2 THE O3IAHA DAILY BEE , THURSDAY. DEOElUBEtt 21 ' \ NOTICES. ArtT frti iTi'f nl limlor 11m lirsd K r Jlntforttn Hi l I'l'Mllon.nnd ' , nuts for i ch Hitj tfttunl | h rtlon fiTtn word * wi P' count- 1 totho ln ! . they muM tun consccutlvelr nn < jnustbo jiHUl In nUvnnco. All lulvottleoiucnt tiitiH IfliUlnli'l In lit HifO 2 o'clock fi. in. , HMi lintlcnio citcliiii'tntici' < wlJ ! they l o tnkon o dlM-oiitlniifl Irt It li-iilioiic. Tnnlta.lvort.nrln . . twe olumiw nntl hny InirHii-niimw * nrt < lir ( Kl lucnm of IIKB.wll iilrnfOBCk forclipck to cunl'letlicin 10 net the ! JftlMf , H nnro will bo eU'htiWl excppt Ol jirc cn ( tl''ii cl fh 'tt. All nnwoito tulvcr ll'ptnclits fl.onl'l 1 tiicloif1 In ctivelojics. TO LOAH-MOWEY. TltONKY 'IO I.OAN--Jlr. .lmiH"i 11. Ktmiii'dy JH ofN " < vnrk. . lll vl-'l O unlm In n * tier limn to IIJIIM % nl ImiKlH-d iliiiiisiiiiil dollar' in sum * of tl.'O nml ii.ttiuils | on Impi-ovw jiroitirly it ! low iiii" " ( iU to ib JK r ci'tit lll 1o loimod onpiopirty IllO OT/llor O ! Hllldl ll III00.1 lOIPMRlvm tluhiiliir. nml whns ln.lnr * i ticur.l Is pooil Wlo til | ifr cent tt-ill iipl/mnnl on vrop'iif vlio'oowrtTHnro not In relive Ini'li. . " . Al ooimmiiilciillonlll Im Mriatb rrtilliliM.llnl. I Iltferfl I iy ix-nnlMlftli to linpoiti > ' \ TnnU is Xiillonid lliuik .NVwViuk < 'lty. I'crodi" mill * IniuliitiMK'iM .lmii" < ll. KMIIIO lyposiomcp tM\ir.4. : * ' S IfiO.oooii ) loniiim cliv reslUcnco prnprrty . ( Ice W. lny , MlNlV ( TlTLOAN On fnrm nml city prni- | erly : cull mid irot our inlcs. Htowurt t Co. . Hank biilldlnp. lilljlt TVI ONKY tolnnni lowc t rules : iiocomniMlou Jil llolsniiin A. Muhoney , liioS ttiriiniii. _ S.I-W TltONKV TO LOAN oil bor C" , wnfffrtu mid l'i riirulliiniwithout removal , l. J. raswnll. Hooni 111 , lion limik llulldliitf , ISth uml 1'r.iniim Take rlovnior. f&ojiiu'i * .ONKVTO LOAN On chattel fccuritjr. Ill ] \F \ sums f'om tioo to jlMW. Apply to l. II. l-'icil man , earnHoiinui Ilios. cor Do IHO A. intli. rilO LOAN Money many ninouut , Jl ( In nil tinges 01 tceinlty. Mien limo iniius tin renl O'tnto. Ixmtr lime l < nn on i cul estate. Money to loan on dinticls. Jlonej 10 loan on collnli rain. jVonoy to lunii tm any iood Tom n cfy. . I mo tosult. Apply nt the Uniiihn Flimnclal Ktchnnso Hinkerft bulldl'iif , SW tornerof I Iftut nth uml Kin umu ts. upBiuIrs 43 1\toNiV : nr everybody 1 Vou can borrow JM money on niriiluiie , hor.-cs. i ron , iilimos. Mock of nil kinds diamonds nnd line witches cm > euro n lime. Puvmenls re"nlvcd id imy lime , and Intercut nnliued pto nitiu 1'ropertv leli In jour own po-esKloii. ! Qcn-nis Ion imllie linu-st. I all mid M-O mo. Hu lm < s < ) < iiitlletillid | Nondvinilnp-c tiiKen. U. It. Croft , llnntn I. Wilhncll a NeM-llulldlntr , Nortlion" ! cor- ut'i Ifith mill llarucy. tfit Tt ONKV T < 1 t.OAN O. T. Pnv ! & To. Heal IU. Katalu und Ixiau nteula , MX > Viirnam St. 54 * TlTONr.Y TO IXlAN-On irooil pcciirltlcs. l jluiiuvoiK , rooiuT Itodluk lllock , St , _ OMJV Til r.OAN-On chnttrls , Woolcy * M llum < "ju , room 'M , Uimdiii National bank MM OXiv : o LOAN On real estate and ehat- M tels. D. UTIiomiH. KO iirONKVTO LOAN III Eiinis of j:00and till- -l.il ivnnls on llri't-cln'-s renl estnto arciirlty , I'otlcr & t'ohh , lOl.'i rarmini Ht. 6M RIONKV I.OANiil : ntC. F. llccd.VCo's I.onu J.H ollice , on fiiiiiltuin , pianos , hoiM'S , apons pei-Minul propeity ol all Kinds nnd nil oilier ar ticles of Miluo , without reir.inid. Oror Nt Nat'l llnnk. corner ith ; ) and rarmun. All bu ines3 Mi lolly coulldcntnl. 5."i ! EU3UTJJ3S CHAUCE3. Jj Cilt SAIIlunp : ( , half Imeicst In nn cstnb- llslicd bitui > : laijre money in it. A limy can imimiui' it asN < I | | as u num. Only n low hundred duiUus U'ljuircd. AiUlu.ss H I" , lieu Oilieo. 7l * "indlt SAI.K ( icnniid ftoclc of lueicluiudiso A' In small town ; buililing for rent. Address 11 ; i , lire oiiice. ai-i ; ; * 1'or Sale-.l lotB iu FprlUK Hill , $ lrl ) each. For Hale I'stnhlHtcd liimkinImMnoss in Ne- lirifka , comity teat , ( ilbbou .VAieher , lioon. J Withncll 11 lock , Onuihiu Z l JjlOK SAI.K Or oxohniiffe Twelve hmulied. nml eixhl.v neiesol.Mo. timber ami Kint"1 IUIK ] , lot ty miles ei > st ot ICimsns City. As ijch boil a any latnl In llio Mi'tc. ' v , 111 i-c-l , all or part at Illtien i ollais per ncio or will o\t IniUKe formed ( mod hapiovcil Nebiaska luiul. Ucdlunl A ; t-auer. 155 FOl ! fJAI.i : A ijood paymjr pioccry stock ; nil ! iinolceulimit Sl.H.u , A uoo < l tnulo es- Iteiibou lor stllhijr , 111 health. Cull at Allen Hros. , llio iJoiiKlus fillect. Ulit ITIOII f.Ai.i-Tho : only leather and flndlnjr JL' IniFlni'i-s in I.liKoln , ulik-li has been car ried an for leu jcnrs veryi-uccuiiiiliiiiy ; the rea- ion lor holllutr , death of Hie proprielor ; capital itquliPiI , fiom JII.UX ) to M.UOU. Address .Mrs. crle , J.lneohi , Neb. fi'- LOST. RKU'A III ) of JS.1 will bo paid bv Hallou Hro' . . HITS. IHI ; ! hi. , Ouialiu , kr lutoriiuitiou le.id- Imr to the locovery ol tlioubiov , n 1111111willi Ktnr In lou lieiul , both him ) lei'tlilto , stolen on tliu evening' nf Doc.f \ ( . The iniiioU'IHK ! ubont IK U tin. and Issiippobcd to hiiveKono north or weal linn Omuliu. 4-1I-.5 I OUT Ono pair braver sKln ir'ovca ' on Pt. J Mi'.ry'H nvo Kinder pleiiMi ictiirn lo iflo- iiiuu HIO.S. on i'.ith HI. and receive uiuaid. JlsT DOAHDIKQ. n lUST. 'I.Ah.S board.'I meals , $ 'I.M ; JL1 nienli.LTio ; nice I'mnlslicd rooms liom * l lo SX'uwook. 418b. 1 Jill au : /.il--ii' JOOJI and bonnl , t. " pcr wroli ; very tie tlo- v cation. 1811 Diivcuport bL IttilJiiiilJ * BTOVE nilli : W. C1. Jlctrnerflove Itepnlr Co. , Ill South JL Uth St. bettt cuu Dodro mid Douglas. CUEEU. "rVfO operation or useless triiM-es. Dr. il. M i > Mooio , SKJ Wabiibh nvo. , Chien o. Will bo ut t'ozzens House. In MISCELLANEOUS. LADIIN-NOTUJi : Wo mo propmed lo tnlto oiueis lor line ciil.o , cuch us Tiiltl-Krntii , llallan , l-riilt , .Vcopoliiiui. Wliuo Pound and olln r. > : nlMi I'rnit Milad. ni-o lorNen Ve.ir'ti tables , nml have lor tali line hoiatMimdi'J elllos. Alu , Sallabuiy X.Mrs. KlmoOL'ti. Jbtli bt. L'nl IK ) * M ISS .AI. l. . MiiilA.IJu3Minilor : : ! , Itoom tl , Jacob's blocli. -iU Its OIIA Him Thecclnln-atod foitumiteller M Itcbldcucu Uth mid JucKaou. _ _ LADHCs in want or irood domcstio help can bo Huppllcd by eiillmu' on the Oimdm Kin- iilouncm Ullic-u , Itoiiin I. llualiinun'u JtlouK. Mrs. J.V. . Moi rUoi proprietor , b7t T > HIY vimlta ami ccn > pool8 cleaned iu an X oiloilois way by K. C ) . Abel , 1' , U. llox ii7a , UI5 IAWI.imiAKY l' < iKSAI.i-Al.uw : library I conslsthiK of I < iua in ports. II. K. biipiemo couit lunoiltf , AmerleHii dvclslous , Ainericmi rcpoits , N'oillm'Obteru , 1'iuiiliu nnd 1'eihn-al 10- jiorler.s , nil bound and a line of text b'loks all latest editions uud us treed as now. Miibl bo l-old lOiTDthor. Jugt 10 t JI.5 ) .OU. Fair icdiio- tioti lor cushorijoo I uoles. lilrt luruUheil on iipplicatlon. Addles ! ) IX , Hco ollicu. KAI.i ; Knruittiio of n iU room hotel , l ) . Hotel to tout. Aildicgj II U , llroolllce. Olt SAI.i : Al Pouumu'8 book stoioauood iuo 1'liuio , J'.riOw ; ) , u viiliint Ix'd room , BCt fit ; . Would tllldo Ior llOlbOa or O ncr roiuui od to Now Yoik city , - ' * FOlt KAI.IOK : Ki.NT-Chcnp : , now Imm 18 by iCJith every voincideuco , Imiulro JriiK torolUth uud Ituiiflua. 