To liuj-all tlin llistolTrsT'oiiir > > lianil lionscliold KiiniN Unit mu ollcroil lo fu'.c.null us tninltiiio. otupi'tx , blovi-- , etc I'orsong not lia\inir sruu-ri.v lli--l-clnss onils n ill save liinu liy not npplyinjr. All others Hill leiM'ivi'pimiipt iittonliijn inul will l > o piiil : tlio liluliest iniiiKet pni'i'3 li > A. . ) . Maiiilol , : ! . ' " > IllomlHiiv , dcalur in nuiv nnil Mrittly llrst-i'lass fcCLonil-hiiiiil Iiniiltiiru , etc. , uu. _ I'OU HI'.XT AL JIcMiilion & Co's HOlTSIIri I I V'arl _ bt i cot. _ _ _ RUSSSLL&Co MmiuriictnrciEor all AUTOMATIC ENGINES K pcciallj Icliiii'd ( lor liuuniiii- , MILLS , C.ltAlN ELKVATOUS , AND KLKCTKIU LIGHTS , Tubular niul Locomolivo Boilers. Now jMiis.-iillon T hrcohors. Carey nndVoodbtiry Uorso Powers. STATIONARY , SKID , Poi'lalilc nnil Traction Engines , SAW MILLS , ETC. Factory Mnssillun , 0. lirancli House 510 Pearl St. , Council Hlnlls. SEND FOR 1886 ANNUAL. ONLY HOTEL In Councl Dluffa luivins : Fire Esoa/pe And nil iiKKiern linntovcmciits , cull belli , flr uliiim belLs , etc , , la tlio CREST ON HOUSE ! t Nos15 , Sn und 10 , Main Street , MAX Jl OJIN , 1'iojuletor uos , nrnccii , w. n. u. rusey OPFECER & PUSEY , BANKERS COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , u'j in a isr . V. T. M AY.VK. A. 8 , H VZEI/fON r. T. Wayne & ( Jo , Real Estate Exchange No. 10J Pea < 'l Stioot , fouiu'll Illuirs , Iowa. Dealers in Iowa , Knn ns nnd NcbrusUu l..imU LOTS JN COUNOIL'JJLUl'TS ANJ ) OMAHA A SPECIALTY. Itcnl Kbtntu bought anil sold , N. SCHUBZ , Justice of the Peace. Office Over American Express , Compauy , B. BICE , M. D. or oilier tuni'irs removed irlihout tboknlfuorilrawliiifot blood. CHROMIC DISEASES < * n " " " " EPCciaitr. ' . . Ollluo OvertUlity year * uxpurloucu. No. 11 1'cuil bticot , Couiuil lliulTi M J'HKt. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT UAMTACTUHElt JiND DEALGII I.V HAIR GOOD tfo , 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs. WHERE TO BU Now Oliristmns Has Oomo and Gone , the Stock of Goods on Hand Must bo Disposed of , Tlioeo Wild Will I'.onil tbo PolliMvltiK Will Surely l-'inil Many Acoppl- Illllt ? I'l'PMCIIts Hip XlMV Vcaf'H Tor lndlc or pcnl cnn bo loiiiul In Ininx1 ii mini It It < " nml of eu'ij jio-'i'llilt' il"i-ilitloii | nml lit pi lci' tlint .MIII i"in veil iilTnnt t l > u > Ml In Ilir iiiiuiiinotli clnl > llili- inent ol Ulseiniui , lluili'.n ' \ Co. Who ever lieald of n mine suitable pie < piit. IIiit a sinirle Tine linen Initulki'iihlels Mill bo ae- ile lo most nit ) one nnd II nut bo bought nt the People s Mote. N'ow nn\co | | ! In tills line lor 'milt' ? . Any Miunit niiin ninx H , . , ! tlint lil In-I phi | i'H'.iiitL' | one II lioin Ivlstainn. Itudiln . \ Co. Vint know > < nir i\lfp .Mil n | > pii'i'iati'iillne imlr nl lli"-i' , no nuttier IT .Mill do happi n to havi a pnlt oi tttool pi oil ont'i at lininc. Von need look no tinther ll'.iin the l'io- Jiles'j-loio lorthf finest in like" anil eli A nnr IIIncK SIIUlic ) I'lltlein is con lili'icit nil i'l < runi llolldny pteMMit. Such plki" * linvp nexiT l1iolU'tilllie | I'linlle , - , nml not Innirnpo nil or- § \ I illnni } , coiiiiiiini , exci t- I _ ff \ f t O ' ' " > < lH'S 