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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1886)
S ! ) V EE. i v : J IFTEENTH Y.EAK , OMAHA , FHIDAY MOKNtNG , JANUARY" 1 , 1880. NUMBER 105 , (40M ( THE COUNTRY'S ' CAPITAL t , Delegate Qiffonl's ' Opinion of a Democrat's ' 1 Dakota Bill , s- WESTERN POSTAL INFORMATION 'ho ' President and Ills Force Handi capped on the Silver Question 1' Removed to Mnltn Itcoin Tor ) a Democrat. on ( sensible Illllfl. Dec. 31. fSjiccial Tolo- gram. ] "Tiiis bill that Is Inciicnlation by the democrats of my leiiitory , and puiporting to be an enabling act , Is the grossest Insult to 4ij > c Intelligence of a people 1 have ever Aiiown , " said Delegate Gilford , of Dakota , to j'onrcotrcspondent to-night. " 11 does not pjgvido for tlio admission of Dakota , " con ed ho , "or propose any telief whatever. Ls ulniply a burlesque on all sensible bills , tlic.subject , liojnton , the demociat who leie from the teiiltory cliciilatlng copies fMieblll wlilch he Is pioud to call his own , jyij It Is cndniscd by bis party In congiess 11 as nt home. If this Is tine the demo- party ol Dakota nt least has alieady jcd its influence heie. Hut theie Is not I re. least likelihood of IJoynton's bill being 1 l > asscd. It simply provides for the election cf delegates to a convention to Tot ma con- siltntlon , wlilch shall be by the governor certified to congress. It contains no piovl- filou foi the ralhicatlon of such constitution bj tlie people , norpiovlslon for ad mission to tatchood , appropriation of public lands , or fin 'thing in fact which Is usual In what this Intends lo bo or thould be. 1 never houd of but one teMltory coming into the 1111)911 ) of st Ics by nny such scheme. It was Kentucky. Shocamc in in HUi wltiin constitution which was adopted by a convention without the sanction of her people. Why , under the .jHoynton bill the lalhoads and otlici coiporr.- lions could pack the convention and foim a constitution alter their own wishes. The bill , as I've h.iid , is an Insult , and will bo icpudlutcd as It should be. It does not go as frrtownids statehood us our people have already gone. " WisiiilN : : POSTAL IXFOnMATION' . Fcrdlnai.d Mueller has been commissioned postmaster at bc.hwe.dt , Neb. , and Pbllo F. V/cscott at Hopkinton , Iowa. Clianges have been oideied in ( he lime schedules of Star mall ionics In Ncbiaska , as fellows : Wlnnebago lo Decatm Leave Wlmubago dally except Sunday at lXp. : ! ) m. ; anive at Decatnr by 0:30 : p. m. Leave Decnttir daily except Sunday nt 7 n. m. ; anjvo at Winne- bago by 1'J m. Mound to Coteslleld Leave Mound Tues days and Satuidays at I p. m. ; arrive at Uoteslleld at 1:1" : ) p. m. Leave Coteslleld Tuesdays and Satuidays at'Jn. in. ; an he at Mound by 2n : p. m. , or in connection with railway malls. The sites of Nebiaska postoniees have been changed , as follows : Kntoipiise , Koya Paha county , to 1'f ' miles cast ; Hoiicou , Waiien county , to l1 miles .south ; Nevada , Loup comity , to I1j miles south. TIM : i'jtismr.M' : IIHUOINO OUAIITIU. , : ' President Cleveland is already begging qiwrter on the silvei question. Ho is now .tying to effect some soil ol a compiomlso by which he can accomplish a giaceful do- - " from the altiludinous lieight ho occu- in his message. The trouble with him , > at ho finds it haul to launch histoboggin , " thus tot him in motion. Ho has had * iiient consultations w ith Speakei Carlisle , f thiough him is ti j Ing to fix tip tlio com- 'tce ' , on coinage , wuluhts and measuiesso Jto suspend the compiiisoiy coinage of //cr / , with the clause ItiMUted to catch the /fiver men allowing tliesccictaiy of theticas- "Mry to dhcct the coinage at his discretion , 'fills compiomiso is as ninth as the picslitcnt now hopes to accomplish. MUST OlVi : WAY TO A tlHMOCItAT. RTho resignation of ] ! . 0. Ciiuloy.vvho oilgl- natcdtlio free dell veiy system ol tliopostolllce department , and who has been Us head until now , lias been demanded by the postmaster goneinl. lie wants the place lor a demociat. Unrleluw been a most olUcicnt olliccr , and xvas vie llrst to suggest the adoption ot the free/Ioliveiy / system , which lias giown under hl/namujcmont to Its piesent wondeiful i'insoNAt : . . jjjj.iutor Van Wjck is not icceiving ( ivinlci on account ot tlio iccent and iai | itli of hei .sister , wife of tlie lion. | 'A Aukcn , of Pcnnsjlvanla. HAYS OF nm-onvi. The Star says : \\cll-Infoinicd Mieh- . , an gentleman , who is thoioughly eon Jersant with lacts , is anlliority tor the state ment that the clfoit of Don. M. Dickinson k convince the picsident that the chuigcs [ gainst Judge Powcis , ol Utah Tenitoiy , aio 'mitigated ' bj Moimoiis.was adespeiate elfoit manulaclmo public sentiment In Ids bo- .nlf. The ti nth Is , he says , the giave charge.s gainst Powcib nmdo by piomliientclti/ens .f Michigan , have been lor some time in tin jHisscssion ot the picsident , and Is helm : in ycstlguted by him. It Is asseited certain en loisements of Poweis were piocmed bj nilbrepiesciitation , and that the picsident , as 'vvoll as Dickinson , was Imposed on , Tin . -itatrmont of the latter In a iceent Issue o /SYthoDetiolt 1'ieu Piess Interview that the S * president would not only send In Povveis mime after iccess , but woik tor hlsconinma tlon , is icgaidcd as rather a cheeky naser 'ion. Till : ADJIIMSlItATlO.N'S DlSCOJIfirUlli : . WASiuxcno.N , Dec. ni. [ Speclai.lVIIL , 'tho ' loi-co of Senator Hock's silver speech ( list struck thotieasmj depaitmcntnnd the white house , the occupants thcieof conlidently In- founed homo ot their most Intimate fiiemls that there wus a pcibonal animus behind l i Senator Uock. It was Intimated that the i senator had been unsuccessful In olllcoget- Alng , nnil that theio Had been some ajipolnt- iVeiits made which weio obnoxious to him ' /Ithln bib state. Some onocaulcd this In- Unmatlon lo Senator Deck , and ho simply il ifihook lilmsult with laughter ami exclaimed l , ' /How ulllv ! " Since quite a largo number ifi 'icpublicans ' and democratic senatois have an- liomiced tlmt they will sneak in much ( lie 'Vnno line as tlmt taken by Senator Heck , the fjrosideiit and hiscounseljois have looked at Itl . 