Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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rdmied li > mitinIn nz.j
Hunt } if ntt i et „ . . ; , .
HjY.'tiT.Tox , - Manager.
Iipiter , tlif tailor , for winter good" .
'I'mof every 1-iiou ii kind ulifn ] ) nt tin1
JMncflci Mu iu
I.mlios rciiioiiilii t the sale of i-iir-
tniili nt Mtrkiii' : " UrolheiV lo iiy. ! :
A beautiful souvenir is uiyun wllh all
imrelinses at the Mueller Miisie company.
Itiolunil Maker , "ToViR.1' has lieen in-
ilic'letl fitrauilt : vutli Intent to commit
Vti i < ntxill Imj a holiday pro ent nl
Ilio Mueller Music company as will $ oOO.
1'ine ; olil find " > il\or toilut cts en
tirely nexv anil noM'l at tin1 .Mueller Mu > iu
I'liish pietnro franio , nlbitiiH. oto. ,
rhcait at tlio Mueller Mu ie company , No.
KW.Miiili street.
I'ennlt to marry was yesterday pxcn
to llaiis Iliinsen anil Anna l'i utlerick
Hanscii , lull ) of Persia.
Tiiijron anilvooileu IOJN. Toys of
r erj itinii at tlio Mueller Music com
pany , No. KM Main "licet.
Do not fall \Niltlio jewel Iry store of
( ' 1 ! . .lac < | iicniiin As Co.vhilo making
jour holiday M'loctions
Turkiys , eliickone , oysters , ele. , etc ,
at Taj lor Calcf's grocery , coiner 1'ifth
avenue and Tenth stieet.
K\lru line tallies' work baskets lined ev-
iiiisiteli | must he 'old to-day or tomorrow
row at the Mueller Minic company.
Choice mixed eamlics lie ! } per pound at
Taylor & Calef's groeor. > , corner l-'ifth
iiM-iiiie and Tenth sticut.
Tlio team of mules stolen in Omaha : i
few ( Ia.\s njco Inno boon recovered in
llnrriinn enmity , and the man arrested.
Is there anything , \ou'd like , from a
paper of mm to an elegant silk dress or a
line cloak ? Ifo , call on Kiscman , Hodda
A : I'o.
Tlio largest ami fjrenloMliow of holiday -
day Joys e\er MM-II here at the Mueller
Music company. A souvenir \\ith \ each
The sale of dry goods continues at
Ilarknrss Brothers. " They are M'lliiifj
oul and oll'er excellent opp'wtunities for
Tlien > still remains n lar j number of
\ery handsiuiic , : ipi > iopnate and aeecnta-
lile proM'iils at C. li.flacipiermiu & Co.'i
jom'lry store. .
If thai $1.10 had been used in liYet
cluaniii' ; it would luno suited the public
better tlian in sending the mayor to Dos
MO'IIKM for a day.
In thejlistriet court llm cas-e of A. 1" .
IVem-h against. Keel , is bdiiff tried. It is
a claim lor dainn es lorron < rfully at-
tiii'liin < * a f-loek ol floods.
Ye-lerday afternoon Jnstieo Scliur/
tied the knot making ; Mitchell Hayes and
Christiana. Ij. Olosoii husband and x\.ifo.
The.s x\ere both from Chicago.
Arrangements are beiiifj made by
Omaha narlies lo n-e a blaekboanl in Per-
epoj' V Aloore's ictail store for bulletin
market reports every live minutes.
A three story building Mocked with
Christmas to.\s , dolls , games , musical in
struments , oigans and thousands of .suit
able holiday goods at Mueller MiLsie
company , Iso. JJ ( ) Main .street.
The Mueller Musie company is distrib
uting among its palions a beuatifill holi-
da. } , .souvenir , in the term of a sheet of
music , "thick 1'"wait / . It has a
boautjfully illumined title page.
The saloon row al Sioux City in which
Jew. } liilchie was mixed up ha * , been dis
posed of , o far as he is conecrned , by his
pa. } ing a line of $25 and eosts. He ex
pects to arrive home to-day.
The report published by some of the
papers ol tln > city that the Western house
is in liuaucial trouble does an injustice to
the management of that hotel. It bcems
that another hotel , in another part of the
city got into some Mieli trouble , but not
the \VoMtirn.
Freddii ( Jerstenberg is still in the city
jail , and has concluded he might iib well
work out his line before be. has a trial.
Ho is therefore amusing himself carrying
epal and doing janitor work , about the
city buildings.
Jl is leained from a traveling man that
1'ort Kirklnnd Mas M-CH in Kauris City
t-oon after he disappeared with the bank
funds , and it is i thought that heent to
the Indian territory. It now f-eems that
he had fJGOO ! of llm mone.y \ \ illi him , the
rest being lost by sjieeulations some time
A trunk filled with book's anil clothing ,
was found about two weeks ago under a
bridge near Slewait'H packing hoiiiO it
had been stolen fiom a fi eight car on the
Norllwcitern railway. Jl has been
learned that the property belongs to 1) .
\V. ConiMock , of .S.irgenl IHufls , and it
was front to him yesterday.
The family rrf John S. frot/pr ! , general
agent , for the Grand Je Tour I'lon com
pany , lesidingon I'ierco MreetA\ho were
jioi.soned the other evcniii" ' by eating
Ijologna , are coming out nil light. Dr.
V. } ' . JJellmger , who attended thorn , re-
pints them as well again and over the
ell'eels of the poison.
Is llroadway paved ? Jt has been
thought so , and many property owners
Juno been paying their assessments on
that supposition , but with the riea of mud
it taken much faith to believe that them
are any stones laid in the street. In the
course of time the city may learn to cluin
its htrcots.
