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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1885)
19 THE OMAHA DAILY BEK WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 23 , 1883. j ? mi A BALANCE TO THEIR CREDIT The State Board of Agriculture Summing Up State Fair PAYING OFF THE PEDAGOGUES. A Tl. A 51. Mrnncli 1 Hir Vortliwcsit Tlip Count ) TrpiisiiicitJlpit's lioiul -A Wilt of Knor In tjiiln Holitiniioii's ! Cusp. tniOM 1111' lll ! ' MNdllV Ill-til Vt.l At the mooting of the m magers of the .slate boaiil ot agriculture held at tlio Windsor hold veslerday. theie wore pies- cut , Messrs. 1'urnas , Howen , ( Jriunell ISaiker , Dinsmnre , llai-stow , Haitunn , Dunham , Melnljre , and .lonseii. The time was oecupied | irlnetptlly : in auditing small bills , about 1.100 being passed upon and allowed. No regular linanelal ic- port was made , it being the intention ot Treasurer Ilaitman to piospnt it in full at the annual meeting to be hel'l in Lincoln on the ltth ) of January. It was learned , liowevor , that them is about fS.DOO In bank to the credll of Iho board , bcsidis the f-.Ofm of state money ' which was pniil ovcrjuMenlaj. Agaiiis't this there will probably be claiiiisof $ J)00 ( ) to pa.v , including the piomiimis of the horlieultural society , lor which the boaid is responsible , u is estimated that a ck'ini ciedit balance ot B,0)0 ( ) will be shown at the Jannarv meeting. TlicpioloM against awarding the pii/e lor oil painting to Mr. Moss , ot Pawnee counts , on the ground that he was not a resident of the slate , WIIH consult red at length Jt was proven that MIISM. while tiauling about the eoiintiv moM of his lime , ( laimcd ! 1 n's' ' ' deuce in Pawnee county , voting and paj- ing taxes then' , and Iho boaid vol-d tliat the picmhiin be paid to bin : rvvi.NV ! oi r i in : iLAcuuts Warrants weie di awn by the auditor ye'teiday for the quartoily salaries of the teniheisat the state noimal school at Peru The total amount U * vM)0. ) mak ing an expense of .tll.-'OO a 3 car lor in- stiiictnrs * wages The qnarleil. > p-i\- ments made o-terdiy weie as follows Ccorge L Fainham , principal l , H. L. ( iranl , i ! ! ? . * ! , J McKen/ie. fil H.C , were taken down to Pom by Snpeiin- londent Jjne , who will attend iho an nual meeting of the normal boaid , and inspect the w oik on the addition to the building A M.W 1 ! .V M. 111TII. ! . Sometime last tall at tides ot incorpo ration of the dr.ind Island it Wyoming Centi il weie tiled with Sierotai.y Uog- gi n Y | anew batch ot 'papoi > n I itive lo this loadvveio icoeived They relate that the mcornoralois ol the coni- panviieCi \ \ Holdiege , J ( ! , Tailor , ( ' 1) ) Doiman , ( ' J HICCUP and P S J'ustis , and that the headquaiters Iiall be at ( iiand Island , Ihougli tlie light is re- eivi d lo i hange at an > lime lo any oilier tow n in thn state I'ho object is lo oper- ite a railroad Iioin ( irand Island noilli- west , thiough the counlios of Hall , Hntln- lo , Sliermini , Cnster , Blaine , Logan , C'hev ( nne , l > awi'H and Sioux to a point on ( lie Nebi iskn and U'voming line in .Sioux county with such brandies as mav bo ilcteimined upon. The capital ot the company is f7iill,000 ) ( , and the diiccloi's , who ecnsist of Messrs Iloldiegp , Ta\lor , , ( Jicene , Kiistis , Mactarland and MaHUilte | , aie niitlmri/cd to use the stock at par in paying lei constiiK lion , etc s\i.r or .sc iioni. i WDS To d iv the ollieials ot Hitchcock cnun- 1 y w ill oiler for .salo 10,000 acres of school rx lauds , the avciago value of which is ; ? ; ! TJ an aero. All lands not sold at $7 an aoio , or over , will be subject to lease On Iho'JSlh inst. 80,000 acics in Itrown toimty , appiaiieil at an average of $0 To , will lie put up at auction DOWN A CI.'OOK. Monday aftoi noon the police received a postal Irom KiugiV : Huflinan , of Friend , Kebiaska , stating