Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 28, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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AilvortiTimtitMimlfT . . . .
k fttr for tt-0 first innlon. . nnrt " cc-nl for cf ch
( fub cnut rit Iff-rUon. St-vt n iTords ullbe count-
til to the line , they must run coniecutlrfly nnd
tnuMlio ptiklin tidvnnto. All advertisement *
muf-V b < Tintidtil In before 2 o'clock t ) . m. , nnd
nnili-rim cireutmtiiwrs will they bo lukon or
crPtuntlnntiluv tilciihonr.
1 Vni1le Rdvt'rtl ltiir In thpso rolutnn * nmi hnv
Irir tin1 nn-tvcrs mldrocd In emu of Ilt'K. Nil
pl < nto M-k for chocV to rnnliU- thorn to jret tholr
lc-ttir . ns iiiinn will bo di-livcrcd except on
l-re ontntioii of check. All nnswi-rs to ndvrr-
OCino.onoio lomioti MI rcsidonco projiorty.
T > ( lee W. Dnj , IS U Knriinin. _ & _
MtKsTiS T < > LOAN On fium nnd city prop
erly : call nnd < rrt our inti * Hownrt .V Co. ,
loom JlKolirmkii Nntlonul IlunV buMdliir.jiJU ( : ; )
' 7TNKV to lonn ; lowe t rnlfi : no comtnloalon.
Iluliiiiiiu X M lionc. ' > . nsjjuiinni. y 4-"J *
: TO LOAN on liorntswnirntu nnd
MONiV tomouil. ( . .1. Caswoll ,
Itoom in , Iron Hank HulldliiK , 12th nnd I ni niun.
TBko eloi ntor. 'i.ntV
. LOAN On rhnttol socilrlly , In
MONT.VTO fltiotojlwio. Applj to. I. II. Tied
limn , tarn Miinian Ilio , ( orloJKQ ) * Ull' ' ' " - > J1
r po I. AN Monry in nny nniount ,
.L On nd tliuMoffccciirity. .
Miort limn ionn on ronl < > lnto.
IXJDK I line lonn' on I pal e tnto.
Xoncytu lonn ( in clintlrN.
Mono ) to IOHII on collatcrnU.
Money to lonn on nny Rood security.
ICIIIIB o.ity , Ilino turult .
Apply nt tliooiunlin riniinrlnl
llnrker n bnildliiK , SW oornor ot
IlltoPlitli mid rninam y 431
or TitJOilyl Vou cnn borrow
inniipy on fuiiilnire. bor ci. wiurons
tiliiiios , btoik of ull kinds diamond * and line
atclitou jouronn llmo. I'n.ununtti received
nt nny time , nnd inlcrot re < luct'd pro nun.
ter : IDtli nnd llntncy
TO LOAN O. I' . Dnvls & Co. llcil
MONKY und Lonn ntjcntb , 1MJ5 Fnrnam Su
TVIOXl'.y TO I/lAN--On pond securities A
1U JIcDuvock , room 7 Itcdlck Illock , 1509 rnrmuu
Et. VK
: TO LOAN On chnttcln , Wonloy JV
MONiV , room 0 , Omnlm .N'nUonnl bunk
bulldliiK. 6IS _
M ONUV TO LOAN On real CBtnto nnd chat-
tc-la. JJ. I. . Thomas. K > 0
I.OAN In puini
MONUV1O llr i-clii s mill tbtiitu treurlty.
totter As CoVb , 1515 I'm niiin bt. l"
_ _
r.OANiU nt C. T. Ilced.V Co's. Loan
olliio , on Fnrnituio , pianos , bemis , \\iiK-oni
piupuitx ot nil kinds nnd nil other ar-
Jjurtoiuil Miltio. without ri-inoMil. 0\er l t rCnt'l
Hunk , uirnor IIHIi nnd rnrimin. All
BtUi-lly conllJontul.
vTllt"s.\r.l , OK ritADK I'or ieil " .raTr < 77ho
.L1 nMniir.ii'.t. IKtnitis mul i-onti'iiti nt t\M'lv
flliliMud looms nn tlu S. 11. coi . of I'lh mid
rtipitnl uu line. Lojt0)to | ) lit ii | > Will sell
for tfUJ fiihh , 01 on I line lo iniod n si onslblo
luirty. Aipl | > to Corliett , S. W. coi. Ijth nnd
I'liiiiniii bt , iiistnli | . 4VJ
J.jioil SAI.i : TwolioteN iitn barjraln , .lordnn
J. house and tlio No > v Kntiland bo i--e. located
fdub ! > slileou u inalii iticct in tiiuud lalauil. ,1
.tl. Jorilin. 175-.ll
JJ'Olt SAI.Ii Or o\ohanio , ti eplondld teller
tlontliiiT mill in n p-io\Mii > ftouii In Nibtaska ,
HUiiotinded by asilc | < lld uhiMit iindfoiiipronlnif
conntiy. Tvow ilomtr iiood but-inoss. liwnui's
19 oni ior M-llmif cm nepiiunt ol old HKO. A line
biuMiln. Llarlc & . Hatcbiiiiigcnts , UT S. lltb St.
I'oi Sale-niolhinPprlnplIlll , JHfOeiiuh.
] 'oi ! : ale Kstulillsliud bnnUliiB bnpinos < In Xe-
liiisla , ( onnly tout. ( Jlbton & A relic-r , lloom
11 \ \ Illinell Illock , Omnlm.X t
ipOK SAl.R Or ovlinnjrc Twelve linudred.
and elKlity ncicsol Mo. tlnilx-r and K-IIISI
land , Ioi ti-miles i-iist ol Kansas city. As rich
Foil us am land in the Mate , will t-c.ll ull or part
nt lilli-un i ollars per HCIOOI- will UM-IIIIUKO for
peed impiovcd Kobinsku laud , lledtord < .V
HIIILT. 155 _
ITIOK SAliU A peed pnyinK inocrry Mock ;
-L AIIII invoicealioiit fl.i-to , A Kond undo cs-
tnllMicd. Uciicon forselllnir.lll hcnlth. Call at
Allen Ilrod. , lllll Douglas hticct. ' . * > !
SAI.i : The only leather nnd finding
business In Lincoln , which has bpi n car
ried i.n lor ton jpars vi-rypuccessfully ; the lull-
Fonior i-tlliiitf , death of the propilctor ; capital
ic'ltiltid , fiom ? : ) , * > ' to fl.ww. Address Mrs.
Jiicob llabeilo , Lincoln , Nob. 57-
QTItAVJM ) Olt SIUI.HN A llpbt rr < l cow ,
( J Ifithot'llcocmbor. 1' . llosnii , ocw Jliuvyst.
1 1KWAUI ) ot f wlllbo paid bv lliillon
J i HI'S , lillh M. , Omnlm , lur liiloiiiiutioii
intr to the u-coMiiy ol mine > \itli
Mm In loichcad , liotb hind led "hltc , Ho'cn ' on
the oiunhiK ot Dec. 'lht. Tim mail ) weight
nlioiit ( KUlhH. und Ishilpposcd to liinot'Oiir neither
or M est 1 rein Oinulin. 4a-U5
T OST Ono pair lienver "fuln ( r'ovcs ' on St.
J-J Jlrry's mo 1'inilor plonso ic-tninto Sl < i-
liuiii Ilioti. on luth tt. mid moivo leuiud. ilb7
T710UNI ) A switch km-of thn P. , PI. I1 , M. &
J-1 o. It. 11.owner ; cuuhuvo by cnllim. nt this
olllce. 4lli"
" \WANTKD Hoard ninl mom for imin nnd
V tv\o boysijfcit ; olve , nnil four con. Ad-
drees btiitlnttorms. . II IH , tills ollieo. 4IJ7-"Gi |
371IKST-OI.ASS board , " 1 mciiN. $ .1.111 ; tln 'lo
- nicaU , akis nlco tiiinlihod rooms lioni il io
? : uvtook. 4H9. iiibHt. yyii i
KOO.ll nnd lionrd , tSper Mtct ; very best lo
cution. 18H IKivunpoitM. '
Hi : W. f. Mut/ncrStovoltcpnlrC'o , , 111 South
Hthtn. bctnccn Dod unnd "
N o | > eiutlou or umlcss trusMis. Dr. , JI. > l
Jloore , ' 41 Wnhnbh nvo. , Chlcn o. Will
bout Coz/ims lloiisf , in OmaimTni8iiiiyDcc < . .M
) : liuvlnir iciilj tiilo o soil will dp
welltolKt It w th \\ownntnopioiierly \
nl limey piicei' . Woluno no tuvorltonddllions
towoilc oil' , but devote ourtlmn uud ( neiitflos
1i > M'Ciiiliir ) liiiiKaliiH In siiiplo luopvrtle-i Coch *
j-nii llioH. .V Co. . 1MJ ruiim n m. 4i.cKO
S Vlillls \ > l-hlnF ! iood nbU lor iiomoslia
.1 nniK. cnn bo etippllud li ) calling ut Nobraskn
I'mplojliit'iit AKcney. H'l ' lllih gt. , Crouncu
lllot'k , UoodKiils on hand at pieM-iit. 4 < 7-0
$ " ,1 icwnnl will bo paid for the ic-coveiyof
tlm jenclry mul lancy K'Kidsntulcn liom my
utoio on tlio nielli of Dec. IBth. J.C. iiu : < old ,
coi. AI und Cumhiir * . 4.I7--1
LAI1IKS NOriUK-Wo mo piepaiod to InUo
01 df I-M lor line cakes , riioli us Tultl l-'uitll ,
Italian , 1'ruit. Nco | > olituii , Whjto I'ound nnd
other- * ; tiKe I'liilt Mil.ul. nl-u tor New Voar'b
tables , nud lm\o Ini Halo line hoinu-niado Jellioa.
