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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1885)
-19. - - O A TT V BEE i-//\ii i , FIFTEENTH YBAK , OMAHA , TUESDAY MORNING , DEOEAD3EII t > 9 , 18S3 NUMBER I OS DAKOTA'S CASEJN CONGRESS Campbell VnnqnhLes Waspy Vest in An- twortollis Senate Attack. SENATOR HARRISON'S VIEV/S. Commissioner Sparks on the I5ljhl Tnuk With Kcfercnceto Ills Op- IIOHCHIS 1'ontnl News 1'or AVcstcni Itcailcra. Compliments to Vest. Doc. ' .M. [ Special Tele- pram , ] The reply of Hugh .1. Campbell , of Ynnkton , Dal. . , to Senator Ve t's niper-dons upon ( lie ( cadets nt tin ; Dakota statehood movement , was printed hero this iiiuriilnn mill created almost a sensation. It Is consid ered a completuand full vindication of Camp bell mid his rondjulois , and is the topic of comment In congiessional circles. Tlio ifply In In the form ul u loiter to .Senator Vest , and deals principally wlih his Insinua tions and direct charges against Campbell's | iilv.iti < mid political H'coid. ' 1'lic local pi ess compliments Campbell oil- Koilidly. TliN evening the Star snjs : "Judge Campbell makes out a strong taie against .Senatois Hutler mid Vest , who claim Hint the recent action of Dakota In Joi ml UK u stale government Is i evolutionary. Accoullng In Judge Campbell , the citizens ol that U'lilloiy am pioccedlng Mtictly within the law mid piceedcnt , nnd ho thinks that nil them Is that is luvolntlonaiy in the situa tion Is thu refusal ot congioss to admit a htato which Is eligible and willing to hu admitted to the Union. " Sen- ntor Hal ilsun said to the Hi.n eoiiospoud- cnt this atternoiin that the letter of Campbell icfiited evciy charge luadu by Senator Vint , nnd proved thu lultijr's Ignornnco ol the Da kota < | iiestlun. llu said the letter was one ol' the best aigumcnls yrl pinduced In lavm of the admission of Dakota , and nncoveied thu hypocrisy and piojndke of the demociatbln thu matter. Scnatoi Wilson of Iowa , who Isoneot the host lawjeis In the senate , Is piuparing a bpeech In favor of the admission of Dakota to .statehood , which , it Is said , Is to he one of the most clUTlivu speeches of his life. Ho will deal with the le'al side of thu iuestion | , and his cIToit Is anticipated with a good deal nl Interest. "The light that I.s being made against the ndmls.slon i f Dakota into statehood is one of Ihu most scliNi and unjust tliat was evei waned aualnst any iteople , " said Senator llar- lison to Ihu Hn : concspundciil to-day. "If Dongiess refuses to admit the people to the lights ot statehood , they will .simply be des potic and tyi.mical. To keep liOO.OOO people III a teiiitoiv Is like banishing them. We otten refer to the days of the Inquisition , and thuoppiesslve laws In Hiidam ) , and Iho ex iling ot the inhabitants ol Hussia , and all that kind of thing ; lint if we ate to refuse tin-so people in Dakota thu common rights of American citizens , \\e do as bad as even did the ty rants of those old commies. They have passed the point of population and tlnlft which entitle them toeomo into statehood , nnd I don't wonder that they aio almost ex- nsperated wlien let'used admission. It would nblbo nutmal If they weio toiuvolt and ic- fnsu to obey thcsu laws ot the United States which aio now thiown ovei them. Tliey liavo pimply that \\lileb isopptussive , and nothing whichiclloves th m and helps them to de velop. Hbecins to look as though the ten I- toiy would bocomu a state by an aet of this congress. If not , liowover , the injustice will he .so flagrant that it is sum to leact upon the patty which ictuses Dalcota admission to the statchcol. " INAIOIZ : VAN WYCK'S womc. Business accumulating dining the illness of his daughtet Uopt Senator Van Wyck at Washington duilne thu leeess. Ho has ob tained appioval of thu land department to the cicntlon of the two new Inml ollices for which ho Introduced bills thu Noithwestern nnd Cheyenne. Mr. Mai tin , a one-legged mldler liuni Nebiuska , in the tieasmy de partment , lost his position twice ; Mr. Van W > ek secured his lelnstatemeiit. II Is bill for theicllct of settlers on the Denver iVSt. Joe lands will bo reported favoiably by the committee on public hinds soon after congress meets. It is thu same bill as passed the senate tw ice , giving gi.50 : per acie. miiim : NUI. ON TIM : IIIIAD. Jnnd Commissioner Sjiaiks thinks ho will not bu exiled. In an Intel view last evening ho said ; "If the president Is not satisfied , with my nianagcinentot thu land olllee , then 1 am much mistaken , [ have not been him for some time , as hu has been busy about other tilings , but 1 know ho is pleased with thu way the ollico is being inn. The state ment that my decisions have been oven tiled us i.ipldly as 1 made them has been manufac tured out of vvholo cloth. The secietaiy of Iho Intuilurhas never uveiiuled a decision made by me , although ho h i.s .sometimes sug gested changes. Complaint : ) against me and my management ot the land ollleu come fiom people \\lio aiu Inlcicstcd In land frauds and jobs. Complaints In the west emanate fiom edltots who am inteiested , nnd fiom hiw- yei.slio ha\o to got along somehow. Wo niutit ImMiu gioat many from them. These stones ate , I believe , the work of peoplu whoso Inteiests havu been allecled by my methods In innnlng the land olllee. , ami I Know that onu of the aitleles in a western joinnal was wiittcn upon otlico paper by u linn ht'io. " mi : inns AND nmiM'.ns. This afteinoon the supervising architect of the tie.isuty opened bids for thu masoiuy nnd lion woik of thcappioaehes to the cus tom hoiisu at Diibmpio , Iowa. The bidders for the inasouiy vvoio : 1'eter Nicks , S12fi50 ; Thos. Oivaiwugh , Sl'J.TOOj ShitUro .t Wagoner - oner , SI'J.Wu ; MvCuity it Coibctt , SV.'S ' ; Vnno Huien , Sd,77l ; X. H. Schilling , $ > ,77.'i. Schilling , who U thu lowest bidder , is a iesl- flent of DiibiKjuo , The award will not bo do- tlared for u few days yet. The Didders for Ihu Iron work \\eiu : The National Who and Iron company , S040 ; Novelty lion wuiks , fMO ! ; Kl. .Mjers Manufacturing company , Jl.llU : Iowa Iron Works company , 1UH ) ; Manloy& Cooper Mannfactuilng company , S5W ; .1. I' , Walton it Co. , Ss.M. The .Manley nnd Ci o.ier company weiodoclaicd thu low est bidder * . They havu ihelr hcadijuattcr.s nl riilludelphla. TAltlKI' OU S1OP. Senator Palmer Is quoted to-day as saying llmt Michigan \vIII stop malting cheap lum ber If the pioposltlon to placu lumber on thu free list Is can led out. llo Kiy them is at jiiefcentno money made in cheap lumber , and It the tariff Is lemoved attention will bo urned only to liner grades. WKM Ull.N 1'OSTAI. 