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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1886)
THE OMAITA DAILY BEEFKIDAY , , JANUARY 1. 1886. vveiulit l us for sk days Is sliown lielow : IMto , Hoiixll llenvy. l.ltrht MUol. 1'ackmtr Monday Tuo iln.y fia t to 0.1 < on - , Wf-dne df. , a : : 8. t/'tf siS ! Thursday Note All aN'-i of tony In this market tin- . liv < Mu > ; ! : , unle otlierwUo stnteil. Dcaillioa-iM'llal 1c per Hi. lor all "SklnO' ornj ] \ > * wolgijnf | less than 1K ) bs , noiiltn - , J'ifgiiantso\\ai docked ojt AHA \v 1 101 , i ISAM : M ThitPMlny livening , fJciiri-al markets. KoriiThr inaikei is weak at 15Pi 2Tc. lit i rKii-Tlii1 Imtter inaihut conlinun Mcnily at tnruiei ] irli"t. . While cholPiilnittci nifL'tsllli ( alt 'ale. lltetc is no demand lor tin ; ] ootci-raile ( < . Milctlyrliolw lull , 1.X.MU- : fait to irotxl. Hi " 1 ' . ' ( : inrerior. 4iic. . < 'ninM : : HIIIPJ lullcH'ain I'lfcdilai , Oi'lo- iHTiimki1 , 10"ji-i Hals l''c ; VOIIIIK Atnerlea , 11'jC ; lull eieain ll.iU , Attsrttst make , 1ft- ; A'HIIIIK AmeiKa . 10c : lull cieatu , July slmiii.OCaV ; Hist ( ittallly Swiss clice < p. lf.c ; Birond itiillt | , > , liS'.tllc ; bilcK cht'c. ' < f , IHc ; J-hnliiiLii- ) ( ; . I'ol ii in Theio is .iil | a Rood uYal of old Mock tin HIP maiketliiclt is Itaid toellat nnyjulec. .stiirllj lii'iliell dti ed ] vml- tiy lias been inet > neil detiiand to-da > and met wlHi ti-adj valiat quotations ; Titil.evs , lancy , r.vue : ! ; clilclauis , fatic.v.Ncil'e ' ; ilttcks , lanuy , D.'itltv ; BIH-C , lancy , IK.MOe. ( lAJiU 'I'ho nini-Ui't Is dull and weak owliiLMotlie wnini ucalliof. I'talriielilek - liiis .VKccJ.- ! iii'i1 doz : niallatd ilticks , per doxS'J.i'iiekl ; sl.'J.y < l.oO iul\cil l.'J. ' < i1. " > : KWSC , sJ.WWi.f : : 0 : jiu-lc rabbits. sii)0 : ) ; Miiall labblts 5J.V f.Vk' . , . . , , tt.ji'i- ! ntitill , 81.00 1- : snipe , , dcur saitdles , per Ib , llti ' i'Je. ; ear- siHM'j , iite ; antelope saddle- * , per Ib , lWl'-'e ; c'lieasves. ( ifn'Ti : ; elk suldle" , ] > er Ib. ttndcr COMII Jloxrv Callliiinln 'Jib. Iratnn , na His. In piiM' . pot II ) . , ir > e ; extracted , 'i Hi. In rails. 5J doIn ra 1 , i > er caMi 61.00 ; ' 10 Ib. fianics , J'ebiaska , lwc. < 'iiin : New Voile refined jiorbbl. , 57.00 ; do hall Mil. , SI.OO. Vi.MiiiAit Wlilli ! wine , ICc ! cider , lii' ' < r. CoroAxi is. - Then1 is a libcial sitiijilyln tlm mm kct nlS un ) Niw 1-iiis AND I > A-ir.s KIRS , Smyrna , 100 Hi , ke , ] ier Ib. lie ; layer , , 1'J and Ki Ib. lioxes , per | | > , Ki'VclTe ; l.ijer , fancy , n Ib. boxes , per Ib. 'J.Vlajer. : . lanes. - Ib. ear , toon.s , per Ib , li'n1. Dates fancy Fatd , 1Ib lio.xcs , jierll ) , lie : laney Persian , . " > 01I ) . boxes. Dtrlb , Me. 1'iiliiellCi ) , 53 ! Ib. boxes , liur II ) It'e. ' It'e.Nt'TS Illckon nuts , lame , jicrlnt. SI. 10 ; doshell liatlvs. Si.T.'i ; chestnuts , I''e ' ; jieeatis , large iiolKlied , lie ; pecans , inedluni , Ik ? ; ] < 3iifHsl ) walnuts. He : nlnioniN. 'I'air.mona , "Oi : ; do , lan uenoe. 17e ; lia/lls. ! 1'Jc ; Illberls , l-Ie ; iieanuls , hand picked , lancy \ itginia , Cite ! ; < l ( > toasted \1 , e. SAirnn KitAi-T l'1'-l finality , SO.tO perOO J Jlmtiel ; pei * j bol. ti.\ : ! rsnitvi.a. , iri.i.iis : , i.rc1. Ticserves : kinds , 'JO-lb. pail- per 11) ) . , 10' ' , u ; do 10 nail gal. . Ilk' : nssoited. Ml ) , palls per dor. . SS.OO. ( it.slle.s. all kliulx , liist guide , 'JO-lb. pails , per Ib. , be ; as oited , brsl gtaile , 5-lb. palls per do/ . , § r > ; do. 1Mb. pails , per do/ . , & ' -,75 ; do. 1-11) ) . palls , JUT ease , 5i doz. , " . " " > ; do. hcliooners. ] iet do/ . . S'J.'i'i ; do. lumbler" , per ease , 5) do/ . , W.40' till kinds second p-ado , 80-lb. iialls , pt. II ) . , r > e- . Mined .Meat , bet > piaile , } 4 bbl. , per Ib. , 7e ; do. IS , .S and t' s ih , iiaiis , per Ib. , 7'.e ' ; do. n-lh. jialls , perdo/ . , tli.OO ; apple butter , o\lia line , U bbl. , per In. , 7c ; do. 40-ll > . pails per Ib. 7e ; do. .Vio. palls , jierdo/ . . Sil.Oii : peach mid plum butler.HMb , pails , jier Ib. SiJ 'e ; iie.ieli , plum and nuiiiee butter , avsot ted , "i-11) . pails , per do/ . , S7.iO ! ; eatstti ) ( Sinder s ) , fine.-t nmup , per ra e. 5J ilo/ . pint bottles. .1.00 ; horse ladish. ulnt bottles. , , er doSI..V ) . I'KIS' K13P.T , 'I'ltll'i : . A Nil VMIls'ToNOt'KH 1'lL's' feet pet y. bbl. , $4.'rt. ; ( \ ( . } 4' bbl. , Sii.-lO : do. per kit , fl.OO. J.ambs' toiiL'ttes , per K 1)1' ! . , WO ; do. per kit , S'i75 ; do. quait jars per do/ , . iS.ftO ; do. tiint iais per ease , \i \ doS7.UO. . Tiipe , per ' < ; bbl. , S .W ; dn. per J bbl. fcU/r ; do. pet kit. UV. Hioiled mack erisl , new. per ease , fit ) cans , SG..W. apjiles , ] ) erbbl , S-.75f'Vi.OO. : fpney New Voik ami Michigan apjiles , 5 bbl. lots , per bbl. , S'Alr ( ; latipy New York and Michigan apples , 10 bbl. lots , per bbl. , S'J.rjO ; Jllinois apple.s , per bbl. S2.7.r ; Illinois apples , r bbl. lots , per bbl. , i5J.r r ; Illinois apples , 10 bbl. lots , per bbl. , S'MO ; Mlssouii ( ionllons , 5 bbl. lots , per bbl. . S'WW : Miftsotiil Cenitons , 10 bbl. lots , per bbl. . SH.X ( ) ; lancv oathur , per bbl. , SS.5n ; fhoice. MlehiL'an luiit. S\M \ ; : in 10 to 1M bbl. lots , Sy.'J.'i ; car ION , SU.oo CJitAiT.s Malaaa , per bbl. & 7.00 ; Catawba , per basket. Si mi OttAMii.isit'r.s-Capo Cod , fancy unik , per bbl. . t'.t.OO ; ( ape I'ud , lancy ilmk , 6 bbl. lols , per bbl. $ * J > 0Jeisey \ Hell mul Uusle , Fr bl)1" SS-K ( ) : 'cr ' iy Hell and Unicfih olil. lots , per bbl. , S7.r,0 , ; .leisey Dell and Hucle , per box" , SJ..10 ; Wis consin Hell andClieny , jterbbl , fcG.M ) : Wis consin Hell mul < ; iieiij , 0 bbl. lols , per bbl , * 0 " " > ' OA'I.IFOHSIA I'lturr ' 1'cars K-Ucurioand pound i eats , per box. SH.OU. I'ltovisni.vs. Hani. lOi 'O'llc. bteakfast bacon , b'v ' it'.io ; clear side bacon , 7cdiy ; s.illed sides , Oe : slionlileis. smj.u' euied , iiie-4 iiork per bb ! . . Slii.OO : laid. 40 Ib. cans , per Ib , 7ii7J ( * . , ; U ) . 