Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 26, 1885, Page 8, Image 8

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A Brillioht Yonng Mnn Who Worse thf
Wasted His Opportunities.
Ills I'rotrntlniiH to Morality Dent
DlNpclN ilio Utiiiton A Dofrtul-
tcr , I'oi'ROi'nnil I'Ylon The
Tlio AilaniH Kulcl ! c.
The body of Frank V. Adams tl
young clerk in the United Stales arm
fnipcctors olllcc. " \ \ ho'tllotl 'l fiii7' ! ' [ !
afternoon jof a Helf-administered dose i
morphine * , lies i * ' Drc\el & Muni' * mult1 !
taking cslablisliinfnt awaiting ortlei
from relatives from its dispos'tion. Th
remarkable and rather sensational fc :
turcs of the ea'o gain additional save
from the developments of the inquest
given below :
The inquest was begun at 10 o'cloc
yesterday morning in tlie private chain
bers of the deceased. Drs. Summers am
Hubert testified that the subject had mu
death fnnn a dose of morphino. W. ' 1
Lyons , v ho had charge of thu rents o
tlic house and lived in ( lie building , gavi
testimony upon the habits of tnedecca c (
and the circumstances attending hi
death. Mr. Lj on .stated that Adams luu
complained of illni'ssduringlhu forenoot
and had token his bed. That evenin ;
Lyon made to Ailanm a verbal statcmcn
of his delinquency in rent , and the laltc
promised to meet that obligation on tin
morrow. '
The jury demanded that Messrs. fitoll
ing and Smith be subpoenaed , and ad
journmcnt was taken until R o'clock
when tliu inquest was resumed in tin
establishment of Dro.xeNVj Maul , whithei
the corpse liad meanwhile been removed
Augustus Smitlf , clerk in the ollleo o
the chief engineer at army headquarters
was called to the stand : "About i
month ago 1 was looking for a room am
went lo room with Adams. I soon fouiu
bis style of living was beyond my mean'
and although wo never had any open dif
ferenecs , I soon grow uneasy , and las
Monday loft the quarters wo shared
Adams was of cheerful temperament am
seemed alwa\s , jovial. 1 found that lu
bought furnishings for tlie room largely
on credit and although he always assnrci
me that I ncod not chare his expenses , ;
shrunk from accepting Ids lavish gentr
osily without being iiblo to reciprocate
Tlio fact of his indebtedness never
seemed to weigh upon Ids mind null
lately and then Lilt .slightly. He alwa.\i
Eccmcd to'think that he would be able ti
meet hisobligat ons. "
Asked if Adams ever spoke of Slelling
witness said : ' 'At times , and always n
the highest terms. 1 never heard Mr
Adams mention tlio matter of either tin
will or insurance policy , but I heard ol
these things on tlie outside , and Air. Stel-
ling told me that both bad been made out
by Adams in bis telling's ) favor "
Frank Stelling , the young bank teller ,
of whom Adams became so strongely on-
nmorcd , was calh-d and recited currentlv
the events of his acquaintance witii
Adams : ' 'Cn ' last Thanksgiving evening ,
at a supper given at his homo by Dr.
Lcisenring to his Sunday school class , I
was introduced lo Adams and sat with him
attbelable. Next evening at Mr. Adams' '
invitaliooi I railed at Irs room in companj
with Hobi'i-t Wcidcimll , and staid there
until 10 o'clock. After that time our ac
quaintance wrfs quite intimate. He
called frequently at the bank with car
riages and culti-r.s and took me riding. J
frequently called at his rooms of even
ings , and within a week he presented me
with a handsome .shaving case , which be
called a souvenir of our meeting.
Kepcatcdly since then ho gave
mo articles from lime te
time wliich ho pressed upon me
despite my refusals. Ho assured mo thai
ho could all'ord it , telling me that be
received remittances of iflOO or more
monthly from bis two brothers on Wall
street and in Cheyenne , as well a
through many extras from the pocket ol
Col. Hall. One evening in his room lit
told me that lie held a policy in the .New
York Life which expired in two years ,
and bad made it over in my favor. I
protested once , but bo laughed ami
ended the conversation. On Tuesday ,
the 17th'1 iitsl. , lie told me that ho hail
been ordered ; to Salt Lake after Januarv
1 , and as something might happen to him
he had mailji hs | will. Ho took from his
pocket this document , " and Mr. Stelling
produced a paper which tlio coroner
read , as follows :
To whom It may concern : This my last
will and Icstaiiient. That w'm > n it shall
jilea'-a Cod to call me , all of Vtlilch I may liu
posj-c.s.scd. persona ! properly , Ilia liismance ,
] ictmc.s ! , inc. , without reserve or sliictuiu
Bhall KO to my dear friend. Fiauk Mlulltiitf , of
the city of Oiuahii , state ol Xcbniska.
This will , as it purports to be , is written
In a clear , legible band , although some
of tbcj words are misspelled. It ib mi-
attested and without witness.
Mr. Stclling continued , "On last Sun
day , ho invited mo ( o go to Ilio Mikado
on tlio nuxt Tuesday night with him and
I concluded to go. Meanwhile stories
reached my car to tlio cll'cct that
fitelling was living fast , putting
forth 'false pretenses anil in
curring "monMary obligations at a ruin
ous rate , I had hoard some few such
Btatcniu'n'ts btiJorp , but I condemned them
as calumnies and refused to listen to
them. Jim on Monday and Tuesday sev
eral of my friends came to me and as
sured mo that Adams'conduct was actu
ally such as had bi'i'ii reported , and l\\as
beimr compromised as an abettor for per
sonal profit of bis misrepresentations.