1NKOKSIATIOX , ostwaiters commlwloui weie to-day Is- for the following : M lJls 'tfv , J\mpon ! { , NV.b , T. Selmdtti , Woodburn , NeD. James I * . Meek , Dexter , Iowa. Samuel H. Cannon , Fremont , lima , rtotmabteis haui been npiulnlotl ) to till * the following newly oatublUiiod iiu&tullces ! In loua : Curnelins II. Jns ! ell , Ca-amery , tVuo ( ! < > ) do county. O. f. Anti'iison , limercoll , Dallas county. Cbanges hmu been ouleml In ihu time of state mail louts In Nebraska as follows : Albion to Scotia L xvc Albion Moiuhys Wcdne das and 1'rhlaj * at 7a. m. ; arrlvo at AIMun Ii > < V p.m. 1. ave Si otin Tne < i- dnv < , Thui-dnvs and ; arilvp at Albion bvOp. m. Strohl to 1'mdiimIjavu Strolit Tucidiys andl'rldajs at 0 a. in. ; airiveat Urcvvstcr by ( ! p. m , l.ea\c IliovvUer Mondavs and Thiiisda > s at 7 a. in. ; amvc at Strohl by I p. m. l eive Hrevvitur Wi-duustlavs and f-atuidn.vs at 7 a. m. Anheat Turdum by la m. l eavc Puidum Wtdnesdays and Sat urdays nt 1 p. in. ; niilvo at ltow ) ter by 0 p. in , M'iiHMtvo ron A j.\ : < i > OIIVNT. In connection with lobblng for alll'aplllc lines this winter , n new deal luu been diseoveud for the purpo'o of pccutlng an estenslon of time of the Oiegon & Cali fornia grant. The railway lobby Is hard at work to get thn tlmo of that grant and that of the California A : Oregon extended. The boards ol tado of San Kranclsco and Sacra iiiento have pasvd le olutlons urging con- grcssmon tovotoloran extension. This Is intended ti > turnlsh moral backing. These resolutions have been prciiintcl to congress and will bo probably the only ntturance fiom the state on the subjojt , which will leach that body. This action of tlm board of tiado shakes the resolution of congress.uen. Some of them are In doubt as to the ical wishes of their constituents. It Is thought heio that the next move will bo to have piomlncnt men in each of the coii-jies lonal disti lets of California wntu to coiuiossmon nigingthat tliu interests ol the slate leipdio the inline- diitoconstiuctlon of thu road and thus make them believe that the people want thu load to get that immense amount of land. I'jit-oNAi. AND 01 mn\visn. : The teims ol the. postmasteis at Now Hampton , town , and Nebr.iska City , Neb. , expiiu on Jannarv III , issit. Alon/o 11. Cliuich of Ninth Platlc , Neb. , and Joseph S. InvMoneo ot SloiCity. . Iowa , ha\o been admitted to practice bcloio the intetior derailment. Moio than tvvo-thlidsof all the presidential postmasters have been changoit since the I111 ot Match. Vn.Uoi Allison and Itepie entallve Hep- bin not Iowa will go with the congressional jiaity to monow to ISiMton to attend the ban quet to lie given by the "Hub" nieichants Theio will be. : WI ( guests. They will go by special tiain and letuin on Kiiday. 1111:1.\NI : > r.ri.ns Monirnn. W \ < ! | IX ( . ION. Dec. US | Associated Viess.l Commiisioner Sn.uks , of the land ollire , in \ icol the almost univei-al comment as to his policy , has -constrained lo issiio a nc\v seiies ol icgulatioiis lor icgisteis. ie- ceiveis siiiil speciul agents ot the land oliice , which have just been piomnlgated. They iiio.lii'y in many linpoitanl. p.uticiilais his iccent sweeping oideis. They provide that lioinesteid or precniitlon | claimants , who have ma Ie bona lido bettlements upon ptililie lands iiml who aio living upon , cultivating and impioving the same in accoidance with law , witli the intention of acquiiing title theieto , shall bu jicimlltcd to cut and ic- move lioni thn portion to bu cleaicd lor culti vation , so much timber as is actually ncces- saiy for that jiiirnosuor lor buildings , lences or other imjinivemuntsot' the land - > o enteied. In dealing for cultivation should there bu sniplus tlinbci on the eutrv , the man shall dispose ol such surplus , but It Is not allowa ble to denude thu land ot its timber lor the imi pose of salu or speculation lietoie title has been conveyed to him by patent. TUB MW : MitK sun-TitcAsrnnn. No determination has yet been leached In thu matter ot Idling the pioipectivo vacancv In the New Voik sub-tieasniyollico , that will occur on thu expiiation ot thu Acton commis sion December 111. It was unnoted around thu tieastuy deiiaitmont that Truasnrei Jor dan would go to Now Yoik and can1 for the otlicu until apenuanent appointment could bu made. Thcio aie doubts uxpiessed , hovv- evur , as to Ids authoiity to dlschaigothu du- tiu-.of.siib-treasuiur. at the white house. It is said that no appointment can be made be- loio the icasscmbling ot congress , unit the tieasury depaitmunt Is expected to piovido against any in tci nipt ion at the New York tieasury. inns FOR MAIL cAimviNn. The second assistant postmaster ironcial Is lecelvlng bids for caiiying the mails on steamships and star loiites in the western Mates and teriitoilos. The tiinu tor lucciv- ing bids oxpiies on the second of Januaiy. At thu name time bfds tor miscellaneous unites in all thu states and tenltories , with the exception of Delawaie , Pennsylvania and the New ICngland .states , aio being icceived. Thuteiiitory covered in the. th-t mentioned class of bids comjirises Aikansas , Lonisiaira , Indian teuitory , Texas , Kansas. .Nebraska , Dakota , Wyoming , .Montana , Colorado , New Mexico , Arl/ona , Utah , Idaho , Washington tenitoiy , Oit'tJon , Nevada , Caliloinia and Alaska. Tin : nousi : coMMrnii ; : . Speaker Cailislo Is about halt thiough with his committees. llo has sleletoni/cd the llbt , and has most oC his chaiimaiiships set tled , and is lilting the inumbcis in their places. The committees ho Is having the moatditllculty with about an ; the foieignnf- taiis , labor , coinage , and weights nnd nieas- ui es. The Star says : "It is settled that Mr. island is to hold thu chaltmansldp of the coinage , weights and measures , but thu com position of the committee is giving thu speak- ei much wony. Pressure is being bionght to bear by Mr. Bland and other silver men to have none but advocates of thu silver dollar placed iilion It , wliili ) on the other hand gieat inlluenco is exerted to havu It con- stinclcd in hannony with the administra tion. In this way thu speakci Is subjected tea a cross hie that Is veiy liariasslng. " Thoscciotaiy ot the navy , U is said , will liavu much to say about the composition of the naval committee. Mr. Hewitt , it is con ceded , will hu at thu head , and a nnmhci of otheis whom Whitney lavois will be placed upon It. hKAIICI ! I'OU A LOST WllAI.r.l ! , In lespunsu to urgent tulegiauis fiom Sena tor I'\ur , the seoielar.v of the navy has decided to send a seatch paity alter the missing whaler Amethyst. Telegiams wcio bent to Commander Hooper , ot thu luvcnuu bteamer Uusli. and llealcy , of Ihu Coivvln , at San I'lauclsco , di- icctlng thorn to contei together with a v lew to a selection of onu of these ve t-ols to un- deitaku thu sj.uch. It Is believed onu will bo ready to sail in lour da > a utter the selection i.s made. The Hush Is a new vessel , and the Corwln In good rupalr , and only last .summer ictiiin- ed from a crnlso through thu water.s wbcro It Is supposed thu Amcthvst Is cast away. J'loin advices from San Francisco it is be lieved It will not bo possible to loicua passage - ago tiiither noith than thu Seal Islands , 150 to-JOO miles north of Iho Aleutian Islands. The rellet steamer will put In at Onnlaska lor coal and such stores as aru needed. 