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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1885)
THE OMAHA FIFTEENTIIY BAB , OMAHA , T11UHSDAY MOKNEtfG , DECEMBER 31 , 1SS5 NUMBEJl PIVTIM XT nilllfT'O ( IIIVl'TP SIXTEEN SIIARLS A JIIMTE , The President's Trying Ordeal at Yester day's White House Reception. THE WHISPERING ATTENDANT. tionutor Allison Solid for Continued Hllxer Colnauo Counterfeiting n Profitless Venture Postal Changes Various Matters. A Klogp of llniul WA iu\noN , Dec. 80 [ Special Telegram - gram 1 "Yon must not talk politics tn me bero , " said I'lcsiilcnt Cleveland to a man \vhowas trintr to roninmi ! the exenntlxc attention dining the public reception at thr Whllo House to d-i ) . " 1 his is no place , my dear fellow , " toiitinucd the piesldcnt , "to tiller Into a discussion of tills kind. Come up stairs with " lint the piesldent's tonrago must have lallul him when ho en tered tlio cast loom ata qmiter to'J o'clock nnd laced MX ) people crowded together icadx to make an attack as soon as he put in an appeaianco. The attendance was much larger than at an ) of Ihupiesl- dent's leceptlonslield since ihe Inauguiatlon. Many of those piesint had eominsslon for tlie picsidcnt , and decided to lei ego the pleasure ol gasping Ids hand. Tour linn- nnd foil ) eight , hovvevei , passed between the usheis and itHcixed a lieait ) hand shake. 'JLhoIaigest picxloits numbei vvas'JIO , The president entered upon his woik in earnest and did not falter once In tlio pump handle motion of his light aim , and the late anlxal leeched ashcait ) a shako as the Hist. Ho disposed ot the -I4S in sixteen minutes , axeraging sixteen shakes u minute. Ono ot the last calleis , a lad ) , said til it it she. hadn't been so anxious lo sec him she would not haxo Imposed upon him , tor he must bo tiled out. 'Hie piesldciil icplicd plcasautl ) , "Oh no , this is theiaslesttime 1 have dining the day. " Ono gentleman shook hands Impics- slvely with one ol the ushers , thinking lit ! wasthepiesident. Ho siibseipientl ) saw hH mistake and ictutned to collect It. Anotliei gentleman insisted upon whispering In tlie piesldent's ear , and the piesident , nfloi ti ) ' Ing in vain to get out of re-ich , told him tu call to-moiiow , 1111 : sui is roivvcii , oi KSIIO.V. To-dav the New Yoik Times has this fiom Washington : "f-cuator Allison , xxho gee < xvlthtlu pait ) liom Washington to icpiesont congress at tlio Iloston mcichants' dinner , cariitswith him a speech In which he will talk about the taillf , bankiuptcy bill , and nilver. Ills xxell known modciato piotectivc view s make U safe to assume what will be the gencial tone of his remaiks about tlio ne cessity lor or expediency ol tai ill levislon. His disposition tovvaul the binkiuptc ) bill Ih friendly. Xol long ago , while in Chicago on his wa ) to Washington , ho expressed Ids opinion that possibl ) a sulllclent oiipositlon to continue silvei eoi'iagemight bodcxeloped to eirtct a suspension of that coinaue. Ho has levised that opinion , and will , it is nn- dcistood , not onlsa > that theie Is no hope of a repeal of the silvei ooinago act , but no neccsslt ) foi such an act , and no danger to bo f cat cil from a lalhno to stop the coinage oJ thosllxei doll.u. " Senatoi Yoorhees , M r. Hetran , Mi. Willis , nnd ono or two other congressmen on the hllxor side , may add their opinions to those of Mi. Allison , and prevent some animated criticism among the "Gold Hugs" ol the lai vast. vast.1'ho silver men arc growing 111010 confident daily , and the announcement Is made that they purpose to advocate continued sliver coinage In the heart of thosection opposed to It. It is not only a sign of their conlidenee , but an exhibition of tlie feeling lu'diientl ) observed licit1 of a detei initiation ou tlio putol thu west to lesent any soil ot domination by castein men. A iMioKmiss ; vi.snnr. Westetn Mump oiatois luxe iccently as. hertcd thai thousands of silvei dollats are being coined Illegally lor the pioht on silvei. Chief of the Seciet faeivite liiooks was seen by the ISi.i. coiresondent ] ) tod.i ) and asked as to his know ledge ot this subject , lloio- lepllul : "lliese stoiies aioabsind. I never ) et inn a'uoss a single piece of silvei ol the blandaid value which xxas coined outside ot tlic mints. Tlieie are two xei ) good icasons xx hi no such coinage Is likel ) . Urst , because a lounteitcitci is not tool enough to put eight ) cents woith of silvei Into a bogus coin when ho can make an cxiellent imitation xvlth thiity ( outs worth ot metal. The second end ic.ison Is thai the plants , dies , etc. , foi hiiccesslull ) coining genuine silxei would cost so much that the coiiutciloiter would have to keep his men at woik night and da ) foi thicc months bcloio ho could begin to rcali/c. a proht on Ids investment , and my ex perience teaches me that the avenge lite ol a tonnterteltlnu' establishment is not moie than thuc months. " rosiAi , ciiXNors IK TIII : xxi ST. Willis M. Hotchkiss was to day eomnds bloiied postmastei at 1'ulaski , Iowa , and Samuel MeClellan at bt. Aifgnar , Iowa. Changes haxo been oideied In the time schedule ot bt.u mall routes in Xebiaska as follows : Kingston to Ai l.civo Kingston Tuesdis and batuidasal U m. ; anlvoati b ) - ) > , m. Leave \i Tucsdavs and h.ituul.iis at "iuOji , in. ; anivo at Kingston b ) l.utp. m. , oi In duo connc < tlon witli the i.illvs i ) mail llattln to IHuo Hill Li ave llaltln Mondas and Filda.vs at lUa m. ; aiti > o at llluo Hill b ) 12Xp. : ! ) m , Leaxo Itlue Hill Mondasand I'lidajs at'-p. ! m. ; auixo at Uattln b ) lj ; : ; P. m. ALL WANT Til XH1VI VNBIHI'1. Speakei Carlisle Is still w rolling \\lth his btandlng eoiumltlces. Ho tmds moio dilll- cully In assignment to places ol the many inlnoi lepiesentatlves than to the lew leadIng - Ing men who aio to bo the heads of the gieat committees. H Is pietty will i-clllcd that Itandall will bo chaliman of the appiopila- tlons committee , HanIson head of iho was and means , Tucket head ot the judicial ) . Willis liver am ! liubois , lieagaii conmieue , Hewitt naval atfalis , and soon. Itlitodis- tilbnto thoUOO men unknown to fame , lathei than the tvvenl-six ot national icputation , that the speaker llnds it dilllcnlt. All the old members think the ) aio entitled tocbaii- niaiitiliips. 