Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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    ( \ TH3S OMAHA DATLY BEK THURSDAY , DECEMBER , ° > 1 , 1885.
OrriCE ! No. 12 Fearl Street.
* -
m nny part of the c'.ty ' nt
twnilytnts i ti wttk.
11. W. Tin w : , Mnnngiir.
S'O. 13.
ut-roil , No. at.
lU-iter. tin1 lailor , for winter goods.
Tin1 | 'ilim > are not finding many
victims now.
The ( ionium Indies give Jliuir first sin-
mini nniMincrttilu this ovi-nin at Hi-no's
A fi-w t-i : p of scarlet fever art ) iv-
ported , but they SIM-HI to be of tliu mllilot
AVIiile Mr. f. T. OlUci.rvi out driving
Ids line carriage lior c droppcil ik-atl near
tliuVabali ill-pot.
.Justice Selmiv N opi-iipyili ; ! the wool-
Back of the Mipcrii.f cijurl in tliu absence
of Judge * Ajli-s worth.
A Overtoil IIIH moved his ollit-o from
tli opera IIOIIM- block to that oc-ciipiud
by Korri'Mi Smith , No. i : l Main street.
1 ( ironeweir iV Seliocnlcn ; have the ] ) ast
three du.vs been moving into their ni-w
buildings \vlik-li IIUM- just been com
Tlie street i-ars - on bolli ttie llroailwsiy
and Main street liue-i hi-gtiii vestcrdny
innrnlii" ; lot-nil to and from the ilutlioiliit
Tlie books for tinlir t siv months of
18S < \ vorocstiri . li.lurnislipil ; . by Hrntl-
street's commercial : ionoy to their
patrons in lids city.
Tin1 jrrnml ill swing at Arthur Li-fko
vil/\s takes plan * to-morrow evcninir at
7 o'clock Seturnoui , - tickets to-day.
Sou advertisement on this pa e.
Mr. .1.11 KesM-l and M : S Sarah Foote
have been joyfully joined by 1'i-v. A.
Overtoil. The marriage tool : place at the
residence ol . ) . M. lifth avenue.
Tliu I'ouiitv hoard of MiiH'rvKors is to
meet ne\t Afomliiy. The lioiuN of the incoming -
coming counl.oliic.'rs . will lie ire. ) < enled
for anproval , anil the old oll'icers will
retire on that day.
The .shower of calendars an ! so thiek
that .special merit , novelly prounted , is
necessary to attract alli-ntion. Sut-li a
calendar is being distributed by Hum-
ham , Tulleys \ Co. io their patrons.
The matrimonial market has been very
'dull this year , only ! ! ( H marriage licenses
having been granted in this county for
the year HS" ) up to laM night , while in
1881 there were KW , ocing a. decrease
of 111.
Permits to wed have been granted to
( iconic W. Stover and Lei tie M. Van
Windheim , both of Omaha ; W. ( J. Dcn-
noy niul Luc.vViMoti , both of this city ;
A. S. Lang and Sarah \Velden \ , both of
The merchants' police force srnmi to
start in well. They are not making much
blow or noiM1 , but are gaining the rep
utation of keeping their beats lai'.hfully ,
and protecting the property of the sub
scribers well.
Messrs. Schlenter it Holey , the pro
prietors of the Kiel barn , have sold
twelve ear loads of horses and mules
during the past year and Air. Isaac Holey
is expected to nrri\e this morning witli
two moru cars.
The southwest corner of the beautiful
Bayliss park is almost impassible for the
many pede.strians to whom that route is convenient. The city authorities
should do somethiii" : to better the condi
tion of the walks. With so much filling
done all about the city , this spot of all
others should not thus be neglected.
Charles Sdmli , brother of George
Stluilwho was run over on Friday last
at ( Jrecndale by the ears , writes from
Kcokuk under date of the 2lltli , and
wishes to return thanks to all parties
who assisted him so kindly when iu this
city looking after the remains of his
brother on Saturday and Sunday last.
The council is considering the ad
visability of securing some competent
person to look up all the little pieces of
properly owned by the city , and of which
there is no complete list at present. It
has been suggested that the retiring
county auditor , T. A. Kirkland , be se
cured to make such a list.
The nndcrlaking establishment of 1) .
M. Council , which has not proved a very
suecchsful imik'i'taking , was partially
sold out yesterday afternoon to satisfy a
mortage of about $1)0. ) What little is left
is to bo .sold ncsl Saturday to satisfy a
mortage of about 'fWO. This more than
cleans the c.stahli-hmcnt out.
The youthful alligators which hnvo at
tracted so much attention as exhibited
in the show windows of Squire's real es-
Into olliee for some time , are no more.
Removed from their swampy homes they
are supposed to have died irom a lack of
malaria. They will now be added to the
many attractions in the museum of the
liloomer .school building.
A wutchniglit Servian will be held at
M. K. church
Uroadway to-night begin
ning at ! l o'clock and continuing until
midnight. The uxerei.-es will consist of a
love feast , baptismal .service , address by
Kuv. W. T. Smith , presiding elder of thfs
district , and the pastor , and a prayer and
consecration meeting. A cordial invita
tion is extended to an to be present.
lleno sells dry goods , clothing , hats ,
caps , noekwear , underwear , etc. , for la
dies and gents. _
The elect rie belt of .ludd & Smith , 30
Fourth street , Council Hlnll's , positively
cures rheumatism , neuralgia , dyspepsia ,
piles , paralysis , indigestion , fits , cold
feet , nervousness , headache , kidney and
liver complaints , loss of vitality , lead
poisoning , lack of nervp force and vigor ,
wasting weakness of those diseases of u
personal nature in male and female.
New goods at John Heno & Co. Vs.
Substantial abstracts of title and real
estate loans. , L W. , & K. L. Sijuire , 101
Pearl btreet , _
For first class i\li.-sourl \ wood call on
' j i Gloason , at his coal olllce , ' . ' ( I 1'earl street.
