Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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AJ ' ' ! tnfimundi r tln hrnd 1'ief > n ( < ipc ! '
Mi 'i-tlH ' flitt inn rlinn , and 7 ic-nt ? tor each
nili'eouiiit IrstTllon. Seven words nl Ibe count-
rfl U ho line , the ? mutt run con'ctutlvMy nnd
inusi ! > < pBlilln advance. All dvcrtlscinent
niviit tfimtiiKil In before 2 o'r look n. m. , nnd
nnut-ruo arctimMHnreti will they l > taVen or
0 * ut ' mi odbv telephone . . .
rint' < sniHerti lmrln tluso columns ninl hr.r
in L- Tie answers KliluMiJ in tare of lli-R.wd
T > con ask for din k to pnnMe them to pet their
f fttci" n mine w > ll I e dtl.vered e < * 'tpt on
r -r in' 'ii of rh'cV All oixtr * 1o ndvrr-
iii. ' s Mionl.i lie i iiclofd h. on vi lopes.
" TSuTono to loan on i it > residence property.
$ Ciio V > Hay , ISO I'uinum. _ _ _
-p'Sin TO 1..OA N-On fiinn"U 1 Pity prop-
J.Uily ; cad nnd irct our inti s Honnrt A , Co. ,
rirfiin .i.Soliriioku Nmioiinl Until. bulldlnit. 21.IJU
"Hi ( Ml. ) lolonn. lowest rntos ; niiiiiiiiinl loii.
-1U _ 1 1 ( Ntniui A Mahoiif y. 1 1 < * 1 iirimni S.I- : ! ' *
nio l 'in i.tN oir hotfc * . wmroin mil
DI fmnlturo'wIthoutriMriovnl. U. .1. t rt ell ,
Jtooin IB , lion llniik llulldlnif , l tli nnd I ninntn.
TukiM livnior. _ _ IMJnni *
iOSi.- -10 i.oATf On clm'tel security. In
l f'om MWtoJlWiO. Applylo.l. II. I red
tn iicntf > Moinnn Ilio . cor toii c tc Kllh. i-2'Jl
? pf ) l.i / \ > Moncj m ntijr niuount ,
JL On n.l tlu < * < 8 ol nuirll ) .
Short tune limns on rcid vlnto
lxjn I line loans on n nl ustiito.
Jlomyto IDHII on tlnitlils.
Mont ) to loitii on collnti mis.
Money to ] < > nn on nny Kood tecuntj.
'Icrins r v , tmicitosiilt
Apply nttlintiHinlm Fltmnelnl hxcunnge
Jim la-r n bull. Urn.SV corner ot
1 lfl < > ( nlli mid 1'iirnnm MS upslnlrs 1 _
V | ONlV or everjoodyl Von inn borrow
J.U. tnoiify on nmiltiiru , horn" , . viurons.
pianos , Mock of nil klndc , dlnnondnnd line
null IIM on ) our own tlino i'nv nionts rocolv cd
nt nny limn , nnd IntcreH reduced pie rntiu
I'ropirty left In Jour own | oi'o son. ! uerma
low ns the lonitt. Cull nnd nxj me. Hiiiiie'.s
iiiiilldintluL NnndvuntiiKi * taken. Vi , 11. Unit ,
flootn I , Wlthiiell H Now lJulli'ln Nortliui * < t cor
ner I'th mid Ilm ney. _ > ' > '
'MI LOAN O I" . TfnIs & Co. ItoiU
MONKV and Loim nnuiiU , 150J Furnntn at
. TO UlAN-On coort Ricurlllus. A
MUlnvock , room 7 Huilluk lilocli , IMWl-'ni nnm
s-t 37-
ftltiM-'V ' 10 LOAN On chuttol" . \\'oolny A
1)1 Harrison , room SO , Uimilm Nntlonal hunk
tmlldlntf. _ _ 648
'n I ONIV : TO LOAN On leaTeututo nnd clitu-
1)1 tola. I ) . I * Tlionm . 5.1J
nioNUY-io LOAN Iii Minis of fi'uo mid up-
1)1 Harda on llifl-clui-a teal eBlnlu security.
Toiler X Cobb , I51J I'liiniun St. ML !
TV I ON iv : r.OANii : > nt C. 1 * . Heed At CVs. Ixivn
_ - office , on furnltuiu , pianos , horses , . . . . . . . .
perKimd properly of nil Kinds mid nil other nr-
tlclis ol value , without removal. Ovnr Ut Nul'l
JlBiikcomer IDlh and I'mimui. All biiMiiuss
strictly conlldciilal. & < * > !
Fpo ir\(3IIANOK I'm merohiiiidl < n in Pa I )
JL and I'leinont roiintle * . hind. Addicts Iliiiun-
Innon iV llioluy , Hhemindoah la. ,4ti-\ *
rp > i\ : II VNCill Sloeli general moiehandi'O
1 for hind. AddrusEi I'.ox IVJ , bhcnimdoah , In.
5JJ-1 *
\\ANTiiI'iiitnur : ) with $ -i/01 cash toln
> \ubtlratu u clinnco by J. It lliic , KSS Tar-
linin. 4'JS
I.-MUSSAU : Oil TKAOr A splondlilfiCDncto
I larin In Tlniycr C'o , lT.j lines linpioved , tor
Uinnh.i piopi riy. J. I. . Hlcu , L. 'i I'mimm si.
iritK sAl.i : Oil TKAIU : 1 or iu ii e'talo , the
JL1 le'tiinrant , llxtnres nnd lontentsol twilve
luriiislud looms on the R. I' , i or of I'-'lli and
Capit. I avenue. Cosrfl/OJto Illup. WMI sdl
for SiOJ cash , or on tlino to ( rood ri RI onsllilo
juirl ) . Appl ) to L'oibctl , S. VV. coi. 15th and
J'nmiun hiH. , upbtahd. 4VJ
"I71OU hAM : Two hotels at a bnijrain , . Ionian
J1 housu and tlio Now llnnland ho-ise , locatid
t-Idobj slduon a miiln sttcul in ( Siund Island .1
J .lordin. 17.V.II
3foil SAI.H Or oxclmiiRn , n splendid roller
llDinlnir mill In n uiouiiiir town In Nobiasl.n ,
fciirronmlcdb ) iihplcUld wheat and coin crowing'
eoiiiiliy Nowilium ; iiood bii luosa. Ownci's
i mm lor ullmu'oii iicconut of old IIRO. Anne
Clark & Hatcher , aycnts , Iu7 S. llth Si.
Toi Salo-11 lots In Pprinp Hill , ftro cnch.
Tor Halo Kslnblishcd biinklnir buvlnuss In Ne-
lini-liii , toiinty Mitt. Ullifon & Al flier , Itoom
ilVVithnell Illock , Onmlm. 'J J
J7\OU \ hAl.i : Or eichangc Twcho bundled.
Jf nnil clt.'hly iicicsol Jli ) , timber and piuse
land , lot tv miles cant ol KIUIKIS CHy. As riih
soil us nny laud In Iho state , nil ) soil all or part
ntHtien i ollnis per rci our will OTeliaujro for
peed linpioved Kubra Ua land , lludlord c
Hnuer in.r , _
POK SAl.i : Tliu only lenthcr nud flinllnjf
I Ufincr-s In I.liuoln , Mhith has been cm-
ried MI lor ten jears very successfully : tlio run-
nm for tellii'tf , death of the proprietor ; eapltal
rniulin ] , fioin i3(0' ( ' ) to * flVJ. ( Addressilra.
J IK oh 11 iil/oi lo , Lincoln , Null. D7
1 > iiSONAi. ; [ Do you waul to tinde n farm
4 for stock of Kroceilcs ; InTolm . ' , (11)0 ) : ftoro
ImlldliiK and lot S-J.OJO ; ji--aluneo Jl.fl ( I : In a
llnrt ( own In Nelmiska. j. L. lllcc , U" . K.iiiinm
filrcot. 4J7
* ijlt ( > D on ChnrluB sticct , a poitlou of n
J1 buiTKy Imriiy-s. Owner can lime name by
ealllii ! ? at llolln's Kiocuiy fctoie , cor. lOlh nnd
Chicago sis. IW-s :
3 ( ) > ! _ ono pair beavei Bl.lti gloves on Ft.
J Mmv'n am rimler plia o utiirn to Plo-
man Dios. on iihst. : ; nnd icit'ivo ruward. its.
TllHST-ii.ASSion ; | l , L'l menls , fJ5l ( ; t
ineaN , : . ' 'c. nice liiinlslicil louma liom itl to
> OOM und bonid , flpcr cckcry ; bcstli
ii cution. Ibll U.iveiipoi 1 st. lOjiiulJ *
ri lli : VV. C Mcl/nerfltovolt < pair Co. , Ill t-outh
JHtliM. . between Dodifo and Dou hii.
T\j o opeiatlon or useless trusses. Dr. M. M
X > Moniu , "II VVnbiibh nve. , Chlcnc-o. Will
lliniEo , in Onialia/riicBuny.Doc . ' - "
ijAljril'.s huvliij } iiiiestiito ) to null villldo
I viellloll'-t It vr ill \\u\riititnopromiriy
iitliinc ) pikie. Wo ha vn no lavorltouildltloim
tovoiK oil , but duvotu ourtimo nnd enunrlns
taninni IIIK liiiiKiihiK In b'liple piopuillcs C'och-
j an Hi OH. \ Co. . 1'OJ r.una.n si. 41JJ
3 A D1IIS NOTlC'iVo IIIO prepaiedtotuko
J inclpra for line euLes , mi'li us Ttilti-riutH ,
llnllaii , Ju'illl , Nco | olltiin , VV hue round nnd
olhc ] ? ; also 1'iiiil Miliul , nl MI lor Ken Venrd
liihle- , and huvo lor mlnlino homo-mado Jellies.
Jlia. hnllbbui ) \ Mis. KImi ) , UX ! S. Uth M.
' 'Ml UO *
M Ihs l , I. * .MKICIIAN. DioSMimlcor , Itoom
8 , Jacob's block. ! * iu
3\I \ HSCllAHl'D-Tboielibruttdfoitunotollcr
Itesldciico llth mid JauKbou. Ki''jun *
IADIUS In want of peed domestic help rim
i bu t-upiillcd by calllmr on tlio Omaha I'.ni-
lilovmcnlOllU'O , llooin 1. llushimm'fa Uluck. Mil.
J , \V. MorrUoa pioprictor. b71
3 , -oit HA1.U I'lirniiuio ol n 3.1 loom bold ,
1 K\ti. Hotel to lent. Addice * 11 U.lleeolllce.
3 AW I.1IIIIAIIV I'OH SAI.U.-A I aw libraiy
J eonslallnjj of low a icpoits , I1. K t < iipiomo
i -01111 leioilrf , Amcilcaii ditel'loiis , Anicrlcau
jcpoil" , NoithweHtern , 1 aclllc anil I'lsteinl ie-
iioitei , all bound and a llnuuf ic t tiook-i all
latet-l editions ami aa i.ood an nun. Must ho
mill Uuether. Jut-t tu-t ! , . ' > OOU. 1'uir i educ
tion lor cash ornood note * . I.itt furiushid on
> iiillcutlun. | | Addritea l.llco oilico.
