Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 28, 1885, Page 6, Image 6
( j TJIB O fATTA DAILY BEE , AfOXDAY , DBOBMBBB 28. 18S5. THE DAILY 15 HE COUNCIL BLUFFS , MOMMY .MOHMNd , DISC. 2" . OrriCE : Ko. 12 rcarl Street. Juntf icillii rniilfr in atij pnitof the HIft Iturtj nnt j ir II , V. . , TII iov , 1H MSI * Omi i. , No. 4.1. ' Kl'.llT llntTOli. No. yi. MINOlt MENTION. Hi if. r thn tailor , lor winter good" . Tin1 di-iricl couit rusutnus its laborlo il I ) . fi-Mckwpil linil a ft-iisl * rm-il foi Jin lioliiln.v clerkSntiinlnj cvi'iiing. 'I lie on'i'Vinirs in llm Catholic cluirMi ot Cnri lntns , for thn pastor , Ui-v. Fatlici Mi'Mi'iimny , NinoiiiiU'il lo thn slitij ; sun of $ . ' * ) M ) . Tlio f-lror-t oar roinjiMiiy IM removing ; II ; ttirnlahli' from tinO lcn lmii i ! lo lowci Dronilunv. Now tlu nulilii ! awaits utiv ioiHj the nft i > romipil extension of lln tr.ti'k up ltruiiih\t\ : Tlio Y M. C. A. roominro ln-lnjj lilloil ii ) ) in a vcr.v iiltrsirtivo way , nut I when tlio iniproM-mriiH urn coinpli-lril thci'f u ill lie mi more liaiuNoino association I-OOIIIH in iln > stale. 1'olioc rin'liM Wi'iv quiet yesterday. Nr nrri-tls weie nimle , ami tun imnt ilMiirb- ins inmiliciti ; ; a crowd of I'olliel.i'r * wlio won1 iiiJikinp il lively for tlio south m eml of Main sired. , lop Arnold , u lin tried to make miner meat of ex-Polii-cmiin .Jack Cu-iek , wi : ; tilled Halnrtlay lor tlNttirbln H ' pi'iieu. lie was allowed lo go free on Ills proml-c to jinj up in weekly in.stallment-i. The musical features of the Sunday ser vices of St. I'linl's Episcopal ehiircli are dill" ' } ? forth imieh praise and altraclniM nianj lo Ihf ! place of worship. Yester day tlu'ivIH sonie .spi-uial Cliribtinus mum1 , lirn ly rendered. 1'rof I'nulMin , of tlic commercial rol- li o , Inn lii-eii made lad l > y llie prcMMita. lion of a beautiful uold-headed cane , an expression ot llio Kindly fiflingof the teachers nnd pupils Iliiiieullveiijraved with hib name and ( 'hriMmas ilnlo. F Mr * .1 .1V. \ . l.ainij fjftvo a pleasant ten pntty Saturday ou'iiiii ; ; in honor of ( 'apt. ' ' and' Mrs Mart , of Minneapolis. 'J hi ! Knllieriny jta\e an oppoi tunity to a mini- her ot the friendot * tinwoi'lhy couplu to meet them in a happy social mannor. Ir ( ) . \V. Cordon anil Mrs Mary C. Walker wore married at the home of the bride , on ( iraliam avenue , .Saturday at' terno'iii ' , Itev. ] ) r. Mi-Creary ollieialin ; . Mrs- , Gordon left on the evening ; train lor a trip to St Louis and Chicago The I'resliyterian i-linrob is bein < pro vided \\ilh now pu s , of ahh with ehurry trimmings , linMied in the natural wood , giving a very pleaMit" ; appearance to the andilormm. wliieh nil ! bo made still more attractive by tlio lading of carpets thin wcok. For II ml elns-i Mionri wood call on ( iluuson , at his coal ollicc , VC ! 1'carl sstrecl. Neu Year pre-cntsal Homer's , ! ! ! ) Main. Ladies and tfentsioit Uono's large 6 tores IVi-soiinl Mis.s Uelle 1'rii'o is snlVcrinj : from troubles , and lior physician nivus I'er ' lit- ( In hope of lu'lngalile to yet out during the winter. Mrs \V. S. I'eltibone , wlioc lm liand lias been hick for so loii } is now taken ill , tlio constant watching , and aii.Mely having proved too great a .strain upon her. Many friends hero hope lor tlio .speedy recovery of both. Frederick I' ! Salmon , a well known Omaha insuranc - man , was in tliu city Saturday m company with ex-Alderman Kaufman. lion. L. l { . liolter , of Logan , was in Ihc IHtiflb Satnrd-iy. John Heiio & Co , retail dry good.s at prices thnt are surpviaingly low. 1'nHlenr'h Mxpei-lnriitH In lj ! dropliobia uro heralded throughout the world. It \ * not known that lie hns been biieees tul in one in-.taneo. Diphtheria ean-c-S the death of one hundred ihont-and per.-ons where hydrophobia causes 0110 death. Dijihtlieria is the mo > t : contagioiii anil deMrucHsc pestil.-nee known. Dr. Tlieo. lufl'eris , of this city , has saved thousand. * of live . Ten yi-ars triitl has ] ir.i\en his jiiovenlivo a euro for diphlheria to the infallible. It IK ver fails to at oiieo all iiillatiiiiiator.v , uleeralivo , putrid , eau- enrolls and eat.t'rrhal comlltioFis , prevent ing blood poison. It has no equal in cancerous cereus nlei-ration of the iili-nis ; painlc-ii and healing. Send for it. For salt * only nt tint otllee , No. ji ; South Kighlli ntnet , Council IMull's , Iowa , or bent by express on r < 'oeipt < if ] ) riee , .V' . ' . State namoof paper. DIN .ludil ifc Smith's Electro Magnetic insoles. Only iittytenU. No :10 : Fourth street , C"ouncil lilntlV , Iowa. Agents wanted. No Mjsterj , CurNi-u. JJU'Ki-s , Dec. 2S.To the Kd- itor : The woud rfully mysterious dirt- ease that destroyed thu Hfo of ex-Mayor Murphy was nothing moro or le-s limn ilijitlieria. The symptoms of the di-easo as tit ven by Ihu dlspaiohcs of Sunday morning are dcvclopctl to a , < ; ivaler o'r lew degree in every e.iso of diptlitheria. Your.s vi spi-etfully , Dit. THOMAS iIirriii- : : ; > . Uuno bells dry goods , clollilnjj , h.its , caps , neckwear , uiulonvear , ole. , for la- die.s and gents. 