For everything iu the grocery line give
tlio new lirm of Kliit/ \ KU-eb , llM Broad
) way , u trial Kverythiiig now and fresh.
Funny groceries a .specialty.
Correct Abstracts of Titjo and Itoiil Ks-
tnte Loans at MeMaiioti & ( Jo's , No.I
Pearl street.
Try John Templeton's "Hoo" cigar.
The finest fringes , foot rests and faulty
chenillu llowers for fancy work at K.
Stockurt & Co.'s , No. ! ! 0li Broadway.
A handsome present to your wife an
insurance policy on your 'life. Forrest
Smith has the most desirable companies
to insure with ,
All kinds of interior drapings , cornice
poles , shades , etc. , the very cheapest in
tlio weft at K. Stockert & Co's.
Cottiigo ranges , darlamt stoves , Ha-
diunt Homes and Hub heaters of the very
latest patterns at bed rock prices , at
Cooper iV Mclicu's , No , 41 Alain street.
Ladies and gents visit Bono's largo
c tores ,
Year presents at Homer'sMain. .
John Heno & Co. retail dry goods ut
prices that uro biirprisingly low ,
Another Instance of the Wcrthlcssness o
the Tire Alann System.
Social lolnn < ; The Hrondwoll Case
A New National llaiik A Sneak
Thief Ciittiirc ! ' '
| < i'l'lir
Sncaltnil n Ilonil Covering.
Vc'tordny nfti-ruoon Ollicor Hi-swick
noticed a youn fellow luui inji about
onu of tlio dupots acting . u | iiciou ly ,
and MiTt-slcil him. It was soon learned
thai ho had stolen a hat from the 'Fre
mont IIOIIM' , and that eliar o has hcun
hiidapiin t liim. Hoj ivi-s his nanv IK *
( iconic Hill , and as proof has liecn found
of where and how heold the stolim head
covering , lie will probably be added to
the number of tho-c wlio are boarding at
the revolving hotel.
Another National Hank.
The banking hoiiso of Hurnhani , Tul-
leys it Co. , which department of the busi
ness is known as the Iowa State Savings
institution , will begin the lir-t of the now
year as a national bank , to be known as
tin ; Council Itltill's national bank. The
capital is $100,000. The bank is in tlio
hands of men who have been so Ion ; ; and
favorably known hero , that it i * neudle.-s
to make any extended , glowing predic
tions a.s to its assured success and sta
Tlio ( irniul Jury.
The grand jury yo.-terday returned sev
eral indictments , some of which were
against parlies not yet nrro-totl , and
hcnee their names arc withheld. Among
these returned against persons al
ready captured , was one against K. 15.
Han , for forgerv , and one against George
. ) . Stevens , for larceny.
"The Major" got out of jail yesterday ,
but only long enough to be marched to
the court room , to be given a eliatiee to
challenge the grand jury , who are con
sidering his canlie waived the chal
lenge , iiy hit attorney , Col. Dailv , and
was marched back to his cell , lie looks
in usual health , his face being as ruddy
as ever , while he preserved the same
stolidity which has marked his conduct
ever since- the shooting of Hughes.
A Flro "Without nn Alarm.
yesterday morning a small building
located at the corner of lUynster street
and avenue H , owned by Phil Armour
iiud occupied by Charles lUcCaulley , was
damaged by lire to the extent of'about
f 100. When the lire was lirst discovered
nn attempt was made to turn in an alarm ,
Lint after several inoHeetual turns of the
jrank a messenger was sent Io the near-
. -st engine house , whore no alarm had
licou received. By the tijue tlio depart
ment reached the spot it was too late to
10 much. Instances of the worse than
ivorthlc.v-ncss of the present lire alarm
system are getting quite numerous. The
joiineil should i.-sup. an order for a re-
urn to the good old timesbefore the war ,
ivhcn "lire" was yelled from street to
ilruut , and thus reached the engine
The Broad u ell Case.
The time of this district court yesterday
, vas still taken up with the hearing of the
jaso of the otato vs S. A. Broadwell. Tliu
jvidenco for the defense was reached ,
mil seemed to be to the elVecttbat Uroad-
ivfell in his rush of business and making
) f many loans , did not investigate close-
y every paper and account , but that the
) llico work was done largely by his clerk.
Durane Stearns , who has been im'.ieted
ilso. Uroadwell could not remember
much about any of the papers drawn up
11 securing the loan , lie did recall the
'act that no had met some persons , by
Jio niiinu of the parties who were repre
sented as owning tins land on which the
loan was secured. The piTHecution holds
: hat these parlies were myths , and that
the names wore used as a part of tlio plot
: o secure the money. Hroadwell could
iive no very distinct testimony about
' .hem , or about the loan , it Iniviug escaped
lis particular attention in tlio whirl of
justness. This testimony was closed yes-
erday afternoon , anil the arguments
jommunceil to the jury.
Cuplil at. I lie Altar.
Last night St. Francis Xavier church
, vas crowded to ovorllowing at the mar-
iage of Mr. John 1) . Curtiu and Ali-s
Uary E. Durgan.
William Cm-tin and Miss Carrie \Vredo
ivero groomsman and bridesmaid. The
: eremony took place at 8 o'clock , the
[ ? ev. Father Mc.Menomy , assisted by
I'athcr Ilcaley , officiating !
A reception was held in Bet.o's hall ,
ivherc between two and three hundred
'rieuds entertained , A large mini-
> or of tables were spread and heavily
aileu , and music , feasting and dancing
jontinucd until a late hour.
Mr. Curtin is an engineer on the Chi-
; ago , Milwaukee A St. Paul railroad
Fho bride has lived in this city since her
girlhood. A large number of eo-.lly .
iresents wens received.
The newly wedded eouplo leave this
norning for a two week's visit to Chicago
mil the east. _
The Hounds of 1'leasiirc.