3 it NAI.K on HUNT-t'hiap , now barn IS
1 by It ) , with every convenience , Jmtuhu
JiUbtoic | , lUlh mid
r 111 OH weatlur ttilpe , stoima > h and iooitto
'f ' to 1' . D. Jluid.X'JB. . IbtliM. ir'.K )
J : blniU liofu stitct tar uatk. liuiuiiu'-'ibS
jaihotuct. W5
iv'Avnl ; > flu ) uiru ; „ )0 ) wait ml tthlo
i and ono -.1U'neti woiLj Ciuimuus pio-
li'llld 3aj7Hp.vuidbtll.Ct. 47141 * '
\ \ ASTii : U'BliU for Kcncial housework ;
II al-o , 4 leimile cot Us ; l < u t vuicea. Callnt
onio. Omnlin I mt > loiiicnt Aucucy , 1411 liar-
iuticci. . Mi i : . fcmiih. iw
f - "
* if ANTin : In u family of UUCP , u smart ,
TI ne.ll will whn ihoidiifhly iimU'-tiuult
pu-innlworK and plain iewiiinnd } koejiln * , ' u
lit iio lu pi'rlcvl older Huh VMIPLS mid liomo
rPintorlato Ihu rlvht fe'irl , Aili.icei 1' . D. Q. ,
) Io > u iiiti > iiu x as , iiii udi ( vuci-fc. < ii-.i ;
\I'ANTUI > A u'lrl to ilo fcTtliilftl liQU owork
> I at yyi 1'ui num fct. ito-UO'
-U W ' ' " ' > " "I . . - ' , fib o >
IT t'orirl i'inrnefr , IHII'P to I'.n ! * M
i oitliorr ) - < n . Nfli AH - '
i w k wil an 11 lml > lei 10111 lauliui Mis
1 . .1V o ri mi T om4 Illislnniin lllnrk. t lh mill
Mni > * ln I" '
I "IV t > TI.I > A tJttlr irlrl * tl > o it IJ 01 1:1 : vir
1 ) ) i.M . n iiur-i' , Vh. M. I. Mnrtm , Si :
coi 21st nnd I.onvi nvvoith , l'l-X
\\7\ANTfiIJ \ A eompent Ulrl to do gcn nl
) V iionscfforfc. Sil'.Itiirtst. 4'JI '
\\rANTnTiiI-Xrnt ( rltl for pouernl hou'CTrotk
) In B fnm ly of throe. J. V. I'ntti rson , 21st
nml Dousilas MTU " '
\\rANTKU-At ffi * Idnhu street , nn rxperl-
) ) loured fflil or woman for housework : per
manent jilnco to ono who Mill * . 4'0--J *
VVTANTlin A f umale cook nud Inundifs nt
> ) clt ) ' ' " '
. .NTiu : A competent kitchen girl lt-23
I'm nnm. tffl
\\TANTii : > -t > condooit nt the HnTnict
) ) House ; no man ncod upply. 45.1 ap
: > -(5irl for housuirorl ! nt 111" rv
WANTit(5irl 4'JCT *
\XTANTKII Goodnuise ffirl ll'O1 rnrnam.
" \\rANTKli fllrle for ucnornl houscwoik nt
T VT.\NTtn : r.rpfor peed prlvolo
> > iuoil u aKC * 111 t > o puld. AlsoKoodcookF ,
kilclicn Kills , ihnmiK rmnlds nnd tlinmj- loom
Cirls CHll lit Oinuhn Kmploinent llurcnu lift )
1 m mini M.
) 12 peed jrlil" for jfenornl honpo-
WANTIII 4 Iriniile rcok for thn lu st families
in the clu ; best v\nti F. Call nt onto. Omahn
JtitclllReniu Ollne , lloom 3b. K.coi. IMh nnd
Doilfe'lus til. '
\\AM'l5li Imniodintelv , one peed kltchun
) ) uhl and one small ghl help in kitchen. 1U6
S. llth st. _ _ 111
* AN1 ii : > -iirl for penernl housework : Gcr
tt mnupiooned. 4'l North 17th. 414
- lniu ovvork.
( lennnn prelened. Mrs. * I. 1' . Moitln , B. e.
: or. " 1st and l.cav nwort sts. ! W4.
J riiKt class dlnuiff-room fills at
thoMi'tranQlllmi hotel. J
Ladles and j-cntleinuu In city or
W rountr ) ' to take lljrht work tittlmlrown
homeB. J3 10 II a iliiy tnvlly niado ; noilt sciit
byma'I ' ; no cunvnsslnsr. Wo Inue n peed do-
iiinnil foi our v oik nail furnish Heady employ
ment Addnss , vtlth stamp , Ciovtn il'I c to. ,
tl'JVlnost. ' , Cluclmmtl , Ohio. PSfljimlO *
7ANTi : An cncraelic man In each county
. r to tcllour ppeplaltlos to liumcr-i an I ov
pressmen : jiuod pay. Adilrrm , with stamp ,
iK Whllllctiee Co. , Viilnn , Ntb. 4Ul-Si *
Ajtunts to iell jroods for time payment -
ment housu. iiusscU Limaur , 117 b.
loth st. 194-M *
\\7"A.VTii--ApentH. : Address Klcctrlo Lamp
' ' and bliiveto. . fct. Ix > uls Jlo. , lor elicular ,
i tit and tunibOl W laudlu power Marsh Kluctrla
l.iuiip U <
\\"Ah nn A situation bjn licensed on-
' ' Klncor. Can do till iipiiiiinp : and Bteam
flit In ? . Hest ol rclcioncLB. Addiens "H " 0"
lll.b oUico. 47fi *
"X\rANTICI > Situation ns li ii < vkocrcr bv n
widow lady. Jleleicucus t'lvcn. Aildie sll
ID , IJcu Ollito. 450- '
\\rANl iu : Sulto of moms mid bonid by
> treiulennm , lfo iiiidiuiisu : iiccimiinodn-
tlous inu t bo tlrji-i as In nil tespi ex into
tnlile itn I neigliboiJiood. AildrusS Hooin K
I'lllon llouto. ' 4B7- i > * '
" \\TANri.n A ppntli'inun nnd ehll-
V drcnwould Ilkun u uc plinelo boaid nnd
loom in a private liimlly. Onu IUTKO loomor
suiiool rooms pieferred Hcleit'iicouAchniitrcd.
WANTIili To secure the nscney for t oCM ill
llrst-ilusb inxurniiui ) ( .onipnnies I'ar-
Ile.s-u iMilnjr 10 pliii o ugcuci In goud h.uuls ad-
UrciSJtJfi Heuotlicu. 4rUjl"
"VX'AM'l O Good Roconl pi n no for cash ;
11 diau is dim i apply. Addieid K ll.Iloo ollice.
ANTI.n-A BioomUumil Ilio pioof Imuc
( nfc.nritli bur hirpra .f . chos . A drts ,
1' I * Urown or 1'jrst I\nt.omil Hank , .McLoi k ,
Neb. HU
< OU HUNT A nlco tlve-ioom cottiiRi ) on
17th. between ( lark and Giacu. Iiuimicol
idholru : & Uilcksuu. 4J."i-tU
Foil HKNT TwocottiiBes , 4 rooms. 510 per
month , , f blocks east ot Hanscom I'ark. J.
lj McCague , or i : . H. llowland. 4sd-.m *
FOIt JSINT Two rmiures. ! - > and jior
month. W.SwIUlur , ( irun to IJSock.
FOH KINT To fiinall lamlly , IIUHO lui ni hed
house on pa.od r-livot ; luinticu nnd nil
modem convcincnies : rcicrcuccs ri'inlied.
Apply ut lir.M i'ariunn st. lrl
FOH HUNT A nlco S-ioom coltajfo 0,1 , I.eav-
enwortli , ne.11 I nnth avu. ; ell ) water and
ciFtctn ; al-o a 4 loom co'lnsjo on Michigan st.
! J blociis fiom 1'nik live. , with stnbic , well , etc. ;
nisi ) a il-room I'oltajre , lartto lot , httiMo. cis'i-in ,
i. blocks liom Ulli tticot car line. H. U.
thllk , niiUoutlis st. 4'i9-3l
IfKW HUNT-A hoiibo ot 7 rooms for 20 It
1 tukpn linmeillmol ) . Apply 111U N. isth ht.
bet ween Nicholas and I'nul. 4"J-JU *
IfOIl HUNT rointr CnniirB1 and X'Olh sts.U'
JL1 bon > es , one luiiru and ono of medium i-l/e ;
nlfO hoic-oou A' Hlh si. Apply to 1' . VV.Voa -
bi'll ? , at Omaha savings Hank. Ill
F ( lit HI.NT A 10 loom house icnlrally lo
cated and near two t-ticclcai l.nes. Jiurood
lepniraiKt iill modem iiiipro\einents. Inqiiliu
of .lohu A rc.\ haul .V Co. , tUl Miuth lUtht. . 'JJ1
IINT : 3-ioom housu on California at ,
L lii'twieti "Uh mid oth , liKiuiiu on preinbos.
r. J. Cioodon. -Mi
JT uil HUNT n loom liouso on Scnnrd bt. ,
fill per month.
Kiooni liiniM ) , wth nnd Fopploton avo. , now ,
( I'D per ninnth.
liniultu Itoom i , 3. K , cor. 15th
IMMt HUNT OR I.KASKStoro n > o m , S\130
J' 10-aciu Knrduu w Ith ( ! room liouso adjoining
oily ; HI acre tiiriu , 17 miles west of Onmlm ; ii
1'U-lncbs otbun St. Mnr'h nve. Appl ) to C. U.
Chapman , V Co. , 1"17 Himard tt. Ill )
"ITIOH HiNT : Now house m ireo .lackaon st
Apply at Cunningham tV Ihcnnun'n , 1511
Ii Itl T 5-roomod hoiibo on Chuilcs st.
1 lepalr. Dr. I'nu1 US
Ki\'r Tno-slory biick house with
JL1 basement ; modern linprovumcii . becoud
iloor I loin M.Miiry'M avu , on LXith bt. Ajiply to
Jlis. LlniKMiii. 7b5
"IjlOK Itr.NT-3 ttory house of 8 roomi , JIM
JDuvonjioit. . inijiiiro Jlr K. btovent , % yn Da-
TUIIllltL | ) 4 J
17-011 KlINT-Cottiiffo on iftli and Hurt ,
JL rooms , f IK per monlh. Also eottiiKO on ( 'nil
lomhi nnd"d flu. , 7ipoms , $ M per inonlh , both
lu tlioionnh rupnlr , ln < | iiiro ol A. \Vnkcly ,
over Oinuliii National bunk. 'JTJ
ITU ) 11 HUNT House beloiiirlni ? to Iho estate
JL1 of .ludKU ChudnlckbUJ I'.uk avunuu. VV.J.