NIK. ballbbuiy \ Mid. ivllno , IW S. Itth M.
X'hKW *
Miss M. I. , .111:1:11 : : AX , DioesimiKcr , Itoom
h , Jncoh'b block. _ _ _ _ _ _ wo _
T\I Its OIIAUUU Thocelebratedfoituuotoller
J-l I Itctlilcnco Hlli undJiicUsoii , t-/'JiinJ"
IAlIis : In AMint of peed domcFtio help can
J bo mi pill led by cnlllni , ' on thu Oiiinlm Km-
Slouacnt Ollii-o , Idiom I. HusliiiKUi n Illock. Mi .
. w. Mon-laoi : propi Ictor , b'4
SAI.i : Fuimime of n IK loom hotel ,
Hotel to rent. Addieos 11 U , lleootlicc.
TAW MititAitv rou SAI.I : . AI uw library
J conflstliiy of louu icpoits , U. b , hupiemo
eoiut leioiu , Amoricun decisions , American
' Noitliu-cbit'in ' - uud IVdnial
ii'poits , , I'lii-illo ie-
Jioili'itf , all honnJ and u llnoof leit books nil
luli-ht iHlltionsund us good us mw. Must bo
fold tOKUlhur. Jiift co-t flMUKl. Kilr icdnc-
lion for cui-h orirnotl note * . J.M fiirnlehed on
triplication. Adilie.-3 l.V.llt'oi'ilico. 4uO-jl
I. OIt HAI.i : OK KKNT-Chcup , now barn 18
1 by ; tj , 11 ith vvety coiivculoncti. liuiulio
* IiriiK toiclUth ! andDouKlns. 777
T/UHl bAl.i--nio : BnUy Ilwom Holder for
J. t-nlo by jri-occisj uud ut UUi South llth bt. ,
Unuiuu , Neb. iit.i-JO *
fTlOU wrnther ttrlps. ftoim snsh uud doors , go
JL1 to T. U. Mlild l\fj B. lt > th it. 6UO
F OK SAI.i : Tno lots in IVliimii rit-cp. on
block from etruct cnr trnck. liujulre-ISS
13th street. fxO
\\TANTiu : Tno plrlg , one to wnlt on tpblo
' niidono torVlti'liL-ii.noik ; ( H-rimma pro-
fklU'll , 1U17 Uu\UUll bttlVU I71r
„ , , . !
\\-\\l in : A llttloirlrl nboiit 12 nr 18 } ars
t > old us 11H1XSIM , M. P. JlRrtln , P 13
cor 21st nnd I.rtivi-nworth. 474--.M
"lyNTI'liA comprtont kitchen trlrl 1C21
i i rarnnni. 430
\\fAMIH ) ce-niil ook nt the 13mmct
M lloii cno man n'-cd nppli. 453 "Jp
- \ \ T-AM I.H-OIrl forhojseworli nt 111 * Hipl-
r tel au-nue. 4J1-S7 *
\\fANTii : ) filrM for ( food prlvnto fnmllles ;
T V pmid wiicrs will bo pnl I. A'Sci n-otid cooks
Kitchen lils. ehnmbi-rmnlils nnd illnmi ? loom
plrls enll nt Otnuliu Kmplojmc-nt llurcnu 1130
I'm mint * t. ?
_ _
YA"ANTiiA ; eotniictciit person todo lmu o-
> V work , ffll S. .Utli. 4IJ
\\rANTin : In n family of lluc - , n sniirt'
V > iiont fflrl who thoroiuhly iinilentmuU
second work mill plnlu Bowuiif , nnd kocpl ut n
hotiKo In peilcct onlor. lllKb nircs nnd homo
comforts to the right girl. Address 1' . 1) . O. . ,
I'oMofllco llox : i3. 44J-ill
\ArAMiU : 12Kf > oil R-irls for Rcnernl
> V unik : 4 lemnlocook-t for the best families
In the c-ltv : liostHturrs Call t once. Omnlm
Intcllltfcnco Olllce , Itoom 8,8. K. cor. 15th uiul
7"ANTin A ncnt Klrl for ffcnoral linuso-
\v woik. 812 & 2-'d st , neni Luiwonworlh.
"l\rAMT.f > Two jlrl ? to rte first ninl t proud
> > nork nt 1 > CI DollRhis St. 4lh-2o'
ANTii : > Oond Hlrlor mldille-n'jid woman
to do Rontial linu cnork. locnlt-J liont
\\ro \ nillci fiom postollice. Address ! ' . _ VV , 0. ,
Uoom SI , I'rcnzur block olty 4.1V25 *
IVANTttl ) Imiretlhitclv , one ponil kite-lion
i ijlrl iud ; one sumll io'rl help In Ultclion. UM
& ntfi si. 4is
\\AN'l'ii ; ) Olrl foririMif'inl housu orkGor- :
M inm : pie e iDd. 44 ! ! Noi Hi Kill. 4U
A\7AVriii : Olrls for renornl housework.
* Mrs. Smith's Kinploj meiit Agency , 1411
lltirnpy. _ _ _ _ _ _
A\7"ANTii : A Kill lode Rcnornl lioiisowoik
i > ( Irrmnn picleirod Mrs. M. K. Jlnitjn , s. o ,
< or.1st mul J.unv enwort fits. 3'M. '
\\TANTIJI ) Two coed irlrH to do to Tort
i llobln on , nnd wood Sui-tllsliplrls for fntnl-
lies In the city. MIH. .1. W. Mon-isoii , Itoom I ,
liuslitimn block , ICth nnd Doujrlas J-'SA.
\\TANT1J1) rilStc'BM lllUlllBTOOtU glllS nt
_ ! ljlio MetiniMilltnn hotel. V _
\\7"ANTii : > I.iulios nnd pontlcmoti m city or
country to take Ilirht work m their ovin
homes. $ .110 1 n luy cu llv iniulu ; work s-cnt
by mail ! no cum iittlmr. Wo liavo n ( rood demand -
mand for 0111 work nnd fmnlsh temlv cinplny-
inent. Addii" " > . nllh Ftamp , Cioivn M'l'K Co. ,
UU Vlnot.1 , Cincltmiitl , Ohio.
\ \ 7AN"IiiCiipltnlUMo : Invest In mnmifnc-
V t ti ic ol new nitlclo ol mcilt. AUcIn1 s It 17 ,
Hoc. 4tL'fip ; )
\ \ 'AM'iillv : nil e\i > cilpnci'il nmii , Hiudo ,
i' place iiHcnuflitrnii or Hiucltncr In in-iui e
fninlly. 1'or p c 11 ulin a ' 'nil nl Diuulia l.iinilny-
in a n buromi , IlUl'iuiinmtrout , lt > ( - U
\\'ANTii : > We-tl rccommeudod j-ouiis man
t ould bo llmnUiil for etnploiincnt in
wliolosnln lnni o , liotol , stoiuorolllio , ooil pon-
iniiii , mul uilll'iLtooil ' ; lor binull t-iiliuv. Ail-
ilicsslllS , ItnoOmoo. 4Ji-i' , *
w"AN 11:11 : All cner/otlp ninti In encli county
lo ell oiirsi Oiltiltiei to tinmen mil ox-
pie-Bini-n : pool pay. Addios * , Hith f-lnnip
Klnir Whllllctioo Co. , Vnlan , Noli. 4Ul-2 > *
'AX j Anc-nts lo mil jrooils for time pay-
V mi-lit hotisci. llnspctt A ; Ciancer. 117 is.
tfith l'JS-2S *
st. _ _
i7"ATtiAj.'cnts. . Addirs" Klcctrlc fiiunp
' and fclovoCo , St. MiniMo. . , tor c-liciilnr.
cut nnd tcrmsof M candle power Mush lilccti-ic
Iinn p. Iti
\ A.N rii > A Hituutfon by n llccn od cn-
' Klncor. Can do all rumiilncr nndtenm
flltlnir. lioat of ic-tctonccs. Addtess " 11 W
i.i : ollnc. 47C--JS *
X ANTIM ) Sltinitidii ns lioii'c-Von ) Pf by n ,
wldnu lady. Itolciouco ? ( ilen. A < ! die hll
Hi , llvo Olllco. 4-l ! ) *
" \\7AM IMi Pituntlon Ily n flist-chiss bar-
li-ndei or soioiid cook , f'mi iriiovond iof-
tucnco. n iit-bs 11. 10 UooOllUio. 47ai *
T" A NT l I ) Situation by u ( rood cook In ho-
ttl 01 itsiuuiaut. Imiuhu at lollj Chlcutro
fctrct-t. SlW-a'i *
WANTii : > A Bentlomnn nnd clill-
dicnwould lilten u co [ ilniclo bomd uud
loom In a ] > rivate laiiillj. One l.u e loomir
pniHMil loomspicfeiicd Iteluicncou.xchamrod.
Addrecs I'.ivtcm House , 100111 " 1. ln- '
I'KD To - ccuie the tiKimry lor o\oml
flr t-iht > > s l 10 IIIMIIIIII D coniianles. Pnr-
iles Nhlnsio pl.i. o tijonc > in yood hint's ad-
dier-s II15 , l.oo ollicu. 4.Oil *
" \\-ANTLIi < ! onil Foiond pi mo for cn b ;
t > dculeis don't upply. Addieis IS ll.llco olllco.
A\7ANTHD A S'coiidhand Ilio proof Imnk
i' Kiife , with liur l r ptool dies . A mis * ,
K I/ . Drown 01 I'nst National Hunk , .Mci o k ,
Nob. _ 4JTI
WANTii : > A partner In nn < stnblislicd and
pood-pnylnir biisinew 111 > ell i hr.ip to
tlio liKUtpaity. Address Ul. , Ueo Ollieo.