0lllll I0 > l II " III II El IN miiulinsiili'iliilMuni'Mlk \ JJ ( \J V9 Wl I ill innv rosl II si'livltil Itoin till1 initnen'-e Hoi'k ol Uisciiinti , Hoililu A Co. s lripc ( | ' Moio , who lilti the liU'tjcst s-looU uxi'i in Ihiwctl. . Ofexery lomciMilile M > tlc lor viiuiui pom ntikc. dm in1 foiiiui * T rrirti tu" iiHtiiin'pi' nl pi iris tlint .Ol.LvJU' at the ( 'copies' stoio oi iiM'iiinn : , iioiiuii i.v i o. jpi A " ) { DG Ii li'inls In sco hi i In lierni'M lui . Tlic I'l-opli's' store \ nllicni \ at piieps tlint mnkc ownlmlilesiii lor tlietn. I'or Hie inillloii nt tlic liiiii-l ) clrj o < ) ( l ! < stoio In tinwcI. . Suc'li n Mi.ek Unit II joiiCIP to loitnt HICIII lithe pulr. It would Inl.c , > ou mild I > > s7 to ( oiintln . 'Iho nitTiir. ) jirlit' on line luisn'i-j lor c.t'icr li- illi v in { 'cut- --I'cii.a to lie eliciipcr ' ' " ' " ( ll ° ' ' ' " ' J-t'Kds ' m-i lie lioitnlil lot1. Inn tlii'co-t l ii sinnll consKii'iiiiion ' wl'cn Hie t-\n \ ol tliu sioeVi i"con'lilcicil mid it lic- coni5 Known Hint Ci-ciu inltd Ida \ CD. lOtilit ) | tin1 Moodschcnp nnd MIC fix injr Ilicir iilctoiui'is Iho luhanlujrool tlieii close IHIJ IIIJT. Boots & Shoes illIlilrcns' In l.ulKmen liniiplmitilo limits nnd shons c'iMi lie loiiiul at pi lees Unit ' 1:1 : prise nil. Ono whole stoic of Ihe iiiiiiniiiotli o > til > lshiiiont | of thu 1'eojileV Mote , is ilooteil to this c tali * JL.J.adirs \\hc nl'liuil , no S 111 TQ " " "t"1'1 ' \lmt ' ' t-ljle. slmpo or ULJL UD out. cannot help ljul tliul it suit to pltn-e their tustt' at Eiseman , Kodcla & Co'a. one know * n muffin' i n luiflersE lo lui\c nl'out thu hoiiso. They eonui In bilk , Cil'li- miie. Wool , Meiino , etc. , ami ate found In jrioat ( imintitic- select lioin nt the Peoples' Mine..C3 1s Hieun mnn , woman or ' 'liild tlint ilops nor liiirm. or i liiisiic-viTliieii ln-lileof ono J ot the lai'ifett 11 not tlic very laijrest iliy trooils hiiii-e ill IOHII. It is located at Iho eoiiieiM ) ! liiondHiiv and llry- ant M .Counell Illnllh , nml is . ealledllie I'lojilos' More , ol &n nlneli Ul-einiiii , Itodcla A : Co , \J\J niotlie pioptietori. It u.l do jour hetut KOOI ! lo call ami een their Immense Modi ern il you Jilon t Iinj. They have | ili nly ot eleiks toww \ jou aioiindand evuijthlnir iinitrlmilile : is done lei joinI'omloit wlicu iu llieli1 tinly Moies Von can liinl nn.v tiling nml For Children cvci.Mlilii ! . ' tlint N ntpil liv tlii'in ill DiM'niitn , Ilixlila \ Co.'o. Ttiko Minr chllilirn tliGiniinil ( It tlii'in enl In liny iiilicle jon ulsli. You'll lie pii'iisi'il with your fi'lcctlons inul the iniikoon , , us they luivo 1111 inent ol Him ( Joods , auM' | | as thu i'lieiiT-t | to bu lonnJ. . or rulilicr boots at the I'coplo's still O. . . > on bi'conii" tlicil of Areta Tired1 ? ! louUinp in IT the jjoods ol ; : Mimll floiiii , to Ilinl uliul ) ounnl , icniciii- biM- that M1G , tl ! nnil 'Ui Itioailivay , Council Illullh , tint I'ropli's' Sloic' , joii can llnil on Kiinii uiin lloiii ot Iho Inmii'iiMi r-nihll-lnrH'iit iiistulial von aio loiiklnu lur , uiul Il ! > uinan , ItDd.lii , A : Co. huif Ihe ttotK anil viuii'O l < > tc- Icct 11 oni. 11 | Tin'cold ueatliurcomlnirFn l.ilo Underwear foniul tbi > tloik ol uiiitciui'tir . . I'itllDl'80Illlui lll | l\t Illsll- nian , lloilda & Co. Tlio Flock in that It must bu icdncnl , nml that at onio II "I all. They cannot mtonl to cany il o\cr nil next n'lison , it they havc > to lee ft money hyti'llintr ' It now. Thuy HIK nut folliiiK out , cou-riUunlly | inil-1 limn tlio tooin lor otliL'rgooilsvlilcn u III ai iho in .lamniiv iut. . The Cheapest Red Flannel in the Y/est / Is to be found in the Peoples' ' Store. ninil/ONo sloio In On1 wet ever has I I IIAKslinnn as. Hue anil Iniffii a llncnl uLUnllO Biirineiusin the I'coples' .Slmclias this buison , 'limy bavo now n inni'h liiincr blocks on hand tlinn all Ilic oilier lioiiBi'b hoic loinblnril can nliou.and ul piK't'S Unit rci'in.s lai | > os-ibli ) , but it is a ( act , and lo bu coiivniicd Klvo them a mil , Vou can Imj n cloak or any lilndol it vnnp ol tlicni , and ( an nuwKct inoif valiio Ini your nionoy In Mils llnu than ever buloic tor tlili > M'IIEUII , that II they can ) iliumuvur till m-\t season Ii will miiilio otiK-hall ol a Hour to.-tmo thcni In , and KIEO- iiiaii , llodda Co. can t HHIIC tlic epaco. Muslins , Blenched anil Unblincliril cxli bn found nt the I'cnpliV ticu e , ImiiiunrliK'S that \\oulil i-tipplj o bnndicil binoll etures. They uro cucap. A n I TO N'cs > Itcmun , HoOilM A Co have ban - nnnlrx bica , 111ull as it\eiyliln | ? UHOI LO tlioy lvi.ii..iii | iiwiy wltl. . " nudarogivun uwuy In nil tlio lending'colors WoHdlnd nnfl Pnrlv ncQaiDg aUll rally andtlntharotoboloiiinl la uh ( l ci ) itt I'.Uenii'li. llodda ii Co. ' I'toplLV htoru. AUo ull uthrr Minis of hofo lei men , bob , ItullL'Sgills , nnd tbftinallt'St bnblis. Von never ea\r as I ] no n SILKS line ol Hllkd or Fnluis to H'lcct Irom us lonw us you've been west ol Mil- cngo UB jou can bio uu tlio 1'iojilca' bluio. Ulovcbiuc rou e > IhiiK mp > 'l ' ) , ' "U 'lil I'K ' unii'i'ii i i-iuiU lliat U-i' , liudua & lo kucp on hand Ihi ) . "i t\n \ > i l > PAID UP CAPITAL $20,000 , , AUTHORIZEDgOAPITAL , $100,000 $ , SUCCESSORS TO J. 408 MAIN STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA IMPORTERS OF AN'l ) DEALERS IN Musical Merchandise of Every Description Toys and Fancy G-oods. We innke the ci'lebinteil Iliudinaii Pianos , niiu the Roy.U Whitney organs , a specialty Evciy Instiiiiiieiilvanniitnl. . Send lor .MUELLER MUSIC CO. , Council B.ntTs ' W.3P . . . llilcli bullilln s nf nny Klml rnkol or moved nnj cnt5laotlou [ unr.vntua.1. KramchousiOS mova on I.lttli'Uimit uucUb ihv l > o t in the \\iulU. SOS Eighth Avenue and Ei Iith Street. 1 t If you buy any where except at Meteal Bros , They are selling their Clothing at Cost , and guarantee prices on hats , caps4 underwear , hosiery , neckwear , silk hand kerchiefs , trunks , bags , etc , , etc 3IETCALF BEOS , 344 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Northwestern Hotel , Xovvly fitted ami funiMiPil. Opp Hioatlvvny Dummy Depot. 81.50 per day. SAMUKL 'I'ATB , 1'rop. I11. . BKIISHAW. Managoi. Chicago Lumber Co. 