Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1885, Page 4, Image 4
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , DECEMBER 23. 1885. THE DAILY BEE. OKncr , No. f > M w 01C I-AAUXVM S VoiiKOmrp. Itoovi 65TiiiiL'XE ! 111 It.IU'.ll. tci ] cv orv nil rnliiir. \rf.ISunilny. ) . Tl moinuii ; I > HIIT I'liljllslioil In tl Male. 7FIIMS uv II Vti : int ) > V nr floroTlnpp Xottlln $2.I. . f-U Months. 5.CO UNO .Month I. Onr.Yfrny J itc. l'ulili hil l\cry vVednosilu TKtlJI" , POSTMiB. Ono Y'ttr. wllh imtnlum . J2 , Ono Vtnrt ltlioiil lurinniii . . . i. Pit JfniM ! * . Ulioiil tin-nil nil One Month , ollUiiil . roimi = TS > > III.MT. : All rnmtniiiikfllfnit * tnltitiiiK > - nwj nml ' < oilnl nintlM-M fhuuld l > f iulilirstst loi..yMJ 1 0il or nil. llRr. All lni'lnpss lftl < innil reinll Inner ? 1ion1ill mllllCM'tll to TilK llfK I'nilMHIMI I'OMI'Vs. OW.MU. Dnidf. ili k nml pnstnillri' onle In bp Hindu | m ; nMi'lotlii'onli i ol tlii-couipnit . W BEE PUBLISHING COMPW , PiWIfM n , HOPKWATKII. r.l TltK I'ilj council should pass ( lintltiilt ) ii'S ' oulinancc. Ir Jay fiould wants to build tinOinali nml Northern railroad , who i * holdin lilm ? Uinir.i. : Vill not sit pend Marshal Cuminings until Iho ! charges are proven. TIM : present thaw is Mi-pnctcd tel llio H-Milt of tlin roronl publication t Tennyson\s spiing poetrv Sr.x.VTon Ui I.I.UM has introduced tipo lul telegraph bill. II remains to bu sec whether liu issinu'iv in liis cftorts in lli ; iliroction , Ir tliis klnil of weather keeps up nine longer wo .shall disconliuuo our uppou to the street car company to have its cm lioatcil Iliis winter. TUB Nebraska piohibilionisls will liol ti conference at Lincoln in January. I\l Finch \villbo Iheio , if tincoldwatt Hignals arc con eel. Tin : enemies of Senator Van W.yek n for to him as an imporled .slaU'.sniiu Nebraska would do well to import a fc more statesmen like liiin. I' is being llouded with Ian { { rant foifeilnre bills , which goes to hlio that congressmen are beginning to roa \7.u \ tlie ] )0iular f-cullineiit. \Vr.Avr.u i.s in favor of the postal teh raph. It is not our Weaver , bnl Hi Iowa Weaver. There is a good deal c difl'ereneo between the two men on qucs lions of anti-monopoly. TIM : December thaw has drawback and its benefits. It may bo hard on 111 coalmen , but it is a godsend for briol.l.ry or.s , plaslorcr.s , carpenters and out dee laborers. It is a good tiling , too , for til doctors. Tut : hog cholera has not jet tliinno out the rankb of tlio moss-backed Uniali hogs. They are still grunting abon heavy taxes and continue to obstruct puL lie impiovcmonls at ovuiy step. Thcj will neither build nor let anyliodv els build. Uitovin : CMVII.AM : : > may cat pie wit his knife , but tliu oflice-seekers in Ni brnska wouldn't care if he handed tlier out a Christmas ptipo with his lingers They want pie and want it bad. How i is given to them is a matter of no me incut .so lonir as they got it. Tun Philadelphia 1'r , s.i conlinnos t < urge the appointment of Kate Field a : governor of Utah. Why wouldd'l tin appointment of Miss Ole\ eland do just a well ? Her portion of the president' niQss.igo has demonstrated her ability t < give polygamy a blow straight from tin shoulder. Tun board of trade has let the contrac for tlie chamber of eommeice , nml th building will bo completed in 1830. Th directors are entitled to a great deal o eiedit for the energy they have displace' ' in view of tlio many obstacles which tin. had to encounter in the enterprise. Tuosi- Tenth street claimants remiiu ns of the libel suit business , 'ihelowes claim in a libel suit is § 10,000 , ami fron tTi.OOO to $100,000 is nothing unusual Tlio juries award from Jive cents to livi dollars to ( he average claimant in libe suits , and $ 100 i.s jvgditlcd as a very libc nil allowance. OMAUV. has an ordinance requiring tin prompt legistratlon of every birth am death , but it is not properly carried out It 5s important that it should bo Mrii'trj unforced , and any neglect on the part o a physician to register a birth or dcatl should bu punished. Tin : postofllcQdepartment lopoits. an mi prcccdented number of applications lion Ncbmskn for the establishment orjiostofllces , 'fids Is olenily linllciitiveof th" huge Intel lorKiowth of this splendid state. Ot cow-soil nie.iiiHiuoio deinocratle post masters , too. Selahl Hci'nltl. In some of the frontier settlements yoi have to skirmish around for miles bofon yon can lind a democrat. SUVA ion VAN WVCK eonllnues to lool after the interests of llichumestcailer am homo seeker. He has Introduced a bll providing for the halo of it part of tin Winnobago Indian rusurv.itiun in Nubras Ua , This will throw open for scttlemcn about ! ! 5,000 acres of excellent land. Thl bill will probably lu pibb'd ; ; at this ses hion of congress bo that the land can bi taken tip next summer. TIM : demands of oomo ot tliu Tenll street projiertj' owners for damages 01 iiec-onnt of the proposed viaduct an vcrjmodest. . They only wan about all the property is worth If thu experiment could bo inado to havi a viaduct on Kleventh btreot for abou two years , thesu claiinnnts for imaginary damages would bo raising a purao to hiivi the viaduct relocated to save their vaean fiom going to decay. IK Iho re-arrangement of the -enati standing committees Senator Van Wycl li as been assigned as follows ; Chairmai of thi ) coimnittoo on the improvement o the Mississippi , and member of the com nilttees on tigiieulturo and forestry , pen sious , public lands , and mines and min nig. Senator Manderson is a member o thu c'Oinmittei'.s on military affair * , print ing" , rules' ' , territories , trausjiortatioi rQiites to the seaboaid , and to inve&tigati the condition of the 1'otoimio river fron ol Washuijjtoii , Ttioso Congressman Weaver of th'w stale h : introdncfd a bill which proiidos tin when tin' land grant roads lmv < survcyc and located ( heir lands Uipy = .hall I gi\on thipp yonrsin which to dispose < them , at HIP end of which time the lain are to be subjei t to homestead and pn ( million entry. Mr. Weavers mcasui is not a practical one , and \\ill fail i producing anj'icliof , If H Is intended I do r.'j. Until the land grant roadai forced to survey and locate their lmmen < domain , any legislation in rcgnid toil tiilure disposition is mere nonsense. Tl lax shiiking corporation * arc much moi eoncpincd at the cllbits which are no being : ' . ' ! to compel them to tr.k" 01 patents on their liuul 'Ji'iual any threat of compulsory disposition of their 10 ; cMale after it pns cs into their own nnnii Thny aio bulwarked behiml their chtirtf and Ihe decision of the supreme court . * eU'ectually that no Icgishilinn of eougron can force them In with their proi erly so long as their land grant mortgag holds. The original grant lot IIP Union amlCei tral 1'ueille roads provided that all laml icmainingiindi-poed of afler li\e yeai from tlio date of the completion of thread road should be thrown open to pre-eui ] lion and homestead entry , und that th inocccds should be placed to thu eiedit r tin1 companies a.s a partial olV-ol of thei debt In the government. The Union an Central 1'acillernads made their junclio at I'l'iiinniitory on the 10th day of Miy ISiili , hut by ( lie methods pursued by th Credit Mohilier , the line wis : not ollicia ly declared as finished until IS7 Seen fary Schnr/ year later , Issued the orde in the Diidjniat claim ca > which recog ni/cd the fact that the railroad lands wpr subject to public entry. Thereupon th Union I'acilio hatched up the famou 151 1'latt lo l case which was a jug h.indlc iillair , in which the liiwjcra on both side were serving the same masters Jndg Dundy , who ought to have known tha this was a put tip job , rushed the cas through his court with a decision in favo of tlie raihoad. The uiso was pnshcj through the supreme court at Washing ton with the- same haste. EvAltorne , tJenerjil Devins , who appeared for til governinant , was notoriously an old law ycr ot t he I\Ios \ = ns Ames who were connect ed \\ilh the Union I'aeilie from the Crcdi lobllicr era , and Ids xeal tor the puoph was tempered by his anxiety not to a flee the interests of his former clients. H this decision as given the lands , whic ! Iia'd been nicanwliilc bonded to rail moie funds to go into the eolVois ol th Credit IMobilier swindlers , were dee ! iroi not furfeiteil because they had been "dis piiM'd of" bj- reason of having bee : mortgaged by the railroad company. A far back as 187:5 : a bill was introduced i ; congress by Judge Crounse to compel threads roads to pay taxes , and this bill , undorsci in a slate convention , became part of tin republican platform. That was tlie state convention that the railroad bosso in Nebraska didn't control. Since tha time bills have been introduced ever , two years and defeated either in on hon o or the other through 1hi machinations of the railroad lobby am corporation hirelings in congress. Kil teen years have now elapsed since th completion of tlie road. Ten yearhavi passed since tlie laud grants should hav reverted to the public domain. Thcgrca corporations with this vast landed .snbsid ; have succeeded in slaving oA' all taxi- on its land grants by taking ndvantiigi of a technical clause , which makes th N&nc of patents to tlie road depondon upon a previous survey of the lands a the iixptsnso of the railroad company The great ta\ shirkers decline to deposi the money for the surveys , and thus tin hinds remain untaxcd until after the ; hac passed into Iho hands ol now owner- The remedy is to be found in legiala lion which will force Iho land-grant road to take out patents on their immense do main. That clone they become at one subject to ' .ho state and loea luxation. For fifteen years our pco plo have paid exorbitant tolls t < thcsi giant monopolies und in addition havi borne the enlire bunion of taxation whih the corporation managers have reaped al Mm benelils of tlio law and prntcclliin fo which the tax-payers have been assessed The bill introduced by Senator Van Wye ! ind similar bills introduced in the hoiiso l > rnvido for an immediate survey of tin lands sit the risk of forfeiture. Mr. Wca rer'sbill provides for their disposal with in three years after the companies gc ; eady to have their lands surveyed. Thi meets no wants and affords no remedy Under Iho supreme court rullnjr the land ire already disposed ot. The Growth of Colorado. Tlie first stale census of Colorado ' .aken last summer , has just boon madt [ inblic through the report of the con.su1 jonimissioner to the governor. The sta iisties presented are necessarily incomplete plote , owing to the great dilllculties of i : touso-to-honse enumeration in such ( inonntainous state. Yet they present i .gratifying picture of the wonderful growth of the state in five years. Th ( ( . port shows that the total population o : [ host.iU'.ontho first of lust Junewas 313 , UO , an inerc.tso of < r..rSJ ) , or , ' 3 50 p.i i cut in live years. Of this number , 3 Hi , " $ " > are whites , ! J,2 , ( ! ) colored , fr61 C'hnipsi ind ' 'OJ Indians. The FOXof the popula .Ion * how a vast preponderance of males ! hc figures being 114,781 males and 9' ) , 120 leinalos. There are l)5,82U ) , single men and 02,011 olnglo women ; -tl VJio Ihe former sex und 40,711 of the latter married-1,000 ; widowora und 5 , HO widows I'lii ) death rale for the census year was 3.00 for every 1,000 inhabitants. The cultivated area of the slate h r nearly trebled in live j'ears , from ( IIU.IOJ in 18SO to 1,017,805 the present year I'hcre are y , 171 individual tarms , with t Maof a-13i,025 ) aeros , valued at ? 'J3ldl , , 301) ) . The value of live stock in thu Matt is * . , ' 1S01,11 > 0 , as against ? S70' ( , li in 18SO. 18SO.Tho The harvest of ISiil netted 231,083 bush jls of barley , 85,833 of buckwheat , 3,320 , iOllof wheat , 1OH,03J of oats , 3n,83i ol rjo and 031,01)1 ) of corn. The garden pro luets for the same year were valued a ? 230,15'J. , ' The spring clip of fleeces tht u-eseiit year amounted to ' 1,308,7.2 ! Bounds , against 710.