3Ioro I'or llio .Musouin , The eslablibliment of a museum of natural history , cto. , in connection \\illi the high snhool has awakened a great deal of interest , and oili/iens , roali/.iug thuodiicational value of snnh an enterprise - prise , seem disposed to help it in all ways possible. Among tlioncuiit helps in a verv valuable conti'ilHil'dii b Mr. Thom as Jiowman , the jitiatma.ster , the donat on < 'onslbtlng of a Him collcc-iion of Now Knglaml shells and minnral.s. The col lection is of it--olf \aluablii adiliiioii ami will also servo as a .suggestion toothers to follow his example , and eontribnlo whatever thev can to increase tlio inter- oat and iiM.'luliH'to of tliu nuiaeiun. lo\vn's The Iowa. State Teachers' association moots in Diss Moines this \veok , the onim- liiK session beinjj to clay , and cloving on VVedmsdiiy ovennij * . Connoil Ultill's is rcipresonted on thu jmwainmo by a jiaper , "Tho Educational Vnhio of lhiw- JIIK. " by William \\anli "Lack of liuys in IIi h School ( jradivs , " Bupt. , Ias. i\lo- \ Nanghton. 1'rof. C'noli , of this city , is ulso anioii ; Ihoso who will fee from fioro. - at J'anamn , The report reached hero yesterday that tboro was a row Saturday night in lJc en's Baleen , in 1'anania , which ended in the killing of oiui of the two participants. It seems two men got to quarrelling over ngamoof canU , when ono picked upnelinir and hit the other wltb it ever thu head. The injured man lingered until - til about o'clock ycfcterday morning , whoa lie died. New dress goods at John Ucno & C'o.'s. Substantial abstracts of tltlo ami real estate loans. JV , , & K. L , Squire , 101 1'carl QUARRELLED OVER CARDS , Ou ? Hits the Other Over the H-ad With t Ohnir. Killing Him. SUICIDED BY RAT POISON , The Man Drowned lit the Klvo:1 1'iob- Christ Inn Slojor 'I lie IHnn'f nt the Teachers' Uleetlni ; Dentil oi' .Ml- . The On Saturday morning Mr. Theodore l.eekman , of lleeknian iCe : , came into llm ltii : : otliee in Council Hliill's and . " fated be had just learned of the drown ing of : i man , u ho had falloji throuuli the ieo in tin1 Missouri river , on Tuesday evening , and bethought pos-ibly il uiljjhl Irive been father-in-law from the de- f-eriplinn lie had received. One of the 15ir. force nnd Mr. ItccUinnti look'ed over tintill" ; oi Hie HLI : . and on reading Ilia ai-eount in tin ? lu ! ; of Widnesilay niording , Mr. Hecknmu said llie deeriitloll ] tallied c\tctly ; With that of fnthor-in-law , Christian Meyer , an old farmer in this county , uho had left Mr. liecknian'.s residence , N'o. 1XW Sixth sticcl , beiween ; ! ntiiN o'clock on 'J'ucs- day afternoon. Tlio only .thing that did not tally was the account read that the drowned man' * hat win ( ! en on ton of the ice , when Mr. I' claimed lie bad on si fur cap. Coroner J > re\el of Omaha \vrn then telephoned to. but said he did not haves thiili.-il ; thai tie saw it from the Omaha side uf the river and il looked like a felt lint nnd not a fur rap ; that the river was open between him ninl the hat , consequently quently ho didn't ' get it. On Saturday atternoon Mr. ISeckman , being then silmo-t eoiuinced thu man was ills fallicr-iji-Iaw , took the dummy train and went to tin1 river anil inter- \iewed the workmen employed on the new bridge , lletound men ho described I hi1 man as wearing a fur cap , brou u pea jacket , brown o\ercoat , jean nanH. carry ing a gunny sack over liis ahoiiHer , and having a grajKh full beard. This sett led the identification , as it Aas exactly that furnished the lm : by Mr. llcckmuu in the morning. Tim watchman , John t'lcron , on tlio cast side of the bridge , appears to be llio onlv one \\lio can be found who talked with him , and his eonver-ation was merely a stereotyped refusal of his ie- qnest lo bo permitted to walk across the bridge , lie then went duwn on the bottoms toms and after attempting several places which were found too Milt finally started fiver loxMird Omaha on the ic.o but fell in , his hat remaining- lop. Could this hater or can bo found the identification would then bo complete. The missing man , Christian Mo\crwas born in ticrnnuiv , was in his OUtn year , and had for some years been a farmer in I'oitawattauiii ) county. In addition to the. description ghcn above , lie bad on a pair of shoe- * , He leaves two POUS , William Meyer , a tailor employed by . .lameI'rainey In this city , the other William Meyer , a boss ear- nenter in Glcnwood , and one daughter , j lrThco. . lieekmaii M hen lie left , the licckman rc-idenco he had an old br < iken cavalry revolver on his per.