This bituatlon filarnicd me and 1 quickly
concluded that 1 could not allord for a
moment to live under such suspicion , and
1 detormim'u1 to break oil' instantly with
A. lams. It did not join him Tui'silay
evening for the opera , as I bad prom
ised. The next morning ho came into the
bank and 1 told him that our intimacy
must end. He reproached mu in a sorrowful
rowful strain , and although ho did not
weep , bis emotions were apparent in his
strained utterances and the quiver of liis
lip. 1 did not see him again ; that night
hu took the morphine wliich ended his
lifo on tliu next day. "
At tliu elq-e of Mr. Stelling'3 testimony
the jury retired , and in a few minutes re
turned the following verdict ;
Wo , the jiiry , elo , , etc. , etc. . do say that
said K Vilaius euiiio to hi * death by mor
phine ailiiililihtcml by his own hand , with
suicidal intent. Fmi : > . ! . UormucK ,
II , J. Krii.i.iit. : :
K. 1 . COM : .
V 11. a. SMITH.
/ JOHN Mriioviux. :
I A. S. JONIS. :
A collection of thu unimportant points
of tins tei-t.mony added to the foregoing ,
sum up tlwchauictcrof the deceased m
n very bad -Tight. The condition arrives
that Adidus was either a scam ) ) or a par
tial InnaJiQ. Thu last opinion must pre
vail as Ijc squandered his unscrupulous
proceeds upon idle friendships , while a
designing , rascal wouU have made tlio
niost of tncm for Ms personal USD , Ho was
A wonderfully ingenious and inveterate
liari and was' fond of pnuling preten
sion ? of ov/ry imaginable character. Although -
though hi/ / never drank , he was
ttiul was m all , at least , a crank.
The following letter , which traces a
largo part of the suicide's cuver , follow
injt him through the social swim to th <
title's prison , w'nh self-dostructivu at
tempts inU'rjdetud , and thtuico to a
felon's tliglit , was received Uy the HKK
ght , and is given us u most jhtcr-
opting chapter in thr narrative of Adam
intesi nnd last s.'tisat onal caper :
I.i.vrohN , Neb. , Dec. W. To the Ivditc
of tlic BKKI I dHiku to Mieak ill of li
( lend , but if tlio Frank \ . Adams met
Moiled in loila.BhK . as having eon
mitU'd "iiioldi1 was Frank Vincent Adan ;
of Brooklyn , > ' . V. , as I think ho was
from j-oiir de priplion of him , ho wn
surely one of the most plausible , ban
facet ! and at the same time ono of th
most rcin.irkable frauds it was over in
fortune , to como in contact with. Hi
being In the army for eight years is abe
bo li. 1 lirst ran across him at Tylei
To\a , in the fall of 1871) ) . 1 was at tha
time deputy United States marslni
for thu eastern district of Texas , will
headquarters at ( Salrcston , and upoi
the recommendation of H\-Congres mai
W. S. Hcrndon , of that state. 1 employ
ed Adams a < < clerk and private secretary
! > ' 21' ' A l'r ' cmnloyed him I learned tha
he was shorrfn mS . " i.'L"118 11 treasure
of . draniatiu club "u °
nil r.mateur , anti .
the inembi'vs C-rnio io : : : s pud told mi
that tliey were gomg to have him arrest
cd. L immediately spoke to him about i
and he said ho had spout tlio money , ov
peeling to replace it , but was unable t <
ilpMtjuit then , and seemed very muel
d'stressed. He appeared so young am
innocent I concluded rather than havi
him disgraced I would make the amount
good , which I did , it being about
$1 < 0. I still retained him in nn
employ and took him to ( lalveston will
me , whore in a short time he became om
of society's ino-t brilliant and da//lin <
lights and numbered his friends by the
do/en , both male and female. His sup
jiersaitd presents were the talk of the town
but where the money came from no om
stoppeil to enquire. It transpired tliougl
that ho bad been slinging the Unitci
Slates marshal's name around promised
ously signed to cheeks without , his knowl
cdjro or consent , and when the yontif :
man was forced to confront an array ol
thirty-three fortrod checks , amounting tc
almost ! fl,20 ( ( , bo weakened and sought
solace in bis old friend morphine. Stomach
ach pumps ami strong collco over
came the deadly druir , and lit
was compelled to pay the penalty of lib
folly with a term of four years servitude
in tlio state penitentiary at Iluntsvillo ,
Texas. I think he was committed in
April or May , 18 ? ( ) . During liis incarcer
ation in jail and his servitude in tin
states nri'-on , many of liis new "not
wisely but too well" made friends stuck
to him and lloral ollering and perfumed
notes of condolence and sympathy won :
numerous. I remember that two of bis
young gentleman friends were permitted
lo sleep in jail with him to relieve the
ennui ot his cruel incarceration. I know
something of his family through Colonel
Hcrndon who had recommended him tc
me , so I telegraphed ono of his brothers ,
who was a \ \ all street broker , stating the
facts and asking if lie would do anything
to help Frank and ho answered , "hot the
law tsiko its eour.-e. " A few days after
ward I received a _ letter explaining the
telegram , wherein the brother stated
that Frank bad been in several scrapes
of tliu kind in Now York , and they had
silent a small fortune on him gulling him
out. They had soul him to sea on a lonj ;
cruise , and had kindly sent him out tei
Texas on a .stock ranch hoping to get him
away from old associations and break
him of Ins old habit * , and they had finally
been forced to tlio conclusion that there
was no hope for him. They now thought
possibly a term in tlio penitentiary might
prove beneliclal to him. So ho
went up for lour years , and was released ,
1 think , in the latter part of 18 * ! or
carlv in 188 1. Among his friends who
stuck to him , the most prominent was
Mr. Charles Fowler , jr. , ot the linn of
Fowler & Walker , ship brokers of Galveston -
ton , and as soon as Adams was released
Fowler at once gave him tlio position of
book-keeper for the linn. Adamn ap
peared very penitent , also very grateful
to Fowler , and became 11 very exemplary
young man. Ho was with them , 1 tliinlt ,
for live or. six months , when I received a
letter from a friend stating that Adams
had "skipped" out $1,000 hliort in his accounts -
counts with Fowler & Walker , and leav
ing numerous other bills not liquidated.
