THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , THURSDAY , DECEMBER 24. 18So. ifrvirn * vn Tin ? irvirivc MfiXICO iwD HIE MEXILAAb , Er-Oonsnl Tzscbnck Tells of Onr Sister Eupublio lo the Southward. THE POST OFFICE TROUBLE. Xlio Null Works Cloicd United States Court A Scout's Appeal Cciicrnl Iiocnlcw.s. . A Talk on Mexico. lion HrunoT/'chuek , ex-consul to Mexico ice , arrived in town Tuesday night , having frnikd from Vera Cmto Now York by Bte.uncr Ho will remain for the present In Omaha , with his family. Mr. Tftichuck was appointed to the consul- ntcutViraCru/ 1W , and since that UniPlK'lias been living in tli-U city. A report ! for llio Hi ; ! : called upon him at his n Ideiico on tippnr Faruam street j't t rday , and in conversation with him gamed some li > ler > stiiig facts con- cerniiig the people and all'airs of Al'-xico. " 'I he Mevic in" , " said Mr. T/.schnck , in repb to Iho report T'S leading query , " . . divided into two classes the na tive Mexicansor aboriginal Indian tribes , and the Spanish foreign element , which is ruall > in the -eendeney. . Thu native Indians an ; making little or no progress m tin way of bccoui ng more civilised. Thoi occiii to ha\o no desire to butter UK. niches , but are content to live as the. > have for jears past , in ignor- mice and superstition. They will never rise above tin ir present level , it is safe lo .say 'Iho oilier class is Iho Span ish element who renll , > rule Mexico , and by whom llio btisinc.-s of the country is transacted. They are the Yankees of Mexico , if 1 mui n so the expression. 'J hoi "re , ol com-e , sharp and intelligent people , but as a rule strangers to llio prin ciples of strict hone-l.v. Then there is a certain i lenient ot the German and French nationalities. Americans ? There are vcr > few of Ilium in Mexico. 1 don't know of a single first-class American merchant in Vciu Cnu , and in the City ofMi\ico , there are but two or three. People in the United Mates have an idea that there are a good many Americans in V'A that is a mistake. " ' Th. . ' religion of the county , of course , is Koiiian The people of Mexico are governed b the priests , es pecially outside of the cities. In llio country villages the pnlir is the ruler. Ho dictates to his followers what they shall do , and they obey ban iniplicilly , The schools are absolutely in coutrofof the Catholic clergy in the country districts. In the eitii.s , however , the schools are taken charge of by the government which niidnlains and rcguluU.s them. On the whole , 1 think their scholastic system is a good one. " "Is the Mexican Central railroad a pay ing iiistitutiony" "Hardly us yet. The country through which il passes is not yet opened up suf- Jicieutly logivc it a largo freight trallie. The natives tin re prefer to have their transportation done by umles or Indian carriers. These lalti-r sell their services very eh"up do not charge moro than U7 cents a day , and consequently you can get a lood deal of work out ot them for very lidle nionuy. Consequently tlie natives are slow to npproeial1 , } ( ho advan tages ol the railroad in transporting tliolr proihicc. Is'o , the farming resources of Mexico are not being developed very rap idly The fact is that the lauds of Mexico are for the nio-t part in the contiol of the Spanish haciendas who have held them for years , not curing to cither improve them or to transfer them. Of course these o\v \ tiers will runt to set- tiers who wi-h to take up sections lor farming purposes ; but as they will give no satisfactory terms of long lea-o , the settlers as a rule do not feel like improving the land , for there is no telling when the owner will step in anil terminate the lease , in order to take advantage of the tenant's work. I am inclined to think that there are great pro-peets for Mexico p. in the way ot cattle raising. In some V' portions ot Mexico , especially in thy northern part , there are splendid gru/ing lunds which ought to furnish pasture- ago for large herds of cattle. And I think that there will be a speedy development in this direction. English capitalists in certain sections of the conn try tire buying up largo trucls of land , no doubt for cattle gra/ing purposes. Yes , there is very little doubt but thut the Block industry in Mexico is bound lo bo onu of ilH bust re-ources. " "Tho United Status has u lurgu export trade tq Mexico ? " ' 'Yes. Two ye'irs ago our export Irado with Mexico was larger than that of ( ! cr- iniiny , France and England together. Within the last year or two , however , the export trade of the Unite I Stales to Aloxieo has fallen oil'on account of the heavy duties which tha Muxicun govern ment has imposed upon Amer ican articles of manufacture. These duties on some articles tire tremen dous. For instance , a yaid of calico , which is worth hero I suppose about live or six cents , In Vera Crnz sells for i8 ! cents , Other articles of import are high priced in proportion. The fact is that thu Mexican government is not only un able to pay oil the national debt , but it is not oven paying the interest on that debt. 11 cunuoi live w thin its income. It has tried every method of raising inoitoy but one and that ivourcc I think it will BOOH have to fall back upon. "What is that ? " "Jt nm-t lax thu landed properly of these hacicudus or Spanish grandees , wheat at present to not contribute ut all lo the support of the general government. Their lands ought to bu carefully re- surveyed and recorded , and then taxed a cerium amount for the support of the goucral government. Yes , it is true that seine of these haciendas pay taxes to the different