TJfflfe OMAHA DATLY BEK THURSDAY , DECEMBER 31 , 18S \ T / THE DAJLY 1515E COUNCIL "BLUFFS. HUy MOUNMM } , IIX' ) . 81. orriCE : Wo. 12 rcatl Street. camel in nnj i in of tlitjc" ; nt tKf Illy tUltS I CI l'lk HiVlm \ o > , 1 T ! I.I ) ! t'siSbs4Um < K , Xn U. NUIIIT Kuiioit , No. 21. MINOU MKNTION. Ueitcr the Inilor for winter goods. The police are not finding many victims now. Tliiiormati ( ladies give their first tin- mini lniMjiiciiio. ; ; ! this cNcnili' : lit Ik-no's hull A fi'\v en c * t fonrlcl f fever nro te- portcil , but tlK'jyccni to In * of the niihliM lorniWliilc Mr. ( ' T Ofilrcr wa" out driving Ills duo c'ui i iujjc liuic ( lniiK'il | [ iluiul nuur tliu Wtli : : li ilc'pol Justice Sclniiv ! occtip\iny ; tin1 wool- Buck of the Mipcrii r rouitln the aljM'iicu of .lutl c A louoitli. A Ovcilon Inn IIIOMM ! liH ollluu ftoni the opera lioii e block to that occupied by Forrest Smith , No : ) Main street. ( Ironeweir A. Schor-nt cn lune the jiast tlircn ili\s : , bci'ii mining Into their new buildings which him' ju l been com- plutud The street cars on bolh the llro.idwny tind Alain streel line-t be tin xcitcidtiy morning ( o run to and lioin the .Nlutliotliit clinreh. The books for the lir l six months of 18SO wore jesteida liirnislieil bj Hrnd- street's commercial tigrncy to their palions in this eit . The raml dinning at Arthur I.cfko vlt/.S takes place to monow e\eniiiir at 7 o'clock Secure otir tickets to-day. Sec ail\eitisenienl on this pi : e Air .1 1 ? Ki's-el and AI's ' , Sarah 1'oote ha\o bet'ii ir ) , > fiill.\ joined by Ituv A. Ovet toll ' 1 he in. il l iire : ; tool : phieo at the lusidi'iice ot . ) Al .Millon Pitlh : i\cnno. The t'ounl > boanl -npeni-ois is to muut ne\l Aloniku I lie bondol the m- coinlnir eoiinh oliii r- will he. piosynted for appnnal. and the old ollluura will retire on lliat da\ \ Tin * -lio\\ci \ ot L'aleiid.'iiaie = o thick that special merit , uo\ell , > preiunted , is necessary to attiai t alteiition. Such a calendar ibciiifi diilribntud by Murn- hinn , Tulle\-i iV Co to their jiations. The null mionial market has been \cry 'diilHIiis yi'iir , oiil. > ! ! fls marriage licunsus luiviiiK been granted in this county tor the year lyS , " ) up to | m ht , while in 1881 there woic W , ueini ; ti dueiuasc ofJII. Permits to wed have been fjr.mted to ( ScorircV Sto\er and Luttiu AI. Van Wimllieiili , both ol Omaha , \V (5. ( Uen- no > anil hncjVestou \ , both of this city , A. S. l.any and Nit ihYuldon , both of Cicston Tliu mei chant- ' police force seem to start in well. Tliraio , not making much bloxvor noi-ii , but are raining the r p- utation of keepmj ; thi-ir beats tai'hfully , and pioleclmj ; this piopuity ot thu bitb- Bcriboi.s well. Messrs. St'liJcnter vt Holey , the pro- prietois ol tliu lvit-1 bain , have hold twelve car lo.uls ol hor-cs and mnlcs during the iiast year and Mr Isaac Holey is c\iiccted to arriM ; this moinmg with two moie cais The southwe-t eornor of the boniitiful IJayliss jiark is almost impassible for the inanypedu-tiiam to whom that loutois inosl coiivenienl 'J'ho eity anthoiitics should do sometliiii'r ' to better the condi tion of the walks u'jth so much tilling done all about the city , this spot of ull others should not tliu > > be neglected Chailcs Suhulbiothcr ot George Schul/ , who was urn over on Friday last at ( ireendale by the oars , wiites from Keokulc under date of the 2Uth , and wishes to tetiirn thanks to all parties who assisted him < o kindly when in tins city looking after the remains of his brother on Satin day and Sunday hibt , The council is considering the ad visability ot seeming some competent person to look up all the little pieces of property owned b. > the city , and of which there is no complete list at present. It has been suggested that the retiring county auditor , T A Kiikland , bo se cured to make such a list. Thu undertaking establishment of 1) . M. Council , which has notpiovcd a very bucce.ssful nndurlaking , was partially ii ; Bold out jesteiday alternoon to satisfy a mortage of about fH ! ) . What little is left la to bo sold ne\t Saturday to satisfy u mortage of about sjv'iiO. This mote than cleans the establishment out. Thiivoulhfnl alligatois which liavo at tracted so much attention as exhibited in the show windows of Squire's real cs- tulo ollico for some timu , are no moie. Koimncd from their nwiinp.