-113 in 1880 ; 112,17 ; pounds of grapes were produced am' 5,0lij gallons of wiuo mmlo during tlu fear. There are 83,013 , head of horses u : : ho state-1,083 mules and asses , 820 work' ng oxen , -18,100 mlloh cows , 027,11C , jthorcattlo , 1.003,311 sheep and ati,28C logs , n tola ] of 1,709,023 domestic animals There are 983 manufacturer : ; in the state .vllh a capital of $3-2Oi-J.U80 , , uuiploying 10,070 hands. The totul wages paid \vni ? 5Vjt.733svalue of product , ? l3,84t,01 nott ng a profit of $18,077.000 The nu.nber of gold mines in the Mat is 10) ) , and silver mine ? 37-1. Tlic c.ipitj invested in mining fools up ? ; mid the nuniber of people ontc.igod in th indiiMry is 14.404. The value of gold pri dticeilin 1831 was $ } , ri3,051 ( ] ; silver , * 0 133,0011 , lead , $ J7 < JoOOi copper , 2SJ'2 ( iron , * ' > 4,33S. There is a capital of $2,10I272 employ cd in coal mines , employing 3,029 hand' The product for the year was 2,107,01 Ions. The petroleum inditMty * , which is pr.ic tieally in its Infancy , is confined to a b : sin in 1'remont county twentj'-llve mil iu diamoter. There are seven wells co l Ing ? 3itOD otaployi'ig 17 hands , whlc ] ) roilucctl u.u'jO . barrels of oil , valuo.1 ti $13,100. The total outstanding indebtedness i eounlies if $2,7.'i3)03 , of cities anil town : $1,103,1500. The total indebtedness of th slalo is $ 31S , l'20. There are 3,072. ! ! miles of railways in Ihelalo. . Tlio HiislncMs SlUiiUlon. KoporNfioin vuriou * btislnus-i cpnlei fhow Ihiit while there is no decided an tivlly in the whole-ialo markets Ihe vol mnoof busiiipss in must lines is very fai and tin- general movement of equal pr < porllons with that of last wo.ok. The si nation as a whole is enconiM ing , al ( hough ( here is little expectation ol acllv trading until after the turn of tlm yeai The western and southern states coi trihtited more than half of Iho lolal o 2o5 failures reported last week for th United .Slides and Canada Inthoollu sections of the country the number of bus lncs suspoiisioiis is ah ) iil up to ( he aver ago. Wool continues \cr.v slronj in all markets , and trade hu eveoeded I'xtvjdlons for Ihi Usually itiiel | lime ot year , but demand i not active. The outlook lor this staple i \erj favorable to sellers. Dry goods have boon movlnir fairly in execution of bae order-- , but new business iu most lines ha been moderate in volume. Prices ar generally well maintained. CJroeory sla plos have been quieter , and sugar price have lot 1-115 to of a cot of the previous week's advauei The breadsinlis markets hav' ' been oxcossiyoly dull , and prices have di dined 2 to 3 cents per bushel on when and I to 2 cents pjr bushel on corn. Tli suply ) ) of wheat in sight has inciea ei 1IJO,00 ! ) liiuheN , although the movi inenl at primary points has fallei oil' . There is a fair foreign demand fu corn , and Iho weakness in prices is dn lo free selling in anlicipalion of large receipts of heller quality. The coal trad is liiirly active on line and city order- but stocks ill lidowaler are aecumiilaliii ; in consequence of Ihe "slack" outside di niiiml , and on manufacturer-'sixes pircj : lar rates are lioing shaded 2" > lo : IO ecnl tier ton. The iion trade is more acliv and a boiler feeling prevails Specin brands of pig-iron have been : idv.Hicc < in price , and value * generally > how haidentng tendency. Hotter Kirc Vrotootion Dciiiaiulcd , Omaha has been toitunate o tar in c cajiing fiom disastrous files , lull there i no telling what a day may bring forth Attention has been called time ami agaii by Chief Uutlcr lo the fact that a vcr , hir e numbof of ( he hydranls in lli southern anil western portions of the fit ; cannot be depended upon lor putting on ( ires. They arc no protection whatove unless for tlio purpose ol lurnishing wale lo fire-engines. The engine * ; \\erewilh drawn from service when the watorwork- were- completed , the snpoition boin ; that they would no longer b needed. Tlio waterworks eompanj o cs it to the citv to sei Unit wherever it is possible protectioi should bo given to jiroperly. It shouh immcdintuly take step > lo build stand pipes lo iniso water to Ihe proper heigh in exposed locutions. If this i > not done the city should put the fire engines iuti service again and maintain ( hum in thcsi unprotected sections of the city. Ever ; property owner in Omaha is ontilledali Ihe proleelion Business housus him been established in the elevated portion of the city , and on St. Mary's avenue Wojt Loavenworth street , West Farnani and elsewhere on Capital hill , and no one of them could bo saved from deslrue lion by lire , nor could a fire bo checkoi from spreading lo adjoining buildings with the piesonl waterworks horvico There is a possibility of a fire break-in ; nut during a heavy gale lind swooping Iho onlhe city if it is not checked in lime It slrikes us that the citj' council shouli lake prompt action on ( his malfor. I Iho walorworks comjiany cannot give in hjdrant service with sulllclunt prossun and render lire engines unnecessary , wi must go back to Iho fitcumer service , lethe the cost bo what it may. ACTORIUNG lo Iho lalesl advices fron Washington , Mr. Sparks will probably bo banished to a foreign country with i uomini-ssion of some kind. Mr. Spurkf lias proved too honest and onoraotio ir : lie importiint ollico of hind conimissionc ! lohiiitlho land-grabbers , with who o in ; croat > ho hu scrloiuly inu-rlored. Mr sparks may bo obnoxious to land grab ! ) oni , perjurers und fraudulent hind ulaiinanU , bill his course so far has mei wllh the upptouil of ( lie jHibllc. What > vor he has done has in no way injuiei ! Iho Inmost homcstuador , but has opcnci llto way for largo tracts of land hoinj ; ; aken away from the sharks und throwi : ipjn to honest set tlemenl. Ml ! Qi'ix lion \xx.