TliH about a year or a year and a
half ago , and was tlio last I
beard ol Adams until 1 saw the notice in
the Piii : of to-day. This sounds like a ro
mance , but thu records of the United
States court atfialveslon and at ( lie state
penitentiary at iluntsville , Texas , will
bear mo out in all J say , and all is not
Adams is of an old aristocratic family
of Brooklyn , is1. Y. He has two or thrco
brothers , who arc reputable and substan
tial business men in Now Yoik city. His
father was for a long time American con
sul at some city in the West Indies , and
was a wealthy sugar planter I hero. Ho
there met and married a wealthy Cuban
lady , wtio was tlio mother of Ins children ,
and Frank was bom there. Frank was
well educated , speaking five or > 5.x lan
guages , a good actor , Shakespearean
reader , line siniror , oed writer , acrobat
and paii-ble ! ! talker -in fact poisosMiij
every quality to easily ingratiatn hinwlt
into one's good graces. As a liist-elass
fraud ho had few poors. I learned that
ho attempted suicide witii morphine tov-
oral limes before my experience with
him. leu 11. CAM.AWAV.
GUAM ) I'ltl/'is DKAWI.NC7.
Kaufman Mros. C'lgnr Stores on Far-
iiaiii and loth KfrcetH.
Tlio popular and reliable cigar linn of
Kaufman Brothers , -J07 S , 15th St. , will
hold their tilth monthly di.-tribution of
prr/os Dee. Dlst , 18& > , tit which time the
following presents will bo given to custo
mers holding tickeU : Ono gold watch ,
two silver watches , a gold-huaded cano ,
silverware , cigar.- , clocks , opera glasses ,
revolvers , etc. , elu. , amounting in all to
now Tiruirrs MAY itn .
Kadi customer gets one ticket good for
a chance with every - " > cents worth of
goods pincha-ed. Thoio goods consist
of till grades and brand ? , of e-igars , smok
ing and chewing tobacvo , cigarettes ,
pines and smokurs articlegenerally. .
M.\n. oituKita are solicited and will re
ceive prompt attention. The drawing
will take place in the pro-enco of ticket
holders and iniaranlccd to be a fair dis
tribution. Call on or address
Omaha , Neb ,
25 YEAgS IN _ USE.
Ths Greatest Medical .Triumph of the Age )
I.omofnppciUci Jlu\vcl cu ilvp | I'ulu lu
tlio brad , nllli a dull wuuviulou in tlio
bacU part. I'lilu uiitlur tUo shoulder-
IjluUc , 1'ullaosB after entliicvltl a < ll .
Inclination to exertion of builr ornitml ,
Irritability of temper , J.IMY m > li In , wliU
u feeling ul' ImYlucneclccictl tame duty ,
We ilnrn , ! > l2 : liic , Vliutcrlnc nt Iho
Heart , licit * bcfuvoltio eyes , llcuilaclio
over ilio vlslit rjre , ItCfcllci.ncse , with
litful Jirniuf , Jllstly colored L'tluu.nad
7TOTT'9 VII.I.fl nvo eDjtoclally ntlApteil
to cuch CAS ? * , 0110 iti'so ctlcctu micli u
. - .
0 hey Iirrcu3U tlin A jiprlllu.anJ cAutu tlia
body ti 'I'.iUo > a rirall , tliii I tin fjttltni It
iiiiinlsliriJ , an'l I'/iliclrTtiiilo Action on
Uiu ll ' i l\uiui , t..N.V. Uiu U l ) jiakea lioallliy tai ,
tUcii , Ui-iu t'iouulr , n > ] iatr8tliQ wastes of
l.c rjt'j'uj it ! ) intro MooJ anJ lianl muscle ;
lor.e.i tlio ucnoiu system , Invigorates Um
brr..i ! , ami Imparts tnolfor ol manhood.
$1. SoHlivilnu"Ul .
Vi'VU'U 1 ? lui-r y St. , Nc\v York.