\ : homes they lire hiijiposcil to have died lioin a lack of tnalatia Tlu'i will now bn added to the many attractions in the musmini of the Bloomer school building A watchnight service * will be held at DroadwiiyAl I- . chinch to night begin ning at ! l o'clock mid continuing until midnight Theexerci-es will consist ol a love least , hapiisiual .scnice , addiess by Ituv. W. T Smith , picsiding elder ot this district , ami the pastor , and a prayer ami conseciation meeting A cordial invita tion is extended to all to bo present. llcno sells dry goods , clothing , hats , caps , npckwear , midorwcar , etc. , for la dies and gent- . The electric bolt of . I udd .t Smith , 30 Fourth street , Council Hlutls , positively cures ihemnatisin , neuralgia , tfyspcpsia , piles , paralysis , indigestion , Ills , cold foot , nervousness- , headache , kidney ami liver complaints , loss of vitality , load poisoning , lank of nerve force and vigor , wasting weakness of those di-nascs of a personal natuie in male and lemale. Now tire goods at John Ik'iio A : Co.'s. Substantial abstracts of title and real estate loans. . .J.V , , & K. L. Sijuiro , 1U1 1'ciirl btrent. _ For first elaAlisomi wood call on ,1 ( iluason , at his coal olllce , 'M i'eaihstieel. , For ovei'3 thing in the grocery line give the now linn ot KinlV ; Mueb , Hi. Hio. id- way , a dial Kveolhing nuw and Irosh. 7 Fanctygioceries a sjieeialty. Correct Abstracts of Title and Heal Ks- lutu Loans at McMahon iV Co'.s , No. 1 rcurl street. _ Try John Tomploton's "Ho o" cigivr. The linest fringes , foot rests and fancy chenille llowom lor fancy work at L. Stockeit ic ! Co. ' * , No. ! ! 0'J ' Hroadway. A hand omo piesent toyonr wife an insurance policy on your lite Forrest Smith has the deairablo companies to iiibure with. All kinds of intciior diapings , cornice iioles , ( .hades , elo. , the very cheapest in the 'wet'l al K , Slockerl iCo's. . Cot tn go ranges , Garland stoves , Ha- diiint Homes and Huh healers of the very latest patterns at bed lock prices , at Cooper A : MeGco'e ' , No. 41 Alain street. Ladies and gents visit Hciio's large stores. _ Now Year presents at Honicr's , ' , 3Altiin. John Heno < V Co. ictail dry goods : it prices that are surprisingly low. IN AND ABOUT THE BLUFFS , Another Instance of the Wcrthlessness oi the Tire Alarm Systems WORK OF THE GRAND JURY. Social loln ; < ; 'I lie Urontluoll Cnsc A. New Nnllonnt llniils A Sneak 'Jlilcf Captured PI lij- Sncnljotl n Honil Cotcrlne. Vrtlenhty afleinoon OlHocT Heswiek notioc'd a jouii" ; fellow lutiiffin about ono of tin1 depots netitip ; sit . ] iiciou ] y , anil urre tL'il liini It was soon learned Hint liu liiid stolen a hat from the Tie- niont hou n , nnd that chat pi has been laid ajraiiHt him. llonives Ins iiam as ( ironic Hill , anil as pi oof has lieen fotind of where anil hohuoltl the stolen head roveriiifi. he will pi olmbly lie added to the minilior of lho c Mho arc bo.ittlinir at the lovohini ; hotel. A Mother National ( tunic. The bankiiif ; house of Hiirnham , Ttil- le > s A : Co. , wliii'h department of the busi ness is known as the lowti State Savings institution , will bt > jin thu lir t of the now jear as a national bank , to be knon n as the Couticil liltill's national bank Tliu capital is $100,0(10 ( The bank is in the hands of men nho have been MI lonjr and favorably known heie , that it in ni'cdlos to iiiako any exlenilctl , Klowin i > reilie- lions as to its assured success and sta bility. t The fJrnnd Jury. Tliu grand jury ye-turday returned sev eral indiiUincnts , oinu of \ \ hieliurr against jiaities not jet nrre-tctl , nnil lieneo their names are withhehl. Amoni ; tlio o rotutnt'd against jief-ons i\l- leatly captured , was one agaiii'-L K. 1 $ . Kan , for iorgeranil one against George .1 htCM'tis , lor laiceii > . " 'J'he Major" got out of jail jostciday , but longenoiigli to 1)0 ) maiched to the eoiitl room , to be ghon a ehaneo to challenge the grand jury , u ho aie con sidering lii-5 cii'-o. Ho wtiixuil thu chal lenge , by hii attorney , Col. Dallj , ami was matched b.iek to his cell liu looks in usual health , bis faec being as i tidily us evurlnlu lie pieserveti thu same stolidity which lias marked hU conduct uur sineu tlie shooting of Hughes. A Fire Without an Alarm. Ve tuiday morning i\ \ small building located tit the corner of Myuster struct and avuniie H , owned by Phil Armour and occupied by CharlcMcCaulloy , was tlamagcd by ( ire ( o the u\tent of about flOO. When the lire was liist tlNcovcrcd an attempt \\asmatloto turn in an alarm , but after .soveial inullectual turns ol tlio crank a messenger was ' -ent to the near est engine house , wherr no alarm had been received By thu tijuo thu depart ment reached the spot it was too late to do much. Instances of the worse than woitldus--ne s of the prcsont lire alarm system aie getting quite numerous. The council should issue an order for a re- tut n to the good old times before the war , when "liie" was yelled from street to street , and thus reached the engiiiu houses. Tlic Itroailucll Case. The time of the district uouit yesterday was still taken uu with the bearing of the case of the elate vs S A. Uroadwell. Thu evidence for the defense was reached , and seemed to bo to the elleettliat llroutl- wcll in bis rush of business and making of many , did not investigate close ly every paper and account , but that the ollieo work was done largely by bis clerk. Dm ane Stearns , who has b'eeh indicted also. Hroadwell could not remember much about any of tliu papers diawn up in seeming the loan , llo did recall the fact that ho had met some