lhat their jewelry store had been lobbed on Friday night , and ollering n reward ot 5-100 for tlio 10- covery of the goods In this pocket of the man Hoycc , anestcd for burghiii/.ing Hand's store Saturday night , was found an cypress ieccipt showing ho had ship ped a pat kago Iioin Hastings to Omaha hatuulav morning Ollicer Fowler suc ceeded in got ling Kovco to acknowledge Hint he haa pal in Omaha , and is now engaged in an effort lo inn the fellow down and Ibid out what became of the package shipped from Hasting ihcoi } is lhat Ho ce robbed ItiugiV Hull"- mnnS MOID , ent the swagloOmahn , anil then came to Lincoln to try his hand heic TIIASI : : 1:1.1 : : HIM ur. ' > . itoxu 'J'he bond of .Jacob Kockecounty tioas- nrer elect , lias been approved by the count v eoinmissioiiPis It itor the sum ol $ ; ioi.00 ) ( ) . and is signed by Kockc as piincipal , with thu following sureties I ) . It Meier and John K. < 'lark , oft the I ir Katioual bank , O. T. Hoggs ' and J. F . lIouU. ol the Lincoln Xalional bank.C. W Mo-hcr , of the Capitol National bunk , Homy Wittman , Fred Funke , Jacob /oh , Henry Vcith and JocphVitt - nitin In connection with this item the lfii : : man imistcall attention to the opin ion winch seems lo prevail with certain rountj employes than public documents lilcd with them become llieii pri vate propelly This was oxomplllicd .yoslprilay in the ease ot Conv mhssloiior Caldwell , who foi K > me un known reason sought to proven ! the pub lication of the names ol Uocke'.s bonds iiuin That ho was not succi-asfid was duo to ( lie fact that County Cleik McC'hiy nndcrstnnds his IMIMIIOSK and ignoring all handed out Hit , document when iibKcd loril A SI'.VV nil ! llOIIAttKUV Lnlo yesterday allernooii .Judge ISInson received a telegram Irom buiaior Man- ddivon annoiincing that Judge . \Iillor. of the L'uitid btatCM Hiijirejne comt , had gianted a wilt ol'cnoi in the case ol ( Juln Uohannon 'J hU will opciate as a htayot execution , and Hohannon will not lie hanged on the 1C hot" Jamnuy nu\t as .senteiici d Ilohannon'.scaso is a icinark- able one Ho wa > tried tor murder lor killing a man near Wnyctlj , in a dispute about the .spelling of the worn peddler , and lonviLlcil ot manslaughter. II.a umnsol obtained u now tiial which lesultt-d In a COIIVK lion formmdcr and acutunru u/duatlr Bo- hiinnon' > loiuiM'l them went before tlio r-upicmc coiiil of the stale and aiguid tlnil the .second conviction wan in viola- lion of ( he lon titution , which provide ? Unit no man can twice bo placed in joopaidj of his lifo for the snmo olVonsu , and lhat the .sentence on the .second trial could not legally o\cccd that on the first The comt held lhat a. new trial wiped out rll founur ones , and lo all intonls and purpose- trial di no\o. The case then went to the United states supreme comt wilh the result above stated. In talking with AttMiioy ( lonrial Lcoso ji'Stonlav nuiiiuii' ; tli.U olllei 1 umaikcdifa wift of ciTi r was issued he would mo\o at once to dismiss it and lonlhlent ho would bo f-iicecsflnl , as he had cariied the same point in /uiiuimnnii c.iso. TIM : ' Avn.troxiici : : Kino pioposals for Inking a lot well in Hie-s.ilt li.isin near this uilv wore con- .suleied by the boaid of public lands and buildings jcatci day aftcinoon. The bid- ilei.swcio' Patrick Howard and JohnT. Sullivan of WolNvilJo , N. V. Jo 'jh Jlunis of Lincoln , .lamcj U. U'ilhnl of Wayiip , Xnb , , J. O. Iluninhivj ofVill - ouglibv , Ohio , Thomas .Shaiiley of Hew t'iiy , 1'a , Hccvct- Wilson ot Urulford , 1'a. thr Diamond Prpspfttin company and ( lie Hullock Dinmond D-iU cnmpany of i IMC igo The bid of thp latti r , ? 1.,1-J3 , Wis the lowpst , and that of , Io cih Hnrns , ? 