Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 28, 1885, Page 7, Image 7
19. THE OAT AHA DAFLV JflE , MONDAY , DBOJSMBEK 2S , 1885. Absolutely Frco from Opiates , Emetics nnd Poison. SAFE. SURE. ' PROMPT. JIT rmt'coisTS AND cr.ALEru. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO. , BALTIMORE , MD. , Solo I'mprlHor * . SWIFT'S SPECIFIC Is iiiiliiio'c own ri'inrdy , mmlo from roots fTiitliuroil tioin ictroMAof llc-nivlii. Tlio ubovo fill r < iui > M > nta lliu inuthocl of KH niniiurnctilro tvwity yonisiiifo. Tlicclcninnil hnsliccn crnd- itiilly ( nuieiiMiw until u $ lliUU ) lulirntory N o\v iiLcofHiirv to Minply llio tnnlo. Tills grant Vcn- utuhlo lllooil I'lirlllur tMirc't cimeer , nilnrrli , Kimhiln , eozonin , iilivr , rlicuiniitlom anil blood t4ilnt , liuri-illmry urntlirrnfeo , without the use or mtiHMii'3' or iiotiiMi. THK SWIFT SIT.niMC CO. , N. Y. 157 W. ZM bt , DninurU , Allimtn , On. I hot * Ar ° ltl 6rernefl/f' ' rlM boTttl' * * * tbrlti 1 thOtlMllillOr CKBADt tU4 * 0 ( it UlJIll BH J Of lOtltf taO'llnc have ttan cur ia. Iml fd. ostmnclnmyfAUb InU nicrj.liir.t 1 wt 1 ion > i1 u'o ituTIl.K'i flizn tORtthtrwith VA'1'AnMiTRrillSSotitlitdiCMi ! toivaj mOrer. ( ik * ftnrpRi until' O n < Mr ft * . zm.T. ' - ' i T-1 TCTT vaarrr , James Mc&llnsU hCliarlcrcdbythcStatcofllll- Vnoia for theexpresa purpose f of cWinclmmediatc rellclln ! \ nil chronic , utinary and private - vate diseases. Gonorrhcea , TGIeet andSyphilla In all their complicated forms , also all diseases of the Skin and I3lood promptly relieve JnnJ pcrmanentlycurcd by rcme- . diestestedlnn/'or//lVrtr.i _ . _ iH ) > rtiali'rHrtlrf * Seminal Wc-jiinesa ht Losses by Dreams , i'imples on the 1'ace , Lost Manhood , titisllUitHritrftl.'J'lirre ill no r-r TdiK jilliii/ . The npproprlntr remedy is at once used In each case. Consultations , per- ot by letter , Biicrcdly confidential. Med icines sent by Mall and Express. No marks on package to Indicate contents or tender. Addrenc OR. MMES.No. 204Wasiinglon ! St.ChcarjOlll. ! Or I In1 I.liiii > ituliil , I'osiiitt'ly C'urcil liy Adiiiliilstt'riii Dr. Ilulllt ! * ' ColllCU Spl'l'illl' . It can lie given Inn cup of conVo or lea without Inn knowledge of HIK ppr on tnUliigU. Imilisnlutcly linrmlesi , und will olivet n piTnmiipnt and petdy cure , wliuthvr tin ; patient Inn tnudciutu diinki'r or nn nlculiullc urrrl ; . It lins lirrn given In tliou- Biiliib of cases , and In every Instance a iitrfret euro lias followed. II iii-vei' fnlN. Tin ; nyhliMii one ? linpri'tcnalfd u Itli thf Kpocllli * , it heroines nn uttef Impossibility fur tlio luiuorjippellto to exist. KOHHAL13 UY KOI.LOWIKn DIU'OniSTS : KI'IIN iV CO. . ( 'or. 15ili unit DoiiKlii" , nnd ISlh iV ( 'iiinlne SIOiiiahii , Neb. " A. I ) . l-O.STiit : A : llliU. . Co ii lie 11 ItlnflV , lowrt. Cnllorwrlln fnr painphlet cootunilm ? hundreds of toMIinonlals from tin * best uuincn nnd int'ii from ull paruiof thu country. IS CONDUCTED 11V Royal Havana Lottery ( AnoviiiNMi.ST : : I.NPTITI'TION ) Drawn Havana Cuba 2-16-30 1886 at , , Jamnry - - , ( A ( lOVIin.N.MIJ.VT INSTITUTION ) Tii'licts In nniisVliolcs ; f5 ; I'ruL'tlons pro nil u. Subject to no manipulation , not controlled liy the purtlrs In Internal. HH llio fnirost ( lillifc-In tlio iintiiro of L'hiinci ) in O\ISKIHo. 1'or ticliols apply lo Sll ll'.s V \ CO. , 1212 llrond- \vny.N. V.CIty ; M. OVriiXS X CO. , Ol'J Miiln ptTitl. KimsasCity , Mo. , or l.VKI l-'iu'iiiiin t-lrcot , Umnliii. f n flill < l Isjiroporly iioiirlHlied.iiiilut nliflits and a Joyous diildliooil is tliu ronlt. 'j'liou- EiiniUof rhlldion mo pcovbli mul t rot fill , 1)0- ) eituso tlioy nro liolnur wowly Htnrvcd , owlinr to tlio liuibllliy of inutliur.-i to fiuiply tlioprnjior iioui i-hniont. IlidKoM I'ood will supply tbo do- tlolonry lii'llur tlimi miy olbor ; liuloril , tliou- si'iuls luivo IIOIMI reared on Khlgo'B 1'ood nloiio. lrfi tirir Jnil or ( wo UtdlolCotlri" . h i hf n lo t r tPf C 4 lu Hie ipc * ! Irrtliueut of CMftoniot Nktroira , HKIH fcO'l ' ULOJD Iii ) i u 'btaaor otbcrrLrtleUu Intil. L uli , ticllr rii riiboir ma. ! ) olartllrnli know Nervous Prastratlon. Debility , Mental and Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Alice- lions ol Throat. Shin or Uones , Dlood Poisoning , old Sores and Ulcers , > r ir ua tih iicr > t > iiei i urevif , n Ikleit ttIrnlltlo prluclii ! f. @ ftlT. I'/hRtcly. Olseaics Arising from Indiscretion , Excels , Exposure or Indulgence , whirfc vroJueo icwi of tin Ii > llonlu ( ctlvetil DvrkOUiDCii , dtlilmy. Jlmnrii or Ihl u > l dirvetltetn < iiwr7 , ploirlrioo tbt r cc , phiileslJccif , ririiDDUtli tvclciror frinftlii. eocruilci or lijr > it eta * , rtndorlue JUrrUno linnropor or unli rl > y. " rrrnitticall/mrtJ. l'Ainpblfftl > ttr > Ce'on ) lb b * . * 'D Ioic lv4currtar rre to aur kdJrtn. ConiululUuatof * tctar b ; mil tftt. Inrltia > n4 itiltll/ DdJcl.lUI. A Positive Written Guarantee i > ti > in ertrreu. MARRIAGE GUIDE , 900 PAHES. VIUK PLATES , tlrttct clcib n * ( lit tlDdftiff.Mated forfiOa. In i' ueorurmiejr. Ufcr City voudrrful | > ta plctur * * , trut to llf j ntcl DO t e follow Ing tubjvclil lie ! i f w rrjr * wlion t. why | tmubood * oni o. hcoJ , i-Ljtkil lrc r ncu o fcrtltkcaoJ t icci , th i > h/i. l lcfj > orrriirci'liiiloo , uJ many w re TLuo unrrlrd or cotiuutUnui ; tu rrlk | * ideuM r d It * rpvUr MiUoo tata * , i < ijr t)9Vcr ) yCtf JLdJtfic v * tu f | tv. Vbltller. ' lAH ' ? * > ifilmor . M rt n n ? youth. VI ! 4 II IB 13 1' ' 1 iim'rudcm-o . II I . ! rnu.inir If I II 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 II 1'rviuaturn Hcray , Nvr. vo ! " Jll'11't ) ' > ' . .IM n- . . IiiMil. Ac. bavin ? tried In Miln ei cry 1 noun rcimxlr lutdltfovered a lniil | i.nlf nreu nleli \\llUeul J'llKKM hU fitllow iiiirererii. Ail.lir i. U. ItUUVrs. 