777 TT oit hAI.15 The Dah-y Ilioom iloldor for X1 Kilo by trtin-ciii uud ut UOj South llth bt. , Ouudui , Ni-b. UOa * iriOH KAI.i : froth milch cows , m mya U nvur Itlnorb' brick iurds. J. W. IViiuy. - * * ijTo . 'lMW TKAUi : A pair Ol poulos J- foi-iibijf horbc. lii'iulro ' tai booth liih bt. ' 'IjTlH wi > atUcrptrlp . storm f-neh Jl1 lo 1' . 11. .Mead Mi S. lUbst. F lots III IVlbnin J'luco. on block fioiu Mr cot var track. W ANTiii : A i-'ood Ultubcu K" I corni < > liuui Bld Jdbllo U. _ w .VMTUIJ-A L-omuctuut person to do house- WIS.UItpctu work. WIS.UIt ; u. Htf \xrANTii ) igjr iod pirls for rcncml hou o- T nritt : lew , if r eli < for HIP 1" st fn-dlii- In tlii ! rift ; 1it wmfrc Cull nt onro. Omnhn Intc'lln ' < othic' , lloom 8 , P. li.cur. l.Mh tun Itoni-hi- | . 4,11 \ \ * . \\TI-l | A > rlrl for N.S. . th St. -vi * ANTiiA : > neat jrrl for pcnoml IIOM-C 'V neil ; . $125. a.'U it , , ninr A\ r.\N'inii Two irltlito ilo fltstnml > > work nt l JI lojlns ) It. I . " \\"AJcn.ti fJoml r'rl or tnMdle-natd trotnnt i i lo i'o fjtm rsl ho i oivork. loented * ion l\vo iniotiom ) Hifitoilico. A dn'-f I' . v . C. Knom Si , I'tcii/or hlocK. city 4AVyB * _ -V\"AN'l'I.I ) Imti ed'atoly , ono jrooil kltehoi ' cirl and one small girl holplu kllohon. lu A VTI'Ji firl ; for tcncrnl hnn p elk : Ocr- y IIMII l > rc oi cil. 421 North I7th. 411 -\\TANTKD-All experienced fftll IncooV.wnMi T nnd lion : ( iTiiiati prpfcrrcd Apply at tiiirtlii-nsi cor. Vith uml Culilorula 615. . sir * K. . ' 41'I Y.'nkoly. ---'I " \\'A > Tii : ) I5trl Tor ppuernl lieu cworli. i Mis. Smith's Klilplnyuu-iit Agency , Ull Ilainey. U U "lATA'NTIJIl fiirl lor peneral housework , 8.51 fcoulli ITth moot S-Q3I * \\rA\Tf.D A Kirl to On iroiiurid ) uii ! Oork. . > ( li'i-man preferred. Mrs. Jt. 1Miutin. . . e. cor. lat unit t.o.ueuwort sis. JK'4. "l\'ANTtn ; A irnodptrl to do jrwiorul noit'n- \A > Tin : fined i.lrl nt MIN. Woodman' " , s. ' u , cotnt'r"ltii uud llnruoy 813. UcO-- ! * " \\AN'Tii : > - ( } | torpeuir.ilhoii rwork ; pnod if wnjtri. ( . 'nil al the Nobra < kn Ktnploymi'iit Airenoy , ll'J ' IBth it. , Ciouneo Illooi ! , cor. ( npitol il t'lilt 11 ii 1.4 } < \"ANTEIl HBOOI ! glili lor c-rncrnl lionw > ork ! ! 1 hole ! cooks" lor piiMitulnintllcb ; 1 liniii.lrc s. Call ut Umaliu Liuplo.vmeut Hun an , 11-U 1'nrmim nt. " . ' 'J AV ANTr.ll Olrl lor ( feiioiul boufowork. IU ! capito .a\fo. ; ; ovt ; * " \\rANTKO-Two pooil iflrh to po to 1'ort Itoblii'ou , nml fiood Swoillshjiirls for fund- lle iu tlie city. .Mis . .1.V. . Moirisou , Itoom 1 , liusliinuu bltKk , luth uud Douglas. -"is. \\rANTII ; > rir t-c'nM illulug-room BliM at I the MotlODolltnu lio'lel. IMt " \\rAN"l'lil ) I.tvlios nmt ponilnmon lu city or eountiy to talio llKhl work nltholrowii homes , t.iiofl u day ( ii-lly miilu ; work tent i > \ in til ; no canvasslm ? . Wo liavo u KO < K ! ilo- iiumil for our work uml furnish Meady employ- menl. Adilrixs , llh ptninp , Cron'ii M'tV Co. , ! .0l Vini' t. , Clneimmtl , Uluo , us-jimU | ) \VA2TTEU-aiAJiI ! KEL ? . " \\7AVTPU A paitucr Iu nn cstnMlslicd nnd vi ( iood-p-i.vlugr ImsinesVIII i-ell cln-ap to the riHiit party. Addicts HU'.Uco Ollu-e. \\TANTiil : Wdll-rrcoinmpiidcd younif imm > would lie IhauMil lor t'liiploviiioiit iu \\holpsnl" hiUSQ , hotel , HIOIeor ollk-e ; ( rood pen- niiui , nmlMlllnu tosuil ; lor biniill Milarv. Ad- drou , H III , Iluo Ollico. 4S > * l An enonrclta mnn lu each county to cell ourR , o.'lalllos to luiineiN nn I o\- pre smi'ii ; pool pay. Address with slump , Kim.WhillletieoCo. . , Viilnn , Net' . 101-iii * " \\7"ANi'ii ; > AmriftooeltKoods lor time pay- ' meiit liuiibe. Ilusselt i ; Ciuuier , 117 S. tutii st. \VANTIIIl AFonts. Addre-w Klcrtrlc J.mnp ' ' und Stovol o. , st. I.otd , ilo. . lor elicnlar , cut mid leimsol'&tj imidle power Muish Kluclrlu Lamp. lj- B1TUATIO1IBTA1ITED. . I ) A poiliou 119 ( .at'jlinuin : tii-cns- r tonird In niu'htiork and htoain liolli I-B ; n > < nra with lasi employ or. W. Htistm , Lii ; M.rey bt. 4.- I * " \\7 AXTH1) A position us wet IIIIIMO by n li liealthy joiimr oimm of " 0. Apply dor- man Kmployiuout ARenollli S. l"ti ! st.UXiiSt * xi'ANTCI ) Hy n Klrl.u position in n omnll ' pr.vnto liiiinly. Apjily ut t'eutral llon-u , Uth uud Jac-U.soii. 4ul- , > * WA > 11 1 > Situation by n frond cook in ho- toi or itsiauriuit. Impiiro ill 101.1 Chicnt'o Mreot. IVJ--V WANTJCI ) Ouo horse cnriici. lu. , ; i-o Sun day Isows. 4J11 \\7AXTi ; r. . ru blioJ room iu Omaha with T board for man mid Miio. Addio-is , ultli lorms mid locjucu , U. t' . , hco Oiliee , ( ouiioll HluUs. -1J1 It , " \\rANTICD Itj' nil o\perleiiccd business IT man to lavc-l a fi-u riioo-nud dill.iiri in lood. reliable paying buametvs in Oiiiaba. wlieiu lioetui Intvu imploimenl. n.iniJnor lumber businuis pieiericd. Addie&a U 11 , Heo Ollice. TiEirr-JiousES AND Z.OTS. POU IINTDtsiral In cottage , 8 rooms : in\ , vati-r. uonly pnmtoduml piipeied UII-OIIEI- : ou t. ( UlJS'.aithht. 4).VL'.j * FOKKKNT AulcocottUBoofO rooms. ' . ' 1W Cues St. 4X'U--0 * "inoit KlINT 2 houses , .1 rooms , puulry und 1 cellar each : til-o 1 stable on corner itli and Walnut. Impulrc II. Hcitliold , cor. titli nnd lucl.son. IKil l * T71OII ItKNT CorniT CiimlrK mid Sfltli Sts.J ! Jhonsos. . ono lai1 , . ' ! ) and ono ot medium Kl/o ; nlso hoiihuon N. i4th HI. Apply to K W.o - tells , nt Oimihii Savinjfs Hani ; . Ill "JTUi : KiVI' ; A 10 loom house centrally lo- X1 caiod and near nvostieot carhui's. lopnir mid .ill modern hiiprovuimiiits. Inqiino ut John A rc > huin & Co , , Nil South llllli bt. 3J7 J. i < l It KINT : A nlen cotniHo on I7lh bt , lol. ' Cl.u-k iiuiHJiT.ci.olo-o to street car line. liiiuhuof J ) . llrualns , lilt North l.llu.t. 400-- ! imoi : ItKM'-Stoie , SWN. ISthsuJ 1C 1-25 * " 1T1OU KINT B-room hoiiMi m n California St. , JL' between ; : tili uniK'jth , lutpil 10 on promises. I' . ,1. Cieedon. POI ! KII.N'T 2 flno 10-toom housi-o , 2,1th nnd UdUKlan sit , ; ull modem toii\eui' uces ; ) lu per month. leif ! & Ulll. H.v-J , ! JMMt itr.XT Vroom house on Sowurd et , , flu per mouth. 