) ri'i-nlf-liod mom 111 Omni. n with
board Ioi mini > ind wlto. Addiess , ulili
terms mid localun , B. 1' . , llco Olilc-e , Council
Illiills. 4l ! l
llivr : , \ nice S room rottafro on Lcav-
FOU , iicai B' ' ulli me. ; ell > water nnd
ciftcrii ; id o n i 100111 uoltntre nn MIolilKiin H.
' bloiKt liom 1'aik n\e. , u ith slnble , well , etc. ;
iilsn n : i loom cottaue , l.ut-'o lot , -table , eis cru ,
U blocks liom l.ltli btiect car line. II. U.
tl.irls , 1 12 Douglas tt. 4.'s-.ll
I/IOK KINT : A Imiiso of 7 looms lor JJO it
J1 tnlvcn imincdl.iiclv Apply 111U > . IMh gt.
lu-iw eun Nicholas mid Paul. 47.XS ) *
"ITIOIt KKNT-Di'AlralilprottiWP.P looms ; ( 'Us ,
.1. wntii.ncwl } paintoJ tuid papctcd tliriaitu-
out. LI i N. got h BI. l iva *
FDKIIKNT Aniuocottneooi o looms. 24J8
Oiks bt. 1-0 2b *
FOK Ki.V : r roinur Cnmh-E and "Otli bH.-
houses , one lartro nnd one of mi-ilium Hl/o ;
nlM ) house on N Hth ht. Apply to 1' . W. Wes
bells nt Omaha MuiiiffS Unnk. 411
FOIt ItKNT A 10 loom hoiifo centrally lo-
c.itud nnd near twos ) i out car lines. In to < > d
ioi mi- and .ill modem liiipniuimontInqniio
ot John A rc-i ham & Co. . bUI foutli luth bt UJ7
EOU HUNT Store , 303 N. Utli suj
_ _ _ _ _ _ [ _ _ KM-Si * _
"ITIOIl HUNT ii-room hnuso on Cnllfornlu fit. ,
JL1 | iituecn 4tli and -1th. liuiulio on piomlbus.
1 * . .1. Ctocilon. iist
JT'OK HINT : .vioom iioiibo on Sotvaid bt. ,
tM per inoiith.
Sioom lioiino , Mth nnd 1'opplclon nvo. , now ,
tXTiper month.
Inijiilro Itoom > 1 , 3. K. cor. 15th nnd Douglas.
HUNT OB I.IIASiStore : 100 m.SiilSO
JTMIIl ) gnrdcn with O-room house adjoining
city : bu-nuro num. 17 miles west of Omaha ; i )
liu-liicss otsonSt. .Mnij'h n\o. Apjily to II. II.
Ciiapmnn \ d ) . . I.'IT llownrd bt. 110
KINT-NUW houseat ri > .Inckson HI
Apply ut Cuuninghaiu X llronmui'x , 1311
Dodao M. IM
_ _ _
ItlJNT r.-rooinod hoiixo on Clmilna st.
Irioil ' lepnlr. Dr. I' " " ' 118
JjMiK HUNT Tno-btory iIck house with
J.1 batcment ; modern lniiiuemeu | . K-cond
door liom M , Clary's uvo. on "UthbU Apply to
Wts. t'laiUMUi. _ 7wi _ _
KiNT : A 2-story brick biilldlutr ttoro ,
? iron ! on Cii > s , but. 14th and llth ; 'JJ pur
mo. I' . 1' . M > nr , cor. IMh and I'linnim. Ml
Foil KI'NT 3 story house of brooms , "O
Daveiiport. Imjuu-oMr It. Stovena , 001 Da-
over Onialia National buuU.
710 1 ; ItUNT-nouso. 'lth uud Davenport.
1 Cottage , ISth and Hurt.
CottiiB" , T looms , " 1st nnd Cnllforuln ,
Jl-room new boutuiJlli und I'opploton avo.
TTIOll HUNT lloueo bvlonKlnir lo the estnto
-I ) of .IiulKO Chadwick , tun 1'aik uveuuo. W.J.
Counoll. 281
j HUNT Two now funds roomed hoiibos ;
.1 } lurnncv , bath room mid till modern convcn-
ionceE , onu block from street ears. Inquire Jo.
K ton , U14 Mh St. , or Siui-ltln Works. bu )
"l OK IU5NT A Btoro room with jrood cellar
X1 1VMJ Hurt street. Apply to John Uitumur.
, HKNT Stubto near lilsb bchool. Four
1 Hulls , good roam for curiHiKei uiul buy.
Apply to Ueo. I * . Hernia. UU
01t HUNT y Mores ou Vtb and tcatonwortb
1T US.
1 btoroon South 13th it. Doth flret-class busl-
ncts Iccutious. AUo Uoueos to runb A.McGav
oi-k. _ _ _ _ _ _ Wl _
17I ( > H HKJf I' Two nt-wrcsldcncesn rooms eachT
J ? CfdtU O & lOOUii.hOUbO III rOUCi * . J , I'lllpp *
Uoe. W >
NT New hoi : f > 5 room , Ono of
J' l-D't built IIOIIM * In Omnhft , K.'n.1 bctn-opn
t'umlnif nud lfttd , fix
CottncoO roomo.'J'tli ' npnr Pnupln * . $ ' .
TnolronKiflicosfocond story llnrkor lock
Two larso rooms In city hull bulldtnsr IC-th nnd
Ont or two f mull * torn room on 16th ft nenr
rnnintn In City Hull bnlldlni ? will bo nrrnnpe-l
to su ) mntor. C. K. Hnjnc , Utli nni luriinm.
roa BEST
-IM HUNT Furnished rooms nt 11J
I1 17i th
JMMI itKVT To mnllfnmlly. Inrzo fuinl he < l
' 1 OIIBP on pnic-d Mrcot ; Ilirnaco nnd nil
inndnrn oinvcuuncos ; relurcnccs reiihed. ( |
Apply nt 1W4 rnrnnin st. _ 4'4
T7MIT HKNT Two unfurnished room" , SIO
Jj per month. S , W. cor. EM nnd lnxvn l *
w 01 ill. 45ia >
171OH uiTNTrurnlthcd rooms. 1419 DodRO
UIN r I'ltnsnnt lurmsliod Irom room.
1511 Jones Mrcct. 370 i.-J *
T/IOH ICHNT Coinplntcly ftltllt'IlPd lint , f.
JL1 looms und bath. Address 11.8. llceOflic-u. oW
] 7 < OH KINT : Furiilsliod rooms , 1509 Hnrnoy.
' 1J7
TTUm lli\T With bonrd , nrso front room !
JLOH and modern improvements ; UUU Jones
tict. 13
_ _
MP.NT 1'iirnlsliivl room with Ixinrd
sultublufortwo Kuntlcmcm. 1814 Uodcost
Foil UlSNT-Wlth bnnrd. n room smtnlilo for
one person. 1UU Webster. M3
TOOK ItKXT With bonrd , two rooms mljoln-
JU Init : front room , southeast. 1UU Wolutcr.
1 < 1UNT ; Fui-nlshc-il room , 1318 TTOJuul .Inckinu. *
"I71OK itKVr-l'lcnsnnt room , furnished ntul
JL' unfurnished , for Itaht housekeeping , out :
usually IKI found In Lleemur's Hluuk , coinur
Ilovuird. UTU
IpOH HUNT 1 rooms nnd bnscmcnt , cor 19tli
and South nvo : flu per month. JlcCnguo Hroi ,
opposite postollko , 77
-7 > r > ll SAt.n-Acto lot * In WiHilnpton HIM ,
.1 fr03 : otic Ml til each , b.iliiimi' ensy pii > inunu.
Cuiinhitflmtn & Uiunnan , loll Doilgo.
$ nee buys nn ucio In iiohlnuton Hill. Cun
ningham X Htcmmn , Ijll Dodiro.
iiMHl SAM : 3 Glcirnnt new hot
1 lots on litli Htiuit voryouo.ip.
\ lliiiiiian , r > ll Dodge.
IoitsVII. . A wood hoiiM ) und lot C8MIO , on
L' s. ifil'i kin ct. only t-KtJ. Cuiuiltighuiti & .
J71OU SAM : A corner lot on Dili and Jones
- ' tun-els , if < , OM ) . cunnlnjfhtini V llronuun
\\-ASIUVtiTOJf IMI.r. | Mhero .oil etui t , _ .
V' the iiruio < t nnd ( liuii | < s : acio lots. Ills
jie1CAI ol VVnlnut Ilni und live minutes' HIIK
Irom llell l.lnu depot. Ciiiiiiiii niiiii > v lliunnuii.
&r > oo buys mi acio In Washington Hill. Cuiv
I' nliiKbam > V lirenniui.
WAblll.TON MllI , it-To lots on monthly
piyiiiL'iits , Cuunnina'hiitu < .
OK SAM : M ) u-io < nciu- the eltv , SSI nit
neic. CiiuiiuigliuiiuVJiiciiuuii , mil
Jftlll SAI.i : 10-ioom luiii-o. luitfo corner 1 it ,
1 ojhilionton I'atkiuonuo , ? iyjo. S o mis
nt once ; it is worth Jlu.uw. Uiiuiiliiifiitim
i , 1S11
$ .sno bujs an elegant lot In Mnnscom I'lace. 1C
tnlvi u tlus cuv. Ciiiiiiiiirih.ini A ; liiuiimin ,
lull LOUI. ) ( , > .
\\"ASiiiNr.TOX llll.r. Is Omnha's inot
it cbnruilntrs iliuib Comenud bee our in ro
lots thcie liltec-ii ndnnles drive liom tuu
Cunnintliniii \ liioiimin ,
iriOH SAI.i : Che.ii ] lota In Haiucom 1'Jaco ;
outtlionts ; inmitulj p.ijmenib. Cuninntf
Inn \ liicmum , loll '
FOIC SAM : AnSrnom lmii o and full lot in
lliinsoom 1'livcu ; uiist trout ; only 'J.iv 0.