The Je.s ) Molue liegister , in speak
ing of tlio tied- ion of the .su-
pnrcmo ciirt ( in Dr. ( J ross1 caee ,
frays : "Thecrdiet as set aside on the
grounil that theie was two defective in-
htructioii'- , and aouu < oniU.sloiis of impor
tant tehtimony. The opinion Is \ cry volu
minions , or would bo gi\en in full. "
'l'h .show vtindows of ,1 , J. Jiliss' mil-
Jinery cMablishmenl attract inueli atten
tion by the luuitiful aitielca KI tastefully
airan'red. Ono w indow is tilled with ele
gant Imt.s ami bonnets ot the latest
Mylus. The other has an ail display ,
hand-painted novelties , delicate elegant
mtielos for the toilet and boudoir.
Pioparatory to the paving of J'earl
htreet next bpriug , Mr. Horace Kxorctl
lias contracted for a now htono curbing
along his block. It will be of the red
quai7. \ rock of Sioux Falls , the sumo ma
terial with which liroadway is jw\ed. If
it can be obtained at reasonable rales it
will supersede all other Mono , on account
ot' its durability.
C. It .laequomln & Co. , No. 27 Main
street , take pleasuie in announcing to
the public that their stock of articles , or
namental , ftylish and useful holiday
goodsis complete In each and every de
partment , and cordially invite everybody
to visit tlieir More , inspect their good * )
and compare prlcch. No trouble what
ever to filiow goods.
"Ves , to-morrow is Christmas , " f aid a
lady yeMerday. "No , it't , " ans\ycreil
her eoinpiuiion , "JCiienian , Jlodila & Co ,
told mo that if ( JhrNtimib was a week
further oil' they'd still liuvn enough line
dullb to last them. Vcu know they give
ouch purehaicr a handsome doll , and gra
cious sakcs alive , 1 really boliuvo that's
why the other Mores complain to about
imsmes. < r . and , alter taking her breath ,
she continued , "sueli elegant goods \\ern
never ueen here ns they now have , nnd
J'm going to buy baby n nlco jiresent at
I ho Peoples' Moro. "
Ciirlstmns pre euts at Homer's.
A Railway Engi < - Gets Pnlrt fora Maimed
A Poi-gpil cinlcifoi' ClotlihiR Mntrl-
monlnl 'Mi-IKs-Odief Nct _
Olcanlnis In unit About
I tic IHtifTH.
Wlial Ilic niiifTMOnioers Snr.
'Ihe "eiisal'onal talk nrou..ed iu Oninhn
over the Travi * ' - " . < lias caused sfime re
vival of the talk which the ease at Ihe
lime caused in Council Minn's- Travis
was wanted here for rai-ing a check of
Spetman k Urn. on the 1'irst .National
bank. Chief .skinner went to Omaha and
found Travis but the latter tried to com
mit suicide rather than "go to the pen , "
as he staled at Ihe time. He was badly
wounded , and was left in Omaha , the
ofllcor.s not deeming it best to move
him. The faet that ho was reloaded
caused much indignation here at the
time nnd ell'orts Were made to'.fie '
wl" ) Wftsnt fmiil. i > 'o\T that the matter
has been brought up in another phase
among the Omaha ofllcers , inquiry among
the Council Hlull's officers corroborates
the sialemenls made by the Iti.E nt that
time. They still iusi t that the reason
Travis was not brought over hero vyas
that his condition did not warrant moving
him. Il is tiMe , us Marshal Cummmgs
.states , that the ollleci's hero sent him no
word. They say they were waiting for
some word from him , as they understood
llm Omaha ollicers would give notice
when Travis was able to travel.
They claim thai instead of being telephoned -
phoned several times lo come after
Travis , but one telephone message
was received That was about 1 1 o'clock ,
four da.vs afler the arrest , 'flic city mar
shal received this m 'Ssugo to the ellecl
that the Council HlulVsnlhccrs must come
after Travis or he would be turned loose.
The warrant by this time was in the
hands of Deputy Sherill'Clatterbuck , and
by the time the 'marshal had notilicd the
chief ol police and the chief hail told
Clalterbiick it was in the middle of the
afternoon. lie went to Omaha at once
on getting the word , but Travis bad been
set free 'flic parties hero familiar with
the matter at the time were quite indig
nant about it , feeling that there had been
bungling work , and that some one. had
been grossly lo blame. There was talk
on the pait of the bank olVii ials of taking
.some definite action to Iithe rcsponsi-
bilitv of Trav is' escape on the righl par
ties nut tin1 affair blew over. The ollieers
hero claim that they were not to blame ,
but that the Omaha ollieers wore the
ones. Those who are knowing to the de
tails , however , do not take any stock in
the talk about bribery , but &eem to think
il was mere bungling.
'I'he liucit fringes , foot re ts and fancy
chenille ( lowers for fancy work at h.
Slockerl & Co.'s , N'o. I)0t ) ! liroadway.
IJeno has tailor made suits for all bbcs
of men and always at the lowest prices.
A handsome present lo your wife an
insurance policy on your life. Forrest
Smith has the most desirable companies
to insure with.
'flic only grocery in the Fouilh ward
IV Main hireet or Broadway is Taylor &
C'alet's , No. Mi Fifth avenue , corner
Tenth street ( the old Welsh stand ) , where
everything in the grocery and provision
line can be found and at prices as low as
any grocery in the city.
Heavy Damages Awardcil.
The jury in the ease of Knapp against
the Sioux City & Pacific railway company
lias brought in n verdict giving the plain-
lift" fO.fiOO. This is the largest verdict
given hero in a damage cabo in many
years. Knapp was an engineer on that
road , and met with an accident , which he
claims was caused by the ties being rot
ten , tlio rails spreading and letting part
of the train oil' the rails. In reversing his
engine hurriedly to prevent : i wreck he
had his right arm badly injured , and it
will never again be of any special use to
him. He has been incapacitated fiom
following hi.s trade as an engineer , and
with no capital with which to live and
being until for manual labor or clerical
work , ho set his damages at 5.10,000.