s.lato governments , but this , of course , iu of no bandit lo the general government , which is becoming deeper and deeper involved. " T1II3 t'OSTOI'TlOK ' TUOUIIM2. Tlio .Discharged Cui-s-ler.s Toll Tliolr Kldo ol' tlio .Story. A loportor for llio UBI ; met yesterday Messrs. Dohuuoy ami Lingafelt , two of the carriers whom Postmaster Coutant discharged Monday night , and questioned thorn with regard to thuir iiltitudo in the mutter , Thu story of Iho wholu transaction , as told by'thom , has never before been pub lished , and ishurewilh presented : Air. Dohaiiuy.ushu sa s , wasappoiutcd to the position of carrier some months ago. llo wts ; a democrat , but his politics were not disL'ovi red until ho had buun for soiiiu weeks in thu postofllco. Thou hu bet-ime subject lo various petty purse- cutjons ut the hands of thu management of Iho postolliee , which conauuud , ho claims , up to thu hour of liisdisciiurgo. To iiittko matters worse , another demo cratic letter currier , who hud employed as a Mibslltutc , was likewise jil-irutiteil , and \\us rarely allotted any work , - J that Ids earnings wci'u very fecahty SoH' * * 'f ' bis u-llovv employes. It is alleged' , in their . - .Vfty to oust him from his po-itiou , even \vy ! > t > tar as to blurt u scandal against Stone , tissue ellect Unit he hud abandoned his wife uud v-'us living vviih smother woman. This perso- cutiou , as Air Donahey claims , was carried - ried to such an extent that m sell-defense hu deli hu'iud ' to pnfcr charges against the postolllet' nmiiaguiu'iu. 1 his he did , and ho was. supported ill Ids action by Messrs 'Monc uud Lingutcll Thu clutos were lUu e uf mismanage ment. One point was that Air. Coutant was in the habit of allowing cily letlcrs having on them only one cent postage to bo deliveredalthough the law specifically requires that the postage shall be two pen . Air Hoiruifv claims tint he pulled the attention of his superiors to this in fringement of rules , but they always re plied that he should go ahead as ho had be"ii doing , as there would bo too much Iroubl'i in notifying the send ers to remit more postage. . Any body was allowed to i-omu into the distributing room" , it i claimed , and as there was no limit lo the amount of noise that might be made , the ollieo was a real bedlam. The drivers of mail Wagons were allowed to go into the of fice and stamp Ictl'-r" ' , distribute mail , etc. , etc , , at their own sweet w ill. It was often the custom of the ollieo , Air. Dohaiie.y claims , to dump circulars , cte. , into Iho waste-basket , because it was too much trouble to distribute them. If a letter carrar went to Air. Coutant lo make a complaint about any thing , ho was mot evasively and no sat isfaction would be given him. "In fact1 said Air. Dohauy in speaking of the mai ler to the reporter , "Our charges against Coutant were too many lo particular- Jxo here , but they were all backed up by evidence of the strongest character. Inspector Hobiusou himself remarked to mo that thu ollieo was the worst managed 0110 lie ever saw , and that our charges against Coutant were in the main true. How the homo ollico managed lo exonerate him is more than I can see. As far as concerns Air. Coutant's statement that our discharge was ordered by the Washington authori ties , without Ins interference , that is not tine , He hiius > 'lf secured our discharge out of pure " PUTS OUT ITS 1'MKF.S. TlicXall Works Closed nud One Hun dred Men Thrown Out. The Omaha Nail Works have closed indefinitely , probably for a month and perhaps fv > r I lie entire winter. When the force was paid oil' last Saturday night , the announcement , was made that return on Monday morning would not bo required. Onu hundred men have been currently employed in the works , nnd as the greater number are men of families theru are probably 1(10 ( people alVeeted by the shut down. The windows of Iho mill are all boarded up , furnace lires put out , and Iho whole works wear an appearance of dearth that is not cheerful lo contemplate. Air. AleShane was approached yesterday morning for the cause of suspension of work "The reasons are various , " ho said , "but chiefly thai Iho _ demand is Jnuited and there is no occasion for continuance ) of operations tit present. No , 1 cannot say now long the suspension will last , muvl'c a month , maybe more. " Air. AlcShano hud bill liltlo else lo say mid il there are other reasons for the close behind what he ox-pre-sod , the com pany chooses not to make them public. All sorts of rumors are current of late among the workmen. One report was to the ell'cet that a change would bo made in the work and the m-inufaeturu of steel nails exclusively begun. Another thut the whole plant was about to bo moved to another part of the city or out of town altogether. These stories are denied by the company and everything ig now set at rest by the close. STATUS COUUT. No More Criminal Trials Tills Term- Civil Business. Judge Dimdy resumed the hearing of of the case of Deer , Wells & Co. vs. U. Ijollmuii , sherid'of Knox county. A Nio- braru merchant named Fisher was at- Inched by Ihu Norwegian Plow company and hi.s stock went into the custody of the sheriff , H. Uollman. Deer , Wells & Co. now put in prior claim on a bill of sale from Fisher for $ , " ) ,0K ( ) , and sue the sherilV to recover. The jury in tlio case of Fetor Gros vs. the Union Paeilie.which retired Tuesday noon , was out all night and fail'id ' to find a verdict up to noon yesterday. The marshal load the weary jurors out to their meals at llie proper time and consigned them again to the seclusion of the jury room with a guarding