-on , and il is thonght about .K''O. He had been talking of gulling the revolver ver ropaiied in ( Jm.ilia , and this possibly was his mis-lion. Ladies and gents get a ticket lo the gram ! drawing on January I , with every W ecnt.-i worth ot goods purchased of Aitliur Lel'kovitx , MS Hroadway. 'J'lie choicest candies , Californiu fruits , nuts , cigars , etc. , alwsivs on hand. Ho sure and ask jour grocer for the bread made at .Smith iv : Loerke 's bakery , No. fi''a ' Main street. It is the very best made. Try il and be convinced. Tor everything in tlic grocery line give tins new linn of ICint.t Kleeb , 1(12 ( Broad way , a trial Everything now and frcah. Kancy jjroceries a specially. Death of Mrs. Klciniu ; ; , MrK. . . W. I'lemiiig , wif < ! of Kcv. 13. II. M. I'leining , died at her homo , No. HOT ] Iat 1'icree street , Saturday night about 10 o'clock. She was aged about -15 years , and had been a resident of this city for twenty years. She hail Iioon in ill health for some time , but was not eonlincd to her bed until four weeki ago , since \\hieh time -ho has been gradually sink ing , with no hope for recovery , her trouble being of a cancerous nature. She was a iiio t worthy woman in uninv res pects , and her lame circle of Iricndb and acijuaintanci s fliiiri ! in the grief which her death causes in llie homo circle. Me- side.s the husband who leases eight eldl dren living. Hy a singular coincidence thi1 day oi her death was the anniver.sary of her marriage , her "silver wedding" day , -he having been married lor twen- ly-livo year.Tho bereaved hn.s- band has been a iiilnisi < > r in the MclhodiM denomination for many jour- , and is well known tlironglioiit this section of ( lie coiintry. lie is now tlio agent of the American 1'ible society , and charge ot the inNslonar , > work in this eouiily. In his deep sorrow llie tcnderesl sympathy is felt for him. Mr.rieming a sister , Mrs. M. A. Waring , living at Oskaho ) a ; two brother- , Joseph and Jiihn Wiley , of Baltimore ; an unelc. Dr. ( . /j. \\i-i \ \ > \ / , of lirookl.Mi. Air. rieining has a brother , Andruw rieining , liviii/j / : at UiiliiKpic. 'I'liesu relatives and other liicnd.-i residing elsi-whero have been notilied bt\ \ telegram- that they may reach hero in time for the funeral , if pos sible. Onu of the sons , ,1. A Fleming , ot tlio linn of C , Ii , Moore & Co. , Omaha , is here , and was with the family when the sad event occurred. Arrangements are being made for ha\iug the funeral scr- vicus J'ue-daj afternoon at 'J o'clock. Having put in a complete new stock of clothing , lurnishiiig goods , hat- , caps , etc. , l-'o\ \ : Hughe.No. . tilTi Main street , iiuito llio public to give I hem a trial. Their us pensus are email and they can and do Foil cheap. C. li. Jaeqmunin & Co. , No. 'it Main street , take pleasure in aiiiidiincing lethe the public lint their slock of articles , or- nanienial , stylish and Useful holiday goods , is complete in each and every du- partiiienl , and cordially invite everybody to visit their store , Inspect their goods and eoiniiaro jirices. J\o trouble what ever to show goods. I'or hardware and house furnlslilntrget prlcoot Cooper \ McJ ( > ' 0 , Nti.11 Alain struct. _ Did Not ilcai-tho U'hlollo , Yesterday an iniiicjtvtia | huld on the iwdy of ( leor-ju Selmlt/ ! , who was killud i'lirlatma1. mornlni ; by thu outgoing Hock Island train near tlrcon's packing liouso in Urondale. A number of wit nesses wcro oxamlncd , among them the engineer , Croukctl , the tiiv.uan , Qninii , Conductor Taylor and olhcw of the train men. It nppcared from the uvidunco Ihiil thu nnforlunatu man loft his boardIng - Ing huiiso C'hi'iitnuid morning with llm InUuition -going to the hoiisu of a tier- man for whom ho used to work , atul from thorn comu to thu elly , expecting to return to hia boarding liou-o in the tivun- ing , Ho started out aluiithu railway track and was walking rl ht between the rails whui the train raiuu upon him. Thu whUllc vyas bleu n at the or-mlmj before the engineer nw ll'.e man and the steam lulls- u r i > , it \ - ti t.hi ? ' afoui 1 I'1 * i a\c t'l ' uigiu r SUV ' " < in.ui waiui' , < r cm the I'.uk ru" ! iuiu tnc in-i-d wlii-tlinir. nnd a'Di-ist ' imiii'-d iatly stnrti > it to , u > p tin-1 ruin , Jl'li'mm wn ? nbont 00 yard * ahi .ul of the trail wh n tir-t s.