5 and ! J Ib Fairbanks , , 7J4Sc ( ; dried beef hams , l'-c. UKANS ( iood cleanstock meets with leady wile. Hand picked iiavy.5l.7r ? > ( iU.OO ; medium , 81.f > 0i ( l.7.'i ; good cleim coiintiy , Sl.ii5i41.-I0 ( ; Inleiior 7fii > ( cel. < )0. ) OVKrniis X. Y. counts-t."ic ; extia selects , 3te ? ; selects , Kc ! : standitntsXu ; ) ; mediums , 2. " > o ONioxs-Sult J.ako stock is selling at SI.OO per bushel ; common liomegiown ied , 70iJ ( fie. Them am a few extra choice in the Jlmket that aio held at SI.OO per bush. OOAI , Antliiacitugtate , 8 .75 : egg , SS.OO ; lanue , SS.7. ) ! rhostnut. s .T ; Iowa , fcH.-Vi ; Walnut block. Si.OO ; Illinois , W.OU ; JUch Hill , 5l.o 5 ( , Funs AMI buixs-.Mink , each , I0i < 7i0c ; H\f , i.1 If , tl. J v\ , " Min * > / | J , J li tl II lu irui.i do mountain. S'i.OO < tfi.OO ! ; wildcat , 16CIO ; l \erSl..p > ' ) ( nU.60iir ] ) Ib ; fox , each , -lOjtJJl. : deerbkin : . dr\ winter , l.l .i be lal [ ' 0f5e. ? and Minim'.11 ' ( . Jlinr.s ( ireen butetiers' , 7c ; Kiren euied HJ < ; ( ii''i ! ; dry flint , He ; dry salt , lOe ; damaged liides two-ihlids price , 'i'lillow le. ( iiease , jirlimiw'iite.le. ' . rtlicenl'elt' > -'J.'i'jcT.rie. ' "LKATiiiin No. 1 I'lttbburi : hainess.l. C. L. &Sons , We ; No. 1 rillt-buiff , K. & b , 3 ! e ; No. Uinciniiutl. Wo ; No. 1 hi'o ieathei. ( c ; Piimu lei .sole leather , U ptimo oals ; lo leather. WOCi'.V. Uppei leather , per loot.'Jo ® 2"c ; Hemklp.7(5s'eoakklpKri" ' ( ) ; ( ! . ' . " > : ' ) kip. Sl.ooC'i'l.i-i ; Hem rail. Sl.oOQfl.10. oak- calf. Sl.OOOfl.ta ; Trench rait , &l.'iVl.M : Alo- locco hoot lei. ' , UXgWe : Moiocco oil iiehlile. C iy.'e ; topiiwiiH and llnlnss , SO.OOwlO.M jierdo/ UK.VVV K Iron , rates , 52.25 ; plow hteel , siiecial castle ; ciucible steel , f.o ; nst tools do. I''Cjil'x ! ; waminpokes , per net , S1.75-ri.OO : ; litibs , ntct , Sl.'A felloet- . sawed dry , 8MO , tongue.sach , "m , axles , each , 7. > e ; fcuitaionnts , tier Ik , ji'jllo ; I'oilchaln per Hi , Cai''c ( ; malafili' , Bo ; lion \\eilges , bo : crow bars , ! ) ; hallow teeth , -to : spring hteel.7i.u8i ! ; lUirden'shmsu hhoes H. " ; > Jliuden s mnlo bhoes , & .V-IS. Il.ubed Wiie in car lots , : . IHT 100 Ibs. lii.n Nails Hates , 10 to CO , S.l.15. fciiiot Sl.W ; huckshot , Sl.Kit , oiienlal iiowder , lu-gfc. fri.f ! > 0yf I.OU : do. half lt : % < do , qututer kegs , SI.CO ; blasting , UetfS , fie ! per 101) ) leet. > c. J.ead , Har , S1.05. Ditv I'Ai.visVlilto \ lead. N3 ; Kienehzinc , ft" itniber , burnt , -icj'mlibi'r , law. 4c ; sienna , burnt , to : blenna raw < e ; 1'a iscieen.genu- Ine , ' . ' 5o : rails gteen , common , uuo : clnome eii'i'H , K. Y..OCJ I'luoinogieen , Jv , i'-a ; ver- iiiilllon , ICngllsli , In oil ttbbt , K.o ; r.iw mid burnt umber 1 IP rans. 10o ; raw and burnt Elenna. 10c : vandvko Drown , r a ; lehncd Jampblack. li.'c ; roach black and ivory blalk JOc ; rtiop black , ICe ; I'l-if-sian lilnc. Wo : no inllllon. i ; . t I > . . ,2U ; yellow oonre. IK ) : L. M & 0. J ) . , 1F ; Koblen pelne , lOe : patent dryer 80 ; gralnlne wlars , JlKht oak , daik oak , wal inn. chestnut and nbh lac. pi.-\\ , I. . to jeaa , Oraalia. P. ! . . . J 1 Vllvlt * lll.II * t Iv"v | - ( 75o ; vermllllim. Aniorican , It-c ; Jnillan. n-d 10ornsoplnk. Ho : Venetian , ird Oookcou'ti ro. , _ . _ . OILS llUrariHiiiper irllon.llo . ; 1&0P head light , per Ballon , l o ; m < licnil l 'jprp.U ' | > Jon , iAi ; Ifcooatcr white. 15c : HUM -d. liar perVallon , c ; linseed , boiled , per g llii * Tc : hud , winter sti'd per Ballon. 5'ci JNO 1. tf > c : No. 2. 4"o : nslor XXX , per callon $ ; Vfi. : i , 5i.iis\M'Ct ; , per gallon. Si.oo , sperm. W. K. , jr Vnllon , , < I.CO ; liMiV. \ . H. ) iior pnllmi , ( i.V : nonfifoot citlra , per gallon , f < uc ; No. 1. 0c : Inlnirat'tit ' ; , yero. JM-r ( rallon ' < ( ! < : Mimmcr , IJc ; tftldoti timclilnc. No. 1. per irallon. 10 , ? : No. u , rt.V ; ion. * " < : ftlipfiilinc.pcrKallon < ; napllia. " - pal ion " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . extra , 85c ; slicllnc , S&.VJJ haru oil finish , 5 ! , ' ( ! Spinir'C'oJoffiiPspiiiK T55 proof. SI. 12 : do K'l ' i-inol , SI.i : > : > - ] > iillS M'cuml iiiality | 101 proof. M.I ! ! : do. lv < ploot. * l.ll. Alcfi- IinI , ! * > proof , S'J.10 i > ei me gallon. ItedN- tillcd wliisklcl.oor : clu Mended. .fl..vr iO ) : Kfntiel > bom onus. KentiicU > it . , . . coldeii Mieaf , bombnn and i-yn \ \ liikit" < , M..VKfftOti. : Uiiindii > s - Impoited , ' -.VOO.iSMi : iliiincMic.I.XKHI.W. : . ( iins importcil. So ) ( / ) . ( ) ( ) ; domo.-lK S1..1iifiuiO. ( : I'ltmIm - poitc'd , H.WWSOO : New KiiBliiiid.'J.OOc < t-l.X ( ) ; ( lomt'stli1 , 6l."fl''l.0rhampairiii's ) Im- iiortcil. percu'-p. fc'J .OJirt'fl.OJ ; American , per ca'-u , SHI.OOC" ic..0 ( ) . TMi. Vrlfos nile lirm on nenil.v all liip | . hut stoikt me moving Muwly. A KOOI ! spiing liiidn is loonKcd ( MI In all mntkcK llnll.inil lii'iilmr , new , per keg. 8to ; now lonir split " -tocklHlt , lOc , new bliort. split - ' . .1 * lioincslk' llolluml lieiriima . WV : Ituv'-laii saidlnt's 4."x ! ; Ancbo- vies In Rla . On1 Hull biniiti. PIT Ho/ . , S" . . ' > 0 ; Anchovies In Uois. i ( ( )1 ) ( . Hnfl brand. ? l ( M ) ; spiced llnnil'iiiu' iR'iiiiif , ' ? , skills and heads oil , per pail. 51. IS. III llltt.MlSIbHj CATCH. , FIStt. I M } 100 yj 4Q , - rz ,0 , Munn'- t No.l I/I ) 7 M 1 01 ! i to 2 0' . I 70 7:102 : ,0 l.'uo ( llb'ed fane r ma M it 2. , 1 0 I Ml 7.1 .VI M I.'KO KM fch'i o r j y i > do : i r > j a 25 l 70 l do 75 .v ; M ) JAUI : IIMI I IT II'UQV II'N I'MKin New rish. 100 JU 5J10 . li 10 Na nvhifi-"ri Ti."TT77. 