CininliiL'lin.ii & liionnan , loll Doilgc.
S\M : Piilpndld lots on l.cavtnwoith
street , no-ir uvoiiuu. A ( rood
inunt. Cnniilngliam & Itfonnnn , l.'ill Uoiljrr.
l SAM : AT-ioom honso ami full corner
JL' lot nc-ar I'ail : nrctitiu , enl } S..JOJ. Will sell
on nionthl ) p ij mums. CiinuliiKlmm & llion-
nan , IJll
II OH HAM : Anou fl-iouin lionso and full lot
nn N.itii ( mieot. 8)iU ) Turn is n bargain ,
CininiiiKham A : Hit nimn , l.ill
-lATASItXTON ! II1I.L is the best ni-ro pmp.
ii c-itj : $ "OJ nn ncio. easy U-nns. CunnliiS'
ham \ Itieiiium , till WM
171OII hAM : Oreliiin c lor Oiniiha projiur-
t > , tin implored tin in , JiiU . ) lui lioni
iiulio.ul toun. AildiotsIJa YViittumu , iO B l..i'
\'u. TT n 111 bt , Uinaha.
, -\oit \ SAM : n > cocluan Iitos. &Coijm (
r.iriiaui street. Choice Impiovcd nnd nil-
inipioveil piuporty In till parts ol thu city. 11
jou coiiiiiiipiato litijnifr iinj lliliiK In our line ,
wo ill hii\ooii monoj If you will call ntul look
dim am ImiMiiin . ( .ociuun llros. > V Co. ,
I iiinain.
Foil SAM-lrkk ! houso.a lots , cor. llamll-
loiiht. , 56 , \\illtradufor mini ,
llou-oand ot , Vir.lma ave. , * i , ' , i.
l-ii out eouiitte , lot J0\l 'l-0tli and Douglas ,
" lot" , 3 homes 2th ami I'opploton nvo. , JO.dOO
lloii > cfi rooms.I'd anil benatd , fl.OJO ; $ > ) '
c.isiK t > iiiaiifi ) f 1 > i 01 month.
Tiill lot , L'c-ott 'KCS ' , MioiMmi.npar Hull. 311,700.
h-io mi honsu , lot fiU\ll > , l.oorsla tivu. , 4-J..1 U ,
Dioini hon-c , lot CU\JU , 7 bloclisiiom poat-
olllfo. S lrttli , > HOW.
( i-iooin IIOIIMI , Davi'iipDit , near "Jd , f3 i.5.
l.oi uuar lil h M.I.O il , 4,11.0
0 lots In Iliinacoin I'lucc , $ . .r,0 I o ? 1,500.
lxtin Kilbj adilltuiii.MiUto fl J.
Lots In Omaha \ icu.t-'W to &GUJ.
Lots In J'nil. 1'oicct , S--U to t ! i.
4V- | J. r Illnsor.
FOIC SAM : "Jplondld bnslnp s pioporti on S.
Illib ht. , 7ri\liK Icet ; will bo M > ! < ! nt u an-nt
i-ai'iilloo II liikun soon , t'oclirnn Utoi. iV Co. ,
IfjUUI'ainum St. 4liMW
DON'T icml Ibis 1M of nintor bar ulns in
u-al ostatu by ,1. 1. . llico , IZS 1'aiiiinn , or
you nilijlit nuiKo u dollar. Vucitnt loir
" lots on u co i gin n\o. , llaiuhuutn I'laco ,
1 tin nor lot , Shlnn'ftOnl ndd. , iiiOO.
"lot > , Mlinirsiiidadd.Uiich , f nU.
1 lot iioiuuiir on Hamilton , blilnn's 3rd add , ,
$ | DO.
1 lot , Low o'snild. , cheap ns dirt , MM.
llt-antlfnl loriior lot in J'lamvlow , Just oft
h'liiinilci.s , ihoonl ) ono lull , aiww.
iicKam : corner lot , b. mid K. liont , Denlso's
Hill. , S6JU.
And lii all othnr additions In Oinnlin , splendid
1-t ol imi-niMtl - icb.donoo proix'ity. AKoim-
uo\od Inim ptopoit > in Nnbrntkn. uaih or
lade. CiuiKh * jon nn\thliiK ) on waiitmoxt.
' lockHol Kiou'iiirtiindincrfliandl'ool all Kinds
for talcoi tiado.o inakoii epcdally of bual-
ii-ss chanriiH. .1. I * Hlco , Htal Ilotato und Loan
llioker , I'--- I'mimm tt. . 1 * . i ) , box67U. 44,1-aj
FOKhAM : r.nreo honso nnd n nkclyulova-
ted lots , n hhlnn n M add. SU W.
rnrfcalo-r neb roomedhoucoonClnikstreet ,
ikoly t'loxiitid lot , , ( mu.
440 ( Jilbon \ Aichur , Itoom 3 , Wlthnell Illoolc ,
\ JV ulnut Hill lots r .u , .
West bide lota.iuj to t-5Xi.
Tliornburif loin JJIXJ loilV ) .
I'm uieiuer lots I7 , " > to $5 < J I.
linker \hiiio adil loin } 175 to ? 1
Donecken'h ' add. lots .r ' ' > to f 70J.
hiliinyildolots f'M lo { 1,1X10.
lliinsi.oin J'liue lothji.r.u io $ lriOO.
HniicljiiiIKh i'l.icolot tt.'l'A ) to J 1.450.
( in tunond 'j-acio loia ( U.JJ tofJ'i.
J. 1 IteoiLk'b Mibilh- . lots $ l.rxioio * JJi33.
li-nao \ t-olilcn't ; Una fs J to tljwj.
linn Oiik lots i7 0 lo fl.Wj.
Deultoadd. Ion $ ' * )
Til ) lor s udd. nero Jots J 1,000.
Tuttlo'b hub iliv ncict tOO.
I.OIK in ou-rj part of the city ; easy tovm * .
Cony euuices at thu door any tlinoot' tlio day.
U. I ) . Mujne. S. W. i or. .Jth und r.iriinm. Ui
FOIt SAM20H TIAIi-lCO ( neres of land
1'4 milts north of North Auburn , Nob. ;
n bo ut flxi > aeiusuiiiloi enltlvutlon ; uooil lunim ,
burn , und a food \\ull of uator. For luitlicr
purtlcnhirs appl > lo II. It. Iluudloy , liiownrUlo ,
Neb. 4lUJun''l
$ aoo to f ( JM liivi-stod In n lot In West Side now
will iiiako jou a hundconid lolnin for u
t'lui"tinns jirosent ono jcar Iiunco. ( io nnd In-
\cbtiKHto. lloll A ; .MLCiuidllsh , 1511 Dodxu t.or
V. i : . Maynt'.S W cor , litli und I'anmin.MllltuKo
FOKSAI.K I-arKcaiuJ email stock ranches
with ornitliiHiirfock.
Tor SulB-3 lots In bprinpr Hill , f IV ) each.
Tor 6dlo K&tabl hud banking buslnois in
Nebraska , county fccut. Qlbsou & Archer , room
\Vlthnell Illock ,
1'ot Kicluin.'o Nebraska farms for Omaha
property ; ube lands to exchange ( or etovkk of
Wanted 3 business lots for cash within i
blocks of poMoHicv.
Tor KicUmiito Iti ) acre Improved fi\rm , Jliull.
wn county , Nob. , for haute uiul lot In Oumtiu , ,
Knr Siilo-A fmcro tract 4 mile * of | K > i > tolllcu ;
Iinn.socObl flv > Wtortl,5xOcasU.UILiouAAr ) , '
iiootu U , \ \ Uhuull Ulovb VK > |
Foil SATr.-ImtnMlntelr , 3 Iwnutlfnl cot-
tnirp on south mli it , np r Cot tir t. Klnc
Knst nnrt sotitli frotiti , nnd nil
mm- . Splendid fmifc. Hnnl nnd soft water.
\\illfcll nil nt n rnrraln dnrln ? the no.xt ten
dnjs. A. I' , T > il > o ) % l W4 Faniftin st. 410
J7UMC SAIK-ffc.nti ! lots hrnnnscoin PlneoT
I1 Add.ffsO. JVStcbblns. 80JjnuI7
I poit SAlAS-A cottlonof tiioleo inrin innd
tVntml Nebrii'kn , will mnko this n biugnlii
If told soon. Address 0. N. II. , 1' . O. b. 000
Omnlm. '
SAI.R Sqhool Inndlen'O In norlhean
JU Ncbra&Vn hi iiunnliticsof 8U ncres nnd iii | *
wnrtls O. K Du > | 9 & Co . 15tJ Vnriiam 8t. * ' > >
Wis : r si i > i-i ( ( , jivi to $ r * > J. Kiwy tprm .
Hell & McCnndllbb , 1SI1 Dodifo nnd C. K.
Mnyne , s. W cor 16th nnd Farnnin , solo npont * .
* * > alF
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
F OK SA1.B A two story , K\tiO. fr mo build
lntsultnblorora ! 10th nnJ R r
Applynt this olJIeo. I'll '
--\riST"sini-I/t : : KioTo fOOloKniy InnriT
Hell it .MtrnndlHh , 1.MI Dod o and C. U.
Majnp , s. w. cor. 15th cud I'nriniin olc njjent" .
AV' 1' SII > 1' I-otiSiVltoSfXiO. Kn i ternis.
llell A , Jlrrnndllsh , rdl Dodge and C. U.
Mnytip , s. AV. cor. 15tU uiul rnriiam , solo npenl1" ,
\\7iWT si ni-i/m : $2,10 to f em. nn y tormiT
lloll & MeCniidlNh , fill Uodpo nnd 0. 13.
Ma ) ne , s. w. cot. loth and I'm mini , tollnpnnti. .