In striking and most pleasant contrast
, vitli the rain , mud and darkness of Tiles-
lay night , were the parlors of the homo
it Mr. Samuel Haas , No. 121 South Si.\lh
> troet , wherein was gathered a brilliant
ompany , the friends being royally enter
tained by Mr. and Mrs. Haas and their
laughter , Miss Mary Haas. The nlliilr
ivas marked in all its details by elegance
uul generous hospitality. Music and
lancing formed leading features of the
-ntertainmimt enjoyed by the guests.
Flic refreshments were fully iu keeping
Use with the occasion. Nothing was left
indono to make tlio evening a delightful
jno to all present. Among the guests
ivprc : Mr. and Mrs , / . T. Umlsoy , Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. M. K , Smith , Mr. and Mrs ,
IV. 11. M. I'usoy , Mr , ami Mrs. F. M ,
Jault , Mr. ami Mrs. Cleorgo \ \ . Thomp-
; on , Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Pusoy , Mr. and
Mrs. A. T. Klwell , Mr , and Mrs. W.V. .
I.oomis , Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Pusoy , Mr.
uul Mrs. C. S. Full , Mr. and Mrs. Dr. D.
Mac-ran , Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo Kcolino ,
Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Troynor , Mr. and
Mrs. F. 1) . Conover , Mr , and Airs. S.
I'arnsworth , Mr. and Mrs. ( ioorgo II.
Jamp. Mr. and Mrn. W. ( ) . \Virt , Jfr. and
Mrs. ( icorgo liobbington , Mr. and Mrs ,
IV. F. Sapp , Mrs. J. N. Baldwin , Mrs.
.icorgo Holeoml ) , Mrs , .1. .1. Brown , Mrs ,
II. K. Montgomery , Mrs. John Skeltou of
Jhicago , Mrs.s ( . T. 1'holiM. Mrs. B.
< uvt'ly ofVnshinuton \ , Miss Clara
Unbliington , ( ho Misses Corner ,
Miss liitty Conover , Miss Klsio Pusoy ,
Miss Lou Holcomb. Mies Florence Hoot
jf Kookuk. Miss Bc.-sio Stewart , the
Misses Barbara and Anna Merklo , Miss
Hello Hatcher , Miss Lulu Lonmls , Miss
lulia Ollicor , Mi s Molliu Itico. Miss
\AMM \ Brown , Miss Carrie Atkins of
.hnaha , Miss ilennio Baldwin , blisses
N'jillin and May Chapman , Miss Jennie
iValker , Miss Anna Sijuires , Miss May
Davenport , Miss Molliu Kico. Judge
i.arimer , Mi-ssr.i , Krnost Hart , Charles
Stewart , Bert K\aus , Oscar Kcoline , W.
W Sherman , Hr-nry Atkin" , Jam s Unw-
man. Goo-go Brown , \ \ F. Sapp. fr
* red Loomis , 'Forroy Kverett. .M
Jncnuemin , F. L , Clark , jr. . John 1'usi-y ,
AV. 11. Sliprrndou , Nnto ( rary ol Onmhn ,
Alex. Malmroe , 11. A. Woodbnry , 1) . J
1'ockwell , Judge Lottfbourow. JJarry
Bowman. Horace Evans. Jninex H. C'raig ,
Walter Smith , Will 1'opplcton of Omaha ,
. H. Stillmaii.
On Thursday afternoon Mrs. Clinton
will entertain a company of her lady
friends at tea.
Owing to the rush of social event * dur
ing the holiday season the married ladies'
progre'Mve euchre club will luntno
gathering this weok. Due notice will be
given of the next meeting.
Mrs. J. N. Baldwin will on New Voars
night give a progressive tea and euchre
pally , an arrangement entirely new
here , but all the rage in tlio ca-t. The
favored one.- are looking forward to Ihc
event with much intere-l and it promises
to be an elegant all'air.
The Imperial club , which has e-lab-
li-hcd the reputation of giving the luo-t
brilliant and enjoyable club parties of the
ra on , have another of the series in the
Masonic hall this evening.
lr . Judd iV : Smith's Elect ro-Magurlic
insoles. Only liflv cents. No 80 Fourth
street , Council lihifl' , Iowa. Agents
wauled. _
Having put in a complete new stock of
clothing , lurni-hitig good , hats , caps ,
etc. , Fox & HugheNo. . ni. Main street ,
invite the public to give them : i trial.
Their expenses are small and they can
and do sell cheap.
C. n. Jncquoniin it Co. , No. 37 Main
street , tajvo pleasure in announcing to
the public that their stock of articles , or
namental , stylish and useful holiday
goods , is complete in each and every de
partment , and cordially invite everybody
to visit their store , inspect their goods
and compare prices. No trouble what
ever to show goods.
For hardware and house furni-hinjrgct
prices of Cooper & McOcc , No.II Main
Personal I'
E. W. Barber , of Avoea , was in Ihe city
yesterday , having been summoned as si
witness by the grand jury.
C. I. Price and family left yesterday for
a visit to Chicago.
Henry Douglass left last evening for
Chicago. Heill continue to travel iu
the same territory a.s formerly , but will
make Chicago his headiiiarters. |
Miss Florence Hoot , who has been vis
iting friends here for a month past , re
turned hr-l evening to her Keokuk home.
John N. Baldwin returned from Chicago
cage yesterday morning.
Geo. J. Shepard. the editor and pro
prietor of the State Line Leader , of
IJlanchard , was in the city yc-terday.
Thos. Potter , the president of the C. ,
U. & Q. , parsed through here yesterday
n his -peeial car , bound eastward.
Deputy Sheriff Clattcrbuck has so far
recovered from his illness as to bo out
P. Slcally. of Fremont , Neb. , was in the
'ity ye.-terday , making arrangements
with the implement hou-e- . - about Jun-
niry Io he is to go into tlio implement
justness at Mead , Neb.
Best coal and wood in the city at Glea-
son's , W Pearl street.
Ladies and gents get a ticket to the
jraud drawing on January 1 , with every
- , ' . > cents wortli of goods purchased of
Arthur Lefkovit5S ! Broadway. The
choicest candies , California fruits , nuts ,
cigars , etc. , always on hand.