77hilTwFN7i ; : to l n'Tm rmnilv " : i MI sun 2 ni i'o rsV , , No. 1 Trout 4 WH 002iV > 2 10 71 Ifi No. t Pickerel I 00 H ( ! , I2 IM I 'JO liS ( XI MACKI r.El. M&S'i ( AU'll. ) ' lll.N. Hull llbUQHUN y . New 1'Kli. ) 100 W i & 'J 4U ejt llloatcr Me- . . . , v , i is wi ir , 2Vi 0" , 7 ; n l 91 } .x. ' No.l feh'r 24 INI 12 M It ilMI ; iun 10 1 40 No. 1 Shore itno ' .i M s ii H oi ; IH ) i in Jled. No. I Slmiu. . . i mi T uo ii : rii : .v > 2 iu itii\ . . . ! iino no. ) n r > : i ti : > 2 no v > I.nrifo rmmly it nil ) fi UJ I rr > 2 M 2 ID , Ki i'llt " _ _ LlW' ' 4 ( " ' ' ' " ' - ' " ' 1 70 _ 61 I'lrKI.I.IAI.MO.V. . llhNllir Mill-Jl. ( Htlli . l'nll or kits lllood Itcd I ' i i ! i . . U 00 7 50 0 SO : l SO II 10 -1101 1 PO lllood Itcd Oil 7 fiO II SO , : ! fO : i 10 I 2. " > 1 n | ' 1'0 i.Mt'oitrnt ) risii , ( ISs'j rAi-rn. rrrrr . . .C1I niihi tin uiii-'oFiurii.i'iiiTs'm-Uis * * " ilMIM | ) UK ) IM j Ml 10 , 15 12 10 Norwegian | I l I I I ' I KKK ller'inifs II ei)7 ) 500 SO.1 ! i > QX 10 I 25 1 01 ! H ) NorhiKlati | KK litiri-inifs in W7 ofi ) j.y-i r.V2 mil 10 PS f't - llllir.s 8 ( HI 4 M4 HOl'J : iOl W | N ) W 110 CoDKisuov l arso hank coilic ; M'a Kill ) , ' , ( ii'oiuos cliuiiKsiV : elo\er leal , ( il'Otf'i'S sllip , tii c ; I Ib roll1 ! Ib boNiN. ( i1 c ; piiiliicllou-er , ilb ! biiclC ; > cild ; m-ii1 , ' - ! Ui biicl , . f.J.c. SJIOKKD" FISH- Halibut , new , 10c ; new i-caled hciiitiKS. 0c ; m.wkoicl I''c ; vilmon , IL'c : Miioked tui eon. 10c. Groocrx IjNt. Diiini ) Kittirr.s Mo. 1 ( itiarier anjili's , -I' ' c ; cvapoiatcd , boxes , S'f _ < 'l'c : blackbeniei , boxes , ll' ' c * ' . ) , e : peaclius : Kailein.-l iMUc : jieachus. evapoiatcd , ir > ) jif ( < l7c ; halt hake , now , * > } . < < i'Ji ' > ; iusbuirus. | ) ! iitsw.5ii'J7c ( ; cur- lants. new. 7'4iijic ( ; piuiics. new. B's ' SJfo. b\itfi btandaid 0 S-e , bbls ; tilaiidaid , do ! - . cnllon keirh , Sl.'S ' ; Xeli ) leans iiNu-iOc ] > er gallon -Maplo Bituii , ' baui'l. ] ' . it ( J. hit ictly pine , 70c per gallon ; 1 gallon rtiis t'.i.-'o ' per doy gallon cans , SW ) per do < t ; quart cans i.W : ! ) SUHAUS J'twiuned , 7Tsc : cut loaf. 7c ; granulated , 734'i ; : contectioiit'ib' A. 7'c ' ( ; Standard e\liaC. OJtfe ; extia U , C c ; medi um yellow. Vc ; Now Oi leans , r > ! KW ( < > ltfe. J'l.uo TOIIACCO UJImax , 4ic per H > : llorse- hlioo , 40c ; Star , 4.'c : Speailic.idHie ; Our liopi ! B0 : I'iper HuhUslek. COc : I'tinch.40c ; \oniiB I-'iitz. 41c : Silver 'I'asj.-lCf ; .IT.I , SKo. Horn Sisal. yt inch and larger , SJ/c : Inch , , . UANNII : > OOODS Oysters , Standard pet- case. SXt ! " > : btrabcnic.s il-lb. , peruase , S-.s9 ; raspbeiiies , a-lti. , ) ) ei case , S'.Hi : California pears , per < ! .i ( ! , 8n.i ( ( ) ; ajiricot i per case , 51.75 ; peachu.s , per case , S4.75 ; white chcr- rlc.s er ease uOO lums ier case S-IOJ ' ' M'A.ICHKS IVrcaddio , 35p ; lound , il. ease , 4r > e : bqitato eases , S1.70 ; Oslikosh cases , nr. , Sl.'JU : mule sutiarc. & 1.IJO. UANiiv-.Mixed.lJ1J ( 1i3cstIcif ! : , 01 i iic. ' SOI > A In Ib panels , § 'J. > a case ; salsoda ke per Ib. S'i.'A \IM : AII CIDKU 13@18c ; white wine , 15 ! : CSionmlUlnek pepiier , boxes 1" > ( < I" 'A ; al-p'h-c , UiiTliic ; cinnamon , IbQi''oi1 ; cloves 15J.V : unuei , I'l-'Joi' ; ninstaid , 15 ( iy : I'lCKi.r.a Jledium Inbanols , S7.00do ; in hall banels. tfi.uu ; small in bairels , S\0 ( ) ; do in liall barrels , &f..iO ; glu'ikliii , in barrels , gu.oi ) ; do in half banelh , SftOt ) . SALT Jhay loads , per bbl , S1.53 ; Ashton. In hacks , ; ' . . : ! - ' > : J4' sacks , Ashton , WabbU daii\.r.R.CO ( ' .7ri C'itA 'Kiits : liaincaii' : ! .soda , butter and picnic , fi' ' o : cieam ; . , b'ac ' ; ginger biiaps , 8)ac ; C'ilV sotlii , 7' e. CANHI.KSHoxe , -5011. , Cs ll'jc ; Ss , IWe ; boxes , 10U ) , 10' 07 , Os , li jc ; hall box , 'M& > , "KINK Or Haul to Deal , 70o ; rhaim of the West , Me ; Kountain , 70c ; Culdcn Tlnead , 07e ; ravorlte , GOu ; limls , AOc ; Uocky .Moun tain , . rjOe : Kitncy1'jc : Daisy , -lOc ; 4X01 111 Star , 7Uc ; Hood l.tick. fwei Our ( ! JaV. SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 83,00 ; Kiik's. satinet , Srt.lfi ; Kirk's standard. VU.r.O ; Kirk's White itussian. Sf.CO ; Kirk's White Cap. MLM : Dome.MO. . . Corriins Oiillnary grades , Te ; lair , U14L5 ( 10 c ; i > iime , mawv ; choice , PJ'4ffiin4c ' ( : ; fancy Klocn and yellow. 1uH'Sc ' ' ; old gov einmenl Java , C0 n.0o ; inlerpr Java , lfW iiOe ; Mocha , Wofite : Ailmcklo's loastcd , ii".c : ; Mol.nuKlilIn'u XXXX roasted. ii : 4e ; Pil oith's IHjtfc ; lied Cioy , iii4c : ; iMehamjlilln's , Aibticklo'sand McLaughlin's XXXXmo.sold fiOu per ease oil" above piices In : t-e.ihu lots. Ti'AS ( .itinnowdcr , fair , S0@37 ; good , -tr > @ ,1,11 4-VU , I ll"ll 11. 