8 room hoiibo , u'lJIh ami I'opjiloton nvc. , new , f-'i per month. Iminlio lloom 3 , S. U. cor. IGth und Dimplas. _ _ _ _ as' ' 1 _ ITXIH IIIKT : on MARI : store roe m. Kxiw ! ; -I1 ID-aei e trill' ' I on ith tl-room house adjoining cliy ; NJ-timo inriu. IT mlles wosl of Omaha ; 0 u-incss otsouSt. Maty nvo. Apply to i : . II. Cliupniim X Co. , 1-17 llouard fit. ' 110 "lAOU UH.NT Now house ut 1GJO .Inckson fit -L Apply at Cunnnitliaiii i.V HHJIIIIUII'H. 1511 liodtro M , I'jr ' ) Ifioij lllJNT n-roomod house on t'hnrles in ( food itipalr. llr , I'uul. 116 ir * ( ll iiNT : : Tiro-glory brluk house with 1' basemeiit ; modern nupiutuimmtn. Second loottiom M. lary'buvo. on Uthbt. Ajiply to JillI'lUUibOU. . lUj HUNT A 2-story liriekuulldimriMoro , J3 iiout on Cui , bet. Uth nnd liih ; s ; > 5 per no. C. U. Majne , cor. 15tli and l-'uruam. Ml liioit lir.vr S ory hoiiso of 8 rooms , SliJ JL1 Daveuporl. liiijuiro.Mr Jt. Stovuiu , 601 Uu- vonport , 4LM FOlt KKNT-Cottiuro on JSth nnd Hurt , rooms , f IS per month. Also cotiawo on Call omln uud M sis. , 7 looms , * M per month , both u thoruuflh rcpnlr. lii'iulro ol A. C. WuKoly , > \ cr ( Jinulia .National bank. iiT'J ' * 17IOI ( HUNT House , ilth und D.ivuuport ! -13 Cottatrii , IStH mid Hurt. Coital7 looms. "lai uud Callfoinhi. It-room now liout-ith ( ) uud 1'opplulon nvo. "IT OH HiNT : IIou o bclouflns to the estate JL' of JudKU Chudwivk , ttfi I'.irli uiunuo , W.J. 'oimull. -fl "JTlOlt IH2NT Two now 8 mutt ) roomed lieu osi JL1 inimice , bath room uud ull modern com on- em-eel , onu blocU lioiu btii'ol cms. In-iuiioJo. 1 * . Haiiou , UU Sfith tl. , or Smoltluj ; WorK . B1U [ j'OK Jd'.NT A Btoro room with treed cellar L1 llf.'O ' Hurt street. Apply to John Haumor. _ _ _ " _ _ J4U _ IMHt llUNT-Blabioiicrtr"lil 'h boliool. Four 1 Halls , ( --ooil loom lor cuiiiaxott uud hay. Apply to ( iuo , 1' , UcuiU. liiXJ irioil it INT.N'OW : 'noiiso u rooms , ouo of host built houses iu Omaha , i nj but > veou Cnnilnj , ' mid Izurd , $ iJ. Cottuuo II rooimibtli near Poutrlus. ti. Tno Irom olhcoa bueoudbtory Uurkur look Mh und Kmmnj. T o lurjo rooms lu city hall building IBth and 'uriuim. Ouo or two Kiunll store rooms on li'tli ( I near 'aruam luCliy Hull luilldlnv uill bo iirnui. c/1 u t > ul rcutcr. C. E. iluyno , lltli nuJ l-'nruaia , UJ 17 Clt ) litNT - etorts on Sth uud { x > a > t nwoitti 1 M& . 1 ftoixi ou South nth 81. Holh Urtlrin-s luul- ie * icvaUoui. Also buuaM loj at A. Mu-Ouv- Wt. OU . -Tiro rrivrr-pMfM crS roomi cich. FOKHF.NTTiro . house Uiooirs. J. 1'lilpps Hoc. Of" KEHT UOOM3. HI.iT-r.irid < hKl room ? . Ills Dutjro FOlt K"s--J3 * liKVT l'imant funilthO'J front room. 151 i Jone < otrt'ct. it"SP y.ioit ItlSNT-r-omplrHll' furnl hod Hat. fi J-1 looms nnd bath. Aihlre-H ll.N llcoOIIIeo. ! TO TillK KKNT rurni bed rooms 401 X. 15th J Mreot. I'rioi'roiwoiiatj'o. XW > : H * FOlt HUNT I'miil'Iicd rooms , 1 llaruoy. 137 I poll KINT : With lioiml , nrso front room : j'lis and modoru iuiprovemoma ; lltu .lonos trtot. 13 17101 : ISP.NT rnrnlMied room with honr.l Jfculitblofor IHO ironllcmou. 13.4 lodpot VM "ITnii UINTWltli : board , n loom eulUililo for J.1 one person. Uilt Webster. NU ITifllt KINT With board , ti\o rooms adjoin- JJ inu ; trout room , soutliuujt. lull Web lor. [ 71OK ltiNT : rurillshod 1-oom , 1311 .lar-k'OU. L' .iwjnnl * Fill : li.VT-l'lPn : niit rooms , rurnl huil nn.l . unttimlshcMl , lir light liciusi'Kcuplii , can tiMittily bo tountl In licomor's lllock , corner : iKlilli nuil Howard. l > 70 "ITioi : KKNT 3 monm and bnsomcnt , cor loth JL nuil youth nvostli ) ) itrinuinli. Slct'iijiuo llro.i , postonicc. t > * 7 roa aAi.-s-iiousn3-i.or3. A.1IKS \CK-PamitleM nil-eel ncnr street cm s : one block Ironi licit l.lno euntnil tlu- licit ; lols.l'0uiil i > Xl ; level yroinul ; luilulpdii.o lots. Newport Xcnre t , boit ncro lots : cnslp l terms , llns Fold luster thnn imy tir-to lots over placed on llio market : erlookst tvcr.v pmt of town ; beautiful property. Jt sells on Its merits. C'omo and KM > It. I'lumvlow-Tids Tuvorlto inlillllou Btlll foils nil'lilli ' , iiinl < iu iia cay terms us ovoi1 } IM 10 f'rJtl II lot. ( y'liirciiilon Some new lots In thi * poptihir ml- dltlon , JUM put In iiiurhct nt M.VK ) lo $ < ViU 11 lot. I'rutl H Sulivivl"ioii t'avorlio acre lot * , toutli- vest , yiMMojijJonti HCIO. Ami'H PliRe Nimiilers street chcnpo t city lots t < ir tain on o.i i turm-s. Nearest em4" , teliooN Mini cimrclios. 1'Inro ivhoio u man inn pet u home on easy tei ms i < ro Amos i'liicc. > . "il ( .Ames , l.'iJT r.iiimm st. S < : i : < v-1n platunl. ti Fomo-t poitloii of .lohn 1. Keillck'.s mlilitmn. lots will bo sold on easy terms unil nt low Amos , JiJ" I'mmim. -iTKiilfSl. iisovi-.1iitt : .1 Miini"-t portion ot .lolm I. itoilluk'H nilUitloii. 'J'liL"-o lotswill lie sold on oisy terms mid nt low pilccs. Ames , U07 Fnriium. AMI > i'iArj-Nenro8t lty lots m t'lM to WvW ; easiest lorins oni numlf rs bt. H Amos , l.'Ali I'tirmim. ASIK-i i-i.Ari : Ncnro-t city loin ut prices , J.O ) : eiii.uct ternin : on MIIIRIIOI-- . Ames , 15U7 1'nrmim. A Mis ; IM.AC ! : Nrnrost city lots at prke- . t.'UOtof.OJj viiaioit tormti ; on s-miiulrrsbt. " > ' Ames , l.'ii ) " Turnum. AMI' * I'LACIi Simiulors tr < 'Ct ; nenrstroct cuisiono tilock lioiu Hell l.lno ct-iitial clu- pol ; lol-.f.'oo lo S 'U ' ; level jrounil ; li.iiiiboino lots. Isowpoil Xoarcst , 1io t ncio lots ; caRtust Icrin- . MILS bold hihler ilian iinjncio lot- , over pliiLed on the muilcot ; overlooks ovurv purtol town : lieamltiil piopcrty. It bulls on it.merits. . Coinuaiul et' It. I'laiuviuw ThH fnvorlto addition still M'lU rap Id Ij , undo u us easy lorms us ever tloj to Jf.uiu Idt. ( liirumloii Poino new lots In tills popular nil- (111 ion JiHl put In inurKnt in $ ti001o irmii lot. I'lMlt's Subdivision Kiivorito acre lot > . southwest - west , JiiO i to S'i',0 mi nci o. AinuI'lucu jiiiiuilors Mrcct chcupcst city loin tor bitlo on uasy torius. Nourust ear- > , t-chooUmulcliuroliurf. I'l.ieo where u nmu euii gel a homo on eu&y tonns. See Ames 1'liice , 4-i Amos , I5U7 I'linnuii s-t. KKim'tf'S OUOVi : .lust plnttoil , Iho nnml- Fomust portion ol'.lno. 1. KeUicU a addition. The o lots will Lie sold on easy terms mid ut low PIULCS. Ames , 16U7 i'ui num. 4iU _ IJUH'lt'S < ! ItO Vi-.l nst plaited , tlio'lmml. tonie-t portion or .Ino. 1. KeJiok t > ttdilltioii. Tne o lots will be bold on easy turnis HOC ! tit low juices. Amos , 1S07 Kuriiimi. AM US i'l.ACi : Nearest city lots nt prices , ji.'iw to j3JJ : e.ulvsl toruvi , on Siiunuerd8l. 1U Amed l.'iUT Kurmiin. AMIN n.ACi : Nearest city lots at prices ? -jiJto JJOj ; cnsicst terms , on Saiimlers st , I-J 1 Amos , lSU7riuiuiui AMis : PI.ACK N'oarost city lots at prices , f-'O , ) to SJUJ : easiest teims , on uumlcr.s ol. 4-J Ames , Ifij" i-'urnam. BUI.Yl < .ll-ii : : ncro lots , J..IJ lo $330. \Vidimt Hill lots t-.JJ.110 i'M , West buio lotsj.UJto j5U. Tlioriiliiiijj : loi.s ji"J ; ! lo H'iO. 1'iirmeiner lois 17 to tfluj. linker .Muv no mid lias $475 to 509. Dc'iieui.en uud. lots $ > " . : > lo $ JOJ. Bliimy bidoluts J7.VJ to Sl.OJJ. lliui"C'Om I'lmo Int t'iiSO lo l iUO. llniHiniuirli 1'liicoliit fi'tTiU to ilKfl. till L'llUOlHl ' - UUIO IO..S 5U'/II tO$4l.l. .1. 1. lleili-ki. hnlidiv lois liiuto $1,833. l = iiuc .V cldou'fslotiS- to fl.yj'J. Hun Oak lut.1010 $ 1,000. Ueuiso add lots 8. " < U. 