1111 : bionv i .Mia i : . It Is said at the whltu house that thcro Is no tiuth in nor any inundation tor thu stuty published by thu Pittsbmg Penny Pioss that a number ot detectives aru coming to W.ish- inctou to look after the pcifmal safety of thu piesldent. Ol'lIHIIONINfl COON'S ACTS , A ouesHon ha * arisen as to the validity of Mr. Conn's acts us acting secielary ol thu tte.'siny for nlnu d.ijs aflei the death ot Secietary Kolgei nndci a former designitlon ot thepicsldent to act dining thu abscncoot the secretaiy , H i stated at the Hixt con troller's olllco that such ai lion might affect Mr. Coon Individually worotho iiiustlon | of salary involvud , yet action to thlul p.ntles coiikl not bo valid , and then-tore his oiliclal nets cannot bu questioned. This decision is held under an act of the tuipmne. com I , and foimerattiuiiejs geiicipl. A ClIAltvlINd rillll TMAS SCKNH. I'outteeii bundled jxior chlldien to-day enJoyed - Joyed the hosiiltallty of that chaimlng oigun- 1/ation Known us thu Chlldien's Chilstinas rltib , of which Miss Mollie Vilas , daughter of thu iKistmaster general , is president , and Miss Nelllu Aithur of the , ilungliter ex-paM- dunt , ot the vh-o picstdenls , mid wnit. . cvciy > ear lurnMies u Chilstmasdlnnei anil K > ' ! -to the children of the poor of this city , Kach uf the MOO childiun was given an excellent dfili.'fr. a box of candy and a Ululstmas caul. The tables vvi'iu waltisl upon by the daughteis of tin ) most prominent cltUcns , and Miss Mollie Vllas and MIsNelllo Aithnr jursonally sui > - t'iintended tha giving out of the presents. The pic.sideiit and Mls.s Clevuland , nnd many othei- well knuvvu iu society , attended the entL-itaitimeiil. | fill AP TTH1lt fVpn\T/MT \n \ CASE Ol < INCOMMu , With a Very Broad Hint of Open Dishonesty of a Recess Appointee. NEW YORK'S NEW APPRAISER , A I'roiniiiciH Ilitslness Man Tiles anil Submits Uviilctico Him ClliH for tlio lte ponsltlc Position , An lin'ompcliMit Appi-nlscr. Ni.W Vniiic D"c. us.S. . D. Pliclps , of thU dt } , well Kninvn In connection with the com- tuciclal inteieslsof thu countiy , has submit ted to President Cleveland u scries of formal charges against George V. 15 lower , appointed by the ptesldcnt to be general appraiser at this pint , who , as u recess appointee , has been lillliii that oliice and whose continua tion no\v le ts with llio senate. The matter is made public in n formal wav to-day. In n lettei to the president iiinlei date ot Decem ber il , tiaiHiultting Ids charges , Phelps among utlu i things sajs : " 1 liave appealed as a witness In favor ot the government in three diffeienl cases be- loiu Mr. Ihowcr within the past few weeks and 1 base my charues upon tacts within my own pcisrmal knowledge. Charges of n similar ehaiactur liom other suuices can and will be fin nlshed you If de- siied , all tending In thu saino diiectlon and showing tlio incomnetency , neglect of duty and po sibh the dislumest- this olllcer. He Is not a lit man for the position which he occupies , as testimony will show. 1 do not maie these dial wslUhtlv , or with dcslio to liijino Hrower. 1 make them because I bo- lievu that lie , as a public olllcer In the servlco ol the k'oveiniuent , Is wholly unlit for the position he occupies. I am will ing that tlio rccoids of his own olllco shall determine the question as to his intelligence , his purfoimatico of dutv and his honesty. Chaiges MmiUr to these which I enclose hutewith I bhall lay befoiu the United States senate and the com- initteu on commerce ot that body , who will have to pass upon the continuation of Iliower for the public position ho now holds. As a piivatu cHi/.eii It is not pet milted mo to know what cases of inipoit- ed mcichatidlso under reajipraiseinenl have come befoioHiower dining ins term ol oliice. 1 am inhumed , lunvevei , that upvvauls of J,0H ) cases ol invoices have been leleitedto him tor action , wheieln IhuappiaNerat New Votk , Jlr. MeMuIlen , acting under the advice - vice oi his assistant appraiseis and examin ers , a Her caret ul bciutiny , liavo advanced the invoices , and in a huge majotity of the general uppralsei lias siHtalned the impoiters and defeated the goveinment of Its just dues. 1 do not piesiinio that jon pi'i-onally can investigate the offi cial conduct of Hiower , hut to whomsoever thu question of his elliciency nnd honesty mav be iclerred , 1 shall bo piepaicd to tin- nisli testimony iroing to show that he Is an olllcci wholly unlit lor the position vvliich ho accepts. " Under the same date , Phclps wii'es ' a long letter to becietary Manning , in which ho complains that Iliower has tailed to give full loreu to tlio views e.xpies ed In the tieasury clicular of July 7 last , coiisideiing the meth ods of ascertaining the value of imported goods , paiticularly the classes ot goods maiiutaefmed abioad , exclusively torexpoit , and which , thuietoie , had noquotablu market value at the point ol mannfacluie. Phelps calls attention specifically to an invoice of lolled or libbon isinglass , impoited bv Schiellloin As Co. fiom llamlmit : , JidyOInsi , which caiuo for reaiilsenient ] ) | ) : , and adds : "It was clearly shown upon this healing that tlieio was no maikel value for .such lolled on libbon Isinglass ascontalned In lids invoice in the country from whencocxported , and appraibor ought to have hcaid the testimony of domestic inanu- tactuiers and otlieis as to the cost or valuu of the mateiials compiising biich meiehandlso at the time and place of manutactnic , to gether with the cost ol mannlactiiiing , prc- l > aiing and putting up such nieichandiso for shipment. Hut General Appialscr Ilrovver insisted that such testimony was not compe tent , and had no relevancy to the case. " Mr. Phelps then says that upon an invoice of isinglass of n similar chaiacter. last July , Mr. Hell , general aupralser ot Philadelphia , acting as general appraiser nt this poit , lixed the value at : U.r > niaiks per nound , as against ' . ' .15 matlcs stated in tlio invoice. In tlio case of Sehlelllcln & , Co. , in which thu Involeo price was thu same , Biower sustained thu iinimitcr , and did not i also the valuation. Appiaiser McMulIcn nnd the meicliant nppialsor fixed the value of tills Invoice at 3.15 marks , nnd upon a dlsagicement imtween the mer chant appraiser nnd ( iencral Appiuiser Ilrovver , thu case was lefened to Collector Hedden , who sustained Hiovver. The wiiter asks that In the future invoices of Isinglass bo appiaised by somu one other than Hiovver. Pholps' chaigesairainst Hiovver , btiippedof their foimality , aiu as lollows : 1 Disregard ot law in accepting as con clusive in cases of teappolntment. testimony in the foi m of invoices and aflldav ts fur