When the case came on jor trial the
judge took it away Irom the jury. ( Knapp
appealed to the .supreme court and it was
sent back. Now it has been tried , and
the result is as stated.
Itnap ] ) has had a hard , long struggle.
Without means or strength to earn them ,
he has had such a light as only a man
realises who has only poverty with which
to contend against a monied corporation.
It is said that he even went at the tedious
and by no means prolitable work" of pick
ing cranberries , with liis left hand , weari-
Ij earning dime after dime , with which
to hceiue the money for paying for the
printing of briefs and arguments , his at
torneys having advanced some of the
> you
"I haven't heard what it was. What is
it ? "
"The jury has given yon $0,000. "
I'he news seemed to bo almost too good
to 1)0 ) believed , after Mich it long , hard
.struggle. For a moment he .seemed not
to laiovv what to say. Tno tears came
into his eyes , and his ifrst words were his
honest avowal that ho would never for
get the kindness of his attorney , who had
worked so yealoiiily , and watched hi.s in
terests as though those of a brother.
As Dm colonel turned away , his own
eyes were not altogether froc fiom damp
ness , and as the met a brother attorney at
the entrance to the court room , ho lion-
eslly remarked , "There nro ntler all ,
some compensations in tlio profession , be
tides the mere money. "
A fine Christmas present a pair of
gloves such as IJcno bells.
Uest coal and wood in the city at ( ! lea-
son's , 2U Pearl street.
Having put in a complete now stock of
clothing , furnishing good * , hats , caps ,
etc , Fox. A : Hughes , No. 1115 Main street ,
invite llm public to givn them a trial.
Their expenses are small and they can
and do sell cheap ,
Cottngo ranges , ( inrland Moves , Itu-
dianl Homes and Hub healers of the very
latest patterns nt bed reek prices , at
Cooper & ftlcdcoV , No.II Main street.
Tiy John Templeton's "Hoso" cigar.
Queered ! > > ( ho Quill.
Marshal .Sells , of Neola , arrived hero
jesterday wilh a prisoner named K Ii.
Kan , who is charged with foigoey. Hau
formerly lived hero , and run a switch en
gine for a DHU When hero hu was looked
on with j-omo suspicion by the police , and
is said to have been involved in .some
dilliculllcs , Now ho has a acrioiii charge
to meet. About throw months ago he
wont to work for a farmer named 11. 0.
Kiwi living near Neola. Monday he
came Into llemington llros' , store and
presented an order , purporting to bo
signed 1) ) Ids employer. Mr. lUco , re-
tlue.-Un ' the firm lo let him have clothing
lo the amount of about ? V ) He nmde
the ekction , an o\ereoat , new
. < -uit , pair of overall * , \\ampiiN two
silk hnndkcrchiifs and omc small
articles bring in the li t He placed the
purtha os in a sack and Mailed ofl'in the
direction of Mr Hicp's home 'I he lirm
getting suspicion' , compared ( be signi ;
lure on the order with .1 genuine signa
ture of Mr. Htee's. and liie forgery be
coming apparent. Marshal Sells at once
Mm led after Iau ! The } oung man , after
going a wajs towards Mr. Jtiee's fnv.,1 ,
liad changed his coiir < o , naas ; ap
parently "triking y.n for home othci1
point when i ! . oflli er came in sight
The jus ; shftl had rnite | a chase after him ,
! iut finally got near enough to bring a
gun to bear , and uith a threat to shoot
brought him to a Mandrill. The fcllmv
had lint on nmM of ( be new clothes' , but
bad left ( lie n\eralls. the \\ampu and his
old dollies in the viek. bitr.eil in .some
.snow by the \ uirid < > He was liroiighl
here and bulged in jail , while the grand
jury is examining the ea e.
r.xtra heavy underwear al lieno's.
Ladies and gents get a ticket to the
grand drawing on January 1 , with every
" 5 cents worth of goods purchased of
Arthur Lefkovitwt : llroadway. The
choicest candle * , California fruit * , nuts ,
cigars , etc. , always on hand.
Ho ure and ask } our grocer for tin-
bread made at Smith iV : Loerkc's bakerj ,
Xo. 02 ! ) Main street It is the \ei'i best
made. Try it aifd be convinced.
1'or evorj thing in the grocery line give
the new linn of Kint/ : Ivleeb ,'
\\i\y \ , a trial Jlver.vthinft new and iic"li.
Fancy groceries : \ specially.
Warm ins or Cnsli ,
The saloon licenses for December come
in so\\ly. | About twenty delinquents are
holding oil' , mo-it of them belonging to
the saloon men's association. The new
arrangement , by which after the IDIh of
each month delinquents must pay $10 ,
eitncr in cash or city warrants , lias not
gone into eflcct , so there is no special
penult ; incurred in delay. In fact there
seems to be some advantage under Ihe
present muddled controversy between
the court and council. The judge holds
that while he cannot take anything but
cash for lines or license * , yet for security
for appearance he can lake any satisfac
lory bonds or guarantee. When a saloon
man is brought before him on the charge
of neglecting to lake out a license , he
claims that if the man chooses to pill up
cili warrants as security for his appear
ance for trial , he can accept them , and if
the mini fails to appear , tins security is
forleited In this way the saloon inen
have sought to pay their licenses m war
rants. i'cihaps this is what they are
wailing for. if they iiay tlieir license ,
they must pay eas-h. If arrested , they
get a continuance , put up warrants lor
their appearance , and these aie lorlcited.
That cuds the mailer.