'J'a > miu add. iiuru lots f 1,033. 'J'llllKl b hull dlV. Itt'UH .tiJJ. l.ois m ottiry part of tlio cilj' ; easy torms. rv > nve > mu'esiit the door imy tune of the day. J. I. . Mayne , 8.V. . cor. 15th mid Kiirnum. 1- * Iroit SAMS Immediately , n beautiful cot- in res on bouth IdthbU. uo.ir Outer bt. 1'luo uilK-ldiorliood. llait und -until Jmnus , nnd nil mw. Hplondid liult. It mil mid toll water. WlllhOll tilt nt u 1)0i.In ( ! clmiiij iho no-vt ten Inys. A. r. Tukey , ii 4 t'liiimiu bt. 41u Fou SAM : < > u TIIAIH : ITO ncms or land l'i ' miles iiorlh ol North Aotumi , Noli. ; ilioiit rl\ty aeio- . under uulu\ntlim ; need IIOIIMI , mm , nnd n Kooilueii olmoi' , For ill lluT lurliciil.us apply lo It. I ) , llo.iuli-y , Itrowuvdlo , Net ) . NetO -O < ! . I'ATTKIISON. 1L-JI I'm mini. J * lor.-ido J.ols , llmiobaiib'ii mid Pntlcisoii I'liifii , S UJ. Liiu , Kuku'doil , $1 0. \\olnt.- . - , \\iilnut lllll ( sp'l lmr ! iln ) , $050. Lots Ion < > s A .ditiun , txJOj. l.uis , Vi't bt Siilo. $ , ! 'MI. ' Aires , lllmeb.iuirli Addition , $ l" > 0. Aeros. MID Held Addiiiou , sJJU. Ixiiti , West -MilL' , 5JIJ. Douliis county Abstrnetd furnished ntul gunnmli'ed o ; 11. C. 1'attorson ' , lSl ! Fai imm. $ iin to J itX ) Invested In u lot In West Side now wdl imil.ii > 0'i ' a luuidoome leiiiin lor n JIu isimus present ono yenr hunuii. ( id and in- vislitrutii. lieb A Jli-U.indll'.h , fill Iod o hior C. i : . .Nlu.Miu.bW eor. IStn uud runium , uill tauu > ou oui. WS-M | TOlthAl.i , : l.nrtfoaml small slouk rauchos I1 willi ornitliuiit Mlook. I'orSalu illoix hi SJIMIII ; Hill , Jl'iO each , I'mSale Ksiabli-hod baukin ; , ' business in N'ehius-Ktt.iouiity beat , Gitiion \ Arouor , room \Viilnioll lllock. I'oi J'lvch.iUj'O Nebiiibka faruiH for Oiiiuha inopcitji also lands lo OAt'litnifo tor blocks o ( Wanted H luiRino lots for cash within 1 bloi-kK 01 postulllco. Tor llAoiiaiiKo HO ucro Impioved fnrm , Maill- ton toumy , .Nub. , lor IIOUMJ ami lot lu Omaha. I'orSalo A 5-acio tr.iet 4 miles of pottoillco ; lioiihoI'oht ' $ l < ioiiirSIijxi oash.UibaoiiiXArehcr , Kooni u. U'ithnill liloL-u. n : : > I. OK S.lli-Clirap : Ion in llansuom Plaoo. J. ' AdiliCfbO. I1. Stobbiiis UJJjiiiilT' r-iO | { fe.U.K A soutlon of elioleo i'linn iimd I Cent i al Nebinskii , will iiiuku this a biirtfidii I told boou. Address U. N , it. . 1' , ( ) . li. Ci'JJ FOR K.\ I. K School Inud louses In nortliua-it Kobrnsl.a In uaniKH'.s ' ol , su uures mid ui > - 0. 1Uuvis & Co. , I M ! > l-'urmun St. WU3 \ \ / J-.T : SI Ii-lAls tSM to $ IKW. ia : y terms. Hell \ MrCnudllbh , 1511 DmlRo uml ( ; . li. Mityue , b. W , tor JSth umi I'anium , tolo ut'outH. 4M-M _ _ TTIOKS.Yr.i : A two nory , StxQI ) , frame build JL' in , tuitublo foru loru , uo r UtU uud Fur niiui bis. Aiiplyut this olllce. V17 FOU S.VI.15 Aeic lots nml llvo ucro l u hi Wilbhhiirlon 1IIII , UW mi iieio. 'i'lin bcu-t In- voslmeut ut probont. C'uuuluguum to "lA'ASHINGTOX Hll.Lh the place lo Invest > l If jou want to doublu jour moiiuy In u short tiino. City loibiiro now telllnw m iho tin- mediaio vioiuhy lor more money ilmn vwut-n3 now buy mi utro lor \Vns-lnnlou Hill. Cuu- nlughum it lliennnii , I5U l > od e. -\\rASIIINCiTON HIM. ytCOrlunly \ \ b iiiuo ) f Unmlui'b ln > t jU irrl' . r evii'i'u lot mil in thu'ouiiinlhsyini mil muKuu lain Uo.uo piu.'lt. Jl' you \viiut to iiiv . Huyalot In Wiiblilii'/iou Hill. It > ou uiiut lomveyour money , llIV u lut iu Wu&blDirtou llill If you wnnt t6 bnvi ) a Plto for n homo In Oinflli i In M SUtrifMr , * H.y n lot in \ \ n nliitoti Hill. Tlio lleli line ilfi.ut Is n lew inmutcs' wnlk fio'n ' \ \ ii'liiiiKtdn II tl.l > . Oi luijt nn ncv ill Washington Illll ; ono- linhh , InilmHCfttp lime. r f m > i ivv wllid'itH joiiout to Wnnhuiffton Hill. IminliiKhMiil \ llr. im.m , loll D.xUro. \\7K < T siDr : ] t i ; voion3i. iniy : } > Hull Sr Mi.Cnndll-.li , Till IHnUrn Mud C. K. Jliijne , s. w. cor. Iftth mid riiruam , solo n out . . . - * ( . .V rrm. Hell & . MeCnri'lll.ri , lull Dodito mid C. li M > ne , f. xv. cor. J.itn Diiil l-'iirumu , solo iigeiils. 1 tlhK-'U ' \\ri-s : r roirfJiSr. ! ! to j nJj. TTi } > He I & McCiin Hull , loll DoJire nml C. I ! . Mnytie. g. > \ . eor. Ijth nnd I'm mini , bolu . ' < t-\T.ST Sllli-Ijit : < 5:8 ) to * ' 0) . liny i > Hell A ; iUU.iiidllsn , ir.il lijdiru. and C. i : . Jluyuc , s. w. eor ifitli nuil nitiiiiinsoloiitoiit4. | U-isTSIOi , : : lKi. . Ilcll & MeOnudl'sli , lilt l edie mid C 13. Jliiyue , 8. w. cor. I jin and I'linuim , Sl'l.riAlj nollf-o to cloriryinon. Clnrpjuio wl liliiff hint I mo perm is lor is ' , \ \ iiile.u \ \ print or loiive thclr'liiimo * ut Ulilcnso \ North vestcruoillue , lilt I'aniain tt. lsl-lnn-l l\T.ST Side Sfntlou .Iiiiictlonof the Missouri T 1'iiL'ltlo umi Holt i.iue , on Luiivcuwortlist. If you want 11 lot on West hldo don't wmt lorn ? < ir sou ulll lie too Into. Piieoi of loia tlfck ) tu SulM. Jltiiy Icrmn. r. ! ; . Mnyno. 15th uml I'arnaiu Hint Hell & MeCuudhbli , lull Jlodgu bt . sole Gltlilixn'OOit llonutlful ncrenud half ncro lot. ! , line locution. : iv , miles irom r. u. , only u lew inomeiits walk Ironi llmifcom 1'iirk. Acres 5-liMt. Hull ucii'stcu , Ul percent enslt , hnlnuco monthly payments. 0. K. ilnyuo , a. W. cor. Uth mid I'm num. 47J \\r K-.T si m : ijutf.sr.otu JOjO. llney tonns. Hell A. MiC.uidli-.il , ir.U Doilao uml C. 13. Mnj no , s. w. eor. linh umi L'unuun , solo ugont" . 4XK.'I1 ( _ FOIt SAl.II-Klfots , block 1 lloyd's nddltloii lor lei ininipiliu of A. 1' . Nleliolas. 471 POK M.vr.R Hou p nmt lot 21H S COth gt.iclioni iud : pivymouls. Address C. S. Clilpimiu , Lin coln Sub.j 571 \\-IST Mnn-l.on5S.VI lo JPXI. ( Ku-y lorms , > HUI is McGiimlMi. IMt Uodiio mid C. 13. Mil } lie , s. w. cor. luth and I'm-iinm , bole ujrents. AwcTn -s.\MThiH. : & M. u. mmoiui in NxbiusU ill M , | | nt jmhllc nuctioii , in Iln toln , HIT O street , ( ommcneluff Juuliiiry I , l ! > sa , mill eomiiiiiliiif wlln pionur niljoiiriimeiits until lillKi-ods linvo been Mild , n lurxo eollcctmii ol iineluuiied mid itlnscd ficiiht ; , coiisi-tiu of Inrm Inipleinenls , hoti'-eliold ttoods , fnrtiituro topiilrs uud u lot ol piopony dumnKed hy lire ill Umiihu uepot. 7fobee. . Jl. \\r.sr ailin ! .nii5iito * ilw. 13usy terms. > Hell > V MeCiiliilli-li , nil DodKO uud C 13. s. w. eor. J..ta mid I'm mini , bolo lucn FOi : SAI.r-Ily in-own & Hiiwley , Itcnl K ArHiit ( , N. n. eor. Ulhimd Douirl is.sts. Some \ery dcbirablo lots uud dwull.uir liuusoa on I'lirnam Mi-oet. Al o. u cuttiiKo and lot , Kxl ) : { | , on Hnrnoy Mluoi , near liu lnoss. Two IOIH nml eoitaHros on rarnmn street ; Kiaded itiid nell located lor re.-ld'Miee. Duo Kom ot u coiuuro mid lot , yr-idoil , welt looiuc'l , Hour rtreot i.iiuvay. Also iiiitny vulmibli ! lots. 503 WI3ST SI 1)13 Thu junction Plntiou of the Jlo. I'ao. mill Holi Line H 111 bo u niowlu . riMiM ( own in-ideot .six moiillis. 