2iWK ) , tlie highest. The Uullock com- ran > " > s proposition was accepted and 'ommi ' sioner Scott aulliori/.cdto dosp a ronl met at once In Ilieir bid the Hullock pfiple ofler to bore the hole on the follow ing sf-ale of prices 1 nsl TiOOfcrt $ V.l" < > ne\t yojfeet , 5iVr5 , nr 2lfi f"1 f',10'1 ' , " " ! f'.o'11. tht'ii fin a rcdm lion of'lOO for every COO fpet boreil , making HIP price foi the hole , 2,000 feet deep , JlO.l.M Pa ) munis are to be made al the rate of 7"i ppr cpnt of the conliact price as fast as each 500 feet are bored , the icmaining W per cent lobe held by Ihe state until the job is finished. Full powei is given the boird to stop tlio work at any stage , and pay only for the actual number of feet bored. Mr Hullock , who Is now here , says he will begin work within sixty day * ' and expects to sink the well at the rate of ' . ' 00 lei-l a day. The hole will be boicd w lib a hollow diamond thill , ami the core , as lakcn nut , will hovv the various forma tions thiough which the drill passes A J.OVB riiAr wet u ) m. rrr.t ) . News- arrived here to-night that Hflie Davis and Charles Keith , both of this cit > , weie mariied at South Bend. In diaiia , lo day Tim bride is the daughter of A M Davis , the wealth ) carpet dealer She went cast a few days 'ago ostensibly lo vi il fiiends , and Keith , who works for Iho Hallway News company heio. foi- jo\ved her by appointment I'ho match is said to be very distasteful to Kllle's pai cuts , who have tried evci.v means lo break it up. iiuiri' , : : : no.s-s , ' 'ashicr Maish. of the 1 armors' mid Men-limits' bank of Scotia , and A. II , rioaten , of Ihe same town , aio ill Lin coln consulting with the si.iie authorities about the Issue ot 51,00' ) in Scotia pie- cine ! bonds lor the pin po o of building a com I bouse , the object being to seeuie the county seat pcrmaticriti.x al Scotia Hustler Ja.v. ol ( he local icpoitorial forc.o , packed hit , little giip .M-steiday , and went to Dakota Cily to spend Clnist- mas wilh his family. The desks in the city council chamber are stale piopeitv and it would be well for the proper olllcial to kpop an eye on thcin One by one thc.v're being divcited to adjacent wood plli H , and other mtvs- UTIOIIS places. An unusually tine album al Fawoll's attracted the attention of anestlielie kleptomaniac yesteidajind Iho slock is just one shoit to day. As predicted btlu , > Hi.i jasl Friday an oidinauce wis introduced in the council Monday iijglrt providing tor the ereclion ol a paid lire department Tin V .Al ( ' .A ba/'iarisin full blast , and will piobablvbc one ol ( lie most successful ever held in Lincoln. 1) ) . liuchanan , a lireman on IJ \ M. Haiti Xo 28. fell miller the engine al Friend Monday afternoon and losi a leg. Huclianan is a resident of Nemaha , wln-io he has a wile County Treasurer ( Jraham r Irving lo make iieoplo understand that real estate taxes lor 1831 do not become delinquent until May 1 , IbSO , anil personal taxes not until Februan 1 , 1SSO 1'cv. C C I'icice , ol the Fiisl Hapli-t chinch , has been presi ntcd bhis pai- ishioneis with a handsome sidcboaid and other useful niliclcs Col Hun Folk and family have gone to Vieksburg , Missis-ippi , to pass the win ter. ter.The holiday piison is calling man. ) people to ami taking some from Lincoln' . Among the visitors hero are Hugh Con lev. ptiiuipal ol Iho school at Heaver Cios-ing , Judge Mason's daughter Alice , w bo is homo fiom school at Kalama/oo , Miss Tale MeMurli-y is enjoying al homer h < -r vacation fiom sehool at Cincinnati , H 11 Win i en , ot llelen-i , Ark , is the guest ot his daughter. Mi15m. . Dennis , and Dr Mitchell isenlcrtaining Iiis father and mother. Among those who have do- pallid lo other attractive kcenes are , Carl Iloindonrcich and family , for Cot t igo ( Iiove , Wis. ; Miss Minnie Cochran. lor Jilooinington , 111 ; K. M. ( .5r.uo lei Uoehestor , N V , and J. F. West , Ann A WeA ! II Davenpoil , JamcC.utei Kdwin Carter , W. II. Pinker and UK Ihicc Folks , who have all gone south ward , The minor was currenl on the sli eels hist night that Hen Hewitt , the defend ant in the gambling case , had skipped He under ! j > ! ! 