4J CluU iU4tre t , .Nc\r Vork Citr. HACAN'S Magnolia Balm IS a setrot aid to beauty. Many a lady owes her fresh ness to it , who would rather not tell , and you can't tell. EVACUATION OF MCIIHOXD , How Jefferson Davis Ecceived the News of Lee's Surrender. Women's Iiot In War Virginia So ciety \\iu-TlmcB Scours in n Troub lous lira. How well I remember , writes M. E. (1. ( in the Philadelphia Times , dear old St. Paul's church on that second day of April , the beloved pastor , so earnest and so interesting , the dim , subdued light , falling upon the upturned faces of so many men of noto. Mr. Davis sat at the foot of his family pew alone , nn ho had weeks before sent Mrs. Davis and tlio household further south , believing that they would be safer there if the army should fall back from around Hicli- mond. Our pew was somewhat behind his , and I saw only the light erect lignro and the reverend bond of his gray head. During a pause in the service the sexton walked rapidly up the aisle and gave Mr. Davis a paper , lie was seated at the timo. lie read it at a glance , and the hand which held it fell to his side. Ho sat perfectly motionless for a perceptible space of time , and then rose slowly , and as one who had received a frightfiilblow. He reached for his soft , broad-brimmed hat , and stepping out into the aisle he turned his face to the door , and with slow and reverent stops doparted. Ho went out as 0110 might leave the chamber of the dead. It. cornsthat he had been parity pre pared for Leo's reverse of fortune and that ( ienoral Leo had agreed to inform him at once if lie was obliged to fall back from 1'otorsburg ; , but none of us knew that at the time , and it was only after wards , in looking back upon the scene with the light of greater knowledge , that the full significance of Mr. Davis' expres sion came homo to mo. The congrega tion contained many of the loading men of tlio departments and of tlio cabinet , and all over the church these could bo seen to rise and walk quietly out as soon as Mr. Davis reached the door , and then the most , of the congregation remaining the service was continued. We remained to the celebration of the Holy Communi on , and then dispersed as usual. COMMENT IN THE CITV. It was the custom at that time for uiatry of the young people leaving church to Walk up to the end of Grace street , on which St. Paul's was siluatcd.und to walk down again by way of Ifranklin street , then as now the most fashionable street in the city. So as inv companion and I Ivft the church wi , waked up Grace street and was surprised to moot people MI con siderable numbers , many of whom wo knew , hastening in tlie opposite direc tion. Some called out : "Have you hoard that Richmond is to bo evacuated ! ' " 1 remember how I laughed and how 1 re plied that I had been through n _ Pawnee Sunday anil knew all about panics. All the way up tlio street the same news was called out to us , but wo mot it with incredulous ridicule. Wo crossed ever into Franklin atrcctnnd thu crowd became denser , mid by the time wo reached my lather's house we began to realize that soniel hing unusually interesting was about to take place. 1 found my mother in the parlor with a number of visitors , some declaring that the worst was at hand and others laughing at tlio idea. So I wont a few doors oil' to Gen. Lee's house to ask his family if the report was true. No need was there to ask , when ono of his daughters , with toar-stainod face , opened the door for me , and L saw that all was confusion ; they wore preparing ; to leave. On reachinir homo again 1 found my father , Dr. Gibson , stepping from his car riage , and 1 hastily told him the news. Ho said that he had known it since nine o'clock that morning , having learned it from Gen. lireukenringo while in profes sional attendance upon him. Sl'KAKINUSAO rAlEWl'T.I.S. ( Wo spent the remainder ot that day in .saying farewell to manj' of the soldiers 'who had been .stationed in the city or very near it , or who were them on sick leave or furlough. Soldiers on foot eamo running in and with n , hasty grasp of the hand and a promise never to forgot were gone again. Others on horseback rode hastily to the door , dismounted precipi tately and took the same hurried fare well. A few wore not ashamed to show that they were all'eoted to tears. "Wo will come right back , " said many. "Wo will never give up , " said all. Through out the entire day and nearly all night we were bidding our friends good-bye. They wore soldiers who had received kindness and hospitality in mjfather's house and who had been allowed to feel at homo there when their own homes were far away , and when they loft as to fail into the hands oi the enemy it scorned a trial harder for them even than for us. Their hearts wore full of affectionate regret and alarm for us , and yet how few of themhave _ wo ever seen again ! Some were killed before - fore another day had dawned , others went quietly to tlioir homes after the surrender , and poverty kept them there until the recollection of what thoj' inyed to the Virginia people had grown faint and homo impressions had regained tlioir strength. Many a soldier who had vowed that when thu war was over every nn- marned 111:111 : in the army wouhfconio back to Virginia for his wile , lived to be content with a fair ono nearer home , who had waited and prayed for him dur ing his absence , and who had seen only the dreamy side of lifu while ho braved the rougher. nit'II.MOM > 