THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , WEDNESDAY ; DECEMBER 30 1835. SPECIAL NOTICES. this hrad line for tlio first Infcriinn , nnil 7 cent1) for cacti eubtoqiiont It sertion. Sovc n worJs rrl 1 bo count cd totbollnoj they must run consecutlrclj' unil miisttio pHldln adviincc. All ndvcrtisonionti inufct ti ImncUd In before 2 o'clock o. tn. , nn < ! tindt mo ciivuininnct lll Uioy l > tftkon 01 tmsc columns L towers nddns-'ed Incnro of llrt-.rll iislc for ehecX to enable thuu to ret then . , nt none will lie ( khtered except on in."dilution of check. All an wers to hdvrr tlK'inetits tlioiild ho inclosed in cm elopes. ' " " TO T-OAK-MOMSY. _ ( JiitsiMiiMMo I.mi on tin re1-deuce pn > | crty , P ( to. W. IHJ , IA * > I'm mini. < KW . . TO 1.ONOn fnrm flh'l city prop- : call and fct our ititei MonnrtA. Co. , loom iNchrii'-kii National Hank building -1011 "AfoN'ht tiilonn : lowest rulers nocoiiiuil Iim. JTL Mohmiiii V Mahone.vJ.i'8niumin. 2 l-"J' 'TTTTST.v. l7T i oA N off iiorsts , wmiim * ) iimi JT1 riirnltimi without rcino * . nl. < * . .1. ( "nswi-ll , Koom 1 ! ' , Iron Iluult HuildiUB , 1-th nud 1 nrrmm. Tnkoele\ntor. lOfljan1" . ' _ HpiJiirii in "LOAN On clufttol security , in J.U minis f'oin ( IbOloiltlUO. Apply to.I. II. Kiwi mum luroSlnniiiii Hio , jLorIquKp iV 13lh. tZIJI riiO M > AN Money iniuiy nm'ount , JL On nil clnffM'ftoftccurlty. Shorttimo loans on teal o tnto \AIHK \ time leans on tenl estate. Money to loiin on thntteN. Minc ) to loan on colliitirnK Money to lean on tmj oed Eociinlr. Terms OTfy , tune to suit Apply fit tlirOmiiha I'limncinl Kxchnngn Itat Uer s ImlMlitK , HW eornei of Hftoditli and I'm mini < t \jiBlnlr < ' i"l mo r.V or uxerytjodyl Vim inn borrow money on filiiilturo. lior ? ( . . iiKon , tilimo , Moik of all klmU , dlRinoodR nml linn n ntehes on J our on n time l'n > moiits retoH ( U nt liny lime , and Interest reduced pro intn. I'nuurty left In jour own pos c sion. leniH low HB the lo .wbt , Cnll nnd tee me. Iiujlnc roiilldentlnl. Noiulvmitnfte tnkim. W.ll. nolt , Itoom 4 , W ithnoll s New ilulli'hiK.Noitheiir.t ' cor ner Ifrth nnd Ilainey. . ' " TVI ONKV TO LOAN O. If. bnvls k Co. Hold ii-L Eatato nnd Loan ni'onls , I."j05 Km imm St. It < _ _ _ _ _ TlfON'l'Y TO IIANOn"irood" Vccmltlei. A lllMcOavock , room 7 lludiek lllock , I'M L'nrmuu " st. _ y > . \i > M'V TO LOAN On chattels , Wooley & J > 1 Harrison , room ZO , Oimihn Kutlonnl hank bulldimr. _ j ' , "n I ONIV TO M > AN DIMcnl cetato nml elint- 1 > 1 tels I ) . U Thomai. _ MU , i\fOMV'lO : LOAN In stuns or fZOOaud ur- JIM wnrds on flr-l class n-al cslate Bteulty. . 1'otlei & Cobh , ird.'i I'nrnnm St. ml Tl T ONI'V I.OANKI ) nt C. T. Hoed & Co'S. Irfinn J.'l ofllcc , on fnrnltuiu , pl'iiios , lioiBt-o. n-iifroni pcrfDiiid iiroi'Crly of nil l.lnds nnd nil oilier ar- tl ( letol Millie , without loinovfd. Over 1st Nul'l Ilaiik , coiner l.lth und i'urnum. All liuclncaa tti icily eoulldcntal. wj ) ; , _ tuido lor peed irnl eitnto , U well ic-luI'lKlieil pioiery liifini f In DUO of the Iciidiou sin i ts unil LxM lot uliuiiB IliUnui- hit. 'I lie pUek Is Inch nml now. nmlvllllii - Mlce nliont S-t.Wi ; Mnntlilv Mile * fiom I , IHJ to ? I.OuO. i\orytluiiK : Is In llrstelasi ouloi. Ail- die's ! : ! , I us llllico. OiXIJi Foit SAI.Ii : My dairy. Will MJ ! | nn low us 2J ennsiiilBo II bend of liorsod , BIMM ! for dc- w.itrniH. J. K Ilooh. f > lbj4 * rpo i\OIIAVi : ) : for mi'iclmndli-o In.1'iuo . andriiunont eoumlex , hind. Aihliesi lluteh- hison .1 Itieloy , Sliinumlonh , la. rpt i\TIIANtii : : Hock J for land , Address Itov WU , bheimndoidi , In , CM 1 _ \\/-A / > Tii : ) l'iiitneiwith fi.lOl cash loin t \ebtlrntu { 11 eliuucu by J. U Hue , l" I'ar- nam. 1'Ja IiiOKSALi : OK TKADJ : A splendidfCOneio iiirin III Tluiyer Lo.75 . ! items linpioved. .lor Oinuhii j J.Ij. Ilko , I. . " 1mmini t. dOI Tit A li : 1-or estate , the Jletniirant , lAtuie1 ? and cmitentiol t ilvo fiuolt-hid loomi on Iho s. 1 * . cor. of itli ; and Ciipiti 1 UMline. Cost % lr(10to ( lit up , AVII1 Bell foi $ r.OI entJli , or on time totrood ri'Si onslhlo parly. Appl > to Corhett , fa. \ \ . coi. Jjlh and I'ainain bi.s. , npstaii > . li'J FOK SAI.I * Two l.otels . at a hniaaln.Ionian hoiiboaiid Ilio.Nuiv Knulatul ho ise , located side by side on ti mum street hi Grand Island. .1 J .lotdim. i'.VJl . I'or S ! e-n lots hi F.irlnir Mill , ? JfOcneh. 1'or Hale I' lalillslied linnUm ? linelno'-s In lnai-la. comity 5-cat. lilbson .VAither , Iloom U W Ithnell lllock , Uiualm. FOlt SAI.U Or OAchniiKC Twelve hiindicd. and clttlily ncits of M < i. , thnber nud unit.- * hind , loitj mllO'iiiist of Kam-ns City. As lith poiltiH ii MJ land In tlio stiite , will fell all or pint nt hllLPii lOllnih per ncieoi will ojLChnnrre for uood Impiovcd Nebuiskii hind , llcdfoid .V j-iiiicr. irii POK SAl.i : The only leather nud Ini inctB hi Uncolii , which has born ciir- lied c.njorten jinusxerj Fiicci'ssfnlly ; the ion- eon for polliiitr , death of the ptopiictor ; ciipltnl idliihid , Iiom sill : ( ( ) to f4tOU. Address.Mis. Jiicoli Hahcilu. Lincoln , Neb. 67- . want lo limle a imm , lorfitockof uiiiteili < ) ; IIITDUO $ . ' ,1100 ; tti le bulldinir and lot fliO ( ; letldunto J.1,0 0 ; hi ti Pno town In Nobuibkii. J.l lilcc , Ii.k Uarniiin Blieul. 4'JT I.OST. LOST I'ifteeu $10 iiiiii'i. pajnl'lo ' to W. I ) . 1'iuj u , slimed liyClukMiil liown and Wil liam dun ii , I liner will In icwaididbj luliirn- Inir them to 1.174 Nouh Ibth st. niJ-ji * T oT Tin eo inbl/lts-1 / Rtnj nud :2 : wiilta JJ I'lnder ill l > e Illmnilly lewaided by 10- tuuihiff mine or any ono to .517 I'm mini t-t. LOST One pair heaver Finn Kloxes on St. .Mi'ij's ' mo rinder plen = o icturnto Slo- iiimi Ilioi. on i.Jllisl , and leiuno i en aid. li T EOAHDIHO. 1700,11 nnd honrd , J.'ijicr urolj ; vciy bc t Itv JLX cation. 1811 lavciiiott | Bt , KWjanU * STOVE REFAXUS. rpu i : W. 0. Met7iierSlovo Hcpiilr Co. , Ill South JllliKt. lietneun Dodjro and IJouBhis. CUKHD. NO operation or lifeless trusses. Dr. M. M Jloore , "I I Walmsli u\a. , Uhiengo. Will lie ut Coriena llonsu. In OmaliaTuinnarIeo."J MISCELLA1TEOUB. 1)AKTlis : havlmr lealleslalo to sell will do J well to list It with m. . VVu want nu pioncily nl f alley pi lees , vv'o IIUMI no I in in Mo additions to vvoik oil , but devote out tlmu and euemrles to t-eeiirhiir baiKnlns lu stnplo piopeilles Cot'li- rim llios. .V Co , . I'O.i I'm mini St. tio-M IADI1 > NOTICi : Wo mo piopared to taliO I ( inlcid for line euKes , muh as Tutll l > 'tulti , Italian , 1 mil , Neopolllan , Wlmo round and others ; also I'liilt i-nhul , ul'u lei New Vein 6 it table * ' , and hnve lor biilotlue hoiae-made jellies. . Snllbbury \ ills. Kline , OWB. istb i-t. M ISS j i. I , . .MKUIIAK , Dieseinnkor , Iloom H , .Incob's block , _ _ _ _ 'Ml Its ClIAlirn 'Ihecelebintedfoituuo teller M itcbidcuco Hlli and Jnckbon. Mf.'jan : ; * ) : lu want of uood domcMio help can rAllis by eallinu' on tlie Oiualiu I'm- plovnicMt Olllte , Itoom i , lluslimmi's Illoek. Mri J , W. Jlorrlbon pniprietor. b"4 TOB BAlE-MISCEIiliANEOUS. _ "I7MU ) SA1.K I'lirimuio ol tl iCi loom hotel , A1 flUO. Hotel to ieiit. Address 11 V , lieu ollice. LAW MititAicv rojt > AI.I-A : I nw lihiaiy coiitirtliiKof Iowa icpoits U. ti. biipiemu roil it lepoitu , Aineilciiti decisions , Ameilcuu reports , hoitbwesteiii , i'neiile nnd FiMioiul 10- porters , all bound ami u llnuot textbook * , nil luii'ht edition * and ns ( rood as new. Must be FeM loxethrr. Juet eo-t fl.ri noil. Fair reduc tion lor cn h or Kood notes. L t lurnbliid on npplicntiou. Addiecs IX , lice olllce. 