-en , but despite the whi-tl iug and the iiiighigof the bell , ho dii not turn around or try to get of ] the track , but kept on walking , nnti ! tlio train wai on to him. He was tnken up and carried lo WoMen from which place the body was brought to this city. Sdmlr lived in am ! about Council Hlntl's for about ten jcar , He was a ( Jernian , and a but < her by trade. He has worked for clDecent ! persons here , and was nt the time of lit6 death ill the employ of ( lie packing hon r where he has worked for live ea on , lie Is well spoken of by nil who knew him , and was a hard working , temperate limn. Ho was aged about o < v'ar , but \vastfry nclive. an < l with no defectof hearing'or ot sight it KOI ms strange that he did not heed any of the Warning given by Ihi ; approaching train. In * wife ilicil about font teen years ago , leaving him to earo for five children , nil girl- ' , the , \ < inngi.-t a mere babe , Thu girl- arc now able to ( arc for Ihemselve- . and two of them aiv married. All > them live in and near Keokukwhere ho a .viuugcr brother living. Tins brother. Charles Selml/c , is here caring for the icmains and seeing them properly liuried. The children have not -een tlu-i'r father for ten years , and rather than take back to them nis mangled remains ho deemed it best to have the burial here. Tliu coroner's jury cvonurnled the rail way company from blame , it appearing thai every po-siblo means Was taken lo save the man. The electric belt of .ludd & Smith , 00 Fourth Micet , Council IMnll's , positively cure's rheumatism , neuralgia , uy-pep-ia. piles , paralysis , indigestion , bts , cold leet , nervousness , headache , kidney and liver complaints , lo-s of vitality , lead poisoning , l.ick of nerve force and vigor , wasting weakness of those di-eaees of a per&onal nniuio ii | male and female. ( \irrect Ab-lraets of Title ami 1'eat Ks- tale Loan-at McMahon A : Co's , No.1 1'carl street. i ' . Another "Hough on llais" Suiolito. A young ( Herman girl , named Anna liohrens , ended her life yesterday morn ing by the -uieidal Liking of poison. She has since August lasl boon employed as a doinoitlo in the family of Mr. 1'rank Schram , living about three miles oa-t of Weslon. Friday night the girl went to a dance in the neighborhood , and to all appearances cemed in high holiday glee , and there wa nothing to e\cite Hie least suspicion of her having any such inten tion. About "i o'clock alitllugirl whom Mr. Schram has adopted , and who was sleeping vvilh the German girl , enino to the room where Mr. and Mrs. Schram were , and told them slm believed Anna had taken poison. They went , to her at : > nee , and she freely admitted that she had. There had been sonic "Itoiigh on Hats" purchased lor u-e about the house , and she had taken a dom of this. A nie-- senger was sent at once for Dr. .rcnning- at Weston , and ho did all inbis power to save the girl , but after lingering in great siilVermg until about 2 o'clock yesterday morning , she died. Shu was coii-cions up to within half an hour of her death , and made a statement to the doctor , the burden of which was Iliatno one to blame but herself. Thu cau-ii ! of her act scums to bo hidden in mystery , but it i.s thought to be the old one of thu cour-e vt' love never running smoothly. Whan Mr. Schrani bought llie rat iwison , a mouth or more ago , the girl saw him preparing .sumo for use about the house , and laughingly asked him for some for herself. Jle thought , of cour-u , that she was joking , and handed it to her , but , still laughing , sliu remarked Unit sliu ihoiiirht she would wait awh.le. "Well , Anna , " ho replied , "thero it is ; whenever you want it .MJII can help your self. " lie little thought then Unit she would in si short time turn into earnest what was spoken in jest. The girl vyas only 1 ! ) .years old. blie has a sister living in liiU city , employed in Mr Friedman's family. Try John Tcniplcton's "P.oso" cigar. - - Host coal and wood in the city at ( Rea son's , 'Ji ( Pearl struct. "Ijimo XVoll" Xol Disscotcil. The squabble about the body of "Lone A'olf" now ha- , its closing chapter. Uor- ) ner Connell lias returned fro .11 Avoca without obtaining Ihu body , llj reports hat tlicro wiio inuch ONcilomoul there ) verllioafl'air , and he wasUiroalenod with ill sorts of dire calamities iliouhl hu insist ) ii removing thu body , flu