euro that gave them more the appearance of prisoners. When court reconvened in tlio after noon tlio jury announced that they were unable to ugruu and were discharged. A jury was impanelled anil testimony taken yesterday afternoon in the case of Ebeuback vs. the I'liion Paeiliu railroad. The suit is for SJ.ViOO. and is brought by the father of Frank libenback. an H year- old lad , who lost a leg at the Tenth street crossing by being run over by the defend ant's cars in 18dl. Deputy Marshal Calp came in yesterday morning with Price btocker , a resident near Fulls City , in charge. Sleeker is charged with selling mult liquors without liceusu. Ho explains that hu bought ti lot of beer for his own consumption uud thaloiio of his neighbors , with malignant intentions , persuaded him to sell a bottle and then exposed him. Judge Dundy dismissed him upon his own recogni zance. There will bo no more criminal busi ness this term. District Attorney Lam bert son was in tlie eity Tuesday night , and n conversing with a reporter expressed liiinsell UK uncertain whether u irrund jury would bo called for the Lincoln torin. J'ho Piorsim alleged confession , which a local contemporary recently used in a sensational ell'ort to revive the Watson 11 , Smith murder mystery , was broached to Air. Lambert son. The district attorney ventured thut there was "somulhiug in it , " bill when pushed for information upon his future course in the matter and us to whether the ease would over again receive Iho consideration of the grand jury , ho declined to bu interviewed. TIIH NU1'UUOIjjS CAMPAIGN. IlH Memories urn Kevlvcd by n Letter lleccived liy Gen. Howard. Gen. Howard receivedye&turday a loiter of appeal from an old Indian scout , James Huiiben , which recalls memories of the Nu/5 Percys campaign of 18i7. Huubun was a friendly NoPoix'os scout on tioii. Howard's stall' in thut memor able year , unit a bravo , honorable man , invaluable to thu government , Some weeks ugo thu Lowislou ( Idaho ) Teller accused him of having treacherously led homu hoitilu Indians to inussueru Lieut , iiuiucs and his entire command , about fifty miles from Lowiaton , in July , 18T7. Thu Indian defended himself in u good letter , which hu has published in the Idaho papers , but the Teller still pursues him on the old chargeHeuben : claims that Ihu Indian ugciit ut Levy- iston is tiguiiist him , and is really responsible for thu persecution. In his letter ot appeal to Gun. Howard the old scout pathetically writes : "It "J with sad heurt 1 look buck over my history . ; ! ! thu good 1 liavu done for my iieoplo uud ihu j-u'tu'iimunt- have made many $ uerilici"s in wAi'i' l do some good for Ihu government and my own people. 1 huvu ulvvuys done my duty laitlitully and to the bust of my ability , uud yet , utter all , 1 am attacked by thosu who liavu nuycr done us much lor ihu government us 1 havu doiio. 1 fuel discouraged and hardly know what to do it ) tutnro. Dear general , in God's name I make an appeal to you tor sympathy , as my only hope. " ( ieiurul Howard says that ho believes thu charges ugu nt Ituubeii are Jalsu und Will do all iu bis power to hulp the old scout. Heuben , ho says , is an honorn. . bio , honest man , in every \vay tlcsemnp of confidence. TKACIII2KS' KUADIXG ClUCMO. The JoiiRlns Comity ICdncntors dm- taiiiitn-tlko | OruiiiilxaUon. When ( he reporter entered the eount.v superintendent's ollico yesterday morning , that official was jus ! unpacking a number of IiamNomelj' bound books , received in n freight parcel. The reporter read the titles , Harnes' General History , Pago's Theory and Practice of Teaching and H'jssey's ' K-sentials of Botany. "These are pretty heavy books for school texts , are they not ? " queried the visitor. "They are not for the schools , " re plied Air. Hruiier , "but for the tcaeher < to bu u-i d in the Heading Circle , formed ut our meeting lust Saturday a week ago. " Air. Kniticr continued and in Ihccoiirsn of a llfteeu minutes' chat thoroughly de tailed Iho purpo-o and methods of tin ; now orgaiii/iilion and its great advan tages toils membership. Tlio extensive movement during tlio pre-eiit year , in various states both east and west , for Ihu e-labli-hmeiit of teachers' reading cir- elos , attracted the attention of the statu superintendent , and being convinced thai it was an institution destined lo broaden and deepen Ihc general and special schol arship so much needed among teachers , he decided to inaugurate the move ment in Nebraska by calling on the teachers of the .stale to c\pre-s their de-iro for such an organi/.ation by naming live educators locoiisiitntc Iho board of control. A large number ot teachers responded to the call and elected the following per-oiisas members of the board of control : W. W. W. Jonej , George E. Howard. H. S. liowers , II. AI. James , and Miss Anna Gray. Douglas county in falling into line organ- i/.ed on lust Saturday a .week ago with a member-hip of eleven which is constantly increasing. For some icu-on , not apparent , only the country teachers tire included , uud those of the city are not in the least concerned with it. Although the meetings cannot bo fre quent , the members of the circle will reap great protit from pursuit of the studies under the rules of the organiza tion , and il is much to the advantage of tlio teachers of Douglas county that the circle was conceived and formed. Following are the ollicers of the Doug las circle : President , AluKuudull , prin cipal of the Alillara schools ; treasurer , Aliss Anna Al. Ord , principal Florence schools ; secretary , Anna K. Loach , teach er in District No.I : ! , Executive