nished by the Importers , In contravention ot section "fOi ot the levlsed statutes. In the case of thoSchlellloln invoice of Isinglass , In lefnslng testimony ot domestic nianii- factureis , In contravention of section Oof the act olMaichli ; IbMI. ' . ' Neglect of duty. This Is trrated of nt length under a number of sub-divisions , The chief points aio that Hrovver does not appear at his office moro than four days per week on anaveiage : that on these days his ollico hours havu been from 11 u. m. to 3 p. m. ; that lids shoi tness of houi.s and Iriegumritr of nt- tendaneu has caused Impoiters much tiou- bio nnd loss of valuable tlmo ; that in the case of Schlllleln * Co. . thiough caiolessness or othei wise , somu of the government's most Iiupoitnnt witnesses weru not propeily notified to appear ; that tin ) gcncial nppiaiser has been in the habit oC consolidating laigo numbers ofliollj < ( ! , - similar cases under one heating , passing upon one and then disposing of thu otheis upon thu basis thus established ; that he cio > sly neglects bio coneipondunee , inipoiiaiit ietteis adduced to him In October and November lemaining iinansvvoied nnd the subject matter of thu cone.spondenei' un acted on , ! l Incomnptency , us shown in the ShiPitT- loln case , and in tnucaso of an Impoi ration ol glucose , wheiein : "Said geneial up iiialser was not nblu to coiupieheiid thu mean ing cither ol eoiisularicpoits as to the v.iluu ot i-ucli meichamlKu or to nndcistand the meaning ot the wholesale prices ol such meichandlse in thu inincipal inaiket.s of ( ! ei- many , thu countiy liom whencu uxpoited , " nnd Jinally , "that said irenutal uppial-er is not sullieleiilly familiar with thu oulinary courtuslcs nnd rides goveinlng oiliclal or other coiiPipondcnco between olllcersot the coveinment and business men dealing with his otlico. " In uvldenco of this last averment , Phelps jeteis to the cuirespundenio be tu cen himself and Bower. Water le KANSAS Cirv , Dec. SS.-A laigo number of delegates to thn Missouii Hiver Impiovement convention , which meets to-nionovv moinliiL' at 10 o'clock , have nlieady anlved In the city , and neaily nil thu balance ) will airlvo on nl.'ht tiains. It now seems imssiblo that TOO delegates will bo piesunt. 'Iho piogimnmo Is not lully completed , but will compiiso a gen eral discussion of tlio whole tiatibportatlon question. Tlioir First IJorn. . . , III. , Dec , 38.-Near n resl- dencoheio fiom which John Oler lecently lemoved the remains of a nuwly born Infant weio exhumed last night. Olei nnd Ids wito wcioaiiested , and before the coroner's jiuy to-day confessed they were guilty of strang ling their oilspring on the day of ita blith. November 'M. They weio mairled in Oc tober , for Iho Tray. LONDON , ] ) e. 23. It is stated licro that Hussla nnd Austila aio seeietly nrnilng , and both thusu countik'd lm\u bent onlcis to hnghind lor laigo quaiiHttes- btoics for their lusvectlve m mlcs. Sti token AViili Parnljbls. lHs : Moines , Doc. ! . ' , Friilay evening the wife of ex-Senator llattson , of l.'mmett-.buig , wasstilcken by paialyili of the brain , No ho ) > o of iccoveiy Is euturtaiued. A AND IOAVY. Ttic .Mania ItunntiiR Hani- tiant nt Iteatilce. Hr TntrE , Neb. , Dec.JS. . [ Special Tele- Bram.Jrrs. . ,1. W. lloniowalt of this city died today fiom tlio efTeotsof about eight ounces of morphine administered by herself on last evening. The caiisi * for Mich an act stems to be .inlcnown. She has livid hero IP S than a year , with no family except n nelce about r > years old. Shu hail no ptop- crty , It is supposed , except her household effects , ami already le > ; al steps have been taken by her nnmeious creditors to get hold of what Is left. Her liu'batnl Is reported to be in Denver , but on sending him n telegram to-day he answeiwl that ho was too busy to come at present. Mrs. ItosUewait was H4 years old , and i.s icpoited to have been n morphine cater. Her actioiu at times of late have been peculiar for u sane petson. lii Council , Di : MOINT.S , Iowa , Dec. as. [ Special Tel egram. ) The thlitictli annual meeting of the Statu Teachcrs'sassoclation convened heie to day. Theio is n laige atlendaiico of pioini- ncnt edncatoisuf the Mad1 , us the association includes colleges as well ns public seiiooK The first public exciclses oocuiied lids even ing In Plymouth Congiesatlonal chinch. lion. Fied Lehman , of this ellv , ihMivcied an addiess of welcome , which was re-ponded to by Piof. 11. 1C. IM son , of Iowa college. ( Siln- nell. This was followed by the picsldent's nddiessby lev. ! Dr. Kinir , piesldent of Coa- nell college , Mount Veinon. IJen HUM Ilcen There. On VXD ISI.AVD. Neb. , Drc. 'Js1. [ Special Tolearam. ] lien llogan spoke to an over flowing house last nUlit in thu Piesbjteilan chinch. Tlio meetings weio fully attended last week. lie will Icctine to-nlghton "Ph > s- Ical Cultntci how men ate put in condition for athletic ox-eieUe * . " Tills Is a subject that he is peifictly familiar with , being at one time n leading tiaiucr , and as ho has made it a study for ycais it will no doubt bo very instinctive and inleiesting. Nevvupnjier Under tin ; Hammer lliiATiiiri : , Neb. , Dec , US. [ Special gram.J Thu Itoitiieo Hepublican was closed u ] ) to-day on a chattel muitgage of ? > ' " > , It will probably nut tally. I'lcturos r Christ CoriMiderod LONDON , Dec. 'JS [ Special Telegiam.1 The authoiltles of Austila and Hungary .seem fully detei mined ID punish Vccischa- geis , thu HiiS'Ian aitist , tor painting and ex hibiting his alleged Impious pictiues entitled , "The Kesuncctlon" and "Holy Pamlly. " In tlic-o compositions Chi 1st is depicted as a moially human and hi toiie peison. Theii in tent is to show that ChiNt accomplished his niliaclcs by tiickciy and with siipeihuman power. The pieluies hive been multiplied by photography and are sctitteied bioadcasl tluouglumt the Austria u and Hungaiian capitals. Caidinal Ilavnohl , .ueh bisho ] ) of Colocluaand IHcs , and leading membcis of tliuJIairyar nobility , liavo given notice that they will withdraw their pttionagc fiom any Institution which exhibits Veeischageis' pictiues. Tlieimpeiial government at A'lenna lias taken up thu question and as a test case has onleied the prosecution ot tliu Hii'slan artists' Vienna agent for selling photograph ic copies ot the object loiiuolo plctuics. The English Political Situation. LONDON , Dec. - " . . The Pall Mall ( fa/ette , reviewing the situation , piediels that tao Salisbury government will bo given an ex tension ot power , andsays it Is Impossible the government may malean attempt to .sup press Iieland with hih ! bunded cocicion. The report that Captain O'Shea has been airanging an nndeistandlng between tliu Parnullites mid ( Jladstono Is ridiculed. A paitv rumor was set ciinent a week ago Hiat Capt. O'Shea , being no longer ; \ member of paillauient. would seek some out side polit'eal ' connection. Tlio