00 bonds to appear tor ex amination lo-day. His bondsman is L. C J5nn. John Hay , who claims to have boci brutally pounded by Iho Hrown brother > Monday night , was too weak to appear in com I yesterday Shcrill Melick has been aeivcd with writ ordering him lo produce Dr Doggc befoic Judge Pound at t ) o'clock this morning Ill-evil IUB. The < le.u ings ycsteiilay were ? " > ? 7 , uS ! ) ! I Tlieie will be service at ( Jracp chapel , King stiec-t , on Cluistmas , Hishop Worthington - ington preaching the seimon. Jnvilations aie out for a pailv given on Iho night ol the 2lh ! ) In the Mi'll ird hotel ) > ropuolors to thcii lad. ) gueals. The cnteitainmenl to be given by the mcmbeis ol the high f-eliool on this nftemoon piomiscs to be of a high older. The public are cnidially invited. tKd. Williams , a suspicious colored in dividual , was sentenced in police court yesterday to ninety days in the county jail , butsonlcncu was suspended and the man given Ivvo hour.s in which lo leave town. liov Di- Thayer delivered an interest ing lecture hist evening at the A'oilli I'ic-ihvlciiaii chinch on the Mihjcctof the "Mn-tnry of Mind" The proceeds mo to be devoted for the bcncht of the chinch. There will be services at SI. I'hllip'.s chapel ( i oloredon ) Christmas morning at llci'ikuk The imblio is. cordially invit ed , cspi'cially all colored pioplo. Tlio ohildicn'n carols in connection wilh tlio Christmas Tree will bo held on Tuesdaj evening next , 20th InM , at 7 ! ! 0 o'clock. The Dean of the cathedral will address tliii children on that occasion , William Mav how , of Watoiloo , and Mips Florence 1) > Km. of this oily , weie united in man iago lust night at the roni- deuce of John Hove , South Thiitocnth Micot , lov ! Patterson oHic-iating. The gucbts wore numerous , iho presents pro- liiso and UK wedding festivities most en joyable. An intAicnled buggy-washer employed at Stophonson'o liverj .stable , because ho was refused a drink after I1 ' o'clock last night at the City hotel , struck the clerk a blow under the eye , knocking him down. A police whistle was blown , but bcfoio the olllceis arrived the assailant had made his escape. .Shoilfl'llorshisher.of Holt countv.camo in yestciday with .kaigeno Felton in ciislodv , 1 elton If .sentenced to two and one-half years for horbo stealing After spending a portion of the morning in { nil , tlie prisoner was taken on the Hnr- lington A : MUaonri train to Lincoln to en ter the penitentiary. The lecture of General O. O. Howard last evening at the First Congregational oliureh on "Personal Reminiscences of ( Joncral ( Jrant , " drew a largo and at- lentivo audience. OoneraT Howard lianilled the Mibject in his usual happy inannci , and paid a grand tribute to Ihe mcinon of the departed hero. The Catholic Knights of America hold llieir annual election Monday evening , mil the following ofllcers weio chosen Tor Iho ensuing joar , Spiritual director , Ifov , Father ( llanbor , president , J. A. iVhaleir , vice prcsidont , Chuiles Kohl- noyer ; rccoullng Mcrotnry , .J. K Rontm ; inanclal scoretarv and medical main tier , Dr. Al. J. O'Hourke ; Ucasuior , J I Mi'Slltlllly. APPLICATIONS FOR PASSES , The Esiwna Given Why Passes Should be Issued are GsusUesi. Ktrc Transportation Generally Ulron to Tliosc AVIio nro Kntl- tloil to It. York Sun : U'hcn fi Now Vork Sim ropoitcr entered tlio olllcp of unof ficial of one of the trunk lines llic other noon ho found seated In nn armchair a young \roninn with a pretty little girl in lior amis1 , The young mother was eiying softly behind her handkerchief , When a clerk asked what she wanted she said she had boon deserted by lior husband , and slip wanted a pass so as to overtake him and makn him support her and the