1VV " "U , UIll.JIh , fa"1" * | fLfVi > Sic ; cliolco , Xtftvie' Japans , fair. a'iyMo ; good , ! Wa i5c ; choice , 50 ( < 475cj Tea Dust , 150 ; Tea .Siltln ; : ! ) , lee loeDry I'lti.vrsSteel Idver1'io ; American , . , . Ainold's , Ce ; Cocheco , ft ; : Manchester , ins hyman , fw : ( iloueester , 5 > e : Dunnell Jao quaid , lie : Dunnell , WfcVlmUor. ; . Co : ! ' , ciliu , tic ; Haimony.ljc ! ; Anchor Shillings , 7'ijo ; .Meirimack Shiitings e ; Hoiwiek , Co. Co.Hu : vnun : CorroxK.raimeichoice , nVc ; Cabot , ( - . # ; Hope , 7e ; Hill 4-t , 7kc : Uili ; ,0 o ofioiisilale.S ; l-'iuit , B'sfcjVaml hiltta , lOJic. ( \ HSIIT" .IKAXS Kearsar.fe. 7o ; Aimory , 7c ; IVppeJoy , 7'jCj Indian Oichard , 0 , ' 'c ; , Ki.vr. Ur.oxvN Corroxs IVpiioioll 1 ( . fl'/o ; I'cjippiell O. 5Jfc. Atlas , Otfcs Statue of LIU- eiiy , Cc : tjaranac It , 6ljc. I'liixis-Stfcl Ilivor 'c : Aiueilcan , cfo ; { Arnold's , ( HJ : C'oclii'i'o , Oo ; Munclii'ster. Cc : Lyinan , Sc ; ( Uouccster , fi c : Juu neil JttPnnard , ( V : Umindl , 0 1 Ham * po , 8 0Miul8or ; , Co : J'aclliu , ftc ; HnrmonyfKo ; Anchor Shirtings , MorrIimicUSlilittiiKsvWo ; Uur\vlpk,4 ! Duru ( colored ) Huston l > ot. brown and diab , 13 > e : lie luii 0 H brown and drab , He ; lloston XX blown and diab , lOo : Huston XXXbroxMiam ! drab. HHciUoitonOl'hiiio like : \Vnncn Tiicot. ' ' - ' li % . n VOTTOX KuwTeiice Lh , Ocj Sliaw- mill LI * Bo : Denver Dnin IT . .V ; Mlanlic IJ .V ; Indian Head , 7e : auclntsvpt fi'4e ; Crown XXX (1'ic ( ! J'ljlkm CCO , f-Me ; UticaO.-t'4c ' : Atlantic P. o't . . TH Ki.Vds Am keaz ACA , 12sc : J horn- dike OOO , 7c : I'liorndikefanej , it'jc ; } otk olti'.e ' ; Voik fanoV ' , e ; Miilbmy , VJ'-jc ' : 1'earl Itiver , ll'acf Hamilton. V2c : S\vilt ll\er. ! ( i"4e : bhetucKct > . * > ' , e ; Shetiii-ket SS . . , . . , , . HK .jli , , IIIIMIM. " ! 'V llil' - M. latP ! . . taple. 0'e ; llandoliilt , 'laple , Laii'downe. 7e : ( ilottcestpr. i'e. ' tiinviDTx Amo-kcasr. ebecki.OH'c : Amos 1 < ? .I2. sttipes. si c : Mater , * ttipfN ! ; : KiUn buiK , ' .i'e ' : 1\ hitleinton.tripe - ! , te ; ( lien- t < Ke. ! ' < : Otis , cheeks. ' .i'ae ' : Otis. Mripes. 'Je ' , Itojal 0'J4e : Amn-kosiir , napped , I0'-e ; l.u- ray , book fold. I'-V ; Oberon , book tola , ll.-Jc ; Kn durance , book fold 1''c. Dry Immbor , Sliimiles have advanced .V and dimension tOc in Chicago. _ _ 1 > IM1N : 1UVS AXtl lIMIirits , _ _ 12 ft U ft 10 ft IS It SO ft 'J2 ft 21 ft 574. . . . . l.VW I5.K ( ) : .lli 17.00 1MH lli.U ) 2xi ( . n.rii.i7) ) 14 N ) iwwiu.wim.fioai io 2AS . LIDO l.'i.tlO 15 Ul IS.llO HMO _ ' \ln . , | 5.t 15.00 I.VOil \ < > W I7.IH ) 20.110 5W.fO 2x12 . 1)5.1(1 ) IMW I.VIKI IH.tW IT.IHI )9.ll ) ( ) 20.00 4H-S.VS . 15.01 IS ) Ifi W 111.00,17.110 , 18.00 1 .OU nii.ixi : Clear. Inch Yellow Hue . 2.CO ! Clear. ineli Nurwav . 1-4.00 2d Com. , ' ) , Incli. NoiVav . 13.00 1st aiidCd Clear , 1 Ineli , s. 2s S5000 l t and 'Jd Clear , l' and a Inch , s 2s. . . . 60 00 ! > d Clear , 14 inch. s'.h 4SOJ ' ' InclF. 'N 4SOO ! ld Clear , 1'9 itnd'J N H Select , 14 * , IS and a Inch. s. as noon IM and-Jd Clear , 1 Inch , 60 UO : id clear. 1 Inch. s2s 445'J A Select , t inch , s. 2s -1000 H Select. 1 ineli. s. 2s 21) ) 60 IIATIKXS UKI.I. it ni.vo , riciuns. 0. ( ! . Halts.- , inch * 00 70 " i.\l. ! s Is ( X10 ) 3 Inch Well Tubing , D. M.and Hcv. . 20 60 llOAItllS. Xu. Iboatds , 12,14 mid mil SIO.0 No-aboatds , 12 , U nml HI It K50 No. Sboatds , 12 , H mid Hi ft 12.60 No.4boards , 12 , H mul 10 11 10.50 VI.X ( IMl. No. 1 , 4 Ar. . Inch , 12and llleet , lottijh..5111.00 No. 1 , 4 , V 0 inch , 10 leet , lonuh 10.75 No. 2 , 4 A0 inch , 12 and 11 feet , longli. . 1:1.75 : Xo. 2 , 4 it 0 Inch , 10 leet , iomli 14.25 I'AltltllO.N. 1st Com. , " , inch White I'ine S"0.00 ad Com..1 ; , inch White i'ine 2i.50 : ri.ouitiM ) . 1st Com. Olnch , while pine S.T 00 l.'d Com. 0 inch , white pine 81 00 iklCom. o inch , \\hito ] iino 21100 1) . Oiiicli , while pine ! ! 0 00 Com 4 and 0 inch \ello\\ pine 37.50 Mai 4 ami n inch > ellow pine Ul.OO 1st and 2d cleai > ellow pine , 4-0 ineh. . . 2.1."HI MillI.AI' . Xo. 1 , Plain , S mid 10 Inch F17.00 Xo.2 , I'lain. Sand 10 inch 15.00 Xo. 1 , O. < ! 17.60 STOC iis. : ) A 1" inch , 1 s2 ! , 14 leet S40 00 li " " " " " 41 00 ( } " " " " " " no oeD D " " " ; > ; i no No. 1 Com. 12 in. s. 1 s. 12 , It and 1(5 ( H. . 17 60 Xo. 1 " " " 10 , Ib ami 20 It. . Vita Xo.'J- " " " 12 , 14 mid 1C ft. . 1550 I'oi'i.Ait i.fMiiin. : Clear Poplar lioI5is | , ; in , - , s Sfti 00 " " y. ill , panel tk wide , -as. 2700 ' " Commuted Ceiling , jg. . . . 20 00 hlll.NUI.K1I.Atll. . * A' .Staiuhird S2 00 6 Inch , cleat , 31.50 : 0 inch , clear 1 00 No 1. . 1 10 J.ath 52 20 ' White Cedar , , S 11 " 5 , ' * , " " ami bin ifis U " " 4 " loitnd 11 Tenne ee ted cedar , split 14 i.tti : , i. u' . Qitlncv white lime. OHM ) , S5e ; cement , Akion , 51.7f , ; plaster , S2.W : ; hair , per bushel 0i. ; sash , 50 jier cent oil list ; dooi.- . , blinds , nionldiniM , 60 per cent otf list ; tailedlelt , per cwt. . S1.75 : straw board. SI.OO. Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago Tlieonly rood to taho for DCS Mobies , Mnr- hlialltown.Ceiliirltapids , Clinton. Dixie , Chicago. Milwaukee and all points eas-t. 'I'o the people of Nebraska , ColoiiufiVyoinlni ; , t'tali , Idaho Nevada , Oregon , Wii-liliiKlon mid California It otrrssupuilor advantiifc'es not pofslblo by any other line Aniout ; n few of ttio muncious points ot snpo- rioiilyonjoyed by tie ! pations of this road be tween Omnlin and ChiciiKo , mo its two trains n day of IAV COACIIIIS which mo the tlmst that liuinun art mid Inurntilty can cicate. Itsl'AI.