persons , by the name of the parties who were repre sented as owning the land on which the loan was secured. The pro-ecution holds that those parlies were myths , and that tin ) names wore used as a part ot the plot to SDCitri ) thu money. Hroadwell could gives no very distinct testimony about them , or about the loan , it Inn ing escaped his particular attention in the \\hirlof business. The testimony was closed yes teiday afternoon , and the arguments commenced to the jury. Cuplil at tlic Altar. Last night St. Francis Xtivier chinch was crowded lo overflowing at the mar riage ot Mr. John 1) . Ciirtin and Mi-s Mary E. Dnrgan. William Uurtin ami Miss Cairie Wrcdo wute groomsman and bridesmaid. The ceremony took placu at 8 o'clock , the Rev. Father McMcnomy , assisted by F.ither Ilealey , olliciating. A icception was held in Iteuo'a hall , where between two and tlnee bundled triends were entui tallied. A large num ber of tables weir spread and heavily liulon , and music , feasting and dancing continued until a late hour. Mr. Curtin is an engineer on the Chicago cage , Milwaukee A : St. Paul railroad The bride lias lived in this city since her girlhood. A large number ol co-lly presents were rceched. The newly wedded coiiplo leave this nun ning for a two week s \ isii to Chicago and the east. _ The Hounds nf Pleasure. In striking and most pleasant contrast with the rain , mud and daiknus- Tues day night , were the parlors of the homo of Mr. .Samuel Haas , No. 121 South SKlli filreet , wherein was gathoied a brilliant company , the friends being royally enter tained by Mr and Mrs Haas and Iheir daughter , Miss Mary Haas. The alliiir was marked in all it delails by elegance and generous hospitality Music anil dancing formed leading featmes of thu untcitainmcnt enjoyed by the guests. The retreshmcnta v uro fully in keeping also with the occasion. Nothing was leit iindoni ) to make the evening a delightful ono to all present. Among the guests were' Mr. ami Mrs. / , T Lindsay , Mr. Mr. mid Mr < M. K , Smith , Mr. and Mrs. W. 11 M. I'usoy , Mr. ami Mrs. F. M , ( laidl , Mr ami Mr.s. George W. Thomp son , Mr. and Mrs N , M Pnsoy , Mr and Mis A. T Klwell , Mr. and Mrs.V. . Loomis , Mr. and Mr.s. F S. Ptisoy , Mi ami Mrs. C. S. Felt , Mr and Mrs. Jr. L ) Maerao , Mr. and Mrs George Keclino , Mr and Mis I M. Trojnor , Mr. ami Mr.s F. 1) . t'onover , Mr. ami Mrn S Fainsworth , Mr , and Mr George II. Uamp. Mr and Mrs \V. OViit , Mr and Mrs George llubbington , Mr ami Mrs. W. F Sapp , Mrs , f N Baldwin , Mrs ( icorgo iiolcomb , Mr . J . [ Hrown , Mrs , U. K i\Iontgomerv \ , Mrs. ilohn Skelton of Chicago , Mr.s ( s. . T Plioliis. iMra H Xovely of Wnshimrton , Alibs Ulara ItnbLimgton , thn Misses ( iornur , Miss Kitty Conover , Miss Klsie Pn oy , Miss Lou Iiolcomb. Mir-s Floienco Heel of Keokuk. Miss Ui'ssio Stowait , the Misses Haibaia and Anna Merklo , Miss liullo Ilatoher , Miss Lulu Loomis. Miss Julia Ollleer , MUs Molliu Kice , Miss Li//.iu Drown , Miss Carrie Atkins ol Omaha , Miss Jennie Baldwin , Misses Ncllin ami May ( Miapmaii , Miss Jennie Walker , .Miss Anna Sfjuires , Miss May Davenport , Miy > Mollm Hieo , Jmlgo l.uriuii'r , Messrs , Kinust Halt , Charles Slowait , Uert H\anbt Oscar KcelineV , W Sherman , Hrnry Atkin" , James HUW- man , ( jfoorge Hrown , Vi V Sipp. ir 1-red Loomi , Torrcy Kverett , M Jacouemin , F L ( .Mark , ir , John l'u ej , \V H. Slioi radon , Natr ( rary of Omaha , Alex Malmroe. H A. Wooilbur.i , H J , llorkwell , ilmlge LotifbonroW. Harry Howman , Horace Kvaiu. James H C'raiff , AValter Smith , Will Popr-leton - of Omaha , G. H SHIIman On Thursday afternoon Mr ( "lint on will cnteitain a company of her lady friends at tea Owing to the itish of social event * dur ing the holiday ea on the mart led ladies' progre sixe t'uelirp club \\ill ba\e no g.'itheung this week. Due notice \\ill be giuMi of the ne\t meeting. Mrs J X Baldwin v > ill on Xew Years night gi\e a progressive tea ami oiichro iaitan aiiangrment entirely neu licie , lint all the lag/1 in the ca t. The favored ones are looking fonvaid lo the event uilli imicli interest and it ] ) ronii es to be an elegant all'.iir. The Imperial club , which has o-tnli- lished the reputation of giving the mo t brilliant and enjoyable cliibi > arties of the srason , hUe : anotlier of the seiics in the Masonic hall this evening. Drs. Jmlil A : Smith's Klcctro Magnetic insoles Only liftv tents NuHOl'omth street , Council Ulufl'- , low a. Agents wanted. _ Having put in a complete new stock of clotbinp , turni-hing goods , hats , caps , etc , Fov \ HugheNo. . 1115 Main stteet , invitu thu public to give them a trial. Their expenses aio small and they can and do sell cheap. C H Jacqtirmln .VCo. . , Xo. 27 Main Micet , plcasme in announcing to the public tint their stock of articles , or namental , \lish and useful holiday goods , is complete in each and every tie- pattment , ami cordially iu\ lie evcri body to visit their stoic , inspect their goods and compare prices. .No trouble \\ c cr to sliow goods. For hardwaio ami house furnishing got l > i ices of Cooper A ; McGce , No.11 Main street. Paragraphs , E. W. Harbor , of Avoea , was in the city yesterday , IIN : ing been summoned as a \Mlness \ by the giand jury. C. I. Price and family lelte teiday for a visit to Chicago. Ilemy Douglass left last ening for Chicago He will continue to Ir.