was given list twenty munitcs to get to the hotel , here to ruinain until lliu lirit train could ako him out of town. JIu saynlliat the threat was made that if hu attempted to Miter the cumctery or disturb the boiia , Millet would beunt tliroiigh his ollicial jranium. Ho came back with his head n its n-ual condition. I5y some sort ol L'oinpromi-e , iho rtinior thai thu body not buried but was senl to a di-sfcL- iigronin\ slunvn to bu false. Tnu jed > was taken up in ConneH'n pi-i'sence , = o tlial u is now settled that "Lone Wolf ' s really burled there. Connell -ays he vns buried more like a dog than a human jeing , but it is not improbable that this rlly could sillbrd inslanci-- eipial care- . es-noss ami neglcut. 1) ) , is hoped now hat iho public is salt-lied Unit "Lone Wolt" is really burled that he will lie al ow ed to remain buried. 1M1/KB MI.KS ! ' 1'UJIS A .sure cme for Hlmil. Itlccilln , : , liilnn nnd rieeniuil I'lk's has been di-eo\oie < l by Dr. \ Villi.iiu1:111 : Iniluin renieitv ) , e.illed I ) r Williams' Indian 1'ilu Umliiient. Aliiio ! jo.\ has cuieil MID vvniol ciii'onio cases oi > or uOyriiUihtimdluKt No one neiil Milfcinvo iiinuii" . aiiir aipl ) > Ini ; this wonderinl Mioili us ; nifdieiiip. Lot'ons ' and liistimneniMlo nine Imiia tliiiu K"111' ' . \Villi \ , milinliaii . I'ileOmliiii'iit aljsoihs HID Illinois , aliatun iiieii-o it.-liintr , ( piiienl.irly ! at ni'jht : after 'ottlni ; w.ifui in liil l > , nets as a pouiiliv TIVI-S nstanl leni't , anil is preisired | only i nfile - , tehiiu' ol iinv.ili11,11 Is , and lor nullimi , i-l u. SKIX iMKijANKS OUJtiD. : Dr. Kuui'-i's ' MaK'i' ' Ointment curen : by niiisic , 1'imiilos ltliK.U lleadfi or ( lin'i- ' , UUiU-hos and r.rti ] lioiH on tin ) I'.ieo , IcavMi ! ; In : sKin clcurand lieaiititul. Also cuies Itch , S.ilt Kliciun , hoiu Nipples , fcoio Mis | , and Mid Obhliiuuo i ; leers. .Sold by ( lnib'iiists , or maUtsl on icccliit of lleluili'd bv Kiilin it C\ > . , and Schnieter & Dt'i'iit. At vviielcMilu by ( J , K. All kinds of interior draping * , oornK-o poles , shades , etc. , the very rlu'.ipest in ; hect at K. btockurl iCo's. . Cottage r.Hiijes. liiirland stoves , Ha- lianl lumuaand Hub heaters of the very latest pailcnis ut bed rock prices , at Cooper it McUeu's , No.11 .Main street. I 8ftIDiJWIFORftJS8 | " ' S A UiW" ttJfornr " ' " J J aJiK ! tlWI Iito : t'.l r urj el l. utA o I'uiu ' Coir * l ! < llniui. 'Jc"1n Ublaa r''u ' > - IlluiUilWot .uJ ; ilt f lUU.H'liwu. Car . I' , IMU , lltum M l < Oilfiu. r Braiu. I'luiut. . rtauVu , &tioi.lJcr KbvU. Gcitj OrJ in Lorn , HjlUBl. OroitiKOl , , UAU I taj fretc * ! o * n n Q < I Hf ' * CAP l MO 11 , it j * i , , , . LYOM i MEALY , fcliicaeo ; A.W.PATTEftSON&CO. . Kos. 1 and 2 , Masonic Temple , Council Bluffs , Iowa , The cold weather has finally put in ar appearance and finds many persons nol yet supplied with heavy underwear , con sequently wo wish to gently hint that we have a fine assortment of Y/ewlsh / to call tpecial attention to our Double front and hack Undershirts with draweis to match. Fur and Cloth Caps , Mits and G-loves. Mufflers , Etc. , Etc. , Etc. CALL AND SEE US. A. "W" . Patterson & Go. Kos. 1 and 2 , Masonic Temple , Council Bluffs. RUSSELL&CO Manufacturers of till sizes of AUTOMATIC ENGINES EptciailjDoslsnod for Uunnlnjr , MILLS , G1U1N ELEVATORS , AS1) ) ELECTRIC LIGHTS , Tubular and Locomotive Hollers. Now Massilloii T lirotfhers. Carey and Woodlmry ITor c Powers. STATIONAUY , SKID , Porfablo and Traction Engines , SAW MILLS , ETC. Factory Massilloii , 0. Branch House fllb Pearl St. , Council SEirD FOB 1830 ANNUAL. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT ilVM'l.CTLltril AMI IIIMI.KU IX HAIB GOOD. No. 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs. JACOB SIMST ATTORNEY AT LAW 1'iactlcfs In ( Mat nml I'Vili' ' Coin Is. Itnoius 7 owl s > .Sinunit U.DI-IV Jii'iio. SANTAOLAUS SUPPLIES AT HOMER'S , No. ' \ , , Miiln Stn-il , Couiifll I'.lufls. J W SMTTH C > * , T wU fiJ * nltx2auc * * 3i * ( KrcJIt aor Uiaui B KO. 7 and 9 MAIIi STREET , Coiincil Bluffs , Iowa I" , T. HVVM- . ' A. 8. H.wci.ios . / > . 'J1. Jill ji HO < tC' < > , Real Estate . 