6OCIKTV AT Till ) TIJIK. Indeed , wo worn very gay and very hopeful in the confederate capital. No more charming society could bo gathered together in this country than was congre gated there during tlio war. Soldiers and htatesmen from every southern state found thoru a congenial resting place. War toro thu conventional shackles from society , but could not destroy the charm of between the truly relined and cultivated. Hani ; horn no relation tothowelconiowhich greeted n solaior in Richmond when he escaped from his canii ] duties to enjoy a brief glimpse of friends in tlio city. At my father's table wore always guesU from the army , and it seemed quite natural that generals and privates should sit side bj' side. Not infrequently - frequently the nrivato was the more hon ored guest. All wuro gentlemenall wuro cquann the drawing room. i think it is very amusing to watoh the law of nature operating in society , bj' which all men liiul their luvol. Ills spec ially noticeable in a general upheaval of social a Hairs , whcio ono lives a lifetime. of events in a short space of timo. A man would come to Richmond with a great blast of trumpets the hero of a cer tain battlefield. Ho would bo generally introduced , lionized everywhere for a days , when gradually ho would bo lost sight ofho had found his level the spec ial circle of society to which ho belonged had caught and hold him there. On thu other hand many a private was gladly welcomed to the very heart of aristocrat- iu o.-.cltisivcnc&s and honored all thu more that he bora no title. AT KWEI.L'S IIRADQUAIITERS. General Kwoll's headquarters were op posite to our house , and wo could ecu through the open doors and windows many busy lingers sorting and destroying ; records belonging to his department. I remember watching the lights as they dis appeared from one story to another , leav ing thu lirat in darkness as .they concen- trilled their work on the next ; and I ro- menibur how typical it soumcd to nut of the history of the confederacy. At last thu toj > lloor was vouched , grout bundles of paper \\crr thrown into tin-bonfire wlrcn liurned before thr donr and then the building was shut aiul tin otlloors in charge wore quickly engaged in making ready for tlioir own per-onul safety. One of the In t to leave wax a young oflloor from Tonnes oo. 1 have not soon him since the tragic farewell which we bade onch other towards the dawn of that frightful daj' . Hut 1 was amused only a wcok ago to see his name in a journal de voted to farming interests and to see him spoken of there as an authority upon the diseases ot cows : To such peaceful uecs have his talents been devoted. In the meanwhile my mother and my self had sowed into our belts all of the small articles of value which we wished to preserve. Wo loaded our persons with such valuable clothing as wo could accommodate at onco. Almost every soldier hud left the city bj' daybreak , but still a few ran in to saj good-bye , and one of Iho'o told us that our friend Col. II. , of Columbia , S. C. . had slain with his sword throe of the federals who hail en tered the city , and that ho was Hying from the rest of that squad as fast as his good steed could carry him. One friend of ours , now a pcaoeful professor of ( irook at Columbia college , was cutting his way through a motley crowd when his seiiso of the ludicrous dispelled for an in stant his melancholy mood , for a small newspaper urchin Ironi right under the heels of his horse cried out , "llielumm' ' .Xaininer , only twenty dollars a copy ; latest edition ; last ono ontl" The twenty dollars was paid , the paper scoured anil doubtless mv friend would show it to you to-day should you care to see it. HOW TUB-CITV WAS IMItlM ) . How the city was fired wo never thought inquiring then , so natural did it seem to us that Humes and horror should accompany Iho other features of our woe fill fate , but wo wore soon aware of the rapid approach of the flame * . Our house was just on the edge of the burnt district. Who can ever forgot the seoiio who felt the heat and saw the frightful glare and dense smoke ? Wo saw the llanies loan from Ninth street across the whole block of houses and catch the steeple of the Presbyterian church , a large edilice , which was completely destroyed. An artist ran into our house about this time to bog me to take his cher ished pictures in charge , and ho had an enormous roll of canvass in his arms , wilii which I promised lo make my es cape if necessary. Happily this necessity diil not arise , but 1 remember that a carriage riago wailed at the door for a long time , as my father thought the house would catch on lire at any moment ; but the tide of the lire seemed to change and loft us untouched , while it swept on in the olhcr direction. About 8 o'clock in the morn ing General Itrookonridgo and his stall' routs quietly down Franklin street. Ity what way thev loft the city I do not know , for the bridges were burning and the federal troops wore already entering the city. Language is powerles * to describe the confusion of that morning. All of tlie lowest clement of the cilj- had come to the surface , drinking tlie liquor which had boon turned into the streets , rushing along towards the commissary depart ment , wln'iice they returned laden with provision * . .Flying in tlio opposite direc tion wore the women and children escap ing from the lire. Some of them carried tlioir household treasures in their arms. Somu dragged along articles far lee heavy for a strong man. I remember seeing a lovely , roliiiud and dignified young lady ' walkmiras one in a dream , with her fai'r hair flowing and