Bo sure and a k your grocer for the
jrcad made at Smith & Locrko's bakery ,
No. 5211 Alain street. It is the very best
iiado. Try it and be convinced.
The largest and best selected stock of
owolry , diamonds , watches , etc. , can be
'ound at ho old reliable -land of C. B.
Jacquermin & Co. , No. Alain street ,
\feeroNowYeargiftscau bo purchased
n great variety.
As the holidays are not yet over C. B.
Jacquermin & Co. wish to call attention
0 their largo stock of jewelry , diamonds ,
watches , silver and silver plated ware ,
ste. , they yet have a largo assortment ,
md those _ desiring line Now Year
n'cscnts will lind just as complete an
issortinent as before Christmas , as their
toek is kept complete a.s long as such
acilitics as the telegraph and express
can be used.
The PiM-Hislence of an Intruder Jtc-
wurilml iu the ICiid.
Baltimore Letter to the New York Sun :
iVhile the two armies under lion. Grunt
mil Gi-n. Leo were confronting each
Hlicr In-low Petersburg , President Davis
jccamo so exhausted by overwork that ho
Ictcrmined to ro-U for a few days , llis
steward was a worthy German named
Kggling , who , before the war , conducted
1 flourishing nun-pry near Hiehmoud ,
Fho president notified Kgglingof hi-tpur-
lose to take a rest , and directed that vis-
tors ho excluded until further orders.
Mr. Kggling and his assistants carried
> nt their instructions , and Mr. Davis se
renely enjoyed his rest.
Ouo night at about 10 o'clock there was
i strong pull at the front door bell. Air.
-Iggliug answered the call , and on open-
ng the door found standing out-idc a
venerable gentleman who gave Ins name
md said ho wished to see the president
in business of great importance. Air.
Hggling informed him that the president
md retired , and could not possibly be
--eeu until next morning.
"But. my dear sir , " said the caller , who
gave his name as Air. A. , "it will bo too
ale then , I wish to try to save the lives
if two German deserters from tlio other
-idc who are condemned to bo shot at
sunrise as spies "
The mention of the nativity of the
loomed men touched a sympathetic
chord iu Air. ICggliiig's heart , and ho invited -
vited Air. A. to a seat in the hall. After
learing the main particulars of the are -
et t and centenci ) of the supposed spies ,
\lr. \ Eggling became- interested in their
lelivoranco. Ho accordingly loft Air. A ,
n the hall , and went np-stair.s to Air ,
) avis' chamber. Ho opened the door
lolscle.-sly , and moved on tiptoe across
ho carpeted lloor toward the bed , fear-
ng thai Air. Davis would bo asleep , Tlio
, ; iis was burning dimly. Air. Davis hap-
nuipd to bo awake , anil asked his chain ,
jcrlaiu what ho wanted.
"Air. President , " said Eggling , "I
uivo been in your .service a long time ,
mil have never , as you know , soliciteii
any special favor from you. "
Dr. Davis admitted thai.
"I have one to ask now , " resumed
'ggliug , "and I hope you will not refuse
t. " Ho then requested thai Air. A. , who
vas waiting in the hall down stairs , bo
illowod to como up to the chambou to see
dm on urgent business involving the
ives of two innocent soldiers.
The president consented , and in a short
line Air. A. , accompanied by Kggling ,
iresontod himself before the president ,
vho remained in bed. After a short pro-
lininary conversation Air , A. made
; no\vn lite object of his busiiiosss , which
vas to secure a reprieve for the two men
mtil Iho charge against them could bo
urther investigated.
President Davis asked various ques-
ions , and when informed that tliu sen-
ciicu of the drumhead court marllal had
Ji'i'ii approved bj'Gen. Leo , declared that
io could not and would not interfere.
ilr. A. bccauio importunate , and Mr ,
> avis so far relented as to agree to think
over the matter for an hour , at the end
uf which Air. A. would receive his lliiul
dee's'on ' Air A tlun withdrew , ami a
the appointed time relumed to the
ber w th Kggliug. 'Fho president t-otn
tcously informed Ills 'guest that he hat
considered ( he suntter fully and could no
change Irs decNoti.
' 'Tlio men n\n t die if GPU. LrP ha * ap
proved the sentence , " said the ptevident
' 'is that your Irrevocable conclusion ? '
Air. A. tremulously uski-d.
"It is ; I cannot rt-Vor.-o It , " Air. Da\i
"Then , " snid Air. A , "will you ri i
from your bed and nnito with me n
prayer to Almighty GeM for the souls o
the poor unfortunate * who arc to be she
to death iu the morning1
Pre-ideut Davis agreed to this , and 11
a minute Ihp three Persons in tinroou
were kmeliiig , and Air. A. was fervently
praving for ( ho salvation of the dooniei
German" . When "amen' ' wa said Mr
Davis was about to rise , but ho wv :
pencilled by Air. A. , who said :
"Now , Air. President , I want you It
pray. "
Mr. Daus , however , insisted on rising
nnd after doing so , said : "Air. Kggliug
bring mi ! some paper and pen and ink' '
They were ' peedily produced , and in n
few "moments tlip'desired reprieve was
handed to Air. A. , who , after profu-elj
thanking the president , hasteneii back It
the eonlederate camp , urrhing just in
time to avert the execution.
Another Slop Towards Heaven.