Umbrella.s for Christmas piesenl- > ill
ISeno'.s. _
For hardwaio and hon o furnishing get
prices of Cooper it MeGce , Xo. 11 Main
For first class .Missouri wood call on
Gleason at his coal ollice , 2i ( J'eail street
The electric belt of Judd & Smith , " 0
Fourth street , Council Hlull's , positively
cures rheumatism , nemalgia , dyspepsia ,
) iles paralysis , indigestion , fits , eolu
'eel , nervousness , headache , kidney and
liver complaints , lo s of vitality , lead
poisoning , lack of nerve force anil \ igor ,
wasting weakness of those diseases of a
personal nature in m . 'e ' and female.
AVcarieil of Matrimony.
Adolph DocrllingcT has commenced
divorce proceedings lo free him.-elf from
the bonds which hold him as the husband
of Augusta Doerllinger. The petition
states that ho was married to her in St.
Louis , in 18 ? : ' . For four years past Mie
lias been indulging so freely in drink as
lo unlit her for her duties as a wile and
mother , and it is charged thai in October
last she skipped out with another man ,
Ferdinand \ \ eilcr. Mr. Doerllinger .stales
that he bus heard noting from her since ,
nnd he wants to be set free altogether.
The request will be considered at the
next ternrof the circuit court.
Another misfit couple creep into court ,
the title of the case being IVarlell J. Fer
ris against Kdvuird Ferris. She was mar
ried to him in the spring of 1K31 , and in
July , so the petition Mates , he was ar
rested for a felony nnd .sent lo the peni
tentiary of Dakota , where be is now
sen ing out his Bcnlenee. She makes this
the giound for asking for nmlrimonial
Weeklies , a large assortment to select
fiom for Christmas al Heno's ,
Hos iery or ladies and gents cheap nl
Christmas is only a few days oft' and
presents are being f-cleeted last. A low
e.xlra line rattan rocking chair.s fiom § )
ninvaid at A. J. Mandel's
Corn it Abstracts of Title and Koal KS.
late Loans at MeMalion ! c CoV , No. 1
1'earl street.
The services of Sunday last will long bo
ivnu inhered by both pastor and members
of the Scandinavian liaplist church , of
his city , \\lio , for the first time were per
mitted to worship in tlieir now church
juilditig , corner of Seventh avenue and
Seventh htrcol In the evening the church
was lillul to its ulmosl capacity , and at
: ho olosii of the sermon the beautiful and
inprossivc ordinance of baptism was ad
ministered. This church society lias
struggled long and hard to secure anew
nnd eomfoi table ulaec of worship , amil
is not to lie wondered at that tnc\ , feel
proud of the success of their ellbiU. They
moril encouragement and Mibttanthil
lielp in dealing the church from nil debt.
Jli-s Jnddiv Smiths Kleclro-Mugnctlo
insoles. Only liftv cents , NoiOFouith !
street , Council JUiifl's , JQWU. Aifenls
Tea iTackuls al llcno's.
Substiintial abatrac-is of tillo nnd ical
cstateloans. J.V. . , \ K. L. Squire , 101
I'earl Ureet.
Fine lailir ' hanil bags at
J. S. Standcford nnd wife liayo gen > to
Kansas City lo sjwiul thu holidays.
Col. ( lalii.-lm I'.trsoiiSj a prominent at
torney of DCS Moines , is attending court
C. T. Smith , of Cedar Hapids , i in the
city the guest ot his Iriend Jrsi Copron
of the Ogdcn house.
Scth Hasting' , an old Kansas City cou
due-tor , but now iigent of the pool lines at
1'eoria , 111 , is in the cily.
Joseph bliea , the county nlork , now has
a happv smilu on his tttee , and tells his
friendshe IKIK a little girl baby at home
J. 0. McMullcn , yard maMcr of the
Chk-ago. Hurlington iJuiney road at
Pncltio .Junction , was hi the oitv yoMcr-
William G. Hilcliie , the farmer and
stock raise" of Crescent , was in the city
Lieutenant Hugh (5ulliigher ( , who is
stationed al Foil Lewis , Colorado , is
home nn a furlough II Is reported tl : U
when ho letfflns id's chj will lo.on" f
ils mosl h'ghl } nccotnpINhed and popnlai
young Indies ,
Mr Frank Dole/al , an attorney of Fro
mont. N > b , was in the citj u\sterdny en
route homo from n buine s trip in thi'
Capt. Hoyt , of Minncniiolls , is attend
ing court here , and w Idle attending i : :
legal duties is afforded some o'rj..rnmit\
of greeting his main ; , M rricmls here.
W. ji. V. Slonre , tin- newly appointed
irficling ias < engei"igeiit ol tin ) Louis.
\ille tV Nashville railway , is in the city.
He is a son of the general passenger
C K Clnrk , mi attorney of Covington ,
ICy. , is in the city on legal bnslm M. Ii
almrds hint an opportunity also ol
visiting his old < cliool fiiend , Hau
Hunter , of the Nonpareil.
T. A Clark , locating engineer of ( he
'ulon Pacific railway , Ims returned home
lo thii cit.\ for the lii'-s | time ince Maicli
last , and will spend the holidii.vs here
lie was nccompanieil by his nephew , ( J
W.Clark , W.S. Palmer , Cr. W. Wells.
J. II. ( lould , ( J. W Melville , P. J ( Jalla-
gher and K. F. Ashton , all members of
the .surveying parly.
llii.N an overcoat of IJeno.
Gents' tine underwear at Hcno's1.
SiHicndcis ] for jiresciits at IJeno's
All kinds of interior draping" , cornice
poles , shades , ele , the very chcapeM in
the west at K. Slockert > v Co's.
Iluglics , who was shot by "tho major , "
had a bad hemmorrhagc Monday nielli
and was very weak ycsteiday , hLs condi-
liun being deemed critical.
The Cliafiii of Clii'lfitmnsttilc.