commit tee , James 15. Hruiior , county superin tendent ; K. Me-sengcr , principal of the Elkhoin station .schools , and the ollieers. ofAVny. Air. C. J. Greene , attorney for the Omaha & North Plalle Railway company , has filed in the county court an applica tion for tlie condemnation of curtain property for right of way purposes. The application alleges that th- company bus secured the right of way through portions tions of Douglas , Sarpy and Sauuder counties , and asks thut appraisers be tip- pointcd to assess the damages for the ap propriation of a strip of land 100 feel wide through section , township M , range 13 , the Omtiluv belt railway being a par tial owner. Air. Greene was met yo-lerday by ft vc- porter and quest 'oncd ' about llio route of this brunch. "The line , " ho said , "will run to the stockyards , whence it will run to Ashhlund over the proposed Cm oil' route. This will connect v/ith our main line and make the rail distance between Omaha and Lincoln ono of only lifty-four miles. From Ashland tlio line will run to North Ilend uud thence through thu central counties of the North Platte region to the northwestern corner of Custer county , when it will connect with the Grand Island & Wyoming Cen tral , which is now being rapidly con structed. For two or three miles out of Omaha our line will rim parallel with Iho IJclt Line , and it is to determine our pro portion of the right of way damages that 1 have made this motion , " His Sister'H Forline. Richard Doro is the name of an English farmer resident at Valley. Some months ago his sister , Alary Doro , living in Lon don , England , died , leaving a largo for tune amounting to many thousands of dollars. Air. Doro is .satisfied that ho was well represented in the will , but as ho has not yet been notified of any interest m thu estate , he is sutislied that the other relatives are conspjring to cheat him. Jlo placed the mutter in tlio bunds of Justice Auder-on , who vvroto to the American consulate al London asking that tlio will of Alary Doro bo looked up. Yesterday ho received a loiter from Consul General Waller promi.s- jug that thu matter should bu investigated at onco. Air. Doro is satis- lied that ho is entitled to a large share of h'.s ' sister's fortune , and is determined to silt Iho a Hair lo Ihu bottom. Tlie lUack Flag There is to bo another snap of cold weather very shortly , say the Signal au thorities , They received a telegram from the Washington ollico yesterday , ordering them to hoist the black Hag , us the tciu- pcruluru hero is bound to full from 1,1 to 25 degrees in the next bJ ( hours. The following Inter telegram wus also re ceived : Ol'FICi : ClIIKI' Sld.V.VI. Ol'I'K'KII. > \VAsiiiNfiro.v \ , Dee. ' } , lss"i. ) Ohseiver , Omalm , Neb. ; Indication for Oiimlia mid vicinity to-day ; Waiin , culdur lullout'il by fair vveutlier. Death ol' Siumio ] ( ilndstono. Samuel Gladstone died yesterday at his residence , near Twenty-Ural and Har tley streeU , Although Iho dueeusud has of late been associated with his brother , Altix Gludstoiio , in the grocery business , ho wus best known in theatrical circles , where llio greater part of his lifo was spent. Hu was u veteruu manuger , and for u bcuson conducted the old academy. Ills genial temperament and many good qualit cs will make his death widely regretted. Thu funeral occurs to-morrow morning us per notion clsuwhuro. Married In Ilutmijuu , Air. S. G. Joyce , of Omahu , and Miss Litla Curr , of Chicago , vvoro married in Dubnquu , Iowa , on Duo. 8. ' , ut the resi dence of the bride's brother , W. W. Curr , The ceremony wus performed by the Uev. 1) ) . Carter , lector of St. John's Episcopul church , iu thu nrcseiico of a fuw invited friends uud relatives Brevities , Judge Anderson married yesterday Nels O. Chrisliunson and Chri&tma Hunscn. Thu schools closed yesterday , to reopen - open January . Christmas programmes of miuii' and recitation vvoro carried out in most of them , Chribtmusoorviccs , consist- ; of va- rjous exercises by thu scholars "I Kouut/.u Memorial Lutheran Sunday school , will take plucu on ChrUtmus night. All are cordially invited to at- tend. Great clearing sulo of fine clothing commences December -1th at Eli'iiltor s mummoulh clothing houao , 1001 turuain atrcet , comer Tcutu. WHOLESALE HOUSE THIEF , A Rascal Captured After n Series of Experl Robberies. AN INSANE GinL'S QUEER FREAK , Scaring School Children , nml IVr Cot-mint ; Acrolmtlo Peats In Scanty At lire General lo 1 1 CP N Three H ( > r ci niitl n Hull. V. V. Parker , a con table of Oakland , crime in ye terduy morning with A. F. L'e- < er on , n Swede , in custody. The prisoner is onu of tin1 mist iiiuo3eiit r.i caU llio lo cal authorities Iiavo had to deal with in recent months. Peterson lias been em- lilo.ved of late by Thomas Hitchio , n furmer near Florence , but wa * discharged two weekago. . Monday night two hordes and ! i douhli ! buggy and liarneai were stolen from I Ins b.irii of Michael ( Irtllhi , thruo and si half milts north of Florence , and a search was immediately imule for tliem. Onu was found wandering in tlio road some distance from ISnllin s barn , and the oilier vvrs traced in the direelion ol Dal. land. A description of the animal was immediately telegraphed lo I hut plan. ' . 