Haglcy "That Bailey Is a most extraor
dinary man. "
Airs Bagle.y"In what way , dear * "
Hagley"hvcry lime he marries lit
moves ill ) one Ilight of stairs at hit
hotel. "
Airs. Bagley"Indeed ! On which llooi
does ho live now ? "
13agley "He's just taken apartments
on the fifth lloor. "
1 IIKS !
A sure pure for Blind. Bleedlm ? , Iti-hln
nnd IJlroink'tl Plli-s has been discovered by
Dr. Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , called 1) r
Williams' Indian Pile Ointment. A simile
box has cared the worst chronic cases of : i. " > or
! X\ears ) . Maudlin : . No one need sutler live
minutes utter ninilyiiii ; lids wonderful sooth
liiK medicine. Lotions and instruments du
tnoie harm than irond. Williams' Indian
Pile Ointment alisorlis the ttiinoi , allays the
liitenso Iti-hinu' , ( parlli-ularly at nltiht after
uettins warn ; in bed ) , nets as a poultice , itives
uilant leliet' , and is iiicparcd only lor Piles ,
itchins of private pails , anil lor nothing else
Dr. Kra/.ier's AhuiUOintmiMit i-uu-s as by
maiiiiPimnles , Black Heads or ( iinlis ,
Blotches and Eruptions on the face , leaviiu ;
the skin clearand beautiful. Also cures Itch ,
Salt Klicinu , Sore Xlpnle. " , Sore JJps , and
Old Obsllnate Ulcers.
Sold by diuggists , or mailed on receipt of
50 cents.
Itetailcil by ICnhn ACo. . , and Schroder &
Becht. At wholesale by C. F. ( iooilmaii.
NOTICl ! . Spcclnl nilvortlscini'iiK , such n
Loet.rouml , To I.nnn , For Sale , To lient , Wants
llonrdiiiff , L'tu. , Kill bo liisL-rtc-il in thl cniuniunt
the low rate of TUN' CUNTS I'Klt J < INH for the
flrbt insertion and FJVU CUNTS J'KIt 1-tNU for
cnch 8UliscUcnt ( | in-i-rtlon. I.c-nvo ailvortl-io-
our olliL-u , No. U. 1'oml ttroet , near
O \VA.V AVAI.K1' ; ! ! . Xo. i8 ! JIulii street ,
O ( iiiiili r l'lti.-.uii's lliinUireiil , iH'utuann incr-
liiinillfe i-xcliniiKu lirolicrsi Our booka iiro lull
siieultil luirf.'alnbut It 1s impo-sililo to pnli-
ish a lolutble lls-t fiointhotiiut of so tunny ila'lv '
cliiiiigcs. Wliut wo : iik Is : i It you want 'to i-ell
ortriulo anything in our Jim- , write us niul wu
vill suml yon u pileof harj.-r.lns tj select IVom.
.inuld lniirovuil ] or iniliupiavod , city or town
jropcrty , stoeKs of miods of any kiml in any
iluetif sneli jon hnvuor pituli you want lot us
icai-from jou. Swim i Walker , Council lll.iIU
FOU UKNT A llnolr fnrnUhoJ front room
No. 1 Vine street
.i inlli-s 6 ( > iitliwc-t ol' Unijtliii. G
ooin honsiXcolliiil ! vell niul clsluni , - Imrns ,
ono lor niarlit hm > t-s , 0110 for 'M rows : lien , tool
uul WIIKOII IIOUSOH ; llJ nt-rcs In timothy : H.1,000
'oio-t trees , cotton wood.blauk xriilmu , mh nnd
uaple ; trend orclnnd , iiiijilux , clierriiis , plums ,
Krapes and smsill fruits. Nuver lallliiff slock
valor. It. J' . Ori'icua , i'JJ ' llroiulwny , Council
Hull's , Iowa. _ _
" all the lii t-T-lassMicinil
W"ANTBU--To liny > - )
hunt ! household ( foods tliut uru ollorod to
sno ! , ttii-li as lurnituro , mriiuts. stoviis , oto
I't'rsons not Imvliifr hTHicri.v Mrsl-chiss uoods
vlll save time by not applying. All others will
rccolvu prompt iittc-ntion and will bo puld the
ilj-'hcf.t iiiiirkut prices Iiy A. J. Jlatulol , IW3
Jioadway , deaU.-r in now and strictly tlrst-cluss
Bccond-haiid lurnllnre , otc. , oc.
rOH UENT-At McMalioh" & CoT'
HOlISnS _ 1'enrl strt-i-t. _
Chicago Water Kofor Co ,
I'owor fiirnishcd from hydrant presfnicfor
rlvlmr ull klnila of liRlu muchau-r ) . Spoc-Iiil
ttentloii jflvi-n to church urirHii lilowlujr. Wo
run iirlnthiK' pro oK , mcut choppers , ice cream
I'rc-ivi-rs , | ill-lilnj , ' lathe.sowlny ) muchmi' , etc.
J'lic he t I'lu-iipn-it molnr minln. fiend lor clr-
L-nliir. In USD in Council lllulls by
1'iici ) \ Schmidtmeat miirkct.
'hleinro .Meat Market.
L'lhl/eudorliir's Meat Market.
Smith , V Meyers.
Kurt/ Kli'eb , eolTco frrinder.
Hubert Mnllls , colleo irrliuk-r.
It. 1 , . Wl I.I.I AMP ,
SelllnpAtfeiit , 18 Mnln t-t. Council lllnirtf , lowu.
1111 l''urimm HI. Onmliii.
ly rr.iron of HH central | in lllr.ii an I clo'B relation Io
nn principal llnui JUit itml Wot. at Initial unit ter
minal point * , ciiuvtllutm Ilia IIIOM linpullant niliT-
roritlniTiliil link In that Hrm of through IrniiMior-
If.tlun iThlrh Invllni nn < ) facilitate * uatrlnml tiaiila
iH'twccn cities of the AllniHIc linj 1'avlllc Cuuhln. U
Ii ul u Uii ) runirlto nail I.-K | route toandfiom polnti
aCj t , Korlhea t anil Houtlitui.1 , unit corii'koiiillnt ) ;
( > oluta A\e8t , Noillincvt uud oiittmrbt.