'I'a'ui ' a nilu to Wobt Side mid choose a lot beioro thoymo nil jfoiio. Hell \ Me/midtish. / lull Doiifro ; C. 13. Jluyiio , S W eor. Ijth uud Kiinumi , oio IUO.HS. 4lCi 'i > Tnoit SAM : A prunerlu mcrcnandlso buslno J. in u rapidly Krnivjn > f town not tar Irom Lin coln , licit tiiulo und location in town. A splen did opportunity ior u party wfeliiiir ; a peed opening , nml hiivmtr from sever , to ton tliou iiml dollars m eash. Will sell tor ca.h only , or part cn li , balaneo ical estate lu Omalm. Address Meiclnmt IJcoOltlco. ii-'j Wivr Side Station , junction of 51 o. 1'iic. and licit l.ini' , on li > fc\oiiwoiih .slieot. l.ul.H fj.ll to ? < ) rii.'ii ; en , > tfiiiH. Now is Iho tnno lo buj and make mo iov. Call ami we will taito ion out and shoiv y in i.io lots. Hell tVMcCuiul- lis.li , 1 ill Ooilije bt ; ; C. 3J. Mnyne , b W eor l.'illi mid l < ' .iruam. -1U7-.C mOKSAl.t : ( iolxou ) CilhlorniiiBl J CM " Ixit , li'Jxl''i ' ) , muni rnrtiitfC , Irc'iio rt tffil S loom lioi o. lot . .al'itallloniia xlreoi. . 4tMil ) 4 lots , Georgia ti\cnni' t.OJ , ti'j ) , 1JJO. ! . li"0i New hoii-o. lol.'iUtli' j. < lull .catt 1JM Lotiw vlt'icol.it c-7ih mid rnriiam H.O-i Jots , br.c ho.isu 01.- . , Hamilton &l 4bOO ( \\.ll nade lor Inn i. I.oti'JxI.M ' , It 100 n iiou-o , Irene 't 2,000 I room IIOIIM ) , lot 4DKid ( nml IJ.iv : i-4 : ) > Ilo sniid lioiisc , l.Ilh near Donyliis IS.UlO l.ot , 7n\l i. , 7Hi and ll-iruoy , NII ) i lota in Iliiu-to-.u I'lnef , each KM Houses anil lots mull pint * of tlio city. II you huvo city or suburban i ropnrty for saleli-tlt willi me and It will louelro piompt iitteulion. ( 'oino > iiuccs luiiilbhed lo parties ivisnlnt' lo look at property. atll li. R KhiKor , 11 ! ) N. Ilitli. FOIISAI.i : Hyl'ottoiL'obli Choice lots in Ijowo's 1'lrst add. , $22. " > to S150 each. Corner Iu Isaac & Soldon's add. , l.'t'.vI.M , for 51.IW. 1'ino lots on Ilrown St. , M.\130 , ut 5700 ; ouch easy teims. Acie lot very clicap , cor Ilrown and California btb. , S2J&M. C uud 11) norc tracts on easy terms at f 17u to KOU ; jjre.it bursiuns. A leu ehoiuo lols m Thoriilitirj ? Place , on Holt Line , cheap. 13 lots In Shiuu's Third. fStW ciich. 1'ino Iniiiiiess eor < m 1 arnmii ft , $10,030. Lots iu I'olier'b udJ. , 55UJIO $ ij)3 each ; very chenp. A low line lots , Ilimspom Place , ut ? 750 each. Lull mid bcoour b.ii aina in uere trauts. biA I'on i.u i.v Com : . 1515 Kariiam St. "irioi : .SAMS House .1 looms , full lot ; bargain , JifO"iO. . or will Intdo lor learn , olu. Now hoiisn 4 room- , cellar , cistern , beautiful lot ; cheap , sl.ijll ; amall fU'-li payment , balauc-o monthly , IAIIIU Piospoct rineebiirsalu ; ut f JOO. liumls , 15th uud Dinilas bis bb5 TTHm HAI.K-IIlirlmrKalns. I'.asy lerms. J. Lot 5lxl4i. house 0 rooms , Hues' add . $ t.OI ) LolRUvl.iii , hotmi 4 loomllaimjoin I'lnto. 1,001 " lots IAI\IU'1 ' each , I o i e s Idums , eorui-r. . . ! luOD Lot f.u.\r0 , hoiii-o 11 looms , llansi din Place UNO Iloiif-o5 roomstiuJ I'ir. lv. X K.adil 1'HH ' ) IloiiAuTi rooniH , mil lot I'lo-peet 1'laeo lU.Hl lIoilBii5 rooms , 17th all 1 Hurl battfaiu. . " ,5JU l.ols iu .Miili'0-.c' . .Nil A purl , ( . ' 0,0 Hrllliiulo , Hri hton , HeUcdeic. Walnut II 11 , Han com 1'luco , llees , und nil oilier mldltlons , on biniill monthly pnymeiits. Ulols in Wllcox uddl,70l l''ariimuud ' iiidinprovud lanls Iu nil pai-M of the btule. bl a-ie-- In ( 'a-- , cu. , liniiuoxedi S-X'.ii'ji. 7:1 : acres eras'-laud loiu'Cd , near ( 'onmil Hh IIK. SKL.II : ! 1-3. 'I' . l'i lei ton > V Co , , Iliiom II , S. li. eor. I..th mid Uoii lns. 4U A\/"ivr / : SU i : I < its SiW to f Ml. Ka y terms IJJI A : McCandlfh. 1511 l.iilro : nnd C. I' . MI.J no , s. w. cor , lOtu uud l''uiuiuu. bolu ayejits. IM-M T ANO Sl-313Iv3U3 ! , ATTUNTlOM-For full par- J-J tleiihirs about fioo mid chvup lamU Iu Wostcru Nohruslm tutdrcss 1'hoi Patterson , Heal Uslato Atfom , Norlh I'lulle , Nub. .Hi " U { | AniJinV.\HH-Sloonfiomii-lll ! us Hum , p 1 v/V/iiu-t. ( ) miiiM iioi-th ol riorouo , on tno nlb'lit of Dee i'lst , J-ii. Ono nay liorno , hliick niaiieiuiil tuil , tall lalhor louu ; b > lookliiir close siiiullthlto hpot wjlJ bo obhorted lienu-eu Iho tiyos. ANo dd.ililiiveati'd lnnt \\au'"n or buy 10 10 KIUI uono1 , ulfli lujilhor einlntAUouiio ivoublo sot IUIU h irnoss , sdvor niounio I. A rowmd of JiO wlll'bo pad lor the recovery nf propuily. und Dontflaw coumy will p.i > f 'lad- ditlonul lor thu 111 i-st und conviction ot iho thief. I ) . N. MlllM'.fljji.iir. 4l7--'J * 1'onua No tin. rpAAKI'K ill ) unJ tm y t u uled In the pound of -L thoolt 01 luniuu. v iho d day ol Deocm- ber , l- ) , I red cowIHO huvo lopes < m their Iiiirnbiiinu has uulo lioin- > , Mar on loiohend , whieii will , if not lolcciiiud before bide , beheld hold ut pulillo auction ui tlio lil'iiiist bldiicr lor eubh , id bid. I poujd ) , Utijlie li'inr ' ot IU o'chn-U iu t.in foienoon. 011 thoillstUay of Di'cemhur , ltA5. I 'i I ) . O HGIII.I.V , UIU-S > i. I'ouudmuster. rroroEals for Sidewalk Construction. Si.V ; KJ propoMiU Hill bo rocolvei ) liy the unuer lt'iiod uutil II o'clock u. in. of January 4 , INMi , lor lliu colislruclioii of nil plunk Blue tt alks ordered bv Hi" city oouncil durJui ; the < j u in I or end lu 4 Aprd li , It * HI. Bjcli eldow.ilks to bo constructed In uccord- utiuo with plans aiuUpt'-jltlciillon-i on tllu iu the olllcuol Iho board ot piibllu uoiktl. Hlds to bo iiccouipuuhiU ulth Iho names of Bui-olios who In thu oveut of iho inundluw of I'outraetill outur Into Uouds Iu the sum ol 0110 thousands dollars lor Ihu iulthlul pciloruiuueo of Iho conlri ot. Hub lo bo muao upon the printed blanks fur- ul hed by said bourd. T.iu i fch t to lu'oct uny or ull bl - J. K. IIOISK , -w 'tlH Chulimau llourd of I'ubllu Woi kt , DREXEL. & MAITI. , ( Buccouora to J , 0. Jacobs , ) UNJJ EttTA KEIl S , AND KMHAUtKMS. At the old viand UjT t-'uinaia tit. Order ] by uud liiuuipiljr uuouJuU. A DECAYED MEDIUM. Sonio 1'efioiinl Notes liccnrillni ; tlio lintc Chnrles Foster. The ( loath of Charlps Foster , the . pii it- nnlislip inctliun , resulted | irntnitlv | in n fumd'ar ' uml usually mieee.sMul exposure of lliu trickeries of most operators in hit Jino. 1'iof. Henry L. Molt , the M-tcntist , is n firm unbelief cr in tlio phenomena of spirit ( omimmirnlioii. nnd ho wus willi n jwrt } of C'olunibia college professors when the demise of Foster w.is men tioned. Jlwis ptopoH'd Hint , tlip same- cu'iiiiig , ouch of the six men go to some vyell-rcputed meiliiim and nt tlio same lime preeiscly rail for : i message fnun thy dead celebrity. On subsequently comparing notes , it was louiiil tlmt live of Iho iiiM'M'gators ' had .simultaneously been assured of Foster s presence. The obitunry nccdimts of Foster's fonts Inivo temleil to magnify his success , by describing wlmt lie seemed to accomplish , without attempting to explain the menus' , or noling the numerous exposures of his tricks. "In this eitv , In * had rooms in Fourth street , where his fee for sittings was ? . ' for eaeh person , and in some days , by aecominodiitiiig large parties of invesiigators , lie 111:11)13 : ) us much as $ . ' 01) ) ; bill ho wus a spendthrift und cnroiisor , nnd his money went us freely us it runic- Slate-waiting nnd blood-r. u umnu = cript on his arm were specialties , und , be.vond those feats , ho nllempled nolliiug beyond tiie most ordinary table toppingnnd elinir whirling. Tinshite triek consist.