'Exchange ' i X > tlt' i ! S t-ojt . { "uuiit'll Illnirfl , Io\\u. Ie.iltr In lown , Knnsis anil Nolirnskn Lauds LOTS IN COUNCIL NLUl'TS AND OMAHA A Sl'KCIALTV. Ki al Kntiitu Ixni lit anil sold. " B. RICE , M. D. niv'finno or oilier turn irs ronmviM wMiiiut UnnvCiHO thokiilt'ooriltiwliisot blond. CUROKIC DISEASES < * M I bpcoiau/ . O\or llili ty yt'iii-s' pr i-t ' "ill ovporlonoo. ( J-U No. U I'cnrl Mirot , ainni il Illuire. " ' H. SOHXTES , Justice of tlie Peace , OfUct' < 'vcr AnuTlcan K Cunipany. WHERE TO BUY Now Christmas Has'Oomo and Qons , tlii Stock of Goods on Hand Must be Disposed of , Those AVIio AVill Itcnd the I-'olhnvlnti AVI11 Surely Dml SlnnjAccept - utile Present * Cor Now Veni-'s L uy. Tor Indie * or ponli cnti lie found In Imin > niintitltlp4 nml ol < nr.j | iosxlc | | desc-llplioil ninl nt pi iocs Hint ton l nlTonl tolniy : , t In llto niiiininulli mi-lit of Ulsi-iiKUi , lliulil.ivV Co. Who tvrr lirnrd of n inni u sulintilo prc piit , u plniilc tliu > linen IlillhlkCHlucN "II ! I'U IIC- coptuMe tonwi't nnyoi-p nnd U i-un be che ] ) lit tlie ri-iijilo i-loio. Xcw novrltli't In tlil line' for Indies. Any jimntr ninti mm K"- | nmiil Unit litbe ! will npptci-liitu unu It bought from Ulsi'iniin , llotldn A. Co. Von 1 < n \ rniir lfo will nppic : iiilca line pnli- or II.o-i' , tin unit cr If \oii ilu liajipi n ID IniM' : t I nil or \ \ \ < t ul' PMI ( | lines at liiilti" . you noinl Inok ( in Imliiriti'iin ( lie l' < o- | ili- ' More lor llio llnvsl iniikcs rtvl clieaprat | ucis. . AlliunirnKPIlk lie ) s ] 'iiMc-Mi K einislclt'icdnii ( ' ( ( - " ' Illll . | .l\ pl | Hllt. SIR-II pili. " liny. ' nevi-r l > e < u elli ii < l the pnlilk- , ued mil loiu lU'o nil < > { ihimrx , 10 .uiHrii , cuci * ' dli\ dtcssoud ! io-l I'IH n < 'eli a--a hmidtoim- U vHI inn * osl If n lecli'd ' limn ll < linini'ii'-e stiri'k of ri-oniiin. Hcildit .V I o. * l'i njili's1 Sioio , who liils I In hum I vtot'k CM.'i tuen In I lie \\Lst. . _ . Of every roiic-nl iiMn sljtlo for ! . O I irli nml P"i > r alike. ( . 'un bo foiinil M 'Wf" "fe Milt pmelin er < < nt prk-es tliiit.-y A'J MJ" nt tin ; Peoples' Moro ot Klscninn , lloililn \ Co. a v ft "O i ly ) > nn\v llmt l'innto H-riilM ) i-niiiliifr Into M\le , us inui-li MI 11-they w i re 15 or id jcai > IIK < > . A nice -i't lll lie us I in' nnd elc- f-'iiMI a I'l-i-O'it ' usnny Iml.v ivill l < .oU Ii ) ' ' nml il M III I e the i-iny ol nil her fin nils ID uo tier In lippniiw Mil-s. M'lin 1'cni.leslore . Inis Iliein ut ju Ices Unit iniiku even bnlilus cry lur tliein. I'1 ' Hio million at tl-o liimcM 'ry ' j.,1 , , , , stino in the et. Sn < h n stoi'lt thill it' you 'vi'i-e to i-oiint them 11) iho jinli1 , II wonlil t-.ike yon mini IS-T t Ihii-h coiinlinir. Tlio von Tin. iii-.il1 . on line hosiery tor o t-or hi- dp < iri'ent"ce , : a to hu ehi'iiper t K11 I IHM thnii llio r.iw iiiuls i-ii'i ho [ \/'l \ / ' ! I'lK ' " ' i lit tor. IIMI thiMO-t ! it-innll IVIILLIUM enn ierrnilnn v.-leii Ihu p'/o ol1 tlip Mni'li 'Si'i.eslile.i ' il mid It ho- roiiirolciuiun t'.iit ' ii : , < - > ii-iii.lo { iln .V Co. liii' the > 'Of l c-li ( up nml me cclIna - their ( .us the uilMinta o ol tlie.i-cluse bnj ni . c with bulls no Suit miittei- wluutjle. . hhnpu or out\.nniit { ) help Mil llnil a pilit lo pi. IIMJ tlit'lr tnsto nt Eiscnum , lloilda & Go's. I'.yorj * one Unous n iniilllcr l < n iiiinily tl.IiiK lo tin. e iiliont the InBJ 'I'l.ey ' comu In SI1U , L'n-h- ni"ie , W.'ol , Mnrlno , etc. , mill aie fi'iinil ' in jri-eiit'luunutios to tvlw t lioin lit the l'ouili-s' ] t-toi-u. en a iiinu , irmnnn or 'li 111 t ut .loos not l.n-iw , or i I'll" ' never hicn Intljeot ono 1 r iho laiHO-t il iixt Ino very TJ JI n lin est ilry yonils IIOIIM ) In l < AflSn ! J < m . Jt is Icipttu tl at the ilUU.ll II ( ornerof li-o.ii ! | ! i > anil Dry- mil ct .Council Illuil" , i.n l Is 0 ft n fit lei i lie Pi opli-s Stori" , ol fiJ I ill wliie.i . Ki eiimn , lloilila .V i o , UL Uv nrelliu pioiH-lutiiri. It wl i In vur lioiut 'ood to e.ill nml Fontlicli iminons'- ' Ke.en if you ilon t ill } . The > lime plenty of HerU- > nliow Jon Hound nml eveiv thiny liniiirniiilile Is done lor joineoinlo.t vvliL-.i in thuir tr.ily iminun-o Mo i os. r O 'I I Vou c-an finil nn.Mliliw nml hfir I II ( foil evcryihliur thnl Itito'l ' by Ul U IliUlull tlium nt KKintni , Hnilihi V Co. s TnKo vfiur I'lillilren hei o nml ( It thnu out In nny niliclf jon vvisli. You'll 1m plen-r u wltli your io'oiliiami ( ) llie nice- linnnnil.e yon. us Ihoi hnve tin lie-oil- ni'iil ( it 1'iiie ( jooils , aa violl us tlio to ho luunil. ejir lry liy inn-ehnsintroverthoes or rnlihor hoots nl thu 1'eoplc'a stole , .von lieonmp thod of Areou ! Tired ? over tin1 ijoorls -ne.UI Hoii'to ( In.i what .von wnnt , reiii'-11- icr Unit ! ! 