\x , the professor ol irlhogniphy under scntcnco of death foi > Imply killing n joung man who dlllbroi ivith him ai to the spelling of thu won ' 'peddler , " ha ? iceeived a welcome Christmas present in Iho shape of a .staj af proeeedlngs. TJio lord Idgh oxceu noner of Nebraska Citj- will not bo com * iielled lo cxeeitlo liohannan on the IHtl lay of January , but will attend to hi ; . use bomu other d.iy. Jr was u big tlnj- for bills in the house m Monday. Over one thousand bill ; ivcro introduced before adjourning foi .he holiday recess The great majority jf Ihcso bills no doubt were of a private jhnruetor , und probably most of them ivill never got much further than tin hi- .roduciion to congress. nss will give itself and ( ho couiv ry u rest until January C. It" is hoped that ttoino of our representatives urn over a now leaf with the advent ol ho now year. Tnr.iir. is just about tnno enough for mo moie railroad to bo built in Nebraska his year. ciiiusT.M\s1 , clinics. < hnstmas iiicent ns well as abscnls nial Ihcheait tjiort fondor. , N'evcr lonk a Xinas ijlft In the month inilr It Isapitrhor of beer. Tom | iiP cncpnth'Miicnii ' Olnilinasilnj prefeiablo ( n no presents nl all. On Chrlslinas evea sloekinRon flic imnli1 plcrels vvoilh two oil Ihe feet. Von pannot find aboj vvho has not ' -le' ' dad \\hal hevvanled for Clitistmas. " The man i1th an empty poekethook Nh Clnistmas would rntno only once a eontnr N"o , mydoar chllilren , jou do nol alwa ; lind slockln s on ( he llmiH of Clnlstni luile : 'I'liU Is ( he Benson of tl yc.uvheii eveiyone is looking forsyaielhlii in new slocklngs. One of the chlet uses ot the Christmas en is lo takellie place ot something which won cost a fond deal moie. Blockings did ii"t bcvoino fa hlonahlc mil ! ! ! tluieot ( Jaeen llliyaticlh. Christmas di nol coil so much In ilmso days. Clnistmns poets have an easy lime of I Joys , toys , holly , .lullv , chimes limes , heitj the ih.vmes flow like vvlnc fiom a bottle. Thestoippleik who pels S7 a week , an spends S'2U Cot a Cluiilmas piesptit foi h Khl , should he classed among "Cliilslnii ! ? 1C ! > 1H. ' ' It will he Ihe fashion fur rhieao uhls I hiiiigiitt Iheli gloves Instead of their storl lns. ; This mtcht picvcnt ntimeioits failuu In the elt.V. Thuic Is iiol s0 mueh dlffeicnc'c bplvvca ( hem alter all. A sieen riirislmas makes fal i-hmchyaid , and a vv bite Clnlstmas eansi a good deal ol sicishinp. 11 a meet , and loimsuffoilng wife liruls heavy lolllin ; nln in her stluekliiK on Clnl- mas moi niiiu' .shevill think .Santa ( Mu ! ? ave her somolhino ; which her husband' ' st.inils Ihe most in need of. The lashloiiable iaclet now I" for 1 idles 1 embroider suspenders ( or pcnlloaien. TI yonnireleittyimiii will he covcicd witli su ( pondiMsat Olulstmni. They \vlll keep up h timiicis so thnillu * slippers vvoilu-il lei hii last year can heeen. . Xnthlnt ; makes , 1 111,111 feel ( lie value of a economical wllo M ) nini-h as when he Inn thai the handled dollars he had ( 'iven hoi I buy Uluislmas puspuU witli | ion invest ed In | ) , i\ini ; her drc-siiiakci's bill and bu : pliie. A IIIN I' 10 M1I.1.IOXA1I1I.S. The mini % vho gives each cmplojo A Kood fat C'lulslllliis fowl Will till theli hungry heaits with And nevet heai them giowl. A A1 CIIIINTMAS. "Papa , " said a lasldonablc yoanj ; woman as "ho vvoaiid lier aims around the old man' neck , "i on needn't five me a now seals ! ; ! sacfine for Christmas , as you niomlscil. can niiikp the old one do for another vvintei I leali/e Ihal times me haul. " It will he a Mid , siiil Clnlstmas in lh , : household , for the fasdlonablo young vvonu will spend il in nn asylum , hopelessly insani mi : riiKi&iM.vsMMnir ivr.ivwniui : . Cleil ; ( to Mr. Is.iacstem In the back loom "Dot slientlemans sa.Ts IIP vill { jlvulou dollar for dot seventeen ( lollai und a c.vvooi tei oveieoat. " ? Ii. Is.iarsteiu "Dot Vas a h anpy and joj ous Oinlsnias dime , ' .l.icob , unil vedon'd van lo make no piolid on dose goods. Jacob make del slientlemans a Clnistmns piesenl o ilol peaiitllul coailor twelve ilidlnr inul : liallul.- ' A sr..v < nx vm.i. .UXT.I.I : . What kind of. fi'uit tie you luve best' " ' He questioned ( lie maiden tail ; ' 'I'lio juicy aiiplo with losy cheek , Or the sweet au'il luseioas peai'.1'1 The Kditln maiden smiled anil snld : "Tiie fiult thai iilc.i'-es mu Heller than all HIR fiuils f know Is the liult oL ( lie Cluistnuis dee. " IIOI.ID.Vixci.xsi : . 'I'he fin iaut scent ot Clnistmns dees , Home like lich incense on the Incc/.c , 1'ci vado the ambient air ; I5nl jcl its oiloi docs not Die.tsc The niNciN who ( heir money siiicc/o | And have no cent lo sjwio. flllllSTMVS ( JI'OTA I Cluislmas comes but oncoa > enr. T. 'I'tts see. see.With Clnistmas comes meiij-inaklns. . / Pnolc. _ On Clnistmns Day we will luit out fion 3iir liie-side notliinsj. Clxulcx liM.cin- . Clnistmas Day is tlie season ol good uliee ; ill tlie vvoildover. Tlicotloic S. l\iji. On Ciiiistmas Dav all should bo vvelcomcc vvillt ( rood cheer and due liospitallly. Join S/'iic. / A ic ulai oilliodov lolly Chiistmas is uj ; jesdveol big fit * , , phi upmldldgs and tamllj ; atlieiill ! ? . AlheVsicc. / . Cliiistmas is a thiHMit iiospilallt.v , oC jo.i mil meiiimeut lo ( hoii-.nuN whose wants an iiippHcd ; but often it is a timool anxiety am mircilng lo the pnot.W. . MIVJI Itlijc. Clnisiniiis i > - , indu'd. tlic season ot icj'cn lalcd fcelhiK th" si'-isnii for kindling no ! neiely ( ho Hie of hospitality In the lull , Inn .lie genial llame ol' enmity In the hcait.- Whotimhl maiikimlonthat Ihsf Clulslum ! day What 'twas to bo a man ; to give , not fake ; Toscivo , not iiile ; tonoinish , not devour ; To help , not cius-h ; It need , to die , not live Tlio poor 111 maiiv a eaie The debtor thinks not of his debt. lint as ( hey each enjoy tlieh theer Wish it ivoic Clulstmus all the jear. 