her head uncovered both arms full of old silver urns. 1 of fered to help her , but she shook her head without iv word and passed on. I have never seen her since. One man eamo reeling along , a botttle of brandy in each hand. I.accosted him with the request to give me the bottles , which ho did , and I broke them at his feet. People coming fo us from tlie worst scones reported that the gutters ran whisky and branity in the lower parts of the city and that men and women hvy on their faces to lap it up. Wo noycr know when Iho troops came in , but we saw a few stragglers and wore told that the soldiers were putting out the lire. A TiimuTn TO cr.x. OTI : > . And so it was. Our dreaded o.nemy whoso cry had boon "On to Richmond" hail readied us at hist , but had reached us under the command of a gentleman and a true , chivalrous soldier , Gen. Ord , who would have felt himself disgraced if ho had been anything but the protector of helpless women and children left to his mercy that day During tlio confu sion one of tlio federal soldiers who had his share of the liquor , fell in front of our house , with his gun in his hand. Ho pointed it at me and tried in maudlin way to lind the trigger. I remember how qniotty I called the attention of an Englishman to the fact and how ho went up to the soldier and took tlio gun from his hand. Gen. Ord soon established martial law , and ho sent couriers to the principal citizens asking them to report at headquarters any rude ness or unfriendly act of anj' kind on the part of the soldiers. To us , who had pictured to ourselves all of the horrors which might fall to the lot of a captured city , such clemency seemed noble indeed. History had shown us what a Itutler could effect of savagery in Louisiana , and a Halleck in Charleston , and we had never supposed it possible that a pacilio and generous course could be pursued when Richmond .should be captured , THE HEST WASHING COMPOUND of the day is undoubtedly JAMES PYLH'S PKARL1NK. It cleanses the dirtiest and most elegant fabric without injury and with little labor. J'or sale by grocers. Smalt Doses Cure. During the past fifty years Iho proprie tors of lirandorthS Pills have received thousands of voluntary testimonials of the wonderful euros effected by these Pills. They not only euro rheumatism , dy pop ia , piles , diarrho'a , liver coin- plaint and all foyers , but greatly prolong the human lifo. One or two at night on an empty stomach , for a week or two is sulliciont. A recent lesson In tlio Sabbath school wag on thu dentil of Klbha , and when one of tlio scholars eamo to the clause , "they burled him , " the teacher asked : "Why didn't they ( . remain him' . ' Do you think there is nuy on- coiiruu'oincnt In the Jliulo lor cremation' , ' " "No encouragement whatever , " was tlio ro- ply. "Tliuv irieit It on the three llmt wnro cast into the liery Aunace , and didn't make it work. " [ Harper's llnzur. Purify your blood , touo up the sj-stom and regulate the digestive organs by taking Hood's Sar apariIIa. Sold by all druggists. A VOUIIK lady In the woman's college at Heaver Kails , K % , Is to bo o.\i > cllod iorplnc- Iiiy ; a greased muslin mask over bur lacii to give it a ilcath-liko pallor ami frighten high er loom-mate into hyMcrlcs. When everything else fails , Dr. Sage a Catarrh Ituiuudy euros. Several republican journals having found fault with I'ruiUlont Cleveland for making the United States , plum ) , thu Albany Times reminds them that ho Is a democrat nnd fol lows the language of tlio constitution. VTkta. B bj u j nick , we s re ! i r CutorU , WLcu it * WM ChllJ , be cried for Cwtorik , When ill * b cim * Ulis , > he clang to CMtorU , Wba th bvl Children , ib * gkro tatm OMtorte , " " STORIES FtiR "THE DRINKS , Tour of n Kind , and Mighty Good Ones they Are. A Unllronil Narrative Tlie Cl.irn Mor ris Trip A Knncrnl Incident I'dtir-I'Ywrtecu The - ' Itncket. C7if < v 00 UrraM. The nights nru full of frost nml stnr- light , nnd the snow is frozen to tlio ground so Ihulyen n gum shoe on n one-legged man makes n singing noise as ho Iriulgos on. Long after tlie respectable clement has gone homo nnd is nMaep the city is full of wayfaring men looking for a shelter , or a steam cell , or n hot slovo or u cheerful man behind the bar These wayfarers who hide by day or , if seen , dodge busy people ple like a whipped dog , become com- munientivo at dark and use every device to entertain llio man who is likely to "sot'em up. " It is singular how they keep nested on the events of the day. 15ut it is necessary in their business. They despise "chestnuts , " and under stand full well that their talk must be ertinent. One of these ehnps went into the Grand 1'aeilic bar just as Big .limmy was about to leave and looked up at the clock. "It is lalo , " ho said. Is your oloek right ? " .liiiiinv looked at his watoh and said the clocK was jiM right. "Horrible- night lor a railroad neci- dent , ain't it ? I suppose you hoard of that one on Ihu ( ii'orgia Paeilio where an engine run clean through a .sleeping ear twelve people killed and the engineer saved ? " "Seems lo mo I did , " said Jimmy. The man , eiieniinigeil by this , took evens on tlie barkeeper with a erai'ker. "Yes , these engineers seoin to bo more now than when 1 wis running on the Cry & 1" . Wo never had such ae- eiilents in them day.s as they have now. t remember niieo when Ivas I on No. U. It wis a cattle train. 