'lolatlei'seouiboln a moio seiious mannci ! ? iUn pi'isonal tollectloti. ' Ofcouibe , whatever lylio senator would say about the ptet-ldent 'on powonal grounds would amount to but v' % to him ; but when a subject so far icaeh- VflU finance Is foiccd upon him by a gteat Jjorlty of ( ho nppei honso of eongiOis , ands \s called upon to batth ) wltli the ablest mui k\ and has no champion who seems equal the occasion , tlio aspect of affalis Is nged very radically , Now Senator Isr' 10 longer chaiged by anj body wltli enter- ung a peisoual focling toward any one in > administration , and the weight of hlsai- B > ncnt Ib having a telling effect. A f tor such ? /f / n as Scnutorh Sherman , AlU m , Wilson , { tails , Logan , Hanlson , and that class of /en have t-pokmi , the picbldcnt , Seeretr.iy .Jannhiff and their associates will Ik-gin to lollov" that tliero has been a cloud burat ujioii ' ( hem. Since It has become pietty j-lear that thpaUuitnUtmtlou vvllfnot have its way lu ho matter of silver colnaeo , Its influence over congress lias been materially weakened. At'Allir lOWAIItis Tlin srilCMK. Indiana democrats now In this city have xprossed some suiprl e at the small amount ) f Interest shown by the people here ovci the construction of a monument to the late vice ircsldent. Alter such prompt and positive steps had been taken at Indianapolis and .wo or three other points In the countrj they 'xpected ' there would bo little trouble In tarlingn movement here , wlicie Mr. Hen- Iricks spent o much of his life and was so well liked. Somehow the efforts to agitate [ he question have been of veiv little avail. It seems that Mi. Hemlrlcks did not form that intimate association -vlth piomlnent men at the national capital which would s'liaiantce the success of anj thing looking lowaids the perpetuation of his memory. People w ho seek olllce and w ho find nothing In politic * or its cliciimstanccs excepting oflice , arc , as a gereral rule , ungrateful , and soon foi get tlicli benefactor. A meeting is to lie held by the Indiaiiialis and it will soon bo knovvn whether Washington will do hci- self ciedit lu this laudable cause , and the fund will be ciit to Indiana. Tin : Ai'Acm : ruoiTni.r.s. WASIII.VIHO.V. Dec. lit. [ Associated Press. ) ( Jov. Xoullck of Aiboiia has tele giaphed to the secietary ot the Intel lor , call- liigatlcnllnn to an cnoneous impression that the put pose foi which tlio troops have been recently otdered from ban Francisco is meiely to protect the Indians from tlneatened attacks by the lawless white ele ment , ( iov. Xoullck savsthat Ids appeal to tl.o government lor tioops was lor the pie tecliun ol the lives and piopeity of Atl/onl- ans trom the attacks ot murdeious and thieving rencKado Apaches. "No peoiilo on caith" bo adds , "havo e.x- liibfted a higher sense of law abiding iiialites | ! than the Aiizonlans have shown lei their ( eriibleiillllctlons ol the past elglit months. " He lemarks that bis pioclumatlon last week , warning all evil disposed peisons thai the power of the federal and tenltorlal governments would bo evoked to picscrvo the lights ol all pcisons within thebordeis of Ail/ona. wasdliccted against inflammatory publications In the teiiltoiial newspapers , and says : "It has had llsetlect , lor the eu tiio press In the tenltoiy is now airaycd upon the side ot law and older. " He assuies the secrelary Ihat ho will see that the San C.ulos reseivatlon and the rights ot peaceful Indians ate piolected , and in conclusion ho asks Iho sec ) etui y for an authoritative state ment lo dispel tno cnoneous impression as to the pin nose of his appeal for tioops. In reply , Acting Secietary Muldiow to-day tele- giaphed to the governor that the Interior ( lepaitmeni'lms iccelved no dispatch trom him suggesting n need lor tioops to piotcct the Indians on the ban Carlos ie > civation , and no action has been taken by the cov em inent to concentiate hoops In that vicinity lei the pniposc indicated. Mr. Muldiow adds : " 'I he purpose of the govcinment has been and Is to piotecl all persons in Ail/ona In tlie lull enjovment ot their lights and nionerlj ; to punish all lawbreaker , suppicss outlaws , and maintain peace within that lei- iltoiy. " SIIAKOX'S VVAS1IIVOTOS' r.IJAI. r.STATn. The agents of the cstato In this eity of the late ex-Senator Shaion , of Nevada , to day placed on iccoid a deed which was made bj' bhaion Xovcmbcr 1 , 185 , a.shoit time butoio his death , by which lie transfeis all his prop- city in this eity and elsewheie to his son , KreiK ! . Shaion , and ids son-in-law , Kiancis ( ! . Newlands , in tiust lor the helis who are mentioned in tlio deed by name , and the division of the estate descilbcd. This deed has been published in full , and contains the clause in lefeicncc to Saiah Althea Hill , whose claim to bo Simian's wile has 10- cently been decided by tlie United States ciiciift comt at San Kiaiicisco adveiscly to Miss Hill. Sharon , In emphatic iangua , declaies that slie is not his wife , and the l "dear wile" lellcis aie foi get Ics. and in stincts his heirs to continue the legal light against this claim to the last lesoit. On account ol the dowci right which a tavoiable \eidict tor Miss llill would have entitled her to In all the piopeity of Shaion , alibis piopeity in tills city has been vvitli- diawn fiom the market. As soon as ( lie trustees notify tlie agents them , the propoity belonging to Ibis eslato which consists ot unimpiovcd propoity lying entirely in the honit of the most lashionablo pait ot the city , Miliiodntnqunitcr of a mil lion , will be placed again in the iiiaiket. Most of this propel ty was acquiied by Shaioii in satlsl action ol a trust deed which lie had given to ex-Senator btf wart and Judge Sun- ( ieiland , membcis ol the famous Caliloinla syndicate which in 1ST1 bought lai go blocks ot land in tliu noithwcstcin section of the citj- . CIVIL sr.nvici : nxAAiixATioN . Clilel ICxamluer Lyman will stait west In n few days for the pmposo of couduting civil Rcivlce examinations in Kansas City. The commission intend lo fijiictlv apply the iiile of ( hopping all applicants that have UCM , months. They say they ino compelled to do this in older to get thiough with the examin ations. That unless some limit Is lixcd it would be impossible for the eommlsiou to ex amine all applicants. Kach peison whoso name is diopncd is at once notified ol the ta > > t and can make another apullcation If de siiable. sANuftN'n OP rnooirs vicionv , Adjt. ( Sen. Dium bald to-day that ho thought it would be iinnecossn v to oigani/e Iho pioposed body of liontleismcn to hunt the Indians. Ilo was of the opinion that ( Jen , Cioolc vvill have accomplished the task of subjecting the hollies bcloro the Ijonllcr tioops can bo oiganlml. ( ion. Cioolc has a laiscloueof men and has been supplied with eveijthing ho deslied to