'I'ucMliiy owning J'etor on droyj into Oakland with ti team , and Constable Parker immedi ately recognized one of tlio horses us ( Jri tlin's and Peter-on was urre-ted at onee. Yesterday the culprit was brought to this pity and lodged in { he comity jail and conipla'nr ' wus lijcd in Justice ; Anderson's court. Peterson is : i Swede hoiielcssly ignorant of the English language and wears a enimteuunce child ish in Us innocent cast , lie uvcr-ithr < nigh an interpreter , that ho bought the lior > u and buggy for lj 100 , and lianas to tlii.s htaiiuuent' with si persistency that is won- dorfnl to bclmld. He is altogether n very bad citizen. Just before taking the hordes he > tolu a bull from a brother of his employer , and sold it to Movers , thu Cumiiig street butcher , tor ! ? > ! ! . Ho also contracted with Meyer for two .steers , to be. ilclivi red this week , evi dently intending to Meal a ijair of the animals belonging to his former em \Vhcneaptnivtlhehadover $1 ! ) on his person , evidently the pioeeeds of the . < ale of the bull.Vlien confronted by Meyers yesterday afternoon ho refilled - filled to recogni/e liim and said that he had never been him before. The bull is hldl alive and will bu returned to its owner. _ At his hearing yesterday afternoon ho " wa.s bound over to" the district court in the sum of Slu)0 ( ) , and in default of bail was remanded to the county jail. It was developed yeMerduy afternoon that the other horse found in Peterson's imssesMon is the property of Hallou Hros. . of this city , The aii.mal . stolen Monday evening while hitched in front of the Vir-l N.ihonul bank. The buggy to which it v\is : h t.hed was found the next morning in the road between here and Florence , together with ] ) art the harness. Peter.son ovitlenlly had made all his arrangements in regard to thu theft , and after abandoning HalUm's bugiry rode the horse to Griilin's barn , iljl''iiding to steal the team and lead the extra hoft-t * . Tliri Other horsu belonging to Urillin probably could not .stuiw the hard driving and tlie thief was compelled lo abandon it. At Oakland Peterson made arrange ments to sell the team at a sale vvh.uh comes oli'io-dav , and also agreed to bring on a blooded stallion to he sold at the same time , lie ropre.MmU'd ' himself as being the owner of a number of horses which hu wished to dispo-o of , Another little circumstance criminat ing Peter.son is that the mate to a mitten found in his pocket when arrested was picked up in Griilin's vard tlu morning after the robbery. When asucd how it came there , Pefer.son put on a very inno cent look and said lie did not know. VENUS OX A KIONDIOIt. A Femiilo Tnuiatio Creates a Henna- tlou In the Mason Street School. The patrol wagon was called by tele phone yesterday morning to thuGennun school , corner of Twentieth and Mason streets , for the purpose of arresting a craxy young woman who' was cutting all bort.s of capers in the school yard and room. Driver Petu Turtlesou drove as rapidly as ho could over thu rough South Omaha roads , but by thu time he arrived at the school the lunatic had made her escape. Itucms that the woman , whoso name is Mary Aleyers , has oneu before been in the asylum. Slio was discharged as cured .some lime ago , anil returned to her homo in this city. Some of her property was to have bi'uti sold to-day , in order to pay oil' some old debts , and the matter so weighed upon her mind that Tuesday the became demented. Since then she has been absolutely uncontrollable. Yesthrday morning t-hu left her home , and running into the school yard began to men ace the children threateningly and fairly drove them into the building. Site fol lowed them in and created a .scn > utioii by going through a sc'ie.s of acrobatic feats hardly to bo equalled by any member of the Cragg family. She finally wound up by throwing oil' her clothes. The teacher tried desu [ rttely to drive her out of the room but she lefusj'd lo go. As soon. however , as hit It Icphoned lor assistance she donned her cloth.- . and jled preeiji- | tntely , de-.pito his oIloUs lo retain her in custody. A Slystei'iotiH Mentation. A big , lat man rushed down the plat form of tlio Union Pacilio depot yester day afternoon and sprang upon the Lin coln aceommodiiliou just before it pulled out. llo wui wild w tli oM'ilumcnt and sweating with exuition , while the dis jointed remarks ho dropped as ho ran we ru profanidy Dutch. Jlo dashed through the iii'st car , giving the occu pants one wddly sweeping glance- , and swept on into the second. As ho entered the car a good-looking young woman , seatetl in a middle i-ccliou , arose with a terrain. The fat man , with a muttered oath , .sprang upon her and beloru llio passengers were uwaro of the situation ho hail dragged out of the eo.ieh mid was hustling her through thu depot toward llio Tenth street ontraneu. Arriving at the hank blips ho shoved her into aeab and was whipped tuvuy by the ready driver. The fcnstttlon produced in the depot had hardly subsided when back thu cab eamii at a gallop and thu young vvonmn sprang out alouu vvithhiir hairdblnneled a though she had puf-snl through a struggle and face blanched in evident fear she spoil down the platform and leaped aboard of the train Irom which she had a few minutes bulori ) been so rudely ejected. Tlio wheels were already moving and as i-he got fairly uhoanl the train was running out o | the depot with gathering hciuhvuy. Them i doubtless u liral-ohis * , on involved in this episode but wh it it is tlio bust of rescaruh has o far failed tu discover. Tim Omalin Ko\v Trial. J-uuibuohl and Stundar , thu two moil charged wit.1 ; 'lasault ' with intent to kill in : \ reuuiit light vviif'uhus ; PuK aVost Omaha milkman , vvoru tuk.froai Ihu comity jail and arraign in . /--Ue.- / Hrandes' Tenth street eo irt Tu < - l v afternoon. 