little jlrl. She W.H positive her husband hud gone to a largo eity s-everal hundred miles from New Vork , and if she could only got a pan to go on and catch him s.ho was Mire they would be happy to- jtcthcr again. Shu said her parents lived JO' ' ) miles in another direction , llenc- quest for a pa s was denied , and situ \\as \ advised to go home lo her parents. "Then joti lofiisc to give me a * ' she asKed , as she put her handkerchief jn her jioeki't and strnlghtem d herself up in the ainiehair. "You will not help me in living to find mj husband * " "Is'o , mailani , we can not aid you. " was the polite leply. "It is against the rules " Her cheek" grew several shades redder , and her bright blue eyes Miapiicd as she a lose and stalked out of the othco. "That kind of a woman is a perfect nuisance to us , " nid one ot the i.iilroail olliciat * "U'c have sometimes a do/on or litteen of them a da > . That woman \vasafr.iud Mio wanted a pass to go xi.sitmg on , and herbtor.v about desertion was iaKe. Her cheeks were lull and plump and her eyes wore bright and clear Now , it slip had been deputed by her husband she would have won led and 01 ied so that she would have looked to us it she hail not .slept a w ink I'e seen too inan.v cases of this kind befoic. One of the most cm ioii < in connection with ap plications foi froetiips is the fact that the ollieers of all the chaiitablo associa tion within a radius ot uUO miles hibor under the implosion that our toad isiun as pait and paicel of each one of their associations Thoj pester the lifoncaily out of us for passes to all points for p'-r- sons thi\ are mien stud in or whom Ihcy want to favor .Fust glance o\cr this dr iwcr of letters and see w hat you think of the iccuests | of some of the w liters " The importer saw in the drawer neail.v 100 lotion Irom benevolent tis--ociatinn- and chaiitable institutions bogging for tilp passes ( o all parts ot the country. One loiter asked for a pabs tor a thousand mile trip and return for four persons , on thegioiind ihot the writer had been as si-taut secretary of si benevolent society in a iii'ighboiing city for several 3 ears "Thai is our chat liablediawor. . Look over ouroilicial drawer , it is the next one above. " This drawer was packed with letter * Iron ; municipal , county and United States ollieials ol all kinds. _ "What do jou do with those appliea lions ? " inqiinod Iho icpoitcr , lapping the two draweis , "do joit grant any ot thorn V" "Yes , we grant the request of tlm-ic who we think are entitled to passes , "was the roplj , "but it iovciy hard work some times to tell when to give them or when we ought to rcluso. Tlip toasons given whj passubhould be issued aio count less. "VVu very frequently have lellows come in hero who tell pathetic fctories of how tlio.v have boon robbed of tlicir last o"iit in the pity , and they must have a pass to go home on. Jixpiv one ot thcic will sob-inly puimi'-c ' to send the money lo us by the lirst mail attei toaehinb : homo. Thcj never send the money , and tliej do not expect to send it when they nomise Another class of persons who I joro us for passes are our personal friends. Hundreds of poi sons who have no claim upon the company cxcopting their friendship or acquaintance with one ot its ollicers , aio constantly annojing us with ic- quests ior trip and annual passes. Men who say they arovetoran of the war are here daily toget _ paus. . 