can v on the campaign , and ( ! en. Dunn thought lie would MMIII hi ; success ! ill In ulthci bidijeuting 01 ex- ( ciminalin. , the hostile Apaches. COUSINS TN UltlMli ! . An Unexplained Suicide , with HintH df Criniinallty. ST. Louis , Dec. ill. Miss Maty Header for the past tow months has been living will her alleged cousin , Clmilcs W. I'aiish , ( pioniinent boot and shoo dealci of this city and member of a well-known family. She picsentcd heiself at 1'arlsli's icsldenco as a cousin of Ids , and appaiontly sub tantlalci her claim by a letter fiom Urn pastoi ol draco Haptist church , St. Louis. The iclalions be twecn her cousin and hersoll have been ol : most Irlemlly and happy nutuiu since hei iicimnlntanco with him. Last even Ing ho won out to a party. Upon icttirniiig at a tulb morning he lound her In a d > Ing condition An investigation was at once had and it was lound bhu liad swallowed an ounce of chloro loim. A plijsiclan was at oncoMiiiiiuoned but belore he .11 lived she was dead. Imme diately afteivvards Parish went out , saying that ho would return in a slioit time , but hi has not been seen or beaid from , Mis Header seemed In good spirits all day jc.stei dav , and no cause has been assigned for hei suicide. The other inhabitants of the liouso b v the iclatlons between Pnilsh and Ills aliened cousin weie of u ciimlnal character and that they lived togethcras man and wife Fatally Shot by a N'nvv CAvri.u , Pa. , Dcu. ill James Kin caldi a piomlnent citizen of Mahoniuptown neai liere , was fatally shot by an nnknowi bmgUire.uly this moinlng. Tim burglar hai secured Kincaid'b money and watch and wa > leaving the house when he wa * > awakened He followed the burglar down stalls and the latter turned on him and shot him in tlu bieast , the lull passing through mo biMJy am coming out at the back. The buiglar escaped No hopes of Kinculil'g iccovcry aie enter tallied. A Dond Norman. ST. * FiOi'is , Dec , 81 , Allan Norman , th ncgio who was shot by Ortieer Lewis yesterday day morning , died tills nioiulng at the ultj hospital. Tlio coioner vvill hold an hiques over tlie UMiialns to-daj' , vvhcu tiio facts \vll \ be leained. The only ouuntion at Issuu 1 whether lie vVas engaged in the lobbery M hoi bhot. The evidence ib now vciy conlllctlug A Ilnnlc LAUK Cny , Minn. , . . Dee. 8)Tlio ) Kits National bank * anmmn'ccd to-day It will gi inioliiiuhlnilon , No deposltois will lo > o , a the btockholdciii arc amply able to mectoill de mauds. Tlio usiieKhloii was caflscd by a 1UU. \NANTI-PROIIIBITlONlSrSPIT \ Studded with Sharpened Stakes for War rant-Serving Sheriffs. THE SOLDIER'S HOME SWINDLED. The Upper Congo Country Capable of Yielding Immense Wealth Drunk enness and Death Tarn- inanj'B ChicP Dying. A I'll for Warrant Servers. Dis : Moixi.4 , lovv.i , Doc. ill. [ Special relogram. ) Last evening Deputy Sheriff I'lerce went to the saloon ot Lorciu 111 , In the Des Molnes house , to servo a search war- ant. Asheenteied the loom lie held up tlio ivarrant and announced his ofllclal position. Not finding anj thing contiaband In the bar loom he tiled the door leading to the cellar , itut found It locked , lie called upon the bar- kecpct to unlock it , but was refund. Ho ' ngnln called upon the man to open tlie door , . mid when ictuscd the second time Tierce jioke it open. Descending the stalls by i dim light , he saw a beer keg In the cellar and stalled for It , but walked Into a pitabou t nine feet deep , tli3 bottom of the pit being set with bhaipcncd stakes. I'ieice threw out ds arms and caught on the sides ol the hole , and by the aid of Constable Hanscn , who accompanied him to the house , wiisiescued befoie tailing on the slakes. Had he done bohe miibt have been killed or crippled. The ofllceis say the pit hud been fleshly dug and had every appearance ot having been specially coiibtiueted lor a trap. Swindling the Soldiers' Homo. Xtw : VOUK , Dcc.31. fSpeclal Telegram.J A Wellington dispatch says there has evidently been an effoit to suppress the re- poitoftho Kosecrans military committee , which investigated the soldleis' home. This icpoit made a very bulky volume. It should Imvebeen In the house document loom Im mediately upon the close of last congiess. Just before congiess adjourned 5,000 copies weie ordered printed. The oidei was never fnllilled. Kosecrans went to woik this fall , and only thiough the most strenuous effoits succeeded in gelling tlie report piinted. The essential facts of this lepoit had never been minted In any newspaper until this moiii- Ing , when the Woild icpioduced them. The charge against Itutlcr Is ol such beilous char acter that it is believed tlie case will go to the courts The only trouble is that no one isdiicctly Inteiested outside of the managcis of the home. Butler has always claimed that the laige deficiency in bonds was chaiged against him mciely on account of the differ ence of accounts. Jtosecrans says the com mittee took a swoin liansciipt of Uullei's own books to ascertain flip dllfcicncc. He ilwells emphatically on thcjioint that for one year and a half there was not a single iccord of any kind of nioiiev icccivcd 01 expended. The Upper , Gonfo. Nr.wYoitK , Dec. [ Telegram.J The Herald's Hrussclsconespomlcnt , Wed nesday , inteivicwcd Lieut. K. 11. Taunt , United States navy , who has just returned liom tlw Congo , wheie lie was commissioned by the navy department to icpoit on its com-1 piospccls and political state. He is here to glvo King Leopold information on tlio icgion of Stanley falls , lie agiees with TIbdell as to the dicaiiness and woithless- uess of tlio lower Congo up to Stanley pool , but finds the climate , sccneiy and fertility of the upper legion , which Tisdell did not see , as quite marvelous and capable of yielding immense wealth loEmopcaii and Aiticilcan commerce , provided foreign labor such as Chinese coolies , is Imported. The lieutenant will see the king , after which he will join the iVmcrican squadion in tlie Mcditmancan. Drunkenness and Death. Nnw Yonic.IDec. 81. [ Special Telegram. ] John Haiiinglon , liaidwaro porler , ic- ttirncd home ycstciday morning and found Ills wile lying on a sofa drunk. He had been at work late ami demanded something to eat. The woman giowled at him , when lie be came enraged , and seizing a bioad bladed ad/e , piocccdcd to butcher the unfoitunato cieatme. He chopped her skull until her biains spatteicdthe tloorand then hacked her face out of all human semblance. Harring ton suddenly icallzcd what he had done and jelled for an