Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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Adurtl f nifiits under this head 10 cents per
jincft-rtheflist Insertion , nnd 7 tents for each
gjtiK juc-nt ltertlon. Seven words wl Ibo count-
id to the lines they must tun consecutively and
must bo paid In ndvfttico. All ndvcrtlsomonts
inuet lithntidcd Inlieforo 2 o'clotk D. m. , mid
under no ciroutnMttncoa will they bo taken or
di tontmucdbr telephone.
I'artkKnihoUinliiw In tliofto columns nnd Imr
Inff t iv nn wers nddros cd In euro of
tiltn c nsk for check to enable ( hem to pet their
Ktltr , n none will bo delivered cxcciit on
prcicnlntlon of check. All nnwe.M to ndvfr-
tleinti.t fliould be inclosed In envelopes.
" "
TO LOAH-HO1JXY. to loan on tay residence pioni-rty.
P ( lioV Iny ) , ! & , Knrnnm. KS1
Movi.v TO i.tA.N-On rut in nnT city prop-
trt ; cull iind ift our rnti ) " . J-to nrtA t"o- , .Sclr < kii Nntlon l Ilnnk bulldlnsr JIHJH
\p .NKl 1O LOAN on llOMtS , wmfoin nnd
JJL Jnrnltnre without reniovnl. C. J. dwell ,
Itoom ID , li-on Hunk linlldln ? , 12th nnd Knrnnm.
Tnko rk > ntor. li&i.Jnn'i *
MOM.V'll ) l. < M.N-n ( ) Flinttct fecnrlly. lii
Biimsf'om flOOto J1WX ) . Apply to,1. II. 1'ied
IIIBII , cuioSlomnn Jlio , eor Doilpo tt jgtli. Ijl
rpo i.t A > Monej many nmoiint ,
J On nil clti ' .i ; of tceuilty.
Sliort time lonns on real < tAto.
Ixnip tlmo lonns on mil catntu.
Money lo lonn on ehntteK
Moncj lo lonn on collntcmU.
Money to lonn on nny wood tfCiintr.
Toi ins enoy , timu tosnlt
Apdy | nt tlmilmnhn rinanclnl Kxchntiiro
llnrkur's bulldlmr. 8W cornurot
_ Fifteenth nnd rnnmm st . iipslnlrs l' <
H"NiV : i"ir cerj bodyT "iou cnn borrow
inoiioy on rurnltnro , her c * , w im ,
pliiiUK , * totk of nil kinds , diamonds nnd Him
nntclioion - ' neelved
joui-oun time. I'njinonts
nt nny tlinn , nnd Interest reduced pro ruin.
1'roperly left In jour own po eislon. Terms
low us llio lov est. Cnll nnd Fee me. Huslnc s
conllduiillnl. NondMintnpo tnken. 'VV. It. t'l-oft ,
llooni 4 , Wlihneirn Now HuIWJnjr , NortlionM cor
ner ITilli nnd llnrney. . ( '
"TlfONKYTO LOAN O. r" . lnH ) * Co. 'H al
1VJL Eutnto nnd Lonn Otfonts , 1503 nirnntn St.
_ _ ii' '
. TO I/IAN-On ironrt Fccnrltle . A
MuUnvotk , room 7 Uedlck IJlock , 15W Fiiriinm
? t. . JL _
T\JOMVTO : LOAN On chnttels , Wooloy J
J-'l HnrrlEon , room 0 , Omnhu Niitlonnl biin
hnlldlntf. * _ 7W _
TO T. AN-Ou rcul cstuto nncl clmt
loli. D , U Thomns. _ Wl )
MUNP.Y 10 LOAN In sinus of $200 nnd up.
wnrds on llfsl-tlnss rent estulo security
1'otlcr i. Cobb , 1515 Turnum St. fcUl
MONr.Y f.OAXKI ) nt C. 1' . IteciKV Go's. I/nn
olllco , on furnitiiro , plnnos , IIOIRMI , iMigoin
peisoniil proiicrty of nil kinds nnd nil other HP
tides ofnltio , llhoul rcmovnl. Over 1st Nut"
llnnk , corner IHth and I'lirnum. All
Kiiotly tonlMuntal.
oit SAM : on K\CIIANOK-A
lollor jloiirini ? mill In prow-Inn i-iillroud toni
In NohiiisKn , stmounilcd liy utcillcnt who.i
mid coin country , dolnjr a good liiifliii'Sam
Hour has icood trade in Uiiiaha , lloason toi ti "
Inir , on nceiiUnt ol age of onnoi. Unili
Hatcher , 107 houth Konrtecnthstitet. 005 1
rI7\c > lt SAI.I : At I'latto font < r , on Union 1'a
-1 ellle lallio i'i , a iimclie inlaljl ( > lor feedlni
cattle and IIOK" or tiiee > lln jun posts , euii bt
Imr ol two and onr-half wi fens ot liind , ol
lenecdMtli hoinils nnd who. ( lonil pouci
( ml mill wth Iced ( .iindii- und it oil cooUei
tiniKs otc. Hot'liouae7-i\V."i. Coin cilli to hol <
two thousand hiMhcU. l.v < ithlnir In thstcha
f-luipo Will be told at a bauain an n-.vnoi'l
alont to lenvo Ilir ftiito. Adilicis" Tied. W
fcha , Columbus , Neb. Dii'JS *
FCIK SAI.i : Or exchinnre , clicap. Pnluml i
stock I in in in Mi-sonrl. Uelf .V Mo
camlllsh , 1511 lodest. Ma " 1
3/1OK SALi : Or In tr.ulo for iniuii real cbtiito ,
n well eMnbllblii'd Kioeciy biimiiLSi in ono
of the lendlnpitroets nnd best locntloiiB inOinn <
1m Thu Mnck It IrtBli nml new , nnd u 111 in
\nfcn about : Muntlilr mliliom ? SM > ti
ft IHII i\eijlbinK : Is in lli.-.t ( .liisi oulcr. Ad
dioss II 'I , IIOL UlllL-u. CWiJU
I poll SAI.i : 3ly dnlry. Will roll as * low as %
1 cows : nlso U liPiiil of hoisos , good for do
ll\oi > wnp/oiis. / .1. T. lloc'h. D18J1 *
rpu i\OIIANJi : Tor inrielmmlho In 1'npo
J nnd rioinont count le > ? , liuid. Addioss Hutch
lii-on \ Hieluy , iKiiiindonh , In. fiiu'-l *
rpo J'AfllAMii : btock Kriiuinlnieicliiindi-o
J forlnnd. Addruss llono. . ) , Shcntindojih , In.
jnoi : SAM ! OK TJtAUi : I'or to ilcstato , the
JL' rof-tnunint , Il.\ tines mul contents ol tvielvo
Inini'-lied looms on tlio S. K. tor. ot 1"th nml
Cupitrdiivcniio. CoalSUWto 111 up. Will Si'll
lor f.'iU ) ensli , < ir on tlino lo peed rcsi ousjbln
luiily. Appl ) to C < n bou , i > . \V. toi. Julli mul
i'niiiinii etb. , upstairs 4"'l
"TjlOI. SAM" THO lion Is ntn bir ltln.1oidnn
JL' hou e und tbeNo.v Knpliind lioupe , loc.iUd
tide b ) Kiilc on u mum ttuul in llumd l&lund. .1
, j | Joidcn. n.'t-Jl
I'oi Bnl niolsInFpilnfrlliil. fl.'Oeuoli.
I'or S-nlo 1'ptubJiiheU biinl.iiijr biislno5 * In
brn-Kti , county tent , ( ilbson & Archer , lioom
3 U Itlinell Illotk , Onmlnu L
Inoit SAI.K Or cvcIiiuiBO Ti\el\o liundicd.
nnd elfflily iioicsol Jlo. timber nnd gius-t
Iniiil , loitj mllotiist ol Kuiicus City. AK.neli
Foil us iinj liuid in the 'trite , w ill toll nil or-pmt
nt Illteen ilolliim per i.cioor will o.vdi.niK'O for
peed improved Istbiiiilm hind , lltdloul iV
tinier. I6- ' '
ITIOIt KAI.i : 'llio only Irnther ntnl llndins
JL' biislncM ) In Lincoln , ulilcli has bom e.ii-
rlcil ( .11 lor ten j tnrn13 ( nete&sfnlly ; tin ) iuu-
ton lor K'lllrir , ilentli of tlio propiletor ; ( iipltul
i ( > ililied | , iKiin til.lUil to tl.LWl. Address Mr < .
Jntob Hnbeilo , LliiLoln , Null. 57-
_ . LOST.
FONT A red Hiilln nml pliiMi billonVodnus -
J dny u\unlnp' . Hnlliible icuiuilill bo pnltl
tliollndet II letiiined to Ui Unit stiujl. 570 1 *
IOST riflotiii SIO notes , pnynblo to V1) ) .
* I'liiyn.slirned bj I InrUsoa Ciowu mid \V11-
llnni < inn n , I'Hn ir will be itw.iukdbj iciurn-
lllf _ ( thoiii 10 _ lr.74 _ Noith lSlli6t. _ BMJ3 _ *
IOsT Olio pmr benver sum plo\es ; on St.
i Jlnry'B nvo Vindor pleiuo leturn lo bio-
iiinii llios. on illtli Ht. nnd it'oivu lonaul. II--7
niAKi : > | - | > lly the nndcislfiiod , 1 miles
J north ol Omnhu , nenr I'loinneo LtiUo , a iml
cow with n Mldio i-pot in Itiii'heml , lnto ligri
nnd Mlilto umii rbillj nnd luul on lna\ > 101 o.
IJi-o. in-17-2i.ii..7 : | ( -.llJl t.
' ' nnil pool bonni , $1.50 ueol ;
\ my best loeiitiiJ/l / , 418 rf l.illi el. f > i'J..l.r.
T3OOSI mid board , i'i per i\cclt ! very bostlo-
JLV cutlou. 1SU JJtuuipoit t. llSJiinlU *
mill'V. C. MoUnerSto o IlepulrCo. , Ill South
_ JLJ4th SI. bet ten JJodHO nnd ItoUKhisn
"XfO opouitlon or iibi < l > s trus P3. Dr. M. M
J-N iloura , 81 ! " M'nbniili u\o. , Chicaeo. Will
I'D nt Co/wiis House , In OniiilmTiieBiiiivlru.LJ
itsrilAltrn ' ] he rult In niciiroitiino lollor
Keslilenei ) llth mulJacKboii bif-'JaiU"
In mint ot peed llome tln help can
IAU1IN by calhiiK on tlio Omaha Km-
iilouni'iit ( illU'o , Itoom I. llualiman'd Illock. Mid.