"It is marvellous , this charm of Christ
mas lime , dear , " rcuinrked a. lady to her
husband. "A e does not wither nor cus
tom stale its inllnile Jt is
earth's w inter time , but the glorious summer -
mer of the sou ] . While thu yule Ior
burns , the foe of selfishness , hatred , and
malice disam > earsiml ; charily , warm and
glowing , tills the heail We must warm
ourselves in IN radiant heat , for thu ashes
whiten soon enough "
"Mamma , " intearuptcd Hie ladv's- little
dantrhtor , "can I give Mary White u
Christmas' present * "
"Certainly not , " was the reply. " .She
gave you nothing last , \ear. "
.Small ios4 CIII-P.
During Ihe past lifly jear- the proprietor
torof IJranderth'o PillImvo received
thousands ol voluntary testimonials of
the wonderful cures etlecled by these
1'ills. They not only cine ihcnmatism ,
dyspepsia , piles , iliarrlurn , liver com-
] ilamt and all fevers , but. < ; rcatli prolong
the hiimun life. One or two at night on
an empty .stomach , for a week or two is
MI indent.
Chicago Lumber Co.
Wholesale mid retail Lumber , I.itth , .Shingles , Doois mid Itlinds. Polo agents for the
cclt'brnted Miulilcliciul Conconliatotl White
ime. i ? 1' . Jl vii'ONM.M. , Mamiecr.
Ti Icphor.e Xo. & .
No. ; 1(1 ( Mum
In Counci llluflb having
IPire Esoei/pe
And nil inonrin luitifoi cmvutE , call bells , flru
nlnitii bells , etc. , i&tho
i Nof . lj , "i ; and "I' ! , Mnln Sd-uut ,
5AX Jt OJ1X , 1'iopilctor
Nortliwestern Hotel.
Kcwlj fftted and ImnisliPd. Opp Jho.idway
Diuniiiv Uciiot. Sl.SOjiei d.iy.
L. II. innSHA\V. : Manager.
llanufactiucrsof all sl/caof
O IKIIOI ] for llutmlnir ,
Tubular and Loooinotivo JJoilois.
N"ov > - Alassillon T hraOuT : .
Carey and AVoodbury Horse I'owpv-1.
Porluble and Tractiun Engine- ,
I ntlory Jlu'-sjllon , 0. lirnach Uotise
f ) JO Pearl St. , Council Ulufls.
HAM I At iHtrii 4M > IHMI.l.II IN
No. 37Bioadwny , Council Blviffs.
Justice of the Peace.
Oflko Over Ami-i him nvpiej ? ,
1'iactlees In Sltit > aii < l IVileral CowK
Itoonib 7 , iiuli > Sniig.iil Itloek Jlciio.
Mo. 2i : , Main , 'jtieet , Council IHufl's.
Tailor !
NO. 7 and 9 MAIN STREET ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa
Christmas Present * Is the Botbu of thoMimls
of Nearly Sery One Nowadays ,
Wlin Will Head tlio
Will Surely rind Many Accept
able PwKMitM.
, -
' " tnllnlnr te'nnnnlltlcsnml
nfexcry | tii iul ( > il" cilpllon
and ill prices tlial jou can
oitt tobnx nt In the niHinmoth ealiitdish.
mt nl of Kiseimiii , Itodda .V Co.
Who e\er heard of
moic ftulialtle pu cul.
Kvcn n elm-'lo tlno linrn
liaiiilkciThiefsnlll I'o ao
crplalilclnuio .t miyonp mut It can bo lioupht
I'lieap at the I'vuplo g Sloio.
NPU murltlc * In till * line for
die" . An ) jouiur man imij
ri' l iissiiKil thai his li < st jrirl
lll appicelate one if Imnirlit
fioiu r.l riiiiin , Itodila. X t'o.
Vou liitow jour ttlfo
illliipluudiUcii line pall
i ol tl.esp , no mntti i If
> on On tiappt'ti to IniM-
pair or two of jrcod ones
nt home. Ton iticdlnok
no faithei tlian the I'm-
pies' SI Die tor the flnisl
> ] { < ts ami clienpoM piiccs ,
r\ A flue Hht'k Pllk TresN )
I ll \ rfI'attcin l con lilt'irdan
I IfVX I'lcminl HolidiiJ preletil.
mJ I WlJlJ Such prlcei Imvo m-vrr
" " * * * * * *
lieoiiollcred thu punllc ,
, mid not lon.irHM't an or-
i 1 I dinm.conimou . , meix-
_ fl f\ 1 O da.\ tltcfiinilil cost n ?
| | | | ! Iiiiiclia alnini1sonie < llk
Vfl V/ VVI O I 'HI mnv lost II selected
Irom Ihe Immciipc i.Uick
nf l'i omau , lloddii .V Co. s IVoplo * ' Store , who
has tlmlniKi'si ' stock uxorsi-cii In tht-McM.
ff A TTICJ Orp\ety coui-elvalile tjllo lor
JULJtJ.C9 licli uml p 10 r a I Ike ,
Can ho lound A "VVTIT * S"H pnrcliasen
at pilceH that J LJ.MJJ nt the Teoplt's'
Sloic ol Kltuimin , ItndUii \ Co. x i A "OVal
Everybody Knows Hint I'ms iun
! ijrnln coining Into Mvlo , u much
so us they wcii' ! " orM ! veari iivu.
Fors A nice set will bo ns line mill < : l -
( rnnl : i pri sent its nnj Iml ) mill , ok
I ( inuil it "ill lie I lie rmy ol all her
IVIeiiili to sco her In her lien tilr-i.