How the City's Cosmopolitan Throng Oele
bratcd the Ohrhtmas Festival
Somcilotncd tlic Crowd tifAVorslilpors
Willie Others Jlcld Aloor-IIappy
Child roit HcinoiiilicrlttK
Their Chief.
How Clirlstmns Wns ( ) bsor\'c < l.
Yesterday not tlu > typical , old-fash-
lonoil Christinas , in weather , at luast , but
iiovortlii'lcss it was a deli btfu' day ,
Tliu sun slmiie brightly , thu wind was
balmy , and all nature sccmnd in thn bust
of spirits. Still , it wa- < cold oiiougli U
lUWer.tlijnfculuia of ln ltndo n-ti.'cl . ! a
"m-euii" Christmas n-tSiuJV uarts , ami
foot passengers inoveit along the struct
with alacrity. On the ctv ! thoroughfares ,
however , tin almost S.ibbath ht.llncss
rcigiiptl. quite thn opposite to what , it
would liave buon hail At.nging frost lillod
the air and shmiuj ; snow covered the sur
face of the earth.
During tlio morning hours throngs of
people woi'dcd tlu-ir way to the various
plai-os of worship in the city , and large
congregations wore assembled at all the
churdiusto participate in the ivligious
services of the thy. Others there were ,
of a more convivial nature , whose un
steady gait and llnshed features indicated
that they were celebrating the day by in
dulging lee freely in the howl that both
exhilarates and intoxicates. Tito saloons
received their full share of patronage ,
many of them treating their ctMomer.-i to
elegant and substantial repasts. There
were , however , very few disgraceful
scenes enacted and , taking overvlliing
into consideration , the arrests by the po
lice welo remarkably few in number ,
The Kountxe Memorial church was
packed last night to its utmost capacity
on the occasion of the Christmas service's
by and for the children of the Sunday
school. The atl'air was carried out in a
manner that reflected credit 11)1011 ) those
who managed it. The programme
was opened by singing ny the
entire school "A Welcome to All. "
After more singing by the school
and prayer , Mrs. Clark rendered a song
in her usual happy manner , and was
greeted with warm applause. The in
laut department then sang in a very
creditable manner thu song "Who is in
Yonder Stall v" Mis-s Je sie Lawrence ,
a member of the infant department , re
galed the audience with a pleaning reci
tation entitled "San.a Clans. " She was
followed in a solo and chorus by Master
George Mings , The senior department
then took up the programme in a song
"Tribute of Trayer. " This was followed
by a Christmas ollering by six boys and
sixteen girls , the ollering being a pyra
mid of lloral and evergreen mottoes. The
other features of this portion of the en
tertainment were a well rendered recita
tion , "The Last Hymn , " which was per
haps the gem of tlio evening , by Miss
Daisy Maus , and recitations by Hraeie
ISillnian , MayLawrencoand I1 rankle Uct-
weiler. Pastor Detweiler made ashortantl
vatwy address , which was greeted with no
little applause. A linely executed vocal
quartette by Misses Ulliolt and Hhoetler ,
and Messrs. \ \ at.-on and Allen. A song
by the entire school closed the pro
gramme. The entire .school adjourned
to the basement , where for three-quar
ters of an hour the little ones , ami ibe
big ones , too , revelled in j.resents and re
freshments. The genuine Santa Clans
was there with plenty of gilts , which be
personally distributed , as aKo those
hanging from thu splendid Christmas
tree. Altogether the occasion wa.s a
hapny one and will long be remembered
by the scholars and their friends.
The Sunday school rooms of the First church were gaily decorated last
evening , and lillcd to their utmost
capacity with both old and young to
witness the entertainment given by the
scholars of the .school. The ser\ ices wore
opened with prayer by Rev. ,1. W. Harris ,
a tier which a quartette rendered the
Christmas song , "Holy , Holy. Holy , "
which \\as loudly applauded. I hen tol-
lowed u recitation by i'ertio Kelly , and
another song by the quartette , ' 'Conic
Where the Lilies Bloom. " The inland
class of Hi.- school next cave a delightful
little oxuivNu , which was greatly appro-
eiati'd. Other numbers on tliu pro
gramme worn a Christmas carol by Flora
DcLaml , a recitation , ' Fbu Is'ight after
Christmas , " by Mabel Kelly , a song by
tliu male quartette , "Drilling with tlio
Tide , " and a reeil ilion , "The Helping
Hand , " by Sammy Wc.ston. "The
marriage ot Santa Clans" wa.s a very
tunny dialogue , the principal part being
taken by Master liowlcy , wlulo Stella
Shcrfy iveitcd beautifully " .My from
Santa Clans. " A number ot' other
M'holarn participated in the e\creiscs , anil
the programme closi'd wifli a finely ren
dered solo by Miss Chamberlain , llo-
fiVbbnicnls were then served , in which
all participated with great delight.
A * beautiful Christmas tree , loaded to
its utmost capacity wnb presents , was
the principal object of attraction at the
l'n > t Congregational church last even
ing , Tlio body of the edilicu was crowd-
dif with the members of the Sunday-
school and others of Ilio congregation
who were present , to witness the delight '
of tlio younger people , Hcl'oro the dis
tribution ot present * commenced , K < iv.
A. F , Slierrill. pastor of the church , made
a .short and pleasing addrc.-s. Ho refer
red to the fact that the day
was the thirtieth annnivcrsary ( if
thu starting ol' the Sunday hchool.