-nel in the same territory as formerly , but u ill make Chic.igo hcaihiuaiteis Miss I'loreneo 1'oot , who has been \ is iting friends here for a month Past , re tut lied last evening to her Keokulc home John N. Baldwin relumed from Chicago cage jestoiduy morning. Gee , ) . Shep.ud. the editor and jiro- piietor of tfie State Line Leader , ol Blanchard , was in the cit.yetciday Thos Potter , thu president of the C , B iV : Q. , pa-seil tliiough lieic yesterday in his special car , bound easlard. . Deputy Sheiill Clatlerbuuk has so far recovered fiom his illuc-t , as to be out again. P. Meally , of riemont , Neb. , was in the city yesterday , making arrangements with the implement hou-e- - about Jan uary in he is to go into tliu implement business at Mead , Neb. - - Best coal and v oed in the city at Glea- son's , UO Pearl sticet. Ladies and gents get a ticket to the grand drawing on January 1 , with every 23 cents wortlt of goods purchasud of Arthur / , 5Broadway. ! | . The choicest candies , California ft nils , nuts , oigais , etc. , always on hand. He sure and a-k your grocer for the bread made at Smith iV : Locike's bakery. No. 52 ! ) Main street. It is the very best made. Try it and be convinced. The largest and best selected stock of jewelry , diamonds , watches , etc. , can bo lound at the old reliable stand ot C. B. JacqiiDimin & Co _ . , No 27 Main street , vvfeero Now Year gilts can be purchased in gieat variety. As tlic holidays are not yet over C. B. Jacqtieimin tk Co. wish to call attention to tboir large stock of jewelry , diamonds , watches , silver and silver plated ware , etc. , they jet have a largo assoitment , and those desjiinsj line New Year presents will lind jttst is complete an assortment as bctore Christmas , as their stock js kept complete as long as such facilities as the telegraph and e.\press can be ti-ed. JEFF DAVIS WOULD NOT PRAY. The I'crflistciicc of an Intruder Jtc- wnrdcil in tliu I5ml , Baltimore Letter to the New York Sun : While the two armies under Gen. Grunt and Gvn. Leo w re confronting each other below Peteisburg , President D.ivis became so exhausted by overwork that he determined to re-t for a few das. , His steward was a vvoithy German' named Kggling , who , bclorc the war , conducted a flourishing nursery near Hichmond. Tim president notilied Kggliugof his pur pose to take a n > - \ , and diieeted that vis itors be CNcluded until furtlier oidei > . .Mr. Kgglmg and his assistants cairied out their instructions , and Mr. D.i\i .se renely enjoyed his rest. One night at abouj 10 o'clock tlieic was a stiong pull at the fiont door Lull Mr Kggling answered the call , and on open ing lliu door found standing outside a \enerablegentlenian who gave his namu and Paid liu wished to see ihc jncsidunt on business of gieat impoitancc , Mr. Kggling informed him that the president had roth oil , anil could not possibly bu scon until next morning. "But , my dear sir , " said the caller , who gave his name as Mr. A. , "it will bo too late thiMi , \\ish I to try to save the lives of two < urmui : deserters from the. other .side yi ho aio condemned to bo shot at sunrise us SJIIPS " The mention of the nativity of the doomed men torn-lied a sympathetic chotd in Mr I''ggling's lieait'ami he in vited Mr A to a scat in the hall. After heating the main paiticnhirs ot the ar- icsl and "ontenco of thu supposed spies , Mr. Eggling became interested in their delhoianeu. Ho accordingly left Mr A in the hall , and went up .stairs to Mi- Davis1 chamber Ho opened the door noisole-sly , anil moved on tiptoe acioss the carpeted lloor toward the bed , fear ing thai Mr. Davi.s would bo asleep. The gas was burning dimly. Mr. Davis hap pened to be awake , and asked his cham berlain what he wanted. "Mr President , " said Kggling , "I have been in jour service a long time , and have never , as you know , solicited anv pieial l.tvor from you. " Dr , D.ivib admitted that. "I have one to ask now , " resumed Kgglini ; , "and I hope you will not retuso it. " Ho Ihon icqiicslud that Mr A , who was waiting in Iho hall down stairs , bo iillowed to come up to the chambeu to see Idin on urgent business , involving the lives of two innocent soldieia , The president consented , and in a shoit time Mr A , accompanied by Kggling , presented himself before the picsidcnt , who remained in bed After a short pre liminary conversation Mr. A made known tiio object of his hiibincsss , which was to secure a reprieve for the two men until the charge against them could bo further investigated , President Davis asked various ques tions , and when informed that