The Peoples' sinro IMS them nt
that luiiKo t > v en liulilca i n
1'or Iho million al tl o laipeM On
HOSE ( roods btoio in the vet Such n
stock Unit 1C yon -u'lv to count
them In the pair. It Mould take jon
until IHS ; t > timsli LOIIIII mr. Tlio
roil Tin ; piiccon lluo hosiery lor et'icr la-
Olpworgenld MX'ina to lie chraprr
than the i.iw pooili ( an lie
bought lor. Inn theio l ! < n small
. oousidcrnllou x\hcn HIP M/o ol
Ihe stock iscinislilereil ami II lie
conies knoivn that KNcinun.lto Ida . \ Co lioujrlil
tlio frooiN cheap mid me ( fix in-r their (
[ imjinsr
TiAAn OT HI 1-very Ilinifrlnnlilo
-n * nnn
KftfttQ KnOPQ ny'1' ' In linlies'men
DUUlO UL UllUCD miilihililKMis' limits
Hint slides I'O '
lound nt i > rii'o Iliat aiirpiise nil. Olio "holo
stuie ol thu nuiinniotli e > | alil ! > hliient f Iho
1'ooi'los' Moie , lidcvoti'd toiliU c'tUili
* i I.nilicshc \ \ \ \ \ \ biiits , no
S T3T T"C1 lin'tler wlnit sivle. sliupi1 or
1/f.JL LFKJ ent.Liiniiot help but nnil n
suit lo ] ipii'u | iuso | at
Eisoinan , Kodda & Go's.
liven one Knows u mulller Is u
Mufflers linnd ) IhliiB to li.lxe nliont the
houso. 'llit'v come Iu Slll > , Cashmere -
mere , VV'coj , Mciinu , ele. , unit
ate found in srical quiinliili.- tt'lcil liom at
the J'ooplcs' Storo.C3
] s ihcio a nnin , woniiui or
Eiseman rlilld iloi'-i nut Kniin , or
, lini novcr been imHeor tine
J of the larspsi if nut tin * \eiy
larjjoft ihy ( joods lunite in
Rodda Joui. : It is located nt the
conu'rof ltronilnn.\ mid Iliy-
itnt si , Council Illiifl , nn 1 i- <
. . culled Ilio 1'c'Oiili's'More , of
&A ! /l uhli'h Kiel-man , Itodila > V ( o ,
VJU mutliu piopnptoi" . It n 1
dojonr peed lo c.ill
and btje tholr Immcuso slock ex en ifou , ; dou t
liuj. They Innc plentj ot c lerl > to ulioiv you
aiound Mint ( . ' \ei.\lhlnjr iina innhlo Is done lor
jour I'omloitliua iu tlioii tnilj immciicu
You can Ilntl nnythlirr and
For Children rS Ililni ; Unit Is u-eil liy
at IjM'imiu , Itotldn > V
CO.'F. TaUe jour ctuldion
there nnd 111 them out in nny aitkle . .1011Wi. .
Vou'll lie pleaded willi ionr sult'i-llntH. .uut the
inices they luaKo jon , iitliev Imvo an us oil *
mont of I inn ( joodN usa \ \ ai the tlif.ipi1 ? !
K00 ( ] < to lie lounil.
< 1l1 ( diy liy pnirliasiiipoverslHxii
r inliliLT bools at the I'Lople' . "
Moie. ; TI in If xou liecomo ( in d ol
ki Vnil I irOflL lo'iUlliK : ovur the Km ls
lUU IIHjU , ' " , Mimll MOICS to nud
Hhat .MIH xuuit , icmi'ia-
lior that ; iin. ! 1IS and ' ) ' - ' < ) llioadway , Council
Illnllh , tlio Pioplet * Sloie , jou tan linil on
some imo lloor ol the iimnpii o c < ialil-hin ! nl
lii \\luit t xou mo looKhiff Inr. nnd Di c'iiuui ,
lliMliluCo. . haxo tlioHock mid vmicty to M'-
left fiom.
The cold noatlici conilnp ; fo late
Underwear found the Hloi-Ic of undemcar
lor : either te.v filled up nt KIM *
man , Itoddn .V Co. The hloi-U is
i-o Unfio llml II mud IID rcilm-L-d , nnd that at
> ncoil at all. They cannot mloid to cuirj It
ixor till next M'nson , II iliey hnxo to lee o
money l > j bflllnjr II mm. Tliciy mo not Pt'llin r
ml , conseqiMinlU' unlit Imvo the loom Inr
nlll milvo Iu Jaiiuat } uo\t.
The Cheapest Red Flannel in the
West is to be found in the Peoples' '
No &loro In ( lie oU \cr Inif
> lnnMi us line nnil lur e a llncol
irmmonl > lib tlio l'i oplcs' Hloir II.IH
i Ills M'aon , They ha\o noiy a
niicli Inrifi r.sloi.'l.s on limiil tlimi all Ilio otlur
louses heiecomluned emi slum , mill nt puns
llitil t-rciiis lnii--llilt' | ) ! , but it IK u I net , and to lie
com meed jrlve them u call. Von can Imj a
clouU or any Undo ! n map ol ( lit m , andean
low Kct rnoio value lor join money In this Imo
him ever linloio lor this I".IMIII , ihut if they
entry llii'inoirtill ' next so.i in II ulll nuulio
oiio-hulf of a tloor lo > loio ihcni In , mid I ; ao-
nau , lloddai. I'o. can t upaio the space.