1'iobabl ) nine ( tilths , ut least , of the old members , want ilialimansldps , and theie mo iiihaps ' . " > pit cent of the now membeis who think that the ) would bu quite fitted foi uch positions , ho the speak er IB having anthing but a good time in his holiday recess. oKrmixos TO TIII : OLD roiu . The chief of the mono ) oidei dlxUIonof ( no postoll'c3 department , Dr. McDonald , 10- potIs that bills of exchange amounting to nraily 5100,000 had to bu tent to Kngland during Christmas week to cover the balance of the iiiNii'y ouler business between that country and this , which means tliat thu inC ! > c } sent to Uicat liiltaln tiom this conn- tiy In the aljapo of money ouleia dining Christmas week w ieatei b ) § 100,000 than the money sent In the s.imo v.jy during the tnmotimu from Great lliltaln to this coun try , The balance is alw aj s on the same side , xxhkli Is easily nccountetl for by the tact that the liUh and Kngli-h in this countiv make a of sending n great imnx stmll sums of monc ) to tlu-lr friends at honip , xxhlle the friends at home do not gentrall ) icelprocatc. 'I he balance of business w ith Ital ) is greater in proportion than with ati ) other country. Last ) tar inonc ) ordersamonntlngtoSGOO.OOO wert'H'iit from the United fatatts lo Ital ) ; wlicicas only SDO.OOO , or one twentieth of that amount , tame this wa > . SCII1.X1I.NO } Olt A I. VXD OllVN'T. 'Iho tactics ot the Southern I'aeilie Hall- road compiii ) In [ legald to the land giant of the California . < , Oiegon load have so far worked inimitably , lie solutions of tlio boards of ti.ulo of ban Tianclsco and Sicra- inoiitu haxo been sent to nil congressmen from California opposed to the grant. If n stiong mlnorlt ) of congiossmen from Cali fornia opposed the grant it is xer ) probiblc that eongiess would refuse to extend the time of the grant. On tlio other hand if the California delegation and the Oiego n con gressmen ale solidly In favor of the grant It is quite piolnble tint congress would extend the time. In this condition of affairs It is evident xvhat stiong inlhtcneo the action ot the boauls of tiado will do. The elfect of that action is ahead- felt In the delega tion. It lias been llnall ) decided tint Judge bandcison , benalor IMmumb and ex-Sen ator Conkling will aigue the tax cases for the railroad compaii ) . dcMiator Kxaits will not take pait in the case as was expected. FXIs 10 MA It 11.1. IHI. WOIII.ll. WAsniMno.N , Dec. 'M. [ bpecial. ] lor seven ! das past the piess ills 1) itches have contained statements to tlie ellect that ono Moses Urad- shaxv would 'oon in.iku disclosures xvhlch would st.utlo the woild and show the thlid assistant postnnstoi up In a bad light. Hrad- shavv has been tlneatcnlng lids for several ) eais , but thus fat Ids sensitlon has failed to pin out. lliadshavx is one of those unlortitn- ate individuals who never know when the ) arc well olf. Ho owes Ids political piefcr- nient to the good ollices of Mi. H.uen , jet ho tried to run the entile postoflite depaitment , failed and was dlschaigcd ; hence Ids sensa tional promises. The following lepoit , made bv Chlet Inspector Sharp to I'ostmaster ( ien- end Hatton lastvxintei , explains tliumotlvo which animates the formei just now : In obedience to jour instriicttoiis. I have the honoi to lejioit that , as to the result of m ) investigation as to tlio manner in which Moses Iliadshaw , chlel of the stamp division , has conducted the business ot tliat ollice , aud as to his ellieiene ) and faithfulness as an of- hcei , I am thoioiighh convinced : First : Tliat Mr. Hradshaw is incllicieut , and has not the qualllicatlons neccssarv to the pioper and cllicient administiatlon of so important a division. feecond. 'that .Mr. Hiadshaw has been in- suboullnate to such an t-xtent as to seilonsl ) embaii iss theadniinisti.itioii ot tlic bureau ot which Ids division is a ver ) impoilant blanch. Thiid : 'lliat Ills conduct in the suppies- sion of a veiy impoitant lejioit passing tlnoiigli Ids liamis by one of hissuboulinates , and In obcdienco to the wntten oidei ot the postmastei geneial , cleuly Indicates thatlio was not laUhfid to his trust , or was giossly Ignoiant of his duties. Very respectfully , A. ( } . SiiAiti1 , Chief Inspector. rnr.siniisTiAi , succi.ssio.v. There .no indications that the Hoar bill legnlatlng the presidential succession will be opposed by the majority in tlio house as it xvas during tiio last congress. Ono of the local organs of the demociac ) has sounded the aVim. 'Ihe piinclinl objection laiscd to tlie measuio is tliat it is defectixc in tliat It does not contemplate a nexv election to fill the vacancies , but vests the succession per manent ! ) , dining the balance of tlic term , in a non-elective ollicer. Tlie Post urges tlio amendment of thu bill so as to contoim to that passed by the last senate , which pro- xided that the cabinet olllcei succeeding to the piesidene ) shall seive only until a new election can bu held. As an argument in fav01 ot this amendment It sas : "The con tingency might ansu ot tlie death ot both pieshlent and vicopiesidunt betoiothoswear- mg in of those olllcials 01 befoiu the tontiim- alien of any member of the new cabinet , in which event a cabinet olllcei , a meie appointee - pointeo of the piesident and senate , might hold thoollico for tlio whole teini of lout ) ears , although ot opposite politics fiom the piesident and vice piosidcnt just elected. " 'llieio Isabc-liet , however , that the bill will eventually pass the lowei house , in spite of the astrologists and sects of the democratic p-ut ) wlio aio just now engaged In conjming upbalelul contingencies. It Is equally cer tain tliat If an attempt is made to amend the bill the attempt will tail. I'Lib or 1111 : NAVY. Naxal click's are at present anxiously awaiting the touisuof onoot tlio "pets" ot thu seivlco now tliat ho has again been 01- deitd to sea. Lieut. .1. D. J. Kellej has again been ordeied to lepoit toi duU on bonid the United fetates steamer Tallapoosa on Janna- ly 5. Iho Tullapoos.i will join the couth Atlantic squadron and will doilvcrdnt ) on the Itio 1'lata , Montevideo. Kelley has fre- uuentli hi en ordeied to sea , but Kello ) has intlneiico and does notllko seaseivlvc. Ho prefeis ball loom duty and geiinaiis. His success in seeming tlauovocation of oideis has been the bcandal of thonav ) foi ) eais , and it has come to ho legaulcd as a tou'gono conclusion that Kcllc'ssca oideis aie made slmpl ) to bo revolted , 'lids Is the same olllcei ot whom .SecietaiVhltno ) iccentl ) sild his Inlluentlal lilendsatu sopeisislent that ho xxas compelled to lev eke the last oidei time to look alter theoihei atraits of thu department. Nobody In tlie nav ) expects that Ive'lley will join thoTala- poosa just as the social season ot the capital is ilavvnlng. Another ) oung naval ollieer wlio has been peculiar ly lei Innate in this icspect Is Lieutenant 11 , A. 1'iako who h i elated by nmmage to the povvcifnl mugwump lamll ) ot Now Yoik , thellaipcia. Klsku succeeded In getting out ot sei duty scxeial times duilni ; the caily da > sot the