The Great Rock Island Route
Ouarantres Iu patroni that ' itni ? of iicihonal ft'cu.
rllr mfpnlcil \ > y a Kollil' Oioroiik'lilj Imlbilnl roud-
Iwil. uniuolh truc'ki of ronllililom Mtcl mil. mlMan-
llully liulll rulrri In ulij In lilies , lulling ilork ui near
l rr > rtlon an Innnan kkill iyu nmke II. Iho alely
appllancei ornatt-nt hiirriiiiplairoritiii and air biakc * ,
and that ei cUncfll c'lpllii hlrli Korcrln thr prap.
tlralop ralloni > r nil Ililialni. Ollit-r | xrlalllci of
thli route aie 1ran > frr * nl all ( iiiinn-Unir imlnlK In
Union licpota , uaU tlio imatirpafaked couuutu aDU
luiurlenof lt'iiKer i : < iulpiucut.
Hlrepcrior ihe iufrui iir ib'ii , antl buini * tiiouit lilnlnt ;
lar , In which rUuoratbly reeked liu-alit un < It'lniilflv
c-aun. llclwcoiiClilcauoaml Kanrasrll- Alohltun
bio dlto luu the Cell ur.iteil lu-i-llnlinr C'lmlr t'ai. .
The Famous Albert Lon Route
R. n. CABLE , E. ST. JOHN ,
1-1(9-1 & Uiu'l UV'r , llrn'l T'l.l ' A. i'a . ic't ,
J , L. De BEY01SE , Agent ,
No. M ) " Hrondw v , Council tliu its.
Railway Time Table
Ttio followlnir l tlio tlino of nrrlvnl nn
ilepnrturi- trains by ivntnil tnn > liiitl tuu ( > , n
tliuku-nl ill-puts. Train * lc.i\o lrnn lei-icpot ! | pi
mliintes c-iiillcr mut iirrlvo ten iiilinites Inter :
OIIH Ann k M > imi\vr TKit.v.
! i2) ; ) A. V . . .Mnlliiml ixprt-5a. : . . . fii.'iOpv
12:401M : . . . . .AiTommoilmloii 4riUi : M
tifOr. M K\plos U:05A.M
CIIIL'.MiO A KOCK | S | , VNll.
? i2 > A.M. . . . Jlnllunil i\pic' : .s fi"i-l : | M
T115 A. M Aifonmmdntlon fi:4.-i : I- . it
C.iHiIM . i\ples : * I'rtB.l. ' M
jiiCfl A. M Mull niul Ktpross 0.YirM :
liiuUI'.H K.Vncf ) 0:0,1 , t. M
PMOA.M Mull nail l-\pus : . . . . Oi.'fll' . M
< i.Ml-.M : i\ptfs : 0:05A. M
2Ti : M.lofiil St. l.ollls 1-.tHT ; | Local
; iOP.MTiiiiii : ( | > l ( > i > St. Ixinls Kx.'rMinsti-ri'Hi' : : ) . v
. . . . ' . ' '
10:10 : A. M Jlailnnd K\prc 5 fittOp. : M
l'fil'.M ' : ( Kxpu'ts B:4.'jA.M
sioi-.v inv i , i-\eitia
7tr.A. : Plouv C'lly Mail : ; % > ni-\t
COr.M. : ; ; . . St. 1'nul l-\prt 8S5A.Vt :
VMII.V iMcrnc.
IHiIWA. M Ili-'ivi-r ' U\pies . . . . .8:4.11u :
! ! : K ! M..t.ln < 'oln l'u . . ( ) in. * K. V..2:115 r. M
73l' : . > i Uvi-rlnnil r.itn-ess 8:15 : A. M
l.tavo Council lllnlls Tft'i : : , is : ! M Ini.-Rl-
llul : ( n. in.5 l0-aii : : ; ) : ) : : w ( : ; > . ) 5i-5 llifkl-
UMu p. in. Snmla7UV : : ! 11:91-- : . in
S.w-ciil-ri:2.i : : : : Uii ) ll.1 : ! ! p. m. I.PIIVO Omsilir
tir ) : > 7Ti-HV : ) 10:00--tl,0 : : n. 111 ! IIK : ! 'JlW- ;
: rx-4lH ) : 5 :0i : : Di-iA-tl - : IO p. m. fnnilnys - : : ;
:53-11:00 : : n. Iil.3i00-ilOJ-6OU-ll ; ! : : 'i llilUp.ln
Northwestern Hotel.
Newly fitted and furnished. Opp Uroadway
Dnininy Ui'iiot. Sl.fiO per day.
SAMUKIj TAT1C , 1'rop.
I , . 11. IJKUS11AW. Manager.
Chicago Lumber Co.
Wliolonlo and roliill l.ninbcr , l.ntti , Slilnjiles
Push , Doors niul Itlliuls. Sit\o \ agents for the
cclcbmled Mniblvliciul ContTiitrnted Wliltu
lino. S I1. JlAixoNXKi.i , , Miniuecr.
Tc-topliono No. - - * .
No. * i 10 Main Sticut.
Queensware < Sc
At Homer's
Xth 2'l Main Slrppt , ronnt-il Hind's. In.
In CouncI Itluds linrin ?
Fire IBsca,2De
And nil moncrn linprovt'inciits , call bolls , tire
ularin bt'lls , etc. , is tliu
t . 217 and 210 , Jlaln Stroat ,
MAX M lllX. Tioprlctar
Practices In Slati and Fcdpral Courts.
Itoonis 7 amis SliuOTrt Dloiik Ueiio.
No. 28 , Main Street , - Council Blurt's.
Main St , , Counoil Ultills.
Nrartlit'C. , 11. &Q.U. ; , M. & St. P. , and
C. , 1 ! . J. & P. lailway depots. Stieol ear
pass the iloor. Kv crytliln ; , ' new ami lirs
class. Oncnud Dee. 1st.
Proprlotor and > laimjer. ;
Coiixisi : DKVAXT AXI > Vixr : STS.
Warm rooms and peed bomd at rcnsonnblo
rates.J. . M. LEADING
Tailof !
NO. 7 and 9 MAIN STREET ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa
MimnfnctnrerBof nil clzes of
Esprclnlly Designed for Hmmlnir ,
Tuhulnr and Locomotive Boilers.
New Massilloii T lire liers.
Carey and Wooilbury Horse Powers.