J , w. Mmilsoi piopilelor. t'l
JAU'MIIHAHV I OH SAl.i : . Alan llbimy
w foiitibthiK of Jowa lopoils , 11.8. bitpicmo
touit icpoilH , Ameilciin dceUlons American
lopoileKorthwi'sttin , 1'nelllo ' and I'dloinl 10-
poiiL'u , all bound and a llnoof le.\l bool.s alK
latent cditloiib and iia HOOI ! as now. .Must bo
Kikl lOKOthor. Jutt ro.-l $ I,5' .W ) . 1'nlr ledtio-
t'on ' fcri-iis-horrood notes. l.M fuinUhcd on
applleiitlon. Addii'islX , lleo ollleo , J-ja-jt
] T ' > Olt SAI.i : OH HUXT-Chenp , new bain 13
by ! > l , \\ilh ( \ciy toincnienco , Inituho
Hrusbtoieluth nnd Douglas. < " 7
1ilOH wi'iiht | > r HiInJ. | tldini mtli and dooif > , io
' to 1' . 1) . Jli.iul M > H. itth bt. UH )
Foil SAI.i : Two lols in 1'ellinii , J'h-rc.on
block liom dim ttir track. luiiuhc"lHti
rimii kneel.
* \ " \ 7 ANTKii Cook and dhilnjf room girls , 1721
ff llout'lasslicol fi\J-l
\\\NT1'I > ISpliIk for KClK'liil liuukcworki
iilto , 4 liMiiale cookbi butt wu o . I'nllat
. Omaha lmplo ) incut Ajit'iicy , 1U1 llur-
jiejbtict't. Ml . 1' . Mnlth. 1SJ
' A took nt VcrKlns I louse , 1' ts-
mouth. Non , 4KI-iJ
ITANTKI ) A ulil ioriicnoritl housowoikat
No. bOO S. iifhttcnth : ( st. W ) I *
t'lrANTKU A ifiil lor Kcntial l.outoworknt
> V 2108 Chlcaco 8 * . 6TJ 31 *
fAtt'TKn ' A lrifor frciii-ral hou&ewoik , i ,
n In liiinilyliu t'Hpltol u > o , tt jl *
* " " ' " "
"r\'ANTiii : deed i aifos willl'to""paUTTor
> nitttla-t .hhitWI 8. Wlh.fc"U
NTfl > - Ulil , til KoitU ITlh bt.
\\TANT1.I > - Competent cirl for Krnornl lioii'c-
i icorh , for pfiitlctnHn nnd wllo , No chil
dren. Apply ? 1'nrk nvenno. .r > 17-jl *
\\rANTin-Tn : n fmnily ofliirooT n smn rt
' nent plrl who tliorouKhly underslntnU
second work nnd plnln { > wlnu , nnd kcepltitr n
hotur In perfect ordtr. Illgli wnjrM nnd homo
o < imrorlR In th < > rlnht slrl. Address I * . 1) ) , Q. .
l'o totllc i Iov 3f , with roierentcs. 4U-H1 *
\\7 AN1 iil : A fcninlo cook , first elds , nnd n
> dlnlnp room till nt the city hotel. WIJI *
\ \ ' A NT Kl-ABOod slrl to
Pmnll fiiinlly. Apply at CRi Sovth Will
Mrect. Mfljl *
U JJ-4 girls forSmverTlTotoT S. Foth st
) Shirt maUtra. Onmliii Shirt V'nc-
> toi ) . 61M1
" \ tTAM ii : > Oood will or mlddlo aged woninii
> lor Kcmriil hoiKoxvoili nhoiit t o miles
from city. Itifiihcat | K.M N . Ifihst. fixuil *
\\7ANTi'.U-liood Rlrl ior pencnTl liow
IT work and anrilJlady lir cnmtmtilon. Mt .
.1. W. Monlfon , toomllliisliman IllockICth and
" \\7ANTI5t ) A coingient pill to do g-pticrul
IT hou o\voilt , LMiailiirlet. 4'.M
\VANTl-A corapctunt liltclion gill U
i > I'mimm. K'j
\\rANfii-Mlils : for pool prUntc fiitmlle
i i ( rood nfcs will bo pnlit. Also Rood cook ,
kitchen clrU , rhiiniln ininliM nnd dlinn room
* rlilH call ut Uninlni Umplo > incut lluiciiu 1 1-0
I m num M. 449
" \\7"ANTr.I ) - . \ pirl to do cciiornl honsowoik.
> tloininn pri'icried Mtu M. V. Mm tin , e. tv
cor. " 1st nml l.tiucniMirt sts. mil.
\\7ANTlMi rirft-ciuss diiiiim-room frnls nt
i > thn Mitioiiolltnn hotel. _ _ voi
\7"ANTi : > tidles ! nnd gentlemen Ineltyor
> i ronntry to tuko ll ht work nt their own
hoini > , } . l to JIu ilny en1inii.lo ! ! ! work Font
liyinnlli no eiinviKslnjr.Vo Inivo n peed do-
miind Tor ciiu orl % nml nunlJli sternly employ-
inont. Addii'cs , lth stump , Crown .M'f'ir Co. ,
Wl Vine M. , Cincinnati Uhlo. oajjnnlu'
\ \ fANTr.l ) anlo itiPil In eneh county to In-
IT tiodneiMi nuu putcnt ; pilmxlilllli'ti < o ;
s like ulldllKi ; piolltB laipe. Addioce , with
Mum p , Knur hllllctieu lo. , Vutun , Neb. COi-U *
\7"ANTii ; > All e.\pi'ilcnced limn lo tnKo
i > ( hnrpo nl tlio luhmli-lnn ol the Oiniiliu
Kxco MOV. Clement C'liuse , Ibth nnd llouplna.
" \\rAN'rri > Ap-cnts. Addre s Kloctile f.nmp
i i nnd fctovo to. , St. I.ouia , Jlo. . lor cliculni ,
cut nnd toiinsolCO ciuullo IKIUCIMursli iiertrnt :
Lump. _ _ u :
W ANTilii Situation n-- tnncl'iiLfiile < maii ;
K'vial j ears' t\pcrieiut'ua-t : ciiiilin-
nlsli iiood 11 leieiiei-s ; talau i.ul be llMM alter
trad. 11 1. DeoOlllte. H7IJJ *
TAM i : -S tiiatlnn In ab'iKer and | in li )
cook. Adiliesj-llSi ; ' lleeOtlko li.'Nll
\\'AM'iiJ-ptii.-iton : | ! by in nitivo
f innn ni com Inn in. lor fuillicr ] iulli'ii
1ms uJclielliu ' Uoniii HouidliiK lluti-u 01 :
\\7AM'ii-ijboiudura : at.UJN. 10 st : ins
' opened , ovoi.vlhmtf IKIUsluxo mid tin
fin id-hud t > ! i ! Ii loom fito ol tliaiKo. I'li-t-iln-
luoominodalions ; IK si In umihn. liu.inl tun
lodiruur per c < It , VI ; day board 3. .Ionian V
lJonutll.proniictorj. . 6T-J1 *
" \ \7"A > TII To ovehiiliB ; ! ) forOinnhn ehcnp
ft lots or icsidenco a llnu liirm. 1 i wivsii'
oultiultud : in vv bnll-.c , mil , ttublu ; cvcollenl
hay Innd nml i it'll Mill. \ \ ill e.s imo any en
uiimlier.tiite. Addics.s J.V. . . tlW IHh St.
Omiilia. Oil-jU *
i To seenie thenjrenoy forsoicinl
ii Ib t-olusb Jlto IIIRIII anoo ( .onipanii's. 1'ar-
lies \\i iilni5Mo plni o ngeiioy In gojd h mils nil-
dro I ! 15 , Uoo oltico. -1 Ul | *
k 'Als'l I'll ( iood Pcioml jilnno Jor cash
l dcaleis dun i apply. AUdicsall 11lien
\\3rA\TKl > A Sicomlhiind Iho proof bunk
> > tiifi' . illi bni-fjlur PIIMI ! elieii. Adiluss ,
1" . Jiu.v.i 01i'usl : s' Dunk , .McCoulc ,
Neb. 4 I'I
JTvOIl liKT : IIousoO roomsll ( tuilis vest ol
1 postollice. ) ncru ol ( rioiind und bum. In-
ciuhuatird" Dnvcnpoit bt. 57'J'l *
"I71OK ICI3NT T'uslralilo eottimo 8 looms
- ! " clly iili'iM\oikH , iicu I.v painli d nnd pupucd
tlnoiiKhoiit , UAUollent neisliboihood. ( ill
i-Uth tt. fiSl-U
lOUIliXT JIoii'c of B uonis on Huules
J 'lidiu , thirl. H addition , iouilli l.o i o liom
S'Muiy c a\cnuc , $18 u month. Apply P. U.
101. Htiinnd I'a&siis. fili
F OK Jll.TiT Two CdttiiKOs , l. nnd f3 ! per
month. W.bttll/lci , Oiuu to Itloc'.t. txl
J.AOIS ii lilt r Tosmiiliinmily , IUIBC luinMicil
JL' houbo on pn\ed btiett ; liiiiiiuo unit all
modem coiiMiileiii e ; lulcicncus njijiiii
Apply nt IV'A J'luiimu bt. 4 > 1
17 J1 ! IIJIN'J1 A nli e S-ronnt eoltiffo on f.cnv-
JU tn\\oith , neiu Siuitli H\O. ; clij \\nici HI d
c -lc i a ; nl u u 1 loom coitni o on Michigan bt.
bloiUs trom I'ark ' u\e. , with Mlibld , neil , clc ;
also n ' 1-iooni cuttutto , laico lot , stable , clstuin ,
blOLl.a liom 1'illi tticcL cur line. II. ( J.
Cl.ult , lUl'MJoiiKlis ht. 4"j't-il
-71oirilKhT | A TOIIEO ol 7 rooms for JJ ) i ?
JL1 tui.oii iiiiinciiiiiiul ) . Apply till ) N. lull bt.
bull * ecu Nicholas mid I'liul. JTUUU *
" 1/IOIt JIKNT A 10 loom 1101150 eeiilrally lo-
Jciitud and niw t o blicet cm lima. IIIKOO !
lopnlr und all moduli ImpinviMiiiiits. IIKJUIIO
ot John A rcyhiiin A. Co. , tul South luih et. a < ;
1i OIC KI3M' .Vroom liouoo on ralifoinlast. ,
iKilnni'ii tilth and jtli. lniiilio | on juumlies ,
I' . J. Cruulon. -0
IINT : : C K i.iAsi-btoio :
ITioK ' ncio Kni'.loa ultti D-iooiu IKIIIKI ndjoinini , '
cliy : 10 neie liinii.17 miles uibt of Oiiinh.i ; l !
business otson tat. ilniy's u\o. Appl } lo 1 * . 1 ! .
CUiipiiian iCe , , 1-17 1 Iuu an I hi. Ill )
"ITUill UIJ"N r Nun tioiiso ut r > 0 , lnulaon st
Apply at Uuniilni.lmm vV Jlicniiiin'ii , 1511
M. ll J
"TjlOlt ICt'NT ri-ioomcd liousu on ClinrkM bt.
JiUK'Hiil n.aii. | . Di.l'im' US
j. OIl JtiNT : Two story lulck liouso with
JL" basement ; niodorn Impiou-mcn .Second
door riiim M. Mm ) ' * mo. on 'Jyihal. Apply lo
ills. CliulikOii. _ W _
Foil HUNT llonso bclontflujf to the eMnlo
ol'.IuJKU Lhiuluit ) , IWJ rink uvcnuu. U.J.
