Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 28, 1885, Image 1
19. r FIFTEENTH YEAH , OMAHA , MONDAY MORNING , DECEMBER 23 , 18S5 NUMBER 101. MURK WRONG THAN RIGHT , The Litest Canvass of Congress on tlio Silver Coinage Question , UNCERTAIN C'AUSE OF DAKOTA. nndlcott ntiil IFlq Aide dc Oumj > Oidt'i1 'I hi1 Hennte's Slow " \ VoikHlt Alipolnttiifiitq the Committees. A Coliinnr Cumnsfl of WASlilVdiov , Dec , 27. [ .Special Tele- Ciam.J For Ibo pin po e of dotoi mining bow the house slood on the qiustlon of the sus pension of silver coinage' , tlio N'lillonat le- ! publican made a cant ass , Hie lesnlt of which Itpnblishod ) estord.ty. Tills canvass shows that 128 mombois favor the suspension of silver coinage , nnd 107 oppose it. Of the 12S wlieifavoi suspension ! H aie elemoi-rats and IK ) lopiiblicans. Of the 197 who favoi contin uing silver coinage 1)4 ) aio demociats and . > ' ) icpiiblhans. They also published a stalo- inont madu by a certain senator who claims to have mad" n canvass ol the senate , anel sastl senators an- opposed to suspension nnd : ! . ! In favor of it. Divided It ) paity lines the senate Is thus olass ( > d : Tor suspension. iepnblieans27 , demociats ! ) , total ! li. Against Mi-pension , icpubllcans 15 , democrats 2'J , total II. 'I ho ostlnnlf's In this compilation seem to iiate been m idc laiL'ely at h.ipli.iml. . Ills evident they fin nlsli no adciiualu guide as to congiisslonal suitlmcnt upon this subject. So fai as can lie li.iccd , with so many con- giessmcn absent lot the hedlday lucess , tlie list Is moio ottcn wiongthan light , whore- ever it stilkcs a man whohashltiieiloeloaily put himself on iccoiil on Ihocjuosllon. Hatch of Missouil , lei instance , is onnmoialcd as being in lav 01 of husjtonslon of tlio coinage of the silver dollai. lie ; is not enl ) a stiong Miipoilcr ) ol the Dl.iiul bill , but advocates free silver coinage. On the other band , Maj- bun ) of Michigan is slated to bo opposed to the .suspension of sllvei coinage , tvh'ti he htiongh lavois It. The entitu i'lorida and Louisiana doleiritiiins aie bcldnwn against Misponsion , when tbeio Is piobably not one man mining them who. lias been called upon to fat n an ) ole nly defined polic ) on a ( Hies- tion which so little concerns him , 01 who would not foci Hint his constituents would jiistlf ) him in casting Ills tote on elthei side of the silvoi question If theioby ho could secuio a vote lei the nnintcnance of imnoit duties on siigai. In point ot lad , theto is e > much dlveif.'e'iiey of opinion on the silver question In the piesontcongiess that the only M'O ' piedldlon to m ike Is that nothing is likely to be ai complislicd. mr rursiDi M s i.AUD.vnr.r. ni. ini : . KeniitHis Slieiuiaii and Logan made a sim- llai mistake when they piomised Itionds in Dakota to use then influence to picventllio continuation of Land Commissionei Sjiaiks , when , in fact , the lattei was continued in Match without objection. It lllustiatos , how- evci.'tho ncoessit ) ol u public iccoid of thu proeee dings ol e-xocntivu sessions , wliich the senate has at list : uieod upon. An addl- liunal conclusion in this diiection is lo bo made , and lint is , tliu icpubllcin suna'ors have decided thai U Is not Incompatible with public interest to announce in the lecoid thu reasons wh ) nominations aio lejocted. The piosiduit's tiionds niy that ho lias no objec tions to Ibis , and he ought to hive none , as lie lias given ovei ) possible evidunco of a do- sliu lo ap ] oint none : but lit men to olllce , and be has lopcatedl ) s lid that ho hoped tliu senate - ate would assist him in collecting the mis takes lie has made in a ] p liniments. He can affnid to stand on his lecoid , ami pioposos to unite with the senate in elevating the public Fei vice tons high a standaidascan bo under the mc'sont svsloiu of pationage. A couple oloongiossinen wont to the while house )0itoidav tei ask the pioslelent lo assist them in seem Ing the continuation ol a man against whom some objections had been laiseel. Thepiesidont told them that the ap pointment hul been made upon theii recom mendations jind without any puisonal knowl edge on his pit tot its htness , and it tliu ob jections weie justified ho hoped ho woulel not bo continued. w .t N r A MW : w im n norsj : . Some of the leal estate dealeis in this clly me ondeatoiing lopoisnadu the piciident to lecommond the election ot a new executive mansion , but he has given them no enenin- agement. A bill will bu introduced In both houses lor thu ptnpose , and an olloivvillbo madu 1) ) ' Ibo siullcato xvho contiol thepioji- erly on Columbia Heights to sell stillklcnt land for the silo at voivlow flgnio > , as they can afford to do so , but Ills nol likely that tlio scheme will meet with much favoi. I'lesident Aithnr had n plan which ho iceoin- niended to his friends In congiess , and that was lor tlio puichasoof thOcouiei ol Hand .Sixteenth btioets two blocks noithcast ot tlio white ) liouse , and oioot an oxocntixe mansion there , hut private ie-ddoncos liavu been built theie of late. COM MIIMOli1I.VO COI.l Mllt'S * COMISO. It IsF.iiel a bill U to bo Intioducod In congress to lend tliu name of thogovoinment to the Jnteinallonal ox)0sltion | ) which Is to < v behold In Chicago in IbOj , to commemoiato the four hnndiodth annlvoisaiy of the dis- covei ) of Amciica. The Chicago people mo a good deal intoicsU'd In this enterprise , and me going to push it with the energy thai lias made city famous. They think lint tlio t > pleal Ameilcan eltv should be tlie loader and the location of lids ecmimeinoiation , and consldc'rilqultoasappiopilato as the hold ing of the celebration of the 10- imblleat tliociadlo of liberty. The exposi tion will bo planned alter that of Philadel phia and similar legislation Is deslied , except that no linanelal aid or guarantee U asked from the got eminent , the people of Chicago agreeing to foot all the bills. covir.s roii A noum.r. I'triii'osn. Itvvas announeecl to-day the secretary of thotrensiny of the icpublle of Honduras Is in New Yoik , and ts expected in Washington - ton this w eel ; . Hucomcs to ibis countiy in tbelntciost of a lallway enterprise In which ex-Senator Tabor , of Coloiado , andothui IMH | Itallatsaio engaged , and in which they have intestcdboveial millions of doll.iis. Ho has another mission , also , which has aliedy bourn finlt , anil that Is to pcisiiado our government to piuvcnt the shipment of arms and ammu nition to the revolutionary paity In Hon duras. Kx-1'icsldent De Soto , of that 10- publlc , ttho was banished several ) cars ago , is an exile In Now York , and It Is chaiged that ho Iscontlnually shipping munitions of \xar to Ids political iiicndsln Hondtnas who arotheiuto lucite Insniioctlou against the uxIstluBgov eminent of I'leshlont Itogiaii. A laige quantity of such niercbandUo was Ecl7cd on buaid a steaiucrin Now York the other da ) by custom liouso officials on Infof- inallyn tuinNied by thu state depaitmciit. I'fiilVIblON'rt 01' Till ; III.AIK 1I1I.I- Tie | lllalr educational bill appropi lates for the Hist jear alter Itcomos Into cllcct S7.00J , . 