thu son- Icncu of thu drumhead court maitlal hail Licen approved by ( Jen. Leo , decjared that 10 could not and would not interfere. Mr A. became importunate , and Mr. Davis so far relented as to agree to think over the matter for an hour , at the end of which Mr. A would receive his liuul I dee's'on Mr A tJu u witiulrcw , and nt the appointed time returned to the cham ber vv th Kgglinft The piesidiut eotir- teouslv infoimcd hi guest that he had considered iliopmttor lullj ami could not ehange h ded-ioii " 'Ihe men must die if Hen. lre ha * ap proved the sentence. " said the pi evident "Is that jour irrevocable conclusion " Mr. A. trcmuloiislv asked. "It is1 1 c.tnnot icvVr it , " Mr l.i\i $ replied. "Then , " nid Mr. A , "will von ri = e from .vour bed and umto with me in prajcr to Almighty ( ioM for the -otiU of the poor unfoi lunate * who arc to be shot to death in the morning' ' ' Pre-ident Davis agtccd to this , and in a minute the tlnce poisons in the loom vvete km cling , anil Mr. A. was ferventl.v playing lor the salvation of the doomed ( I'erinans When "amen" was . 'iid Mr Davis \\as about to lise , lint ho was prevented b.v Mr A , who said "Now , Mr President , I want you to pray. " Mr Davi * . however , in iMed on rising , and after doing so , said"Mr , Kgglim' , bring me some paper and pun ami ink ' ' Thev were < < ] ieeilil > produced , and in a few moments the desired repiieve was handed to Mr A , who , after pioftisdj thanking the piesidenl , hastened back to the contcdiiate camp , ariiving jitst in time to avoit the execution. Another Step Touaril Heaven. liagley "That Bailey is a most c.xtraor dinari man " Mis Haglcy"In what way , dear ? " D.igle.v "hver.v time ho marries he moves up one Ilight of stalls at his1 hotel. " Mrs. Bagley "Indeed1 On which lloor does he live now V" 13agley-- "lie's just taken ap.utmcnts ontheliflh lloor" . A sure eure for Hlinil. Hleeillnic , Itehln nml t'leeiateil 1'iles lias been disanoied by Dr. Williams , ( an Indian letiicdv ) , e.dleil I ) r Willi.iiiis' luill.m Pile Uiiitiiient. A sinuMe liov has cured the vvoist rhionie ea-iM ot ! i"or ! X ) > e.irs staiullni ; . No one need suircr tivo nilnates altei Hjiiilyim ; this womlei fill smiih iiiK iiiL'dk'lni' ' . Lotions ami nistiiuueutsilo more linini than irooil. UMIMaiiis' Indi.m PlleOintinent alisoibs the IUIIIIIH , allajs the Intense iloliinir , ( pattleiilail > tit nltiht after Ki'tlin watiii In bed ) , arts as a poultice , uives Instant leliel , and is ) iici.ircd ) onl.v 1m Piles , itching of piivtitc i > .uis. and lor nothing else. SKI.V I MS 10 ASKS CUltlil ) . Dr. I'la/lei's .Mimic Uintinelit einos as by uumic , Piuiiiles , Illiielc Heads or ( ittibs , ISlotclies ami Kiuptions on the fare , leav liu ; tlic skin clcitraiiil beautiful. Also oinesltcli , halt liheiiiu , Sore Nipples' , fOie IJps , and UlilOlisliniiterkris. Sold by iliuggists , 01 mailed on leiclpt of f > 0 rents. Helailed by Kiihn ACo. . , anil Sclnoeter At liceht. At v/holi'sale bj C. R liooilniaii , SPECIAL NQTIOE . Sjieolnl nl\orti cniont , sncli n Loet.Foiinil.To Lonn , 1'or S lie , 'I'o Hont , W'nnH llonriliiiH1 , oti ! , , > rlll bo Insetted In tbl oolntniuit tliolowrnto of TKN CKXTS 1M2II LINK for the Distinscttlonaml I'lVIJ ( IINTS l'ii ; { UXi : lor enliscqucnt lii'cition. Lonvo aihoitlso- iiientHiU our olli.'e , No , LJ. 1'eiul bttoot , near llioaaitay. 1VAXT- . SVVA.V A WAI.KM : . x . ; vs Main stu-ot , ( mull i ( Itir.en'Ilanki , leal i n'iito ami niei- cliiiiiill'i ! o\oliani.'o Inolicis Our licinKs are lull ol spiolnl liaiKaln , but it is imno-siblo to pub lish a lolinble IM hum tlioluot of o iiiinn On Iv iliiin os. VVInit o ask Is : i II jou i\nt \ lo hell ortiiulo nnj tlilnjr in our Jino , write in inul v\o willtonil 3 on untie of bnrfriilne tj okot li'oni. l.uiKld inipinvoil or iniinipioveil , clt ) 01 toun | ) topoilj , stooKs ol tvooils ot iinj liiiul in any liliiuf , If such jou hnvo or such > ou : uit let us fiom jon. SVMIII \ W ulker , tuuntil Jlliitls TT OH Iir.NT A llnoly liirnlEhcJ Iiont loom -U No. tr.'l Vinuilioot. I7rAll > r 1X)1FSALG ) AtTi 1CU acres , tlii inilos southwest ol Unmli-u 0 loom honoDcollont > oil nnd clotuin , 'biiin , ono fet tiljflit Uoi'sos , ono fort ) rows : lion , tool mil \\iwon IIOUSLS ; 10J uoics In tiniollij : Ir ! > ,0il0 loiost troos. uitlon ooil , black \viilmit , u h und iniiplo ; good oitliiiul , upplos , ohoirlos , plums , Ki-npta anil snmll fnilt . N'ovor lallliu slock vvutci. It. 1' . On ict.n , S'JJ ilioiulntii , Council Illnlls , Io a. _ _ _ ' W'AN'l EDTo till } all the Ilist-T'lasssoooiiil liaml household Kooils thut aio Oiloiud lo sn'o , siiLh aa luinititro , carpets , stoves , oto I'oi-ona not Inuiiifr siiucri.v lli > t-eliiss Kuoils i > ill have tinio by not niipljlaur. All otlicn will rocrlvo pionipt attention anil will bo pulil the niphi'st inntket pliers by A. J. Jlanilp ] , : r. " ) Ihouiluay , dealer in new and strict ! ) Uist-clusd sccoiiiMiuiiil lutnitiuo , oto. , oo _ _ . rOH UUXT At McMuhon A Co's ' HOUSr.3 _ * . Mi vet. _ _ Chicago Water factor Co. 31 DnAUIJOHN STH10BT. I'onor riirnlhhcd from lijilrant presume for rlvlni ? nil Muds ol liKht machaieij Special tti'inlon iflven to chinch oit-'iin blotting. VVo inn piliitlnir pie is , meiit ilioppeiko oioiun lioiveix , poll-liiir | ) lallios , tewltiir niiiLhiiH'eto. . 