Muslins , Illeaclifil am ) I'uhU iuht d
can lie lound at llio 1'L'tipluH' Plme ,
lilijmi iMticn Ihal t\ould Fiipjilj u
hniidieil iimtll floros. The > u.u
Vi i , V.letnnui , rioddu & Co. liax c IM- v.HI us oxciyllliif clse.mid
Ihej irUctliiMii nwiiy with ovoiy pui-
clniMMil riOJanil UjMMiiMi Vinioiu
taUo join iliolre ( it liuiuli-omo Ijiiltlr- , homely
lialili-i. , nt'li lialtliw , lilomlcs. In uiu'ttcs ' , or x
over sljlion Iam-y. Tlu- > cost ) on iiotlilnjj ;
ami aiosin away ,
ami Dlrtu In all the h adliior
dim ruliy imlllnttmetol - lounil
In ali BI/I-S m iiFoim : < u.
llodilu V ' . b I'fop'i'a ' *
Muic \l o all otlur
l.iii.I * ol hosn lor men ,
lio\s , hullcci.trlrls , and tin tniiilH t lml > lo- > ,
' ' ' '
. iom
; %
s jou can PC ueiiie IN l lo * ' bloro.
i.loviaaio i. v s illiiff rnjil '
bin iuin iluuniiiQiiw fell" *
inu : l'i 11 uii. li'wida < v i o
1.1 I | > U . . 1 I I : ' J tjll I I Ij
ry s
IJI : s
Still continues. Immense
Our stock is complete iu cloaUs cut is vapidlv dhninisliiiitr. Take their
while you ; the opportunity will not be oilorod lone. Komi'inber the place
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
Chicao Water Mor Co.
.i DI : Yi.nor.N .ST
i furninheil from hydiam picsfiiic for
.ill liinds of IlKln mnchlncrv. Apodal
attdilion , | vi-a lo cliiui'li i DIHII blow ins. Wo
iun piinlinjr pio'siio nirat t-hoppi is. li-e t-jcam
I let /o ] , pnll'-hlntt' l.ilhi < , setting unu'liinoot" .
Mm licsl i huupi st nmtor made , frond lei ui-
culHf. Ju usi' ' in Council Itlullh U ) '
ili'e joliollun.
I'dcoA. i-'i-hiii.dt moat mil Kit.
( hleaKO.Mtat MmKol.
j/jFl/c-nilntliu'F - , Mc.ll
Smltli .V Mi-i ITS.
KnitKU'Oli.ut '
l , IsAlnin . Coiincll Illutr.s , lOHn.
1111 St. Oiiuiha.
1' . T. JlAM ! . A. S Jl 4/U.lo.s
P. T.Muune & Go ,
Real Estate Exchange
.Vi lilt1 i-IStiol , CoiUR'il IJ'uffs ' , Jo\n.
Dt-ali ra in Joun , Kniuu an-1 NibuiiUu I.amU
OMAHA A bra'JALTV. Khtiile bought aiul hold.
J. L Do BEV01SE , Agent.
No. W" llion.lrrnr. Co-inoll
H/ailway Time Tajle. ?
COt'NCIl , llI.t'Fr .
Tlit- following ' * "lo ' " < ' "r rn'ilval ancl
ili pin tin col tinins liy e < ntial fciiindiud iniirint
Ihu loLid dfpott. Tri.lni li-n\o ti.uicfur depot tun
mliinlc8 caillci nnd arrno tru nilniites later :
m i > iur. AIIIIIVK.
1 " 'IA
tniCK.o & on lll\Vll \ HllN.
n--iA.M . Mall and U\pic 6 . .Up. v.
.Accoimnoilalioii 4M' . ,
] ° -Ol' . M .
QiCUIMI . Kxpris-j U.U3 t. M.
1A M Mlllllllld i\pK68 :
5 . M ALi-oinmoU.ition . . .
ui' . M i\pii'i- : . . U:05 : . M.
. MII.WAI'KH ! A.T. . IMt'I ;
O.'O A. n. Mall mid llM'iwj. . Jj-1,1 M >
UWI' ; . H .Ilvtnivs . OKU A.M.
! l ; < OA M. MllllailJ i\ptf-S : hl-flH. M.
II.Uj. * . M.
llWr. : M. . . Uxpinw *
w\nAt-iihJ. i.'irii' > .
2:1.1i' : . M 1.01'iilbt. Louis Kii | ess Local . . .
, l.W i' . M Tiam-fi-rSi. l.oui-i lv.Triinmi : Ji ) > . n
IIASS < H ( IIV , SI. .Kit. S COI'M II. lIM'Ub
10UlA. : M -Mull mid llxprebs. ' ' * - '
. " . M.
11.051' . H C."JA.
hlOL'X UTV h I'M IIHL' .
7.11A.M .Sioux City Mail . . i-.nOp M.
h-t. J'aul K piofs . Hi'jA.u.
10.36 * . M Uiiinu Jlxpn'tf. . . . ' SI' . M.
: : : ! , ! p. ji .Mmolnl'n .Om. > V It. \ . ' , ' " . > I' . .
'tifrJj' . M. ( ) u-ilaml lUnri-i'i ' U.l.lA.M.
lll'UMV 'JIUINrilO OUAH * .
! . . IlluirB i.r. - : - -a , 1 ' ' , ) " ) -
l\M \ : II. m ; l : : ) --i.-M-i : W'I -i. . -n : -
Jl : 5 p. in. suiidii ) T i i ' ! > I'1' ' " " ' !
B Wi- ' .J fti Ij .10 I14.i | > in J.itito Uiii.iun
-0rj-7Yi-h..W-10. : ( 11. 0 H. m : I ' i-'UI-
; ( ) . > - 1 01f. . 0 i > 5 II I'1 ! m .Miirln- ' ! -i '
m U i i i 1 ' * J U ii. ' . II I' ' ) I'm
uo.s. orriccn , w. n. < t. t
; . Special < lvprt ( cin ( > nti < l such .a
, Fount ] , To I.onn , 1'or Sale , To Kent , Wants
Hoarding , etc , will l > o Inseitutl In tins column at
tlio low rnto of TKN CUNTrf 1'EU UNUfortUa
first itiGcrtion nuJ 1'IVK CKNTS 1'IIlt l.INi : for
each siiliinriucnt Insertion , f.t'uvo advcillse-
nienlsat our ollico , N'o. U 1'c.irl btiuct , near
I OS1rnekiiKc of uunipts etc . among thorn
JJ cliy win Xo MIC' , Mh.iK'n ) \ \ mi m tin it
. 1'niiJur lna e w Itli cllj tiliik.