1 had orders to run 'em by a certain hour s-o as to get the advantage - vantage of a raise whichi the owner was o.NpeeUiig. Thi ! fast mail was ahead of us. That was when llio mad was new on the road and we all hated it , or lo tell the truth , we hated the non who run the engines , on them trains. They were powerful stuck up until eomo of them got the window. " "What's that ? ' , Jimmy interrupted. "Same as the g. b. Tliey used to lire a man out of the door , but now they throw him out of llio window. See ? " "Yes : Well as you were .faying " "As I was saying wo haled Ihe fast mail. 1 was on No. 1) ) coming this way east and had a load of entile. The last mail wan ahead of us. 1 saw it about .six miles do\\n tlie ( .Kick. Jt had slopped in " tint opun neerary" for some-thin' . J bays to my ( stoker Nick was his name that fast mail's in our way. I'm thinkin'she's behind hor.-elf and 1 know we are says I. So pulls open tlie Jhrotllc wide and tells .Nio lo lie on his hnota. jJowu grade all the way. When wo got in a few feel of the f. m. 1 kind 'o pulled the throttle one sided and we left Iho track. It was an open pecrary. and the ground froze hard. We flit cross lot.s to llio curve and .struck the track ahead of the fast mail and came into Hie Union Stock yards Ih and < liu ahead. Thai's as true as I'm standing here. " "Yon say yon -\vcro \ coming east , and the 1'ast mail was ahead of yon ? " asked Jimmy , of ihit bar. "Yes , that's ' what I said. " The lights went out and so did ( ho man. He met nis comrade on the curbstone and paid : "Don't never try to work a hotel bar man with a railroad story. The inin- nto 1 said Ihe fast mail was eomin" east 1 saw that he was on. The fast mail don't come east. He had the sugar in Iho glass lill I said cast , but I wouldn't go back on my word. S'poso we go down lo the house of David and try it on tlieroV" The Clara .Mori-ln Tip. "I quit tryin" to work the "in mills a long time ago,1' said an old shivoror , who was standing in the Arcade court. "I done purty well at it until they got to .sliii'lin' thii bottles on me , and that made mo kind o' suspicious of human nature. Yon know it would a thing like that. 1 got lo goin'down lo the Y. M. U. A. of nights when tlu-v hung out the banner 'all wolcomo. ' Takin' a prominent seat 1 would wait till the good people got to bo purty well worked uj > , when 1 would give 'cm the Clara Morris tip faintin' and fallin' on" the seat. Tlion 1 would bo sur rounded and mini' of the ladies would put in a sympathi/in' remark , and when they lied laili-d to lovivo mo they would ealitlio patrol wagg.u and out I'd go to ( he hosp'ital. ly ! playin' it a lilllo line I'd got some warm water with one squirt , of county hoard whiskyin it , and then J'd go 6ft" into a slumber. It beat tlio hall hang-up all holler. " "Workin" il jit ? " asked a pale suilVivr in a .spring suit , who hud been hiding be hind a wooden Indian. "Naw ; not now. 1 made a fool of my self , just as a 111:111 : will who thinks he's got asuro thing. You see , ono nighl last week 1 went over as usual. You iin'Man' thai I lied to kind o' make up dill'erent ; but as I lied been on tlie .stage I knowed how that was done. This night I'm tell- in' you about I had Hie C. Morris' ( | uivor of griff very had. At llio proper limit in the play 1 fell over into a lady's wrap that was lying on a chair , Tim congregation noon around mo. 'Fan him , ' says one. Fan a man when the mercury was below ! Another said. 'Moisten his lips.1 That caught mo , and 1 breathed a bit. but when they moistened mo with water J 'possuiupd agin. Then I hoard a very line voice say , 'Unbutton his coat so'8 he can breathe1 and whoever it was told to do Unit obeyed the order. Nearly every billion on my coat was jerked on" . J5nt that wa n't nothin' . 'Open his vest and shirt'said the llno.voiee agin. I clutched for my heart , which was beatm' wildly , but that only erieouragod the game. 'That's ' right , ' said the line voieo agin. 'Ilo'.s comin' to ; open his vest all the way down. ' liuforo 1 could clutch agin all was over. " ft i "Dead ? " "DeadNo. . What would T bo doin' tpllin'this at tlii.-i | ioiir if I'd hecn dead ? Say , don't break tlio narytivo again. When they'd opened tlio vest all thu way down , as they called it , out rolled a pint bottle of the hi'uyitfd.V of course every body throwed up tlioir hands at once , and llio line voice that had been pipin' for my to be imbiituiued was the lirst ono to Pay , 'Ilo's intoxicated , an1 I knowed it. ' That was what cut mo. J didn't euro for the bottle , mind you , for there wasn't much in it. lint I didn't like the idea of deceiving the lady with the line voice. You see , J wuz workin' my way to the hospital , an' 1 had bough tiny own pi/en. I'd seen that the visitin' committee from the board had been out tlio day before. Hut I lost. And the young lady's hiet words the last that I heard was , ' 1'our the vile intOMcant from the vial and till it with water. ' I'm waitin1 now for the Jake to freeze over , then I'm goin' to Joavo the berg , There's no luck for mo hero , " Tlio Funeral Story. Ills comrade stood behind him and shook his hand , "I was in thereawhdo ago , " ho said , "and I told ono of the prettieit stories of the repertory , only to i-co the { rii/elie die and tlio fond hope decay. Some of the crowd hud been siiyiu1 that they had boon to u funerlll , aiul one story Jed to another until oveu the barkeeper wiped his ej-es on a towel in front of the bar. 1 thought this was a good place for me to pull in. 1 went ovt > r to Koso Hill , set I , n few days ago with a young lady friend who had a co- ceased relative buried there. This young lady was n cripple nnd had to go on crutches. We came to an open grave that was waitin' to receive the beloved remains of some circle. The sides of the grave was lined with