4'J < J-Jt 7 OIC SAI.i : Oil ItllNT-Cheap , now lull n 18 ' by ! SI , with oveiy couv fcnleiico. Iiniuhe ie , lUlh and Douglas. 777 : vtcfdher ttilps , f-linm Mish nud doors , o U to K , I ) . Mind Mi S. ICth bt. fc\HJ . To lots in I'ellinn. I'lnce , on FOHKAI.K Mock fiom telnet lar iratk. liiiiuliu 'ISS JSthfltcct. _ S.JJ WANTED-rEMALE UEJ.P. * l\V \ " \\ANTID : Two jtirin , one to wuit onti bie TI and onu for kitchen "ink ; Gorman : , pro- ferrid. W17 Ilo md blicet. lTRVr \\'ANTii : IS Kills lor pcncrnl hotisewoik ; TI IIM | > , 4 lenmle co < ks ; beat WHKC > . Call at once. Omnliii l.mi'l < iiacnl Ageney , l-lll llai- jiuy Bticct. Mm. 1 Mnilh. 4sj \\AXTI'1 > ( Jood wugej will be paid lor a ilrttclufSKhlat Wl S. Oith. K.U ANTiri " At"5JT Idaho street , nil e\p7I7- iu ienccd Riil \\onnin for lioustmork ; pei tr.uncnt pluco to one \t ho hUiu , 4ii > J % "l WANT1U Good nurse b'lrl IVO-iJ'iuimni. g > T\7"AJfTin : in n fnmllr of three , ft * mnrt i nent pirl who thoroiKthly unders'nnd" ' Second nork nnd plain fewinff , nnd keeping n house In pei leet order. Ill h wnce * nml home comforts to the rljrht Rlrl Address 1' . U. l ) . , I'ostofllcc. llox .V , with lefcrcticts. * J . A trlrl to do ( ronoinl hoii owoik atM t I in na in st. 4k < KW \ \ \MII : > l o girls Jor Inundty nt Arcmlo > i Hotel. fl.2J ' % WAM UlT-Shnt 7mxVcra. o"raalm Slitrr" toiy. 61J-31 _ \t7 ANTKIl ( irodpirl or midillc nped womnn > i for jem ml houwvorl ? nbont two miles fiotnclty. Ingulientiajy. isiliBt. OTS-Jl * \\7 ASTiTli Will indr hoT o\er ir ) , laTFcooV ( .ouil chnruclir , wnto to JIarl Wnyno , Cody , Cherry co. , Noli I'-t-JW ' \\TAVrnt ) fli ol plrli for pcnernl 1iouS- > - V > TTO knml mull litdv for Gomimnlnn. Mt * . .T. W , N.oirlitn , loom 1 liusluiKin lllock , litli ; nnd Uoiwlas < _ _ "IV TANTKD A comprnt phi to do jrenpral MAY honsn ork. sxiMllurlst. 4J1 nt'llf North 14th et. rAMl'D Afoiiinlo cook and Iniindtcts at AY city hotel. 4'JOO ' rAN'ir.O A competent kitchen pill U2J 1'iirimm. 4i > 'J /ANTI'll Fccnnd onk nt the Kminet \V House ; no man need npply. 4&6-p | AY LrAJifTl'l ) Gltls lor general housework nt lODUVtiriiiuii. GWMO WASTI'I > dills for irnnil pilvutc families ; Kood nses n 111 bo pulil. Also ( rood cook" , Idtchen ulrla , ( limnix-minld * nnd dining room jrlrla mil nt Omalia I'mploj meat llureau 11-J I'ainaiii tl. 418 WANTI'I ) 12 ( rood plrls for ( fpiiornlliotisc. woik ; 4 ( emnle cooks for the best families liithoclU ! heft wages Call ut ome Oimtlm Intelligence unite , Iloom 3 , b. K.cor. lulll and 431 ) ( llil for irrtipr.illiou onoikGot- W manpicoucd , 4.J4 Noith ITIli. 411 "IT AVI 11) A Kill to do Rouatnl housowoik. > > ( lennaii pieleiied. Aim. M. 1' . Mat tin. s. e. eor. "lit uiiill.uii\enwuit sis. o'U , \\TAvrii : > riiM D'HM ' illnms-room girls nt _ M _ the Melioi'oJIIlill hotel. ! 'il4 ' " \\7AV11.D Ladles nnd Rcntlemeu Unity or T > countiy to lake light work til their own , homes. Jto Jin dn.luslj } miulerml ; < tent 1. . ) mud ; no cuiiMis-tiiur. Wo lm\c a ( sooil ( te- maud lor our \\ol-U nud fmnlsh blendy emploj- meut. AddiiM , nlth stump , tiown M'l'jr Co , . .U4 A Ine ( , ! . , Cincinnati , Ohio. UWJnnlO * " \\TATST1 I ) Apeiitf ! . Address Klccttic I . 'imp i ' and Move ! o . S-t , J oiils , Mn. . lor ilrculiir , cut nnd Kinikol M uunllu power Maibh l.licuiu GITUATIOMS "I7A > Tii : > S tuntlnn nnd pn'tiy 1 > cook. Ailures-s-Ilia1 IteeO.lleo . UU-Ji * \\ANTiu : situation bvu active. JOIIPB > t nitiii ns < o.Rinnan. 1'or fnithi > r ) atticu- lies uddie-s the IJoiiui llumulmj on 1 ainniii hlixtt. MtiJJ * ANTUD bltoatlen no lioiu-elitepcr liy n widow I.idy. Huiuiciices fclxcn. AUdie-sIl " MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. To secure the up-cmy lor mvoinl WANTIID 10 niRiiuili ( i < oniianles. | 1'ai- lici wlihltiff to pliu u uffuncj In yojd hums ml- diebS 1115 , 1.00 oil ic. IJDjl * * .VM'iu : lo ! id pc'foiid ] il no lor cash ; Y\ \ dcnlcia don t npply. Addicts 1 ! 11lieu ollice. A B coil''hand ' llio proof hank WANTliH , bur l.irpto. I dies . A .m < s- < , 1" L. IJrovvn or lust JNat.oual Hank , Mel o < k , Neb. H'l ' TDK UEHT-KOUSES AITD X.OVS. ISI T A nice live-room eoltaRO on IjiOK . 1'itni < MI ( luikmul Uinco. Jmiiinool Udholm tV i i cuBOii. 4i/-yi ) 1/1OIJ 1S ( < ! ' Two cotlHfro ? . 4 roninf. . 810 per JJ month : I blocKea lof lli.nscum l'jul < . J , L McLHK .e , 01 II. It. itovhiud. 4t-i JIJ * itJNT Tno c.ttiiKO . Slo nud ? 18 per month. W.i > It/ler , Uii.n to lllock. 4 J . UIJ.NT To small family , larpo inrnlsbtd 3.1OK ' on pnved street ; fiirnaco and nil modem oomemenco * ; references reunited. Appl > ut ID.'t J iiimiui bt. 44 Jti : ? T A nlicS-ioom collupfo on Leitv- FOIS , neai Bmilh live ; eliy water and cistern ; nl-o n 1 loom coitiiKC on Michlsau st. " blouka from Paik ave , , with stable , well , etc. ; tiUo n tj-ioom cottn o , liutre lot , stable , cistern , S blocks 1 loin Itlihlicet car line. H. U , C link , MLi Douglas fct. 451- ! : ) ! IjToil UIJXl7 A "house ot 7 looms for J'MIf JJ tiiKon mimeillntoh. Applj H4U N. l lh t-t. bclwten > i'lcliolaa and I'aul. 4 a-\iu \ * TJ > UJNT-COI ner CumleB and OTth sis , 3 X1 IIOIISOH , onohiMo and onu of medium xl/e ; nl o IIOIIKC on N. I4th bt. Apply to ! ' . VV. Wes- hills , at Omaha bimiiKS Dunk. 411 "ITIOK HUNT A 10 tonm hous.0 contially lo- X1 iiited nnd near t o htieel earllncs. Inpood to ] nlr and all inoilein hnpiovnmuntlniiihe | ol John A rej hum \ Co. , Htl fcouth Ittli HI. SJl "TT1OK HUNT iHooni hnu o oil Cidlforuliifit. , JJ belw ecu "tth and aih. Jnipulie onpicmUea. I' . J. Cieedou. JM TOK Jtl'NT Ti-room house on Bowaid St. , J $10 per mouth. B-ioom hou e , " 'OtU and 1'opplelou nve. , now , J-.r ) per month. ImiulielteoniS , S. K. cor. 15th and Donehii. KINT : OR I.KAMsiom : room .EJ.MJW 1 HI acie Kirduu uith G-ioom lion i ! ndjoluln cllyt ; < niicie num. 17 miles west of Omaha ; 0 business olsonM. Mnrj save. Apply to 1' . II. Uliaimnui .V Co. , 1.J7 Ilort aril ht. 110 iriOlt Ki : * > r Js'ow house ut IW1) .litckson st Apply at Cuunliigham \ llicnmuiV , 1'jll Dodge St. 11K 1 HUNT 5-roomed house on Chillies in good icpnlr. Dr. Pnu1 14S HUNT Tno-stmy bilek house with ijUiil 1 basement ; mullein Iinpiovcinen beiutid door tiiini fct. Jltuyb ave. on authbt. Ajiiil ) tu Mis. " TTlOlt It PAT 2 glory house ofS rooms. Sia - 1Daxenpoil. . Iminauilr It , Htu\cn3 , UoUl Da- venpoit. 