000 , thoiocond ) oar Si 0,000,000 , ( lie thiiil ) ear 54,000,000 fem ih } oai SISOMOOJ , ilftli ) ear glloooX)0 ( ) , Mxtli ) car , hoventh jcar'T.iKKl.OOO , olgblheai S\OJJOOa-in all ngt'ieguting SrTW > JtKK ) , which is to be ex pended in common school education to all thu ehlldion of bolioul age In thu United btutc-s. The mejne ) la to be expended in the nnd tciTilorlos In proportion to the porso'isalwivo 10 ) oars of aife tthocnnnot write. ! ( panic schools for oedored children aio consMoied in tlolatlon of the conditions of the bill. Tin1 instruction In the comnion schools wln'rein the monies from the pro- Msionsof this act Mnll be expended must In clude reading , wiilinir , the English l.tuznigp. arithmetic , gee raphv , histor ) of the United .States and other n cful brandies ot educa tion. ' 1 ho design of the act H not establish an Independent ) Mcm of iclinols , but to fninish loinpniaiy aid for tlie ilex elopnnnt of ycliools alioady ostibllshed , anil no grc.itei sum can bo paid out of this mono ) loan ) stile or territory in any one ) on than the sum expended b ) Ibo slitoorteiiilory oul of Us own leveiinestor the iminlcnancc of common sellout * ! , not In cluding the sum expended In the 01 ecl inn of school buildings. N'one of this money can be u-od for thu erection of school houses of an ) kind or for lent of the same. To misap ply any part of the fuiiel will operate a foi- Icltuielil the stale or toiiltoty mtllty of mis application , lo any fin Him M ] D irtionnicnt of the mom' ) . Tills bill has withstood the dlscrtion of the principal educatois of tlie counti ) dining Ihc pist tin eo or four .tons. Mi. IJIalr has shown gieat eneigv and lnapiioacha- hie Inti'iost in ( Ids moasnie , and has written thou inds of letters andglvun much time in tlie Interest ol it. Tlio counti ) owes him n debt of giatltuele foi his \\oili In this dliccllon. lie' is ono of tliu most u ? ilons liboieis tor the ouisu of educi- tlon lo be found anv where1 , and is an e.unest anel faithful advocate of his constituency. iiiri'i.r vncm 1 1. HTAVHS A " thu time a pioaident pro tompmeof the senate was ohoson1 said bonatiir Mitchell of Oregon , lo da ) , "t would have advocaleel the selection of a domociat lor the position , J don't think any one who knows mo and m ) re-'oul will tiy to giinsiy m ) lepublleanisui. It seems lo me , though , that It would havcbe > n tUht and justice , ami the ] ) opniai tiling wltli the people under tlio cliiumstaneos , to Invoghonthe democialiu p.ut ) the ollicoi , who , should the ptesident die , would succeed to that ollicc. Of comse , 1 would not hate1 toted foran ex-confodointe , because lie would be oflenslto to the people ot the ninth In the event lie should succeed to the piosidenc ) . Thewa ) the mallei stands now , it some eiank should take the life of 1'icsidcnt Clo.claml , , i Ingo propoition of the people would accuse the | ) .uty of committing muidei to gel hold ol the piesidone-y. " Senator Mitche-11 ev identlv fools like pa ) Ing his political debt to tlio demociats lor ids ic- cent election with cheap talk. D VhOI V MAI 11.11-3. .J. C. McMaimeo , ot I'leno , Dale. , ttho is lieio in the inteicst ol Dakota gonoially , said to tlie lii.i ; coiiespoiulent to-night that the bill foi the opening of tliu Shmx luscivation in Dakot i and Xcbiask.i would undoubtedly le ) icpoi ted to the senate a- > soon as that body meets atlei llio holidis. "Do .ton anticipate any opposition to its passage.1 ' "Nooiginl/oil opposition. I think it will bo one ot the nist bills to pass the senate , and tint it will pass the house as soon as it can be i cached. The nevt rules ot the house will lae Ilitatc busines * . I think and I expect that thu opening ot tlioieservation will buauthoi- i/cd dining the piesunl session. " "How about the bill lot Iho admission of DakotaV "J have no Idea that congiess will iccog- ni/e the Union piocecdlngs , or that thu Cif- lind bill will pis < , but I do believe that tlio teirilory will at ioist bo dituled beloie the loity-ninth congioss aeliouins. 1 bcliote lliateongiess would piss an enabliiu act to admit the whole ton iloiv , but a nnjoiity oC the people o Dakota pictei to stiy out a while longer i.itliui Ihan gain aclmission upon those teims. " Ol tliedcmociallc ti limit hate wliich came heio to look aftui Dakota Inteiosts call ) in Hie tall , McCaithy It is gone homo , Smith v\ ill go on Tuesday and loiiton ! will have the field all lo himself. Hi > ) iiton is veiy thick wlthlvX-lioveinor Ordway , and it is hinted tint tlio lattei gentleman pats the expenses of the loimei. Majoi Ui.ico Green , who captuiod John ICiown , was appointed agent lor the Indians at Sisseton , Dakot i , last suii'inei. He ic- ccivcd liN commission only ) cstculay and eJorhls jiostlo moiiovt. ' mi : tvuiu.i ) no tiovi . " r.diloi I'nlit/ei.ot ( lie Xew Yoik Woild , is not &o belllgcicnt towaid Iho administia- tlon as lie tt'is. It was stated that a few dayt > betoio the adjouinimjnt ot congiess ho hit licet lo dine at the white house' , ami re mained theuuintll half past " . o'clock in the nioining. It Is not knotxn whethei tliupies- ident 01 tlie cditoi w is lesponsihlo lor this pioionged visit , but .Mi. I'ulit/ei usually has a great deal to say , and the pii" > idont is a good llsteiici. At an ) late the tone of thu WoUd changed Immodiatol ) alloiwaul. mi : AUII : DI : c AMI' otini n- . Aicsolutlon will bo Intioducedln thohousn tt hen congic'ss meets next WLck which will hoof much Inteicst to aimy men. It will call njion the Ki'cidat ) ot wai to Inform con gress by what authority ot law he dliocled ( lie piomnlgatlon ol Ceneial Ordci t > ' > , he.ul- ( | iiiitersot theaim ) , bcttui known as the "aide do camii oide'i , " vthlcli limited thu sor- ticeottlm oDIcois' aides to loin .veais , and wliich , some ol tlio gonoial ollleois ot the aim ) hold , contiavenod not