-j in the substitioti of a slate on which a nip" ago \\n \ \ * proYiotisly iieen writti-n for the elenn one tlmt the visitors have nxnimneil. At least , t hat was Foster's \\iiy of doing it. Scarcely a day passed without M > me acute observer e.xposuig tlm fraud , but Unit neither lessened lliu humbug's receipts hurt his reputation not di.siurlx'd hi temper. The writing on the arm wn done by jiriekiug. lie made ligh amoiifj Ins boon iricnds of his me diuiiKsliip , and wts : aeciistomed when in his cups , to short- how h fooled his dupes. Ho lind .small likin ; for sincere spiritualists , ami rarely lim nii.ytlmif' to do willi them. Personally lu wuu halo follow , and in no sense : crank. However , when his brain begun nboiil two yours ago. to become diseased lie clianged radically in cliaraeter , am for the iii-st time took an intensu interes in spiriltial'sm ' beyond the income to lu ' domed from it. 'He apparently became n belii'M't , and was mueli rallied by ins friends on that account. As his mentn diseii.si ! trouble progressd _ ( ; lie got fannlt cal , and for awhile refused to be doetorei iu any other way than under what h considered to be spirit guidance. 11 then avowed the genuineness of his nn iliumslnp , and it is thought , tiiat he was j eomcrt to himself. Hut us Ins owi credulity grew lie lost skill , and hN la- boaneesero furcical in thu openness o the devices. It is stud that an nftcrnooi ppent with Joseph Jc.ncr.son , the : vtor was his last ellort in that line , lie hai tlien Mink far into incoherent imbecility and his performance ol Iho old leati wi : pitilully ine.xL'i't. ] ) "Mp't in the Sadto ny , many a good thing attain1 lo nothing 'more than ti fair beginning On the other hand , it K a matter lor con gralulalion that the grow th of home evi things may be also promptly frustrated A large proportion ot the cases of the mo-L widespread and fatal of di-ea es consumption have their inception in na sal catarrh. Dr. Sage' * Catarrh remedy is plou unloothing and ijlleclutil. Try it. Il has cured thousands. All Dru lieorire Francis Tiuin lui.s in ] > icss at llol yoke , Mass. , a book on the late William 11 , Vanderbllt , und the Vanderbilts Tlio title is "Dives und * jlCrcry'liuly u t-.s L'o/xoni's medicated complexion powder. Jt is a household treasure. The madam finds it impossi ble ' .o go down town without lir.st rub bing it on. 11 ihe baby cries fche goes for the pull-box. It' tlio ' 'old man "comes homo milled or chafed , because business is dull , etc. , Po//.oniV , powder cools und allays his troubles. Then all is gladsome joy. No family .should be \ \ ilhout it. Baroness Itajub.i , tlio wife of the new 15ra- y.iliun minister , Is n tall , slender blonde , and die.ssL's In unconventional btyle but with ai- tibtlc . elegance. _ _ Coughs , Colds and Sore-Throat yield readily lo U. H. Douglass & Sons' C.ip cum Couyli Drops. Miss Cleveland succeeds 31 1.ssXcIllo Arthur as the president of the Chi istnuis club , and the Kindness of a little child bus ( , 'iown into a public charity. All persons nlllotcd ) with Dyspepsia , Dia- rrluuir Colic , und all kinds ol indigestions will nnd Immediate releal' and sine erne b. usinK AtiKosiiirn Itittui-H , The only gen- nine is nmnuhictuicd by Dr. J. ( J. 15. Megoit it Sons. nijin Timothy Tai.sneyof Micld- gan , lion's snecesMir , Is said to be developing a goodly amount of ( he perl and I laiblo spirit ot miith. Net-voiiH DoHilituteil Men , K ! < m are allowed d free trlitl for llilrl'i ' flam nl the nsis of Dr. l\o' ) Celebrated voltalo licit with lilci'trlo busuusury Appli.inetH lot thu speedy iclief auuperiiuinenl cure of Nenoiis Debilitv , loss otVitility and ifan- hood , and all Kindred troubles. Also tor manv otiier diseases. Complelo restoration to health , vl-or : and manhood.No lisle is in- ouiied. llliistiatod p.imphlet with lull Intoi- mation , teims , etc. . mailed lice by uddioasin Voltaie Hell Co. . .Miir.sliall. Mieh. It is wild that the nicompllslicd wile of Senator Halo always reads und lovlses the Rpocchcb ot her husband bel'oio hodellverd them. Alter Diphtheria. Diphtheria is a terrible disease , requir ing the-greatest medical fakil ! lo ell'oet u complete cure. J-Iven when its jiower is broken , it clings to the patient with great persistency , and oltmi loaves Iho B.v.stom poisoned und jiro-ilrated. , ) ust hero Kar aiKirilliiiloenii vast amount of good , expelling iniii'rities ) Irom the bloud , giving it richness anil vitality , while it renovates and btronutboiis the f > yi > lom. , Iou .Icffcrson 1ms concluded to Icuvo his eli-Kunt homo ut .Saddle llher , X..I. , und to icsido iicjiiianently In Ida Louisiana ieM- deiicu. The pen is mightier limn the Mvord , and imicdi of the wealth of this country is ( llio to thi ) hog pen. St. Jacobs Oil lias been found to bo n euro for hog cholera. Miss Mitrlito's now novel Is to Iw.irtho title "In the Clouds. " The clouds \\ill luno a hilver Jiniiii , ' II tlionrk sells well. Great Invention , For EASY WASHING , IN HARD OR SOFT , HOT OR COLO WATER. ) ri/i iit JlariH In VA ItHJVvi' flJNUS , awl partIculartyadaptPil to li' - iC/mu / ( e * Ko lainlly , ilclir Jtoor , should Ui without It. Hold by all Orcwera , but icuaroolllohul titlOuH. i'i.lltl4iXtj U wuiiiUactuui only by JAMES PYUE. NEW YORK ) DAILY COMMERCIAL REVIEW , Trading Materially Affected by Reported Gold Shipment * to Europe , LARGE EXPORT ORDERS IN HAND. Minor ainrkctt luaollvi- , with n Point Unlticd in AVlioal Useful l''n . Cal tic (3iutiln < ; In Prlri : AVrntlicr the line Product. CIUCACO OUAI.V Mi rmr.vno. Ore. ' . ( Special Telegram. ] WHU.VT There was ciiormims Indingon puts and o.ill.s yeit'r.Uy , and whcnt was not allowed tocioss the liinlt.s Hxed by privileged I rail ens to-day. The opening was at asllu'ht loss Irom jpslerday , nnd the market held Meady dining the most of the daynt ! > ! nl4e ! for .May. llclwwn 11 nnd 1 o'clock nn ndvnncP otc ; ( -enured. Cables continued dull mid Heci boh m's icports of uheat on pa < .snic and impoits Into thu United King dom showed mi Incic.tsi ! In both oases In tlio lace ol the announcement thai the current ofgnldli.ul turned from these slioics toward Europe. This was not lelt by the local crowd nml thu majority of operators were disposed to ridicule the attempts made to magnify HIP Importance of the movement , lhoni.li ( lie bears