4.1I inoit HUNT roll ago on IPth and Hurt , moms , $ 18 per month , Alto cottiujo on Cull finiilu ami d MS. , 7 looms , j0 per month , both iu thoioiiKli lepnlr. Impilie ot A. 0. "AaKelj , o\er Omuha Xutionnl bank. o7'J FOlt Itr.NT House belonging to the e tuto ol'.ItidKO C'lmdwlckMW 1'aik arenuo. W.J , Council. -si irioit HUNT TWO now Snmia roomedlmu o * ] ; Jv itumuc , Imili loom and nil modem comcn- lenccs , one blo ( k fiom Miect c.ns. Inquire Jo. 1' . Ilaiion , U14.Mil bt , , or gmclthitf Works. bU ) Tj' < IU KP.NT A ftoio loom w 1th treed cellar JL1 J'jut ' ) Hurt bti eel. Appl ) to John Uauinor. no KlIM'-Slnhloiiear high eehool. Four J1 null" , Keod loom lor imiliiKCb and hav. Appl ) toUco. IMIeiuU. UOj , > Olt HUNT sioics on''th and I.ciweiiwoHli J " MS. 1 More on Fouth l.'lth Et. Doth thet-cla't bu < l- neta Icentloiis. AUo lioutes to tent. A. .Mcliuv- oik.'I _ _ ' FOltllKNT Two nowiesldonccijfl looms each , COltllU'l ) & lOOII18llUUbO lU lOOil'3. ' J. I'llippS lloe. 6.)5 " 17HK Itl'NT .Ne-A house U rooms , Ono ot JU bos-t built hoiiM" > lu Omaha , -nJ betnien I miilnic und l7iud , f o. U , U. .Majnc , b\V \ cor , IMhuiid I'm num. I'Oll inou Hi : > T-ruriilslicdlooms COJNITth M. L1 4JS-31 * lli'NT Ilmid'-omel.v itiniMied looms ITMW or without liuurUuuil ! Dodge. 4WJ 4 (1OU ( KINT Funddoim ins ioii ) o * | 71OK lir.NT Viirnlthcd Iront room with UbO J-1 of bath loom ; pleasant locution , iuijulie at ollico oC U. K. May m > , 16th ami 1'ai nmn. D.7 ; > OK IIKNT I'lcnsnnt fmmeliod or unfiir- t ' nl-jlioil Irunt mom. lOMJoncatt. U71KXJ * IJiOK JinNT-Complelely fmnl-hed Hat , G -13 rooms und bnth. AdUrin ) 11. h. llio.Ollke , UC5 n : > T Nicely furiishidooni , S \ , tor. VJthnnd St. Jlnry'biive. Cll TTloallKXT-rurnlehed jooiu. 1017 Chicngo ! JU 817 _ TiT'Il IUNT : A peed furulbhedioom : loca- JU lion central. Apply nt AtMut-on's Milllu- uyMoio , t'luinhtou HlocU , IDth bt.M > utli of poatolllco. ; Olt ItKNT Four now eioro rnonis , suitable 1 lor dry gooiU , haidwiirc , tin thoj ) , shoo btoto , ibiiuuanl , biuber Bliop , etc. ; aUo.somn \ciy nice diTcIltni ; loom * ) aho\o In Kueuold'l new block ut the head ot St. Mary's ave. "I7MHI ltKN"r Some very nko clvrolllnjr rooms -L1 Just IfnUlicd ; nice locution mid hue Ucw ; imm olio lo loiireuu be had In iue\t : old's r.ew block at the head ol fit. Mur ; ' * ue , OCOj , ' iOU llENT I'urnlshoil roorao. tSJ N. ISth trio II IIKNT Hand otn'I ) futinshml J3 en ointe or fiiigl ) ; modern eomeiilem.e ITa ) < 'apitol ave _ & .VI-HU * luTxT Xewlr furnlthid room will honid. 7U S. t h. one block irom it ( nr. 6lJ-o ! * * iOU 1S1.NI Kural'hoil rooms , JlbO Hnrnej VSl lliSTVith : lioiril , nrjfo front loom ! H3 mid modem tmiirorttiipiits ; IW9 .tone * ! Ireot ! ' ' _ _ _ itKNr VurnNioil room with boird suitable for Uo gentlemen. MU Dodge > t tT1" " HUNT -With board , n room suitable for X1 one i > ciK > ti. lull Webster. _ t-UJ 1J1OK ltixr With tmnrd , tno room * mtjoln * JJ in i front room , fcoutheast. MUVeb ter. TIOlt HUNT ruinlsboJ room , 13H .Inokeon. IU2NT Plon. nnt rooms , furiilshod nnrl 1 unturnlshed , for llKht liouseKcciiliiir , can iiiiuill ) bo loiiud In lleomer's lllocfc , coiner IJiShth ami Howard , liiO 171OH IIKNT 3 rooms nnd basement , cor 10th Ju und South nvo ; flupcrmonlh. iUCnauo llro.i , oppoiltooetolIlce ) , a77 roa 171OU < ? AIi : Ily Dexter I , . Thomiu & Iho. , -1J loom t ) , Lrel hlon block ! 'nj leol on I'm nmn st. if.OM CfitlW , . w. tor. 17th nml l. enter , WfOJ. MxIfH ) , HaiiBcom I'lnce , & 7tw 9 lots ti > x 157 , on Hamilton nud Chillies Bis , SGOO lo j'Si.U , ( I block * ) \i est ot conveiiU I'llixlii'i , cor Chnilei nud Mh sis , { > 00. : u\lfii , with liiiii.iy and bin u , near With nnd Cintoi , $ lirm.eiy enenp ; small pnymenti IniUiu'i1 moiithl ) , 'xixll'i , I'tliund ' Chntles , with house of C rooms , well , etc , tl.'iwi ' y Mo , Love'p addition , fiam ami fOV ) . y hit" . W. A III itiek ndd. , 81,2 U. J.ot cor."itli and Diutiiport , yl.rjto. A\e think all thoithovo lini n.iij. Call for tnrm . Dexter L. Uhonius Jc IJiu. , Itoom If , llluell. K- JjlOI ! HAM : \chnni'OforOmahu proper- t ) , nn tmpro\ed latin. IMi ncie il mdes Iiom nidtoad town , AddiosslM Wiiltmall 8 Lul- \eiiTTJith Bt.Unmlia. _ 10-jlp > H SAI.i : Torn lew dn ) only , nn o'cKiint 1JM u.ii iijin laim , une IIOUI'B ill he liom Oma ha , w 111 he told m it bnruun ni'd on etic ) lerm . > \ ho Is tlio lucky biijcif J. L. Hlco , l J I nr- nun M. fill ! t.Mm SAM : liy coohmu iiios. n co.ison Jt1 rnrmmi slieet. Choice Impiovul nnd 1111- ImpiuM'd piopori ) lu all pui 1 4 ol the city. It j on lonlemi tine bnyniK mi ) tuliiK in out line , MI ) uld HUC > iiu monev ilou ulll call and look o\oi'Oiu baigamy. Lochiau Ilios. V Co. , l.Krt ) 1 m num. I > ; ij , ( r. S.VI.Il oil i\CUA7s : .K duo ot Iho Ji be t hall > -ei turnol mad In NctnasUa J'or imtliei'Iiiioimiitloo imimre ol A. L' . Altken , Kciliniv , 'Aeti. Alao , Wi ) IIULS well Impiou'd l.iud In ( > u-lei coiiui ) . 607-1 i SAI.K thick hoi no , S lots , eor. IlumI- ! lou * -t. , jri.Kli.lltitdolorinnn. . HIIII-M am ! nit , Virttlnui IIM. . . ti-'i" > . 1-iiiom cuitagc , lot 1U\1 I , iili ; and Boutins , ? - ' , ! " ' L'lol3 housci , 2.1th and I'opplotouiue. , 5MX ( ! ) Hoifei' , C > roomi , : t'd nnd ben -ml , fl.OjO ; JoJ c.i-h , balance $ r > | crmonlh. 1 nil lot , V coiti jtct ) , MK liilu.i.ncarllull , ' 3700. S-ioinn iieoc , lot j\ll" ) , iiiurulu uve. , t-dl. > , I ) loom liou-r , lot CO-VliO , 7 blocks Iiom poat- ollice , b. hit h. 41 OJ.I. 0-iooiu lioute , JhLvonpoit , near Kd , ! J'J ' 5. Lol near < vl.o > lvlU 0. U lols ir Hitiibcom 1'luee , tf.ffl lolOJO. Lolim Kllhv adilliioiiCliiOto MM. Lot < In Omaha \ iu , t.fJU to ± 'M. ' Lots In Pink roiest , 5 U to 4 r > . 4b- L. i' . hinuor , U'J N. 15th. FOJt .sAI.K plondlil business ] iiOicrt ] ) on S. jith : St. , 7"1 iteti will bo told at nr < at 'i nice if taken boon. Cochtmi JJios. .V. Lo. , ' IT'OII SAI.K I.IIIKO house and .1 nicely olova- -L1 ted lots .n Shliiu s MI add. 5ii.UU. 1'or bale I ino h-i oomcil house on Clink sti eel , niiel ) e.oMitcil lot , { 5IA.U. IIU ( jiljson \ AiUicr , Huumn.Wlllinoll Illuck. " [ .loll SAI.K Lots ill Jlonery Hill. Lots in J-1 iluir Onk. Lnts in llod'H nod. Lots III lliookline. Lots In Uonlt-o's mid. Lot" in lain- lol add. J.OIH in College 1-hiCii. Lo s in ( lingo's add , J.ot in llorliacli .sndn. Lois In HaiiBcom I'liice. JAIIS in Ilill-ido I/its in lllckH. 1'laio. I.oib In Kntliit/i ! iV KmliV ami , L'lti in Millanl 1'iiice , Luib in IcLnniill'di 1'mco , in Paik I'laru , I'Hi.-int | I'liite , i atiiik'x I IIILO , riluillH ndd. , Itedlilv's and , Kot" i b add , Hiiilia g mid , \\'aliuit \ lllll.andin ail pails ot the city. AVaichmi-o yropcri ) , r-iveml rood locutions ; ami n\cial eho.ip lain s in Dntij-lNS lonni ) nnd otnor p.uu ol Nebia-ka. Onialul Heal Ignite nnd Loan ( . ( ) . , Itouin i and ! ii , Williliell UioUc , Umalni. ITc-JJ B j.DKlti : acio lets , Jlio ) to nliiot Hill lota 5-OU 10 f7JU West blue lols * . > iM to 1'ai meuiir lotttMii'i to Ual.i'i- .Mil ) no add loih t-175 ( o { , 'i Doncckeo's uuu. loth > . . ' " > to { .7UJ. Bunny Mdulotb $7 M lo * 1,1101) ) . Hiiii'toiH Pluco loIs t-W 10 s-l/ ) . Illinuliaiifili I'liu elot { 1'kO lo fl.lji ) . ( jiccnnixut 'j-ncio ' lois * . .0 USii" > . .1. I. Itculck'b RiibdlV , lots $1 , 010 lo $1W . 