Council. Sal
" 171OH HUNT Two now 8 nndu roome
JL1 liiiinu.0 , bath nxiin nml nil ton\iiii
ieners , ono block Irom btitict tuts , liiquiro.lo.
1' . llinton , yil ffith bl. , or fciiicltliii ; Woiks , JJ
] 7 < OK JIINT : A tloro room ith t-ood tullar
JL' llnili lliul blreot. Appl } loJolin IJuuuior.
J pit II ItUNT Stublu near high i-cliool. lour
1 htalb , peed loom lor cmiJiiKeb ami buy.
Appl ) lo ( Jco. 1' . Ui-niU.
J /Ull Itl'NT S gtorcH on Ulh and Eeiu cuv , urlh
1 6ls.
1 pHuo on South Kith fit. Doth llrdlclass busN
iKhblttulloud. AUo lionet's lount. A.MtUa\-
oelt. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ii'JJ
FOItlll'NT Two now ii ldi'iiccbli rooms cnch ,
Ullll ofilOOlUb.llOUbO JUlUOlUS. J. 1'lllppd
lion. U * >
* 1IOK I5I5XT Now hout'O 0 looms , Ono of
JMie L built IioutC'i In Umnlia , ir.'iid I'tlmcii '
C'uiiihiK nnd JardfC. . U. .Miiync , bW tor.
Kth mill rariiam ,
HUNT I'm nUlieil looms lor hullesaiid
Inoil men , 1 11 l > a\cupoit tli oil. Mis ,
I tiiinlo Aigylo. fiUiJl *
\oil ltiST Ilandioincly finiiUlirU 1001113
1oil 1 Biiilo oi tlngl ) ; inodein totnenientoa ,
I7i0l apitoliui ) . Opl-jl *
: lti.NT : I'm-nUhcd looms. S. W. ror.
lOlh and f allloi nlii. 075-2 *
Ljioit JINT : ruml7hr < nooin7lM2 ioujriiis )
btlfi t. 517 _
I71OH HUNT A pleasant liuiiMied room iiilh
1. Bloio , torflJ a month at 710 K. Iblh Bt-Ji-ja-1) ) ! '
TiUvT'Furiilkhtil rooms COS N 17th
OH ItKNT IUin60inely ( lurnlfhcd looms
F ith or ttlthout board , .VJ JJoilKf. 4li.'J- ' '
OlTItlN7-FuinUhcil roffius. llli Dodtro
! I ) It JSUNT J'tirnli-lii'd front loom with ueo
If 1 of bath loom ; plcntiuit locution. Iniiuho
nt ollico of O. I * . Jlaj no , 15th mul rnrnani. Kfij
1JIOIlTlti : > T Completely furnlbhcd Hal. 5
. ' looms mid bath. Addrt-bS II. tj.llco Ollke. liC5
B" Milt llKNT Nicely furnlehcd loom. S.V
tor. 1'Jtb ' und M , Mary's in e. Clt
Foil IIKNT Two unfurnished looms. MO
pur mouth. S.V. . cor. < l nud l.cti\i-ii-
uiith. 4W-jl
r.tOU HUNT To Kciitk'iiicn. largo looniwlth
1 liu-k'uelotit. liliCallfinnlu tt , Mi
ltiNTjut'aiitlfimilthed : : room with
bouut. All modi'ru coin culciicti5- Oo
llKNT A peed fin nMipil room : loca
tion contrnl. Applr ntAtkin on Millin- ;
try Stoic , tioighion IJlock , loth . .M > ujli of
postomcc. _ _ _ _
lOlt KI3NT furnished room. 1017 fhlcngfb.
L i 51.
U13NT Tour iioiv store room . fiiltnblo
J' for dry poods hftrdwiirp , tin hop , choc
MnrcVtMnurnnt , barber shop , cte. : n MJ. tojno
erJ nlcedwelllnif room * MMUU In l.nowp Id s
now block nt the head ot St. Mnry'a nve. _ W8J3
'inoTt KKNT-Somo very nice rtwclllnff rooms
1' Jiietirnlslied ; nlcu location iind line \lowj
from onelo four cun bo had In Knowold sr.ow
block at the head of
KKNT-ilVo sulti oC 4 room * cncli ,
17VOH t'ectHetween IJtli nndAith 1-u-
quire llth nnd i'arnnui. F. > lochlo. _ _ era _
Oil T Itr.NT llyMro Itnifpn. mld-wlfo. No.
F 712 N IMh , n lurnl hed loom cH > > to al.idy
who will take ordt r < lor bet durliiK tier nbsence.
> Olt KNT-I.niffO fnrnlshfd loom wWl
Ii 1 ' . ' ' . *
closet. 'JlUCiipHolnvt'iiuu. _ ! i J
ItiiNT-ruillisnwl . E2J .
- looms. N-JlUll.
IMNTrurnlliedooms , lffJ Hmncy
"fTum ItKNT With board , nrw front room !
JL1 irhsiutdimxlcin Improvements : 140-J Jouos
tuot. _ | 3 _ '
iJNI'-ruriilshcd loom with board
eiiltablofortnogoullumon. ISUDodRust
llKNTWith board , n loom suitnblo for
ono pel son. 1U14 Webster. _ M ) _
THOU 15UNT With bonrd , tno room adjoin-
L1 lim ; lionl loom , boulhcust. IUU Wub tor.
iIOU HUNT fuiulshoJ room , 131R .Inoksou.
: 700Jnnl
UI3NT-lirtisiiit ( rooms. fiirnMioil nnJ
- unfuinhhcd , lor Unlit houel < eepliii { , can
usually bo found In Utoinor's lllocfe , tornur
Eighth and Howard. _ liTU
HUNT ,1 rooms nnd bnioment , cor lOlh
FOU South nvuflO : per month. .McCnjfuo llroa ,
opposite postolllco , Btl
riio Follorbuy icnl tntoof nny kind , call on
JI C. li. .Majne , S .W. loi. lulhiuul KarmililHt- .
iw helms properly in over } pnitol the eltj , and
* mute in c01 j count } of tlio tt no. Wil
"inoit SAt.i : lly noxtnr ! Thomas & Hio. ,
X loom s , t rott-liton hloo :
'Ui ) let't on I'm mini ttt. vOX )
a\lWs. \ \ . tor. nth and ( . enterS2.CO ) .
fidxl'iO , lluiiicoin Place , t7UU
Ulot tiU\irii. on Jliiiinltoii and Chiulea sis , $000
tojsiiii..i likicM , Ht-tol toinonl.
iiU\lli > , tdi Uniiles and Mil HIS , 700.
lU.xliil , Mlth hinihu and bain , near "Oth and
ruitci , 4-1,1 VI. Vt-iy cheap ; small pajinont
lialunu' montlily.
IVIM-I i , lull and i unites , with honso of A looms
veil , etc , S > l , < iuu
U' lotl.oiMi f addition , er > 00 and SCVJ.
y hits , W. A hciliel. n add. , jl.JiH ) .
l.ol cur.-Illi and lia\ ell ) ( at- . l , KrO.
"An think all tliu bo\o baiHiuiH. Cnll to
ten miDtMer L. aiiomas & . ilro. , Itoom ti
Clt'Kliton llloclc. f > "
. . . Adjoining the barincUs 01
BCI.VI.nZ.UK , the advantage on nLo love
ill htm a ) , beiuitltnl location , line Musatii
civfi > thini ; c'Uo Hint irous ui miiUc up a splemlli
pinto lur a lesidoiu-e. Sea IlolTodeie. It Is
clieappiopoitj , and no inlataLu' C. 1' . Malie.
S W.tur 15th and ruiiiani. DUO
MA IIA It nl 1 tlato Co. Wllhnul
O illock. WO-,11
ell or buy real estate of nny Vind , call or
1 ( J. K M iii ne , t-.U.eoi. lili and I'm num sLs.
who has piopuiu in oeri pmtol tlio clt ) , ami
landInoicii touiil ) ol the biaic , . Wl )
Foil SA 1.13Or exchange for Omaha pi opor-
tv , nn linproxe t fai m , IUU uciual ! nidi" * liom
i alii end limn. Acldto sl3d Wlillman , 5 tl l.uu
i tli bt , Omiilui. IC Jlp
flic ) K 11 or buy leal estaloof nny kino , cull 01
JC. . I * 31.1 } lie , SV . cor. 1Mb und Fm num btb
lui lianuK | | n.iuu.i . } pni t ol tlio eitj , iinii
hinds in o\oiy county ol llio state. COI
TUAHAltiall"atato and r.oun Co. , Wlllmcl
O | illoelc.
riMJMllor buy loal Oblate of any kind , call on
JC. . ] ' , Jhi } lie , t-.W.tor. loth nnd I minim sts. ,
who has piopert ) in dfeiy pavtol llio city , ana
hinds InI'lC'i } Louiity ol tlio btiilu ,
> oit SAM : OH uxciiANor ono or the
37 bLsthnlf COIIK n * oliaml In Nclnasjl.ii.roi
iuither inloinialioii niqiilro ol A. K. Altlccn.
Kciunor , Nob. Also , 01U atics well ImpiovciJ
hind in Lubtcrtouiity. . 6U7-1
\\7'Jvr : Klin : Station on I.eavtiiH01 tit stictt
it ill bo the Junci.dji of tliu Mo. I'ao. and
Hell Line. Lots puulm-cd Ilieio now Will ic-
Inui u liandirOiiRi pioiil lo the biijcr in a ver >
slioit time , litll .VMctJ.indllsli anaC. i.Mii ; > ne ,
sole ajjents. 6V
HAIIA lical I'blatuand Joan Co. , Withnoll
O llloik.
I71OK SAM : l.aiv'o hons-oiind nicely eluva-
JU ted luia n bliliiu'H L'd add , t'V'UU '
I'oi fciile I 'i nu b-i ounieil houto on Clai k 6ti oct ,
nlcel } ele\nted lot , tn.ihJU.
ttu Gibaon.V. Aither , Itoom a , Wtlhnoll Illoelc.
TJATUICK'S addition on HaundcM Plrcet Is
Jthu cheapest pioperty In that p.ut of the
C'iiy. blKOiciu.s inn tlnoiiKh this addition ,
bthools aio con Venn at , biihiuecs itaehub lion
two sides lor coin cnionto and do-Iiahlo local
ity I'aiiickrt addition has many advantage- .
C'nli ami ln\t'tiiali ! > . l.otb only t700 to
dull. ( ' . 1" . .Mano u cnt , H.V , cor. 15li : and
I'uiiumi. 5V )
{ "noil SAM : on JIISNT The rommeruini
JO hull I at lu'iiuu-y. Neb. Address Ui. r.V. .