admlnistiation ot Mr.Vhltno \ ) . At last , however , he was oideied to thu Hiool.ljn , and alter somu protest he joined that ship , lint sea lifo xxas distasteful to him and hu U now heiu again. He onU spent six ' xvukson the Iliooklii when he'succeeded In bringing Inlliiencueiioiigh to boar to secuie hlsiccall. If tlieso naval dioncs would to- sign tlie ) eouia get out of sea seixlceand at theh.imu lime the ) would atloul an oppoi- lunlty lor worthy ) oung men to seetno torn- missions ot which they aio. now deprived owing to the iact tliat tlie ie-istut ottlio navy Is crowded xvitli the names of just such shliks us Messrs , Kelley , Klske , li.ieon , et al. Till ! < HIANT MOM'JU .NT 1 U'.ND. riof. It.T. ( Jicencr , tlio Picictary of the New Yoik commltteo which Is cndcaxoilng to raise half a million dollars for a monument to the mtmoiy of Cen Giant , spent thu Chiistmas holldis in this city with his famll ) . To ) our correspondent ho said to ili ) ; " 1'ho outlook fora xxoitli ) monument is dicldedl ) good , Wo do not cxpeit to tabu a million dollaia , but wo shall get enough to eie'e-t .something that will boa ciedit alike to thuclt ) and nation. " "How Is it tliat the wealthv rapn whoae names appeal on the list ot staitcrsof Iho project do not appear among thu contribu- toisV" "It v\ould be unw bo to et all the blj con- tiibutors first. After we Ime projoclnd tlie plain and have collected all we 1-111 in mal ! sums It xx ill be tlmccnoiish to ask the big fish for their contributions. " "How much have jou now ? " "About SUW,000 was the amount collected when lleft Nevx York. " "Wlntdoon expect to pet ? " "Oh , S.lyO.OOOxvouldbea xery satisfactory atnoun t. " TIII. rot \ aMt T ov TIII : nrrr.r v r. .Indgo Carlton , of the Utah committee , vxho Is here , sis his obserxation leads him to bo- llcxothat polgani ) is giadually disappear ing among the Mormons. Onl ) a email pro- poitlonof Mormons aio polnimlsK The pobgimoiis Mormon in Utah lo da ) xxonld make a poor show Ing In eonipaiingtho num ber of his wives with tlio e of Joseph Smith or llihiliani Young , lixeii the late Uishop Lee , who Ind on ! ) nineteen wixes , including ono vei ) old aud ugly onu whom he man led just to save liei soul , 'would beat thiee or four of the best families to-day. " 1 don't believe' , " he said , "that in L tab to da ) there is a single. Moimon with moio than seven wives. " Ol'KiriXl , ItOOKI Illl. . Trlends of tlie congiessional Hbiary are coiilideiit that the bill to piovidc foi a .suita ble building lei this impoilant adjunct to the KOVeminent will become alaw at this session. The ehlet opposition in the lastcongicss tame tiom Mr. Samuel J. Itandall , whoso opinions have been slioin ton eonsideiable extent. Washington xv111 also , in all piobablllt ) , bo supplied xx Ith a suitable postollice building. The present edllite Is one of the worst In the connti ) . It has not a solltar ) icdcemlng feature.aud Is unsafe and utteily unlit foi any government purpose. The building was foi- nioily used as a hotel , and thu goveinment now pas a ofS > ,000. When the liaso cxplies It will bedillicult lei the owners to scenic SMO lent lor it , even lor tenement pniposx-s , and astho building Inspector has condemned it repeatedl ) , It is doubtful It a tenement could bo found to take It at any pilce. itKVOM.iioMi'ixn rix : toi.xws. . Hy the time tliat the call of states for the intioductlon of bills ! s completed next xveek theie will haxo b en intioditced not less than one bundled bills ( and peihaps tvvlco as mill ) ) looking to ladlcalcliangcs in thu law relating to pensions. Tlieie aio at least do/en me.isutes pitpned which pioimseto do awa ) witli that jiait ot the piesent laxv which leiniiies tint a dlsihled soldic-i shall piovo Ids soundness on tlieda ) ot his enlist ment beloio ho shall bo entitled to a pension. Iheh ot these bills propose that itslrillbu piima lacio evidence of a nun's ' physi cal health that lie was accepted b ) the enlist ment olllceis when the xvarbiokc out. Anotliei pioposltion is to icncw the limit ftoni tlio time of tiling applications , in oidei tliat aiicarages may beseemed , and sexeial bills propose to laigcl ) inciease the late paid for disabilities , while one goes so Jar as to m iko ( ioucial Mack's own case thostandaul b ) which eaih totally disabled oldiei shall bo paid. That is to say , that .1 man wlio lost both hands and both tcet , both e\e , or In oilier was totally ineapicitated , shall liavo Stoo n month. Thcio is little doubt that ono or more of thcsu bills will go tlnoiigli. TIII : M vn's CHOP m.i'oni. WASIII.NC. ION , Dec.HJ. f Associated 1'iess ] Estimates ot the statistician ot the deput- meutof asiicultuio lor tile piincipal ci leal ciops lor tlic ) c.u aio complctv'd , and the ag- gieirales In bushels aio as Iiillovxs in round millions : Coin , lUiUJOOUU ! , ; vvlieat , .T.T- , OOO.OOJ ; oats. ( jJ.i.OOO.OUO. The aiea of corn is 7.,000K)0 ! ( ) , ol oats ! if,000,000. The value ot coin aveiages neail ) ! ! .t tents pei bushel , and makes an aggiegate of Slw'5 000,000.000,000 less than the xalno ol thu list ciop Tim detieaso in tlie ptoduct of wheat Is 20 per cent , and only 17 pei cent In the valuation. which Is S.T5OCOxn. ! Tlie xaluatitn of oitsisStf-0- 000,000. The reduction in wiicat is moitl ) in the valley of tlie Ohio and In California. The states of Ohio. Indiana , Illinois Mlssouil and Kan is last ) ear produced 170,000,000 bushels , this jeu so.ooO.OOO. a re duction ot ' . )0,000ioo ) ( bushels , llieprodtiction of all this ccieals is 5.J bushels to each inhabi tant , and tlie augieg.ito volume is hiu'er than aii ) iioi.xi VN'S i VIM vx vjixvs. : The Star sas that In Ids icpoit upon tlio xvoik ot the sped il Indian commltteo who xisltcd the vaiiotis rescivttions dining ttio summei iccess of tongioss , Jlr. llolman Is going to iccommend the appointment ot a commission to take thu matter in diau.'e. gixing land in scveialt ) to such ot the Indians as aru lai enough advanced in civili/atlon to vvaiiant such action , and as sembling the test in onu localltx as fur as piacllcabie. At niescnt , he sis , the lesoi- xatlonsaio scatteied all oxci the countrv , and theli lands .110 useless to the Indians in many eases. Some of thcsu lands should bo sold in their inteiest , and nitchol thu Indians as aio filendly bhoidd bo put upon tlio same reseivation in certain cases and kept there until ultimate ! ) they hive i cached that state of civill/atlon that would vvaiiant llieli having lands In sev- oialty and btcoming eiti/cns. 