1 finite & . frolden'bloH * * * J lo sfl.OJi ) liuri Ualc lot- , vine lo $1 , UUU. JJenibo iiilil. lots Hi-- * ) ' 1 a ) lei e add. nci e lots c l.OW. Tnttlo H snh div. aeies i.W ) . Lots m OM'iy pint ot the city ; eaiy terms. Cun\eaniO ! > at tliu dooi any tmieol tlio day. C. K. Jilnyiio. b. W. ior , .jtli ami Itanium. J.'si "ITHMt 8AI.KOK TUAOi : ICO acres of land * - I1 * miltb nuilli ot North Auburn , Js'ul ) . ; about lMy nci 01 under oiillluitloa ; iood ; hnnto , limn , undill Bond well ol waiei' . For luither pmiienluis appl > to 11. IJ. llo.udey , llionintlle , Jscb. IDijaii. , ! ! . , ! : l.niKonnil biuall block lunche * } JlMUl.SAl 1 with orwith nit slock. Tor bnlc II lot In S ] > i hi * Hill , JfiO each. 101 Sale l.aialili-licd ImnUliiK IHISIIHHJ In KebuisKa.ioiin'o eeat. OiUson > v Aiciici , leom a , \\itlmeU liloili. I 01 li\Llitmife Kebrnskn farms for Oiualiu piopcity ; mso Iniuls lo o\cliuniru lor blocks ol ifoods Wanted ; ! business lolb for cash within 1 bloclis 01 po tollji n. 1 or Ljiuhiiiiiio Ktl neielmpiovcd fiuni.Mndl- Kin CDIIIIIJ , Neb. , lor homo aim lol fu Ouiiha. rorfctde AB-uero tract 4 miles of po-loliice ; house cost fl.r.M'.toi $ lr > WJcash UlbiOiuVArehcr , Itoom 11 , W llhiicll llluck. ; ) : , IiMlKSAI.K A choice pleco of iiulinptovid piopcily on luiinum , icutinlly located. Onmlia Uenl LMtale nud Loan Co. , M'ithncll llloclOmnlin. 17i--J : : iron SAMJ-Iimnodimelv. ! > beautltul lot- J la 03 on south J.'ilh si. , nciu Center s > l. 1'lno nclrhlmihnoil. ! Ka-t and hinith 1101114,111111111 ! new , Splendid Unit. Haul and i-uli water. Ulll sell all nt n imiHTiln dining tlio uo.\t ten ilnjs. A , 1' . Ttikey , 1J01 PmnuiiiKt. 410 IToil KAM : Cheap lots in llnuscimi I'lnco. ' A'dd.ebStl. 1' . bieldilua : , OJJnul7 * FOUS.VM : A fvo slory,2-'v ( , frame builil lim.b'litnblolora t-tore , no ir lUth and l-'ar mim tJls. Applyat thU olllco. U1T Jfim hAI.i-flUM ; ( > 10 jor ieiit ulvidend | i.ijliiKr Rtock Ulbson .v Aicher , I loom 1 , \ \ itlmell lllock , .KJ'J Foit SAi.K-lOlots , block 10 lloyd's addition lor tcim luqulio of A. 1' . Nlcholaj. 471 ITUMt SAl.i-l. : 2 , n , 4 , fi and 10 aero tiacls tloso 1. to illy , All llrsl-ilass investments , Coi-lnan llio.Co. . , IM'J I'm mini at. 4UI-UO Hriui.\li : notice lo elor ymoii. Oiorjno wl lilm ; hull fnro penults tor liiivill plu u and 01 leave thcii naiiioj nt Chicago vV Noi 111 rtebtutii ollice , 1111 Fnrnmn tt , lsi-Jan-l V\ Side Station Junction oC the Missouri II I'aclllu nnd licit l.lue , on l.eaveliworlhbt. It I on waul a lut on West bide don't wait lonvr or Mm will bo too Lite , 1'ikes ot lots ; iw to "nM. Liibj lunns. ( J , 11. .Mnyuu , I.'itli and I'm n. mi mid Hell McCandllah , 1J11 Dodge bt. . Bole GltKUNWnon llenutlful ncronnd imlf aero lots , Hue location. : i > i miles from i' , O , , enl > a fcuniouii'jits walk Imm llaiiaiom Park. Aeiea HUO Half acted t. ' ) , 10 puicent cash , balance monthly payments. C. H. Jluyne , S.V , cor. 15th mil 1 'iti mini , m .K-Houso mid lot 31:1 : S S tii -cheap I-1 tuid payments. Addioss 0. b. Cliipiuan , Liu- : olu Kcb. 671 \ UOTIONSAI.I : The 11 , & > l. H. rnllroadln V Xuhiutl.a will ? ell at publlo auction , luUn- olnU17 O btreet , tommonclu ? Juuuilry 1 , Kith mil eomliiuhitr w ilh proper ndjourmueuts until ill goods have been told , u Jarfro collection , of mtlnuned nnd refused freight , con lbtlng of jii in Implements , .household yonili , I'nniluuo epufrs mid a lut of piopcity dummied by llrii at > nuihii depot. 7t < 5Dee. . Ul. P OlTsAl.i-Tbreo : lull lots In Ilodlek'isndd , ; enst Iront ; way below pilcoot udlolnliiff lots. Ye only iidvoitibo baipalns , nud this Isouoof hem. tochrun Dios. & Co. iwu rnriinm st. _ POlt S.I 1.13 A ( fiiiorul mcronaiidlso business In u rnplilly growiiia ; town not lar fiom Lin- : oln. Heat trudu and location In town. A aplon- lid opportunity ior a party wlshlntr u . - < * ) < ! ipcuintr , nnd having from sever , to ten thoubiind lolluib in ciibh. Willbcll lor cash only , or purl nit Ii , biilaiieo i en I esttUu iu Omiihiu iltK'huui JJuuOUlcs. EOK SAT.K-Hr Unmn Hnwloy , Heal Kstftt < Agentu , x. V. eon Uthnnd l > iiiRlns f . Some vnyde niiblo lots nnd dwclliiiff house < on Iniimin Mrct't , Al o , n cciitneq nml lot , 33tl3l. on Harnoj t treat , iicnr tiuxlrres * * . Two lots and , cotJ.ioj on rnrnnm street : Finuid nnd well located for residence. OnoRtmot nicottnio , nnd lot , srndoil , well lointed , uonr Mrftu rnilwny. Alii ir.nuy valuable lots. 503 77101 : SAM -ily roller A Coldi- -1- Choice lots in howo's Hrst ndJ. , $ iM to JIM cncli. Comer In Isnnc * Sclden s ndd. , 132M24 , fet I'lno lots on Ilroim St. , f.0t30 ! , at $700 ! encli ensy trims. . Acre lot very ehtnpi cor llrown nnd Cidlfornln gt . , fx'.biXJi i fi and li > nero tracts on onsy lonna ut $175 to $ 00 ; itroilt baiEiiins. A tew choice lots Iu Thornburg Mace , on Hell Line , chenp. a lots Iu Shlnn's Third. tSOO ench. I'lno lnislnc < s eor on 1 nrunui t , , J10.013. iMls In Tetter's ndd. , JWO to $ OJJ cnehory ; cheap. A low flue lots , Hnnscom 1'lnce , nt $750 each. Call nud ice our bniK lns hi aero tracts. 87fi 1'OTTi.u A. ( Turn ; . 1513 I'ariium St. LAND SCr.KBItS , ATfUNTtON For full pur- tlculnrs about free nud clump lands m \Ve. lciu N'ehinsltn address The . U. Patterson , Iteid lllnloAwnnt. o th I'lnttc , Neb. a ipOIt SAI.i : | | | ( f barKiin * . I'.nsj terms. Ixt COAltl , house 10 rooms. Itcos' ndd $1.031 UitiVJxIM , hou o 4 room" , llaiis-om Pliiio ! , . ) U lols MKlflfl each ) house 8 foom . comer H ; > UO I. < itriO\liO , lioiifo 11 looms , Hnii * < ioiil Place II NO lloui)5 ) loomsiind lot , 1C. A II. ndd . 1,000 lloueor , rooms , lull lot , Ptospect I'hieo . 1 , ( W HouauO rooms , 17th and Hurt baiKUln SfM Ixits in .Melrii'.e. Newport , Cole llrilllnnlo , IliUhtoii , llelvcdcie , Walnut Hill , lliiiucoin Place , lltes , nud nil other nddlllous , on small monthly pa ) mould tl lots In Wlleot addJI,70J I'arms nud inilmiirov oil lands In nil pnits of tlio state. SI HCHH in Cass co. , ( Improvedl Ji.OVl. 7.1 ncros mini land , ti need , ne-ir Council lib Us. MS.ij , n T 1'itertouA Co , , Itoom nS. K. eor. 15th nnd nonplus. 