officer. One came and took him to the station , When arraigned yestculay uttciiioon Harrington fieely admitted the murder andsaid he was peifectly sober at the time. _ Tolm Kelly's Illness. NnwYoiiK , Dec. 31 , [ Special Telegram. ] John Kelly's Illness Is now assciled lo be caused by a disease veiy like softening ot the biain. One day lie appeals quite well , and thejne.xt is conllnecUo his bed. His term as chahman of the Tammany oigani/ation tei- minales next Majw hen ho will fouually and forever withdiaw liom politics. The Trouble > Iny ] ) u Hcncwcd. DHTIIOIT , Dec. : ) ! . The police aio in icadi ncssfor tioubleln the I'ollsh quaiter at any hour. While to-monow is geneially believed to bo the time when watchfulness wilt be mosc needed , tlie olllceis are on duty to-night , and have on liiind a supply ot btietcheib and other things needed in the event of a scilous disturbance. The militia will bo called out if ncccss.uj , and the companies in this city aie inidei icpoit at once on the ringing of Iho Iho bells. Tn-moiiow being a holiday makes the danger gieater. It Is thought that the knowledge that the militia are niidei oideis for action may piuvont any The bishop Is out ol the city but Father Kolasinski Is heie , and the k-elingottho chinch is as high as ever. Night Turned into Day. CinoAfio , Dec. 31.-To-night at r ; 80 that rpiailcrnt llmclly in which the now boaid of tiade building is bitnated was suddenly illu minated so that night seemed almost tin ned Into day , The source ol bo much billllancy was a corona ot electiic lamps about the ton of the lovverof thobo.udoI.tiadebuilding'SrJ leet qbovo the stieet level , a plant of 40,000 candle povvei , said to bo Iho laigcst mass of electric lluht and at the gicatobt altitude of any In the woild. The engine furiilbhlng the power will bo stalled at dink eveiy even ing and run till da > light , making gab in that niilgliboihood almost a siipc-i Unity , Calling In liondt ) . WASIUNGJON , Dee HI. Seciclary Man nfng holds that the sinking fund tor the cur lent fiscal > oai icipilies S43,0000jo. Ho said that it would not do to call that amount at once , and bunco lie had made to begin with , ncall of only 810,000,000. This would indi cate that netvtccn I'Vbruaiy ami Juno 'M there < f111 bu loin bond calls toi 310,000,000 , , each. Hullroad niuinesi ) . NEW i'onu , Dee 1. The New York Cen- tial dliectors to-day declared a dividend ot percent. The Lake Shore directors decided to pass tlio dividend. Tlie statement lor the year 1885 allows the gioss earnings to bo SH.OsS.OOO ; operating expenses , 6'J'i47,000 ; net earnings. sl.Wl.OOO. All charges , fc3b' , - o < w , leaving a sin pins of , or neatly two per cent on the capital stock , ' " At Sionx CUy ? Sioux OJTV , Iowa , Dec ? 31. The total amount expended In building jujprovcincnts In Sioux.City In 18S3 is SlWTL Xc.uly 7CO new nouses have been put up. Tills is the laigebt building lecoid Sioux City ha over had cliirli > its hUtoiy , KAYS or unronai MGMT. The Uovcrnnicnt AVIth the Marine Itank DnlVniiders. N'KvvYonK Dee. 31. [ Special Telegram. ] The Sun this moining prints the following : We learn from a Washington correspondent hat the government has had a proposition 'romJ. Ilemy Work and W. S. Warner to refund the full amount of the checks which orm the basis of the Indictment upon which : lieli trial is now pending and that the offer las been declined. We ate glad to learn tlio tact. H shows that felonies cannot bo com pounded at Washington now-a-days. It will perhaps befoie long be pertinent to consider in strong public light the conduct of Julian T. Davles , their associate and partner and now receiver of tlio property of (5rant & Ward. VOIIK , Dec. 01. The following Wash ington special was published hero to-day : ' " ' iiaiik.'tliVfuU "amountof'tho checks upon which thcii piesent Indictment was found , namelv Sli\s > 00. The goveinmcnt has de- cllned'tlifl pioposltioii , and both of the ac cused will stand dial. All the parties In Interest who could be found to day , including the attorneys lor ( lie gov eminent' and lor Winner and Work , weio luostionod as to the liuth of the dispatch , and without exception declined to make any statement about the malter. WHAT T 1 1 H Y S A VO I'1 ' Tl7 1331 SKI , VK.S 1'rosperonn Growth of AVestorn Cities Di : .Mot.\T.s Iowa , Dec , HI. Des Moines Is Impiovlng more labldly than any other city In tlie stale , anddm ing the past live yeais itsgiowth has bt'en so rapid that our city Is not only the liisV. In population but in wealth and piospeiity , The success of the factoiies aheady heie has been hiitllciently demonstiated to em outage the establishment of many more. Tlie business ol the city tests upon a hcalthlul basis mid the piospect is good foi Dos Molnes to be come , in tlio near futn.c. the loading com- meicial and manutactmlng center west of Chicago. The outlook for the year IbbO is most encouraging. Many impi ov ements will ue made , and no doubt Impoitaiit industiies will locate heie. A tevlevv of the past yeat 'rt impiovements and business tiaiisictlnns will 1)0 ) published in to-morrow's State Iteglster. from which the following ligures aio taken : Total new buildings and improvements , yi.101,201. ) ; total value \t ) manufactured pio- duels , Sir > , rKtsu ! ! ; jotsl wliolcsale business transacted , $ : fiT5GOIi ) , total population ot city and Mibuibs , upwojd ol 40,000. * " OUT , , A AVhole I'ariHh Quarantined for Ite- Misting Sanitary JtuloH. , , Dec. 81. The suburban municipality of St. Cunegonedo having re fused to comply with the regulations of tlie central boaid of health , It bus been quainn- tlned. All its btie'ts connecting with Montreal have been bniricaded , ami police men placed to cut oil nil Intercom se. This morning the St. Cunegonede people showed light , and commenced pulling down [ he batiicades and assaultim : the police. A sluing detachment ol ollieeis has just been ordeied out , and as tlie quarantined people nrcxoip indignant n tree light Is an ticipated. A man named Trudel , who tiled to peiMiadc the mob lo'w ' reck tlio bartieade , w as ai rested and lined.Ths lences will bo made twelve leet high , to-night , a sullicicnt foicool police being on hand ( o piotecl the woikmcn. Persons tionrunlnfccted districts will be allowed to pass t-iobinrlcado on pro- diicimr tickets. The ial2iv aulboilticT > vvill co-opeiale with tlio citj i.rtin. jiiattei. Called for Contempt of Oonrt. SYKAtt-si : , N. Y. , Dee. 31. A motion was argued befoie Judge Wallace to-day to pun