eabuiet will meuton Thuisday to settle the. piugiammu lor the coming session. The German I'rest * LOKDOV , Dec. i1 * . M.'s iccent speech in liic Kiench chamber ot deputies , dining the debate on the Tonqtiin cicdit , In the com so of which hu took occasion to clmieoM. Keiiy with having sought the aid of Piiuce Hlsmuck In the settlement ot the Kiunco-Chin so difliciillv. has caused no little excitement and in tignation through out tlei many. The Cieiman nevvsiapeis ] .iro fm ions nt M. Clemenccau , and deii'M'ite bis action in unmeasuied terms. Ahirmliu ; HID Turk * . LONDON , Dee. 3 $ . The c/cr Is about to ie- instnti ) Piince Alexnnderof Hnlgaila In his former rank In the Russian army. The pies- enco of Piince Voickotf and other Hiissian olllceis at Sofia makes a close iillianeo between U'l.sla and Hnlirar'a. ' These facls have enured alaim among the friends ol Tin Key. It Is believed the comnact between the czar and Prince Alexander , by which Itus'la recognl/es thn Hulgarlan union , Is n picliidotu n Hussla campaign In the spilugand ( he ilnuldliinum- benncnt of the TmkMi ompltu. The Itrcaoli li in. iv , Dee. ! is All hopes ot a friendly settlement of the qiie.tlonat Issue between the Coil ; Steam Packet company and the Caltlo Dealers' association has been aban doned , The prospectus of an opposition sfeatu packet company , which thu cattle deal- eisat a meeting jeitcidav decided txngaii- i/e , was issued to-day. I'lm Cmk Defensu asioclalion has olTered to furnish laboieis and sca'iien fo thebocftud steamboat eom- J'-inj. ' _ A ( il.ulsfone-P.imcll C'oiiililiiittioii. Dun IN , Dec. - JSTin - livening Mail s.ivs that Captain O'.shea , lioiuu nile inembci of pniliaiueiil , Is airan .ng an entente , b > which Parnell will siippoil ( iladsfonu In his etVoi l to gain control of thu government and In leturn lor this : -civlce ( will Intiodiice , on his accession to power , umeav nru tor homo mle in Iieland. Tim only point in thumrangeiiiriits upon which llieio Isau.v dlKigicement I.s In u-lation tothocon- tiol ol thu police in Ireland. Pi'oriuillynarj leufureH ICehiiineil , Di in IN , Dec.Thn Irish Times pub lishes u dispatch liom Ijtliiilnii to-daj , stat ing that the police have been ouleud toiu- sumo the piecanllonary nirasines adopted dmlng the d > naiuito fccuie junlei Ihu Jlheial goveinmenl , owing to Iho excitement among the nationalists aiihlntr out ot the alleged homoiulo manltestoot Mr. liludaloiie , AH Irinh rjcugun ul' l/uyalisj. ( DUIII.IN , Dee. > . Tlm Loyal Patilolic union will hold a meftlng.lii : Dublin on Jan tiaiy 8 , nnd another meeting In London at a later date , for the purpnu ol funning a league which shall bu .slmllai in thu details of Us organi/ation totlmJiMi National le.gue , and have branches IhioiiL'hout the kingdom. John UrlglK AVill Iti isti. LONDON , Dec. ' . ' ' . It N inmoied this even ing that on Ihu assembling of patllamcnt , John HiL'ht , member elect fur Hiimlnghiiin ccntui ! division , will resign , liecau-o ho is oppose tu tli advanced vlew. > of the radicals. fur Iliinii ; LONDON , Die. H-'Sm goveinm.N ! ) t . paring an Imjiottant srhemo of local < > v ern- mem lor the whole ItjuVdom. AVeathor rmTo Day. MI SOI-KI V L.I\- | : I oca ! tains f. H bv clem Ing and s.igltl . > colder wiMt'm ' riablu winds , jjenerallv fihJftuii' tu CAUSE Or REILIii ' S REJLC1ION Neither His Wife's Esligions Faith or Their Mirrin ( < jo bj Oivil Contract , EX-MINISTER FRANCIS' OPINION. The i\clmhe Ciroles of Aristocratic Vlcnitn KfTeut ol' a Termination or Diplomatic Itclatlons Italy Did Not Intervene. Atistrlu'h Itejectlon of Mr. ICcliey. Niw ; YOIIKDnc. . ' 'A The I'libuuo e ter day Indnn Interesting Inteivlew with Hon. John M. 1'i.uicis , late Unlled State * minister nt the court of Vienna , InMhldi A. M. Kelley was appointed as hiiece or bj Piesldcnl Clevelaml , who is now al tlie Imuse of , L C. ilavemevcr , at Yonkeis. Mi. rmnels with drew fiom the mission August : J , since which time , owmutn Iho of the Austrian government to leceivo Mr. Kcllev , the duties of thu olllee have been pjiloiiued b > .lame- . I'enuei Lee , secietaiy of legation mid chrugo d'a ll'a ires nil Intciliu. "Did > ou utiilei stand the AtHtilaii go vein- menl to base its obiection tu loceiving .Mr. ICeile.v cither on the fact that Ids wlfewasa Jew ess or on the fact < hal luelr man hi in1 was only a civil eontiact ? " asked the repoiter. " 1 did mil , " leplledMr. . Piancls emiihat- Ically. "Neilhei ol lliu e coiisideiations weio looked upon by Ausfiln olllclall } as giounds lei the iclectlon. mid It was never lor a moment Intended dial this goveinment should be so advised. I liadlonireonveisatiotis with Count Kalnoky on Hie suliject nl the time Hie dilltcullv anise , and while he point ed out tliatn Jewess or even a lady of pioxi- male .Semitic onuin could have no social status In Vienna , lie never once hinted to mo otlicially that that would in nnv way in- Iliienco the judgment ol the Viistilan'KOV - eniment , I know Hi it lleluews me not le- eelved In the aiistoctatie society ot Auslila , or at least of Hie capital ; > et I am sure the government takes no notice ol this fact olll- ciallyvlule It is quilu poweiless to alter it even If it so desired. I am avvani aNo that civil mani.uie is not nvognUcd in Aiftil.i. They have civil maiilages tlieie , it is ( me , though these leqiihe to be scaled l j the solemnity ot an ecclesi astical eeieiuon > bi'loie they are looked upon as valid ; jet even this t.ict would not exclude the only aceieditcd icpicsonlativo ol a loieign lounliy ot which he , In othei re spects. is n pcr-uiiator. 1 think , foi Instance. If a llebicw had been appointed Instead of Jlr. Keilev , he woii'd ' have been icceived and iecognl7cd in his ollleial capacity. His posi tion would ceilainly hen veiy uncomfortable on o In n social sense , under the pievailing tlsagesof Vlentiesi ) Micietj. lint aslar.ishis official lel.itions , ue cancel tied 1 don't tldnk lie would suiier. " "How far docs the prejudice against the Hebiews extend'.1'1 ' Itonlv alii els their social ichtlnns. S line of Hie largest business mm In Vienna , as is well known , aie Ji w < . While they mix w ith Clnistians hi their ulfaiis. they nave a dis tinct society of theli own. Union Itotli-child. 