only the Int. ulable custom of the sen lee Imt Hat ! ) violated lated thooxlstiiu law , In Inteifeiingwlthonc ol llm tuostchcilslicdpieiogatlves , beieloloio iimiuostioncd , ol a commanding. The debate which Is Ilkol ) to occur on this will boot great inlciost. The resolution is not Intended as a blow at the secretaiy of wai 01 ant person , but to glte the secretary nnopportnnlt ) tolurnMi congiess with his lea.sons for the piomulgation ol an older that has created as much inherit cutlclsni as anything - thing pertaining to the war ollico hlneu the picscnt Incuiiibunt has lield the ] > osltou. ! I'Aciiixo 'i nr. COJIMII ni : : , It H undcistood the house Tactile lail- loaels commilteo will be m.edo up of inem- beis who favor lefmidlng the entlio Indebt edness of tnj 1'aeUic loads in sixty jeaiO pur cent bonds , tvhk'li , with semi annual ) tamontsof tlie pilnclpal , will wipe out the ontliu Indebtedness nt the end of that time. The only objection to this hehfliuu comes fiom people who place no faith In the pledges of the 1'acltlo railways. They usscit tlw roads have never lived up to the agreements with the government In the pist and thcie would be no reason to Imigino why they would In the tut me. The answer to this has been the suggestion that It would be easy to ai range legislation so as to pi ox Idotliat Incase a lailine to fulfil the agioomc'iit , the govern ment could tovcit to the 'ihuiman act. The othei Jaw will not OuicniMlcd and the supple mental legislation pioposcd will be for the puiposoot making more praeticul tliUM-cnri- i > lor tlio InilcblcUucss of tno lo.iJi to the Another Coniut I'rUo Captured. lloniEiicn , N. \ . , Dec. 271'iot. . bwift , of Wtirnei nbaintatory , l.ut usonlni , ' lecclved a tokv'iam lie.m 1'iot. Ihooksot I'hcliis , an- nounelng the dlscntcry of another comet. Tills Ih In ttio constellation of Anulla , which In the evening is low in tlm southwest. 'The new comet Is situated about .six degrees of Alpha , and Isdcsciibod as "bil htost , " ami hi\in'a slow o.iMeily motion. This discov er \ Miu'cs to 1'iot. Itioukb the second Wai- ncrpiUeot s SOURED ON THE HASH MILL , Loading Their Gannon to Send a Hard Shot Straight Homo. AIMED AT THE BIG DISTILLERY. IowaIjpijUlaturc-Altcini > tei ] Suicide at Ucntricc Clexei1 I' Tlilof Cnjituio A Miinlcrct * at C An Ice ISiUlKO Gone. The reiiH'ts Will Dcchlo It. Di s MOIM s lo'\a , Dec 2 * . [ Special. ] Tiieiuohibllloii'sts lnve al la t turned thuli gnnson the llbi ellstllleiv , " and propose to iinnihilito It forthwith. Kvoi since the law went into ellect Iheiu have been some et- tieme prohibitionists w he ) hav e ho w led loudl ) but vcrj loolHhl ) abiut the International distillui ) al this place being allowed to inn , winlc the saloons weie foiblelden , Dining the last campaign thu demociats tried to m , iKc some-capital out ot it , and Mr. Wliiting , the dcnmcialic candidate foi govcinor , bad n little speech about it which ho was accns- tomiil to icm-at wbeiover he went. Hut when thu facts came to be Known it was learned that the owner ot the ellstllleiv vyis a dcmnoiat of New Voik clly , and lit ttttmno ) was Tieel Lehmann , one of the leading democrats of tills st.ito , and fuitlieimoio , it hael not mannfae- tined foi , ile in thlsstatoa single ban elofllii- nor of mi ) klndvind : its atloinc ) that It lias nol been mannfictuilngpiohibitcdlbiuois ev en for sale outside of the st.ite as It w oulel have a light to do nneler the law. All the same1 , how e > or , an Injunction suit has been brought against it , ami as soon rstliu cisucan beioacheelin tlioclicnit couit an elloi twill bo madotohave It peimanently enjoined , tlio petitioners elalmlmr thai It has been violating tlio law bv mannlactinliigforsaloln this slate mohlbitcd Ihiuois. That Is a cpicstion of fact which the coint will tiy. Mi. Lehmann , attorney fen the distilleisas that it lias not violated tiie > law in an ) paiticulai , and be feels peifectly confident that no injunction will bo is-med , so sooner 01 later thoio will he an nppoitunlt ) to biing thehigelistillciy Into couit ami set some peotilo's minds at lest. TUP MW : i.rnisr. VTOitn. Tlie indications now aio that tiovci nor Lar- labeo's inauguiationvillbo an occasion of conshlerablo display. The ( io\ornen's ( Iies , a new milltaiy company at Dnbuipie , have announced theii intention of taking part In the paiade , and tlio ( Joveinoi's Guaids of this citv and other militaiy oigani/illons will piobably ] ) atticipatc. The legislatine will convene on Monday , .Tanuaiy 11 , and the Inauguiation will piobably lake place on the Tnin-diy following. 'Hie new le-gisla- ttne has boon the subject of the statistician's woi I ; , and somcol tlie Inteiesllng ligmes aiu the lollowing. In the senate theie will be .H icpublicaiis and 10 democnil' ! . Theii com bined ages aggtcgatu ' ' . : ; 0ieais , 01 an avei- ago of bO 'Jhcy h ivc liveel In lenva an avei- a eof 'JOycaiscach. The oldest member is Samuel T. Chuscboio , ol Mnscalinc count ) , a larmei and native of Xc-v Voik. He is 05 ) cais old , and has icsided In Iowa for It veus. Win. O. bchmidt , a Iawd ot Davon- poil , is the j Dimmest mumbci , being but 21 . In the house out ot 100 membois the avciago ago is It. The oldest is Henij 15. Mitchell of .JolTeison counti a fanner , 07 . \cars old , and a resident of Iowa for -H ) can. Itobcit ( ! . Couisins , a law ) or of Cedar county , is the ) oniiicst , being but 20. Twen- t-two of tlie 50 sunatois se'ived In Iho last wai , and SI of the 100 icpre- sentathes weio also union soldieis. Ohio tin nisiies the biith place foi the moot mcm- bcis in each bianch , thcie being 12 fiom theie in the senate anel 20 in the house. Theio aie 2-1 Iawois in each bianch of the lo-'islalme , and 9 tarmois in the sen- alu and. ! . " , laimeis in tlie house. mr SCHOOL \uvis Ann COMIXCI. The State Tcachcis' association opens Its annual meeting in this city to-moiiow. The exciclses will continue thiongh Wcelne da ) , ami will piobabl ) attiact 000 pietl ) schoul maims to the city. Kiod Lehmann , Ksq. , ol DCS Moines , will deliver an aeldicss of welcome , and J. I" . Dollher , Ks ( ] , ofl'oit Dndge , will dellvei an ndilieon the moral fence' in politics. These two genllomon aie the using ] iolltlcal oiatnis of the stale , the loimeia demociat and tlio Jailer a lepubli- can. 