'Ihu iviJir < ol u - , ' ' - > dovuluned that 1'ulJ is a very imirivi- some and belligerent p'rson.tgo , and in the t'stimouy it was shown that In started the light , which s i nearly cost hi ? life , by throwing a plate of soup in Still- dar's faen. In the sfi'.Ho which eu ued it was "uii t\ho tiisi t-f i/.ed ( he f iin. Liloii- dar disarmpil him and clubbed him over the head with the weapon. The court concluded that the cn i ? wa < > notwoith bending to the district , and as ho Had no jurisdiction to levy penally , ho put the men under $100 bond to keep the pcaco in the future. Horn ! was readily fur nished. Police Court Docket. Frank McKinuey and Sim-iel Dick'on , two young men charged with intoxioa- tiou , were arraigned in Judge Sleiiberg's court yesterday and upon hearing were re leased , CharlcAudei' ) < oii , ayouiigmnn charged with tlio sani" oDVnsc. was not M ) fm lunate , being lined $1 a-id costs , in default of which lie. was conunitted. J. ,1. Diinlan , a seedy bum who hail pawned his clothing for drink , and ap peared to bu in the 1 il stages of dilapi dation , was arraigiii-d on I ho charge of being a suspicious character. Ho was ordered out of town. . The police rallied a house of bad char acter on lower Douglas street last night , and this morning May Wallace , the landlady , was lined $20 and co-ts. Mattie - tie Leo and Herlie Simpson , were llncil S" ! and co-Is for being inmates , while Howard Smith , a male iuuiati' , was mulcted in the sum of ij1" " and co ts. In Mv. Duncan Insane ? Mrs. M. II. Cowh j is acting a * nurse to Mrs. Lotli ! J. Daneaii , has Hied in llio district court a complaint against tin ? lat ter for insanity. Mrs. Duncan is the lady who has made Mich terrible charges ot cruelty against husband , Kobert J. Duncan , which ho has denied , claiming that she was insane. It is said that thu nurse lias found it impossible to stay with Mr * . Duncan , on account of her violent lent action * -at limes , driving everybody from the hou e. An investigation will bo had. Mrs. liiuc-in ) was before the board of insanity last May , but was declared at that time to bo sane. The leaner Case. District Attorney Kslelle has prepared his bill of information in the case of John \V. La ne r for the nmrdfr of his wife and will lilo it in thu district court to-day. The information chf.rgcs Laner murder in the first degree. Mr. K-'telle believes that Judge. TliiirMon , Lauer's at torney , will apply for a change of venue , which , if granted , will briny the trial in Washington county. The The mule 5 which were stolen from Jacob Avmbrnst , who lives seven miles west of here , " were captured at Per.-ia , la. , in the hands ol a man by the name of SehnlU by Deputy Sheriff Orebe. A requisition has bijn obtained trom the governor , and Schultx will be brought to Omaha to-day , Court Notes. J. S. Cooley , of th's ' city , was yesterday formally admilted to prae ] tico in the district court of this state and llio United Slates circuit and district courts' The motion for his admission was made by .John M. Thurs- ton , Kn-i m ! l 1KilSP ! ; 1-'c' ( ' ' ot'coiiimen da- lion of Mr. Copley's olnr.ietcrand ability after the candiila'to had passed : v highly satisfactory examination at the hands of the bar committee. Mr. Cooley has .stud ied law for two yonro in the ollieo of Tlmrslon & Hall , and has studied under Judge Cooley , of Michigan , to whom ho is related. Mr. Cooley is a young man of recognized talents and pleasing ad dress , with ho ts of friends in ( his city. Ho will doubtless achieve a full measure of success in his cho-jcii profession. Stock Varils Keni'i. The new oxchangis building is rapidly Hearing completion. Col. Savage has returned from a week's trip in northwestern Nebraska. Howard City , Howard county , a town of live or six weeks' growth , has live general stores , a grain elevator and two saloons , besides private dwellings. A grain mill is in eour > e of construction. Mr. Sanders , a well known buyer at the yards , will leave this morning with si view of eating his Christmas turkey at his old homo in Missouri. To meet the requirements of the in creasing business at the yards , several additional pens have been roofed. GJIAND nil'/.K im.VVI.O. . Kaufman Hros. Cigar Stores on jiniii nail l. lli Strccla. The popular and reliable cigar linn of Kaufman Hi-others , JT S , 15th St. , will hold their I'.ilh monthlv distribution of pri/os Dec. 5JIM , Itiy.j , at which tune the lollowing pruacnta will bo given to custo mers hoKling tickets : One gold watch , two silver walehus , a gold-headed cane , silverware , cigars , clocks , opera glasses , revolvers , etc. , etc. , amounting in all to 1350.00. 1350.00.m w Tiour.T-i MAY UK sr.CTir.i > . customer gets one ticket good for a chance with every M cents uortli of goods purchased. I'lieso goods coiinist iif all grades and brands of cigar- . , smok ing and chewing tobacco , cigarettes , | iipes and smokers' articles generally. MAIL oitDicits urn solicited and will receive - ceivo prompt attention. The drawing will take jihico in the prescnco ol tiekei holders and is guaranteed to bo a fair dis tribution. Call on or address KAUFMAN IM'.OS. , Omahu , Keb , llo liuoUed llio Tpaln. John ( iroba , Iho man struck by the Union Paoiliu freight Irani Xo , H ) , at Kearney yesterday H in no danger from his iujiirie- . . Jt seems Unit he was drunk and walU'iig along the track as ( ho train was passing , ho staggered against the last ear and was knocked into llio ditch. His arm was broken , his scalp cut and his car torn oil' . K.VCtJUSIO.S' TO IOS ANOKIHS. , ICoiinil Trip TloUctb ijilOO-Jjvum-aion Leaves Oiiiuliit ilamiury i : > . The fourth of llio buries of winter ex cursions lo Calilorniu will leavu Omaha and Council lilull's MII Union Paeiliu rail way Wedne-day morning , January 1 ! ( , 18SU. Hound trip tiekoli to Los Angeles and return , good for MX months , only $100. 