- AUK SIEii'lXf : ) CAIIS. which me models of romfoit nml elegance. Ils I'AItl.OK UltAWINC HUUM CAMS , nnsiirpiised by any. mid its wide- y celebrated I'ALATIAI , DIXINO CAHS , the cgiinl of which cannot bo found elt-eH here. At Council Illnlls thu trains of tlm Union Paci fic Hy. connect In I'lilon Depot with thosu of the ChlcujroAf Noithwestern Hy. In Chicago the trains of this line make clobu connection with thntpof alloa'-lern llnca. For Detroit. Colnmbns , Indlmiapolis , Cincin nati , Niagara l-'alls. Hiitlali ) , I'lttr-burir , Toronto , Montreal , Ilobtun , New Vork , Phlladelpliiii , Ilul- tlmorc Wtibhinulon and all points in tlib east , ask the ticket agent for tieliets via the "NltTIl-WiSTiitN ) : : , " II you wiPh the best accommodations. Alltlt-kot ngenth fell tickets via this line. M. HL'UIUTT , It. S. 11AIK , Ooneial ilainmor. Gen. 1'ats. Agent ASandard AledieAl Work for young ami Jllddlo Aucil Men , only SI by mall , postpaid. mm A GREAT MEDICAL WORK .ON MANHOOD Eilinuftort VltidltT , NPrrom mill Plirdrnl nobility I'n nature Dcrllno In Man. Urrms of Vniilli.iinrt till ) umoiil mlM'rlt'B rcsulllni ; iinm tii'llnruilon unit ox cen > p . A liook lor pyury limn , younu. inlilillp-nKeil nml nlil. llroiiuilns 12o | m' crlUluns | fnriilj nruta iinil rliruiilrilU ( ' , fri. i-iii IMIIIO in wlilih H iiirnliiublo bo Imind lu tlia nntliur wtiona cinoiloiu-uior 21 roirslj * ui h n iirolmbly never lipforiifell in the lot of liny | > hflcl n : : ni > , ii0 < , bonnet In bountiful I'rcnrh mm- lliMMiibofn'itcinor * , liillt-llt , k-iiMnititi'Cil to nitik In ijvcry literary iniJ prafon- eloiml Iliiiiiunr other woik In thin country fort'1 51 or the iiioiioy will be ref nml In every Inniinco. I'Ji-'o only 11 br mull , poituald. lllu tratrd nHinple , ( Vi i Bend iinw. Oolil fiwiinlcrt the niillior by the Na tional Medical AMoclntlon , to the onieursof wnichllri IheSdecoof Iiro houM bo read by the vcunzfor Initrucllon nnd by tlie untlctud lonelier. It win IHIIUH mnil.-I.omlon 1-anm. 'Ibi'ruli nomvnikerof locletT tovrliom ihf > ! = cii > ni-a f J.lfu will not bouiulul.ubctber > outli. parent ifii-in ' Uliin.tnslriiotoror ulor ymnn.Aruonam. . Adilrc thu I'ujibodf .viuilliiil Institute , or lrV. . II. I'urkei.No. 4 llulltlncli ttret't , lo ) ton , JI ins. , who may be toniultea on nil illieusen rcqiilnnii f kill and expert- encp. Chiumounil oli-thmto d o.isej that htivo Imtllpd thii t-kill of nil other pliyal. elmiB , u specUlty , Such troutol bucoit fully wllhoiit n hifetunoa /allure. . Jlmilion iliia paucr. A FINE LINE Ok Pianos and Ops -A T- WOODBRIDGE BROS' ! USC ! HOUSE OMAHA.NEBRASKA. . Billiard Tables , THE IIItt'N VVKK-UAI KII-COU EN'DEU i Co * Hannfacturers of Billiard & Pool Tables , And Paloon , OnlcO nml Hunk Tixtuio * . Mnrkct hinl Huron Sts. , Chicago , III. Onmlm ollice , ul S. loth St. , Book Binding , Etc , " 111:1 : : . * rlti.vrisr co. , Printers , Book Binders , Ami lllnnk Ihiok Miiiiiir cturer , NIK. 106 nnj lOSSotitli Hllr Street , Oinnbii , Neb. Butter Tubs. " " " " " .1. ylJVMdl'lt , Manufacturing of Butter Tabs , M R. S.V : 40 Jh. \ : ' . 'i Ih.Me1 ! L1I To. Ko ! 1 ( 1 Ib firk in" , IVi1. l tb mul I'ieiee s"t . Onmlm , Neb. Cigars and Tobacco. ' MAX MllVKtt AT CO. , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos , Cnni mid Ammunition. SIS to 'J lSouth llth Stuet , ItCOto litll I'm until Street , Oimilm , Nob. CiiiAit l'\cionv. \VKST \ ritlTb-l'IIKIt. Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , Ami Whole nle lenlnr ) In Leaf Tobncco . Nos. lot. mid I ION. I4tb stieel , Unmliii , Neb. Cornices. Eagle Cornice Worfcs , John Kpcnctcr , I'roinletor. .Mmiiifnrturer ot ( inl\Hiil7ed Iron mid Oornlco. Kl Dodr.u mid 101 mid 1U5 Noith loth Street , Onmlm , Neb. IttT.Ml'lXr. * IIOI.TE , Mnnufiicturersor Uinniiicntnl Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer Windows , l-'lnnl-s ite. : , 3tS. ( ) I2th \Vorkilono in tiny purl of tliucotintry. Western Cornice Works , C. Sl'KCHT. Proprietor. fiiilMinlzed Iron ( "iiiiilees , Ktc. Speclit' " Im- puneil 1'atent Metnll'e ' t-Kjlight. Ww and 51US. IL'thSt. , Oimilm , Xeb. Doors , Sasli. Etc , " ' UA'l'K CITY Planing Mill. Doors , Push mul lllhnl . Al-o nil KlniU of turning. Scroll mulStnirork of inery do- fci-lptlon. A. itosr.xiiintv , JInnufiicturer nml Dealer In Doors Sash Blinds , , , Mouldings , Utc. Stnli'llnIN n t-peeliilty Teleplnme No. 9J. 15th nml .Mmcy fct. , Onmlm , Neb. Electrical Supplies. Electrical Supplies , L. W. WOM'K & CO. , Ulcctriclmn. Mntonlc Illoclc. Onmlm. Alarm1 ; , llolH , I'lre Alnrms , I'.lcetrie Mnttlnjr , Spenklntf TuboJ , Cold , Sih er mid Nickel I'latlnjr , Utc. Iron and Nails. OMAHA NAM. MAXtirAITI'ltlNG CO ? Cut Nails and Spikes , Fire Nulls a Specialty. Omaha , Neb. Omalia Iron Works Company , Mneliinery , Ciibtlmrs , Slciun Knirlnes , Itollors , Areliltectiiiul Iron Work , Iron Ill-lilies , Mining ami .Mill Muchliiery , Olllco mul vruiks. . Union 1'acllle U. 11. ITtb anil IMh Streets. WKAHNK & 11UU. , Foundry Works. Cor. 14th ami Jackson Ptp. , preiiared to ilo all klmls of lion and Hni'-s C'm.tfiiis ; ulpo , ( . ) , O. llniiiiNtur'sltocklntrtifnto liars miiiuifiicturc.l Mattresses , K. JI. K0I.SK , Mattress Company , Alnniifacturlnp JUitties'sep ' , Hcddlnir , Fcathot 1'Illono , Cots , Ktc UMO und 120S Doufe'lm Street , Omnlin , Neb. Overalls. CANnii.l : ) .MANUl-'ACTUUINa CO. , Manufacturers of Overalls , JentisI'mithSliiitF , , Ktc. , 1102 and 1104 Douglas Stiect , Omaha , Neb. Paper Bozes. J. L. WII/K1E , Manufacturer of Paper Boxes , lOfiR. 