ish for contempt ot comt Edwaul L. Stokes- , president of the Hankei's and MCjcliant'b t elegraph company and otiiei s , on Iho giound that they have lefused tQ turn ovci to the- re ceivers ol the Aineiican liapid lelcgiaim comjiany certain propt'itv as diiected by Judge Shimnan's order. Theie was a dis tinguished anay ot counsel , Including Hon. Hoscoo Conkllng and Col. Hobeit < ! . Inger- soll.The case occupied the attention of tlio com I.ill day. The papeis weie handed up and tlie judge icsei v ed ills decision. Failed for $1OOOOO < CHICAGO , Dec. .tl. William Baker to-day confessed judgment in favor of the bank of Montieal , in the eiiciiit xottit , for 311,000. He subsequently nuue ! voluntary asslgn- meiit to hi.s biothei , UeoKti H. Hakci , and Ills total liabilities aie placed at $100,000. William Hakei Is picsident of the M'nppan , MeKilloj ) A Co. meicantlle agency and publisher of the Jouinal ol Commerce. No schedule of assets hffs been tiled , but it is believed they will equal the liabilities , No Prison Product in Canada. OirAWA , Out. . Dec. ! } L The cusloms au thorities having teamed that Chicago mer chants weie shipping lajgo quantities ofpoik In bariclsmade in .loljct piison to lumbermen mon heie , special agents weie sent to Chicago cage who wanted the parties against a con- tlnuanceot the piacticc , ami inloimed Ihem that any fm Iher sliinmenliJ would bo confis cated , as tlio piodiietsol Aineiican piison labor aio not peimlltedJto'cuter Canada. A Jonrnullbt Joined. , Dec. 31. ( Jeorgo H. Jami son , one ol tliu pioprlctois of the Chicago Daily Business , and lormerly editor ot the National Hcinibllcnii of this city , was mauled in this city to-night to Miss Canio Noah , daughtei ot Judge .1. J. Noah , Washington correspondent of sevutal wcs'tein news- papeis. _ _ _ - Myhterlonwly Murdorcd. AKIIO.V , Ohio , Dec. : jl.-eoige ( ! ( iallager , tiacu inspector of the New ioik , Pcnnsjl- vanla it Ohio raihond , was shot irmn an am bush by an unknown person last night at Wadswoith. ( inllagei s-omo tioublu wltli people in the vicinity vvheio the bodv was louiid , and IhicaU had been made against his Hie. HalltoadseciM Mirvlco olllulals are Investigating tlio matter. Our Ulster City. Cot XTII. Hi.tKr.s , jjloua , Dec , ill. Tim NoniHiieil will to-moiyov , ' publish icsiimo ol ( he huslnuis Intoie-ijs tit Council DIutfs , showing ImpiovenientsimaJoduiliig the jeai to the amount of neatly & ) ,000. The whole sale business at this nuint tiniounteil toSliO- oyo.OOO foi the year. The year IHbO Is Iooke.d foiwuid to as likely to no ono of the most prospeious ycais in the dj-'s } hlstoiy. A l ollco Ollluur Ifurdored. Lirii.i : Uocic , Aik. , DV'C. ill. Patrolman Copolundwus lonnd oniho corner ofCmu- meieo and Second sheets Jwdly buaton about the head and unconscious. Ho died about 1 o'clock this nioinlng. An ex-convicl has been anested on btisji.oion ol being Oojio- land's as.-assln. Ohituary. UitowNWooi ) , Te.xas , pee SI. Col. Hd- ward Wallace , biothor of len. ! Low Wallace , and son ot ( iovernor Wallace , of Indiana , died here last night otlmeumonta , aged ft ) . He was \cleian ot the Mexican war and seived with distinction * ! ! ! the federal army duiing tiioicbelllon , Collided With fc Ferry Hont. Nr.w YOUK , Dec. 31-iTho propeller IVriuot crashed Into the hldu oflie ] terry boat Alaska this moinliife' , drlvIng itr slmip piow twenty feet into the hull ami ciittlng it to the wnter s edge. Koiinnately thme weio few people aboaid tliu Alaska , unil the panic- which cji' sued \vas boon oveicoine. Np one was in jmed. J Want the Mint Hooponod. OAIISO.V , Nov. , Dec. gi. Jt ib announced to-day that ( leu. Clatk , on behalf of the citi zens , vv ill Institute a mandamus .suit against Superintendent ( iarraid to compel him to le- open Can-on mint iDwntly closed uudcx in- btiuutioiibtiom Wabhli.o'l u. THE FOLLY OF FAIR FRANCE , A Orisis Approaching in tbo Affairs of the Young Republic. ON THE VERGE OF BANKRUPTCY. Her Political Leaders A'levv with Alarm the Gravity ofthc Situation Her 1'coplo Uvortnkcd and Conimcrcc at a Standstill. Hrissoii's ItCslKtiatlon Accepted. " - Dee. ni.-Piesideul Uievv accepted the resignation of liiHson , premier , last evenlm ; , and this morning siimtnciiH'd DC ricyclnet 1 , minister ot loielgn alfaln , tolorm n 1 new cabinet. De Fiesclnct , houuNcr , Is ichictaiit to accept such a losnotislblllty at the ' piesent moment , Inlewof thogiinlty of the situation In France. He has asked tlio president to urant him time to consider the pioposaland to consult with his Mlonds and the lepubllean le.uleis. An KiiL'llbli obsi'iMM * has iccently given the followlm ; pli-tme ot the commeivlal and Industilal situation In Fiance : Fur the month of November the Denies of Fieiieh imports and expoits show a decline ol tlft.- IHXIOOU as eompaied with the ssme month of 1MI. Theie was a deeien u on both sides of the account. Them Is no doubt that Fiance Is apptoachlng a ci Ns In eommeicial and Dnancl.d all airs , and one that will long be lelt by the Flench people. The causes which are slowly and suiely bringing about this state of alf.ilis aio seveial , but the most piomlnenl one Is the extravagance ot the goveinment dining the past seveial vears. The government , since MacNlaUon lettied to piivato life , has built thousands ot miles ol iin- ptofilablo lallio.uls and thousands of schools , of which loiir-lifths woie not wanted. From S 100.000,000 to SAW.OOO,000 lor the loads , and trom Sl" > 0- OOO.OOJ to S175UXI,000 ( tor the schools \veio thrown Into clieuhitlon and eieatud the false prosperity of which IbSl maiked the culmi nating point. The people literally did not know what to do with their money , and as it could not liml aupiolitable employment In agiicultuiit and industiy , It went into all soils ot stock exchange and building oiicia- tlons. JS'ow has come the leekonimr and It Is by no means ai'heeiful one. Though taxation In evcij form and shape has leached heights nndieamed ot belore , the income liom this .somce has lallen olTdming the last lewyeais , and the most ingenious book Itccjiing has not l > ccn able to hldu tiom the public the con stant deficit. A llo.iting debt is lolling npot nobody knows the leal amount. So lomrus money can bo had , it is not up- losed to mattei whether it be the slutes 01 a .oan. Year alter j ear France has been spend ing millions beyond Its Income. It itpio- eeeds much longer In its habits of e.xtiava- gance the Flench tieaMiij simply will lune to confess It is Insolvent. The