1 may tell jou , appeals jiist ouco a year at couit at a state ball sa > - > but a slimt time , and then pees avvav , while his wife never appeals Hieie at all. The baton's son is sometimes Invited to a pnvate dinner by n minster or an amba-sador. but never to a diploimitie banquet , hide d. however emi nent a lie-blew may lie , 01 however com manding Ins abllit.v , tlio doois of tlio exclu sive eli -los ot Catholic Vienna are perma nently closed astahist him , " "Does such n piejudleu exist w ith icjjaid to any other i.iceV" "I am acquainted with a diplomat at Vienna , thu icpiest ntatlvu of an ea.itorn uov- erincnt , who received an uiiental Itnining and is wedded to oriental custom * * . That illnlomnt goev everywhere and is popu'ar. ' His wile , on the continiv. icceivcs no social ieco nltion whatever. Of course jou will nndcrstaiid I am not delundlng the custom , but oulv statins : It. " "What led lo tliecunent bellct that Mis. ICcilcy's origin was the ic.uon of iici hus band's objection'.1" "Siml5 ] an unfortunate mlMaUo on the p.utot Uaron Schaeller , the Austrian icpre- si'iitativoat Wasliliigtoi ) . Count Kalnoky tolegraiihcd to him In his reply to his an nouncement ot the appointment of .Mr. Keilcy that his government would like to have an opportunity ol considering the ap pointment botoie finally consenting to It , as is the custom in such di > es , and coiiiidcn- lially hinted at Hie known fact of Mrs. Keiley being u Jewess. Haion Schaeffei's action In giving publicity to his confidential com mnnicat Ion was gratuitous on hispaii and certainly ill advitcd. It wasonly imtuial lor Mr. Hajaid to piotest under the ciicinn- stances , and of coinse hu did only what any Ameiican would be likely to t do in his place. II , as Count Kalnoky icmaiKed to me , Haron Setiuoller had simply diiecled thu attention of Mr. Havaid In a Incndly way to the fact that .Mr. Kellej's nomination was a smprise , and that theiu weie some icasoiis why time should be allowed thu Austrian government to decide on their action In thu picmlses , and this Count Kalnoky assuicd me Is what he had In mind when ho sent the dispatch , no publication would have been made of the fact , mid Mr. Keili'v's maiital le- l.itionsoiikl not have been madeasubli ciof discussion and all this tumble would havu been avoided. J n Kurnpc diplomatic usage ru- quiron that a toielgn country shall buconsiiltcd as to its willingness to receive a proposed minister befoie he Is hunt , mid tliu concs- pomlenco which passes on thu qnc-tlon Is al ways icgardcd asediilldenthil In the inteiests of International amity ns lellecting the Indi vidual concerned , in Ameiica n dilleient custom obtains , vet 1 may lemlnd you ol the cast * nt Cataca/.j' , who was iccalled by the Iiiissian goveinment Inrni Washington at thu leiiuestot out state depaitnient on account of Ills being coiicei ned In the publication ot some political aiticles uiTciisivo to this gov einment In a New Yolk paper. " "Is theieany tiulhln thu i eject Ion vvas due lo thu inteivention ol JtalvV" "Not u shadow. " Count Kalnoky says disliiicti ) thu Italian ambassador never al luded to the subjei t In couveisutioii w illi him , and Mr. S/agjenjl the Italian g.iveiiiiiicnl nuvei Inlcileied in any way \\h.ite\ei , Hotli nt them , however , ill giving le.l-ons lei the leieclioii , i-p ike ol thu 'want ol political tirl' All. Keilev nail ni'inltestedby hK speeches. It was plainly thought tinail- visiblu to have nil Impiudcnl person as the Ameiican lejiresi'iilative. Thi ) Austihin ] piess , which Is almost wholl ) undeilliedl- iccllon ol Hebiij.vs , weie unanimously op- l > i-ed lo Iho aceoptanceof Mr. Kelley , exact ly an weie manv ril your own n.t.vspapci whielihad suppoitei ] Mr. Cleveland 101 the jiiB'ildeney , " "Did Iho Anstilan government oeem to have uny feeling of unfileiidliness towanl tlicl'nllcdMatesy" "No , I was alwa.vsicnilnded In in > Inter views with the \iMilun luieign oflhe of Iho lad ol the tliemlly lelat.ons < < x otlng bu- tvveen HID Iwucoiinliles. and that it was the blncoiu de-.ii e of thu AII-.III , HI ijivcniiiicnt lo maintain Ihe-e lelalioiis without inlcnup- tion in mlsiindeistanding. " "What Inn m could lesnlt II diplomatic in- lat ions should bo broken oil between the two countilesV" "A suspension of dlplomatle lelalioiis operate injuiloiisly to out inteit * ts in t'vls ' , thai the Austiiati goveinment would hu veiy likely to give the usual twelve months' no- tlooot thutermlnallon of thu ticaty. That tioatv nlloidb llioonly ical sccntlty wo luuo lor HID niotectiou ol AuBtio-AmoUcmi ciil- zensV" "Who would bo luicra by an ainogalloii of thetrealj' " "Wo hhwld.JAn-tiIa inltht , fbst i.t all , assume , as deimanj Is assuming , thu doc- tilne , 'oncea Mibjui't ( ilvvas a .subjecl , ' and theieforoon this letuinof an Atislio-Anicil- can elllen to 1. 1 lie would ho aiieslid mid Iniiie8scd | Into theaimy. Tl'cn. b > ills- eriiiilnatlon a.'aiust onrpioducfluiih.iil uhlcji enormous quantities ant nsid In Austria , thej could bu ill hen out ol Ihu luaiUel , anil wo aiead | > Miller from Hiisslan eomx | > tlllon , \\oaiiihiiiiiiljiiigAii3liia with a good deal ot machlnei > and sewing ma- < bines and heavy duties miglic IMJ Imposed upon them , amounting absolutely to piuhibl- t ! " " . . " "Wnuid itbe an eaij thlnif for the States to get another ti wyr' ' "With the condition ol things piov.iked by the Kcl'ey ' eiilsodu it vvadd bo i xtn melv illf- culi Thi * ) i-yiid'tloii ' is u it 'ikelj ' tu cv.vto until we have another minister to Vienna. and Hie fact ( hit the mission is lull listed slmplv to achaigo d'affaiis is looked upon there as an Indication of unpleasant feeling , especially MIICC the introduction of Mt. Vest's resolution into the senate arraigning Aiistiiafor Its adeged Intoleianco beeau e , as it Is ineonectly assumed , Mr. Keilev was t ejected on aeeoui't of his wiles being n Jewess. 1 think the appointment ( it n minister , a prudent man. and one who would take his position upon the basis of en- llie tlleudlluesi. won Idle id Austiia to leclp- ror.itoat once In afipointing a minister to \Va hlngton , Indeed , b.v an nndci standing between the two govetnuients. each might appoint olio at tuc same time , and then tilings would co on mo.itlilv aCTin. " Mi. Trancls will stay in the city fora shoil time , and then go to I'luiid.i winter. A in VK iNTTH * : nircii. Wreck ofii I'asHenser Train on the New Iliiven Uond. Niw : YoitK. Dee. as. [ Special Telegiam , ] A most peculiar i.illioad accident , accom panied by n lemaiKably small list of casual- tle . occulted yestetd.iv loienoon about six teen mile * liom New Voik on theN'evv Yoik , New Haven > V llaitfoid load at Pelhamville. Tue engine , tender and m ill ear of the Ow 1 e.xpiess weie thiown down mi embankment sevenlj-live feet high. Kucene Ulake , liie- maii , was killed ; lillev Phillips , eiiirlneer , mliaculously escaped wltlislhzht Injuiies ; six mail cleiks weio hull , tluee sethutslvhllo ninety passenucis weie mme or less luiiNed. Itiinnlng along ( lie ti.u-k near Pelhamville Is n plattorm lx feel wide and 10 licet long. It vvas made ol hcav > oiUen boaids laid cioss- wise on stiinueis. winch on thu outsldu lest- LI | oul ocust posts , diiven In thu bank. It seems not to have occulted to the huildeis of this plat foi m that Iho wind would over bo siilllrleiitly strong to lift a heavy weight like n platloim , and they did not fasten thu stilngeis to the posts. To this oveisighl Is duo the acci dent. About tlnee seconds boloietho owl train icachcd thu spot