Council. 2S1
"TJ1OII HUNT Two uowdaudO roomed lioui'os ;
- tliirnnco , bath loom and all inoUern iimveii-
Iciiccs , ono block tioin street earn. Inqniro , ! o.
> ' . liiulon.oUfSlh Bt. , or Smelting \\orks. nJJ
IJ > O1 ! HUN r A store room > Uth poml cellar
J.1 1 < M Ilm t struct. Apply lo John llnuinor. Ull
17 > int HUM' Stable near hlsh school. Tour
Halls , food loom for tam.iKus ami Inn.
Apply lo Gio. 1' . Ucmis. 'Mi
; veil ItENT s eiori'B on vtli'und JAIIVcuwoith
1 MS.
1 sloio on South nili 61. Until flist-cln * , . .
lll'Sb ICC.lllOllb. AISO llOUted to lOIlt. A.MllilU-
ocK. tiJI
FOHHKNT TIMI new re ° idcncrsO rooms r.tch ,
lotiuuo & rooms.huuee lurooias. J , I'hippg
I'oe. Kf >
"ITIOH HUNT New liouto V rooms , Ono ot
JU bed built boiiKCs In Omaha. ! i'ud I'l'lncen
Liimliiif und Jyurd , IJ5. C. Ji. Mune , b\V tor.
IMhnnd r.iiimm. v
I01 I HiNT-VuiuUl4 : ! rooms COS N Dili St.
5 il HUNT Handsomely lurnlthcd looms
v lib or vt itlinut board , auO Dodyu.
looms. 1U3 Tloduo
< OK HI'.NT I'liusant furnished or nnrur-
17 nlvliod Irom loom. ICUJouoast. 'J'V-oO'
iavr : lloonm unfurnished. ilU N. 10th
St. iH8'
1 HUNT rurnlahed rooms at 113 iouih
ITth f licet.
I ) It IlirsT : Two u f nnUhed rooms , $10
l > ur mouth. HV. . lor. fid mid l.cavxn-
worth. _
fTKHtTrK.NT-CPuTi'Mcly fin i uhcu" Hat , fi
- ilooiiiaiiiul buth , Aduicss II.I : , lice Ufic ! < . . 3U
iXTVnrnihtxl : r > ni s , irro Hrrn-r
iron ifr.XT WWi hnnnl. rrc frnnt n > m
1. pn ntid miKlf rti Improvt mmits. ll'i'i ' ' .lone' '
tirlt ;
„ _ _ _ _ lfl _
Isr.M Fimitshfrt ri-om with Imnrrt
Tf 1 < -iu. able for tvMj eiitlcmt'n. Is.i li ljr < s
pii : itf.M'Wllli liont-d , n room sintiiblr foi
S ! one purson. Ivll Webster. ? !
ITIOIt HUNT Wllhl-oanl , two mom * ndjoln
. * ? Intt ; front loom , jouthrin. V'14 ' Wcn trr.
For. KUNr ruinlshed room. 1J1 ?
"irioit itKXr I'lc-iKntit room's , fumNhed and
-I. unfuinlihoil , for liirlit housekccilu | ? , can
iiMmlly bo found In llccmcr's Illock , corner
KiBhth fttnl Howard. GTti
FOIt KDNT 3 ronms nnd hn * > cnipntcor tntU
nml Soutli live ; JlUpcr month.McCnt'uo Hio3
cpjiosito poitolllce ,
"irioit fAM"-Or e clmnceforOtnnlm proper-
-L ij , nil Imtiroved limn , mineres J miles liom
imhondtown. AddresslM WUIttnun , lo 0
voiy ) rtli6tOiiinhn.
J7 > ( ) lt JAl.i-Iy : ) Cocliran llros. A Co. , 1509
Jrnrmiin atieet. Choice Imiuoved nml un-
Impioved property In nil purls ol the illy. If
you contcinphito buying tin ) thlnir lu our Hue
MO will snvoyou money If ) ou will cull nnd look
over our bnigiilu * ' . loch run IJroa. & . Co. , IWJ
Vurmnn ,
Foil SALi-llrick house , 2 lots , cor. llumll-
ton t. , IS.'H'O. Will tindo for farm.
iul lot , Vlrxlnin itv. "
. if oiii ciiUiinc , lot 4UL.'lMill and Douglas
fl U.
S lou , 3 liout PJ , 2Mh nnd Poppleton nve. , JO.OIX
House , fi rooms , tK.'d and butvurd , (1,6 0 ; $ J5J
cn hbHliinco tl' | cr mouth.
I'ml lot. " cotUirca , Hherldnn , near Hull. J3.700.
S-ro'im hou e , lot WKin , uuurifln nvo. , * M.JjO.
Uiomn liouje , lot tOAr.O , 7 blocks from post'
olllce , S. Uth.-tDOiW.
ii-i oem hou-e , Unvcnport , nrnr 213d , $3,325.
Lot imnr lilKh echo d.U.nx ) .
n lots li < ItiiUBCom I'hice , f0 to Jlr,90. ,
Lots in Kllby addition. f4iKJto tlW.
Lots In Uimilui \ leu , t.fiO to $ COO.
Lots lul'aiK 1'oreit. JU to ; L".TI.
va u r. iiiiiRor , no N.
Foil SAM : pletidld business property on S.
Kith M. , TI'AIJJ itel ; At ill be bold Ktii urcat
moillkuil tiiKen booji. Cochinu liios. , V Lo. ,
- '
TTMHISAMJ Laipn house nnd 3 nicely elovn-
J. till bihlmi s M Hdd. fO UO.
For i-iilo I'mc .s-roomoii hou&uon Clurlcstiect ,
nlcul ) luuviiliii lot , tu.tuu.
HO Uibsun X Aiclier , Uooin 0 , Vi'itlinell Hinck.
Tjiois SALK-Ljts In Iluvtery Hill. I-ols In
JL1 lluir Oak. l.ot-s In Uo.vd' mid. 1M in
llrooMlno. J.oi In Denlse's mid. Lois In Uipi
to ) ndil Jxits InUolle e I'lute. I , < ns In ( lle u'
ndd. Lot In llorhncli s udil. I.oN In
I'luce Ixits In lldl'ldu ljiit in lik'lur.I'luco. . .
I.ols in KouiiUu > v Uuth's mid , Lots In Mlllnid
I'lnco. IvOi.s lu Mclnniillsli Place , lu 1'niK I'lucc ,
rrufpeoi rimu , i'ntii''k'tj 1'lni.o , Bhull'H add. ,
lleilkK M add , Itii'ti'r.s mid , Smlth'tt ndd , Wnlnut
Hill , i nd lu nil parts ot the city. VViirchui
jroper.y , tevi'iid ( , oud lucntiuns ; nnd fovei
clioiip turn E in Douphis county mid otnei pints
ot Nelii'kn. ) : Onmlm lletil Kstuto nnd l.oiin Lo. ,
Uoom " 'J uud \Villiucll Illock , Uniiihn. ITS-X'
Bni.\ . : : : : nciu lots , $ ; : , ) to 33J.
Wnlnut Hill lots JoOU to f700.
\Vtsi fc.ue lots i.I'M ' lo to U.
Thoiiibuirloia .ljU Ioflri0. :
I'nrmcuier lutsjl'j to jaoj.
linker tVE ln ) nu mid. lois $17. lo J30J.
Doncckun s ndd. Idln J.iJ.'i ID $700.
bunny bide lots Ji750 to yl.'jtfj. '
Ilanscoin 1'liuc lnl.H-tl."ij 10 JIrDO.
Hlnietmii''li 1'liiiulnl $ I'J , > 0 to $1,150.
Oierjnnood 't-nciu ' lolt > j i"iO to'Jo.
.1. I. Itcdli k fc biibdlv loth Sl.WJto f 1,803.
Isaac .V bullion's lots JsV ) to j'l.OUU.
Hun O.ik lota J7fllo ) $1,000.
ionlendd Ints Sh50
I'll ) lei g ndd. ncro lots Jl.OOO.
Tuttlu b biib div. acres * . ! OJ.
1-ots m oveiy p.ut ot the city ; easy turin .
Coiivojtmces ill the door unj tune of the iluv.
C. U. Mil ) no. fc. W. cor. * Bth uuU rurnaia. 1-S
FOIt SAM ! OK TICAUn 100 ncrc. of land
1'i miles north or Noith Auburn , Neb. ;
nbout slvt ) ticies underenlllv ution ; irood house ,
hnin.und n good vt ell oC wmcr. I'm luithcr
pnitlculuis upjil ) to IJ. 11. Hoadley , llrownvillM ,
Neb. llWjmiSl
FOIt.SAI.i : l.urKcntirt binnll rnncliub
Mr Ith 01 u Ith jut stock ,
rorbnlo J lois In Hpiinir Hill , $ no enth.
lor Sale Ilhtahlijhcd ImnKinw ImsinLss In
Nubingkii , count * ' Bent. Gllifcon iV Aivlior , mom
i , Wlthncll liloek.
lei rAcliunje Xelnntkn. fiirms for Omnlin
properly ; Uiso limds to e.\clnmuo for Mocks of
VVnntod 1 bii'lness lots lor ctish within i
blocks ot postollicu.
1'or i\emiiiKo : iwjncioimpioverl Cnrm. Jlndl
F OHSAI.i : A choice piece ol iiniinprovcd
propoity on liununi , cuntiully located.
Omalm Heal Estate und Loan Co. , 'VVlthucll
Illock , Oinaliu. 4WM
17 01t SAI-i-lnmiPdlnlelj- btiaiitltul eot-
Jtnuihoii poutb inth bt. , near Cuntorst. 1'ino
noUhboihood. Kust and Miuth liuntH , ninl nil
now. Hplundid Irult. Hard and soft water.
Will sell nil al n biuynln duilnfr Iho next ten
day . A. 1' . Tukcy , IjUl Fiiinam st. -11U
, Oil SAI.K Cheap lots In Ilimsuom I'lnco.