'Iheio aie some cases xvheie It would not do to move the Indians from their piesent locality , or to intoifeie with them , as tbeii attatliment lo tlieii homes Isti ) stiong. In most ol iiitli cases tlie land in suxcialt ) should be given them. i.srnnvM ; i.v TIII : I'LIM.K ni nr. Thu tie.isiny otliclals exprts- , the opinion , founded on Uel , that rrceljith have been veiv " light dining the month , while pension pi\- ments liavo In on made to a conshleiabni amount on account ol the last monlli , and that tlio public debt statement will she < v an incuase of neatly S2ooo,000duilng thuuur- icnt month. SUHTKKKANKAN 8L WHS. Death Het-oid and Treatment ol' Workmen In Ciolon Aciieiliict. | \i vv YOIIK , Dec. p. bpe-ial [ Telegnm.l Cliculan headed with tlio woul "Mnulci" In big capital letteis were dlatiibated in flout ot tlio CJermania Asscmbl ) moms Tue-id i ) nlglit , inviting casual passeis by to go In ami takupirt In a mass meeting imdur the diiee- tlon ot the c-cntial labor oigaiii/atlon , to pio- tcst against thu killing and lobbei ) ol v\oik- men at the now aciiueduct. Many who did go In found the ) could not geta seat , as thu big hill xvas ciowded. J. T. McK'eehnle , secietaiy ot the labor union said that the oigani/atlon had delcimin- ed to speak toi the pool suhtciianean slaves as society and Iho jmljilt would s.i ) nothing lor them and they dated not speak foi themselves. The speakei told how the Illinois vveio made sick b ) foul and poisonous gases and then docked lei time the ) lost , how llttlo piecautlon against death In the slutts xvas taken by the conliactois ; how mlneis xxero oveicharged for cvuij thing tlio ) bought at the ( oinpaii's stores and made to pay uxoibllant lent for lodging h mil ) nt lor cattle , and how they weio compelled to sign away their lights before onteiing thu employ of the contiactois. A resolution xvas adopted declailng tnu contractor to bo muideiors and calling on the district at toinejs of this and West Chester counties to pioscc-uto tlio contiactors thiongh whoso in- strnmcntallty the minders wuio committed , and demanding an Investigation Into the way In which they xvcro treated. It was assciled in the pic-amble that thu thlity-olght deaths on the new acqueduct vveio dlicttly altilbu- table to the negligence of thu contiae- tort In not pio\ filing piopci safeguaids and luotcctlons in their haste to become lich. Teenier AVIH T.icklo TSeaoh. Pmsiaitn , Dec. 80. John Teenier , oars man , entered an ugicement with Itiglnald l.aidl ) , ot bdney , AuMrilla , tolslt that counln next spring and low tvxor.ues xvlth He.ich. L.ddl ) piomlses him a ioal Keep- lion , Innnmi-rablu picacuts uud immense ) winnings. IN S1IVF1I TflXFS 111 01Ll.iH IvJiiLiJ. The Dollar of Onr Daddies Alternately Denounced and Praised. BOSTON'S MERCHANT BANQUET. Wheic National Dlgnltnrlcf Discussed tlic Hilxce Question , tlio Tin In1 , niul Adxocatcd tlio Kiinutiucnt ol' a Itnnkriiiitc , ' ) fjnx\ . ronstiiijr it tlio Hub. Dec. U ) . The binquct given b > tlio Boston Merchants association , at which several distinguished vcuntois nnil represen- tattles of the 1'uiU.d bt.itcs weie hoiiotcd guests , was a notable event. It was hold In the spacious banquet hull of the Hotel Nfou- dome , which was boauUftill > decoi. ited with bunting and llovvors. 1'lates weio laid lot SOO , and all the places weio ailed. At the hiMit ot I ho table sat 1'iesldent \ \ oed of tlio Meiehants association , who acted as ch.ili- 111,111. At his light xvoiiilii Ihi1 oulei named liovoinoi Iobinon ! , btiiator idiiiundss : > tna- tot Allison , bl'llatOl D.lWt'S , OK ItOXCIIIOl Klcu ol Massachuselts. and Congressman . ) . K.\iulolih ) Tui'ki'i ol Vhulnl.i. On his lelt , MajorO linen of HoMon , bcnaiois JXuls , Hoar and I i\o , .loiiitliau Chace , Congiess- mcn lluttciwoith oiualo , lion. Ollvoi Ames and Hon. John I ) . Long. 'the olhoi tables xv oie idled xxllh Doston's lepie'scntative busi ness men , with a copious sptlnkling of piolosslonal gentlemen and otheis xxell known In national and Malt : politics und joininilism , among whom xveiu Hon. oni ) Cabot Lodge , Oakes Ames Hon. J * . A. Collins , Hon. Leopold Men so. , IE. .M. I' 'nlsiler , Col. C. 11. i'aloi andlS. W. hn- . ' 1 ho dlniii't Itself occupied sonic four hours In discussion , and tlio post exeieisos occupied torn horns mure , 'Iho Inxlt.itlons issued to guests \\lio were expected to spc.ik , nominal ! ) Lonituod tlieiu to the leading national Issues ot the daj , but as the nielli woie awa ) tlieio was niuie. 01 less straggling lioin tlio main points. A vein ot liunioi ran thiough all tlio speeches and It was evident that most ol thodistingitshtd or.itois. did nol tonsidei the occasion ono upon xxhlcli to put lei waul decisive meatuies. 'ihe post exeioiscs weie oiiencd by 1'iesldent . 15.Vood , who made a lulul ad- dies- , and intioduied ( ioveinoi liobinson , who vvasgieotod with cheois andatlgei , as indeed weie all tlio succeeding speakers. Tliu goveinoi welcomed tlie quests ot tlio even- tut ; . anil leiem.d to tlio existing dilleieliLU Inalno between tlio gold and silvei dnllai , and said that upon one thing tlio mcKliints ot lloston vxoie. nnltid tlio pionipt passive of a national banking Liu. bcnator Ldmnnds was the ne\t speaker. On the subject ol a bankiuptc ) bill he Mid : " 1 ratliei suppose that among tlio gentlemen piesent tlieie is not ouo x\ho does not behove such a laxx essential to the business welf.ue ot tlio nation. The fundamental idea ot a binkiuptt ) l.nx Is.i Iklrdixisiim ot assets. ' ' Altei more on tlio MIIIO subject , Lit mnnds said : " 1 was ( joint ; to speak about the t.uill , but as usual when J get up to do mo- thing 1 go into b.inkiliptcy- once. ' ' I Loud applause dining which the hpeaket took his beat. ] Mavoi O'Uiicn welcomed the banqtieteis on behalf ot the clt ) , ind said that il .1 vote vveio taken lo da ) in lids city , Boston would nnaiiiiiiously lavoi tie loiieal ol thesihei toin.igo lnanil wotiH bo Just as unanimous In laxoi ot n national ban kiuiitcx law. On the t.uill tin-to was a b''at dixeislly ot opinion. Jii o\vn opinion was that aeaic- fulli diuxMul tailtt Juv should bo passed , to H'maiii uinliaujjcd foi twentx-tno Sonatoi i\arls : was launxt \ bpeakei. Hc- spoke in a liiitnoioiis itiain foi a time , lerei , . hitf to tlifslatenii'iit sSO.WO.OOJweliMep- icsoiitod at Hie ban fHef r.nd suiiik'tli it since IhlsKiiat ii0'iOation of capital was duidtd on tlio I. mil iiuusllon , it \\.ts latlici and wlie liei theie liii/liL bo IbK 01 that ci-lei solution of tlic question , this nieit body pf the people aio detei mini d that tint debt is to bu paid On tlie lionoi of tlio UniUd btate-j in tlio enso that theuoditor is entitled to tool tint 1m should be pud. If that continue * , il thai was the Mill it ot the people when the debt was txxo fold and the Intel cst was lorn fold now , xx lien we li.ueieduceiHl within tlio uaiioxv limits ol debt and interest , thib nntlon is not ( roini ? to IOWPI its he-ill to liny ciiticisins ot the way in which it is to pay Its dibts. Any iiinio lesjionsiblo question to Inbi ought to tlio nations ot Umoo | ) aud thl , oui o\\n , than one , whether , \\hen heietolore two nitt.ils h.ue supported commeite and the ciedit of tlio woild. 