't'he teaehois will have a laigeandcn- thuslislic meeting. Atlonipicil Siiiolele .if Iteatrioc. JiL/Mnirn , Xc-b. , Dec. i ! " . [ Special Tolo Clulslmas pvi'iiing Mis. Dr. O. O. We-lls , ot ihlscitv.dlcd uftci a HiiKOiInc ill ness with typhoid level. This moinlng al 5 o'clock her husband attempted suicide by taking about two ounces of laudanum They had been maiih'il about twoyears. ( iiiovln ? ovoi tlicdcalliol hiswlfeamllhoslialnon his constitution Incident to attending her during a long illness , vsasiimlonbtcdl ) the cause ot hisiash attempt. I'hslcian3 have vvoilccd with him ail da ) and lie is now out of danger. Ho loll a note disposing of his propcity , Dr. Wcllsand wito havoalwa.vs1 been hold In high rogaid b ) thcli aciptainl inces and have alwavs moved In the best society. His attempt .it M'll dostiiictlon is a geneial sin- prise as lie has been consldeicd a man of siiongwlll anel dcleiminatlon , Jlo has no chihti en , 1'ostonico Tlilof i Dis MOIST. * , Iowa , Dec. "T. Aoi.v . inter Csting piece of poslofllco detective worlc cul minated hero ibis atleinooii b ) the airust of William West , chlot dlstilbulliiireloik of tlio DCS Mollies ollico , b ) Inspector Adslt of Chi cago. Kail ) in Xovembui two legistercd let- teis cont.Unln. ' , largo binns of money , were rilled and the contents abstiautcd , It was supposed that the theft was committed by one ot thieo poUl cleiks on the Hoek island road , or else by one of two clerks In Des Moines , and tlie worlc of detecting the thief was. puieitcd on this theoiy until jeaterdny , when It was believed West hael a hand in ft. lie was toiled with sovcial decos , two ot which ho opened. The money was found on his person , and a lull canfcssinn followed. Wi'et belongs to an excellent family , A Murderer Kscapes , AMIIO.V , Nob. , Dec. 27. [ Special Tele- giam.J John T. Keker , who lias been in jail at this place foi the last two months , under an indictment foi felony , escaped fiom the jailer Kiida ) night and Is mm at large. The old court house Is being changed over into a jail and now cells being placed therein , While repalis wore being made Kckerwas nlaccd In one of the jury 100111 = contiguous to the dlstilct court room , and last night Ccker tied his blankets together and let hlmselt dim n out of the w indow to the tldcvv alk and thus inuilu Ids escape. A llrokc'ii Ilildgo. Nr.nnAsifA CITY , Neb. , Dec. 20. [ Special Telegram ] Tlnoespans of the ice bridge over the Missouri river bet w con this point and Kust Nebraska City , went out last nl0'ht. It will bo icpilicil at once. The tunstcr boat is useless on account ot the ice * . Mallixxill be bionght over on u bkltf. * The Clearance Itcport. UOSTOV , Dec. U7. The leading clearing houses ot the United .States ropoit total gioss bank exclianges for tins week ending Decoin- bci'ieiwoio tbOs,80lftV ) , an Inctea o of147 portent compared with the voui'spundlng xvccUlu S VML'IM SALO NO. Anil 1 hat H Undoubtedly tlio Ucason Tor Mr. Uluelcm'ri KcslKimtloti. Xivv : YOIIK , Dec. 27. [ Special Telegram 1 The elecllnatlon of the assistant treasurer- ship b ) Mi. Uigelow is undoubtedly duo to the discovery that the appointment was not received with Hie favor that was expected. llowcvcr plca ant Mr. Tlhlen's peisoml ic- latloiH with Mr. Uigolovv ma ) have been , Iho latter's democracy is not of that pronounced tpo which i rcfjuhed of appointees who come np to the < 5icy tone standard , and Mr. Tilden was not slow In leltlng it be known tint Mr. IJIgelovv could neit bj credited to him. The e who simko feir him weie open in their exptossions of dl .il Isfadion , and refused to bo pli'.ised with ft nomination that was fo rmlncntly satisfac- Inr ) to llio mugwump clement , lor which I'roshlont Cleveland still RPOIIIS to ha\o so much icspe-ct. Hwas umlembteelly the ells- covei ) of Mr. Uigelow Hut his peieoiiil lela- tives would be sliainod b ) his accoptince of thoollUo that led to his laid ) declination. Niw : YOIIK , Dec. 'J7. Toiti'hing a toport fiom Washington of tlie declination bv.lohn Hlgclow ol thesub-ttcaMiijship at Now Yoik , to succeed Mr. Acton , tlinl ge'iitleman was last night aske'd ids ic'asems. and said : " \ \ bile I appied.Ue' and loooi-nlye tlio hnnoi conle-iied upon mob ) 1'ie-ililont Clovelaml. 1 consider it would bu indelicate lei me to nnl.e public tliioimh the moss mv loslgin- tlon and loison tor it. No doubt in ) ae'- llon will seem Ine-xpli'-iblo to mall ) . The snb-ticasui ) ship is a position wherein none ibo anil few'loslgn , bill when , at thu piope'i time , mv reasons are made known. I believe they will pint s.uislactoiy not onlv to ncsi- elont t levciand , to .Sccieluiv Manning and to in ) personal liiends , but also lo the people goneiall ) . " "lias vein resignation any special signlli- c.inceV" was asked. "I must seek cover nndoi mj liisl declara tion and must sa ) lliat I think it indelicate to speak ot the niattei at tills time , " was the icpinisu. WASHINGTON- . 27. Mi. Hlccmtx 'slot- tor to the piosidont declining to i xcept the of lice of assistant I'nlteel Mates tieasinoi at New Yoik , will not bo given out lei public ilion - lion at present. Colonel Lament said to night : "Mi. Itl elow lefnsed to assume the gioit icsponsiblhtv ol the olllce , Its duties being not congenial to his tastes. THimoltS OP Till : HHA. The l'er lai Moimrcirn Tuwslc AVilli an Atlantic ( 'ale. Ni w YOIIK , Dec. 2(5. ( [ Special Telogi am. J Tlio steamship IVisi.ui Mon.ucli m lived hoie Cliifslmas dav fiom London after aleni- pestnous vo.ige of nineteen days. When she anchoied at ipiaiantme hole hei bow was so deep down in the water that hoi toiwaul decl-s weie only a few Icet above the sinfuce nnd she had so h ' .ivy a list tostaiboaid as lo make walking on deck a dilllcult feat lei the passengeis. The cietv s.av they bail the most ieiiiblo uxpei ienco on lhovo.ue. Not one of them expected to sin vivo the passage. She oncountotcd a teiiiblo gale on thu moming ol the llth. The hc.iv ) seas stove a hole on liei staiboaid side llirongh vvliich tons of wa- tei ponied. The ship lapidly lilled anel set tled to staiboaid. After much dilliculty thu holcsweie patched up to gethei on oven keel. The captain oieleied Ihoussul put about. This was donu with dltllcnlt ) . Oiders wcio then given to stait the pumps but they would not tvoik. An Investigation of the coal bniikcM showed that tlio watui had got in tlieie and wet Ih" coal and dampened Hie lues. Nexl llio water got Into the engine loom and put out the iirc.s entitely. Tlmn the engines bteippcd working and the ship diiltod helplessly in tliu storm. Although little canvas was spread , all Iho ciuvv thai could bo spared liom thu hand-pumps weie oidoied below to bill out the watci with buckets. The passengers were also invited to lend a hand , and all icsponded willingly. Uticket lines were foi mud and each one w 01 keel his best. I'oi hours they toiled nn- coasinr , but apparently without avail. Tlie lire's in thoon-fino mom wvre on : lei neaily thiit ) houisaiid dining time the ship diiltod beloio the wind. At noon on the KItli the gale Inoke and the1 son began to calm down. 