evergreens and things memento , and wo wus waitin' for the arrival of the deceased. The young lady said she would like to look into the yawnin' ehazzem , I think she called it and as I didn't 1 said 1 would with draw , ns grief always affected me so. So 1 went over to the road honso aero t the way toyawn abit , myolf , seI. I. AVell. while I was gone the perocssion arrived and marched to the chax/.em. My young lady friend didn't see Vm and they didn't get on to her at lirst. The pereession formed a holler square around the grave fenein' in mj- young lady friend so that she couldn't get away. She got rattled and dropped one of Her crutches in the chax/.em. This caused her pain and slip fell to weepin' . The lady mourner in the lirst carriage saw the scone , and of course it was natural that she should bo suspi cious at tlio circumstances. She called out to one of the pall-bearers and sr ? : 'What woman if tins that weens in my place at his grave ? ' Tlio pall-bearer tried to explain , but the mischief wu/ done , and there wuz the stormiest scene around there you ever see. Mj * lady Iriend fainted in mv ami's , but she walk ed as natural mo. The fright cured her. " "You must u got ginger alu on liiO side on that yarn. ' said tlio crony , who had failed at the Grand Pacific. " .No ; no , sir. When I had finished the man behind the bar came around to the front and sez ho , 'So you're the chap who wuy out there with that woman , air yon ? ' sez he. 1 wouldn't go back on my pre vious statement , and 1 told him that what I had sed went. 'The deceased , ' ho sed , 'was my own father. The lady weeper wiu my mother. I've been layin' fur you ever since the ceremony wuz over. Yon spilto tlie best fun'rill that's bin to Hose Hill this year. You long-legged , lop- eared , wliiniperin' clam hunter , git out ov here and don't never walk on this side ov the street agin after dark , ' sea he , Let me give yon a pint don't never tell a' story fur tlie drinks till you've fouiid out whether the deceased wua re lated in ennyway to the " Tlio Koiir-Koni'tcen Story , "Did you ever try tlie 1:1-1 : racket ? " asked another of the squad. "You go in to ono of the all-night drugstores and sit down if'tlio seats are not all taken. Now and then you will notice seven or eight men fall in around Ihu fountain where a young man is at work drilling out hot tea or beef tea with one hand and mopping up the counter with a sponire in the oth er. If you are pretty llip yourself , you can edge in and somewhere in tlio sluilllo yon' can got a mug of the lluid. In the confusion that follows you swear that you put your mckle down.'aud as I he debate warm you glance at tlio clock and indig nantly exclaim that tlio ! : 1-1 car is duo and you arc liable to miss it on account of the discussion. You say you will nev er come in there again and this throws the young man oil' tlio trail. ] Jo won't ' follow you. This is also called among us fellows the 'emergency clause. ' Wo don't rc ort to it tdl we've been tlreil out of cvrr.v other place. Hoof tea is bettor at 4 o'clock in tlio morning than going to the horse trough in front of thu court house. " _ _ Temperance modioino , good as can bo , Heller far.tlian rum or m study. If this truth excites your fjirv , Let Samaritan Nervine bo judge and jury. Let quacks lie down and breathe tlioir last , While doctors , boasting of the past , Of wonderful cures they have done , When Samaritan Nervine kills tlioir fun. Congressman Townseiul , of Ohio , says 00 per cent of the republican members of the legislature fuvor Sherman for senator. Senator Don Cameron will .soon occupy the old Taylor mansion at Washington , for which he has just paid < v. ,03l ) . Kvldontly he hns no idea of retiring from public lifo soon. STRICTLY PURE. IT COSTAIXS XO Ol' IX AA'V VORHf IN THREE SIZE BOTTLES. PRICE 25 CENTS , 50 CENTS , AND SI PER BOTTLE OKCENT BOTTLES m-o nut n i > for llio a Xvf3i'iMiiiic'liitUm ( ( ul ull who desire UK" " anil low prlcoil Cough , Cold and Crmjpfaedy J'Hl > .SK DKhlJll.MJ A IIMII IIV I Oil CONSUMPTION Olt ANV LUNG- DISEASE SlioulU serum HIP tnrjrp $1 Imttlci. DIroctiona accompany in > r out-h botlle. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. A SPECIFIC FOR Epilepsy , Rpamns , Cotivul- 5 * eloiM , Dance , Mcotiol- ( i , Opium Eat- . . . Scrofula , Kings t < tt , Diseases , Uhcumatlain , Ktnous Wtnbust , IJralii Worry , Jllaoil Sorts , JilllousncsB , Uostii'encss ' , Nen'ouaJ'rostratlou , KMnril TroMcs and Irregularities. AVlio cares for tlio doctors' sucrri when tlih Infalliblu n-mrily Is at l.niul'Tlio ulUlcti-il ulllllnil Itto lioarnii.stUulijnJfapocllio.ui'it r. founliiln of vitality unit vlKor. as . - - ' - ' nnd cxliillwtliiK ttsacmil.L'uMihijr sprinij of watertctlwjmrrliedanil falntlni : tra\fler In llio ilo-.i'rt. To ileclliitt taklui ! 