11 we are convinced by their documents ot the truth ot their st itomonts , we give them : i trip pa = s. The laugh was raised at my expense a few weeks ago. A tallow who pioducid papois .showing an honorable i coord of lour years' service in the war asked me tor a trip pass to a we stern eity. He had a hoav > cold and looked very weak I gave dim a i > as and ho lolt with a luaitj 'God bless - \ oujr for your kiiulm-4 to an old solilier ' U'illiii ) lit- ti IMI minutes he was detected trying to ioll tin , pass at the depot , lie had never seen a confederate -oldicr , Men ami women who have- just boon discharged fiomt.tho hospitals in and around IxVw York nly come hero at the rite of a do/ on a day and want us to pass them to tovrns or cilio-i where they have fnonds See that pile ol loiters I have lo sign They aw in answer to requests lor pass cs. They aio liom clergymen , hotel cluks , ircight hhipijera , and persons v\ho say they have been injiued on our lino. If wo have an accident on the lomt of a mosi trilling nature , within a vvookbovor- al persons will want passivs , on the giouud that they wore hint in that partic ular oeeuiicnce. There are fovv poisons in this country who cannot rake up some loason why they Mlonld not have an occa sional free pass over a rnlroad lino. He .Jumped iho Circus. A bright faced . \oimg Jad , about 10 yeaia old , sal in the police station last evening idlv -itching HIP movements of the otlicorn as the biought in the pris oners. JniospoiiMj to n question as to wlint ho was doing there , the boy replied that ho was on hi * way lo his homo in Poitland , Oregon , from which ho had boon stolen by John ltoblntoif.s ciicin dm mg the faiunmor. " 1 didn't want logo with the circus , " the boy .said , "but they put me in the band wagon and 1 had logo. Then they langhl me to lido baicbacK on tlio's and do lot.ot things Hut I didn't like it bocauao they whipped mu when 1 didn't i ido good I i an ava. . > day before ycster day in Cincinnati. Tim .show stopped there and was going to stay all the win ter , but they vtonldn't lot mocomo home. 1 got on the ears and the conductor hate Jet mo ildo this far. " The boy'.s name is Jiminio DcDonlc , and his lathoi is a iamtcr ) at Portland. He aj'h he was in Omaha hist summer when the circus was hero , and tried to run away , Uit the circus men captured him Ho is very bright and quick , and says hois piclty MHO he nil ! icach homo till right. Plans aio being prepared bj Henry Voss lor a handsome buck two stoiy ten- i input block to bo erected on Iho corner uf iturt and S.iunderti street. ( ircnt clearing sale of fine clothing [ ommonces December at KlmittorQ inanunouth clothing house , 1001 rainam tticct , Lurnor Tenth. - A special inducement will bo given a I'lguttcr'a ' luainmoutholothiii' ' hoiiso uu til December ' , ' 51 11,185. - C'liuisntAS PjusixTtt : at vom o\vni > iicn u HUIII.ISMA.VN'S Jawii.itSIOIIK : ( Jill or what you wish and buy it at u i no.s' f i ; . Hiloy. lieal Fol.ito and Loan iiro- > er , has nunovod to Kooms 1 and 5. ' ( Jnnitu" block. ADDITIONAL COUHOIL BLUFFS NEWS , The Hoard of Trnitc. Annthcr mcrting of business nien was held la t evening for the purunse of IP- orcani/ing n bnaid of tiade There were about one humlrod present The conslitn- Jion. and b ) laws were sulopted as ip. ported I'Jho "omitiitlce. 'Hie follow hit ; olllcpis werp elected Spencer Smith , president , Lean"1' ' ! Everett , first Mee pics'nlent ; John D Weaver , second MCP picsidcnt. F.xccutive Committee James Wick ham , K 1 Woodbmv. N P. Dodge , F J Kvans , Ji H. Oildl. Tionsiirer J M Brown The ele < lion of secretary was re ferred to the executive committee to re port nt some fuluiu meeting. Seveial manufacturing enterprises which it pro posed to starl here was talked over and was refcriPil to Iho committees. Ad join nment was tin n taken until tonight nt Oddl A : Day's ollice. The AVlfo of Curl Scliur/ . Hen Peilpy Poore , the Washington Conpspondent- that Carl bchmv , when m the t-enate , was blessed with a devoted wife , two lovd ) daughters , and a bab ) bo ) After one of tno senator's great speeches a lad\ said lo his wife , " 1 am sure jou feel proud of your husband * " "Yon can imagine that 1 "do , " replied Mrs , Schm/ , with a slight accent , her expressive e.ves lighting up "My husband