1 AiUKessG. 1' . Sloubms. aOJJuul7
"TTtOKSAI.K A two story , ! xbO , fr"mo build
JL' liiH,8ultnblo fern htoni , nu r lOtli and 1'ar
Applyut thH olllco. 'JI7
.TOIt . SAl.i : S10W ( ) ) 10 jior cent illvuleml
niyliir : xtock. lilbson < V Aicher , lloom
3 , vvitnncl ! UUuili. -ti'J
FOH < ! AM-10IolB , block in llojd's addition
for term0 Imiulio of A. I' . Niuholiib. 471
Foi : SAM-1 , . ' , : i , 1 , C nml 1 ncre tracts tlo'o
lo city , All lirsl tlais invcblmeuts. Coeliiuu
Hi Oi. ii Co. , 16UU J'ai iiain Et. IIU-'JU
' ' uoUco lo ' Cini'
SI'KC'IAlj clonrjm'ii yno
( M.shim ; halt faiu permits lor IH-iii will pluit
ecnd or leave their niiinoj nt Cnluuvo .V North
nestuinollluo , 1111 I'mimm bt , Jhl-.lim-l
"V\7i'sr Pido Sliitlon Junction of tlio Jllssouri
Vl 1'aelllu nnd licit l.lno.on I/i'iivenvvoitli bt. If
you nnt n lot on West bidu don'l wail lonir or
nn u 111 be lee Into. I'licus ol lots * JOO to f.'M.
as ) lernis. C , K , Mnjni , l.'jtli nnd Fin mini
and Hull .V MeCunilli = li , loll Dodg-o nt. , solo
agents. U7
flio i\UHAMii : : lor cliy inopcity or mer-
Jehiindlso , furm ol 17t > nucs , ndjomlni'-AIion ,
Union 10 , lovui ; llrsl-eliibb bulldlii/s ; oiclmiu
ofoju treoh. uver ? ieeiis , snnill trims ; price.
iUuuO. AUdiu > 8 1. . A. licit , Alton , Iowa , llfxis"
GltiiN ; : eon llcautlfiil ncro mid half acio
loth , line locution , il't ' nille.i trom 1' . U. , only n
feu- moments walk from lliniM'oiu I1. irk. Aeii'j
fluo. Halt uercbVJJj , IU poicunl cash , bnlauco
monthly pu ) mums. C. K. iliiynu , S. W. cor. 15th
nnd Fin limn. 4J
IflOK h.l.i : HoiiH ) nnd lot ! 'ia S ' 'atli st.choap ;
nml piiymoms. Addruss C. S. Chlpiuiin , Lin
coln Nub. 571
AIUTIOX SAl.i : The n. A , M. H.iiillioad lu
NchiasKn will sell at public auction , lu I.ln-
coin , Wl" O ticct , eimiiiiunuliiK' .lunimry 1 , ItiMI ,
and conllininihHh piopcr ailjoiiriimcnts until
ullKoodjlmvo been bold , u lauro collection of
.mtlnuncd . und lufiibid freight , coiiAiftimr of
Tin m implements , household goods , furiilturo
lepairs midii lot of piopurty diumiKed by Ilio at
Onmlm iltpot TboUcc. . Ill ,
TV-Oil SAI.H-Thuo lull IoU III iledltk'B ndd.l
J eiut liont : vtay below piicool iidiolnluK lots.
Wo oul ) lulveiimn baiiniliiD , mid lliis Is one ol
thuiu. cochiau HIOB. \ Co. JWJ I'armim M.
TT-OK.SAI.K lit llriiH-n \ Iliitt luy. Heal Ksliito
JL' Audits , N , VV. eoi. llthnnd DoiifliihMS.
Somnveii deslrauio lots iiml d\ulhiiir \ housoj
on I'm nnm i-luci.
AUo , ii eoitu u and lot , 1TK13I , on llarnuy
tlieot.niur tmtinetj.
T u lotb and UOIUIKOS on J'nrimm street ;
iiiUcil und Hell localed for icoldunoo.
OnuKtmoj n coiiaito mid lui , t'radud , well
located , near street nillvuiy ,
Also ninny valuable luls. M )
SAM : A Kuucrni mcrcnnudiso businosj
JL' in n rapidly iriottmi ; lotvii nut tnr liom I.ln-
coin. Itubi iriidu und location in town. A tplou-
did oppuituuity tor u puny vvUhln u KOOI !
opcnliiir , und havliiL- from KU ei. to ten ihoubund
dollui t > lu cash , WUUull lor cash only , or part , balance real estate in Omaha. Addruai
Mciclium Hoe Oilico. txij
FOUSAIj : lly 1'otter 4 Cubb
Cholcu Kits lu l.uwu'd Fiiol tidd. , f 'i to $150
Oiriicr In Isiuio A Soldon's add. , IKvll'I , for
i'lnu lots ou Orovrn St. , 60s ITO , at ( TOO ; each
cuay iciliis.
Aeio lot very cheap , oor llrown and Cullfornla
BtB. , J-UKJl
6 and ID aero tracts on easy terms tit $175 to
' -
A low cuoicu luls iu Thorubur ? 1'luco , oa Holt
Line , cheap.
S lots iu Shlnn'i ) Third , tSOO onch ,
Klnu business cor on luirnamut , J10.0W.
iMts lu 1'otter'B add. , f to fuj > J each ; very
A tcwtlno iotp , Hnnscom I'lnco , at $759 csch ,
Cull and t > oo our turtrumi * In nuru ti-ncts.
_ E75 _ I'lrfTtli * & . t , nc. ITilf , I'arn.nn St.
T ANn6UUKeiMlATrCNT10N-For full par-
l-t tlculars about frco und chonp lands lu
Western .Nebraska ndilroia 1'hos C I'attcrsou ,
Itcal i:3tato : Asvat , North I'luuu , Neb. yji
Ff > s : < : \ir fyiue ' i , Hacv terra *
litVU ; lioipc B ) niora" ! tec * ( MM
'irni r < rtrrim" , llnus 'om 1'hiie I .J
2 Ints rlO\ltltl inch , 'lO'ii" < fooni" , enrtir r .1.HX1
! / . ! iJOxl.Vi.lio It r < itns , Himscom I'lnu
Ik > i-i'S riiKiiii mid Ii t K. A II nrtil
Ho gr-'roomi liijllot l'ii > pf > ot Tint c l.OH
ll ( > u.i't > riioins lilh ittd ll.irt-lmr-f nn S.T-.K
lotin Mclirxt. Ninpirt , l , n UilMantO ,
Irltt ! ! n , HcUoOi > ro , M'n'nnt ' Hill , lln'i-cou
P.i''i ! > , Itis , in i ) ( ill Mlifr iiiMdlons noinnl
intnilhly pfltn ( nts. Oltitsi iu Wile ix iuidf l,70 >
1 iirnis n"'l unliuprri ixi ! and In nil puts o
the ftnii. PJ njt i ji | ( .US' Co. , iliKpiowi !
? ' ! , OVl. Tlfic'os trri slitnl fenrd. . in u I mtul
Hi Us. roio r T t'et' rsoi ) ,1 To lloom , ? , S
K oor. 15th nnd I ouRin" . 183
TIUNAMSI , y03 Tenth Street , between I"nrnau
nnd llnrney , will , tilth the nld of'unrdlni
spirits , obtaining for anr ono glnnco imbe
paft nnd present , nnd ot eortnln eondltion * ii
no future , llooti nnd shoes mdo to ordo
1'crtcct satisfaction Kunranleod. a
SEALED proposnH lll bo received by tin
iindnrgljrnfd tintll II o'clnek n. In. ol 'Pucfdiiy
thoS6tli ! tiny of . .Imntim1M' , lor tlio
kindt of piu Intr , Mz. :
Qiieot ii"ilinlitnn in per spocifle.itions
Aspludt blocks us | er spcclllciuions.
Blout I'nllsroiilte ( nflper sj ixJlllcntlnns.
Colorudo sund8tini > us per Fjii'clllcut oils.
An ) other Btono ns i er < ] icuitlcutloiis.
Mncitdnm as per fipovltlcntionti.
Wooden blocks ns 11 r spocllli-ntlotn.
Any bid lor p.ivintr in addition to belnz ac
coiilniK to 3H | > cllio loii ! , inn ) idso be nccord ti ,
to pucn speclllcutloiis , as the bidder mii > pie
scrllie , the sntno to bo set forth In detail and to
accompnny bid.
llach Lid slinll pprclf ) n p/lco per fquaro yard
foi the pixvlnp coinpipto on tlio street.
Work to bu done , n uciordance Hli pmn Hiic
ppecltlcutlonsoulllolii tliu olllcuol tlio bum dot
pi.bllo vunks.
Ill Is to me miidn on printed tilunlis fiirnl'liei' '
by thoboitrd , nnd ncLoinpiinled a euitllln
cneuk in the cum or onu tliou-niul dollui 8 , p ) -
nMo to tlm city of Omiilia its n Kiiitirmt < Hint
the bidder will within thirty days tniin the
openltiffot'tho tilu > jilvu bonds not o.xcuudlnir
tuo thousand dollnr-t ns tlui nuiyoi or city conn
clt inny i uimhu Unit such bidder will enter Inlc
contiact lor ncli j.-in Inr.of the kind mid m
tei-Jft'j ' pscillcd , us uiuy be otdured Uiuhitf tlii
jenr ISoO.
Tlio bonril of publlowoiks re ervcs the ilshl
tot eject any or till bda , mid to waive an ) de
tccis. j , i : Hori : ,
dco 7 Chiitrmnn llontd or Public Woikt.
for Konl Bstnto.
RKALKl ) piopo ak v\lll be received liy tlio
undersigned mi' 1 d p. in. Monday , .lumiarj
Ji , It-Sfl. for the lollortliwde-ciHiedieul rsiato :
hot * I , Sand a , in block 4. In Hoggs A. Hill 2m"
ndditlonol ilio eitj oil ninhii.
Tlio boaid i clones , tlio iltflitto lojcct any and
nil b tU
lly order of the IJnatd of Kducatlou.
di e.3 ! CIIAS. CoMyui , Stcietary.
nuoclal Ordinance Ho. 7CD ,
AN Ordlnnncn lov ) Ins n speilnl tn.nnd nssesi-
ment on ad lots ami icnl o tate within I'ur-
mjf District ISo. 4 . in Iho city ol Omal'.i ' to
cuvurtliucost ol'iMvlng11'lftecnth Ftieet tioin
north line ol Capitol nvenuo to south line of
DIIMU port btieoi. and lopoiilinjr F-peelal Or-
dlmincc No. , ciunlo.l , ' An oidlmuiance
levliir | a special tav und n < e-tsi-tiitiit on all
lots nnd teal ( State \\lth n I'm In ? DMilil No.
4' ' , iu the cit ) of Omaha , to I.OM.T thoiodto
Iinvlnrr riltcenth lieut , from Capitol av mm
lo Davcnpott stieet , "
Wheieus : It having boeu , nud belnp hereby
ndjudued , dctci mined nnd i e nbhsued that the
Miviniil lots nndiilccesof ical estiiloheieinallor
refill red lo have each been spit-all ) benellled
to the lull niniHiut lieu In Itu-led and ii sesM-il
niriiliivt each of "aid lots aurl plocos of real es-
tatu. rcspcu'ivelv , bv icasoii ol Iho i > uvlnr of
thai part of 1'iJtt iniu ttioot fiom noithlliiv ol
Ciipltol incline to > outA Hue ol Davcnpott
' 1 hcrefore , foi tin piupo o of pnyins the cr > sl
of Find pavln * ; In tl'm lag DHiit'l No. j ! .
He it ( ) idainedb ) thecltv council ot the clt ) of
Oinalia. , j
( Section 1. Thnl llie'cost of piuius : thnl pail
of niiccnth slinn withm I'aviiiK Olstilet N'o.