Fifteen years ago when ho ) ir t
came to Omaha , Christmas was coin-
bratcd in the old church budding with a
grand ChriMmas tree , and homo of the
teachers \\lio wi-ro now lii' to dis
tribute the pre.-enls were then the young
children who were vtait ng an\iou-ly lo
receive their gifts. Mr. Slierr.H's re
marks wcro lisiloncd to by old and young
with ilio greatest int'ivM , but the excite
ment commenced wall the distribution
of pre.sents , There were fully - . ' ) ( ) pinnls ,
outnido of tlie Hiblo classes , and each ono
was provided with a present. The happy ,
smiling faces richly rewarded tliosu pros-
cut for till the trouble taken to manage
the ali'air , The committee who success
fully managed tliu providing ami dis-
trilmtiuii of pro-onts was composed of W.
II. Alexander , supurlnUndent of the
bchool. and MrLivesoy ) , Mrs , Dulioisc ,
Mrs Colpot/er , Mrs. Van Kuruu and Mrs.
Tim First Methodist , North Presbyteri
an , Castullar' Street Presbyterian ami
( jernitin angelical Sunday schools also
held grand Onristmas festivities last
ecuing. .
At Trinity the fc = tal service of the day
was held in lUiUO a in. Thu musical part
of the service ? had been prepared wall
great pains , and tbo following pro-
grammo was rendered with line cll'ect.
1'iiH'osi.lonul , llait ; , tliu lleraldAn Liis hing ,
, , Mcndi'Nslion
Ventto Chant
liloria I'.itii I. liaiitUUiC.iUlui
To IH'tiiu Ludamus J. llail | | le ( "uldln
Jubllute Ji o J. liautiste Calilln
Aiiilii-m , JSIiiB , Oh Heavens.II. Tours
Kyrle. . . . . I , H.iptlhto Culdln
i ifuiia Tlbl I. liiiilsto | | Caldln
llyiiui , tjoiifjn of 1'ialbC , thu Angels' Sum ; ,
. . . , .Thlbaut
Anthem Offertory While Sncjiliculs
Watched Tlielr 1'Iocks W. T. Uust
Saiictus , J. HimUMe Caldln
( iluiia in KxcoLsU Old Chant
Ueccsslonut. Angela ttuintliu lt .ihasofilury
, . , . U. Smart
The observance of the day at St. Plnlo-
mena's cathedral was most elaborate.
Thu nuisio had boon carefully selected
aud Uiu choir was comyusgd of thu beat
voices in tbn city. Pontifical high ma
was celebrated by Ht. Uov. .Fames O'Coi
nor. D. istcd by Hcv. M. Hcman ,
J. , Ilev. J. Flanncry , S. J. , deacons t
honor ; Icv. ? P. F AicCarthy , deacon <
the mass , Hnv.m Orowe , . ub-iieaeo
of the mass , Very Hcv. Wm. Ivi'lloy , He'
Jos. F. Hlpge , S. J. . Hov. J. O'Mcara. !
J. , Hov. Al. P. Dow ling , S. J. , preaclic
lcv. ? M. tiartland , master of ccremonic :
The musical prograinnmwasas follow ;
Haydn's Mass in J ) will be MIIIJ
accompanied by llolliiian's orchestra.
Kyric soloKts .
Miss ! ' . Arnold , Misa li. Kcnncily.
Gloria soloists . . . .
Misses ( . ' . Itncdcr. t < \ Itopdor , M. Mc-
Naiuara , .Messrs. Ulalr , McCrenry.
Onl Tollls. solo . . . . . .Mr. McCrcar
A scnl Creator . I. P. Mtirjili
Scriuiui . Hcv. .M , P , DouliiiL' . S. .
Credo . Choi u
1'H liu'aruatiiscst Solo . Mrs. Mcl'.ilf TV
Kt Ites-iiuexit Solo . .Miss Ivi'tinrd.
O Snlnlails UlTeittiiy . Vcul
ITio-Miss F. Arnold. Messis. II. J ! .
Hlalr , .1. P. .Mmiiliy.
. . , . . .
Mis. Mrt'iifteryMiss \ > . iJchsloj. : : :
--MIS Dei Soloists . . .
" .Mis D. Johnston , 0. Hocdor.
Adeste FidelU . . - . . . . . . . . . .Clioru
Miss rannieArnold . Leader oft lioi
Miss rannreDillraiice , . , . . . . . .Omanl- *
Prof. S. lluiriiian . Leader or iSiCJ tR
At the morning service at Kount/.e 7n
morial Lutheran church the following
programme wa.s carried out :
1. Invocation. 2. ( Jloilii Patil. ! ' . Confes
sion. ) . Kvrle. G. Collect. < ! . Aliostles' Cieei
7. ( Jloiia in Kxcelsls4. 8. ( os | > t > [ and KiMle | ,
U. Keslival Pm > cr. 10. llyiini , " .loj In llu
Woild , the Lout Has ConnIt. . OiU'itnrj
Solo by Mis. .1. ! S. ClaiU. 13. Seiniuii. b >
Pastor , .l.S. Dutweller : Subject , "TinSlai
In the Kust , " i : ) . J'rayer. l . H.MIIII ,
"ItljihLet lTs Swell Our Tuneful Notes'1
IS. Doxoloi'.v.