Wilms Aiiipalu e , tin mis count } , Nob. KIO-J- *
rpo K'll or bu > icy ] ei-tatool any kind , call on
J C. 1 ! Ma > m' . b.W. cor. I'nli nud 1 amain btb ,
w ho has [ iio | eity in oti } purlol Iho thy , and
lauds in ovtiy touul } ol ihubtiile. Wil
O MAHA lltal INtato and ( .oau Company ;
11 lou IK Hi' Jiiticalls I'.uk liom HUJto
$ > iM.
fi ueioa with a 0-ioom house near 1'oit
Oiniiliu , J I , , ( O.
G auica ( > utnuimU'i'ri ino , with line Iminovc-
incii i- .s.i mi.
An I loom lion-o and lull Jot on ' 'lit St. , near
I.ciuinumili bt , i .J.WiJ.
with n nito coltago fncJiigliniisjom
J liuii.-.Cbiunl loU In Hulls add. liom Sl.WO lo
5.IKIU ,
Ijueicsin Iloullold's add. < 7iO poi ueio.
A Kood huabii and ! ol on Douglas ht. $ . . ' , ( KH )
An i Hat lionllol on Cntliniiiio tt. near Hans-
com 1'aill.OijO. .
An ) MO , Jia houto und lull lot near Ham-corn
I'aik t''JU.
HiUiuitsO miles fiom i o-lollleo , S7i ! IKM-IKMO.
iiUiauiLii inipioitil luini.fiiniloii liom Valley ,
11 it1 ehisb iinpioiemi'iilb. illi pti itio.
0-rjuni tottiifecenst oi llauiMom rink , $ a,000.
rpo bill or buy ital cblatool an } Kind , call enL
-L C. I ! . .Ma } lie , fi.\V. tot , Ifitli mul I amain bl. . .
whohiiH juopuily In nil paiih ol tlio cit } , and
liuida m in oi } toiint } olthohtuto. Ml
GHIJ1..N \ \ OOH-lloaullliil iiero and hall iiero
lotb , line local ion , , t'j ' imlus Irom 1 * . O , oul } a
few moments ualk tium lliiiuiom 1'aiU. Auics
(4Ui ) . Halt u.ii'sS--"i , Ul pmtuiit euxli , balance
iiionthl } payment * . C , U , iluyuu , .S. W.tot. 15th
nnd I'm num. 4 J
\l/'I.ST Sllti : btntlonon l.eiueiiwoitli bticut
IT will | ji > lhi > jiiutlUm ol tlio .Mo. 1'ac. und
Hilt l.iiio. l.olb d ilit'io now will 10-
tiiin a liantlMMinpiotlt to tlio bluer In ntry
t-hmt lime. llellA MtCnmllish aiidC. I ! , iliiie ,
IT\OH. \ , AM-HOIIEO anil lot 21,1 S "Jtn Et.choiii ; |
J-1 and moments. Addioad C , b. Cliijiiiiaii , l.iu-
Kiln Neb. 071
OUAIIA Ktal Katato and Loan Co.Vithnell
rpo bell or buy lo.iloblalo ol' nnv l.liul , call on
1 C. 1' . Mil ) no , .S W. cor. IMh mul I'm mini MK.
Him liiibpiiipeity in nvciy pail ot thu clt ) , and
iiindt ) m uicry toiinly In tliotiiito. M |
W'T10NbAl.i-Tlu : > II. * M. It. rnllroiid hi
Nubraakailll tell at public auction , in l.ln-
tola , V17 U bluct , comiiiuiiulng Januuiy 1 , KwJ.
and toiuinuliis ltli pi oner adjoin nmuiilb iinlll
till goods Inn o been nohl , a laiiru t-olloction of
iilicliiiinud and relm-cd Irclvhl , conel-tinir ( if
liiini linplemoat ! ! , household Koodj , 1 in nil in u
icpiilia aiiilii lot ot iiiopt-lty damaged byllio at
Uniaha UcpiJt. 7eilice. . Ul.
' inTx-iniui : : Acn ioii at ( TOJ 7o i.m
Kach "ill iiiaUuyou 75 lo llkl per tent , piottt
butoiu neAt Now Voar'siliii. C. K ilaiii > , bolu
uytnt , K. W. tor. ir > th and ' amain. 6jV
rpo cell or bu ) leal cslato or any kindcall on
J. 0.1" Maj no , .4.W. cor. l&lh and I'ainam bis. ,
nhohas jiropcity in every pirl of the eil > , aim
lands hi evciy county of tlio biate. 601
FOH SAI.i : Cheap lots la Ilimscoin Place.
AUJ.etsG. p. Stubblns. LUJJauK *
FOKSALK A nro story , 23.130 , frwino buiU
lug , suitable for a stoio , uour lUth anJ l' < ir
Dam fats. Apnlyat tbli olllco. UlT
\\7I'ST Nl 111' Station on lA'iivcnuertli gticct
1U bo tlio juuctlon ot the ilo. 1'ac. and
licit l.lnu. Lotb imii'lnised Ihcro now will 10-
nun a liaiuUoino iirollt lo thu buyer In a voiy
slioit time , licit & -MtCiiiKJIIali and C. U. Maj no ,
iulo atjcnla. bSi
Irinit s\i.i-iiooca 10 per cent iiividoini
1 pavlnir Mock. Ulbson t : Archer , Hooui
3 , Wlthufll UlocK ,
- & -nw ' * UVJII L . * MmiyjLfwfjr * * mfwm * 9
For. < ? Ain-i-Un , Mode to Horn's
for ttrm In-ittlmof A. 1' . Nicholas 471
- 1-1 - - -
MillFdlorl u real c iato of any kind , pall on
L ( . I" . Mnjno , S.\X.cor l.'ith niul rnrnflin ct .
who line piopiitf In mry pint of the cltj.and
liindslno'.ervnojintj ol thostftte Mil
Iiton S..VLI : JJcIl , V Mtl'aiiillMf tffir Imrf.
ne-s lot on linusl.T ft , nt fl.TiW.
Iloiisoand cor. lot 1 block from street ctir
ut f I.8UO.
AOIO lots At fire to.nnnn.
Homo ntiil r < 7 Tc. nilil'iiiimm , per font , (75.
( lood liouo nml lot on Dntrntiort , fl , < * M
DudRp trect Inislm per foot , S " 7.
1'ark , Georgia , nml \ irginia live. lots , t"M to
* * , ' ifci. ' /
Krtst front house and lot.l'iirk nvo. , fS.OiX-
llmiMMtml toluol near I/o.ueiuvot tti ft. , peed
locution , on v tor.n ? mill moiithl ) ' pnj molds.
Hell & .Mt-Uimlil h.lMl DoilRO fet. fi.M-31
iiiL'V KiiKllclSlsTnl $2JO to jwn. t'neh
JL. ) will imiko ) uii 7.1 to Ivo per com protlt lie-
loio iiwtt } ew "i cm'Bilay.Ml , . 15. Ma > no , solo
HKont.S. W cor lutli and rarnatn. 5" > 'J
| * U > H SAI.K A Rimerm tamctiundiso business
X' in n rapidly ijrouliijr town jiot fur from I.ln *
coin. llest triulo nnd tocntlon In town. A | ilen-
did opportunity lor n pnrty wishing n peed
opening , nnd Inn inn Irom sovcn to ten thousand
dolluislncnoh. Will soil lor ciwli only , or pint
cash , linlnnco rent oslnlo In Omiilui. Address
Merchant IteoUlUc . Sii
B\i.\ \ : > IHI : . \cio lots nt J.tio to $3V ) r.noh
will nmlio jmi 15 to 1UO per cent , piollt !
tore next N'twem's dm I. U. Majne , solo
iiRent , S. W. coi. 15th nnd I'lU'inun. KW
SIM'UIAI. nollco to clownnm Cmr ryii o
n'shlnir liiilf fnro permits for IS'O will plu is
send orlcin c their imnioj nt ( Jhlcnifo.t Nortli
western otlleo , 1411 rarniim st , lHl-Jtin-1
rpo foil or liny icnl cstnta of 11113 1'lnd , cull on
1 0. 1" . Ma ) lie , y.V. . coi. r > tliiuul riirnamsts. .
Mini tnisptorerty In eu-iy pint ol llio city , and
IniuH In ouirj coiinn oflliufctnto. hill
BiiVl'.lKlti ) : ncro lota , $281 to 4350.
Walnut Hill lots * CUU to jW.
West Side lots f.WI to froiW.
Tlioinburtf lots J.IVJ to JI'X } .
I'urmonltr lota f 175 to J.'iO I.
lnKcr& ! Mii.MH ) mid. IOIB f 17,1 to $53) .
nonceKon's mid. Nils $ .B1 to $7tW.
Sunny bide lots J7W to $ tWJ.
llmisrom 1'liao loNfiVto tolVK ) .
IHinoliiiiiKli I'lucolot J1.T.OHI $1,153.
( lieenwood ' 4-auio lots Ji' > 0 to SJiS.
.1. 1. Itcdlek's Biilidlv. lot" $ lMnto ) fl.SO ) .
Ilin i O.ik lots S-750 to $1,01X1.
Denleondd. loti $ AVJ.
Til ) lor s add. auro lot * $1OW.
Tuttle s xilli div. uuios f.WO.
Lots in o\ fry pnit of the city : cn y tormi.
roinc.viiiuos nt tliuduor iiny tlinoof tlio iluy.
C. U. Mnj nu. S.V. . ror. jSlli iind Fiirniun. l t
T > iiViiii : : < i : Adjoining tlio ImiiupKi on
JJ tlio noitli , II.H llio iiilMintiijio on nluolovul
dil\e . buiintiful locution , line rluns , nnd
c\cr > tiling ol u tlnit irot'sto m.iKc up ii < plondld
plato Jur n tt'ildoiiLU. her Itoliudoio. It M
climp proit ) < itiiiid no inlsliilio. C. K. Mtijno ,
bV. . cor. ID 111 nnd ruriiilin. f.CU
tlAHA Itenl Kstiito nnd Loan Co. , Wltlinoll
lllcok. 5'JU-it
TTlOIt SAM" ( lit TUADK ICO ncros ol Ian
JI'l miles ninth ot Ninth Aiibuin , Neb.
about sistj nciesunder cnlthiulon ; irood house
barn , and a Kood well ot water. I'or ruithc
paitieiihus apily to 11. 11. llo.ulley , Hiow-nvlllo
Brivrt > iiti ; : ] 'or mnirnllVrnt ile % tin
le\ul drive , pluisnnt location , dill ehei
pioiicriy. ! co llel\edeio ncio lots. oti to $ .
oiiLli. l.usj tttms C. K. Jinnu , b.V. . cur. 1511
nnd rnrnani. 5t
TT'OU. SAI.i : Lai-fjo ami small stock ranches
IiMIli in \\ltli nil stoeli.
Tor Mile I lois m tprlnir Hill , f4V ) cnch.
l' r Sale IXfnblu'lied baiiUniir liUbllio s ii :
NebinsUii , ( . ( Hint ) se.ltlibscui \ Aithur , roou :
U , WltlniKll ItloeK. .