F -0onO 10 for cent Diviend
pnlnjr Mock , ( jb | ou & Archer , Itoom
3 , Wltlinell Illoolc. 4
\\'isT : Slim ] jot4 imto S"03. IJasy lerms.
Doll k McCnmllWi , r > 11 Dodtfo. nnd 0. K.
M n ) no , s. w. cor 15th and rurnnni , t-olo iifretiM ,
r/itifl"iOlnn.J ) . Ka y term" .
Hell A McCnndllsh , fill Dodiro nnd 0. 11.
Mnjno , s. w. cor. 15th and Fainum ,
FOIt SAM-inlot : , block liMlojd's addition
for term * ituitilto of A. I' . Nicholas. 471
ITIOK SArK-l , : > , t , 4 , n nnd 10 ncro Irauts do = o
J. to city. All 1lrt clas < lux ostniuntb. I'oehran
linn. \ Co. , IWJ I'ainiini st. 4U.KU )
Sl'KIHAIi notion to cler yni"n Clnrjy no
nNhlii . fine permits for IM-tO will i
Pend or leave their nt Chlcnvo.V Nottli
v\osternolllce , 1111 I'm num. t , ISI-Jnn-l
\1'IST : Sidd Station .Itinctlon of the Missouri
M I'aullle and Holt Llnu.on Iuavcnuoiibbt. It
yoiMumta lot on West Side don't waitlonu : or
} oil III bo too Into. 1'iltea of lots * .XX ) to S"iiO.
l".ti > terms. C. K. Mn ) no , 1'tli anil rarnuni
and llell & .McCniulllsli , 1511 Dod u si , , solo
17MHC bU.i-At : n baijrnln My io ldeiico ith
-I' Cur Illatros on Sntimlors t-t ; east lioni ;
near Hell Line depot. Addiess II.
rpo i\CUANJS : for city piopoity or nior-
' eliundisu , tiirin ol 170aeies , ailjommir Afton ,
I'mon lown Hi-.t-cln-vi luillnln oiolmid
co , ; - - - s ;
nl , vwO iioi'M , uvei.'ieen" , email tiiiits ; pnee.
&yuWJ. Address i ( . A. llelt , Alton , Iowa.
GKii : : > tVOiilt iKimitirul aero nnd half nui'o
lots , line location. ! 'i ' nillos Irom 1' . O. , only a
fcmoiiiLnts walk lioni llan vom 1'aik. Acirs
fllW Halt ttcveititz , 10 poicont cnsli , balanoo
inontld ) ] ! ! imenlj. C. U. Jlayno , S. W.cot. Ijth
und I'm num. 4TJ
\\TI T si ! ) ; _ , , t f.-o to ? 0irt3. K.ISV terms.
HflKV H Oiindlisli , Till Dodfiu and U. U.
Majnes. \ > , ioi , 15th mm Fminun , solo iitrunt * . ,
"ITIOlt.AM : Honso nnd lot 211 S 29th st.jcheap
J and payiuunts. Address C. S. Cliliiiinn ] , lh | .
coin .Nub. 071
> > llell fc MeUumih-h. 1511 Dodiro and I' , li.
iluyne , s. w. cor. Hotli and I'arnam , solo ujrr.nts.
nil y-l
AUPTIOXSAT. ! : The II. & M. K. lailromlln
Nohmokn ulll bclliat ] iubhc iiuction , in l.iu-
toln.l'iTOe.tnc.'l.t-nminommiff ' .lauuarj 1 , iNsI.
mul roiiliiiiiln- , ' \\illi piopur adjoiiiiiincnls until
nllirooiN liiivn been void , n larwo collection ol
unclaimed and iv.fncd fioi ; tit , coiisNtlny ol
liuiii implements , liouscliold 'ooil- , 1'in-nitiuo
ic-paii-iundti lot oC ptopeity clamuKe I by the ut
Omaha depot. 7t "iDec. . ,11.
I \T > T hi Ir-M.ot JUjI to SO n. llti-y tonns.
> lloll .V : .Met'niullMi , fill Dodire and C K.
JIujne , B. w. cor J5tUund I'uniani , .solo uironts.
For. sAl.i : TliKO nil lots Inllodk-k'sudd. ;
east lioniviiv : IK > ) I\V ) pilcooi udjolnin lolt.
Wo enl ) liai alns. und this Is ono ot
them , coehrunilioj. A , Co. I&J9 I'lirniiin < < t.
JTUW .SAI.IJ IJjIlionn Sc Him ley , Iteal l tuto
X1 AKCIIIS , N. \ \ . cor I Ith mid Douirlas * ts.
Some \ cry de irablo lots mid Unvllmi ; houses
on I'liLiium blicot.
AIM ) , u eottajro and lot , 33x131 , on lltunny
stieel , no.u bnsincs.- , .
Two lots und cottiiRO * on I'lirnam stioot ;
Kiailed and well loomed lor roildunoe.
OnoKem ol n cotia o und lot , t'uuloJ , well
located , near fctirel iiiilway.
AUo mail ) valuable lots. 503
\\rKST SU > i : The Junction etntlon of the
V > Mo. I'nc. and Kelt Line will bo a iirouim ? .
tluivlim to\.nin uleoi six nioiitlis. Take a tide
to Wo-t Sidoaud choose a lot beloui they 1110 nil
( Tono. Kell A , ilei nndlbh. l.'ill ' Dodjro ; U. li. .
Mtiyno , S W cor. 15th and Kuruuni , boio ais
T71OH SAM : A general incicmindlsu b
JL1 in n rapidly KIOUIIIK totsn not lur liom Mil-
coin. lle t tiudo and location in town. A splen
did opportunity lor n puny uNhluir a ( rood
oponlnir , and lmiiiv lioni suvci. to ton thousand
dolliuhln cash , v'lll sell lot1 ca-honlyoi p.ut
cash , bul.inco leal estate in Omaha. Address
Meichant lleoOIlieo. Kii
"I \ iST : Side Plnlion , Junction or Mo. Pac. und
i Holt Line , on I.umoii'.voith t-treot. l/ots
f J.'H to jJfl I cadi ; caloinu. . No\v \ is the time
to hit ) and inako nionoy. Call and wolll take
, \oii out und hhovv you the lots. Hell i MeCand-
llsh , l.'ill Doiljro bt. ; O. U .Muyno , bV tor lOth
nnd rarnain. 407C
FOUSAM : iiyi'ottcr & Oibii
Choluo lots In linio s 1'iiat add. , j' j to flJO
Corner 111 Isaao A. fceldon b ndd , 1)\1UM ) ; , for
1'lno lots on Iliown ct. , M.vUW , ut $700 ; each
easy toi ms.
Aero lot \ cry cheap , cor Hi own nnd California
& and ID ticro tracts on easy tci ins nt Sl" to
EMX ) ; Brent buiiralns.
A low choleo lots in Thornburjr 1'Jaco , on llelt
Line , cheap.
lots in Shlnn'B Third , 5 )0 ) each ,
I'iiio busitifigcoron 1 anuini st. , $10,0)1.
Loth Inl'ottei's udd. , fswto fUJJ c.iuhory ;
cheap ,
A ICTT line lot" , Hnnseoin 1'lnco , nt $7M each.
Call und acu our bau'nlns in afio tracts.
B75 J'urrtn & Com : , loin rarnain St ,
ITIOU SAM-lsb.iwilns | | , Kusy terms.
A' Lot 61x14 : : . hou-o 10 looms , Kcoa'add . l,003
LotfiOvlW ) , hoil o 4 loom , Huns-oin I'Jaio l , : l
lots i > ivliKi ) each , houMj H iiiiim , corner . : i ' , UO
Jxjt&OxlVlhoiito 11 looms , llansumi I'laco Kw.O
Hoiiso5 looms und lot , K. X It. udd l.OOU
IIonsu5 looms , lull lot 1'io'pnel I'lacu . . liHJi )
Honso C rouins , 17th and Hurt bargain ,00ii
l-iitfe in Midio-e , Noupoit , Co'u llrilllantu ,
liiUliliin , KoUedeio , Walnut Hill , Hun-coin
1'JuLO , Jteos , and all othei additions , on hinall
monthly pujmonts. li lots In Wjleox iuld , l,70J
riirms and unimproved Inn Is in all pans ot
the stiito. bij iieioin ( JuhH co. , ( inipiovidi
S-iU. 7.t actos , t'encod , inuir C'ouiu'll
Kli ifs. Jl.ivjO IJ T I'lleuoiuV Co. , Hoom U , b.
I" , cor. loth und louilit ) ; > > , 43 !
11-11 A .MefiuiiMUh , 1511 Dudtfo and C. C.
ilujnu , sr. . cor. Iblu and I'auiaiu. bulu agents.
LAND hiiKI3llf : : , ' ATn.NT10N-ror : full par
ticulars about lieo and cheap lands In
Wcetein Nebraska uddress Thos. ' . I'attersou ,
Houl Ujtato Ayimt , North I'latto , Nob. tfW
PropoKalsfor ravin p.
SISAI.CD proposAl-i will bu received by the
unduirl until 11 fi'elouk u. in. ol Tnc.sday ,
the "Jlh nay of .laninir.t . lliv ) , lor Uiiilolloiuiitf
kindtof p.niiiKniuUTial , \ii. :
S eui aiihiiltuiii , iu > pur > p-clllo illons.
j\i-ilialt | blocl.s ns ] ui bpeellleinl ms.
BlotiI'allst'ranftii iui ) { > or hpeciileatlons.
Colorado Hiiidstomi nvper tpueitiout ons.
Any olhorhtono ps I \ - | f-poelilcullons.
Miici.diim as porupcclgditlons.
Woodou bloeksui n rfiiodilcatlong.