Hcv. F. It.V. . Hruechcrt delivered an
excellent Christmas sermon to the evan
gelical Lutherans at No.1 engine house
yesterday afternoon.
- \ \ ' delivered tliu
Uis-hop oi'thlngton ser
mon at St. John's chapel yesterday morn
ing at 11 o'clock.
Christinas services wcro held at St.
Philip's at 11 o'clock yesterday morning.
Christmas dinner at the Paxton was
served in the customary .sumptuous .style ,
after the following bill :
Now Yoi-ic Counts
Crcnm ot Chicken llouitlon
s n la 1'iilcr.nltn'no
Ited t'tii.jipcr , Ilolhinila to Pi ri'iino ! 1'otnlocs
llolloc Cnjioti. O s ofFnut'O
llonst TurV oy I'uinlicrry S.uico
Jtlbsol I'r.iiui Uouf
VoiiiiM1 I'IK
> rnelpod Potutois Sweet Potatoes
1'rL'iicn 1 ens C'aulll.o\vcr
Sweet llrcftil i . . | , . , j..u.-
Ciou nulo of l-'rcsli Miibhrooras
Oiolicil Quail on Tnnst
Oif-sum ] with Sncot 1'ntntoos
Li.'ttuco t'nlaU
Swcot 1'leklos OIlTOj
ruaaiiig ,
Mlnco t'lo
S'ouiKililiui Ice t rcnm Cliiuipi : nu , ! clly
Q r..i'cs Ilonnnns 1'lori la
O Hcl.oi.smul Cliooso
C. irco.
Dinner at the Millartl was a banquet
such as Air. Shears HO thoroughly can
contrive. The menu as a piece of sta-
Loiary wa.s one of the linei-t pieces of
ivork ever turned out for a table d'liote.
I'he bill wa.s jirintcd on heavy linen
paper folded within a cover ol heavy
straw card , with pictorial facing and
bound with a silk ribbon. Each : tom of
tlic menu is accompanied by some littingly
suggestive ( { notation , : ind the whole cx-
3iuplilics tliu relined taste and .skill of
.be designer. Mr. Clem , who eon-
jeived and made the card , deserves much
credit. Following is the bill :
Cystcis on the Knf Slioll
MockTurllo Poup Coii
Itcd Snuiipcrliiliini Fnnco
Now J olulous m Orcaiii
Ito-t-t SlrNjiii of l'io ! tlirlsf inns Hecf
JiUldlu ol' foutlidowii .Mil lion , I Mack Cnriuit Jolly
lomo.-ilu ( Jjo'O , Ajip.o S.u.cj
Vomitf Tin key , tiuuiiurry Sauce
Croqui'lt ) , of Sw oc-t Hi o I'liuincioro
t in. ill i aitlus of ( ly-ii'i.- , l r.iK'i o-f
1'lnu Aii | > lo l r.t.d..Ma. . a clilnu SUIKO
ColU VcuU'Io , Atplo
MnyommlM ) C'lifflicit Lobster I.oltuco
! r o led ( tiinlt on Toutit Cio'Sad
ili hfil I'olaloiH S eut torn
H'ownt'd Svvjet 1'ot.Uois Otc'cn I'L'iis
Apr rot Houlllo , Coffiino Siuico
/Miiou Moi'.ii iu1 l'io Mlnco I'io
Kiii"v nnd A---onoil CuUo
. * Itiiisliis ( '
I.uyui iiMiih'os Oriipes
COIl l 'O.
Yesti'i'day afternoon tliero was a jolly
rathering at the rcsidt nee of Marshal
Juniinings on Cass street , and from ! !
> 'clock unlil / tliero was a constant
trcam of bine-coated policemen passing
n and out of the lio-p table door , Tlio
ausu of tlio commotion was the presen-
ation lo the honored chief of police by
ho olliccrs of the force of an
ilcgant silver water set. The
irsl intimation tlial Marshal Cum-
nings received that something un-
ibiial was in tliu wind , was when the
tatrol wagon dashed up in front of his
lour , loaded full of bis faithful olliccrs.
1'liey were quickly nsliuivd inside with a
'Merry Clmsimas"fnnn the marshal and
lispleasan' . wife , and when all bad gatb-
ircd tiround the host and hostess Captain
'oriuick htciijii'd ' torward , and in a fuvf
I'oH-ehoscn words , pri'sunted Marshal
'uninnngs the elegant jirc.sent provided ,
Uthough temporarily embarrassed by Ilio
im-Nprcti'dni'ss of the gift , thu marshal
ecovcri'd his self'o | ) scs.sion and
icartdy thanked tbo bovs for the
\nre.s ! > lon of the esteem in which they
icld him. AH were then seated and ru-
rushnionls were served , accompanied by
ongs and social intercourse ) , which
( hied greatly to the pleasure of thu oo-
'iKsion ' , iJailorPierronetgavo Ilio follow-
ng toast to Marshal Cunimings , wliich
ras drank by all with hearty good will :
'May ' you live as long as life is a pjea.s-
iru to you , and may Uio hinges of fiiend-
hip lu'twcim ysti and the police force
nvcr rust , " After airhour of unalloyed
njoymcnt , those ] ) re cnt withdrew to
How other members of the force to
all and oflur their congratulations
u tliu happy chief. The entire force
vailed themselves of ( ho oppoitunity
uring tlio afternoon ; and retired witn
ilea.sant remembrances of their visit.