'I hivv.itei finally i educed in llio hold so that the engines could bu st.ii ted and tlio ship was once moio put on her course. A s.iiloi named Stcelo lost his life while patching n hole in tlm vessel's side. BV ins PAKAMOIW. pKIlITcralKTolUer While Jc-iiloiiH of His IJc'HL Gill. Lot'isvir i r , Dec. 27. Intolligonoi leached , hoio .Satnrdav alleinoon ol Iho killing , in' I'Hiot ooniit ) , ot Cialg Tolivoi b ) Asbuiv Ciisp. Ciisp ( mind Toliver. who wasdiunk , sheping wall Ids head in tlm lap ot bis ( Cusp's ) paramom and , without stopnin to awaken the slooplnc man , lie shot him , the ball iienoliallng 'lolhui's lei I In east just ov ei the lio.nt Ciisp escaped and-is al laigo. but filends ot his victim aio scorning the coiintiy lei him and jnomKc him sniumaiy punishment II ( anglit. It is thought tills killing will htlr np anothei wai in liowan. 1'oliver was a notoiions dospoiado In liowan county , who led thuTollvei faction In tholi bloody lend on the Maitin faction. Tim feud lasted for tnei a ) eaidum ; wliich linieneailva do/.eu men weio killed. The outlawry became so Jlagiant that no eomt could sit In tlio i ounty , anel ( lovoi noi Knoll , after vain attempts to atbllratu nnttc'is , sent tlio .state militia Into liowan lo hunt down and lirinu' to justice these desperadoes , Altci two months ot sci- v ho theie the tiempsweio iccallod. 'lolivei and his piinclpd lolloweihwoio aiiested and jailed. In tin * nicanllmc Tolivoi was taken to Cincinnati to answer an indictment lei jobbery. lie was tiled and acquitted and a tew months aD'o returned to his mount. iln homo. JJ.ViCUTii ) JIIB TIIHKAT. A Jealous Cousin Coimiiila Minder anil TluMi SululdcH , KAVSAS Cnv , Dec. 27. Clnlstmas night at Little Hlne , Mo. , Frank Vaughan was mar- iled lo KlizaSwope. Inimodlately aftei the ooiomoii ) , while Yaughan and bis wife were standing at a window , they weie filed at from tlio outside , tlio ball glaring Yanghan's ho.uL It was thought the Nhot was tliod by Abraham Nave , u cousin of thebiidc , who had threatened U .site did not mairy him ho would shoot the man she did many. Lust night Navel visited Yauglmn'sat Argenta. Kan. , atidBaleliiMiuit.sot theClnisl- inns alfalr worried bis motfior , and asked that Yaughan and his vvlfo accompany him to his home and deny that they suspected him. This nioining they started on boiscback. When half thu journey jwus couiilded ) Nave i ode tip in a buggy and Miot Vaughan dead. Ho then lode home and upon thu approach of ollieers killed himself byhooting. . A OITY IN FJjAailJH. Anderson , Inel. , in tlie Grasp of tlio Klro I'Meiid , At 4 a. m. telegiaphio infoimation was ic- cclvcclat this ollico tbafthe city ot Andeison , Iml , , was In serious dangei ot being com. pletely destroyed by a hie then lading. Dellnlto paitlculais were impossible to ob tain , but the litest Information was to the effect that the conflagration wasspicad- Ing. KmToii. _ The Indiana Xeod J'rotcctlon , TOUT TowNbi.NnVasli. : \ . T. , Dec. 27. A revenue cutter has returned from the ( Jnil- Ic.vuto country , wlicie the Indians woi ore- ported in Insiiirection. Nn trouble had ou- cuiicel except boiiicht-tllei.s had died todiivu he Indians olt tliu land on which tlie ) lived , to which the natives objected. 'Iho ollkcrs in chaigc ot the tioops state that the Indians need moio piolejction than the whites In that ncighboihood , as thuv aio b.iell ) impo-cd on. A loseivation hhutild K'nd ajMit lei the iiso ot the Indians at ( julllCMiti * . iiiul the whltei kci > t Horn 'cttllug with n its botiiuU. FOUND WITHOUT A FOLLOWER Gladstone's Inglorious Failure to Eiforco His Homo Rule Dictum. HIS OWN PARTY OPPOSING HIM. The AtodiM-n .loiliurx Who Would Make tlio Kiuofiilil NIo u IMIis til Uind of Ciuinntt llaudlunppcd lit Ills Honest UToii ( < ! . Tlio Htijullsli 1'ollilc-jU Situation. I.o.x-no.Y , Doc 27. [ Special < 'nblo iim.J Tlio singular message fioin Ilaawaidon , pub lished last Siinda ) , was poihaps Intended by Glidstoiioasadlploiintic denial oChUovxn responsibility lor the published lunations of his cunt ciston to home rule. If so , It lias failed. Kvery sentence Is either In tinlulnio U'liso , 01 Is conditional. Tlio document de nies nothing , except tliat holds himself bound tonnj Idea aiuiounced In hi * name. Ills gnaided no-iathes novel foi n moment shook public belief In the substan tial accuracy of ono essential st i lenient , amid many ovldontlv Cdiijcetiual. ( Hailstone did last week lesoho to accept home rule in prim Iplo , nnd did make know n his resolve to cvoial poisons land SnlWimy among them , and did expect to cany the. lib eral putv with him. When con\inced ho could lint do this ho climbed dinut fiom his hoinoiulcplatfoim ratliei filter than he Imd climbed np. Tlio distinct icfnsals of Cliam- bcilain , hit Chatle-i Dllke , and the body of the libi-ial PUNS to adopt homo iiilo on iilaelstono's mcicdlctum , probibl ) contlnecd him hu had made a mistake , l.oid Halting- ton's letter , composed in consultation with Coschcn , completed tlm ov idi'iiee. When the inteivlevv belwien Ilartingtonand Ciu&chon had toiininated , Gladstone was AMI nour A roi.i.ownu amongtheloadeisof oithei ol thu two great sections of the llbeial pally. Ho had no choice but to abandon Ills position as pollti- callj untenable. No Knullsli statesman dues juopo-u a scheme foi an hish pailiament without 10- sort Ing the lighted the Imperial jiailiameiit to decide , Inn last u"-oil , whether thu Iiish assombl ) exceeds its juiisdietioii ; and ttith- out losoivingcriiiall ) tlmpowei to annul any bill 01 lesoliillon , hostile or disloval. The Iiish replj tint such icsdlctfon leduecstlie liish parliament to a more debating society , and Insist on u parliament tli it shall bo piae- tleally Independent. The English ieoin | that such a pailiament ran only lead stialght to sepaiation , against which otuiy leadei of both parties is unequivocally pledged , and \shich England leluses e\un to discuss. No- boel ) suggests a tta ) of.'i : IJJJM mis r vm.orK. I'ainell refuse , as , to lormnlnto his own scheme , because , sav i tlie Standaid , the production of any spjcitio plan would bo tlio sequel for a hie ik up of the loose coined- eiacvotoi which he maintinis a piecailous piesidenct , The bicak between the 1'ainell- itesandthu tory pioss against honieiuleaio daily mole eiuphatle. Thu siltmeo of thu torylcadeis is unbiokcn. The Kngllsl. pa- pets-again point out tint tlio Iiish agitation is hugely liish-Amciican , and would collapse to monow II nol sustained by American money. The Iiish at home , Iho Stand ard , do not caio ouoiub for homo nile to keep the machlneiy point ; at ( licit own ox- peiir > e. The Amoncan atgummt that 1 1 eland ought to have sepiratlon , be- causea m.ijoilty wants it , elicits the cjueiiy why Amei lea lelused to allow tin ) Soiitliein States to depait when a much O'ieatei m.ijui- Ity demanded secession. TUT Mii'Aiiov IN ritxxcr. The Flinch luinisteiial crisis Is still acute , in splto ol the naiiow niajoiity b ) which 15iissoii obtained the Tompiin ciedit. Accounts ngico that the tall ot thominislij cannot lung be postponed , lint Qlonioneeaiis' immediate succession Is Impiobable. English papers belieto Di. Kiejc'net's ' stoiy that a ticatj lias been signed with Madagascar , which he admits has not lii'on lalllicd. ( Jieat etloits are being m tde to pi event ( iievj's 10- election to the piesldoncy , but the chances aie much In his tavoi. ci.Asioiti.Mi roii Moiii : v.vit. Highly sensational leports weie iccoixcd to nUht iioin .Seitian somccs , icpiosentlng the disaffection ol thu tmops as boideiing on open mutiny. Tim lank and hie , accoiding to thcso statements , make daily demonstin- tions against the king and goveinmenl , and clamoi to bu led by theh olUuets against tlm Jiulgailaiis , \iolalionot tim armlbtlco Is hoinly leaied , and whole batalllons aie no longer controlled bvtbcli olhceis. Political ructions Dunu.v , Dec. ! ! * . Evidence-sol 111010 than oidinao bad lecling amont : local factions In liuland ha\o loicllily shown themselves lecently , and cnntlnne. to ghu the municipal and polict ) iiuthoiiiies very gieat concein. An example ol Inucaslng iiiitatlon man- ilested itsell yestenl ty. A house in Cioau'h Kane , Limeiick , oci-niiled h > a man nanud B.alce , was besieged bv his ] iilltli ) > al oppon ents. The assault MUMS to ha\o been ex- jiected , and tliu liieiul- Hlaku uom not slow In ialb Ing to hidefence. . 'J'hex Iniiiie- iliately engaged in a dcspuiato conlllct with the besieging p.u tv. \ \ onu'ii a' well as men took bides In tla battle , ami sticks , Mom-s , guns and pistols wein handled with su.uo earnestnesJtwasJnll > two boms b.-tino thu jiollce , who weiu callen upon to dispeii-u the ciouds and anest tlm iiotn..u - - tecded In leatoiing ouiei. J itest at counts iceoid at lca- t tuent ) pcisinis , Including M'\ciil : vonifii. ( l.iii/cii.u lj wounded In the but le , The jiollce , who weic > not at nist ablu toionimand tlm ptarc. wciu leinluued as hoon as that lact wasuxldcnt imduitli tlieii augmenlid btiength succeeded In making a numbei ot aucsts. Tint Itoycottcil Ijlno , Conic , Dec. i.7. All elfoits to haimonlzu thu dltfeu'iices belwrcn the Coik stoimboat packet company anil the cattle dealois" asso ciation liiuo lulled. Thu dl agi cement be tween the lupiescntathes of the twobodlet. on thuiiJd hist. uilniinaUd In a iiiectlng in this city today ol thu cattlu dcaleis , during which a itiong piotcsi vas madu against the action of the bteamboat company. A eonsideiabln amount ot capital w as icpiesentcd at tluiinei'tlng , and resolutions wcio adoiited lavoiing tlm organ ization ot an opposition steamboat company. Acting thereon , It was also decided to inimu- dlatd > Issuu u piospuctus with that object In xlow. Tlio Krnnuli hovnov , Dec. iio. Dluj > .itclic > s irom 1'ails sav that the piciiileishli | ot .M. Do Hilton Is colljising | , a nnmbci ol his foinier btaimcli biiiipoiteis liaxingdi'scitcd him. J'Aiiia , Dec. JO. U isgoneialij undct.stood that the ISiisson ciblnet will resign , and that M. Du Ficjcinet will form acabiiu'taltei tint reelection ot .M. ( iievy as jirenidcnt ot the French lepnhllc , whldi now appeals ceitain. M. Clexywlll milk his K election by uio- claiming amnesty to all political ollendeis. Solid for Grcvy , PAlil" , Dec.7. . - At a meeting of the light to day , It was decided to abstain from voting If .M , ( Jiovj f-hould bo tlio only candidate nominated lei tlm pic.hlcmy , II tlimejuib- Ik.ins iHiinlii.iln any othei candidate , the ilitht will also put np a candidate. Ih'clini'h to Coinpcle. I'AiiH , Dec. yi. Premier liiisson declihcs lo compete lor tlio presidency , ile ntgcs the republicans to vote solidl ) fM f ; ( iiov.and to give him tlio gicalu&t po iblo authoilty to omjiowei ) ON oxi ; CASH. Ucnvornls nnd Appoliitinonti to Olllce nnil tin * HpimtoN Action. WAiniNnrov Dee 2S-SpeclnlTeliram [ ] It will bo noticed that the M nato has con tinued but oneappointmcnt of tlio pii ddcnt Cilice It metoii thoTthiiHt. ThUwas the np- poitmentof.Iolin Ulselow toltoa latnnttto.iS' nni of the United btato * In Now Yoik. vlco Aclon , vvhoiio tenn cxplics next week. Theio ai e something like SAW names for the senate to act upon , nuny of these bc/in < pnstmasteis who weiv reiiinved foralicced iitTonsivt' pir- ll iiHhtp. Tlio action of tlio putnniter Rcnctal In lofusim ; lo show the lepublinn scnatois and member of eoncie Hie ehargo upon which ( licit liiends wvio tcmovcd fiom otllco will certainly lead lo n piotiacled delay In the continuation ot Miecessots if It d es not evenluallj defeat tliein entlrolj . Senator Logan is nndoiflood to have put liliiKclt In lommnnlcatlon with a ninnbcrof ux-soldlcM bnldliu federal portions who line been le moved at the Instance of the postmaster gen rial , and ho H said to bixo'socuiedstatements Horn mall ) of theii shin ot tliu ease. I'hu puMmaster at .lamestown Is aca o in point. Major J'ntnam , the icputillcan Incumbent up to a few months ago , was one of-tlio joungo-t c.nahy olllceis In the late wai , and was appointed postmaster by Tiesldont Aithni about a } cameo out of re spect to the wishes ot ne.ul > even business man In Jamestown. I'litnnni was icniovcd because ho was an "offensive pirtKin. " Ills otrensivc iMitisiiislilp tint shownt itself in tliueail.v pait of tlie.veai Ituj , when 1m vvas a boj Ju-t In his teens , he enlisted in ono of the New \oi ! ; ifduunts. Ills ] iaitlsatisblp giew as tlio wai puuiessed and show oil IIself mo-t eonsplcuon-- ! ) when ho