14th St. , Onmlm , Neb. Orders by mail so- _ licitvd and will receive prompt attention. Safes. _ _ _ Omaha Safe Works , Manufacturer of 1'ire and llnrglar I'roof Pafoi , Vault DOOI-F , .Inil Woik. Sliutteis and Wlro Work. Cor. Htli mid Jackson Sts. , Omaha , Neb. _ Soap , p. .1. QUIAUY : : , Soap Manufacturer , Oflico and Factory , near Powder Magnzlno , Omaha Neb. Wagons and Carriages. GItATTON & DIIUM.MOND Manufacturers of Fine Carriages , 1315and Ml' Hainoy htrtet , Omaha , Nub. Solo Agent * In Nebraska for Jones' Celebrated Split tflmlt Sulkies. Established 18,13. A. J. SIMPSON , The Leading Carnage Factory , WJtuid 1411 Dodge Street , Oiualm , NeU. White Lead. OMAHA W1UTU J.K A D COMPANY , Coil odors and ( irlmlersof Perfectly Pure White Lead , Omnba , Neb. I.evi Carter , Pres , ; C. W. Mead Vice J'res. : 11. W. Yiituu , bee. und Ticua. HOTEL DIRECTORY. The HHIard , ( Shears , J , K , MurkolTlios. Stvobo , 1'iopilelors Oinuliii , .N'oliratka. Arcade Hotel , Inini's Ctif oy , Proprietor. KW mid 1217 Doimlu9 Ht. , Omnlin , N b. The putt onntrnuf coimucrclvl imm respectfully solicited. They will Ibid this the bust Wnilay house H cut ot Chlcduo. " Planters House , C. 15. KnltlUS , rilOl'lUKTOIt. Hates , II.M ) per day , Street cars from I1 , P , dojiot , within ono Iwek of house. Corner Uodgu nml loth ttice.tsOJualm , Nub , The Cozzens , P. IturaBoy & Co. , 1'roiirlotors. Kates i'i.W per day , no dark rooms. Alto Palace Hotel Santa Fo , Onmhn , Neb. Canfleld House , Cor , Nlmh and Furnain Sts. The best | 3 per day hotel In Oimilm. Hemodeled. refurnished , ri'iiocruu-cl ; ono block from army bcailiiunrters ; 0iiiblto | | Union 1'ucltlu licudnuartcrt. ; meet curl pats tlm door. Ucoricg Canlleld & Co. , piopntv tore. Abe Union block Yards Hotel , South OumtiH. Hotel de Gees , _ P. OOOS , Proprietor , European 1'lan. The only centrally located J3 u day house. Three doora from iloyd's Opera lioutomid ouo-hulf block from tlie 1'ostollluo and the Court Iloube. UUiJ , 1010 , 15U Fwuum et.Oui < tUa Neb. JOBBERS' DHKCTQRY Agrlcullural Implements , LlNINUElt Mr-TOALK CO. , Dealers in Agricultural Implements , pflice. CoincrCtli and l'ncitlcSt , Onmliu. Xe'o. I'AHUX. OltrADOltrK MAUTIN , AN holi'snlo Dealers In Agricultural Implements , Wagons and lluprtftos. Oinnhn , Nrb. Boots and Shoes , * w. v. MOHSI : Aco. . , Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , Hll rnrnmn , Nob. Manufactory Hummer Street Huston , _ Carpets. s. A. oitciiAitn , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Curl ill 11 CooiK I'.lo. , ll ) rurnam , Omnlin , Nob. Coal , Lime , Etc , " .IKPIMV. mi : > roiM , Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone. , 213S. Htli St. . Omnlin , Neb. Yanls , Otll and la\i > nu | > u Sticcts. " COt'TANT \ SOClltHfr , Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal. Ik'et Mirli-tM. Olllcc. 21SJS. latliSt. Tolciliono | No. HW.Omalia , Xi'Vi. Nr.llHAPKA n'KL CV , Shippers of Coal and Coke , JUS. 13tli St.Omaba , Neb. ( Ho. C.TiHM.i : , ricsldcnt. Oro. IMrrruso.v , Sec. mid Tn-ns. J.1I. Hri.tiKiiT , r. A. IUI.IMI , I'lopi-letor. Malinger. Nebraska Coal and Lime Company , OMAHA. NHItlA ( KA. lTS. llltli Stii-ft. Tcleplumo li. Gio. 1' . IMIIMIII. ! 'r < " 4. C , RI ) OIIM\NV I'res. J. A. SU.M > hlillM > , Sec. and Tieus. Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company , Jobbeisol haul and soil uml.-VyS. Utli St. , < ) malia , N'rli. OMAHA COAIj AND I'HODI'Ci : CO. Hard and Soft Coal. K.\ehiblvc ilcaU r1in Hoiildur Colorado Coal , 217 s-dlltll Hill StUUt. Coffee and Spices. ClAIKi ( : itliOS. A-CO. , Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills. Tr.i Colli'e.- , Siilei' , HaUiiur 1'owili'i I'luvorlni ) KxtinutH , l.iiuniii.v Itiiic , Ink , utc. 1U1-1U liar- ni'j Strei't , Omaha , Neb. Commission , Etc. _ IHIANCII Jc CO. , Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters , 1121 J'urmtm 81. . Omaha. Apples Our on n , Muk- K I'liilt > V Co.'s Tlffer llrand Oitters , lluttur , IS ( lame , I'oull rj , Totuloes. ' JOHN r. n > Acic , General Commission Merchant , Prodiuo , PioxNIonx , I'ltilt" , Vlour and I'ti'd , 10" ) S. Utb St. , Onmlm , Neb. Consignments solicited. Huluriis niadu promptly. Loris iniMit : : , Jobber and Commission Merchant. Cliccsu , Siui'ajri's , rrnlts , Itutelicrs Tools and Supplies. l-l."i Junes St , Omaha , Nub. AV. i : . U1DDKI.I , , General Commission Merchant. . s Chrei-e , llutter. Kgns , 1'onltry and liiiim1 , IIS S. llth. , Omaha , Nob. Tele phone IN'O. Jl''i. ' ' D. A. : iUHIKV , Commission and Jobbing , Butter , KPBS and I'roduco. A full line of Stono- wmo. CoiiblBiimcnta solicited. 1111 Uodyo St. , Omaba. 13. MOHONV , General Commission Merchant , nutter , IV- . Clieutu and Comitiy I'lodueo gen erally , you S. 12th St. , Omaha , Nob. MfSHAXK &SCIIUOUInit , Buyers of Butter and Eggs. Jlefrlircrntor and I'nckliiK Hou o , Utli A ; I.eavon- worth St. , on U. 1' . K. It. Tiaeh , Omaha , Neb. R-tiihlHied 1870. ItOllUitT I'L'ltVJS , General Commission , S11S. Htli St. , Onmlm , Neb. Speuliiltica IJuttor 1'ffSb , I'oultiy and Uiimu. J'EVCKC HItOS. , Merchants Fruits Commission , , I'rodiico and 1'rovisloni , Omaha , Neb. A. P. SCHACK , Wholesale Commission Merchant , Fiultb , UOeds and 1'iodiico. No. 13 S. Utli Stioet , Omaha Ncbi-aMia. I. & WII < UAMS , Storage and Commission Merchants. Trulls. Hour. Apples , Slonnn- o.Cidur.Vltii'Kiir ,"Hecd . llutter and lly t.JJl'J mid 3'D ' South 13th etieet.Onmha , Ncbiasliii. \\-ir.DEMAN A. CO. , Produce Commission Merchants. 1'onltry , lliiltcr , Game , Kriilt , Kto. iOS. . Uth St. , Omaha , Nebraska. A. T. MCTIIGE , Wholesale Foreign and Domestic Fruits , Mcatc , l.nrd , .Tellies , llnttnr , Kega , Chnese , Ktc. No , : m S. 12th St. , Oumli.i , Nob. LI , ) IlltOS. , General Commission Merchants , HCODodijubtiuet , Onmlm , Nub. Consignments Solicited. IJ. .Me. UOXAU ) , COMMISSiOH MERCHANT. 