I'oi 5\tlinnJif ] ; X ) ) inii farms for Omiilui
propci t } ; Uibu fundti to t'\cluuigc lot stocks o'
Koodt. ' >
\\anted-r. birsiae's lots for cash within ;
blocks ol poiiilNlcu.
lor I.\ii.ui ! > re liDncieimpioved fiiim.Mudl
ion LOU m j , .Nclx , Coi' lion.-o and lot in Omnhii.
I'ofNdo A 6-iiei o'fi. let 4 miles ol p
hoii'-oto-l $ laJi.loi SIr >
llooni : : , \ \ itlnull lllnt'K.
riw tell oi buy'-if nl batuto ol mi } Und , call or.
-L C. r. . Majnr , ! - > . Wteor. 11th and rnimiinsla ,
vho line piupen ) in'ivniy pint ot the city , nnd
hinds in UVLTJ L'ountji of the btulo. Wll
lv"isT : Side. Station Junction oC the Mlssonr
VI I'acillc andIJellLinoon J.uavoiiworthst. If
j on want a lot on West Sulo don't wait long or
j on w 111 ho too l to."Gl'rIco3 ol lots SliOU to $501) ) .
J"a i trims , c. 1" . Mayno. l ! > tli and I'arinim
and lloll it Jlufaii jwalij 1311 Uodyo st , solo
audits. , > 7 1-7
BiiViiiii : ; 1'or miwilllcent vlow , line
lo\ol diho , pleasant local Ion , dirt tlieii ]
riiopcity. t-co Holveduie neio lots , VJOO to S-lV
each. I'.as ) tcuns * U. 1) ) . Majne , b. W , cor. Iltli
and I'm mini. &T > s
O MAHA IteiilKbtnto nnd Loan Co. , Withiicl
Illock. [ Mill
BKl.l3liKC3 Tor mufc'iiltlccnt vlow , line
level ihhe , pkasiiut locution , dirt eheii |
proptrly. f-co llohedeii ) neio lotsJW to $ l'i.
cm ! . . 1 us } teims. C. U. 3I.iiio , S. W. eor. liith
nud rain.un , n',8
WAI.MIT II11.1. Over 11)0 ) line houses built
In this beautiful iiddllion during the past
"iiiiiiner ; over ui moio to be built nuMt-ctisim ,
lolstu'j.ito f75'J ' cutll ; voiy easy terms C. 1' .
Milne , H. W , cor. l..tli and 1 atnnni. .Wl.
fTlOKSAMI-Ily lltownA. Ilnwlvy , Keal llstato
JL1 Aeciits , K. W. cor. llth and Douglast-ta.
t-omo\ery desiniblo lots and Untiling houses
on raiiium ftiect.
Also , a tottiKo and lot , 3K13I , on llauiey
Ftieet , Hum hiitinebd.
'l'\ui lots ami cnltas-cs on 1'arnani gticct ;
KinileU nud well loemed for iueldeme.
Oiiu t'iii of n Lottuuu mid ioi , gnuloj , well
located , neat i-lrorl inilvvaj.
Also ninny \ nliiablu luls. 503
\\fAI.MJT 1111,1-I.ots S.WO tcTfTDO t'lichT
> Micrt Cur line boiuj , " linllt out I'unilni ;
Stiett to Illis ndil lion , licit Ijino depot located
in itH CLiitie. I'liiti Incut ions , \u. t-en Wahiiit
Mill it ) oiMMiul n buaiitllul lot. C. B. iliino ,
t-outhwcbl cuincr 1'tlli nnd rarnuin. CD I ,
T71 OK SA.M" lly Potter .V Cobb-
JChoivu lotb ill Lonu'u 1'iiot add. , tU5 lo S130
Corner In lanuo & Scldon s add. , lfix.121 , for
l-'hio lots on Iliowa si. , 50x130 , at $700 ; each
Aeio lot very cheap , cor lliown and California
sin.OJi ! ! )
Sand Jl ) acre tracts on easy icims at $175 to
S-OOjjrieat huip.iins.
A leu choice lots In Tlioinbui , ; I'lnco , on licit
I. Inc. cheap.
- loib in dlilnn's Third , $ t < 00 each ,
I'liio tiusintss cor on 1 nrniiin t , JIO.O ) ' ) .
Ixith in 1'oilei'b adj. , ; f5iM to fM each ; \cry
A luwlliiolotn , llnnscoin 1'liu-o , at f''iO each
Call and sen our baigrilns in ncro tracts.
H7 * > I'dri ru A I'nmi. IMTi I'limain St.
rM ) M II or buy leiil untatool an } Mini , cull on
Jl ( 1" Ma ) uc , S \ \ . cdr. i.'itli and I'm ii'.iin Me. ,
who hits pnijieitv in uiei } parlol' Iho inly , nnd
liimlH m inei } euiini ) ol ihoiiaui. i > lll
T AND .Sl'r.K-I'llS , ATTUKTIO.N'-For full par-
J-J llciilairt nbout Ireo and cheap lands In
\ \ ( . 'Morn Nebraska address Thus. r. I'uttoinon ,
Heal I'sluto Admit , Norlli 1'lallo , Neb. 1TH
rpo M'llor bu } rfiil c.-late "f any kind , cull on
J- ( ' . i : , Majnc , S.W ioi. ] 5th and riiiunm alb. ,
who haopiopcity In ' 'U'M paitol llio ciiy.and
Imiils In in fry count } orihoslato , 001
" \--Al.N- | r IIlll.-lotH ? , K1U to $75' ' ) < nch.
i' Mi I'll fur lliu bi'lmc built out Ciniiiuir
sliucl Ii ) this ii'lilluoii ' liell l.nid dtpol liicnluil
In Its ri'iitin. Juy.v ( Im ntlons , Arc. Stonhilll
Hill II } ou wuulllii'Aiiaiillliillol. C. K. 31uiio.
buutliwcslcuiiiir IM 1 1 ami I'm num , Kl
- _ 4 , , _ _ _ _
T71OII SAI.i : v.liolOMilo . notion Wilson hi
- - ( food ruiuiii theup. Inuulio ot oi addioss
31. 11. 1'nitl , I.hituln , Neb.
virAi.M r in i.1Ui > ) ts trvx ) to si.v ) oncii ,
i hi reel tnr Him being built out Cinnlinr
ttlKt lotlus wtllfiwii. Hull Mnodi pot lotaled
In Its eentid. l/iiiiiiciitlons | , | , \o. t-oo Walnut
Hill It ( ! ii wamyijiiMiililiil lot. U. I" . Jlii ) nn.
t-oiithwebtiuriisrlSjii and I'ainain. Kit
Ii'oi'jSAM : foi Oi ) It. front. 10th bt. near
.lacl.Min , flYfui , v.
l it Kixl c' . noiir 10th $ l5ri .
Lot llvbs- ! I1UI1 Ibtll , ( h.lKIO ,
riilllot.yjroojnioricg , Hint near 2-'d , JO.OW.
Lot IJxI.U , IfpBaO 16 looinij , b'o\raicl Hauil-
ilcitil.ion. . 'y'1
fi-ioom lioiifce.'V/eHiKla ave. . a bartfaln , JS.'JkX ) .
Lot COxlio , liotmj-iTTooiiis , , l th bt , mar 1'op.
ph-toti , &i.r > nii.
IM in O'Neill's stib-illv. on Hint * ] , . > ; ; .
4 loin in Inn i ( ink t < ) , ff i.
Slutb lacliiK llanet-om I'ailf fi ou each , or
f.r . ( M ) LMIkll.
Lots In Oiniilm Vlo\\ ( ' " { > lo fOOO ,
l.otb In I'aik 1'oiutt JAO.
; lotb on Ui nits-lit a\e. ,700. II. 1' . Itlngcr ,
IliiN. 15th , uu
POIt h.U.I'-Hy".V. S. bhrlver :
Nicely Unified eotiiKo | ol 5 looms , now
imtu , etc.lot WvlW II. irooU lotaliou. ' , UJOcabh
irfvyjann tiinti.
IwoKood housesbum. . well nml cUtorn , lot
5HXHU on N , mill fct , vuay terms , HflX ) .
New 4-ioom toituge , full lot , t'uey terms ,
iiood biihlnebs lols on Cumlnf st , ouch tl OO ,
Slieauliliillotd on Hurt el. , near car line ,
H.UK ) tiach ,
"lotst'oinrr , 01 feet fiotit eachon Leaven-
north el. . 1 block fiom Holt Llnu , both f 1,1UU.
3 boiiutlfnl lolb nuar raiimiii , t'tich t7u ) . ;
Mtl'.f ! lect on luth t-l. . iitnir llaini ) } , t7'6X ) .
UlxMl feet on How aid , tl n.
x\31 \ foul on lluriioy , near lUth , WfM.
ilcot front with curpcnlor bhop , on Dave.ii-
tort , near Uth , $ ltJUU.
lji W , Q. Sbilvor.Opp. I' . 0.
BP.WIinrnK-AdJolntns' thr biff.
the norths lt the ndvnntflfr * on nl
( trl cirnj , lipntiliful locntlon , flno vlow <
orer > 'thmr ) cl o Hint pees to mnko up n spli
plsco for n residence. Pee Hclvcdore H
thenp property , nnd no mistake. O. E. Mnyn3 !
S. W. cor , l&th nml raiiutni f > W
SIUK-Wo have only Mt lots loft In
O In thK benutltul ntldlllon. They nro the
choHpeU us well ns fine it lots on California st
1 , HO cnch. Knfty tcrmo , O. HMnjno , 8. W
cor IJtlt find rarnani , u.17
I iMH SAM'-ltcair.Mato , bj Cochrnn. Ilro. &
Co. , Heal estate denleis.ivn rnrtiam t.
Ph use read em c-full } the lniio ( nn Its' of prop
ertieintidjouwlll srecnchono h a buiirnln. Wo
will bo pleaded to show } ou piopcrtj ut jou
coiiM'iiiemi ! .
No. W , lull lot , 4 loom hoiiFo , Konntje's Hn
Hddd , fl. ' 0.
No. 1 I. IWkllO ft. 4 loom houtc. # 2VX )
Koinit/c's 3rd aJdilioii.
No. ltd lot I'nik I'lnce
, neic , , Kood Impnnc
mcnl . J-.IRIM.
No. 1J , ' > , 1'iiU lot , , " > room house , Shlnns ndd.
No. RT , lol MtluO , 11 room hon o , flue lmpio\d-
inents. I'aiknrc. , ( nliarpiiln ) fi)0l i-
No. I'M ' , lot 2S1H85 , " BOO I houses' , l\ouii ( > 6
3rd a Id..only $ IM/0. / Ua y Icims.
No. 175 , full lot , 4 room lioii'o , 9. IJ. Itogers
ndd. . 1"lh t.t < Kl. ) In ! y tonns.
No. 1S.J , full lot , 3 teem liouao , Improvement
Association add .only 31,1W.
No. 1st. lull lot , 0 loom housecltj walcr , tic. ,
Shlnn s add. , $2t > oo. l"'i y pamcnts.