'J'ho bc-t oheiipost niotnr iiitnlo , f-oml lor cli- en I ur. In IIBM In Council lllulls by Hoe Job nllUo. l'iuetcliiiiMt.ineiit inuikct. < liloaifiIoat .viniUct. L Ihl/endoi lei's Mont Mltihct. Mnltli i Vloi'rs. KnitKkt It , lollceMinder ( , Itoboit .viiilllt. , LOllto iriinder. It. I , . WII.MAMH , 6clllnpA rent , 18 Mnln i-t , Council Illutli" , Iowa. 1111 I'm mini M. Omiilni. WHO IS UNACaJAIKTCO WITH Tilt CtOQnAPHY OF THI8 COUNTHY Will 6EE QV EXAMINIhQ THIS MAP ( HAT THC GHICAGO.ROGKISiaHD . a PACIFIC RAILWAV By rcaron of lt cenlril pAfltloti an 1 clocn relation ta nil prliitlpal llnus 1'ant nil V'i-t. * t InltlHl nnder nilual pulutii. ( nnstlliilt tliu niUKl liiiiuilanl | lulit . onliiiiiitnl linU In that Mtti in uf tliiotiKli trniit > | ion tttluii ulileti liivtiM mid rAcllitnltfi travfi nnil tiiitno litiKonrlllpinr HieAllniillo i. . nJ 1'aililc c.inhla u it A\to \ thu ra > orlto AIII ! W l route * tu and Horn polnti , yortlien < t anil Huntt a > ti nd West , Noillinot ituil f The Great Rock Island Route Ouarantces lu patrona tlml f n a of neihonal uttti. rllr nltvntcil by a i-oild llioroiit-hlj liallaMnl rnuil lie I , imivotli traike vt ittniliiuouii lecl iall , viili.inn. llully built oulrfiiM ftnd tnlilirt'fc n > lllnr iiork an neur l > * rrrctlon KH liuman tkjll 1.111 ninfcu It ( lie .afety appllantt of pitent bulT ni.puiroraiii iind air brakes , ftiid tlint rxftcunff UiMclpllue wlilth uruvrrni tli prar * tlcal optratluu or nil ila tittinH Other nixclultUw nf Jhlf route tie Iraiufrr * nl all ciuinnilnir iiulnlH In Union Depot * , auJ the nnaurpacketl tprufuiU uod luxuries 01 lit I'abscnRer hfi _ The V' t iiprct : Tialni lirtnprn Chlcos" aril roorlu.Cuimoll liluH , Kanian Clly lu riinulth anil AtrhUon ure tunipused of well vfiitllutpil , llni-h up. tinhteied liny roaches t.ifnlllrf nt I'lillnmn I'ulnte Bleepniof the jatei.t ilr.lfN anil imnMuoun lllnlnK Car < In which eltboraltly roolud menl H' li-l.iiulv otin HHwc.tiilChlc-ai.-o and Kali aaCII ) ami uie ftUo luu the Cclibiutrd Ifeilliiliiutlmli C'ai. The Famous Albert Loa Route li the dlrrct and faroittu line betnten CMcnRo nnj MlmieapolliuudHI. J'aiil , wlitrit roimicilon > aio uuuio Iti I iiiuii licpourm all polnii la thy 1rulloil and lirltlili I'rovliKei Oter tliln iniiiu Fait fxprm Tralni arr run lo the walvilnir i > lain. rummer ra- torn. pliturrviue. loiullllei. onil huntlnK and rltlilnz riounuuf Iowa and Ulnnriota. It I * ulru the m < ( ilnliableiuutulii the Hrli " 1'iat Heidi iu > lor l laudiluf Intvrior l > nkntA bllll another UlllUlT I.1NU. Tla Frnrrn and Kan. Lakre , liai bten optnvd between run Inimil , Jmllnn. annllnaud LafaTMtF. anil Coinii II Illult * . Kaii > a Cltjr , MinnrapolliandM I'aiil nod luttrimtUalii polnu for detailed Informalloii MU lnp unit holiiiT * . obtiinablc. us ell ut ftokett , at all piluri [ < nl 'Jkket oitues in the VoltcJ blaua auU CaiuJai vt by ml- , n. CABLE , K. ST. JOHN , UtnlT'.tJtl'a ) UNION TICKET OFFIE J , L , De BEY01SE , Agent , No. WIT HromlwAv , Council lllitffs. Hallway Time Talile , corNCit , nr.LTKS. Tlio followlntr l the tlmo nf nnlvnl nnf dFpnrttui' of tinlii by central Jtninliuil tlino , ul tlio loenl depot * . Twins lo.i\o ttniKlor ilopot trn nilniitt'S t'liilicr mid nrrltu ten minutes Inten "E'IU1Tcmt ' 4no * M iTii rmnv/IIIIIVB > 0:2 : > 4. V . Mull niul Impress Ci.lOp. M. 12 40 v. M Aetommodmloii . t..Vp. ) > . tifOl' . M. Ihpie-s : Ki \ . M. ( 1IU \ < IO A IIIM'k l-l VMl , 9.31A. M Miilliinil l\pic ! > s . fii'ilp. M. ' . . . . . * :15A. : M. .AceniiiiniMlntlon tn4it\ . lii'MI'.M. . . i\pie ; * < . . y.Uj i , M. ( JIltM.O.lll. . \ \ * l Nth ; A ST. t'U t , fliCO t , M . . Mnllnnd lltt < re < s. 0 10 p. M. ti.uOI'.M . .K\iic ) . ' 1.03 t VI , ( inuttio. iifiu IMIIOV * griMV. P' < 0 . M . . Mull nml i\nt : | 4 iVflP . d. 3) ) P.M. I3\ill | (1.051 ( M W \1USII , si. Mitrm it PVCIUC. St'fi p. M I/K'Hl M Irfitils f.tiiips * lA > i < nl il ( OP.M.Iinnolei M.I/oillslx.Ti : < insli't ! 1 .0 I' . U K\NS\S CIT\.ST .1OK V ( OLMIL III.L'H'S JdlM. ! ( M .Mitilnml ivprc : . . 5 : 10 P. M. ! ' . ( Gl' . M Kxpii-ts . . 05A. V. sioi'v. ( . .npicnic. . 7li : > * . M < : | onv Clti Mull . .WP. M. C.,01' . M St 1'nul ru | - < . 6:2JA : it. UMOS IMC lie. 10.i.i : \ . M. lei\ ) < l : \ | ) > 4 < 6'il - t , Jii : ; P. M .t.liuoln I'.ivs , Dm A i ( . V .2-111 p. M. 73P. : M. . Overland Ktinc * 8:15 : A.M. . l.CUM ) Cotlnell Illnlls 7a"i : > < 'I ' ' 10 lO.M Hid n. in ; lo : ; ; : , W , J.0 ! ! . , ( ) . " > . -5 ll/W HMu p. in. Snnda ) < - T ( r , tiil ; U , ! ( ) n. in ; y : wcm r. 25 u ' i n n p ni. l.cmo Oinnim - -tlr.-TTi-SV-li.OO- . ( : 0 n. in : 1 UO-'J 00- M 4:01 : 3 Oi : 0:13 : 11 10 11 in Hlltnlnv * II ! ! 