'VVliolcsnlu nml ictuil I.niiilicr , l.ath , bhiiiKlos Snsli , DooiH and Illlnd . Hnlo agents foi thn ctlebintoJ Miulileliead ConcenlriUuil Wlillo line. H ] ' . MACCO.VM.'I.I. , Mining01. Telephone Xo. ! ! S. No. .lOMiilnStieot. EVERYTHING 13IAJL\AJ1LK ( IX CROCKERY.CHINA . Queensware cSc G-lass At Homer's No. 28Muhi Slvpt Council lilufl'H , in. ESSEXHOUSE , P UKVANT AXD VistSrs. VV'aitn looms nml peed boaid nl rcofonnblo rntes. JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW COUJSTOIIj riactlcos In .Stxl : < nnd I'oiiils. Itoouis 7 oudtj Sliu ait Ulock. Ueno. MERCtEN HOTBI. , Main St. , Couiuil Itlullb. NrnrthuO. , 11. .tO.jC. , .M. \ St. J' . , nnd ( ' . , il. 1. it V. laljvvliy ( tpjiots. hired ear pib4 : tint door. Kv eiyllilnt ; new und lli.s das , Ol' " " ' " " . , . . . : ! ( I'roinlctoi und . T M STVTTTTT u . 1YJL. QJ.Y.L JL JL JLJL LEADING Tailor ! HO. 7 and 9 MAIN STREET , Council Bluffs , Iowa U HION TICKET OFFIE J. L , De BEYOISE , Agent. Ko. tOTllionairar , Council Ulum Railway Time Table. COL'NCII. IILUKX'3. The folliiwIiiK it tlio titnu of arrival and Oi'pnrlUMtol luiliirt by rrnlrul hliinihinl time , nt Ihu local ili'polh. Train * Icavo tiiinsr < Tdii > ot ton iiilniiH'L'liillur nml iiiiivu ten niinulcs later : ' " J1E'1A"T'Clnt-.uo , A MMiniwi-Mi 9:2 : 1 A. H Mull nnil U.vprtvs. n.-no I' . M. l":40r. : M . \cviiiiiiiiuil.iticin. . . 4CU.M. : Ccoi' : . u. . . ICxpu'ni. 'J:05A.u. : CI1ICAOO & lllll'K ISLAM ) . aiA : ! ) , Jliillanil I5niii | s . .O-Mi'.it , ? : lfi.t. M. . Accoiiiinodittlon . .fit"ii\n. ; fl'Ul' : . * ' i\ni"s. : | ! IJ5A.M. : ( UIIIOAIil ) . MII.HAI'IUK J. hi' l'\lll. HiiUA.M .Mull iintl Hxpi L'Mj. . . OjMp , M , fl.Mr. M . Utpu'ss , . UU3A.M. : cniuAii ) . nuui.isniuN' in QUiisrr. 8:40 : A. M . . . ilalliuiil KvpiiFri liitrOi'.u , ( jD'Jr. ; M. . i\nu-h ; | . . ti:05 : A. u , \\AIIAhll , SI. I.IIKIh.1 I'ACIIIO. Blfir , M l.oial hi. l.oills l { . < Eiiri'ss Local . . . . . . U.lOr. M.Trmii-U'i M. l.oul Kv.'ruii tri-.II'.llO r. u KA.VSAS ciiv , sr. .101 : & CDUM n. ni.uii i 10A.M | | ) .Mull nnil : \ | > -s , . [ , : MiU , U05l' ; . M lixiHfst. . . U : 5A. M. hiTiirx inv * I'.MU-IC. ; ; : l.riA. M .t-ioiix t'ity .Mall . . . fnOi : > , M. b.0 I1 , ii . hi. I'anl l < JLuc'fe8 | . .b : JA.u. II.-'III.N I'ArillC. 10a5A. H , lli'in-i'r llvpi I'M" .fiHlP. M. ! : : r. M .l.lnioln I'nhs , iiin.r K. V , " : U.r > ) , M. 7.0 ] | > .M. . .Ovciland lUlui'hH . 8:15 : A.M. HU.'IMV 'J1IM.NS1O DM MIA. Icnv4 > Conni'll Hlnlls 7U.1i-su8 : : UiO-in-ia- ; : : II ! .u . n. in. ; ! : : : : ! : - ll : r p , in. Snmlii.s- ( in U.ijIl.iU ; ) - a. in ; a IK > , ! . .Vi ft 25 I ) M11.4ri p. in. 1.1'iivu Onnilm - iil'i7'ir.'XllUW : ; ' : ( - 11:00 : n. ins l.w ) 2:1X1- : . ( W liiVJ 0 OJi fi : . .riII 1(1 ( ii in. Similuyii 0i3 ; : .i' ' ) II uu u. ni.i2.0JJ.U ) a.Ou - : ! | Water oior Co. N Hn\iiyr. \ : i fninlbhrd from lijrdtant prcesuiefor nil kinds of lulu machinery , ripiclnl on ( riven to clnnoli oufuu lilowinif. V > /utlUK prosscs niuul ihuppcid , leu cromn Tlii > o > 'S polli > liliiK lulhcb , Hiiwlni ; ninutiliiri , etc. . , . , ii bcsl tluuiu | t molnr inudu , .Scml lor oil- , _ ftr. Ininu In Council Illnttb by Jli ojobnltlci' , I1ueoicliin.dtinciit ) nmtXct. I biciifo .Meat Miuki-l. LufUenUinlm'sMcatMiirkct. t < inltliiMcytrs. . , , Kim/ Klceb. cftlemrrlndcr. ' Fl ! ! \tfin , Id .MilII M , L'ouiiul lilUflti llil luilUIUi St. * osl Id