4.U EDWAKrD KUEHL , MAO1STKU Ol' I'AtiMVSTlIllY AND COMO TIO.NAl.lba1 , UUJTinlh fcticet , botnuon Fnrnam nnd Hiirnuy , will , with the uld ol KUurdlnu for suiy ono n gliinco In thu iinst nnd pru cnt , nnd ot ceitulu conditions lu ho future. Itoots and shoos nido to order I'orlectsiitlsrucllon irmirunleod. a o WHOM IT JIAV CONlTHX. In nccord- MI a I * uitli 11 nsoliilloii IIIM ! b.Iho . City uiiLii Doc , Jil , INS > , xcnlitl Imls ulll bo 16 HI iho olliceol tlio lit ) Ut'iK ol liiiiiiliu up to 4 o cl iek I * M , Jim. lliili , Is'Ulor thu fol- lottlnjr ilosuillied pi' p n y. io-uit : A puce of IniiU boiiiiui'il ns loll i , coin- niuliuiiK ut lliu o , v ior. ol lot D , liluck IMi : ! thontM\e t r ft. , tin use Mintli I'.O It , thcnco ea-t J" . It. , them o noi 111 171) ) It. lo phicu of be ln- nlnf A I.IOCP of liiiul 1 o i : ded ns follows , roin- mciuliitf nt the n. e cmol lot . " , block ic.'i'i ' , thuiicoea tr. ? It. , tl enco noutli lid It. , thence wcl.M : tt. , thi'iite iioiih iiu If , , thence oust 17 It. , liiunce siniili ! . > . : it. , thru o i n > t " 1U it. , thonto ninth lii" It. to pluce of l > i K'unliVJ' ' . A plu o of hind 1'oumloil in mllinfs , coin- innuihtr nt the n. c ( .or ol lut b , llitk IM.'J ' , thoiiLi'iiiit 17 It , tlifiici ) south 170 Ii , theneo wstM It. , thoi c ninth ! H It , thcnco oa t dl It. . thciiLO noitiij.tlli to placoot liejliinini . A piece ol land I outuluil us lollous , com- incneliiK lit then o cor. of lot I , block IN ? , thonrctsouth l-it It. , thiiuo cu t-O It. , tlienco noitli ItX ; ltibonci' ttosta ) It. to pinto ol bu- A plcco of land bounded ns follows , com- iiioneiiiifi.t thn n e. corner ol lot ij , block ISH , Ilieiiiu south 1,1. , U . tht'iituLii't fl. , thcnco niir h liL'lt. , thoncf westx'0 it. to tilaco ol bc- . A pneu of lai d hounded as follows : cmn- menciiiKiit thu n c. coiner of lot 1 , block 'i7 ; thciuu Poutli UK' lifil ; tlKlico enst ! .M leot : tl onio ninth l.tjj tl.tiao est-o fcit to place ol bc > Miiiiln . ' t A i Uci > of hind , 1'oiiuled ns follows : com- inenciiiw at Iho n o coinirof lot f. block ! 'u7 ; tlltlKO SOU. II J.l. lLlUlllLIKOI.IStX'01U.ttlllJIICI ) ) noi in i.a Imil ; thcnco wutt i.'u leut lo phuc ol. bo- ( Tlm.inix. A po-o of land hounded ns followi : com- mciiLmjfiit Iho n. i ( ointr ii lot 1 , b'oJ < : ! lt ) ; t icnco sen til I. Jleet,4hL" 'Olcoi , theneo nonli I.C 1 cot ; thonoe.eot M iect tu plutooC . of Imul hoiim'ed ns follows : com- t tlioji. o. icoinor if lot c. block UP ! ; thence i i U h I JKctlt ; .emoenst IMect : iheiuo nonli I. . " Kit , llit'iic.u'.vOil'iJlcut lophtcuot bu- . . A pkco of hind lx unded n" follows : com- nicntliiK : ut the n o coinernl lut I , liliiik : < in : UK ncuHoutii Io.Jii.ct ; i homo east L'Ukel : t.on < .o noi tli IK ftct , tficiKO west 'M Icct to phtte of bcfrbmlmr. A iiitito of Inhil UMindcd ns follow ; : com mon IIIKIU u < w. lomer ot lot 4 , Lilock "id ; t hence * > ou h llslert : thineo we t UJleet , tliomo ni.r h l.iS Jcet ; tl.cnco east : 'U leotto plutoof DA pleio of land bounded ns follows : commene- Injriit the iu w. lorner ol' lot fi. Idle Ulli , ihenco Fonlli iy. ' icct , them o woit 'M loct , thence noith ill : Moi , thcm.0 east : Jo leet to place ol be- gii nlmr. A pieie or land bounded as follows : commtnc- Ing ut the n. w. eoitiernl lot 1 , block : . ' ! " ) , llieneo Miuth ! > - leet , liienie wht 'M leet , thcix.0 ninth 1 " leet , thence eiibt 'M leet to place ol be- A plcco of land bounded as follow s. commenc- hitf atllio 11 w. coiner of lot fi. blOL'UU ! , the ice " outli 1 u tout , Ihoiuo west an leot , theme nonli 1)leet , theneo ua = t " 0 Icct to place ol bo' ginning. A pHce of Imul bounded : is follow s : comment liiK ut tin1 n w Lotnet-ot lot 4 , block : ! u * > , theiRo toiilli IIIMi ol , thin u ne-ttLUleet , tlmiiLO noith ] . < - loct , Iheiiio tuat J Ictt lo place ot bo- ginnintr. A plcco of 1 1 ml hounded ns follows : commoiic- iiir ( ut iho n. w. eon or ol lot ft , block Ifcl , tin ncu fioulhliU fill , theiui ea-t ailecr. iluifo nonli l.iloct , IhciiLO witt "uto the jilaco ol begin- nbu , " . A piece of land bounded ns follows : commenc ing at tl e n w. eoinerol lot 1,11 ok Ihi , ihcnco feinith 1 U io't ) , tlicmo no t IJ leer , thcnci noith 1.2 leet , tliciico east -J loet to place ot bcsln bids for n le s nnioimt than the appraised valuation will I e considered. 'Ihoiountll u-bem'-t tno ilulit loiojul nnv or all bids. J. II. rioiniiAKu. ( ii > I IctK. ioi ! 'dtodot ' NOTICE. ATOTICI ! Is hereby ( -'ixeii Hint the partnership -L > ho uloioiocU-i n , hetwecn VV. U. .Vo > eod ami A. l" . I < ehluiibeiki-r , iindir 111 Him nairo ot W. II. MeLooiKV ( o , is this ( hi ) dls oh ed by miitiial eon-enl , A. C. LichtenheiKer will con tinue thu lu ii.u-x | > .i > till UoIjtH one Iiom s till Hi m , and coiKn I nml i ( cenit lor nil actoutits and bllb duo bald Him. A. C. W. 0. Jlt.Ia.oi ) . Omohn , Dec. ' . " < , 1 " > . doa'i't 3t Zfotico to Contrnotoril , ] 31ds will hoieccned at the ollico of Men dclssohn it l''ibliei ' , mchiteets , until January nil , IbMl , at 1 o clock ii. m , , lei llii * eonstiuc- tion ol a luiek Ice house sloio building , tor the Kalk Jre\viiir ! ( Co. , lobe elected on tilth und Lea von vv 01 Hi .stieet , eily. dc.o.l'iU ' " " " " " ' ' ' " " , . ! Mt.i ' \ & 1-5 WHO IS UNACQ M1NTE ' V/ITH THE CEOGFlArtlV Or TIII9 COUNTRY VAIt , . CEE 0 ExAMIN.Na THIS MAP THAT THE GIIICAGO.RIJ&XISLAIiDaPAOIHGnAILWAV llvieaionoritanntriil i > u > lllnii nmlilovo irlallnn lo nil inlnclpa ) luitn l lf nmlVi > * .t ut Initial iinil l < r. iiilanl pnlnu. ( oimftiuiiH the iiuiHt liuiuiitmit inhr rfintnaiitnl Unit In th , \ > t. in ol ilntmph Iiunrjioi tnlloll \ > lilli luvjt.ii , unl fnilllinlit. liiutl anil tnilllo li.'l \\pr-n oil lea of the < Mlantli > unit I'nrlllft ( * OH | It ! aUn thiilnvoiUi. nnil | jp t luulci Inanil riuni 1'i'liltn ' .if ! NiirtlKa-tUnuti iMillnnsi , iui.l i-urti PuiiiJIui : liolnlsVol. . NiillnMt ( in 1 SoiiIliHitt. The Crfcat Rock Island Route ( luarflnteefl 110' filitron'ii tliit rptifcn of | ii onnl fern , ilty oiroulcil l < r > ia w > llil llimniiKhty hilluttd I IBI | . Iiml iiiioiilli triuli * t'Jjri'iillinioin tier l mil mt.Mjin. llully l.ullt rulvVliiiui I 1'ililL'es lulling IPI kumuxr iMirttrtliiii ua Uuiii > i i-klll < in II HIP tntety aplillanrni of luCT nt liiilIi-i- , | 'lnlfnrniH nml air Lnilrn. mi > ltllHte ncilniill'XIlilliiit ' | nlilili L-niinn tin * | inc | > - tjraloirratli | > ii < > r nil tin linin Ollifr rprdalllm or IliU nxite ur 'Iruntlir * at all coirticctlntr i > ilnt In Iniloii IVpnu. mid thtt nn urpiofil ( unifuitit anj lujurlenof In Tai eiiKcr I cjuliiiient | The F.ut Bi prim Tralni lictirpcn Clilodiro ap 1 r orla. Council lllutln , Kaniiail City tvn\fii\\titl\ \ ! AtfhUoil nio l < utni > ( hOd of utllrutllatril | lni ly up. liiil'ieinl Oar Coachi > . Miifnlilcciit I'lilliiiiiu l'.iULo Uleepfiaof the Ult'.t ilcsl n , an.l tiiiniituoun Illnlnn Uiri.ln tthirli clili..ratfljr roukcil nicil nm Ii Uuulr e.Uin. lltinctiiUiauniraciiil K nMi ( .lt > anilAI < M > bU me also mu tha C'elfOinlnl lUilhiiiiRl lialr t'nra. Famous Albert Lon Route Jt the direct amiavoilts line hetniin Clilcaea anil Iliineap.illa umlHt. I'dll.vliera roniurlloiinaremailii In Unlun litftiuurur nil polntn In ll.o . Tfnfoile ! unj llrlilili i'rovlnooj. Otir thin iiuiin fun 1 > | 'rn.j Truing me inn la the wuUTlnc rlau > . rummer ro- urn. plrluru iUa lontllli , un I IiuntlnR nml llnlitnu iri "illi In rf lawn and 31liitK > M , | j , It Ia IK ; Iho ins. * ilcfliatiluruutBio me ililiwlieat JIilJj uud ; _ ioiiU Ian Ii or Inlirlur llaloln * hllll aia.lli'r UlllhlT 1,1 VITi | > * > npca ml Knn- KAketf , litat botn opiiivtl heineiK 1'niiiiiiiitf , liullnn * anil I tfatptte.aiul I'mn nlult * . KanranClIy. Jliii > ieatoll | piiH hi , l'iv * * TII ) lull rnutllaluulnt Fur < , , flr1uJtluu ng Jlain ml fi > lil < * rf , olliiltiqlit.n-5 | * < \lut \ II , latt , ot ftll l.ilnilpnl'fal.n fp tfto Unltoil btalcd 4tuJ Canada } vr by d * ff. R. CABLE , . ST. JOHN. I'IDI I Ci.a'1 U'n'r. 0 n ITU A I'MI. rnis. Tlmt Gl\cn tlip Stan Wlio Sccuroil UK "Nickpl-Plnto" roi-Vaiulprnllt. Jutlffo