42 , lu the tit ) of ( lintilia , fiont north Hue ol
Capitol iivcuuu | o MImh line ol Dmein.orl
Hieit , said bchifflhc sum o ! frlyuj.'i ' > , be
nml the fume i hcieliv le\leil nnd iis'essnl , lu
piopoi lion lo the ici't'front tiloiifr Knid puvlmr.
nnd iiLcordinjr Hi sjicclal beiiclith byiea'onot
bind pavliii : , upoil tlm lollo\sin described lots
nnd e tmc. ns she n b ) the roneinlly
iccofrnli-eil map of thoellyof Oinalia. IS' . " , hlho-
( iiaphedai'd publUliod by Ouo. P. Honils ; |
cost bclujr to levied on enld lots and i i-ul eitutc ,
H".poctiV ( ly , us follows , tn-wlti
.lane It. Uoit.ltil. blk . "I , OniHlia . . . . PV5S25
I'ilst llftiitist church , Hi I. bllt TC.Om.llin K7I24
A .1. I'oppluon , It .1 , blk 75 , " . . S.VJ2I
A. .1. 1'opplclon , It n , 1)11. 70 , " . . : ! i > V5
Cutli I'len/cr , Itl.blkli ; , " . . b'asi
.lanu A. Ilonnett.Jf. , blk 70 , " . . . ttis'i ! : :
S , It , Hiiivvn , It" , IflU 7 < i , " . . Uis-'l
SIt Iliown , ltd , jilk,0 , " . . bVJ'Jl
Fcctiou" 'flintaid sneelnl taxes In ; iid afor
saidon said lots le pictlti ly , Hhall become do
liiniuonl as tollout. . Oni'-li nlK ot the total
nininiiil so levied on tilth of said lois bliull bo-
toinn ilehiiiiiciit | ill lilt ) diis liom Hie | ni--ino !
and appioxul ot ihlb oiillminei..oni.-lenlli ( none
your , unu-tuoth In twocmsono-lcntli in throe
. \cnif , onu-lunth In lour > car.- < , one tenth In live
) eaisone-tenth 'n sir jeaiM.onolcutli in t-uvcn
joins , ono-tentli In olht | ) oiio-and one-lcnth
in iilnu juui'b nflcr f.dil liny , mid ueintr Horn
the | nis.-ure und nppiovul ol this oidhnince.
Kiioli ot said Installments , OM-cpt the llrst , bhulL
ilinw Intel net nt Hie rnto ol unen i > i > r cent , pur
iinnum fiom the tlino ol llmluvj nroiositid , un-
111 Iho b'une tliull bcioiiioiiuhniiiiont. A penalty
ol ten per cent. , together with lnteio t nt ilio
late ol ono jier cent per monlli , piiiiblo in nd-
vnnce , shull bu paid on each duliniiiit'iit Install
Section n. That thoenlho amount of tnFO
lev ltd nnd asnussud on anj ol' Mild lois may ho
paid by tlio owner ol any lol.or Iho enlno
iiiial | pro lain piopoillon ol mid tnv on nn ) of
said lols.m.i ) bu pimlhy an ) perron on any pint
ol taid lots within lilt ) dii.s liom said levy , and
tlioioiipon such lots or pints ot lots hhall bu
evDinpi lioiiiimv lien or clinrircthcrolot.
yci'lion 1. That Spccinl Oidlniintu No.7.rd , rn-
titled , "An oidmunie Icvj liitfii tpeclal linnd :
assessimmt on ml hilbimdvinil oi-liiia in 1'avliiK
District No. 4J , In tne tuy ol Onnilm , lo cOMir
the < o-t ol iiuvlnir I'illi eulh ctiuot liom Capitol
avem o to IJaveiipoit hiieet , "
bictlonfi. That tins 01 dinaneo shall tnlo nnect
und be in loico Irom iinrl niter Its inissa u
I'assod Heiombor I'lth. Iss ; , .
WM. r. HRI MM. , Piosiilcut CHy Coi'iieil.
J. H. ijDi'riMiii ) , I it ) Clink.
Apjiovtd DuL'timbir 1'ilh , IW-Ji.
J IMI.S. i : . Uovu. Mni or.
These HiM'fc lire now duo and piijnble to tiie
city lren iiior , nnd will become delinquent in
bliow u in LiclXou" . Till. MAN H , < u ,
decTMS C'ltyTifiisuicr ,
Special Ordinance ITo. 700.
AN Ordinance lov v in ; " a special ta\ and as3e s
ment upon ( iTi.iin lots , pnrtdol lot ri and
leal ostale in the nt ) ot Omahu , lor the con-
Kit iicllon ot rild tMill > f.
\Vinii\.s : ( , the owners , irsroetlvoly , of the
lots | iaits of lots anil iMluto lieieliinrier
le-oill > ed , have faiit-d 10 ( Oiutiuut sldo .dl < M
within tlio tiiiu ) allowed by oidlnaiico , nitci due
and proper notice so to do , and
WMKIIKVS , Hiiehslili vrnlkH hnve been duly con
st met eil bythocouti.iflor lo wliom w IIH a aid
ed Ihu Limn net lei toiiblructliiir and jojiaiim.i , '
gldimalka , and
\VHIUIAS : : , Ilio several lots , purte ol lotntind
real oflnto havooii ! ' bcuu tpetl'dl ) benellted to
ho lull amount ol liio h | > uciiil tax nnd assi "
nont horuln lu\Ied , b ) reusoii ot such impioiu-
niiut opposite tlio mine , rospuetlvel ) ; .
'J'Mioiir.Kiiu : , lor the pmpotc of cuvpiluir and
pajlnn Iho test of Mich Impiovi inc'lit :
lloltOidalncdby thoclty council ol thoi-ltyirf'
Section 1. That I hi several siiuib n.1 oppu > lii-
the lotx , partbol lot- and ieal ectutnlieii Inaltei
IciM'rlbod , bo and tinNIIIIO mo hi'ieb ) uvpeo
thtl ) levied and asied iiiou eachol t-nldli > l
iiulhiil lots and leiil.'St.ite , aslollowH , toll :
iV. J' . r > Hoe < . ) .h 'f ' It l.lillit-3 , Omalia.
Ijrou llcod , It 5 , ! ) | K Ml , . . .
lit rou U , lilk HI. ' ' . 1U 17
I. II Cluilllii , It is. bll. 15 , linpiovemcnt
Axt-oeiatlon , Oumliiip . ; tsti |
lohu II Cox , It I.J\omll/e' M add . ' . " . ' ( jj
AUK KonnUo , lot 1 " " . 1-MS
lolml' . Itou , 117 , > " " . IsJI
5. J. IleiKstiom.iili , ' | , , S-i , ICoiuiUo M
add . . . . . l'7"i '
1os IMpn/.t-nort II 10.ll S7Kollllt/o'feSillldil 7fi
at.,1. r-i.'ttll.ri , blKOKniilit/lMll ) ! lil. . 15 W
' . llolmSs.ltfi.O I. . i " " . . 1171
A. Knuuuo'iiltT.hlk , " " . .117.1
A IComiULs It K'llk O/ " " . H7.ri
A. Kniint/o.ltV , MkU , " " . . UIW
\ . lu , hlU 15 " " . . Ili'l '
A. Konnuo llti.blK It. " " . . irH.I
\ Kniiiit/'u , It in , blVIJ , " " . 1175
A Konnuo , It II , bll , 11. " " . . 117 , ' )
\ 1blK 14 , " " . .1175
xii.UnC Wallevs't.llM | , lilk 14 , " . 7:17 :
M Mou him , It 15 bllrJU , Kount/otld add . Il7.r >
M Morrl un , ItlR l'Hcl4 ' , " " . 1117
A 1) ) , lilk In. " " . . IiitW
A KfiumVt.ltlO.hlkr. , " " . . J175
V. irouiit/o.lllllllklf > , " " . 117,1
A. 12. blklj , " " . 117.1
A. III , blk 16 , " " . .1475
A 14 , bile 15 , " . 147.1
A. Kcitliitzo.UM , blltUi , " " . .1175
A. Ko.inue.ltlU , I.Ik 11 , " " . 1475
b. Andii.enltl7blkir , , " " . . Jb-IJ
Alex McCnv ock , It 1 , blk ( i , Kountru Supple
mentary . . . . 13 b )
Alex .vicCiiilock , It y. blkli , ICoiinl/.o Bupplo-
mi-ntnry. . . . . 1170
A. Kouutzu , It C , blk K , Kount/u fcnpplc-
moiuary . UOJ
B. K. JIOBCIS , It G , lilkU , Kount/u Supple-
mentury . . . . . . , . U UO
S. i : . Itou ors , a H U , blk U , Kountzo Supplu-
iiuiitury . 7W
RK. U , blk U , ICoiiutzu upplcmeiit-
ary . . , . 7ft !
M. w. Kennc-dy , Trcao , U 0 , blkllouutcu K
A Huth's . 1501
A. KouiUtfU7 | , blk 11. Kountroi ItutU'B 15 HI
A. 10 , blk 11 , " " H75
A. Kount/e llll , blkll , " " HIS
\ , Koiiiit/ult . ' . bU U , " " 1H5
Jacob 1'llujr , It J. blkll , " " 1IW
Al/lnaSKobe.g f > , Ulkf.Tlcdlck'a mu-
division. . 41 W
John Mulior. AllO , b , w. cor. , It 2.hlk 1' ' , K
C , Mk ID. P. r Jtopoi-i 31V
W M. I'ostir. uiljri It I S linn's snbdiv 17ie
V .1. Itnrker'tis I. " . SW
\V. .1 Hirker , It' . ' " 5711
M. VV Kennedy , 111. blk * > . 15. V. Smith's 4151
bcciioua. Hint lliw iecl l tnxes levliilnnd
nj < e > el inalori' HMl slill IH > iluo Immrdinteiy
upon the pH' i nmid approval of thu nnlln-
I'lic-r. nml slinll I ecorue iielltniiicnf If not pnld
wiihlntlftv dnS tlioieniti'i ' ; nnd therein on , n
pennlt.v of ton per rrnt Minll bp nd led , toeetnor
vvilli tntori'MtiUliu rule in one percent n month ,
pa.vHble In ndvamp irom the time wiid laves be
come * to delinquent.
Sect ion 3. Tnnt till MiniInnncflMiall tnkoeitcet
nnd be In force from -ind nrtet jts pa u | . ' .
l'n ( il 1 > < cptiibi r isih , 1 5.
\VM i , Hi i iitt , hr-idi nt Tit ) Council.
.1.11 Sot iu vim , i iiy < ii rl. ,
Appmvi'dliti. r.lli , 1-W.
JAM hi R firivi ) . Mayor.
The p tn\o .lie now due a id pnynblo Hi the
city UeiiMiror , nnd will boiomc di linqnenl on
l'i b. ( .th. IHSII , alter which ilntcn prmlty of ten
percent vrlll tin ndded tOFelhiii with lmcin t nt
lie uitp of olio jar cent per month In iM\nnco.