Any bid tor p ir/ne u uddiiinn to boinjr ae-
coidniKtospoullleations imi ) ul-o be noixmlnij ;
lo Mien hieiilllcatlons ] , u > the bidder ma ) pio-
bcrile , the bumu tu bobot foith In detail und to
uciompum b'd. '
llaeh bill shall specify n p/leo jior fnunro yurd
for Ihup.ivlii comiiletooii the nticct.
Work to bo done i.i uct orduiieo n It h plans and
epoi'llleatlons onllloin thu olllco ol the board of
publluoiks. .
lll.U to mo iiiadoon printed Mauls furnished
by thuboaid , and iiecoiii | > anlcd with a cortlllud
clmek in the um of one thousand dollius , pa-
uljlu to the cltv of Onialia us a KUiirnnu * Hint
the bidder \tlll within thhty days Irom the
opening of the bids give bonds nut encoding
two thousand dolhir.-i IK the iniiyoi or city conn-
ci | muy i i | Ulie that Mich bidder will enter Into
, onlract lor sucli pavlmr.of tbukind and in
leiln'i pocltled , us may be oixleied iluiinif tin
rear Itwti ,
The bonrd of publlo works roscncs the. rltrlit
to reject uny or ull bids , and lo ul\uun ) de
fects. .1. K llllUBK.
JctSI Chairman Iloanl ol I'ublioVoiI \ > .
Itiillliiu in Hunk.
VOP.K , lieu. l. Tim Iwttl ; hUtcmeiit
1 lums a reserve ilccrt'iisfl of SJO.J5,1I > 0. 'J'lio
li.inKs nou- hold SiJ.G/.t.oai . in excess of thu
l roijtiltoiuc'utJ.
r * v CMIP < n
IAN S\\EAR \ \ ,
And No Ono Cau Say Them Nny ,
Hliopnnl llnloo dial a"Mui _ Can
' 1'cMiry riKlefUntii.IjtiMi
llc lay Not Hollcvo In
n God.
llrraM Dfr.Z3.
Judge Sliojtard cnluivtl a tlpcision yc" < -
tiTilny in tltu criminal court ( hat an atlio-
1st could IcMify The dt'oisioti ' was rcn-
( U-fcd in tlio conspiracy cn e of Ituborl
Hcrlcl. l.asl Spjilcnibcr lloi'ti-1 , In com
pany with Hermann tfimmonnan , who
has since llcil the Mati > , wont to Illinois
'l'ru l ami Savings bank to borrow $ .1,000
on a plcco of properly , Kngonn \ . Prtts-
sins was instructed to look up tlio title ,
anil Hcrtel i > ho\vitl ! him a lot on which
' loot ! a three fciorj brick building. Her-
tel R.IVO the wrong number of the lot and
when the mortgage was nmdo out it was
on a vacant lot near llto ono llertcl had
pointed out. IVtis'sing indorsed the
property nnd on his vndorsnnient the
money was loaned llortcl. flitch of the
Rtrongth of the case dopondctl on I'rus-
sing's testimony. When he took the \\it-
n ( " s Mttntl. Jlr. Dikcmstn , Herti-1'.s conn-
hul , a kud liltu if he believed in the Hiblo.
"No , sir , " Mr. I'nivsing replied.
"Do you boliuvu in a GodV'
"No , sir. "
"J objucl to the admission of his ovl-
deiii-o , " fciiid Mr. Hikoman , atltlrosi < lng
tlio court. "The tolimony of ti man
who docs not buliovo in thu moral bind
ing potter of an oath is not adnmsablc
in any court in this country , " und he
cited a number of ca&es to biipporl liis
"Do you believe. " Judge Shoparil
asked M r. PrusMiig , ' 'in a I'rovldunce era
a (5od ( , o - whatever you may bo jilea'-ed
lo term it , that makes a man accountable
in a Ititure world for crimes committed
here ? "
"I neither believe nor disbelieve , " Mr.
Prus-.jng replied , "in the e\iMciieo of a
( > od. L would not admit there is such a
being , nor am 1 prepared to nuinttiin
there is not. 1 simply don't know. Jan
passive. "
"Do you believe in a future life , " con
tinued the judjre.
"On that question my position Is ev'
actly the Mimu , " tmswered Mr. Pniss'mg.
"I don't believe one way or the oilier
My mind is not made up. "
"Do .Mitt considur thu oatli required of
3 on binding on your conscience * " intcr-
rnped .Judge LongnccKer , assistant stale's
t mo-it certainly do , " answered Mr
" \\'h.\ \ y" then asked Mr. Dikoman.
"Simply bcL-nttM ! the form ib prescribed
bv , the -l.ilule-s. If 1 should eommil per
jury I should he amenable lo the law. ' "
'lite counsel lor the defense made t.
hitter light against ( ho admission ol .Mr.
Piu-siiig'.s testimony , hurling huge
chunks of the state constitution at the
court , and quoting lavishly liom the
lioeknfcllcT case in Seventeenth Illinois.
" 1 behove lliero la a God , " .JuilgoLong-
necker replied , "hut there tint hundreds
of intelligent men who do not. and the
eon-liliiliuii of the stale of lllmoi.s de
clares that no man shall ho deprived ol
liis civil nnd religions rights by reason of
his religious feelings. .Suppose Air 1'rtia
sing should be wn.vjaid hy : i highway
man , who should rob him of $2,01)1) ) ) . On
the theory of the defense Air. I'rnssing
would not be permitted to testify , and
the robber would escape punishment. "
"Will tin ; com t permit me , " Air. I'm s-
sing a-skcd , "to ea.y : i few w old * in my
own hchnlH" Permission having been
grantee ! , ho said that he was perfectly
willing to take the oath and would most
certainly consider it binding on himself
in spite of Ills non-belief in the existence
of a Hod. lie claimed , that ( he spirit of
advancement had led to the adoption of a
form ot allirmation for the many who did
not believe in a God so that their testimo
ny could be heard in a court of justice
and render them liable lo punishment lor
perjury if they swore falsely. Ah' .
1'riibsing showed that the cases cited by
the defense had been deeided under the
narrow and intolerant constitution ot
1HIS , and continued1 "In IbuS Robert ft.
Jngerooll was the chief law ollieer of ( he
Mate ot Illinois its attorney
He made the remark that if ho was the of : i most diubolical murder , the
assassin would go unhung and punished
because , under the laws ot the state , its
attorney geneial would not be competent
lib ti witness , because ho did not believe
in ti God. The ell'eet of this remark ,
and the vvido discussion which followed ,
vvtus seen m Iho constitution of 1870 , nnd
tlie blot was forever eiVaccd from the
statutes of the stiitc. The bill ol righls
in the constitution of 1870 says : And no
person shall be denied any civil or politi
cal right , privileges or capacity on tie-
count ot Ids religions opinions. ' "
.Judge Shep.ird fi.uiUy admitted that
he was not .so clear on the iiicslion ] as he
would wish , but vvotik1 decide thai Air.
I'nissmg might testify , and ( license could
then bu earned to the siipteme conn tor
a decision , if it were so wished. lie
thought tint the woid "cap.icily" in the
constitution was Intended to cover jitcl
such ease.s as the ono before him. In
conclusion he wild : "It Jngersoll were ad
vertised to speak here a l.ngti number ol
people would go lo hear him and it is
well known that hi * writings sue widely
read , although I consider u great deal ol
them tire bosh A great muiiy lolluiv his
belief , or are moving 1 hat way , and tin *
question is hound to treipienlly pio--ent
itself , and should be settled by Iho courts.
While not thoroughly saliMicd in my own
mind on this ixiiiil , i , lumcvcr , will de Mr 1'rusaing m.o lustily in this "
There considerable interest mani-
fC < Utl in the discussion , and prominent
among the specl-itnrs in the court room
woio many of the leading members of
the society for ethical cujtnre. An excep
tion was noted lo the ruling of the eouit ,
and the trial was resumed. Herlel was
lotind guilty and sentenced to tvvoyeiir.s
tit Joliel.
losh Billings says that if yon II.IVH the
rheumatism , you should Im thankful that
It is nol the gout , and use St .Jacobs Oil.
Tlio Strnngo ICIleots of Chewing
Nineteenth Century : lit the valleys
east of the Andes in tropical bouth Amer
ica there tire , and have been Irom im
memorial time , extensive plantations of
the coca shrub. IJis mill onions In these
regions , but Iho natives of IVru and Ho-
livia cultivate the plant in terraces which
are likened to the vineyards ot Tuscany
and Iho Holy Land. Krythrosjlon coea
is allied lo iim common Jinx , and forms ,
says Dr Johnson , u shrub of i\ or eight
feet , resembling our black thorn , with
small white llovvors and bright green
leaves. Many thousands of acres sire devoted -
voted in Tern nnd Holivin to its growth ,
The leaves , of which iheto may bo three
or four crops in the year , are collected
by the woman and children , and dried in
the htm , atler which they are
icady for use , and lorm , indeed , nccoid-
ing to trtwelcid , Iho usual money ex
change in some districts , the workmen
being paid in cooa loaf The conMiinp
turn of IhiH leal , almost universal in thn
lountries named , has oMunuuu across the
continent into Unuil ; but here it U pow
dered and chewed with the nilics of
I'uruv and Jloliv-
itlanU. Among the inns
inns the coca luuvoi siu > rolled with a lit
tie mi-.lacked l.iuo into a Inll ( ticullicoi
uud thewcd in the mouth Wo shall
present ! . * fliul a woiulcrfnlly similar pro
eess amour ; the tetelchewei. " , fur nwny
to the east The practice , it has been
said , i iihnost utmnsat in tliese Soutl
Ainerlenn eonnliiesAlthonph the
Spanish oonrpierors ileiiouticnl Iho nalivt
tntlmn and all his woiUs , ineltitlinp : the
chewing of the coca leaf , these prohibi
lions pnueil us powerless us the bill
launched b.v t'llwn the VIII npaitist to
banco. The I'ennian was faithful to tin
tradilidii of his fathers , and then a our !
ons but iiotucMUMplcd , eonvei > ion came
aljottt. The Spaniards , seeing ; how ad-
inirahl.v the na'lives worked in mine ant
plantation when the coca as pcrniiltetl
them , decreed certain horns of suspen
sion of labor for chewing Iho leaf , and
presently cameto encourage the growth
by every means in their power , and even
to recommend its intioductiun into
Coca chewing roscmble.s in some res-
peels the smoking of opium. 13olh must
he taken apart and with deliberation.