I.I' . \ ( rood glil lor ycnornl lioiiso-
ivtiik. ( a'liit No. 1'D Temiiilleel. .
fno ISIl.'S i" Thu'c i-iioni ho is i. J5 ( , wid
-L not'hbiii hooil. is N. iiiiiniFin o ( ,
Foil lir.Nr V llncli liirnl-liol fiom 1001,1
No. ttl ! Vine tiei't.
IJUMC l.'CVr . \ nitoly luinitlif.l I'Diit iii.nii
J. ' ivilh or ttllliotii I'O.ud. Two itnikmi ,
pioluiu'd. No. . > .i ) I'iiit avoiine.
| /.UtM 1 ( Jll SAIil. AIM bm vii In if hold fron
J. IUO aeii's , C' ' ; miles goutlincst ol Umnliii. U
loom hoiiae.cxeollent well mid ciMmnlinriH. .
onii foi t'lclit hnisi , nno Tot ' . ' 'I ' co t * ; 11111 iniil
and wii on hiiii&us ; IOJ IICKM in tlinoiltj : i. . " > 'j ' l
Joiei noes. cDiionn ( toil , liliu-h ttiilnni , n-li ami
maple ; Kood oiihiud , apples , chillies , plum ; ! ,
Kiapcs mid ' mull limit. Noxcr I'.iilln ? nlork
niuer. It. I' . Ouil/rn , 5W lliouhuiy , Coun. il
Illnllti , Iowa.
WAN'JKI ) To buy all ( lie lltM-ila-mF"-0111 !
hand liousnlmlil Broods tlmi me oirrn-l fo
! e , as fuinltnro , curptts. s'ovos , ttn
ona nol Inning sTineu.v III . ( H h\xi \ Homlu
MHO llmu hj nol applying. A\l \ nihcis ui'l '
piompl atlenliim mid v ill be piild llm
. imnkct pili-is liy .V. .1. Mmi'it'l. ii" ! >
lliuiulu'il" , dealer ill mm nnd slrK'lly llnlcli ? <
eccnnil-lniuil Iniiiiliiri , etc. , nc.
' ' | tr.NT-At MtMulKi i A DB ,
No. 1 I'liiil snout.
ron s A ! . ! ; , i < uu JIKST on r\oiMNir. :
NO. KTor \ pain or lent , on veiy Ilioinl tcrini
Tlie Council Illull-i I'upur Mlllconiilftc ) , null
boardin ? lioiiiu uuil iliieu itciuj of
No , SO-A liiislni'ns piopoily In i
Chc'iokiio counlj , lo\m. will iniilo for i Lsi.n >
land ; . Value , alionl fl. < 4lO. r
No . ' A bcaiilllul ho mi in thu ton n of lluil
IHK' : , MHIx county , loun , foi Nclnai-ku. limd.
Viilno. J.I.MIO.
No 41 A ( tooil hiialiK'hs propnty nnd nlso A
Kood n ilili nco iuopi > rl } In tlio loun of ClieiiX'o
Mcl.ciui L'i'Uiit ) , III low down lei crt-liiji c , 'U '
i xcliani'o lei wc.i"in | land' .
No. IVJ-A KplenillO farm , x ll unpion 1iii )
ncici In Dlckinmn counly , Iowa , jonuni ? HID
loHilot' i-pilit I'nio , lor u cliuil n.iio
t'Ji prr twin
Nn. IU to IB"-Ale four Inpiovi'l ' fmnm m
I'hilllph county. ICiu 'H , eaoli Hill ) K himtll m
nimlnanro Tliccriullas nlll lie rxi liniiiful l < n
unliiciimlieit'dxilld In Nnlir.o'l'it.
No. Ill J if ) ucuHlu Holt loiinu , .S'-li. , ( in iy !
linpiiedal a MX ImiKMin. VVi IIIH lo oxolinn/o
t > T \\ia\u-it \ \ \ 1011111011111 Coinuil Illultrt , x.illli.ldtt
lor ci'tiil iinliii'iini'i ii'l Ktutsas T r cliu Uti
laiiil" Value , $ l"i.i'W. . . . , .
No. r.'mnil II Aii'liuM'lliiir hrauliful lninii
In Comiill Illullt , , nliluh iiuh paymvnii tull' ' uy
at n liiiiirnln. ,
.Nil M A liiaiitiful i.idiui him location in ! < > n.l
( | iv , Iowa , xvill ( XL'iiuiiiro lei xu-ttrn liniiH
Value , $ -lliM.
'I'lm Hliovu me only a few of our ppi-i'inl )
t-'iiln- . II xou'xi KOI anjlhliulo tu.d ui nil
01 x.ant IO'K II mi ) M.u or i. i n liaml > i > ,
YI rim i IK \V it hax' kociiil jriniil hloi I H l K'lorlt
ii"1"'uv ' ; M\iVr. \ ! :
, , , . ; ,
M. D.
B. BICE , . .
or nthor turn IIA MIIIDVO ! iii.n/ul
Ilio linlfe or di jwin , , o ! bl < y i ) ,
Ou-r tidily ) car ' pi ict cn | nxpur o.ior .
No. 11 I'cail hliicl , ( nun' il mulls.
.Main HI , Coiineil
in tlio ( ' . , K.iV ( ) . ; ( ' . , M.tV .St. I' . , ju
K. I. A I iiillnay depot
s ilie ilooi. nmv
Cousin : JJi',1NI AXJI VINJI'J
, . uml , uud lio.ud iiiur ! D.iblc
I alt * .