Portable and Traction Engines ,
Factory Mas.sillon , 0. Branch Ilouso
510 Pearl St. , Council Blufft.
IKIS. ( irrtCEiu w. n. u. Y
; l ) ' h ud 18Ji.
No. 337 Drouilwny , Council ilufl's ,
Now Christmas Hag Oomo nntl Gone , thi
Stock of Goods on Hciml Must
be Disposed of ,
Those Who Will Kent ! tlio Pollowlnji
Will .Surely Klinl .Mnny Accept-
altlo Presents Cor New
Vcai- Uny ,
Tor Imlip * or ffpnl * pnn bf
Ilium ) In IIH-RC iiiiintlurs ] niu <
< > 1 P ery | M < ltili > ilOM-ilptlon
nn < ) nl pilciM Hint \ < > u i'u :
Ivrll nllnid to tillnl 111 IllR iiiHiiuiiOtli riltlblliii-
mt'iit ' ol r.lsonnui. lloikht.V Co.
I p Who nvr-r hi-anl of .1
limit ) Miltnliltt pii-M-nt ,
Kven n liijjlo line linen
linnilki-rc-lilpr * " 111 I'll in- '
oeptnliln to ino l any 0110. inn ] It cult be Imiufhl
eheui | lit tin1'eoplo s Store.
Now iiovclllo In this llni' for
Any .Muni ) . ' man IIHIV
ini'il thnt lil 1ir . | Kill
lll niipu'c'hitu oao If
fioin Kininn. . llodilii i I'o.
Von Know your wife
u III uppu-ehileu line pair
ol tl.i * is no matli-r IT
yon do luippeil to luue u
puller two ol' ui-od oue ,
ut home. Von iicixllook
no liu ( her Hum the I'm-
till-'Stoic tin-tliu lliiei > l
mnkrs and eheaprgt
r An.ii . llliol : < Sllkli ) < - <
I | l/ljr\f < 1'iitleiii is eonslileieil 1111
III | * VV I'li'K-iintlloliilay ' pri'M'tit.
mJ I VJlJ J s'lii'1 ! pilCL-H luive never
' tic-fti ( iituieilllie putille ,
and mil lon nuo nn or-
illnary , COIDIIIIIII. cvi'iy-
Goods iln > liters Mould < ovt us
iinii'li n < u liiiiiilsiiiiii' tllk
, III now iu t If H'k'ctt'il
Illllll tillllMMICIIM < .stock
of KlU'iiiiin , Itoilila \ T'o.'s I'l.-opli-V Ploie , lie
Iui9 tlio lurgot stock iniT-ei'ii In I In- ( . -s.l.
TCT A nr > C3 Of ovrn i-dtii-i-liiilili * Mtlrtor ; \
JL3..E * . A rch : and pnor ullk'- .
Can lie foinidi ftrr'iTVl suit iiniehn .eri
ut prices thai urA.J. .O ill the I pies'
? lou > ol KNeuuin , Hodiln A. Co. i ft CS
Kvcrybody l\iiiW tlnil 1'urt are
a aln comlmr into > tylc , IH much
so u * they WI'H % 15 ori ) jt-iirs lino.
A nice set will be us Him nnd ele-
i krnnt a pn.-enl : miiy ! liulvMlll U.oU
lor und It will I'e Hie envy ol'ull her
Iili-nds ti > M-i'lu-v In her new Inrs.
The 1'coples'sttin - has Ihi-in lit
] > i lee * , i hut intiko even baliies er > lor them.
Tor the mIllldii nt ttio lai-prM dry
HOSE goods slonIn tinwi't. . Such u
stiu'k tlnit if you % viitto count
them I > ) tlui piilr , It would tiike you
until IMltj itniili coimtiiiK' . 'I'lio
ron TUP. price on lliiu lie ii-ry lor n.Uier In-
illi-fl or Rents sei-nig to l-o - chenprr
Ifl II "llln " " ' V > IW ' -l"ls um bo
I I IIIW bomsht but tlncON ! n Mimll
LLIUI1 iimsldi-ratiijii when tlio ! / < of
the stoek i-oonsldun d und It he
roines known tluit ! ' .i"cniniilojila ( , V Co. bought
inn peed * chi'iip und miRlrincr Ihi-ir eOitomers
tlie udMintiisool their close uuyinjf.
Rflftk / & RlftP ] < i sty' tnlu.l . > e'meu
JJUUID VX. UilUt'D ' uiidi-liildieiiK1 limits
mid shoes ean ho
found at pi'k'tM thnl surpn-,1 nil , Ono whole
HID re of the nmmmoth eMulilNhiuont of tliu
1'eojdus' i-toro , Is dovnicd to thl e lalill hinont.
ndics who wl h fulls , no
Suits mutter wliut slyle. hliupo or
( Mil , Liiniicit InOn but llnil u
suit to pl ii u tlielr tuste at
Eiseman , Ilodda & Co's.
, _ Every one know ? n mil ( Her \n \
\'V \ limuly tlimg Io mi\e about tliu
' hous" They cniue in tfllk. Ci h- , Merino , etc. , und
nre found in irri-ul 'iniuitilles to sclc'cl Irom at
the Peoples' Sluio. CZ1
Is there : i inun , womnn or
Eiseman child Unit duos nol know , or
, has nuvi-r been lusi.le . of 0110
ol the InrBest if nut tliu very
liifMi-st illy ; roods lionso in
Rodda liuii. It Is located ul the
uoinir of Uromlnuy und llry-
imt ft.Connell lllulls , und It
- . culled Ihe I'copli. . ' Store , of
&A- I which EiM-imui. llodilu \ Co.
\JV iin-llii ! proprlotorIt wll
do your henrl K'JUil to uull
nml pen I heir imiueus'- < k even If yon 'ilofi't
buy. Tlii-j IIHVI- plenty ol clerks to show you
uroiind and evcrythiiu ; Ima lmible is done for
your eomfoi'l wlion in their truly iuimeiise
r 01 'I ' J Yo11 rn" find nnyllilnsr mid
hnr 1 firOn ovoryililmi tluit is utoil by
lUI UllllUIUM them at ii : isemnn , Ilodda &r
Co.'s. TiiKuour children
thcronml fit them out in any urtlule > on wish.