'one ot tliisecin be stuiek down , and what would happen if It Fhoiild bo done. Hut il It be tine that weaio todlpcaid xitupnation and iitetodist.ini ovnirKOrations , then we slmll know hosto deal in tlio councils ot tins na tion with this piesent and inactical question ( oncoming tlio coinage of silver In a way that shall mlngus not In I.IJIP but in that consistent dctoindnatlon that when coming lioin the eommon counclh > of Ilio eoinUij sliall be accepted until thoie bhall bo de veloped some neossit ( > tor fintliei adlon. Ho alined in f.ixoi of a simple and inexpen sive bankinpt law. Colleetoi balloiistall lollovvcd Mi. Avails. Ho eulo 'i/ed the honest ) and pinposo ot President Cleveland , ptioiisy depieciatul the. [ ontinui'd coinage ot silvei , and advocated a plain simple t.uill l.i'.r . to raise enoinjh love- line to mi ei the Koveiiimeill's needs. Tiie next speaker vvasSonatoi U'illl im H. Alli-ouol Iowa , llof.ixoicd a national bank- nipt bill , and mlxht .say he vvasoncot the tew tenatois who believed that tlio law should be amended and not lepealed ; that theie will be no ditllcultj on that question The t.uill is thPlaiucr question , and cuinini ; liom an apiieiiltnialntateit ; might be siispuct- LiUlut them was a shadow of a dilleremo ot opinion tlieio aud in Massachusetts 1 think 1 can st > to jou 1 believe the pievallinf ; upinion in ni\ state i in laver ot eiuoui- iialiiK the nianniaitiires ol oui countiv , and that so tai as legislation can accomplish , It ot the Ameiiian la- Itoi ei i uliu than tholaboioisof otliei conn- trls. ( Mi. Mli'iin lnoiioilliKtl lilni-ell as di- Lidedlj in tavoi ol bimetallism , and iiigued iit length In siippuit of his poiinon , bi natoi 1 1 voot Elaine was Mien Intioihued ind deliMiid .iloiiKiind vi 'oinus sjioech , In uhlch Ju1 deiKiuiued ( lie sihei dollar as a "toined Ih ; " Hint d lau bcneiu-icncv 01 a jno- tutlxo taiilf and ( unestl > nd'.ocatul the fuatuiiiii , ol a cam in , ' tiade , with siib dies If necessaij anil the application ot oui bin- l > liis tothl > pill pose , lion. ,1. ItandolphTn-'kci ot Yhclula was Ihe ni'Nt hjie.iUer. Ilciileolaied Ural tin. enl > IIOVM i the ledeialo\finiiioit { ) hail to tax was io iaso | a levenuu lei the Mippoit ol tlio 'ovuriiment.Vo Inmi free dado betvvten iho states. If tills ha Ucc-n a bli-hsiiiK heio ivhj shouldn't It lunbl , ( ! > sjiKxxlii > n lietvveen til thoeonntiiesoCtliu woildl' On the hihei piestlon , ho said , \ilctbut the Komnuicnt .an make ui dly waits equal to Sl.oo is a Iiieitlon In aiillimitla Ho thoiuht wo dionld wait until tin ) nations ot the woild liad settled what to doon the subject when It kvunld bo time etKniRh lot Anicnn o settle the que-ition lei iticlf. It Is lathn niuoaionable to expect ( to bo a ieed njion it , and then added : ' 'Tho : reit mass ot oiu population ! i'4i'e with von , Vou will lind that ou tlilft question ot silvoi mil L'old the sri'at inassi ol nun , the iieljjhboi hoods , thii great inteiests , take an ijipositit view on this Jiuwt Ion ol silvni. It ias bien Miiw-sti d tliat this ( | iiestlon is nalnlj 01 lai'el.\ ( concenii'dith and inllii- need b ) what mav bo eaili-d pioteetion , 01 bMiationn ( i ) ol the piodiicilon ol OKI slhei IVell , Kditlemen , no doubt these Intiustb n the bihci mini's let I a pieseut and in m < - Hate piessiiio oi that kind , but as 1 look at t , andhavofoi the last MUOII > taia , that Is ealh no ILII t of the Interest ol the Ameiican loople In lids mallei , " Hon. John .1. V. Kindlay , ot Mai viand , and Ion. llenjainin liiiUeiuorlh. or Ohio , i-polio n laxorot pioteetion and ot theonai tment tl a national baiiKinptc } luvv. The banquut : losed at a late hum. Tlio ninilnuini Penalty. S.u.i J/AKi , Dec. 80. Itilghani llainpton , onvicted of coin > plinK | with lewd women Io oinpromlbi ) prominent anti-.Muiinons , a\as > ententid today to the iniixiinnm pcnali ) indei the law , one jcai in the coiinij lail. ImUo Xane , befoiohintenre , cuinini Med in cat lii MLi ins on iho vilene s ol thcotUnco ) f vvhidu Ihe culpilt was tonviittd. roitninv A llattle llctwoeii tliu Diltlsli ntul Hoticl Pot cos In I'Rj-pt. CAtno. Doc. 80 A dUpitoli frnin Koseli saj * : Ijleutemnt ( Jeneral Su'p'ietison.ioni- manderof the HiitUh forcein Ksvpt , who recently arilxed lure with l.uqe leinforiO' mcnts , allackeil l'ie icbels wlio haxo been inenaclnijtliopaiiison lor several week * . A thrco hours' ticht ensued. lesulthiK In the Hiitiilt ttoops eaptunni ; Oinlss Milage , niai Koseh. Tin1 tebels were eomiiletely toted and two Ktnis and tvventv binners ( aplnied. Ihe liiltlsh lois was one ollliei klllul and twenty wounded. ' 1 he Ksv iitian loss was six Killed and thltteen wounded. 'Iho Aiabs fought stuhboiiily. I'ive emits Avero killed. Twentv diad Vi-absweie found In one house. A i ceen t lepoit stated that the Arabs nt ( ioiKMand Vbu nniubuied T.OOO , of which 1,100 weie liili'inen. 'Ihev had six tuiH and iilentj ot nniunlllon I he mnm weie pmed in the earthvv oiks and the line ol tlio was dliect on the Nile , so as to oppose the passage of a . Ahd Ill-Kaderl'asha. ndiiKtri of war , Tin- met I v Kovern nr ot boudan In a eonveisutlon on the. Kirvpthn question , sajs , "If the hncllshiellie on Wndv Ilnllii. thi-y must letlieon Aisottan , and if on Assouan , then on Calio. llveij pue In advatiie divests the uiirllshdC u liiiudied ft lends icveiv ap\ce In letiilntrcives them UOJ. hn. . mlcs halt In liont and halt In the leal. iniland : max L'aln xlriuij afleiictoiv , but it thev aie fol lowed bictieat tlie Kngllsh ( 'ov eminent has nselesslj wasted blood. ' 1'heielsnot one In ten who will not believe in Diuhnd's defeat i sav that a letliement would be fatal. " xxlien asked wlu'thei the < iuestioii was in- so uble , he leplied : " .No , it loqiilies two thltiKS Hist , a llxul pollcj to crusli the ie- tolllon ; and seeond. monej. Let Kn - land attack the enomj in tone , and altei the latter s dofeit , open negotiations with the native emlssailes and nionc'.v. Knuland could detach the loldieis who aio now tlio backbone ot tlie lehellion , and also some tubes who aie alvvajs jealous ol eacli otliui. " \\henaskedwhitsumvvould bo icqniied , the minlslei- slid : " 1'eihaps LJL03OLO , but lids polie.v would bo the cheapest in the lens inn.1 The lout of the rebels was so complete that ( ciitM.ll Stephenson isliopelul It will obviate the noiessitj foi luither opoiatlons. Tro oljjii on Homo Rule LO.NUOV , Dee. : ! 