'I'liomtis Miller. llli : I'OOK slAIKsMAN's SiOLK. A'eil' ' 1'orfi Jam mil. V siockliig luuig lioiu the mantel piece ; 'Twas dealdeilly poor and holy ; Sul had asjl was It heloii''ed to a man A btatCsAinn meek and lowly. t hung all nlu-lil , till the li-ht ot the muni C'amo daiieiin ; tluotijh the snshes ; Jut alas tur Iho hoi < > , und alas liu the man 'Twas lilled to llietoj ) with ashes I \shcs of many a hope dclcucd , And dust of puK'iaitlniitlon ' ; \slie-i ot benelils convened , And aMio of de iVo. . > to tlie man with the shallmed aot'k Oil , dam It all , 'tl linn-lung ! Vnd woo in the fellow who lilled II up Alas iui thestate. man'.s blocking ! A 'Twas the night. efuAM Christmab , And all tluo' thnhouso Xot a crealme was Mining , Not even a moij-jc. f Weie the chlldicii fast dicamlnx Ot loii , hoop and hall'.1 Weio the p.iicnts a scheming .Suipilscb foi nil' ' Were ( he steeds id old With Impatient hoof Miuknii ; llmu in the monnlight L'ji on ( lie ( In \VasSanln \ To unload his pack , With u view of defending The chimney .so uluck' . ' Xot much I We i ep ( al vv lial w c Mild Ami we said what wo meant Xot ( i crcntmo was stlirlng Tlio house was "To Itent. " II' . I' . ( JUihrhl. feiXTi : ii\T. : The sentiment Is dying out of ( JlnUtm.i ! < . t Is degenerating Into n mcie oei aslon foi lvlnfamlu'ceivlu , ; , ! Irailcspcoplo put up ( he price offli > tti ! knaiks and wverj body siK > mU inonoj. II n good thing liovvevcr. mid l nol'its all ( lit classes vvlM most need help. Hut the plonci v lie o memoi ics carrv ( hem back tol'lui mas in the old eountty look upon Hie se.isi Milh feelings vvhlelj dilfeu'iit fiom ( lu chlldien. In Kneland it N nioie limn a inciely fe ll season. It means family leunioiis ; it men pence and poad w ill of an cai nest and det1) ) ! pnjoyablo kind. The bois COIIIP fiom Lu donor fiom HIP huge cities wheic ( hey n working out llielreaieeis ; tliniiiaiiiedil.iut ; tei s seek the paieulal loof ; the family ehr < 'le is ( ompli t as posdihlo , and the alxent tlio dead me icmombored and missed in spoken of vv Itli affection. It is a nat'ieil sr son even In this lueveientlal age , and keeps the lie of family seomelj bound. A MI'.AX M'S I Kills fM VS IMtKSIIXT. "Whal are you going In give ollr wife f n UluUlinns jirescnt ( Ids jeai' . ' " asked n bh man of his filrnd the oilier day. "I've been thinking , " he replied. "I hiu ly know what lo do. You see I vvaiit a iu oveicoat , hut It 1 give my vlfe iinirli of l > r"cnt I can't nUmd to got It. I've vol srhcmo , though , that 1 think will vvoik. I give my wife n twenty dollar gold pie Chiistmas moiningns a present , sec' . ' and a few days I'll hoi row It and buy n co : How does that slrlkpjou. hey'.1'1 Axrn rnmsrviAs .vnvirr. ro vor.vo MI : Don't iiieasmc tlie slliiiu'i-s that your hi Bill vvoiks lor jou ; don'l growl bic.utsc tin lm\o no bay vvlntlovvs built in ( hem for yo favoiile coins : don't swear because they n tlncpsl/es too small tor you. Don'l do an ot ( hose things bnl have Ihom mounted vvntrh pockets mid hung up in your bed-ion wheic vou can see and admiiothem as you 1 awake wondeiing whether slip did not p too much puttv In Hint ilelleioiH cake whic she had baked for you when jou last had It vv ilh her. Wottlll Have to lie A'cu Ydik Jiiamal. If the new memhor ol conniess weie tin ns big as lie feels the eapltol would have lo I enlarged. - - - Ouglit IK Apply to Congress men. CVcivliiniI.catlti. / . .Scnatoi IMumb'.s 1)111 to picvcnt gamhlin amoiis : soldiers slionlil pass , but It xlioul we think , he amended if possible as to a ply lo mcmbeib of eongiess. Do Xot Thedumoeralle heail was buoved upwil the icpoil that thirlv new postmastcis wei to be appointed at once in NebinsK-ji. Tin- do not maleiinli/e and the expectant hoti bo us ai u weepinir. Christ inns nCN'o trne to tlie Oi-o vvlr l > < i < irli > Ma Call. Of whal use is Clnislmas ? Ceilnlnly of 11 n-e to tlie man who goes giowliug and snai ing llnough tlio woild , uovei seolng any KOO in an > liody or anything. A cemcleiy will b of no ii e lo him. Hard to iielievc. jYcir 1" / . Sldj , Senalor Hale never picparcs himself for ct sjieedi without sulmiltting the diatt to hi wife. Thesloiv Islmidtobellcvc.consldeiln some ol the speeches made by the gcntlcinni as tlie lady is vvell known to lie a. cap.ibh sagaulous .mil accomplished poison. IjcIslatioii in tlie Interest of tlio I'evv //ii/oi/i/ji/ifn / / / / / Iltconl. Tlicie never could liavebeen suoli.i swolle foi tune as Hint of tlie Vamleibilt's ai'cumi lated in tliis eoiindy in single hands wltlioii the aid of legislation which puts it in Hi powoi of the few lo pick the hones of Hi many. Until Commodoie Vandeiliilt got i his able and unscrupulous rontiol ol tliu mr chin cry of a eorpoiation lie picked u his ilolkus by liandlids rather than em loads. Operation of Mitch Ijiuensc In UliiioiH < Viii ( /i / ( liitir O-fdii. . ' - Hocus FjohiliitionlstsasU.What has high done lot Illinois' . ' " AVell , it lias iciliiccil th number of . alootis liom 13,000 to SI.OMU. Ii Chicago it has shut up ( SCO of the lowest den ; md incieasi'd the icveiiues liom 5-JOOiwi ) ii 611rx ,000. Piohlbltlonlsls mnv sj -it W > 1 , blood money , " but one tliinc is sine , it make tlieovll bear a huger poition ol theespeiis it entails upon sober people , and Is so fa oed until belter things will be upheld b ; public sentiment. An Imported Statesman. / Vitnnniit ItuKttln , Senator Van Wyck is called 'ourimpoilci itatewian liom Orange county. " funny sn't it ? KvPijhody else whoheld an ollicc it N'cbmskH was boin and inlseil within its bin leis. Chinch Howe -was. lioi n on the bank if tiie loaiingXcmaha ; Governor Dawesoi he foaming BintC. ; . II. ( ieie on Salt Creek mil Jim Laird on tlie classic Stiiikiiu \Yaler , Xebraskmis all to the immoi boin \ndtlioiigu.SeiiatoiVan U'jelceame to tin late long , long bo lot u any of lla-so wen vcr heaid ot , ho is still an "impoiled slates nan.1 'I'hc native is so very bad the penpli ue not in be blamed lor prclcriiug Imiioitei itock. _ K Seliool Ijauil. The county trea-urer has been } > - $ his week making oul leases for sehoo ands. Tlm recent g'llo ot lands in Ihi1 ounty was approved by Iho coinmis iioncr of public hinds ami the necessary ) : ijers forwarded , opening all the unsold and for lease. There have been u largi ' lumber of upilieallons for lease's lileii mil forwarded lo Lincoln for approval. . The amount of Jiind applied for is livt mil one-oiKhtli .sections. While the do mind for school hind is piotty