tells me that I am his severest clitic , but his hist speech was lo nn1 very satisfactory. i' ' < > was in Ihe mood l'o speak his voice , evei'.rt:11 ! : ! was in ac > cold. Ami eighteen ) ear.s ago he cailio lo America , and he did not speak u word ol Knglish We were in Philadelphia , lull my husband toll ( he greatest desire to \VasIiington He did come here , and some one took him on the Moor ot the senate , and he wrote to me 'M.v dear , I have had the honor to go on the'Hour of ( he senate , ami 1 feel thai one da ) 1 shall stand there and sneak , and jmi , niy dear , will be in the galleiy listening lo me.1 I wiole to him 'O Call , how can , \oii think it possible foron to speak one day in the senate , w Inn now ) ou know not one woid of Jaigh-hv' But now-ho added , "it h is all come true , and you can imagine how Inppy I am when 1 sit in thegallerv listening lo him. " \\heiiMr bumncr was passing away , Mrs. Schmv. came lo his hoiiso and sent up stairs for me Leaving the bedside of the ding statesman , 1 wont down into tin1 pallor , and had to tell her that Iheie was no hope "How sail1 how sad1" she exclaimed , the teals glistening in her eves , "to think lhat he is d.ving will ) no woman to smooth his pillow , " l'o those who knew the story ol Mi Simmer's nn foilunnti mat rhigc her womanly remaik wasdeepH signiticant 11 was not Jong belore Mrs Si Imiv lollovv oil linn acio-s the daik liver " FuoMjIlip earliest time , physical beauty in woman has been highly pri/od Nature's maslci piece fresh Iioin the hand ot the al mighty artist is the highest type ol love liness , in which thegiacofiil lei m , the be witching motion , the polished surface , and the liainionjous blending of delight ful colors , all C9iiibinc to enrapture and enchain the observing eye It is the duty of every lad > to jncscivo intact her nal iidvantugot , , and impiove as much as she can the graces she may possess. Un lortuiritely the , co-iinotics and powders made tor this ] iin pose , arc mineial propa- jatiotis.corro-iiveamliealtliy and loughen- ing in their action and a lew minutes bill- liancy is bought by future sallow mss , loiiglmess , coaisoncss and disease Wo know ol but om proiaralion ] which , while not onl.perteclly harmless , but really salubrious , givisto woman thai ivoiy like Uaiisparanc ) , thai peaily glass , dial loseato line , Hut velvet softness which v , o imauino in the Helen's , Phryncs , Laises , and 1 orn.ijls of fiunalo history , which i , medicated ootnle\lon ] ) jiowder , height ening lomalo diaims without , al the time either destio.vng Hie sinoothncsx , jaundicing tin natmal color or iiiduciug cut-iiieous 01 deeper se ited disease La- like the boasted lead whites , which are liquid poisons , Hie longi t/c Until n ; which is niPtalie and dangcious , the inniit/n uti'intii which is as corrosive as HI/HI : Jotltt. the complexion povvdei made hy .1. A Po//oni ol M Louis is.ipiepai.ition of odoiifeious roots and faiinaeooiis. giains iieeuliaily ad-ipled to beautitving and softening the slvin , while leaving it so transp.iHint as to show the lovely vein mm king- , beneath , who- mdily lines give that blu-h ot beauty lo the blooming belle Keul IChlatP TrjiiHl'ers. The following transfers wcro lilcd Dec. SI , with tlie eounlv clerk , and reported for the Bi.i. by Amos' Heal i-st ite Agency Kiln A. Itnei ( vido.\ ) to Ainbew liosc- W'ltcrand ' .losi-Dh Aub ; nail ol sllneot Fai- nain mid vv ol f ) s ( , umami , w d 1 J.o.h ) . AiiKiistiis Koinit/caiiilvvltetuJosj.ih Kent : lei ! t tillv ! ; , ICouut/e's id add , Omaha , vv il M.OX ( ) . Xapoieon H. Apple i single ) to Loien/o V. iloisuaiid C liriuinei ; lot l-j blK * > , Kiilvuuoiladil. UniHlia , w d " 00. Alexandei Calcl\vell and wife lo Omaha \ h. W. H.I : . Co ; Ints 11 and r > , llaitinan's add , Oinali i , w j'J.