No. ll'X , largo lot now u loom cott.ieo.clly
wiilcr , flnuphu-o. OeoiHla ave , eliinp nt frJ.tfW ,
No. Sir , , lull lot , 8 loom hiuisp. well. ,
bain : 1111114(0111 I lu , east Ironl , fl.-M ) .
No ' 'SS benutirul icsldenco pioperl ) adjoin-
Imr iilun t > onst trout , $ I,5uO.
No. ' "II , lull lot. Heed's llrst add. , 6 room cJt-
IIIRU , irood wati r , shndo and fruit lioes , Kiapoj ,
etc , Miuth I rent ii ei ) low I , $3.0iM.
No. ii'il , hu-Ro lol , lmpro\ement As .oclnllon
add. , with IHMMP at low tliture of 1.0 Hi.
Comer lot HKI't * on rarimm , S blocks Irom
tOlllt llllllM\5llMIJ.
Coiner lot on upper Hartley , $ " , f > ( X ) .
Splendid lutiraliis on M > uth lth ( l. near Kos-
Flui's hall 7.1x11 feet verj rheiip , V7. < X10.
'Iliieo IIIIKO liilson N. lOlli , JWUeacli.
lltnr Oak lots J.ViU to { lf > JO.
Iliinscom I'111 en losldciico lots $300 to JJ.OOO.
I/ots In IAIWO s adds. , cheap.
Lots In Shlnn s nddi. at a sacrllk'p.
Lots In Walnut Hill , 'I lninilaiiRWejt Side ,
Wosit Omaha , Jlarsh'Miitd. , and neanj eioiy
othcriiild. on the linukcti besldosl , 3 , 4 , b and
IDaere Itaeix nritr HIP cltv. Sevetnl Impioxed
nnd nnliiipniiod liirins ntlow llgiuo-1. Call and
no u , w o w III do j on ( fooj
Cot-bran lu ) > . ' \ Co. , luJ'J rainaui shoot.
r po e ] | ( ir tun- real nsinto oi nny tlnd , call on
1 ( \ I" . Mn.Mie.y W. eor. l.ltli and I'm niiiii ut . ,
who luispiopeity In oi-oo putt of thocllV. and
laniN in o\ery county ol llio t.ito. fiiil
1 > C. I'ATTnt ON-is.1 ! I'm 11.1111. frpeclnl
-t . real e-tatoban.inne ,
$ ln , < Ki win um tenacie-iol' splemlld prronnd.
M1 KCCIIIOS u piett ) liDiijn and lull lol on
Pieiee slfel.
f-Mi 0 bti ) s a honep and full lot on It. N 1'th fit.
l > fiiiiii ) IIIMS a norihuG ° t ( oiner on I'arnam st.
Manmbujsii mir. hwe-t i inner on Chicago M.
SI ) to &i."i pel ni re IMM oiioormoio of is tai nirf
&MIIH ) Inijs a line iisldenec on l hii-iijjo Miett.
S1.M ( lniS a lovely home on Diucni oil st.
t , ) lui.\"ii new hoii'eandloti n Walnut 11111.
jai i bu ) s a lot In Saiindeis \ Ihmuaugh add.
> . " X ) lm\v , a lot In Io no's mlditl'in.
j-H/0 / biiyoa lot in It it kw o > d Addition.
SoOl Imjsil lot in Wo-l Side.
F-JiliI liuys a lot In I'lHtei-niTf. subdivision.
S O ) liujs a lot in Iliiaebaugh and Paltoison's
$ .70 Roiiircsa lot m Palt--ison's Place.
$ iOi liiiiiieri > luts in llliacliaiiKli aiUlltlon.
Lots and ic-1 Icnteslor hiilu In nil pans ol tlio
ct.M [ > mo ol which can bo purcluuod lor loss
than the market prico. county and Omaha clly nbslr.-tctj
fin ni-hc I mid Kiiin-.inlccd.
( all on or nddiess It. C. Patterson , Xo. 1121
rnrnani. fiOJ-jJ
I ) VTKlUlt's addition on PaiindcM stiret li
thn cheapest piopcrtv In that put ol tlio
cily , Ktuot cms run throii h this addition ;
M-hooli mo eonveiilont , business leiiclips it on
two sldt's .lor coiuimciico anddesii ible lotnl-
llv Patriek'b nddllioii has man } nilviuitiiue .
Call and lii\it < llK.ili . I.ots oul } S-71.0 to $ 'J
inch. C. 1" . "tluyno ii tnt , S. W. eor. Jiltli und
I'lunam. TiVl
\\7-AI.Mir II 11,1. Over lOjtluo houses built
> > in tillbcautiriil nddtlioii < lurin tlio past
sunimel : over JUUnioiu lobe , built next ma-
ton Lots * ; ( ) to b7."iUeaehoii : eiibtotiiis. .
C. I" . Muiie , S. W. coi. 1.1th ami r.iniiuu. C5J
l SALi : lly C. K. Mayno :
! llf I'lill lot , imill hoii o , M'ileov add . S-7'0.
! I1L t''nll lot on Ltii\onwoitli ! st. , now house ,
all ! ioduin ; ooijvtinulKi't , fh/plJJ.
yys Lotou I'ui'imin ' st. nini 2 > th st . holi o ! )
looms , nil modern impiovemeiits , ST/W.
3JC Two lots , two hoiibcs. ( ! th near llownid ,
, .
321Lolr ! ' l South 20th st , food house , fl . ' JO.
Monthly pnyinciilh.
3M Lot 11111x220 , IiontillK'lwo ticotk , lllco col-
tajfo facing Hastom I'niK , S4.8JO
! llfi Illindiiiiiu lot , nice collr.Ki'7 ' looms , ( ! eor-
fiia nvc. , SJIKU. )
ail Lot W.ilJ'i , t th und i'arnain , liouso 7 looms
219 Tiuuoncrci , peed house , fi nit , etc. , Lcav-
enwoith st.fJr > jO.
2'IC ' Pull Int. two cottiiH-04 , ShlnnV adj. . J-2,2.VJ.
J2S Hiiuso 7 room' : , fint trout , beautiful loca
tion , lliiiisdim Pliico , 11 5)J.
221 iieKUiit : losldeuco It ) moms , two lots , line
lodiiion , o\ory pos lulo coiivoiilunto ,
? -llWi ) .
1'Jj Coiner lot , nice cottiifo (1 ( looms ono block
oil b Hinders M. , S-.1.WI ) .
IDS llaudsomesl tottairo In Omaha , n looms ,
beaiitlliil lot , Oooivin u\e , t-1-0) .
17i Lot II1111) ) , bouse 4 looms , bouth Uth St.
, .
luO ( 'ood honeor. looms , full lot. Hlckoiy and
Kith , I51.7IKIJ very cheap. C. K. Muyiio , h
W. eoi , lut'i ' and I'ai num. V > -
ALNIIT HILL Oierl'M ' line hou > s built
In thin hnuitiliil nddltloii ilurliii ; tlio past
iniininci ; ( ncrM : ) moio to bo built neM bu.ibon ,
Lotb i.di ) to J7. > i ) ( i-ieh : veiy eay terms C. IJ.
MII.MIO , K. W cor , 15th ami rarnaiii. f > " 3
rpo hell oi buy it-ill estate of any kind , call on
1 C. I" Milnc. S. W coi. l.'ilh and I'lunam His. ,
who has pi.ipuily in oxery purl ot the thy , and
lands in o\try count ) ol thu btato. Ml
two sides lor lOiivonlentL ami di-inil lo loeul-
lly I'ntiickft addition IIIIH mini } adMiiitiifreb.
( nil ami ln\eMif'iitu Lots only S-700 to JMi ! )
each. C. IJ. Jlajiiu agtnt , b.V. . tor. ( Dili ami
laimiin. r.Vt
'I'lK" ] ) iun and niisery snllercd by tlio o
who nrc alli't'lctl with dyspepsia tire imli1-
scriliitlilit. 'J'ho ' distn"-s ol thu body , is
uiuallud | of .surpassed by tlio couliiriion
anil lortiiKs ol tlui mind , thus niakiiiK
llieir vit-tiniB MI Hi-r dotibic uflliuUoii.
Tim ri'liof Unit is given by llood'n
bu'hiiinrilla : ] has causou lliotisandb lo bu
thankliil for this real iiiediL'ini : . it di.s-
pel- , tlio catini-s dl djsjiepaia , iinil tones
up thu ( liguMlhu organs. Try J'ood'iS
iSill'ajllll'illu. l
Tlio hiiKo ( 'iclojii-nn alU of Tiryns ,
which form tin1 iirinclpal dcft-nsos , tuo
coinpo i > d of irri'Kiilar limi"-touis lilocks ,
nj' of tlii'iii Irom six to nine feet lung ,
'i ! wiilo and thrpf tent high. i"i < l " ' '
ijoliliuninn ili'ol.iros that they worn hud
without inoi tar , tlicir eijliL Kt-i'innjj
tluiin in po.-ition , and the intur.slicfs being -
ing lillt-d witli small stones ,
IJOrSKKKKJ'I'KS thsil fail to itt-imnint.
lllrliisrhchllh Ihuiilltu of > ) AM1''S
l'VJ > K'h J'KAHJJNKin the Kitchen und
liiuiidry iloih-L'lln-iiischrs ) of the most
uuiiruniiiiil aiKliiliil nrllHo of the a o-
Mrs. Thomas , of I'hiladulphin , reported
ut a iiieclin ot focu Kci'jKM'B in Tiviilon .
InM inontli that hho liail nbtuincil tin
nver.igo of 150 ] iuuiils ( of lioiiuy fiom
Lwenly colonius , or iv total crop of I'.ObU
poiiniU. Tlili was e.\tinclcil houo.y , lor
ivluuh lie ic'foivc'il Ivtcnlv-lno cent.s per
pound , nulliiiRJier , llieroltiio , ? > ' ! 7 fill pur
line , hlii ! aUo c-lenrod hibl JCMII' l.wtO
from her pnnllrj yard , nnd runs a twenty-
; iL'ro Inrni hubiilus ,
Clu-diiiR .Sc.'lnllc'lii Cured.
AbiiLAMi. Mnss. , Jan."i , INN' ) .
I'or tlio Inut t\\o yt-tirs 1 hnvo hobbled
itround on crtitelics. During Hint time I
iviisnlllictedith nciiilio i-licuinalisni. 1
nol only uin't'ml tcrriblo pain niyht nnd
lay , but was utterly hclples. Aftm'iiting
) \ery poaniblu o lib it to gut well nnd ex-
uiiibtln the best medical ndvk-o , 1 was
nduued t < ; try four AllcotVbl'ovoiisI'lns-
, tirs. 'rJiiJ&i' J were on my tide , hip-bono
ind thigh. In ono wpok Jwasaluuiat on-
ircly frco from pain nnd hlrungth ro-
iti ncd lo my jialiicd limb. I coiitinuuil
these Plasters with the most sur-
> risiii { , ' rebtilta for thrcn months , when I
jpcamu jiorfeetly cured und abandoned
fto t o of vriitchcs , IVifcons deshing
'urtlier information can addict mo
i'oat Oliioc Uo-j 161. J V GAf ics.