You'll bo pluiioinl wilh your -eluclioiis. and the
piIi-us they miiko ) ou , us they huvo an nssort-
muiit of I'lne ' lioods , us well Hi Iho cheapest
goods to be found.
Kept drv by purehasluKoviM'shocs
or rnbUur boul.s at the I'eoplo'd
If vou bpcoine IImil of
Areta Tired ? M over tlio yoodn
inill . toros to Und
what you want , H-IIH-III-
her Unit HID. HIS und 'i-l ; IlniKilwiiy , l.'ouueil
lllulls , tlm I'coplui' Store , you eiiu llnd on
Homo imo Moor ol tlm imnieu-ii > > iiilill > hment
ju t wliut you uru looking for , and Kif-i-mun ,
UoiIJa , \ Co. huvo the itouU and vatlety to te-
lect Irom ,
11 J The cold ( M-iitliereomltiK'so l.ut-
underwear found the stm-k of imdfTwi-ur
. . nil her -en lllK-il up ul HI-II.
nuiii , Ito.ldu . * - Co. Tin ) Mm.'I ; la
FO law Hint It inii-t be rediiei-il , mid Unit ut
oneoif nt all , ' 1'lH'i cannot alloid to euiry it
in or till in-vl - Ri < u."on , If they liuvii to IOIIHO
money b > selliiiir it now. Thuy uui nut M-llhiif
out , eou-eiiieutly | mn-l IIIIMI I InKIOIII lor
olhorKood" , which will uriho Iu January nu.\l.
The Cheapest Red Flannel in the
West is to be ioiind in the Peoples'
JJo sloro In the wo l over luis
bliown us fine mid Inure u linnol
Kiirini'iith ut tinIVoile | ' Store luis
ibis M.-IIMIII , They luifu now u
niiieh Im'h'er stocks on linnd tlmn all llu- oilier
lioiihes here combined t-un > liow. .md ut prices
that < eems | | IIKHML' | | | | , but it Is u tact , und Io bo
eimvim.-ed KIVI * them u I'lill , Vim i-un Imy u
Hoiil ; or uny kind of u wiup of them , and i-iin
uogi'l moio valui' lor your money In iiiis line
limn over bel'oie for this -a-on , tluit II they
i-urry tliumoyertlll nu.M neuson It ulll idiiiiin
imu-Iialf of ulloor tosloio HII.MII In , mid MIBO-
man , itodduiv Co. can't jimro the * ] IHI/C.
Muslins , llk-iiched mid lnblenclied !
ean bo lound at Iho IVoulis'stoiu ,
Inijuanlitle.i Ihul would u
hundred small fctores. Tla-y mo
VPS , Klspinnii , Ilodda & Co. hnvo bn-
bins , u * well iif overyIliln el.-i > , uud
they ulviiilii-ni uvvay with every pnr-
C-IUIM ) ol i..Ill anil upwards. Von eun
luke your eholco ot liomlxoiao bahlea , homrly
; nibii ) . " , uuly bahlo > , blonder , hrinmttes , nrwhul-
jvnr t-lili-ynu funey. Tlmy coat you iiotlilny
md .110 tf.\ < 'u uuuy.
nnil I'arfV ' Innlllho Irmlli-jr color *
(111U Idllj nnd lint , mo io l.i'ioimd
III iih bi/.u-i nl Kit-rill II ,
lloiidu & Co.'s l't-opli-i - > '
.Simu. .M > o ull i.llii.r .
kiluli < d ho > u for inun ,
iib , ladiesBids , mid llietimilleil babiei.
. . _ _ _ _ _ _ > . , -sj Von m-ver fuw us fine a
G ! | T TC Q lluool , | | l.o or Halms to
OJLJLJJuX.rO * K'lc-et Irom us lomt as
you su In en wcbt ol I hi-
: ne < i us ) ou ean sue a < - Hie 1'eopluii' eloiu.
( llovi-siiro now E"llu | inplulr , > I
lmt u.tli 11 ii' iimnciiM'Mock I
unt | : Ueuuili , Hoddii \ I o. . .
on iiiiml iln-y nil ply . '
Council Bluffs Carpet Co.
Our st och l non complete In pvory
tucnt nml eoutalns nil tliu Intuit styles nml effects
UTC. nro.
Largest Stock
Lowest Prices.
nn : OXIAKxci.ustvu CAiti-ui1 iiousii
wisTiiiN' : : IOWA.
BAMl'l.l'S fiirnlilioil upon triplication to'owtj
town parties.
ouocil Bluffs Caipet Company
4:03 J3road way.
Nos. 1 and 2 , Masonic Temple.
Council Bluffs , Iowa ,
Tlie cold weather has flnally put in an' '
appearance and Dads many persons not' ' m
pet supplied with heavy underwear , conJ' '
sepontly we wish to gently hint that we
iave a flne assortment of
ffewtsh to call tpecial attention to ouu"
) ouble front and back Undershirts wittt
Irawers to match.
Fur and Oloth Oaps
Mits and G-loves.
Mufflers ,
Etc. , Etc , , Etc.
k. W. Patterson & Ocx
Hos , 1 and 2 , Masonic Temple ,
Council Bluffs.
. T. H VVKB. A. 8.
J' . T.Mu.ynu & Co ,
leal Estate Exchange
No. O ! I'ourl B troet , Council IHnlTa , Imva ,
oalcrs Iji Iowa , Kanuui and Nebraska rumH
Houl Kbtiitu bought and sold ,
Justice of the Peace ,
Office Over American Kipruus ,
R. RICE , M , D.
wl.nout .
Over thirty yrarrt' nrael nul nxiiurluncu.
i. H Trail t-ni'el , lOnmll illuUs.
- '