brisk , , hoie has been no comnelitinn whatever ind all the land leaded has been at the egnl iao , not a cenl of premium havinp won paid. This is accounted for b.v he fict : ( hat ilio laud has been leiiadl iriiicipidly In quarter sections lo par ies having land ol thc.r own adjoin ng the piece leased. If Ibis i.s a fact the wont s.ilo and leasing of school lands in hii county will add very little lo the Hipnhuion. but Iho increase in the jno- liiclion will ho coiisidniablo. This condition of all'uiis pro-nils a irobli'in in the future scltleiucnt and do 'olopmcnt of thl.s ol this county , in com non with others in northwest Nebraska , vhich must soon he .solved It ( he 101111(13 ( 3 to coiillnuo to develop as itma - lificonl resources < liiservo. Thure is very littJo , if any , Kovornmenl and in this coui y which has' not already icon liled upon. Them are munv , il i = rue , who own buvciral claims vvho will ventiialb sell all but one to enable tin m o develop the remaining one , Inn this irodontb tlin feiun tot.d of ( lie possibh tie vlopniPnt of tllI county , unless the \nt iiinunt of school ami raiiro id luiuls , and ands held by speculators o.ui bu sold to .clnal . selUcis , whol \ \ dcveliiji \ \ its ro onrccs. 'I'he raihoad hinds have bei n ilacud on ( ho market an thu law eouipelr ho company to do , but us tin Ii iV.M. , vhich owns the hind IIHS no interest in ho building iii ] ot Iho count ly , it IIIH betn ihucd in many iiisliinetfi , al such a lu h i < Xiire that for pmclieiil purposes it is uth-drawn I mm sale for some time ( o omo. Thuro is no remedy for this and ho land must remain ini.vltlcd until ( ho inprovemenls ol scttleis h ivo madi Ihe : ind wurlh the figure it is sol at. 'Iho late in jitstiee to si-iihra should so landh ) the school lands us to encourii o heir sale and fiidlemenl and : it the sriiiin imo not sacrifleu Iho interest of the chool fund _ f AM , lliUsKicir.t'KKs ) ; should use JAMhS 'VLK'S ' 1'KAltLlNK in their washing ml tavo limn und labor It may bo bid without injury to the Uncut fabric is a cleanser it is imMirpasscd , 1 or M.I ! < Keep tlip Clilncso Out. " * 1'mnttn.a i ill. In fhina ( hi'ivH-o InnvTrtluvc ni four hundred millions of people , un \ ; tor of whom would como under ( head of laborers. Without doubt 25,00 ( MOlaborers cmild be spared without i jury to ( he industries of Iho count r Wnpos for common laboieixnie so h ( hat Americans cannot understand ho the laborer lives. If ho trots $2 u mon more than Ihp bare necessities of life is content. Mel ween thisliuman hive m the < par-clv M'lllrd I'acilie coasf lic < body of water over whieh ( . 'hineso lulu crs can be transported at a cost of abele $ lo each. The steamship compm fharpps $ ? . " ) , bnl the business is so prot able that lho > waul all they can # et of The laborer whose time is vvoilh ? , ' 11 ninn'h iu China can earn from ? 13 lo ? , per month In California. In industri requiring ' Hltlp skill he can readllv oai fnnn $ U to fdnndi > 10 per week. It w be seen that il is worthwhile for U Chinese laborer to pass from China to ( I Pacific coasl. If the eel of the tri were if1) ' ) ! ) m place of ! jr > ( here would 1 manv m Ihe business of importing the for any company which has the machii cry lo pntilrnlthorn. 'I'he United States Ins parsed si law fo bidding all I hiucsp laborers to land < ; American soil without proof that the wore in ( his country ul :1 : cerlnin dat There is $ ' , > .5 clear iiroiit in violating th law. The Chinese companies readi Kiye aboul $100 to their n ; t uts and kei If I' ' . " ) for tliemselves. I'nder any \m-b\\ \ \ \ ) eiifotveiueut of Ihe law thi re would 1 many violations of it. The Chinese ai cunning and unscrupulous Viohitiu an American law does not shock I lie moral instinct.- . They act ulwavs upu the assumption that the law can look 01 for itself. If the. } can heat the law the hold thai they have a perfect rijjlil to il so. They have nol found much iroubi in Rotting the host of American ollieial Iu some eases iloitbllcss Iho ollieials wci paid not to fee , and in others a lilt Chinese dust was thrown Into open o o Tlie result is that Chinese have com about as fast as over , thouyli il 1ms co : them morn to come. /I'lio Pacific coast dele-rallon are 001 sidorm ; amendments to tlie present lav\ \ In this matter they are said to he sissi-tc by a judgn whose decisions have don much to render Iho present law inopori live. Thev hope doubtlcs- IK up law which will nalrict if it docs not L" elude. That is , they hope to keep out portion of those who would come if tlier was no law against it. It has beconi clear tluil Ihe law for the case is : i hn ( hilt excludes. On and after a coital date no Chinese laborer should bo a lowed to land in Iho 1'nited .Stales imde any pretext whatever , saving I he of eastiuUies at sea. When'lluiso no\ \ hero gi * homo they should stay. Solon ; as one may come back means will b louud to lei in sis m.iiiy as the labor inai ket calls for. It will be said , ot coursr that such si law would bo n violation a the Ireuly. Ver. } ood. We may eilhe icconstriiet the treaty or abrogate it I 1ms never served the purpose for which i was intended. IL has been sjslcinatical ly violated by the parties in wliu-u intei' est it was adopted. Thu Chinese havi beaten the law , and now wo will see if w cannot frame a law tint will beat Hi Chinese. They hold that thev have i light to boat the law it Ihej can. Hi our place lo show Ihem that wo niaki law they cannot break Tlu-ro is no dis honor in a fair notice that : t treaty vv hid ' has never servi d its purpose will'sifter i certain date be abrogated. It iimy be said that , eou ro-s cannot bi worked up to such sin enactment. Wi behove the people of this country cai elect a uongii'si to carry out tlmir v lows 'J'huie are 111010 thousands in the easteii sdiles out of vvoik than there are Chinesi on the I'acilie coast 1C very Cninesi laborer who produces but does not eon Mime , adds to the aHtfrogute of over-pro diiction The Cluucsc in Cahloriu. niako boots , siioe" ; , oigar-s , elotlung , etc. and --end their surplus pioduel east They compete with ( he eastern working men almost as directly as with the work of the I'acilie coast. The diltcr once is that the eastern man does nn ! know where ( ho pioduel comes fiom \vhileonthiscoasiwescoit \ in the pro cess of _ being made. The < jnc-tion there fore , is one that appeals to the entiu United blatos. If tlio workingmen < lc nol want to comiioto with Clnnosc ir nvcry industry , tluty must ilcinnnd ( hi iinsietmcnt of a law which will Keci [ ' out ol the country. If the } dc nul , there are'0,000,000 road. } to conic > vcr. "Where flio Inncj Goes. Ilic Alill-3l > iin > inll-l , Kii'cr/i/ ' / < r , fuun-cM , Kansas lands m tlie past leu veus lmv < iiclded pun I lifts valued at tlie eiioi minis UK . 