accented a com mission in the union aimy. bliuo thecloMi of hostilities he has vciy natmall.v tictin an active icpublican , but w lien he accepted the ollico ol po-tinnstei ol .lamestown ho devoted lilm-eU so assiduously to his duties that lie leeched tlm warmest com mendation ot evc'y otllclal in thcdcpail- nient , It was icpoitcd lo I'o tmaslei-iien- CM al Vilas thai in Mime ie > pots be conducted thu allaiisot the olllce. and established a tree dcliveij M'lvico In a miicli liettci mnnnei than nine tenths ot the olliccs olitssi/ein tliu United tetates. Iut ! a wanted the phue and got It. and Scnatm Logan ] no- p0"cs to Imd out what the senoiis chaises weie acalnsl the jouug ollicei that ho should be icmotcd betoioa veai ot his tcim had ox- idled. This Is one of a guat many Instances ofaslmilai chaiailei wldeh will dclithe continuations of tliu piosidcnl's appoint ments. ' 1 ho absiiid , unbusinesslike and filvolous cliculai sent out b.v Mi. Vilas to demociaticeonmi'ssinen in the west is bo.u- iiU the ft nit which might hav obi en expect ed , and It will ceitalnij stii a hoi nets' nest- up in the senate by his acting In such bid laitli towaid men who Idled the oOlccs when lie enteicd the depaitmont lioni lib obescur position at thu Wisconsin bu. WITHOUT \IIMOXV. . Tin ; Grant monument Oonuiiltleo hiiillv at. lie KOilioailsi. XnvvYoitK , Dee. 37. | Special 'lele iamj A mornnij : j.ipoi ) makes tliu statoiiient without pioteiiso ol disguise that a bittei feeling lias atisun in tliu ( iiant menioiial committee. C'haiuinn Chestci A. Aithui has attended no mcuiings Iatel > , noi signed no document lu'utlng to the monument inoject , and inan > oflicii aie with him in Iioldlng aloot. 'J'lic caiie of this is thu publication ot the names of the enliiu committee , with the subsciIptlonsol thine who had made anv , thus embla/nningseveial bundled wlio had notcontiilmted a dollai. This is ( onstiucn b > them as a mcasine of coeieion , and now thei aieanligonistio to the whola bchcinc. , ) , idould was thu oiiginal incilci of this dhlileaslng nic.ibiiic. He is a cummiltceman and in a nieitln he sjioku cniili.itlc | illy ol tliose who had icliained lioui giv ing. boon altei\vaids thu list was published. The see- lot.tij savs tinlbfnll ) that neithci lie nni the books ol the land piovidcd the inloiniation , which was icadiiv obtained b > sc.iichlng tliu daily lecoid of contiilmtions lot the namob ol thu committee. Xuveithelcss the aggiieved men hold it was an altumpt to sliamu tliem into giving , that tlm piomoieii ot tin- lund sanctioned it , and that it is an insult tint the > can lesont only by hiving nothing luilhci to do with thu business. Nol a million \iic named in the i oil lias sent In anjllnni ? since pnblicatio n. Tin- be lief now istliat the fund will be closed when H > ( ) , lWOIiasbieii lalscd , and that the ell ) , state and national governments wi 1 then be asked to appiopiialu 5lOOOW each , making u total nm ot tSjO.OUU with which to build the monument. ihin' IXCIUHN e. Coiiinicntfl of tin ; IjiiKllsh I'ross on KulnoU.v's Itiilin . Ni.W YOIIK , Doc. ' > ! . [ .Special Ti'le ram.j The lieiald's London cable s.ij'I ; ho le- lations between thu United .States and Aus- tii.i ilnoiuh llm Keiley incident .110 begin ning to attiact ncwspipci coiiiment. It Is p'cnciall ) ajficod th it Count Kalnoky is mistaken - taken as to it being llm goneial custom nolmthei iinestloiis aio asked when a nega- ti\u is given to the ol ceilaln am- b.iss.ulois. TliuMoinhi , ' Chionlclo s.ijs a , the aicli blsliop ol jiiltimoio had made no objection to .soloiuni/c Kelloj's inanlago , Count Kalnoky hhnwcd liinisolt menu cleilcal tha ) tin1 Catholic clniK-h liscll , Imt as a mal- ti'i ol JaUMJiinchhaloiisapiocoi'dingas that of pnblkU stin'mili/liig a lad ) ol blameless icputc has ni NCI ieciudc > d beloio In diplomatic ann.iN. All slates ol KMIOJK ! li.ivu an intc'ic-t in 1'iis ' ipustion , 101 , m' < ending to ( mint K.ilnokj'.s inling , I.did Itosebcii ) , who was leeched somu innnih ; ago in a special mission to Dcilin could not have been leeched In Vienna as bin wile Is a lEolhschild. Then ! is no doubt that thu sent ! ' mcntot the Kngllsh statoiiiicn Is un.inlmous In appiovlng I'u'sldcnl Clcveland'n course In leaving the Anstiian nmb.issy vacant. A Conflict Aiuiinu Moulilci n. TAI MO.N , Ma * * . , ] ) ( ( . . > ; - \ \ \ , \ tte. cuiicd botwton "scab- , " and Ml II ; Inn mould- Xoitli Dighton , dining which I'lumias Donohuo was hcimnsl ) shot in thogioln , .James MtCanna biill ) cut in the head and Ch.tilos Van Valkcnbnig cut about the lace. All llioaliove aie "hcabs. " Of the Miikcis ' 1 homas Itany was shot in tliec eand Laiiy Iknncssy , Holieit I'ldlei and .Summi'i ThoiuHon ] weie cut w lib stones. Conllicting stones aie ( old as to tlio caiiau ol tlieinw. No auustshavctljcon made. HOOCH cry Wii.M.siiAiini' . I'a , Doc. ' , ' * . Woik at No. 1 slope , wheio the accident ounucdat S'anti- cok , will beabandniied. It lias been loiind that as last a Ihodeluis is icmovod it Hews in again liom the uicat bleak in the culm bank abovc > . 'i'liutominii ) uill lecompeiise tlm ichithes. 'Iho Vic-tuns aie nnduiibicdl ) Innicd deep beneath tlm Kami , culm and lock , and can nevei bo lound , A lilooil ) ( 'liriHliniiH KOT , CIIKAOO. Die , lid. Thomas King , living on Colngno htrcLt. In a aiiaircl last nl ht , mnidcicd his wile b ) bcatnu out bet luaiiiH with a chaii. Thu mmdciei tied ami h.i nut been ai tested , \ Inlaiiu ; ; tlio Arinl'.l fcc' , SoriA , Deo. 7 human tioops today nridu an attack upon a liulgaiian ticniiii i v 'llage nnd weio tw ice icu.l-cd. | 'I hue IJul- gailan soldieis woio wcmndcd In the IMI .UI- ment. The itidgailan govc inmenl will send a note to Ihu powiis piottMing against bcr- vla's violaiiou ol the mat ) ol WEEK'S ' FEATURES IX FINANCE A IVircr Market for Idle Ifonoy Found in tlio Foreign Metropolis. THE RISE IN EXCHANGE RATES , IIulli Trppnilnji to Stnrt Anotlieu llnom InVnll Stt cot AuiitttiiK the Moiiiitoli'i Movi'iiiriits Tlio Commercial Sit nation. Slili > iiipiit of (7olcl to Krvv \ OIJK , Dec ' . ' * . ( .sp.vlul TeloKinm. ] I'oiolun exchange was the fcatinc in llnanco dining the ] \\eek.andthoonly bioak In the dullness Incident lo the holiday season arose from the high rates of ev- < change and the llun.v ean od b.v the renewal of shipments of gold to l.uiopn. Under tlm icccnt advaiuc in the Itankol I ngland rates , mono ) commands fiom It to ' ' , t > ei cent In open m irkot thoio against 'J to . ' Jf