The cocsi-chewer three or four timesin
the da\ retires to ti secluded snot , lay *
down his burden , and stretches himself
perhaps beneath a tree. Slowly from the
chnspa. or little pouch , which is ever tit
his girdle , tlte leaves and the lime are
brought forth. The ball is formed and
perhaps chewed for lifleon to thirty min
utes , and the toiler arises'od as
quietly as he lays down , and returns lo
Unit monotonous round of labor , in
which the eoe.i is his only and much-
pri/ed allraclion. Some tsike it to ex
cess , anil to the intine of coqnero is
given. This is particularly common
among white Peruvians of good family ,
and hence the name "White Coquet o"
in that country is a term of reproach
equivalent to our "irreclamablo
drunkard. " The Indians regard thu
coca with extreme reverence. Von
Tsehudi , quoted by Dr duhnston in his
"Chemistry of Common Life , " says :
"During dhmc worship the prie'sts
chewed coea leaves , and unless
they were supplied with them
it was believed that the favor of
the gods could not bo propitiated. It
was alao deemed that the snpplicator for
divine grace should approach the priests
Mith an ncullico in his mouth. Unas
In licM-il that any business undertaken
without the benediction of coca leaves
could not prosper and to the shrub itself
worship was rendered During an inter
val ol morn than three hundred years
Christianity has not been able to subdue
this dccp-roolcd idolatry , lor everywhere
we linil l races of belief 'in the mysterious
plant The u\c.i\ators in the mines of
Cerro de I'a-icii tliiow chewed coea upon
llu- haul veins of melal in the belief that
it sjyu | | ( ho ore ninl rendetsit more easy
to work. The Indians even at the pres
ent clay put coea leaves into the mouths
of dead persons , in order to secure them
a favorable reception on their entrance
into another wet Id , and when : i 1'eriivian
Indian on a journey falls in with a mum
my he. uith lunid re\eiviiee , piesents to
it .some coca Jem eh as Ins pious oiler-
ing. "
I'lie coca plant resembles tea ami hops
in tin-nature of its aclivo principles , al
though dillering entirely Irom them in its
ellecls. In the eoqueros the latter are not
inviting. "They are , " sa s the traveler
just quoted , "a bad brealh , pale lips and
gums , greenish and stumpy teeth , and an
ugly black mark at the angles of the
mouth. The inveterale coqnero is know n
at the lirst ; his unsteady gait liis
yellow skin , his dim and Miunken e\es
encircled b.a . \ purple ring , his quiveimg
lips , and hi's getu-ial apalhy all bear evi
dence of the banelul ell'ecl of the coe.i
juice when taken in excess " The gen
eral inllucnee of moderate doses tsgcnlly
soothing and stimulating , but coca das in
addition u special and remarkable power
in enabling those uho consume it lo en
dure hitslatned labor in the absence of
other food This appears to be a well-
attested fart , and accords strikingly with
similar cflccls observed in the consumers
ol opium , liolh coca and opium , and lo
u Jess e\lenl alcohol and tobacco ,
check waste in the body , slightly lower
ing tlie temperature , and economt/.ing
more or less the e\ii-udilnrc ] of loroo. In
the ea e of coea , onitim and tobacco , this
is well seen under hard labor and in ( he
absence of food. Alcohol plays , as we
Iui\e already hinted , a pieeisely similar
part where \\aste and expenditure ! are ex.-
ee-sive , as in some caseot _ lever. In re
gard to coca , Von Taclmdi sa. > > , "A man
was employed by me in very laborious
digging. During live days and nights he
was in my service ho never lasted any
lood , and took only two boms' sleep ,
each night , but at intervals of two and a
half or three hours he repeatedly chewed
about half an ounce of coca leaves , and
he Kept nn aciillicu continually in liis
mouth. J was constantly beside himand
therefore had an opportunity of closely
observing him , The work lor whiuli I
engaged him being finished , he accom
panied me on a two days' journey aero-s
the level heights Though on loot ho
Kept up with ( he pace ol my mule , and
halted only lor Iho chaeear ( chewing ) .
On leaving me lie declared he would will
ingly engage himself again for the same
amount ol work , and thai he would go
through it without lood if I would but al
low him a MUliciciit amount of coea. Tin ;
village priest assured nut that this man
was ( i : ! years of ago , and that ho had
never linow him to be ill in the world. "
Another special ell'eet ol the coca is
produced upon the InngH and bn-utliing.
The I'eruvian under tins drug climbs
mountain p-isses and sustains e\ertion at
high altitudes without brcalhles-ness.
Europeans in the same country have de
rived liom coi'ii the same ell'eet. This re
calls the nccoiinth of the jiea-anl moun
taineers of Sl.ria . \ in Austria These men
eat white ai-si-nie , which is obtained from
Iliu copper mines and .sold by poddlero
throughout , this region. It is also given
to the IIOI-M-S , and both ninti nnd borne
derive thn same powerlongwindodiiess
Irom its use. In Stviia , however , the
ar-onjc is used by the voimg also for Hie
benelil ol Iho compleMoii , which is said
to become irresistibly beatiliful under its
inlluenee ; but it is not known that coca or
opium or alcohol or any other Mimtilaut
ntncotic has any Midi ellect upon thu
skin , so ihai wo must look cliuwhcio for
motives to their consumption.
CncAf.o , Dec. 00 , [ Special TcIesiain.J
CAIII.I : Very Jew choice cattle wcionnm-
beicd aiuoiiK U > o oirutln's. .Some hlll ( led
TCS.IIIS anil a lewtliiottjliTi'\aiis ! , however ,
1 uinul icady sale. The liest natives olfeied
sold ut & 5.70 down to ? 3.nO lot ratlici com-
limn ( inalitles , with fair lo trooil beefsteeiH
Dilncljially ul Sl.OO'JI.ya. Uiniujj the week
oulinao ti > fancy hhippiiia and ilie.ssei | bcf
btccissolil'JOd : " ciiljliur , while caiinlnx and
liutclioini ; cattle sold lower. L\it : \ Tlnu-day
e.Mra pnine l < ee\cs sold as hl h us $ > .b. > , and
home seulaua , ' c'ovcliuimi'd \ linndnslo.v as
M.OO per 100 pounds. Dlslllleiy fed 'I'esas
cattlu on sale lo-da > sold at f > . ' , and htrai lit
Kia s Tu\aiib at ? S.-IO. The bulk ol caiiniuf , '
cattle sold at Sl.TtuJ.ho , anil stockeisand
Jeeders went at & . ' .4U < f J.lOfui thn loiwei.and
and W.l.Val.O * tin the Jattci. Hliippuii ;
steel .s , 1W ) to 1.VW Ibs. 84.-iyif5.70 ; 1.SOJ lo
livjji&u.bue : | i..v ) ; xo to 1-ioijb , , $ ' ; r n <
1.10. Tluoiitih TOMIS cattle , S'i.50 : . ' , H ) Ioi
tow- , and ' .iWt'j.-'O ' ' ioi steers.
llof.s I-'inIii.\i - ! Intnl. el w.ts anllvn lo the
oxtuiit th.U olloiln were at lull ) - ' > ( ' ad-
vaiico , cluilnt ; with a Kuod cle.iianec made.
Todaj'sli.ido was nsjaln brisk and a small
btipply clnutM'il hands at r > iilOc ad\.ui'-e ' , or
10j)15o { ) aihaiicf .is > c < jiupatud with la-lTliurs
pilc'os. Only ii\n le ular packets wei
buj Ini ; and tia-li ( oinblnnd
iiiuouuted to nUoul I.OX ) . llastetn hliippcr-i
took nbniit Hitfamo luimii'T. ' The < iuality of
Kiiuleil P'lot. .Suinu assntleil
wciylits holila-i lilgli ; u ) .mil boii
tluc.d nun
nt IXliWUK ) for fnlr to cliolcn fttid Sn.rvVSS.75 V
for fair to choice heavy. ISouiJi nnd tail end
louyjohl ns low ns Sfl.MVi.l.CXi. lacking
nnd MilppIllK. ax > to 400 pound ? , S3.aji 1.00.
Now York , DcaCO. Mosr.v Oncall
at aiW'i percent.
I'UIMK Slr.noA NT u.Kl'Arint ( ! ? i pr cent.
FOIIIU : N KACIIA.NOK DII.I.S Utillut tl.buj
tlcnmtul , # 4.S-i 4' . Dull htttsiroiip.