The water set is an elegant ull'air , and
j inscribed : "Presented to Marshal
Jnmmings by Omaha Police Force , Dee.
5 , 1HH-V" Tlio marshal values tlio g ft
ory highly , and not so much on account
f its worth as for thu good feeling ami
steem manifested by tbo boys In rcinom-
cring tbcir chief.
It. n. Williams Cnnoil.
On rising Christinas morning L. K.
V'ilbams found that his room had bcea
ntered during thu night. Nothing was
\issing , but hoveral things had been
ddcd. In one corner was a gold headed
ano. Knowing then that bo had been
ancd during the night , Mr. Williams
Hiked for marks on himself but could
nil nono. On observing the canu moro
loscly ho found engraved : "From Em
iloycs , Uhristmaa , 18iV The romi'm-
irtinco of it , Mr , Williams says , will
ingcr until tlio light Is out , and h wishes
a tiiatu all , with the hoyo that thu
ff ( Hfl
Lnnu to i
320 fine Merchant Tailor Custom Made
Overcoats , from the leading tailors through *
ut the country , to be sold at less than the
cost of material. Come early to secure a
bargain ,
1119 Farnam Street.
Open evenings until 9 o'clook.
donors may have many a hanny
Other Notes.
IIospo's employes presented him with a
gold headed cane on Christmas eve. The
wv.-entation speech was made by Mr. J.
II. Smith in a unique and happy manner.
Superintendent L. M. Rheem , of tlio
American District Telegraph company ,
gave a banquet to the twenty-seven boys
employed by the company yesterday af
ternoon. 1 he all'aircamo oil1at Uiggius' ,
and was a pronounced success.
CliriHt IIKIH Crimes.
George Kcdlicld was registered at the
city jail yesterday afternoon with four big
] ) ' opposite his name. They represented
the words Deaf , Dumb , Drunk and Dis
orderly. George was released last even
ing on bail.
.lohn Cary , a drunken young man ,
made an assault yesterday afternoon on
Emmet Floyd in liarnoy Maginnis' sa
loon , Fourteenth and Dodge streets. Ho
drew a knife and struck at Floyd
several times , making an ugly
wound in ids neck , and inllicting
several severe cuts in ids arm and breast.
Cary was finally overpowered and taken
to tlic city jail , where he was locked up
on a charge of assault with intent to kill.
Floyd , though badly cut , is not in a dan
gerous condition. Ho was taken to a
neighboring drug store where his wounds
were dressed , necessitating taking of a
number of stitches. He will appear as a
witness against Cary as soon as he is
Laura Mills and Hattie Forrester , two
colored prostitutes , werq invited out to
partaku of a Christmas dinner
with a female friend yesterday.
They accepted the invitation and
were having a high old time ,
when an allusion was made to a mutual
male friend. The giddy girls immediate
ly became jealous ol each other , and
Laura challenged llattiu to a listic en
counter. The , challenge Was accepted ,
but jii > t as the contestants were pivp.ired
to sail in and pound each other into
mlncu meat Ollleors Crawford anil
Ilinclu'.y put in an appearance and con
veyed them lo the city jail.
Dick Cluir and John O'Xell had looked
upon the tvlno when it was red yesterday.
They met accidentally , quarrekd , fought ,
and ended by landing in jail. Cluir was
released on bail last evening , but O'Nuil
languished in jail over night.
George Long , tbo suspicious character
with a big gun , who was arrested by Olli-
cor Shields after a long chase Thursday
evening , was released on bail yc.stcrday ,
Ho left his gun "in hoc , "
A Hmall Illa/.o.
At1 o'clock yesterday morning an
alarm of lite was sounded from the box
at the corner of Thirteenth and Douglas
strcels , causing tlio department to turn
out vtilh a rush , as the location indicated
that tlio trouble was in the heart of tlio
business part of the city. This proved lo
bo true , tlio lire being located in the store
of K. H. Hiehtor , thu hatter and furrier ,
lif-ja Farnam street. The door of the
building was broken in and a stream of
water wa.s quickly thrown upon
tbo Humes , wliich were in the
rear of this sloro. They soon subsided ,
without having done much damage. The
tire originated in tbo woodwork around
the stove , which had become ignited by
inleiir-u beat , the Move having been left in
lull blast. Dr. ( J. \ V.NVrt / , who-e ollico
is in thu second story of the buihbiig , was
awakened by his room being lillcd with
. Tlio loss is
smoku , and gave tliu alarm.
Homier'H Card.
Great , great reduction in till Kinds of
Household goods during holidays Full
lines of Funntttrc , ( . 'wkfry , lliiun < u < j
/ , < /i/w , Mociit and Holiday i'rtwiidi.
Kivn'jntlinvitrit. ' ( . A'o curtls. .
1813 Douglas St. JAJIUS lloNNMt.
JeloatcK ; to Kaunas City.