Insisted Hint n b.ul condi tion nnd lower prices lor prndm o must Inev- Itablj follow any coiisldciablu shipment of precious metal. The ulurin seemed to be eon- lined to Now Yoik , hd\\ever , as very little loin ; wlic.U c.ime out as thu le-mlt ol' the scare. ISi'Lviilalordlio ' sold the maiket down ycsteid.iy on the gold story had to pay mole for the pioporty than they sold It for , nsnrule. Indeed , the report of gold ship ments wasdis-i edited by many und denied pbsitltitely by others.anil thcmaiket baldened shmtly b.'toie the allernoon liimis on tepoits Itruii isew \ ork that large expoit orders .iad been received and buyers were only walling n fin thor drop or tf'V ' t" bo lu laying in biinlies. ] The lldowiuVr maikcl.s are now very near an export basis , and these reporls weio believed by nuny to hnvo found action in the thought of thu dam-igo zero wo.ithor might inlllct upon the now ovpiwd winter wheat lu Holds. It also exerted u bul lish Inihu'iiuo on prices , and during the las' , hour of the long session the maiket was ilrm , the l o'clock closing bi'itr. ; nt the top ana } < c nbovo yes terday's hi/best il gurus , COKV Corn was iiurtlve and iloallngs \veic mainly in the near-by months. May closes without essential change , but jcar left oir Vc cheaper. OATS N'olile in oats and prices substan- 1'udV niichnimcd. I'nuYitioN Provisions weic'Yinly moder ately active and prices ruled somewlnt high er than > esterday. i'eceipts of IKI.J.S wore not up to expectations , anil tlie lemper of tlio maiket was si long. A slightly boiler linjiiliy for cash piopt'tU is icpnrted. Arrinwox : BoAun 'J : : > 0 p. m. Wheat ieco\eied .mother yau on the nfteinoon board , llio rally carrying prices b.mlc to the point wheio they rested -it 1 o'clock yesterday. Coin was rather easier. J'nnisdons weio stionger , p.utly in sympathy with whe.it and partly by re.ison of an increasing Independ ent inquiry. Zir : > p. in. Pats on ifay wlieat , 5KJ ) e ; calls. CHICAGO IiIVH STOCK. CiiifAno , Pec. ' ' . [ Special Telegram. ] CATII.I : Trade was active to the extent that tlieie were but few loads of good ami iisolul natives on this market , and jsuch M > ld about lOe higher than \estcrd.iy , making an ad vance of S"fi > 5 c since Tlmrsday last , the low est day In the nitiikft for 1SS5. l.ow'grade butcher and canning stuck- seems to bo scll- Ing at veiy low piicc.- , not making a nickel a hundred more than last week. Kew lancy cowbund lieileis are making higher prices , anil the ordinary run of cow stock continues to sell at about tlio same as last week. Sioek- ci.i and feeders nio selling in a small way at about last weeU.s urlciM. Ti.ulo is slow , but tew coantiy buyers presentand KM al demand light. Shipping bteois. ir : ' ) to HOO Ibs. , ? 1.CO OtA-io ; iaoo to iBoO ibs. , sa.'JOfa-J.tt * ; 'J-'O to iou ; ibs. , s-iou4.-to. ; ! ( ; IIous At the opening prices ruled steady , heioinul tltcre a load or so selling at an ad vance of auuut 5c , but the great hulk ot fair to good packing sorts bold around about the s.imo i.ingu of iirices. as yesterday , yet at the close values \\eie liithere.isior. The weather is moio like April than December , and the woiklng of packing houses is moio dilllciilt limn In cold , crispy weather. Thulllit run wasdiseonnledljy the \ \iillidr.i\\ of one or two of tlio big lucking linns and two or tlnee of the sm.il or ones. The o houses will piobibly remain closed until alter Now Ve.ns. I'.oiU'h odds and ends sold at ' ! . 0 6 : ! . ( i. " > ; piliitupacking soils at $ ! .iOi : ) .bU , and jiiiinu usMii it'd heavy at S.i.b.V.U'i.'Ji' ) . I'.iekiug andbliippillg , UJU to100 iiounds , S = i.OOji3.iW. KJNAXOIiVr. . Now York , Dec.Mo.viiv : ! Oncall easy ill" ( ' " ! per cent. I'niMii.MuwJAXTii.i : I'Arii ; : li5pcrconl. ( KOUMON KXCIIAMII : Hii.i.s liull at Sl.bu ; demuiulJ.b j. ( iiviiSMi.Ms : : IJull but Mcndy , cxcojitMs , wAn h weie active and Mrung. usTin hiiddon advance caused - 4Sliii us - ) yesterday terday by icpmts of piiijioicil heavy miii- | ineiils ol hpeeie to I'.illopnas liialtltaiued lod.iv. Dining the loii'iioon all the active shale' , rose lunfi 1 to 1 „ iHil cent , haeka- waniiagained ! i ] > ercent. 1'ho maikot then became quieter and Mouly declined , losing the giealor pirl of this gain , and closed M-JI- ci'idly ucal < at only Niigbl ehaugos Irom hht fi'l'OCKS OX WAI.I. bl'IIKIVr. Bffeenl bund- . . . . 1UI t C. ct.S.V lO.I1 I'.M.-l'j's ' ' 11- a liiefoired. . . 19J New -I's - 1'41'b \ . V. I ! lOlTjJ 1'iic lie ( As of 'in. K't t Ore-oil Trail. . HI1 ; ( Jontiul IVlllo.IU , ' ; I'aeiiio Mail C..VA ' . , 1) ) . ikK H > ' 4 pH'lened. ' . . . l 1' . o. , IX.VQ i.i.v , ; Islanii. . . . 1'iT'f ' I ) . , L. .V U' I'-M bt. L. > < ti ) . K. . . . 'Mi i ] piolcricii. . . . I'sJjl piul'oncd. . 118" IllinoisJoiitr.il. ( . l J at. P. , tu HPf J. . M. & \V \ iiJ'a'l iilefeiied. . . lOJi ; " iToxas P.ieluo. . . 10 % l Union P.iciiiu. . . , 'fjijj J\V. \ , St. l < . i\s I' . . lo.lii Mich. Ceiiir.d , . . . 71)1 ) piufuncil. . . W-i Mo , Paeilio 10. ' ? UVsteiu Union. 7I ; ' ( Noithciu P.io. . . ! W' , U. Jf.&XWA \ pioK'ueil--- ' < > . ! IMlJI > UUK. Chioiiito , Jec. .M. l''loar ' ( Jiilel nnd iincluiiui'd ; wjuter \\hctt Hour. SliO'e \.V \ > \ Mil likiiiioult sjiring wlieat , S i.W l.Ol ; Minnesota lKikL'i'i..VM.I..VJMtenlirtinlUil : | . iftj ; low grades , j iUJ , < j..i.ooj lye ilour , , ; 3- i 'l.iill : luieK wheat. M.'iVji l,7i. U bent -Opened easier , sold .olT J e , ml- raiicul Vc , dielined Uuvsc. Inter Imjirovcd ! Bc. n.l.-d htion und chiM-d Mo.ibuvo yenier- lij\ciiisu ; wi- . ' ' ( lc lor ct-li ; b-KUi-sl'ic ' lor Ui'i-embci ' ' lor January : Hi'0a ( > l'te ; X ) eior > l.iy. Cjrn In 1,0 id di-m.iiul on local iiccount , > te.uly ami no sj , -riil ohiiiiio ; U' < < < lor Do- . 'fiuber ; ! i ! > AiO ior Januury und Tebiiiiiry ; j'Jkic I'oi May. ( Lits U'caU und dull : ca h , &o lower ; lu-iir intiuoniUieHiied i ftt iuMay. ; . JiWV' lower ; are lor tli ; alibis Jor JJix't'iiibtr ami c Janimii ; . ' 0-.e ior .May , is JijeJull , we.ikiimlnmt'jilidly unchunnud l liartoy-Qiilti , dull and weak atiAs. TniiotUi iIrm ; juime , SJ.T4 ; i-liolc , 51.7iibld. Flux-ced In peed demand find linn , ad- rancoii y < < VNu. ; li Jfi.w- , , . Hull ; .Mciils-ShonldeK. , ! .7.i8.tvfl ; hhort ; Iear , ? 'i.aj . > . 'J'r thoil ' , Uiutoi Vuiy lltth demand and low grades 'cry Mow , eicameiy exti.is > 'ltl id.ejl j.xi ; imc'V to c'i"i > 'i , Uf < ' * J ! i dulr ) , extra Iio-di itock , viO o ; iioyil lo choice , lavj-Joo. ChrPsc Ptondr and firm for good grades- ; full crcum rhnldar , t lt Mc. . IVJTKS Hood supply nt ll i'V. IIIiU'iI'nrhauxod ; grriMi , S-- ; heavy prcrn < nlliMl tnllvc'flivd , flVtc ; IUli ( , 1'V ' ; daaiuced , 7'ac ' ; bull hlde.s , 7c : dry suited , U ,0 ; dry nun , 1 : * 111culf ; skins ISc. Tnllim Unchanged ; o. I country , fie. . . Shlpmrnli. Klnur. bills . IfMlX ) 100 ! \Vhenl , bti . 