pio-pects ol ngilciiltnic and industry aie not moie cheeilng , owing to competition fioni Amcilra , Australia and India. Fieneh t.u mingha < > been le-s piolitobleot late jeais , and the value of live cattle has dioppcd " , ( ) pjr cent. The investois in house pionerty aie not much better oil' . In the provinces such piopeily ha- > become veiv dillieult of sale , unless at an enoimous depieciallon , and in I'jiis the state ot things is not much Bettor , though theie is ol collide a huge inai- ket. Mote than f)0OuO ) , apaitmt'iilsaie to let in 1'aiih. icnts having gone down ! > 0 to . " > 0 poi cent , and even at the ledttced amount now ot the sixty nrlvileged , baicly a iloren stand In theii alloteil places and talk of the new play which panic out the night beloie , or the Ballrftn question. . , - . < ttr ThoFiench republic still feels the losses' * sustained in 1830 and 3 1. How great these losses wciti may bu judged from tno endless amount ol companies in bankiuptcy and liquidation , and horn the prices ot tlio "hares of these companies htlll alive : What has fieely hold at 'AM to Sl..OO is , now vorth tiomSO.-r to 50.75. Even In the best stocks thedepieclatlon has been fearful. 'I ho fall in railway shares is due to the falling oil of tiaflle , and this again is caused by the gen- eial stagnation ot trade. The keen sulTei Imr ainom : Hie poorer classes may he judged fioni the fact that one of the industrial towns. Stetienne. lias lost irioo , ( inhabitants out of HiO.OOO. They have leit the town to seek bread by countiy laboi or In someothci em ployment , The old established companies , which for many jeais paid icgulai dividends , have ab oibcd ther icscivc innds and pay no tlvidends , Ilnriuah Annexed to Great Britain. Lo.vno.v , Deo. . ' ! ! . Hy a proclamation which will ho issued In India and Cngland to-moirow , Hmmali will be tnnnally annexed to the lirltlsh cmire. ) The pioclamatlon will say that the tenitoiies foimcily gov- cincd bv King Thebivv will no longer be iiiiilci his inle , but will bccomn pait of the dominions of the queen ot Cleat lliil.iin and lieland and the expieis ot India , and that the government ot the country will be ad- nilnlsteied dining hei nujestys plcasmo by olllceis appointed by the viccioy of India. All Treaties MAiiinn , Dec. 31. Committees ol eongiOM. have appioved the bill to piolong until l W all treaties of eommeiee which will expho In IbST. This vlitiully enstues a lenewal ol negotiations for commercial death's with England and the United States. The com mittees have also appioved the bill toi ie- loim in the trea-mij. Hotli houses will con- Inm the bills. The session will eloo ne.xt week. Any attempt to ul&o a political de- b.ito will bo juouiiitlj checked. David on Homo Kulc. Lo.vnox , Dec. ill. Michael Davitt , in an Intel view , said : "ff liomo into is qi anted to lieland , it is dillifiilt lei me to see how the Iiisli membL'iscan contlnuo to sit In pallia- mental , \Vestinln \ tei unless the colonies aie similarly iepicseutd < In that body. The ap pointment ot a piinee ol the. loyalfamllyas Vlceiovot lieland would be a mlstile..a- , . lielaml leqiiires slatesmen of tact and mums toadmlnistei atlaii- , and not a lojal show. DIIKo in Kiivoi'of i\lonslon. : DLoMio.x , Jan. 1 , l * 3.-hii Chiulis DilUe. in a hpeoeh last night , said In * was in laver of extending Mr. Tun ol. van's liish scliemu lo tliu tlueo Kingdoms. This conmativche bald , ought to jiioponnd a suliemo lust , and II that should bo i.-jected bj paillaineiit , ( iladstone would hpeaU tullm leader ol tim raincll to Spoak. LONDON , Dec. 31.-A number ol libeial memheis ol the house of commons have been pilvately making overtime to I'.iinell with tlioobject of having him loimulate a dUllnct iiionoslllon for homo inle ii. iioland , glvim ; the limits ot his demands with a view to negotiations. ' I'olllioal < : liilK. LO.SJIO.N , Jan. 1 , ! ( > * . -A ladles' libeial aftsoclatlon has been formed nt liaalbouin , In opposition to the I'rlimoM ) league. Mis. Meivale , wlfo of Meivalo the diamatlst , MI--J Cobden , Mn , Dilke , and other well-known ladies wciepie entat the lust meeting , The 1'anlnni1 1'liui. TAiiih , Dec. Ill I'astcnr has Dually inoc ulated fem ehildien tiom Newark , X , .1. Tastom say * the chililien aio piogiessing la- vorably anil ho Is conlidenl that they will escape - cape hdiophobia. A Hii e LONDON , Doc , HJ.-Kiueno bchtirio t Co. , West India , muiclmnts. have becomit liankT mill. Mabllltioj , SWW.OX ) ; assets bald to-bo "shadowy. " Hervlan l.oxnox , DeciI.-It : Is said 1 when tiioHer vian troops evacuated \\lddlif \ dlatiic-t they devastated the connliJ and . looted cattle and coin belonging to milgailan fanners. The Dllko 'Lo.vnox , Dec. Jll.-Tlio Dual eiloil tosetllo the Dllke scandal 1ms tailed , and Iho lie-u of thccaio has bcvu llsnd tor Jauuai > 2V. TIM : WIDOWS i.'i Skipped to C.innilu After at Least $ i.1lOO ) ( > . . 1'KontA , 111. . Dee. ni. There Is a well an- thorbed iiimoralloat in this city to-daj that Judge j Yates , who Is under Indictment for cmbe//.lemcnt , lias lied to Canada , and the Jeport is confirmed by the sheriff's force. The judge came down town two days ago , and evidently loimd things too warm tor him. I'mlliurcriminal piocec.llngs aiMlnst him will doubtless bo Instituted. Van- oils ehiges have been pendhu aiainsl him , many of which have been mentioned heietofoie , of having apniopilated money belonging to vailous ostat 3 ot which ho was guaidian , tiuiteo or exeontoi. He was held In lilyli icpnto In the ronimunlly , and the plunges weie not at llrst believed. Soon allei the publications began to bo made against him , It was stated he was \ei\lll at home , it Is deelaied that his alleged defalca tions - uic vciy laigc , and mav ajipioxlmate Judge Yatcs came to Illinois before the wat liom Ohio , whcie he studied law while leaching school. Hecnteied the nnuy In the eailydavsof the lebelllon , iccelved promo tion ami relumed aller the war was over with a good iccord , Ilo commenced the piaelleeol law , and a few months aftei the. close of the war was elected Judge of Peoiia county , which po.sltlon beheld for twenty jeats. He was then elected piobate judge and oivod In that capacity until a jear ot two ago , since which time he has held no publleolllee. His name has been confounded with that of ex-(5overnor ( Kiclmid Yates of Illinois , but the two aie not lelatel as fai as known , UAlv ' | if.'IJ lllljlj I'ljiwvli. Smith AVithdraw * l > 'roin the Majorally Contest. CIIICAOO , Dee. 31. Judge Sidney Smith to-day the following lettei to his legal advisor in the contest against Cartel Hani- son for tlie nuiyoialtj ol Chicago : A. W. Onr.n.N , Ksq.