The police are not finding many a
, 'ictims uo\r , I Ca
| d'iction of Sl.OO Per Hun-
| jvo Stock rrodttot ,
Tallies Slimline tliat 2t 0.1)57 ) , llilll
I'liniuls or tlio Jltm Product Were
Shipped In 3Iciro Tlinn Ju
1SHI Miu-krlsof Vc torlnr.
nu : YKAiijiwvnnviai ) .
CmrAcio , HOP. si.-.Siippi.UlVIegiani. [ ]
Thp ( Hovels'Juuinnl ttMlny say * In its ie-
\ii'w of tlio ll\e stock rado for the > eai : In
volume oClmsine-H tlii'jc'arlv SMnniliat tltc
head of the list , tnrsiocato icceiiiti of toek
boiiiic laiijct than last year bj nearlj 'JOODtxn )
head. ConslciliiK ! ( tills tintneii'-o inercato
nnd tlio Kunoinl di pies-slmi in all hraiirhps of
tindo nml industry. Hie pi lev * jmld lol sleek
dtiilin ; the jear , tltonili ; low , WCMP I'prlainly
not UMiiiiiKablv so. Tliioncliout llmjcariuo-
diiccis ( 'oinplnlned of low piirei , tint the lUo
dtooK tintle was not so much dpi > ipstcilns
many othoi hianchoi of binine * * . In a gcii-
etalny juices \U'iu nbout SI pur bundled
loner than in ISs ) , and the cot ot
I'toduclloii ' , nn the other hand , was
no less. Ho tlio pioilnrer has bcpn
the one to still'er niiHt. In t.iu.u'o cattle tlu'iu
was a dt'cicnsp oflKlt ) ) > 0 head in u < cplil ] < * us
cuniMtpil | v Ith lbsi. 'J'hij number of Texas
and tenlloiy cattle was 'J'.N.OOO hend
aKalnst W.OOU , but the iceeipls ot soitthuesi-
cin cnttleero : twieo ns l.itpo as In 18sl.
I'rointhe uoilln\est the ieeeliH | of iniiKeM
\\uiv neat 1 > less than In JMI. 1'ilcos
foi those nvcntifptl tioiu SJ.-O to S.VJMoi tlie
> oar , agnliist S3.20kiiO.00 foi last juar. 'Iho
houtlixvest taiiijcis a\ernod SJ.U"y5.15
nsMlist ) 8AriOvt0.'i ? > .
In Itstcvicwof the. tiadcof the year 1 85 ,
the Daily Business biys : Kutojie's hack i
also tuinod against tin1 Amriic.m hoi ; , but
gentlenion engaged in pio\ talon trade Mie-
ceedcd without iiiitch ditlleulty in finding n
. ' . ' bands of
loielKU this jcar for''
Jioik , JIUW7JOi' ( iiotlllds of laid , nud ! - ! ' . ' , " " , -
017 ] > ottndsot L'tned meats A cUnee at the
lollo\\liij ; siimninty ol tilt1 exports ot ho. ;
Dioduets will hhow how the pio\isiou liade
dinliis tiiclas-ltuel\o months :
I'otk , bbN 'Ji.0,170 1Tai : )
Lard , pounds y 4 0 i,107 ; UU.tKi.lUT
An Incio.isp over last year of llD.iWS''ii1) )
Ibs. of meats , V.OS170 ) ib . ol lard , nnd SaWl (
Jbs. ot poik , or n totr.l of 41fl,0.'i7,0ut ) Ibs. ot the
pioilttct. Chie.ii.ocnn M.i ml miles ofstuli
misloiutnc. The local iccclpts ol Hour In-
cic.iscil 100,000 ban els ( in toiiud numbers ) ,
coinpnicil with last jt'-i" ! wheat decii'.iscd
7,000,030 bushels , corn increased ' ' ,000,000
s , oats dccicased 2r , oy.OOO bushels ,
MMI 1,403,000 btisliuis , bailey increased
: ? ,000OJO bushels , tiiul HaNM'cd about doubled ,
Chicago bank eiiMiluss show an incicnf-o
o\criast je.n of about StiO.OOJ.tO 0 , beluga
gain ol 3li pci cent. This is a vciyftuoia-
blo show tin ; , constricting tlio low prices for
our- , thing puu'.iillngduiiiig the greater pail
ot Ihe.u'.ii , and indicate : ) n laitfc ineie.ise In
the , olttmo of business.
CIIICAOO , Doc. ! ! ! . ( Special Tclcjtinm. ]
Wnr.Ai Tiio lust t\\o lirmrs ol ( lie
nunniii ? session coveied nbout nil the
business of tlio cl.iy. In timt time
tlio bulls hnd decidedly tlio bo-.t end
of tlic deal , with all Iho influences iu llieir
lavoi. In the wheat pit the Indications wcro
vci > eiicoiuai'iiis lor nu upwind market , and
such \\ns its course Ioi the hour 01 two.
The dccicase in the amount ot grain on
pnssntje , extremely lislit receipts ol wheat
( only thiily-sevcn cms ) nt thi.s point , in-
cieased foieku demand forilour , nnd lepoits
ot coldeicatliei comlii ! ; senl v.ilucs up
nbout 'v'c liom tlio opening. 3I.iv wheat
opened nt ! H'sc , nud sold up to Ulc by lliO : ,
when stc.ulicd down. From then to
tlio llnish tlio time was donated to evening
up on trades , and M.iy hold tte.uly-U'Jl' <
Conx In the coin pit tinn nctions for tlio hour nud a half were conddei.ible.
ia\iil Oinvb boiijjlit o.uly to Mill l.itei on , and IJuiin sold ipiito htcndily , The mai-
lettookau npw.iid emIy , but quieted
down nbout an bom alter the opuiiuu under ieali/in by Hie tiailoion ,
who took the pioiiU and covered up on tlio
month at the same time.May KII ! | fiom
-10'/io ' as the opening li ine up to to c , but
. ' back -lOcand i.-tllcd
s.ii-'Bcd - , buall ) t > down
nionml lO.iMO c.
I'ltOVIMO.N's I'lOVibillllS WC10 StlOllJjat tilO
outset under heavy bulling b ) lie.ivy ji.ttkei.s
and tlio small numbi'i of ho s leceivc I at the
} nids. JIny i > oik opc'iicd nt $10.10 and bold
up to ? 10."iO. Hero it btitick ( pnle a iwckct of
selling'iideis ' , mostly liom the country , nnd
uudci this heavy vvoighl tlio mail'el diopjied
back , bill linally licld .stc.uli at Hint li uic.
JniiiLiiyiaid bold , tl Si.07 ( > ; ut the opening ,
tlion up to fcO.U1 und chopped b.icl : to
> fosi of the lindiiiK in tlio piovislon pit was
chaiiijiug Jnniuiiy to February and .Mav
ojitioiis. _
CnirAOo , Dec. HI. IhjiccialTeleKrnm. ]
t' vi ii.i. Tiadc was nelivo , with another up-
Imii ot HKftl.'H.on , intluiK ) that was int nud
nsclnl. Y.ihies.iro now nenily a > > lilh { ,11 at
liny time last week , and nil tlie ht-rioiis Io > - >
: it .Monday K'pnncil , All IVOCH ] fat nath
out at nu t-.ul ) hour , nnd the inui-
el closed ntundy nt llio ndvanco. Comiiioii
> tock lemalns iinchiiiifjcd. I'nces am very
low , and should tlit'ic bo anothei inn ol Tn.\-
niseiju al lo lhal ot last WIT ! ; , common r-tocU
Ihli.tbli ; to continue tobflll \orylo\\ \ \
jtuclm nnd feeder ttadu cuntlnues lalily m
uli\e , nnd prices mjH'ci.iil ) on julnie > ounj {
i.ittle rather tending njiward. tShlpplns ; (
.teei.s , iaw to two "iiis.5i.ac3' ' . iijLioto
&i.ooe""j ; wu to r.oj ibb , < " - > '
Hods Under llio Ilylil inn und act ho
jhilU'lHo ' dem.iud , Ihcio w.isiVhhaip up tum
jt ic , thu hc.uj making c MVil ) . ( ) , muiu
> olllnii ioi fel.oo ihan Ioi nny d.iy this week ,
I'limo paclieitibold at § .i..V "VJJ , nud loush
) dds nud ends sit 5.C.o. ; ! ( ) ; ) , Liglit
.hat a week ago wt-i < > .dmuH iiu-silablt' ,
n nclho ilciiiaiiil , nul buld npailuiih as . -
oi choicu iusoiled , nud llio bulk mid bo-
i'cji " : : ! ? ' am I jiJ : ! ) , I'-i
to liw lb . , i."iSjiiU"J. )
ng-ci , Due. 31. The Diovera' Joiuiial
pn < i
Cattle -lcc ! < I pts , .1u)0 : ; sliont : nnd JOi ;
llgllt'l i bllljipll hlLeis. V5.'iC-0' ) ' blOt-'lttilS
mil lei-ileis , fi'J'iOirfllU ; cutt.s , bull.s ami
nlieij , sl.,0u I 01) ) ; hullv , S'J.tO CJ.OJ ; llirolljjh
i'exas c.iltle , fM ! < t t.U.
lJoKwiptM. . U..V/0 ; hiincr nud . ' 10
ilgliut ; louKh und mucd , * . ( . -JVi.i.7. > ;
ni ; ami hhiiipnu , t-'l.T.Va l,0 ; Ji ht , > ; * > . ' &
a. ? ! ! . ' , ; hUips , )0. )
"hhcen UiteipU. " 1,400 ; i > lon.ilivts ; , .V..OO !
l.U < ; 'itxnno , tfl.OUiii.'M ; l.imJja. jU.WilJ ;
jii.Ml. . liuula , Dec. ! JI. C.iltlf ! lii'Cilpts , saj ii
liiiiiiuiils , l U ; m.iikd .ittivii and mm on
ill | 4iulrs ; with sliotiK bhiiijiuiK and Imti-heis
n demand ; choice ihliiiiini , ' , ' > ( HKjjV.'i ;
oimiionto gd'al ' Rbiillif | | ; , MOO I..M ; huh Il
is ttcei- , b.U ! ( < / < l.4KIUS ; ,
tocKcri ) ami lecileii , i'-J.-
llc K > Kcueipls ii.iiW ) .
t-tivoiindSchiKliei on p.u-ltoi'.ilmU
test liuiivy , ill 'Ctd.Oo ; mixed pat-Kin , ; , sJ.iA )
iJM ; liihl. fci.rX'KUO. ; (
KUIISJIH City , Dec. ai. Cattlo-llec-nlnt ! ) ,
01 ; bhipmeulb , none ; MIIHII , ' .mil m-thc ;
" ' " " " "
"i'logi" "itVa-ipts" . d.'ilu . , bhipiiicnls , frti :
ie .Hid &f 10 ( . Ingliei out I ( o DKIICC , tS.70
i > j , ti/uiiuoii 10 iiiixUium , { > . . ' iJ.OU.