12th Sheet. Omaha , Nob. Specialties : Hut * tor , KftJS , and Chickens , Crockery. W. I. . WIllfiHT , Afc'C'iv lot the Manufacturoia and Importers Crockery , Glassware , J.HIDPS , Clilinnujf" " , Uto. Oilli-o , U17 South J3th ijliuet Omaba Xub. Dry Goou's , J , J. IlltOW.V A CO. , Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions , ] ] Douulaa Street , Omaha , Nub , ; , . aixpjuniifi * co. , Wholcealo Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions , Mnens , J.acos , Km broidery and Whlto Good ! , ICt'O Doufc'lab Street Omaha Neb. tngines , llJtOWNIII.I- CO. , Tlio Baker Automatic Engines , Stationary find poilublo ejiKlnea , hollers and shiel Iron \voil > , wairons , aMrlcultural Implo- mente , pumps eto. i"U 1215 l.e.ueni.ortlihl. Leather. Hides. Etc , fw--- ' - A J , , C , HUNTJNUTON A SOX , Dealers in Hides , Wool and Tallow , 11H Jatl.bon Slieet , Omaha , Nvb. SLOMAN IIHOH. , \VholC6iilu Leather , Saddlery Hardv/are / , . Enddlery mid f-hoo Tlndlnt's , Hides , Wool , ur . 1'clte , ) u ate , Tallow , lUo. , VjiuUa | ; J - riour , Ctc. M > Jii Wholesale Flour , HCtO , nnd DIKI'luccStittt Omalia , NcU OMAHA JOBBERS1 DiREGTGRY nitfxo T/ciri-cK , .111. , Apcnt for.t. P , Hoftmaj-r % Co. , Manufacturers of Highest Grades of Flour Ily Holier * and Ihliurni Inn Vic ec . Wnrcliou < e , 121,1 Joiic * Mreet , Omnlin. Neb. W..T. WHITMANS A CO. , Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain. Mnniifnctnrcr * of W. \VeHlmni A Co.'i Quick HnNlnij lint K bent Hour mid proprietors Onmlm O.y Mills , cor. ftb mid Tarnmn Stieets. Oimilm. Turpiturc , Diwiv : : A STOXK , Wholesale Dealers in Furnilurs , _ Farnam Stieet , Omaba , Neb. Groceries , At.l.KS UII03. . Wholesale Grocers , IHOnnd 111- Douglas Slieet.Onmtm , X b. i : . n. CHAPMAN A co. , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars , Tobacco and Sniokeis' Aillcles 121" UoxviuslSI. MKYIlll A HAAI'KK Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , Spices , LlKm and Toliiiivcx , 11117 and 1311) ) D.itw la * Sti eel , Omaha , Neb. iltUMlD , IIIIADY A. COMl'AXV , Wholesale Grocers , Coiner 10th and 1'mimm Sttcets , Omnlin , Nob. 1'AXTox , nAi.i.Acinnt Aco. . . Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , Nos , .1C. , 707 , 7N ( and 711 S. loth SI. , Onmlm , Xcb. Hardware , W. J. IIItOATCH , Hardware Iron Steel Heavy , , , Sptlnti . Wapon Stock , llaiilnood Lumber , eto. lita ) unit 121' ' Mainei stiei I. Omaha , Neb. iitxivc.iitnox : : , Wholesale Iron Steel , , Wagon And Currlnjro Wood Slock , Heavy llmilwnrn l.te. 1217 and 121U l.ea\ci\\oih ) ( Stiect , Onmliu Neb. HiMniiAi-nii AITAVI.OU , Builders' Hardware , Merlin nips' TeeN and Itutralo Scales. H0. " > tlottif us Miect , Omaha , Neb. 1,1:1 : : , ntir.D A , co. , Jobbers of Hardware and Kails , Tinware , Sheet , lion , Illo. Ajrenls for Ilo e Scnlos mul Miami I'oNdi'r Co. , Omaha Neb. MII.TON HOCl'.ltS ASONS. . Stoves Furnaces Tiles , Ranges , , , Mantles Orates , ltrn s peed . 1'Kl and U2l ! 1'ar- IKIIII Stioet. HKCTOll Wll.lir.l.MY CO. , Wholesale Hardware and Nails , Umcrson Steel NalK Cor. llitli and Harnoy fctii'elt ' , Omaha. Ni'h. Harvesters. WM. niiiixc : : : ; \ CO.CIIICAJO ( , Manufacturer of thu Deering Harvester Goods , Write to Win , M. loi-lmer. ( .eneial Apent , Omaha. Telephone ( HO. Iron Pipe , Etc. IOWIXG A : CO , Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers , Jobbribln lion I'lpo , Iron lllliiifr- , lion and Hi ass ( ioiiliii'lneeiV ) ; Supplies litb and Dodge Streets , Omaha , Neb. A. 1. . b'l'KAXG COMl'ANV , Pumps , Pipe and Engines. Steam , Water , Itallu ay mid Milling Supplies , 131 c. VJO , ' / " mid Wl Tarimiii SI. Omaha , Neb. CllUJtCIUU , I'UMl' CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Meain and Water Supplies , llemlnuarters fo1- Mast Tooat Co.'a Goods. 1111 1'aniam Street , Onmlm , Neb. Jewelry. innoiM : niMcicsox , Wholesale Jewelers. Dealers In Silvern mo , Diamond ? , Watches Clocks .lencleis' Tools and MateiaiK Hie. , 101 and lit ) , irth Street , Cor. Dodfc-e , Omaha , Xeb. Fish. Etc. ' " UKXhUV I''J.S11 CO. Successors to Iclir-n Sleni' t'ii A ; Co. Wholesale Fish Dealers , Importcis of Koielirn n < ihNoj. ulltilll Jones Street anil I' , 1' . 1'i.ick Oiiialm , Nub. Live Stock , Bridge Stock Yards , Omaha. No VanlaifoCliaiwtd. Close to IT. 1' . Iliidvo. ( ijteeliil accominoiliitlon and n ( rood maiket lor lings. 13. u. Cooper , Man- HBcr. Ollice , UVJ t-'oiith 5tli Street. ji. mntici : & SONS , Live Stock Commission l.i'o. Ituike , Manajfer , Union Stoclt Vaids , S. Omaha , Nub. Tole. M2. W. K llltO\VN A CO. , Commission Dealers in Live Stock. Onico l-3.\elmiiBO Ilulldmir , Union Stock 1'ards South Omaha , Nub. TulcjihonuXo. GUI. MAM.OIIV. SON ACO , Live Stock Commission , Union Stock VimK ChlciiKO , 111. , and Omaha , Neb. l''raiikCliltli'ndeiiManaiiirOiiialiii llianch. TelephonuNo. SOS , JMiibllshed IbU : . ' , W. I. . 1'ATUICK ACO. . , Live Stock Commission Merchants , Addi ess all commit nicatlmib to us at Union Stuck yaids. South Omaha , Advanect > mudu on stock. Union Stock Yards Company , or OMAHA. Limited , John ! ' . llo > d Superintendent. ( ! Kit C.ltlOK.V , Live Stock Commission Merchants. Eliii'inents of miv and all kfndsoC block bollcit- oil. I'tiioii Stuck Viuds Omaha Neb. Lumber htc. 1.0LUS IIItADKOltD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime- , Path , Dooia , IClc. Yaids Cor. 7th and Douglas , Cor , Ulh and Dougl.m. 110HN MANUrAOriTltlNa CO , . Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Moulding , Stair Work and Inleilor Haul Wood Mulsh , .lust opened. N. 13. cor. tth and Lcavon- woithStieets ( Jiniilia Nuh , CHICAGO M'MlH'.lt COMl'ANV , Wholesale Lumber , BH S. Hth Street , Omaha , Nob. F , ColpoUer , M.uuisur. C , N , Lumber , 13th mid Callfoinlit Strcul , Omahn , Neb , nini ) w. a HAY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Cor. Utli and Douglas Sticete , Omntm , Xeb. OKO. A. HOAGI.AND Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , Onialu , Nebraska. CHA8. It , W5K , Hardwood Lumber , WRBOII Stoth , Fancj Woodu , llildgp Timbera , Ac. , a. W. Co ft Vth and Douglas , Omaha , Xcb. . " FJ. J. ; A , Ki in sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings , liulldlnff I'apcr , KUi. South 1'Jih Slreut. Omulia , Nebraska Lumber Co , I'aid In Capita ) Stock , fK/0,000. / I.o ' i'm.iiiuiiu liuituiiirs and wholesale ; [ il- e-iB. MllUm .Meulll , Win , WholLtalu and ictiuM L'lstnbutliii-juid.Ouinha , Neb. Mti. Utuau QKAHA JOBBERS'DIREOTORY O t V I \ . > C I 3 00 , Dcnleri In All K tint * of Building Material at Wholesale , . Ulli Street nml I * 1' It. It It. Trnorf.Omnlm Na _ or.iiM IN t > . w \ ATT. Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , lOlli mill /mil 1 "fie , Is. Onmliit. Xebrnsfc.1. _ . ! . . \ WAKH iii.n : , Y/holesalo / Lumber , Lath , Shingles , nullilintr I'nticr * . Su li. OmirvJIIiwM , Mmil.t- tups , I'U-keM. l'o t < - . Mini0i .ter. llalr , Cement. Ninth ntiil . .TomOnmlm Noli. Millinery. i. oiiiiu , linpmters iitnl .Inlilictsot Millinery and Notions , _ _ KIDniiil lit I llnnu < > Ptieel.Omalm , NVKtt . -tt Musical liistriiinunis , " r.llllOl.M A. titlCK.V ; ( ) , Wholesalers of Musical Instruments. Flelmuiy riimii * . \ \ i DCP. linker , llnlnciniitl ( Iilpir * ViMii i , ruckiiiil i > ipnn , UIIIM > OIBIIIIJ. ) ( il mill Itsi iMhtrcet. . Notions , Clc. .1. 1 , . HHAXDir. " A SOX , Wholesale Job Lots , Dry flnoil * . Notion" , ( .cuts' ruinlihlnir ( lood UooiU n-oin Now Voik. Ti nili1 tales daily. Mil mul fin.1 * South lih : ; st , Oamlm. C. J ! . OOOnilHMI A CD , French and German Fancy Goods , niidStnthmerV Pimdili'5. ] ll.i Tnr * iiuilri , Xvb. J , T , Robinson Notion Company , UK ! mill tO'.imill St .Onwliii. .NYli. Wholes-nlc Dealer- Notion * mill UenK I'm * iiMilliiMiood * . Oils. Etc. Cl > XOl.ll > ATii : > TANK MX ! ' , ft ) , Wholesale Dealers in Oils , Gasoline , Slim A\lelTi'-c. ! 1510. A. II. llhliop ilmuuicr , Oimilm , Neb. Pork Packing. JAMICS i : . IIOYD" Pork Packer and Shipper , Onmlia , Xi liKi'kii. HAiiitis A , Packers and Provision Dealers , Ofllcc I'liion .Market , 1517 Podirc Sheet. I'nckluir hoii'-e , I' . 1' . I ! . It. TiucK , Omaha , Nul > . Toll ) . lilioni * No 16' . Safes and Locks. 1' . IIOYKIt A CO. , Agents for Hall's Safe fl Lock Co.s Pin' mul Itiiral.irl'ioul Niles.'llmo I.oeltt-.Vuntli mul .lull work. KOI l in mim tieel , Omaha , N'uli Seeds. .1. 1IVANS , Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seads. Agricultural Viwdililc , IIIo. O.M Kelhws' Hull N. W. Coi. llili mul Uodiro St. , Oinuliii , Xi'b. Drugs , Etc. II. T. n.AIIKi ; IHtlHJ ro.MI'ANY , Jobbeisof Viilnt" , OIK. Wlmltiu ( .Ill's lite. , till llaincy Sheet. Uintiliu , Nob. C. I' . CiUODMAK , Wholesale Druggist , Anil Denier In PaintOiN mul Window Gins * , Uiuiilin , Nob. , Wines and Liquors. ritANK liUONI2 & CO. , Dealers in Liquors and Cigars , 1202 mut 1204 Doujrlap St. . Oiimlin , Nub. Factories Nos. I mulIKM.&l lIst. N. V. 01:0. : w. m'NCAN , Successor to McXMUt\ : Dr.sct.N , liilpoiten mul Whole-ulo Dealers 111 Wines , Liquors and Cigars , 21inndM : P. I lib HI. , Onmlm , Nub. ji. it. cjitorre , Wines and Liquors. Wcplo n Asent . ! ' ) . Schlil7. llrotrlnar Co. 710S. Utb Street , Onmlm. iinxitr Wholesale Wines , Liquors and Cigars. SliTi'tUmaiiNob. ! ! 1 1.1:11 : A ro. , Distillers and Importers of Wines And nipioi-g. Solu mmitil > icliirciof Kennedy's Kiibt India Hitters. 1112 Ilnrnoy Street , Onmiia , Neb , L. ] . l\ UPON A. CO. , Wholesale Dealers in Whiskies And Clwiirs , mul tiuipral Agents for thu 1'lilliu Heath' Cclebialcd Itecr , Oimilm , Xub Harness tie. _ _ _ _ , \vii/rv ; & i.ANDitnnc , Wanufuel iircrs and Joblieisof Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware , Turf floods , lllnnkots and Itiibi' " . UZl t'animu Sticct Oinuliii. Nub. Chicago , Milwautee & St , Pau , ' The Short Line nd Best Route FrofflOiahajo the East. TWOTUA1NS DAlf'VIIOTH'KIJXOMAHA AND ( 'hlcago , Mlmieatiollg , .MIIwuiiLce , St. i'anl , Cedar Kiiplda , Datenporl , Clinton , Diibininu , Itockford , ItocU Island , I'rcepoit , .Iimesvlllw , Klgln , Mmli'-OM , I.ii C'rotio , llclolt , Winoim , Ami all other Impoitmu points Kast , Northeas and boutliuiit. Ticket ofllco nt HOI 1'arnam fliool. ( in paxton Hotel ) , mul at Cnlon I'aclllo Di.pot. I'nlbmtn Klucpcrs anil Hio I'lm-Mt. Dlnimj Oar * In the Woild nioiim on Hio nniln lines ol tlm exciy ntlcnlloii U paid lo pii5Sonjurs by courtu- iiii6cniiloyesol | tliceo.njinny. it. Mil.1.1:11 : , ( lunoral Mmi'itirr , J. K. TIICICKII , Assistant ( ieiieral Mauairor. \MI.OAiifiNtf-ii , Uiiturnl I'assimt'or an 1 Ticket Ajfimt. OKI ) , i : . Jlr.ArioiiD , Ast.itiint fiencrnll'ueo u irei- and Ticket Agent. 1SMG SHiFHTH , Coinmission Merciiant , And nliolcoiiln Dealer In Produce fruits Butter Ktc Country , , , Eggs , , noons ox cossioNsiBNr A SI'LCI i/rr , 320 N , iOih Sf , , Hufeioncos , by PcimU iun rirsl Niillonid lliuik , Jnpiiquo ) | ; A. H. ( JanelMin , ( 'ufchirr bluuic Nallomil lluiik.Sionv City ; lounNullomil llmilt DCS .Moliics ; 11. M.KIinnimu , AfrUt-mt Ciibhler 1'lrst P. BOYEB & 00. DBAI.K1IB1N and Jail Work , 1030 Furnum Stnn f ' ' ' SCHOOL DISTINCT WANTED BY I E. Jli&host Harket Price Taicl