0. Tievoljan , lormcrly chlct secretary lor 1 1 eland , In : i speecli at btrattoid todaj , said Iheie could be no lull-wax between a complete pep.uatlon of lieland and absolute impeilal contiol unless It was intended to kiep tlie caio oi law and oidei in the hands of the cen tral coveinmeiit. It would be betlei toie- peal the union ait. lie condemned the propo sition to u'ivo heland a naili.nuent , and at ( lie same time allow liish inembcMs in tlio Knglishpaillamcut. Tlio QiifiMi Itojiont of Spain. 31xniim. Dec. CO. Queen Clnistlna was swoin In as legent befoio tlie coite-todaj. Thcstieets tlnou ) ! which tlie i oval piesent passed vveio lined witli tioops. 'Ihepopu- Uco weie verj conllil in the leception ot liei mafustj. ' 1 lie membeis ot tlie toites cheeud us the widowed queen cnteied theihambei , and seveial ladies in hei majtstj'a suite bo gall to weep. A Soliomo I "or ( JIuncIi I.ONKO.N , Dfe UO Ihe aicli bisiioo ol Canteiljinj lias Impaited to the bMiojis ol IhoUhuieh ot Ungl uul a scheme toi cauicli leloim. J oid balhbiuj will appiove the measino II tlie bishops approve itattei con- sideling it In puxate hittlnifs. 1'ho aich- bishop will then be unthoiued to intiodlico the meabiiie in pailiament. * < * * * * * * * * * * - Trench Intricsts In China. I'Aiii-v iJec-7 WC n i c 1'iench government will send a state engincei to China to Inves- tlnato and lepoit on the ic'somecs ot the loiintiy , anil to tiy and obtain a concession tiom the Clilnebo goveiniiient tor niilwav and otliei works. Trouble in Siaiu. JtAXi.oox , Dec. OU. ' 1 ho minor Shun states liavc loiinud n coalition , and mo Uueatenlng Io occupy upjei I'.uiiuah. six bundled Hilt- ish lioop- , have been dibp itched io tliat pail ut thucountij to sui > pic' 3 any such move ment. Stanley Disappointed. LO.NDON , . Dee. 31. Hie Ueilin cones- [ londent of the DailJ Telesuph sajs ; M. laiisson will be appointed jroveinoi of L'oiiK < i stato. lleim .M. htanicv's candi Jaime has been deamtelj set aside. ' to ho Muiried. J.O.NIIOV , Die. ao. It is aiinoiiiid'd that Miss Mary ( iladstone , dauu'hlei \Villiam I' , ( iladslone , is to bo miiiiul to Itev. llanv Diew , curate ol tlio Lhincli ol Kn Kina at llawaiden. The Project in Prasililo. GDI ss.Dec. . SO. Tlio ministiy of public ; ivoiks has asked fora credit toi a hiuvc } of : be line ol the jiioiiosed i.inal joining the inxinoaiul : Ualtie seas. Lnyineeis dccl.uo Jut thopiojiet is tea-ible. i ; Hontiiian Afiiidcis Sc\on to CotciCp Ills ( iuilt. St. v 1 1 1.1V. \ . T. , DecM. . A hoirlble stoi y , \as jmt in ciiculation lieie to daj as follows : \n Italian boatman lelt Vlctoii.i one da > ast stnnmci vvltli seven Chinamen tot tlie Vmeikan side ot tin stiaits ol J'uca. When ilmost acioshe sav\ the United Mates t utter Jllvet Wolcott tomliiK ton.inl him \\lth _ the iviilent intention of < xanilniiiK Ills 'ciatt. lie became alaimed , and to avoid ( lie ponal- : ies attached to tlie otren-o ol 'hiiK'so into the Vnllcd Mates , lesolved 0 malto avviii with the ( Vidences. of 111- , 'iiilt. Ho called the chinamen out ot Iho ablnoneh ) one , and as tluv came stiueu In m on the head with a club and pltclnd hem oveiboaid. In ibis \vav litL'ol jid ol Iho whole nuinlKi , and uhen lioaidcd Horn ho ciitlei no evldeiKit v\h iti vei of a i liminal intiiiu was tound. An invi sii .nion will bo n nil willi a vii w to asci it itiutiu Ihe tiiith oi alsiu ot tin storv. Autliiiiit ) lot the state nentsKiven lests witli a leeenth ninviiled imiu' lei ( onlnad hoe in tin Lulled Malt's lenitentl.ii } . I.NDID : : HIS i\isruvcn. : \ Diutal Itallnn Commits Murder and l lion SmridcM , Cll UtM.sios , h , ( ' . , Dee. . ! 0 , At Mount 1le.ihant , a xilh 'o near this ell ) , to daj , a eulblo li.r 'i'di wasenactid. K. diMetti , an lallan , was beating his vvlfohui his uotlier , b. Ceietti , and James 1' . Colbnrn , 1 well known Insuianco agent ot this tit } , nteifeied in the woman'beliill 'I be wile , vlth her loin little eliilditn , u iajnd liom ho Iniuiiated husbuid , who , incenxed it the Inteileieneo ru-jit up lie- dnil Colbllin and hud thieo shotn it him , one in * ho balln led niR in Iho spine mil inllli IIIIK what is thouj.lit to be a latal Miuml , Aid I shouting ( olbuin , deielti Ihd o ins laim , about a quaiui ol a mile distant , miniiid by the town mainhal and a l > o--e. h > locked liimsi It nj ) in his hoiisD and , tlio lobso bein unaimed , deiad them toauisl iliii. Wlulo his puiBiieis v\eio delibi-iatini ; , ieuttl plaud the miu/lo ot his pistol in ) , ] iiouth and blow out his bi.iins. Dlxoii-n .nut Snloide. Ilosiov , De - . : -fbpct-ial Telegram. ] ills. Mai v Mackln , the vv ifo of ( ho Inspector if provisions , coniTTiitlc d suicide b ) shooting leisclt ut hit husband a olileo. 'J hej wt'ic naiilcd June last and nvc months latei tl.o nisbnnd took steps touaid inocinlng a di- iuiic , lili xvlfi ) ( onlf > sln Iniidellt } . For he last month the } have lived apait. Veatei- l.i > hluuallid at hci hiisbuul's olllco.uid aid if mi } action was to bo lulun she would Iko to have Iho ) MH'ii | sent.d upon hei.theu \l.ukln \ Ittt bib oflico lo send lei his couiuel mil dinlnir hisabbeiico \laeMndiow a evolvei and jilailngtlii nuu/leiohei temple. in U UVKC , both ei.ots ti iiinj - 1 ei In id. CAPlTAIi AM ) ti\IUK. Iln"erpnot" Aniont ; Kinptojoi si niiO Wet kiuoti in l > eiin > Ivanla. I'lTTMit mi , Dee. .TO. Iho mlneis and laboieis in the Connellsvillo coke i colons have decided to demand , ,1.uiuaij 1 , an ad- > ance In wages equal to the 10 per tent leduction of last jear. A eonxontion will be held at Scottdalo lo-moiiow to eonsider the mailer. An olTet ot 10 pet cent advance In vvace * to takoeifcct next Jlondix has been made' bv ( i\inei.'le Iticis. , x. to , to then emploves at tlie Kdg.u Thomson steel xvorks at lliaudock 1'a. 'Ihe wages of Mei'l rail woikeis Is ai- langed ou the Hist of each xe.-u. During tlio pisttvvo weeks the men n.ixo been holding meetings mid talking ovei the umdilions ot trade. It was decided to ask foi an advance of 11 pei cent lids altcinoon notice was eiieulatod tliKiugli Itiaddoek requesting all emplojesot the l.dgat riiom on steel vvoiks to keep awav tiom the tompan > 's olllce on \ Ncdne'sd.Decunibe'i * ' . iss. ! , nnd not simi an.x contiact witli tlio olllceis of above named lompanj until then- gave a fait eiiuiv.ilent lot their xx oik. It was siirned "Kmplo.xes. " lids was soon followed b ) a notice poslwl at the mill Intoiiiilng tlie emplojcs that scales were leulj lot signing , and the places ol pci- sons ictiislng to siirn bvhatuulay would be Idled. It is quite pi obabie that tlio eompanx's piopositum will lie aci opted. About 1,0 Ju men aio emploved at tht'so works. 