Ihtrko is the only i > er on now ir ' Ck-vplantl , says the 1'la'in Dealer , win onjoycil fnntiilontinl lelations witltVil liamll Vaiiilerbilt , The lomlcr no doulii rcnicniliers ulipu the Niekel 1'lato rout ! was built. It wus well constructed nut' \vlmn finished Us stock trains u ere run ninir casttturd faster than tlio fastcsl Lake Shore freight trains had over been nblo to { ro. Mr. Vnnderbill was mticli niuioyi'il by this rh al lino. Ono dny Judge Burke was at Niagara I-alls , where he mot Mr. Vaiulorbilt and President Dovciotixof the Hue Line , wlm had lou" ; been a near friend and limitcu * nnt of the grout railroad nin nato. judge Hurko holng then in the directory of the Uco Line , ho und Mr Vnnderhllt lalkcd tnor iniittors ] > ortnining to tliat road and discii scd the prospects of tlio Hocking Vtilloy road , oflneh tlio judge hail re cently obtained control. JudgeIhlrke rcturnotl to Cleveland anil T' Iovcreucnt ) lo Xc\v York with Mr Vnndeibllt. On the wav to Now Vork Mr Ynndorbiltsnid toMr. Devcrcux : " 1 want to gel hold of the Nickel L'lnto if 1 can got it at n reasonable liguro. t would liku to lintl out wlmt it would cost , but 1 don't know how to do it. for if tlio owners of the Nickel Plato discover that I am after the road they will lix Ihe price aw.ij above any reasonable limit. " "I could not undertake the ii : k , for it is well known that 1 am connected with your iiiteioMs , " said President Uuvoroux. " 1 know of but one man who could do the work. " "You refer to Judge Durko ? " said Mr. Vundorbilt. "Mr. Devoreux said that Judge Hurko wus the man , and Mr. Vamiorbilt in- stiiicled Mr. Duvoieux toatonco summon ludgo Burke and ask him to begin tlio delicate task. It was a high compliment lo Judge Hiuke. The judge had for a long time been associated in u business way \utli Jay Gould , whose agent liuro he Mill is. Jt was suspected that Jay tioiild wus atler tlio Nickel Plate , and had Judge Burke been al all subject to suspicion it might have been feared that he would prove nnti no to Mr. A'auderbilt's inter ests. ] lo was not thai kind of u man , however. He at oneo saw the owners ol Iho Nickil Plate and without resorting to l.ilschood ho leil them to think that ho wanted to combine the Nickel 1'latu with the Hocking Valley road. At lirst lie was unable to touch tlio Nickel Plato , whoso owners hail anolherschumcon foot. They asked him , lioHe\or : "llow much will you give ? " "i urn not able to pay any fancy price , ns you well know , " was the answer. "The business of the Hocking Valley already has an outlet. " Nearly every evening Judge Burke saw Mr , yaml-rbilt in the very room where ho died , being careful not to have his vib- ilsgenerally known. A close carnage , a trustworthy coachman , and carelully or- deled movements weft ) necessary. "The owners ot the Nicklo Plate were in high feather and away out of reach when Judge liurko first began work , but one. day the scheme lor helling tlio road , which had seemed so promising lo them , foil through. Jt was noticed that so long as ( jould wii ! in New York no success at tended the dibits to purchase the Nickel PI.ite , iinon which ho had his eye , but onu day no was suddenly called west lo attend to tome of hi intt uMs there , and the moment he wus out of the way Judge IJurkc went at the dillicult enterprise With renewed vigor. There is no doubt that Mr. Yaiiderbilt was more eager and excited over tlio Nickel i'lalo matter than he had ever been over any object in Ins business his tory , but it is only fair to M.tte that the oil'orts of his rivals to make money at his o.xpeubo and "down him , " as it was ex pressed , never piovokcd an angry com ment on his part. "Well , how is it to-night' " asked Mr. Yaiiderbilt one evening ot Judge Hurke. _ The judge n plied lhat lie could get the Nickel 1'late fora certain sum , winch wus : JoO ! ) , < ) t)0 ) iu advance of the price that Mr. Yaiiderbilt had nulhori/cil Judge ISurke to pay. Yaiiderbilt was anxious that the road hhould bo purchased at the figure asked by the owners , but Judge Burke insisted lhat he could get the property fcWOO.OOO cheaper than that. "All right ; but don't let it getaway , " paid Mr. Vanderlnlt. The next evening Judge Burke tri- umphatly entered Mr Yanderbilt's "duly , the room where he died. The magnate knew at once tliat succecs had crowned hib effort ; . Mr. Yunderbilt was pleased , and alj llie more so when ho rcllecled that his agent had saxetl him nearly $1,000,000 , which on the previous evening he hail been eager lo Micrjllco rather tlmu longer run the lisk of seeing u dangeious rival get beyond his control. It was a ease where the nerve ot a keen man f..tved . the mugnalo uust sum of money. Mr. Yuiulerbill , who was instructed from boyhood to obseno the business com mandment , "P.iy as you go , " naked Judge Burke : "How much Is your fee ? " Nothing had been Mild about compnn- tion , and Judge Burke being vice-presi dent ol one ol Ihe Ynndorbilt lines , had thought it not unreiixoiiablo that Mr. \randerbilt should ask him to do the work for the glory llien- was in it. "Of course 1 expected lo pay YOU , " said Mr. Yunderbilt , lajing hh Imnd on Ids chuck book and a\\ailing Judge Burke's answer. "Ii any sum is p.iid F jircfor to lut yon li.x the amount , " said Judge Burke. Mr. Yaiiderbilt hesitated n moment and then said : "Suppose we Fay $50,000. It may bo fair and It may not lie half enough ; but us a M.n tor 1 will name that sum. " "It is not onh enough , but J consider it a very liberal and generous ice , " said Judge Hurko , anil Mr. Vanderbilt at once wrote out u cheek lor that amount. Malia , Council Bluffs And CMcago The only ronl to tnko 'or Des Molnrs , Mar- halllowii.Cednr Hnplils , ninlon , DKIe Chicnfii. IdwaiiKee and nil point * east To the people of , 'cbraskn , ( 'olonulo , \ \Vjoming- I tall , Idaho t'l'Vildu , Oiepon , Wasliliiirlon and ( tillfoiula it iir i > rs sUpoi Ior ndvautat'cs not posallilo by any ilher line. Amonff u few of thn numerous points ol supo- lority enJOCd by Iho nations of this routine. noenOinnlia mid f'hleuuo , are Its two trams u a ) of DAY COAUII. uhieh tue the llne * > t that iiimiui ait and Inaininlly tan i-ienle , ilti PA/- ! k'I3 ( SIii3l'INU : CAH.S , uiitih nio nioJ.1T < if omfoit and clu nntp. Its PAIf.OUJ ( rTA\VI\J ( OOM t'Alt1' , nii5iirpa > j > cil bfxrj" , and ( is wldo. celebrated PALATIAL rJTNINO CAIW , tlio qunl of which CUIIHBI nu found elsewhere. At Council HluXlho IraliM of the Union Pncl- 10 liy. cou : ct In I'nlon Depot with ihosu of lliu 'hle < v < iX' Koitliucsti'in liy , Iu Chlcutiii tlio ruins of this line make clusa conmctloii witli ho'e of nil eastern lines , Ior Detiolt , C'olumbiH , Indianapolis * , rinclu- nil , Nltiffuru Falls , lliitfalo , i'lttslnirtf. Tot onto , loiitreiil. llo'tfin.Jfow VoiK. PJilUdfJphht , IIil > Imou * Wnshlmrtoii nnd all points In tlie east , ui , f you with the liext lUVMiiiiiuodutlons. All ticket ieutR tell lleUcls via thu ) Hue. _ . , . . t.iwuiirrr , it. s. IIAIK , Geiior'al Miinuger. Oeii. l'a . Aient 0 lilt ! AUO. AMONG THE MARTS OF TRAD ! The Visible Statement Encourages llodor nto Oonntrj Buying. SURFACE STRENGTH IN WHEAT Manifest Nrrronsnrss on tlio Sliorl Slclo Closing Weakness AfTouta Jllnor ( IrnltiH All tiu-ki'tH Uecltloilly lioncr. CHICAGO GitAlN JtAKICIJT. CinrAoo. Dec. CO. ( Special Tolcgnm.