per i ent In Now Volk , Theiefoio it is not siupiisln In view * of the emu Hums accumulations of idle tnnds in the hands ot New > . ork banks and baiikeM , which they mo unable lo llnd i-m- ploiuont for oven at low i.itos , that laigo lianstoisol I mills should bo made pilnoipal' ly b ) loioluin banki is to London , wlioio the > can ho used to moio piolit Ihan boio.Vall stiicl , howcvoi , Insists that the1 oxtiomoad- \ance was \\oikolminlpnlitionbytlicj biai spocnlalois , nnd wasdesiBiicd todopiess slock pi ices , and , It possible- , i ( iiu t'ii A MOM \ ' -t.vni : . To somooxtcnt tins seems lobe possible. Theieisno plaiowlieie siieli a sllnitiunls. littler nndcisloud , mil whole' 11 would ba taken advantaL'oot .oonei , b it Iho sitintlon isonowhicli nopowoi onnll stieet coulcl C pi eioate. As it is , hovvc'vci , It suits Iho bnllsv who aie now in the gual iiujoiilj. to * s\y \ , that the loullng lieu opciatois , wlio o Idcntl- t ) It Is haul to locate , b ) bellowing largo blocks ol exchange , announcing tlio nhlp- mi nt ol some gold , and at the same time bid- din. ; np talcs foi inoni'v , , liopoil to cicatea bieak and covet an oxlensive Ilnool sboils. Thu leal lad is ( hat the exchange maiket is in such condition that unless thcie Is a maikcd leveisil ol the uuoiil eouiseof ex- poitand ImpLiit liadu it ma ) hover aiciutut the gold point lei some lime. Itls.ol coiirsc > . liossiblo nndc'i siieli a state ol things foi thu bo.n paitv to oifianl/uclloils losliip fco'd allfl depiess the mono ) maikelaii ) time. mi. sioc K M viiM.r. Wall slioct Is lull ol bulls jir.t now who believe lull ) in an ujiwi'id movement for stocks In .lunuaiy , and an ) thing which llnows douhi on this chciNicd prouiamme is tobocoinbitted. .1 list now the slate ot exchange - change is the lion In thu path ,11111 ! the most convenient w.i ) lo lieat tliu Isiei Is , ot cotiiso , toaseiibe it all lo maiiipiilation , Instead oC acknowledging that om loici n ( i.iclu has gotten it into a bad stale and give n ( lie beaia an oppmtunil ) . 'I ho bulls aio acconlnigly lull ol hope , and pools aiu picpau'd lo .si ail. anuthei bourn as seem as Ibolilstol the \ car has been luincd. What will come of Hie- mains ( o be seen , and a giuit elcal elepends upon \\liat hand i in , MW : MON vnni 01 UAii.vinu r Mi < ! oiild talu's In the game1 1 hc > best judgment of thu sticcl is that thcMwiso In ( ho upw.ud movement ot prices be ea wholesome , and insuics a "ater boll maillot in the Inline Ihan 11 the excitement had been kept ti ) > dining Dccemhci. What mav be used to depicts the market the. coining wevk is the -.till HIM tiled ( | iiauel between the UdtimoroA Ohio and the IVnn- slviiiia ! Cental. 1'iivate advices aie , bo\v- evi'i.tbat a mooting of all the trunk line piesidcnts is soon lo bo hold , when a iloloi- mlnod olloil will be uncle to In Ing about lasting - ing poacv , and put a linal end to the difiloul- lles between ( hose two i.illin.iiH I'ondinfj the hotllcmcnl , howexor , thu beaia will elci vli it tlie'v can to hi oak pi ices. Some disappointment was felt at Iht fallIng - Ing coinings of the giaimeis dining ono or two weeks of this month. It should to bin mi in mind , howou-i , that la > t JIMI the letiinm ol Ihc noithweslein loads weie oxtiaoidina- nl ) ku e , duo to the rein and wheat movement , but laigo as llu > weie. lotnms 06 last week show the ( Minings ol the Txoilh * wostoin to bu fOil more than In tlio corresponding pending weok-ol lss | . The gcnoial common lal situation has nn- > cifiono no dedilLil ih. 11140. Lvoi ) vvheiit ami In each line ol business them is a nnlvd- .il leejing ol I'onlidonce and oxpcctatioiih of the Brcat thinks that ISsO is to do foi liado. TIII : itui ) cuoris oi-1 enKITV. . .AC.ils ] ) PIIIIII llio Hocicly in Aid of i Unitarian U'cMinilod , Husrci.N , Dec. ! i7. The nation , il assex la- lion oi IheAmoiican IfedCiossis In iccpljil ot two oiicnlais Irom the intcinallonal com- mllloo ol ( loneva , the hist which solicits aid ol Iliecithei national noddles In U\oi of thu Jlulgaihin societ ) ol tliu Itcil Tioss , which has been compelled locale foi the wounded oflls aimy befoie it had time to sulliclently piopno Itholl , ' ] ho second eiuulai sol * Icits aid lui the .Somali s < ( id ) ol llm lied Cioss , which hnds itsi II in the * siicnt sp-icn ol nine ) oais , in the > midst ol a ihliil win and nmld lbi < nocossiiv of boljdni ; its unliajpiv | xii thus. Tlicioaipcdr | > ainpfanit boloic ) the Hod Cioss societies ami the people In geneial. with the icuunmcnihtllnii ( Int. such action IMJ taken b ) each and all art thu lic.ut , iml ( ( in-i i"iuc mavcllctite Comuin- nic itlons in ly bitaddicsscd lo the incs.ilcnC ol ihonieiicin Jtoil Uiosssoi h I ) , \\asliing- \ \ Ion , I ) . C. fenTcilav. . Missoi in \ \i i i.iTali weitlici , gpiieiali ) 1 1 oui south to west , but ( icc-asloiniUy vailable ; sliglitl ) vvaimoi In ncntlioin per < lion ; mail ) slallonai ) tcmieiatuiu ] In cm pnitinn. Rheumatism ' \fo dimU II Ihcrr li , nr ona be , a < = | iocllicv remedy fur rlicmn.ill in i hut UiimaiwH ttlio liavo sntrvrcil IN p ilus li.ivo lie * n ( 'rr.illy } > ? t\ \ . I'lltcd hy llocul's hiisii.ullla. | If ) nu l.ato failed to llml iciuf , | rj tills nicituiiR-d ) . " 1 was nnin led with rliciinullMii nvrnfv years , l'r tlous to im I found no relief , bu urctv worse , ami , it ono Una H.H aliuoit Jiclji less. Huoil's h.iro.ipaillla cllil ma iiioioi'n'iil than nil tlm other medium I ever " ll.T. IltnoM.hlilrlcy Villas. ! ' . IMuss. " 1 hulrlieimiiiisiiiiiirce ) , Mrsaiiel f inn icllcf till I took Mood'i h4isinrlll.i | , It In ? done thing * fur nit. 1 ucninincml H t < > cllitfrtt. " I.I HIS JlL'itiu.sjc , HWehford , .M . Hoods Buvip.irllli M ( hatnrirrfrul by tin CD pictill ulllrs : nt , tlio u'litbiixitliiH ' il ri'midlil ae-oiits ; ttl , tlio jnoffrtan ( ) , il liib jiocrj ) of sinilnj ; ( ho aclluj iM' ' . mo } nuallllus. 'I ho ictnlt Uaineilklnoof j hliciiKtli , oiruitlnti ciiici uhlicilo imh'icvnti honclfoi liwk conijliiliigiiililuloiulovu me , "llniiil * i f.n Nil tillli teiii' . ii | > my "jMiir , . pIl.llll'H III)1 I locil. .llllllCIISIIIV , lji | < llll. . > I it WM-IIW lo ini , ) me i.ui " .1 J' Jneou's , .s , tllMili ) ! > ( J i.ccls , ] , o\Vtll. JIJiiS "llooil's Sirs iji irllh bo tn nil otiici iDet ( v , , | ; i iirnii ) > > I II . [ ; : M. , | ov I'UlSinUbiicii , J\i\ Hoocs's Sarsaparilla Hold lit all elniFXlsti ( I , MX I'll ' 15. only bC. . 1. 1 tool i ft co.lmoii , Ma IOC" Doses Ono DoUnr.