a teiiliic wind from the noitliwest lifted onu bundled feet of thu plattonu liom thu locust posts , turned It com- plctulv upside down and deposited It in the middle ol ( lie liack in thu path of the ti.iln , which vvas thitudeiing down grade at Hie late ot foity miles mi bom. The engine kuoekcd the plaltoim Into a million pieces. The tiaeks lor "M feet aftei the passage of ( hu train looked as if a shower of toothpicks and Kindling wood had lallen. Tin' Cot ce of ( lie s'locic ' Hung oil' the uaek Hie entile tialn , consisting of mail , bagiaie , smoker , one pas- seugei cuacb , boudoir car and two Pullman sleepcif. They went whnliiu'iilong theedge ot the bank , plowing up the dut tor lUOyanls below the station. When at the steepest and hUhcsl pait ot the embankment the engine twisted Itsclt at ii-hL aiules and plunged down the bank , turning over and over until It Jayou Itsbtek near the bottiim. The ten der Inoke loose from the engine and went down Hie lull , jumping over the top of thu engine and slopping in the ditch. bioke loose liom the lender nnd flying | it > t It lodged lenirihwise on the/ bank and tinned over on its side. The other eais bi ought up without going after the en- Bine and tender , lliougli they camu nciilously neai doing so. Nothing but a stout coupling pievented two Pullman sleepeis liom going down tlio hank. As it was they bulled their ti neks In the side bank and toppled ovei the edge Ij Ing pai tly on their sides. The en gineer vvas found lying fust under his engine with hfsTOol against the hie box. His shou was burning : ihil vliTs"6vcr.Tll3 'vter6von lire. The water boj thu dazed and help less engineer down Iho lomalnder of the bank and lolled him in thu ditch , thus put ting out the bla/.ing clothing and saving Phil lip's llto. The lireman was found banging out of the cab with both legs pinioned , llu died In twenty minutes. Tluco of the inai cleiks weie jammed down under a heavy iron Lonnd table and sciioitslv hint. AMICLIA-'S ( ; OMiPKESSES ; A nolnibt Woinuii Driven Cri/y by llnlr Dye. Nisw Tonic , Dec. * : s. ( Special Telegram,1 Amelia .Sheeh.iu is a tall , \\ell-loiincd , musculai woman , and a few jcaisago her pieposessing laeo was frequently been on llailem livei as she sit in a shell and diove it through thu water with u speed that made many jilucUy onsiueii dicad to lollow her. falm led a fleet ot HIWUIS in a number of iv- gattas that weie goltcn up for women only and an uptight utano , su\eialgod ! vviilelies and a numb-iol medals , weie the pibcs bioil1hi to her by her skill. Hut her pMe was In her line aiibuin hail , not in her ftliength. I'm soniulimo she has been keeper ol the alcoholic waul at llcllovuc hospital and tendered excellent seivicu in hut department. Shu was .iblu to managu the \\oinen in her charge , who wcio hra/ed by rum , by hei wise mid imposing piescnco and ne\ei tei-oitcd to violence. Somu months ago she began ( being hei hair mid finally bleached it to a uohlen shmic. Tin * chance added tu her pei onal atlKicliveness. Soon , however , sliu began lo complain ol a terrlblu headache after < omhlng her hair in tlminom- Ing and during thu da ) she would frequent ly hold hei head lightlj between her hands , ] "ieqnenll > ol lalushe has iiislslcd that innn have tiled to cut oil her hah. Satuiday she got a | ifiiiiit In visit friends in this city. On hei vvav out of tlm hospital unmiids shu tlnevv up her hands .mil ran back a tew paces , look ing , wildly ovui hcrshonldei at the gate. An oldcrl ) to hei nnd shu told him Hieie was a man outside waiting witn a bag and Knife , not only to cut nil her hall , but her head. The suspicions that had been moused by hei actions weio con tinued when she was taken luck to thu olllco uml questioned by Dr. iVild.nan , who has chaigeol the Insane pavlllioii , blto talked in a rambling in.inner about b'jing peiscented and chased by women willi long liaii mid a uiowd of men , who weiu lollowlnir her all the tlmu with bo > s to Mil hei niidcitry hei ! ivva > . .She was sent to the pavillion , and It is doubtful whether she can bucuied , Hho has a biother in thu same institution , whose mind Is allccted , mid It Is holluvud antimony n thu wash Hi it she nsud on her hair devel oped her heiedilaiy tendency lo insanity , and weakened her stioiig constitu tion and iippaiently well-balanced mind. iN'jtmii ; > INXOCKXCJS. It Finds lliillurui tlio UNI ; of a Can of \ iliiol , Dt'iifiji'i : , Dee. U.A seiif-allonal eae ol vililol thiowliiLroie.i.ircd heiu tonight. A fiw leimliiuti'i liefoie 10 o'clock J'l.inlv Woods , an engineei on Hie Illinois Cential lailway , was walking to thu yaids fur thu purpose ot taking ; . ' " ! a freight tiain. At the lower end of Main stieel two women stepped out of , i d.nk leiess. and onu tluuw a can ol vitilol nti'iii him. It suiiel , Woods in thu face , and it is teatert UKMght ol both cjes will ho eiitiiely lost. I Us cr' ' ' ' . > biought us- hlstmue. The woman e.scaicd | In t.M ! ilmk. Ho was taken to his ie.sidcn < : * > when ) he Is now siiffeilng tcillblo auonv. I'lii ) women have not vel been anexti-d. It Is iieiieved one ut them Is Kali ) Welsh , who a hhort time since sued Woods tor hastanlv. rim suit is still iimidlng. .Sin.iu It was In stituted Woods has inin led another voiiug lady. A Teriihlo I'liitlshinont. Mdini.i. , Ala. , Dee. 'iV At ( , Clmk eount.v , Ala. , it-sleiday , Ale.xandei Hi Id , a lu-jjio , who hiutall > iiiindciid M ss t'uine Hayer at that place on thu 1Mb. w.i- , chained toatieu nt tliohixit vvheiu thi > < iiuu > was lonimiitcd and slowi * . bmned to ieuh bj A cruv.d vl ludlyn.iu ! whites and buuvi RAISED HIM WITH HIS lUC The Typiwl American Oily Turns Out M.isso at n Glove Contest. JACK BURKE VS MIKE CLEARY , Wherolu the "IrNh l/ncl" Knooks th Now York Pugilist Scnselesn us a IMK In the 'Ihlril ISoiinil HIM KlKht At m Hlinv. A Penstortlie Plstlo. Cittr\iO , Doc. is.1'iobably the most ex citing glove conte-it iver vvitnossOd In ( Mil eagoocciined here to nUlit , In which Jack Itiitke , of Chicago , In tluee lound.s knocked out .Mike Cleat.v , of New Yolk. As early aj 7 : . ! 0 o'clock to-night the almoshcio of Hatteiy D , exhaled bj iulljl.tKO pulls of lnns , teeked witli suppitseil excitiuicnt and smoke. Halt an hum latet a belated le- piuter lo-l halt an bom lliihtlng his \\.ij- \ thiiitiili thecolideii < ed mob thnt inckeil the buildliii ; lo Its uliiio t. and inn over a bundle I 01 two into the sltect. A nuuo ttian usmlous peivi-nia u ol Ihu eiowd vvmt enthusiastic mlmlteis of Jack HtiiUe , the "lii-h I , id , " mid thev weie awaiting with Imied bicath the moment when he should knock out the New Voik celebilt.v , Mike. Chai.v. "Paison" ' Davles , simioth shaven , whl to cheekeicd , mine than usually clei'nal in cue ol his Jib , well became the olllce of manager of the enlcii.ilmucnt. Pat hheedy , Dillld. nonehahiut , did the mistoi-iatiu leuluie of tlieoiiMsiuii , and iliieK Demii-y , atliaelid all the wav from Newoik , Pat Ml- Ic.i , rroin Cliandlei and oilier dig nitaries , beamed uniuistakiihhi nppioba- tion. 