-iiO. Heiln-it 1 . iJates fsinslo ) lo John Iluvci : lotH , MilKllvisioinif e yy tt ol blk ! A- , " bhlnnVi.falaiiil.Omih.i w d-sno. II. A. Voile anil \ \ ih toieoie llelii iimu ; lot Hblk ) 1 , JUkhoiu hutlon , Uougl.n. Co , , vv d % IW. Mai la and Anna II. Manneilnur ( o Loncisan ; si. ol se1 ( it seL.'J10 f,1 , Douglas Co. , vd fl.iiOO. Mm In and Ann.i II. Mannriini ; to .Soiou f. I'eilerson ; nj. oe'j'.il ' see - ' ! ( ; 1J , 60 aeie- , , Douglas Co , w d - ii U ) . Samuel H. Curtis and wife to Win P Almy ; loMOulkS , Uolviclore , Douglas couiity , w d .Sidney Smith and vilelo Annie Stoekdnlo ; lots n , il , is , and w , Walnut Jllll ucld , Uma- lu. w cl-S-Joi)0. ) Clifton i ; . Mayne ami wito to men K. Thoiiilunit' lots i and \ blk 7 , Wnlnul Hill add , Oinnha , w dlMio. . bamtielT. Pottii nnd wife tn Cenrfje and Cliailes . CaniiPlil , lot 1 lilk 0Vesl Oina- hn. w < I-OJ ( William U. ( JouM ii.i-l . vvife to Alou/ol' . Tukey and otliei > ; lo. . 7 and n > . , ot lot > i , bll ; ! > , Koiint/o's-ltli .nil ! , Oiaaliu , vv d Jroo \Villiamlt mi'l ' wile to Clinik-s K. lieltei ; lots i'j , n , : , r , , o , 7 , , ' . ' . to. u , mid ) , ' , blk O , Lowe's acid. Omaha , w -5HlWi ) . Miehai'l ,1 , Mi iln | , . .ml wile to 1 lank P. lioiaaiikoU lots-land < ; | [ , , jo\\o n add , Oiaulia il-M Wii MY LNli'Ul ' hl'OCK OF Westminster aiifl Acorn Hep-ters Regardless of Cost , Toinakoioomloi alurao line of "Acorn Ceokfa" and Uunu'Cs now anlviuff. It will JMJ you to gel my prli cs hufure bujln ; ; as J urn bound to bell. JOIIX lIUbblK- J.M07 Cuming htrcct. ! ou\l Is it a tiling offered at a cheap price , with no value in it , made from a cheap fabric which would prove dear at any price ; or is it a thing bought by the merchant at such prices that he can sell to the con * sumer a better thing at less price than he could purchase an inferior * article for ? The Only Misfit Clothing Parlors , 1119 Farnam street boasts of furnishing nothing but the latber , no cheap goods , nothing bul ; such as man could leave his order for at a leading merchant tailoring establishment for which he would have to pay double the price that lid can buy the same for at The Misfit Parlors. Should you be on the alert for bargains in your purchases of clothing , pay a visit and inspect what awaits your consideration. As a guide , cut this out and bring it witl'i you. You will find that "We like opposition , And that we defy competition , And under no condition "Will we budge from our position And to substantiate these facts we propose to oifer the clothing btiyer as a holiday gift merchant tailor made goods for less than one-half the original prices. It is no forced or closing sale for the goods at the fol lowing prices will sell themselves. AT $ 2.80 t 8.25 $ ii 00 f 3.0 * 1 00 91.00 $ ii.OO J J.Cu . & 0.00 $ C.DO S 7.00 V 7.nO $ 8,00 That was made to order by u Lending Merchant Tailor for $0.00 $0.50 * 7.00 $7.50 $8.00 $ 'J 00 $ UOO ? U 00 $1303 $1309 { 1100 $15.00 tlOOO AT- ATfl.f.0 . $0.60 $10,00 fK',80 $11.00 if 17.If ) f'O.Oj ? 'JOO $ . ' 000 728.00 MO.O ! ) MU 00 1 hat was made lo order by a Loading Merchant Tailor for * $ 'o.oo $ . ' 5oo ? jj.oo 1-w.Oii $10.00 ? inoo ? jo.oo frf.oo I'io.oo ' fur. . oti These will be found only a fevof the many , cut in any style man could desire , trimmed in silks , satins , serges , etc. , with the many men- tionings of elegance in style of cut and quality in our Trf * " a H a frsr tS sr * f a JL . U * - * * * > (4XU ( tX > U UTTTf fltMl 8-8.55 $000 $10.00 $ litO 11 LOO W'lO lltf.OO f . ' 0 00 Sf-W.OO $ ' . ' 0.00 130,00 | ! JJ.OO That was madi to 01 derby a leading Mpichaut Tailor for ? 18.00 ? 1'J.OO 5 0.00 J''OOO J.'JOO lj0 ; ) f 33,00 $10.00 5J5.00 I&O.OO $00.00 ? 0500 Forms the grandest display of merchant tailor's art that was ever seen on a single display to be found only AT THE O3STLY MISFIT 9 1119 Farnam Street Open evenings ° until 9 o'clock.