President Max Movr , of thu board of
trade , has announced lltu appointment of
thy following uioiabcrd of Ihut u
, ,
An inspection by connoisseurs or others contemplating puicbascs will couvinoolheal
tlmt they can save from 10 to Al per cent , by making their purchases dlioot from imjiortera
besides having by far the largest mid lincst stock In the West to select from ,
Oiirilluvtimiioitiitioiisof KKEXC1I CLOCKS , llltON'XKS , MUSIO HOXKS , OPEUA
GLASSES , hte. , and A UT ( iOOIS Irom PAIilS , VJKXXA , and other JwiUIiuj iiiiiikols , 0
cccd the combined slocks of all other Onialia jcwelcis.
Our stock of WATCHES , .IKn'ELirv , SILVEUU'AllE , Etc. , stands without a lival In
this city In point of elegance mill variety , and all at
ALL GOODS MAIIKKI ) IN PLAIN FIOUKKS. Ho 31110 to consult yoiu interest by
inspecting out stock bcfoio purchasing.
An Early Inspection Invited.
Mail and Telojjjaphii ! Orders Will Ituccivo Pioinpl Attention.
33IR.O. ,
Cot : lltlt , and Jaritam 8ts. , Omaha , Neb ,
lion as delegates lo thu meeting of tlio
Missouri River Improvement association ,
wliich convenes in Kansas City January
, ' ' ! ! : \V. J. Uroaleh , II. T. Clark.C. . Ji.
Chase , \V. V. Morse , Chris Ilartiunn ,
Fred lre\ol ) , G.V. . Lininger. K. R.-c-
water , F. Colpet/or and C , Parker.
'Holiday tiosslp.
Porhajis no linn in the city have en
joyed a belter holiday trade than \Vood- \
Imilgu 15ros. 'J'bo sales of the Sli'i'k
Pianos have been unprecedented and
nothing could be t-aid moro favorable of
this favoritu Piano than the fact that six
of thisiio popular instruinents have been
purchased for Cbrstmas gills , They sold
three Cabinet Grands yeslerday for cash.
It don't take a person ten minutes to
see tlie beauty in one of thcbu magni-
llcenl Instruments ,
Mortgagee.s * sale at the Ilickman Ha-
xuar , 1)05 ! ) Farnam Mrcct. Call and sco
US , K. XAIIIIlaKIH , Agt.
Nasal Catarrh , Throat and Ear. suc
cessfully treated , ( 'has , Inipuy. M , D.
cor ICth and Ilurnuv , Wlthnoll Block.
. nr THE
Omaha Medical and Surgical
Til HAT I AI.I ,
Chronic and Surqicnl Dlsoasoa ,
cs3icrw4.z-ili = : s :
IU'liirinltl < " < , IlUfHM' < of Wniiii'n , 1'ilrulo
Illsciucrf , 1'IU'H , Ciitiirrli , Illncusi' * ol tlin
JllllIKH , I.Ut-r , Iilllll | > .1l4 , l.lllllll , hlvill ,
StiiniHrti , f > uri < -K , l-.vo unil t'.af.
Kcuil fur II'iuK iimii all ill i-nw free , llooiuiai. ' !
KotmUor 1'atliniB. Wi-iofur
mi I'mvATK , Hi-ccui. ami J > inois Jli'CJibc ) ' , Sim
InolVcul.n < b < , Hixn'irtcidi'i.i > ilnll- ' , ( , > I < ' < -1
Mricuirc , VancoirU' nitUoli I I B < at Uiu I rln
nry nml Hounl Oti-aiiH , Cen' Irrnltill y rurn *
IKindeiiir. nr inr-onnlly ( 'inulilcnthl. Hittldni"
tcnl by 11111) ) i rrx | > rrt illioul marks io fndk-nt >
toiiltiiiii or fciulir
lliitUrli-K , jnlMlrrit , llrnri , TriiK'i'l , mil
.ill 1It'll - 1 1 Mfillcal unit hurulcul App lunci't. , 111-1 ;
uliilurcil unit for Jlt. Ailiircto ell Icllcra lu
liJlli ol. , C r , O.iyii l Acuuc. . Ouitt : ! _ . ; . ! ) .
Tjiu boys In ( lie dilutee mUsioii school la
Jo"t ! < m .ipjiuur to juiU'romuii tcachuid.
( Jnn of tliciulio , In Ilii ! uliseiR'i ) ot lilsosvu
Iciii'luT , bL'i'iiicd uni-asy. Wliun n.iki'd the
ic.isoii , be icplii'd : > .Mn want old ical I"
Pure. '
This powilor novt-r \ arlo' . A mnrrol or pn l'
Ij.bliuii/ili ami wliiif8oiiii ) ) t'S" . .Morn economi
cal Hum tliu oi-ilumry kit 4 'i , nml niniiot 1)0 eo'il '
In c < iiiiminloii | ivlih itio iiiil'iltinlo of loir t "
fliort wclnht , nlmn or pliOMptinli ) powdoin.
only In nun * , Uoyal Jlnklnif 1'owdcr CO
\Vull hj'i'-fi'it N.
9t * iuk
OVER 400,000
JTr. ! < ! niillne Vrlilcln uiprfo. .IlliUau uf
iltiuno i rtuD til fit , 1 btf Hl > rlHH lco > fcr uiA
ibortvn tctxjiUiiu : to Uu nmvul w / CUTJ. Kquulf
ni-ll uiluptf-U I" routtti roniiiri roHdii and
. . . - \ . . . . .i nfljullurnrtnr ann.V oldb
w UuUUcr * iui l l ) "