Tiif-iAN HI-IK , C ty Tieasurei.
I'Mr.NT. 1
OlTICS Ot COMI'TllOI.t.l.ll 0 Till. Ci-iuu-vry , V
W.VBlllMllOV Deermbui 10 , itr , (
I'.AS , Ii ) ntlsrn < toi ) pvlrUtno pt
Sillied to the Hi ilPl's.irrCil . , II has been
inmlo in nppoii thnt HIP imiha .Saitnn 11 n .k.
In the cliy ot Onmlm , in ilm count ) 01 iio.iulus ,
ninl M ilo ol Nelunska. has omp led vviih nil tlie
prov e onsof thoni tor roneress to otiphliXn -
tionai iiiinkhu Ass clntloi B to e\tu d tl u r
coi orate e.xlstoncnnd lor o.hcr purposis ,
npprovnl.luly 1'b 1 Isf-S.
t\ow ihrit'loto. 1. llemy V. Cnnnon , comp-
trullero. ihn n In rob ) ' toitify tiiat
'I ho Omaha iN'utli n tl llaiili.lutlipc tvoronmlm ,
In the coiiutv or Ijou livsnml stat < of .Nebraska ,
isivuthori/edto hiive r > mie sion lei Iho IK Hod
Fpoellicd In Us iimiii led aitliles ol nsMielatlon ,
n.iinely , until c'oso ol IJUSIIIL-S on Dttamber
Utli , ll'aV '
lu losliinmnvihureof wittiorsmj linnil nnd seal
J ' I ol'Dllkc this lot h tin v of Deieuibtr ,
Hnvi. . f Is-iV II W ( HS.MJ.N.
, Compro1l ! < r ol tlipdininc ) .
No. imi.
Proposals for 8i-iaio CauEtruction.
rilllU Honrd of 1'nblie \ \ orl.s of tlie tit ) ot
J Oinahn , Nub . invite pi oposnl" mil II 'J o'cloik
p. m..lnnnmy t'lli ' , 18M1. tin the constiuetion or
iivliidiict on llth MrePt.ovcr the Itatlis tif ( ho
I'ulou 1'ncllle nnd llui IIUBtou i. Missouri Itlvcr
1'ixipo'iilt must bo bn'nil upon the spppitlcn-
tion ? and outline plans on 111" in the olllce ot Iho
beard ot public works , copies ofuhluh will by
Inrnli-hcci upon nppllciitliHi.
IlldsnrolobmiccomiiatiU'd ' with dotnl ) draw-
lm * nnd strain Rhccts , ami shall speeitytlieio-t
ofsupoistiuctuie foi u ' 'U ' fcit iinidmi ) and a
JtJleut loadway , nml shall sup.initu the t-upci *
btiuctutc trom the toundiitlon oik ,
Kncti blddor slinll di posit with hit pioposnla
eei tilled check , payable to the order of Iho
underslpiud.lnlhosilm of niipthoii'iiud dollais
to bo lei lulled to the elt ) ol Omuhu In I.PSC bo
hlialMullto execute n eonttact and build s.Ktl -
faitoi.v to Ihu bouid , vlthiu .lldayti attirtho
notltlcntlon of the avvaid , sliuuld hlsproposal bu
Tliobonnl rfcncithn jlRht to reecl | any or
nllblds. Tim Ilo vim or I'rm , ic Wnuux ,
_ .l. K. llot'sf : . Chidrmiin , ocCT'-'lvr lolun S
Tliu Wen kor Sc\
( ire ininii'iiM'lvstronitlliPiiPil 1)\ ) the Use of
Dr. K. V I'u-rcu's "Fiuonto 1'n-crip-
tion.1 ' vvhiili - nil lonialo '
. c-iin i ilrranjC'-
inents , anil yives lone to the . \siein.
bold bv { ; ! | ,
May Kndiiotl , Secretary Kndlcotl'n only
daughter. di ivcs it drau with a London eoacli-
man in the liont seat , and tlicsi.cs In a
lilting stiil ot blue llaunei.
In HIP as erlion thai Pn/.j'iini's
ini'dieati'd conipiosion ] > ovvileris onlire-
Ji Ireu tioin injurious or dotulU poisons ,
we do it tijon tlio authority of u Iliorcuifili analysis. It is one ol the oldest
fiee : powders in American market , ami
is. n-ecl hi Hie fanulies ol s-omo of our
most prominent medical men wlio have
personally uelnov\led. ; \ . ( lo Ihe proprie
tor Hint they not only i'oiiMiU'ied iLliarm-
li'sj , but o.sfociiii'il it'liijjhly lienehchil in
t'v cry respect. Sold by till drngjiist- .
l.a'iHi-'j.1 JMiysit'iaiis'iiiKl olifinihl.s have
untilj/ed I'o//.oni's medicated complex
ion powder ami recommend ils use lo
ilioir vvive.s and lady friemU. What bet-
ler coiikl be said ol it.
John J.oclnane. of Atlanta , to show the
Semiiiicness ofhis icfoiimition , Domed all
his lanjp pi iv ate stock ot wines and biandlus
into the MI ee.S of the eities.
Fi l-rivo 1) ) . It DOUGH LASS & POX.S
CAPSK'r.M t'OL'Gll ] ) KO1'H u iiir : liial
tlie.vvill . relieve your Couyli iiiblaiilly
Thousands lolily to this
lion. > I. II. Cochiane , of IHjIuirst , Quebec
Is Iho cattle kln-t of tlio dominion. JIc owned
the 'I'cuth Duchess ol Aiidile , htteeii of
whose calves vvne sold by linn lor 5173,000.
A little girl who was naked vvhnt sins
nietuit by Haying feho had been baptized
two times , icpfiod that it didn't lake the
lirst time. ] n tliis it was iliU'erenl from
[ { ed .SUir Cough Cure. Thai ineilieiiio
. * ; oes lo tlio bpot tit once , ami iclievco por-
Itepicasntutlvc Uoiueis ( -whose name the
jrlrls look twice , thiukinIt Homco ) bewail
ileiibiieabin boy. He jiollshed up the hau-
lie iiuite caiulully , and ho sot a good bt.ul-
NorVOHH Deliilitnlcil 3
i allowed u free trtnl for thirl u cJnus
ol Hie USD ot Dr. Dvo' Celebiated Voltnlu
Jlelt with Klcvtiie busensoi-y Atliances ) ]
lortliosjioedv lelief iimipcrm.iuent euio of
Neivoiis Debilltv , liissoivit.ility nml .Man
hood , anil all Kimlieil tumbles. Also for
iminv other lilt-eases. Complete lestor.ilion to
health , vlmu nml manhood. Xo ihlr is In
clined. Illustrated pamphlet vviih lull intiii-
malioii , leims , ute. . mailed Iieeby aildiessini , '
Vollaic JJclt Co. , .Marshall. .Mich.
( Sen. Lew AVnlhiee Is Kaiil lo have madf
tlKi.O'JObj hlsfl.ving til ] ) lo ( . 'unsttintlnirnli * ,
nml has imt the money In a Ciavvfoulsville ,
InilbanK. lie did it with that 1'uHlek tor
\ oll.inMaili : in Vain.
\ \ D : ire told that nothing vvas nuidc in
vain , bul vvhal can ) > e said ol the fashion
allu girl of thu iioiioilv N n'l nlio tiiaiilen "
vainv lloiiil's bur-tiiarIIi | ! : is made in
Itovvull , IMa-s , , vvJieri' llioiv arc moro bol-
ties of il wild Uian of any oilier sni'aajia- j
rillu or blood jnitifier. Anil il is nov r (
taken in vain. It purities- the hlnoil , <
.slrengtlions Iho s\si'in | , anil jfivi's now
lilianil viyor to llie ciilire body. 100 <
llOsl'S ! * 1. _ j
I , do Lfs-cps ) K ono ol the best Known *
Inl'.uis. His tl htl ) buttoneil hliieU 1
Jiocl , coal , vvilli u ilhhon In the biilton-holc , 1I 1I I
blnclvhnt jauntily tilled : i llltlo luoneHhlo , I
hijimiu ( houlileis anil husk vv.'ill ; 'ive him u
nillltiii ) bi-nilnjr nml nmKe Mm ii | > iicur niuny
than ho icall ) Is. .
' 1' icaul.ilorol iilsesiive organs anil
nd the best upicll/er | l.uovv u S \III ) ; > HI urn
? itci-s. ( Ti.v it but hevvaio ol imitatiiiim.
el liominii moccr orliniv'i"l ( the ( 'i'iiuiini
Hide , m.inur.iclured h > li. J. ( i. U. biexeit
v. Sour- .
.Iud'o David Davis , ahleil by hlu acconi * '
ilMiud jouns wile , is willliiK his loiuinls-
ences. Jlcvvdl piuhihl ) not rei.ito tlio cu-
nm > , l.iiice. > coimeiled with lu = > poppinK the
The Great Invention ,
H'tC.oiil Harm lo J'.l lilt 1C or 11.1X1) % , 3
nndparlk'iilailt adapted to ff'io m Vtltiiultt.
No family , rich or poor , t uoiiM be vv Hhout it. | i
HoldbyaIKlroccre.bat IreuireofMtclmV |
tjttons. 2'Ejijnf\i : le muuufaclurt < i < "
only by
A TLree Dayi' Eost in Wheat Trailing
Open ? it n Point Higher.
The Siatdiirnt l CRnriloil M'ith Sus-
plulon AH Ailvnnci' Hitill ( lirl
In 1'iovlslonR Ijlio Sloi-U
anil Oonrt-nl Mukct .
CiurAno. IH-c , SS. fSpocInl TelcKi-ain.J
AVnr.AT Wheat oiu'iieil6lic higher thli
inorninc. Tlio vciy limited rurli Innliin : on
Hnlutdaj wnat a sll lij advance o > or Thins-
ilay'acln liiB iignii-s , nnd Ilils iiioriilni : n be
lief Hint tliolslbli ) sl.ilcincnt \ > ould sliow a
s-llclit dpcren o liprnnio lit inly roolrd and
1 > 1 < I\C(1 tO lie tllO ] > micllMl M.lli < U llf MlCllCtll.
Later citliimles on tlui visible iliircrcd. and
dliilllnn linally fcttlid tknvji to comlctlon
that the incicnoo or ileoicasovoiilit bp so
snmll that the ndilcd or lemoned weight
woit'd not cut an linpuitant lisure. Jaiin.uj
nhcat oiu-nwl at ! s4Vo ; , advani-t-d .V.ikclhml
tic , advaiired J < c and cltm-d qulto linn at
W OibJc. JIa > oj'Ciicd nt POJ c , ndxanrvd lo
Plifc , fell back to l ic , : iil\aiufd toWc ,
dropptd he , and then \\ent tiji to Vl e ,
closing at ItlfyCa'.il.U'c , Theie wns consider *
able disposition to buy eaily , but a steady
JULMSUIO on tlio putt ol thebcais , with \ory
limited tmiluiK , di ( ] > rps ! > cl ( tlio inaiket.