'regain of M.oiiJ.aiM1' ' . Vet Kau-iis Is one > f llio jouiU''si.tales ' in the union. In INS , ] : hc coin fioj ) was iloulilo that ot nil ) othei it.ile. Leavoiiwoith Tunes. This would be ten limit-anil four hull' I red and iNly-three dollars foi each ol he lOO.ODO ( armors of Kansas , and while here arc now probably a ( rifle over the lumber of Kansas fariiii'iwo doubt if 'or an average of Ihe past ten , \ eiirIhero uis been even 1)0,000. ) II naeh Kansas taimor on an uvcisigu la ? produced by his labor during ( he p ist en years ? IOlli.W ! : ( new woullh , or over M.OOO a year , is it not limo the farmers vorc asking tliumsulvcs what has become it it , and w ny they do not hac it to-diiy. Ten thousand , four hundred and sixty iiid dollars is moro limn twice Ihe prev 'lit ' sivorage wealth ( ) f the f mm r , tifliiilin value of his farm It is doubt- ul if even one ot the ten anil a half housiind dollars earned has remained in he bunds of the fanner. Wo find the figures given by Iho Times ionic out by thu census and a-scssiiiPiils , mi ) ( hey aio morn I ike I ; , to be bi-low than ihovc thu Irutli , ; i' products MO seldom vtnrnod lo the a-ws-or at their full aluii. Il 1.1 no mvstory , ( o any but the cry ignorant , what hat become o ) this ; isi sum of money. I'artics uro to-day isiny it to build palatial ichulonccs in astern cities , to buv jt widry , jiluto , line ior-i" and i arr > ; ; a , to liire or\lllts. : to ivc in grand HI\e ! or to ( ravel on in liu- ope at iin expense of fiom filly lo one iiiudrcil ilollar.jicr duv , with a tew him- red lUuiijaiul sut aside to eonlrol our li'i'lions , to ( iorrnpl on iprcss , juilpil , { iii > ; rassmi < n , legishitors and courts , so Ind thu goldnn siream ni'iy eniilinuo to ow into the pnckut * of llii- men wlo ab nrl ) the product ot tlie people's labor \ \ hen we oMiminii the rccoids lortlie inns paid by luriucrs ai inteii'St and c\- c si\D freights on proiln.'i > lnpped out ml on coal , lumber tnd other iirti ics Idppcil in'o Iho st itcideiir.steiyof vvhul as In cotiui of ( ho liMU'J.O'J unrncd lo iicharinei dihappear . lint bad as this showing is for the farm is the proipcct < n ( ho itittiifi isli r worm , ml wlnlo the no\t fen \eui\s will show u Lijlgreater ] irodiiclioti ot wealth by farm ilipi they will aKo hi w less of il re- i.tining m hands ot farmer * . Our dibts und Inturi'st churgi b am Uadily imreusing , v.hile prices of Ihr rodiKc which mum be sold lo pay liu m re its steadily deoivuhing. We atu now . 'itding lo Kuropn us interest on Amcrl- an railroad .stocks and bondl.ngcl ( iiudnlcnt ) tlm < nornioutHIIU ot ? ! > > ' > , f.'i per d.i } for each onu of tin liUOdiijh t Ilic year , and ul pre ciil nitcs nf in lease it will lie a lull million dollat * aily ! . } another year.Vo arc paying a avi'uigo. dividund of nine per i enl on early eight billions of ruilio.ul stocks , r an average of $71,70(1 ! ( pi-r mile , ihn-c- fllia of wliieh ii pure vvalci and Ihe ID il of which Is biuadily int leasing. 'Ickln.-ioii ' count v furniord psiy caoh yoai > llio Union I'licliht ro.ul nioiv limn Hough l ; > lniil | ( the Mvcntv loui in hn ol ialiu"l lii'i , u t'i ' 'Mtil iiidjtl they ari no p\cction ) ) ( o the poneral rulc < An examination of our county shows st private indebtedness of the people of tld-l county of nbout sKteen millions , or t < n fiV-raco of } ; , ' for each one of il.s 500HM1 ( acre" , " which draw ? an annual intcrcsl f not less ( han eight pel C.1 or a total ' . ) to which adit tin- ' ? 1'JSO.OJ. per 3 car , let e l paid banks' and the foiK > ,000 p ; rnilio.iiN for freights and thoi'lghl.v liu sand of dirifl' revenue paid the 'Unit Stuto- government , und we op whpre d money dug oul of Ihe soil b.farmrr . * 1 > s gone to. Il ivtiniiv * no prophel ( o M P ( hat (1 < s stale of a II airs miisf keep going from bid to worse so long as the people keep on voting for the men who are responsible for it There is no natural neeo.ssify for debt , for high interc-l or high freights , and wo have iheui only bie.uiMi we n.ivo voted to have them. Senator Vnu Wjuk. SDIUO of ourconleniporarics , vvrilos Iho N'oi I livvest News , arc discussing Van Wjck's return lo Ihoensile , and while few predicl his dofeal , others regard thu subject as prtgnatmv The senalor has nothing to lose by crilicUni.onvJj or late , but Xehraska and Iho United Stales will lose mueh should Van U'yck leave the "onate. Ho has done more than any pro * vioiis repicsent ilivo to place this Jonng slate prominently heloro tlm country in the best sense , and has won national con- lldencc as the honest svnd fearless enemy of extortion and kindred wrongs , and the champion of right. The monopolies are ugiiiiisl him. The political iobbers are ngaiusl him Hut the people uro wilh him , ami will take his future inlo llieir own hands. He can trust them The chief weapon of his adversaries so far is cairlcaluie , His speeches and 4 manner in the senate luncheon ridiculed , uif these weio Iho grand issues in weigh ing Illnes- for position. The tact is when \ an Wvek went into Ihe senate he found himself surrounded by men , a few of them alive to the mic-dons ol ( he hour. Ihe rcsl antiquated gentlemen , weighed down by dignit. } or lettered by what is known as the "etiquette ot the Semite " This "cliipiotto , amongst oilier things , prescribes Mlcnuc. upon a new member lor two years ot hi , term , and exclusion from prominence upon commuters This piggishnoss and fiu-s were irritating to one of Van \yyck's qualities , lie knew his own familmiily wilh public atlairH and power iu debute , und had to accomplish lor his state mid country Ihal vyottld nol tulerato silence or delay. So , like a tidal wave , he broke over "etiquette , " und when ho had a good thing lo say ho said it. Tins provoked sin clevsilion of Ihe eye-brows and a raising of eve glasses amongst the serene old gentlemen about him. and in < ome instances expres sions of rebuke ai the temeritv of ( his new -emilor Irom Nolnaska. tillbrls to put him down , in whiih some of the sye- opliant papers of the cast joined only re sulted in g < liiiig him up , and in these day- Van Wyek's logic , or liis saieasm , esiiixed Ins pomious ) adversaries to shrink inlo their -cat as if scorched A .siiigln tiie-tion | , or the pointing ol his finger at one of them , has had the concent ! tiled power ot a spi ech , and carried his point , and the galloiios teeThe The work done by him has been of hcnolil not only to the stale , bnl lo tlm ( . large , but will nol bu reviewed U this lime. We have onlv lo observe Tin ( her that that all cliorts to larni-li Ills lonc-l.v , di Ty his ability , and question lis motives , have failed , and the people if Kcbraskii have h arned lo ret ngni/.e in .dm , as his nearest Iriomls always have , i stiaighttorward , carue-it und unselfish ulvocateot all that concern- , the inter ests ami Weltaix of Ihe people. Dclioatp , ItcliiK'il unil I'Mcl'ul. Such are the .slriking < pialiies ( of Hit ) uine "Alurrsiy A ; IlauiininS I'londsi r" as n Holiday I'lesenl. Nothing noie acccptablo to" all tastes than this \piisite ( , fragranl I'rupaiatiou in which loth the Handki-rc liiof I'erlunio and Iho \Vaterarodelightfnlly embodied Is univor.sal icputation makes : ill eoin- iiontiiries iiion | itmoi its unnecessary. inch a present ut this season ol tlie year s the happy combination of good sense vith good tasle L'or solo b , } all drug gists , Pi rfumors ami I'uiu-y Goods Jealers. heller Cnrri urs Jihclini'KPil. U leaked outyesteiday thai Postmaster Joutiiut Monday night noiilied tin ee letter jurriei.s , named Donahey , Stone ami /mgcfclf , that their services were no onger needed aboul Ihe postolHcn. A eporler who invc.stigaled the matler to- Iny found ( he facts ( o be as follows : fcjonio two or throe months ago Ihc o ame Ihiec men of whom Donahey was ho loading spirit , pretcrroil charges igahist I'osinmstor Conlaiil , accusing dm of mismanagement ot olllce allairs , tc. , etc. The postma-lurgeiieral at once irdored sin invc-ligntion. vviiioh wasmado iy Insjieclor liobiiison. The rosiiltof \aminadon wis never madi ) known to Ir. bill i ( miM have failed to ustsiin Iho sicuisatiou hionght uguinst nr ycsterila.v hevvas noiilied to diseliargo lie men who had preferred HIP charges , lessrs. Stone , Lingotelt and Donaliuy. 'liis has htoii done , iiiul thrci ) now car- iors wire iippoinlcd in Ihtir places thi-i lorning. ores und Gliiiululnr Hwollin M Curetl lijr Cut I ou ra. T MMA IIOVKI'ON , H.17 WiisliillKiou slri'Ot , - Jiiisinn biijtti "I Ini'o ijoi'ii n ii ul or 10 > < n itiiul nine nionili" i.In .e t Ii < u i < > R ilk'il iiilu. | IMHI I M 'on ' wilh ciipuiliil | DIMS I the lion Ihiiil liO'ty , Iin foul lut.i nu n t * n.u mt I wiis p ; feet y ui'i le * , on * ino.i n toi iv limly unil fiifc , my nppt llio l 'i ' " ' leu II il "liKp nliflilh , I lost a . ul fivii biuii.uo i tri'Mihi'il Unit I luiiU' 0 In illi I'll Ml in Illl'll III llOljl Mil' . Vy | ulf'tllbll ' lllUlt ILU VtLi.ll , y i-ull'i uiiMi hu , nun ) ion fli ! < . . I'nn < > i upi n i ii.'UH 1 In i , ' n ' .i I lMiin Kir ; linilIIKUI n < lien , iiiiui vtlin Ii ii nil < inuiiui- run t riily ) Ill-Oil , In nn 11 .t > ul MKllt Illli . lor ) . I'llll tOfCH lli | ) ( III ! J f II Mill' ) ! ! " Jllllndl my Jilj , inn ! I In IM nr M > iii'Mli ' Ihal I toiilil not uvn m > licil liiiiiiscntiillUoii nml bynlvau ' u uo" Itiioun | ' | ; HU ul ln'kii i i i c liu iiici iii lli'iiiiMljin , mul in liu-lvo ttiii-l virnn : 1 1 c ' > ' fin ail. ' HCUfilMMiOVlS UU'KKS. .liinua . 13. Kic'linii sin , uiistiini ho'uovr ' li'iniii , on oinli , Hijh ; "in ItTiitin uloua CM fd IlloUe 01,1 nil in ) Imil ) , inilll I v. i- II mi IS1 < 01TUJOII. | | J'U l > l lIl.K I.1U | II ll > till , till-Ill' llll.ull ) wti dli:0 | | mill. Iljiuini ullll'iu ict'l. . Al liine-'CO tuiintlitl my liuii'lt. tu ii y Ml ) , ( ) , ! | Illil | .III III I" 'I , Will 111 lllllhlllllt i u , UIHI luun iji'U | II i ; it ii i inii Ni.iillut cine ill I'll Jiui'ri di I'D I IK iu in I o ilu ui-n iiL'iiuu o , iboil Ihom nml ii > - 1 "i u t- c neil " Hvvovn lo tierou ! U.ri. ( Join. . ! I ) , t i HAD lllllil'd llltlU'OllttlvlOIIS llllllli > l'9 , llilll K , tot ill , Hlnuili I ir > iU'llinrs nil in < jmtciii - n. ilio I o.i' ' mill imiutti , nut Pifebi , IIIIII'H-H , ( iirtm u ! < i , incliCN , Bi > 'pr , si'iiuy , viiibilntrnl thi I w b ul uil'i.iry or linn dioiiiv , J. u"iniiiil > ? . HXJIlli1 till llill.ll ! Ill ( llllBlljiiltlllllfltlil I'll' ll IU O4I cllrOlKf'B II' III ; ll'dlll Jill lllll'll | .111- iruiKliv'i tid il linn ' H" ' I'1" 'I an" " cilv IK | | . ) llll ( ' .It Illl It tlllVl III , till IW -Dill II 'I I Jllli rlllll ( ) , II nklta l > > I'llti' u at fl.lni I iiuil ( I 'onrii ' &t.nt > , , tn . \ in loi.uiilivr , uvtor , ally , Polil nvpryulioin , I'l'lcn , f'uliLiiin " > ) ; illiiiltn Si.iii | , " 'i < | H.J l.iilituiH Id-si'l. ' . , i I. ( ipnrea Ii ) Ihn I'liill II fllll'ttM ' I'lil-n M. i , IliWun. Send for "Hov,1 lo Cure Skin Dlstrcrs. " .IUJ , Him I.IH .ld , b.lli ) IllniiiiJiuo it. , 1 ltii > / oAl il . , oup.vl o'u KHI i-r. ( n trn n inIIHIK ului .w ii'im ' > I il j uililk tn llio new , onymiii > i'I In * Illllllilll | > | l II lllil'VlUliUK | 'l , rln'i ol liu I . In. i ni Anii I inn I'lrt icr. A ClllHtilL' IVUI . ( . ! ' Al 'I Wr - ' > '