11 wirn rcinfdy whpnMckU to court MilfwlUBandliiviloileiMli. Si'-Coriotjiouitunco freely \n.'rcil.iJ. . J ! Le Jr. S. A , P.IC lUIOXDMWlXB CO. , St. Josepb , JIa Hohl liy nil DrncKlBtM , 51.M per botllo , or four bottles for $ D.oa FORSALE BYC , F , < i I / A TINK LINE OB Pianos and -AT- WOODBRIDGE BROS1 MUSIC HOUSE OMAHA NUIWASKA. One of the Best ami TM > rgcsb Rtoctos in the U.S. to Select from. No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passenger Elevator M. BURKE & SONS , LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS , GKO. IH'HKK , M.imwor , UNION STOCK YARDS , OMAHA , NED. ntH'.NTnS ! Mprptinntfinnil rnrmrrs' Ilsnk , Dnvlil ClljN l > . ! ICrnrncy N'lUlunul nniik.ffonr ncy.Ni < l > . : Columlilti ytuto Hunt , Columbus , Neli.i MolKiiinld'a Hank , North I'latlc , Nob. Oiimlia NMlotml llnnk , Oimilm , N'oli. Will pay customers' ilmft with bill of InillnR altnuhcil , for two-lhlrils value of stock. CAHDEE AVITlt DOUBLE THICK Ordinary lEiilibcr BooSa el warn wear out fii t cm Iho bull. TlioCXDKi : Hoots ere double ( hick on tlio Kill , end DOUljLll WEAR. irmt econctrlcal Jtublicr Hunt In tlio market. Lists loncrr thiiii ouy otliur boot and tbo 1'KICEJiOHmnr.U. Call nnd nmlna the FOR SALE BY" FOK SALE I. AOKN'T , 15ia UOUGLAS S'L'ISHET. OMAHA NKIIK.ASICA. A POSIT1YE BJsllio Oni1 linv will uaro h o most obtlimtc cas-o in four dnj-a or lo s. NoniiiifMinus ilosns of cub"ln , I'eipnihn or oil o Hiiiiilnlvvnoil tluit uro coruuii to proiliico ilynpfp t-lu hy iliMirovliiK-tlu ciiiitltiirs of tlie si" iinoii 1'ric'oSl.f.O. SoM I'y nil ilniir-'isl-i or niiillcil on let'piptnf price. For furt'iur ' itnrlli'iilnr-i Bonil lorclrenliir. 1 > . O. Hex IKI. ! T. C. * & -Xj2Lj.3 r -CURE. ta Jolinst. , NCMV Vorlc. tiiutrtli-outlyin&o 7ft e Lsnd of Oranges , Sunshine , 2nd Trcpical SDnery : , Kf S A lot 40x100 feet , la Bilvot a X Springs Park. Florida , caly $10 fur GO flan * only. Every mnti , \vomnn nnd child Bbonld own n lot. JIlnli. dry , rolling land. No nwaninq , or jnalnrln. House. ' ) , ntorcfj , liotelnlreadyl > uuU Several trains dally. I'lvc-nno oraiiKO prravo tracts , ! r-00 cacli. a platof th3tovvnpbo lniptrecti'l ! church Bites. depot , ic. , &c. ; nlw line Orange Orovolti cituil brilliant colorK , with elcsant , l8-rntodeserli > tlvc lioolcof ourtown.nmlalonif printed list ol over 000 tenil pnrcliauers , All Son * Pt-ce. Pop ulation T.1 ! , anil now arrivals weekli 1VCB. ! ll'm. JI. UalfJctl , Pros. National Ciilzcni Hank , Now York. Addreai' , for full particular ! ! , L. H. MOWRy , PRESIDENl , 170 BilOADWAY , HEW YORK Urnnch unreal Ulilcago , lit , Pllvtr Hiirlm : ' I'la * Ten Years Mniutained Superiority. STEAM COOKED , CRUSHED mm OATS AM ) OTIICK American. Breakfast Cereals. Ask for A. II. C. llrnnil only , iltegislero.l . Tra lo Mnrlt ) For Fiilc I iv nil moeers K'liil for Iru culur. T4Ui'KIIKAI. : M PC ! CO. . t. , NEW T n i s I.SIIIVAUII : : BouTiir.iiN HI.MIIIV ; : is WAIIIANTii : > NOT TO Anjy CONTAIN A KIN'ni.K | J I'AitTici.KOrMniicuar / OK ANV INJtllllOfS MI.NKKAI , KHIIaTNCr ! , JL AVI1I Cur .ill ol'tlic Mv rt anil Kliiuiiicli , If yon feel dull , drowsy , di-ldlitnluil Inivofro qili'iil hciidneliu , iiKiiitli litstos budly , | ioiir up lielllo nnd IOIIKIIO I'liiiioil , you mo Millm'ini ; limn toi'plil liver , or'Miihoii.-nt'ss , " nnd iiulh ii r wllleiiri1 you MI tpomlilv nnd prriniiiiontly us Blil.MO.Sh' I.IVKH ] Uiil'lATOU ( , At liny Hun ) you leel your pyptoin ni'OiNelcMii'.iiijr , toning , roifilliiilior with- nut vluli nt purriiiir , ur Miiiiuliiun ; , ' wltli- out inioxieiUiii luke Simmons Liver Regulator Tiui'Aitii ; : ) iiv .1. JI. ZHIUN & CO. , I'liiliulcliihia , I'a 'MERCHANTS1 National Bank Korth\vo."t corner rarnnni niu ) MUi gfootr. Paid up Capital , $200,000 Burplus Fund 50OOO ntANKMIMII'lIV. i : . IlOCiRU1' , I'l'oslileiit. Vlewl'ie-sldont. ' I1KN II.VDUI ) , J.UTllKltDIIAKH , ' Autt uualilor Accounts Bollultod nnd prnmptiUtoiitlon ulvun o all biijluoii oiilnutoj tolls euro. 1'nys FIve per cunt un Tlmu Deposlis. PENNYROYALPILL "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. " Tlie Orluliuil mill Only . . ttkov ' trti U liiiioi > b ID LA DIF.8. A k , " > < l'rutf t l M "l'Ucbl lcr' 1.1111. h * . . ! ! > no tttfr 01 lu > < : ( t&ni | lt l r | < i fU ltrl i * l tltf t't rrtura MHll. MAME PAPEK. ri.l br.t.rri.r. lj M' . . , UIIU M..II..II r-wUBrr. I'Lll.rf. . . I'm. At llrurcUU. Tri'lo utiflat \ > i JTulUr A. J'uIlM i U. . , CUIc u. III. I WHO it UN ca/Aiirro WITH IMC r.tOJiurn BP THI * LOUhTRrWIt k 8FF. flr CXAMININH TMH MAP THAT THE V CHIDMO.ROGX ISLAND a PACIFIC IHKLWW Hr moii of Hi rcmtrnl pnMtloti ntnlc1n n irlntlonta nil pHni-iiml line-t l.ot ninl U pft. at inllUl nmltir * snlim ! timm * . rmntlititntlif n > nM Irnpnilniit ttikf- c'nMtlnrnttI link lit thnt > * ( < in or tlitoituli Imn-pnn tftiMtn which JnUtK ami fnrlh ( > itt ( invtil mul ttnflla IHMWCCII rltir" * ot thn Al iniit tr nlnl 1'aHrto I'onitti * . 16 I * nUn tin' ttvnit : < > mul ln > t mnt > ' tnotiil ftom imlnts JLiitt. Nnrthrivt nmlont In- i f . mul ronrrponJlng l > ointtVrl. . Nollii" - t iind K..ut lt ' > t. The Croat Rock Island Route Otninntcfn lt pntrnn thnt irmn of pnritonnl Pfdt * rliv nil.iHli'i liv u M > li'l. ' tlmtiiuclilv I' ' ll fti'i1 rcnii- I i | , niutinih rurL tf ritntirninus vtcil tnll. ml tnn. llrtllv hnl U i' lvpltl ttliil ItrhlKC" . HiHImrMork ittt II cur 1 > < i fi'ctjint u hniinti rl < 111 I'nti iuikn : II. tlio nfi'ty npl Hnurr or pt > nt liMlom..Mt | . tot nmmtil nlr litukcjt , nllll lll'lt Cl 11111 K tIN iplfllf llll'll II' > T)1IH ) l ) | | > I Jl - th-il niii'iHtlon < if nil Mi Itniiit oilier riMTlntt 1r * of llil < r iiti > n ro * 1 ! 'irt nl ull ruiitH'rtlirfr points In Union iM'jtoio , ' nml tlin - iiH'Htpnfed coiufuilH ftiij IVttrli.rouii'MI IllulT * . KaiiftiH rit.T MMt nwi.illi atut Al''hlM n ! < ro npoHCil tiT \niillitiiil. . tliirly up- lioUtrffil l > nv ( V clic * MnpntflnMit I'nllniati I'rttnro ( itt'i'ori4of | ) the lnto- ilcslcti , nml nimi > tiion Dining ( "MIH in Mi-Ii H 'lnu.itrlj iIK ilt ml int'iiU nit * IrUuii'lr citrn llctu or * ) Ohlc-u-o uml Knmn'-'lt > nnd Atrtilsoit uio also i utt lint Cek-bt , iti-tl Keclmintf Oi.itr t'rtis. The Famous Albert Lea Route I * thr ( Urr rt nml fiivorlto line hrlwi'iit ( Milrnio imj flhinrnpollHftiidSt. I'/iul. iM-in run n ft tl < * n * ur mintft In tlniuii Iteixit1 * for all points in Iho Tnritoilci nmt Itritf h rrovini'tH. ( Her thH n > ute Fntit rxprtfa 1'rntin HIII run lo tinvftfirtnii pLu-e * . niinniLT 10- Mn-tH. pit-tin ' | iic < loc.tllto'f. n tut linnilni' nml lUlilntr i ; < -'MUi'H "f ln\\ i titxl Mlttni'-ciiu it i * ui.