-Dear Sir -In i elation to the election contest case ot Cm pouter , et al , vs Han ( son , I deslie to say that develop incuts in its piogicss up to Ibis time convince urn that theie is no reasonable probability of icachim : any final toiminatlon ol the litiga tion befoie the e.xnlialion ol Iho tenn of office , t have lesumed the piactlco ot luw and lo this 1 intend to devote mj eutlie lime and attention , unembanassed by anj im plied undeistanding that 1 should in any ovenl consent to accept iitueioiemnanl ol a lerm ot the mavorully. I say tills much lu my.selt peisonally. Truly veins , Sin.\iv : SMITH. JudgeSmith has not taken an actlvo pait In the contebt , the action having been brotmht bv a committee , the nucleus ot which was tbo citizens I cap IIP , In view of the appaicnt liaudulent ietutns which ic.'tlliod would make , I udge Smith the .snecesbful candidate. but it Is veiy piobable that the withdrawal ol the will biing ( lie contest to a close , plntieulailv as at the piesent htageofpio- ccedlngs IlaiiNon'h majoiity looks huge enough lo moie than eovci any liuthei naudtiient votes dibcovercd. A Hydrophobia Hospital to tic Opened ill St. IjOllli. Si. Lot is Dec. 111. Airaiigoments have been poi tinted in this city foi tlio treatment of hvdiophobia ultei llie methods followed b.v Pastein. lutlnco weeks'time at Iho out side palienls may be tieitciK The method is one of moio than oidin.ny intcie-,1 , and all engaged In It aio making the most thorough liiejaiitions ) lor the expeiiments. A bain and yaul have been MVincd , where dogs suspected ol labics will be kept ana watchcil. Seven dogs which showed slight symptoms orjudioptioblahavo been trcd up ami J e.slcjrdn ? ufteinnon ( Uie of- , the 'canines gave almost unmislakuble e'vu deuce of the disease'but dcvclopmijnts will be awalled. 11 the dog ] ) roves icidly mad tils skull will bo tienaiiiied and a poitlon ol Hie brain leimnod. This will bo injected Into tlie bialn ot the second , and nibblis will be ti'cd attct thoopctatlnn ot the lirst dog. It will bo sixteen da.vs beloie vims can be ta- cmcd with which human beings tn.ij be in oculated. Tlien llie vjius ( arm will lw in full oijcratlon and any number ot patients may be ticatcd. THI-J K1XO OK CICniK. Capture of a 3I tn Supposed to lC Austin's Woman Hatcher. ( iAi.visiox ; , Dec. 31. The News' special fiom Austin sa.vs : KuMacis Muitlne/ Mexican about -10 j-eai.s old , was : urested last night on suspicion ot being Implicated in tlie mjbteiioiis mmdcis whlen iccentiy sttntlcd tlio clti/.cii5 , ol Austin. Ho lived in a so- clmlcd spot near the ilvei , and aseau-h ol his piemises ic-siilled In the recoyciy of bloody gat incuts and .sevei.d aiticlosot Ic- male app.ucl. Among the aitieles lound was an Ice book , such as exjici Is declare might have been u-ud in the minder ol Mrs. K.imsny and daughtei seveial months ago. A piajei book willi the nanio of Klla A. Hamsev wiillen on the title page was also lound , together willi two hauukcr- cliietsoueol whicli boio the initial "J. K. " wmked In silk. The other was nmiked "A. " the anest ot Maitlues will deal av\aj tliu mysleiy of the outiagn and minder ot the Hamsuy women. Kv- hlcneo was also dNcovcicd connecting tlio pilsoniT with the lecentmuiderof Mis. Vin cent and Mis. Phillip ) and the assault upon llie latlei's husband. T-HI : KJICIO KICOHD. Lebanon , Tenn. , Scorched hy a Seri ous Conllnirrution. NAsnvji.i.n , Tenn. , Dec. . ! ! . A telejihono message was lecoivcd tiom Lebanon , Tenn , , at U o'clock this mnining saving that a ills- bioken out in the center of llie town ami asking for aid from this city. P.ngines weie loiw.iidcd by train. Them is no telcgiaph olllceat Lebanon and telophnno connection cannot now be bad nvvmptona'lvto ' the olllc-u being binned. Though the town islhiitj miles fiom hem the light ol the llaincs w.i > dlsllm tly seen at the time. No liuUiei inloim.ilion has jet been leeched. Lutei inlelllgenie lecclvcdlhls moinlng isle lo tbo ollcct Hull ( he Hie , allei con-nming live of Hie most piomini'iii business houses , was siibilued about 3 this moinlng. No e ll- iliutcsot los-cscan jet beuhen , though ipilte iaigiand ( almost coveied by hisui.'inre. Hu.oxi , Miss. , Dee. ill. Tim Huataiia Canning ( ompan.v'B vvoiks weiedesiiovd by luo jcsleiday. Lees , 5 : ) > , i.OO ; insiniince unkiiovvn. , \ lA.IlMM4SS ! HOIU > n. Ihi ; Itody ol''Mexlt'iiii liifiiii'ri'o Camped on Hie Itio Grande. ( i vi.vnsroN , Dec1. . .11.A Illo Claude City t. ) > oeliilto tbo News si > s : M.tjoi Kellogg to day letumed lo itlnegold bai racks fiom ItU icconnoissniice up the liver In the vicinity of the icported encampment ol M xlcans , Ai- ilvlngat Itanclidola Hatcha , Sheiill .Shelly , niidei tlio jiiotectlon of tioojis , at rested lour Mexicans , among v hem was ifodeiigo Miil- < londo. the reputed le.ulerot ! hn liisuuectlon- isls. Mahlondo denied that he < onlcmplatcd attacking Mlei , and said the only object of the Mexicans in coming our to tlio Anieii- can Mduol Uin i hdi was to avoid aiiesl tor iiaitlclp.itlng In tlio election ilot at Miei. DID Mexican ! ) weie gieatly alaimed lest Majoi Kellogg bhoiild deliver tliem up to the Mexican aulhwltlos. On Ihyilngtheii .sloiy , mid discoveilngno laigo body of Muxlcqim , M.iioi Kellot-'g icleased the pil'-uiit.'is , h"\ttly jo their fatlstaction. The < Ji''Hl. KenlH Niw : \ oitK , Dw. Jll.-Cashlei Whitney of the tieaaiiivilcpailmentanivedin thbcits to- daj us the icpicscntallvoot Secrctaij Manning ning to teal Urn subticasuiy vaults at ( he close of business. This ceicmony was pei- lonned soon altei fi . o'cloik th)4 ) ( veiling. Two seats-Iho I'lilled Slates and * the stain MM ! weio attached to the douio of six vaults In which the money jsbtoicd. Tieasmei Joidan will aiilvo H.itmdiiy and vvill take chaise until Mr. Aeton'b successor is appointed , 1'our- teen clciks liom Washington will go over thubookbol the tic.ismcrln this city dm mg iiuxt mouth lowe It the accounl.shavc b < en concctly I.ept. The imme.s ( n Ihoiiull , - in all , vvill also bv wanted. PAPER NOT WORTH A PENNY , An Adept Torgcr Working tlio Banks of the Southern States. BELIEVED TO DE SUCCESSFUL. Presenting Drafts Purporting 10 u iNsiicd liy tlio Stock CSrowem' Nn ttuiuil Itank of Choycnno Ono ; llonorcil. , _ _ - _ i A Porter at Work. CiuINI : : : . Dec , : u.Tho Stock Hroyvcrs1 National bank