3 :5J11 OJ n. ni.L':003.0J : : - u 000 OT ll.lOp.m Northwestern Hotel. Ncwlj fitted and furnished. Opp Hioadway DuiiiiMi Ocpot , S1.M ) per day. SAMUK1 , TATi : , I'lop. I. . II. milSllA\V. : Man.iger. Oliicago Lumber Co. Wliolosnlo nud relnll Lumber , I.iUh , Shlnplcs Snsli , Doois nnd Illliiils. Solo njfents foi Iho cck'linilud Miublclieiid Conwnlinted Whlto lino. S 1' . MALXO.VM 1 1. , Miiniigur. Tclrpliouo No - < No. ilOMnln fell cut. EVERVTHINn IMAOIXAHLH IX CROCKERY.CHINA . Qvieeiisware & G-lass At Homer's XihSa MsiiiiKlrcpl , roiim-il HIulI's. la. "ONLY HOTEL In CouncI lllu Us lii Fire And nil monern iniproveincnts , rail bulls , lire ulaini bills , etc. , 1st IKI CHEST ON HOUSE ! . I os.13 , " 17 and 219 , Main Stioot , M.\X .M LIIN , 1'iopilutor JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW COTJl-rOIIlj SIjTJinir'S. Pnictlccs In btati nnd Kedonl Com Li. Jtoonis 7 imdb biiu art Jlloc.k IJeno. SANTAOLAUS SUPPLIES AT HOMER'S , No. 2a , Main Street , - rouncil UluH's. MERGSKT HOTEL , Blsiin St , , Council Hlull's. NoarlhcC. , H. &Q.C. ; , > r. A ; St , P. , nnd C. , It. J. AP. . mllu.iy depots. Stiect c.u past , the ilooi. Kv c-r.\ tiling new and liia class. Opened Uec. 1st. 1st.PHIL JfKIlOEJf , I'lopiictoi : iiul Manager. ESSEX HOUSE , COIJNKI : IiiY\Ni ! A.NI > VixnSii. rooms and coed bomd at lensouablo rates. JT\/r . 1V1. X.EADING ailor I ! NO. 7 and 9 MAIN STREET , Council Bluffs , Iowa RUSSELL&CO Mnnufaoturereof nil AUTOMATIC ENGI E'prclaily DcslBiicd lor Hnmilnjr , MILLS , CtUAIX ELiVA'J'ORS : , ANJ ) KLKCTIUC LIGHTS , Tubular and Locoinotive Boilers. Now Rla sillon T Ino.sliorH. Carey and AVoodbury Jlorso Powers. STAT1ONAUV , SK1U , Portable and Ti action Engines , SAW WILLS , KTC. Factory MasMllon , 0. Ti ranch House f > 10 Puail St. , Council Bluffs. SEND FOR 1880 ANNUAL. HOS. orncEii. w , n. u. i'0-u r OPPICER & PUSEY , BANKERS COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. D h ud 181) . MRS. D. A. BENEDICT MAMJI tCTUIirit AMI IIKU.RII If HAlB GOOD. No. 337 B end wny , Council ilud'a. WHERE TO BUY Now Christmas Has Oems anil Gone , the Stock of Goods on Hnnd Mint be Disposed of , TliocoVhn Will Itciul the r > llovvln Will Surclv rind Slimy Accept able Present' ' for New ' \ out's Piiji for Inillo * or JT < MII mil bo round In Inrgc < | ti.intltli's nm : of o\oi ) pi > lblo ile-ciIptlon niul at pilco * tlml ) i > n o tit Mrll nfToid tobuj ntln tlio iiiiinilnotli rjlilblish- me lit ul lilsiMiinii llodd.i .V Co. Who mor IK.nil of i moti ) Miltithlo pic'Ont. Jlvin n -jliicle tine linen hniiilki'H hlefs H HI bo no- eeplnnlo to most nnv ono. and U van bit bought olinip at tin1 I'eoplo s Molt' . Now novollle * In till * line for 'ailn' * Ail ) voutijr man mm ii" < t a-tucil that lii lic l Kill _ will iippiocl.tto din1 II bought fiom Kl i'innn. lloddii \ I'o. Votl Know jour wife lll iippieeliiteti title | mli , ol tl.e-e , no mallet If voiiilo hnpiH-n to liave n pnli ni tnool need oiioi at homo. Ton m od look no laitlii'f tlinn Ihe Poo- pies Stoic lei tlio llnosl makes ntul ehoaprst pi 'ti ' < Afl ielllipkSlkllte I'nttL'in Is -liU'ii'lnn elitfiintllolid.i ) pti-ont. MUM pi Icon Inixe ni-UT boon iitleiett the public , _ _ . and not IniiKiiuo an 01- /l I llllllll ) , LOmimill. OVOI- ff * & O daj iln. ' i would io t us I ! II SI 1 iiinrli imilmtiil'-omo tllK B Tk \ JJ ( \J V3 O I VIII I10U lORt IF M letted I nun the limni'iiM louk of KlH'miin Kodd.l & fo s IVoploi loie , who llllS tllOlaifCtlOtk OVl -0011 I III tillWCSl. . l\i ! > ijbo < lr knon lui mo luriiln eoinlnir Inlonlc , MI iiuicli < l II" till' ) W 'lt > 1'lOt L'l ) ll'lllt I1HO. A nice cot will be us line mid etc- unlit n piiont : i 11117 ludv III l < ok to ; iiinl it u III I cllic envy ol till hoi fiit'tid' * to-co lioi In lioi new tins. 'I In1 IVnpliv * slnio liaUK in nt pi lees i lint niiiko UMII Klines ci > lui them. l"oi the inllllnii at llio larpp't dr\ HOSE M'odstine in the Me t biii'li n stook that if ) on "HMO lo count them bttie pull , II would take ion until IM t > thus ! ) ( oimtuiK" . The ron TIIK in lie on line Imslen- ten Hthoi ladies - dies or cent" si I'm ( to lo oheiipoi tbiin iho law irooilx inn bu boiiMhl t i but the cot ! < a ' mall iiilisideiiitirili wlietl tlie si/o nf the btoi'k i-coi'sliloii d nml It bo ll thai I f-emt\nli > ' .lila \ I'o bought I Ho ponilohinp and aio KJMII ? theh tu tomois the aihantase ol thoii o'oso ' bu > itiK. Boots & Shoes &te- nndlines ean bo found nt piloo-i that stupii-'e ill. Ono \UiolQ Mote of the mammoth cMiihll-hmoijt ot thu s btoio , Is dovoiod to till" o- J.Htlti'4 lo Nh fiilt/s , no nmttui u lull sU le. hluipo or I'lll , ( .Hliliol lieh ) liut llnil u suit to pj < u-i' ilii h HIMU al Eiseman , Iloclda & Go's. I o" one Unnn- imiillcr I-n hiiiulj thing lo li.iM ! iiliont thu house Tlifviniiiu in til ! . , Ciit-h- ini-io , \\vol. Mt'iluo. c'lc , and nru found in uriout plumules to telixt lioin at the I'eopki ) btoio CT3 Is thi'ie a man , woman or i-hild Uiul doeuol Know , or luiMievir iK'fii Insldoof olio ol tliu Imtu'M il int tliu loiy TV J J huBosi diy Broods lion o in nnlfinH liml > - ' ' h louituil in Ihe JA.Ul.lviU , LOMUI ul llioadwio and Iliv- imt st , Council llluilN , nnd is . . tailed IhiI'ooplos1 MIIIO , ol &fi whluh KI-i'iiMii. ' ItoddaX c'o. VJU HH'thu pinjnlotors ft wilde do .Mini hi'inl Kood to en II nnd see their immense Modi men it ) ondofrt buy. The } hiuopli'iitj ol uloilts to KMIW | jou iiionndiind ini'ijthniH Im iiiimilile is done for > onr eonitoit sMioi : in tliuii tiuly iitinionao E1O10S. P OL "IJ " " ° " rn" fll"1 niHthlitj uiul ForCnilorenfffl'arfi ' Hint is Html by t'inau. Jtiidda & t o.'s TnKu jour chlldien Iliemniul lit them out In ) jou uiKli. ou'll tie plo.i'd \ with jour -oleolIons , and thu piicos tlnn nriko jou , us thoj have iin ns'ort- niont ol Mno ( ell 113 tlio clicupost goods to he lound. 1T'"nlTjlrT1 Kept iln hj puicli.isiiiKo\iishotJ9 JC JllHl J. ui uililiei boots nt the People's \ T1 JO If VOM become tiiod of k\l I irPflt.l l " 'l > liiK over tlio woods lUU I Hull i ol small stotos to llnd nhal joii uanl , icmcm- boi that ' 110. US and 'J20 llio ul\vii ) , Conueil llllills , tliu I'coplos' Store. ) ou eiin llnd on smile ono Hour ol Iho Immen-i ) > ' -iabll-iDienl ! In.-t \ \ haton HID looking lei , unl Kibeman , ioilda , \ ( o. lm\o the stock .uui vailttj to so kit Horn. Horn.'J 'J Im cold ueiithei eimiliiM : bo 1 ito thr sun K nl nndi'iwear lei ellhei sen Illkd up at I-e- ! llinn , Ho Ida " ' Co. 'I lie Rloul < li FO 1mjto Unit It must Im ii'diui'il. niul Unit in oniDlt al nil , 'llinj e.iunol tilloid to t.iiij it ol01 till next ho.ison , | | Hie > Imio lo luosn immoj li ) sellinx it uriu. 'Iliey aiu not K'lliu out , -riliently | mil > t ha\o lln > mom lei ulhut ( fooJ" ! will utiJvu in .IIIIIIMIJ next. The Cheapest Red Flannel in the West is to be found in the Peoples' Store , No sloie In the \ \ tiner has sliouu as line mid Inure a llnnol KiillilDnlbas ( he IV ( iplehioio has this hi.iiMm. 'I'hej liuvo ninv a innih lai-h't'i'Moc'cs on hand Hum all the olhei lioui-es liere comliliied ! an nl piicus that si ems imiiollile , bill it IH u ( net , and lo Im c'oiiMiu'eil Kite them u eall. Von em , l > nj n iloal ; 01 imj Kind ol u uuipol Iliem , and 1,1111 nou Ki'l inoio Milne tot join iminej In tins line Hum over lieloio lor this HM-OII , that II lliey ( iiuthornovoi till next neason it | ll iiiiiiliu oue-linlf ol n lloui tostoio tliimi in , anil Uiso , lioddu\Co Liin't spin o Iho Miibllus , lileiu lied and 1'nlili aclu d luslin inn ho toiind at Ihe 1'conles'ilnie , IniuantiUi" | > thut uonld supj ly u hiuiiiieU small SIOILJ. 'iliey aio oil o.ip , Vos , lllscinaii , lloilda ft Co. Imvc hn- Won , as uull a mi 1.1 Ilii ; ] el-t > , and Hut ) wlvi'lliem muiy ullli ovoi > pui- Im-uol i. . ID mid UIIUMI.IM. . Voiiuui tul > o join ( hold ) ol hondMmio hahk3 , homely bailies , uul > liahlne , hlomloa. hiiinitteni wlml- eMir tljlijou lane ) . Thuj test jou nothinjf nnd .iiugivi' nnil Party In nil iho kiuilur colon UllU aiidliiilan > inhi toi.ud in .ili bi/.LH at KIM m n. lluiulii i Co.'s I'.o.ileV sunu. . .Man otiiei U mis nl lio.-o lei inuii , bo ) H , ludica.KiiU. 'Hi < l lliebiiKUlesl baldi-i. on me SILKS llnuol MIKij 01 --ill 1113 to K'leLt lioin in lonu .14 Jon u > h 'ii utdol I In- o as jou fan sue ui iho I'uunlua' sloio. ( JloMt-aie now selling liipiulv , I i liit n tti tliu Immense nloik I I l-emiiii , lloddii \ I o ' , on liiinit the ) IMII tu | ply ' till lOlllflk. I RPETS. Council BMs Carpet Co. Out stock 1 now roniplflo In ocry ilcpn tucnt nnd contains nil tliu lutost sn k'Miml clTouti u VA It PUTS , CURT A INS , SJIA 7)JES UPHOLSTERY GOODS , me. r. ra -TIIH- Largest Stock .1 -ANO- Lowest Prices. Tin : oxiiY i\ci.usivi : : cAiii'iti' uousi : L \ \ r.s'nitN : IOWA. S.VMl'l.I' finnlsbt'd upon niplluntlun | to' toun p u tics FINE UPHOLSTERY WORK TO ORDER ouncil Bluffs Caipet Company 4:05 ' . : lii'ocidway. ff.PATTERSON * CO , Nos. 1 and 2 , Masonic Templo. Council Bluffs , Iowa * The cold weather has finally put in an A appearance and flads many persons not' ' yd supplied with heavy underwear , sepontly we wish to gently hint that we have a fine assortment of Wewlsh to call tpecial attention to ou * V Double front and back Undershirts wltll drawers to match , Fur and Cloth Gaps , Mits and Gloves. Mufflers , Etc. , Etc , , Etc. CALL AND SEE US. A. . W. Patterson & OG , Hos , 1 and 2 , Masonic Temple , Council Bluffs. ' . T. il H .NE. A. S. JlA/.HIrOrt J' . T.May ite & Co , Estate Exchange Nu Hi I'omlStioct .Coundl . Illnffs , Tun Hi lealers | ; i lowa.Kiuieui and NLbiuaku l.uittH .O'J'h ) JN COUNCIL HUJ1-TH AN1J OJIAHA A SI'KClALTiT. Iteul hatiitu bouglit and sold , N. SGIIUK2 , Justice of the Peace. OniteOvcr Amorlunii Kiprcisa , Complin ) . R. KEOE , M. D. DANGERS Ko WrJ , X& &Z10" * HRONIC DISEASES t mi kind , u kpcciaitr. ( uii Unity jearn' pim t eul expurlotitu. OIlioQ ii. 11 I uiilMiK't , roniKil lilulla. '