'I'lie pioti.nuuie said "Manpds oC IJiieeuslimv tiiii" * , small soft gloves , six rounds. " Though Hlll > Lain man , master of ceteiii'inles , said thu s.uall ny ot the pro- giauime would be gollen out of the way In shoil oidei , it nearly 10 o'clock. vvh' > n ihu lions ol tbo evening madei their tippcaiaitcc. In Hie pielimlnaiiex Hoiton vvas ciedltably iciiresentcit bj Plot. Turn Chandler , who .spaned for loundstor points with Paddy Canoll , of ( 'Imago , in which neither cot any. "Jack iJuiUe mid Mile Cleaty. " When Iho eiowd had cheeied itsclt at this an nouncement the master ot eeiemonles said \Vllliam Hiadtunn , of thu stock yanls , hart been .igieed upon as icleiee. MOID chceis. Piesenll.v theielebnties nppeaied .simnllaii- eouslj , a'nd ev el - . one not ui > , v elled and NVV uujj his hat. Pud. Tom Ch.indlei , ot lloston , and Captain Dalton , ( d Chicago , appealed tin seconds to ( le.uj , while Tom Chandler , ot Chicago and Jack I'loto peilonned thesamu seivue tin Hiuke. Tlme-keepeis , Chailio P.enediet and Tom Cnil.v. Hoth men weiu In piime condition , Huiku tipping thu .scale at lu'i pounds , and Cloaiy about the same. At exactly iu o'clock thu men Iiiccd each other , span'edan instant lot nn opening , and a moment later Clo.iii went to giass Horn a teniiic b.icU-liandci liom limko s lelf , which sliuck him sqitaie in Hie ojo and hi ought blond. The nmnd finished witli t-onie lucf- Icctuit attempts on's p.ut to jel In a light on P.iuko's taie. J'lieccond lound panned out lathei favor- ablv lorCleary , who tot in astinging counter with his lelt on liuiki's cheek. Ho tapped hiniKentlv twice mine , and the loniid wai closed with suiuu cautious sp.uiint' on both sales. When the men stood up for Iho thlul round Hint's pink and glowing skin showed in sliango contiast tothe almost m.ublo whiteness ot Cli-aiy'a linn fuco and ph.vsiijne. Hinko's whole aspect was eloquent ol vigor and con fidence , yet Cloaiy , palo mid supple , looked well his match , flatly In this oxcJtiiic-hinit- ( got what jiroved to have been the blow that decided Ihu content , , , New Voikerloiced the fighting ut lirat , but Hmke soon ciowded on him impetuously , loiced him into bis loiuei , hit him two tattling blows In thu lace with his left , then pan vine Cleat y' light with bis own light glove , stiuck thuNevv Voikera heavy blow on the neck. Clcaiy staggered and seemed dazed lorn moment , then iccovoied liimselC with an etroit , and toiced Hinko de.speiatoly to the opposite side ol the ling. Itcould ha seen Hie New Voiker was Ineathlng heavily , and shook slightly with suppiessed excite ment , -while Hurkc , pet I ectly cool and col lected , watched calmly lor his chance. It came. Quick as flash his right aim shot out. and Cleary fell Ilku a log. This blow caught him faiily just under and behind the lull ear. and Iv necked him "My , (5od , he's killed him 1" some one mntteied. The huge audience was peilcctly silent. 15m ko .stepped up to his fallen adveisau1 , and when , alter lie tailed to move fora few scionds , b if laj stietehcd at lull length on his hack , Ihctendel he.uled liisliman .stooj ) id ovei and shook him gently , hit ) luce ox- hibitlng genuine alaim. A liltlu later Cleaiv's piosliate foim sliowcd signs ol life , and the eiowd lose with wild dies ot "Hinlvi'I Huikc ! " It seeinid as thoiu.b thn platloim would bu tinn in pieces when tlm champion climbed over thu ropes and walked jauntily to his dieslng loom , evciy whit as steady as when hu camu out. Cle.n v'.s seconds picked him up and helped him to Ids diosslng loom , wheio ho vva.s ic- \ivcilinnlewmiiiiites. .Since Huiku went lo Caliloinia , alter his .set-to with .Sullivan , ho has cultivated thu ollenslvo usu ol bis light hand , which Is believed by many lo bo tliesecict ol his lemmkablu success lo-nlght. JUliaAKINO JO l' AFUKSJI. The IMcxiuun Uovolt . > ( ' a Month Ago Ilelntf Ko vi veil. . Sr. Loins , Dec. 23. The lollowlng IB lui- nlslied by the Hiuvvnsvllle , Texas , conos- pendent of the ( ilobe-Deiiiocint : Under to day's date advlees tumi Home , Texas , slate that a loico vaiioiisly estimated nl from 100 10 IM mi n are congiegalcd at Juan Mahlcn- ado's i.incli. loin miles from Home , arming and picpanng fora laid on Miei. Mexico , which Is about seven milus Distant lioi.i . the innch. They me iiaitisans of onu ol. thu defeated candidates lor mayor In thuie- cent election at Wiei , and on taitdng a rlol \\eicdiivenoillby tliu ( loops. The ilotcis ictieated acioss HID HIo ( iiaiidu and tiled on the troops liom thu American bank. 11 isiiot known whuther Iho United .Slates unllioniics havu taken any htcps lo bieaK up the expedition , Anutlii i eoricsondent. ) ) wilting from New Kai.'do , Mi'x. , savs : ( leu. ( iomecoin - maiidci In chief of' this dlvlhion ol Ihu Me.x- iian .limy , anived liuiu List night mid this morning Issued an older commanding tlm lonrth battalion ol cavaliy tu stmtutunio for Miei. Although the icason lor this move nient Is not nndeistood , It la thought that tioojis have been onluicil thciu to pieseivo peacu at thu tlmu ol Inmiguiatiun of thu nuu ly elect ed ollicials , , 1. A Millleicnt number ol tioops havu been ictalned to jieilonn hiin- . tim duty huic , althoiis'h theiolBiio pmhablN it > ot any tionble , though hojies mo cnlui- tained by thu ( ion/ales faction that the eley. tion will bu annulled by thugovernmenl. A sp'-clal dlspati li to the dlobu-Deiiiociat from Ntltlllo , Mex , .injs : PreiMialiMin mg now Komg un in this slate ( Coahulla ) for the gnhcnmloiial election which is to t.iku place next ruhuaiy. The cmididiileij am HID KIIIIU as were lieloiu the jK-upIo l.isl Nuvembir , ij. ( i.n/a ( ialon and liainos Taleon , at vvhicli time the je-iilt was .set asldu by the government. Thesecond h.ittall"ii ul tumps , ! KjiJ Miong , has been uideicd to Piedias Negras , the ox. tuiiiie noilhuin buiinilaiv of tlio slain , lo piu- M'lvc outer , and , It is supposed , Iho nieduiu of thu ballot box. All thi ) towns of the htulo ot any Impoilaiifq me being gmii.soned with Hoops , Notwithstanding nil thepuraiitions , uj.ln * ions aie iiKpiessed bi pioiiiineiu polilleians ; Hi , il all will cuiiie to inuuht , and that Ihu i7y''Uiv ' giivemor will bu iclaimd. Si. Lot Is , Die. 'i\ The l I'm ' \ \ abash case , looking lo a mial diicieo ol ) loiei'lusiue and sal. * , will bu picbcnlcd in Iliq I'mled .Stalin ciieuit cotnt next Monday , The iniisii r icjioi Is uutstiinding ccitUti a lea ofi tlm uncivil * mid Inluiiuit. amounting tu tl."llUI. and tloaiuu md btediiessamount Ing to M M > . ( so. THU giuss amount 01 nn- ih i mm d i tain 11 tics in placed at S1iUlwO , . Inn it uxpecled tlial tliii .inioiiiil will 1x3 1C- dm d""i'i' ' ' cint. Tlii h uu will 1'ubablv luiu / v > .ilytn Mait-b. ti rani od