Jcno\\eil ! talk of a deeiiMScd visible , to
\\hleh \ was ndded a ichf-h of
fou'isu \\arnc\\s , t ; vc lliu b\ills \ eouiace to
bldnlecs ] np unco nioio , uiul lit'uolleiltiKs
later by bis ; local scaliiuH Meio not snlHdi-iit
to lueiik tin' niaiKet seiiously at anytime.
VoiolKn liHite ( > > \i'H' guneiou * . In llioeiicnla-
tton ol depiessiiiK advices and nnphntlc In
theh Ueelniation tliat Jiuiope could get alone
without n bushel ol Anu'iicanhuat. . Tills
iMsoines ! ) on tlio pint offnrulciiL'istolnipicsi
tills inipoitant fact upon tlie AnieiiiMii tiadu
IUH come 1o bo icgnideditli suspicion. Tlio
lust honi ol the inniiiliifr session was the
blronu'ost. and ptlcos touched tlie top Just be-
tore tlio elo'.e , quotations at 1 o'clock being
onlj si shade olf.
COILV L'oni was dull In a .ipoculathu way ,
and until nuaily the cud of. the moinim ;
hour tiadltij * was oxceedint'ly light , and the
laiifre of juices was M iy nano\v. 'J'lio ad
vance in wheat had n stimulallii ! * clfcel on
corn , and u practical advance was estab
OATS Oats WPJC weal : and then stioni ; . In
haimony with tliemoie impoitant irialn mar *
I'novisioxs Provisions were stions and
juices liiKhei. Anmlvanco was e.stablishcd
liKht at the opening at jirflOo " in poik , 5c In
laid , and J'-C"'f > c in libs , and there was no
important deviation jium these quotations.
during thu hoius ol ti.uliiiir. Though blljhtl >
lower prices piev.iiledubotil mldwaj between
the opening and closing.
Arjrnsoo.N JJOAISD 2'lO : p. in. Wheat
held steady on the allei noon boaul , hut the
insuket was less buo > ant than : tt 1 o'clock.
Coin and oats wciestiong , and with pioxls-
lous , without material ch.ingc.
jijp. in. 1'uis on 3l.i ) \\ , ODJa'c ; calls ,
CIIICAOO , Dee. 28. [ bperlal Tele ? ! am. ]
CAT ii.i : The mniket , uiulei unexjiected
heavy leccipth ol all giades , opened lather
slo\\ \ and n good 10c lower. Jjntchcis' block
was a shade lower nnd in libeial stijply. )
Canning stock is plnntitnk and selling at low
piiecfe. btocKeis and letdeis me selling fully
as Ingli : is last week. Theic was quitea num
ber of countiy bii ws aiound the pens this
morning , and Hie chances aio that good and
suitable young e.ittlo will sell lahlywell tlio
eomingweek. Sliiupiii ) , ' sleeia , KiO ! to 1JOO
scutol'JOO IDS. , y.jOe-l. : ( O. Tlitough Texas
eattlc , S'i.iOM : 10.
lines Under ( ho ery light inn and a
slight advance in piovisions , pi lees nded a
fcliong So liiijhei than on Satuiday , and
inca-Oo higher than a v\cek ago to-bay. The
achanco is all on the Lest lie.ivy and packing
soils. Light gi.uius li.uu not advanced a
nickel a hundred in two weeks. Jlc.ivy
.sorts aio really scaicc , und so long as they
ate sc.ucu will command a iiioiiiiuiii , At
le.ul one-thiid ol the stock aiiiving at pies-
ent rannot be claa-ed otherwise than light-
even small , well bii'd joiing pigs , loundcd
outandlaU .Sales to-d.iy show that choice
and lancy heavy sold at Si.uuugl.o.'i , pilmoto
choice packing sorts sold at ! , ' > . ' : > ji'J.W , with
lough and common odds and ends at 5fi.fiOi :
: : .i.O. Packing and shipping , 'i'.i ) to 1UU lb < ,
Sa.7.X < . ( tt.
_ _ _
Now Vnrk. Dci'.Cs. ilorv ; Uiiu.ill easy
at ! i ' ! pi'i eent.
liBjixu ci nt.
l-'oiir.iii.s K\CIIAM.I : JJu.i.-j JJull at
I.BI * ; iii'iiiniul , al bi1. .
( Jo vi.UN MI.MS Dull hult-teady.
-The biokuis v.ho vveie con-
i cauv ing the tulvanci' ol Knlni-
diiy loi\vntil ivoio ni'tlve bollui.s lo-dny. 'J'hu
Jesuit vva.s u ihooplnc iiuiikel throughout
neail ) Hie vvhuie K-bsion. Tlio market elided
htead ) a * inemilar clmiiKes , but neni'inlly
liom Hiiall lint lions to ] > ur ei'iil lovvei.
Decline- ovel 'i | icr cent aio t'oiiiineil IK
hall a ilo/i * ! ! HlocUs. vvhlh1 MUIIO ot the less
active on tin * so culled uclive list frhuiv Irac
lioiitil fe'iiins ,
srociiso.v vvvr.i. sinnur.
"rteent Imnili. . . 10I''H ' C. it N.V 10sV
if.b. 1'j'b ' U "M liiefcned. . ! )
Xevv I'b 1'il'r V. V. C HKI'ti '
I'aellk'O'sof'HJ. i'"i,4 Oieuon Tian. . : iij <
Cenlial racllic. . I'J'0 ' r.ieine .Mall Ff > %
C. iV-A I-K ) il'D.itK ! iU
iiiefeiied. . . . l.'il ) IIM'.C HUJJ'
' . , / { . i\s ( > 1W ! iltock Island. . . . 1'i ! )
1) . , I , . iV\V \ I'i0'4 ' bi. 1. . \ .S. ! ' . . . . & % 1
D.iVlMi W. pii'leiied. . . 41'f '
Kile ai' K' . , M. , ViSt. I' . . . yj
nioferied . . . Hi'jl ' pioterrud. . J'iO' ' < j (
Illinois Central. . UHl St. I1. k ( ) JKW
I. . II , iVi\V 'Jl'i pu'leiii'ii. . . Wi
Kansas > \'rt"n. Ml.iiTis < I'aeinc. . . 1'i1/ \
.Union . I'aeilio. . , 51' ' , ,
\V. , St. I. . , tl' . . KW
.Mich. C'i' . . . 71' proreiivd. . . ( | ( .
.Mo. r.iclllu jus. Wesiein Union , T'J > J
Koitliein I'ac. . . ST- O. Ji.itN JUT,1 ;
piutci it'll. . , .
„ . . , Dee. s\ rimuJmut ( nml
iiiii'hiinued ; winter vvhoal liom. i'HOi < i
r-.fe.'j ; Miuliiein , Sl. Ji' 1.111VlbCoiisin ; \ , .t I inn >
I.T.i ; .MichiL'aiihoIl hiuiili ! wheat , Si.70i . 1,0J } :
Minuesitnlil.eis'W W" l.-Vialeiitsr.iiie ) : | ( ( [
SI.7Vr'i'iJ ( ; Jovv ( Jliiilfs , ara.OUi/'i.O' ) ; ijo llulir ,
ra-w a.i-u ; , trWi'H.Tf- { .
\\hiMt-tJj.eiicd \ . iiiiuei and i-a\'i ( * above
riiiusda't , cli-sii ; later hucniuo weak , du-
Until "fv and anuin nileil 'm&iui ' , hulling elf 1
I4c , ndiuj , ' iiimerand closed steady al about
, nbiivo ThuiMlayj bl > j'tsl ( < o lor IM
! V < - ' J'ovJanuai ' ) ; bl\o lei lebiuaiy ; ISj
* ' "
ODI n ( JuTe'l "liuYiliniPi ; lovvard the close n
tioiiK feelingdi'Vehiied ) aiidelubi'd ' .ji'abovo
'Iliuisday ; " , < > 'M.'jt\lfs \ lot rash ; ! if > e lor n
Deeembei ; Stttc lei Janu.ii ) ; iWj e lui 1 eh- p
luni ) ; ; ; ! ' . . < lui .Ma.v. , , , 1 ,
Oats J-iead ) ; e.ish , inieliancoil ; futmes n
linle lu'tli'i ; -a1 lor cash ; " 7Vlui DCLTIII-
ii'i and , Ian.mi ) , ) > hi"'le tin .VIi.v.
K > e-\\'e.ik \ and e.isiei ; cluM'il ' ' . .o lower
ill ' .1' ' r- .
Ihiilev - ( .ilel anil Jovvei ntW p.
1'oiU-Siioiif-'i'i ' ; advanieilT'jdMHo ' : eaily , , ,
i.isiei ; Inlei , tell oil , Vri7Leaud ilosed com- '
.iiialivi'lv Me.uly ; fc'J.loM to 1m e.i-h and
In-i'inbei ( ' : ' , iW'Hi.l J > i 1m .laiumiv ; * H'.OJ '
lui robiniiivj SlV. j ; ; ( 4lO.W lei
i'a'ld i' ' i-.irtr ran * linde and 81 , ' < ufc
-i iiirn.Oj hii cub , ( ipcemU'i ami January ;
giUSnilOT1 , lei KehinaryO.UKii1j.l ; ( * 1m
Maiih ; ( r ; ; > vm iu ; fui .Ma ) ,
Tlmmh ) I.iiiiial dt'i'Iinc bluet ) Jhui = d.i )
ml si | , ul ) ; piin.e. el.'iUn ' .71 ,
I"HMMtiuud ( | ill Ui.llid tli'iiuii < ilid lill-
l-lninaml No. l.fell'J.
\VhIsky \ - < t V :
Jiiitlci Qi let cii'jiiuci ) . ( xlia , li" lull to
' > 'Ji 'c , dali ) , ijoud tuch 'ifl l j' 's.u )
Chewp- Stead ) but firm ; tittl cream cliod
ilitrs , IVKV ; Hats , P' ' ifiio e ; ) ountj Amcrl"
casi'holeo , lO.rtlO'.e.
Iliilt-S" t inhniicpfl ; Riecn , So ; heav.v M
salted lull ) cureil , IH p ; lljli ) , lue ; dmuiij
ie ( : bull hide * . 7o : dry salted , 1 ! . ' t < ! ,
Hint , IHr/tUr : cult skins. 1V. !
Tallow Unclmnseil ; No. 1 countV
ItCpPluK Snmi'diK
Flour , bbh ll.OiK ) n wo
Wheat , lui Su.lXX ) i ,11,000
Corn , on osp,0ixi ( M'lAH )
OnK Im , , , 2V ! , x ) o , ( i-t )
I ! ) i. till 10.000 I000
Dai lev , bii HH.lWO
Nov\ York , Div. 3s. Wheat -ltecclpl. .