NCMV Vorlt. Ic < \ 31 , Mo.vrv On call eav
at3rf > 3 poi cent , although nt ono llmcftH hlgl
ni "i. closing at 3 per cent.
I'IUMI : .M KISCAN i ii.K I'ApKti ( ( $3 per ecu
KOIIKKIN I'xctiA.vnr. Hit i.s-null antr
nncli.inu'ed ; S4.S.I , ' , for sixty d.iys and 31.83' *
UovritSMJ'x n Dttll. hut str-ntly.
1.MI.WA.V ! lioxiVery active ami
entity higher.
STOC KS Unit and featuiolo-i. I'rlccs I ,
evcnlnc me about e < pinlly divided lietvvecni
ailMinces ami declines. Auiom ; thcndvniiccsl
arc : Mi scnni rnr-lllr I j. 3tnnltnMl nncll
I e\n Pacific Vpci cent. Heading losl 2Vl
and Lack't\Minuntlf per c'lit.
SVcent bunds. . . llt' ) ( U. it N.V 110U
U. h. I'j's ' . . . . nail pieferrcd. . . I'M'/ '
.New l's UI'nN ' . Y C * 1051
Paeille ' of MJ. l-J- . . '
iT'ji 4 Oieaoti Ttnii. . ! ! > Paeilic. . i'iP.iciiie M.ill , . . . 001
C.A-A. . . . . . . . . 140 il' . , D.&K !
Pieferred . . I.V. 'p.p. ' C * :
CpAMJ ; lliT'j Hock Islntin. . . . I'.V
M UiVV lU-4 St. 1. . AS. K. . . . Si |
J ) . VH. t. CO | prermed. , . 40'
Lrie. . . in4 c. , 31. . < * SI. 1' . . . m t
piefeitcd . . do | piefeued , , 1'JHJ
Illinois Cential. . iHiSt. ! . V Vr U t ) '
I. . H. t W a.ty proforreu * , . '
Kansas > V Texas , ci fW'Texas ' ( 1'aolilc. . .
LakcMioio * > s V , 1 nioii Pacillc , . .
i. . * N < n 'i\r. , st. t , . it p. . . . . 77 I prefeued. . .
Mo. ' .icilic Ill'Vesicru Union.
Noillieiu i'.ie. . . iisj O , It.iV "S' . . . . . .
iircleiied . . . 01'jl
ciilonKo , Dec.rt.-"lout- | Stiwty nmt nl
nrhanct'd : winter wheat ( loin , S4AUiJ.'i.M
southern , $ M)0\fri.V.'i ) \ ( ; \\iseousin , S-l.fiOCiM.W
soil sptliiji whenl , 51.70MI.OJJ
fc I.7X' ' ' > . " > 0 ; low smiles , biiKKiC 1.00 ; rvo Ihmil
ta.Kf : ) a.W ) ! bucVwheat , SI.'"j
Wheat ( ) tiiet nud steady ; lurKng linn nnl
closed We above > e.seidny | ; ! > lHe foi cnsii an ]
Iecembei ) ; K'l'sc foi .laiiuni ) ; b.V&tiN'V
11'lniuii.v ; Dl tij'.il' e foi May.
Com hleadj and doing ; Xo. 3
< ( ! ' ' < under jesteiday , "in' c tor cash am ]
Deccmbei ; iXi C'r'Hl'iC iurJunuiuy ; SKi'jc for
1 ebiiini.v ; lOeloi * Iny.
U.ils I'asli ami December itded Him and
mhnnced ; cash No. J inled fiC\c. ( hlglieri
Js ( < ror e.isli nud DecemliciWe ; for Jan-
ttniv ; iii cfoi Slav.
H.iiJejodeiiiaiid ; dull'al tU'.c.
I'mK Active , him and l."jii'irio hlgla
5'-I.X ' < 'l ( ) 10 ten e.tsli ; tt' ' . 1'in U > 0 lor Dete :
her : foi January ; 810.15fc
10.171 ; lot M.iv.
Lnid-Mi'iuly and 2"iifie ( higher ; SO.W'nd '
. ' .u : , lor cash , Dciembci , md 'anitaiv ; . &
01. % lorKehimiiv ; h'l. ' J' . if.lor ! JIavJ
Thnoth.Steadv ' : piime. ' I ildd.TV. J
Kla\seeil Quiet' ; Xo. 1 , , ' ' " ' '
A\'hisk\- IK.
Utiitei Uiill ; ( uilinaix In fancy cieameij
lSi.lo ( ; ; flood to ftued.iiij. . I0i
CheeseI'ltll in am ch'i il-ini
Ycmni ; Americas , to1 i < Hie.
ICituiuiPt ( at iy , Me. i |
I'nik Meals Slionlih-M S' < 70 ( < i'.7.1 ; slioill
clear , s-'i.-'Oo/"i.'J. " ) ; hlmit nbs t l.ti-nr 1.07.1 , . f
Hides Unchanged ; in en. v ; heavy'giocnl
sailed fttllv cured , u e ; luht lUc. d.iamgeil.l
7V ; bull hides. 7f : diy sailed , PJ'ju ; diyl
Hint , ISKfKNe ; c.ilf .skim. 1 ! e. J
Tallow Unchanged ; .No. l couutiy , fie.
Floiu. bhls OOviO
Wbe.itbu : ;
( ' 0111,011 ii-.ooi ! : ) noio , *
O.lts. bu -37,0(10 ( 7lOUl )
Kje.lnt : ! ,000
li-irlev. bu 'js.ojo
Kansim City , Dec. : ! ! , Wheat -St
cnsli ; rebin.nj , 1,1. tild , 71 ! ' '
asked ; Mntrh , TSebid , 7ie.tslv. d , Mnj , " " "
bid. tt'e aslv ( > d.
Coin btoadv and quiet : easli , 20 0 bid
2ri4cat-lecl ; .IniUuiiy , oi > , i,1 bid , ! )7jC
Mny , III1 ' ( atl i :
O.its .Nominal ; 27c bid.
St. liouiH , Dec. ni. Wlie.ilKahly actlvj
J < (11 ( ' c lii lior ; Xo ! i led. cash , Die ; 1
bci , JS' ' e ; Jnnti.ti } , t1. ! t , Slaj , "
Coin -Quiet , ) , c lower ; Xo. " . mi\ed ,
.T/.e ' . ; December , It. ' "
o.its ijiilotniid slcadv : niKcd cash ,
JJcccmbei , arjfe ; .Maj , lit 'Be.
15je iNotlnni ; duinc.
tMiiskv 51.10.
Poik Klrmer at S1D.OO.
I/aid Ilmlicr.ilVi.V .
Ihiller Dull but steadj ; cicnmeiy.ej
daily , ji . ( , . > v. I
There as no nftciuoon bnnid to da ;
N MV York , Dec. 81.Wheat Kc
, IH.OOO ; thciewasvei.vl
done to-day , owing lo JSiw
winch woe held licic Ibis nlleinooi
giaded tid , uX'tUieo. : . 1 ! led , nominal
.lanii.uj closing atyj'4c.
Coin Spot lolswitiumt impoilnnt elitS
options lilfAher , but vuij quiet : receiptsf
-iI'i'jlXc ' ; ' Xo. ' 'j' ! ' . fi ! i ' .iL' ultiatori' ; J.inu.ny c'loslng at ' '
O.ils ' 4w' ' e bettet ; le
jioils , MO ; niKid wcbteiu , ; Mj ( . .J7ct ;
I'tilioluiun btpady ; unllivl closed nt
k'.idy and ijuietj ic
I'uiU Dull and nominal ; mess ,
Lard Wcslciu steam si.ot fiirl > ncliv
fii.Hi ; to auiuO.Ji . ij.l' *
J'titter Quiel and steady ;
JOe : Klgm cieamt-iy , , .v.
Cheese Qmet ami } .
Cincinniili , Dec. . ' ! ! . -1
Corn I'll m ; Xo. y mixed 'Kc.
Oats Sle.nly ; Xo. ! i mixed , 'II
l\o [ Dull and micliair-'i d ; N'J
U.'ulej Dull uud uiich.injieu ,
' 5f"yiis- .
> loiis S'egltcted , liylhlllfil
O bte.ulvat Sl.iO.
IIOIIH. Dec. .11. Wheat Stijj
N"ii. 1 haul , i-ash , wo1 , < , Janu-iry , WL
; 'ebiuny. D.'c : .M.i > , IV , ; No. 1 milthl
-asli , bij e ; , bse , 1'obiuaiy , i
dav. 1'1'ce.
Kloiii I'll m and 111010 di maud ; pat |
J.'iwiptsVheatl ffl'10.
hlnimienhVheat , 1. > , OSO , flour , Sfi"fl ,
Jmci-pool , Doc. Ml. Whc.it1'fioJ
ii.tiid ; Xo. " wlnlci and spiing , 7s 1
I'lunrI'orn di'inanil and casj al8n'2il
( Join -I'ooi deiii.iud ; t > | ioi < ! > Hd , dulll
uiiilici , 'is 7il , dull ; Januaij und i'ubrij
Now nrlcaiiH , Dee. "I Coin Fir
\hilc \ , 4'i" t. < c ; mh.ed , 5 jtliow , Ific.
O.its Quiet and weak , ciiolco
CoiniiKi.d Dull ami inn hniigtd.
lion I'loilncls Dull and unchanged ;
I'.7ft ' ' : laid , lehuecl , 50.IK ) .
liiilk Alcalb Dull ami tin 'lianjrcd
ln.s , Sll.O'jj long cleat and cleat nbd , !
Toledo , Dec. ill.Vho.u > 1'lim : ca
niiu.i y , VJ'jc. '
Coin Dull ; c.ish nnd .lanuaiy ,
O.iU I'nchau ed ; e.ish , : ! 0c ,
" , Dec ill - Wheat St
ash , M'sU . .lniin.ity , > < l\i May , Ol i
Coin tjiih't ; No. a'Jil e.
O.da I'lim : No. ' - ' . ' > ti ! .
Jl.iiloyDid' ) ' ; Xo- ' ' ! 5i4/c.
U. & > ; new , lu.o7.
Thnitda } r\'lillih' ( | Do
Tim cattle m.tikel is simv and voiy ]
Tin : hog mail.i'i i laluy ni'th ]
i.'iiolUlit , dm inn lliu
logs , ,
niCVAU.I.Njt I'lllfl H.
Pool to
Hl.-i-liU'llO.V. .
fi'Mlb < ; iiid over 40 SI I
' , iViMl \ , III , , . , l.'i - ! ll
'Mtial.'IM Ibi. , . , M 3 7C
a 10
HISS Tex.ins " 1 *
7 ! >
tills J 05
lixed s is
le.i\ > I'acl.m- : ; 3 ar
j llt U't-IKllts. . a r >
Av. 1'r. No. Av ,
411 , . . . il
ii t
IIAM.I : oi' riuci'H rou HOOS.
The extieme iwiuie of pilcos for ro
p.H'lciui ; and shlpiuua end IU