'Iho lion and sti el Hade In this oil } Ins nexei bei n tiettei thiui at piesent , and coin- pulson with pievlous veais shov\s that sincn tlie gieat IIICUMM ) in business wliieli com- nieiued I isl.lune tlieio has been moie lion and sUel mule in I'lltsbuig than In un > six months in tlie hKUnj of tiade. The Work ot'Plundsor Pools. Di.NXKit , Deo. : ! 0. This inoiningat thieo o'clock tlnee masked men untcivil theengino loom of the Mat shall Coal coniian ) > 's woiks at Kile , on the Coloiado Cential i-allioul , loitj mlhs fiom Dcnvei , captuied tlie engi- neei. took bundled .vaids awaj , tlul him , then letuincd and < -et me to ail the coal on the dumps hoisting woiks , engine house , tnunxv a ) , several IMIS ol the i ( ouip xii ) , completely destiojed ovti SIVJW ) woithol piopeitv and thiovvlng bun dled men out ol emplinincnt. lime weeks ago tlie wages of the men at tlu < e mines writ1 cutdown. 1 ho Knights ot Liboi oideied u stilke. Tlio minus , lathei than bo out of work this time ol tlio veai , ictuscd to o It is siumlsid the occmiences ol todaj the icsidt of the laboi tumbles. Trouble' * . PiTrsnuitd , Dec. 'M The sti iking miners have est iblislied a tainp at Coal V.illoj at the beeond pool and will lemaln in tlio xitinitj ot 1'ino Kun , all equipped , foi tlie pniposo ol pievailing upon tlio vvoiking Illinois to join tliestnke. The ellect ol the pieseneo of tlic stiikeis bis lessened the nnmbci of woiUng mentodav. At the mines ot Lvnn A ; Comp - p inx iL was thought advisable to have a guaul and twentHive aimed men aie ondutvto piotict those nt woik and piexent an ) dam age to tlio mines. 'I'lneatb vveio made that the house ol John O'.N'eil stipeiinteiident and pirt ownei ot tlio I'uio Kun mine would be attacked ( Ids inoinlng , buino tioublo was ie polled up to noon. i ni > Anor.uis AD.IOUKV. The Session of the luun State Te.ioh- cii Conies to a Cloio. Di s MOIM s , Iowa , Dec. 30. [ Special Tele- giam.J In the state teachers' association to- clay , p.ipeis on "ludustiial 1'ducation'1 xvere lead b > Tiot. Page , ol Hnmboldt eoiintv , and I'lol. U'jnn , of Ames college. Much intci- est ha been called out by the discussion ot the i evolutions against permittlngbojs undei lb to USD tobacco , bupeiintendent Sabine , of Clinton , lead a stiong pijici on th U subject to dav , uiging tiio passage ol i ides toibldding n iicolics to. students. This alteinoon bupei- Intendent Mcw.ut , of Ottuinvva , lead a ] ) apei disappiov in jof giant ing high school the pnvilego ot election studies. The follow ing olllcers of the association vveio thun elected : 1'iesident , MV. . Uaitlett , Cedai Palls ; vice piosidents , X. Vf. ISojes of Dti- buqtieV. . M. Jliovvn of Taboi , Mis. L. ( J. Miiulock ot Columbus Junction ; mcmbci of tlio executive commltt 'e'm. \ . IJe.udsliaw , Toledo ; secrolaiy , A. C. Koss , Hamilton ; trensiiiei , D.V. . Lewis , Washington ; dele gate to the national association , W. n. King. Ml. Veinon. A populai Iccturu and men tion to night closed the public oxeicises , man ) ol the teaclieis leaving foi homo this THC CO.NDUCTOK KILKni ) . A T.iil Knd Collision on the \Vilash \\itli ) < 'atal ItosullH. Sr. Lei is , Die. 0. A collision oc'cnued tins mm ning at ii.JUat Kindei s Mation , on the Wabash i.iilwav , between l o tieight tiains , bv which ( ondiicloi Meiedith was instant ! ) killed and otheis seiloiibly though not fatallv injuiid. 'Ilio train was in chaigit ui Meiedilh , and was iin its wa ) to bl. Lo\ds , closcl ) lollowtd 1 > ) anothei Ireiglit. Iho louiiei slackened its sjieed so inncli that the lattei lan into Ihe i .iboose , ovcituinlng .some lil- Iten lais and dlhhing tlu > engine 'Iho L.ibooso contained two men besides the con- iluctoi. 'Ihe lattei was inslanll ) killed by > i liactuieol the hkiill , and the otheis were inoii * 01 less injnitd. Tun co WHO i ( .or riniiti ; : . l'o Ilnix.ird Sliidontw PiKhl ( or a Koaiitllul I londr > . Ilosiov , Dee. . < 0 [ bpi elal Te-Icgiam. ] Albeit ( .lieno ) , son of a weallhy Ne\x \ Kntr- land laimei , and ll.nii ijuimbj , son ol a Texas eallle laneho inopnetoi , students at 11 uxaid nnueisit ) , bctwren whom hisex- > sid | a ilv.di ) lot Iho iiileclioils ol .ibeudi- ltd blomio , toiu'ht with haul gloves in a loom nt Cambiido'O todeteiinino VNlileh siiould liavo Ihe gill Chenev had the best ol the light until the eighth loiind , when ( > uimlj gave Inm two slinging blows on the no-etbat made the blood llolitc1) duvvn upon Che- lie ) 's lace and bieast. At tins Cheney tlnevv jll the gloves and gave up tin : light and gul. Kicking CIIK ACID , Dei . . ( ) , A laigo and somewhat tuihulcntcrovvd gatheied about tlio Maxwell ijox taitoion rvventsecond stieet this morning , vvheio about 100 men ijnli woik , evoial dajs ago , owing to the inlioductlon j | box making ma < bines , 'Ihe slilkeis lielaui they will not letuin to woils iiiilev , .be niacldni's aio uinoved A bliel , \\.i- , Jiiown thiongh onu ol thu window not tlie. lactoi ) this tounoiMi. but the man whuthuw t was aiic'bted and taken to the pollco itation , ( lunch Ti million in Di i noli. Dee. uO j hi u- was no tumble n the 1'olish qu uteis this imiining , 'J ho po ice wtio Dxptcting an oulbu.d. and ate pie- paied lei it , but had nothing to do. bl. \ \ i n- elan- . Catholic chimb , pusidcd o\ei b ) l''athi i Komei , i nist > almost ntiu'l ) ol llnngaiians. Dining the tioublo at hi , Al- > ci las thib ptojilu obeyed ' Ihi bisiiop tvhen- Vi 1 the ) UiUcu hNitdv'i < e. The ( oils , IUH neu ias been that 1'aihei Koliisiiiski'H ftiinds lavu bieli thieatonliig the llan piiest mil it looks a- II nnoihii loiigughtion U iticiut lo be lined in Iho qtiaucf. ( iolnjC JJat'K lo HHnllvo | FJ.UKI. Ni w YOI.K , Die..JO.Lx I'uk.dint 1'ieiolo , jf IVin , anived in New 'I oik this morning ) y the sleaiuei M. 1 auient liom liavte , Iho lamoiis I'diivian lull this city jiily about two nmnihs aeu lot I'aiis. lie had found his native laiidundii tlio l uile ol l.' too to hold him. lll letiiin b the lesult j | ni iglcbi.iii in l aceies Ho will > iil to moiiow on tini'aiine iiiiul steamer ol I'ai.i , and it i > noi unlikei ) that ho ma ) ig.uii SIK ei id to the picMdilli ) , as at pie.v .nt HICK is fill ) a iiuuMotial youinmunt. MINIONS OF THE BIG MUDD' ' TLo Qfttbcring nt Kansas City of AdvocatM of Its Improvement. THE NEXT MEETING IN OMAHA Kosoltitlonsdopted L'IIJIIL | ; lilbetal Aiipnipt latlonst and ScoiltiK the Picsldent for App.iiunt Neglect In Mist Annual Message. Ihe .Mlssniul Hixor Contention. KANSAS Cnx , Dec. , -Special [ Telo- Ciniu.J 'l lie next Mi Miiul lixei eoiixentloa will be held in Omaha next September. KvxsvsCux. Dec. : io 