of this pity received A tclo- gram fioin the I'Irst bank ofHous , ton , Texas , asking continuation of thrlrlet- * ter dated December H , and requesting the nuinlu'i ninl amount of a ill itft covered by the aid letter. No such letter having IHJOII writ- * li'ii the Stock ( iioweis nt unco replied to that elleet , December : ; o a similar letter was re ceived from the National bank of Texas at ( iatvebtoii , asking If si dtaft clniwn on tno Font Hi National Wink o Now .Yoik for S5ooo in iiuor of ( icoigo L. Sanders was Rood. No such dliift having been drawn , tolegiums were sent to that clfect , mill the nmll of 1,1-4 evening biought n letter to the Stock ( irowers National bank fiom n bank in Montgomcij' , Aln. , ncknowl- edglng tlio receipt of ; i letter of the Stork Glowers N'nlionnl bank , da ted December It ) , Identlnjing ( ! ooige.L. Saudcis , and request- I nc till-in toc.isli adriifl ol the Stork ( ! ro\\cis Xatiunal hank for Sil.OOt ) on the Fourth Na- tlonal bank ol Now \ oik , and enclosing tlio signatmc of Sanders sealed with the Kink's seal. No such letter having been Issued the .Montgomery bank was wired aeroidlngly , and telegrams sent to all eoiicspomlenls ol tin1 Stock ( Jrovvcr's National liaiil ; , east and south , warning them of these attempts to negotiate forged drafts. To-day a telegram was iccelved fiom the rout th National bank of New Yoik , Haying a loiged diaft , jmi poi ting to have been dtawn by the Stock Growers .National bank , had been piesenled and iiayment i ( 'fused , i'lo'm the length of time elapsing between the date . ol the lettei liom Montgomery and telegram * fiom the lunk pionouncing the letter a forg- eiy , it Is fcaied that the Montgomery bank p.ild the foiled drafts. i\ Cold Wave Coming. CmrAiio , Dee. : < ! . Tlio United Stfltcs sig nal olliceriepoits a eold wave coming. The tempeiatuio f.ilf tifteen to twcnty-llvo dogiccs In the next loilv-cight hours. It la now twenty degiees below mo noith of Da- Kola and Montana. Si. PATI. , Dee. 31. A heavy snow Is In pioaress , but the tcmperatuieis not low. HI\IVAII : : > , .Minn , Dee. 31. A heavy snow Is picvalllng hi'io ami diifting to the south. It is belie\ed the lull will be siilllclcut for the movement of logs. Weather For To day. ' Missot'iti VAi.i.r.v Local snows , colder 0 weather , winds shilling to noitherly and be coming vaiiable. ' THE FUTUJU3 OK IlKAIw I29TATE OaJAHA. . As Seen hyV. . _ Dealer , Corner Thirteenth and Vi nani , over First'JVationalflidiilc. The development of the pa'st ninety days have settled tlio question us to tb < r future of Omaha , and to day it is hot a question with men of means 'liQW ' little property they can own find .still do bud- iiebS but how mn.It ( they can get hold of , and fortunes are beliiy made daily in real estate and the daily list ol transfers shovV Unit winter will huvo but very little to do with trade in Omaha property , i There is not iv city west of Chicago vylioro eastern money is as safe to invest cstuto us In [ Omaha. The business of pinolh'co Is grow ing every day , and our list of properties for sale embraces many of tlio very best I bargains in centrally located business property , with or without buildings ; I properties on which * fortunes are as sure lo be mmlo in the next year as limo yoea on. Choice residences in tliu most de sirable locations in 1 ho city , vacant res idence property near business 'centres , and many of the choicest additions in suburban property soeheaj ) and on terms so eas-y that anyone may , in a fovv years , own n beautiful home in the future me. trupnli.s of the west. ' . , Itcnl Kstnti ! Transfers. Tlie following transfer ? were nlcil Pec. . ! JO , with the county clerk , nml reported for tlio Uiu : by Ames' Heal Estate Agency : A. 15. llubciman and wlto to Leah Ilose- walfi , lot' . ' , block HO , Omaha , w d-S10,000. 'I bonus C. iliimnei and wife to OIIMII Langdell , lotr/i , block ' . ' , HiiiitbaiigM add to Omaha , vv d Sr 00. . , James 0. Megcath and w lie 'o ' U piiT' tiiot- inack. lots'- ' ! and 4 % Cl.uV Place , Omaha , i Wl'LbciU ) . Jones amJ wlfo U > . < ftUijofiV\ Ilcdloid and ollicis , lot * < ' .oul iVDlock'J , * ' J lawllioi no add lo Omaha , vv dsi.100. . OsiMi'iiotmnekXsingle ( ) to Jclieison W. Hedloid and f'lieis. hits "A and 1 , Clink Pl.ue , Unialia , d-Sl,01Kl. Ciiincllus- Paul and wile to II. Peail ] : iigl.ind , lots 9 and 10 , block fl , J alto's add to d MbSO. ! Omaha | | , w t -ff , jti-j 11. I'eail Kngliind to ( J. Lyon. S W 35 leot * ol lot ' .i , block i > , Lake's add lo Omaha , w d S'.l'i.'i. Alvin sounder , and wlfo ( o Chicago , St , Paul. Minn & Omaha It. It. , pait ol lot 10 ot X \V\rif \ S E } { Sec. 10 , h , 1:1 : , Douijlag coiinlv , wd SI. Augustus1 Knunt/eaiid wlfo lo Omaha welt It. K. Co. . HW Icel Ihiough .S ' - , , ol SV \ J { Sec , I. and N 'j ol N W hoc. ' . ' , r , 18 , Douglas count } . wd-MM)0. ) Hay W. MiClmo and wlio and otheis to Omaha licit It it Co. , pait ot lot II of S K of N W * i ol NK 'i ' Sec. 13 , 15 , W , Douglai county , w d rir'.oi. James O'Cuiingi to llmnaid Maglnnls , block i : , West Omaha , q cV.1. . , rathaiineCaimiehaoi ( widow ; to Onmlm licit It. It. Co , , lot fit , block : i , Ihookllnu , Douglas conntvyw d S10) ) . ' Xoiman A. Kiihn ( .single ) ( o Jacob W top , N 1C ' 4'ol S W li ot Sec. : ! l , 10 , 13 , Douj-las couniy , q c f so , , * Josepli 1' . Mojreath Wngie ) to Jacob hlton , N r. 'fot SV \ ' 4' See. ! M , Hi , lit , Douglas count v , qnS0. . , , , . Lai moil I' . I' and wife to Lonltj V. Cinm , Wiotcet iiontby 117 led of lot 10 , r.iulscn'b adil to Omaha , w d > I71. -4 \yhat CJavo Mini Faith in Prnycr , "Hriiddur Iko , " said ti { { enlluniaii'of color to unollicr durl.ey , "ycr orlcr been tudo pra'r inectin' las' uijlit. ; . -\Vo " ' * prayed Juryor. "Am dal ufao'V" , ti , "Hit am. " "Don I'so ot faith in j > r.Vr. pat .pra'r wah nnswoicil. " * " " * v- " ' ' " ' "Snro'iinH'y" > , "IV ( Jed iiit wus. " "Tell mo 'bout hit , lirinlilor Iko' . " " \Vsi11 , 'Xekiel. IVo gel do - fatlcsl turkey at mv liouso yer uljer seed , An IID wus rpoatin' low Jits' uglily bycry low. " if Charles Weincr , an intoxieated indi vidual , wan run in by the police last night with hi * jiucKoU full of raw liver , Jx'ixht Jailor I'jcirouot , not being" aware of the lai t , in v'arch u ' the prisoner , ran his hand full length into HieJ cliunmy llesh. Such a yell u.s ho cuiiltyl is spf , duiii Ji ard oiitsidei of u liinat'.o"nbylnni , ' Toyj" tiioii nt Lc JiyU struck iiukti , ' * I ' I , X' " 131