-u die nioi > t tl--unMi ) r-'Utc ' t llio t It ti ultcnt Ili'Mi niiii p. > toiAl Ian I * "f lnt > i f r 1 nl.nti Ntfll nnnth-r i iil.iT ITN' ' * . rli Scncr.i n < l Kun * I\ \ . -i\ II.IH luM-n < > | Hncil luM < t-ti < ini-iniintl , Indian * . mill lmu\f > tln. nml 4'oiitii it DlufTM , Knni < H CJtr ( llliint'-ipoli juia St. 1'aul ntul iiitfrinctllatu point * . I * r tlotalhtl inronnntiim M-O * nml I'oldotfl , rJ.tni . nft liltK3 'i'lt us th kflu , fit nil pilnclpAl Tlckol Oil ! r s iu tlio VmU'd { jtaU-s aiul CitinUa ; or by ad * U. R , CABLC , E. ST. Vi tsH & Ci u'l M'P'P , Oi-nM T'kt J : ra CXIIC .O-0. A JSundtml Alodlcal Worlc for Vouna : and Jilhldlu A etl Aien , only SI by mall , A CREW MEDICAL WORK ON MANHOOD Kxhnnstol Vltnllty. Korvoiu nml I'lirflnil Dnlillltr I'roriiiiiiirn n 'llnc in Man , Krrori * of niithnn < 1 thQ iinloiil iiilxTli-i rpHiiltlni ! fiom In'tlHfrcilim nml ax ri > fhi > p. , \ timik lor oypry nitui. yoiinir. mlilillp-nffod ninl cild. it ottTiUiltiH lii prc crl nt inn1 * fur all nrtito nnd chronic dlpcjiho * . oiu'lin 10 or luilr-h U Invuliitible. So ffiiittil 117 Ilin ruillior UohO oxncrlnnrr lor 1 yn'irs 1 Mi.'h iin mv.lmhly never tii'for fi'll lothn lot of any ] iliydin ! : ; Sri ppic . lionnil In b'niitirul Kronen nius- lln. nnihoaKoil rovur * , lull Qllt.L'u iratittMMl to hnn IriQ ? woili In o\rry B0n 'n ' mornniili'nl. llirr.iry and prnfos. piniial Ihi.nnnr oilier work In tlili rountry forl.H. ! rrllm Pionpy will Doriifuihl In urery lii'tnnco. PrI'O only 91 liy in ill , imstpalil. Illti lratuil nnniplu , < V\ J-enil now. Hold rnoilnl awnrilotl ( hniiiitlKir y tno Na * ( : .Mwllral AK orlntlon , to tlinotliTOMof wnich lie 'J'hoSi'k'coof UfOHlioiild Imionil lir tlio rr.nna for liiftMiuu.n . uml l > y llio amiclcil lor rolluf , 11 it III bcno- Iltall.-l.i'niloii Ijini'ot. niicri'lKiionuiiiiburiif "oolc-ty to wlinm tlioSclnnca of i. 11 1) ) will not do uhoiul. nliiiiuprjnmlli , | inri > ! il. uuar- illiiii.liiftiiii-tiiror flirwnian.AiKiiiinnt , Ailili < < i < Hi" I'i'iitiiiily .Moll L-al lintltiiii' . or lrV. . II. 1'nllnT , .Nil. 4 Hiillilnrli slruul. HiiHluii. MIIHA. , who may l'l'coniiiH 'iliin nil il e.ises ii'iiiililiiKuklll and cniurl- I'lU'i1. Cln-onn : uml olisiln.uu timr u.ivo luilllihl tlio Hkill of till oilier DliyM- KflfiW ( innn hiu dally. Suuh tnmtoil 1VHUII hnriii-fiilly without nn liisianoo ftlulltii-o. Jlniilion tlin pnucr. Hallway Time Table OMAHA. Tlio fiillnwlnir ID tlio IIIIIP of nrriral ninl de partment trains liy. Ceiilml Stmiiliml Ilino lit t i lo i lilo MI.K. ' 1 mini of tlio ( ; , , r > t. I' , , M. t I ) , nrrlvu mul iliipnrl from llioiiMlopot. coriiur ot Dili mul WOUMIT stroiMH ; Iriiinson tlio II. & M. , ( ' . . It. .V Q. , mul 1C. ( ' . , St. J. \ C. II. from the II. .V M. ilopol ; nil other * from the Union Piicillo Ul"t' . iiutmir TKAINS. Hrlilun KJIIVO . . ' . ( lopot nt &M I7ri ! : ! Hlii : ) 8Mih-h.M : ) - 10IH : ) 11'JU : n. in. , 1.00 - -l.Su-ls&O- ! ! : GO : i03 ; 4-.OU--5.0U- l ) : < JJ iJU : > - Lvnvotrn i U'rVorOmalm ] a " : li-l ! fiIB : 0:33 : ' * ' ' llf'-ii-a : : j-lJ7 : ! 1 : 7- ! > .i' > - : ! ' - : : - : - ' - ! > . m. m.cofixKtrj'iMJ I.IN'i : . " . Arr'vnl ' mul ilomturn of trains from tbo tniiiT"r'l > ' ( > pot in Council Ululls : DKI'AHT. AIIIIIVB , CIIIIMCIO i .NimTIMVI'.STiniN. 0:1 : ! A. M Mull nml l'\irrh | 7:00 : p. H l'-:4 ) i1. HI Atiio miioiliitioii IK ; ; ) | > , M CaJiM : Kv. r s .i 11:1.1 : A. u C1IIC.UIII & Mill . < IHUMl. 0lrA.M , Mail mul i.vpn : > > j 7CO : I1. M Tl.riA.M : Ai'C'oiiiinoihitlon riin ; : > , M CL1) : ) I * . M llxjiri'-b UlaAM : CHICAGO , .MII.WAlKKf i ST. IML'I * U:10A.M : Mull nml l\pif ! s 7fXp.ji ; ) 5:13 : I' , n l'.vpro.-s U:1IJA.M : CIIIUMIO. iiiriti.iMi'iii.s it gi'i.Ncv. r > A. M Mill ! mul i.vir'sj ; | UtO : : i > . M > \x \ JIvpicss U15\.M ; \r\ii\ i.ouiin r.M'U'ic. Silli1. M.f/ni'Rl Ht. I/nils I'tXpriHn ' uitul UWJr. : M.'rninnlerHl , Ixiulh l'x.'J'rau.-ler.l"iJi' ! : M KANKASUriV.Vr. .101 ! & UOl'NCH. 11I111KKS. 3:15 : A , M Mail mul Kvprusa Vir : : > r , it UWJ : r. M K.xpro-s ( ) : U'iA. M Biorx CITV kcirio. < . 7:0.iA.l : Hloiix ( liy M II 7l ; * ] I' . M li' iU I' . JI. . . St. I'tiul i.V/ie.S ; | | UV ; ; | A. M Dfimrl. WliSTWAlU ) . Arrlvo A.M. p. M. i r.Niu.N IAI ; u'lfj. . " ' ' ' Donvnr ! ixi > ro 4. 'Vi'l'da O. .VKIU' .' li"0ii . . .Mall mul I'.vprc.'KS. . II. &M. IN Mill. K0a ; ] . .Mull anil i\priMs. : . . lM.i ) : ( | " - ' " ' Di'purt. HUUTIIWAHU. Arrlvo A. M. i r.'jil "Mlfcsoiild I'AC.'inci. ATM. i V. u. ' JUauit : ' Day Kxpnipu BI5U : . . . . .NlKlil Uxpross. . . . Iv. ( , ' . , .ST. .1. A : (1 ( II. _ UgOn ; _ BISI ; > ' . _ .VIu 1'liillt.inoiitli. . . Dcimrl. NOUTIIWAJIU. Arrlvo ; A. . ' t : M , | ( \ ST. I' . , M. Ai 0 , I A. M. ; > , T biWil I. rllotuClly llxprass .1 6a'jj : ' DjlOoOalihuiil Ai'L'ommoiI'li lU OOol " uiai 't. 11A S'l'W A111) . Ajrlyo " " * "A.M. i"r. M. I C. , II * Q. | A.M.I | > , M. ' fiiiU . . . .Vln I at Miionlli. . . ' 0M ; ) j B1YWK VAIIDS THAIN8 \VIII Icnvo f. I' , depot. Oiiuiba , nt UIO--8:3i- ; : 10:45-1U : TMII. m. ; " : IO--a MlU'.ip. . m. I.CBVI Hio l. Vuiil * forOiniilm nl 7'i : JOSJn. Nini : \ il-siin'iliiiiv ; ll.IimiyVxiiopl StinJay ; C , daily eivupl L-iilunliiri 1 > , Uully oxcvpt Moil- Jar. _ CULTIVATOR AMD HOUBE- NEDHASKA I'Di'i-i-iinHliliiV woii'leilultii I'ICIMIHUK , " ' ' " " ' ' ' tw l'l"'l' tiiW ri'-Mi'ii "iu"l. liUCIlllill'J | | tlllnl Jdit i H. S , MITHi Pub. , OllKhU , Neb. kkt 111