'Iho pioceedlngs In tlio river Impioxement convention xxero almost devoid ot inteiest tills nunulng. Tlio convention will adjourn tonight and Urn next muting will piobabl ) beheld in Omahii next beplomboi. ' 1 lie committee on icsolu- tlons icpoited as follows , and the discussion of the lepoit Is still in piogiess. it is piob- able that no amendments welt be made. U hoic-as. In v lew ot the tact tlmt apptopil- ntlons mo being ashed liom eongiess lot the immoxement of tlio gloat westein vvatei wavs ami Unit a loinoniion liavlng been called In Inteiest of the gieat Mlssotui valley , theiefoie , llesolved , That It Is theeunesl wish of the people ol the Missouri Vallej that congiess at once appioptlate foi tlie Impiovcmcnt of the Missninl ilvei one hidf ot the amount asked foi b ) the MIsMmn Kivei commission loilhe > eai ending .luiiu .SO , lss , in order that lids commission ma ) be able lo lesumo vvoiI , c'ailv in the spring , as ccoiumi ) de mands ; tnl lint we ask the senators aud lepicscntauxis ot the Mlssouil vallc1) in con- gloss that they make It Ilieii toicmost bus iness to secuie such appiopiiatlon. itc-solvul , 'Unit thislonventlon Insist that the numbois ol congiess of the Mlssouil vallos be plated upon thu house commltteo on haibois and ilvcis. liesiilved , 'lliat wo iccomtnciid the estab lishment ot the lluhthonso sstem fiom Kan- sis ( .it ) to 1'oit Donan , and nn adeqnato iipiuopiiation fiom congress lor that pur pose. llosohoit , Tliat a committee consisting of two membeis fiom each ol tlio stiucs of Mis- soiiii , Iowa , .Nebraska , Kansas and Minnesota seta , and that ot the terrltoties ol Dakota and Mont in i. be appointed by the delegates pit'scnt In tlds ( Oineiitlon tiom tlio said states and touilorles , to la ) buloio conptess tlie demands ot this convention In these i losolutioiis. xxe uiu'O upon all senators anil congic'ssmen fiom the Mlssouil and Mis sissippi HUM xalles to heartilv unite to so- ciiiepuiu'i ] and appiopi rations lei the liiipiovement ol Ihoxvostein and Noilhxvest- ein walei vva\s , and to demand sudi b"p | tiom the n itional goveinmeni as tlie best In- leiosts ol Iho sections demand. Itosolvul , That wo view with Miipilso aud solicitude the omission ot ail mention ot the endless needs ol all westein walei v\.is lioin tlie ni' ss ige of the pieshlonl , and we as itp- losent Hives of the people , inhabiting the val- levsol the Mlssouil and Mississippi iiveis , e'ainostlv in , u upon the jpiesidont to cill the atlonlion ot ( ongiess , b ) special message' , to Iho no ( ds oJ Ihese sections on tlie mallei ol internal impiovemeiits , and wo ti list that this omission was made willi Iho view ol making a mou omphaliu and el.ib- oiato inosculation b ) special message at a lallei day. Kc-olvcd , That we lecommend that eon- giessp.iss a luv doclaiing Iho Kansas liver n ixigahle tiom Foil Itilev to its mouth at \\.uidnllo.Cit ) ; that all aillluiid obstiiict- lens ,110 nuisaiices ; that an apiuopilaUon o tlMXlCO bu made and expended to litl ) adapt the Kansas livei ton mote successful tianslt lei coinmei < c. Itosolved , That the attention of the Mis- semi livei commission is hoieby lespccllully Lallidb ) its ( oineiition to the gieat danmgo done and tlnealened b ) tlio M lssouu oppo site 1'oit Leavcnvvoitb , Kansislieio iho Icdeial govoinmeiit has laigu niopcitv Inter ests , and whciu the jion budge thai sjiana the livei Is in diuigci ol losing its connection with lliu Missouri shine , llms dcstioing the i ommunlcation between that impoitant mill- tai ) post a-id the east. One Do.ul and Tvv o Will Die. DKIKOII , Mleh. , Dee. : ! 0. The Kvening louinal's l'a t Sagin.iw spoii.U sivs : A col lision occuued on tlio Mi < liigan Cential i.iil- loaitbetwreii two tiiiins neai Ciurellon , tour miles south ol this eilv. It lesidted In the ledli ol one ol tlio In emeu and fiilallv eiush- Ing the legs ol the eiiuiticci , wbidi willpiob- iblv lesuli in Ids death , 'llioothei lnc.ui. in had a foot tiiKen olT , and otliei injniles , ivhleh will result in ids deitli. Si. JOHNS , N. 1' . , lee. , > -Theoi.ingc and 4icen have lesiimed hostilities In Conception jaj. Yeskuki ) an Oiange niobaltaeKod two men leleased Irom lilveihead , lalallyonnd - nirlheui. Iheiovvas gieat CM dement. In llaiboi diite clouds aio ocenplng the fleets , : ind a riot is anticipated. Major I'uucctt and a laige loiee of constabulary lavegonoon a special tnun to the set no o .healliay. _ xVenthep I 'or Today. M issonti VAI i.i v I'ali xveather , flllijht Ke In lemieiatuio. ] li ht vailablo winds. I'lio Knili > i-i-.ihHiiienl ol'a Tl ICciiinrk. List sninnici ColVilliei spoon nnd IiidRe I'oiiiijbiinKei sncnt seveial xveoks ivith thoirfainihts at dalveston , onjo.yin liit ileli htlul sea bathing and other sl.tnd citv luxniii-b One il'iy , vvluli ; paddling about in tlio , ui f in the scant co > tmiie | ieonlar ! lo hiirf mtliiMs , Col. Witlioisjioon lapped his 'iiend on the shoulder anil said ' Iy ! tiio wa. } , I'oiuixbnnKei' inj xvilo ins invited some liiend.s to a lilllo p.uly , uul tin ID will lo ) soini' ilnnoin 1 want to doon hear v" i on uoino , \on "All li ht , old l ) 3 , I'll bu theio I iiipposo n will Iio it ban ; ; up nllnir. ind I II liuvo lo coino iu le bull Ostinne , " Oh , no , conic just as you aio " [ iiin'l OTien Sncli a ( Jhaiico HnppoiiH to n I' lovv. L'icKli s was bounding alon thu road in he din oltcili ol tow n , at u < ; ait that would mxo woiiied a jack i.ibbil , when JJiiggg leailul him oil " \Vlnit'.s \ the inuttir , I'iekle.s , hoiiso on h. " "No , don't htop me ; I'm NiiaKo-bit ; altler bit mi ) lluoti li tlio heel of my wet " "Snuke bit1 lle.ixoiib1 'J'liat'u too bail. Mlowino lo sj iniathi/o ) with yon. " "Too bul1 s iiiiMtlu/u' ' You bit lumped , I'OM ( infill In coiifiiatnlalo mo. " ' ( on i.itnlato' I don't sco any cause 'oi joy in a niiaUi liito. " ' Will , I do Don't n lalllosnaki ) bite nil lei at lei t hall n Dillon. Tain't ill ) n siu II .1 elianci hapjii Us It ) u lellow. " Ihe ) Jiiht ilud nn IJejaiit "Did v "An1 didn't wo though. Sure an' mo > iild mon bionhl ; homo a gallon jn j full i | > lo Ihe no o ait vx id iiiiinKy that i onhl Mist Iho did , and even the diildur ot in- o , i li lit that made the old jilato ling ud miiftic that xx ail mcd mo hail t to the ots ot mi-si if. Clmstm.m , is it ? Troth in' , M r .sial.m' | , .Mis lteill > . Tlie h.iints liniiMhcs novel had u morn OIII10. " hotithiilca has l,6t/j lulled of rallioad 111 \uiUng old. ! . - 'Iliecotlmated nojiulation of China 1MO.V l.i.rj. , oi ul Mjiih jicr oquaio mile thiongli * ait China piopci. A ) iai-k tiain loft Clu vi nno ntaliou < da ) lot tin t-ccuo ol the Indian ltd in is , ottnt rcaut otiKf Kf Of ! % fr