- ) \ViiKAr-\Vheat opened > /c hlsliur than II closed ycstculny , ndvHiieud lcor thereabout- ' , and then declined to about tlio opening or n shade below , vUieiu It linns llful s dmiiiR the Kieater p.iit o [ the session. The lena looked for linn In the visihlo supply was made known thUntoinlujtby tliopuhllc.Ulon of the olllelal statement of stocks In arc- houses. The lountiy sent In nioderatn buy ing onleis on leoclpt ot the news , and New York was n larfro but not ai < Kie-.sho pin- chaser. The gieat lioldms of IOIIK wheal niado no sign , but sjninlomsol neivoitsiioss on tlmpait of. su\eral piofeixloiiuls who art woiklng Hie short Mdo of the ni.ukct , and Who mo lepoited heavily lllnt.isuluaily manifest lo Ihubharpeued Ustoiis of ptofes- slonal ohbii\oM : who live In and mound the \\heatplt. Tim oaily temper ot the market may ilghtfiilty be di eiibud as Him and even stiouif , but lihoial uffuiingt by holdeis who thought It n jjood nun ket to boll upon had a softening ulFeet. Until well nloiii ; in thu day there was a Hun muleilonoto the miukel , but later dealings weio on a scaluol diminishing \atues. The 1 o'clock closing wiis ut thu bottom pileesof the foienoou , and the feeling was onu of weaUiu s. OuUldo mmkelseio IIIMVJ and the iiilliieneedepiessliig. The Uaily siiilaeo .stieiifith had u\aporaled In a laigo decree by Urn tlmo thebo.ud adjcmined tin lunch. MiMjiiUiiAJNs Corn opened ' tiomr and oats tended up\\aid , but the Inelpient boom in both ceieal.s peteied out as thu day ml- > .inucd , they showing in a lesser device the weakness that punailed Inheat. . J'novisio.Ns > I'loNisions weio acthe , un settled and lower. Tim leatmo , ot thuda > 's buiincbi w.HUwvIi.ingtni ; over of January propeity inlol\buiai ) , .Maieh and Mny , lieo belling of laid und niiMti bv the paekinguom- panies , and liberal olfeiiiujsol all kinds of piodtiLO by Iho paukois gunuially. Onu o'clock ( imitations \\tro at the lowest ebb , und the ligmes lecoided a decline of 12 , ' . ( 10 j on poik , Ou on laid , and 2e on libs. Arii.u.soo.v lioAitn 'JAJ : p. m. U'heat sulleied a deellno ot 'aWs'e ' this afternoon , and eloscileiy weal ; . .Libeial oIleiiiiKbof long wheat and uudiiig by the beats did the biiMiiusS. Coin and oats weio weak and a bhado lower. 1'iovibioiis uascd oil' bli luly , butnuotaiioiM weio notehaiued in Impoilmit iiaitloularo iiom thohc ailing at 1 o'clock. yi : : > p. m.-i'utson .May wheat. S'.i ; ® 00c ; CrilCAGOJUVK STOCK. CHCAOO , Dee. 2U. [ .Sju-clal Telegiam.J CA-I rj.u Thu maiketwa.s only modeiately active , and piices bo lar iiscompmed with ilomlay undeiwent litlh'or no eliantje , but iib eompaied witJi a week uuo aie lioinJe to "Oo lower on Jalicattle. In some inslanees good mediums and u elul natued hold neaily as low as dining lliu KI eat break that com menced two weeks ago. The \eiy best unlives ot 1300 to 10UO pound iuoiagcs may be ( juoteil at c-'S.-lOwS.O.'i , and the \eiibest ii.Ut\es of 1U)0 ) lo 1-1UO Ibs. at ? l.bJnr > .10and along tluire. while good and nselul nuiixe.i of Wuuibs. amllheiealjouls aienot makiiiKover l.J3 to Sl.T.'i , und common nalues of 1100 Ibs and thereabjuis Inno sold as low as S-J.-I tofy.'JU. Theio aie Just about a sullluien number of Toxnni anivlng to keep pi ices down on eow.s and huleheis' sleek geneiall1 Then a alu the eaiinin llniis aie almost on oL thu maiket , and will lemain out until al ter the holidays. Shipping .steei.s , ii : ! ) to l."X ) : Ibs , .bO .j.tO . ; l.'OJ to 1-iJO Ibj , fcJ.OOi.iil.t ) ) V")0 " to l.'OO Ibs , s3.iAuJ.r. ( ! . llocis Thu mm Icet opened quiet at abou : the same imigo of puces us on .Monday , will a lair demilnd on shipping account and : fair demand Iiom a lew packing ill ms tlm mu opeiallng their houses tills week , but tow aid the eloso business dragged somewhat and late .sales baiely made an high hguies a Hie opening , some balesmen deelaiing piic s weio lully . " > c lowei than at Iho opening. Tin. tailing oil in thtimipply cuts no liguio just now , as iiiat fuel is olKet by tlie witiidiawal ot at least half thu packing mms until atler tlm holiday week. Choice and fitncy heavy sold alSJ..ijri : ' l.OU , ami iiilmo to ehoiee paek- ing soils sold at & 8.Tfl J.81 , with lough and eommon odds and ends nt Si..yj. ! 3.Ci ) . 1'ack- Ing and blnppin ; . ' 'OJ to 100 Ibs , 58. 1.1 ® I. Oo. New York , Due. 'W. Morv On call easy ntijiQ \ i PIT cenl. J'unn : .MrciicAxrii.i : PAIMJH l < iy > per cent. KOIII.KIX KxciiAStu : MILLS Unit at Sl.b-1. lorsKtj ilas- . und il.Bj'i ' lordemaml. ( SoviiiNMiMh : ; lJull butble.uly. Siot us \ eiiiili > S ( Ic'clniLIn blocl ; * > as allieeoveieil to-day , and hometliiiij ; mole. Kut pi ices show d a KB in ol It , lo & pt-i leul oM'i List e\euiiu-rt c.osnitf linmes amiwtli uiily small reactions Urn m.iikct Aashtioujj : iliifhloulj ail\aiicin:4 : lliiou.liiml , Iho u\ui- ; U'o g.tlil lor Ililily ol Iho aeli\o stoek * , [ iiuouiiliiiK looxci 1 per cent. NHWH ciieu- Intcd on tlio all of a fuxoi.ible t'li.iiieier ' : , i.'opiiiliitl K.unsot ioui niiliomls ill hliow iTiiini lei tlie tliinl wee I ; ol IJeccm- ! ! , the lllinot * > Ceuliiil inukin , ' an lucir.tso j5"i" ( ) " ) lor tilt1 eoiR poiitlimcoK of luit icai. Tin1 Imll.innpolh. DIoomiiiKlon > v Woitt'iii Kuineil viull. : 'J'lm mmlcei cio-rtl urn ut 01eiy ni'.ir llio be t iiguiw ot Iho lay. sroaics ON wAir , srnnur. (3ili'a | o , Doe. 2U. I'lonr Qiilut , nil iinehaiueillntei : lloui , , * vi : soiiiiiein , gl.oiJH l.ol ; Wisconsin , .7i ; li''hiMiinir .spiiiii wheat , iJux ! ) i.OJ : liiinevil.ib.iKel ' , " ? i " > U I .VJjpateiitsi.uijjeil -t.j , ii , r > ; low ( ii.ttles , i.OiJO ) ( < ) ; lyoilour , S.U'i..J.tjO ; ; , i l.Tn'n IJ.'i. U ht'HtOpeueil * -lKilli'ei , about ' c < ' ) 0 lher ; , declined } , o and iccowrrd yat ; w- amo e.lsier , lluciiiaied . * . ! ishll > ami elo'-etl 'o litlei yosleidiiy ; AT ) , -Je.l-.ll , blwl e ; ble ur Uicuii. . ' ! sMu l.'jcloi' ' J.iiuiiUj ; Wtiu tir . ' .Wy. . Coin -Steady ; Milpplm. demand good ; ear i-losctl 'jc ' above jo * > lcnl.iy ; ollioii mi- hanged ; : WM < S tor ; u > } i < < iM * a lei Jwpiiibi'r nnd year ; ! M ? | ( . : w o ior January ; li ( V.i/oiir5liiy. Oat > r'limnml hlKhcr ; cash , ncilvo ns to xlout of hiijinly ; hpecuhilivo niiiiliet hlahei ; 7jjC for i-.i.h ; : J ; < u lor Uivcmbei ; SiXo nr January ; 'iP4'l-'U < o lor iluy , It ) -inlet ami.low at Ve. . ll.ii leyUull. . \ inUml at n'ifen'i e. I'oilc.MotleiMto demaml ; di-cliued n OT 5o ami closi-ii 1-u-adi ; 'J.'J"K 'J M for i-asli ami id ember ; s'J.7rj . > u for J..inu.iry , & 10.-0 D.