74.diM i-i.iHH ) k ( "oin. mi . 2 > Jl.f > .in f.l.OK ) 71mo I\etm ! . IMXW H.'irlev. Int . OfUXM Si. imiiK l > w. yVhoal Very ( juiet nnd steady ; No. 'J led. .luiiiirtry , Wi < iioiu- lu.illy ; iiivomlKT , WVfes I'Vuruai ) , .Ma. % . , 1.01 , i/i.ti | . rmii-Vciv ipilet nnd n sliadi onslerj .No. a tuiMMi , cash , rw'acj Deocmlicr , i'J'ic ' ; Janiiarx. . ( . ! ( ; I'ebrmin , : i. ' < e ; .May , U4i\ OiilflDull nnd > tmd > ; Xo. 'J nil Mil , cash uud Dmmberjrc ; .May , , ilo. live Sieinlv al ' 'Se. hard Soiultml st & 10.00. 1'oik - .Sternly and niichaneoil nt S. > .sOiVC ( > . Hiitli'i1 Stindjmil unehuiieil ; cro.inieiv , 3\i Udnlr : > , Hif-tv. Am IIXOIIN HIM HHWlieat. . linn and hlirhi-r. ( Virn siwuly and lirm ; udMiiieed O.its , a slmdo butter. l , Div.tSl. Wheat Siijmlj tr' new No. iJ winter und sprinjj steadj at 7s Klour UoUlers olTer freely al s.s "Jd. Coin Supply Rood , dull ; spot , -Is s < l ; DeIs cember , Is ul ; January and J-'ebi nary , Is Totr-ilo , ive. sn.-'NVIicat-Closed llrmcr ; cash , UliiffrfniK , , . . Coin MiMily ; cish and year , . .So. Oats -.Nesleeled ; cash , : u n , Kansas Olty , Dec. J.i.WhrnlWeak Mow OrUmm , Dec. 4. ? . Corn-Dull and lower ; white , 4 lo ; mixed , -He ; yellow , I.V. Oats Unchanged. C'oinmeal L nclinnired. Ilo. ; I'luducis Und and tlrooping ; pork , Hulk'.Meats"Shoulders , 53.7. ; long cliar nnd clear lib , sj.'i.l'i ) . New York. Dec. 3.1. Wlioat Opp'ictl weal ; and closed stronger : receipts , l.ion ; No. a nmlhwesl. ! tH4'e ; No.'J ictl , mmriml tt.'e. In ciPMitui ; .Ian inn j clnsliu ; at t'le ' Coin Spot lowci and fairly ncthe : options opened weak and closed mm ; icccipK ll > 4- Ouilj cM'nits ' , 21 i.unii ; ungraded. 41i.-Ilip . ; No. ; ; , i : > , p ; Xo. a , J .yridi' in cle- dor. .iii c allo.it ; 1'ihruary closing at ) se. Oils -Lower a-id dull : receipts , ti ; OIK ) ; expoits , l.V : mixed \\cstern , illyi 5V ; wiuto western. ! ! * ( ' < Hie. Petioleuin Klrai ; united closed at Ssiv ( > , J ris Quiet ; iiveipt.s , l.Vn ) packages I'oilc ( jiiiet nl SIO..V ) tor now mess ; -I..05 lor wesloin laiiilly IIICHM , 1udHigher mid active : western cteam for expoit.ii. . : ) : Januaiy , MV.\ < < : .i. Hutter-verv linn , willi lull demand ; \\i-bt- crn. l.'ii' " ! * ' : Klgin creameiy. fliti-iv. Cheese < } uiet and very nrm , No. 1 haul , c.isii tind December. SHi'jc ' : .l.ui- iiary. ( He , Kcimun , ! tte ; .M.iy , ' , < ; N ) . I noiihcrii , Dei-ember. sijc | ; .Innnarj , .NJC ; ] 'ebruir ) , 'GV : Jlay , ( II1 , e. " 'loiir-Quiet ; p.itents" Sl.'Citffi'i.lO ; b.ikei'3 , * ' liecelpts'-Whr-at , 75,0,11 ; Hour ll"i. Shipments Wheat , iaOJU ; Hour , pj.ooo. Mlhvnukec , Deo. a.l. Wlus.it . Kasy : ensh. s. ) 4c : .laiiuary , sic ; May , l'04e. ' ' Corn-Dull ; N'o. U , : ttl'ie. O.its Dull ; No. ' . ' , are. iJje Quiol : N'o. 1 , Wo'e. Jl.uley-Dull ; No. a , "il ' 4e. Provisions Me.uly ; mess pork , c.isii , old , SS.tll ) ; new , sO.WJ. Ciiioiiinaii. Dec. 23. Wheat Heavy ; N'o. a led , iiliiut'Jc. ' Com Dull and heavy ; Xo. 3 mixed , ! tl@ ' " ( Jats Dull with ligid ilumand ; Xo. S mix ed. JiUQfSKc1. Kje Dull and unchaiigid ; Xo.'J , firic. H.iiley Steady ; extra N'o. y spilug , Ol@ OOe Pork Dull at SlO.no. l.ard Quiet at s.V.niC.OO. V'hiak > Firm at SI. 10. I IilVK STOCK. Cliieago , Dec. ! i. ! . The Dioveis' .fournal 4 * rcpoits : ? J Cattle Iteccipts , fi.OOO : .slcaily ; shipping steer- , i.-JUv' < B 4U ; stockers and ti-edi'i-s , dull at ! > a.aKu > l.uu ; uown , litills and iiiiM'd , SI..10 ( l.iA ) ; bTdk , sa.tr > < : ! . ( ! ' ) ; tliiouuh Texas cat tle , cows , S' . ' . IOV : ! , ( W : steers , { vifOif l.Ui ) . Hogs Kivcijus , 'J-KO ( : ojiened stioiu closed weak ; loiiifh and mixed , -.i 1 ' iii.1- packing and shippin r. l.tn 1 0 ; li ht , 5J.lt ) l ! < .7) ) ; skips , v- . . o ! l Id. hhi'i'ii lleccipls , H IO1) ; steady ; natives , S1.7.\n-l.H ( ) ; westeiu , k . i- > > < > > . Tox.ms , S1.7.X'JO ; lambs , i..j0 y ! . ; . " > . Kaiisus City , Dee. SI. Cattle liccnipls , .Tj'J ' ; shiiments | , none ; best gi.ides sliong ; commoii cows m lanrc supply and not wanted ; cxpoitcrs , jjS.tluiuVJ > ; common to choice siiipiniiK , fj.'i.h.'iiii l.s'i ; stm IITS und leedeis , 8 ' . 'fn'-i.lR ; cows , S-.OOiitl.i'i. ! Jlo.s Hei'cipls , H.OJl ) ; shipments. SOO ; slcud.x : good lo choice , 5J..Vifc03 ? ) ( ; eommon lo inediniii , . - : ' . . ' ( . ; . . ( sheep IfeiL-ijits , JlOO : shipments , 200 ; iiuiet ; common to good , cd.-'Hii'j.UJ. ' ' Hi. Jjoiiih , Den. ay. Cattlu Kecelnts , " " ' ai'tivu nnd IRc sliipments'JCO ; hfglior : ox poll steei s , jr.'i.i 0 ( < VJ. ; common to MOOU shipping , SI.OOii : Imlelieiin steeis3 { S > ( ij'i. " . ; common to fjood co\\tt .A > in . < 0 ; leiders , Sli.WHal. .OU ; btoolieis , tl'Ha. ' . I.U5 , clo.sinv ; linn. HOJS Kecelnts , r.m ; shipments , 2/)3 : ) ; active nnd fifrlto ( ( higher , elosm stioiiK | biitcliei's' and best liemv , c-Uor.i.s.1 : ( ) ; ml.xi.-d packing , t-'l.l'i'uli.iri ' ; biiht , XJ. lOur.l.lW. hiheup Kt'ceijits , < MI ; shipments , 70S ; maiUct linn on good .ihccp , ijiiiotuncounmiii , O3i MIA iii visrorjic. . \Vednesday \ KvenliiK , Dee. 2.1. As the holidios njiiroach ] business In thu livestocl ! nuiilal becomes slack. The 10- celnts id entile ( ontiiiuo biuall and the mar ket i.s slow , 'Ihehov imiiKcl wu.s mmeiict- Ivo to-day and sales wcio imtdeul u bi-Her li < - me. The icccipts me not lunninjj as heuvy iwl , isl uouk. I'oorto ( lood to .Minliiiin. ICMiu , Ibs and over . * : t ViOS \ I r. 03 iijUi&i'JOJ : ' ; i7.i 15 i r.ui r ' lauj , < siBO : a 7-X'ti i'i I1 eeders , : i 10 : i w ) LiiiiKsToxans j 7-5 : i ou \Vcstmii Kim ; on. . . . i nn i < : ! 'J"i a r/iMi oij Null vo Cows. . . . . . . . . . it id U'e-stoin Cow.s Hulls 1 0" ) ! ) 15 n no nor Heavy Packing , a -r ii r ) aai altip ! ) . , . . . ? . . . . . M 75 juu'iii ; rows. S'o , Av , 1'r. No. A v. 1'r. in fca.m 10. . loyj ; saw ino : i.oo noris , S'o. Av. I'r. Xo. Av. Pr. Ill | -i ji.5 ; W . . . . 2M ) S3.15 us aia : i , ; v < { i . . . . ji.i ' ffi avi ! ! . : Ji 5 ! . . . . SI'J Oi -01 il.1'ili 67. . . . ; ji7 Kt ti'ti Jl'i.'JiI ! ' . . . . i asr . ; ii ( ii. . . . UK ) IX ! > OI ! l1 ! ! f-fl. . . . U.IU HA.s'cii ; or i'iiins : t'oii nous. Thouxtruiiiuhiiigu of priom for nise.il , ii.ickmg and slippiu' : < and \ei'htlmii > fornix ' sliowu below : It m 'li Ilo ivy "l l.i fit Date. \lixuil , Pacliin , ' . I Weights Bi.-iii.l.i : : rimriiday i.lUllil.li . . I'uosdav. . . Ji.10ctK.tiO IIIIIIII.SI' AMI I.OW'iHl' : . Showing the hliflitikt und Io woi-t j.Hcos paid in this pmikot lor lie r ; litliiiu the veu day * anvi ' < thu ouiroapinidlii timu November. / ' iVwlnusd y rttureilay 'ilday ( < -I.40 lattuday doiiday I'licMluy \cdnosda > . J ! i.Vj i . | .WJ _ _ Note Vllb.ilo.sof filoek In this market aio ii.uk' pel i-wt , live \u-iilit , iiuhns othciwlso ' Dead lie 'd boll at lu lur lb , tor ull