1 < 1. ! IH nndT.M llroudwny , Counoil iluirs , the l'O | < los' Klein , . \ < > n can llnd on Minuioi.o . lioor ol llio inline-Hsu I'dliititl-linicnt uihal vtni in e looking lor , nnd Ionuin ! : , tuililii , i ; to. liuvu the stock tiiKl vi'.iicly to te- Tliec.ild \ \ \\c'llierc-imlna- lalo 1 round tinhlot'k ot nn'U'i' 'i'nr luruillini & < I.lli . il up in KIM * . ninn , lloittlu iUn. . Tlio h'liuK la foliirmtlint It limit bu rcilin-cil , unil Unit tu mil-nil ni i II. "J hey enniiot iiiford to eniry It nvcr till nevt bon-on , if ilw Inivu lo looto moiipy lij frelllnu It now. 'Iney mo nor rillliiif nut , tiniM ijiuntly inii-l lin-.o il.o icoin lor i > tlorgoods ; , nliluli u'lllanlvo In , l.iiiuuy ; IIOAI. The Cheapest Red Flannel in ( lie West is to bo found In llio Peoples' ' Store , No Mom In tlto wo"t over Ims xhiinn UN tine in il liu e a Iniool pin ineiitr tii llie ! > opk'c Store Ims Ulis t.cilMin. I liny Innn i.o-t n mm li InrBiTblnelih on linnd llnin ull Uiu oil or lioit' eninhliHil IMII kli.iw. unil t prl-es Hull -rein- , tinpnblo. | . lit t it < e n inci , nn > l to lie . ' 'in m.Til 1-ivi' ilieii n cull. Von IMII liny n LlouK oru'iy ' I.IIK ! ol tiicni , ninl can iii.v.- ii itioie Miliin fin your money In t hi * line I'u.n over I eloie ( or lli , I-IIMIII. tlnii il tlii-y i-.iirt llii'iiK vor Ull ni'M sciiui n it will iciiuno riiic-nnU nl n l i.ur loMmo tne.i. In , nr.U man , ItoUUiu' . Co. can t tpaiu tUu apnt-u. lnfiHh * ' , lllc'iiclifd nnd L'nblcni'l.pd inn hiloiitKl nl the 1'fiopli'a' htoru , : a n licelinit onld "iipi'ly n nto Ves , itfonion ; , Itodila \ Co. lm\o lui- lilei , us nell as e > eiyilii eUr-.iiiid they j-lvi'llieni uw. y tuili evrj pnr- cl.uM.'i.l . * 'j iiniml 11/wni'is. Vo.iiiin lul.o > i > nielioiii > ot licii'lrmiif Initnis. lionioly Lmli.i , UL ! ) liuliu'liionikB , liruiutii.3. oi uhut- iner bUli ) joi | Jiliioy. 'J'liuy cost jon nolUlnif lud nrcfe'iM-a nv. ny. 9llil P.ivlu In nil Iho Irndlns colon CllU iuliy mi. i in. is un' to intoi. . nd in < tl < I ! w in. n , ? llodilu A Co1 * ! l'io in- , ' Hfl IOJB , ladies. girls , aim ilio umlle t I atfous.yuu mil oi'o i # ? § fjg yt w' ' ' ' ' " ' " ! ' L' " * ; "tu' l J i o neu. THE GREAT SALE OF THE STOCK OP w Ol Still continues. Immense i this Week Onv stock is complete iu clonks cut is rapidly diminishim , ' . Take their Rc while you tan ; the opportunity will not lo tillered lontf. h'einnibcr the plnc. : l i l S * + l * " ? "fti * IV . * * * ( "J * n3" * * TT * * 'TJ'Jv " 1 SS BROTHERS 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Chicago Waier Kofor Go. 5-1 mcvuncmx STKI-I-T. ; 1'iv. or fnrnishPil fiom hy.linnl pi'e siuo for nvuij' nil Knii ! .l li'.lii rnel.iui ! , v. Spc'-.ut lleiition i iven to ( "inii-ii fna-.iM lilownio. > > e run print 1111 ; pie < b , < liojipi I-A , ice cream irc-n/cis. . iiolii'iin ' } ? hit hem WIIIH nuu limi's , elu , Tliu lic t encftpo-t motor inii'ln. ' Hmvl lor fir- In IIHO hi Council Ilnll3 ! hy lire Job ollic-i. ' 1'iuo.v Sehin..U.nif at market. I hiCiiHO Mom MnilH-t. LiFl/cnUorlei'K Jteitl Murlict. Sinllli .V MPJOIS. Hoboil Mullls , fOllce mnlei : . ( f VM > ! pllliiRAspnt , Is Ma -t.Couiuil ISI.ilis , 1111 riuiin.ii "t. U.ii.ili.t. I IK K TICKET OFFIE J. L. 1)6 ) BBYOISB , Agent. Ko. ro" ISroiultrnv , Counoil Itlutts. Railway Time Table. CflUNClI , III.L'IT3. The following i * I no tiino of nrrivul nnd ( Uimrtuio ol li-nlna hy c 'iilr > il M.uiiliint litne , ut thn lotal iti'itili. | Tr.tlnleave ir.iiiiierilnpnt tun inlniiio. earlier and itrrivo to.i luinnie-i luicr : ' * AltltlV'l ! ) III P llt'i ' ' " C111CAOO A MlltrilWC-'TUIW. 9U : A , .v . . Miillunil lj.\prom . . . . 0COl : > . M. lMOlM. ; . . . . . . . .AlX'OlllHlOllUtlOll . litJUC , H. b Or. u . IJipifjj . UU3A.l. ; CllK'.CO & I | ( CK IKt.AM > , j. n , M . Miiilniui lxi ! > i i > 8 . Cifiir.n. 7-Tf > v. M . Aci 'iininodatlon . 5:1.1 : 11. M , i- uM . Ivpit > b . 0:05 : A.M. CIIICA.I ) . MI.H'Al-Uiil ! | : ST. J'AtJI , UiSOA.M . Mutl ninl Kspru-i . O.iiOi1. M , GMt'.H . lixplcoH . 0:05 A. II , ciuuAao , i.ani.i.MiHi.N s IJUIM.V. Uil'iA. ' } ! . MiiHmU llNpvws . t.rpl' . Jl , O.fiJl1. M . Uxjui'Mi . liU5.l.M. vv in tsn , in' . MIUI & PAUPIC. Si o p. H. Uiciil fc-i l.uius Hvprors Ior'iil . : ( , ( > l1. M.TriinttDr Hi. l.oul * Kx. Tninhter.JUl I1. ' 4 KA.NUAS LUV. ? r. JOK R CODKCII. UWITM ] 0OA ! , l . Jltill "lid Hiiproas . fi'Xl' : ) . M. Il5i' . n . l < xiroM9 | . U'J5A. : u , tifiu.v rii-v A rACinc. TiJ.lA.ji . Sluiu Cliy Jiitll . t-jiMi1. if. Cd ; ; i1. M. . . hi. I'ntil Liprc.-s. . : " > A. it. UMON iAi/ric. 10 : An . lii IM r i\iici : | , , ' - : * ? ' ' v < ilia r. M..Liii.1olii Van .Uiu. Jk It. % .S.oii I1. i. ' , ; & } l > . > i . ilvoi-litnd ) ' , xuu- . 