-3-Jjf tor May. J din I A hlmdo lower ; limited demand ; VJ > h/r / oush , Ucei'mhur ami ; . j Nouiunl for&toh ; piime Flawed Moderate * ( Icmnmli nthiuiccd about > -o ; No. 1 , M.12 < llvtf ! , tthlsU-SUC. Hulk .Meats t > houlder , Sn.TO,1 ? ; : short clear SMOrfMr. ' shoit tiln . , , S-t.XVt4.H31 * . UuttiT Dull mid weak ; cie.iim ij. culinary to fancy , and daily , ttooil to lancy. itVai'V. ' Chee-0 Hrm lint iiilt't | : extr.i choicefl'j ® 10' ' < c ; tull creams o.irly September , S > 4 a c , Kses Dull anil weak nt UVf ! ( \ \ Hides I'nchantjed ' ; green , tse ; heavy tcreen s.ilted fully eiued. UUe ; ll ht , lOc ; ( InauigoJ , i e : bull hides. 7c : dry sailed , iJ'.c : dry fllni , liKiZllo ; calf skins. I1 ! * . Tallow Unchanged ; No. t country , fa. „ , , , , JJceeli-t-j. fahlpmcnK Jlour.WiU . Ifiono noco , bn . ftuvx ) 14,000 t''riimi ' . iwo.oix ) JK.OJO < .iKlm . uvooo lMoco ! } > ll- ° l < . 4.000 7,000 Uarloy , bu . 70.000 -15,000 Now York , Div. 2t. ! Whcat-Kecolpti , 2 , . . < 0 ; expoiU , HOIHI ; split a Miado hkheraml mme mti\e , iMtiiy lei cvpoii ; options opened in in , MilM' < | ut < nUnileit easier , leiiv- iiiKnir hca\y ; iniu railed icd , IC'W c ; No , a ml , .laniiiiry , eliMini ? nt VM4c. ' mil lltithi'i , closing weak with BOIUO ro- ncllon : rreeipK lon.XH ) ; evpoits , w.roo ; tm- mtletl , ! , ( ( ( : . ; e ; Jso. n. worwtjeo. ; . -j , | si < 4 t'eelp\itoi ! , Wit' ; Jnmmii clos- I1III lit * * , o.its Higher hut quiet , clo-tlm ; heavy : icccipts. fu.000 ; epoits.OOO ' ; mixed west- cm. iHMtfC-Ocj while wc&lcin , M7oH. ' ( % Petroleum btemh ; united closed nt 83-Vc. iiiu , with fair ItKiulry ; . . 1'oik Dull ; nieis , Sfi..Villoa" . haul opi'iuil linn , cloilue weaker ; ' I'uiter-KIrm nmt nulelt western , lfi@30c ; ri m eleamci- : ! ( .V.H- . ClKVM1 Kiini , tti ( , t. , | , . hiquliy ; \ > estorn liar , tf ( § I'jc. Uiiiuiiinntl , Dec. Sfi. Wht'al AUI\e and lirnu-i ; t\o. a led , DJi4c. Coin Mioiijratid litghci ; Xo. ! ' niKoil , Sic : No. ! . ' niKetl , .lie. Oats I mu ; No. 2 mixed , Me. J5.M1-\\ealJct ; Xo.'J. tlio. Itmlo } I'uiet anil unchanged ; c\tia Xo. 3 spline. . > ! ( . > v. I'l'ilc-t'uiel at S1D.OO. l.nul Nominal at Hl.OO. Vi liolvv Kiiinnt Si.ii ) . Mil tvnukou , Dee. ' Lower and iV'11' ' ' ' L'lbl1' ' > * c' J"ll'iiyi | | ' eMay ; , llii'n-riiiu : Xo. ' . ' , : * r.'A- ' . O.ils-1'mu ; Xo. ! * , 'jrjjo. ll.tiIcy l-'fuu ; Xo. J , fJ"fc. c,1 ,1l0.v.i"lns-V'lln : ! ! " 'to-i ' l > oik. casli , old , .1 . -J , I'ee. CO. Wheat I'mmern' , in llieeountivaie tailing oil mid me liUcly to eoniiiiuo liulit , Ihe bulk of HIQ clou bein. ; out ot liist li.uuls ; m.uket sliouir , iictivo ilim.iiiil tin . -iiiipie ( lots , \\ltli liiir li.uiln in Bi.ulo Im Inline dilixoiv : No. 1 hard , Ule en * > li and Di'iemliei ; UlVo .laiinarj j We ; ur e il.iy ; elosed mm. mm.Flour Flour Firmly held , \\illi only moderntu oiderno ; e\init | demand ; p.iteuts , fc4.b , ) ( ) 5lu ; Ij.ikei.i , S.-.sXd 1.10. KeceiptsVliiMt , 111,100 ; lloui , 110. bliipmentaiic.U \ , 4M ; lloui-l.tXK ) . .St. JJOUIM , Di'o. 2'VluMt ) \ IJulot and > \e.d > . elosini ; ' ( , ( ije under \ esieiduNo. ; . J ad. cfli , si-'Jj'1 ; .Imiuaij , l ; Bt'i iVbiumy , UJ'so ; Maj , ti.ou' . , . t'oinDull but .steady ; Xo. 2 mixed , cash , : .Mfc ; December and January , : ! ' ; IIay , Oals i'iimrr ; Xo. 2 mixed , cash , yT.-s io ; , KycVeaK \ at . Whhkj h at tU.10. I'oik tlU.iK ) . J..ud Ka ior atbl ) . Jiiitior Dull ami btu.uly ; cicamory , ' jy daiii , ItiM : ' > c. Ijivci'iinoi , J.v. 5 ! ) . Wheat- Poor do- , new No. .i winter and splint ; , 7i Coin In poor demand and dutl. sjwtIs bd ; Dccuiiibo , Is 7d ; Jmiu.m and lebnuuy , is . ! d. Toledo , Dee. 23. Wheat Closed a blmdo lo\\ti ; cash , Decumber and.laouaiy , Ul e. Com Steady ; e.isli and jo.u , : Wo. -Uiuli.uiKed : i.tsli , 'Ma. New OrkiiiiM , Dec. 21 . Corn Dull and uncii.iiijjL'dNinie ; , U lJc ; mixed , lie ; yel low , -llic. Oali Dull and michamred. Dull and unclianped. n K I'jodiicis Dull and imdiaiitfod ; pork , 3. ' . < -i : laid , icmied , oD.OJ. liiillc JIiMis l > iill ami niiclmnced ; Bhonl- dt'is , to.o'i ; Ion : ; clear and ele.u nls , & , j.OO. , Kunsas Cily , Dee , 2'J. Wheat - No.A icd , c.ish and Uicembei , 70e hid , Tie nsKed ! .lannaiy , 71c bid , 71 e asked ; l-'ebi iiarv , 7JJ-.C - , ) ' Com I'.isli , 'J.e nsKed : Deeemhor , .lauitarj , i-'u'jCa ' e ; l-ebiuaij , arj o bids , asj enbked ; jM.iicli , y.kbid. . Xo. " , c.i-ili and December , no bid nor olleiinps ; Januaiy , : .7u asked. ijivn .STOCK. o , Ucc. SO. 'J'Jio lio\ers' .rournal jepoiiH : C.iltle Iteeelpls , 0,000 ; steadier : Milpjilng sleeis P t.oU i 0 . " ) U ; Rtuckeii iilld leedeis , { f'i lU n.iU ! ; eov\s , hulls and mixed , l.4Ui5 : i.w ; biilU , WirmfJMt ) . lion's lieeeipiM , a..ODO ; Hteady ; lomjh and mi\ed , S.i.rrmi.j.7)j piieUinK and Milppimr , 5) ) . i.i ; 1.0j ; lio'ht , J.uUiiii.J.tiU ( ; hkipt , c .tO ( ! i .1(1. ( .Sheep llecolpts 3,000 : Meady ; natives. S'.OOi.47.IO ; \ \ cstein , ' .Ui 6J-1. 10 ; Texans , # 1.73 ( ! / ' . ' ! ) ; l.imbs , SJ..i"iel ) ( 7j. St. IjoiilDoc. . . Cattlo-Jteculnts. 2.)0 ; shijimenis. 40 ; maikcl steadj nndei Ufa-lit 10- celpK ; choice sliippini ? , S" > .o nnri.jT > ' , conimoii to good , 8 i.'Witfl.Mi ; lonimoi ) to tfood cows , 5f ' . X' < H.r 0 ; leedeis , W.loc < s4.0J ; stocKers , . . llo- , licoeijits , 2r , > 00 ; shlimitmls , 1,100 : niiiiket btioiifi and iiclixu ; Imti'IieiH and heat he.uv , t t.h.X'"l.oO ; mixed p.ieKliiK , Sy.iWiiJ iJ.hU ; lighl , SJ..iUi ( iU ) . KnnsuR 01 ty , Dec. 2'J. C.ittlo-Rocelpts , ( it ) ! ; hliipments , Dl ; active and RIIOIIK ; tat ii shude hicher ; htoekeis mid leedeis quiet ; ox- poi lei s , Eo.OJii.J'i ( ; tjood to choice whipping , &l.fl ) ; common to medium , 8 < .10gl. ( 10 : slooUeia and lecdei- > , $2bUm > i.70 ; eows , SJ.Ou . Jloss-.lteceipt'i , 0tUO ; hhliimeiils 2H2 ; uc.ik ; ehuieu .lOuiil steady ; eoimuon 5o levi - i ; Kood lo choice , S.iijte'.7."i : ) ! ; eommon to iiedium , .i. ' 0ji. < .00. OMAHA Ijl10 KTOCIC. Tuesday livening , Dec. 20. The livestock mm I.el lalily acthe. Hog i\eie bt In glut ; better pikes tu-day. Itl.C Ull'l'S. Hogs . l.SOO roorto ( I ( mil to Kttia. Catllo- 00 , - , 00 U 75WI 2.5 't't'llefn. ' ; ; 10 a TS | : ) oo Hangers i 'j S C1) ! ( X ) f inlN I I ) " ) s 10 llo.H- lllXt'll n ir , 3-10 a ! : i r > s ar \ > : t a > iiipJi(5rXTATivi ; ! : ( : To. Av. I'r. Xo. Av. IT. b ( ) 101 M ! 'CI 01 -Jill rj . i.i rr. air bb . - ! : ! .l''j ' fis : l y.W/f iiANdi ; 01 * ritif r.s TDK noos , Tim oxiii'iiio luiuu ol piice/j for jftiidi : il\rd , iiaclun and Miippim ; anil ll'lit ) reUIH l o's lor hit d.u.s is shown below : , " I" KII--i i n..ivy. i ,1'ifht } Date , | , , , ,1. j p-iii ; IVeUhls I 'fiesdny v'o linn-day ill'K _ ,1 ii MHV lin day mill dny ! l 1 : ( ' ! l.uS , i IW loinlny : i l u i : ; . a l AI I a ) 'uefuliiy ' ; ) . ' < iiJ ID ! iiiiuis-i : AND i.ownsr. Shovvliv ' tlio highest and lowest pi ices paid n ( lii.-i umil.iit lor lio.s . iliuiug tlio pant U'PH dajH.aud for the conebpondin0' time ist month : _ _ JereiulTer. ) November. londuy ! ; . 'ucndtiy . a. ia ' i.4) H/.5 ' : i.n./ < : ' . l-JJ-j' ano . , auiid-iy. * . : , ( iji.i-i ! a is.uft. . . . loiulay fi.ii ) ( ' ' .I5 'uexlaj ' ! II.-O t-t0 XoUi All riate ; 61 stock In tills marlcct mu latin | iM e\vl Inn wi-Ulu , uniiiS'J oliieiwNo .lied. ) ul In-1 M | | nl ID per IU , lor ; iU ' 01 lie s * . * > falling lojs tlua