1'or full particulars cull upon or address JV. \ . MOIM : , ( iunend Pass'r Ag't U. P. Ky. . Omaha Neb. MOST PERFECT MADE , ' " ' ; u rvr l i No A ' V 'J 'J I Ot.O.ft CO . ar.Louio THE Dinner uiroiiTr/.ts DIAMONDS PEARLS , , AND OTHER PKEOIQUS JEWELS J > OMAHA. An ti. ! | iecitoii hy cmniolpf-onrfl or othcts conleinplallm ; | nndii : < : r < M\11l convince them thai Hiey can save from 10 tu e.1 iior cent , hy nmkhiij their imrchascs tilled fioiu liuiiortcrs be.-ldcs having hy I'tir the largest nud llno-t stock In tlio West to select from. Our direct Inihoitatloim of 1'ltKN'UH CI.HM\S ( , UltoSV.KS , MTSKJ IIOXKS , OIMCHA C1I.AKSKS , 121(3. ( , nnd All I' (5OODS from 1'AKIS , VIKNXA , and oilier lending iiiaikets , ox- cci'd the coiiihliii'd stocks nfiill ether Oinnha iewclcis. Ourstockof WATCIIKS , , nvvr.l.ll\ : , sil.VKinVAlli : , Etc. , slamts vvilhoiiturhann lids city In point of elegance nnd vuiloly , and all nt ntK 3P1BIOE ALL GOODS MAllK"in IN I'LMN l-TUUUr.S. lo sure to consult your inli-iestliy pei-lhiRoiit stock before luuvlnsliijj , An ICarly Inspoctlon 1 in lied , Jlail ami Telegraphic Outers Will Uocolvc Prompt Allonlion. Cor. JJih and F Sis. . OiiHtJia. . Neb. A Iilclitiiltifr Coupler. Horatio S. Krauze , of the Jinn of ( ? liiel < & Krausc , St. Paul , Minn. , has iiiventeil a patent hose coupler for which ll litninj : speed , security ami strength arc claimed , The inventor is a son of Mr. H , 0. Kruu'-c , of this city , to whom lie has senl n sample of the invention to have to-led hero. The two pui Is of the coupler fasten by inside .spring , and thu action is instantaneous. The part- are so arranged that they join more lirmly vuth increased pressure. It has been gaen a trial h , } the lire depailinenl ot St. Paul , and there stood a pre-sure of J.'iO , the highest that could b brought to bear. Chief Duller has t\aniinod : the coupler and expresses himself as satisfied that it can stand any pressure , and is sure to meet the wants ot lire apparatus in that line. The coupler unfa-lens by hand nippers which press in the springs , ; mi | UKJ action is as quick as the process of polluting. Its great beauty lies in -iniplieity , the chiol merit of every sueee-sfnl invention , among which it is doubtless destined to rank. Mr. Krauze , the inventor , i. a former resident of Omaha , and a plumber by occupation. l > psol ut ions of. Condolence. Whereas , in view of thu loss wo have sustained by the demise of our friend and member. Airs. Freyhan , and of the still heavier los- sustained by those who wen : nearest and dearest to lier , therefore bu it Hcsohcd , Thalit is but a hist tribute lo the memory of the departed loay that in regretting her removal from our midst , wo mourn lor ono who was , in every way , worthy of iv-m-ct and regard. Hesolyed , That wo deeply condole with .he tamil.v of the. dcoea * < d oil the dispen sation with which it has plca-cil Divine lYovideneu to alllict them and commend them for consolation to Him who orders ili things for the best and whose chastise ments arc meant in meivy. Hcsolved , That tlii.s heartfelt testimon ial of our sympathy and sorrow bo for warded to the family of our departed trieiid by thu secretary of ( hi.society. . Mits. Miviit : , Secretary Ladies Hebron Sewing Society. Personal Mrs. J. K. House and daughter rc- : iirncd from the east yesterday morning. Mr. Charles Lyon and Airs. It. K. Allen , eft last evening for thu east on a holiday visit to triciids. Cupt. W. H. Hoyl returned yeMorduy Vom an extended visit with friends anil clutives in Indiana. A. Ca.-tcttor , ot Hluir , and W.A. Shai1 ] ) , of this city , retuined yesterday morniny from a trip to Chicago. S. I * . Callawny. general manngor of ho Uiijon Pacilic , returned last evening from Ids extended trip in the oast. Air. Mail lloyt , of Comnucho. Iowa , is visiting at tne residence ot Dr. Caller , on lis way to southeastern Nebraska , where lu intends to take up a claim. ( Jcorgo W. Duncan , represonling a argo whole-ale cigar lion.-o in St. Jo- cpli , i- in Omaha , prepared to spend the he holidays in Nebraska metropolis. Dan D. Fuller , thu well known dry goods liaveling salesman of this oily , has 'turned to Omaha to spend the holidays vith his friends. llo has fully sobered il > and is ready to handle unlimited jiianties of "Thomas and Jeremiah. " and t'or.sonalf. ( icncral Passenger Agents Teasdale. of hoC.St P. , M. fcO. , Iiiieliiinan of the Sioux City A : Pacilic , and Dawosof the K. C. iSt. . . / . . met here ye-lcyday morning , mil during tliu loronoon held u private ouucil in the ollieo of the Mdlard hotel. ) i-eitssion of passenger Kites and iillairs > f mutual iuturest eoiistilutcd the biisi- ICsS J. N. Morris , oily passenger agent of ho , leluiuud this morning rom u trip cast. Alex. Mitchell , traveling agi nt of the Milwaukee , \yilli licudquai tori at Salt < ulio ( y'lty , is in tlus city. Mc-hi'H. Slebbins and iMor. > u rcliii'nrd csterday from attendance upon the I'run.scontinculal meeting at Sail Fran- ciweo. Mcs-rr ! Ivimball ami Shelby will ml reach homo until Monday. The next iieetnigof thu association occurs in Mew York nou February. liroi nie.s. Altenllou Piogniss iissumbly K. of J . I'herovill bu a meeting on .Monday ovcn- ug , aStli iiist . instead of Thursday , : illli. Border of AlV. \ . W"-l.'rdaj' Ihu la-l paymout of interest $ . ' ) ,0tt ) ) in all ) was made on llio fclU.J.uOO KJiuled indebted IK--S on thu high school milding. Next year the hchoul board viil tal > c up fhu boiuU. Alarriage licon-es wuroissiieilyu.