8I5A. M , 111'M.MV 1II4IM.1U U1HI1V. . -iv-1 t tnvo Council llliiiii-7us : - II . .0 . in , : 1:3' ) 'Ji'iO , i. l-4.J ) a : i--I.MJ 11:15 : I ) , in. Siind.n 7 n3 ii .U--1I . / > - . in : y. , iu-- ? > -5 ; . " ) o .n u i."i ii in. l.u'ivc oiiinint - . - . . ' - ) . ' * - . ' 11:0 : n. in i I ii.i 8 W- : ( XJ 4.0-J 5 u : fi : fi ll-io \ < in. Miindaj- < . > 3 ; i , > II UOn. in. : " . .HOUI -a iij-i.iii -11. K' p.m ONLY HOTEL In Counci llluffs Imvinj Fir © Ulsoa/pe And all inohoin innirovwufulj , call belli , flre kluitu liclU , elf. , ibUio CREST ON Tl O USE I Nod.3t \ 17 and 21 ? , Main Sttout , MAX il I lit * . J'lopilotor IIOK COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. II ud loCj. S PEOI AL i ICES NOTICK. Special ftdverliseiiK'nt" , sndi n Lost , Found , To I.cmn , I'or S.ilo , To Kent , Wiints lioiinlmj , ' , e.iu.nll \ hu in-i-ited in lldi eoluinnnt the low r.ltu of TUN CK.VTri IMJIt 1.1 Ni : for tin ) flrbtlnscrtiuaaniJ PIV1J CUNTS 1'lJIl I < IM : for rneli siiliscri'jont in'-eilion. l < euo adveiii'-p- nientsul onr olllco , No. I 1'ciirl itieil , llioailir.iy. A\'A NTS. IllJNr A llnuly niruUliul Iront n > - IXo. . J7AHM FOII 5U.IAt ! it hiirjliii il > ell , n o > i 1 IU'1 UIKIfiij inllus t > iutli\\-e- of llniiihii. ii loom lioti-e.e\i.-i.oiit | | well ami ei-iern. : ; lini-'i- . ono lor cull ! hinii's. oi i lor M eu.then ; , Ion. mid Wilson houseIU ; ) nevus in llniollr. : irii i Joil'-t tivus , oolleii it < ) iklhlir\ lnni , u-li , .nd maple ; ( joml oit'liiuU. itpploi , elu-n-ios. pluini. pnipet < mid Miutll I nuts. Niseiimlmx MOIV vvalur. IS. I' . OilRi.ti , fi'ji Ilioiuliviiv. CiiuiKil lilllllh. lOtVII. \\r.\N" ! Hi ) To huj all the llr-i.fln--i-ei-.uiil ' ' t hiihil ( . : - lil H.MI | j : ii-n oiiiu-.l n > ene ! , MU'h in luriiitiire , earimlHturn - , et' I'er ,11113 not liiiviinr MIIK rr.v llntoliKtrooiit villasoihnu liv nor nppl liiir. All otlii'rvul ; rcoi'ivo prompt nUnmioii ; nnl "III hu ( i.iiil Hi * luplieU imiiU' I pruelii' A. .1. .Mamli-l. lii llid.lilv ny , di'itler In nuvinul Mri'ily lli-i-elu- ' teioiiil-haiul Iinnituic , ee. : i.e. yw'Ot'.sKs rmt itc.vrAt MiMiiVmDIH" No. V' urlliei'l. . . . 1 ' > -li-ei'l. I'Ois SAM : , colt ISKST 01 : I\MAS ; < IO' JO. | nil Tor Fnloorieiit.on veiy Ihpral tei-mn ( j 'llie Council llliill.s I'.ipci Mlll.ioiiiplcte , ith llm Iniffu bunrdliiif hoiiao and tln-i-u ncios of Kioiind. No. M A business pinpcity In Cherolifo riieiol.eo eonnty , lown. ivill tniilotor Hcsleiii liuiUVidito , nlioiil J. I , 'iOO. No. ! ! ! ' - A henntifnl lioniL' 111 the loivn of lln-l. I'll'i- , Jllllt ; county. JOHII. foi Nohr.tskii IniuL Value , J-I.IWU. Nil II A jt"n < ' In ini'-s piopcrly niiil ul'o - \ fiuoil ro-iiii | in-e prn'city | III llm lown ol' Chtnvo Mul i-r.n i-onnlj. III. , low dun a lor t-anh or ni i'\i i.iinyo lor e-t'-ui huil % No. rl-A ) Bplindlil fin in , well Improve. ! r.10 ncii-s In DIcKliiMin county , lottn , lonilnjr ilio lOHII Of tpllit J-.ll.IJ. I'lli'l ) , lOl UllOll 111111 } f'i'i in r ncte. No. IS ) lo 1'7-AiP lour Inpinvcil fntnis 10 I'hilllpsi-ouiitj . KIIII-.IS enih v , nil a Minil ! 111- iilinUriinco , Tlli' will he . , ( ' ' ' lor i.iimciiml'crcil nllil liui'l in NtlunsK.t. No. I'll ' isti mrcnin Holt eouiily , Nub. , liiipiovoil.iii n bis' bnii ; inn.Vant - , lo u.M'hai . No. M A lira two lory hi Itl ; leMiK'lu-n , < > ni of Iho liP'l Ini-ntloiii. in ( oiineil Illiinn , ivlll Innlw III ! ' fe'OUll IllllllCllllllOlCd KilllSIH I'l Kl'lllM-.kll ' lands. Value , $ | . > , ( jjU. No. Ki Hiid II Aio I woollier leniillfnl IIOMH e In Coitm-ll Illuirs , whli'li cunli juij inenis vnll t ' .y nt ii hnrtrnln. No. r,0 A beautiful snhi rbiin lociilion hi IOA-II f Hy , lown , vUll e.\ilniiii-i > lor VUHUIII l.ui i Viiliio. f : > , oij. Tlioiihovo nro only n few of our | > riciiil guliii. . II jou'voitot iiii > lliiiu'lo tinduor Mil , ( Ji Hfiiil ici hi-ll nny i nil o.-Mto or ineiclniii h < - Wl ItO Un. WO IllJVtl tt-'Vl I III JiOOlltOl'l ; Ol l-'OU'l ' lotiiulofor Ullidi. SWAN , V UAI.KIv I. council ItluilH , Iowa. Chicago Lumber Co. vVholosnlK nml rolitll r.ninhi'r , I.itth , Hlnnif' ' ' Pnsli , Iloors and Illlnds. Bolo agunU lei ilio rnlchratcd Mnililclu'iid Uiiifdiitr.itinl VMi'fo ' line. . K I' . Mu < UNNH I , Mtiinisei Teli-i.hon - f.'o 'IS. Ko. 'ilfi Main MICt. . HOTEL , Main tit , , ( . 'unuuil Hlufl'ri. Nni. ( lie ( J. , . A Q. ; ( ' . , M. it St. I1. , J. , 1 ! . I. A 1' . jailvvtiy dcji'itp. SticnJ ear Cpa - ilut door. l-v : coiliinii now ami His clasc. 1'ioiaictoi anil .Miinnjjei ESSEX HOUSE , COUMH Wnr-i moms nnd lioaid in iu.i-oiin'ji ( rntoj. Northwestern Hotel. \ No-\lv ( TltcJ atul funilslicil. Opp JJioatl MS VI Dummy JK-pot. &l.'r > u pur d.iy , HA.MUK1. 'I'ATIi , 1'iop. J , . U. UKl