; expoits .7o-Xi ; spot n .shade heller
quiet ; options opened vve.ik , later mled
stioiiKCi , ilosinir nun ; uncradcd icd 7V.n < i ;
No. J ted , Wse iilloat ; tlanuaij closlm ; at
I'm n-Spot unsettled nnd falil ) nollvo ;
otitions ' opened hlphoi , iloslncllim ; leecipts ,
I' : expoits. lit.ooii ; No. " : i-ii'4V ' , iVo. 3 ,
iMiflb ; ,1aiiuniy closing nt 4siie ,
O.its-Jlishei and more active , leceiph 1i > J , .
OiV ) ; exports , imno : niKed westeui. .ut .i > ;
white western , Hxn l-'e.
IVtioleum Steady ; united closed nt vs-
KWS ( fillet and stem ! ) ; rivi-inK ; , . W
imckmres ; vvestein , 'ilm'iK1.
I'oik Dull and Mimcvvhnl noiulnnl
Laid lllghi'i ami l.ilily active , sales ;
we.stem steam snot , F0.x\3fi.o7 : > je , Januaiy ,
Itutter rinn and quiet ; weMcrn. I.Vrf'Srtc ;
Klifln eieaimi ) . ! > xr ( t\ (
Cheese niut Htm ; we.stem Hal , 7(3 (
\-viii > F\if it * ' ftVfi- IIMiMt-ir * ' H * 'HIJ tl\l' * V
Oats-Diillmil Him ; uVl4e bid tor cash ;
! 27Ue lor Dfcemhi-i ; lllVo foi May.
live Dull . and lovvei at 6s > ic.
* *
\lKI I 1M HI
-Sl.10. .
I'm k Steady nt 10.00 for new.
Laid Dull and steady at Sri.M ) .
Hutter A'eiv dull , nominally unclnncctl :
eieameiy , toiKiUi' ! ( ; dali ) , iNiC'J-ie.
AITIINOO.S : : HoAiuiVlieat \ , fnm and n
shade bettei. Coin , stioiu ; and V belter.
Oats , stead ) nml about unchanpd.
MviM'pool , Dec..N u' Xo demand ;
> o. " vvinterand sptnii ; , 7s l'4d. '
Klour I'oor demand at SsJd. .
Coin Poor demand ; * pol , 4s Sd ; Decent-
bpi , Is 7d ; Jaiiu.ii ) and I'cbiuaiylsr > | .
riToleilo. Die. 2\ \ \ liimcr :
cash , Ul - ( ii c.
Com Stead ) : cash nnd year , ! ) ? c.
u.its Nivlci'lcd : : ii i\
New Orkans. Die. ! i\ CornQiiicl and
weak ; white.Uaric ; mixed , lie ; . .vellovv15i. . ' .
U.its Unchamn'il.
( Joinmc.d UuchaiiL'ed.
I Jog I'loducls ( julet and weak ; pork ,
Si'.7.'i ' : laid , iciined , MlOi > .
Hulk AIi.iissiioiildeis , § 3.03 ; louir clear
and nhsi.oo. .
Kuniax CHv. Dec. SS. Wlioato. . 3
led , cash and Hecemher , Tie nskeil ; . ( anil-
arj , 7t > 1ac ; Kchi mil ) , 7.'lc ; M.i.v , 7s Kd7IV. (
Coin Cash and December , - ' nsUed ;
.JaniMii. iiiifl ( .e ; rchiu.ii.v , ' , , c ; .Match ,
Oats Xo. 9 , cnsli and December , nominal :
.lauuniv. v7c ! bid ; .May , ill iiskul ,
ftliimi'inmiis , Dec. Us. Wheat Quiet ;
Xo. 1 Imiil , lUc ; Deeembei , ' .HUc ) ; , latimiry ,
' . lc ; I'eluu.iiv , ! . ' ( ; Jl-iy. ! (7'f ( ' ; Xo. 1 noith-
cin , Deicinliei.Sic ; Janu.ii ) , Kic ; I'ehiiiaty ,
bdc ; Mnj , UHjC.
Klnur Inncilvu ; patents , Sl.Sjftij.lO , bak-
I'eccliits Four days Wheat , " "l.fiio.
Milimieuts-U heat. 1).V. ) ' ( ) ; Hour. - I"'J.
\Vhi-at \ in stole Mliineapulls , o'J.V. , > .iM , St.
1'aul , . ' , ' ( ) , , ( ) .
Cinciiiiiiiti , Dec 2s. Wheat Heavy ; . 'JUw'.L'c.
Com J'irni ; No. ! 1 mixed , IJ-lOt'Uc.
Oats Good demand ; Xo. 'J mi.\cd , SO'i'Q
30c.Kye Steadv jVo. j . \MW/c. \ .
Unilev ( iiiuil ilumnnd ; lliui ; exliaXo. U
I'oils Ximiinal at ? IO.OO.
J/inl Finn nl > 5.rfrt.OO. ! ) (
\Vhlsky Steady at SI. ill.
aillvvaukou , Dec. U-v-vV ! - film
cash , MHe ; .lauttaiv , M 'ac ; iltiy , IH'sc.
Corn -Dull ; No. U. .Via.
O its Dull ; No.'J , ii"c.
Jive Kasy ; No. l.fisi c.
JS.iiIey hteadj : No. 'J , ( fllfc.
I'lovislons llu'hei ; iiiL'sb iiuik. cash , old.
Sl . ' , ' 0 ; new , t'li.'JJ. _ _
ChloiiKO , Dee. Ub. Thu Dioveis' Juiunal
lepoils :
O.ittle-Keccliits. S.500 : aollvo and KdlGOo
lovvei ; r-liippiuij Mews fc"i. . > iX < * 5.C'j ; stocluin ;
and leedeis , NJ.tjn-4.00 : ; I'OVVN ' hulls and
uiiNcd , M 40t ! . 'i ' ( ) ; bulk , S'J.jOia.'JO ; thiouidi
Texas cattle , . ' 5 \ < tU ' 10.
UOKS Keceipts , n.ouO ; .slronp and hlelicr :
lounh and ini xed , SH.iVnil.7i ; iiaekinc um
.ships. l-'jO./'iVj. / '
bheep Keielptts , n,410 ; shlpmenlsj 1,000 ;
imuKel blinn er : natives , v.tiii" ? ! . ! ) > ; west-
1'in , S" ( @j.50 ; Texans , $1,7 > % OU ; Iambs ,
'ThoDioVois' Journal r.lvoiponl fable 10-
] uts : Tlie cattle nmikeL Is sead ( ) ; best
AnmilcHiis , 1'J . .cdii'sbod.
St. liouis" , Dec , ! is. Ciitlln IJcoelpts-HO ;
hhipmeiits , 1.H ) : Mead ) ami active , choice
hhiiiniiiK , "r'i.OiX < ' ' > - ' > , ' eomiiioii to * ioinl , SI.-5
WI.-M ; Initi'liei siei'is Sii. . ! i"i I.O'J ' : commidi toned
; nod cows. fr."J. < l/rtl ; Ituleis , } ! B 30 ( I.OU ;
lhw > Ifeceipls. n.'OO ; hhiinueiits , : X)0 ) ;
aiiivi ) and ric'.O' Ini.'lici ; | , poor , but
chilli1 ? and lu-st heav ) 5-.MK-n.OO : : ; mixed
iiacMni. ; , ' : U'i'.i.i" ( ; Iishl. f-i.iicri.70. : ) )
[ , ) ! ( , ( , ] ( _ K ( . | dpis , none : .shipments , iinno ;
IceliiiK htioiiK , VMiuhl sell . > : > ( , - higher thau
last vveeK.
uiHt Citv , DIP. > . Cattle Receipts ,
' 'OU ; hhipmiMiliiiine ; shlpp-nij iules dull ,
weak and lovM'i ; L'oud huli'liei Mull lailly
active al iihhaile hlghci inici-s ; espoiteis ,
S-ri.OUfiin.'ri ; enmmnn Jo elinlro hhippiliff ,
M.Wuel.4-i ; slorUeis and livdeis , S'J.t * ( ! : i.7S5
COVVs. ( ) ( ( i.JTl.
JJo's Ci'ccipts , 'J.-100 ; shlpincnts fiOO ;
htronir , acllvo and lOo higher : gmul to cholco ,
irt.(0i.ii.7'i : ( : ) ; common to im'dlum , k'i.KO M.
Sliiiop-ltccelpts I'M ' ; hhlpmeuts , nonu ;
fjuiut : eommiiii lo t'ood , ii.50ii..i.OO ( ; scala-
' each.
.Monday KvunliiK , Dec. 28.
Tin1 maikel lemalns veiy quiet , \ery litllo
heiiiirdime ellher m ho.'s ur cattle.
in.ciirib. :
I'oor to CiOOil tO
DlWCIMI'l'lO.V , .Medium. JCxtu.
l.r-oo 1IS ) and over SM.r.l w SI Btff ) OQ
: i.A' lf/00 Ibs - ' ( 7ftJ ) \ \ ! W'3
i"uor/iv / ; ) Ibi : i M ® ' oo a 75 1 sa
I'T'cdeiw H 10 ' '
j'tLiitin , .
iiiHs'i'exaiis a 7.r. .too
/71 T > oa
Ntitnn Cows. . t > l 75 -
\\Vstei n Oovvs uo-i
linlls I 0"
.Mixed 3 15 a m
Heavy Kinking , II ' , ' 0 : i no
l.iu'ht U'oiiihis. . i ! 10 it ! > 0
bkip-t 'J CO U 75
lions- .
Xo. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr.
n ; .
07. .
u.v.vfii : ol' rinns : roil imni.
'J'lm estuiiiio ianu'0 of pilwilor louu'Ii
UIMiMckiu | ( | , ' ami hhipjiiiu ami IL'ht
ivoU'ht liijt _ lor is bliovvn
iCiif i 1.1 lit
Mlv l.
Monday " 4.1 iVitiaj
i , > i i . , iiu r > i >
il.fiUl | ( ,
Miiuiliiy _ j ! | .w l-ii' ! 1 ' "JJ u
nfnnr.i-T ANI > ioivi.-r. ,
Shovvln , ' Iho hifc'hcsl nml hnvet.1 . juices pnld
HI this in.iil.i'l lei lioa'i > iluiuii ; Ihu past
sveen ( | II > H , and for the corjesiiondinj ; tlmo
Ii > l month :
Wednesday . y.'J-- ( * . * ) .
J'liuisilay . a. 0 { iJJ.10 il. 171 .1. 1 i
N.ito.UI wilui of bto.ik lu this miirkot aio
iiiailo pcrcvvt. Iivu vveU'lu , IIIIKHS otliiuvvlbu
stilled , Dead lnm i > ull lit lu pur Ib , lor all
iH'l.'hts , "fSltiiif , or lie , " WflulHUK 'O's than
ID * , Iiu , no value. . 1'ie n.iiU hovvaaio docUeu
IU lb and Bl.ib'a aO His.
.Monday K vim 1 nut , , J5.
( ; tniral .tin r leu 1 4.
TI..S I'mcti ) liivor lower prices , silu :
ltlntr muk today at