-tcrday ' MIClirlstinu o Xi'lbO.'Cliristi-iisoii and - laiiseu , James J. Carnab.y and Aliss \iinu Duukley , Hobiirt Sandiu and Aliss .utiio Anderson , John K. Ha/.ard and Mi Alary L. llrown , all of Omaha. A petition was tiled in the district court isterday atteriioou in Ihe ca-o of Allen Iroj. vs. John ( ' . \Veson ! , of Waterloo , o iorcflostt a murlgago to scciirj the la munt of u note jor ! " > ( ) . Thu hearing in the ease of A. L. Miller , : hurgcd with com in lung n rape on his . year-old bister , was sut for yesterday lituriioon before iludge Sit-uborg , but us ho tlelViibo worn not ready an adjourn- uenl was taken until this atturiioon. Jimiuiu Diil'mrdo , the youn I.i'l who aid hu wu > slulen by Itubiiis in's oireu , vtis giviui of pass jostirduy over the Jnion Pacilic , and lott l.t-t evening for its I'ailuir' * . homo m Portland , Ougoii. A young lad named Arthur Kyauau - lored aw.iy from Ins purnnton Farnam irt t laht iivoniujf , uud up to n late hour ould not b < ) tuund. II * parenu , who i-fcido near hhcely's piloting luiiue , wcru cry uiiMoiii nlj'jut h s -.1. iv , and iu- Ol 111 d t II ! / ' ' t I UH. I II I - i t III1 ' ' ' 111) Ij0 , > | v 1 > I M fill , | | n , . , I n [ jl | < r I j i , I I 1 > > III I H i d ilio ciu k"aiiai ( ( o luiu uu- eauso he refused him a drink after miit- night , \\a < .enteiieed lo thirty davs in thu county Jail by Judge Sl'jnberg ' yesterday afternoon. The Carleton opera comjiany loft for the east ye-terday morning , making its next stand at DCS AIoiniM. Jiio.Cumnungs , sucecs-ortoruininings & Qiiinn. gioi'ci at the corner of Thir teenth and Chicago .streets , who has been closed several weeks on an attachment by the Omaha trade , effected a compro mise with his creditors yesterday and will resume business. John Alotta , an Italian peanut peddler , was assaulted yesterday alternoon in front of the po-tollice bj a fellow coun tryman named Antonio Veiinto , and received several bad cuts on liis head and hands. Ho swore out a warrant for Vcnuto's arrest , and he was captured last evening. The merchants on Tarnani street are complaining angrily of the action of the street cleaiiiiigcoutraetoiv. Tuesday night the sprinklers were brought out and the mud m the street watered lo a.-liish. over which the sweeper was pus-ed and all the tilth thrown into the gutters. As it now is , vehicles driving up to Iho curb are forced to enter a muck of mire worse than would have boon in tlio streets if left alone. The. Christian church , which has re cently been moved from Twentieth and Farnam streets to Twentieth and Capitol avenue , w.ll beopencd for services for thu lir-l time in it.s new local ion on Sunday evening next. The services will bo of a dedicatory as well as congratulatory na ture , and v , ill be conducted by the pastor , Uev. K. W. Jngram. The ch'i'rch servicca ' are reii'-wed uitlioul u dollar ol debt ; 'VI hanging over thu congregation , which is certaiiuy a matter for congratulation , Thu astro-meteorological forecast for Iho week beginning lo-duy and ending Wedne-day , December : ! 0lli , covering Christmas wick , is as follows : Kvory probability of ! ! _ "green" Cliri-tmas in most - , ctions , with mild weather for the season changing to heavy snow , eohl weather , stormy and unsettled with great drifts and bluster and a general snow blockade north and northwest. Fine weather. Tor the New Year week , eml- ing January iith , it is as iullows : The ohl year is likely to elo-e and the new youi : open dull and moderate in many svetioim changing to bluster in thu northwest , and generally windy , snowy , unsottleu weather clear , cold and brilliant , willi fairly low Iherinomuler readings. iNasal Catarrh , Throat and Ear , sue- ce.sslnlly treated. Chas. Impey , Af. D , cor. lulii and JlurnuvVitlineli Block. 'Holiday Gossip. Perhaps no linn in the city have en joyed a bettor holiday trade than U'ood- bndge Hros. The sides of thu Stock Pianos have been unprecedented ami nothing could be'aid moro fuvorublu oH this fuvorllu Piano than the iuct that six of these popular insiruments liavu been purchased lor Chrstmas gitts. They wU three Cabinet Urands jcriierday for cash. It don't take u per-.on ten niinule.s to see the beauty in ono ot lltcac mugni- liceiit instruments. 1 Lady lleskelli , duii htiT of the kilo ex Senatoi iShai'iii , issaiil to li ) > a most lovely \\iiiiiiui. Her liuslianil m > t pioiiosi'd nmi ilajjo to inlllion.iiro Cioi bur's iliiu lilcr. IJtfllp " IfcmlS > * ft tUi f * Absolutely DOCTOR McMENAMV Omaha Medical'ami Surgical . . JSTil tT AM ) < AI'JJOI. A IKF MS Al I - Chronic and Surgical Diseases. i , I IMMU'I , \Vnmrii , I'llnte r.r < > , rllcj , ( ' iluri II , Illbruars uf tllfc IIIIUH , l.linr , Iililir ) > Hi DIniiil , > , stuiii.icli , . ' rrtr , I ju nixl for It'MiU i p. . ii ml ill i uv * fi'v. lEouiiit uml ll'anl/or liai. n' . Wr in fur PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO Mtifl , r-n I'KIVAIM < m. < ii. < , N iMI : , JilMaitrii , Hem. liinl Writ ) me * , hixrtuHti.iiliijii , HlrlK Olcit , Mricturi' , \ . uii mi I . in il ai ! I IX-CK-H < , ( II , y iJrln- r.ry iiiul S- Mini ( li oi ( iu'4 ni'iilnl liy rm . | itf > < Uuc : , or | , < r-oi.a. y. ( ' 'iiiiiflciillfll. Mullelnc * ! nut \ > f i iu.1' t ix | < Htduiuuul lu-ul.b tu .ucIiLat- ; t untold- r < M > N r. il.itiri iInlialrii. . , Uinrcs. TrUkK n , anil ' i ' ' i I -nr ir I Ai-ii i nt c. mull. ' . i > Jl 1 I ( F A" ' I < fc'l ' ' "U * i W D ! ? . Mcrii.KAfiiV , Or " n.M L . . < i- AI. iNnrmirv , i.i.i n , t"r. t ii > 'i / tuu" , OuiBlio. IJi-U , i