Sioi K Hel ro Hie opcnlni ? leporls of
rnllinnil raniliHjM for tlio thiitl week in lcv
cember sliowcd ftnili' ' n follows , compnrcd
with the eotiesiiondlni ; " week of last ) ear :
N'orthwcsiein , f. 'sllK ) ; Otciton Na\li..itioii ,
SiT.-JIfl ; Onialia , 810(1K1 ( , whereas decreased
cat mints had lu-en anticipated. The stimulus
thus given resulted in nn opening for ( ho
ncthellM ' „ to " 4 per cent o\er Tlniisd.ij'a
elosiint names , followed hv n niodenitely act
ive m.ukel lor faun lies nnd almost a contin
uous nduioe to the clo c. The jirices to-
nlitht show jrains for ncaily all ai-tlve slmies
of 1 1 mill looser U pel cent , Noithwcslcin
and St. r.iul eai-li helni ? np-\ percent , I.nko
Sluue , Canadian IMcllie nnd Paellie Jlull O't ,
Union I'.u'iiic nnd Omah.i vouimon ' . ' , and thn
otlieis less Ilinn 'J pei cent.
siocics ON wvi.r. iTiir.r.T.
njJcent lHtnl.s. . . 10I' ' < U. .V .N. W . lOsJi
U. S. 4k'.s . ll'J'jl ' prefeiiod. . 13HJ
New l'.s . lil'c .V. Y. C . lour
I'aeilloO'sof ' 01. Oieiton
Central I'.tclllc. . 4 * il'aclile Mall . 7i
C.i\A i.l : > ' 4 I' . . I ) . &K . ttt )
iircfeiicd. . . . l.M > il'.P.U . tt ; >
VM l > t tV ( / < . . . ici4 : ; , it00k Islnnu. . . . lisi
D. , I..AV.V . . : l'J > ij St. L. , tS. K. . . . Sl5
I ) . Vslt. 0 linfl jiicrencd. . . 4.- .
Krle -MS 0. , M. A-St. P. . .
pieferrcd. . . . -Id pn-lened. . I'.O. 4 . ii7 : > st. i > . Act ) . . . ; ; * ll
1. . U. AU' piefeiieu. . . tli-l ! .
Kansas .t Texas. 'H lesas I'.irlllc. . .
l.nUeSlioio il'aeilic. . .
L..V : X W. , SI. I , . , v.l' . .
.Mich. Central. . . . ri pieri-tred. . .
Mo. Pacific \\esti-iu Union.
Xorthcin I'.ie. . . U. JUtX
picloucd. . .
, ; o , Dee. 20. The Dtovcrs' Journal
icpnlts :
Cattle. lieoolpts , 1,200 : stiomr and un
changed ; sleeis. st.o.i5 : , 70 ; stocU-is and
leedci , J-8.75M UK ) : cows , bulls ami mixed , li
SI Mii..r.i ) ! ) ; bull ; , ' .Mi- ) ! ; , ; iliiomjli Texas
c.lHIe , cows , S.-.5 un J.-t ! ) ; steers -.MKVi.i.'iO
llnjjs leeeiits ! | , T.tHX ) : active and
hlithei ; lotiL'li and mixed , M.5ii ) : i.7j ;
lin , ' and silminr. | ] ! < ; : uiii i.OJ ; light ,
.Slieeji ( ieeeipts , : iOO ; imuKet stoadv : nil-
lives , M.iMvii.J.51) ) ; ToMilis , tl.7. > ( ii . ' . . ' ) 'J ' ; lambs.
5 i.T.KII t.ST'a. '
St. [ . ( .ills. Dec , Srt.-Cntlo ( ItcceliitM ,
100 ; hliipments , niiue ; mailit Him on vety
light supply , and mlvanced ; shinning slceis.
? i.on\it V i lur tali lo nest.
Units Itceoipts , IRK ) ; shipments , -101 :
bud-lie's' ' anil bestlie.ivv. . ? ! l.75i ; : i.Si5 ; ml.xcil
packing , ; > . ' . . " ] ° Kj'i.7U ( ' ; light , x > ,
blioi-n Itcccints , UK ) ; shipments none ;
nomiimllv ste.ul > and unchanged , timuiiiH : at
S--J.UO" ) .
Kansas City , Dec. .4 Cattle ItccpinN ,
IOJ ; shipments tidiio ; active ami stioug ;
espmleis , t.'i.iKKii'i.Ai ; common to choice
hiiiiiit | ) | , fc-4.a5yil.Vi ; stneKeis and fee-dels ,
SiMKfB.i.7. " : cows , S'J Olvft-.1i'i. ) |
lilies IJecelpK tV-WO ; shipments , none ;
in-live , stioiij ; , iud lOc | ihiei | ; jjnoil to olioiee ,
il.MKn i.Tfi ; common to medium , Kl.ii'wu'J.-lS.
blieep liiveifits , IHO : sliipmeuls , none ;
sle.nli ; common to unuil , &l.5Jit-J.UJ. (
Saturtlay Kveulni ; , Dec. 20.
intleliiatcd ( Hie m.iiKct vv.isquiet to ilay ,
ospecltdly the cattle 111,11 Let. The IIOR marLut
was sttonjj , though lew sales wete made.
: : i A'I ivi : bAi.i : . .
Xo. Av , I'r. No. Av. I'r.
IK ) . . in. . . . twt
i\.viiu : OK ritifcs ron nons.
Tlinextieineiiiie ! ol lor inith !
mixed , ami .shipping ami Im- > divsj-s helnvv " :
KIIII ; li i Heavy Iulit
D.U& Jlived. I I'aekimr. Weights.
Sntnulny. .
Mond.ij- . . . . li 10 <
Tiiesd.iv. . .
ThuiMi.iy. . : : . . ' ( ) , < / 1 r. .iO ( )
Saliinhiy. . . " . -'i inro ;
jiuiiiisr : AMI i.ou isi. :
, ; the highest and lowest in Ices paid
on this inaiUel H > i' ho s tltuiiu the past
.seven d.ns.iud Ioi the coireipoiiiliii , ; time
lust month :
UK ) Hi , , no value , rieynaiitbowa ate docked
10 Ibs and Mans * 0 Ibs ,
O.)1AIIA ) 1
Satuiday levelling , Dec.'JO.
Oencrnl 'Miirkets.
I'ons The eoiitiiiiied mild weather favors
the shipment ol cw * and tlio leceiiits vveie
linue. Tlio stuck hi the bauds ol the com
mission bulges is veiy licavy , and It H
cl.iiined Hint tl.eio aid a L'leiifer nuiuher of
eases in tint liamls ot dealers In this city than
at any othei lime dining the fall or winter ,
bales ate bciiiK made atOyiJle. .
lltn rin : Tfiu Imlter maiket continues
steady at former pi Ices. While choice butler
meets with laii sale , theio Ih no demand tor
the pouter glades. Stilcllyeboiceioll , 15 ( 170 ;
laii to ijood , ' . ) ( ' / > ! 'Jo ; Inlet lor , 405 v.
Ciu.isi : : l-'iiney lulleieam cliLildaiHOeto-
bei make , lOJfc ; Haiti , IL'c ; Vomit , ' Amcilca ,
ll'ci lull eieam Huts , Anst make , lUo ;
Vount ; Amencas , IUe' lull en-am , July
hlinip , < ft 7c : lust itiality | Swiss cheese , inu ;
heeond qiiallly , HiyiHe ; biicK clieebi ) , llfo ;
Liniliiiruei. lie.
I'ot'i.iKV The old stock of poultry lm
been , Ioi the most pint , disposed "f , iillher
the and Iho imuKctls "J * l
sold 01 sent to dump ,
iic.uly IIIIHI ul poitlto ul all kinds. Kiesh ID- l
eeiiilsol chickens went In lair demiuid at
iv.iTc , and tuiKejs 10 ( < .iji ( ! ; ducl.s and
jjeese , Ttjlfe.
( i.vvn : Tlio ieeeipts of game have been
smnll since thu vvaim weather has put-
vented shipments being made , 1'r.drlo
chic-Kens me in tiood demand at Si.OOt.'W5 : ( ;
per doiimlluid ; ducks , per do/ , S'S.-iH
( ( Cj.M ) ; teal , SI.-"ii * 1/iU ; Illixill , Vl.'iVl.7fl ! !
j.-ee'-e. ( : : jicl < mliblts , fii/X ) ; Kinall
l ( dibits , We ; iiuiill , Jsl.OUCi.l.'J.'i ' ; Hiilpu ,
61.00 ; duel saddles , per II ) , ll ( < . U&i ! tan *
( iiscn , tici/.Tc ; ( iiileliio ( ) saddles , jier Ib ,
Iliiilie : C-UIMSSCS , u 7e ; elk saddles , per It ) ,
Miciic ; caicasse.s. .VIM.C.
miller UKK cues
Conn HOM.V Cnllloinla 'J II ) . frame , CO
HiIn ease , | ict Ib. , ! ' ; extiavled. " II ) . In
cans. 2 doin case , per case tl.tX ) ; 10 Ib.
tnuiu'S. .Xrlir.ihl.n. IN- ,
( IIIKIINew VoiJ ; rclinrd pcrlibl. , J7.CKJ ;
dn hall bbl. , sl.oo.
ViM.t.AK-UlillovMite , ICc ; elder , 13o. .
( / ooMjrs Theiels a liberal supply In
Iliu imuKet at SItKiii'l.ii01 )
.NKW i-iijij AND lATr.s ) lfigs , Smyrna , 100
Ib , Legs ] > cr ] | i , Uu ; liiyci , ti , 1'J and 10 Jb.
boxes , per Ih , I' ' ilTc ; Iaer , fimcy , 45 Ib.
Ixixes , pei Ib , 'JV ; l > cr. limey. & Ib. car ,
loons , pel Ib , ICe. Dates fancy Van ) , 12 Ib
lioxe.s , pcrlb , Me ; luiiu ) l'ci.siau , Wlb , boxes ,
IH lib , lie. I'lunelles , ! A5 Ib. boxtu , pur Ib
Ki'rsHickory nuts , large , purlin. 81.40 ;
ilo shell ImiKH. tl.'iti clie-.lnutn , IJu : | H-cans ,
I.u ye iiollslied , He ; pi-cans , iiicdhun , Du ;
IliiglNi walnuts , lie ; nlmondn , Tnria oiia ,
Uc" do. ltiiiiieiioc ; ; , lie : llra/lls. I'-'o : IllberU.
lie ; iM'iimit.s imnd picked , lunoy Virginia ,
. . . . ifi'iwln.l xl
KHAIIT l 'ht duality ,
l. ban el ; per X buU